Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 06, 1849, Image 1

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Doctor Al Lippe,
H OMOEOPATHIC Physician. Omen
in Main etre - et, in the Muse formerly occu
pied by Dr. F. Ehrmnn. • up 9 '99
Dr.' L C. Loomis, •
Zre WILL perform n 1
• a "11 o
T perations tin
• egth that ar s e requi
red for theirpreservation, such as Scaling, Filing,
Plugging, , &c, or will restore the loss.of them,
by inserting Artificial Teeth,_from a single tooth
to a fall sell. fr...TOffice on Pitt street, a few
doors-south , of the Railroad Hotel. Dr...L. is ab•
o nt. the last ten days of every month. '
' •Dr John J. Myers, ' • •
fiIAS REMOVED his Office and dwel
'LA. ling to the house adjoining his Drug Store
an West.lligh•street: npril 1
Dr, W. L. Creigt, •
'CSaccessor of pr, John" Creigh, deceased.)
Ie,VILL attend all Medical calls in town or
country, by DAV or NIGHT, and will give
ovary attention to patients entrusted to his care.
OFFICE on East High street, opposite. Ogil•
by's store: rimv2,e24m
J. Windsok . Rawlins, LM, D.=
GRAD U'A of filedicaltolfege,
resneetifily olfers•his services to the pub
lic. Dr. liMiviins having had eight years_ expe
rience in the Prac ice of his prolessien in Mary
land and Pennsylvania, flatters himself that he
can gixt_i_onertit safixfactioninAitise—reiluiring_
hts tad. Offize in Pitt street opposite the Alan
' shin anus . ° Hotel and first door south of the
Pil.%Thodist church..
February 7th. 1849. •
Wm. 111. Peno •
ATTORNEY' AT LAW, %Aral . puke:ice in
the several Courts of Cuinborlaud county.—
OFFICE opposite the jail imthe room will*
W._T—Brown, Esq. !"- • [meg,
John B, Parker, ' •
-CX in North Hanover Street, in the room for.
merly occupied by the Hon. F Watts.
141.nrch 21. 1849.
Wm. T. Brown,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practic e
in the several Courts of Cumberland con
y. Office ;in Main street, nearly opposite th
aunty jail, Carlisle. leb
. .- .
Carson C. Zoom-, -,..,
ATTORNEY AT LAW..loffiee in
the room lately occupied .by-- Dr. Foster,
debeased. mar 31 '47
nurStreet, - Pluladelphia.
tCrOrders may be sent by Mail.
Dec, 20 1818.-6 m
'DEEDS, BONDS, Mortgages, Agreements
and other instruments of writing neatly and
accurately drawn by the subscriber, who may be
found at the office of the Carlisle Bank.
dec2otl A. lIENDEL.
- James R. Smith, ,
MOVED his office to Beotom's Row, two
doors from BuOtholder's Hotel. ' [opr
ries at his residence, cortier , ol Main street
and the Pqblie Square, opposite Burkholder's
Hotel. In addition to the .duties of Justice of
the Peace, will attend to all kinds of writing,
such as deeds, bands, mortgages,. indentures,
articles of agreement, notes, &c. •
Carlisle, ap,:B'
Glass, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel,Nails
tee. would-invite the attention of persons want-
Ming goods in their line, to the large assortment
they have just opened, and which they offer at
• the very lowest cash prices. feb23
John P. Lime,
WEIOLEMLE and Retail Dealer in
Foreignand Domestic Hardware, Paints,
Oil, Glass, Varnish, tee, at the old stand in N.
IL - naover street, artiste, has, just received from
Now York and Philadelphia a large addition to
his former stock, to which the attention of buy
ers is rOgnested, as he is determined to sell
ower than any other house itltown. uph9
Look this Way.
THE subscribers would respectfully inform
their friends and the public generally that they
just opened a new LUMBER AID COAL
YARD in West High street, n few doors cant
Of Mes4ra J & D Rhoads's Warehouse, where
they now have 'and will keep constantly on
hand a first rate assortment of all kinds of lien-
Boned pine boards and plank' and all other kitids
of stuff; all of which they will sell tow for cash.
'March 14 ' HARN 8c SIPE.
• (Lam Haze'burst & Walters,l
- 211 R OBEGE and - General - Commission - Mor
t— chants, Nos. 15 and Spear's Wharf,
BALTIMORE , . Liberal cash advances made
on consignments of all kinds of Produce.
ma,r2B •
'ME Commissioners/of CuMimi-land county
deem it proper to inforin the public. .that the sta
ted meetings of the Board of 'Coinintssloners will"
be hold on the second and fourth 111.undaye of
Rich - moniq, at which time any persons having
business ,witlt said -Board, will. : Mtet - .them at
tneir office in Carlisle. •
Attest ' W.lll, •
Dyeing and., = coning.
ILLIAM BLAIR; nLouthet . Street,
- Irnar,tliii dieaL'idiale.and,Oontle.
ndan'a'n.pparrel, all colora, and .warranta.all,work;
e eatnitactery. Orders in hialinerespectrully
elicited. • .aenA'46,, •
Ra;s Wam4(l. •
Taft highest pride wil; be paid fin gash, or%
paper) by the aubeeriberfor good RAGS. The
race delivered'at. , the Paper. Mill, five
miles from Carlisle.' or at the. Warehouse ofMr.
Jacobi Itheem. in •_;- ' - w..:13.4tULLE:41..
• ,:•Wcttts , ,Sax ••.Irca'
Or , tido at. thii,Wirebotise "of,
Cal i foraia • would 'do
nertirothirb,o ne of thesd xpfo deppaitoriear for
aq-extiqi oltitrige'itt9y, may ititie to tairy Willi
them. , Thly, will al so - itold heilts'or gi)l4i duet
Call and W
J.AiST,reeeivistind foi 'et `Dr, RAW ,
, 'SDrse & store ! W: ' 14;a1O' pereO,
Carik ' • 3•3
AV.RIENpR,AL tratiortinont of Weir and Mare;,,
__ . i2lin Shaeriaga t '' rillow Casa' Linens',
•.• oaf iiitioria kinds juss-f9peneC-,
_ Wanted . . '
,e r , :%''''" - :', (`10,44"% Rqs - -.. - - • . n j e cli,
:ni THE. stibecrilicir,:wilt. Oix. , ; t „
ntit detiverd
•„,..•; 'y, cABll,foiltii.o3l3lll,olll-111•1Rtwz;,:-1:
':'' , i- - at 4ilitiptbro la'citilieli 4 ;v:',ll;rl.' D, - 7” :
,t; . 1 ::
~,,,,Actiy.9,,49..„-,,,:': .";. ,- 4 , ; . t 4,t4 ' , *t ,,, '"'" . 3 - i.,-'''. , •'''',,, „.. ...
--, 406 +,
2 •
, . taubiblites.
To the Voters ofeuinberland
FELLOW-CITIZENS.-4 offer myself to your
consideration as a ' - ditaidate for the Office of
SHFAIFF at the approaching election, subject
to ills action of the Whig Connty. Convention.
and respectfully solicit your support.
Shippenshurg, may423,'.49.
To the Independent Voters of Cum
- Berland County.
FELLOW—CITIZENS:—I offer myself to
your consideration as a candidate for the
ollice - of SHERIFF, subject 'to the decision of
the Whig County Convention, and very re
spectfully solicit your support.
HOpewell tp. IJEVI
Mn)' 9,'49
FELLOW-CITIZE;sTS of Cumberland co.,
I offer myself to your consideration for the dl.
floe of SHERIFF, subject to the rmminteion of
the Whig County_ Convention • Sliould I be
fortunate enough to be elected, I will discharge
ihe duties of the office with imonrtinlby and fi...
delity.. ROHN'. MCCARTNEY.
Carlisle, April 11, '49—to ° " '
,T9,the Voters of Cumberland County.
ihe pOlicitntion
of many friends I hereby offer myseff to your
conoideration as a^condidete for SHERIFF, at
the ensuing general election, subject to the de
cision of the Wfiig County Convention. 'Should
1-be-nominot etd-and—eli , eted - , — l — protnise
'charge the dillies of the office with fidelity end
humanity. Ltherefore renpotcfully solicit your
Newville, April '49—te •
To the. Voters of Cumberland County
• -
FELLO W-CITIZENS: Encouraged by
numerous friends, I hereby offer myself to your
consideration as a candidate for thd office of
SIIER✓IFF of Cumberland county, at the ensu
ing general election,subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention, Should Ibe
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to dis
charge the duties of said ofßee'pith impartiality
Shippensbnrg, april 11 '49-•te'
To the Voters of Cumberland County.
FELLOW—CITIZEN:B—f offer myself to
your consideration as a candidate for the office
of SHERIFF, of Cumbertand county, nt the
next general election, subject to the decision of
the Democratic County Cnnveniion Should I
be nominated and elected, I Pledge myself to
discharge the duties of said office with fidelity
Carlisle. April 11 DAVID SMITH
1 ELLOW-CITIZENS:—Reing solicited by
a number df my friends. I allbr myself as
at candidate far Iho office of-SHERIFF. at the
ensuing election, and will he thankful for your
suffrages. Should Ibe elected, I hereby pro
mise to perform-the duties of said office faith.
fully. 'Respectfully.'
April 4-to JOHN F -HUNTER.
To the VOters of' Cumberland County,
FELLOW-CITIZEN—I hereby offer my=
self to your consideration lor . the office of SUE.
RIFF of Cumberland County, end respecttul
iy solicit your support, pledging mysoll; if eje . c.
ted to discharge • the duties of said office with
fidelity. Yours. respectfully,
West . Pennehoro tp.
. Aril '49-1e
F - z:LLOW-CITIZENS: - At the solicits ,
tion of a number of a number of my friends
I offer myself as a candidate for the office of
Brigadednspector, at the ensuing Juno election
and will be thankful for von, support.
np2s'49le •
W-CITIZENS I hereby offer
myselfto your consideration as a candidate for
the office of BRIGADE IssracTbn. nt the ensu
ing election. and respectfully solicit your sup
port. Should I he ele^ted. I pledge myself to
discharge its duties with fidelity. •
Newburg, April 11. 1849.
Tv.—Liaving been encouraged by a num
ber of my friends I' offer myself to your con
sideration as a candidate for the office of Bat
a/LIM INSPECTOR, nt the ensuing election, I there
fore respectfully solicit your suffrages for said
office. - (ap'l 4 te) WM A KELSO..
DIERS of tho cranny of Cumberland, I offer
myself. as candidate for the office,of BRIGADE
INSPECTOII at the ensuing .election. I respectful
ly solicit your suffrages for the same.
Kingstown, April 4 to
' FELLOW-CITIZENS :—I offer myse lf to
your 'consideration ass candidate for the office
of BRIGS D ' E-INSFECTOTI, at the onsulog election,
in Juno next, and shall bo thankful for your
support. 11 W McCULLOUGH.
Dickinson, April 4.—le.
Brigade-Inspector.- , •
Fellow Soldiers—At tho request of many of
my friends I beg leave to offer myself to your
consideration as a• candidate for the office of
Balosos INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election in
June n.ort, and shall fool gratpful to you for your
support. JOHN CLENDENIN, jr
Hogestown, Silver Spring tp. Mara •
Brigade Inspector.
Fer4ow-CITIZENS : — Being solicited'a number or pny friends to serve Ss, a
candidate for the office of tBRIGADE IN
SPECTOR, I hereby offer myself to the eell.
nideration.Of your support, and respectfully So
licit your suffrage. , SAMUEL CROP.
March 2:—to
Brigado Inspector. -
Fjim,ow-crrizENs.:—l (Ater iii3raelf to
.your consideration as a candidate -for the
ice of BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the en
auing,election in Juno.and will'be thankful for
your support. „ • HENRY' ,
r"Mrch.e-10. . of South Middleton. to
To Ahe.Gallant Voluntsers, '.;., '
okF'ciiirn' bklarid;:whp take pride in wearing
... 1 . 1 2 a , nlilitPiY , hatton, and' in the rattling o.
'runanc°;. ll :-"49.tlY;,and small.armsl ._. .1.. ...•
' • Danit , ssierr.,—The.undersigned moat respect..
fully offers , himself', to„ your consideration , asAa.
candidate' for the offiao,olßrimsnisn Gaisitsr.,
for:the 'term of five .years;bonimencing , at, the.
eiriliationel of. my „present:term.' , sof '-. service.—
Agreeably telhe late military - laWs of.P.ennsylf
Witua.'the eleetions for: Brigadisr.Generale will,
1 te held 'at the eaveral "arthorles :ditto Nolen.;
Hteerarantl--these.- e ...... .-.
Volunteers Only, on, the first . Monday' of Jrrao
neat; or as the Brigade.lnspeetar;mardireet.- 7 , my gallant Brigade faiihfully.
1 for the last, thirty, seven years ; the undersigned.
would be Winet, pleased- to .he retained by his ,
1 gallant yolnitteers, Ifiliityprerie - ritTaiirof a Brig.;
l',adier. Elhould.thii:tindersigned:be so fortnnate.
las to be cleated; hewill pledgelimself to:,
tri•the''Wiricins duties of tips office. small to.l.any:
Other officer in the bOundeOf his Brigadei.;:•Hlw; ; •,
!Int been.taught" the first duties of a solldter:;101F
t ty,nino :years ago, Ole '.inidery et : O.:Nal:want
r but- little instruction to : ; fill the ()Pee isf a-Briga•
*diet.; General.,t4-•• .. , A '7' , e,' :; , ;' ,, P,: , t : ;t t
I*mi...with eyeri;kriarkrof, , r peet, , taid . eitaedm
...;t .4 -`, i",.lllleirOst bb'r- ervaaf,'.:, :1 , : , 1;•.; ~.`-,
..':;'"•l'''' , :,.• '. o;iry ' , .:ri EDWARD ;ARMoll.. , l._'' . --,
~,.; \ -i i,' - 4...:Girel:cornrill'iltEri: llth:DiT.P.'-gij ,
4 ,!flead;;Quartept,'clailitilOo7:r , f %,:k,•"4il':-,:..Y":,
, ' -
~, ~ t-•
Brigade Inspector,
TZ4tst2•l—v—S . ZlikM
YS VJ' e .„ „ ,
. ' From the London Examiner.
You might have won the poet's name—
such be worth the wlneing now—
And gained a laurel for your brow,
Of sounder leaf than} con claim.
But you have mode the wiser choice—
A lire that 1110V01 to gracious ends
Through troops or mar:cording friends—
A &eget lite, a Silent voice;
And you have missed the irreverent doom
' Of those that wear theitoct'r crown ;
. Hereafter, neither knave nor clown •
Shull hold their orgies at yotir tomb. •
For 111)1V thelmet cannot die,
Nor leave hls music as of old.
But round him ore he scarce be cold
unglue the scandal and.the cry :
" Give out the faults he ,would not shim t
Break lock and aeon betray the trust t
Keep nothing sacred. 'tls'but just
The tuany.headed beast should know."
Ah, shameless: for lie did but sing
A _song that plepeud . us from Its worth ;
NO public life was
No blazoned siateeman he, nor king
He gave the prople of his beet
flue worst he be laki_L, le .n e.
y curse upon tt@ clown and nava
Who will not let hie ashes rest!
Who make It sweeter seem to ho,
The little lice af. bank and brier, ,
The bird that pipes his tone desire
And dies unheard within his tree.
'Than he that warbles long and loud
And drops at glory's temple-gates ;
For whom the carrion-vulture waits
To o mey Ms heart before the crowd! ,
Plt Beautiful Otani.
Sleep, saintly poor one 1 sleep, sleep on: ,
And, waking find thy labors dons.—C. LAMB
ONCE upon a time there lived in.a far oft
country place, the name of which has long
since passed' into oblivion, a young
whom we shall call Alice, with an ag6l mo
ther dependent upon,her eiverlions kir their
sole support. And although at all periods
they fared hardily enough, and sometimes
even wanted for bread, Alice nevetsuffered
herself to be cast•down, placing her whole
trust in Him who 'tempers the -wind to' the
shorn lamb.' And when better days Came
again, who so glad And tharik sat young,
girl !' •
It may—be alt very pretty 'and picturesque
for poets and artist to Joicture to themselves
calm and peacelfittedenes of rural loveliness,
in the foreground of which_ they generally
place some happy village maid, sitting in the
cottage porch at the kunateliour, and singing
merrily at her wheel; oven as bright eyed
and glad-hearted . damsels of our own times
take up their sewing only as a pleasant ex
cuse tone silent and alone, that tliFty may
indulge in sweet and gentle musings. Rut
let us not forget that that which is pasiime to
the few rriay he to the many a Weary and
never-ending toil, engrossing the day which
seems so, long and yet is not hall long
enough for all they have to do—breaking in
,to.the quiet hours set apart by nature for rest;
andtrikngled even with their troubled.dreams.t
nub it was oftentimes with our poor hero
ine And yet she sang, too, but generally
hyrr.usi for such sprang most readilytto her,
lips, and seemed most in harmony' with her
lonely life; while her aged mother would lay ;
for hOurs listening to what seemed to her as
a gush of sweet pra.yeflol mum, and not.
questioning but the song of the good' upon
earth might be heard and echoed by the an
gels in heaven ! . '
For years Alice had contrived to lay by
enough to pay the rent of their little voltage
against the time when it shoul'd become flue;
but now either from the widow's illness, or
the hardness of the times, which ever press
es in seasons of national or commercial dif
ficulty, most heavily upon those least able
to struggle against its additional weight, the
'ay game round and lound her unprepared.
It so happened the old landlord wag dead,
and hisluccessor who was one of those stern
men who, without being actually hard heart.
ed, have a peculiar creed of their own with
regard to the .poor, which they are never
weary of repealing, holding poverty to be but
another name for idleness or even crime !
A baneful error, which has done much to
plunge its unhappy victims into their present
fallen condition; and yet even he was touqh
ed by her tears and meek, deprecating words,
and consented to give her one week's grace,
invbich.time she reckoned to have finished
anfisot pitid for the work she then had in the
hous3. 'And, although the gill, knew that'. in
order to effect this, she , must wofisllay and,
nigtifishe dared not ask for lor.ger delay, and ,
was;evee . grateful tO:him for granting her re--
. , •
:. l lt will be .a , lesson for her not Ao b",be '
hindliand, in future/ thought her,sterri;
lord 'Wbea're d•hithieff nicine--/nO 'dent)
the girl 'has . keen .idhng. of late; o r, spending
her': rrionOir On.thav pale colored . hood ;she,
wore,:inSteud. of having readY as Jianal.'.7- T H
Arid et sloe iing or Walcmg; her qateful
Bunke. haunt"! him„strongely, almost: win
Mtrig,iiirirto gentler thoughth 7 wit say almost,
'ffmAiieti4diited lirejudioes such as his, were
• ",11 to ovtgreoine: "• ',
' ''',' "lh a lighter heart.
'0 ' I•ii...riagrl . . •diiw. ela_2,l i aing w 9. ,
7-- A 1
fi'il.ead (40W1 ': h dad ' a 13 " ' •li .
~1VV.9.11%,7,, 4 thber; .WIL, r
.. j . e in wino ,,,
, ! frig„ht.eTifieda'ar c*°°``,B , , "., .:, :.,,,,.
' ' iti".'yiii,•oop,,,. :- 41:0,bOre4' :.' -../ ',1,,,5;;,:`,::,:,4,,,:.
7 . tpil ii,iyP 7, • ) •
":' *ii:iiiiiii - ';',:s
y°lll--- ' ete "37', '' * othe'-et;''V',
; gApd r i ,°F.' , oi yet,,detkr m . iiit,,v4\44,,,t,b.i.,'
Ikicii;yet—'l .., aii,jy:• ly , ~,,,,1......-e('4,4kle.ti
1 „wpm!'
ed rttie ',,gir' nsiAr'..AlloB,ll:., p,.4i'.:1:"...".,,;114..t:',T.'•:'
~noni_a_o-1-Y-Q"-,‘ 4 '.,-, ,..: 7,, `.. - (4 -- ':,1 , ;:, •,'
,) eu..„ , ' '
'And yet I unii' abpi - Alan o - q,yoiii young
ilo—a blessing rather.' 2 -
Alice Waa'right; labor and toil only ask an
object—something to love, and care, arid
work for, to make it endurable, and even
sweet. And then, kissing. ?el. Mother, - but.
saying not a word of all ilia had to do, th%
girl took Off the well preserved-hood aria
eloak r which had given riva' to such nnjust
animadversions, and putting them carefully
aside : , sat down In a hoelul spirit to her.
wheel. The dark cloud•iNhich hail hung
over her in the morning seemed airaady
breaking, imd_khe could fancy the blue sky
again in the did pace. - •
All , that day she 'only Moved from her
work to prepare Weir simple meals, - or 'wait
upon the 4elpless, not selfis:i invalid, who
but: for the 4-eg - -QL.atchtul love, ever bent
upon her, would have striten painhigrr, oi
perform many a . little duty , Jor herself, rather
than tax those willing hands, always so rea
-440-tabor-A n-her-beliall.......And,whien_night:.
came, fearing to cause that mOtheer needless
anxiety, Alice lay down by her Ode, watch.
• tg , t e t lit„alte-hsrdlellenistespand!filien-7-ri-.7
sing noiselessly-, returned to her eik&ss task.
And yet, somehow, the harder she worked
the morelt seemed to grow beneath her wea
ry fingers; the real truth of :natter, %tag
she had overrated her owii_p,olyers, and was
not aware of how 'much longer time it would
take for the completion of the labor than she
had allowed herself. But it teas 100 late to
think of all this now; the trial must be made
and Heaven, she doubted not, would give --- 1
her strength to go through with. it: - Ohl hap
py—thrice happy—are they who have deser
ved to possess this pure and . child-like faith
shedding its gentle light on the dai kest scenes
ql life. ' . ,
.blorßing , broke at last over tbe distant hills;
and -Alice, flinging open the casement felt
refreshed by the cant breeze and gladdened
by the huniming of the birds, already up and
at their orisons; or exchanged a Jnd of good
morning-with the peasants going forth to thei r
early labor. No wonder, that those rough,
untutored' men - , gazing - up - wards on' her - pale,
calm face, and listening to her gentle tones,
felt a kind of auperstitious reverence in ` their
ea • t , a. , a .lilasir.g in that
kindly greeting,that boded of, good. -
The widow noticed, with- the 'inicksight
ednoss of affection whick•even the.'blind
,gifted with in the piesiince of (hose
they love, that her child looked, if pcfssible;
a thought paler than usual; and fOr all the_
bright smile that met her-eyee every time A
lice—feeling cunscious of her gaze—looked
up from her. work, marked how weatily the
heavy eyelids drooped over the aching eyes.
and yet she novel creamed of the deception
which had been practised, in love, to soothe
and allay her fond anxiety; and the girl was
wall content that it should be so.
It so happened that about noon, as' she sat
spinning in the cottage porch, the new land-
lord passed that'way on horseback, and was
struck with her wearied looks; for of late
she had toiled even beyond her strength, and
this additional latigue was almost too much
o for her. But still that stern man said within
himself, 'lt is ever, so with the poor, they
work hard'when obliged to do so, and it is a
just punishment for, their improvidence and
idleness at other tbirkr 'And yet,' he ad
ded, a moment after, - .lkititilurned his horse's'
bead -hall.tiniiitinglyoableis very young too.'
Alice looked ,ioogitt:El'ilignil of retreating
footsteps, but tothi . *:;',lor...Tlieite catch the
hall relenting g 144 -.;. . ;:lt i rtitighto have en
couraged het #.4r, _ o j et l gon ofthe time
allotted .her—if,; - :eir.4o,it 'Were one - single
day ! but he hail itWip ere the timid girl
could banish 1r10,..:0,04-tp)l9 the fearful re:.
membrane.) eltiajCfgei-itarshnees.
~. ...
'ls there nothitiettitat I eltri-d0 to help you,
my Alice?' asic'eriltt7lificii4i . , who gtie veil
to see !melon so liar& - ii• `.?,;it' ": . •
'Nothing ; utifessiitide:idi,leu : wilt tell me
some tale of old" iiin:es,',as you' used 'to do
years, ego, wheto Was (cchild.. , ..
. 'Why, you are, child now,' said the
widow, with a mournful smile ; and then in
rarely opmPaiing s her l'ot.Wiih'thatiet other
girls of die same age, she.rel'axed,inio . a train
of sad and silent ,musings, and .Aliee) knew
that,they were sad by the quivering lip and
troubled, tiontrieted'braw.," brow,. . „"'
Tame, Mother 'dear,'enid*She, I - ant' Wait.'
ing for your story.'' " ' ' •
Ana then the wide* began te,relitte some
simple reminiscences of bygone tirrnite,,por..
sessing - e Strange interest for. the lonely-girl;
wild knew 'so little Of - life Baia' i6
homely and' tijinsient revellinge; fillinja
;eleep.M the "midst, through' weariness; for
~„ „
'she ever grew . weak and . exhausted as night
on;.but presently' awoke againf„ half
'‘Where - Was I.Alice i l :asked the invalid '
gently. . , „ ,
iAsleep, - 'dear Mother' 1, -was
,-was - in hopes;
refilled her ocirnittintoir with
ou.will ot tKi very long.: , .1.,
• !NO,,n o • - •
~‘Good.nighti,and Gid.bleire n yo ,l o,..44 l 4
Bait! the ¢ idow, • • • and
, , ,
again Abe in;'‘:#4 , 3lll,
oouago, ii
;11141,,,' he coul~l.:be Irp,:;:ii!01.!111'1411A147;:j01;r!
'alt g'
,41i4C!rTal jat 44gr isound , nrid•-111 0
perpidual '. whizzing ; tiolM,* 4
Of her 4beer.'Pe°lnll,ed'
• z
ignPO4 ,ll 4oJ l ' , l4f l PYi 4 f
P esent
girl b eg a n toAing
a•-• • •••• , 7 .-
:vbion to keep rrreelf awakeihypie
• ,•-•
, re 2 ., •
as iiiUal--"-loW,plaititiv.e and soothing-whfle
ifie.: : yridow, heard them in• tier sleep and
dreamed of heaven. But all" would not do,
and ake arose at length and walked noise
lessly up and down the room trying to shake
off the •drowsy feeling that oppressed and
weighed .upon her ,so' heavily. .And .then,.._
opening the casement, sat by it to catch the
.coolibteath_ofinight up_cm her fevered btuW,_
and watch the my'riailid stFslooking down,
in their calm and silent beauty' upon the
How naturally prayer comes at such times
as these. Alice clasped her faded hands in-
voluntafily, and although no words were ut
tered, her heart. prayed - 1 have called •
our-love,pure iiiid. - innecerMbut -Of
h lier wisdom knew that she Was Init a itteak
and erring creature alter all, and . took cour
age only from remembering that there is one
who careth for the. very flowers of the field,
and how much more for the children of the
earth. But gradually as she sat thus in the •
pale starLght,_the_white-lids. Alropped_over_
the heavy eyes—her hands unclasped and
sank silently and slowly down—the weary
nd-toil-wereArairiCAnd--fotin&restavlasti --
And then the room seemed filled on a
sudden with a strange blighinessofind where
poor Alice had sat first-as hei wheel is an
angel with white'shining hair, and raiment
White and radiant as a sunbeam, walla an-
I. • -
other bends gently over the sliirnberermild
looking first at her, and then at her compari
- ion, smiles too in her sleep; and as if still
haunted by her favorite hyinn tunes, sings
again very faintly and sweetly,' Until -the
sound. dies lingeringly away at length upon '
the still air. Fist and noiselessly ply these
holy ones at their love task, while the whiz
zing-et the busy wheel, accompani'pd by a'
gentle tushing sound, as of wings, alone die
tubed the' profound silence of ihat - litile
chamber. And now morning broke again
over the earth, and their mission performed,
they have sped away to their bright home
rejoicingly. "
Alice awoke trembling froM her ilong and
refreshing dandier, thinking how she must
-. 1.4i1{ doubly hard to redeem those lost hours.
She drew her wheel lovvards her—she look
ed wildly at it, rubbed her eyes to be sure
gazed around the quierripartment where all
remained just as she had left it; but the task,
the heavy task, for which she had marked
out feur more wear); days and nights of toil,
and feared even then nothavrng'time enough
to complete it, lay ready 'finished before
her! Bat after a little time, the girl ceasing
to wonder,..or aemerribering to 'whom she
had prayed on the previous night, Aided by
an unerring instinct, knelt down and poured
out her henrt in a gush of 'prayerful thanks
giving to heaven? And we can almost fan
cy the angels iittriding away off, smiling
upon each other and on her, even as they,
had done before, and rejoicing in their own
We are told, in the legend, that from that
hour the widow and her good and piouschild
never know want again. It may be that Al
employer was pleased with her dili
gence & punctuality ; or the landlord shamed
out of his prejudices by the unlooked for ap
pearance of the glowing and happy face of
his youthful tenant, three days befere the
appointed time, with the money-ready, and.
grateful thanks beside, for what she: - termed
•his kindness in, waiting so long for it—or ,
there was a charm in that web, woven. by
holy hands, which brought Alice many more
Juke with better paymelit and more time to
complete them in. The only thing-that
makes us sad in this simple and beaufilul
legend is, that the 'age , of such miracles
should have passed away. And yet, fear
not, ye poor and suffering children of toil
only be gentle and pure-hearted as that
young girl—trust as she fruated—pray as she
prayed—and' sure that-Heaven, in its own
good-time, will-deliver you.
W.conouv.—A. slight knowledge of human
nature will show that when a man gets on a
little in the world he is desirous of getting
on it little further. Such is the , growth of
provident habits - thai it has been said, if
, rt
journeyman lay by the first, five dollars' his
tontine is made. Mr.'William Hall 'Whit
bestoWed great attention to the laboring
poor, declatee knew aifinatance of
'one who lad iniVetf 'Omini . to, the
almshoese. , And he :adds, , moreover, • that
thoseindiVidnale;ivhd save ' money;` are bet-
Aer;wnticmisit ; if they do not work better,, ,
theybelinie better and eye more respectable;
endfl *dull sooner, have in: my trade ri.humi
dred Vorktrii4vihn'alive';inOneY, than two
,'Who SPerid everrysehilling they 'get. '
' "
mOneirilheir'njorals are: - latter they hinti
band that linle,zand 'there' is tone
given to their inorals4and•theY - behave,
that`'lhey`liave'a,ittle .slake.
,i(Cilai:V;; ; ; It ** : "eiiinigit*ecnseari.leie4
~Marfc'thitt, h abitit of 'fritgalitriiiidjilichigliti.':
ROBS are a
epor ?), said airayeller fora little lel. ,
40ihcl4 7 in pants but
mime ,erther , very ; , ungortaut article
`wearing appeeAt--"laoy‘,tere's 'your
4 ililammy 7 a,washing • • .1
rop,PS9ttiel t i
N° %Mann with'} ;
indignantscorn; : "wou l d you : want
!{) have alth6uhlii;dliiirte,i!',`,,l';,,,; .
-,LTlttes_3yodikis, a ) ..40tiegIOUT-Aultor.4elitva
,ploy Otis mnd•suokpriE; •• -
,-1, 7' , '" .7 r7 . :".' — f , 7 4 4/-:) . ''' . 7' . ,; . 7: -.: . - -;:'.!'• ''.' - ' , 1,.. , : - ., - .i.?., - - - ,:',"':. , ,
.;:..-.;.:. -,
~,.: •• •., , - . .- ,4 , f.,:. .',, , •, - 4 :',....,:re/fr , r,, , c . ,,c , "'•::4 l Zric
imrnenee . ~ unPr 'o
The Seasons In palming, one invert moral bring,
And well—lt he marked it—would man-do;
pureed pleasure Tike Mei" le the language of Spring,
Make all..hearteas glad as you can do
What a world_h_would_he mindfut of pelf—
You esteem every nelgtihot a Maffei.;
And It each, while he did a MI of, good for himself,
Did a little bit, ton, If' tr another t" •
. , •
The Bummer hnt varies the lesson—. Make kw!
Treat with love and affection • -
My sun shines alike enr , the good and the / bad,
And.shall you dare to think of selection
What a world it would bejf,-lees mindful of pelf—
You esteemed e'en a bad man a biother;
And if each," &c.
Thp,Autumn repeats it--" My stores are for all
shatildone, in the scramble get favor,
'Let him share It with those tp whom little may fall,
.IT/ind_what's left.will have' all the more savour.'
Whet n world it would be, if—less mindful of pelf—
You esteem the unlucky a brother, eke,
And Winter affirms It, while shaking the door,
And binding the stream with his fetters t
"Keep the cold that I bring, from-the hearths of the
And your own will burn brighter and better!
What a world it world be, if—lees mindful of pelf—
' You eeteemiegh* poor men a brother;
And if eaph. while he did a bit of good for lame%
;—.Did-a-little-blt,too r ferAnother-1.-- •
'Toss it in the air ! - Harrah !
there it goes ! Catch it, Tom e and hoist it np
again t' said a well-dressed boy, with a
smart.riew cap.
There were so many boys, that I conld
not for a minute or two distingtlisb svithwhat
they were amusinythemselveif. At last, tie .
wind blew towards me a little cloth cap, not
made, lobe sure, in the fashion, but very
neatly. repaired, and quite dood enough to
be. worn by any boy.
A little bortan alter the', cap and tried to
get it from the others. His heed was bare ;
therefore I concluded it was his.
40h! Charles,' cried he, 'give me my cap,
it will be-all dirty."
But the reckless Charles answered, by
kicking it in the air" again, crying opt, 'Hur
rah! for the Dutchman's cap' This stroke
of wit as they all appeared to think it, caused
a loud laugh, and one said, - "He bought i t
from some Dutchman. Didn't you, eh 'P t.,
The little mortified owner of the cap was
at last with difficulty kept from tears, and
the others havmg had' enn i ugh of sport, al-
lowed him lq pick it up from the dirt, and
- liT rm owa out*, WI Ft ;. tree' ing - i lis
well di he °bald and trying to get it - in shape
naifirr,- r athe tears now And then stetting in
his eyes, and his trice coloring at the recol
lection of the unkind, insulting
had experienced horn his school ellows.
When this little bo'y came ho e, I heard
him say to his mother—'l cannot wear this
cap again
'Why not ?' asked his mother.
'Why, the other boys have new caps, and
they call mine a Dutchman's cap.'
This little boy's mother was obliged to be
very economical or saving in his clothing,
that she might be enabled to give him a
good education, and she said, '1 cannot M.
ford to get you a riew cap like the other boys
—you know we are, not so rich as many of
them are.'
'But the boys all laugh at me as I go along
the street, and knock my cap off into the
dirt, and that makes me feel so, I do not
know what to do. Oh, mother, get me a
new cap.'
would ill could,' said his mother,!but
you knpw Cam poor.' She looked sorrow
fully at him , aid said, ' , Your school-fellows
must be very unkind and thoughtless chil
dren. But -though their behaviour discoirers
ignorance, and very foolish pride, you must
endeavor to bear it with patience and firm
ness, and show theiu by your conduct, that
a boy's character is not determined by the
shape or quality of his clothes. Yon need
not be ashamed to own that ,your, parents
have not'-much money, and are unable to
purchase, for you smart and dashionable oho
thing. .Be. ashamed of bad behaviour, an will-.not
give you. much uneasiness? •
One .word to the children who behave to
their sohoul-fellows as these boys did: A
noble, well-bred, and especiallv. au Christian
.obild,Wilt: know. that dress: or appearance
does, not, make a gentleman or. lady ; •that as
far as this Ifl 'concerned, they are the most
: respectableWhp.are not meanly ashamed to
dress acorn .. net° !their circumstances. A
Nicked heart and *a sheen disposition are of
ten found , under fashionable clothes and good
looks: Our,lf.orci Jesus Christ was very poor
in outward things and did not.take his. rank
among the gay and hishionable of the eartk
bet this did, not 'from him:his real dig
nity.— And. ante I am' tliaii-ani child • who
would be like him,.could 'not be guiltv'et
the meatiness and , unkind behaviour of timia
'children: . • - • •
• Beent! Mc MARRIAGE no
Paott:7We lea) .
complaints , binken-tiiar!ed,
ilarnsf4 I ;ut few' l666
APPIY I- Icir damages . At`,
Curp aqrnplsined befOK.U.Aldettnan` Minow,
o one
. ..r • I . i PP •Y •
tot.two „years
midi' various piaritisei"to marry him That
he had.giten'ar Combbi , trir ll ;oli B tPokuiggi
Bio.,..Puried , het when oittlt; her
0 0 klyAbl,000 14 en 9P2 Ut4
ieluties to redieen ; :tieridedge l :•'' wtin tolq
the' Aldtittnan FOehl
matri hhe; he eited
docitoria'biu. §Mid qbetie, = liitnirig of
pOceading;'Weo ettc,l
eie, l6
offic eto see What It meant=when Cute'
*7 1 e 3 r:49
Is!t vath,°o, 6 :4
keitteste_ri ,knidthe olt;ei
had !alien dowh ahapp/dackfit and
e •
. -
)-,«. •
. •
. .
Of a certain' Ilivine an anecdote is told,
which Hook usild tcrsay exceeded 'any spe
cimen of cool assurcu r e thatlie had ever
exhibited: .4.•yoting chnieal friend of his,
staying at his house, happened to be sitting
up otre:mgfirreading, after.theTTairiily, - as hn
suppesed,,had retired to rest... The door o
pened, and his excellent host - re-appeared in
his dressing-gown and slippers.
I My, -dear- tioy,V said-the latter,seating him
self, and looking eathetically ethiti'.guest.—
tI have a few words to say—donit look, a- .
larmed—they will prove :agreeable . `enough, rely upon it. The fact is Mrs:—
and myself have, for someirime observed thb
attention which you pay ,:to Bettiey. We
can make every allowance, knowing your
excellent principles as we do; fcir' the diffl
dance which ban hitherto tied your unmet,
but it has
. been.carried far 'enough: in a
vrork9y point of Betsey, of , course,
might do bettwycit we have_all_the,higheffe.'
Jisteern_ler your character and disposition—
but then our daughter-:--she ie dear to us-'
ucLuiberA_he , R ppir,eut k ia2st, • • -
nor; considerations- must give' Way. We
have, therefore, after due deliberation-1"
must own not altogether without hesitaticin
—made up our minds to the 'match. What
must' be . , must be ; you.are a WOrthyjellOw,
and therelore r in award, you have our free,
and vindial consent. Ofily makTroltr - ehild"
happy and we ask no more.' '
The astonished divine, half petrified, laid
down his book.
•My dear sir,' he began to murmur, 'there
is some dreadful mistake. 1 really never
thought, that is, never intended'—
•'No ! 1 know you did n . ot4cut mod- •
.esty, indeed, is one of those trays'iVluch has
made you so deservedly_ix.lavorife_xvitn_us
all. But my dear boy, a prent's eyes are
chary. Anxiety sharpens them. We saw
well enough what yOu thought so well con
cealed. Betsey, too, is just the girt to be so
won. Well ! well rimy ! no More about it,
it's all - over now. God bless you both !
OAF make her a 'good husband—here she
is. 1 have told Mrs:----to bring her
down again ; for the sooner young folksare
put out of suspense the better. Settle the
• t, e; we wirleave
you together.'
Thus saying, the considerate parent be- .
stowed a most alleetiOnate kiss upon his
u. er, wtio was at this juncture led, into
the room by her mother, boat en dishabille,
shook his luture son-in law cordially by the "
hand, and with a 'There, there,' go along,
Mrs.—,'turned his wile out of the room,
and telt the lovers to their tete a tete.
What was to be done? Common human•
ity, to say nothing of politeness, demanded
nothing less than a proposal ; and it was ten
dered accordingly, and, we need scarcely
add, very graciously received.— Memoirs
of Hook.
A Welsh clergyman, invited to assist in the
ordination of a minister in sorrie"part of Eng
land, was appointed to deliver the address to
the church and congregation ; and, having
been informed, that their proviop.minister
suffered much from pecuniary einharrass-
support him comfortably, took the follozieg
method of administering reproof. In hilt ad
dress to the.churoh, he remarked:
'You have been praying no doubt, that
God would send you a man after his own
heart to be your' pastor. You did 'weft— •
God, we hope, has heard your prayer, and
given you such a good minister as he ap
proves, who will go in-and out before you,
and feed your souls with the bread of life. -
But now you have prayed fora minister, and
Gorillas given your mind, yoR liave some
thingmoie to do; you must takd care of him,
- and in order to - his being happy - among - you,
you need to pray again.'
.'['fay again pray again ! What should
we pray for?' • -
Valli I. • think you' have need to pray
again,' • • . •
'Pray for what?'
'Why I'll tell' you. Pray that God would
put Jacob's ladder down again to-the-earth'
laeolla ladder t What !ma Jacob'a ladder
to dciwith our Minister? ) . i;
Thy; 1 ilunkjliat God would
'cob'e ladder , down . that,,your minister ,could
go .up into liee!en,' erer3;
alter. preaching,, #P4. rem_ eirkeTihe. •
thou 4f! could ,come:down ".
;morniug so spiritnailpmilided, so.lull of. benT
gen,that he obUldpreach to you.almos(li'ke;
an angel) • -7
Yee, thrO•reaY ke 'err wen, 'el(' rl
it were,eoeeiple r; we ;should lilts it, b ut then,
we'need our r Miniaterliirough• 4 Waeli_ro
aiierld'preyer-meatingi; vig dii3
t , 04 b e ar : •
Ifiereleici Mane:.
have' bier, always 'with .60..`We *ea sthi,?,
it may .e; a
necessity. of build! your Fonceras;:—Af.
but timer:you will remernbeetbat if : hbt ids
nutin 7 here he meet have , " . .
been told that ITer former , •
Asa 1 have
t .
tor-,was often w!'9 1 1 ,g. ,••'? can
,iidAtif 5.• -
ties of lt‘e,
, • mouser ,i,,777 %,.,p-4 i'V't4l)
tunnies; t il l lr ic44 • d
Poi J e , 5 e00,44 rni 1: : t - ' 1 171f‘ . 64 &With,
-bi:lig!no = PP ' l.°4 :l7 T -filet
110:401,114f6A , .
:supgipit,b 3 ,g !M0.: 1 4A ' ‘.'
--, iaimp l ood
Have YPnruk -r- •
• ,
1 r