417 446 w ''_ l „,‘. ' . t ,,:, : wkii . 4. -;:,W1 i , •:.,. A -,---,--,lit SKR 1 *tit/144 1 4 5 ' TPA ' 41 '1 i A rr - —ieitaFrom' thc6.ohlo'Clittl iremLsvaior.' ~, • , . • . . -. . . , • , 'ON PwiriNo, ;irogeo-ibto •otoungor,ovr , --.0v008.-r9F—FLooions,6.,.),ustallo:Atoko ATTR*CFIVE. , . • Conao",girlkoUrian-tionnets, find „ ,'gei'i . youtold• gloves,Tutomyotir chick shaqi. and:come 'out intriTtlia satikhine.; It`ia tiMe - to'begiii'M 'think of 'your•otit doorawork. -• It 'is now time for weeding l arded, and; to see' about about improving'you • Have you trees .;and. shrubbery about the„door, to invite tliebirds Und•th4 cool' breezes to gladden yOur homes in sum marT If not, .now is the time., Coax 'those iall brotherio yours to , ' take ,the apaditi.and an old axe it necessary, and . gO with you' the -birdent of the forest to _pleura shade , • Take some of those thrifty Maples •and reline, and tmnsplaitt,lhebt. front of houSe. They tire. So free from the an-, Domes of worms and insects, that yeti need—not fear to.plaeo them in close proximity to your dwelling. • , Then there is the tribe of poplars that Will Mid a moat agrceiibletlifie - ty by of their' foliage,. and' the beauty of their proportions. The box-wood, rho' not quite so syminetrical in its form, will more thin redeem'' tself by its snowy blosSoms in spring and: its crimson leaves in autumn... ' If- you 'cad find a kW evergreens to mingle with Me rest, and a few. sprouts of locust, you can make almost an Eden of your little door-yard, at a cost of a few mornings labor. Fire years hence, year would not p'art with these cheaply purchased embellishments for a hundred times the labor.. Wonder if you lave any retie bushes *bout your premises? If. you have not your, neighbors, have, tend - I. know they would tio,t,trude flow small roots, that by • a little tare w;ft, in a few years, add much so the *linty of -your homes: --- A climbingizoie, trained over the window, - and.aslumey stickle iworthe parch, will pay in perfumery for ,the, little trouble Ithey i nosr; - arid any of your ,friends who DoSiess them will be happy, 4onid you if they see you bent on improving your greunds. A slip. of honety-suckle 'that would b 3 trimmed off and thrown Itwayna useless pruning, can:be buried on the same manner dim grapo.slips are, and in ,a years . you will have.a.beau lifdl mine to embellish your arbor. 'By The way don't forget how easily :grapes are , ouhivated, and what aluxury they offord- —aeon xtn' - nye — eat. and when there is an opportunity; secure .a -few dozenti_of_filie 514)8,i - rid get your. ifather toappropriate-a.,few rods of :ground ,for the purpose_ of cultiyating 'By the time these matters are all -seen' _lhoroughly, you will 'find- -the weathef i -suitable- to-begin garden work. . I Now, deretflook sour abotit it, and say! ,it isn't•ladyriike to Work in the garden:, toklyou Co-get your-gloies on purpose ttolkeep your hands from being needless-; tly Ailed, and ...yoiar complexion will , be' au.ffstiiently preseped the-aun by a, __good suu.bonnets while the vigor:and buoyance acquired by exercise in I the ,open air will give a tone of -beautranuelr snore demote than any . “interestingwale ness," you earl sosire by sitting, roomed, up is the ilionseldl day. giatArtiappropriation-of ground for a tower bed or two, if possible. If not, see to it that the beds for Common vegeta- ,bles Are •bordered with flowers.- .21inst1 .some Around the doors And windows too pretty ,running pinrit^ like tile , morning. glory, cypress yi j e, flowery pea or bean, and - see to it, that they .do: .120 t get choked out' with vieeds. gall' ftp .hoPr every day, will plant 4he seeds and keep in fine order an a itaoPpt of beauty truly astonisning. The humblest log cabin in Ohio, can be made ap attractive , horde by a little : . labor that should lather be, .called .pas• 4ime. . . rethapslou thinirlour fathers will. hardty smile oa your efforts. It may' . be that they even speak contemptuonsly of flowers. If so, , there 4is need of a batter ministration of their apirits. ,4 never met with.the man; .iiho.wasi not pleased, after once witnergsiog mauccessful,etrort to .make' 'homp*.ciMerful' by suOtt:simple aierolngs.- ' ; • _ hpu .we remember that , tfie iflowere are ,the et). of Goitto his 'children, 'Ten dered ad. , lo; eli nee% dud the meanest Condition of life • may ber ..eMb4isfi,ed,jby.'thete, it seems, t 6 - neglect 411etit' s •itiiii . 'llie gentle,Witter ,41*y, ,brtng .to ireary -marts: I fear t ,we•do , ,not: i snirmiently'nestimate the ;" - etreCt ~ t hese `otin'AtilTan chttristerP,',The gent ?lelesons,',th'e holy honor ":inspired, by contemplation of these , innocent , emblethei.cannot possibly fail ,tetendetetif.henrts , purer and better , if -Vice; rece i ve them erighl., • Etittir ettett•lhiS!7orlt , then; my'ilear iffioi4eAißg, Olilol.o:o4kof,idur" Mud req, i tnite,`t , mete;-fancyy since '::.every . foratiof, , beauty(is • one h•ofoGod'iless'Ons 4 01 k ult pilte:fiO‘iroi. , ..eeads,' . .exchenge , with your:ppighberat and let the" beauty of You r liOFfr ) ,,tetit4Ytifq said sotl ingeof\thelbeet itiodeS off parforMingithis , kind Of labor; rally that yo'o - friend, tii r o„'t'E4ii.4. , wut.l 44'1 fie- Omer , qualified , tnettinsyselfot:(;:no • , r M. se — 'liii(rati rteitf '. , ew 1 po ~,,-,,, .., ogottqr,. vie 11,44givi, ..Paving i . recently. ' intleeeld.th9 empty right of tikrafeWrieft -- Par' T . . (0441 V., Syp Egan, would ,reep - octfully cull ,5, „o , 4tentlatt 'of Oa trade to.that , imporuan , %Vett pm, It le certesnly,entu of , tile greatest. Imp"‘"e'llti'll' 14- °la 17b l il e 17e; h uir ine ; it si w u : . th e 1 OW CPlA*Mlroci e4,49R ,r e:ttlocit, , level! Wilh __ italrWireol, .oilier.anetatial 111 c , —4 l • , ..., t* tc;nt s col arco out,ptrow • l , ' wit YeOf Oin half tho. liboti and time , ofiba•ald t '; , , W i o 2 l)l4;lo ll l4%; , = : Th(e;ntachluei Will stuff tall- ~, a .triety,,kinu aft lbetie ~. collerfo from thebeet ~ ' ',,, , ,patent'lleather down ; to thil • cfmnlOnnotAinitiin^? ----- userandlwitikintt - pneintarateadllrerworklwjlit , snuff ilia eliape fLftyiollent pp, Jloytn,,,a.neater , ..: and 'tititeiatyli 000 krirter t ylky tip ' ' ; -- ,klatialerg Sep llitilionfit a re 'pint lo• cal! nt 1 , - Ikea nloichaikti autiblii maul, ini , ttiOl'euty f t ipq ' v•ealtorbro P l4 oll 44irkeignininel 1 ,1 1 1 41: 1 1 ~ -ToWnslii stoi . l i fitap)tlith a .*,111 4 b/ sold ' ! , ~, a, Atooteetyh 'dti` 4 , coVetieff tolittlf - Cri 4 1 ,1 o 'O4 ~'! '4`,, Y 1 "'' -d ,Ilti l igit i r/W V'P r bl 4 * ~i,t !Ir.: 1 ~,., ; , • lor r•J 4 41 1 10 iee r g (Ikeir ,li JP , 4,114 e l O o tali ' ' , 44? ~ I s t 0 ettilit 1141141 : -1 ,1'" ,4 :1 k ' ~.',,,- ~, ~ .,4":„, f,,„ ,'„,...4 etxtli:• , . iv ci.? ' ". - .. - :':' 77 ), - '' '• . riOleik , , tOn'Tblibil f, , tv IL , joitAt?..4.l a ?`, ", ig,_:l":,- , '.4,4v:: ~ `41.9.41 , :i00 4 ' 4 , --, r; '.I . V• - eo . :Yri,,lfil'„4":4t 7 M,Wl . ('.: 3, /i r,i-N:l, - ,, s - ''' 7 ? . • ' ' eNgtv*Teisllgtriittliie , : p./ilv,onurio4 . *2 - yourig th s p' girl offerutfliiriieft.-r' ,, f . :;t: , :l ,, hk'%,:i "How old 'ireyou . Bridge , C~~~'aaidYhe Mu- d - , (.I, 'Sixteer . Ole s'e l iow;;iii HuvUlyou„over; it No •Nra'an' but very' them.". .•- • ME 14 Then Prn'afrititl; you ill nbt do forme: , 4 is a wet nurse L want , 41 0 h, please ma'am, 1 know VII. Psn very'asy to,teaehr • .!ihia, don't you wish you had the tree "of, evil in your garden ?" 'Why, Josh, you sarpent,w het 'you mean?". money.'s the root , :of all evil, it we had the tree, couldn't we get all the preoicus stun !" "Dad you, you pesky. varmint,' you're getting too smart, entirely; that's what marries of sending boys to macadamias." "Father, father ihave you got a shilling about you 1 The green Zoological Avery and Circuit is coming here to-day; they hiVe got some nets , 'things, lather`; a great Boy Con structor, and an African Lion just from Asia, with folly stripes on hiti back arid nary one - alike, all the_msAkeys on aikzeti_juSop;— children under ten years of Age hall price. Mayn'il go lather 1". "Why sartin 1" irrilo a village in the west of 'England,' the Arbrooth Golan relates,- 'tile following is seen to flourish on a sign -board over the door of an ancient couple : ( 1 cures moose, and my - wife cares 'the ganders. • The meaning,intendel to 'be conveyed is cures agues ; and my 'wile cures the 1 1 .jauntlico,L- ();r- A young lawyer' having been asked by a judge whether it: the traustnigration 'el souls he would prefer being turned• into a iorNe Or an as'a "An ass," • 4 1V hyr says the judge. "Because I have_heard_al an. ass being a judge r bat nevei a,hurse!" " Yer, drei,!Ji g0i41,.4 4.1" "Iklo; my love, (hic.) not drunk, but slippery. (hio.) The tact is, my dettrocupebody ha's been rubbing. the bottom of my boots; till they are as smooth as a pane 01 glass." . 411r",its an old woman was lately walking Lhiough the streets of Paris at midnight, a patrol called 'mit 11Who's there?" it is 1,.-pal.Ml,; don't be afraid." , t.trAn - Irishman in receommending cow., said sne woeld milk year after year, without having naives; 'for,'sild he, , it runs in the breed--she came of a cow that never 2fl Pltiln?elptjia. 1. It. 1133.0011MAZIOS RIREATiBADGAINPNATCH AND JEWELII.Y STORE • • WHERE Gold and Sid-. . vern on on be had tche e sofevery < l2 d at e ser front ten to fifteen 1 : a • leas hun any other store , 7 in New York or Pone, •delphie. 'Persons who \wish , to gdt a. good. watch, perfectly regulated, would do welt to call nt the store of the sub= scriber, and compare the quality and price of his watches with that of other stores. GOOD WATCDE? AT THE FOLLOWING EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRIV9. Gold Lovers, full jewert',:€l carat cases, $2B 00 Silver do do 12 00 Gold Lepines, jeweled, :8 carat cases 23 00 Sillier do . do 900 Silver Verge Watches,from $3,00 upwards. Gold Pencils from to $8,00; Gold Pens, with silver eases. and pencils attached, kir 75c. Also, a handsome assortment of new and ! fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the ; usual store priest, Old Gold and silver bought or taken in exchange; • LEWIS R BROOMALL, No 110 North SECOND Street, second door' below Race, Philadelphia ap:B'49:y ' iltrCut this advertisement out. and bring it ' along, you *ill then be sure to get into the right store. - • 13132LWlin3itUDEIII4P13liLIZPEN./ alleglseny. House. Sifo. 280' Market , Street, abbve Eighth, South aide. • • .. : ,PHILADVII,PHIA. + • THIS large and splendid Hotel has been fur. Malted with, entire' new furniture. The Bar. Room id the largest in, P hiladelphia . The Par lors .and Sitting.rooms are. entirely separated front the noise and bustle, consequent to, the ar rivil_and _departure. el cari.__The_ portico_ ext tending the whole-, front of, the • house. affords a ; cool •reteat.. in warm- weather, and a splendid view, of the greitest thoroughfareln the City. The, Lodging gnome aro.well furnished. Fhe 'Tahti , Ili Well provided forms et any Other Hotel, with every•attentiott of the managers to make tt , besf Hotel for Merchants and business min, during their stay,in!the:City..•The terms will 'be one- dollar ler day. On the. rrival of the COrifrorn the trein,„a 'portor Will be in attend ance 'to • coreverlaggage, dtc., to• the , Hotel, tiapat.: .Feb: 7,.11346-dot:' • , • i •. . • ; %-• , 20 09 Peminm !Blinds:''-, RT ' , . , , ri J. WILLIAMS,,No 12,N0H SIXTH ',IMO' ST R E FF..Philnd ' elhar t:1NIIIIAN Ar. tw(Ni)OW 01141 YE t 14 p l;filr , A K Ttri4g• avaided AhifirtP*iihglpitMedl it,the N: Ttirk;•Baltinioreand:Philidelphia' Extiiltitlone, 'Poi thet,ouperiotiiyfoll-hin,BlJlTlDs,.*itti:cott ifitertieconfideneo ' i h ; hie . .minufanturlf,) . tiiikir•Oo t t o attention.. of °purl:bene fi t lb 'hi •:fieliotlitteot,' l qf 21300 , BLINDS OP nartnyc one lgo.,,Prits. WOK fadci and plain: "Ptimmingsk;* t atilileilriltrijr ,ejilors.. Also, a largeohd gene 4iiedttinhate, '-'l,iiiinerifienr WINDOW . IND ANCEI4"*DIC of : which ho will sell Of the.loyvesetssittl.striis:' , —, -J • -1- old' 0 Undo painted 'shatrintoied tolocili'equi4 'to new. ..•.,,, •• t r lir it , i)111 ~1..;,, e . ,. , ... ' . 'lKr.P.E•ik , LEII.B ,1311 P PLIED on , Rhein!' - terms.. 01 The citizens 'of , Cumberlnnd county ' t are respectfully .inirktycl.A*l , eldj ,hefore, bOtinig • elephortt ;....kiongdent "oPpleitiluttoll: 'pjaen to l'the Evening. f• ,f f !c ;.!!. , r' it. , i , ..' , ' , -s. ,;, , -`1 , ;, ,,1 b k Morel' 21 ' • • , , . • • '!' • 111,11•1Z , 1141,TEL•ol ) , i EORPIE WARDER:Att. •MCei tr,L.IW 0 11,11 - ;,Coutiatateer..;iurrir CA II D'lCll22ltio tit i r1321 . 144 , : /iFiqedislphial reipect tiplieWtheifouettinV r T ey manufaeture 81.41 C HATeillerierykied from* 24 30 42 dollafil Odokb'n, 11164 Witt belie.. 'eXtimingaton 41Init)'Cbnfoliie:Iavietatityqiitithl th larkur atiYtoelier . mannfeettreiet Ae,theiteiesi , lartrity..erlexed . mita fa ;, , kanulatece ''4ll4llll,expediticeetely.kti n ~, h a. 1d ~ ~y vr 1... JAIL At Q. AOR4,11.11)0, - .4 Wilro 114 t) bsitliustiTio,cleive4 us'nellt o lgt liTifrOph 11 OPIOQI I APOPlltkiiiegmkianclig"Lr , iffirsorviip iltratiAg.( ileAs at all P1'1(041'0133, , t rim 4, •413-41 per 4b#,121E-forrpr_icp-find,finvfy 0 'op oopflapntlf.r. afillaiieloslng , '..coal 11 4upettion,tritanyimlt r iteOstiVillfitidvin: Si , 'IS 044 ,4` 1 4 ,1,1, . ) (q0,..f . -.P',.+4.1W.,14"1011, 'd_- 1 / 1 ,,v':.: ~ F lir, 3 1 4 , " - ..: 41 001.7g4:#,11t;:j?, '.',";;l--1,-,i.,;,,,,;'?•;.,!-wi',-.., MEM ,- e r. • I -. .1•11.10 • „ -4: ,, :TrAtbfogtit.to.:*;l3oisi,;, -„,lliitise.lteepera"ifrid - the 'publiC; ,to.the orepleadid 'FUR'N'ITU dirig - SOftis;Wardrobee,•Ciintra,arid . other 'fables; Dreireine,and'Plain''BtlithhieVnnd Vnin'y Variety - of Cabinit.,.:WaVe orietiedi-at-leir'N B.W' MO 0 Pil t S;” t he'Corper, of North Hanover and„Louther itreele;;Carlitile., They,are confident - Ali:tit - the superior, finish o 1 the WorkrifariabieAd elegande'OCMyle,,' . imwhich'. their , articlee r tire 'ap t ' tagetber" - with onairaiss --WiliNecolatfiend'thein";tO their' per , Soh' Wanting !Furniture: '' They 'haviD'Atlso Made, arfingeinents'•for , rriantifiictiirtng ; and keeping ,n contitdin iniery;aftlele to: their . iine, both Plain , aad' ornarnental, elegant - and , useful, at prices whiCh cari n otialt to'suit putehiteera, They ' wouldigarniefly invite - , - ParsOne who tyre abOM to . commence bowie-keeping, ' 'end' nietnine their present elegant • stockVto Which, they will constantly make additions of the,newest and Mom Modern' et lea. : • ' k . • COFFINS mode to orile,r.at the shortist no• tice, for town and country. -Carlisle, Sent 6. 1848 • , t 'DMA- AND • FANCY' STORE . ! umur.*Ekada.Nluvazzorati R ESPECTFULLY invites the • .IDIL (ion of the public, to his • • • t Drug and Fancy Stare; • • in West Main street, Carlisle, where he has jueroceived a fresh assortment of Drugs , Me 4docines,.. Paints, 'Oils, Perfinnery, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. Amongst his +extensive variety may be found all the most Approved Patent Medicines, . • All kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs, Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils White Lead, Indigo, Spices, Irish ground. Glass; Putty; Chloroform, • Shandeliers, Lamps ' Wicks, Sperm Candles, Shaving and Toilet Soaps, Cologne, lii, Lavender and Orange: flower , Water. Bears Ott MarroW and Hair-Dye, \ Nail, Too `l, Hair, and: Shaving Brushes, • I Fine: [vo' torn, and Shell. Combs; • Finger. fLoss, Bracelets, and Breast-Pins, Bead Bags pad P urees, , • Porte Monnaire, • . • SilverrSpee.taeles a_pd Pencils, Gold Perfe, - Ink - and - frikatands, • • Fine Writing and Note''Paper Envelopes, . • Motto Wafers, 'Seals and Paper Weight's, Mirrors and Fancy Boxes; " ' . Musical and Surgical Instruments, Eitte_Kni.ves_and-Scissor Carriage and Riditt.WhiPs, 'Umbrellas, Thinks, die., &c. - - 'o Country Physicinne - , - Merchnnterfedlers - and there may hear something to their advantage by calling irr Ethereal and Pino Oil received fresh ewry week. Mr - Medical aid and advice gratis to the poor. January 17: 1848. A Purely Vegetable Medicine. p VOR ELL'S VEG E'l' A B LE REST 0- It RATIVE PILAIS nave been gradually but surely comoing into favor, among the faint ties of this Country for some years past,' They have done this entirely tnrough theirgreativorili as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but no puffing and hun:hug such as is resorted to by quacks to sell their msdicine has been done. The pills are offered for tale and have and will continue to be sold•by all t principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim for their Medicine' the following advantages over all others—vizr They are 'PURELY VEGE TABLE. They arq CERTAIN TO OPE RA l'E. Their operation is FREE -from all .PAIN( They can housed with EQUAL BEN EFIT bY the YOUNGEST INFANT and the S 1' RO NGEST MA N•Their efficiencrin Fe. vers, Ague. - Headnahes. Hibitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, cholera Mnrbus, &c. has been pro. . ved upon thousands. They are a Certain Cure for Worms.:': The 'proprietors possess a certifi cateltornb.gintleman in St. Louiswho was cu red Orti:TAPE WORM by the use of them, TRY THEM THEY WILL ,NOT FAIL. Travelling agent for the State of Pennsylva nia—Cu/mu:a P. Amer. For sale, price 25cts a box containing FIFTY PI LI.S. wtth full di rections by the following agents in Cumberland County For sale by DR RAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pe: Sons DILLER. WM BRATTOMr—NBMVIIe. W D E Ilives,—Shippensbnrg. Ssirrsten,—Newburg. • A WEEKS & Co, Proprietors, Laboratory, NOI4I Chestnutstreet • Pniladelphia, • • January, 24th,. 1849, • WOW opening by JACOB SENER, who re spectfully calls the attention of his friend s and the public generally and all dealers in HARDWARE, to his new and splendid assort ment of all kinds of Hard Ware, such as Sad dler's Tools, and Saddlery Ware of every de 'epriptitin and style, all kinds of Carpenter's tools, and building materials of all kinds and nev style, all kinds of material used by Cabinet makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all. kinds, d good assortment of Men's morocco, kid, French straits, lining and binding skins for,ehoe-ma kers, all articles used by shoe Makers constantly kept on hand. Blacksmiths, can be supplied the very 'best of hammered ironoverranted good, alsb all kinds of rolled, slit, round, band, and strap. iron, cast; shear, spring English and American blister steel, warranted good,olso a lot of sheet iron for armors. - "Housekeepers can also be supplied with every article necessary for housekeeping in the Hardware Line. Ethereal and Pine Oil Lamps of every doscrip tion just received, also ethereal 'and pine oil for sale. just fresh; all kinds of paints; oils, yarn. When, turpentine, also, d first rate article tO.pre i serve leather shoed, and keep the feet Look out and bear in mind. Farmers, Mechanics end Housekeepeis and I I 'who use the Article of ' HARD WARE, call at the old well known new arraimed HARD- WARE STAND, formerly kept by Lewis Harlan. in NorthAiotiover street, neat door to John Carman's tavern•starid, now .kept by H. Glass, and,elsci,neat,'.doer to George . Keller's' Fancy. Hat and Cap, Store,,,, .Call and exomine for ypitresives .t.nd save money, ee w are de. - termined to de l l ell articles at the very 'mellesi profit-lor-CASll_and_weditinkrob_ehalLbeitble. to,sell a little, l'o• Chart nytY ether Hardware . Store to town, Ha u.'.7oods ore selected. and are purchasedrg. . ~t odor , to ' sell low al , the neW arranged Hart.',.l•l Store, well-known, •as lie Wis Herion'e stand,wherii you„may. 'find d'aixid nesoriMent pf: every, ;artiele,,in the ' HardWare,TrOdis:,', non ' c l 'forget , file Stand ,;ite quick S ettee:Mid - email' itrofits tethe•order of the Call arid - examine , orlouree ved,- :-.Oi.rs.PACOIPSENWak, • ',... .1 10 14',1' Nllll ... , ,- 4 -11 ~., ..., - 'General Cemnaislonvid-..V i n . 453/'''exclini'''. ,w., Merengnt, Ne4'.l*-ftif4.ly,N Wharf, '. I • '-' DATITX Q , !.. ~ •, , • M 1011.".• the • sale,oplour; . :Greini,Cloverseed, Ili`. Whiskey, LiintbeKqdr..C.' , '&e: - Also; for— warding,l;Goods,','lvia!iTide'Mater. .' 'Canal -:end' ir . xPennittivartiailmeroventente. • -, ,Orde're . for'•fisli ii•Balt, • rlttater,-:Ac,. ': &e.;'J i'supp . oll,llv wisest' prices. i:.'; ) - 1 1 :: i' ' ;;t' ~ I . ~, ..-• •-, • .., .. I'' finning tteen, taigoged.',in :..chti iih die ,lienitieliis • during .the. last five:yettrv'n'eohttnittion ef 11:1e • ' patronage:llf his ." . liteilde'and',,thUlititillu Is ;re .11.mpeciftilly.!bo!ibit',' '•',' • /.,,',-,.;''' .', ~,..:' :, i , • • Refit tto - T: P' 'A ,'‘! : ',.. ' ' l c: ' ' ' 4 , '', '!. ' '7 ' ' 7 i ' . I. ":711)510trprotie, ... , .::''', O, '....-, ! . ' :T:E : 0: 1 . 5 .8T , ' '• '''"n4rrlabArtr.l:' rts AAlitol: t iy*,vr-, I `'), ''''- -. ' 7 / le .4 ci ( 'firii.*:"nlii,bil e ifiainAln'''''lii ''': i'' ' ''' t6ii !tiosik r aikniiiiiiiibiiii*:,tlv=tt, .. : , 1 A,1..... : ,....... . ~ ~.. ..., ~...... mum , , . Lykons ftyll:lqaji',- 6 i e,lll'o 4yliliet!tt fl lejr Coal' 9 paoy,trjl„;be mpreArriti , io dAltyer,9o4l4'lo,/to ' Act the;2l;44, latistanOnflEiiicdf*VAllltirrali:tir , rag Intit4o., 4RennsylvAntete(atifig he.odeitEt et.slsl4trootilleo gen,e); 12,- . thileelrom.Olark'o!Fhtrkmot the foli dlowing , priceoitc4 , 4l - EV''.TIL.i. ,- .'.... 1 .i i . , t. - ..' ,, ;'. ..1.:Tta'..",..,,:.... Lump.tnrokeutilzofterheOed sEd,,s)ll2coilkpot , tbo /Nut, , i , .:. . ~., . :0" 1,75 ~.. 05,,,,, it:Gime - burners sareeniut:', — ,,. -1 " ---,-- 1 - ,37f -, "• - -- -Lima burn'ore mixedrigdil".o7,4"...l4.:' 75 ...... I ZklUI 61,-0 - , - I iW.IIIMAWILAVNINsy ,, +:. r. ;Aoril.ll%:J49..At i r....h.tvl#, 4.:. , ..;i4,1- r.tothitrerii,., .....ieo - et Ntetfv.ila... , tot • ..,, t - ir.7 '. , '.'6 o•sl 4 ltwi!lii, To.. ,' .....,:. !' ' .:';i4 lrUsV 9 ropk_o.ittotrtE i iantitd't..4na"fr... Lii . other, rthdlte,llll7, 490 V?„I i .M. 0 ,0 1. 1!1• kil l i i ,L, c t i ti, 4 4l F4 l l l JV?lt4tll:44 3 liiiikriii ) 1 75'eOV.rVi •`•il..'';,PA - • , ; 42 ',;?1'i1') 40 ' 04t ' ....,v , „ - ,'.. ' t' , '......ti, , ,. --. '-' '....:' ,•'''' ' - '9..'",,,.'.,,...- NEW AND OHEAP un2mEratiren6l.* EZ:lttaaufNsie BUSE 7 :-: -. e' 7.7 1'';),11 ; ' . iti'iiiiii'tt'i'O' it'''''.6.4 ~.....k , paha • and ' ftatt goad I,inte fo •, 1 a el'- ,;:, phlay.l:lttltimordaitteburg,,6ceis,a) , 3,: , j• W:'KEitll l ,..o4,o:irdinianil ' Keior.l.llMtil Merchant,., HARRISIERT.R% - Pa: ifi r ps is mends 'and' the' pilblie,ltlifir &opt OVA eral,paik. - rbriage,eitended tee' hint' during, the :pilit .yPfir t !ib 'hits' bpai'eneottingati to makh more aiitanatmayr .rimnt geeriirefor the;,preadn'reiiition,:arld -Nab „Mk dba - two new ; larg e rind'.,nploodielintita'.t4::hia LINE, iind'Aifill•be fully . .kipired , after' die. op ariiiii 'of the ; Cline!, io fdrvrard 'P ROD H,C E and ME,ItCHANDIZE,ISf , ' fill - Ahab. 'io and frdtif Philadelphia, Itithitnore';'rinshergh; &c.,_pt the Ihweet• rates 'of freight and with the - uttiloat de e Agents for Beate; ''. ' ' • '- ''. CARLISLE 4_ •' GASKELL, , ' ' Race 'etre& Wharf, Philadelphia. '. • • • GEISE & .SONI • ' ' No. 98 Commerce at, Wharf; Baltinto re. CLARK&, HAW, ? I. 11l eFAE EN & C 0.5 Pitas'g. 6 1 • agents for Care, WUN ERLICH St. GRIER, -•, .. ' ,N0. , 272 Markeuet., Philadelphia. C HALOREIL & REYNOLD S, No. 423 Market et:i Philadelphia. SITER',' 'JAMES & CO., '. . 'Braid street, PhifildelPlqa• - • r Nti. , fit OHIO LINE, . P ' North etreet, , Baltirpore. Harriebnr ,-March - 19,..i848.--4f._ • .....,_ ... . , • 8 - ,, Coldniates. Olot,hing. Store, Orr errconieroftlliain — street - and - Mark et S. inres ftrinerly occupied 1 / 4 Nathem:Hunteh, " THE:undersigned ralpectiully announcest to the citizen' of Carlisleand surrounding country that he hag jusearrivad' from Philadelphia, wi.th a splendid stock of HEADY MADE CLOTlit. ING, for 'the 'ptirpolae of condholing . the read y mago..elothifig business irr all its various bras!. ches. -- - . Ho intends keeping en assortment of every article . in his lihe . of b usiness, and .at such pri ces as will suif - every - one. His stock enibraccs the niost.handsome and tashionable stYleit'wern, ancLmallo up in the beet manner.' The subscribeionly asks a- Oil of his goods -and-is-sure-they will give entire satisfaction. • Alao, a' large asiortment of Hats,_ Caps, Shirts, Cravaisi Binthhes . ,Busporniere, and Hosiery, dll.of:iAillich . ,he will , sell at wry low prices. • Boy clothin constantl", on hand . . • pn 11,' 49.-6 m.• ' . . IlarriebtugTianiportation_Line. FUNK & MILLER,. • . r 0 RW A RDIMG.& Commission Merchantu, Hettaisauno, Pa. ship Produce, llorcharr. dizo, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &c. Ice.— Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, &c. constantly for sale. Harrisburg, march 29; 1848 Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor. THE ORIGINAL,AND ONLY GENULSE, A positive cure. for Borns and Scald., • Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Salt Rhe Sprain, Scald Head, Sure and In flamed Eye., Fever Sores, Sore Nipples. Broken Breast,Euts• ' and Wounds, Chapped Lips and, Hands, and all, cartes of • Inflammation P'where the • 'parts affected .can - lbe reached, Burns and No matter how 'even, are perfectly harmless, if the "Pain Extractor",is at hand to be applied. But mark: It must be the genuine Dailey. . TO MOTHERS OF FAMILIES It may with- truth be said, that there is scarcely a thmily of small children to be found, brit where accidents sometimes do oc cur, loch as Burns, Scald% Cuts, Wounds and Bruises. Children are subject moreover to Week and Inflamed Eyoa, Rheumatism, E. ruglicans, Sores, Swellings, and Inflainmai Sufis. Galley's Magical Pain Zlst.raeter. That is to sea. the Genuine article, (not the misnamed, apurinus • ind, counterfeit extrac tors, that appear under various , terms, naines and diertises,)and Which• may bir had at the Proprietor's only ,Depet in New Neil', Oda , his authorized *Opts, (*hese names ere 'in the papers and, on my Pumplilets,) never fails in any of the above cafes, no mutter how, see vere they may be, not at one tb extract in pain forthwith, and effect a speedy and cer tain cure—and thus aave a vast deal of suffer ing.. But, what is. of the least importance, especiallyle Girls—and it is to this that the .attention °Mothers is partieularly requested . Dalleys Genuine Extrselar,,in the worst Chia of .Burns abd Scald,,, leaves no sear, or on. sightly mark behind, to remain, in after years o monument of sorrow and regret to Wee,. donate parente„ It has,., moreover, and not un frequently,. been lite means, in extreme .oases, of maservinulife • ./Vp ...F amily ought Therefore . to 'he' without the.ExtraAtor for. a 4 . 4. Printed. Parripblete containing--certificates of curse, and for., the truth •of which ! hold" myself RUPUNIIILIC6,"inay . be - obtained, at:my Depot 415.DrordwayMew 'York, and 'on ap !• plicatlon to my enthorised agents: . - ' The fi howling front; George . , E Poincroy, Esq. the Well knoWn proprietor df the, Ex press speaks for itself 'of the`, importance. of the . Puin4Extractot to evcry,lPtirent..;,, . . , -ExpressDfilee,AlbanY; I. Ma. Dailey; Dear Sit—With' feeling, of no indinertpleasirtt'l'addernis yen' in relation to the beneft , l liiiTelnieeited Sow , tately,,iny little dough ter,.s Yeniiibld, had tt t tttttttttt t tt boi3nrwa tet.tianed,inte.:tier_besom,.lier.sereams.-were dretidfullso. lLske.rerowd ,instantly gathered before the house - inlet:li the canoe rifling ter, 1, xibie•soreamerl .1 tore.; her' clothe. a nd ,isui o n spread on your salve, end' ; curried rid..;laid • open it' bed:. 'She Was i relieved Wein Berlin Ina, and eis if 1 could-laugli,""iind l wrii orion In sweet sleep. She Was scalded tO a, blister. bom the.: a top of heifitlinuldrir qinip.inorrilbernl half ; es; and , round,. under, her t erms, ~cinniheil abrader; and - breird 'it was eery -deep, - yet from tha first hour, she;complulnekonly when` it Was dressed, healed; tipidly, and there is ini:oontractien,uf the muscles.'. 1- i; Wtth,rnsinkh,wiihesq:o4:,deausii, success in the sale of this mighty article. Vern yourksi -- lth reppeet, ; Counterfeits! Deviate 1 -ef) Edith tbifelts They 'near: l lAm, cognizant of their periitivelf darigertineAnd'Afileticki;iiii;aNti:t berewitlr'distinetlr Meblare;Ahae:Tivill not. ;lsOld;mysolltEeeponintileiforillefriffietivdran'y Exttaanteuelese ii it be. procured it my 'own `Doiiutrvi--415"BroadVirriy, New. Yorki; and y 235 :photontitiltsiet;Pliii,litoplphia, or fiansain9 Au. thorhuid .. Agents.- Maltlt.:3l-IW.fr_OLLO.WINGI , 77:Tee.riabetiiitWINinfil'aerielot,';:!..fihiM, AP, plied, datiqiiind'affe,ide:: titost`A sten itineopP t rellef,,Whotiseit the counturtalt,..atiCiptirlous 'Exttucturaltritate and hives e the , DV Didley'latheiiirventor,of..this tru dr stintedji,lind'i hie never his nor: never nornmerdeate teeny living eurivilie-Secret tflYAP,PflisstisP.l . ; l 7 6 ‘ -; Ai ,. . , '• t i.iorkixtraFti)it,jlieril 4 ,lfoilipirpprAimutoilatit rtko WriivPil!FijONAtift , o - .Not - 7 141 % - tion o •ph '.u p bk.,htiii.4re: base and counterfeits. • 1041../.o:(4ls . LBroadwayi New' :11'orki 435 - Cfrbsititkatteet„ - phillidelphii.i.c ; ANlRE+4l4EMlNG; ; Catifeliii.lierittes ' th etibrittiibt'Orimberland:;-;-1100,!' ir "!''': - ' , •,___'l . . , gessrallisillslMA 14:APO, es% quality of IN kilteiknoh'fifdeberirCeoi i ew!rtgl.fTrP ) .l hisoil lieuthi' dui 0 ,fi'd., 0 ,4; . 01 94 .4 .14 , It i t i t ft ney wiih eornehrooniC . bed , c r . _ th (2. c._ s Of tid i hITANnte r ig qe,K-4,ki rt , Tr ,..,?, .. t -v-oryiiaptyl. , „.., N,v49 , 5 41 , a .--, ~..sol c t - 4 , . r .,- , „„-i. 1. ..-, :.,_4- ~. •, U., :14, °T'' ' -'" c- ' , - 1, ' .'' 4 ' ' '') • ' '''''' MEE f~~}~~t~~-c~~e~- • ' FOR THE REMOVAL &.PERMANENT • CURE'OF.'ALL DISEASE,_-ARISINC • ' 'FROM AN IMPURE STATE OF • - THE BLOOD OR - .HABIT OF • THE SYSTEM, VIE • Scrafula. or Xing% Evil, Rheumatism, Ob. 'ideate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or t us. titles on the Face, Blotctes, Biles; Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head ‘. Enlargement,, and-Pain- of : the .„Benes and Mots, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms Seiiffect or Lumbago, and Diseases •arirdu* from an injudicious use'„of Mercury ; Akk es or Dropsy: Eipostue or4lnprudetice-in - Life.• Also, Chronic, courditational Disorders. • In thie - prepffation aro atrungiv,coneentrat ed all the Medicinal properties et SARBAPARt L . • LA , combined with the most effectual aids.'the most salutary_ productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and it has been so fully tested not only by patients them. selves ; but also by Physicians, that it •hus - received their unqpillified recernMendatione ---and-the-approbation-oi-the-pubite.;_antL,lme establiihed on • its own merits a reputation "for VALUE mid EFFICACY far superior to the various compounds' bearing the name'ot • [Sarsaparilla, Diseases havirbeen cured, such as are not furnished., in the records 'of time past; and what it has already done for the t'inasands who have used it, it is . capable of • dOing for the suffering and strug --gling witirdh - Teasar - ft purifies, cleanses; nn strengthens .tha.founta n airings of life..and infuses now'xigor Throughout the whale mail The &oases-for which this article is recom: I " • mended are thovo which it is known Lem porsopil experience to bo adopted; and- those apAarently removed beyond the Sphere of its action have yielded to its influe.de, The cat. ainguo of complaints might ' be. greatly ex .. tortde , : to which the sarsaparilla is adapted, but experiences proves its value, end every. suoceeding day is adding now trophies is its 1 fame. ' ANOTHER CUI.E OF SCROFULA.. ' The following striking arid, us will be semi permanent core of en inveterate ease of &Iva. fula„conimende itself to all similarly, affected Souriiroar,Conn., Jan. I, 1846. Messrs. BANa vOentlemen—Sympathy for the'afflieted i duces me .to inform you of, the remarkable cur e ff ected by'your Sarsaparilla i c ax. in the C 093 or-- . wife. - She MU, severely afflicted with time scrofula on different parts of the bod,i , ;,.the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged muter limbs.rnuch swollen. Alter suffering ovkli a year and Wing no relief from - the - remedies need ;the . ;flame . - .attuairudirxrid below the knee suppurated. -Her physician advised it sigual‘be. laid open, which wee done, but vi•hout aoy permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of; and were induced to use SANDS'. Sarsadarilla.. The Aret boti tle produced a decided and , favourable effect, relieving her-more than any piiseription she had ever taken, and before elm had used six bottles, to. the astonishMent and delight of her friends, she found her health quite reotni4. ed. - It is now Over a your since the cure wa e ffeeted, and her 'health remains good, show:- in g the disease was 'floirolighly eradicated from Oho system. Our neighbors ern all, knowlnito these facts, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect. JULIUS PIKE fle:tract.from a latter front gr:lngt ahem. lell lititi`oll konwoln Delaware county.— t cbtomeilds itaelfici ell ..attnilekly efilieted e Dtintlemen :—My Wife'hatt tilted several bat-, ties cf your Serseparille o wlnch I obtained •of yaw agents in this place, from which en- • has reecived such pecial benefit, that I am in duced to ltdd mine to the dm+ dent testimony i now' beforo the public in favor of its medic' , nal .virturaa. Her lather, mother, and man other relatives, have fallen victims tb consump time, end it,evas supposed that she too was in oltned Ihe same they. Silo had several turns 1 of relating h100d,•31.c., and at length became so rodutled.thet her life was despaired of from day to day. 'WO were induced tie try your sera aperilla. as before mentioned, from the use o width has_ health lies-been restored.; so diat• 'for the peat year she has becn üble to attend to hei domestic duties. Respectfully yours. • JOHN kt. INGRA/JAM BRONCHITIS CURED The followhg shows the virtue on the sera mparilla in removing Bronchitis, a disease which, if not speedily - arre.tedkleadir to con sumption. It eilayaspasmodie aotion,changes the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative properties, removes the unhealthy action, and the patient is restored to health. i , listrrecocar, Muss NOV. 110, 1848 - Measra.Sarise-4.ientlemeti :' I wish to make f• public; -fur the good of - those afflicted with' ':Bronchitis . ' the healing • properties of year Sursayidrilla. My with suffered -for twenty " months in such a manperne is root easily de-' 't" - soribed,t at times she-was-not able-to - speak 'above a whisper , and .When maposedlo . the eeld it , rieinteiorie ' d sem.elhing lige spasms hi the threel, the ,effeckni,whi,oli- was felt in the „ears.and eyea;:drinalrig - Mare' to" flow. The 'with' it dry cough; preduacid by tat -Taman •irritation. mid 'fi ain niatlOn'itf the thrisat, By., the!;inie at'Your, , --E1050011.14 she , was , perfectly oared, ' ' tiCing,,nowoaem than three ninatha'ainee. 1 lelt any symptoms of the disease, „ • , Yours, with respect, - t , • GEORGE th . HOE9c, Extrearfromi iietter:reeelVed'fromlfr,' N well inioWn in , Imuire"tiouitty . tientlimen,4llMittelired* a negro boy: f mina 4111; Yetir'saresparilld, who was attacked. Berufitle, itadmf a serafulOusTamily.. n:— 'N. W. HAKRIB, Freda.*lo kit - 1414:y, 3 u1.Y...170 84 5 , " " ' ,almost op t , 'ee'ori?' l l6kiroct'ulintitin to On o'rticle ,so ivol( n irn'Or pOniuriis tiro ; „who co?, it 'use, ilia . extroot pf,,ro ore try Worthitios" cam pounilo +iniiirriig tr but ,nontisni ng,little, or, 4 hotie aborlittle.dr, I.lltivalttabto .root Arad -vin'thiidt"wei confer a greater benefitun 'thin' in attention tii , thOintfro'ilitienarint; ' :stir , itteatorti.' tin.'ot,fO i Oei. #olo#; ' ' 'Tit r e r*DA‘ ale I,rjliiiiiio,o,oo,cnitroird :4ho, valge , of! tho rootiV4'llol , ospokionqe:or! tti"lihnda hamitrovod its.iiiintioy in curinr,iiiir " • viirlotordiiinarioktbr whioh.lL ie recommended;- therprelinnt time mote Iliui,,any"othejl . brhgpe, iv 10%4' in preparing %lin) oyinoin ;for, t101010p;—Horan .1' PreDi‘tePtO fikacti'7 , :v;i,lolreklii :fino*,=; i trill,.ift4t:Et.,*li6.4..-.,,sAtqp..l;;tiiiiiitkil f ?Oruggiatrtilij,(iAllyrAr jr*Opniel, A tqt, °tiles for' $5; :;. 1 MEE ECOM .i.:4o%utictutv itt.patites „,„ 5 7 x11113131tA1l The,Girard - Lifminsurinee' ranee`' ad , ;Trusi , OomPanyrd-Philitidel:. • . :oificei:".No;.49 Chatnut Stmq, Capittil,l3oo. 000. Chart& P,erlic4a •"'' V . 014TINUE to make insillincos on "Lives on the must . liivottraliki-terma. -receive and executtNa'rusts, aliditeceiiesDenosits on Into • . • 'The CaVal:beitag paid up tand - ,lnvosted, to gether' tviihileduniulated 'Premium hind. rillords tl rERFECT szcuttyryio. the insured. - The pre nitiy"be pal4..itt, yearly, .hall yearly, or guarteily payments. ' 17 , 'The..Company add 'a BONUS .at stated pe 0..1 ,riods:t 1m insurances • for life. Tins o 'insurance hi the most approved of,"Sno,is ,more generally in nen, than any other in Great .Bri lain, (Where-the Subject is best,undorstood by 'the petite, and where they lave had the 101.1 g. eat experience,) as appears from the lout, tl tat out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of all' kind's, 87 ore on this plan. The first BONUS tans appropriated in De • comber,lB44. amounting to IQ per cent. on the sum insured under the oldest polices; lo 81 per cont., 7i per cent.,.&c, &e., on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, making en ad dition of $100; $87.50;'575, &c., 49c. to every $l.OOO. originally insured, which is an overage 'of more than 50 per cent on the premiums paid, and without' increasing the annual payment to the Company. The operation of,the BUNGS will .be, seen by the following example's from the Life limn rinfre'Registet of he Company, thtts: • Policy. Sum Bo••us co Amount of Policy Insured -Addition Bonus pnyabla al the party's decensc. No 5N51,000 $lOO.OO 81,100.00 - 88 , 2.500 250.00 '• 2,750 00 205 4,500 400'00 4.400.00- - 270 2,50.. 175.00 s '• • .2'175.00 339 5,000 • 497'50 5'437.00 Pamphlets containing the table of rates, and explanations of -the subject'; forma of ap tductuion, and further information 'can be had at tli_eullice,:_gratisl - ill person or by letter, ad, dreised to the President or Actuary. .; •B W RICHARDS, President,— .INQ F JAMES, Actuary. mQ t 49ly Fire Insurance. rpHE" ALLS.,N &sin: E. PENNSBOROUGH "Mutual Fire insurance Company of Ctim berftmd county, incorporated b an•ct : • - luny organizerfwnS irikperation,-un der the management of the following commis sioners, viz Cht. Stayman, Jicith'Shelty, Wnt. Ti. ()organ'', Lewis Hyert-Christ ion -litzele Hobert Sterrett, Henry Logan,' Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Sainl.'Prow ell, sr, and Melchoir Breneman, who respectfully call , the attention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages which the com pany holdout. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any company of the hind in lie State: -Per sons wishing to become members are invited to make, application to the agents of.the comps ny. who are willing to wait upon thereat any tin te. JACOB SMELLY. Provide ni lifilNitY LOGAN, V. Prets't LEWIS HYETI Secretary MICHAEL Cocxxxv, Treasurer AGENTS—Rudolph Martin, New , Curnb•erl and Christion.Titzel and John C. Dunlop, A Ihen ; C Harmon, Kingstown; Homy gearing. Sloire =mown Sipion OvFaor, Wormleysbuvgf hart.Mooro..Ghorlea.Y3ell. Car Pale. Agents for York County—Jacoh Kirk :Ilene. ral agent ; John Sherriek, John Rankin, J. I4ow man, Peter Wolford. Agents for IlarrisburgHouser & Ladln non gquitable Life Insurance, A nullity and Trust Company.. _ OFFIC E 14. Walnut street, Phiatielyhia.— O" Capital .8250,000.—Charter iteirpe tual.— Make Insurance on lives at their other: itt Phila delphia, and at their Agencies throtighieut the States, at the lowest rates of pretniutoi. Rates for insuring at 9100 on a singlet Life. Age. Fur I year. I For 2 yearrs. I Life. 20 - „SI 91 1 SO 30 '"' 99. '• 1,301 1.04 . 40 1,29 1;64. 1 2,117 1,86 3,48 EXAMPLE. - A person aged 30 yeitirs next birth day, by paying the company 95 cet its. would se cure to hts family or heirs $lOO sheiteld he dielti, ono year ; or for $9.90 he secures t, , them $1000; orfor $l3 annually fir seven year a he secures to them $lOOO should he die in Re vitn years; or for $20,40 paid anzwally during li fo. he secures $lOOO to ho paid ten he dies. The insurer eecuring his own bonus, by [hi) difference in amount of premiums from tlnit ie charged by 'other antes.. For ,$49.50 the,!oeirs would re ceive $5OOO shoold'he, die in one,,y year.. Forms Of apffileation, and, all esi cu h m , be had at the office of Fiti;n!s., W.Rxrs, Carlisle, Pa.! .1. W. LAGHO.R N, Pree't TUCKETT. Seey. FRED'II. WATTS, Att'y. Dr. D. N. Melton, Medic at Examiner. r nag2e- . The Franklin Fire Insu range Cm pany of -phllade Whia. OFFICE, No; (Oh C hesnut 's treet, near Pitt street. . • DIREC'IOR S. Charles N ~11 sucker Geutge, W. R teluirds Thomas Hart Mordet-mi 1). Lewis Tobias Wegner - Adolphe E. Serie Samuel Gran,. Datad S. Brown ' Jacoh It. Smith Morris Pat t arson Continue to make insurance , peretual -or limi ted, on every description ol 'property in town and country,•at rates as low-as ace consistent with security. The company luxe reserved a large contingent fund, which with tip eir capital and pre miums: safely invested, afield ample protection -lc the insured. p2The assets of the comps ny On January Ist 1848, as published agreeably to an act of As em fitly, were as follovo, viz t ' Mortgages $890,556 65 - Real ,Elnate - 10,358'90 ' 'Temporary Loans ' 124,459 00 Stocks- 51563 25 Cash-on hand and in hant . ls of .• • ' aims; Since timii incorporation, itemod of eighteen yeare„ they have paid ,upwares of ONE' len..x.tolvi; ywo 110/IERED THOUSAND DOLI.AIIB, losses by fire,', ,thereby eflotdings,evidence of th ty. advantages - of 'insurance, tte well as the ability. and disposition to meet with promptness, all lint CHARLES •N,,f1A11.0 K,ER, Pree't Cuss..G., B A NOICER; See. feb The subscriber is agent .for.lhe above cnmpenr for Carlisle and,its vioinity.. II ,applientions' for irentranee either:brim:id p r .--p erso i l o v ;,,, s ,ol , be. iltaMPllY,atlendeid DPSEYMOVR:I,, far )byepepaiai:Ner+Ons:,Headaaheiciair • ArllHlS • iii re'iot irarienti'd, safe; and iffeat aid rennodYi'd9rohlio 'for D's , a-' dtppeta;aiut•firr.ibueL diseatioh , roi6lth4 friith and ;connected with condition 'of ilk+ atomaali•and Ikvay,'`or,i)ftaagerahntaotthe' dikha r , tiv : h 11011 1 .4 w .hveaknetai, - latulonay,Zlona'ntalillatire'adqr'oractatiana',and liagidityl of ihrt•fotoopuoh e 'eatitiVonnen;'hathdarhe;: Optulancand colic partiOaltir!) , ra. ' chnimendediio'thrhe who are hulTeritig'un'def i ! febilitr : .and',;depre'esion hkal Mad cand'rrimoviaingf po`wara' ,ted •• • ''arc oL") , Pni, tForefala•liy;,) ?P, WWl' Corner' kW Vitt''&-. oi . .11 , a ~ et is . s a. ckfibitiifeof*l4;iiif thiiliKiiit,ktiOtio.ne:t ? 4,,t ernis e : liirke'fitilkirkiiient'efetioi, - ;Dryo,,ip . r i.: eineaoo ha allatila;' raffital l i (:) ,Il iz . °4.i. Ai ii 'OR; most , estiftil f inentlfeiliri ni,,s ;IA . T A ID , e Roam.. -assorttiV,SvihtiPPrifireer.¢-1 1 191 ' odißioN - Ingi -„ Soutit4aSiliiiiii!pris' an0i , , , 1-1,6,1 ~..yef r' lipl y , 0, I , f ai . 6 in great Niirltity;tll4lll .1 apc.rv, ,liinb,-prAit ,Plesfi', , & (11113th - biii - aboX. , -'Will, ill , ;(gF,dat;:ypristy_ r ti . e,,,, ~ ,briillas;',Oitqt6MticM.V. rAiks, - Ctinlibe l - .,lnk &, Ink Standet Anittil)Kiii r.il& Anon; Pine w,ll - flag . & Niiiit ,- ;l),AribrleAlse olissi-,., Razors, Pen ,Kriives. Saiiisers, &rnictito iiiikok.hP . ,ooy Wax eqdteffsearrittiey :•itifilei_ , Upitfeittiy, v taisiii I.sif i d Lsm i ts, Glabeilz& VVirlto;;Riyil:,ctiA, JA Rtl p m '4IV , An• extensive nsiori ens . cCrnnierierl''iSs].Do., ~, tocalieSeg - draTTaliiieaff &AXMlfritls,, ...;',,,„.,,,,ft1i „gill iiniVexernincritie 13 rirair - , illa -- ,09P,A9,9111 . ) , : Oran induilifineAis y - Piielehnsiitol- i rc'eliik, - i , t ;als ~, 4 bqu'AdaAct`rititlty, 21113'1810. -, •- 1 -„,„i • • - ' -:: • - . 5- ';'' '-' ' ' ; : '', ' • '..L:t l '. -'2:l!';';',,-;, 41 r i b w=rtm mmamcz=ml tir ". 11' ;I:11 .ifiRGiSTOIIIELF; Colt irffi'ints HI,UOSon ;AND L.01778E1 • " • • " :THE figtmeriber .haspieeei ved nti Lti npw open • ng choiee selectinn,pf Wintit.Gendsuonnun ';'ng"cirClothe;'' inid'Velitiripti e iiewent le .at.t hirloviest up into T?reae coatiu;;Dver,Coati,leacks, °Wake,' Panis Vein $, Drene eosin of from' .$1 50 ,U4i/i V. ete,frorni7s etti. , :to.118;00; °leak s from a o $2O. Sle also lceepe . eliiri 9 . lool , l , o o ls - inele and poette lorti,cops, glovenniol Hosier:s, hi shot', adery 16ing opperinining ton gentlenrom's werilrebe ham forlonise he Will lie ienribled io• °Mir! frith liikm.iince a month. He,,willj; peolve,regulurfy the net) Phi Puslsions and Osiris in Offing 11, his lc' hi theninet iluriihie . and' lieshionsible nonuser. •He will isleO imtke uP work purchased at other slurs:sin the moat cove n] mantle . He Will pay pnracular attention to ',Children's Clothing He respectfully' enlithe a share of public potroonge B l'AltiqNSol4, Dee 13, DAS Agent for she Propriehir , Great Attraction for the 11011daya IN NORTH HANOVER OT., CARLISLE, PA., THE Subscriber would respectfully inform i„ the citizens of Collide, and those who may Visit it during'the Holidays; that ho is now manufac turing. and will keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of ,C UN FECTI ONA Y • SUGAR PLUMB'S, &c., suitohle fir prouching,festivities, whti h will sold Whole . sale oat/Retail, as the. OLD Str4irin in IV oral Hun over Street, a ~few doom north. of the Berk, . where h.alem has on hand 'a large assortment of FRUITS' and N U'FS of the lout at importa tion, which wil; lie sold o t act cm modeling IMPS. consisting p er t of ORAL GES, LE MONS. GRAPES, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Figs, Almonds, Cocoa -ants,' Cream - nuts, Filberts, PC11•11Ulti. English Walnuts, .&c. &c. He would also doll RUOIIIIOI.. to the best assortment of FRENCH( GERMAN, AND AMERICAN I'OYS, over brought , to this place, consisting partly of fine French Volley , Coxes, kid and jointed Dolls, all sizes, doll heads, fine Chitin, common delph nod woodidn --ten sote,-kitclien_stms-nndfitrnittire-in-brpxes-- Mass rind tM •triimpets, WeOlev dogs, hone ;tin, basket and - other - rift-ilea. o all kinds, wagons and Wheelbarrows, fine tin toys, tools in boxes, glinted, Pitzzlii; &d. Fi-. anos, - Fiddle, Tamborines„ limmonicans, Ac,- • cordeons,.drums, guns, pistols, &c. Chino toys, fine sowing !caskets, and doll liaska's, „ andia-variety-ote too numerous to mention. In cannel tion With the above he has just re ceived avenue' lot of • • Fresh °roomies t loaf and brown. SUGARS. New Orleans, Trinidad - Syrup, add Sugar Rome MOLASSES, very cheap. Itnperial, 'Young Dyson and Block TEA. Chocolinc, Water, Soda, Sugar, and Pie-Nis. CRACKERS. Cheese, Rice, Blacking &c. FRESH SFloES,•such as nutmegs, cin namon, cloves, pepper, ginger, allspice, ground All ordemiliankfully received and punctually attended to by P MONYER. Nov. 29, 1848. - AT the Cheap Family Grocery' Store of JO SEPII D. HALBERT, West Ma street, Carlisle. you will alwnys find the best s,„tply of Family Groceries that the Philadelphia markets can afford. The shbscriber has,Just returned from the city, and would Jespetiullv invite the °public in general and his friciudi in particular, to call and examine his stack, tguich, embraces all the articles ustinlly kept in his line of business, such ns Rio, Jatis and Si Domingo Coffee: Im perial, Yiing. Hysonntind Black Teas, of the best ()utility & flavor lonf,'lsiling loaf, crushed. clarified and brown Sugars of every grade, vtith price to suit. Hoiley,-sugar house, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of fill kittds, which be 'will warrant. mire and' fresh- ground. Broome, buckets, baskets. butter bowels. wash rabb e t s , clothes pins and brushes -of every variety.— ; Castile, fancy; rosin and Courity 1 OAPS. Al so, n general assortment of chewing and smo. king TOBACCO, sparisb lunlfspanish'snd com mon CIGARS.; GLASS, QUEENSWARE, and_CROCXERrof every description, 14 , 140 3 lie will sell at the lowest possible p Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed upon hint. py h generous pub lic, the sul.scriber tenders them his hearty thanks - , stud hopes that in his eflerts to please, and particular attention 10-business to merit a continuance of their support. Nov'r 22 184 S. JOS. D. BALDER T. 2,07 I 3,94 2,97 • 6 03 Valety's the Spice of Life." THANKFUL for the favors heretofore bestowed ppon us, itrour line of business, we. again would "HERALD" to our numerous customers, that we ore in constant supply of general asaottment, (which we are receiving almost:weehly from the city) of all articles per taining'th the business Of a dive ry and Tea Store, embracing Brown Sugars of good qualities at s', 8,7, Old 8 eta per pound, Rio Coffee's 01$; 9, and 10 'cis, Crushed, Pulvetized and Bkoken Loaf Sugars, at 9 and 10 eta per mina/Jays a •d Mocha Coffees, also BLACK and GREEN TEAS of choice selections, either in bulk or in metallic packages, always Iresli, at horn 37ito $1.50 per pound, member with every,vstiety of Spices, such as CINNAMON, lIAC'E, CIT RON, Pepper, Cloves. Ginger, Nutmegs. mus tard, s:c. LIVERPOOL AND G A SALT', together with Fine Sob. either in Hacks snail. ler quantities. • SPERM A-ND DLES, together with Mould And qv qualities, Sperm and Whole blenched Oils,. o pure quali r ty, as also SALMON,.ANI) Al 11:KAREL. Molasses; Syrup, Vinegar, CheeCrackers and numerous other articles, all of . which 'for quality and prieemwe feel confident on inspection will prove equally as good and its reesonehle no can he sold any whore else. But a cell from. our friends eau satisfy them best and us too. ' Remember the "Old Stand,". nearly 'opposite 4 : yrkholder's (formerly &mom's) Tavern !gain street. EB Y. corliale; 3th bec. 848.' 14qiumes, Oils and Boars, AF vF and fresh supplytrom nonage'', and+ other .f the baareity lfoueea, arriong Which are double rE:;...eet Briar; Rosh lletnriiiini Verbena, whoolv. Heliotrope, Milleilenr. Re& Musk, tane, , ..typut up and . iiir. rale apibit prices. Also; for' the: Um," made' attxlair glen, Ilene'. , Oil, Ana-sainted Antiqbe Oil,' , Phibeeme,Beera Marrow; , fini -' Myrtle and•Vio' Pommadea....o ranti.,linaps,''.anali . ' 1 4; Rotisaera.SliatiriereaM::'Wri ght's do, Military, do, Alm,n.Ml,,,qllCreqPl;ll%,4sll•Soap, making an nano!' mont,unantnalkatto ity,any in the •betongh. Inay3l 85,373 28 • DRUGS DRUGS" DRUG I -" ,srt JUpT Itgc.mv - pn riaIYSTOIA Ciountry , n3larelients "and•' ;I"V.s , .Pedlare, are •itiv i ted , to call dila. iNflifffilile !Block of Niedieines, - Paki!:ai'Olaiii,' Oil, t ; ;' ' Patent;MeiliciM)' nsc-r.li:'jihi'dottincdlB,wy'llioi-A., Fine'ehlinii#o,4t,ll'k fvPs'll346:l;oB, At. it - .ti , 171 , 1 „ 17 ,,: . , i llllo,kiii_CP4) iiiiif`,' r2erfurnery,'474,°•:;;;; ' r i k r e•P ue 'l t ''''' , slctirk:S. 4,4•43,- • , ' 1 : 7 , ; -1 4wbode; ' '4, 1 -< :1!' --',. 4 ., •Log and ‘1 1 , 1 r!,,,,, ,s f 4 / ... A.SP° 3 ' - ;' .;r r 7 OW Vilriql, , V'tj.• ,''''' '.‘.„.44 i Madderit.r,,, •et • ,COOlnitAN-414 ,‘,,O,iii;; .k , ;'& . • (2:±''l ' ''' Suhl__lP34 1., 2 "'•''',' g1TW1 ',"; 13, , , ; ,r q'''' Mi l i!!" ' AT:piAlDirr,f3i.-"7-,',' '.4..,y ; ; , 1; , :„„li;;'; .' '.', ''''' r '' '. leirliAtieY,'4;tl.4.l7'l44l°',ir :1,;:i ~.. 1, Ivi,„ilinei,"iN 119v.i.,Ittilog,,,a,11'.,,azyttfrteh,;,4, ~ ~..rdc.,.;.,„„d,ez„,,,,G,..k.1-7,,,,,.,, lie 41, 4 Ea. p•• i; 4.001,64-frand,cotigh Vitrlr4 7.1"0,11:01,,,,1tty-*ic , , tine, hith-NrittP°l4-1.0" o. A nd4ll9o ;P li tie n it-treT, , 4.,,,, t ilkto• 514 A' 15v,1181,, narkat Pr,IS .z• 1- 4 81 ' l , ,i4c4F ~..44.044,gtt • 441 4^ 4 ; ••; 4 4' ' p er „ 4 .4...44•44 .....±..4,e,..-• ..,,, 0V.;2; ” , liiiia) 'L' I nee .: ''' A '; ._ A: L NAGE imtgenerottioliviiiiimof these ric otdres,ip.elpry vgjety.4o,l*4 1 4dd1415t0 oufas. ,t,' )rtintmif. 'ANo; Otri , oradipt yirarq,cipitaliql• L. 4 tig , Tiibirhytn# 4 2131kliiill':' 141410g . ,:qt-Asuak .., ' rtirraVic , ; 0 ' ,tlie:ipipAkryA•pre: t 01e.4,-.. , * ;• 14,.1,,,i1i +I • 401ilt ' ' "s•"'" - ' - • —, 7":::Id i !l i • 1 : ." 1011/1(51100/cti , ' 4, 1 P:0;;Nr 11ttii.,.1441Vred';'10;atORTER.titlIZSIIIA'Z'Ontir; o- r u HOES.—,rilit*,n l ),3lohaii!ttPPllo4lll4lli4;ili44,4., JONI\ Pride, A:L;114 - . ...I,' GROCERIES, GROCERIES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers