Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 02, 1849, Image 3

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g&AZlLtitlThiUti %ht4aw
1Y k1514E51.4 1 1,. MAY - 2, 1849„
. ,
frED.---, WI! raceiiticin'Monday a letter post- ,
on.hat that far distant shor e
whertt,the vast t'aelfia breaks its waves and
--'hears no sound
Save lie own dashinge,"„
but as it turned out front some Amtviy.erected
village of that name in Lancaster county...—
Thu writer has had his feelings excited by
hearing of the folly of a person hoarding up
large 'sums of money in .her house, and as
might naturally be expected, having it stolen,
while there are so many of those excellent
institutions, Ranks, where it ought to be dopes•
ited b-th for its oWtfaafety and the good if the
community. The writer asks ua to make a
recent case of thio kind the subject of Edito•
vial comment and censure. We do not !inetv
how wu could nerve his purpose better, how•
ever, than by giving his own letter, with the
advice it contains, verbatim, et literatint :
Lancaster Aprils 21st 1849
. 'for the Carnal hermit
Mr Editor I am sorry to see a publication
Concerning a Robery in your County of $2OOO
on the house of potty fulton i it apoars sonrwhot
strange to me fur people to have capacity for a
, fetnole to Lay money by and provoke Roberti
to steal and indanger there Livei when there
is a save Deposido.Bsnk provided in Carlisle
for this vary Glass of indeViduala where tie
get interest for War money and would accom
odate an other .Glass of People who .('cult
Make bettor you're df it and afort to pay inter
est for it I understant that as •part of the
Capitol in the Carlisle Bank is owned by.
indevidmila in LandifiterCounly who are all
known to be of great welt?'
N B I wish ynu woult Make some Comment
•on Cite above to your subscribers Concerning
the 'AVE. keoging of there money In your De.
poside Bank
RtoTitco.-7—Four soldiers from' the
garrison wore on Monday committed for trial,
by Justice gas, for riot an 'disorder d'n the
s s o • • rri .
•disturbort k :ot the peace of our orotrik will
fir.d that they canrot go on in suclaoutinges
with impunity.. A new order of things has
FASIIIOIO. !-Our bueldsll young gen
tlemen will perceive that SKILES, who is the
acknowledged arbiter Of Taste in the adorn_
merits of the outer man, has jhst opened his
now spring goods, to which their attention is
-"Bocic AGIN."-,141r. Samupl., F.
Cmensien of the Carlisle party for California,
has returned home, after primeeding with the
party no far ,as St. Joseph's, Missouri. Ho
leaves his share of ''the dust" for more adven
turous spirits.
STILL AT LARGE. Deputy-Sheriff
McCartney, we are emir" to say, returned last
week frern the pursuit of the robbers of Mies
Fulton, without having succeeded, in finding
them. . .
For like Hornld
Retbrn for Select Schools, for March and
April, 1849: '
_ Scnont No. I I—Samuel ahem, Theodore
Srnitn, David -Barber.
No. l2—Jana-Brannol, Anna McCartney :
Margo; of Slicer.
No 13—Isabel P. Manor, Hannah P, Ilack•
et, Mary A. Winholtz.
No. 14—Milton Staymn,John Snodgrass,
Andrew J. Sanderson
Hain Sanoms.—Mary M. Bent; Mary E,
Sheuffer, Mary M. Sanderson.
—ANITA Sanderson, Win. H. Harkness
Charles W. Bell.
Thu .scholars are in tho order they stand for
improvement during "the preceding three
months, the highest being named first.
April 28 1849. J. HAMILTON. Sce.
Steamboat 'Oriental,' Miss. River,
April 3,1. 1810.
We left Cincinnati about 5 o'clock, p. m.
on the 30th, and' reached Louisville, Icy.
about 11 a. m, where we stopped to dis
charge freight. This •is quite a smart city,
lighted with gas, and doing a large whole-
sale business. Most of the dry goods boxes
— Were marked from Philadelphia, and from
houses familiar to us. Thera are a great
many dealers along the street fronting the
river, who have fancy articles, bowie knives,
pistols, cat ds obscend books, Bw. exposed to
sale in glass cases. Here fips, levies and
light quarters pass only as half &Vies, dimes
and twenty cent pieces,'and pennies are•not
taken at all
The country approaching Louisville pre
sents a flatter appearance than hitherto, and
as we approach it spreads out into a broad
and apparently - interminable low, ground.—
The. peach, plum and Juneberry trees are in
blossom and kpe cotton tree and 'anger
maple pulling out leaves. Young onions,
caktinge spouts, Bw. are for hale in the mar
. ket. •
Sunday, Ist day of April was a glorious
eautilul as an unclouded sky, Denial
sun, c pient vegetation and a placid sheet
of wat could make it. Most of the Passen
gers t re more neatly dressed 'and :more
sedate - than usual. All amusements were
laid aside, and most betook themselves to
' :reatling—sorne 1 observed poring over their
Testaments. ' j % .
We passed Orrin' , the ()curse of the day
several rivets which pour their torrents into,
the liable Ohio, and during the night we en
tered the Mississippi, and Pommeire - ed - stetitv .
ruing its current. Its banks near the mouth
are overflown, and the forest of cotton wood
trees prevents us front discovering : the extent
of its surface.
On we morning of the 2(1,,' we learned that
. :a - case of .Chclera had marred among the
boat hands. It terminated fatally in the
, afternoon. ft was stated,....hgvever, that he
had suffered under ilisrrhata several days,
and had taken nothing to check it. The
announcement. of 14a - dint:rase : being aboard,
-created irome,excitemer't. but. -not as much
as would have been :supposed. tlre . /tart .
. •,tearnati,helore, leaving •Prusburg -that cases
' were occurring on the boats, particularly
• . those coming horn New °darns, by .which
it was dist' ibutikat: siarious points. We had
prepared . ..ciaMeltiel'-tb Miss where :it Was,
. - and •liavelmeri very careful riol.,to :expose '
.'' . i chnielvils,...te ~ night air, unwholesome diet, .'
and „ka,.; case." °Copp : Minns . to oheck 'them
. ....10tPeir:;,WeltopsOr- , the best and„..oue.,
~• , trust Is tu,',,Providenoe., : The:deceased - Was::
--'L,-;.buried , ini.thg, : ell:elliPg - til j -dusk - in — a — segiles=7.7
. . tered spot op the banks of :the river.,...
f ' — '.lrh'eld'Of .A:01 . satia.lointy,.anki with a
little rertinVsiid 4 eViii iiiitign.ed,•throughout' the',
. - day...''Wereitetrild.-St . ...;Louis sibpigl..o'cleck'.'
,',.: p,. lg. litd.i terak'c'ledgings.: at the ' `, Missouri
~:'.- t hl-liiiiaa;sCyirfacatijartabla. e Siabltriltirteni..,
WSAO, hilky:tl .a
nrii,'Aille.iletts to ltpli!tilloqi,
' l 4tliCisP PlaoC9l:44t '.baiit.o„o„ii4 fiitc
eltetikM.,seAt'el*,,Ag'einieguence o.i Ve
OgaWilie'!lreelPrfflrfialiW, PW. l A o .l:iji* , '
o'. - fMeettertititi,..had.Arribibed:colde iin ~
• '''
~„., the f gvtm,nr,.prev,pus y,nn : some-
-"."'w , i'lt '! i tliAothil'*OratiliqY , ' o : - A.'ffi* l 'lialiri r
. ' . '.• -•
... '....,. ' T.. •,,. 1'•....!,4 1. 4: 222. 4.4.,,Le
iroied,oar f leeltngs.
"We eisFeeiT6 reraitin.rc day;orivio" and Odra.;
plate our
10 suoirpoint ae we
. intiy see .beet, to Dom;
rnenee our, overland ; jpuraft,yy,t Until then,
good bye,
Account of Timms B. TuompsoN, Trea
surer of the Borough of Carlisle, 1849.
Balancer of Duplicate outstanding
for 1847
:41„ $llB6 03
Cash received of 4VA Line, late
Am't of duplicate for 1848
Cash reo'd of W M 'Mower, late
Rec'd of J fl Blair, Chief Burgess,
fines and licenses for exhibitions 106 17
Rec'd for stall not Market House 189 876
Reed for licenses provision stores 30 00
Rec'd of James Craver water rojit 8 55
Reed of sundry persons on account
of bonds duo by theist to Bore
Reed of .1 Hackett el`k to mat ket
Paid 3 Brannon repair'g hay-scales $ 1 00
Paid Wm Riley for copy of assess'nt 10 00
Paid James Craver. fur cleaning Le
tart Spring
Paid James Prover six months sala
ry as high constable 4. niossener 52 50
Paid P B S,inttli as street regulator 3 00
Paid James Hackett for boards for
hay scales
Paid El Beatty for printing i
Paid banes Crever removing nul
sancteand light
Paid chairman of committe of re
ception for returning volunteers
from Mokicr t i 4 v 30 00
Paid W Miller for repairing pumps 300
Paid James Postlowait for repairing
hay scales 5 76/
Paid George Cromer for cleaning
Lancaster County
.gravo yard
P Erb for winding clock
W Miller for . utting in.
pump . .
Paid John Spahr for grading and
piking Locust alley,
Paid 1-1 S Ritter Treat; Comb. Fire
Company annual appropriation 31 'OO
Paid Charles Plunger Trans Union •
Fire company annual appro'tlun 34' 00
Paid Dr W L Creigh vaccine phys'n 30 50
Paid S Elliott fur oil, 4-c., fur mar-
kat !louse 26 25
Paid donation 'o Mrs. M`Leaster for
services rendered Mre Donnelly du
ring her illness with small pox 10 00
Paid "onation In P Culp for se•viecs
. rendered Mr. Colter stainily when
ill with small pox • 30 00
Paid Bratton for printing 16 00
-Paid P Daii,idson street regulator 5 00
Paid J Spangler do 4 50
Paid foyer Cv. Mateer fir printing 13 00
Paid G Rinehart work dune a mar
ket house 2 25
Paid S Keeporiffor repairing spout-
ing at market house 3 00
raid G Fleming qudlirying boro Mies 2 .5 ,
Do John Walker collector fir oxen
orations- 71 60
Paid John Walker for services snd
commissions collecting duplicate 122 89
Paid T B Thompson, Treas. small
- notes cancelled with interest-. .._43 65.
Paid L Todd, Esq. professional. ser _ ..
vice and advice " 10 00
Paid James Dunbar as Janitor 12 00
Paid John Weakley in full of salary
air High Constable-& Messenger 29 48
Paid '..C• Leidy -for grading, piking,
and cloying North street 564 00
Paid .1 JT Allen L years'salary as cl'k 80 00
Paid T B Thompson 1 year's salary
mi Treasurer 60'00
Paid W B Mathews salary as street
commissioner and for' work dope
by him and others employed by
him for the Borough • , 380 88
Paid sundry persons interest on no
count of bonds 268 38
Paid James Calio 16
Paid Carlisle Bank on note held by
them against the borough 400 00
Paid Andrew Holmes interest on
note transfered to him by Oar bn'k 23 83 .
Balance of duplicate for 1848 out
standing 1544 18
$4187 72
Balance in hands of Treasurer 134 56
13th April, 1849. The abov'e account of
Thomas B Thonirmn, Esq. Borough ;Treasurer
having been examined by us and found to be
correct and true, we have therefore passed the
Work and Cumberland nail Acad.
HE Stockholders in the York and
berland Rail Road. Company, residing in
Pennsylvania, are hereby notified that the Burn
of one dollar, on each share of stock spbscrioed
by them,. respectively (due and payable at the
unto of subscription,) is .required to be paid at
the York Bank on or before the let day el' May
next. .
Tl:e stockholders are further notified that .he
following instalments have been declared by
the Board of Directors and are required to be
paid at the York Bank, at the several periods
mentioired ;
Fiasr—Two dollars per shore, on the first
day of M'ay next. '
SBCOND —T wo dollars per share, on the first
day of JllllO next.
rnittp--Two dollars per share ' one the first
day of July..
FoturruTwo dollars per •share, on the first
day of August next• FIFTII—I'Wo dollars per share, on the first
day of September next.
By the terms pf the act of incorporation, it is
provided, thbq tiny stockholder failing to pay the
said instalmontsffor thirty days after the same
shall have b inutile duo and payable, shall be
liable to pay interest thereon, at the rate of
tweivr per cent.
By order of the Board of Directors,
up2.5'494t• ELI LEWIS, 'froas',r.
14r Persons *he have acted as commissioners
under the net 'of incorporation, and having in
their possession bobks of subscription, or funds
of the company, are. requested to forward the
same to the Treasurer without delay. •
•I.—THE enrolled of the first
Brigade, Eleventh Division, P. M., will not be
required to perform militia duly this year, in
any otlier,way than in a regularly organized Vu.
luntiiiir company, tee laws for militia. training
having been repealed. Volunteer companies as
on the first Monday of May next, but •'
Will not' parade.. for inspection until further-or—
dere. . •
2.—Colonels af Militia Reginients and Cap.
twine ofk V,olunteer and Ailititi,C.omptunes quit
ire liable for2anyiublia ;property will be re. ,
duired to return the same on 'or bef o re the 'first
ay of July nett, at the lollawing places. viz=.
at' the public., house ofJoeopitßlack. in Meehan.
. at . the; public , house Mr. Burk.
bolder,in Carlisle. or'' a Gen: 'Miner's 'Head..
-Quarters.; -at-the-public honse,of-anider Rupley
in Newville, i. , 064 Wm. Carey la
ShippensbuT4,f,7Theabbve nerned..persons ere
,authorised to receive any suck proPerti.—
;As my, term ofoffine Will expire 'on' the. 3d day
of August nt3x,t;'l'intiatinelat onm etrieknonplt
ance wtth!the second part or this:ardintir ;*.
1., :, ; :. ..! : WANTED.; , ',:,-,„..., ~. .;
i AY' rell3lo-14AtLfwell qualified, , nild , 2l6y-.,
l a iiti li o n n igi li e s ?tig::4e i iiß i !i i / ; : ; b si liti e rg o ti c 74 . ...w e lt i l i t e e;si n a'
t,cm'n'9T: idaiiii - EA , :lliist 1 '5E,', rti fer o n COB Iliui .. ,--
'-.40,111i: , .4t!1iiip.; ffi4ii.f.i,. , v-lIF :.. ,, el -,,,,- ..,!.., : '..•
..,.. g.arri0p,....., ! 4 gir: ‘,::..4 . ',,d.: 4 e ,..' , ..., .?;.;:. ~,,:: ~, :,-,-
.',..,• ', ..- ~- -,,..
;-‘7. ,- '1 :
A .G LECHLER, 3.Committea
Brigade Inspector's Orders.
, „..
-TUST received 'at theCheapi Bookretore o[ ; ;
Jthe - aubseither, , Graham's; Godek,"s andSar. .
tein's, Me gaii 'tea; fdr: M ety:•=-25' isn't - en C •
Thit , Collegian.alle"DfakinitOn'ColleeMorithixl
lyMegazitte, • ' • .'• • • • ! itt.
Napoleon's• Invasion of , Russia, , a historical'':
.romance` thine -Re !Web.
Mundt - % of ffiy`You - th,- by-L,martine.- .
Zunliike, lity . Mrs..Rachael Maule. ' •
Agnes Morrie,.a new uovel.
Downing's Fruit end Fruit Trees. - •
Clarke's Cotamentary.
-Miteauley's England, Harper's Edition; very
cheap. With a large variety of other new and
cheap works of every kind. JACOB ERB.
ap25'49 •
To all whom it may. Concern! -;
153 38
2357 90
rIIIHANKFUL to the puolic generally for post
favors and their liberal patronage, still con-
I dimes to carry on the SADDLE, 'FRU.NK,
and HARNESS malting business, pt his old
stand in Nanover street, two doors north of the
Carlisle Bank, at the sign of the Mammoth
Collar. He is - now better prepared than ever to
accommodate -his custonmrs, having recently
made groat alterations in his establishment, so
as to enablo him to keep a much better assort
ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish,
Dragoon, scoop tub. quiltetr and plain SAD
common; Farmers' Gears, of alt kinds, Tra
velling Trunks of all descriptions and prices,
Veleases and Carpet Bags. Bridles, Martingale
Dollars, Stoek, Leather and Raw Hide Whips,
Leather, cotton and woreit,d Fly -nets. and all
other articles in his line—all of Which he is de
termined to sell at the very lowest cash prices.
Malting and repairing Matraeses of hair, husk
and straw, and all kinds of tipholsteiing will be
punctually.attended to.
- -
4 00
248 98
37 40
$4322 28i
30 00
1 25
32 00
Price of Hardware
I HAVE just received thii largest and Cheap.
est ettrck ol HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter's and Cabinet
Maker's Tools, Mahogany Veniers and all kinds
of Building Materials ever brought to Carlisle
consisting of Locks, Hinges. Screws, Nails
and Spikes. Persons about to build will find it
gr.:ally to their advantage to look at my stook
before purchasing elsewhere. Come and see
the Goods and hearithe , price and you will be
convinced that this is really the Cheap Hard
ware Store. Arse, itt store anvils vices, files
5 00
JO 00
riT P 9 $ • drit=l79kltatilag.iillgoTaoliffsf. 2 .
Best Bar Iron, elm. Rol ed and Hoop Iron 01.o 1.
sizes. I have ttlo the 'Thermometer Churn'
made by Mr George Srtang'er,'the 'best article
now in use.
131 00
SCYTHES.—I hnvo just received my Spring
stook of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
"expressly for my own sales, and warranted to
be a superior article. C , adle matters and
others will find these Scythes to be the best ar
ticle in the - market and at - the lowest price'
wholesale and retail at the old stand in North
Hanover street., JOHN P LYNE.
Books, Statitinary, APc.
THE undersigned having purchased the 80. lk
tnd Periodical establishment lately kept"' iy
'Mr Joseph Kneedler, next door to'Burltholde.ns
(late Beetetn's) Hotel. respectfully informs th e
public that he intends to keep constantly o n
hand all the latest and best publications of th e
day, which lie will furnish at PUBLISHERS Pitt
CES. Among the best and most popular work
lately issued from the press are the followin
Harper's cheap and superfine edition 017
Caulley's llistory of England. Neatider's Life''
of Christ. Lqrge family Bibles elegantly bound
common t.l4.'"Zilielt's Philosophical' works --
Praynr and Hymn Books, superfine editions,—
Pardoe's Louis XIV. Classic and . English
Dictionary's. Sears` Wonder of the W0r11,..
260 engravings Dowling's History of Rome:
ism, at new and enlarged edition, containing the
life of Pope Pine IX..britiging the history do wn
to the present time. Family Monitor, by
Ellis. containing her popular works. Woi men,
Mothers,,WiNß and Daughters of England , 6vo
Statesman's Manual from Washington to Polk,
2 vols. 6vo. Guide to Social Happine as, by
Mrs Ellis, Syks. cloth extra. The Cox , one, a
family picture by Bulwer. New York ii i Slices '
Py an experienced carver. Roland Ct isbel by
Chas. Lofevre, part Ist. The,Diamont land the
Pearl, a,new novel by Mrs 'Gore. Al' lof Ellen
Pickerings, Mrs. G•ey's and other pi` pular no- •
vets gn hand. Together with the IP .lor assort
ment of Miscellaneous, School, and Religious
books. Also. Stationery, Blank 80, &c.—
The best daily, weekly nod fnmil y newspa
pers in the cities of Philadelphia, New York--
MAGAZINES — Godoy, Graham, • S ar t a i n , L a .
dies Nat onal, Holden's, Eclectic , Columbian,
&.c. received. regularly as so on as issued
from ,the press, and furnished r .1 Publishers
mices. All orders for books, S. ye. , pi'emptly
wended. to—his arrangements being such as
will enable hint to supply all or dens in two or
three days naliCo at farthest.
April - 4, '49. J ACOB ERB•
New and Impartant!
GEORGE W. RIIEENI having recently
purchased the county rig ht of HAYWORTH'S'
PATENT COLLA.B. STUFFEE, would respectfully
call the attention of the trod e to that importan
invention. It is certainly , one of the greatest
improvements of the age. This machine slur%
the Collar crooked mound the block, faced With
hair, wool, or other mated ale, back stuffs it with
long straw, and also mak es collars of cut straw
with less than half the labor and time of the old
way of stuffing. Thi.s 'machine will stuff all
and every kind of horse -collars, from the best
patent leather down. to the commonest kin d in
use, and with but otto man steadily nt work will
stuff and shape fifty collars per day in a no ater
and better style. than any other way known.
sadoters in the county are invited to roll tit
the subscriber's establishment on North Ht trio
ver'street; Carlisle. and aeon - line the machi no.—
Township or shop-rights will be sold. To
those who do not wish to buy a right the sub
scriber Offers READY MADE COLLARS at whole
sale much cheaper than they can be n.anu lec
tured in any other way. Orders for collet sin
any quantity are respectfully solicited.
ap:B' 19
4322 28
Co the Heirs and Legal Representa
tives of Christian Erisman, of Rt tp
ho township, Lancaster court ty,"
rpursuance of an order cif the , Or-,
hans' Court of said county, made the 9tli
of April, A. D., a 849, awarding-an inquest for
the partition and valuation of the real estate or °
the said Christian Erisninn, dee'd., in said co.;
consisting of a plantation or tract of land of:
about Eighty-five navels in said township, ad
joining land of John [Wirer, Christian Crisman,
C Prick end `others,
I will hold an• inquest at the Into mansion
house of the said Christian Crisman. dec'd., on
the said plantation on TS URSD AY. the .31st..
day of MAY, A. D.. 1849, at 10 o'clock fore
noon ,for said purposes ; at which time and.
place you aro notified to attend, ' •
aplB'494t Sheriff of said County.
S. Goldman% Clothing. Store,
On the corner of Main street and Market.:
Square, formerly Occupied by Nathan Hantch.
THE undersigned, respectfully announces too.
the ebizens of Carlfsle and surrounding country ,
that he has just arrived from.Philadelphin, wain
&splendid stock. of HEADY MADE CLOTH - -:'-
ING, fur the purpose of conducting.the.readyi business in all its various bran-- •
ohm .
He. intends keeping an aseeftment of every/
article in hie lino of business, and, fit such pri—
ces as will suit everrone. • ,
His Stock,ernbracee the most litindsortie anti
lashionable styles worn, .and pada .up'in ; this
best manner. . , „ • •
- - Vhe subscriber.only . asks a triat,of
and is sure , they,Will.gtvo entire eatisfaoilb.o.
Also, a large asi'ortmont of lihts,
shirts ,Cravats, Collars , Bosoms , Sus Per 'dem,
and 'f . oolery,. all of—which-lie :,very
low,Prtees. Boys',clothing constantly on . hand
April 11, 49.-6 in. , ::•,;
Est4e,of 'D4 ILE Van.. Hoff
A LL,p,prsons' Air %hqP:by.'' witified
•!•'„liiitters'et'Adminfstraiion on the to tato'of
Xria Afolr,jake ; of the' I.lorough s 'a
Phanicebarg Cienlinfland.ponnly deemiset3 have
been ,issued•by..the,rlogister of 'said Cot
"the subicriber, who resides in Allee.oil
coenty,sforepaid.:i All persons' having or.
demands against ,the•estate.. bf - said e.defdetititti t
are requestedlo Mike known thwedme.witholittJ
"delay, , :and those indebted iciirriakftl N, TIT ifiayn'lo,,ht
_ _ .
~~~f. ~!l~~ce~ta~~us :~-
' . - 37inlii116605404#4Aite - • 1
on . wED N Ent /s,Lithe 2Cday. of. May
I'9l TOWN;;ILPT Paitinned ,, ;north'of_i
North' atredi. - iiiofriniting*esaMtliiiccird,iffeet. I
On eaoh '{ if thi.W.6'inoef.t.tiOrtliern
• a T wo ,
g .eighteen by twitMty Tour feat:',:;"Bale.tor,
I 'dominance amea..ceil i ock,'
mieee,, when .- condit!ontr:viitit ox.mtnie kiniwii
by .
,4 [ap , 2s] 41EIVRY 01..IFFTELD,
Out l LOts fbi. Sap.
HE subscriberill offlir at. Public Said. on
SA.TURDNYV:the 'stii•OlitAY, at , two
Wel oclt'cin the pretidies, 4 • One. Acre lots con.
veni ent to;the -town .on -tWnerth:..west.. corner
of %Vest"' Lo'uther i treat ;Aid 'College Lana.—
The y are, situated in desirable pert of the bo
roug hi where irriprweinents2are_ going on and
prop i
ertY growing n'i.thie. Terms which will
be easy, will be uiednitnewiinn the daY'Of ante
by the-subscriber. Vr B 14URBAY:
WILL he offered at Public Saleon FRI
DAY, the 18th day of MAY next, at
the residence of T C Miller in Dickinson
township, Cumberland county, the following
described property to wit,
Nu t—The valuable' property well known*
Saw Mill, Coal House, Tenant Houses, and
between 2 and 300 J acres Mountain Land. •
No 2—A GRIST MlLL,'in which is attach
ed a Corn Dryer, Sheller and Breaker, a Stamp,
Mill with a comfortable log, Dwelling HOUSE
stone sthi,th Shop, and' frern 7 to 12 acres of
land: •
No 3—The valuable Farm. on said
Millar now resides, containing about,2oP acres.
with Stone Dwelling HOUSE, large Bank
Barn, and an excellent orchard of choice fruit,
No 4—A Tract of Land known as the "Big
Meadow," containing Twenty nom of first
rate timothy bottom.
N.o 5—A valuable Farm containing 123 acres
of first rate land: part limestone,
and 'part , pine land, known as the
'Allen. Farm,' with a two story
log HOUSE, Log and Frame
tarn, corn cribs, wagon shed and'
other outbuildings.
No Farm of 200 acres known as the
'Peach Orehard Perm,' web. a Log House. a
Moab e og tarn, c. e rig t o Ire on
t tie farm reserved, and to be sold with - the fur
• No-7—A tract of 100 acres, partly, cleared,
having n Log House thereon, and_adjoining No
No B—A. tract Of 100 acres, unim ,roved, ad.
joining lands of Martin Crawly, John Thrush,
and oflieff: Oh this tract therkitta good water
power. _
No 9—A Farm containing 1:96 acres, part
cleared. with Log House. Double Log Barn,
known as the 'McKinney Farm.'.
No 00—A tract of 700 acres of timber land,
Stely purchased of A G Ego, which will be
ld in lots to suit purchasers.
No trait of 50 acres °fiend, adjoining
the McKinney F brm, Daniel Maish and others.'
Also, a number of other Five and Ten Acre
lots with comfortable Log Houses thereon.
The above described properties, aro all situ
ated in Dickinson township,and mostly bounded
by the Yellow Breeches Creek, which never
failing stream propels the furnace and mill. '
. • , he-snme-time and place, the interest
of T C Miller in that well known M lON wr•
IC ORE BANK on the Yellow Breeches
Creek. in. York county.
The above property will be. shown, and all
necessary info-mation given to persons wishing
to purchase, by calling on tither of the subscri
bers or TeMiller. ,
The usual term of Land sales will he given.
'49-ts. • Assignees._
TIID subscriber offers at private sale the fol
lowing described valuable property, situated in
Springfietd, CumbCriand county, viz :
A large two story Stone Dwel
ling }lO U SE, and Lot of G round •
with good Stabling and offier4ii- • s s
cessary outbuildings. Also, a I I
on said lot, with all the necessary apparatus,
and horse power and hog pen attached. The
location is decidedly ono of the best in the coun
ty for carrying on tile distilling business,,aa it is
situated on the banks of the Big Spring, in a
plentiful grain country where wood is abundant
and eheap,and being also convenient in Neller's
Mill. It the said property is not disposed of at
private sale before Saturday, the 2d day of June
next, it will on that day be offered at public sale
at 2 o'clock fn the afternoon. Pormession given
immediately. Persons desirous of purchasing
will please call on on the subscriber, residing on
the premises.
At Private Sale.
THE new and b '
andeomely fin
the' west end. of Louther street in
this borough. now occupied by the
subscriber. Tlfe.lot is 72 feet front
by 240 deep.. It will be sold Fisherman. Apply
Feb. 14-3 mos pd
()yrs Embrocation for Horses
THIS valuable EMBRO-
J., CATION will cure Sprains,
;';'Wre.4 Bruises, Cuts, Galls, Swell.
ing, Rlieumatism. and all
-. • • complaints Which require an
external remedy. It gives immediate relief to
the Scratches, and the Incident to Horses having
white feet and noses, produced by the Si. John
Wort. It is also highly useful in relaxing .stiff
nese of the Tendons and Joints and produces
beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
higt feed ing,_ splints Aprains _This _Flsi a o
ositox ie recomend - r — ad to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers of Livery Stables, and private gentle
men owning Horne, and should ho constantly
kept in their stables. Tho GENUINE sni
de is prepared only byi,W. Mensust.L, No 302
Race st Philadelphia. And for sale wholesale
and retail of DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store W
Main 'street, Carlisle.
March 14 7 1 y. •
• A Word to horsemen.
aided! the beet preparation that can be
used for the cure of Sprains,Bru
sub, Cuts, Galls, Splint, Curb,
Ringbone,Spnvin Stiffness of the
g ""Joints, Etc. It Is an article which
• : should be in the hands of every
Horseman, and -no stable should be without a
butttle of it. Price only 25 and 50 cents per bot
tles, prepared. only by,S M Pearson, M D., and
for sale wholesale and retail, at No; 106 North
SeCond street, Pbiledelphia,, end DR.. RAW.
LIN'S wholesale and retail agent,
.Carlisle, Pa.
, ,cl,wp,liruur Worse,
• .F L *-- , with Humors,. Sores, gulled
peck and'eliouldere"quitter:
N 'r ah bone, gresee,spavin, or poll.'
"',R1K... - . evil. . -one, box, of Dalley's
'Anitnel' a van c 'Otre•AlVwill convince you
that la no 'mistake fn ' • . •
i 8 to• certify
that .I'havo used Dalleys Animal Osivanic.eure
All, and foetal , it, the safest , ' and moat speedy
cure for,,soresk-antl ,bruisest:that I. have ever
used; and I: take , pleasure • in; recotnmendini. it.
,to all. , • . S St.-ROLLINS,
li or Stile at llie.Depet,,4lsllrondway.'
JAMES ri,g. tv!rNG:Al f itnt for pi fl nberlate
County [sprit 4
13oinbatines' ,
A - firat, •• Alpacai
Paohateeeii tither ,Dress
IH - O•siibettitierltitt just' opened qi uriett; of
:'.Plain Bluth - Pink 144' 4 '"Barees;
he toil otillit at keidpcidtpiega. Also, ,
r, Mous. dp . Limn es of von olio
~,zialirosi- :77 - g - Ay
f4',l 4044.(Fig0114144726 '
41101./I;4rnieit'aVioicApoda which, Al., : i r :
40,,..,4thyrpliyty, ime0w. , .. ,,,,,,, , ,,,, ,,,, , ~ E i e:
0d `at unusua lly m
~,,,,,,,(411.;:0,,W,0pa'1i.. :,
- .015 . '- 1 , A , . ~1 i,,,,;,,i, ~,,,„11kr i' IR :
Wel.P' , '",, 1, ',,,, t-,
~ - xanbibates:
il)o- the .Vot4o. Of ; Cumberland Co
;FELL° W=CITIZENS+,-1.-Inirelirhfre'imy
sew. cin
to yohrrasiderationfor the„offiee - of SHE:- -
4IFF otCtitriberlend — Cdurty - ,.and',reepeetiel.-
ly . soliait your support,pledging myself ted• - tii — dticharge—the 2 tluties.oi, saki
~.olFice with
Yours, resppectfully "' _
• • yVest. Ponnebeiolp.
FELVOW•CITIZENS of Cumberland'co.,
I offer myself to your consideration for, the of=
face of SHERIFF, enbject to the eominivien o.
the Whig County Convention: Should I be
fortunate enough to be 'clot:W(1;4 will discharge
the duties of the office with impartiality naLfi•
delity.--- - RO E MT. Mee ART NEY .
Carlisle, April 11; '99 -to
To the Voters of Cumberland Oounty.
FELLO W-CITIZEN 8 :—At the solicitation
of many friends I hereby offer myself to your
consideration'as a candidate for SHERIFF% at
the ensuing general election, subject to the de
cision of the Whig County Convention. Should
I be nominated and elected, I promise to dis
charge the-duties of the office with fidelity and
humanity. I therefore respetefully solicit your
Newville, April rah, '49—te
To the 'Voters of Cumberland County
• FELL° W •CITIZENS t Encouraged by
numerous friends, I hereby offer myself to your
consideration as a candidtite for the office of
SHERIFF of Cumberland county, at•the ensu•
ing general Clection,subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to dis
chargb the duties of said Ake with impartiality'
Shippenshttrg, april •
'To the Voters of Cumberland County.
. FELL° W—CITIZENS—r offer myself to I
your consideration as a candidate for the office
of SHERIFF, of Cumberland county, at the
next general election, subject to the decision of
the Democratic County Conventidn Should I
be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of said office with fidelity
Carlisle, April 11 DAVID SMITH
FELLOW -CITIZENS z— Being solicited by
a number of rziy friends. I oiler myself as
.mcandidate for the office of SHERIFF. at the
ensuing election, and will he thankful or your
suffrages'. Should Ibe elected, I hdreby pro•
uitio.44l-perform..t.hii ai d ce
fully. Respeetfull-y-,.
April 4 . -te ' 'JOHN F HUNTER.
imELLOW-CITIZENS :—At .the solicita
r nom of anumber of a number of my friends
I offer myself art a candidate tor the office of
Brigade Inspector, at the ensuing Juno election'
and will be thankfu! for von' support.
Nowville, ap9.5'49t0
F ELL 0 CITIZ EN S I hereby offer
myself to your consideration We candidate for
the office of BRIGADE IssrecTort. nt the ensu- ,
ing election, stub respectfully solicit your sup
port. Shritildi be elected, I pledge myself to
dischnrge itn - duties wide fidelity.
• Newburg, April 11, 1849.
TY —I-Inving been encouraged by innutn
her of my frionds I offer myself to your con
sideration as a candidate for the office of B at-
ADE INWPECTOrt, at the ensuing election, I there
fore respectfully solicit your suffrages :or said
office. (ap' 14 to) WM A KEI,SO.
DIERS of the connty el- Cumberland, I Oft n
"myself no u tandidate for the office of Bate AI ‘F.
Inspecrom-at the ensuing election. I respectful':
ly solicit your suffrages tor, the same.
KiPgatown, April 4 to
FELLOW-CITIZENS —I offer mirself
Your consideration as a candidate for the °Mc
of BRIGADE•Ii2SPECTOR, at the ensnic:g electior
in June nest, and shall he thankful for you r
support. McCULLOUGIL
Dickinson, April 4.—te.
Fellow Soldiers—At the. request of - many of
my friends I beg leave to offer myself to your
consideration as a candidate for the office 01
BRIGADE INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election in
Juno next, and shall feel g rateful to you for your
support. JOHNCLEW:PE:MN ,jt
llogestown, Silver Spring tp. Mar:2B
Feu.ow-CmzEsirs ; Being solicited
by a number of my friiende to serve as a
candidate for the office 'of IBRIOADE
SPECTOR, I hereby offer myself to the con
sideration of your support, and respectfully so
licit your suffrage. SAMUEL CROP.
March 2:-te
FELLOW -CITIZENS : I Offer myself to
your consideration as a candidat fur the
office of gRxGADE INSP EcToR, at the en
suing election and iA • ill be thankful for
lETTERS Adminiatr ntion upon the Es
-4 Into of DAVID RAL STON late of W.
Ponnsboro township, dec'd., have been grontect
in due .corm of Law to Juries M. Ralston, to
whom all accounts may be ,presented, and all
debts duo be paid. •
W Pen:•sboio' tp. npril 4 fit Adnfinistroor
Estate of John Heffleiingee, dec'd.
BTTERS of Administration on the Estate.
L 4 of John "Hefflefinger, late of Wormleys
burg Cumb.erlend county,'d., Wive been
granted to the subscriber, rosi•ding,in Hampden
township in said county. All persons having
claims against said detain to present them for
settlement, and those knowing themselves in
debted to make payment immediately io
ap:B' 496 t Administrator.
.THE subscribers would respectfully inform , .
their friends and the publicgenerally that they•
just opened a new LUMBER AND COAL.
'YARD in West High street, a few doors east
.pf Messrs J & D Rhoada's Warttkonse, Valero ,
they now have and will keep, constantly on
hand first rate assortment' U. all kinds of sea—
soned pine boards and plank end alrother kinds.
Of stuff, all of which they will sell low for cash.
March 14 , , . HARIST & SIPE.
A. ep lendid assortment of mons' water-proof
s,logelher with womonand boy'a boots and
Boot just opened.and for sale at the stere o
14 t• 3 D eowst. & oo
are ordered to Parade at the Two Mile
• Rouse [MqCord'e),on the first MON
DAY in May next; fully equipped for parade.
F r y or der ,' D.ICISSINGEJL, O. S.
ap .8, '4 7 tp',. " 4. :
YoU itia....ordered - ici'spatede at the Public;
'lleuee-o..Mi•jiatiiiltqii in.Centretille on
Mondetthet7th'AireMayleif.'• ' • , .
. 7 V.C:MILLERjr. O. S. •
N•,B--Ah`ndjourredDeart•cif, Appeal will bo' .
hold afilie:esiine time and'placie..•• •
1[701.3,' wilt parade at tho- Public :Ifoueo o
r josgo. stewaic,in,sprowfieildi'infMODT
AfV', thol{liday . 'of noxti'OClP ci'clock;: ' '
A. .;:titecieielv; aiatriirri,finifdrnal'jproporly ,
equipped" for 4111.•,' "py.'iirder ilfe.Captatn. :
• or:118 , 49 , 0 O. Se'-1-
'motifqqJ b
Cilitiro§. • KENl,„,a2tr,e: • . J
'.1.61i1 Togacoo;rotgin:r,,,and " 01110"
111 ;4 1 nieg, °cid -4 ' UNKw MILLER
131Jupt robinieti•:*ndfqr aide • • •'..- • •
r G IV CROOKS • '."
Crf:l;4,; - ••t , ,i4.•.'.'5;`.',• • -.'•
• , • • '
~.'.: . i
Brigade Inspector.
Brigade -Inspector.
Brigade Inspoetor.
Brigade Inspector.
of So nth Middleton tp
.NOT,I* I .
Look. this Way.
Boots and Shoes
~tt ~~`lji~alel } ~t~ta:-
7 : 1 -- ' li. - 4.-11110ri t rAZIO8
— - 7 . ::•'-WILERE Gold and Silt
; 4' , 0:-:- - d.' - '.. , , ', ver Watches, of ,every
, rI, 1 •:,:: ~, deacription can• be had
'-- * '' - .7 '-'- at &On% ten 10' fifteen
....,,i, 9 ' ' i : ; .' . lean tha n tr,. o titer sir
': ' "'':4 • ' ill' i d n til l Et w a. l' i e r r k so ° r
n! n w i i%
wish' to' get a geed - watch, perfeetly regulitted„
would do wolf to call at the store...of the sub
scriber, and compare the quality and price of his
watches with that, of other stores.
. . Lo .
• w -
Gold Levers, full jewePd;:B caratcasee, $2B 00
Silver. do do . 12 00
Gold Lopines, jeweled, :8 carat cases 23 00
Silver do do ' -9 00
Silver Verge Watches, from 83,00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from lto $8,00; Gold Pens,
with silver cases and. pohcils attached, for 75c.
Also, a hands'ome assortment of now and
fashionable Jewelry, M' prices far below the
usual store prices. 01'd Gold and silver bought
or taken in exchange,
No 110 North SECOND Street, second door
below Race, Philadelphia ap7B'l9,Ty
iltrCut this advertisement out, and bring it
along, you will then boom to got into the right
PERSONS visiting , tlikuity, wishitig to pur
chase MOURNING, are respectfully in
vited to an examination of our 'stock of Spring
Goods. On occasions when mourning attire is
needed, the inconvenience of proceeding from
store to store in search of distinct articles of dress
is i4orripletely obviated, and an abundance of
tattle. time Saved, by a visit to the PHILA
W here every description of goods necessary for
a co mplete outfit for mouining, may be found at
the most reasonable prices. BL I ACB BOmba
zineis, alpacas, Mousseline de Lains, silks, chil
ly, canton crapes, real grenadines, silk tissues,
13at•ertes, all wool boron es, lawns, &c.
CCtND MOURNING IVlousselines de !nines,
Ln wns, Ginghams, Chintzes, linen and silk
Ins ire% gingham lawns, &c. ALSO, Black
TI tibet long and square shawls, crape, grena
dine and barege shawls, English and Frenc
ve it and Trimming Crapes, crape mode And
Liase veils Mourning bordered Ilaudkerrlbefs,
.A.l.paca, .11ombuzine Finish I • These Alpacas
ha vo every appearance of a fine Bombazine, at
hall the cost. •• •
„*„,Good goods trio price lowest cash
prices. •
V-Wholesale cash buyers are invited to call.
Philadelphia, April 4 145.
• • Lykens Valley Coal. •
THE Lyken's , Valley Coal Company will be
prepared-to deliver COAL, on and - rifler the 20th
Instant at their depot, Millersburg, Dauphin co.,
Pennsylvania, (at the bend of the Wisconisco
Canal, 12 miles from Clerk's Ferry,) at the fol
lowing prices, CASH.
Lump, Broken & Screened $2.00 per txm
Nut . • 1,75 "i
Lime burners screefied 1,37} "
Lime burners mixed 75
April 114'40, Am
[l,OO ll.a2e4horst & Walmrs,]
pRODUCE and•Genetal Commission Aler
chants, Nos. 15 and 16, Spear's Wharf,
BALTIMORE. Liheral cash advances made
on consignments of all kinds of Produce.
lo Plasterers ; Farmers and Comnusston Ater-
IT should not -be forgotten Wet P. COG
GINS &. Co. of Philadelphia, are manufactur e
mg and have constantly on hand a superior in-'
tide of CALCINED PL ASTER:which they
sell at the low-rate of 30 cis per bushel, or $1,37
per barrel and also the first quality of LAND
P LAST J ER, for Agricultural purposes, at the
reduced rate of 17 ets per bushel, or 90 cts.per
barrel.. Terms, C )Ml. C all at- either establish
ment, Schuylkill Eighili above Willow street,
or Brown street Wharf en the Delaware, Or
ders prottiria delivered to Car or Steamboat
without addifimull charge.
mar2S •
11:10X1 1 411 - -SURGEIII°4
Dr. Davidson and Brother,
TniEsp,F,e'rFuLLY 001101111 M 10 the eiti
fri tens of Carlisle and vicinity that they have
is ken rooms nt Ilurkholdey's "Washington Ho
tel." where they are prepared to perform- ope
rraions in all the various branches of DEN
TISTRY. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing the
'p reservation and substitution of ,these beautiful
a rgans, the Teeth, would do well to give them
ri call.
Dr. F. Davidson, having graduated in Medi.
dine. gives his plweial attentten to the disarms
of the mouth and teeth.
Caries of the teeth effectually and perms..
newly cured, if the destruction of the tooth has
not gone too far.
Tim teeth carefully cleansed of accumulations
of 'Tartar, which, if permitted to remain, will
destroy their use and beauty, undermining the
best constitutions by exciting Dyspepsia, Neu
ralgia and other chronic diseases ; and making
the brentn firaid and disagreeable.
'reoth and Fangs carelully extracted with the
most improved instramenta, without bruise or
laceration to thegums. .
Harts, or whole setts of incorruptible teeth
of perftict similarity with the natural, inserted
upon pure gold or palladium, in the most beau
tint' and durable manner.
All operations warranted to be satisfactory
and las ins. Ladies and Gentlemen tinned
upon at thew resille,ncea, if desired.
March f 4, 1849
1 1 .4;);1.4 4 , 0 : W , 434 .1
TEE subscriber would bifimn his friends and
the public generally that he has taken the
. . large },and commodioys public
house, situated on the corner of
litSouth' Hanover and Pomfret ste.,
I in the borough of Carlisle, lately
= occupied by Samuel &forret,
where he will endeavor to se, ye those who may
cell on him in the most satisfactory manner.—
The'house is pleasantly situated, and is furn
ished throughout with gßod -bedding ana other
furniture. and his accommodatums are such as
will make it n convenient and desirable stopping
place. No exertions will be spared to make it
agreeable in all its departments' to those who
may favor him with a call,. HOARDERS will
be taken by the week, month or yelp-tit 'the
usnal prices. ' . JOHN WERT.
Garden and Flower Seeds.
I HkVEjoet—ouned my annual supply of
chiefly from the well known establishment .of
Risley & tlo.. New York, consisting of all the
different varieties. They ore warranted fresh
and good. For sato at the Drug and Book
March '2R
c l
c ) ,l-oc- il ED
t% 0%
Fresh Garden, Seeds: '
, -
• .
-I 1-IA-VEjust. ricilived from' , Mr' LANDS..
my annual supply of '
.oro-warimntod-FRESH and-genuine: ' (.
• , S ; -ELLIOTT.
Gtuden,tuidllower Seedo; •
Firsuand wiirt4ntOrt_ioOd";
,culd Pot* StOti,Wost i Mpik
'9094, Cailiele,
„. . . .. .
. I' . , . ,
'' 'lronsicco 'and Segarsi: . , .
OF. eliOietßrands"cririsisfing 'of refinekCay. ,
endieh, Anti Eerie, Eldorado; Leasi,oualleirry,
and , Congrese. chesyletir,, ,Tobacco,';
Regalias, ; La-,Prirriavine. Pollan, Rio ';
_ond o,
Dem adino.Criepo; 'Priiielpti,` Teriert a , and nl i e , t :
fly - saki' brauds'ot flue ' ti4aryi :or gn i e e ePgn m :
and ,Half,Spanlalv BC4l4"lll l4 n and atone i V ire*. '
4.'; 4 14 12rit i l l li l etfk i b t e e l l i l t i : (Sen'bn;ioU)l4 in 019 ; .
. 77'n/juilkeiiitilii: 'Ciiii:''`'4''''''' ''''''''
' °”' . 13. d e - b had holairde ds.'te-. ,'
i .
.. , ~„ ... .„._ ~.... ~;",... ..' . ..,,,..1"- - ~. ~,,- 'plo c ,„;:iiirall. 0.11, 0.11 A. 6 IZ .• f the ee - rc ,
42 0° 6
I )ii,bilitELEC brat , niqi, ; ', .14:1141' Ain: at' ilwatliit' 4o7 "bac'cOieP° i ° tb e ',R; l l.l ,
' • 'eWpi'VtrA • VllVooiiingfitialiiq •troir , lh.,,,.'' ~ .,,al l fileC‘,Plrt,
~.I, ; :Al'm,!-." .. ~,J ~
+ 1 ,, j , ..„,; , .- ft , ,, ,. , : ; ,.., 1 , b „,. ~.... „: , „-.-,* , .. ,, ,,,..!•..7,,t7itti -Rbi ,016 C , V i i'0; i iii,';,,,141:0 , -,i' - iiitcyti 4 ,.,f,...";- .
VI la, --, --,T AT ,- .. ni. '-' ~, t.ty.,:abtivt.Alr; .I,l , orl l, ,PrjriAirr , Vgiq 'II 7•••t*, ,I • ,, , , n ....,
‘ , P,..4 ' ,V; ',,+-', ...,;,,:....-,&;,-,4l,itlNno IF, ll o 4:eq =-- , 4, h l:3l .W"WeOT ' alq 4 7::;•`slit;:i4:',. .' - '
IV '7-iil'fl,,,, •, - "r''''',, -•
f' f,,d,„,',,t,11,V-44tt;10,4,.kitt14,;43.PM;e'1d PF'' ' ' T) '4. ' % A " teliiN9.:lntl LA>r)w , t)! , ,,,,,-- , „,, • . .
.',,,, ~;,,,. ~ d r., . ;, , p.e.r , r,qyfrkt5..4.0,-, ! •,,' , ozi.ko ' 1., : 1; 4 1 01 . ''W110 , ';:j7. 6i - 1t,,11 , Itti4;: '•
''f: ...
' .' • .
'',..' - ".
• ''. '' '' ,''` 4 .'''',. t. ' ' ''k''..a , :';•., - ad . ,,y. .: , .
• mebukrtipordr.
,1_41, -, , , Tobis ~flutpater,oo,4%.: L i
At, Cr , debied.andlor , ea lit
Otores sr, Zi)ovs.
UST .recelyed and an , elagan t
asserftriene.of4.TAPLE AND ' , DRESS
GOODS, such . as plain and figured Bareges,
Linen lustros,(, different colours ',and styles,l
Lawns of every style and'pric:e;ti large assort
ment of Ginghaine; cheaper" , than 'ever, earn'
bries r bond i muslin, *large etituniment r of Lace
Goo*, Ladibs and.Gentlernenti, Kid Oloveat
Lisle and 'thread' gloves A Verge assortment
of spring bonnet 'RibboneiPhitqllosiery, Tuck
arid aide combs; steel Benda. Reg and Pune
clasps, slides, rings and Silk twist of every co
lour.. A large assortment of Boys' and Mena
Spring and Sumnier .Wear, nlse, beautiful
prints, fast colours, -English' chintzes, hand
some patterns, together with a large assortment
of bleaelied and brown muslins and other goods.
PurehtiseFs will do well to call and see before
they;purchase 'elsewhere: . • -- - -
trpr 4 , G R CROOKS.
Men) Spring Goods!
THE subscribers have just received a TtirO
and cheap stock of SPRING GOODS, bought
iu for cash, which they oiler for• sale - at very
low prices. The following' is a part, Blue„
Brown,and Blue Black 'MOTHS, from 1,50
to 5.00 per yard.' A handsome lot of all wool'
CASSIMERES from 62i to one dollar per yard
These area very cheap lot. -A variety of LA.
DIES DRESS GOODS, consisting of Plain
and Fancy AlpachaLustreS,Entleton Gingham
Mohair Plaids, Silk Plaid Linens ,Shaded MOW!
Laines, Laroons es low as-12i 0 a great yeti.
ety of Calicoes from 6+ to We have fine
English, Chintzes • warranted at 121. m, 30 ,
BONNETS - , Braid Pt one dollar, and upwards
together with a variety of fine bonnets among
which some eektirely n. w styles.. CARPETS
at 1 - 21", 181.,15; 31+. 62},'75; 2 yards wide at
50 cis'-per yard. Checks, Tiekings,
vary .baap flannels; men and boys Summer
Wear, from 10 to 50 cents, and a great :and
general variety of goods in our line, which we
are determined to-sell at the very LOWEST
PRICES. We respectfully solicit an exatni
nation uf,our stock, satisfied that our goOds are
cheaper than they have ever been sold itt this • .
pines:;.; A & W BENTZ.
March 14 • - 3 doorLsouth_of Post_ Office..
New and Cheap Sprhig Goods, .
ORNER of Handver and Louth er Streets,
cit...) opposite Leonard's Old Stand, Carlisle.—
The undersigned• respectfully inform their
''MridA and the public that they have pet
from Philadelphia with a large - and well
seketed assortment of new SPRING GOODS
reltesed--tit-olie v..r.,:kiwestuprieettnxid-whiol
they aredetermined -to sell nt small profin3 4. —
A mong them maybe found Cloths, Caseimeres
Postings, Tweeda,.P.antalonn Stuffs in great
Variety, best Amerienn-and India Nankeens.—
Also, LADIEB,4 DRESS GOODS, consisting
in part of Silksr-Baregem Silk Tissues, Adpa
chits, &c., STRAW. AND BRAID BON--
NETS, a fine lot, Palm Leaf Hats, Ribbon
and Lace Goods. An elegant assortment of
Calicoes and fine Chintzes, suitable for-the ap
proaching season, at our usual low prices—
Checks, Drillings, Linea and the usual . variety
of blenched end unbleached muslins. BOOTS
AND SHOES—a Well selected assortment of
men's, women's and children's good and
handsome. GROCERIES—in all their varie
ty. Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Company's
celebrated TEAS, &c. Al) the above goods
have been purchased i right, and will lie sold low
Please give -ns a cal •
Marrh 28 S p POWELL & CO.
Day Goods and Groceries. -
G. C ARM ONY desires to Inform hi
• friends and the public that he has rend,
'sod to the stand on North Hanover street lately
occupied, by Chas Bargitz. and' next door to
Hoverstick's Drug and Book Store, where-he
is determined to sell goods as IoW as any other
establishment in Curtain or in the county. Hie
stock consists of Cloths, Cassimeres, &dinette;
satin, cachmere. merino and silk Verd ings ; Me
rinoes, Mous de Lnin . es, Cochmercie.
'ranch worked collars: kid gloves, silk frit -r ein, '
gimps, flowers, thread. laces, &c.
MOS' at crs, calicoes pto 6i cts, lay cheap
timeline, hosiery, Berlin and Cadhmere gloves;
A forge assortment of BONNET RIBBONS,
very lovv,entin plain and figured Mantua plain,
linrcd,'striped and figured Also GROCER IDS
and QYEENSWARE, such as Coffee, Ten,
Sugar, Spices of all kinds, tobacco, segue,'
crockery, glass and queonsware, rice, chocolate,
starch;-together.with numerous other articles—
Give himi a call, • leer 4
: h e c .• lullb calls the attention
.nr: l ° of his friends to his
• - impossible to :enurne.
rate all the articles we have for sale.' Suffice it
to say we have almost every 'thing that is ne
cessary for Ladies and Gant!omens wear.
mous dolaipes, Foulard silks and lawns, mohair
and satin striped lustre, pink and blue, all wool
detains, satin striped moue detains, second
mourning elarendons, plaid lytinese, black silk,
bonnets and bonnet ribbons, fancy silk ties and
scarfs, silk and Linen fringe a. silk flannels rne,
linen tissues, pink, blue and -green bareges, kid
silk and Lisle thread gloves, and a large assort
ment of Ladies, Missies and Childrens Hosiery.
French and English cloths, from 87i cents to
51,00 per peed, black French cassimeres, fanfiy
cassinitices, vestings, all kinds, eroton clinks &
lustre, Tweeds and casSinetts, white linen dril
lingo, fancy Cops for Boys, China- Pearl Hats
for men and children, chili hats, all, kinds, brk
and fancy cravats, Lisle thread, kid and ,cotton
Gloves. Also, A very large stock of white
and unbleached- muslins, calicoes from .9 cents
to 121. Carpets and floor oil clothe, and great
variety of other goods not mentioned, please
call and see my stock, where you( will always
find a full supply. itipr 4
- - -
I AM now about receiving Irom the Easters
cities a large and beautiful selection of SPRING
and SUMMER GOODS to which I invite the
attention 'of one and all. To the LADIES' .
In Silks, Barnes, Linen Popelinsi Linen Lue
taco, Linen Chameos, Freilch, English.and A
merican Chintzes, Ginghams, Gingl am Lawns
Lawns, Lace and Plaid ,Mualina, Swiss, Book
and . Tarlton do., plain and fancy Spring do
Laines, Bonnets, Parable, Suri Shades; Rib. .
bons, Laces, Fancy Trimmingb, &c. &c., we
flatter ourselves to be able to please all in prices
and style, who will favor us with a call. GEN
TLEMEN—For your own interests wo ask of
you to cull and.eitamine our stock of Super
French and• English Black Cloths, .French and
English fancy. colors do. fancy French Coast
mores, Doo Skin black and fancy Enklish.;and
American Cassimers, Silk Warp Cloth end
Tweeds, Codington and Merino Cassimeros &
Tweeds,. plain and fancy Cretons and Gaul
broons, Buff Casmments, Fancy Jeans, Super
Silk, Satin and Marseilles Viatings ; plalh and
high coi'd Silk-Cravats, tac.,.&c: Domestic
goods in abundance, Duch -as brown muslins,
brown and black Shootings,
Oanaburgs; Ticks -
ings;• Drills,Cotton Pant Stuffs {very cheap) .
Colared Cambrics, Domestic 'Gingham*. Dja•
pare Cheeks, Nankeens, &c.
: CARPETS !--7.An; immense stock of Car.
meta, FlOor Oil Cloths, plain and colored mat.
tinge, a beautiful , aasortrnenc.of Transparent
Blinds; all:of : which be,aold unusually low.
B 0 OTS AND, ,kindse , quell.
ties and . priO3B, , noati receiving and 'onl hand, 'alio
, afresh lot of 'GROCERIES, whiCh cannot, be
beat, in priccipr , quality. bey stock is irerY large
and coraplatei 'rand. we olwnys take' pleasure
in 'showing, goods without ' charge. Recollect
the old" vend; ii -few,`, dams 'east of,. the Market
House, and directly opposite __.W.rght. r .Ar: Sax.
ton's Hardware Store,
• March'.';.?"'CHAS. OGILBY.