Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 23, 1849, Image 4

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*ow ,
• Perhapet the, pakes of modern - history
cannot imadime . a more gratifying
to ttie American 'peeple, than that which
Will perpetuate the late extraordinary
march of the U. S. Troops for their rig/
apeetive,',distimitions - 7 - iri - Santa-Fezen
• California, undiil ihe command of Brev't
1ient. , C01.4.-14. Washington, 3rd Reg
intent' A - Killery; nay A GMS-Gayer
nor an'cl'Coinmiandant Of the Territory of
New Mexico. This distinguished offi
cer, after having served an actual cam
paign in the-field of more than two years,
in the recent war with the Republic of
Mexico, and_ who, in company with the
Commander , in-chief of the Army of oc
eupatioh had not completed their first
- days march of evacuation; when he re : ,
-ceived orders from. the War Department ,
With date" of 7th of June, 1848 ; to pro
ceed with th 4 command therein assigned,
rind by the most practicable route to the
ifistant points of designation. Monterey,
in-the - State of New Leon, Republic of
Mexico was the point of concentration
and departure for thig cominnand, whibh
was comporecl • of Company C. 3rd Ar
tillery, Lieut. Judd, in command, accom- 1
panied by Brev't. Capt. Kilburn and
Lieut. Thomas, with additional duty .as
Commissary, five companies of Dragoons
Major Graham in command. Doctor L.
A. Ed'vards as Medical Doctor, Capt. T.
L: Brent, principal Quarter Master, and
Capt. Kane Quarter Master for the Cal
ifornia expedititni..
The command left the city of Monte
rey on the 25th July, 1848. Upon the
night of the second day's march, at La
Rincanido, the Commander of the expe
dition received an official communication
from the Governor of Saltillo, State of
Coahuila; protesting against' the com
mand passing through the State of which
he was•Glovernor. Upon the next day
the Commander of the expedition, after
having performed his regular march, sent
the corresponding official contestacion to
the Mexican Governor; intimating in the
same that the intention of the expedition
was entirely friendly, and that the troops
were only retiring to. the occupation of
thi newly acquired territory of the U.
States. There was such plain candor
and simplicity in the communication that
it produced the most happy results ; the
Governor had arLoterview with :he
commander, the latter assuring -the for
mer, that the questips he had' thought',
proper to allude to in his communication
did not fall within the sphere of either,
but belonged to superior powers to deter
mine, he only being obliged. to obey the
orders of his Government. The Gover
then in conclusion desired, that the A
- merichn commander Would lend his kind
protection to the inhabitants of the coun
try through which he might pass,—and
which was most religiously observed.
Alter nine days march, we arrived
within three mils of the village of Par-.
ras in the State of Coahuila, a very plea's
ant town, famous for its vintage within,
and abundant wheat fields in the" near
vicinity without Our encampment was
upon the farm of Don. 'Manuel lbarra and
Bretherreontiguous to their residence,
and where much hospitality was bestow
ed.. The day afterwards, the command
did not move and the. soldier enjoyed a
transient repose, after travelling some 167
miles. The vi llage of Plains should al
ways.-create a pleasant sensation when
' mentioned, because divested of many pe
culiarities, prevalent perhaps in the Mex
ican country ; ''nuneberress Amer;cans
have here found the kindest welcome.
Upon the 4th Of August we continued
our march to El Poso, a small Rancho,
but wheh wishing to pursue the most-di
rect route, a want of forage in that direc
, tion compelled us to make a digression
to our left, losing - ground' but obtaining
supplies at a small village called_ Alamo
de parras. Here I should do injustice
to hospitality if I did not particularly re
capitulate, that their demonstrations was
most friendly. From this small place
another road bears still farther to the
south, might: have been followed, apd in
wet weather would be most nivisable
howe vor, the commander informed him
: self well and determined to pursue 'the
middle mute. which leads through some
rich Haciendas and fertile soil, increas
ing as you approach the wide valley of
the rivet:, Nassas. This river, although
among one of the mast respectable, after
watering many Haciendas, villages, and
wide extended sand-plains flows into.or
forms three several lakes. We came to
thesrivera,t lutjauspip,i,otm, rupinent and
aticVe4ed in Orossing..the same with , lit
tle difficulty - at the.distance'nf' sm. miles
from,Conception, at the'ford of Figaroa:
The width - of the' river at this place
might, be 150 yards, with an equal depth
of 12 inches, water, the bottom being firm,
---free-froarquickSitildwhiptris -- so - •.- ••
sally' known, to , -.bri:.dangerous to ;,heavy,
trains.. This •river has • often Proven to
be•ii barrier'eftorkt . ditys'iti,the„ arixii4o
tiiivoller4:',AVe;SraYelled for, • two , days
- tipon km level groand, where this lame,
' atreitM 4 ,' 11aP - 'olleyi - 'ptialiq, ' ,-,B Wellikkg
.ireq . B,,c§dietine ,:iriilitclui ; cif ' acres, .but
',leaving is...kind ireirierfibrarice like tliu
;Nile, whilirt '!iliitirliti'throhgli expectant
;ll:A.l l ,tii' -).. 11:':.' t, , ,,? ,
~, ow being,,beiyon4 what' , with • reasori
• wehitdAM"mtia,ti cfeoSd, rieW scopes a
',44l;unit,i;;i4Wit 'of MaPairti,iri
~the„SiStiotpuningo, was dratving near;
I,lV • oti s l i t bsiritidiiiii 'lltirtOrni les wes4,of
, hhetkiiiikeAlyWr:',,34'6lol interest ;Wiie.ox
._ elk iittilte,coiimand as we ernergd from
&deep winding'' ravine; - most of 'us for
:111b:firet,time'saW the largii riitissive'stol l
''tikeitliblisilidebes • .-- . .iiiid,, deise t clude
.viesuhig , t ere rom, te mg. t,lt rain. 4he
" l ore'i O A llll il4 -I *ff -116 0 1 Pnlifillilyri
j 1. *044 , ir1,0r, ,6 90. 11i4:4, "s6me", ruggod
, e ,paitiuntain,iihere , 3fielclirig its hidden Nil.-
. tueir,tiOlirtoyvh. , :co, pfe, , :#6 Runqn; ~eye,:, hi
`, 1 _,...t1i#P,4}1 4 40114tit : 0 41 ) ;Miii.e,i; ii:,}lpie.
' ' T .iv4 artltk;roste ;on ,i' itaAtili4lll itur , travelL
ling: Rbpro, T s g4ei i Ving• froni the hiltiNf l itii;i
~,ia, h itiiits..o r Feipeot,
ecJtilli4l4Ag.f,i'ig,ia lt4 ir o d 0' 4#• PI rOP I IPPri , Yf , t; IIO PRAY , made !ometi
f mj etws, wict,o49Pl:3ltering.on -, a,dee4s r
• ,'4llooo,o9",ialtes,-'ivithoat;ifiabitationii; from ihismomiticettkii 12itiAtiktiSv*is,usillir,iitt
!ftief;ftiastr, ,Wsteil'Allyatiei 'at s'l'oag;;Ali:Staiteesi
i1k .. 40. 1 0/01 0 0PittlilP./4 1 1 1 0,0 ,,0 44'4 1
,f.,9i1A1, 0 ,31413 4 /0 0 . , b. , le.ml44kl4l;iis thef
• iibisflitionvgimmribed.Avith Y . llll2l,llllliiiiio •
,leinii.w mg hi iiillediherPOkekkirOolophoi
iMiipithilit;l//oVnOW Wit s -IftintiVilc itWfVo .
6 , 1 Ili '..,: la') ,1/ f.'l'hlti; ,I, .1 . -1 , .• - - ,
Florida' anihae `
re`marching~`ron C hthu hua!e
stands upon its plearitint banks;' whilst. riCh
-and i utitnersuailaraut;Jilialtsilfitrttlitrs Wide
;Progression. Truly, can 1 say, if.peace had
been an. Indian characteristic, here. indeed;
might happiness and prospdtity have'estab
lisheiltheir gehtal abodes-, We still advance
bat there
_Was a storm inefiating„ Which if h.':
had lent its waters the already, swelling •,
Conches, a river of three hundred nt ilea exfent, '
ito s h empties 'itself into the Ric Grande at
-the-Riestdio-dal-Norte r :tve.shotild-most,
real's. have spent. some unpleasant days,
whilst deprived of the, consolation of saying,
we have crossed" thrtit "rutin rng stfeam." 'ln
the whole course of' ner memeTtliere seems
to reign a fixed deteimination
. fo,fihildph
over every obstacle, and. no snootier were
they announced, when happy combinations
rendered arduous labors but as a passing re
oreetien. Chilmalma,now became the uni
versal theme, the rivet of San Pablo, al
though sometimes a ,dangerous mountain
torrent yet in .the general anticipation wrist
forgotten. It is mine now, the pleasing task
•to 'say we are in the city of Chihuahua.—
Upon the i'fith of August might be seen on
the north bank of the Chihuahua ereeki king
lines of wagons, with blenched tents, an.
nouncing that our command again rests from
its toile.. It had been • anticipated that no
good feeltrigs•conld• be established between
our troops and the citizens of this capital.—
B•at . our countrymen will be gratified to
learn that our Government, by the selection
which it 'made of the Commander for'this
expedition, accomplished more than is some
hales secured by a desperate .fought battle.
Col. Washington came like a friendly spirit' l'
amongst them ; in . admiration of the mall,
they forgot the scourge and misfortunes of
war, and the most friendly, relations were'
establishey) between the Mexican Governor
and the American Commander. 'I he latter,
unwilling to be surpastied iii ,e,ourtesy,
wilich t iedem!, upon the part 01 the Mexican
General and Governor had been most mark•
NI and attentive, was honored with a review
of the command, which I am happy to say
Caine off in fine style, gratifying thethousand
spectators, and serving as an useful lesson,
by its =posh ' er presentation. .
This-memora ble march has been character
ized by several interresting epochs. 'At Moms
terey, we parted from the only remaining
troops in the Republic of Mexico. The arrival
of the command at Chihuahua was an inteies
ting period, but the soperation which took
place near there, was one of the most thrilling.)
interest. The command remained here from
the 26th August, until tat September, the time
was spent in the most active preparations, fit.
ling out from the whole command, that portion
which was destined for California under Major
Graham. Special. orders were given to let the
California expedition have thcrelmico of every
thing, and when they separated, they said they
lacked nothing. Tipp thrist Septemiler, the
line of march was taken , up for.' Sacramento
Creek, fifteen miles norili,of Chilinhua, where).
our encampment was, formed, and where we
enjoyed two more days of occasional rest; ar.
rangements still being made for the final sep.
eratio.n, which would take place upon the next
days march,frein that point. --Upon the 41.1 1, 0 f
September, the two commands separnted-wh 'le
marching. It would be vain for me to attempt
to describe the parting of long tried friendship
, among brother soldiers in arms-the heroes of
many battles. Gov. Washington's ennui' and
now consisted Of obe battery of six gunr.'and
Lieut. Pleasanton, with one company 2d Dra•
goons, their destination Santri Fe, capital of the
Territory of New Mexico, distant 550 Miles-
Maj. Graham's command, two. companies 2d
Dragoons, and Capt. Rucker, with his own and
unnther company of the let Dragoons, distance
1300 miles. Each one of the commands with
their respective trains. hoipitals, and the com
mon minutia of moving columns.
The country over-which the road to Now
Mexico passes, is•but thinly inhabited, the
watering places far apart; General Price's
command had Plat- eon withdrawn over the
elms route, forego could nut be ob'ained
scarcely at any pri e, we were going into,a
latitude of 35 I-2 egrees, two thirds of the
road heavy sand, and •even tti 'augment difficul.
ties, we had to pass °sera small ridge of pure
sand mountains or hills, some thirty miles pre
vious to our arriving at El Paso; but fortune
smiled, good judgment aided, and wo passed
where many have been compelled to stop -
We arrived at El Paso del Norto on the 16th
of September. having passed over a distance of
35(1 miles. The day of our arrival was one of
national festivity, the commander and Mostar!'
were invited to honor the closing scene of the
evening--eOMO of our officers had the satisfac.
tion of being present upon the occasion. Upon
the 18th wd crossed the Rio Grande-and al
though the soil is new and rough, yet many
with fond appreciation, hailed it as 'their coun.
- try. At some ten or twelve miles above El
,Peso on our side of the river, we found an
Amend - an settler.' -, The, next ,settlem,ent is
Donn Anna of some,Ove year's growth, 150 mon
M the, village, and with - ono of the best river
bottoms for cultivation.knewn - upon the Rio
Grande, tho ,carne .ibeing 60, miles above El
Paso. ' The inhabitants were in groat dread of
the neighboring Indians. Col. Washington
gave them 1600 catridges, and exhorted them
to be men, to defend their virifes - and children, ..
end their. sacred homes, and, that with an eyo
always to their protection as American cit.zons
he would not forget them; lie has fulfilled his
work us will be seen by Orders No. 1, issued
at Head Quarters, Santa tom I nth Oct., 1848.
At one day's march from this village, the road
leaves the Rio Grande, and what• is caned the
90 miles'gornada commences, eceriatimos the
whole distance is without •water; wo had a
better passage, finding :valor at three conve.
nientplacea, before we again came to (he Rio
Grande and at FroGristobal. The next settle
ment was San Pedro, and from thence a regu
lar series of small hamlets until our arrival at
Santa-Fe-theCepitalßwhich pleasing consum
mation Was verified;tikn - the long to be, re'
mimbered'lOth'Uf Octotier.'.' W him ,'witliln;2s
mites of our-destiviation'thit'rata , Uoniniquiled
accompanied With tviicl„, Inill;litinshine ,orid.
thunder. Two 'days afterwards, we raw the
rromnding-mountains with mew,
Parb r aPs their winter:rut* ere now -, put on.-,
Through "
every village where Col.-Washington
: passed,,lis ip formed
.himself. of its . hisou revs, ,
,end probable abilities, establishing that friend.
ship and confidence which the peculiar oir
curnatineeeiortlid Territory, so much required.
The next day after his arrival, he assumed the
fitnetionitef , , Compueder and, Governor of the
TerritorY:''CoMinOinirSeCietary Vigil in that
'cuipaeltr, he being, required - to renounce • the ,„,
'office of Governor of the Territory. only. . '
' ', The''reader will rieWhaVe travelled with the
command front Monterey, in Minden; to: Santa
Fe. in the United States. The distance at the
lowest'. computation being twelve.. hundred
miles, that umtralelled; marilk,fiy American,
troops in one.'eentinitatliitilOngritioni Waa.Par.
fanned liingleys t , ' making at an, e'verageTram
e.iiioate'rest tii:Chieinthaie,ef 20 miles: per,, , ,diy,
'and' Tian Ciiiheathiiii!'wpotit , ,Fri;ii average
r 1
0 7 /,'Miles - elnisn'aveV'bean'aurfillaaad' and
will ,dekervedly effa;a:n:tite , hardy ,spirits.that,
perforniedli with imperishable, renown. t. , Had '
the,'extreerdiparyinuirch been performed thro'i..
a plentiful - country; - wherti - resetireartoitere' -
stalling grimed ft;•either would'lwalltrourr tee
. - fleritidifitTlini'7A'atteriettirittitioriTbat 'iniiiiililf- 2
of it iliceitiripliiihert thr nugh',a latelySuhjege:
led ildentrY,"whoile.''Preild'lnliebitarits ;:eitri: hat ,
illAreekdegiadathreAlettilit May Well , he sup: t '
.Pd.44.l.tliat the march . Was Nis of ..wetelifulnissa..
L eircidkunieldlon:kal'lle.tlinthilalf of, tlie
.15?Kticy - was threugh 40 !uniuhabite'd'eountry.:
; ielesfert with tribeenfll bestileindierieirender- , '
,Atigipirel Ind :[34lligen - cie'lliubly. necessary :== ,
:Thita7flnireilliiitikleut f iteridetniitt
4.140:- to t4.iilog g eoijiti,,,,.*Sii meet ribin
1167, 0#110;. , . ('firfnegrathial fiiiiiintry its:::
'. l narfteitkaystrr '-'"'il- f r , slii'i'(''' ill'''''''t .
OPOU:1 V.- . , •,, •,04. 2 , .fl . ), mp „:„. , m , -.:.-1 , , , ' ':-...'. t r -,, -
_r , gpsl4, l _ .4 loort iiiiiiie , !.. , I , , a , .'ff .4::e.•- , ', i„
' !.l 4 , ,Vri4i'r l ai' l 44 l ,olliikkeif 4 7,l44 l 44l4 l .. ? di i ,
,14,415e,W,4111.f4,1**, :(*„ ..1 **F 0 ,1V064:1 1 0421bi! ,
Itßigth:..PPAttlia9o4., •AganAligiAotatriartutphes'lc4 ,:
iicitiiiVivlW 91)0,' , :bt4,916;01aidmitrhijiieb4*;
unif l o4oo4,P9Wip , a!!o44ol l 44llokithr:
ilVA.o!''WV);,vii4r,49 l P,• , ;k94! Pik iii She it: - . 4 4. , .2:
i' ., '."0 1 • 0, '. , ," :‘ . ]:_lti•ist.,t . :l4,o); c.i4.lfw 43 . a, .:.-ii;,
''' ; ' , ,- - MtilfOil ..1) !, , . • - ': ' ,' ' ..:-...' 1':-: •:1-.*:
- - ' ' ' ' ""''''.l"---":',-.L-1.:.,,"::-:.;•:,,,,,Y,
'ti;' , ' 4 4ltoV 0
. '•
, -
Exte VO , ( weal •
JA.COEf VgfTER!. Sr; :SOT: •
Voink) . WV the attention o ,
Houtie-keepers and the public, to the ex-,
terieivo stock of raplendid -PHAN R E; inclu• •
'ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centreand other Tables,
Dressing end Flair' Bureau, arid eviry'varietyol
Cabinet-ware and Chairs,' which they have pet
opened at theit NEW ROOMS; on the corner
They are confideht that the superior finish el,
the workmanshipondolitOCe of style, in which
their articles are got up, 'together with their
cntscsass,_will_recotitmend there to every per.,
son wanting Furniture. They have alap made
arrangements for manufacturing arid keeping
progpt.,frapp,lt of every. article in their tine, both
ornathental, ' elegant and useful; at
prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers,They
would earnestly invite persons who are bout to
commence lionse-keepinglo coU arid examine
their present elegant stock, to which they .will
constantly make additions of the newest-and most
modern styles.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest no•
tics. for town and country.
. Carlisle. Sent 6. 1848
ESPE.CTFULLY invites the
tion'of the public to his
• Drug and Danny Store, It
in West Main street, Carlisle, where he .has
just received a fresh assortment of Drugs Me
decines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Jewelry and
Fancy Goods. . ,
Amongst his extensive variety may be found
all the most
Approved Patent Medicines,
All kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs, •
Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils '
White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground.
Glass, Putty, Chloroform,
Shandeliers,-Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles,
Shaving and Toilet Soaps,
Cologne. 4.150, Lavender and Orange flower
Writ r r,
Bears 0,1, 1i Marrow and Hair• Dye,
Nail, Too `l, Hair,-and Shaving Brushes,
Fine Ivort . ' fain, and Shell Combs,
Finger Map, Bracelets, and Breast Pins,
Bead Rapt . cud Purses,
Porte Alonnairs,
Silver Spectacles and Pencils, ,
Gold Pens, Ink and Inkstands,
Fine Writing and Note Phper Envelopes,
Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights,
Mirrors and Fancy Boxes,
Musical and Surgical Instruments,
Fine Knives and Scissoits,
Carriage and Riding Whips,
Umbrellas. Clocks, Tiunks, &e.', &c.
0 Country Pitysichns, Merchants, Pedlars and
titers may hoar something to their advantage
by calling
(0 - Ethereal and Pine Oil received ,fresh
ev...ry week.
CO-Medical aid and advice gratis to the poor.
January t 7. 1848.
".. A Purely Vegetable Medicine.
VV RA'I'IVE PILLS nave been gradually
but surely &miming into favor, among the fami
lies of tins Cguntry for some years past. They
have done this entirely tnrough their great worth
as a FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have
been appointed but no puffing and hurrsbue such
as is resorted to by quacks to Atlrrlttleinftrlicirie
has been done. Tho pills are offered for sale
and have and will continue to be sold by all t
principal storekeepers. The proprietors claim
for their Medicine the following advantages over
all others—viz; They are PURELY 'SIEGE-,
RA l'E. Their operation is FREE from ell
PAIN. 'They clan be used with EQU AL BEN
EFIT by the Y 0 U NGEST IN FA NT and the
S PRO NGEST MAN—Their efficiency in Fe
vers, Ape. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness,
Dyspepsia, Cholera t Morbus, &.c. has been Pro
ved 'upon thousand& 'They are a Certain Cure
for Worms. The Proprietors possess a certifi
cate from a gentleman in St.'Lconistivho was cu
red of a TAPE WORM by the rise of them,
TraVeiling agent for the State of Penneylra
nia— P. Ai r. For sale, price 29cte
a box containing FIFTY PILLS. with full di
rections by the following agents in Cumberland
For sale by PR RAWLIN'S Carlisle, Pa.
W p E HAVES.—Shiripensbnrg.
5 L Surratas,—Newburg. •
Proprietors, Laboratory, No 141 Chestnut street
January, 24th, 1949,
LX/dzeectil•:wrmarmia EOttaateaskG
NOW opening by TACOS SENER, who re
apectfully calls the attention of 'his friends
and the public generally and all dealers in
HARDWARE, to,,his new and splendid assort
ment of all kinds of Hardware, touch as Sad
dler's Tools and Saddlery Ware.of every de
scription and style, all kinds of Carpenter's tools,
and building materials of all kinds and nen
style, all kinds of material used by Cabinet
makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all kinds, a
good assortment of Men's morocco, kid, French
straits, lining and binding skins for shoe-ma
kers, all articles used by-shoe makers constantly.
kept on hand. Blacksmiths can be supplied
with the very best of hammered iron, warranted
good; also' all kinds of rolled, slit, round, band,
and strap iron, cast, shear, spring English and
American blister steel, warranted good, also a
lot of sheet iron for Miners. Housekeepers can
also be supplied with every 'article necessary
for housekeepi4 in the Hardware Line.
Ethereal and-Pine Oil Lamps of every deacrip
don just received, also ethereal and pine oil (or
solo. Just fresh, all kinds of paints, oils, varn
ishes, turpentine, also, a first rate article to pre
servo leather shoes, and keep the Teat dry.—
Look out and bear in mind.
Farmers, . Mechanics and Housekeepers an d
all who use the article of HARDWARE., call
nt the old well known new arranged HARD.„
.WARE STAND. formerly kept by Lewis
Harlan. in North Hanover astreet, next door to
John Cornman's taverh Stand, now kept by
Glass, and also next door to George Keller's
Fancy Hat and Cap Store. Gall and examine
for yourselves, t.nd save money, as we are de
termined to sell all articles authe very smallest
lt for CASH and we think we shell be able
toll a little lo .1: than any other. Hardware
Store tn town, as 'n- roods are well selected
and, are purchased rg, . .a •o-der to sell low at
the new arranged Hare. =9 t Store, well...known
as Lewis Harlan's old, stand, where you , may
find a good. assortment, of everr•article i the
Hardware Trade. Don't forget the. - tan. ' as
quick sales and small 'profits,ietke order of the
Call and examine for yourselves. ~ • •
dr. F. (MILLER,
~~ ~"~ ~~.
Genefal COmrniqiop asticl Forwarding
Alerchant, N 0.19 Bowly'.s VVfiarf,
B ALUM 0 R E,'_
I3R. the ,eale Cloverseed,
Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c. , Also, ffor
warding :groodi, - ViS`.• 'Water:Canal and
Plaster,-;&c:' &b. 'Suptilied at' 'lowest
Having been „engsged,,in bboiti,,hUsiness
duyi,ng . tlie lest five years;
. 6 continuation !patronage:of his ~friende; and ;public hi tre
•specthilly 'solicited... ' ;„,;
• ,
-'• ' • • '
' , 3 &, Harrisb u rg E.Eint,• ,
• , • ,
Week ft i I e.-P .
• CATfiCißT; . "ShiihtitirdetqivniTl. el •
• :Glinnaz
, .
Ourelrour ;194`049 ,
with humors, Sokesi galled
'I: . heck end' 'Moulds,* 44111er ,, f.
• " bone grease spavin or pall
, gas box of Dailey's
Anitnel alyarno n a nyiqne r y i su„
11.iii:illern ;la ncmisinlto it.. •
4 '1;4 hate 'usail Cure
All, inkdfiutkil'ull Abe *fest: and' input speedy
Totlf.CTOlt‘aetellUind",„braisesthatil--i haver ever
Uksdl arid 4 Iskit'fillaasurei.on: recommending it,
" - 10in,s;i ;
1 . 0 Ulf). 4E710 '.141C141 , 1 A. 845,, 1
JAMES FliEßgANG, , 4pontfcitipeal - Aland
:00000:4-316.A".44- 4 . - z•
_ . 1',;:.',V.,::'.b"';1:_, , .
14%, popllly,asageik: , fqi4lorne. and, Scalds,
Broilicillia;;,Rheumatiorno.:Sal t% Rho .
Sprain; -Scald :Heidi: Sure =and In.' .
Alamed,l4oo,'Peverl Boroe v Sorsi •
Nipplemßroken Breaot.;Cota
Wounds, Chapped
• Lips 'and Hands,
and all cases of •
I InflitinTnatiOn — — 7';"
where - the .
parts, afroeted _can ~be reached,. Burns and
. No mattsrf: how .severe :are.;l.perteetly
.Mirti ib'o - N - Irthr - .. - Patr:-Extrttetern-is7e
!mato beapplied. But mark! It '
• must be the genuine Dailey.
, .
It may with truth be said, that there is
scarcely a ramily of small. be
:found, but. here accidents sometimes do oe.
cur,..anclras Burns,Scaide,Cuts, Wounds and
Bruises. 'Children' are subject moreover to
Week and Inflamed eyes, Itheuinaiism, E
rugtione; Sures,..Swellings, Inflamma.
tinns. i.
Dailey's Magical Path Extractor.
Thetis to say. the Genuine alike, (not the
misnamed, spurious and counterfeit extrac
tors, that appear under various forms, names
and disguises,) and which may to had at the
Proprietor', only Depot in New York, and of
his authorized agents, (whoa same are in
the papers arid on my
. Paniphletso never fails
in any of the aboUre, eases, no 'Matter hovi see
yore they may be, not Clone. - "to extract tn
pain forthwith, and effect: a speedy and cer
tain cure—and thus save a nest deal of safier
•ing. But, vsliat is of the least importance,
especially to — Girls—and it is to this that the
attention of Mothers is particularly. requested
Baileys Genuine Extractor, in the worst case
of Burns end .Sculdr, leaves no
. scar, or on•
sightly mark behind, to remain, in after years
a monument of sorrow and regret to affec
tionate parents. it has, [tort:ever, and not
unfrequently, been, the infans,‘ in extreme
eases, of preserving life itself,
No Family ought theivfor'e to be
without the E.Titractor for a day.
Printed Pamphlets containing certificates
of cocci, end fo; the truth of unfelt I hold
myself RIMPONSIDER; may be obtained, at my
Depot 41.5 'Brordway, New York, and on ap
plication trimly intim:wised agents.
Thefillowing from George E •Pom6roy,
Esq. the well known proprietor of the Ex press
bpeake for itself of the importayee of the
Pain ExtractoT , to every Parent. „ •
' • Express Office, Albany, Vol . . I.
Ma. Dailey, Dear Sir—With feelings of no.
ordinary pleasure I address you in relation to
the benefit I have received Trani your invalu-
able Palm Extractor. Lately, my little (laugh
ter, 6" years old, had a pitcher of holing wa
ter turned into her bosom, her screams were
dreadful, so a crowd instantly gathered
before the house to learn the cause of the ter.
rible screams. I tore her clothes asunder,
and soon spread on your salve, and she was
curried Ind laid upon a bed.' She was soon
relieved - from - Mir, pains, and said, "MO, I toll
as if I could laugh," and Was soon in 'sweet
steep. She was.scalded to a was,
JJOM the
top of her shoulder over more than half her
chest, and round under lies arms. On the
shoulder 'and breast it was very deep, yet
from the first hour, she complained noly,when
tt was-dcpssed, 'The sole healed rapidly, awl
there i 6 ito bontractiowof the muscles.
With many wishes, my dear sir, for your
success in the sale of this mighty article.
I am yours, with respect •
Counterfeits! Beware of Counterfeits ?
They aboUnd; and as 1 am cognizant of their
positively dangerous and deleteriois effete, I
herewith distinatly declare, that 1 will not
hold myself Reipolunble for the effects of any
Extractor, unless it it be procured at my own
Depute-415 Broadway ; New York, and 05
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, or from my Au.
thorized Agent&
MARI/. THE Oillowi !
The Genuine Dailey Extractor, when ap.
plied, o:outland affords almost instantaneous
relief, whereas the Counterfeit and spurious
Extractors II ritete and increase the pal".
Dr Dailey is the inventor of this truly won
derful remedy, and he Dever has nor never
will communicate to any living man,,,ihe secret
of its preparation:
All Extractors, therefore, purporting to be
the genuine Dailey, that aro not made and
put up by him. are Louie and vile counterfeits.
H DALLEY„ 415 Broadway,'New York,
and 235 Chesnut street.. Philadelphia.
JAMES FLEMING, Carlisle, Agent for'
the county of Cumberland.
- - Dr, Davidson and Brother,
4ESPEC'rEULLY announce to the citi
zens of Caribile and vicinity that they. have
to en rooms' st"Butkholderle "Washington Ho
tel," where,they are prepared , to portent) ope
rations in all the various branches of DEN
TISTRY. Ladiecand Gentlemen wishing the
preservation and ebbititution of these beautifn':
organs, the Teeth, would do, well to give, then
a call.
.Dr. F. Davidson, having graduated in Aledi
eine, gives hiespeeialgnention to the disease
of the-mouth and teeth.
Caries of the teeth.:effectually and perm.
neatly cured, if the destruition of the tooth has
not gone too far. •
The teeth carefully cleansed of nceumulatienst
of Tartar, which, it permitted to' remain, wall
destroy their use and beauty, underinining tin!
best constitutions by exciting Dyspepsia, Neu
might and other chronic diseases ; and ntakint I
the breath foetid and disagreeable.
Teeth add Fangs, carefully - extracted with the
most improved instruments, without bruise or
laceration to the game.
Parts, or what, 'setts of incorruptible teed
of perfect similarity with the 'natural, ittFortev,
upon pure gold or palladium, in the most beau.
tuul and. durable manner. • •
All operations' warranted to be satisfaetor
upon at their residences, if desired.
March 14, 1849..
• • 1:17331yX , 5, tIECOTZI. '
friHP aubscriboi woubtinform hie, friends an 1
•IL the' public.' gen'erally 'that' ' hue taked:th
- largNand' , ''..abinnabdio'us ;publi I
' it - ousel-situated - oil ,the' corner I
111 SOOth-Hantivat'and POmfret. its
- in the'boiougheorCarlisle, latel
_• iicctipied
,by •IlEtainuil:.'Merra•
owhere'ondepve'r to ea. VO those who ma
him!' itf . Thelnost. liatiefecniTy
The hoittiiwie plottientlsi eituutdd anduis furn
ishail:thronghout,witk'good bedding aridothi
furnittire..and-his accOmmOdations are such
will make it a convenient anede,eirable atop in
No-exertimis will,bwipared 'to mak - e.l
agreeable-in ell'itaidepatittitents to, those yrli
=if, favor hiM witlilevolt, ,13 . 9Ai rippits;wi.
bY'the'iviiiiy.'.tnentir Or year Alt
usual prices., -
Green aid Black-Taaa.!---,-.
jiiid.ll.oclc :TEAS ed4l - Price!, !WI .
971' t 6 111,?.5 .) pqr•
iTio'cin confidently 'F4cloninlnd
- - noCaupitioitlYantr r izth,er selooticiti _iniown. 4
!'arch 14 - •.J W EBY;
&.•PtittersonPs..TuOi l :•
60 1
• •,n
• „
POlt'T.qo p:AiiiiCALL'OO RE OK
;. _
' 121131614Y-4,-o,abovik-erpli7,valueb .
ole c, '" c1,T79
-°44 U
I f 14A4n 1 e,(0 1 4 ) VW
It(EATWAttGAiIi AYAT, 0 D. JEW Eta Y roe
,'•,... , IVlLtftE.Gold 'and Sil
ver ''Watches. of every
d e iid apt ion can .ho had
at from tali to fifteen
...;„ less than any other store
379 - : in New York or
delphia. ^ Persons who
wish to gct , u good watch; perfectly' regulated,
woul4 do well to call at the store of , the sub
-scriber;and-compere-th tra I ity-and price -of-his
watches with that of other stores.
1 -6 01 d-L^,ver B . isil ; ere.:ii carat cases , $9B 'OO
Silver tio do 12 tfo
Gold Lupines, jeweled, :8 enrol cases 29 00
Silver do 'do • 900
Silver Verge Watches, from 83,00 upwards. ,
• Gold Pencils froth $1 to 88,00; Gold Pens,
with silver cases. nad'ginicils attached, for 750.
Also, a handsome assortment of new and
fashionable-Jewelry, at prices far below the
usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought
or taken in exchange,
No 1110 North SECOND Street, second door
below Race, Philadelphia ap:Br49:7
tr:r Cut this advertisement out: and brinsit
along, you will then be sure to get into the right
Lykens Valley °nal.
TFIE Lykpn's Valley Coal Company will be
prepared to deliver COAL, on and nficrthe 20th
instant at their depot, Millersburg, Dauphin co.,
Pennsylvania, (at the head. of the Wisconiseo
Canal, 12 miles from Clark's Ferry,) at. the fc#
lowing prices, CASH.
Lump, Broken &. Screened 62.00 per ton
Nut - 1,75 "
Lime burners screened 1,37 i "
I l itne burners Mixed 75 .•
April 11. '49, 4m Tronsuror
[lsle IM ize)horst & ‘Valters,]
-T h rum I'CE, and General Commission 1ler•
U chants, Nos. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf;
BALTIMORE. Liberal cash advances made
r.lo_ consignments of all kinds of Produce.
2000 Pemium Blinds.
• STREET', Philadelphia. VENITIAN
awarded the first and highest Medals at the N.
York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibitions,
for the superiority of his BLINDr, wittt con
firmed confidence in his manufacture,) mike the
attention of pitichasers to his assortment. of
2000 BLINDS of narrow and wide Allots. With
fancy and plain Trimmings. of new 81.3 les hoc
colors. Alan, a large and general assortment Of
ho will sell at the lowest CASH PRICED. •
' Old Blinds puinted and trimmed to look Ogunl
to new.
EALERS SUPPLIED on libc;ral The citizens of Cumberland county
are respectfully invited in call before buying
elsewhere—confident pf pleasing all. Open in
. the Evening. '
March 21.
dri . EfIRGE A. ,WARDER & CO. N. E.
Philadelphia respectlully solicit the custom of
IiAII'ERS and others engaged in the THADE.
They manufacture srLii. HATS varying from
24 to 42 dollars per dozen, that will bear a crit.
cal examination and compare favorably with
thoite deny oilier manufacturers. As they are
largely engaged in this business they' can fill
orders ezneditionslY• *
Garden and Flower Seeds.
I HAVE just opened my annual supply/A
chiefly from the well known establishment
Risky & Co.. New York, consisting of all the
different varieties They are warranted fresh
and good. For sale . at the Drug and 'Rook
March 23 '
Climb. - Vally Transportation House
Canal and Rail Road Line; for Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &c.'
JW. KERR, Forwarding and Commission
Meroltant, limintsauno, Pa. informs his
friends and the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended to him during the past year he
has been encouraged to make more extensive 'ar
rangements for 'the pf•esent season, and has ad
ded two new, large and splendid Boats to his
LINE, and will lie fully prepared after the op
eningtif the Canal, Co forward PRODUCE and
MERCHANDIZE of • all kinds to anti from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsbargh, &c.,-at the
lowest rates of' freight and with the utmosedes
patch. s c•-•-•
Agents for BOMB,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
No. 48 Commerce st: Wharf, Baltimore.
T. McFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitts'g
Agents for Care, .
No. 272 Market at.. Philadelphia.
No. 4'23 Market at., Philadelphia.
Broad street. Pliiiadelphia.
• •North street, Baltithore.
Harrisburg. March 29. 18;1R.—tr.
Harrisburg Transportation Line,
"Jr' ' l . r•-• 7 " .••
U C 1
FUNK & mitiEtt, •
ORWA RD IN G & Cototaisiiion Merchants
V HARRISBURG, Pa. ship ' Produce, Mere/u i
dize, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &o. &c. •
Coal; Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, tic
cotissantly for safe.
Hfirrisborg,, march go, 1848 •
-1111.123litaUaX23.4iXTI:11.118 6) 1MEI
sillegheny Mouse.
NO. 280 Market Street; above Eighth,
South side.
- - -
THIS large and eplondid {lnterims been fur
nished with entire now furniture. Thu Bar-
Robin is the largest in Philadolpyia,! The Par
lors and , sitting•roems are ontirely_Seperated
from the noise and bustle, consequent to the tit•
rival and ;:departure.of cars: The minim, e*.
tending the whole front of the house. Dards a
cool .retretit wftrnt weatherontire' splendid
view of the greatest thorciiighfare int
--- The Lodging Rooms ere well font : Shed: 'Fife'
'Table as well provided fords at any other Hotel,
witlyeirery'dttention or the'managerit'fo'neake it
the best Hotel fOr Merchants and burliness' men,
during.their stay fifths city.. The lernis
'be one 'delltir , per . day. ort'thci, arrival'' of the
Cara froth the , west, s a,Peiter' intend
anceAci ;convey beget°. • to =the 'Hotel,
whiehiti'adjoining the depot.
3849-6in.r ,
. ,
. .
. 1 AtwoOd's..Empire Sookivg Stove....
LN _again , . calling ; attention to this - unequalled
§TOVE;,the.Piottrietor 11 . 118 the pleasurd to
inforta 4 the'publieluttjaxte roily), it .has tutdotr.
gone an entire, change-Ibn, pipe ' -- And hetiithipla.l
-cad .. iitijitoelidlsach--..0ther,, , --enn-a-61.1 MMEIt,:.
REAR Tl.t . A'isTD"Ball.if N p ' APPAItATUS , ;
being Added:ltini,Yondeting it; faultless, and 0: 7 '1
- loss-there is - inothef-fahltlptia-stov,e-hi-tlnti,uic-' 1
hot; .thills'fincputtitionahly.;the beld; - is „It intiir
by'„anY 'Other', StoviOnTaddition , tntorn.e peculiar
fOlteolfitaticured_hy. LetteinTittent. ~':. = , , %
.'ti'Tho etketninitf'. t hie' Stove,. since hitt:Odd- .
thibliti iininivallitil:'',Nothinehantitaf.booti' of.
lored for culinary purposes that has'gnant such
general' atitiofaction. ' Stoves 'have been cOpied
alter its fointll,49la: dealers ?Stoves ,
used its
fundamental principles, but the
.proportions mere
So 'Unlike:the original, thin they boar the ri3hdive
'vane iliatied Untistfait acioa.lo a gennitiektiftid..."
, s . .!.geruplati . , 90K - oia opeO COOK STOVES
;id great Vale Y.Tkattlis:4oltillg Wikelf.oo , 4 l .lfli•
:ble_lalaliStb.4.B,o ttli-001k .he...o,tp.v:e, old.
..l'iniWare'nitutu notary 'or pH's, ;subtteriper, . on
. Main ',at teot ; .. ,parlisle, who lie ag*lii.. for
‘•;':Yiticiiig4 ~.., -' • ,% - ,1 :- . ..:4.0,1 - 11 1 10,',.600 6 A SI.
40,0kiTiAti Ai`i ld49Tpiland.. 4ouThTi7l
'V 1 44,0 0 0 ell arattorso lo ".
4-)t4.4,13,4 4,4 w -2rY
3 )16,1frAlt ,lEiainp nits
ii -7 ;•-,„-- "" ilcnnuityll 4ll4l:ll7 ;116 In"ranc •
and Trust Company o f" Phtladel
• •
Office No. 159 ChV it Simi, Capital $3OO.
000. Caa!ter
CONTIN,UE to make Insurances on Lives
on the must thvourahle.terms, receive end
execute Trusts, and receive Deposits on late
rest. ,
- The CapitalliVihrptitd - up - and - invested, to.
gather with acciiinplaicif premium fund, affords
rettEitr,EcT, Amu t the insured. The pre •
In hini bb' paid in yearly, ball yearly, or
quarterly payments: • ~
.riods to the insurances fns life. This plan o
insurance is the most approved of, and is more
generally hi use., thnii any other in Grelit Bri
tain, (where the subject is beet understood by
the pemile. and where they have lied the long
est experience,) as appears from the, fact; hat
out of 117 Life Insurance Companies there, of
all kinds, 87 ore on this plan.
The first BONUS uas appropriated in De•
camber, 1814. amounting to 10 per cent. on the
sum insured under the oldest polices; to 81 per
cent., 7i per cent., &c, Ste., on others, in pro
portion to the time of standing, making on ad
dition of $100; $87.50; $l5, &c.. to every
61,000, originally insured, which Is an average
of more than 50 per cent on the premiums paid,
and without increasing the annual payment to
the Company.
The operation of the BONUS will be seen
by the• following examples from the life Insu•
rupee Register of the Company, thus :
(BonusSitm or Amount of Policy &
Insured Addition Bonus payable at
the party's decease.
No 1.000 $lOO . OO sl,l{looo
- 84, 2,500 250'00 2,75000
- 205 4,300 400'00 4.40 . 00
- 276 2,50. 175 - 00 2')75 . 00
- 333 5,00 u 437'50 5'437'00
Paunpfilets containing the table of rates,
and explanations of the subject ; karats of ttp•
pliention, and farther intornintion enit had at
the office, gratis, in pc nor by letter, ad
dressed to the President or ct nary.
B W If A S o President.
JNO .F JAMES, Actuary.
tu2'..1.91 yr ,
Fire Insuillic - e. •
Mutual Fire insurartee Company of Cant
berland county, ineorporated by an Lim of Assem
bly, is now fully organized arid . .,st operation, un
der the Management of the following-commis•
.sioners, viz
. _
Cht. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorges,
Lewis Christian Ttizei. Pollen Sterrett,
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjnmin 11.
Musser, Levi Merkel. Incob Kirk, Sand. Prow
ell, sr. and. Me'choir Brenemnn, who respectfully
call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and •
York counties to the advantages which the com
pany hold out.
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
ns anj company of the kind in the.Sinie. Per
sons wishing -to-become members are invited to
make application to the ngetits.of the company,
who are willing to wait upon them nt any lime.
JACOB SHELLY, President •
HENRY LQGAN . , V. Pres't
T;F.WIS IlvEr, Seminary •
Miete.tah COCKLIN, 'Prenetner
AGENTS -I-Rudolph Martin, New Cuml•erland
Christian - Tirtol - tirid lotfir Cltiffitap; -- A 1 ;
11 Hannon, Kii,g,stown ; !ferny %miring, Sl.ite
manstown; Simon Oyster, Wotrithlilitirg; Ro
bert Moore. Charles Bell, Carliele. •
'Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk. gene
ral agent; John Sberrick, Jelin 'Rankin, J. Bow
man, Peter kVolford.
Agents for Harrisburg—l louser &.I.:ochtnan.
reb 9 .
Equitable. Lite• Insurance, Annuity
and Trust Company.
O FFICE 71 Walnut street,_Phiadelphia.—
k, Capital s2so,ooo.—Charter perpetual.—
/alte-Insurance on lives at their office in Philo
daphia, and at their Agencies throughout the
Sraies, at the lowest rates of premium.
Rates for insuring at $lOO on a single Life.
Age. Fur 1 year. l
I For,2-years. Life
20 81 91 60
• 30 99 L3O 1,04
40 1,29 1,64 2,07
50' 1 4 ,86 , 2,07 3,94
- 59, . 3,48 - 2.97 603
Exeravi.E.--A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the company 95 cents weitilehet.
cure to his !amity or heirs $lOO should he die in
one year •, or for 89,90 he secures to them $1000;
orfor $l3 annuaily for seven years he secures
to them $lOOO should he die in seven years; or
for $20,40 paid annually during life, 'lto secures
$lOOO to bo paid when he dies. The insurer
securing his own bonus, by' the difference in
amount of premiums from those charged , by
other offices. For $49.50 the heirs would
ceive $5OOO should hb die in one year.
Farms of opplit•ntion 'and all particulars. may
be had at the office of Fume WATTS, Esti,
Carlisle, Fe. -
• .T.V. T,A.(: N, Pres't
H. 14. Tuettnrr, See'y.
Dr. D. N. lllsitox,Medienl T t tcnminer.
r ottg2B.-
The. Franklin Fire Insurance Ocm-
piny of•philadelphia.
OFFICE, No. 163 h Clieshut street, Hoar Fifth
Charles N. Rancker George' W. Richards
'l'homas:Hart Moroceat 1). Lewia
Tobias- Wagner ' Adolphe E. pone
Samuel Grant David S. Brown •
Jacob R: Smith Morris Patterson
Continue to make insurance peretual or limi
ted, on eyery Atbstitiption of property in Town and
country, at rates as low as are consistent with
security. The company have reserved a large
contingent fund, which with their capital and pre
-111411118, safely invested, afford ample protection
'to the insured.
i tjThe assets of the company on Sanitary let,
1848, as published agreeably to an act of Assem
bly, were, as follows, viz:
• Mortgages 41190;558 65
Real Estate 10X,358 90 •
• Temporary Loans 124.459,00
Stoeke l 51.583 25
Cash op hand anthin hand's of
agen.a, 35,373 28
191,22 . 0,007
Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen
years, they Mee odd upwards of ONE MILLION,
thereby,aflording evidence of 'The , advantages of
insurance, as well as the ability and cliSpesition
to meet..with promptness, all liabilities.. •
• C ILA RLES bT. BANGKER, Prest't.
CHAS. G. BANCICED, See'. feb .2 ~
. •
(..Titestubsoriber is agent for the above company
tor Carlisle and its vicinity. ~1111 applications•for
insurance.,;eithor by mail or personally. trill be
promptlY. nttebded to. W. 1). SEI9IIOIIII,
• "Anti Pyspepttc., Oath°licon,.
F9rz:PYBol3Peia, Nervous fliiadache; and Liver
• •: ievaectr io
'thisle Vegettlide. co mpound, 'warranted a
- safe; nd.effactual;rortiedy., not only for D ye-
Pendia, but frir Ilitise•diseastwresulting front and
leonneoletLyrith ;Iv, disordered; condition• of, 'lllO
Qtomacli liver;rerderangementaof the diges•
tive. ithtetioneieueh'be debility or. ygnknette,
rletelency,!lnes of appetite, sour,ertrctenbno.end - : ,
bseidityort.thamatomeeh; costivenceei
flatulent andadllioue Collet , " Itie,pertieulerly re- •,`
ceirirnendedt thee° ‘Chof are sufreriniethider
debility,: anal:•deproseiomni spirite, he sooilift*
red to - itch easeea - a.. :,r,
• Far. We - by .3 . A 111 §: RUM 11%1 . G.,
N.' W. Corner of Pitt;r;& , flikiht'eta. Carliala '
Pa, .ofroraforeialti nit moat. rautioniblei tortilla, ,
a larinitaiortninni Of Choice Drake, and -Medi-
Chico, cellar/461n,' , Paints, ' Oils &c, whir.' tho
most iieeftil Parala•Modiincia, idiii..An aleitlyit
assortment , of gpriiintory4l`cilot) aild , Shaving
Soarin,: - Skkv!ng CretitiO.'ll air' D io, 'Nair 'Oil!, ~
in , groat,yarintYluir,‘ Topth ; flat . Nail; Flush r,
& ullth lirittlitesi . 4 - ,lirkipn'AO'gtent variety, Um- ...
bodies,. Caa,ae''.Pocika“kicakiligputha t Ink & •i•
til ( SttindakM9l t ca' NVOfeXtr&qealfit - Mi l) Wd• '
int '3r. 'N tnilin i3r , ei.,,,„,,,,,,.R.;,,,,,P0n r:
Knives. Scipnarni ' ~ Rnliokatramt...„;Paitny" Wax '.i; l
Card, Caaaa.,_Vane Iltmca.-;-.K.Aitkitiitili, Patnat '',-
liiidl l iiinpe;'ol9betT&T'Wickni'j..ard.Qil,:t3fertiTi
Candlcii?"&e, ,, L , l , -; , -44 , 40 ,42 :1' . 'f' . ;_ - ' - ' ',",' 4 : ,- "'•1
..! '.-Ail•laktrinitiver naaortinanti ill i ittperfed, &;1 r? ? ,,-
mastic.Saghrai TObo o, 9%'i.:Bmilt :.;; . ' -:::: -, '...
i ,,
• Call.' rid eti online gmatoplcvAl iatttraparad, .to'„
01 1 4,i 44ementrt i?, , ,P,ltrillilisersiSt'9lo,;s%, y 1
INO: IN bo4 l k , milc!'l 4 l * gt , '',.,:: , , -'*'
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il ,•—• Rub
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~tQ~C~~:SL ~":~~)p~i+~
NEW 7 0/101 i llifiltrgilittE
•, STIETN . CAR minx;
THE aubscriber heareceived midis now open
ng a choice Selecting of IVinter Goods, censist
ng .61 Cloths, Coast nfers and' Vtietings, newest •
HI) le at the hiwest tales,
,which he will make up'
into Dress - Slid VioCk' coats. Over Costs, sacks,
cloaks, Panttrand Vest ',Dress and Fiock coals
of cloth from six dollars .upwards, Pants, Item
$l5O tdso; Venni from 75 ctn. is; s3,eo; elonks
collars, neck and pocket, itaittikertilitefs, corn
. hireh, caps, gloves and Hoofer), iii, shoit every
thing tippertaining'tiiii - gblifleinin's wardrt be .--
As be Is agent for amextensive house he will be -
enabled to ufrer fresh goods at least on ea
nit -- :M1117 - '110 - w - 111 - ‘terel - re rep - Wirt lfe - N'V - ork -- -
and Philittlelphia Fashions, mai will spare Ito
pains in getting up his work in the most durable
and fashionable manner. Ile' will also make tip
work ',twanged ai , ittiter storesin the most mt-c- •
ul insults He will 1)11r particular attention to •
Children's Clothing Fle respectfully solicits
share of public. patronage '
Dee 13, 1848 Agent for the Proprietor
kGreat-AttraeHoe for the Holidays
THE Subscriber would respectfully inform
ihe citizens of Carli de; nod those who may visit
it during the Holidays., ;hut lie is now manulac
turing, and will keep constantly on hand,, a
large assortment' of CONI'ECTIONARY,'
SUGAR PLUMBS, &c., suitable for the np
proaching festivities, which will he sold Whole
sale or Retail, at the OLD STiii:D in Mirth-Han
over Street, a few 'dooms north of the Bank,
where'he also Ilan on, hand n large assortinent
of FRUITS and NUTS of the lutsst.inaporta
dap, 'which will be sold on ;wren:modeling
terms, consisting in . Pirt of OR A I\ GE.S, 'LE
MON S. GRAPES, Raisins, 1 runes, Dates,
Citron, Figs, Almonds, CC/COO-tuts, Cream
nuts, Filberts, Pen•nuts. English Walnpts; &c.
&c. He would also call attention to-the best
stesortment of FRENCH, GERMAN, AND
AMERICAN TOYS, ever brought, to, this
,cottsisting pertly of fine French Fancy
Coxes, kid and -jointed Dolls, all sazen, doll ,
heads, fine China, bailsman di Iph at d v t eden
tea sets, kitchen setts and tursiturejts 14.01fr
-Rinss and tin trittnects. Wcoley dogs, bone
bucket and other rattles. Petssim toys, o
a kinds, wnsons„nnd.iiheellarreust,-fme tin
toysVionlffifilmoses, part cc, l'1:%211 s, , &r. Pi
anos, Fiddle; TunilamriMs, linru.omt st em, Ar
rordcons, dtuntsquns„,4lstols. &c. Glass aid
(*Spa „toys, &Pi-74'341.1g I , asktie. A ISO, cy
Ana doll'boskes, nr d a variety of ohm-5,11i. I,*
too numerous to mi entien.
In cones, tion with the al ore he hers just re
ceived npr me lot f
Fresh Grocer:es,
Inlverixed, cinrlyd, loof rid
brown St' GA HS. Arw le, Is. d
F44.rop. and Sognr 11, to,: i\ :Cif.,\S:-ES, ve ry
vheirp. Impeih.l, 1 - rot g r.l d
TEA. Chocolire, Winer. Free. rid
Pic•Nie CH A CR EllS..Chccto , Rite, BlarLit g
&c. FRESH ST - 9T.97, :Holt in
nnivon. clo'ves7 pepper, girger, alltpit e. groni.,l
,n• whole.
All orders thank ful' y re, eivtd nrd yorrobnliy
altio,de4l to by NIONI ER.
Nov. 29, I Folsl.
A T the C.henp Femih• Crocery Store of J
Sf.EniP. ll _Ab Farr, ,Av e , LM o eef
Carlitle. yeti will all.i'n)s lit d the Lost
FantilTlkoceries that the 11.iludelphia minket%
can affor7. The Itas )ust return«i
front the city, nr.d iftnly'inVile the
pul•lic in general and• his fi it t rL •in totSrlieulnr, to
toll and oximing_his_atock It] elLe In 1-11_ 4114_ . 4_411_
Iterjol, Young Ilyson raid Flack Tees, of the
btrst qiiality & flavor; lou.f, fel!ir.g
eh-trifled and brown Sugars ei tvttyetnde. with
price to suit. Hovey, sugar l'l,llFe, Orli'lTTl'F, and
syrup Molasses. SI irrf nt nll kii.tip, w Lich he
will warrant pure and frt eh ground. Brooms,
buck e.s, baskets. butter bow els. w ash rubl era,
elothrs pins and brushes. of eN ery variety
- Castile, funry,-rosin and ecut-try E.OA FS. Al
po, a general assortwri.t of cl.cwing nrd 'EITIO.
kirg TOBACCO, Friar's') hnlsprr&sh and tern
and CROCKERY of every drECTipliOn it
lie will sell at the lowest rfFSible p
Feeling gratefpl for the liberal pationsge I.t re.
'afore bestowed upon him, py a generous:pub
lic, the subscriber tenders them his hearty
thanle, and hopes tlint in liks efforts to please,
and particular attention to It isittess to merit a
continunnee of their suprort.
Noy'r 22 INS. JOS. D. TIA
"Valets/to the Spice of Life."
-•• EIANKFUL for the favors heretofore
bestowed upon us, in our Ime. 61 business,
we again would "HERALD" to our numerous
customers, that we are in eonstnut surply of a
general assortment, (which we are receiving
almost weekly front the city) of all unit les per
'tailing to the business of
Grocery and Tea, Sterol,
embracing Brown Sugars of good qualities et 5,
6,7, and it cis per pound, Rio CO( e's nt 8,9,
and to els, Crushed, Pulverized nt.d , Broken
Loaf Sugars, at 9 and 10 cts ler peur.d, Java
d Mocha Coffees, also BLACK nod GREEN
TEAS of choice eeleciions, cit4cr in bulk or in
metallic packages, always frith, at hem 374 to
$1.50 per pound. together with vyciy variety of
Spices, such as CINNAMON, MACE, CIT
RON, Pepper, Cloves. Gincer;Noiniegs, mite-'
together with Fine Salt, either in sacks or smal
ler quantities. SPERM AND WAX CAN
DLES, together with Mould and Dipt qualities,
Sperm and Whale bleached Oils. of pure quali
ty', as also SALMON AND Al ACKA BEL,
Molasses, Syrup; Vint gar, Choose, Crackers
and numerous other ratifies, ill of MhiLb for
y'and prices we feel cot fident en inspection
will prove emially as good and as rtasonable
as can he sold any where else. , But a call front
oitif•friends'enn satisfy them hest nt d its T
Remember the '.'Old rentl).'t r ovlte
Burkholder's ffiarmerly liceton'H Tit‘t in Main
street.J \V
Carlisle, 3111 Dec. 848.
. . .
14:flumes, Oilp;ard k!oEtte; •
AF .NF. and freairsupply fron Botnifel's and
other f . city bemre.. mitotic which
nrd t7...cet Briar, 'Rtv h 'Geranium,
Norheint, Milleileur and •
Musk. inctet...4 put tip and foi f•nie ilio..loWast
prices. Also. fon At Bair, 13artioline, Pont:
made aux,Fleurw, Jimty Lird heir gloss,• Boer's
-1-iil;—lklaceaticer--011,-Lfino - -sertincil—Anti'qun4l-il-,---
Philecorlic; Beef's Marrow, fine Myrtle and vio
let fOrninadee. Also Fancy Snopti,; climb na
RpticsePs Shaving Cream . Wrighi'a do.-Militnry
do,;,Ahrinond and Palm'• ash. Seep; iiiiinking on
atisorimem-unsurp . as liv oily in the httough„
'maY 31, ' • w lIASTRSTICAC
•flity ST di ANS; , Counity ~Merchants •and
Pedlars, are invited to coil and examine my
stock of Medicines,' 'Paints,- Glace, Of 1; Var
nishes, &e. • -• '• •"'
• '.I)RuGS
•Patent Modieli4a, Iferba and Extrema, l'
Fine Ckamieala z ; , Sitineo,:graund and whole
IMOutnonts;' •• •; .Esac'oco?,. . , . ;
, P.oroltsiojel 9,!q 4 ;-- ',P,•trilrilfto; 49.• .4
` tbYO44IqII .4 FS: . • ' . f t
l'ini)gdei t - i': „Vr ,' - ,Voit nod': nm Voo a,
Adtlllaora, ~ ~.,,;:: -:, ••Clil Vitriol , - ,-,,: ......,, , ,,,r_
• Sumac ~,, ,• •• ;,, ~,, • Copporaev- , '',-- . • ~,
• • Alalif,:s• • -." •, 1 •
.-' 'Lao 'PYp!', •• ':' '
,; '
'' l 7. I'Ai.NT ••• '' • , 1 - ,
~ -
•• Wetheriil-40-Rmt-heei-Yare-Lea d ;hriame---
.Gietin•and I ,7 llovti;' paint 'and Varniitli•Prilaker,
‘Joraoy• Windoei!:•cilaim,..Linaidi 011,'1'arpen
,All.of. which . ; 4ill , b 0 ,7 sold at , Ma very 1 fo#eet
'market pric e at tlie,.cheapi Dro and 13061e , Sfore
•'of • -',. ~,,,,' •`- •••:••'•• , ' ,, :•ll';' W. 112VVERSTIeft.
Nov' 29th - e48,,.c - t .. - T y • ,',. ..
• •
fIA',LARt3tE nifd 'general seloOion'of ibefe nr
,tioles in everY.Natiety , lmel been na
'eon in Ont.' , Alt 'lO e•oi s
low" Tit ,in - csi tlin.Ptiistili, •
`.., •3 6W,EBY.
Ppraor l .,,amoopnept , zfi ,AVV ojvi Em
u9y,s,‘,Matorthk79uthepancly boo:dearth° •
, o weet*loo7...:ftn -- tt'
Misses GTlAVoitioEs from R.l