Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 09, 1849, Image 3

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' I4 ‘ 4IItiMPAZ
•=V*"ol:`:__' ; 1 .11 • _
WE DivEsDiY- 7 ; MAX; 184 u.
eNech distitigaish
ed by Mr. Benton's characteristic eloquence'
will be 'found on our fourth page.
valuable Journal la now publishing the priie
essay on the Paterit laws, by Edniond Maher
I Esq., of Washington city, for which the pro
p-irule_rii- paid $lOO, making the present an
excellefirtime for subscribing. Terme $0
per annum. Address_, Munn & Co., N. York.
Horn's Railroad Gazette continues to
:• furnish d large amount of useful .inliarmation
to travellers, and ought to be taken by all
public houses. Published weedy nt $2 per
nenuni, by S. Horn, New Yerk.
L,.•‘'ae World as it Moves"—a wi?eirly
reprint of the choicest articles in (lie great
British Reviews, Matazines and Newspapers.
The contents of Chambers' Edivbilrg Journal,
gre given entire 'is each nuinficeappears. A
miscellany of foreign and domestic- newt/ is else
given. It is le valuable family magazine.—
Wm. Wallace, Edil,4—Lnelrwci - d & Cu., N.
York, publishers. Price $5 a year.
MILITARY.--Our Volunleer companies,
the Light Artillery, Capt. hunter, tho
fOn'ry, Copt. Crop, and the Cadets, Cupt. Hon.
derson, pare ded on 11 , 10-.dny lost for the annual
inspection. They looked as 'well as good.
looking men could or such a gloomy day. •
I-fns ACCEPTED.--We, are gratified to
!earn that the Rev DANIEL F. Jo:Hs TON, of
Ohio, to whom a call tc the Pastoral el urge of
tlic Second Presbyterian Cnurch of this bor.
ough, was recently unanimously voted, has
adopted the call. The Chinch has been
iumc months without a Pastor. Mr. J.'s rep.
*hailer) gives the aasorance that he will be a
valuable acciuisition to the Ministerial circles
dour borough. -
WE . ortmit AND Chors.—A fter a pro
tracted dry season we have been visited by a
copious rain, during the lost three days. Veg•
elation and the crops which had p eviously
been very backward may now be expected to
take a Nell start.
ceived yesterday two letters from Esq. Flem
ing, of the.Carlislo party, but too lute for their
insertion entire. They aro dated Kansas,
Alissouri, which place they leached on the l I ill
of April, having left St. Louis on the lith. All
of the ptirty were well. There were no cases
efCholeraor other titaness among tlid
grants at that place• We quote the conch:.
sion of the letter:
...We arrived at the town of Kansas,,a new
place located about 20 miles. by water above
Indeperidence, on Weduciday the 11th, about
ono o'elpc It, where we debarked. We had
shipped lfir St. Joseph's, a ',keit ono hundred
_solleafurtjtcr up the river,_but were induced_
to stop here. We eat our meals at a tavern
and lodge in a vaoanyschool house.
„Myself and our- company were
deputed to go to °lndependence,' twelve
miles by land, to buy mules, Sze, and arrived
there to-day (1304 We tind±it.quito a lino •
town containing a number of good houses of
brick, a population of some 2000 . inhabitants,
and several very respectable, public . hooves,-
mercantile establishments end mechanical
tablishments. -Abundant provision has been
made hero to supply all necessaries for
grants, probably on as good terms as at any
place we have been in. I learn upon Inquiry,
that there are in and about this plum from
1500 to 2000 emigrants on their way to Cali.
fornia. As this is the great depot fur the
emigrants,you can form some idea of the en
lire number who will probably leave this Aloe
this spring. I doubt not that trout 4000 to
$OOO will number all that will go from all
points on tho Missouri river.
We hope in a few days to have our teams
organized and to once trip for a few days near
Kansas, and then cont menet, gradually to
move on our journey.
On the let inst:, at. Mr. Glass' Hole!, by the
Rev Jas LE Brown, Mr DAN'I.I4.ARBROAR to
Mies Susa.l4 MILLER, both of Petersburg, Pcrry
On the 25th ult., bY . 1 . 0 Rev. Win L
Mr SAnt't. ELDER PIPER, of Cumberland coon.
ty, to Miss JANE •W. MiLt.saof Bedford co
On Friday the 27th ult., at the residence of her
(ether near Carlisle, of .enlargement of the heart,
Ids.roms. consort of James Iluuton, aged 21 years
and 4 months. "Dour James It Is getting dark." she
said, then calmly and gently fell asleep In death.
(Front the Presbyterian.]
Died at his residence In 'slillerstown,. Perry coun
ty. PO. on Friday. the 13th 11151. Mc. 155 AC MCCORD,
aged 54 yeiri. - 51r..51cCortrimited Jiilt'the Church
in Milleretown when it was first Organized in 1818,,
From some limn in 1820 till the full of 1820, the church
being without the stated prenching of the gospel, lie
with others wan accustomed to go in the neighboring
churches lit a distnnce, to worship the' CM of his
fathers: In the year 1830. 'on the settlement of an
other Pastor, lie was ordained to the oflice.or ruling
elder. The duties of this Once he continued to ex-
ercise with acceptance to the people, until lie was
disabled by the. disease by which Providence was
t pleased to remove him from no. tic uns extensively
known as one of the mein supports of the church In
„. 'this place; 011 Heave, energetic business man In its
temporal affairs, as well ai e devoted to its spiritual
Interests. As a church !amber and °flitter, ns a citi
zen, as a hatband 'and a father, he needs not, nor
would ho desire, the pen of the writer to praise ham
But there Is'a desire manifested. and I cannot rep it
wrong - , ort . tteconot ends prominence in the church
of which hen as an offlcer,,tn kneweomethlng of his
view's and feell life' immediate prospect of dy
ing. When, two 'ears ago, lie Was suddenly attacked
, With, animator* 9 from the lungs, which for , near..
tyW week came On eriodically, about the san e hoer •
• 'of the night, end ne thought (as he expressed him.
self,) Providence was about to Maki short work
with him t death preiented no terrors to lilts mind.
After some thne he recovered, in a measute, hat
. this attack. But one, year ago, Me month, lie was,.
again attacked whit , another hemorrhage from the ,
liings,*lch — reenited ia 'consumption. From this''
tMiei fie looked. 'forward tolhe termination apt
disease in iteatit;,. Be was not favored, as coma.
• unusual communications of Joy nnUaence, hut en'.
the other hand, More Were no anxious fears le regard,
• to death, NO ' illairafilllM doubts in regraillid his inter.'
est in the-Divino",Bncioura He looked forward with
eallnneu atoir:onipptiuili to ills, end. tTlio, ilectrinee
self and'a - treat was •
file', sentiments
feelings, and,hopei , may, ih 'part he ; lmrtmi , finm rite
chapter &et 'epistle' la' the ' Corisithl
p,e .
ties, which wag read 'to him taps! reqUest,'ziati • the
• - now tlymn t peni7raumulinbty. , • , ierdon"; cpmmeile , ,
• , log, !fe4. sweat:the deintiOr4eautt • Soun . de,",,,which
Walt then; euilkek , request:, , ,fire , "deitiv*Oi - Otitiii,
••,,? ,:iespecKit.vii,,,b Vi
nili k to et of Jacob, pep..
aroand' dying bed 'and oei n;
ren 'end e evOired; so fir:jk :prisitleoide;to
..7,9l,,ili = iiiiiiiishit4l•42iilfil . (* l lqt lava
0440144 A hkeiddoirctilit ikttikpotted . or.
'• • orrit‘t.4l4e
~Ikei,4ool,o4*OrAii. cheptee It
to h I 0:10 ,Deetuiype
eileg of ad 'Mule :thi
law:, 'But thanhehecth't3hidi - whhgtvoth'he the vletr 6
ry through , our bhrhit.
titit 1111Okti6:
For Flour there was no, nd lielde'rs
appear anxious to sell,lbe stock however, small
and quotations:are...4,7s and 04,674 for common and
good Penna. brands. Clare Meal sold at the extent of
700 brie, at 62,75 for Painter Rye .Flou3,No sates.
we gable at 62,071. 'Wheat—we nolitcp. a ante of
prime red at 61,10: Rye—Penna. sold "di Secants.
Corn is in good demand and scarce. and 3000 to 4000
'bushels Penna. yellow sold at 00 ets weight, which Is
in advance. Oats—about '9,500 bushels of Penna.
B old at 34 cents per bushel.
New '2Uwertisements
List of Retailers of Elerehandize, &Le
As classified by me, accordingio fbo different
Acts of Assembly.
Jason W Eby
John G Connolly
Josepli l) Halbert
Samuel Elliott
Minim& Ogilby '
Charles Bansitz, (Liquors)
George \V Ilitner
A & W' Beata
Daniel Eckles, (Liquors)
John Faller (Liquors)
Jacob S. Faust, ,Liquors)
J & D Rhoads
W ti Murray'
S W - Haver,„stick,TLiquos's)
. Robert Snodgrass
James Fleming
Thomas Conlyn
Wright ,& Saxton
I' Messertunith
Jacob Rheem
George R Crooks
John Humor (Liquors)
Peter Monyer
John P. Lyne
4ne.ob . Wolf,Alquors)
Jazzb - Sener
Jacob Leiby [Liquors)
George Noland
Andrew G Lechler
G LIMA]; Agent, , [Liquors)
S urinal Hoover & Co
T 11 Skiles '
J \V Rawlins,
\I Porter
Arnold•& Livingston
Jac Erb
Arnold & Levi
S D Powell & co,
Samuel Goldman
James Legget
Shippensburg Borough
Wm 1 7 Corny
Robert Snodgrass •
Edward Scull
henry Hollnr•
Gish & Mosey
Jonathan Teal
J A Clippmger
James Gilliard
Heck & ,Peal • :
John Irtikviler
S. Kunkle
John Stambaugh
Philip Koontz -
Peter S Ariz, Agent,
Joseph P Nevin
W D Elays
John B (Juneau
Rohurt Welsh
Robert Scott (Liquors)
George 'Promo
Sidere (Liquors)
S S WotideFlich
Dickinson Township
Andrew Controy, (Liquors)
Russell & Diet
W M Watts
D L Beelman
Isaac D Cassell
J pewit Township
Robert Elliott t 14
David W herry & Co., 14
Jacob Hettlebouter 14
East Pennshorough 7ot6nship
Jacob Hettinger, (Liquors) 14
Longneeker & Edinger 14
Joseph 0 Banks 14
West Pennstrorough Township
Christian Leas, (Liquors) 13
Josiah Hood & Son 13
Donaldson & Green 11
James Grcason &' Co 11
Ncwvillc Borough.
Gilmore & Stough 13
William Barr, Agent 12
Sampson Hannon; (Liquors) 13
J Mreandlish 13
John Diller , 14
Jacob Swoyer 14
Joseph Laughlin, Agent 14
J & L H Williams 14
Mr Sharp '
William Cooper 14
Hunt'or Herronl4
Prank:rove, Township.
J B Llckey & Co, (Liquors) 14
G Carmuny & CO, (Liquors) 14
Newton Township.
Jamcis Kyle
Joseph Smith
Adams fi Eshelman
S9talvuiipton Township,
John W. Clever, (Liquors) 14 10 50
Schoch, Sons & Co 14 7 00
° . lllillin Township. - . \
Chnrles Barons, ALiquorS) 14- 10 50
.1 W D Gililen ' 14 7 00
John Ernest 14 7 00
John 13 Perry 14 7 00
' ,Thimpden Township.
Morons C Rheum; (Liquors)
G W Fosler
Monroe Township
GIV Singizer 13 10 00
Daniel linsher 14 7 00
Streak 1 , 4 Brandt 14 7 00
.New Cumberland Borough.
J IC Bask, (Liquors)
W . S Powell & Co (Liqucks)
S. Middleton . Township
A AI Leidieli
W Alexander
Rider & Sailor
P D G'elese
Allen Township,
A L Cathcart , . . 12 12 50
Isaac Barton (Liquors) 14 10 00
John .G %tiller , • 14 7 00
Matthias Bitner (Liquors) 13
..1.5, 00
Joseph Schroll • 14 7 00
Jacob Eppley 14 7 00
Silver Spring"Townehip.
IT vir.Matt i rer & Brother 13 16 00
John Reed' , 44 ..2 00
Dunlap & Barr` .. 14 700
',oyle & epotteler l 3. 10 00
Mechanicsburg Borough. •
J'~lollieom &r Oo 'itiqUers 19 15 00
Siintnitt Arnold,lLletters) 13 15 00
Zug &:Quigley;.l4quors • 13 •15 00
Ret gle• • • . 13 • 10 po'
Henry, Lona, • • 14 '7 80
liousor & BOSb ;' .
.14. ' 700.
linker • 14 "
Ira DaY '',";" •it 7 00'
J F 4palti;'
Cumanatatin ConnTt'si; '; ..(, hereby certify that the faregOinif is ti per
reel OlassifibninivOl.ihe:Dealetaln-Aloreltandiae.
in; curtiherland - county., as token .bkion
donee with the several Acta of Assembly
'ing to Dealers in'Merehandize. • ' '
i; Given' under.tny ittittd;' and seal:title: 2tth
Apri1 t r,A4:713413;.4 . •' , .;) , • ,
44r.e . ptaspy:' W ORTHINGTO,N,:
• .;
~ MeiCattlile:iYPPrser::;
ThOfOregOlog Portion!: returned 14, lefftir on
V'orthington; Esq;, to the:,:pounty..Treisurer,
rill'aellfor,their.'Liceneesmo beferti.*: let
1,1.9,8ER't K9O,RK,
• ;
'beitiple; Mirk r r
A' . .lroproMAN- ofualified;' and liav;'
ing:papirianen , in-tha; business, wieluia a
. 0.4 01 , 1 0, 0 1 ,g 1%40 14 E1V' InLic
,town countryo.‘l)eatloftreforences
Apply at 'thie,E)lficat ! ;i •
o ij 0910UPti_103:,04 1 .1)SLV:"
Alacqunt ofilfucinins,j3,ffixoetliorri!Yrca
surer or tht", Boroughof
.Balance of HopHeide outstanding. • „
,for'lB47 ‘... • $llB6 03
Cash received - or A A Line,. Into
Am't of duplicate for 1848
Casl tlirg reed `
t• W M,o . Maim, Into
Rec'd of J H Blair, Chief Burgess,
fines and licenses for exhibitions 106 17
Reed for.stall rent Market House 189 874
Reed for licenses provision stores 30 00
Rec'd of James Crever water rent 8 55
Rec'd of sundry persons on account
of bonds due by thein to Born'
Reed of J Hackett el'k to t»atket
Paid J Brannon repair'g hoy.senles $ 1 00
Paid Win Riley for copy ofassess'nt 10 00
Paid James Craver for cleaning Le
tart Spring .
Paid James C nntha sala
ry as high tricissoner 52 50
Paid 'P B Sm regulator 3 00
Paid James I hoards for ', •
hay acalus • 1 25
Paid E Natty 32 00
Paid James
sances and
Paid chairma the of re
caption for returning volunteers
from Mexico
Paid %V Miller for repairing pumps
Raid James Postlewait for repairing
hay scales • 5 76/
Paid Georg(' Cramar for cleaning
• grave yard 5 00
Paid A. rk...r-windirrg - -elnett --- 71 - 0 - 0 - 0
Pfili - W - Miller fur putting in new
, pump
Paid John Spahr for grading and
pikiit,,,c Locust alley,
Paid LIS Ritter Trens Cum!). ilre
- Uampanyappropriation
Pai4'Cliarles'Fleager Treas Union
Fire company anndal appro'tlon 34 00
Paid Dr W L Craig!' vaccine - phys'n 30 50
Paid S for ail, 4.e., fur mar
' ket house
Paid donation 'o Mrs. MI - Amster for
services rendered Mrs Donnelly du
ring her illness with small pox
Paid ?ciliation tri - If Culp (mace-vices
rendered Mr. Coitees family eirfferi•
-11 l with small - pox - - 30 00
paid J B Billiton for printing 16 00'
paid P Davidson street regulator 5 00
Paid J Spangler - do • 450
Paid Buyer & Meteor for printing 13 00
Paid G Rinehart work done at mar•
ket house - 2 25
Paid S Keoperalfor-repairing spout:
mg atlinarkciAlousie 1 00
Paid G Fleming qualifying boro offi's 225
Do John Walker collector for exon
erations • 71 60
Paid John Walker for services tend
commissions collecting duplicate 122 89
Paid T I 3 Thompson, Treas. small
notes cancelled with interest 43 65
Paid I.:l'odd, Ertl. professionarser
vice and advice 10 00
Paid James Dunbar as Janitor 12 00
Paid John Weaklcy in' full of satiny
as High Constable & Messenger 29-48
Paid U Lehly for grading, 'dicing'.
. and cloying North street . 564.00
Paid J M Alluni years salary as el'it 80 00
Paid Tll Thompson I year's salary • • •
• as Treasurer 60 00
Paid IV B Mathews salary as street _ done_
by him and others employed by-
Jiinilor the Borough 380 88
Paid sundry, persons interest on no
count of bonds 268 38
Paid James Calio , 16 37i
Paid-Carlisle-Bank-on--note-held by -
them against the borough 400 00
Paid" Andrew Holmes interest on
r 14
13 - 1
14 10 50
13 10 00
14 " 7 00
13 .. 10 00
14 7'_oo
7 00
7 00
7 00
note transfered to him by Car bn'lt 23 83
Balance 'of duplicate for 1848 out
standing 154418
10 50
7 00
6 7 00
Billion° in halide of Treasurer
15 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
13th April, 1849. Tho above account of
Thomas B Thompson, Esq.ltorough Treasurer
having been examined by us and found to be
correct and true, we have therefore passed the
same. I ,
LEM'''. TODD; - --
AG, LECHLER, Committee.
10 00
12 50
15 00
10 00
7 00
$7 00
acerb and Cumberland
HE Stockholders in 4he York-and Curn•
berland Rail Road Ecanpany, residing , in
Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that the sum
of one dollar; on each share of stock subscribed
by them, respectively (duo and payable at the •
time of subscription,) is required to be paid nt
the York Bank on or before the lst day, of May
Theslockholdors are limiter notified that .he
following instalments have been declared
the Board of Directors and aro required to bo
paid at the York... Mink, at the several periods
mentioned ;--
FlasiNoTwo dollars per share, on the first
dity,of May next.
Sscoren—Two•dollars per share, on the first
day of June next.
Tilton—Two dollars per share, on the first
day of July.
FOURTH—Two dollars per share., on the first
day of August next.
FIFTH—Two dollars per share, on tho first
day of September 'host.
By the terms of the act of ineorpotation, it is
provided, that any stockholder 'failing to pay the
said instalments for thirty days after the seine
shall have become duo and payable, shall bo
liable to pay interest thereon, at the rate of
twelve per cont.
By order of the Board of Directors,
ELI LEWIS, Teerts'r.
P re on a who have acted as commissioners
'under the act of incorporation, and having in
their possession books of subscription, or funds
of the company, are requested to forward the
same to the Treasurer without delay.
7 00
7 00
""*7 00
7 50
7 00
10 50
10 50
- 7 00
7 00
7 00
14 10 50
14 7 00
14 10 .90
14 10 50
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
Brigade Inspector% Orders.
I.—THE enrolled militia-men of the first
Brigade, Eleventh Division, P. M., will not be
required to perform militia duty this year, in
any other way than in a regularly organized Vo-
lunteer company, the laws for militia framing
having been repealed. Voluntebr compaOies as
heretofore en the first Monday of May next, but
will not parade for inapeetion Anal further or.
2.—Colopels of Militia Regiments and Cap
tains of Volunteer and 'Militia Companies that
are liable for any public property will, be re
quired to' return the same on or before lm .first
day the following places, viz--
at the public 'house' ofloseph Black; In.Mechen
icabitru at the public, house of .H.
holder. in Carlisle. or at Geri.• Armoes Head.
Quarters ; at the public - house of Snider Rupley
in ' and with :,MM. Wm.T. Corey in
: Shippeneburg: The above named ,persons are
duly authorized' to receive ditysuch'
As' my , term of office, expire on theoad day
'of Aimustpext;l must insist own strict conipli..
tame wttli. the second part in' this order..
• Inc.let B.; 111
• Carlisle; ap25'49.. ... • . r
~, •,, •; - • ', Irish .rainens.., ~.. • :, •!.
, .A N extensive. assort meat, ant of , all qualities
and,Prices.,, , Ctill= and .e3ratnine •at -.the , cheap
atoreln North Hanover atroet.,..,. . , , ,
~.m2 , ,....,„ i ...,,, ...' .. , , 'Jr G,CARMONIi..I.:,,
. . .
N,ViiraXtßlNg, jest
.ipdeitrOd,by the'
.t7L4ubtotiberpc•xery Buttoner, articlee; , 'ate:!'ter
,ente phetip,forisneh et : the ,famo,geqcerrote,l4e ,:
BonnptLawns;' 0.„, ; ,,,„,
T ' opened vorletY 41 . gooredy , :
N 1 3 ;0 R 1.17':
Lawnii;Bo . nney, Criwins a9dajp6;i3rtio do ; ,
: ;,
ENT,LaMElNTELMotitisvitii ,
153 38
248 98
37 40
,134322 281
30 00
ig ,
wing -nut_
30 00
3 00
131 00
31 00
10 00
$4187 72
134 56
4322 284
' ••
Slot ce,k - bops.
:• 4 '`,1,20.:,•!:, , r ; ,
t.lffevir, an 4., Cheatfßookiii::, .
11.8 T" 'BOok — efotieinf
tainqvlVDigaziies;• for.May.---25 . ceMaeacli,ti
The Collegian. ..the Dickinson Mantla
ly Magazine;. -•• •• •-• • t r'•t •
Napoleon's„ Invasion Ofi . ,:nuasia,;:a historical
romance by Louis liellstab.
Memoirs of my youth, by Larnertine. •
Zunluko, byMrs,'ltachael'Maule.
Agnes Morris, .a new novel.
Downing's Frint:and - Fink' Trees.
4 00
Clarke's Commentary.
111 neon ley 'a England, Harperle' Edition, 'very
cheap. With,k,large Variety.of. other dew and
cheap worki.of oveFv kind.' ,JACOB I 118.
To all whom it may Concern :
. •
THANKFUL to the puulie generally for, past
favors nnd their liberal patronnge, still cort
'limes so carry on the SADDLE - , TRUNE,
and HARNESS making business, at his old
stand in Nanover street, two doors north of the
Carlisle Bank, at the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. Ho is now better prepared than over to
accommodate his customers, having recently
made great alterations in his establishment, so
as to enable him to keep a muCh - better assort
ment then heretofore, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, neonpottb, quilted and plain SAD
common; Farmers' Gears, of all kinds, Tra
velling Trunks of all
descriptions and prices,
Volenses and Carpet flags, Bridles; Martingals
Dollars, Stock, Leather. and Raw Hide Whips,
Leather, cotton end worstt.d Fly-nets, nnd- all
other articles in hislinp—all of which he is de
termined to sell at 'the very lowestcash
Making nnd repairing Mstresses of hair.husk
end straw, nnd all hiads of •Upholsteing will be
punctually attendeil to.
---1?-rictr - otlitardw we.
I HAVE just received the largest nnd Cheap
est stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet
Maker's Timis. Mahogany Veniers and all kinds
of Building Materials ever:brought to Carlisle
consisting of Locks, Hinges, bcrews, Neils
nod Spikes. Persens about to build will find • i
grantly to their advantage to look at my stock
before purchasing elsewhere. Como and see
the Goods and henrithe price and you will be
convinced that this t,.,, really the Cheap Hard Store, Also, in Store anvils vices, tiles
and rasps, and a complete assortment.of Watts'
Best Bar Iron. also Rolled alid Hone Irolt of nll
sizes., I have also the Theimometer Churn
made by Mr George Spang'er, the bast article
now in use. •
SO YTH have•just received my Spring
stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
expressly fur my own sales, and warranted to
be a superior article. Cradle .makers and
others will find these Scythes to bo the best ar
ticle io the market and •at the lowest price
wholesale and -retail at the- old stand in Nurth
Hanover street. - JOHN P LYN E.
• aplB'49 .
Nooks, Stationar?), Nc.
THE undersigned having purchasilfi,the Book
and Periodical establishment lately kept by
Mr Joseph Kneedler,neat floor to.Burkholders
(late Beetem's) Hotel, respectfully informs the
public that he intends to keep constantly on
lined allthe latest and best publications of the
fay, which he will furniSli at ruht.isnEßS-PRI
CES. Among the best and most popular works
lately issued from the press nee the following:
Ilarper's cheap and -superfine edition of Mc-
Grmiley's History of England. Neandcr's Life
of Christ. Larlto family Bibles elegantly hound
common - do. :lick's Philosophical works
Prayer and II ymn - Books, superfine editions.
Pardoe's Louis XIV. • Classic and English
Dictionary's. Sears' \Vander of the Worl 1,
,engravings. Dowling',s History of Roman
isin, a new and`erilarged edition, containing the
life of 4'ope Pius IX. bringing the history flown
io the present time. .Family Minim, by Mrs.
Ellis. containing _hsr
_popular works, Women,
Mothers, Wines and Deughlers - iiTEnghinii. - Bvo
Statesman's Manual from Washington' to'P'olk,
vols. Svo. Guide to Social Happiness, by
Mrs Ellis, Flv.h-cloth extra.- The -Cameos,
family Octet° by Bulwer. Now York in Slices
by an experienced carver. - Roland ,!Cashel by
Chas. Lefevo, part Ist. The-DinmPAiul the
- Pearl, a new novel by Mrs Gore. Ellen
Pickerings. Mrs. G•ey's and oilier minder no ,
.yell on hand. Together with The beat assort
ment of Miscellaneous, Scijtool, and Religious
books. Also,Stationery, lank- Books, &c.—
The best daily,.weekly and family newspa
pars in the cities of Philadelphia, New York
anti Boston.
MAliAZINEIR—nodey, Graham, Sartain, La•
dies Nat onal, Holden's, Eclectic, Columbian,
&e. &e ,'received regultp - ly as soon as issued
from ,the press. and furnished at Publishers
prices. All orders for, books, &c., promptly
'tended to—his arrangements being such as
will enable him to supply all orders in two or
three days notice at (Oiliest.
• April 4, '49. JACOB ERB.
New an. Zmportant!
GEORGE ItHEHM. having recently
purchased the county right of lIA.VWoRTII'S
PAI ENT COLLAR' STOPPER, would respectfully
call the attention of the trade to that imporian
invention:. It is certainly ono of the greatest
intprovententsvf. , theetge. This machine stuffs
the Collnicrooked mound theltlock, faced with
hair, wool, or other materials, back Stuffs it with
long straw, and also makes collars of cut straw
uithless than half the labor end time of the old
way of stalling. This machine will stall' all
and every kind of horse collars, from. Ale best
patent leather down, to the commonest kind in
use, and with but one man steadily at work will
stuff and shape fifty collars per day in a neater
and betted style than any other way known.
Sadalers in the county are invited to call at
the subscriber's establishthent on North Hano
ver street, Carlisle, And examine he machine.—
Township or shop-rights will be Bold. To
those who do not wish to buy a right Alto sub
scriber offers READIC MADE COLLARS at whole
sale much cheaper than tney can ho n nnufac..
tured in any other way. Orders for collars in
any quantity are respectfully solicited.
ap:B' 19
'Co the }lairs and Legal Representa
tives of Christian Erisman, of Rap
ho township, Lancaster county,
INpursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court of said county, made the gilt
of April, A. D.,. i 849, awarding an inquest for
the partition and valuation,* the real estate•of
the said Christian Crisman, dec'd., in said co.;
consisting of a plantation or tract of land of
about Eighty-live dcres in said township, ad
' joining land of John Rohrer, Obristian Crisman,
C Prick end others, •• •
I will hold an inquest at the late Mansion
house of the said Christian Crisman. dee'd., on
the said plantation on- THURSDAY„tho 31st
day of MAY, A. D., 1849, at 10:o'clock, fore•
norm for said purposes; at whioh time' and
place you are notified to attend...!
eplB'494t • • • Sheriff of said liounty.
S. Goldmwee Clothing Store,
On the corner " street' and. Market
Squaie, forinerlyby Nathql,
• THE undersigned respectfully announces to
the citizens of Carlisle end surrounding country',
that he has just arrived from Philadelphini . .w4h
a splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTIV
IN Gi for the: purpocp of conducting . the ready.
Made,elothingliublitess in-nil its various brim,
ehes, ; A .
• • He intends ,kneping._an assortmoniter;avery
articla,in imistiumet_,a94. 0,C44c,1; pri
ces as will'Batt minty, one. ; •
Histsteek,einiiincas tna 6C1114q1 111- I t r l ' i d tashiopable = styles w orn -- and--made e
bast Ins nnei'. ? I ; .. , k
,Tlts ; a n littcriber only,as e`a ".' , trig riR
. 0,, , _
and is aura entlie.s,ailafaction.„
AlsoiHa: :Jiitga,stflottlytentt•'oo:lo, 3 i . Cap a a,
Shirts: G t "
raVale,.Collu're, Stleyen4er i. ,
and Ilosteiry;ltillzat - ..W1W.-49..' 9 1/ 11 . 1 r f lt ". ve
ArdithWoh ot an t ly, on mine
IoW •,•• Gt MN
RUk",! -T*l
Estate decid.
Lettere Of . 1 61dilnistration 011 the Estate of
,Pk.',AlManlitiffo late of the Botou - gh `of Me.
onaniosbur(guotheil6d county deceased have
- 11 !14 1 .. 0 4,hY" 1 lhe Register, of' said coupty' to
,thecut;ReriPar , 110 ' reach% in Allen !menchiP,
ortelnYAMiceill. All Percent' s having claigie or
,:the , ,estate , ,of,said -deceased,
ire rtigueated to make ltnownlhalleiteltoltheut
delay, and , thode indebtedlo links bayesititto
eP25' 496 t
- "''--
Asst raitlescazisi" •
WILL bo ofTered.:at Public 'Bale on
17V. DAY . ; dui 18th ''day of MAY neit, at
the: residence, of T . C'' Miller in D ickinson ,
township, Cumberland counryi , ..the. following
described property to-wit, .!
Nu I.—The valuable property well known •
Saw Mill, Coal-House, Tenant Houses, and
I.tweenaand 300. i acres Mountain Land. -----
140.g.A•GRIST MILL, to.whichis attach. •
ode Cor n Dryer, Sheller and Breaker, a Stamp
Mill with a comfortable log Dwelling HOUSE
stone smith Shop, and from 7 to IS acres of
Ao 3—The valuable Farm on which said
now resides. containing about 200 acres.
with Stone Dwelling HOUSE, large Bank
Barn, and an excellent orchard of choice fruit,
No 4—A Tract of Land known as the "Big
Meadow," containing Twenty ncres of ;first
rate timothy bottom.
No 5—A valuable Farm containing 123 acres
of first rate land. part limestone,
and part pine land, known as the
....t i lt] • 'Allen Form,' with a two story
'• 104 HOUSE, Log•and Frame
- Barn, corn cribs, wagon shed and
other outbuildings.
No G—A Farm of 200 -nuns" known as the
'Peach Orebncd Farm,' wtth n Log House a
double Log Barn, &c. (The right of Ore on
tills farm reserved, and to be sold with the fur=
' No 7—A tract of 100 acres, partly cleared;
having niog house thereon, and adjoining No
No 8--A tract of 100 acres, unim ,roved, ad.
joining lands of Martin Cloudy, John Thrush,
and others. On this tract there is a gond ;water
No 9—A Farm containing 12G acres, part
cleared. with [.og House, Double Log Bain,
,ovin as the 'MCKinney Farm.'
`NVOOL—A tract of 700 deres of timber land ) ,
lately purehast‘d of A G Ege, which will. be
sold ift lo's tesult purchasers. •
No lI—A tract of 50 acres of land adjoining
the McKinney Farm, Daniel Marsh and others.
Also. a number of other Fife and Ten. Acre
ints with comlUrtable Log Houses theieen.
The nbove-described pi opt. rties, LI a I
ated in Dickinson township and mostly boultded
by the. Yellow Breeches Creek, which never
'failing stream propels"the furnace and mill.
.Also, at the same One and place, the interest
of 'l' C Miller in thai well known MAGNET
IC ORE BANK on the Yellow Breeches
Creek. in York county.
The above' property will be shown, and ell
necessary info-mation given to persons wishing
to purchase, by nulling on ither of the sittiscrt
bers or TCyltller.
The usual term of Land sales will be riven.
at :R, s. Assignees.
THE subsrfiber offers at private sale the fol
lowing described valuable property, situated id
Springliutd, Cumberland county, viz : --
A large two story Stone I,)wel
lint O;3E, nod Lot of Ground
with good Stahl lig and other no- I V
cessnry outbuildings. "tlso. n II •II '2:
large sT 0 N DISTILLERY,.
on said lot, with all dm necessary apparatus;
and horse powor and hog pen attached. The
location is decidedty one oldie best in the coun
ty fur carrying on the di,.tilting business, ns it is
smutted on the banks of the Dig Spring, in
plentiful grain country whore woods is abundant
and chenp,iind being also convenient to Keller's
Mill. It the said property is not disposed ant
private sale belore Saturday, the ed day Or June
next, it will on that day be offered at public sale
tit 2 o'clock fa the afternoon, Possession given
immediately. POrsons desirous of purehasing
will please call-on on the subscriber, residing on
th.c prcTii§o
THE new end hendsornelv fin
' the west end of Lowther• street in
this borough, now occupied by the
subscriber. The Int is i'2 feet front
by 241/deep. It will he sold n herein!. Apply
Feb. 14-3 mos pd
Estate of John Flelllehuger, deed.
ETTEIIS of Administration on the Estate
LA of John Ilefflefinger, late of,Wortuleys
burg Cumberland county. dee'd.. have Iren
granted in the subscriber, residing: ig Hampden
township in said county. All persons Lt‘ g
Claims againsesaid [at ate to prepent them for
settlement, and those knowing themselves in.
debted to make payment immediately to
lETTERS of Administration upon the Es
into of 1.),A VW RALSTON late of W.
tPennsboro township, dec'd., finve been gronted
in due form of Law to James M. Ralston, to
whom all accounts muy be presented, and all
delfts duo be puid. -;
THIS valuable EMBRO
CATION will cure Sprains,
Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell
ing, s.
• heumatisna. and all
, complaints which require an
external remedy. It gives immediate relief to
the Scratches, and ihelneident to Horses having
white feet and hoses, produced by the St. John
W,.rt. It is also highly useful in relaxing still
ness of the Tendons and Joints mid produces
beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints,sprains. This Esturtp
asTrox is recomended to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers'of Livery Stables, and private gentle.
manowning Horses, and should be constant'' ,
kept in their stables. The GENUINE arti
cle is prepared only by W. MsnstL
u'L . , No 3 0.2
Race st Philadelphia. And for sale u holesnle
and retail at DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store \V
Main street, Carlisle.
March 14-Iy.
l./ cidedl the best preparation that can be.
used'for the cure of Sprains, Bru.
:sus, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb,
Ringbone„Spnvin' Stiffness of the
,Joints, &c. It is an article which
should .be in the hands of every
Horseman, and no stable should be without a
bottle of it. Pricootily 25 and 50 cents per bet,
ties, prepared only by S M Pearson, M D„ and
for sale wholesale and retail, et No, 106 Mirth
Second street; Philadelphia; And DR. RAW.
LIN'S wholesale and retail agent, Carlisle, Pa.
Jail. 21. • .
• 'lt. , with Minters, Sores, Oiled
j• , neck and shoelders, quitter.
bone, greitse, spavin, or poll.
'. evil, one box of Dalley's
Anima ' a value Cure• All will convince you
tharthere te,nomisiake in it.
votr.owiso t—This is to certify
that Y , Mive used Dalleys Animal Galvanic Cure
All,'and found it the safest and most speedy
cure for sores' and bruises, ; that I have Ever
used;'and I take 'Pleasure in recommending it
to all. ' _ ,S ROLLINS, .
LiVery *able 181 Jay et.
• $ • ' d
or ae at the. Depot, 415 Broil WaY-.
JAMEWiEMING:'Akent for 'Cumberland
~[april. 4
.. . .
••13CiRlbft i liftea &C. -
dnrleiy= of B Oro bazi ' , A fpgene
Costimoros,Moyo' do 'lsioes, otftfitriPvesto
066(18, juerropolvetf aio ;for,. polo dienp toy s. i
- •••• MARZIGES .411 La
eabeeriber has just - (maned a variety. o;
•.Plain.lßlue,-Pink, and , 'iguroti Burtmea,
which he.l'will.•:•selr:rit rediiced, , .prteee. ' , Arad;
Plain and Fagured-Mous. de Lames of vanoutt;
• rap,2s]!, arr OE ft'
J.TUST-opened a v ariety Or Figure Luwns
other Spring Drees' Goode which arc offer;
eltat unusually low'ortette.t , ,r
,zik0 i 2.5:11,:: a , , .t
- • :'Ether , . . •
.• .0 • •
t -ri -
tLlNS' , .Elrggrac,Fapop,Store;V:Atflort Streit;,,
. _ _,~~t~Cf~~ltlTitQs.
At Private §ale.
1402 1 10. V.
\V l'elvshorn' tp: npril 1 fit ,AdminiAirator
Heyl's .Embrooation for Horses.
A Word to liorsenien.
Care Your iferse
• ,
W., P (OE
' WHERE oOld , and
'Ver Watches 'Or, every
„description can, be had
G t < 2 at, from ten to fifteen 6
9 !aim' han any other store
.; 4 in New Yorl(or Pnila
' - dolphin. Persons who
wink to get a good watch, perfectly regulated,
would well to call , at _the store of the sub
scriber, and compare the quality end price of his
watches wadi that of other stores.
LOW .174CES.
Gold Levers, Pill jewePt l ,:B carat cases, $2B 00
Silver do do 12 00
Guld Lepines, jeweled, "„Ycarat eases 23 00
Silver do do 900
Silver Verge Watches, from $3,00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from $l. to $8,00; GoJ t d Pens,
with silver cases. Mid pencils attached; for, 70c.
Also, a hendseme assortment of new and
fashionable Jewelry, at prices far below the
usual store prices. Old Gold and silver bought
or taken in exchange,
No Ito North SFCOND Street, second door
-below Rnco, Philadelphia. p:,B' !Cy
iri - Cut this .advertisement out, a nd briny it
along,, you will then be sure to get into the right
Lykens Valley Coal.
THE bylten's Valley Coal Company will be,
prepared to deliver COAL, on rind after the 20th
instant nt their depot, Millersburg, Dauphin co.,
Penns3lvrinin, (at the head of the Wisconiseo
Canal, 12 miles (Min Clark's FerrydaCthe fol
lowing prices, CASH.
Lump, Broken & Screened $2.00 per ton
Nut 1,75 "
Lime burners. screened 1,311 • "
Lime burners mixed 7s
April It, '49, 4m. Treasurer.
fLato llii . zelburat & %Valters,3
PRODUCE and General Commission
chants, Nos. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf,
BALTimartn. Liberal cash advrincesi Muds
on consignments of all kinds of Produce.
Philadelphia. respeclinlly solicit the - eusioin of
ES and others engaged in the TriAng.
They manufacture , SILK EATS varYing from
24 to 4d dollars p6r dozen, that will hear n exit
cal examination and comprire favorably with_
those or any other manufacturers. As , they are
largely engwred in this business they can till
orders expeditiously.
2000 Pentium Blinds.
• STR KET, "Philadelphia. V EMT! A N
aw c arded the first and highest nt the N.
York, Baltimore and Philadelphia Exhibitions,
for the superiority of his BUN nti, with con
firmed confidence in his manufactureo asks the
attention of purchasers to - his assortment of
2000 BLINDS of narrow and wide slats, with
fancy and pixie 'Trimmings, of new styles and
colors. Also. a largd-and general asqortment of
Tait Wixom 6n APES, all of which
he will sell at the lowest rush relies.
Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal
Kr - D EALE It S SUPPLIED on liberal
orriss..4.ll 'rho oh tens of Cumberland county
ire respectfully invited io call before buying
Ilsewlrere--7eonlident of ploaging all. Open in
.he Evening.
Maiilt I.
110" A TIIA N HA I4TCHEhaving temoved his
Cheap Clothinp Store to the roomformer•
ly tfcenpied by ,llnj. Lamberton, between Con
lerrLs4e-welry-Store --and-liarkholder's hotel, in
West Main street, would respect fully inform his
friends and the phblie that he intends to eon
.inue the business as heretofore He -has jest'
:eceived a large assortment-of
Spring and Sumnier Goods.
which ho will have made up nt the shortest
tice and in the most desirable manner tic will
constantly liave on hand a large selection of
Ready Made Clothing,
cheaper than ever offered to the public before—
such as black and blue dress costs, frock and
sack,oats of various colours, tweed coats of al
shapes and colors, summer clrith coats, linen
cotton and jean conic, and all other hinds of
fashionable coats, black and fancy cnshmere
pants, summer pants of avert' description and
color, plain and fancy satin vests, summer vests
all sorts and colors, shirt bosoms and collars,
nerk and pocket handkerchiefs. storks, suspen
, dors ot, all kinds very cheep Don't forget the
Carlisle. April ,r-3m
Garden and Flower Seeds.
lIA-VE just, opened my annual supply of
chiefly 'front the well known estalthshinent of
Riley & Co.. New York, consisting of all tlte
different Varieties. They are warranted fresh
rind good; Fsr side at tlie and -look
March 2ti
A generid assortment of the best quality of
Whitewash Brushes, as also, sweeping,. seruh•
hing, hearth, dust, shoe and horse Brushes, to
gether with corn browns, bed cords. clothes
lines And a handsome assortment of flair Brush
es of every variety. Fge sale at the store vat
tut:B ' J. W. EBY
Fresh Garden Seeds
0.• Vv--
I HAVHfusi received limn Mr n
my annual supply of GARDEN SEEDS, the.
re warranted FRESH and genuine.
March 14 S ELLIOTT.
New Spring and Summer Steeds
G. .dARMONY. hes juit received
• p Inrge and extensive assortment of Spring
and Summer Goods to which he thvites the at
tention of his friends and the. public generally.
And as ho is • determined to sell his goods as
low as any • other establishment in, Carlisle or in'
the county. lie fl atters himself that. by sirict
attention to business he -will receive a jiberal
share of public patronage. (ap2s
HE subscriber would respectfully inform
PO friends end the — public generally that
he is receiving LUMBER of all kinds which
ho will sell at the River prices with the addi•
tion of the freight for cash. . .
apiB, '99 • • B 'MURRAY.
Pine and Etheial Oils,
THOS" not going to California. can .be Flip
plied with freoh•Pine and Ethada' Oil, dt the
cheap , 'of
• , d Agt •
10. 24t1! 1849'
B 1
12T°N8Alg nissortedt'ltinde -of ROLU
• IRON just reeld, thatt-we will sell at a
lower rate then ,eyer'hiis, been ,seld;• at either for
dash; ecraViren. Also Waffle , ' best, BAR
-IRON always on the store of,; •
•••'• • r,.
; . WO(PPhii.'F;ltilet': . ;l';'!.:
.. . ,
Subscriber. bria 'entered, , itito .arraoge
T - mentir with' a - bousa — in . Philadelphia; by.
weichilie 411 P be &logically - supplied with the
• boaCarticiii . of :Wrapping.Paper: Country Men
• chants. , and others wishing loictive twenty•five
.•.er..centi ric.ihe above article can do :se. By'call T ,,
• a ho stgio!of • '.: ' ~ i. , '..:, ,
1 - -• ' ' ' JD: HALBE Rl' . '
1 61'1 B'.:. l ' iiTiert f il:(1011440.'q'
' , 1
'. : ,l'icrCiistiffiheet,JlittoAAitingOeti
20 iiiii Tii • Plate,:jiattt4Cttd: -. (cpk rat
tbs . Geip, ititd*are Sittt7o ., . , !TA.' ':"
feb29: ` ' VOGJI'ft,:3AXTON' q)
cSto:);76-'i'*;,: :St) ir, : - 13 s ;,''
JUST received and now opening, on elegant
assortment . . of,STAP-LE .AND DRESS
; DS, dud figured Bare en,
Linen metres of. difffilibt 'colours and styles,
:LSlVnir Oft every style an.d vriee, a large miter!.
ment of Gi n glionts• cheaper than ever, cam
brice,'liond =sides largo assortment of Leeo
Goods, Ladies atid . Gentlemena Kid Glotei'
Lisle and Arced gloves. A Large assortment
of Spring lionnet Ribbons, also, Hosiery, Tu'ek
and side comboisteel Beads. Bag end Purso
clasps, slides,,rings and Silk twist of every co
lour. A large assortment of Boys' and genii
Spring -and Summer Wear, also, beautiful
prints,- fast colours, English chintzes, hand-'
some patterns, together with a large assortment
of bleached and brown muslins and other goods.
Purchasers will do-well to call and see before
They purehaee elsewhere.
spr 4 - G K CROOKS.
Ativ spring Goods!
THE sqbscribers have just receit ed a large
and cheap Stock of SP KIN Cl. GOODS, bought
in for enkh, which they offer for sale at very
low prices. The followmg•a a, part, 'aloe ,
Brow, and Blue Black 'A, T ‘, filen lira
"Nt4 4.43
to 5.00 per yard. A" - handsome ot of all woql
O A SSIKERES from 623 to one dollar per yard
These are a very cheap lot.' A variety of LAt.
DIES DRESS GOODS, consisting of Plain
and Fancy Alpachn Lustros ' Ehilston Ginghams
Mohair Plaids, SilltPlaid Linens, Shadcd Mous
de Laines, Lemons, as low as 123, a great vari
ety of Calicoes from 64 to 123. We have firm
English Chintzes • warranled at Ici. Also,.
BONNETS, Braid et one dollar, and upwards
together with n variety of fine bonnets among
which some entirely n,,w styles. . CARPETS
nt 12,1, 151, 2 5 , 3 1 i. 62k, 75; 2 yards wide at.
50 cis per yard. Checks, Tjeltings, Mishits,
very cheap flannels, men and boys Sfltnmer
Wear, from 10 to 50 cents, and a great -an&
general vtiriety of goods it) our . line, which wo
are determined to sell at the very LOWEST
PRICES. We respectfully solicit an exami
nation of our stock, satisfied that our goods are
cheaper than they have. ever been rolil in this
place. • A & \V BENTZ.
Afnrrli 14 3 doors south of Post Offlre.
Neihr_and cheap Spring Goods, •
g^iC)I2NER of Hanover and Louther Streets, •
M..) opposite Leonard's Ohl SHIM!, Carlisle
The undersigned respectfully inform their
•iends nnd the public that they have Just 'v
ier l'rom Philadelphia with it large nod well
select - assortment of new' SP RIN G. OD'S
perchese t the very lowest prices. and which
they are deter hined to sell at small profits.—
Among them mny be-found Cloths, Cassimeres
Vestings, Tweeds, Pantaloon.. St Mrs in :great
variety, best Americnnand India Nankeens.=
Also, L DYES' DRESS GOODS, consisting
in part of Silks,-Bnregcs, Silk Tissues, Alps
elms, Sc.. STRAW AND nomp RON
NP,TS, a fine lot, Palm Leal -Hats, Ribbon
and- Lace Goods.- • An elegant assortment
Calicoes and line Chintzes, sternblerfor the ap
proaching season, nt our usual low prices—
Checks. Drillings, Linens and the usual variety
of blenched and unbleached nmslins. Boors
Al I) sit DES—a well selected assortment of
mini's, women's rind children's good and
hand.sonte. O nocEnws—in all their varie
ty. Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Company's
celebrated TEAS, &c. All the above goods
Irene been purchased right, and will he sold
Prrnse !rive us.,a call.
:%1 arch 28 S I) POWELL A. en.
s iDzy Goods. and Groceries.
G. CAFMONY desires to infoim hi - oi•
a • friends-rind thv public that he has rem°
ved to the stand on North Hanover street lately
occupied by Chris Barnitz. and next door to
Ilavurstick's Drug and Ronk Store, where he
is determined 'to salt goods as low as any other
establishment in Carlisle or in the
stock consists of Cloths, l'assintercs. Ps inert a;
satim,--carlmwreTmerino - and - silk Vestings; Me.
rhinos, Alino has, Mous de Laines, Caflimeres, -
French worked collars, kid gloves, silk fringes,
gimps, flowers, thread lades, &e. TICK
IN GS at 5k eta, calicoes ) io'rt cis, very cheap
muslins, hosiery, Berlin nod Cashmere gloves.
A large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS,
very low, satin plain and figured Mantua. plain,
bared, striped and figured Also GROCERIES
and QUEENSWARE, such os Coffee, Tea,
Sugar, Spices of all kinds, tobacco, segars,
crockery, glass and oneenswaro, rice, chocolate,
starch, together with numerous other articles—
Give, him a call, leer 4
S. A. COlrliE'S
• P ••• .0 ) • 1111. ESP ECTFU
MX calls the attention •
“tsiz of his Intends to his
••• •• • ' impossible I t o a e t n i u s n n ue ;
rate nfi e
the articles we be for sole. Suffice it
to say we have almost everY thing h
cessary for Lailies.nrid Gawk:mons wenr.'
L AMES 1) EP A R'l'M ENT—Neat figured
mous deluines, Foulard silks atid lawns, mohair
and satin striped Inetre,pink and blue tilkwgetl
Mains, satin striped molts second
mourning clarendons. plaid lyonese, block silk,
bonnets and bonnet ribbons, fancy silk ties and
scarfs, silk and Linen fringe s. stilt flanneleat.d
linen tissues, pink, blue and green linrues, kid
silk nod Lisle thread gloves,, and a large assort
MOlll ot Ladies, Misses and Childrens Hosiery.
French and English cloths, from 811 cents to
sii,oo per Timid, black French cossimeres, fancy
cessimeres, vestinge, all kinds, croton cloths &
lustre, Tweeds and cassinotte, white linen dril.
Hogs, fancy caps for Boys, China Pearl Huts
for men and children - , chipThrus, all kinds, bl'k
and f '
aney"ernvute Lisle flare - ad, kid and cotton
Gloves. Also, A very large stock of white
and unbleached muslins, calicoes from 3 cents
:o I Carpets and floor oil clothe, and great
variety of other goods not mentioned, phase
cull and see my stock, where you will dlwaye
find R full supply, [apr 4
T AM now Of out receiving front the Enstord
citius a largo and beautiful scluctanf of SITING
and SUMMER GOODS to whit It I invite the
attention of ono, and all• To the, LADIES'
. .
In Silks, Mirage's,' Linen Popelins, Linen Lus
tree, Linen'OliameokiFrench, English and 'A •
morican Chintzes, Gingham, Gingl ant Lawns
Lawns, Lace and 'Plaid Muslim, - Swiss, Book
and 'Puritan Att.,-plaiii-antLjancy—Spring—de--
Lainosi:Bonnets, Parasola, Sun Shades, .Rib
bons, . Laces, Fancy Trimmings, , &c. &c., we
hatter ourselces to ie able to please 01l in prices.
and style, who will favor us with acall. GEN
TLEMEN—For, your own interests wo ask of
you to call and-examine our. .itock Of Super
French and English Black Cloths, French and
English fancy, colors do.Tiniby'French . Coast
memo,. Doe Skin black' and fancy English land
American Cassimers, Silk .Warp. Cloth, and
TWeada, .C,odipgthii and Morino Ciisaiineres &
Tiveeds, plain and fancr'CretOns and Gam
broons, Buff. Cassimeres,.,Fancy-Jean's, Super
Silk, Satin and .Marseilles .Vcsungs, lain,p and
high „cOl'd Silk CraVats;'.; &c. ,DOmestie
goods' in a rundencb, auoh:as hieWii;nuslins,
brown and :black' Slieetings,oinaburge,..lick.
inga, •Drills,.Coticin, Pant,Stuffi;;Avery cheap)
Colored',Canibrica;-Doinestie ,Ginghotna,
POO:Checks', -Ntinkeen,a;'&e,! .-
CARPETS !='-An'Aipmetiser , siOck , 'ttif , Car
pets. Floor Oil;
bea ut dui
.. ass ort MOnt 4:Troopatone
Blinds, ailofwhiet"will be,sold!unttnally low.
4 'Botors ND:SHO
lies addpi*.iLi; now teeiving:nitq'orr,hand, aleo.
a reds
-in price .My OcICIS very large
and 'complete, 4 find WelnlwaYsiiil4 'pleasure .
in elbowing - :goods' without chargei - J_Recollect
die .old stand .u - Teiv, doors,nast.Wthe•Mtirket
Holten, and e opposite
ton's Herd wire •StorCE`;';' f "
March , :2B,-.;", , . , .,.,CifA5;.•4)6111,1 : MC."
air' - a' 7; Yr
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~ mu - - d i :01K.A.-77zdn'Ind'IO ay . •
gra' biL.,--rg:7-._ lidi4,4x!).r•Liury,
---. , . de-con, - tidieloue
-..hoice ;nrli lldoralit, zd , ' , Jritin .- d
PF'c • veit 4* .. ,i,a, e Luioltron os
ondish,'Aßll-, thewlnig g.l Eelloil;',,ita:ang.Paa",
and icongit4
Itogali°dTn crisP9,*iiii'igttillo d 13'01010 ..!
At °'- '' 01 ir jiiii•an .nal'illeol.
riPl:Ther r ondo
lila SOB °T d a y and Ma
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ktnit4:?-4rti‘titoPt):`,illj be'.llt4inSetko.4itilbii
Ato,ACidiiiid...ol icbbith!), 11,0iiiii,•:!ca, °
ple9f,,(?holeOcir High , ' otreet °, 4,45,, <,-; 'A' ' -
hill* 1,0 we'l
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