Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 13, 1849, Image 3

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    =CtaSratatt &AV
.CONFIRMATION,.—We are,reqtieoe4 to
state:that confirmation will be a dministered
in the Catholic Church in this borough, on
Tuesday, theafithinst., at 10 (Nook, A. M.,
by the Right Rev. Bishop KENRICK.
proposition for enitirgementtbas- been already
responded to by eoveral of our friends, and a
mirnber of names have been added tdour list.
We are confident that our list can be largely
Increased if our Ord subscribers will but urge
upon their neighbors the duty of supporting
their own county newspaper. Weyer° deter.
mined to publish ,a paper worthy of our flour.
haling agricultural county, and at the cheapest
rate, $1,59, if paid at the time of subscribing !
SAD EVENT.—charles Callio, an.inte
resting boy of thirteen yeapr, Ann of Mr. Jas..
Celli°, of this borough, was. drowned in the
Canedoguinot Creek, on Monday last. Ho,
was out in a boat with 'a smaller boy, and noi•
thee of them .prebably being able_ to manage
it, the boat floated over the dam. The other
boy saved himself by clinging to the boat, but
Chart 6i, unable to help himself, was drowned.
His body was Soon after recovered, but life
was extinct. A little -more than six months
ago we recorded an accident by which
samwlittle follow' as so much injured by n:
train of cars passing over him, that.tho am
putation of one of his legs became necessary.
That misfortune having rendered hint a pecu
liar object of affection . , it may well be supposed.
that the sad event of Monday fell with heart
rending-force-upon-his _afflicted-prtrents-and
friehds. The calamity elicited the deepest
sympathies of our community:
pus friendsin„this county will be gratified to
learn'tithlt. G• BRARDEDURY, Esq., of this ho•
rough, has recently been . appointed• to one of
the higher clorksbipi itt the Treasury Depart•
mcnt at. WaiMotion; Mr. Erandehury is a
gentleman of fine talento, which he has for
years freely devoted to the promotion of Whig
principles.., Ills appointment is but a just'ac•
knowledgement for valuable and 'efficient set
vices as a workineWlitg. We shall miss him
at the next "rally."
STiIAWBERRIF.S Our enterprising
friend, Mr. DAVID MILLER, jr., of' the. ' High
land Nursery; near this borough, showed us
solne splendid specimens of this delightful
Fruit o few days since. He has now under
cultivation several varieties of the StraWberrY i
the largest an d finest of which is the •Hovey
Seedling.' Ono of these, shown to us, meas
ured full three and a half inches in circumfe,
ranee! We hope Mr. Miller will send a good
supply into market.
THE . CHOLERA.—Do our .citizens think
our town to' bo an entirely safe that no mea
sures are necessary for cleansing 'streets and
slloys,setiwing impure and offensive matter,
and adopting such regulations as shall have
seine effect in warding off disease? Proven
times' are. always bettor than corn ? , and it
seems to us high time that some Movement
should be made towards preserving the gene
ral health of the community,
every Saturday. The first number of a new
series of this widely-circulated and universally
popular Family Newspaper, will for the accom.
modation of new subscribers, be issued on
Saturday, the seventh day of Ju>next, with
several new, original and attractive features.—
The Homo Journal is wholly a'peculiar paper,
abounding in every variety of Litetature and
News; and .besides being one of the most
elegantly printed and interesting sheets extant,
it is by far the cheapest—the terms being only
Twn Dollars a year (in advance) or three
copies for five dollars. Addres Mortals &
Wrws, Editors and Proprietors, pt the office
of Publication, No 107 Fulton street, N. York.
June number of this remarkably Cheap tiabli
cation contains a varle,tirofAtecesti rig original
articles in-various departments of literature,'
together with several good Wood Engravings.
'flour readers arc incredulous as to the possi•
.bility of any person issuing a Monthly Maga
zine of near 100 pages, well printed on good
paper, and edited with ability, for the mere
trifle of $1 a year, lot them remit that amount
to Charles W. Holden, No. 109 Nassau street,
New York, and their incredulity will soon •va
THE GLORIOUS Fovirru!— Temper
ance, celebrations ore talked of in Shippons.
burg and News Mc on the 4th. 'A large seciety
has recently been formed in the latter place,
wo are informed. We wish it permanency
MAJOR GENERAL.--W4b are requested
to announce Col• William Gilmore.; of Cham•
bersburg, Franklin codnty, as a candidate Ibr
the Gaul of Major General of the XV division
Pennsylvania Militia, (being Cumberland, Per.
ry and Franklin countins,) at the election in
3iiiy nest.
.—A letter from
Goo Fleming, Esq. , (rocciveri joist us we were
going to press) dated- t+PlUin's, near Caw or .
ganzas , River, May I1,'184?," informs us that
tha - party.ha; , e reached that poinesarefy.'„lt is
about oho hundred mike beyond Independence:,
All of thorn wcro goodlrealth and gettingl
finely: • .
. .
- ;1::-.Corpalack 81:Co.'s list of - V4lulibl - 6 Prep
~ aratlOns. consisting •• ' •‘ •
~,,The'fieuulnb,'Halm'of Columbia, for restori ng .
PaibrAitrilaior, for' Patna' and ,
• "...Amin', Norio and Done Liniment for
.'lllcNalr'AlAconstic.,oll . for Deafness. •
Hay's Liniment for the'Pliee,' r •
Comstock*, Co.Pa ,Concentrctedinpohnil Fluid'
Extinct of.diersetierille; for,pyrifying the 8100d , ,-,.
- • ,
The Motlier'S anindiad Discoccry ; `;: • ',l , ,
~,;‘Longlefellrent Weittera l'anttiea:• •
• Rev. - . Dr. Bartholomew's , Expeetoraat' Platt • By'r,up
foreppldirit- •
•',6 , oonneys Mixture gor . Secier-Diseases.-.., -
" 'D Kblinstottic's VerittlAsge, for, Maims In „
And - Mte. , Draivp'e celebrated ":Pain
,for. hi - 'faliellika'lderlitis;.Dys'entery,:Cutk , nnd.:
:Ernieen,..heall4sores oti• man or beast, &o: , lie
;taken intairteily.or applied:eke : o,lllh. All the aboire.
valuable 'preparallimi which want of room , prevente
. • ;',us speaking 'of 11/0111,1mtloglarly, but whielt have oh'.•
lialtwelAhn•higtfest celebilty;,ara for sate 'ln Cailisle'
OH MLLES OGILDWsoIc., agent.,; , printed :401d , ,
lions be found with each artlelb, „ ,
• will .
• ~. , • -- , -..'l • , i , to, - .---, 1•.- -
:4•;l',lllATOtrigD;' T''-' ':' ' ; I , J. ;,..
,a niii ~ . teu en edi, Mew York; omtbii
. , . 1Y,..,!',', _ ay:,by the,,R6v.l.•Hinnlto -,
o.n.s.P4eise 14 ort ne i y ,, fc , • • n. 0%4.
'-'.•Menoescr-If- A" , r 4 .:'• 42 '', arliale,,-tei, mos
peacoat' , of IbA'.'Tallgtfteri'of,,,the' Roil.' LiMail
''''''' g'' 'k‘ 3ll 'V 0, '.:l(7Pirit‘) " I L ;,'PladOi ''''',"",-,. ', ' .
rt,l• , ,/,,, P,;s,,;;',
,•:,,g3,l,:re- ,ils-v1 DI : , • 44' , x`i=o , i'! .
in once in}la ' 4-- .-.' ~, ~,,•,.,:,
'...; lithinitailt.;•Tioon' Gin o •V ntlll l id ehiP '
';: - - 1 75 'years' - • :1
'" • --: '-' ''' - '''. - :'-'l - ':- .- ..':;`'...'": t•';.:4•AV.,:i.":,
„elPOra dears Statement,
Appraisement of Diatillera, teewers, gatipg.;Hoades:;Acii , in comberla.nd\
County , , , as classified-by.nie, as per‘ . .kgi...of ASsemtily ,`. passed , lotl April,
,F ~
~, ' t.
Edward Shower,./Catlikle °
Henry Barnhz do •
-WntrAlexander • -- dW• ---;;:--:-
Wm: T. Phaler do
Jacob , lido
John Hannon ••
A C,Norton do •
-Wm. Chandler . do
Jas. Donaldson • do
Geo. Chandler do . ~.
las•Hathorn do
Frank. Barker ' do
0 G Cramer do .
Elijah. Switzer do ,
Daniel Bile do
J W - Rutiz . do •
Levi Snell do
John Craig, , do ,
John Deemer do, . .
Thos. Edie do
Wm. Harkness Allen township
Wm. Harkniss do .
Robt. Linn, Dickinson t
Wm M Henderson, N. Middleton
Robert Colin, S. Middleton
John M Good, Abt. do
John Kelly .. . do ..
M. BellzhooVer, Monroe tp.
C& P A Ahlc do
Mr. Coover, Southampton
Joseph Quigley, Hopewell tp.
John Lsnghlin ' • do
Jacob r Ali, Newton tp.
• .All persons concerned in the above classification who may feel themselves aggrieved will,
take notice that I will hold'rtn appeal at the Court House in the Borough of Carlisle on THURS
DAY, the 91st of June, 1849 1 between the hours of 8 o'clock, kilt, and 4 P. M. , •
Juno(. J WORTHINGTON, Mercantile Appraiser.
Estate of GEORGE RUPP, dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that lettemof Ad
ministration on the Estate of GEORGE
Allen township, Gemb
co., ha
__. oy
to i tu li
in and
wnship in said county.—'
All . persons having claims o'r demands against
tha Mate of the said decedent are rentreSted to
make known the same without delay, and those
indebted io make iinmediate payment to
May 30—tit JOHN SHOP"', Adm'r.
Estate of Hetty Ramsey, dec'd.
LETTERS of Administration with the will
annexed; on the EState bf-HErrv-Rx.msEir;
Jate of South Middleton township, Cumberland
county, dec'd., have been grante-d to the subscri•
ber living in the Borough Of Carlisle. All per
ons having claims against said EState, are i.e.
(vested to present them for settlement, and
those indebtedlto make immediatirpayment to
may 25—(it—pd
Estate 9,1 SAM'L IRVINE, dec'd
N - UTICE is hereby given that Letters. Tes
tamentary on the estate of Samuel Irvine, Into
of Newton townshiP, ded'd., have been granted
to the sultseribers. the first named
the Borough of Newville, and the last named
in.Ne , vton township. All persons indebted to
said estate ill make immediate payment,And
those having claims will presorts.. them for set
tlement to
ISAAC Kool\ S, sr.
Estate of Daniel Gayinan, dcc'cl
NOTICE in hereby given ,lint Letlen; Ten-
Mmentary on the Estate of DANIEL GAY,
MAN, Into of Frankford township, dee'd.. have
been granted Io the subscribers,, the first named
living in, the same township, and the second
in Mifflin township, All persons knowing.them•
selves indebted to said estate to make payment
immediately, and those having claims to present
them for settlement in
Estate ot Daniel Mohler, dec'd.
LL parsons are hereby notified that letters
11. testamentary orr ihilast will - and testament
of DANIEL MOHLER, late of Allen town•
ship, Cumberland county, Pa., deed, have this
day been granted to the
,subacribers residing in
same town - sliip.' All persons havink_eltdme or
demands against the estate of said decodent•are
requested to make known the same without
delay, and those indebted to make immediate
payment to
mal6'496.tpd , Executors
Estate of Jacob-Lehman,.dec'd
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Tes
tamentary on the Estate of JACOB LEII
MAN, Into of South Middleton township dee'd.
have been granted to the subscriber. All per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate to make payment immediately, and three
having claims to ore'sent them for settlement to
GEO. BRINDLE, Executor.
mn u n'49(it
Notice to l'ax"-Payers
-UNDER the .pro Visions of the Act of 1844,
any county paying into the State Treaaury.
the State 'fax lovled on such county, prior to
the 17th of July in any year, is entitled to an
abatement of ii per cent. on the amount so paid.
The undersigned, CoMmissioners of Cum•
heriand county, in, view of the above provisions
consider it equitable and proper that those who
by the prompt payment of their taxes prior-to
the above date, enable the 'Treasurer to pay
over the Spite Tux, eo as to receive the afore•
said abatement of 5 per cent., the benefit of
which has hitherto been.enjoyed by the citizens
of the county generally, - should be allowed a
deduction of that amount by the collector—have
authorized the different Collectors to make said
abatement from the State tax, in ail cases Where
the State and County tax is paid to the collector
before the 17th day of July,l 849, when said
abatement shall amount to one cent or more,
no fractions e of a cent to be credited,
'Since the Act of '44, the Commissioners have
paid the. State tax of this county annually to the
State Treasurer, within the time prescribed by
the act, and the county has received the benliet
of an nuatement 'of five per cent. thereon, but
but to meet said payment they. have - found it
necessary heretofore to appropriate n parl of the
funds to moot the deficiency occasioned
by delinquents, until the balance of the 'State
Tax was collected. It therefore becomes no.
cossary to require the pa meat of both State
and county tax to entitle the payer to the afore- ,
sale abatement, upon the aforesaid Stale Tax.
'l'ho undersigned therefore confidently antici
pate that the above arrangement,and the further
inducement of enabling Cumberland county to
maintain the character for promptness and fi
delity which she has jicquired' in the discharge
of her obligations to the, Commonwealth, will
induce every tO Aiseharge Thew State and
County Tax prior to thei7th day of -July.
• . County Co missioners.
Attest—WM. REILLIC,,CIeek
Cemibissionors' , Office, '
, May 2, '49;
'l l /ALL PA 'ERS:
, -
THE alubseriber iriviteethe attention of par•
ehaaereAo"; his extehaiiie vnriely of WA.Lf.,
PATEES.:ettinnlea .ol .whielt "may bo eeen'.at
hie'BoOk le; enabled-- to sell it pity.
retail to-furnish' the • article' ,nt the
ebortea '.TA OB EEL.'
Ne* EtpriOg; - a.c, Butnmer,
JG; :OARIVIONTAia q nit tied.
I F.P. large and'extensiiiit ailtuclaleatmtSking
and Bummer:Goode' to - sehlelfhe invitee'the at,
teiation wf,-his friends And 'the' poliageneraily;
An'th'esllb determtned to gall , his goode' no
low ae any-otlier establishmantitrcarliale
the ; couaty. flaitars'trOie if that; istriat
m annikin ,tO 'huainase, he reeeflle lihirat
share or nnblio;"patronagel° , • ••••;',61025
~Tusl"; received and teamnleie,atook or
'ep ninti'Snin Good auinible
Weer. Hauser', BM. Franck and
Faney',Cjiloied -, Cistkei:of d'esetiptionaA.—Bl'k
And,Faney:Pasainrsp,i3l,all sliades, , and !nix!
iiires;'illo;CaSkineyints, 'Tweeds and . Praning=
Tonsot:All 049nrii and gnalitiasi. y,aiiiinge, , Silks
Tiltih,'erist!!ruir.§lo.,l64l4o alatk a ncy.Alataa
ith7„ liame paaartment„ ef ; Gloves; cravaar
* 66 : l 9',. l llTipa;Rifd.,§4,fravidlqa;.ag oPen,anJ
-toady, fatipiaa atipA ac.ipt atand ,oapokitta ;hi
• may 2q, , • • •
441i,t9A131:45.:1'...f.t.,: - !
.. o. .fliEW.ViidsP.ii4llxil:'oolo,i96p.iioitiil4-0110.
No. of Gqllono
• 36,000 Whiskey
27,000 . do
15,0 00 • Whiskey.
0,00 ' Whiskey.
54,000 Whiskey.
15,000 ' Whiskey.
45,000 Whiskey.
18,000 - do
9000 Whiskey.
1000 Whiskey
2000 'Whiskey
22,500 Whiskey
Incallister's annealing . Ointment
iIR THE WORLD'S SALVE, contains 'no
Illorcury.—The following , Certificate ie
from a regular Physician, of catoneive pram
. Re ister
issued b
,e - ri.lio
JUICE I have for the
last two years been 'alba habit of using your
Ointment-in eases...of Rheumatism Chilblains,
and in TENIA CAPITIES, (Scald Houds,r and
thus fur with the happiest effect. I think
from the experiments I have made with it,
that at richly deserves to be adopted as an ar
tigle`eftivery day use by ilmprolession at-large.
Yours truly, S..BELL;.,IiI. D. Phila.
Philadelphia, Dcc. 29,1.847:
To James McAllister—bear Sir: I take
pleasure in making known to you the great
benefit I have received by using your Vegeta
ble Ointment, or the World's Salve, I had an
ulcer, or running sore, on the ear, of many
years standing; I have applied to several
physicians, but all tone purpose; but by using
your Ointment a few days it Was completely
dried up and well.. I have used it fur burns,
for which I find it an excellent articl e ; also in
all cases inflamation; ED. _THORN.
I certify the above statement is true.
N 0.90 Market,strect, Phila. •
Vdo certify that I have.stised McAllister's
all Hauling Vegetable Ointment for coldness
of my feet; also for Rheumatism in my limbs
and Corns on my feet, and have been entirely
reheved. Ificlieving•it to be a good Medicine,
I do not hesitate to recommend it In the above
complaints. • • - LEONARD KAILE,
Morris tp. Waihington Pa. Aug. 21, 1847.
, I certify that I have used McAllister's all ,
Healing Vegetable Ointment, or the World's
Salve, for a tooling in my wife's brdast, w!fich
has given her Incalculable benefit; also on one
of my chlldren, , for sore oyes, which give im.
mediate relief. .1, therefore, recommend it as
- a
good medicine. PARKER - REED,
Hopewell (p. Washington Co. Pa. Aug.. 2.1, '47.-
Around the box are directions for using Mc.
Allisier's Ointment, for Scrofula, Liver Com.
plaint, Byreidielas, Teller, Chilblain, Scold
Head, Sore e3teie, Quincy, Sore throat,-Beonchi•
toe, Nervous - affection ," Pains, Head ache,
Asthma, Deafness, Ear ache, Burns, Corns,
all diseases of the skin, Sore Loa, Pimples, 4c.
Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism,
Piles, Cold feet, Croup, Swelled or Broken
Breast, Tooth ache, Ague in the face, 4c., 4c.
If MOTHERS and NURSES know its value
in cases of ' , swollen" or Sore Breast, they
would always apply it. In such cases, if free
ly used, and aceording,to the directions around
each box; ,['gives relief in u very few hours. r
BURNS—It is one of the best things in the
world for Burns. (Soo directions for using
PlLES—Thousande nro yearly cured by
this Ointment. It never falls in tiving relief
for the Piles.
This Ointment is good for any part of
the body or limbs when inflamed. In some
eases it should be applied often.
CAUTION—No Oiniment will he germlne
unless the name of JAMES McALISTER is
written with a pen on every label.
For sale by ihy agents in all the principal
cities and towns itt the United States. ,
Solo Proprietor °Ns above Medicines.
Principal Office REMOVED to'2B N. Mute Sr.
S. Elliott, and 6. W. Haverstielt, Carlisle
•J. &L. iteigel, Mechanicsburg. •
G. W. Singiser; Churchtown.
Rhoad •& Wherry, Newburg.
Joseph H..fierron,Nowville. •
J. M. Lutz, & Geo. W. Bell, Harrtoburg:
A ro the tongue often white and loaded; the
breath heavy and. foetid;. a disagreeable
otawpctialt,.. taste-in-the-moutln-occasionelly
•thirst; the'appetito extremely variable, some
times remarkably deficient; and at others vo
ralcious. Vlore is sometimes a siekieli_fecling
with vomiting of mucous; :flatulence of the
stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen)
swelling and hardness of the, abdomen; the
bowels are Irregular; the stools aro slimy; and
'there is at) occasional appearance of worms
in the evacuations; the urine is often milky
and 'turbid; there is frequently itchiness of the
fundament mid' nose, which, is often swollen;
there is 'occasionally disturbed , sloop. with
grinding of the teeth, and sudddon awaking
in ti fright. There are, at tinier), headache or
giddiness, ringing in the cars, or even deaf-.,,
nese, faintness, convulsions, drewsinees, We.
!once of manner, ill temper. In some cases
epilepsy and cholera, and 011/311 apoplectic and •
PacalYlie symptoms;' and moral of the signs
of ;from of the brain and catalepsy, appear -
connected with worms. Frequently, there, itta
short i fty 'cough, and pleuritic pains ';' snme
times feeble and irregular , pulse; ,valpitations
and irregnlar fever: thti'-epuntenanco' Is
generally.-pallid -,-or ..sallow, - -and , sitmewhat
blowed,,and there occasional, &Aril. of
one.o•bath cheeks....!..Ani'one tuf 'these signs
hilndicative.W.ornis;:and the Morit'offeetual
tfatiCand cheatiesi'reinedyja '7 : N,
Ent.`.7ottri;4o,l4lititaE. WORIW TEA; prepared ,
by LlNS;7tit .h h olesele - and
Retail :Drug;tStrire, , Carlielq.-Pa;;Yand: - ..nonir.,-'
genuine ,withent tlitiWiltten'eigrialure; 4
Jrhe,ProPrietor. Or Ohl - Medicine - is' ,
Rant of .its. anporiarityt.tio,any.'ather
Medicine. noW,ln'aee, ,, , , thathreiwill - ,chearftillY . :...
h is
FreParation . fails..te give equal' satisfaction;e,,
i , ..4 . 14,,W,0RW1TA 'When ...made ..accordingi. ,. ;:
td - thaMtittillons,' % ie Pleasant . and will tie takenz
by,thk*tavdimidioulu ; peak age ,
aortal Nadi cido' thy the cure the'
most "Oldititiate; only- , 2s`cents!a'; .,
Oa'NOPOKnYlkore4eP.Oil ppl led iciV
the menit`i terrify , • (9420491,y' *!
0 1 , -
rn L
f w
go,o o
... df , Ohoip ers' wan
"..t.,,. et..,
. „I t!iiLo 4 l4° ,. ?a-"ii,3`,3tiPl° ,
YAn ii,
~f 44 Orrt"7,',",3j.oHolPEUSffy Yitileatictinbmule,*P9i4, ,surnuePororile°uul"llrice3sF.“iiivai
cord..,F lsilErt!. Ett:A/q): , ,
Distiller' - :12 50'
Brew& • AOO
Eating . .hotise
do 5 00
Beer hoeso 5 00
Medicines 5 00.
do. 5 00 . ,
do " 5 00.
'do 5 . 00
do 5 01)
.do , 5 09
do 500.
do ; 5 00
do '•• 509
do 5 00
do 5 00_
do -5 00
do ' • 5 00
hiskey, r, t 8
,-r• - -10
it 'rttotitc .
INEW-teghtriii'llAnoWAßElTOßE.. -, -:.
MliFilialuictilferemave2,itiiitvreeeiVelf at tneir
east` High" air raitriasiteC,Pililfiy'S Dry Good
Store; a - large tOok, , at goßgsVsn'theirl liaa, to
which thimwe lii, call, tliF,lfttintion.,ofitrchah:
sore, ateii.'arrangoinent an, the city hesng - each;
as — tii - Ohablii , thehil to seen , 'thei goods r at the
lowest city if:ideas.' , • .'• •A'..!"' , •
`.4, - :, , • -. , •', .
Their , stockcomp rises ' i'ftll'assortment of.
Locks and'. Latches Of ettehr.stileaad. Size,—
Hinges; Screws,..Bolte,"ah& every article used'
- ftWßilildiligis7 - Atigilts • - and - liiig - iff:Bitte,. chisels.
braid and hand rucea, - :hatcheste,fdrawing knives,
planee;•and'plane' bites?haiadi . .panel, and ' Rip.
ping saive,.mill,' , cros'e;eht'„tind'circular' saws,
trace arid . hallat 'Maine, llamas; shovels, spadee,
sod hoes; hakand manure failts.'YAlso, a largh
assortmeht ~ of Pocket and Table • putlery,—
spoons, shovel and tongs. )halters and' '['rays,
Hollow ware; Brass and3„eitamaleil Preserving
Kettles, Iron Furnaces;' Cedar Ware, 'anvils
and vices, Files and Rasps of every kind. Bar
Band and Hoop Iron, Cadt, Shear Spring and
Blister Steel, - &e. Also. • •
iOO Boies Window Glass. '
5 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
20 00
20 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
5 00
12 50
100.1Cege Wetherill's Pure Whife Lead
5 Barrels Linseed Oil..
3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine.
200 kegs CninborlandNitile.
To all whom it may Concern !
ROHANKFUL-io the public generally for past
jj favors and their liberal patronage, still con
tinues to carry on 'the SADDLE, TRUNK,
and HARNESS making business, at his old
stand in N.anover street, two doors north of the
Carlisle Bank, dt the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. He is now beter prepated than ever to
accommodate his custotnerit, 'having recently
made great alterations in his establishment, so
as to enable him to keep a much better assort
ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, scoop, tub, quilted and plain SA
common; Farmers' Gears, of, all kinds, Tra
veiling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,-
' Valenta's and Carpet Bagai-13ridles,.Martingals
'_Dollanii,Stock,-Leathor-and-Raw - Hhie - Witipic,
Leather, cotton and worsti,d Fly -nets, and'. all
Other articles in his line—all of which he is de
teriainektiheltat'the very lowest Miilflitices.
Making and repniringiVlatrasses of hair. husk
and straw, tind all kinds of Uphotsteing will be
punctually attended to. •
ap2s'49i y
I!nce of Hardware,
• 1 hI AVE just veeeived-the largest and Cheap.
est stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's. and Cabinet
Maker's Tools, Mahogtiny Voniera and all kinds
of Building Materials over brought to Carlisle
consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails
a _
and Spikes. Persons about to build will find
greatly to their advantage to look at my stock
before purchasing elsewhere. - Come and see
the Gorids and pearl the price and you will be
convinced that. this is really the Cheap Hard
ware Store. Also, in store anvils vices, files
and rasps, and a complete assortment of Watts'
Best Bar Iron,,also Rolled and Hoop Iron of all
sizes. I have also .• the Thermometer Chuin
made by Mr George Spangler, the best article
now in use. •
SC YTH ES.—I have just receivermy Spring
stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to
he a superior &Melo. Cradle makers and
others will find these Scythes to be the best ar,
tide itt the market and at the lowest price
wholesale find retail at the old stand in North
Hanover street. • JOHN P LYN-D.
apt 8'49
Rooks,, Stationary, Ire,
THE undersigned having purchased the Book
and Periodical ostabliithinent lately kept by
Mr Joseph Kneedler, next door to•Burkholders
(late - Bootem's) Hotel, respectfully informs the
!public that he inte nds to keep constantly on
I'band all the latest a nd beet publications of the
day, which he will furnish at PUBLISHERS PRI.
CPA. Among the best and most popular works
lately issued from the press are the following
Harper's cheap and superfine edition of Me
' Cauligy's History of England. - Neandor's Life
pf Christ. Large family Bibles elegantly Bound
common do. • Diolt'ot Philosophical works
Prayer and flyiun Books, superfine editions.—
Pardoe's Louis XIV.. Classic and English
Dictionary's. Scars' Wonder of the Worli,
260 engravings.'_Dowligg's.Hititory of Roman
ism, a new and enlarged edition, containing the
life of Pope Pius IX. btinging the. history down
to the present time. Family Monitor, by Mrs.
Ellis, containing her popular workA, Women,
Mothers, Wises and Daughters of England, Bvo
Statesman's Manual from NVashington to Polk,
2 Vols. Bvo. Guido to SoCial Happiness, by
Mrs Ellis, 8v). cloth extra.' The Gluttons, a
family picture by Buiwor. New York in Slices
by an experienced carver. Roland. Cashel by
Chas. Lefevro, part Ist. • The Diamond and the
Pearl, a new novel by Mts Gore. All of Ellen
Pickerings, Mrs. G‘cy's and other popular iffi:
vols on heed. - Together with, the best assort-
Meet of Miscellaneous, Scho'6l, Mid - Religious
books. Also,Stationery, Blank Books, Sze.—
'The best daily, weekly and family newspa.
pars in the citieseof Philadelphia, New
: York
and Boston.
AZIN es-rGodey, Gyaham, Sartain, La.
dies Nat onal, - Ijolden's, Eclectic, Columbian,
&C. recetyed regularly as soon as issued
from ,the press, and furnished at Publishers
prices. All orders, for books, &c., promptly
I - trended to—his arrangements • being such as
will enable him to supply all orders in two or
three days notice at ihrillet..
April 4,'49.. • JACOB ERB•
New and Important!
GEORGE W. RIIEEIII having recently
purchased the county right of HAvwenTs's
PATENT COLLAR STuFFER, would respectfully
call the attention of the trade to that important
invention.. It is certainly - .one of the sreales
improvements of the age. This machine stuffs
the Collar crooked around the.block, faced with
hair, wool, or other materiali, hack stuffs it with
long straw, and also makes collars of cbt straw
Wit!' less than half the labor'and time of the old
way of stuffing. This machine will stuff all
and every kind of horsd collars; fram the best
. ..mem leather down to the catrunonest kind in
use, and with but ono men steadily et work will
stuff and shape fifty collars per. day in a neuter
and letter style than any other Way known.
Saddlers in the county are invited to call at
tlio subscriber's establishment on North Hano
ver street' ' Carlisle, and examine the machine.—
TOwnship:Athol:l : rights will ;,be sold. To
those whodoj
not, wish to buy n.right the sub s
scriber offers Rum/. Wan COLLARS at whole
sale much . shaaner' than they • can be Menefee
tont! in anyether Way. Orders for collars in
any quantity, are respeetfullysolicited.
• - •
Newark - ngture arms
JU,ST receiyod at Dr. Ravy4na'.. Drug k"orti . .
May 2'49:
Yirast , POwder.
Fraah and . warranted: goad,' far aide ,at Dr
RA WLIN,,T- 'F - Druit.atore;:llyireat Main ai red
'Cotiele.. ,
. . .
.AN extensive assottment and'or all qualities;
and pikes- . Call ,und l' , ,incntnintilopt. ;the cheap
more in Nottlt'Hanoyer
g rant:, `,..., ',
. m 2 ' -.•• '., . , 1- , : s!.';' , l. l G. CMVIONY..
•. , r —FRZIEUEZ' 'EWALD "
, FigßßlNG;jiiit 100ived . by t h e,
suba'cribai, , vnry,.auportor. arliclaa, and faii
Rale A3heapioir_caeh - at , tha .Inmily• x l eocery ,inorai
of- ' : ' [iota) ' •:' ' 105.13 11 'LIIERT.'.! .
, „
~. ... .. .,.
•,' •• onnot , Zatniio•4ll4 -;
JUST- opened a variety of ColorettkßOnn'et ,
;Lawne,Bonn et Crowns andaipe,stianee do„ .
CotfOrt Shirts
VI alao Silltß s Itirtf4jO,ettecelved , Ity:1 - 44
. . ,
.13oot.10:14A4111111oepW;i?,Y, e . :# , ':-;
A eplerid id nisaitriri,enr ;pf Speliie;iiiitie*oof
Booto,A9gether with wiiiptmiitidthWditbiith end
lust cloge,,noo- mitt fot sakiAttiv
:RAviizNeq,ip A uc t iim,n99iF , Storo Meht Main
1 -
TO:VhOnt , alifir 40110•11V''
THE;Pciokiikrid,iNetps I),Ofwgipirld:the firm
of ,yrityrstis eLeirtrope&are_ now,m tiM hp,4_l4(
otion^ilto o. persona
ash l firm:will
ileirmld.pey oft tfogiriikotriti ar haboirt(tel'befoffi t
tlikast - 61,JulyMaxt,:mtialler 'that bellB,lh4;
accoiiote :.
;fir '.".
';' , IIY;PRS, tin,E 4 43 R.,
1 - rllll,l3r'St•iflrPu'r,z ~
,'" ' • -"•;'...T;:77
. „
. .
~ . •
. ,
' •
" %".'". • -
Irish Linens;
.1..,,,.5.1. t
' 1414 i., ±"..;:r ,r' r t
titauglybig x"-
, ~,., ,„- ,,, . -,.., -_: ,.:,... :4
7cA't:i' Pl_f_. TO. N AR,
~ :,----.,-, , .c:,GREAVOENTRAC`..'''
~. ''
164 chpu s uf 67rilt;Corner.of S'ppenth, Svpim'a
'•' -'. ' Buiklingt Thiladelphia.` -
mr - NOWING: the wants of did community, 1
XX. the Proprietor • of this .Establishment has'
fitted up a Store in the most elegant manner,
hrving'ilue , - regsrd to the comfort.' of *his cus
tomers, so that•every.Strangetiisitinghis Book''
Store, may teal entirely at..homer- . - 4 . • = -
' HIS - IMMENSE - STOCK , of Books is °las:
sificid the.varions , Departmenteol
Literature, so thatflisitors.catt . ,, find the - Books
they ire in search 'of for themselies. Baying '
his .stock for the'• most, ‘part, at' the.Auortott
SALes(and being connected with .one of the
Largest Publishing Houses in this country,
besides publishing largely himself. enables him
to sell ALL BOGER at LOWER PRICES than
any other house of a similar character on this
continent. His: facilities for the LurouNATIoN
or Booxs from;Europo, are unsurpassed, hay-
I log a Branch of his establishment in• London,
where afters of private gentlemen aro carefully
executed and forwarded to this Country by.
1 every Steamer and packet.
A CATALOGUE of Books with the prices
attached is issued quarterly, containing Lists of
:NOW.' Additions_ made ta_his-large collection, -
which are in all cases for sale at the LOWEST
PRICES, or from 25 to 7.1 f per cent. below
Publisl erg!, prices. Thus in buying even a
few Books, quite a considerable amount is',
saved. As a still further Inducement to stran
gers visiting the city, every one who purchases
Ono Dollar's worth of Books, Will receive a .
eleffarit lamo. volume, the price of which is 25
cents. •
IKrThe limits of an advertisement are too
confined tcronumerate the prices of any of the
Book', or to giV von a faint idea •of the im
mense advantages be derived from purchar
ing at the great Cdntra Cap Book Stofe, but
let all who are in search .61 Books send for a
.Catalogue, and buy the books they are in want
of, and When visiting' the city, give Appleton
one call, and you will be sure to call again.
--!-STA-T-lONER - Y - in7all its branches furnish
ed at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those
perchasing Lotter' and Note Paper, neatly
stamped' in the corner, Without Charge.
Orders for any article'may be sent by mail,
addrersed to the Proprietor pnd the directions
in all cases will be fully carried out. With great
punctuality and despatch.
. °orders for Catalogues should be prepaid.
Bookseller, Publisher, Importer, and -Ste;
' ..tioner, 164 Chesnut Street, corner of Sti•
venih, Smaim'e Building fmy9'4o3md
A Purely Vegetable Medicine.
V RA'I'IVE PILLS nave been gradually
but surely domeing - inio favor, among the fami
lies of this Country for some years past. They
have done this entirely inrough their great worth
as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies . brim
been appointed but no pulling end hurelma
as is resorted to by quacks to sell their mcilicind
has been done. The pills. ' see offered fur sale
and have and will erntinueto be sold by all t="e
principal storekeepers., The—proprietors claim
for their Medicine the following advantages over
nll others—viz; They are PURELY'VEGE
RA. t'E. Their operation is FREE from all
PAIN. They can be use(i witb EQUAL BEN
STRONGEST MAN—Their efficiency in Fe,
vers, Ague. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness,
Flyspopsia,.Cholera Morbus, hOs been pro
ved uplon thousands. They aro a Ceitairk Cure
for Worms. The proprietors-possess a certifi
cate from ageneemarr Lottiswhe was cu
red of a TAPE WORM by the use of them,
Travelling 'agent for the State of Pennsylva
nia—CHAßLES P. A MET. For sale, price 25cts
a box containing FIPPY PILLS, with full di
rections by the following agents in .Cumberland
County - . -
For sale by - Dtt RAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pa.
— .IV Lib. yes,—Shippensbnra.
S L SENTMAN,—Newburg. _ _
Proprietors, Laboratory, No 14.1F6estnut street
January, 24th, 1849,
Shad and Herring,
A LOT'of No " - Fresh - Shad find Herring, of
dire quality andfull Brands, as also Ground Al'.
lurn SAL l', and a lot of fins Dairy Salt either
n sacks or b j the bushel—besides SALMON
AND MACKEREL, now in store and for sale
at lowest crash prices, call anctrree for yourselves
at the Grocery Store of .1 W. EBX
Cure Your Uorse
• es;t.. ° with Humor's, Soros, galled
neck and shoulders, quitter
; jog& bone, grease, apavin, or
• evil. one box of Dalley's
Anima (..ti!ironic Cure-AII will convince you
that thre. is no mistake in it. .
READ THE FOLLOWING , v—TIHE is to certify
that.l have used Dalloys Animal Galvanic Cure
All, and found it the safest and most speedy
care for sores and bruises, that I have aver
Used, and I take pleasure in recommending it
to all. • S ROLLINS, -
Livery Stable, 181 Jay at.
For the Depot, 415 Broadway.
JAIVIDSFLEtIiNG. Agent for Cumberland
county. En ail 4
Heyl's Embrocation for Horses.
THIS valuable EMBRO
CATION will cure Sprains.
Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell
ing, Rheumatism. and d'all,
-3 • complaints,v,vhich require Art
external remedy. It gives Tmniedinte relief to
the 'Scratches, and the incident to Horaes having
white feet and_noscs, produced by tile. St. 'John
Wvrt. It is also highly useful in relaxing stiff
nese of the Tendons apd Joints and produces
beneficial .effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints,sprains. This ElilIIRO.•
DATiON is rccomended to Farmers', Farriers,
Keepers of Livery Stables, and private-gentle
men owning Horses, and shottld be constantly
kept in their stables. The GENUINEI twit-
cle is prepared Ady . by W. MAllBllx.ra.,.No 302
Race at Philadelphia. And for ssio
and retail at DR. RAWLINS''Drug Store W
Main street, Carlisle. •
March 14-Iy.
Word to Horsemen.
cideiß the best preparation that, can be
. • used for the cure of Sprains, Btu
••sus, Cuss, Gal ls Splint, , Curb,
"Z.1 1 1r• 49 • Ringbono,'Spavni7Suffness of the
Join's; &c., It is an article which
should 'boA'it the bands of : every
HOrennitte r and nit. stable should- be without a
bout le.of it. Trice only 25 and 50 cents per bot;
prepared,onliby'S.lll Pearson, IWD, and
for iiiiyarhOloialoand retail,.at No: 106 North
Second !atrt3et„,, , Philadelphini , a . nd DR. RAW
LIN'S 'Wholesale, and, retail agent, Carlisle;-Pa.
IP.S l ",, , Yeceiiickl , the 'newest 'and latest
,I invite ihe ottani.
lion of. the'tlailies, Will be. mild as barinine,—
ceil'en4 **thine', of the' , Cheep ,Stord in 'North
Hanover street'. r` , G,CARIVION
:. tnoyB4
, - :
Dr. Rawlins' lkiig Storm' " • • • '
• 'Bombpzi.nes,
74tTitte - st Bo in si z i ne i
, A i nneas
Cdshwerea, Moue de . Lanes, and ,othor, , Dreims
C WI I3 I 'tat relaived iknd , for BRIO uheupV
• ," AV 14.PreN
an4:l6l , . DrisgAykr.i.
LlNsk'Druig &.T93o,.Stor?:,,:ty,4l#:::StriAo
qealitteliguiscrae-tufitiot,inieut low priced
Dawes' u CePeried,PP'!Nt4o3..SW.JlDrlsiElt.::,,
, 2 .
1 „, y ,c olti
''a . Linen enl3
v ~
~._aTi.t. d .
.. if P . ,i
4c •
JUEremoved 1 , 9 t? fNoe A Ara l B tiaiv °°l e'..Lba:folTrnr!, vavhlDremita'„— AWrrt ,i.e.b,•, 4 . ,W . FILT
'W,i , !is;;?:;t. 40''P' ;
'`. ' 7..1,, 0ir,•rf tl .• '1 .L—oftir, g • ,O f Fi g ured Ware' i.. re
'ifsir'o,4° rib fled a 7 9 OciodeAti).3o.2, ,
.I,units4 it a •:, : ,-- q,i , . ~.
7. 1i,264-.12.:4:,,L:-.. , -7-,-7, .
. - ,. ~..,,-,.,, • ,
jrc 71
. • cell. . ;
Old Simi-Academy,
HE Sixth Seasion eornmence
DAY, May., 7th, 1849.• The number of eta:.
gents is limited, and, they are curefully s preparetk
for College, counting hbuse, Bic, "&c...
The situation precludes ' the pOesibikiir of stu
dents--associating.with-the.vicions or-'depraved;
being remote fronitowri,or..villege,,tiunigh easily_
accessible by State Road" oiCumberlacid Vglley
Railroad,, both of•which pass through lands at..
ached to the institution.: -
Boarding, washing, tuition & c, (par sea.) 830 00
Latin or Greek ^, 0 , - 500
Instrumental Music: 10 00
French or German. 5 PO
Circulars with references &c. furnisbetl' by
May 9. R. K. b. 1.14 NS, Principal.
NATHAN lIANTCII having removed his
Cheap Clothing Store to the roomformen
ly occupied by Maj. Lkmberton, between con.
lyn's Jewelry Store andAturkholder's hotel, in
West Main street. would-respectfully inform his
friends and the public that he intends to con
tinue the business as heretofore • Ile 'has just
received a large assortment of
• Spring and Summer Goods,
which he will have mndo hp at the shortest 410-
tic° and in the. most' desirable manner He will
constantly have on hand a large selection of
Ready Made Clothing,
Cheaper than over offered to the public before—
such as black and blue areas coats. frock and
sack coats•of various colours, tweed coats of al
shapes and colors, summer cloth coats, linen
cotton and jean coats, and all other kinds of
fashionable coats, black and fancy cashmere
pants, summer pants of every description and
color, plain and fancy satin vests, summer vests
all sortsmnd colors, shirt bosoms and collars,
neck and pocket handkerchiefs, stocks, swim
ders--ot -all kinds very cheep Don't forget the
-place .
Carlisle, April ,77.,-3m
SPRING ram:nous.
THE subscriber has just received
nhother lot of the new style of spring
FIA'PS, is prepared to accommodate
both riis old anti new friends with an
.; elegant article, besides every other
articlegin his line. His stock is large and va.
rious, comprising fih erlifole Skin ' and ßeaver
Hats' with Nutria, Fur, Summer and_ every
variety of Slouch Hats. While lie cheerfully
records his acknowledgement of past favor, Ito
would respectfully solicit a conanuance of pub•
lic pationag,e. at the Old Stand in North Han
over street. - GEORGE KELLER.
141 ay:i'
AT HAVERSTICK'S old established Eirtig
and Book Store, on North Hanover street, a
new supply of rugs and Medicines, fresh and
carefully selected, together with cvlifff:Viricd
and extensive assortment' of Finley Wads,
Books, Perfumes, Soaps, Cutlery, Gold and'
Silver Pens and Pencils, Cornelius',Splendid
Parlor Lamps, Girendoles, and Flower Vases
Ethereal Oil Lamps, Fruits, Confectionary, and
a variety of other articles which 'it is impossi
ble to enumerate, but comprising , the largest,
end most splendid display ever offered in Car
lisle. and at prices correspondingly cheap. The
attention of his old friends , and customers and
the public generally is particularly invited to
his present stock, with which they cannot tad to
be pleased.
Ftesh Dugs, Medicines, Ike. 80,
J. have just received from Philadel
phia and New York very extensive
.ailaitions . to my former stock, embra
cing nearly every article of Medicine
-now -in use, togCther with Paints,
',lntacTurpentino, Perfumery, Soaps,
Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing Tackle,—
Smiles of almost every neseriptten, with an
endless variety — af other articles, which I am de.
'ermined to sell et the VERY LOWERY prices.
All Physicians, Country Merchants, Pedlars
and others, are respectfully requested not to pass
the OLD STAN D, - es they may rest assured
that every article will be sold of a good quality,
and ugarotifsbnab terrrib. '
May 30
THE public are hereby notified 'that an im
mense stock of the handsomest and cheapest
dry goods ever brought to Carlisle have plat
been received at OGILBY'S Cheap Wholesale
and Retail Store. My a ock is very large, and
I am determined to cut goods at the very lowest
notch. I have some of the cheapest Cloths,
Cassimeres, Vestings, /to., ever seen. Muf
fins and calicoes from Sc upwards, Lawns, De
Latinos, Ginghatni, elegant and very cheap.—
Stockings from 61 to 50c. Bonnet ribbons front
4c to 25. Pantaloon stulTs from 5 to 25, alga
chas.from 121 to 50c.
Come one, come all, and pet good and cheap
goods at the old stand, east ' , Main street, Car
lisle fm30 . 1
P S. Country §tores supplied at city prices.
- • The . Cheapest, -Goods.
F the season havojust been received at the
store of the subscribers, being the second
largo arrival this spring. Among this largo sup
ply may be found a variety of LADIES DRESS
GOODS, such as, lawns, Gingham, Molts do
Laiito, Moulins,' Linen Lustrps, Calicoes, in
heaps, Checks, Muslins very cheap„ Pickings,,
Flannels Cambric, Book, Swiss, and Jaconot
plaid and-striped largo supply of
MEN AND BOYS' WEAR—Tweeds. Cash ! .
marettii. (Moths, Cassimeres.Nestings, Hosiery
Gloves, Ribbons, Table Covers, Oil Cloths,
Groceries, &c., Hardware, - and a general and
complete assortment of VERY CHRAP
GOODS, which cannot fail to please both in
quality and price- We invite the public to call
and secure bargains, nt the old stand, throe door's
south of Inc Post Office.
May 30 A &. W BENTZ.
Q, 19"
o s oo
*.-,g-1` S
. .I.FLetitrli..jusit :'received: frond Mr' Landreth,
anti* supply of. GARDEN. SEDDS i ' they
aro warranted FRESH and genuine. - ".
March 14 " ' S .ELLIOTT.
Lykeet.Valley Coal. •
TUE bykon'elrallev Coal Company will be
prepared to deliver COAL, on and after the 20th:
instant artheir depot, Millersburg, Dauphin Co.,
Pennsylvania, (at the head of the . Wiscopisco
Oanal, 12'miles from Clark's Ferry,) at, the fol
lowing prices; GASH.. • •
Lump, Broken &. Screened $2.00 per ton
Nut • - 1,75 • , :11
Lime' burgers•sereened , 1 37it
Lime . buniora mixed ;
t ;- - -Tretourer.T.
reenifed .
and'P. opened by; , the'l subscriber, preeorved'
Gingefond Pine ..A.pplei . Orange .Jelly,Ticklo'..
Lobetere, Ghi3'rjcifie, ..*nngoesx Teppere(rieol-
Mil Tomatoes :nndlOniops, Olives, Caperej'An:
chovieeZßerdine4;tTomato_Ketehuti,. fine'. mixed
'French Mug tard very:choice - and ; pure
orment or k : Salad j Ln. Feeeivedot..
HavA 6'4:9 CI%
nieburners;Loot.llerei, ,. :
B ,Z AL ,
1/00,VONS, ;LimnTo
• - anlisilneljoesald fdr
00118 E 749•::'
„ ,
LARGE and•:ep ei . ldid - f.aseoi,tmenV
hogtinj. Fituned Looking,,Gleisielitonii. biao:
rkto aubecilber at
an hiti:cheap 'at &rile trorthltenl.-
2E t: .1; G4'pARM 014Y4
ZeiLNUTIIII - ' , -r
nnArIEAWNSILiveIe etyleil can +t
t taklicOer, at. We , °hear'
1 4t PtekP f0 ,0 1 , 1 , , ,,f- 1 1 91 / 9 X
Vat4erne; CteritilO V e4teir b ,Al l3 f0 14 " 0 E 4
itiotLCollt arid
see. •
. _,
Main street. Carlisle.
" ( IItsit'CRIAING GOODS. r .
TPErViaaelfdaftakiiiiii 'Opening, on 'elegant
assertmettapft_STAPLE o- AND DRESS
GGODSViiirieliitin;pleln , and' figured' Savages,
Lineir•;••luititrialdiffeitertt colours and styles.
LaWririfif , evilittyle anti:pried, a large assort -
nient'itt; Ging atris;'.. @Mager Alsap';.., ever, cam-
briaii:bintilmtislin,:ii'largerissaitnient of Lace
Goothi;' , "-Ledieir and,:,Gcntlerneire'•Rid Gloves '
Lisle arid:thread , gloirtis. - :'',XL'arge assortment
Of spring'berinat Ribborie - , — alao; Hosiery, Tuck
and. •sidezeombp,•-ateel =Beads. Bag- and—Pursti •
claspeoilidea, rings and Sillc-twist'. - of every co
lour:"` Xlvirge" assartment. or - Bore and Mons
,Spring and' Summer Wear, also, beautiful
prints, fist- colours, : English chintzes, hand
some patterns, together with a large asportment
of bleached and brown minibus and o ther goods.
Purchasers will do well to call' and - Bob before
they purchase elsewhere.. • • • ' '
stir 4 R GILOOKS.
-.Mew -Spring . Goods!
THE subscribers have Just received a large
and cheap stock ,of SPRING GOODS, bought
iu fOr cash, which . .they'eller for Sale at very
low prices. 'The following is a park, Blue
Brown, and Blue Black CLOTHS, from 1,50
to 5.00 pqr yard. .A, handsome lot of all wool
CASSIMERES from 62+ to one dollar per wird
Those are a veri'clieep lot. A variety of LA
DIES. DRESS GOODS, consisting :of Plain
and Fancy AlpachaLtnitres t Earlaton Ginghams,
Mohair Plaids, Silk Plaid Linens, Shaded Mous
Ile Lathes, Darwin; as low es 12+, a great vari
ety of Calicoes ,from,fii to 12+. We have fine
Elish Chintzes warranted at 12+.' Also,
BONNETS, Braid stone dollar, and Upwards
together with a variety of fine bonnets emong
which some entirely rim styles. CARPETS
at 121, 181, 25, 31+, 621, 75; 2 yards wide at
50 cts. per yard. Checks, Ticlungs, Muslins,
very therm flannels, men and boys Summer
Wear, from 10 to 50 cents, and a great and
,'general variety of goods in our line, which we.
aro determined to sell et - the very LOWEST
PRICES. We respectfully solicit nn exami
nation of our stock, satisfied that our goods are
cheaper than they htive ever been sold—in this
rch 14 • 3 doers south of Post • 0 ffiee.
New and Oheap Spring Goods,
CORNER of Hanover and Loather Streets,
opposite Leonard's Old Stand, Carlisle.—
The undersigned respeotfully inform their
friends and the public that they have just re-,
turned from Philadelphia with a large and well
selected assortment Of new SPRING, GOODS
purchased at the very lowest pricer, and - Whlclit
they are .determined to sell at small profits.—
Arnong.them may be found Clothe, Cassimerea
Vestings, Tweeds, Pantaloon Stuffs in- great
variety, best Ameriedn'and India Nankeens.—
Also, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting
in part of Silks, Bareges, Silk Tissues, Alps
NETS, a fine lot, Palm Leaf Hats, Ribbon
and: Lace Goods. An elegant assortment 9f
Calicoes and fine Chintzes, suitable for the ap
proaching season, at our usual low prices—
Checks, Drillings, Linens and the usual variety
of bleached and unbleached muslins. BOOTS
AND SHOES—a well selected assortment of
men's, women's , And childrep's —; good and
handsome. GROCERIES—in all their varie
ty, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Company's
celebrated TEAS, &c. All the above goods
have been purchased right, aria will be sold low
Please give us a call.
March 28 S. D -POWELL & CO.
.a El BM OVAL.
Iky Goods and Groceries.
tG. CARMONY desires to inform hi
• fil6nda and the public that he hat remo •
ved,urrlie stand on North Hanover street lately
occupied by Chas - Barnitz. and text door to •
Haverstick s Drug and Book Store, whore he
is determined to sell goods as low as any other
establishment in Carlisle or in the countk. Elie
stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinetts;
satin, cachmere. merino and silk Vest ings ;
rinoes, Alpachae, .1/4ous Ale Lanes, Cachmeree,
French:waked collars, kid gloves. silk fringes,
gimps ' flowers, thread laces, &c. TICK-
G.S at 61 eta, calicoes 9 to 61 cis, very cheap ,
mastitis, hosiery, Berlin and Cachmere gloves,
A large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS,
very low, satin Ain and figured Mantua. plain,
bared, strined and figured Also GROCERIES '
and QUEENSWARE, such as Coffee, Tea,
Sugar, Spices of all kinds, tobacco, segara,
crockery, glass and ,queeneware, rice, chocolate,
starch, together with numerous other articles— •
Give him a call, Pipr 4 ,
. 4. 4.;V• • VS IL calls the attention
of his friends to hie
I T MN 8 7. 'LC Ks SUM
g impossible to enema,
rate all the articles we have for - sole. • Suffice it
• - . .
to say we have almost every thing that is no
cessary for Ladies and Gantlemons wear.
mous delaines, Foulard silks and lawns, mohair '
and satin striped lustre, pink and blue all wool
detains, satin striped mous delains, second
mourning elarendons . , plaid lyoneee, black silk,
bonnets and bonnet ribbons. fancy silk ties and
-cads, silk and Linen. fringe.s. silk flannels end
linen tissues, pink, blue and green bareges,.kid
silk and Lisle thread gloves, and a large assort
ment of Ladies, Misses . and•Childrens Hosiery.
French and English 'cloths, from 87} cents to
86,40 persard, black.Freneh cassimeres, fancy
cassimorearvestings, all kinds, croton cloths &
lustre, Tweeds and cassinetts, white linen dril
lings, fancy caps for Boys, chine Pearl Hats
for men and children, chip hate, - all kinds,.l3l'lt
and fancy cravats, Lisle thread, kid and cotton
Gloves. Alto, A very large stock of white
and'unbleached muslins, calicoes from 9 cents
ton/. Carpets and floor oil cloths, and great
variety of other goods not mentioned, please
call and see my stock, where you, will always
find a full supply. [spr 4
I AM now about receiying.from the Eaetera
cities a large and beautiful selection of SPRING
add-SUMMER GOODS;' to itbick.Linvite the
attention one', - tind'alleTo; the ;. - LADIER!e',..'
In Silks, , ,Dareges,,Linen Popelins, Liden-Lue. •
treit,Lineit.CharriecisFrekchi• English' and A.
meritart:Chintzes, Oinghifini; Gine am 41%118
Lawns, L a n _
and - Tarlten '4; plain and fancy Springkde
Lames. Bonnets, Parasols, Sun: skeane, Riff
bons, Laces, Fancy -Trimminge; -- tke.
flatter ourallves.tete able' to ninepin io prices
and style, who' will with a call. GEN
TLEMEN—For your'own interests MW - ask of
you to call and examine our .'attck of ;Super
.Irench,and.English „Black ,Clothei French and
English • fancy ; colors do. flinty:From& !Cant- •
nieces, Doe Skin black • and' fancY:Englisk and
American Cassimere,.7Silk',Warp' Cloth and
Tweeds, Codington And Merino Casehneies'
Tweeds, plain and. fancy, Cretcins - and Gem
.broone, Buff. Cassinieres, Fancy Jenne, Super
Silk, Satin and Marseilles , Vestings,•plain and '
high cold. Silk crtiiine,-tke. &c. omestle•
goodein' abundance, such , ae , ,browit ID S.musline,• .
brown' andblack Sheetikgs; Osnaburge,', - Tick. •
ings, .Drills, CottorCrent Stuffs (very ' cheap)
, poloreif t Cambrics,"Tiomeetic 7 Ginghamei , Dia- •
'pers).checksi'Hankeetis, Stn." •
••`. C A RPETS i immense ,
- .'of.tar.
Acts, Floor. Oil Clothl9,- plan - arkl•c - Olcired mat .
arias a beautiful t assortment: of Transparent .
Rhode; all of which;be•sold - ..unksuallyulOw.'.• •
ties arFpiloxs; mits . txeceiving sud'en hind, oleo •
it' fresh 'GROCERIES, which-,eannot .
beat iMprice MY stock ii_verilerge •
and , Cemplete,';and me 'always .takix .p ensure
showing "g oods tvithOut , :charge. , ' , lß.ecollect
Abe old 'stand ,feei,, doors. emit 'of- die:Minket •'.
Hoese:'diffilirektlY opposite Wright;&:Ffryl-'
tan'rHardvarx Store:
March g8 .;`. , tH.AS. , 4O,IIBY:v.t , ' • •
-.• e ifi;Aclii: - ., -
.). OF chidoelliiiii44; cohlitailp4„oa 6 „„. l ,„„, T; ,
endildi ' And 11°k h vi tit Eld relieted.PPlediatidn•
andlCtingielfiliti„. - t i ng ''-' roiorwAio3lioNd% ' •
R alio ~114 1 t t-11 ` 4 eirak' end me 4"
'' llejin .41;11 ‘' Sji tr ;•P A li rtli'WiZiiiiiii'Elpenielt •
fil f*ti ll brat Oig.= , ll4ii t abeD4tel 4kalidi` .. :
Vidlli„ ~-./ 36. .„C, i n i4 :0 - e Tfijr trichfylied,OtettetWiliz'
V n g"' '° ''" c i il ' - Ole' tion can be found til the,"
C. dj; 401.10 - ,0451:11 :11.41bii_d,0010414 t- '
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