Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 13, 1849, Image 4
« .:r ..: ~ ''sus4gs'` -~ l ~~v.}"`-xcvlkat+.ti~rc ~trex'~:,~~.a , ~;,~r?{ CHEMISTRY Alb AGRICULTURE. 'Seeds and plants — are endeared by nst lum with various 'powers, and- aknong ' theinjare ba found the power or absor btrgt„cnr6iin . compound materials at all and of dischatgihg such ',pftiffita may not become necessary to the new combinations formed. • ' Among . the most important of the ma terials so.absorbed may bo enumerated, Carbonic Acid and Ammonia. Before degeribing the facts arising out of the' absorption of these materials, it may be proper to describe their sources of production, properties, &c. &c. thus : Carbonic Acid Gas simply means char coal or carbon, dissolved in the gas called. Oxygen:. Suppose a load of wood or a ton of coal, to be burned in an ordinary fire place* . and let us.trace what becomes of it durifig - and after the process of com bustion.: Ninety-five per cent, of dry wood and coal is carbon, and at high temperature carbon, is soluble in pxygen gas, (a (component of water an'd of the atmosphere,) quid when so dissolved, ferias—carbonie-aeid-gas,,a -colorless gas; which at the temperature of the atmos phere, is much heavier, but when heated • is expanded one • five-hundredth part of ' its bulk for every degree of heat added, and in Consequence; when resulting from , Combustion, is 13pecifically• lighter than the surroundina b atmosphere, and for the samereason that,,a piece of.cork rises , in - water (because it is lighter ihan its bulk water,) it ascends the chimney, - &I 'reaching the top its heat lesves the-gds, and front its toss again contracts; becom ing heavier than the atmosphere and sinks to the surface of the earth. Here we will leave for the present our caibon • is acid arising from combustion. All vegetation matters undergoing the ,progress :of fermentation or decay, give as their principal ultimate result, carbon ic acid gas. Thus it, may be seen that the vegetable products of the earth are all re-converted by - some or all these pro cesses. into carbonic acid, and are again sent out on the face of . nature to supply • the materials for new growth. To understand clearly the operation of its absorption by plants, the - peculiar pro pensities of this gas; the ultimate. parti cles of this gas are so minute that they pass with ease through - any substancenot vitrified like glass. Thus in a church or- lecture room:. containing one thousand persons, each person, •by breathing, renders twelve gallons of air per minute incapable of . supporting animal life; and were it not for the fact that the carbonic atill gas - thus formed, could pass out between the ultimate particles of - stone, wood, &c., composing the walls, the audience would - die—for the same reason that a quart of peas will run through or between the spaces of a barrel of apples, or a quart of water betiveen the spaces Of a barrel of peas, the ultimate particles of carbonic acid (being siballq.r) will pass bet Ween the ultimate particles of most other sub. stances. According to the experiments of M. de Saussure and others, the atmo sphere contains one twenty-five hun dredth of its bulk of•carbonic acid gas, • and water is capable of receiving under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere one hundred and seven volumes of this gas for every hundred volumes of its own bulk. It is, therefore, easily understood-why plants grow rapidly immediately after a shover, for this gas contained in the - rain drops passes into plants, and by the es : sistance of ammonia, as will hereafter be explained, the plant is enabled to appro . - priate to its use the carbon, passing off . the oi`ygert at the surface of the leaves • again to go forth for the 'solution of a new quantity of carbon ; thus it is 'not difficult to account for the fact tliat vege . tables, after being deprived 'of 'water, are principally composed of carbon.' • Some idea maybe !brined Of the force .With which carbonic acid enters the roots' of plants lrom the fOklowint experiment : - When the ..sapjarising•• rapidly in a _grape.vipe,, cut off a main . branch, or the bodr,o(Wit the-e, (lad place over, this cut anlndia - rubber battleof great strength, (say, capable - of sustaining a -pressure of .----fifteen-poundeperjsouareinch,) compress the itir from this bottle, and'End ihe neck firmly around With a flat ligament, so as" not to compress the' capillary tubes of Alie s ?rine,) and the result of this will be' , 'that:the, bag tlill,gradually distend, and ..:_eventually burst ; or if its contents be analyzed; it, will hefound to'contain wa ler and 'Carlionia: acid: .Or if a plant be water containing • lime in solu - tiary the; Wator soon be 'rendered iniiiid;'.tfia,Orbeinie : acid :not yet appro . „printed by the ,plant,.but ,resident' _unal tered its,-ctipillary tithes, liinegforining`:carbonate of lime, insoluble tn water except; in a. very: ;A 4nTiopici. posed of, azote, and 91ydtegenilttittl , ,reetilte:largely:froia„.the . ' . ..Pcop#eforOlagnal:titatter-,-..ite rustier -' :citnaing, -the , :atainilttiai?cf , ihe.constitnerts of f 14ns• kt ' in✓:iho Oecii l o 4 oioti4 4 inert f, , )tnetteq:c , ithei • when `"gas,-gao and fRi . 1 90 V-4 &Pk* ,fikr.fhni • p • • r• c"oiGa;j~9la.~.,~f~~~'Ztii~S:{ii'a`r - ,?tiu't;:r::E'?i ‘, , Alil 11 rilia)' 1 ..."'''' '.:.^ l''' iva're . a , , ~ V,4-;.24,rtfp70,4 ,A.,,,, >ll' '4visra4. !1,.'9, Elv"f''.l%,iflttitlptiPgl4 ~:".. i ., i ,,,i . - - tal‘eri v" ' rani ii.likeEttie„-Wi i tlibj t,P lloi f - ,, t 1 6 , : , , 14,00i,,,dir0w! . .„),,,t,thervirt i, I^' ' 11,,,irT9-1 teri a'l 4 .IY, / . - ;plied;,fr, N O iiiCh AvP.,r:,,,,,..„iiikey,: . ,jt cz 1.- I)'Ki.`f."--i liP'etinsesi'j''...' ' "o 'oidiiitmoltAf ',oMflq.t.'ll.'7,,,,kveiiielsei; 6 ,Y ' tl l.",,i i , or e -• , ,-,-, 40,41374,ri; it.;i. oparrin'iTlkfils,woor: ,'• , ':', lkiWk44ll%V.slol6.7,Bl:Volieo:iti I 91.54,„0,4,-'pi1idtkc.8,1,1.,.7,,r4;,,t; ll ,' .., .i44111-''1144.4.4.11,:4:4:ic4:x",-“/J-Voi,' 4,7 , ...Z.1i . , IS, .-,-fig4figeekti4A-pxoldsoill I.aci 0.?-,,tqe, n' 401A419°rtj1""' • ;' , .:';',..',elti, ~, .-.' I:**lttile. offoiiffp,li:i 4 . -.;•!: ''; 10444.*,-e74'''',-I,:•'<Y•.'/,,,-,, Ortry , ,i ,1.% . C1L,,2. ____-- ~2 j_., , _, , -.-, , , - -- 0 ' -la'-;' r'- ' , ~ ~,„ Trtli'r - IgilEtlittiVirr l n ''''' - rid' ..- Wit t lin t7P ":: to wiliol4e 7 ,,,shbuld.4,.',U(lderstitnd . :tilk ,, Other, rdquirenienth,,nf::::',liii4;, fer,,„ncitwith , standiigthat.Curho to . ,ncid and:ambrionie (._ play 'so, So, mportant:a part ,in i prodticiing vegetable life, many+ other' constituents: equally important, but leis id "quantity ,; must be fur,niSifed.. : Thusi - then, lurniast understand the, comparative,,value, of !each kind of ma= 'tore, the bust adapted In eacb vEt-, ,rietY o f:la:411 c and: ,the - proper ciniditiOn, time, and manner of using it. ,';: '.-. 3ii._pl l itaitelpljia..l±._ -' Watches and Jewelry CHEAPER men EVER— ( Wholesale and .Retail—At the ift\ ' "Philadelpia Watch and Jew• 4 . • dry Store ," No. 96 North SE ::.;.,•••`: 4 ', 0 OND street, corner of Quer (-071:iNn:\ n ' 67 Street.. Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewellod, $3O and upwards Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards. Gold Lepine,lB k. cases, jewelled, 825 and upwards . Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO apd upwards Silver Quartier Witches, 84 to 10 - Silver Spoons. equal to coin, per sett. Tea, $5, Desert. $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro , portion. All goods warranted to be what the nre sold for... Constantly on hand a large asbortment orfine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE - - - - - Also, an Assortment of M Probias & Co., E Simpson , [ Samuel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G &" R Beesley. and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style. desired • Arrangetrehatte been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and. the name and residence of .the person or dering put on if requested novB] L. R. 33ROODIALL'S GREAT BAGAINIWATCWAND JEWELRY STORE WHERE Gold end Sit - ver Watches of ova) , description can be had at from ten to fifteen less than any othermore in New .York or Pnila- 1.2 I O z y • -dolphin. Pdrsons who wish to get a good watch, perfectly regulated, Wald - do *Ell - to - Otill at the store of the Rub scriber, and compare the quality and pipe tit his watches with that of other stores. • GOOD WATCHES ATIIIE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY LOW Gold Lovers, full jewertl,:B , carat cases, $2B on. Silver do do 12 00 Gola Lepines, jeweled, :8 carat cases 23 00 Silver do do 900 Silier Verge Watches, from $3,00 upwards. Gold Pencils from $1 to $8,00; Gold Pens, with silver cases. and pencils - attached, for 75c. Also, a handsome assortment of new and fashionable „Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought ,or taken in exchange, LEWIS R BROOMALL, No 110 North SECOND Street, second door below Race, Philadelphia ap,:B'49:,y itl - Cut this advertisement out, and briny it 'along, yob will then be surd to get into the right storik. • EILIL O. —tI-11aUta=o133.6£Z.VIMLIEt u Ei4 7 .illegheity House. No. 280. Market Street, above .Eighth South aide. PHILADELPHIA.. • THIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur nished with entire pew furniture. The Bar- Room is dig largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and Sitting•rooms are entirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival and departure of cars. 'The portico ex tending the whole front of the house. affords a cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the zreatest thoroughfare in the-City. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. Phe Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every attention of the managers to make it the best Hotel for Merchants and business men, during their stay in the City. The terms will be one dollar_ per day. On the arrival of the Cars from the west, a Porter will be in attend ance to convey baggage, &c., to the Hotel, which is adjoining the depot. Feb. 7,1849-fim. 2000 Pemium. J. WILLIAMS, - ORTH SIXTH EP• STREET, Phil , elphia. VENITIAN & WINDOW SHAD "MANUFACTURER awarded the first and h hest Medals at the N. York, Baltimore and PI , ladelphia Exhibitions, for the 'superiority of hi, BLINDt, with con firmed confidence in his manufacture,) asks the attention of purchaser to his assortment of 2000 BLINDS of narr and wide slats, with fancy and plain Trimmi .s, of now styles - and colors. Also, a large and • °floral assortment of TRANSPARENT WINDOW DES, all of which he will sell at the lowest CASI PRICES. Old Blinds painted and trim ,ed to-look Atte' to new. IKIrD E ALERS.. SUPPL • IC on liberal terms..{ The citizens of Cumberland county are respectfully invited to call before buying elsewhere.—confident of pleasing all. Open in the Evening. March 21. • SILI HATS. (141EORGE A. WARDER & CO. - N., E. lug CORNER Dr ,FIFTII 'A ND CHERRY• STREETS, Philadelphia', respectfully - flack the custom of HATTERS and others engaged in the TRADE. They manufacture SILK HATS varying from 24 to 42 dollars per dozen, that will bear a ab ed examination and compare favorably with those. of any other mannfncturers. As they are' largely engaged in this business they can Jill orders expeditiously.., - THE NIAGARA. SHOWER-BATH, _ An entirely. new, Article for Shower-Ba thing,. with' Oral . or.'„eold Water. I:6*TItIS BailvtoOk.tlit(ininnitiirt at the Fair of the Franklin tnittitate,',Philadeltihia.' October 1848, the only Bath thayevet,fook , a Vietnium at that inetitute and also took the fitiiipihmiuto at the Fair of the Marylandinetitute,Novem: her 1848. • • A . grent and important improvement is made in due Shower-bath over ' all othors,,py throwing the water immediately on titody,,.without wetting the head, unless at the will or . pleasure of the bather; but n greater point is gained by being enabled to bathe with warm water; which no o tter Sliewer.Bath is, adapted to—and most of all the Batlt can be mediCated without injury to, tha:hoiri 1L , r• Mniiy persona cannot taken cold ,bath—their . ettee is met in this ns they can regulate the terns ,Perantre of the water to,sun their I wish,. and commence' bathing,,at city amnion of the year without any'unplentiant result. ,Ladies can have the ,ativantage of bathing without Wetting' the hend or covering thw,samo. • ' - • • The,arrangementa'prw simple and complete, and not ,liahle io 'get nut of order. ..The Bath earilicadrusted to-suit any-height, front a small child toths,tellost, tho,tallest, person. :+ heri , kho'door le ClOsed,;tllo;fixtures,arerhid.and.thwroutside gp 7 tpearanetrls.that.of a neat Ploceiof•furniture..: , ,T ha r. have, 're &gra d.t he nbrob at ion 'ol - 'gleve;• modicabgorttlenton—othefs.are -requented'to I ,eolind examine- them, , 111finufacturedithY , ththis, l Pu BP R'Alk ;)L , NRRABEEi ~,24,Snuth Valvertstreet; Baltimore, gitqaT ' D O. iicWoniir;;in, yr. h0.,w0 nilenre, ' ' .Thn.shiteeti. of j-lio , Skinv , onetiglitd keop Pho,tiOdy.tiacred" froM'undecont , `Slatio,be;Puriti..ilvetl'if did.not coadticer' Ae7mnehlas - lvdoesY,te(teiltlii.;.vely,' greatly , F V ,Itt(thisiextertnil‘Nirtuei age , mitintains‘LL..^,. tA49.6#ll'gracolol4od!jti.:jiolo and,eharms , • A .:Ih **viol iiiikadfiat reoetved iO.---'7P'r•irtr.^... ~~.. R~a '4 v. 5511 Ate, 1 '.. - 4t4tAllol l 4 , o4 l ltiimitoit.iy4 l .9,tfolo y ,qo:,l ~,,T Oit! , r:!;fit, d, ZlL„ ° MiliPTilailiiit4 ‘01:.,.., , ,, ,. .-, : dt, , i , 0it 1 t., , ,,,,,,,i,i0 ; ~,',.-,,,,,-.:%,...,..,.:,:,;:f;','.!,, .. 5414V0 ; iPatiOst . " ' '• 1 , 1-44,4 c, 'r • t; ;BPEEC •110$ THE r-ppc,PpAnwm,ir ROTEGT,OI:I - •05 , 14.1t.i,‘ here in,act and' be l ated .the: opponents of I,ll . itrirea , nrishunahniiiiure and'eXpiriamrate,;agniiriC liia,steCwlthl ; indignant , ' comriaitintte;ol'itiy-Iticerated -- • :•Mistur,SPOrtfret;allOw - mp t - cipintiirto "yoar, , , pxeiteikand.deriaded- imaginal* •ernrie:;, - O the heart'tertdiiig'evils;whii haria from the want of protociiiiirtrinye — nTrOtistsTWirityy ninnitY,:• ammie,.-nv Miatur: Speaker, we, 'Will to hesthe and melancholy -hour of midnight--elyiatur hushed in deep teporie,fhe. solemn wind softly moans through the waving branches of thelrges, and naught tieered to brlk the solemn :holy stillness, save an occasional grunt from the hog pen!" I will now carry ' you in imagination to that devoted hinaroost. Behold its peaceful and happy inmates ger.- try declining in balmy slumbers on their el evated and majestic roost ! Look at the aged and venerable and highly respectable. rooster, as he keeps his silent Vigils with patience and unmitigated wafeLfulnees over those innocent, helpless and virtuous hens and pullets! Just let your eyes glance a round and..behold that dignified and moron al hen whomtches With tender solitude and paternal congratulation of those little juvenile chickens, Who.crowd around their respectful nrejenitoi, and nestle under her cireumarnbi • eat wings: Now, I ask, Mistur Speaker, am there to be found a wretch so lost and aban- cloned, as will enter that peaceful and hap py abode, and. tear those - interesting -little biddies from their agonized and heart-bro ken parents? Mistur Speaker, I answer in thunder tones, there am ! Are there any ' thing so mean and sneaking as such a rob bery? No, there are not. You may search .the wide iiiiiiterse IttaM Abe natives. who -re pose. in solitary, grandeur and superlative majesty,. under the shade of - the tall cedars that grow upon the .tops of the Himmaleli mountains in the valley of Joseph - ti down" to the degraded and barbarous savages who repose in obscurity in their miserable 'wig war ms on the rock of Gibraltar in the Gull of Mexico, and -then you will be'as much Lnz-, zled to find anything's; mean, as you would to see the crib revolve mound the min once in twenty-four hours without the_aid_Of the telescope. Mister Speaker, - 1. - feel -- that - 1 have said e nough on this 'subject to convince the most Obstinate members of the unapproachable necessity of a law which shall: lore; and F 6 ever lastingly put a stop to these \ VL pro ceedings and 1 propose that every convicted ofienner shall suffer the penalty of the law. as follows: 0. CONRAD, Importer of Watcher For the first offence he shall be obliged to suck twelve rotten eggs, with no salt or. 'em. For the second offence, be shall be obliged to set on twenty rotten eggs, until he hatches Mister Speaker, all 1 wont is for every member to act on this subject according to i his conscientiousness. Let him do this, and he will be remembered eveilastenly by a greatehil posterity. Mr. %Taker, I've done. Where's my hat? The eloquent gentleman, according to the Efoston Post's report, here donned his seitl-, cap, and sat down apparently much exhaus ted. NEW AND CHEAP 131;ltictubcalcsCr =Wale EZEtaottoceest OW opening by JACOB' SENER, who re N spectfully calls the attention of his idol* and the public generally and all dealere--th HARDWARE, to his now and splendid assort ment of all kinds of Hardware, such as Sad dler's Tools and Saddlery Ware of every de scription and style, all kinds of Carpenter's mole, and building materials of all kinds and nes style, all kinds of material used by Cabinet. makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all kinds, a good assortment of Men's morocco, kid, French straits, lining and, binding skins for shoe-ma kers, ell articles used by shoe makers constantly kept on hand. Blacksmiths can be supplied with the very best of hammered iron, warranted good, also all kinds of 'rolled, slit, round, band, and strap iron, cast, shear, spring English and- American blister. steel, warranted good, also a lot of„sheet iron for sinners. Honeekeopers can also be supplied with every article necessary for housekeeping in the Hardware Line. 'Ethereal and Pine Oil Lamps of every descrip;, lion just received, also ethereal and pine oil for sale. just fresh, tdl ltinds.of paints, oils, varn ishes, turpentine, also, a first rate article to pre- servo leather shoes, and keep the feet dry.— Look out and bear in mind. -- -Farmers, -Mechanica , and_Housekeeperaan•d. I! • who use the article of HARDWARE, call at the old well known new • arranged HARD WARE. STAND. formerly kept by Lewis Harlan. in North 'Hanover street, next door to John Cornman's tavern qtand, no*. kept by H. Glass, add also:rnext door , to Geoige Keller's Fancy lint and*Cap Store: Call and examine for yourselves, Lnd; save - thoney; . as we. are de. . terminod to sell all articles at the vets' smallest profit for CASH and wo, think we,sball be,able to sell a little lo • than tiny other 'Hardware 'Store to town, les, tr f-aods.are , well-Selected , and are-purchased r g.. ot o-der to Ail Iv" at tho new arranged Harr r.. 0 Storm - well-knowu as 'Lewis Harlan's' old stand, ,, wliere 'you rifey find a good nanortment of eyery' tinkle.' in the Hardware Trade. Didn't forget - the'-Stand, as quick sales and small profits is the order of the Call and examine'for ytinierolves.• . „ JACOB'tENEtt. ''''-r,r04041,1101ii 1 441"1 0 1 6 , :. - . ...,i , ; .^,Cio‘h4'ofiliffettniLcolore • for , Clen - tletkitip)" . , cckte*KUr.anta lo o . nl4.‘:tKA - Aw -1111 74. , . r 4 ' ritairOVO ~ o lf 40 0.01 S 7 Aget 5,W3 ,1 1 00 k • ' B obto - 04) . Shgiukluevre,l , dlsitilt sollinnip at t - _• , , Stars & 5i)0139, "A IP,. 011741LER, General Coati - melon agtl' Forwarding Merchant, NO: 76_ tio , • B.A.L'riMmtv,: .rz ` .: • • - 11 TN OR the • solo :of Fl'our,,Grain; . ClOvOriced, r NV 141714'0i: ace. Also; for warditili•-,Stoode,; via Titlg. titer finnal , :ittal Pandayltitnjojnprdittimto:. ~Orders 'for, Salt, ~ Flaacer, Ae'r - 46 - 47 , ref „&c.? - }Supplied Aativiiiit prioacn2.• ' ••• "' te'ithe'aboye., busitfetia cl aril) atiffive:•ya arti,;it.norit intuition; of. the . patronage liitt;;frattid,a:cukiihe '. • ' ~ Ritfor .Funi fk M1f4.1210 , re; , - AlirO!,, , i t s Utrg7- -; • Bairciti;& , Zarnietw , i.'[.;,,,,,..lo,C,A,..iiiceity t . ',lBhaeheidiohiseh;Pli:. l ,J'' ,- —',: • ;:qiclipir t :rl'fiTsll4olo,4o4bilrg, Pa. •,, • . ''‘. 4 ENE izmosporitio , 00 4 0. n 0 _ , . •CitnfiVatidAtiLßoad:LinefoiThiladW fl:i::cti?;tirirptiltiyili?iiii'-'PipB):lo:ig;',C.,.:•,• • ima - q - ominypeto:ik HARRIBBORC6. Pa.cmforms. hie friends fend the , Pablii4 - tbaiSrMit the' liberal Pat eittended. tekim during the past, year he has betto„encourti,ged to make more extensive at-. ratigenumts for,.the,preeent sintionvend. hi' ad - and: , splendid Beats to hie NINE, end'. will , he' fully.prepared after the op ening,of the , Cenaloo forward , PlßO,DU , CEand - MERCHANDIZE:.of •all. kinds- to , . and from PhiltidelphiaTltaltiniorei.:.Pittsbarghi-&ci,. at the ,loweekrates: of freight and..with the utmost'des. patch., ; r - Agente,;(ooicatiii„ r, •,)CARLISLE 4 GASKELL,. Race street. harf, Philadelphia. GEISE,& SON, No. 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore. CLARK iSt. SHAW, • .j . ~ M cFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitts'g Agents for Care, WUNDERLICH & GRIER, I No. 272 Market at., Philadelphia. CHALORER & REYNOLDS, SITE N0..423R, JA M E S &C O st., Pladelphia. ~ Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A.>k OHIO LINE, , North street, Baltimore. . Harrisburg, March 29. 1848.—tf. • S. Goldman% Clothing Store, Pis the corner, of Main street and ' Market Squait,formeily.occypied by Nathan Hantch, • THE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country that he has just arrived Irons Philadelphia, with a splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTH ING, for the purpose of conducting the ready shade-clothing-'business in all its various bran ches. Ho intends keeping an assortment of every article in his line of business, and tit such pri ces as will Bait every one. His stock embraces the most handsome and tashionable styles worn, and made up in the best manner. 'Ph° sublicriber only . asks a trial of his geode and is sure they will give entire'satiefaction. Also, a largo assortment of• Hats, Caps, -Shirts, Cravats, Collars, Bosoms,•Suspgaers, and Hosiery, nil nf..which he will sell at very low prices. Bois' clothing _constantly on hand SAMUEL GO OM AN. April 11. '49.-Grn. Harrisburg Transportation Line, (,=;4110 FUNK & MILLER, IMORWARDING Sr Commission Merehanni, 1-lAnntsnona,-Pa..-.ship Produce, Morahan dice, Rte. to Baltimore, -Philadelphia, bte. &c.— 'Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, constantly for sale. Harrisburg; March 29, 1848 Dalleirga Magical Pain Extractor. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUL.4E, A positive cure for Burns 'and Scalds, . Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Salt Rho -!Sprain, Scald Head, Sore and in flamed Eyes, Fever Sores, Soie - Nipples-Broken BreaSt,Cuts and Wounds, Chapped Lips and Fluids, and all cases of Inflammation where the parts affected can be reached; by, Burns No motte4ow :severe, arc perfect and harmless, if the "Pain Extractor" is,at ` hand to bo applieiL.,But mark; It must:be-the genuine Dailey. To .MOTHERS OF FAMILIES . , It may with truth be. said, that piers is scarcely a rattily of small Oltiltiren to ,be: found, but where accidents sometimes do oc cur, such as Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds and Bruises. Children are subject moreover to Week and Inflamed Eyes, RheumatisrU, E. melons, Sures, swellings, and Inflamma. tiuns. j Dallosos Magical Pain Extractor. That ie to say, the Genuine article,, (not the iipuriiiiis and connteribit extrac tars, that appear under various forms, names and disguises,) and which may be had ut the Proprietor's only Depot in New York, end or his authiirized - agents, (whose names are .in the papers and on my Pamphlets,) never fails in any of the above oases, no matter how soo Tore they may be, not alone to extract • tn pain forthwith, and effect a speedy and cor• lain cure—and thus save a vast deal of suffer ing. But, what is of the least importance, especially to Girls-Land it is to this that the attention of Mothers is particularly requested Dalleys Genuine Extractor, in the worst case of Burns and finaldr, leaveii no scar, or un sightly mark behind, to remain, in after year a monument of sorrow and . regret, to erre° tionato parents. It has, moreover, and no unfrequently, brthe means, in extreme cases, of preserving life itself, • No. Farriily ought therefore to be without the Extractor for a-day. Printed Pamphlets containing certificates oficarta, and for the truth of which I hold mien' aasfoxstaxa, may be obtained, at my Depot,4ls Brordway, New York, and on ap plication to my authorised agents.' The fillowlng from George ,E Pomeroy, Esq. the well known proprietor of the Express speaks for itself of the _importance of the Pain Exttactor 'every Parent. .Eipress Office, Albany, Sept. 1. MR. Dailey. Dear Sir—With feelings of no ordinary pleasure I address you in relation to the benefit Lhave.recelved from your invelti. able Pain Extractor. Lately, my little dough tor, 6 yearit old, had a pitcher of boi!ing wa ter turned into her bosom, liar screams wore dreadful, .wciittet_a crowd inskeptly_gethered, before the houselo learn the cause of the tor. nub screams. I..tore her clothes asunder, and aeon spread' pit:your salve, and she was carried and , laid , upon d bed. She Was soon relieved from Mir pains, and said, "Ma,t toll as if I could ' laugh," and was soon In sweet sloop. She was scalded to a blister • Etom the top of ,her. shoulder over..Moro,.than ., half her chem and' rotintrunder'; her," Urine. • On the .. shoulder 'and breast! it was very deep, yet from the fait hour; she cemplained only when . it Waidressed, sore healed rapidly,.and there is' no contraction of the,mu'soles.. ,- 'with many wiehos ,my.door eir, for your "success the. sale oethis Mighty, ankle: • I am yourr!, , :,withireeriect POMEROY'. , • ESPtCIAI.PNOTIOE. Cobnterfeitili7,Bituiare' or. Counterfeits?- They aboendt artfeogriizant of their positively AttigereUilaiikileistertmits effete, I diatiectlyj•deelare; that. will .not iiithiniyeell'ltospOMittile4or the effects °rimy Eitmetof;',U n t, it- be -fir ac ed .My own DepidS;44fs' B r aid tifaY, ',New York; and 235 Chestnut;stieet, , Phtlidelphiaiai ? Dotnpy :Au litied.,•coolsuitdaffordaaireeet::illitea tAnitil) .relief,;whereas tlloStiunterielt 'At and 'Our tom, EitraeldraYritata:mid-iiicrease the:palo. Dr: Dailey is,tite luv.cafor , offthis truly won. .tiorthlMModiiferidp.fiertater,! , bits,Uoe , ;Uatrer whl :cOMMuiiicatit to R oy,,li4pg Min:the eo6rch, 401; , ~.Alt Extractors, tbepafoie , jurporti • ng; to lie Vie - getiedrior - piillaythliCare ., :dput „.,made,mid 'Pal ifidl3s,obeitiOtietreet,Thi ladelphial,` AM . ES,'FLEMlNG,':;Carlisle, Agent for , Hee ictOkeDAPI 8- ' "LE • D 4.0! cad, l'fj44. e% :,4,;, 4 'w11,1,,,tie11. r at a ~,' "'"4 474 , 1: hee'14 1 4 14 q1-tith,ll3ll{ e•r t t ltr;l l :4Fan• • i: , S E XEX!+' .I. i , • • , . " , „,,` • ' • * IN QUART BOTTLES. FOR THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT CURE OF . ALL DISRASRA ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF TEI OR IFINBIT OF '3 THE SYSTEM, VIZ: Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Ob. stinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or _Pus tules on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or TetteroSeald Hoed' . Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Dints, Stulibern'Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms Sciatica or Liinltingo, and. Diseases arisiug Irdm an injudicious use of Mercury, Aseites or. Dropsy, Exposure or Inifiruclenee in Life. ...Also, Chronic Conetitutionnl . Disorders. In this preparettim are strongli , concentrat led all the Medicin i nl properties of SARSAPARIL LA, combined with the Most effectual aids, the most sanitary productiOni, the moat potent .riniles'of the vegetable kingdom.; _ npd_it has been so fully tested not ouiy by patients thent selves, but also by Physiciann, that it has . received their unqualified recommendations and the approbation of the public; and has established ini its own merits a reputation for VA. 'SE and EFFICACY far superior to tl l ilariiiali 19 compounds bearing the demo of Sarsapa illa, Discases`hirvo been cured, such us are nut furnished in the - rocords of time Past; and what it has shandy done for the Plousands who Wave used it, it is, capable 0.1 doing forthe inillioneitill — iit iedrinkliU 9 rug. - gling with disease.. It puffifies, cleanses, and strengthens the follow n springs of lite,• and infuses-now--vigor throughout the whole ani mal frame. . , . . . . . • • The.daseases for which this art}rle is recom mended are those to which it is known Earn, personal experience to ha adopted; and thoe apparently removed beyond the sphere of its action halm yielded to its i nflues.ce, The cat alogue of complaints might be greatly .ex tondo,' to which the sarsaparilla is adapted, but experiences Droves, its value, and every suoceeding - day is adding new trophies to its firma • ANOTHER CULE OF SCROFULA The following striking and, as will be seen permanent cure of an inveterate case pf Sere. fulu, commends itself to all, similarly, affected SotyurciaT,Conitb, Jan. I, 1848. Messrs. SANDS gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces mu to inform you of the rerharkable cure elketed by your Sarsaparilla in the case or my, wife. She was severely affliCted wit! , the scrofula on different peels of the body ; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged and her limbs "much swollen. After suffering over a-year and finding no relief from the remedies used, the dise - aso attacked, and below the knee suppurated,_ .physician advised it should he laid open, which Was, done, but without any, permanent benefit. In this satiation wo buiikd of, and were induced to uge SANDS' Sarsadarilia. The_ first, heti'. tie produced ediSeided and favourable m . ffetit, her more than any prescription she haever taken, and below) ilia had used sir to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her health quite rester. ed. It is now over a year since the Cure wit effected, and her health remains good, show, ing the disease) was thuroughly eradicated from the system. Our • neighbors aro all knowing to.these facts, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect, • JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter from Mr. Ingt ahem, a gentleman well known in Delaware county.— •It commends itself to all similarly affilieted. Gentlemen :-11Iv wife has used several bot tles cf your Sarsaparilla, which I obtained of your agents in this place, from which en has received such pedal benefil,.that I am io• dueed ti add mine to the abu, dant testimony now before the public in favor of its Indica nal virtues. Her lather, mother, and man other relatives, have fallen victims to Cense lion, and it was supposed'that she too was ra clined the same way. Sho had several tu mo of raising blood, &0., and at length Inca so reduced that her life . .was despaired of from day to day. We were induced to try your ears ap.drilla. as before - mentioned, from the use of which her health hae been restored i• so that for the past year she has been able to attehd to her domestic duties. 'lttspecifully yours JOUN B. INGRAIIAM. BRONCHITIS CURED The following shows the virtue of the sars aparilla in removing Bronchitis, a disease which, if not speedily arregted, leads to con sumption. It allays spasmodic action, changes the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative properties, removes the unhealthy action, and the ',Mien: is restored to health. NANTUCKET, MUSS., Nov. 11 th,- 1848 Messrs.S.Asss—.Gentlemett : I wish to make public, for the good of those effitcted Bronchitis, the-the-healing properties of your Sarsaparilla.. My wife suffered for twenty, months in such a manner as is not easily de scribed ; at times she was not able to speak -above-a-MI is per,e aud the.cold air. it .occasioned something like spasms in the ihrriat, the effect of which 'was felt in. the ears and eyeS, causing tears to flow. The complaint -was aitentled' with a dry cough, produced by the constant irritation, and in flammation of the throat. By the; use of your SARSAPARILLA she was perfectly cured, it being now more than three months since . she felt any symptoms of the disease. Yours, with respect, - GEORGE KOCG. Extract from a letter received from Mr.' N' W.Harris a well !mown in Louisa county; Va.: Gentlerrien,,÷l have cured a.. negro hay of mine with your saisaparillo who was attacked with Scrofula. and of a scra fulous Yours truly. • , • N. V. HARRIS.. ' Fre.dealehe Hall, Va., July 17, 1848.. St4l)! PATOPORILI II . - I. seems almost .un., , . kireat attention to an Lurticle ' sn' welt known ; tied,ao, deservedly ,populuic us time: Treparation, but patients` often, who. Wish td `use the extract of:saiVspirilla are Aridutied to . , t r y, v orthioilv comliouade.hearing: the , nitame but containing littte.nt-, , none of the virtue of. this valuable:. rent ; we thifilt•Weitcittnak con fit,a greater benefit. readori thamiti! .directing;thelr attentioh. to the Of - Mesorri SandsAii The bettleyhas„. 4 6Mintiy-bamilerilarted,triliMie-a guard/and Above mho 'V iiiiCumnifty; 'grind 4nd cencentratedjnillyall the Medi: , nal value,of the',rootoi.Tho . ,;experientso s er thoUsande hap-proved' itsaffler:l'3ln curing; the, : xerieUirdieetieel - tor , which' Wis ttnd!tit',ibit.pritaanf ti tit et.inatai t flea . any . perhaps, is:tilts' mad iel air,useral; 'prepkittil theoysterri,efe r'.i*'slialiee" - setisott.'44lasta , ' Joantlitt.; Sept.: Pre:pa , a . .. .re:4 ~ nd sold, wholesale' andje4. ti . tililay , 44.,8,? ; 86,4 - Y.ISANR§ ,. 4:),OOOt.I, , [la ' ClUfiiiBl9, 199 T,Misit:stre*, corner, .... oT:-WilligtakNiw.lo;r1i0 . 6:614if also b.Y 1 , Druggj . 4i:,,g 6 o9lillY ',,ihk?fihcliiL thal U'• 1 jihates and: eanadaTt.KOTinp At pe,.i , bottlf s, t iisk aottlies ft;r111"1•! , : , ' , T( !;,!,• I 'l‘'.'q . • '',.`..; i d Iv* P-stilOtt,: s 4 ftB 4 :tie. for I ,. caiii ia c. • -' ' - '.,::,;''''',..-'-' ' It.:, -.,;,-' MU= toTpctinFo.. • i . 7;;, : sixrp,xurstrquilvetl.l• TheAtitatiLLife Ainuiff Treat Company. of: libiladelL : • • •• Cligiee No. 159 CA Sitnitt Striset; Capital. . S3OO. 000. ChorterTerpetual. • CONTINUEtwMake InSiminees on Lives on the most favourable terms. receive and execute Trusts; and receive Deposit's on . Into- - rest. . . - The Capital being paid 4 'and initiated, 4o gether with accumulated premium fund:A(fords a PERFECT SECURITY io the insured. 'The' pre. mint - may be paid in yearly, halt yearly, or quarterly payments. • • The Company add a BONUS insurances. at stated pe riods to the • for life. -Thin plan ,o, insurance is the most tipproiteldf,.tino is more generally in um,. thin" any otheidinDreeut Br:- tainwhere - tiro- Object - lb besi - understood-by the e a. and where they lieve he'd - 311e long ce,nal oet xporience,) ae "appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insurance C e mpanies . thero, of all kinds;.B7 are nn ibis plan. . The first BONUS Was appropriated- in De cember, 1944. amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the oldest Polices.: to 81 per cent., 7} per cent., &c, &c., on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, melting an ad dition of $100; $87•50; $75, &c., &c. to every $l,OOO, originnlly insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent on the premiums paid, and without increasing the annual payment id' the Company. The operation of the BONUS will be seen by the following-examples from the Life Iran. rnnce Register of !he Company, thus : EMI - 205 -27 C - 333 Pamphlets containing the_ table of` rates and eitplanations of the subject ; forms of op plication, and further information can be had a the gratis,, ih person 'or by letter, ad dressed to the President or Actuary. W It IC I.lAftl)S, President. JNO F JAMBS, Actuary. nre49ly Fire Insurance. • ALLAN Axil E. PENNSBOROUGH j Mutual Fire insurance Company of Cum cand county, incorporated' by nn act of Assem bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un der the Management of the following commis sioners, viz: Cht. &Etymon, Jacob Shelly, Wm, 11.4orgas, Lewis- fryer, Christian Robert Sterrett.. Henry Logan, Michael Coeklin, Benjamin H. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Sand. Prow ell, sr, liielchoir Brenernan; who respectfully call ilwattention of citizeks of ,Cumberland and York counties to _the_advanlageswhich _the_eorn pony hold out. The rates of insurance ore ns low and favorable as any company of the kind'in the State. Per sons wishing •to become metitbera _are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. • JACOB SHELLY, President HENRY LOGAN, V. Pres't Lr.w,ts liven • Secretary MICHAEL COM:11.1N, Treasurer . AnENTs—Rtiaclph Marlin, New Curnberlani Chi istian Titzel and—John G. Dunlap, Allen; R. Harmon, Kingstown ; Henry Zearing, Shire numstown : Stilton OysterelYminlvysbuig ; Ito Bert Moore. Charles Bell, Carlisle. - Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk. gent ral agent; John Shcrriek, John Rankin, J. Bow man, Peter Wolfgrd. Agents for Habsburg—Houser & Lochman. feh 9 Equitable . Life insurance, nuity and Trust Oompan AFFICE 74 Walnut street,„Phiadelphis. — 1., Capital s2so,ooo.—Charter, perpetual.— Make Insurance on lives at their office in Phila delphia, and at their. Agencies throughout the States, at the lowest rates of premium. . Rates for insuring at $lOO-on a single Life. Age. Fur 1 year. 1 For 2 years. 1 • Life 20 81 1 60 30 99 1,30 1,04 40 1,29 -1,64 2,07 50 1,86 2,07 3,94 ..59 3,48 2,97 . 603 EXASTPLE.—A person aged 30 years next birth day, by paying the cOmpaity 95 cents would se cure to his family or heirs $lO O should he die iu one year;' or far $9,90 he secures to them $1000; orfl , r . sl3 annually for seven years he secures to them $ 1 oop should he die in seven years; or for $20.40 paid annually during life, he secures ,$lOOO to be paid when ho dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, by the difference in amount of premiums from those charged by other offices. For $19,50 the heirs would re ceive $5OOO should he die in one year. • Forms of nitpliention and all particulars may ,tie -lind • at the office of FitED'IL WATTS, Este ',Carlisle, Pa ~Vrr I LAGHOR N, Pree't TVCW.ETT,I.S.Ce ' y.. FREtI ' K. WATTS, AtCy. Dr. D. N. NAUON, Medical Examiner. -r nug2B The Franklin Fire Insurance Com ' pany of philadelphia. e i FFIC Chesnut street, near Fib Is," street. DIRECTORS. Charles N. Mocker George W. Richards • Thomas - Hart •, Mordecai D. Lewis Tobias \Vague, Adolphe E. Borie Samuel Grunt David S. Blown Jacoh It. Smith Morris Patterson Continue to make insurance peretual, or limi ted, on eyery description pf property in 4own.and country, at. rates as low as are consistent wiih security. The company have reserved a large contingent fund, which with their capital and pre miums, safely invested, alfor'd ample protection tc the insured. oiTtit assets of the company on Sanitary Ist, 1848, as published agreeably to an act of Assam , kly, were as follows, viz : Mortgages $890,558 65 Real 'Estate 1 08,358 90 Temporary Loans 124,459 00 Stocks . 51,563 25 Cash on hand.and in hands of • agen.a, 61,220,097 67 , Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen yearn, they have paid upwards of ONE MILLI() , TWO HD NETIED THOUSAND I:IOI,LAES, losses by fl thereby nflording evidence of 'the ndvn of insurance, as well es the ability and disposition to meet with promptnese, all liabilities. • CHARLES N.BANCKER, Pres' t. Cults. G. BANi:KirC See'. fob 2 The solvieriber is tigeot for the above company or Carlisle nad All applications for flamenco eiihorThytiroail or personally. - will be [ iromptly nttendedito: W. D. SEYMOUR. . . , Anti DyspeOtin:l_Ontinilicon, For Dyspepsia, .plervoue*liesdiehe, and Liver Fri HIS is roVagoiribik.cdnip'obrid, warranted a 1.. safe and effectual'rernedy, not only for Dys- PeristtiA.hut for thoSC,disetties resulting from and ,connected with a disordered,condit ton, of , the stomach and liVeri ,derangement,tof the diges tive. inactions, Such as.. debility or. weakness, flatulency .hose appetite, sour eructations and timidity of the stomach, ,costiveness,:hendache; 'flatulent" and` billions. eciliw • If lipart lc ularl y lernii Mended to those...-Who. iire :aulteritig under, ;debility, and depression_ of :spirit's, its Soothing tuidl , renovating powers •boing partictilarly adap, tedF?tr to, S W uClucases!:.' -t •••• e: by• • rlf.7-: • • High sic. ),Carliale. I'a, oflera ' for Buie on the most reasonable terms, ,' gakoved nines, Paint* Oll 7 ;mobt L 4ofnl,ratiitfpnpoind wls4ii7aiwooi, with asaortmont 6 iiii ° ' - nr ClP e 9 aC' S v h a a rt i cy ng t- P it i n il i in e.,7.tii.otk,-It en o t "! 4 ; z lf i n t l y , i lf u tk . 4,43)toth'lftistiee,=.l2llV6l,lo:';Comboi: &; 61611a°. ' ean ' e A - Ink; Standiq" .IKinitnt Note papper ' ienvetotied,_:Raiora 1;1,141 - t .A4 '" te! '"' ?3- na l ir ''-f•••/ . ;'•••" , '? .. .. 8-414"'T?' ißliO rs, for rT;f;j° E a ,on -; offer '1 11:22121 Amount of Policy. St Bonus • pnyable at the party's decedsc. Sum 1 Insured I o , ols 01 i dditian $l,lOOOO 2,750 CO 4,100'00 2'175110 5'137 00 00, I ,ogo ,': 100 , 00 2.5010 250.00 4,:)00 401•(31) 2,50. 175 . 00 5,000 . 4'37'50 -- - 35;373 28-- s. ;y". LSTRETB,•CERLIIIMV-Pst:. l Oubkoribor.has rceiy.ed E l nd is now open i)eit''Obiticii selection of Wintde Goos, conOst ng.,igrathei Omit - nom •ana ireinngs, newest sqle,ntjlie lowest Fatee,iwhigii,lie willitnalco up luta coting,.Over Cpete, sacks, cloaks; Pantaidd :Yest KO...ass midi...rack coats of cloth from sit'dollars upwards, Pants trim $l5O to s6,Yesjer fr0m'79 , 001.! to $9;00, cloaks from Bto $2O. 113, .alaO, kelps ,sliirt r a,liosores. • 'eollnrs;'neck piickeiJiatidliereliiefs, corn - forts,cops, and Hosidil, in ghat ev:..ry 7 thing appertaining ton geritiorpan's'wardrebe A'a he lq agent for an extenaive, housc•he will be ffer enabled' to e - .'freshgoads alt"lea Et 0n,5 ti‘ month; . Ile win 'receive' reguittily , theN York .and Philatlelpidn Fashions , and awe no Pane in,getting.up his work in the most durable andlitaltionable.otanifer. He will olio makeup work purohasea 'tit other storesin thwmost care -ul manne He, Will pay. parti cu I lir attention to Children's Clothßig He reepectfully solicits a share of public pnli•oringe - • • % B PARKINSON'. Dee 13, 1848 ". Agent for the PrOprietor DRUG' AND. FAN - OY 'STGRE • moo 120.4Q..ury..kt - Ltvua ESPECTFULLY to the Rlion, of the public to his Drug and Fancy Store, ' in West Main street, Carlisle, whetp.'he has just received a fresh assortment of lugs Me &eines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Jewelry and Fancy Goode. Amongst his extensive variety may be found all the most . Approved Patent Medicines, HAll kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs, Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils , 'Wlifte Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground : • Glass,Putty, Chldroform,t" Shandelims, Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles, Shaving and Toilet Soaps, Cologne.,'‘ s•c, Lavender and Orange flower Watrr. • Bears h Morrow and Hair-Dye, Nail, 'Pea '1; llair, and Slia‘ing, Brushes, Fine Pam: torn, and Shell-Combs ; • Finger It.a-z• , , Bracelets, and Breast Pins, rßead Begs cud Pursel4, Porte %unwire, . Silver Spectacles and Pencils, • Gold Pens, Ink and Inkstands, Fine Writing end Note Paper Envelopes,' • Motto Wafers; Seals and Peper Weights, 'Alirrars and Fancy Boxes, . • Musical and Surgical Instruments, • Fine Knives and Sciesols, Carriage and Riding Whips, Umbrellas (Jocks, m ocks, Tuks. &r., &r. o Country PhysiciaUs, Alrrche ns, Pedlors'iind .thersilmy hear something "tb their •advantagd bysalling ir7 Etherenl and, Find Oil received fresh livery week. KJ—Medical nid'and advice gratis to the poor. 3nnunry 17. 18.18. • GROCERIES, GROCERIES A T the Cheap Fami ly Grocery Stoic of 30- Elk SEPII D. II A I,IIERT , Ma. street, Carlisle, yo n ill tilwi4s find the hest sn,l4y of Family ( roc 'Fes that the Philadelphia awakens aim tillbrd. 1 to subsertbei has ju , t rent: rt. d frpm. the city, 'would respectfuliv invite the public in gene, land his ft lends in piroculor, to call and exan to his stock, which embraces all the articles u. unlly kept in his lute of business, suck as Rio, Jove arid St Domingo ('afire': Im perial, Young Hyson and Fleck Tens, of the ~ best quality. 0, flavor; loaf, falling loaf, crushed,. clarified and brown Sugars of evely etade,.kith price to suit. lloney..sugar house, Orlenns and syrup Molasses. Spices ot Ins . Warrant pure and flesh ground. Brooms, buckets,'lmskats. butter: bowels, wnsli_rubliers, clothes pins end Ifnisites every Castile, fancr,;rosiff and neuntry f. DA PS. Al so, a-general assortment of chewing_ and rme. king TOBACCO, swish Intlfspanish and com mon CIGARS. GLASS, QIJ EFIN SW A R E, , and CROGEKRY of every description Nvhich he will sell at the lowest possible' p-ices. Feeling grateful for the liberriPpatronnge here tofore bestowed upon hinnc - py 'n generous pub lic, or subscriber hefulers them his hearty tlinnks, and hopes that in his dhotis to plena., and pnrticular attention to business to merit a continunnce of their.supeort. 21 - OS. ALPER T. Nov'r i 2 1848. "Iraiety , s the Spice of Life." FriIANKFUL lor the favors heretofore . -a• bestowed upon us, in our line of business, we again would "11E11 ALD" to our numerous customers, thnr we are in constant set ply of general assortment, which we are receiving alinost weekly front the city) of all articles per taining to the business of a Grocery and Tea Store, embracing Brown Sugars of good qualities at 5, 6,7, and 0 el per pound, Rio Coffee's at 8, 9, and IC eta, Crushed, Pulverized and Broken Loaf Sugars, at 9 and 10 cis per pound, Java a •4, Mocha Coffees, also BLACK and GREEN TEAS of choice selections, either in bulk or in 'metallic packages, always fresh, at from 37i to $1.50 per pound, together with every variety of Spices, such as CINNAMON, MACE, CIT RON, Pepper, Cloves. Ging'er, Nutmegs, mus tard, 1c: LIVERPOOL A'ND G A SALT, together with Fine Salt. either in sacks or smal ler quantities. SPERM AND WAX CAN DLES, together \Vial Mould and Dipt qualities, Sperm and Whale blenched Oils, of pure quali ty, as also SALMON ANI) ACRAREL, Molasses, Syrup, Vinegar, Cheese, Crackers . mid numerous other articles, till of V,1111.11 lob quality and prices we feel confident on insi ectiOn will prove equally us good and as rebonshle as Call be sold any where else. But a call from our friends can satisfy t hem best and us too. Remember the "010 Stand," nearly oppo.ite Burkholder's (forinerly Bb.nem's) Tavern 1M nin street. .1 N. EB Y. Carlisle, Silt Dec. OS: l'inuraes. Oils, and Scars, • ALF and fresh supply from Roussel's and other f the best city houses, among which are double •••..?.... Briar, Rose Geranium' Verbena, ,hoiple. heliotrope, Millelleur end Musk. tastcr....iy put up and for sale at the lowest prices.. Also, for the Hair, littidoline, Tom made aux Fleure, Jenny Lind hair gloss, Bear's Oil, Maccassnr Oil, fine.seented Antique Oil,' BeePs Marrow, fine Myrtle and Vio let Pommndes. Also .14nney Soaps, such as Roussel's Shaving Cream Wrighl's'ido, Military do, Almond and Palm Wash Soap; noticing nn -assortment-uusurpnesed:bw any : in-the-borough. may3l_ . S WHAVERSTICE ;Ms thuds FDAtreis 'Just. BECEIVEI), pHYSTCIANS, Country Merchants and Pedlars, are invited to call and examine my stook of Medicines, Paints, 'Glass, Oil, Var nishes, &c. Patent Fine Chemicals, Instruments, Pure Essen': Oils DYE Indigoes, Alnddors, Sumo IMMI iNtelfierol & - Brot Green and Yellowrj'aint"and: - Vareish Brushes, Jersey':Window, Glese,, Linseed , OW-Tureen -tine, ecinnl and Conch Varnielt,,and 11,esi , Lead. .411, of, whioh, will • be .sold: at the • very lowest - iniiikot o price,nt the cheap Drug and Boolt - Sieire lof • :•S. W. HAVERSTIPF. Nov 29114.1548 ; •. • • .- Queens3Pare.'kGlass. .A'LA,RGE antivaneral , saleethin•Of thas4ar• ticks in', every , yariety hidicadda4),o °arms sortmsnt: Alen, alot of Podar Wirar,ernbrac- ing TUGSCharni r ilacha x i„,Paile.i kat, At' /iStla /0W- ,ai the G rocety:"S i ttiro,ol l, ' M arch , 1,4, , ,j,„„NrpX:' 11101043 4;;J . . , %; 14 ::',c„'" Hr i p e u or s iE t s t r ‘o r, i:_ : :) . ;l ti v'ex c; d . rn i sin at a,e l: 7. t di O. ,,,7 7 ,oo : rt . ,.,, E ; R :,B : o% ; 7 ' . :S li.:s, n ,o, ck 77 7 lB!, • l ; .: 7 ,4:a. o Gy n ::u s ,,t , 4 . 7o, 7, priqes.;: a PO.— ~r; ~ ~_ ... AV' - TO N SAinifisireo_:akid Rolled Iron, , .. • ,:i..ido.'•CaKßho,oriViater & §p ring Steeil . 2 0 , ti o i eo ,yi t i,phijoijitet-rtiCelied 'andiklityloare at the•Pheaßigallboire.,Eltaro:of ~,,. , .., -. „,,:•. - 1;) e ~,,,,:. 1 ~ •;,Itab23:L': *,-.,,'&igl.Wß TORT, & SAXT °NV.- opened's itdrieti o THE ,Blue,' ihk.` , and Figured,' 13 promos f .nt.iedueed4 ., pticea:4;A:Tio, ,, ; ' :rtedoaPfl'CkikkirlidNlVlaus.'de , Laitiea queStiee: tni)2sl •IG ffIT,NERI MEE II U 9 a DRUGS ores an. W./Made, t.:. ground and whole .CFsencea, Perfumery, &c.' •STUFFP. Log and Cam Woods, Oil Vitriol ' Copperds, . Lae •Dye•' ' • • INTS. • • ' ' , ' on's Pure Ilend, Chrome MEE