Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 18, 1849, Image 3

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~7.eua__;~.. ~iuc#la~,Ci3l4Kilta.,~ry
EXTHAi)fi~i~l~`flY flE4~G'ff~N IN :THE
I• h ,
HAVE, just riieetvietlfelifigeit eild Cheap,
est tq:W. MITXRDWAS - Eti.ifeas- f -P-eints,ad.
• Vurnishes, SaddlerYitarpenter's and Cabinet.
Maker'it'reols, Mahogany Neniers and all kinds
of Building Materials ever brought to Carlisle,
et:Medi:tang of Looks, Hinges; Screws, Mils
and'Spikes.• Persons about: to build will Mud it
graritly-tpe their advantage to look at My steak,
before' oarahaiting-elpeivheie. Como and _me
•thE Goode'raid hear! the price and you will• be
convinded that - this is really the Cheap Hard
ware Store'. Al,s - o in' store anvils vices, ales
amzrraspti, and a complete assortment of Watts'
Heat Barlron, BIM Rolled and Holm Iron of all
sizes,. I have also the Thermometer Churn
elude by Mr George Spangler, the best article
new iii u •
ACYTIIES.—I have just reoeived my Sgring,
stoe k of Grain and Gram Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my oWn sates, and warranted to
be' a superior, article. Cradle makers and
Thera will find ahese Scythes to be the best or
neie in the market and nt the lowest price
N-Wboles* and retail at the old stand in North
Hanover Street. JOHN P I,YNE. •
NYew' and Important!
f i_EORGE W. RHEEM having recently
UR' purchased thdeounty right of HAVWWITW.B
PAIENT Col.r.nn TUFFER, would respectlully
call the attention at he trade to that important
invention. It is certainly one of tho greatest
. ffxtprovernents of the age. This machine at Ulls
the Collar crooked monad the block; fatted with
hair,, wool, or other materials, back stuffs it with
long straw, and also makes collars of cut straw
with less than half the labor awl time of the old
was of 'stuffing. This machine„ will stuff all
and every kind of horse collars, front the best
patent leather down to the commonest kind in
use, ilnd 'With but one man steadily at work will
stuff and shape fifty collars per day in a neater
and better style that. any other way known.
Sticklers in the county asp invited to cull at
the snbscriberk establishment on North Hano
ver street, Carlisle. and examine the machine.--
Township or shop rights will be sold To
those who do not wish to bay a right the sub.
scrittet offers READV MADE COLLARS at whole•
sal, much cheaper than they can be it ermine
tured itt any Other Way.: Orders 'for collars in
any Ottantny are respectfully .solicited.
np:B' 10
ro the Heirs and Legal Represetna
tivesof.elnistian Erisrnan, ofßap
ho township, :Lancaster county.,
deceased. .
pursuance of nn order of the Or-•
phans' Court of said county ? made the 9th
of April, A. D.. awarding an inquest fur
the partition and valuation of the real estate of
the said Christian Erisnian, dee'd , in said t u.;
consisting, of a pinntullon urn 1 laud of
about Eighiy-five neres tnwnship, ad of John Rohrer, Chi istinii Ern-now,
C Frick nod others,
I will hold an inquest at the Late rnalisinit
Louse. of the.satcl Christian Eristinin, dec'd., on
the said plantation on TIII}IISIJA I", the 31st
dily or 31 AY , A. 1).. 18.19, at 10 o'clock hire
boon for gelid Ili; rposes ; at which time and
place you arc notified to attend,
JACOB - 11121A:12,
Sheriff of said County.
Out-Lots for Sale.
/1111 P. subscriber will offer nt Public Sale on
j SATURDAY, the rob ofY nt two
o'clock on the premises, 1 One Acre lois ei"iv•
venient to the town, on the north west eorneb
of West Lowther street and College Lane.—
They are enlisted in a desirable part of the bo
rough, where improvements are gding on and
property growing in vedue. Terms whit h will
be easy, will be made knuwn on the day of snlo
by the subscriber. ~ W B MURRAY
Estate of John flefliefinger, dve'd.
ETT-EltS of Administration on the Estate
I_4 of John Hettletinger-, late of Wet mleys,
tur4 Cumberland county. -dee'd., too e Lech
granted to the subscriber, residing. in Hampden
township in said - county: All' persons liavmg
elainis•ugainst said estate to present them tur
settiOment, and those knowing themselves in.
debted to make payment Immediately to
ap . 7l'l9ft
TILE subscriber would respectfully inform
his friends and the public generally thai
he is reccifing LUMBER of 01l kinds which
he will sell at the River prices with the uddi•
ion of the freight for cash.
`19,'49 W B MURRAY.
:la.cksnaith's Coal.
2gbibillitlSHELS fiirsC rate Alle
"•" gheny COAL is recemog and for
sale law for cash by
sp 0 . ' 49
Limeburners Look Hero, .
-WOTO.I`iS Lime Dinners ,C OAL re
eetved and for sale low for clash by
up '49. W 1J Al RIZ .
NkA T4l A N N 'PC El. having removed his
Cheap Clothinu•Store to the room knitter
fi occupied by Mat Lumberton, between Con
lyn's Jewelry Store and Burkholder's hotel, in
West Main street, would respectfully inlet In his
friends anti the public, that Its intends to eon
thine the business as heretofore He 11;6 just
reteivedu large assortment of
Spring And Summer Goods,
whiot, lie will have made up at the shortest no,
tice and in the nisei desirable manner He will
constantly. have on hand a large .snlection oC
Ready Made Clothing,
cheaper than ever offered Co the public before
such as black and blue dress coats, frock and
Brack enats•of various colours, tweed costs of al
shapes TiiiTail.Tri - , - Sonbilier - clorh—coatsOitieu
Amnon and jean (p)/14S, and all other kinds of
fashionable coats, black and fancy cashmere
pants, summer pants of every 4lescription and
color, plain and fancy satin vests, summer vests
ell sorts and colors,chirt bosoms and collars,
neck and pot4iet •tiandkerchlels, stocks; suspem
data of all kinds Sony cheap Don't forget t h e
' Carlisle, April =--3rn
S.' Goldman's Clothing Store, •
On• the .corner of Main aired and Alaiket
Square, formerly occupied by Nathan I !ankh.
. 'IIIIE. undersikactl respectfully announces to
;t4eeitizettearlitileitud-sur-rounding_coi tr
Otti Ou has Os Arrived from Philadelphia, with
.e,,ettlendid stoelf of itEADY MADE CLOTH.
Grfur the. purpesc of conducting thoweady.
ininfp Oftnhingbintittess in all its various Wait.,
! . , • ,
He intends' keeniniinn 'assortment of every
article ht his line of 'business, and At such mi.
Ceir'es will suit every one...
~I lia'atoclt embraces the -most handson!e and
titillionable styles worn, and . made 'up in tho
-best manner. ;
Theeuhscriber enly,neks a trial of hia . goods
and, is sure they. will give .eatiro eatiafactinn.
it. large;•.nelortment of Hats, Paint,
Collars, tineems. I.3uspentlere,,
annkOusi6o,, ell of (which he will sell at very ; •
loy pridos.. 7 pAs'•elothing constantly on-hand
- •
11issolution of PEirtnership.
?PUB partnerehip'heretefore exiiatin& . bet ' , Ten
the atiliterlhera antler the name of A
t7.4'•S la; dittsoirod'hy 17141,ml cop ,
i - ont.:::+lrhe • books 'together..with all other oil
lifeeeficeitindettedneas remain in the hands et
, drew. , rt. 13 lair , -, llvhd Avi 44,tend_isi_th_e_sintle ;
nrall , actiounta: : Ali persona todebtedi.m.
claims; are:requested to veil . and . set
- 4 ' riewithtdlliieotneallts. All unsealed account''
after that tinto will , l)Wpat tato, - the...ha - Oda; of
, • - jirtql9sttersoafkraiollototon,- 5 . •
the old t , lat it
S!l'ffP edi t*, -, ,P, 1 ; 1 41 3 , : ‘be0t,.9un1it
i .41r; W ant , ,"
~ .Y.sl4sflotirda B'ARK'. •-:
•••.' BLtiiß
,f '.o6;Til - re:M • kENTOCKY, t :#1,4,, O,IIL
No 4--A Tract of Land known as the "Big
, Meadow," containing Twenty acres of first
:rate timothy bottom.
INo ti—A valuable Farm containing 123 acres
1 . of first rare land. part limestone,
l . I + - q. and part pine land, known as the
~ A,, 'Allen Farm,' with a two story
..trilvt.: t ' log HOUSE. Log aifd France
—..:-:„4„,. -,-- - ,Fk,t—ltarri, corn cribs, wagon shod arid
other outbuildings.
No G—A Farm of 200 res known as the
I l'enrii Orcimed Farm,'i a Log House a
.te c iect
'double Log Barn, &c. (T right of Ore on
this - farm reserved, and to be E. Id 14 iI It the.fur
-1 !Incr.) ,
I No 7—A tract df 100 . fierce, 'Holly cleared,
having n Lug flouse thereon, and adjoining No j
No . S--A tract of 100 acres—unim .roved, ad.
joining lands of Martin Cloudy, John Thrush,
and ethers. 04) this tract there is u good water
Ice 9—A Farm containing ltiG acres, part
cleared. with L4g, House, Double Leg Barn,
ftnown as the 'll.ldiNlei , Farm.'
No 00—A tract of 700 acres of timber land,
lately purchased of A G Ego, which will be
sold in lots to suit purchasers.
No 11—A tract of 50 acres of land adjoining
the McKinney Farm, Daniel Marsh and others.
- Also, a number of other -Five and Ten Ade ;
lots with comfortable Log Houses thereon.
The above described properties, arc all situ
ated in Dickinson township warmest ybounded
by the Yellow Breeches Crack, which never.
failing stream propels the furnace and mill.
thetsmwe time - and place, the interest
of T C in that went - town MAGNET
IC ORE. BA NE on the Yellow Breecheb
Crock. in York army.'
The above property will be shown, and all
necessary- infemmtlen given to persona wishing.
to purchase, he calling on ither o[ the sebscrt• t
hers or TCAttller.
wIIER F. Gold and 811-
vet.. Watches of .every
' •-",... description can be had
0 < 2 . at limn ten to fifteen
less than any other store
" t v'i - - in Now York 'or Pntht- `s
-dtlphin. Persons who
wish to 5,1 a gouti watch, perfcedy regulated,
wool,' do won to call at, the store of the sub
scriber, and compare the fidelity and price of his
watches with.that of other stores.
Gold Levers,len lewert',l'B cam; cases, 1522 on
Silver do do 10 00
Gold . Lc:pines, jeweled, burst cases 23 00
Silver do, 000
Silver Verge Watches, from iP3.00 upwards.
'Gold Pencils trout tto SP,OO; Gold Pans,
.with silver cases and pencils attached,. for 7,5 c.
Also, a handsome assortment of new
fashionable Jewelry, at prier s for below the
usual store price S.. gill Gold and silver bought,
or taken in exchange,
irW S' f]xrIOMAI .L.
No 110 North SECoND Street, second door
below It ice, Ph:latlelphia , 8 p:S' 9,:y
vrcu , I its advertisement out. and bring u
along, you will then be sore to get into die rigt
WILL be sold at Public Veadue on WED
' NESDAY, the '' , sth of this 'month, un
extensive assuitinent of Household and Kitchen
Furniture, consisting of Sofas, Table's, Chairs,
Sideboard, Hatstand, Butenua, with und,with.
out marble tops, Washstands do, Toilet Stimuli ,
Looking Glasses. Bedsteads, Beds, Mntinspes,
Carpets, Rugs, Matting, Solar Lamps, China,
Glass nod Queensware, and, a great many
other articles too numerous to mention.
Among the Kitchen Furniture will h e found
a large size Hathaway ~Couking Shoe. situ
Dram and about 25 feet of pipe, with Dress,
Copper, and Bell Metal Kettles, &e. kr.
Also, A large Doubl e Refrigerator; three or
four portable Grutes for' burning cent:and 4 th'o
or three dame stoves. Also, at, the same time
will he said n first rate MILK COW, nearly
14ale to commence at 10 o'clock, when the
condition% will be made known by
April 11—Is
Heyl's Embrocation for Horses,
THIS valuable EMBRO
•' CATION will cure Sprains.
'f.slol Bruises, Cuts, Gullsi-Swell.
ing, Rheumatism. and all
Oa, 1. • complaints winch require an
external temedy. it gives immediate relief to
the Scratches. and the incident to Mrses having
rime feet and noses, produced by the St. John
Wort. It is also highly useful in relaxing stiff
ness of the Tendons •and Joints and pr3duces
effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feeding, splints,sprains. This FAIBRO
DATIO:4 is reeollll3lldCli to Farmers, Farriers,
Keepers of Livery :Stables, and private gentle
men queuing Horses, and should be entnoantiy
kept _in :heir stables. The GENUINE arti
cle Is prepared JiifY - by - W. -- ALVETSit - s - sr„ - No 302
Race at Philadelphia. And'ior sale wholesale
and retuil at DR. RAWLINS' Drug Store W
Mani street, Carlisle.
To Owner: and Herders in Horses.
for the cure of Founder,Split
WPM Hoof-bound Horse and
contracted and Feverish Feet
"-A Wounds, bruises in the Flesh,
Galled Sacks, Cracked Heels, Sermehes, Cuts;
Kicks, &c, on horses-
Cen.L'rezi's RINO•I3ONE CURE, for the cure of
Ring.bonc, Bleed Spavin,,Elone Shavin, Wind•
b alls, and apliut-u certain core fr,,r•This Ring
one-Gure-and-the_roundor Ointment are pre
pared front the recipe oh a very celebrated En
glish Farrier, and will cure in ninety•nine ca
are out of , oneii:4l,Yilredof any of the, above corn
plainia They havelteen Used V f aihiers,
men, stimenroprietors,and.otherkwith the moat
marked Sod decided success. For Salo by CI
eidedt the best prepatation that can be.
used for the cure of Sprains, Bru•
sue, Cute, Galls, Splint, Curb
Ringbnnei Spasm' Stiffness of the
Joints, &e., It IS nn ortieleAyliteli
should he in the hands of:every
Horseman, and 'no.stahla should ho without
bottle of , it: only 4.5 and 50 eentepei hot•
tlee,•,prepared only by S M Penrson,inD., and,
for sole wholaitild.and retail, at N0.,•106 North
Sedond,stritet, and 0114-KA.Mrt•
LIN'S whelesale and 'reusit,aient, Pti:
Jan. 21. 1 • pi!
' 0110 - 3CoUr Horse • :..•
• . . • . .
. • Ai r „ • witlf,liatirafe,,'Seroe,' galled •
1 4 T - r - nritr,BhoLchy.rEyouitt.or--
, ,„ • • bone, gropsa,,ipatrin,'or
• 1 -•
Anima . Goittoito ;'(;:,nre.A.ll.
tbat„there ritisinkrii ,if: '; •'• t„-,
viz. P. Or.bowtma is'. io _
tbnl I bave , usedDalloys.Aeinial Calt;ralic Cure.
'A,ll.'and , found'. 4.,thiksafest and' rribrit. , sßovit'
cure .for,' sores. and
.bruises. that; I 'ha've t . eve
,used,,and I- take,idettsiira' in 'recommending
to all.
„. • Ltvery Stable;lBl-:Jay. at.-t•
For Sale lat, fhe Etopot,. * 4l Broadtatiy—;
county. 7. -•
N.MEX. yiIWO drip d Oot!ori,Shir:-.
atio'Bitk" received try ,` •
,„ .„
lkiew ugliscificuto.
:OF --.* L P AIt WA IiEA I
• •
• . iLl.. r ho,oftered .tit Public Salo
r - Irmi-tmli--,3 • "F:mAlr'•• '
, , . . trre -
he residence ar T M . Dickinv
owitshiP, Curribiiiiand county', the •
described propert Witv
Nu t —The '?tilurible r.-,perty Well known'
San. ,Mill; 'Coal House,• Tetictin 'Houses, and
between 2 and 262.) acres finuiliain Land. • •
No 2—A Gut= MILL, to which is attach
ed a Corn Dryti, Sheller and Breaker, a Stamp
Mill with n contrortable hi. Dwelling HOUSE
stone smith Shop,lied,frZm 7 to 12 ucrep of I
land. I
Isto 3—Thc valuable Farnl on which said
Miler now reside', containing. about 200 acres.
with Stone Dwelling HOUSE, largo Bunk
Barn, and an excellent orchard of choice frith,
Llie usual term orllinnd 'Niles will be given
rip :8, '49-is
L. a. senoorozetzi,th;
Vurniture at Auction.
A 'Word to Horsemen:
. - V4",etw
' LISTS griWlE4l34:- •
elessified in tilMordiMemwilli "reVeralActs
iGendrs 1.. Amen big ,
13 10 Od:
Jason W•Elly
Joint, G Cartnony
jostiph D "'Albert
Samuel Elliott-. -A
,Charles Ugilby
Chitties Barnitz., (Liquors)
George W Miner
A St W Bentz
I Daniel Eckles, (Liquors)
John Faller (Liquors)
Jacob S. Faust, ,Liquors)
.1 & D Rhoads
W B Murray
S W Havorstick, (Liquors)
Robert Snodgrass
James Fleming
Thomas Conlyn
Wright & Saxton
1 1 ,1eseersniii It
Jacob Rheem
George - HCrooks
Joules McGranalian
Michael Lchley (Liquors)
John Homer (Liquors)
Peter Monyer
John P Lyne
Jacob Wolf, (Liquors) -
A Coyle
Jacob Sener
• Jneob Leiby (Liquors)
George Poland •
Andrew U Lechler
C Inlioff; Agent, [Liquors)
George Heckman, (Liquors)
Samuel Hoover t‘t. Co -
'l' 1-1 Skiles
J W Rawlins, (Liquors)
Win M Porter
Arnold & Livingston •
Jawth Erb
Ar»old & Levi '
S D Powell &
Samuel Goldman - -
James Legget , • IA
Shippensburg Borotigia,
Win F Carey
Robert Snudrrrese
Firtwaro4, Scull
enry oller
, Gish & Hulsey
Jonathan reel
J A Clippinger
Heek & Peal
fohn Fulwiler
N.: Kunkle
John rinnuhahh
Philip Koontz. '
Peter 8 Ann, Agent,
Joseph P Nevin ..
I) ° P.: Have.
JC & 13'A tick
John 13 Duncan
Robert Welsh •
Robert Scott (Liquors) •
Outoge,Tronic •
Sumurl Siders (Liqa6rs)
.thckihsoii 2inci/ship,
•Andrew C. Millgr
Andrew Couircy, (Liquors)
Russell & Die!
lY 31 'll , nns
D 1, Bevil/tan
Isaac 1) Cassel/ • •
llopewell Township
Robert Elliott. 14 7 00
David Wherry & Co., 14 7 00
Jacob licalobower ' 14 7 00
East Pennshorotigh Township. -
Jacob Reninger, (Liquors) - 14 10 50
Longnetaker &Eslinger • l4 7 1)0
Joseph o , llanks 14 7 00
West .1 . 17)..5p0r0up,4.-Totenslup•
Christian Leas, Liquors) • 13 /5 00
Josiah Hood & Son - 13 101k1.
Donaldson & . iiieelll4 7 00
James (treason &Co - 1 t '-, 00
.I\ r eiaville Borough,.
Gilmore & Stough"- - --__ . ,13
Wilhite & Darr, Agent -
. ~ IT .
Scott Coy to 13'
ha mason lianuoltittittlotrot. .---13
J NlcCandlish - 13
John Dillerl4
Jaeol. Swoyer 14
Joseph Laiieblin, Agent • 14
J &1.11 Williams
Li h Wonderlich
:11r sharp
Frau/jo•d Tatetship.
J B Lackey & Co, (Liquors) , 14
J G Garutony & Co, (Liquors) 14
Newton Township.
James Kyle
Jmeph tiuwh
& Eshelman
Suuthesnyton 7 owl:skip:
John \V. Clever, (Liquors) 14
Schoch, Sons &
, Mtffint Township
C har Ics Ant nil z , (iiquo`rij
J W 1) Gthlen
John Ernest,
Cyrus A li:eynord
Hari/pi/en Township
Thomas C Rheem, (Liquots)
U W. Fealer
Alonrue Tutunship.
G Singizer
!Jolliet lirudicr
Struck N. limn&
New emnberland Bornrgh
.1" IC Bonk, (Liquors) l4
S Powell & Co (Liquo ) 14
S. Middleton Township
A NI Leidich
W- Mextulder
Ride'r & Soilur
1) Geitwo
Allen Thenehip
A — L CiTheart —
Isuac Burton (Liquors)
j o h n .G Miller
Matthias Bitner (Liquors)
Joseph Sehroll
SiICCT Spring . Township,
Ft W Meteor & Brother, 13
John Reed :' 14
Dunlap & Barr • • 14
Coyle & Sponaler 13
Illechanicsburg Borough.
. „
.1 M,ollison & Co (Liquors 13
Siinond Arnoldi4Liquori) 4 13
Zug & Quigley, Liquors 13 .
J L Reigle 13
Henry Leas 14
Houser & Bubb - 14
Baker & Miller - 14
Fra Vey 14
1 F Spahr .
Merchants and all concerned in the above
(.4assification will take notice that rwill field an
appeal in the ArbitratiOn ROPM' in the. Court.
;Clouse. in the Borough of Carlisle, on SAT.
URDAY, the 14th inst., between the hours of
o'clock; "A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M. of paid
day, to afford All persona an opportunity, 'who
nifty, .feel theinselyelt aggrieved • by:the above
Classification io appeal fronftWe •••
Corlisle; ,
.6 Etiltsß.i.i,R6:
AmMoutiecriber ties the pleasure of ennounc. •
t o hie" friends and the public
thri,t'he'ihs.litrtied the' public house;' formerly
etti I.l.4r.:Kuhn Chouthoreburgetreet, Get
otehurg, a 'few - oors front , the , Contip - '•
' 4 4iture, The liduse pleceandrlocated,flute •
`CiteiftiChittettotrv'ertienee in the way of ete
ling; ficc.7; ; and will. .be conducted: ort. strict i'
, 'had , some 'experience - in keeping public
"totiece;' end :he.' hopes to'tie - able .to furnish a
nicintent end comfortable,-"home." to .euch , •ao...:
- lay li e diepoeed'to m hi m. , - •
• . ,
gat jiibut:g hE 2 8 , R
.." )40.',r0i.' the bentiOtlcetrootrersi 'the 'oubecri'; / .'.'
pettnitteid.ttn'reter to tte'r..'6r.
I,i3er Prdf;'l4l:'li:.iStmVer,-meinitsl
g etr0t0,,,A.501,1 , 4 011 4 1 1, 14 ;PM4W
I • --,47-:=4,!-‘
TO Votqrs,ol.ogirribtatuldMinnty.
' self Co: yoTiatiireidetatiewliii:the-office-0118111E.
RlFF.ofCumliorlapd„c ,c,,ko:d
ly solicit your otitifliattilißgine msisoll;,,if. else.
tod to disafsrgeOtheNe lettebsitlitilePee,with
k1111k.;r ocffdllyy "+
Wistirennsb`ero t:f rmj
+liroil . "*";"49-10 4;t4
SHEXIDOAIk S , - I , : 1
retrziAr ciTzzEi4A:k'
I o i le r , q_r eif YWIY , A t r i P, 0 .04,0 f°T of=
fiep el 8 R B,.arkbj e,Ctotbk, o
1110 Whig r be,
fort nap' ,etiotigh'itito . e,ao3oo,44.lll dliebilTgo r
the dodos of the iilrotllaiiiVirkipinlinlity
• ' ! f rglifd,crAftTNEY . ,...:
To the,irateieordiObeiliiid CoiatV.
FELL° WICITIZgI4S.I - flfiesoholintioo
of molly friends:l!lereVy •Ofrei Piviellio your
consideration da d.atindfdate fort . ..SAERIFF, at
the ensuing genotolleotion,t3libjept:to ll° de
cision of t heVV, hideeunty-,ConYinuon. Should
I he nominated nod' elected; I promise to din
charge the ditties of the office NMI fidelity and
humanity. I therefore respetailly solicit your
support. • • JOSEPH•MhDARMOND.
Nowvillo. April nth, '49-to • • .
To the Voters of Cumher!and County
FELLOW t Encourriged by
numerous friends, I hereby direr myself to your
conaideration• as a candidate for the office of
SHERIFF of Cumberland the-ensu
ing genera) oleetiob,subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Convention.. Should I be
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to die.
clutrgci the.dutiea of said office with impartiality
Shippensbnra, npril , •
To the Voters of Cumber and County.
FELLOW , -CITIZENS-4••nffer myself to
your consideration as cr candidate for the (ace
of SHERIFF, of Cumberland .county, nt the
next general election, subject .to the decision of
the Democratic County Cenvqraion Sliaultl I
he nomintitgd and elected, Lpledg9 myself to
discharge the duties of said office with fidelity'
Carlisle, Apiil 11 D MIT 11
FLLOW-CiTIZEINS':--Beingsolicßed by
a number of my. friends T offer myself as
a candidate for the office of SHEItIFF. at the
ensuing olootion,and will be thankful for your
Suffrages. Should Ibe elecied,"l lieeidirpro-•
mist: to perform the duties of said office faktb
fully. Respecthilly,
April 1-to JOHN F 1111NTrAt.
FELLOW-CITIZENS; I hereby offer
myself to your consideration as a candidate fdr
the office of lialf:AVE /NSPECTOtt,, at 1110 ensu.
;ing elertibn, mel respectfully solicit your sup.
port. Should I be elected, I pledge myself to
discharge its duties with fidelity. .
Nowburg, Aprit It • IR4I.
• 14
. TV. — Havihg 'bean encouraged by a num
ber of my friends I offer myself to your don
sideration ass candidate' for the drum of B t
o ADE lusrucroa, at the ensuing election, I there
forg respectfully solicit your suffrages tor said
office. • ( ?p'l4 tel W Nrift: -Kr.LSO,
13 10 U 0
14 ID
3 Ili Ou
I:i 10 UU
/4 i Ou
DIERS of the connty„ of Cumberland, I oiler
myself as a candidate for the officepf BRIGADE
firsrEcyort as the ensuing election. rrespectful
ly solicit your suirragcg,tor the Mlle.
. It:3I.3IINGER.
April to
FELLOW.CIthE NS :—I offer - myself to
your oUouitiuration as a candidate (or the office
-of 13 RIUA DE- I NSPECTOR, at the enanittg election;
in June next, and shall he (hahkful. for coot
support. II W . Mee LI, 0 G
10 00
12 tit, -
10 00
15 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
Br gads specter, -
FOkiw Soldie A the - regnesi-ol -tonne-of
my friends I beg I ato offer myself to your
eoneiticration no n eitnriidate for the office of
BRIGADE Insrtcron, tit the ensiling election in
IPl`h'next;en7l sling gretefet4u you for your
support. - JOHN CLENDENIN, jr.
Hogentown, Silver Spring tp. Mar2S
10 50
10 50
FerLow-CrnzENs : --Being solicited
by a nuniber of my friends to serve as a
candidate for the office of tBRIGADP; IN•
SPECTOR, L hereby oiler myself lc the con:
Eldolll6oll of.:your support, and respert
licit your suffrupc. SAMUEL CROP,
' March 274te
7 00
7 uo
7 00
10 50
7 00
FELIAAV-CITIZENA ofrer.nSyself to
your consideration ne a eandiday. for the
Oleo of l 3 ItIG ADE INSPECTOR., at the en•
suing election in June antl'willbe 'thankful foi
10 50
7 00
7 00
7 00
your support.
Mrch e:-, e
10 50
7 00
Tins Institution u..der the care of Misses
Brit and itonrwrsoN, will commence its next
term on the Ist of, MA Y. Farther informa
tion:may be obtained at the Institution or of
Itee, A. Sharp, Nowville, Dr. J Hanron,
Mr. Wm. Barr, Mr. S. Coyle, Mr. D. Sterrett,
Rev' 0. 0, McLean, Centreville, Hey. J.
Shields, Juniata county, Col; H. Logan, York
county, OM Mr. J, McGinley, Adams county,
Trustees. ^ pr 4—ltd
10 00
7 00
7 00
10 50
10 30
- - -
Dissolution of' Partixership.
THE partnership beretofori'elleting between
the subscribers, unaer lie name of F.
GARDNER & CO., is dissolved by mettle
c. Sent. The books remain in the hands of F.
Gar ncr 'will attend to the settlement of alien.
counleandTarpersens - ktiowing—themselves_in,_
debtod or having cairns, are requested to call
and settle.
10 Q 0
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 JO
10 00
7 00
15 00
7 00
p - The business will be conttnuee .ns here.
ohne by the subscriber. GARDNER.
April 4,,at
10 00
'7 X)
7 00
.10 00
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE partnerehip heretofore existing under
thetAfirut of BAKER & MILLER, has this
do ir been Mutual consent, and will
hel•enfior''be conducted under the firm of MIL
LER & MVERS. The books and accounts
will remein`•in the handb.of Baker & Miller fur
settlement! BAKER &. MILLER.
Mechanicsburg, April. 1 I , '49..*, •
15 00
15 00
it, 00
]0 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
. .
. „ ..
ETTERikof• Administration upon tho Es.
: 1 tato 41f 'DAVID RALSTON lam of W.
etinaboro.township,deo'd., have' been grouted
in due form,orLaw, to James M. Ralston, to
whom allmay- be presented, and all
del?to due lommiti. ,
''''Wreivisboro' tp. anvil 4 Gt. Administrator
Est Ate of Joitiph Newcomer, deo .41,
VitTtߧ teatarnontary on the Emit:l - Of
LA, JOSEP El iN IFIWC OMER, lateef West
Itempfield township;-Tiancester , ,Acinnty r = . rtnd
}brutally of Silver'Spring;:Cumberland county.,
dee'd., having been granted to tho.undersign§d;
alt persons indebted 44).841 catate U re regulated'
.t.: make imMediato payment,. and Adlie Anving
dentiutde.aguhudjitu llama vill-preeent them for
eettinnient, to:either, F ilie[UndertiEgned 'execu
, • J4O.OI3 a NgyI9A)IIIIII,IER. • ;
;•- 51onfoe*,'Curnberlaini co.
.?illDtt.pvv . 'METZGER
zzz •
• •
COuitilf ColumoiTlOMl Oounty.
SaiidetiPii;Ttininkitatidattioad'of anligninam of
JOhntft.lialtinainid,..'tb ,. .stull among t oia
tiya, glypenotiaatipitto, wtlt oktorplfor,thatitiitts
•,tann9Chlitoffitefut,Oarlisl9; 9P ; VR1,943‘ii,14!‘;
40Ih of ApFil'non., ; y...,
ft . ,pro - ,psi6k
i1c..11106*).41/4 406068 1, ‘ l , ' "
*)lPlllnd f d *Vi t i r t4nt - s l 4ll4q l elPat e , r. Pr a Of
.I /a9 t t CPgetII.9I'‘IM,4IIPRO/r iirga?lta and
h 'Fl a ttinat r lltad. l l fot:lkk ^t 1,
.re,a ,±„ , a l / 4
.`"-P °
41 :"•4n - a r 6 ' 1 ,:r1 1 • 5 211 1 /g;;er , ' , icitlit4es.i
•• • '- o
' 4 ' .• ,a •°' : '
Brigade Inspector.
Brigade ineiteetor.
Brigade Inspector.
of South Middleton tp
43 " r0 7 64/7 1 - 4 NriarafgkriVl!' jirSvs-alr.
11. E undertfifin 6 ulbdstitoghu4§fiatie.,EsD Peek
and-Periedicatestitco, bY
Mr .loseßki2Krießdleo,neAt door+t filitlr
public that,he,intends (0 keep" constatitly'on
band- 11- ttte Publidatiothr of the
day; whleli.lie will fornimarT r tir,
cos. Atiiong,thirbeot•and. , ntoal
latel ,
yatied freibitlibliress are.t he :
Ifiirpoes'elieaVYand superfine edition of Mc.s
HiSterrof England. ,Neenclers„.Li63,
Of Christ. 'large family Bibles elegantly beipil
outman' dog • Oick'S Philosophical w0rk67, 4
Prayer.ftbd Hymn Books, Superfine editions.;. ,
Pardee's Louis XIV. Classic and. English' s '
Dictionary's: Sears' Worider of the Worll,
260 engravings. Dowling's History, of Roman
ism, n new and onlarged'edition, containing the
life of PopeTius IX. bringing the history down
to the present time. Family Monitor, by Mrs.
'Ellis, containing her popular works, Women,
Mothers, Wi ies and Daughters of England, Bvo
Statesman's Manual front Washington to Polk,
2 vols. Bvo. Guide to Social Happiness, by
Mrs Ellis, Bvo. cloth extra. The Caxtotts, a
family picture by Bulwer. New York in Slices
by an experienced carver. Roland Cashel by
Chas. Lelcvre, Part Ist,' The Diatriond and the
Pearl, n dew novel by Mrs Gore. All of Ellen
Pickerings, Mrs. G•ey's and other popular no
vels on hand. Together with the best assort.
ment of MiseellaneOus, Seltool, and Religious
hooks. Also,Stationery, Blank Books, &r.e.—
I The best daily, weekly and family newspa
pers in the cities of Philadelphia, New York
and Boston,
MAGAZINES—Godey, Graham, Sartain, ta•
dies Nat orml, Holden's, Eclectic, Columbian,
Sz,cs. &c., received replied) , as soon es issued
from ,the press, and furnished at Publishers
prices. All orders for books, iStc., promptly -
wended to—his arrangements being such ,as'
will enable him to, supply all orders in two or
three days.nnt ice at farthest.
April 47%19. JACO . ERB•
' fly Goods and Groceries,
G. C AltMO NY desires to inform hi s
Ity • friends and the publie that he has remo s
sled to the stand on North lianover street lately
occupied by Chas Burnitz. and next door to
linveratickss Drug. and Book Store, where be
is dotermiodd to sell goods as loss' ne any other
establishment in Carlisle or in tht county. Ills
Stock consists of Cloths,-Cessimercs, Satipetts;
satin, cachmere. merino and silk Vestingi; Me
rinoas, Alpachars, Mous de Baines, Caehmeres,
French worked eollefe; kid gloves, silk fringes,
gimps floweis, thread laces, &e. TICK-
Og at GI cis, calicoes 3 to 6+ .eta, verycheop
rouslins, hosiery,. Berlin and Cookware gloves,
A ,large assortment of BONNET RIBBONS,
very low, satin plain and figured Mantua. plain,
hared, striped and figured Also GROCER-IRS
and QUEENSWA.RE, such ns Coffee, Tea,
Sugnf, Spices of ell tobacco, segars,
crockery, glass and cweentwarO, rice, chocolate,
starch..together with numerous other articles—
Give him a moll, Dipr 4.
S. co'srLlrs
4 k Sit AV calls the attention
”" of his friends to his
- s
, , G , 11 -
01 7
-t •
.Mint GOODS:" It is
••••- , ialpossi'bl to ant e•
rate all the articles we have fo'r sale.' Suffice it
to say we have almost every thing that is nei
cessnry for Ladies and Gantlemens wear•
LADIES DEEA RTAI EN 1'..--Neat figured
MINIS detainee, F0u1.,,d silks and lawns, mohair
and snail striped lustre, pink and blue all wool
detains, satin striped moue detains, second
mourning clarendons, plaid lyonese, black silk,
bonnem and bonnet ribbons, fancy silk ties and
scarfs, silk and Linen •Iringes. silk flannels and
linen tissues', pink. blue and green linreges, kid
silk and .Lisle thread . gloves, anti a large usisort
mem of. Ladies, Misses. and Childrens Hosiecy,
French and English cloths, from 87 rents to
$13,0 . 0 per pnrd, black French cassimeres, fancy .
cassimeres, vesting,s, ail kinds; proton cloths
'hyst - m-Tweeds and enssinet 18. white line n_ds i _
ling fancy clips I'M' Boys, China Puarl Eats
Tormen and children, chip. hata..all. kinds, brit
and fancy ernvots, Lisle thread, hid and culla
Cloves. .Also, A very large stock of white
and unbleached muslins, calicoes from 3 cents
to r2}.- Carpets and th;or-oil Oaths, and, greet
variety Of other goods not mentioned, please
call and see. my stock, where - you will always
find a lull supply. rapt 4
JUST received and now opening, an elegant
assortment of wrATLE AND DRESS
GOODS, such as plain and figured Bareges,
Linen lustree of daerent colours end styles,
Lawns pf e very style and price, a large tIP£OII.
ment of Gingham, cheaper than ever, cam
brice, bond muslin. a large assortment of Into
Goode, Ladies and Gentlemens liid (flows,
Lisle and thread gloves. •.A Large assortment
'of spring bonnet Ribbons. also, Hosiery, Tuck
and side combs, steel Beads. Bag nud Purse
clasps, slides„rings and Silk 'twist of every en•
four. A large assortment of Boys' and :Bees
Spring and Summer Wear, also, beautiful
prints, fast colours, English chintzes, hand
some patterns, together %lilt a large assortment
of bleached and brown muslins and otliagibt`dv•
iPurehasees will do well to call and see befit: e
they purchase elsewhere.
.Itiv Spr G
ing oods!
THE eubseribers iiave jusrrocelt ed a large
and cheap stock of SPRING GOODS, bought
iu for cash, which they offer for sale ut very
law prices. The following is a part, Blue,
Brawn, and Blue Black `2,1.,G1T115, from 1,511
tp 5.00 per yard. A handsome lot of all wool
CASSUMBRES from 623 to one dollar par yard
These are a very cheap lot. ...A variety of LA
DIES DRESS GOODS, consisting of Plain
and Fancy Alpacha Lustros Carleton Ginghams
Mohair Plaids, Silk Plaid Linens, Shaded Mona
de Lantos, Laroons as low as 123, It greet cm i•
4ity-nfilalico_e_s_ from 6/ to 12i. We have lino
English Chintzes warraWfiTitt 123.4 Also,
BONNETS, Braid at ono dollar, and upwards
tcorether with a variety of fine bonnets moll
which some entirely n. w stylds. CARPETS
at 121, 181, 25, 313, 621, 75; 2 yards wide at,
50 eta per yard. Checks, Ticlungs,
very v.henp flannels, men and boys Summer
Wear, from 10 to 50 cents, and a great end
general variety of goods in our lino, which we
are determined to sell at the very LOWEST
?It ICEF*4 We respectfully solicit an exami
nation of our Stock, satisfied thaeour goods are
cheaper than they have ever been sold in this
place. A At. W BENTZ.
March 14 3 doors south of Post
New and Cheap Spring Goods,
COliN ER, of Hanover and LOinner Streets,
opposite Leonard's Old,Stand, Carlisle.—
The undersigned respectfully ~inform their
friends and the public, that. they, huve Oat re
turned from Philadelphia, with-U large and well
selected asiort Mem of new STltill 0 :GOOD S.
purchnemint the very lowest, prices. arid,Which
they are determined to'sell at small arofits. 7 -
'Among them may be found Cloths, Casaimeres
Vistinga, ,j woods, !Stuffs in great '
'variety; beef Ameriefin and India Nankeens,—
AIso,LADISS', DRESS GOODS, consisting',
impart of Sil Its, Bereges, Silk-3'643ne1, 'A lea
ches, • &c:, STRAW AND.BRAID DON',
NETS; a fine lot,. Palm. Leaf-Hata, Ribbon
and Lace Goodi..t An _elegant assortment of
Calicoes and finer Chintzes, suitablefOrAlto
preaching. smitten, at our uattni tow
Cheeks, DrillingspLinelia and ;the usual 'variety , .
Of bleablred and unbleached timeline. BO CAS'.
AN I.V. HOES , -a -well - selected atitort ent
ineaV.:'wgintilOs'And children's gond4A,
Imedsoe. GROCERIES.- 1 -iti all their varle . z.,;
ty,,Sitgari:CofiseViltiltissea,..Pehin Company:e:
Celebtoted.TEAS ? Zie..;All that above geode' .
ba.'; ( ibs?if,a'aidh'Sriod right',^tind - Will be'
'Please give'
, iMarnly2B*. , ' • .$43. r 0,-;‘,3L :co:-
13• oorimont o( Bleochid 110111y4,, l3'•hiut
ot, , Chopp:•Siorfi ,14 WOM,l4 . 4l . ll; c itro
j01i26 • '-;,• VATOTO Nr w.
1111E1 ailiscribeprelqi,ctfullyjnforyna rho pub.
tie Lthiao s hol. jnh,ooB . , opintibg tin:4444'S ftlY
430K0 OE, oPlortkiPittiistrooty?whetostio n
touch the varioutt bambini, of 1040444h' 49 1 .1 ;
%To oomniOnce• on thel2dOfffihrif next,
Ter thp oft:;tuitionAntodhithelfitiferencesAiven
,„....,:mtitch,u.:l44.nct%-, tat
. '
I :'...fki*4444WS,4fegi"l'ie3'.4:- . 4 ,1 ' . 0% •
431 •
kstfiut iti;.?4.h A t
litP • '•••' • -
-4 "`•f:/!..t
~'~ ;~`~Ti~~eZrancoii~_...~
~ 1 M9Mk0f.a.1140=. E W1TA1.:4,1. 4 ;„„
STILL TIIP k 1 ' liA 6s;
" -7-. 661
. r
L.glll nowlahailt ftpallitriggilntflielEasteum
I cities large and , beautiful Selection 6rsplinto
and SUMMER , GOODSlM`'Whieff tinifirir.the
- attontion-of-one_andnlA D lES'
An Silks, Mirages, Linen Popeli,
, then
( ~ Arell, Linen Chameas,'Frei;h; English and A.
ineriefin . Oltintses, Gingham, Gingl am Lnwnst
Lawns,- Lass until Plaid .Muslitis; SWissi.Bonk
and Tarlton do.,' plain ted - tianny Spring_ de
Lainds; Bonnets,. PrirasolimSm Shades, Rib-,
boTL4l...fsaceis,-Minces, Triinminus, &c. &c., we:
nete:tiurselvoe to be able to plena° nffin prices
and style, who will favor us with a eall.. GEN
TLEMEN—For, your own interests we ash of
you to Mill and examine our stock' of Super
French and English Black Cloths, French and
Etiglhilt* fancY colors do. fancy - French Caino•
meres t Doe Skin black and fancy English and
American CrissiMers; Silk Warp
,Cloth and'
Tweeds, Codington and Merino Cassimeres &
Tweeds, plain and fanny Croton and Gam.
broons, Buff Cassimeres; Fancy Jests, Super
Silk Satin and Marseilles Vestings, plain. and
high aoi'd Silk Cravats, &c., &e. Domestic
goods in abundance,,
' such as brown muslins,
brown and black Shootings Osnaburgs,
legs, Drills, Cotton Pant Stuffs (very cheap)
Colored Cambrics, Domestic Ginghams, Dia
pers) Cheeks, Nankeens, &c. „, •
CARPETS!—An immense stook . of Cpr.
pets, Floor Oil Cloths, plairCand colored mat•
tinge, a beautiful -asseriment• of Transparent
131iods, ell of which will lie told' unusually low.
TOOTS AND'SITOES—AII- kinds, quidi:
ties and plic2s, now receiving and on hand, also
a free lot of 0 ROCE RIES, which cannot' be
heat in price or quality. My stock is very large
find complete, and we always tulle pleasure
in shoWing goods 'without charge: Rtetalleet"
the old stand a few doors east of the Market
Ilousp, and directly opposik Wright &•Snx
ton'ellardwore Store.
Dr. Davidson and Brother,
ESPEC'rF.ULLY announce to the al-
A zoneoi Carlisle and vicinity that they have
taken rooms at Burkholder's "Washington Ho
tel," where (hey are prepared to perform ope.,
rations -in all the various branches of DEN
TISTRY. Ladies and Gentlemen wishing' the
preservation and substitution of these beautiful
organs, the Teeth, would do well
,t,o, give them
a call.. _
Dr. F. Davidson, having graduated in 'Medi
'sins. gives his special summon to the diseases
of the mouth rin'd teeth.
Caries of the tedth efferittally and perma
nently cured, if the destrugtionof the tooth has
not gone too far.
The teeth carefully cleansed of accumulations
of Tartar, which, it permitted to remain; will
destroy rheii use and beauty, undermining the ,
best constitutions by exciting Dyspepsia, Neu
ralcia ond other chronic diseases ; and making
the bream frothd and disagreeable.
Teeth and Fangs carefully extracted with
most improved instruments, a ithobt ,bruise or
laceration to the gums.
Parts,- or whole salts oCincorruptible feeth
of perfect similarity with the natural. inserted
upon pure gold or palladium, in the most beau.
titul and durable manner;
All operations warranted in be turtisfactory
and Ina ing. Ladies and Gentlemen waited
upon at their residences, if desired.
March 14, 1849
THE subscriber would infortrvbis.friends, and
the public 'generally that he has taken the
large and commodious public
hoine, situated on the corner of
South Hanover and Poinfret eta.,
in the borough of Callisle, lately
occupied by Samuel Morret,
where he will endeavor to se, ve those who may
e.qll on him in the' most satisfactory manner.—
The house is_ pleasantly situated, and is furn
ished throughout with good bedding antrolliEr
furniture, and his, are such as
will make it a convenient and desirable stopping
place. No exertions will be spared to make it
Agreeable In all its departments to those who
ntay_favor hint with n call, BOARDERS will
be taken by - the Week,, month -or year 'O. .the
.usual prices. JOHN WERT.
Look this Way.
THE subscribers would respectfully inform
theirfriends and the.•publicgenerally that they
just opened a new LUMBER. AND COAL
YARD in West High street, a few doors emit
of Messrs J & D Ithoads's Warehouse, where
they now have and will keep constantly on
hand a first rate assortment of all kinds of sea
soned pine boards and plank end all other kind),
of stutT; nll of- which they will sell ow for cash.
March 14 lIARN & RIPE.
Bark ! Bark !
ran CORDS of good BEAPK OAK
a i, - , ‘" BARK, wasted - at Middlcs'ex
for which *3 per cord for the rough hark—or
407te per lOOths if shaved clean of Om' rose—
wilkho paid if delivered Wore the first of Au
gust next—not to be shorter. thetj 58 inches in
Jan 3L 1549-23 n
Garden and Flower Seeds:
I HAVE just opened mv annual supply of
chiefly from the well known establishment of
Risley & New York, consisting of all the
different varieties They are warranta fresh
end good. • For sale at the Drug and Book
.Alarell 25
1 -1013 : ,-- _
Ok I
Float Garden Seeds.
I RAVE] just received from Mr LAniingan
my annual supply of GARDEN' SEEDS, they
ore warranted FRESH, and genuine.
Mnrrli 6' ELLIOTT.
Garden and Flifwer Seeds.
FRESH and warranted good, for 81110 at Dr.
RAWIANS' Drag and Book Store,W est gnia
street, CarlOo.
Green and lack Teas.
THE sobieriber.has just..received a new lid:
of fresh and dholce ibtrsaini4
Hvsote, and.BLAME , TEAS ttt all 'prices, from;
371 to 81,25'per lb:, - which for prlce.and 'lnver
we can contidently'recominend :as being eaual
f not superior to any other selection in,town, '
i enroll 14 .
Ytyiist - Pomrders.
„ .
Fresh and warranted good, for sale Dr,„
RAWLINS' Drug store. West Main ratteet
” •
7- 7 -7-
:tot going ii.) . Ctilifornia can hcitii;
ftetith'lltie find Etlterini 'Oil, at the
choop OrocOip.stot-it'iff ''"
C INROFF "A.t. •
Oldish). Jan 24th 1019 • .
- .
find Vine OIL
I'tlUSlTiicaplited cid r,".sn 10 nt , 'l7t . ",R AW-
N S', rug.,4 Fancy Stare;
C .
aclislo; ,•.. . • ;
. .;..
Watt; Bt . I!..atterso,n'tilligss,
0.4 ..
T.olt (1
'l . lin Ra...
4,.„..- :.„: .. '.. ~ Oli . lfifi'lifltt,,:::'''
44K:4:43 . 13Petirr24g.44,01b,OrctrulxiliOluable.,
~ ,Tft,VS reogived and" . 'kep);constnotlV fo 7 ,, e...f , ' '. r' , . THUM, ',;s '. -
~t lklo' e : , i''', l , ll gP l " .- - 4. `l';' B, * tI ,CV ,I', ' S . ' • ' A
gl.n.kit e nlitrt I .!Wf / t . V .11 . 1 1k6- P tialf!Y•of .
:41,±;.rti , ~, .-- -,,,,, - ~ , , ,,,i 1 . , ~. , ; - , „..., ,- .
.' WirvAiktf '
,11,:piithitioiiveApitig . . tql tit'. ".
1.:4 111, 1;10 it" jiPmineXlAraii(Vrtglii4l:l : io ~,:. . ;;:,i. dd.i , 410,tibtf 1 1 01. 11 h 6 4*ithitW'Br ulli,eii . 1 0' '..
It i llA ' 11;46,...;,C, atil,'Skieci,f,iilietei SiAiiiiigitiiiii .-,gt er..4ll.W,:eiat4.l)ttibliii, lioreOrtttV' s l 4
cWgio o F4 ll - 'lpTlikte; 2 l 4 o;;T*liiiir:oia , f6r gale ot - '.rfiiiii;eilid tifOitidionie Ow:14600i .xit''. " 4' '.l3t . ofill- - .,'
11, 1 1 )0• 4 0 1 .41! 044'0,re;137 - fe 4 2 .
li l - 4- tp ' - '-; .- ": A „ .,. 1 . ':',"'... , .'. , .:7"11V, ,feb.f Oger_r',,.yoyicly:.,, i lNi d ittitl)...,. 4 . ~. )4J..-. 9 45i " .i.' -. .
, ,o1M0 ;: ,1 4 :,, ~.i , I ~.m,yt (Il i .„ • , :5,FATr01c.,,,,-. : loot ..f„t:. •,. ; .. '. ~ ,; -A :. : 0 - .4.%V - ,rlb l . li.. -
~ . ..5 , ' ,, N , '40 iIKS#. 4 ') ,^-..,''' ': f.'- , ,t ',.... ',.." • .' '' • ,' 1 t ..ting , ; , .t .7..4f.t.,_.;.. ~.....4). ,. .
1 i'PLV;:I:() , V; :. Citl{lW:,:h 9 tqil: 3 l4 44iii 4 1 .' 'PtOt'WrPj."Te.4'2*,'*'i.'WU.'4'' r ' '' :'. ' T tP n i ) l i'"P
~ - 7 •7, g !, i'l '.,CY ,‘, r ,Y-14 # 7 ?, , Af:4 11 44;;1g';%F . %.0<? . fijk.1'41 9 :01,a , 00.1ii. , !..- - ?- I,P6'k' o:;:t'd4 , "?..' - '4 V ' • 1 111 , ""rt ' . , •V` . * '..
'll- , C'
i..i11, .it , • 1, i' . 4 .,,4 !9#4 1 i4f 1, 0 1 5.Ff1 7- 4 . ',V 5 Y, 11 6, 1 4,1.'! - : ~.-,:jr,,.k. -4.. ,,,,
.? , . ,, V4.... , :4(P01:11.10,1 . .,314,1,:t*Fe: , i's , OLV , _ , .."
-,, ',., '',''''";, ... ,, ' ,1 :'.?.if:.;.. , e'.:..';'. , !-: , .'4. , ..i 4 1 (^ 4 .'•.' ,''; ri'1.'4.14. , .4: , -';:.o' ...-.: ~..,.. ,•:. ,-...', -...;:- .ttp,i , .. ; ~ ,-.4'..-".
i ° C) raaC~pt)ta.
iiif Ortiriit
: . O: 4 2&diITIPAEGOiID'.BI , RtrAT 1 4-• •
IMERSONS vomiting lthe,city,,,witAing 10 nor-
chwaommup- e
iare, reimecilialy p tio•
vited ad examiiintlithlf Out !sfeek of Spring
actin [)noacneiade,whe mourning;
needed/the inconvenience p prose dlote — fr;'
Acre 10 store in semen& dist inet torticies'oldresi• •
ie 'cointileilily obviated, ,and ,an, abundance of
valuable time d 6f1C.0 i
y a visit le t he PHIL~I
ever'y,deseription,of.gdeds necessary for
a Complete outfit - for' `oil - cent:nine May , he found .
the rhotit,reasonable •pricei., BLAC
.IPBornba.. •
zines„,alpaene, 114ousseline de Lains e silks,
ly, canton napes," real emiedines, silk. issues. '-
Harem, alli wool , barcgos„ lawns , &c A BE;
CON D MOD RHINO Iloussefince
Lewes, .Ginghami, Chintzes; linen' and silk
lustros, gingham lawn•&e. ALSO, BlaCk
Thibet long and' squar e shawls, crape,- Arena ,
.dine and harego shawls, English and
veil and 'rtintrollig ;Crapes, crape mode 'end '
Lissa veils,Mourning bordered Handkerchiefs, •
collars an Cuffs, Babhs' gloves, Ck.i.;. Black
Amen, Bombazine Finish! These Alpae: 4
have every appearance of h fine Bombazine, lo
hall the cost, ,
"...Good goods one price lowest cult
trr Wholesale cash buyerEt,arelnvited to call.
Philadelphia, April 4V , 192 -
TriE Lyken'e Valley Coal Company will )
prepared to deliver COAL,on and otter the 201.4
Instant,at their depot, Millersburg, LiMphineo..
Pennsylvania, (at the heed of the. , Wisconisco
Canal,-l2 miles friim Clark's Terry,) at the fol
lowing prices, CASEL ' •
Lurrip t . Broken & Screened ,; $2.00 per ton'
Nut .• . , •1,75 i
.Lime burners screened , 1 4 3rd "
Lime butters mixed• '•• .
April 11, '49. 4m, . Treeitrar;;....
• (Latolnzoburst & Waltera;] I`o*
P .-
PR6D V CP: and General Clinintireiorr bler-
Chants, Noa. 15 and' 26,• Spear'.a_yVhari, ,
llALllll , l9klil. Liberal cash lull/nudes mete •
cni consignpientsof . all kind4,9l:Vroduei3..,... •
To Plubterers. Farmers and Conimissurn. Mei
chanis: . _
. IT should.not be forgotreu: that P. ,COGr •
GINS & Co. of Philadelphitt,areinanufaCier.•
mg and have constantly on liand; a superior
tide of CALCINED PIASTER;Which they •
sell ft the low rate of 30 Os per bushel, 0r.51,37‘,
per barrel : and also thy firstriluallty.of ; LAND
PLASTER, for Agricultural purposes, at, the
reduced rate of 17 eta per bushel, or PO•cts per
barrel. Terms, Casa. Call at either establish
mem ,-Schuy _Eighth Above Willow, street,
or Brown street Wharf on the I) ' 01. -
ders promptly, delivered to Car,. or Steamboat ".
without additional charge. ' • .
J. S.
%/lAN UFACTURER and-•D EALER in the .
IVA celebrated ET HERIAL OIL &, LAMP. ,
also PANK mlo CAMPHINE OIL, with 11
complete assortment of LAMPS f , r btitnit.t;
the same. Having taken the large and cony.. -
Ideal. store, No. 187 BALTIMORE sTREET,.
(Baltimore,) extending . through to Light sin,
nearly opposite the Fountain Hotel, Se is. sew
prepared to eupply,Deelers in the abovetlifte, on
the beet terms, both as to quality and price.—
He respectfully asks a trial frontyuntqual deal,
ears, believing it will be to their interest,
.1. S. 'l'. is the sole agent for the celebrated
a new and valuable invention by which -Mit.-
real• Oil is rendered perfectly hermit:es; and this
light of the generating (drip as -conttolablo us
the common-gee. •
Feb 28-2itto ,
riptiE subscribers invite the attention of Coun
t. try Merchant!) andpurcliasers generally, se,
their large and well assorted stock of C'Hl ' N}.
whichii,as been received by /ato Arrivals Irmo
Liverpool, imported direcidrptnatd beet numb
factorms,_am)At such prices pa canner fail fo
please. All goods sold at this establishment are
put up sound mad as selected by the 4nirclaticir.
C&IUNTRY MERCHANTS are requested
to cull and exdinine before malting their purche
see. J C BOKEE & UO
-- 411 Notth Howard Street r bettvsion-Foyeue.4 l / 4
Lexington Sts,Paltimore.
Feb 28-2 mo,
THE subscriber offers at private sale Cite Rd •
lowing, described valuable property, siti.aind tit
Springfield, Cumberland county, viz 1
A large two story Stone Dwel
. .
HOUSE, and Lot of Ground
with good Stabling and other ne- I
cessary outbuildings. Also, a
on said lot, with all the necessary nppasnros,
and horse power. and hog pen attic:lnd : , 'Oat
location is decidedly one of the beet in Hic'et i
ty for carrying on the distilling biistinCrs,ith ti is
situated on the banks of the Big a
plentiful grain country Where wood it. ohm dant
and cheal,and being also convenient to lt I!”t's
Mill. II the Buhl property is not disunreti of at
private 'sale b,eforclisturday, the-Od day 1:1 .1)31
next, if mill on that day be offered at 1 ul Lt ;nlc
at 2 o'clock the afternoon. POSPVEtii t t'rt.t it
immediately. Persons desirous of g
will please call on on the subscriber, tentur.g tat
the premises
nuirelits •
V - Ilan tsbllrg 'l'etegrtiPsfubh4l1 to sct.d
hill ic)(lice.
At Private Sale.
T .new and Irandsetnr . ly
fished DWELLING 11 frl' :Ili) on
the'veat • end ot !Louthor . ' II.
this borough ,nor occ4ipicri e
-.`j lal. is 72 fret in tr.
by 240 deep. It wiltbo,,siddi human.. A ly
La.c \ tivr,ifoo Llt
Fah. 14-2mois pd . !
Blacksmith's Lot* Hero ' •
? • rt iinfi'o f 11
f 0i T '
ir: a
just r ec d !, thitt We. te11: 1, 411 1 )
lower rate than ever bee ,heen sold; at ej t , 4 • r
cash or scrap iron. Also . Iy.atts' beet
IRON always op hand at tin> store of • .
' JACOB: - :.4,KNER.
Dee. 2-
, .
, . .. .
•. ~• -,_- .' Wrg.pphlg . Faper. - '
iiiir: stituiciibor lifte'4uhierrekinto.rTtnree
[ .'tnentiewith n „homeolln ',Philndt•tilvd, I , y
Iwtticti ha %Olt' .he conecnnity,nupp)ied'll tii,
best, artinfe,of Wiapping Polief. ' Ciiitet6°Arvr •
eluinto;'nnd ollikirs wwitink 'teiiimi .
per cent. 'on the above untold cap do $0 . ,4 'All
ttid of lit,Q store of •
14411.8 ER
•Choice, GrOceries; ,
A ,tietierhl eileetitte of
Coffeds, 13rdirlifSligars,"Finest, Lent mai
Crushed. sugerseSpiceit.B4l.all , lhe other •nru
eftholly - k cut , UM' !tore, Ireell h '‘l Pap
'ap.rAfyek,,direci frriniPhiladel phte` hrid'll I , lie u mu
lhht 're'eeived tihtl'ltirrildllit'litz; the. Tea'and ro•
cent . etur.w,of;
,11,4:FM1f,'Y'L •
Aereit 2 / 1 - r> 4 '.
I. TeoltealeColl, a1491M1'...," 1 ....,
• OF , ehoie'e Brah,dse.col4lhqhg;iir,rigirkllrCnv'
,endish,Anti ve ,Allytedd, LlistdohilthNur ,
find" Cdiip ehhwing '1%116110W
rmq4inb ,:PrlAjpg,,,,Xfistgpxr ht-el h!n• '
tiypi her brande es Rho . milts, • tileo line SilHitiell
TOW SeaNdrlorli..iind .1D ht re.
kl4:Thlereeri. 4:64 swirl hlay.onilifoltdl'ires,
• .Is.ita :hot w-lection .enh he. fah lid ill the .
illueo,_eall and eqe; all .613 e luid wheletelh & re
triitnri he Seihr '&l`ob,hee'cl:l3epolfof -NC Fit It-.
AN:( 1 011.igh: - Strt4111:oppinitc,,tlie Ittfil •
• T1161}14 1 1 8 /1: C 1:
t.;4lll4lP,'lnhh - hrifid li 84g,
'Geld ;"enir•
1 . at r. R A \\'.
Acriiin Smoot,
LIN'S -6
~ .u.N :,:,,,,,::