Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 21, 1849, Image 3

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    litiel' , -4 , •
• votOta. ihits
~.: v„,;,....,,,,.1,„ ,
' ' 1 "Sliiliss . 1 ` ...o dds
' tPiulieVO*ri-fiaVJJLAtielti_ltirt_t___
and cheap aniek of SPRANG; GOODS, haugl i
it 'truth; ;NMI% 'theY offer: , for , sale atm:,
7 - iimv-- -- Prieetc - ' - ''Pher follOwingat.a..Pattillilal -
Brown, acid Blue 'Black' 'ULAOTIIS,' frohi . Lt.
.11 ,c , , • , deorne-liti-ofilikl '
0/%2SSJIYIE • ES from # o netOnatt'el . Val
Thaieircii - vet* •chia' 1 .4-vatiety , ,ef trA
.DTES , D RESS ' GOO ,41ansia4t. of 'Ph il :
.. . . _ -
add , FanCY Alp itch a Lustros' EorlstaiTOingh a
Mohair Plaids, Silk - Plaid Linens, , Shaded Mot.
de Lttines, Lemons as low es'l2.6,a , great
ety'of , Caliabos' from 6.f tti"l36: We buyer 1,
English' Chintzes *attained. , Mani
BONNETS; Braid'vt Onedblltir:',' and tipWerd'i
together With a validly Of 'filie,bennets amen
vifitch some entirely; styles!' 'CARP.ETI..
at - 1, NI, '25;31+:01, 753 2 yards wide a'
50 ets. pet 'yaw. Cho'cks;' Tickings, Muslina,
very ithesp'.finittioli,l . men and boys Summer
Wear, 'fferto 10' ,to';so cents,' and a great and
general variety'ef goods in our line, which we
are deterthibed ,to sell qt the very LOWEST
PRICES. We• respectfully solicit an'exatni
nation of our stock, satisfied that our geode aro
cheaper Than they have ever been sold in this
place. A Sz.W BENTZ.
Marehlf''' ' ' 3 - doors South of Poet Office.
Household Furniture
• , AT
- • .
TgE nntlemigued will sell at public sale,
without reserve; on WEDNESDAY the YBih
or march, inst.:, at the dwelling of Mrs. R. E,
CaLdtvellp in West College Carlisle, the lurni.
turn of a family retiring from housekeeping,
consisting of a'Mahogurty Sideboard, Mahogany
DiningtAndiflreakfast Tables; Sofas; Rocking
Chairs, Par rand Rining Chairs, Piano .Stools
Mahoga..y — kii'd Common Bedsteads, Feather
Beds, Carpets. Mantel and ChtiMber Looking
Glasses, Plowing - Blue Dinner set, (pearly
xtew)i Gilt China Tea 'Sett, and Shower Bath
Apparatus, High. Desk, Hat Stand, Largo
Map df the U States and, other Maps, Franklin
Stove, •HathaWay Cookin - c• Stove and apparatus
and , a._great variety of parlor, Chamber and
Kitchen Furniture too numerous to specify.—
• =Also; small ka of Groceries. -Sale to coin. •
menet,. at IP o'clock A. M. when attendance
will be given and conditions made known by •
• • - ,--• WM H. ALLEN.
March 14 '::-n'•
'.look .tVs Way.
Tfrig,titibriirers:lyould respectfully inform
tlioii!triends egtpho public 'generally that they
11 - A
tilitaened-eio—LUMB ER-AND-COAL
A ip Witsegigh`street, a few jioors.enta
oflisisie 3 4 o:3thoede'is Warehouse, where.
they now : Kaye and will keep 'constantly on
hand a first Mtfintiortment of all kinds of sea.
ironed 'pine boards andTplanit and all other kinds
of stuff, all of whiclitheY,`will sell low for cash.
March 14 . -13ATIN & SIPE,
mXTILL be received at the office of WM.
V V BRATT 01. Treasurer of the Nowville
School District up to the 3d of April next, fo7
the building of a Public School House 56 by 22
feet, ram stories high, of Brick, materials to be
purchased by contractor, and tp be completed
by 15 th Anew nextr A plan rind speci fi cations
of the work may be seen on application to the
Treaserer: By order of the Board.
mar -14--
Green and Black Teas.
THE subscriber has just received a new lot
of fre*and choice 'Teas, including IrrsatAr.,
Hvsog, and BLACK TEAS at all .prices, from
3'n:to sl,2slter lb., which•for price and flavor
wean confidently recommend as being equal
if not supdrior to any other selection in,town.
March-14' J W EBY.
A Card
§AMUEL HE'f'Bl.lllN will resume the
practice of the law in.the several counties
t . umberland, Perry and Juniata) of - his late
JtidiCial district. - Any .business entrustcdto his.
care. - will be-promptly attended to.
DgF i ccE in Mrs. Ege - s corner room North
411101;0,0treet, immediately opposite the Bank.
„.!,;C .is o. MEM! 7, 18.1... tf. _
-'r"°= • • 331311r1tE1731.71 SALE.
tHE'subsiriber will offer at Public Auction,
on'THUßSD'AY'the`29ih inst. a variety of
VAEe,cAin. Wing of (111 . 14 breakfstst con- -
tril Itibles, , mafinerrand windsor side.
liOtird,s'ofti,`tille eight dny brass clock; venetian
tillnditOnipeilat ingrain carpets, feather beds,
Wash"s c end, patent shower bath, hathetvny ,
cocikinistove; atinut 80 lbs. fresh laid. Wiih
n variety ofdther articles not herein specified.
tr ale to ccrininetica at,lo o'clock 'A. M.
• • G. W.' HITHER.
TO SOAP MAKERS.. About 8 barrels of
dry hiekory'pshes and n Int of soap fat will be
disposed or dt private. sale e wanted, before the
day of TithlicEale,
THE partnership heretofore existing in the
name of T & J .McCANDLISH, in the born'
of Ne - vvville, was dissolved .by mutual consent,
on the Ist day
. of. March, 1849. The books,
notes &c. ore in the hands of J. MeCindlish
to whom those,indebted will make payment
without delay. '
W. B. The business yeill..beye e ntinited at, the
old stead tbe autitteribeo;t..whe,will 'be Con
stetitiOntOpliitd Wftb.iatilland fveith assortment
of Dfy;,Goode;;Grepeibili;*e.tde.lend respect.
tu' Atelleittf:ls ,Continuanbe 'of .the patronage
citation:ld telhe tate firm., '
" THOS. bfeCji'MDLlSti.
-"Vie 'County Debt.
TH,D4Coinmissioners of Cumberland county
having been inquired of by various citizens .of
the Bounty touching thd. matter of the county
dablon'account •of he building „of the Court .
Flouse,submit the following as a correct exhibi
tion of the : same •
• DR.
CuMberland co. on acc't loans
obtairiod. $4 45:23,;99
By ri,ITOt paid on co,
tionAa in 1846 81,100, 00:1
By ame,..paid i on co. •
bonds 1847 812,522, 32 .
p Ire paid On,co.
bonda in 1849' • $ 12,,17, 00 1
Cisndierland co. Dr. to iins' ' *---
.of,ounitatiodintr bonds $18,726, 67
„By. Orderol the Commissioners ,
Atieet,Wm. Ririnc-Clork
,Ponimissionersoffieo,CM:lisle ,
Mytrch 6111,1849 it. : •
A Word ta:Morsitmen.
riIt.I34.B.DERM'EI O ,IBB.D.C . 4,TION is de
.cidedhiher.tnieiqieparation,,t.hai - eon • be-
Aisqd foc the cure of 'Sprains, Bru-
Dalla,•:Splint, ,
.T , .‘,l , P. 4 ":' ,7., .,,Ripitborin,Bintvin'Buffness of the',
4 7.T0int5,..,4te.: fa•on• article.•which
..,...shoulC be Ati,titi , tuknAlo of eyory.'
inimini;mo'nd• .no ,Snahlis 'Should be nithunt.a ,
1 1 , h ,toljpot,,.ri r p„ T icapnly,9.5 and po, cents par. tiot-
Kiva, TO, On. 0.4 y ts.l4:Vglarson, DA and;,
tor,atue.T..runotnie arm votailoit,,VO.lo6-ziorthl,
iPannd ;axe. Thiladellibin;;and,•
andfrotaillagent,,Carlisla,•Pii„ , f
. s;e" .t.;!•.'," • •
e i a p t • ,o n f t i lp r ' o li d El!
Hunt; fat-4ra, • hoin-all - P era g na "
lore to home made • -.Greajiabk439-W e indebted
irgorttnd 11°6
YVili m) - P l an A4illlO'tha .tai
-March.?-BtsGrtyaspx. - •
-7 14 all7i i
r,of Pitt
r..f '
i . ;#igh , afa r
re.'oOrefor,tete onittie most rpaeopti
a birgeeellgtinentof oNOthetngi,!'eo:,mi.
,cifiii,'.ofienioale;J,Paiite,,ioile':&/t9 . 2:1, , 1
most aseitl Rateutlelicin..ri„77'ufur.
aseerteeneer m,krtT;;saitgy
'Soaps,. Shaving Pietau9. l htf i
40 grEßtYffigig,toitrritl4::it
''& Ciotti b F lises itaTt,'" l t 4 Ite °°-
r f
:g'` ek ` -' -FIO
Zak' Stande, - .'Neti0144444 & Soo
''7'iinti;.'44 Note '4oiter,..en, yelopos,
''Untyw,§eitieolp, •1040 'traps,
' 4 l.llo34:loese,ei:Foneve 0o rnetier: l ,lPath ii„t .
'Card 0
L .,
;;;'.m'Oktlgiti • itfreltattlicateekirhit PrePar°oc!
', , , 0 101414 pifiehisere; for' C4Bll' . ,1
C 1141410 Itiiktutfy eitti 11}49
~...,. ‘,,14,1::".,,•:1; -tie .
4:' Er f',..,. ' '0 ,' ii‘o• - ,':. , . , ;,,..,,,..,......
-4.,.. vir ~,rit . l . 4ttrA lo g y , .p - s tiiii, / , ' ,
~,,,,,;•;,.....,,,.., „70.;!...,,cefwittilet.ii‘°,11"NE:
' ,,, •Att , -i. v , ,;:,,, ~..,..,;t h,,,Fitylszli ,7 , ~i:e,r,.A'.;& ,:..
7'.. a j.., P .urFp:.goi,l7siiiig.
,:,,,, „As ; / , , , . A/ IttlFißtP :Y
...1?4:4;: - ;;g:!.V.;:f ., 1• ', : - ; ',. ; , h k,:-.:'1;;;;;;
''' ' '''''''•':' :!''', '..; :C' -:.:-:''',' ',''.",,,:?:-.H.:,'''.1".',"'..;;[,::;,;/e..;Y:'•,Ji.P.-:',"i
- - - ' ''' '' • '-''..,-1,1'.';:',--.7(5:...'',:;-):--,':!2, '.:".,:Vi''
`.l' - '• et': ;Ufik,3,4
quires; :.I:llrectors onh'pe 'l . oh - E l *** o 4 - cif
~ ,, ;c(iniiiieiitua county, in account : watt saidcoutify, , from thevlstAt i ty , o f
--- Rianuar3r;litthw Mt - day - of DC - cethbar:;:t 4",",
• DR., - • • •
1 1
.o amount. ma astuutton a. so t 0-.
'...mein iii 4847 by Jamb Squier,
R sq., 'Treinturer ? , L /8,143
Amount drawn frm.Co. Treasury, - .
--. received 4f Shrom for hides
• . • and, skns,
far Tallow and liard ;
.-1-- of J. W. 'Eby fOr use, of ,T. '
Robinson, icord.l,.
of Dauphin conntylor sup
. 'port of ,G..0001d _
of .Aleitarider for use -
of VSnodgrasitaq. for use
for Apples.
--=. for Blank Indentures
of Snyder for &chest
for use of Cider Press
for one barrel of cider
for" sundries
$5140 67}
*Amount duo Directors by co'ty 451 80
JACOB SQUlEkEsq.,,.Treasurer Or the Poor House and House of Em
ployment o`f Cumberland conntyAn account with the Directors of said
Anstitution,from-the -ist,day- of January. to the 31st day of December,
To amount due at settlement . $ 843 29
received from county Treas'rer 4000 00
from J. Lobach, Steward from
different sources as exhibited
in the foregoing statement 297 383
*Arnouot - due Directors by co'ty 951 NI
$5592 61!
•Paid to Directors since settlement.
Mead of Karim, 29 head of Horned Cattle, 32 Shoop, 28 tfoga, 12 Shoat., 25 VIA 1 Car.
Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, fattened and. killed on the farm in 1848.
1 . 5 Wives, average weight 510 pounds, (17850 lbs.) 13 Calved, average weight, 70 lbs. (910
lbs.) 45 Sheep, average weight. 49 lbs. (1205 lbs.) 34 flogs, average weight, 227 lbs. (7718 lbs.)
making in all (28683 lbs.)
Farming etensils sip the Farm Ist January, 1819
broad wheeled wagon. I narrow wheeled wqgon, I wagon bra, I pair of wood ladders, 2 pair .
of hay' ladders, I dearborne and harness, 1 cart and cart gears, 1 sleigh, 4 harrows, ploughs, 4
double shovel ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs, l stone wagon, I threshing machine and horsif
power, 1 funning mill, 1 rolling screen, 1 corn labeller, I ground roller, 2, cutting boxes, I flax
brake, 2 log chains, 2 grindstones, 28 cow chains, 6 sett of wagon gears, 6 sett of plough gears,
2 sett of carpenter's tools, 1 setttof blacksmitlgs t_gOls, 2 sett of blowing fools, 1 sett of butch
ering tools, 4 wheel barrows, k cruet knife, and a variety of axes, mattocks, shovels, spades,
picks, crow hare, rakes, forks, cradles, sickles, scythes, si4le trees, double trees, &c. &c.
Schedule shbwing : the proceeds of the Farm for 1848.
730 bushels of -wheat, 42 of rye, 554 of oats, 1350 of corn, 526 of potatoes. 10 of turnips, 40
of onions, ,3 of little oolong, 15 of parenipa, 14 of beans and,peas, 50 of rod beets, 35 loads of hay,
13 of corn fodder, 13 wagon loads of pumpkins,
8500 heads of cabbage, 9200 cucumbers, 62 bar
rya of cider. of which 28 was boiled into apple butter.
Manufactured and made'in the House and Shop.
179 shirts and chemise, 36 calico frocks, 35 cptton frocks; 4 flame! frooke, 28 petticoats; 66
aprons, l l4 caps, 10 sun-bonnets, 9 pair of stockings knitted, 16 pair, footed, 15 chaff beds, 50
sheets, 28 comforts, 111 pillowslips and bolsters, 40 towels, 23 barrels of soft soap, 95 lbs. of
hard coop, 234 gallons of apple butter.
The Directors, 81. c, of / said Institution, amieic the following exhibit of ex!.
tra labor, 481.6.,.performed by the Stewart, Matron and Paupers, from the
Ist day.of January to the'llst of December, 1848; inclusive, viz :
Made 37 coffins. 4 double slicntel ploughs'. I large gate, dining table , I salt and meal chest, I
_pair of wood lad lore, 5 single trees,2 double trees, 500 rails, cut 100 horde of :wood, quarried
stone,for and made 20 rods of stone'fence, done 30 dollars worth of blacksmithing, burned 300
I bushels-of- lime. • . . •• .
. .
. , • .
Number 'of psupeta in in theinstitntiori let Jitirritary,'lB4B,, orwhich - '24'WOreOeforid 149
Number admitted,up 31st Dec., 1848,01 which 33 were cord; its, 7 born iii house , 224
Making the whole number through•thw ,- • , year •''• • • •‘.• • • • • 0,; 343
Of; which 24 died, 3 children '' bound out;•26 - eloped; ' '326,
Leaving the number of , paupers in, th . e.hous et itineli;lls49;:lif Which 26' ar'dcol'd
Out:door paupers supported at publici aspens ugh`the, yOar,`Of'Whicko' haa heeri
• ,'• •adtnitterl and died • - -•''•••• • " : • .••'
Wholo number eupporte'dlat Januark, 18 , 19- •••., •••.-•
Of•ihoekreinaining in the Poor Rouse. 31st DeOeiriber,'.lB4B; there arer
• `s”;,•Males 74, of Which`l4'are colored i •
t - • , •,•• •• Fomaleis.43, of which 12 ore colorad;',! . ••• ""- ••,' '
••••‘-'• 7 '•- •,7, '•c•And'9 - Oui••do'or 'paupers, of *bleb -I w colored;_'
Average nuMber'per dai•:l rough the year •' I. '''‘
•,.• There Ore aat neatas : can;•ba , ,ascalltunttdi ; nnalw 140tir 3; '6
. 1
Om l• t'f!:‘ 0.; :151 frdth 5 to 10;'8
from:1010 20; , 7•lrdni.29 to-.BoVloiTom op io Ah it 2TfromlOAll 50t - ,' TiOrtt 50 ••-• to' firtr a Troth - 1 0
to. 0;19 Trom 70. to 8 4 . 6: friiin:,9o.•,tO99; 90.t0l 00; : 1 oho:toe-100J • ' --'••••!:••.-. .••••,•1
, e• ?wt. qim Prrj. •-••
• ; • ,•
i . .'. P.-. 1 1. k,,tii 1 , 5 U "..... ';-.1?," i ,V 1 . 11,1. •:,.:, ~ 1!,'1 ' LI , V -, ! r• ,, !*:i , , Fili . iti“ , Y,t.t: ,/.q1 , ..- - 41
i , ''.,11 . r.;!:; - ;• . 4 ,- ..; - • It •e • . ~.: ' ,:' , t )1, ~.. . tn•r,tali' - ,•4•4 ';' r ~k,k; • to1 : 1J41*I t) , ,„..: I
,ti , t.,14/-I , ' ,T , ' Sf,il,l rl'tt,
1 "iiii'llii iiigir ,, ; , ' . ^4 - i- i' iii; 7 ;ift" .. Z:: 4,..i :+vx/r4111,6 - /U. ...ini ,, ,`ie.t>ti' ' l l t 1 V A : : ' , `. O ,
_ , )%,a,i , ii , .. ii ,
1 . IA , tore ~ t a tr; totoofitti, 4•10..¢10, o},rroptoylneot f co s, , s otoootionopoun r
l y.; d oi ce,rt i f r t hqit h ckt a tt o YA. l49 lkl r 9 re gßoWAlßlSTic.99.ntaini Out? onC4ruo:Ntbiblt 4 0 1 1 4;
',amp s Afthe lOotootioo;4tolou l tjtemenqdiatlfdva tot.e4-pooohitog t io the , yoot of our knowledgo:
i';. - 01Yelt Uißrar.9cittofit4 OkirAskaiAttY REA: 111 0#11, , Ar.R,..r:3649 . tivv! , 111 - t:' , i11. ,, :4714iip't ' I ,', 0 ~f , '?..
1 ~ - 4,, , 7',1 : :vs - ,l;' , ',;P: - ' (i6hlyirei , i,..: , 0 'i:.:4,, r ....:F•1 1 ,, ~e , .1, 13 ; 11 40 1 ),441 EEHE,7 1 ~ , r,-!;,;,1 ...- I
1- ttl; •!' I , ' 2 .A'•,';':!?',l l'ig,f-tiFt'e ,t:! ,. 41. ' 4 ,,) , i , i, , . t . , 1 ,,W1LL14 ..4K0R. , ,i , ,1 , r4roctorC,
i;, , ~' ' ' ' ;.•I,s474,csit`c C.Mi . t,i, i• ',l:, , i , ,t 4 P, , i,:i t':i' , A 1110 ,MA . giThoß4git - , , , ,, ,i, - ..,i,: , ,
1 .--- : , , -,, : ,-)., ; ,, ;;f , '") , Aot , ' , .) j 4 a .. •
:J:3' .......:...,-,....:_...::..:.,' : . - '4'........ : .„:,.,::.,..,.'. ~ . ._.„ ..t.
1,u, , r ; 4 ~ ..,',-1 . ,"01, ' ,'.0., F .•::q,./,P `,.
.'..,,,.-, , '• .` i- ,i ) 4 .7.4;1 1 t-riiti ~ ; -4p.,..5:. • . •
- ,-..
. 0 0 : • ,. • ~ • ....w'r,.,',.t..i•r):,,c5,.1,!? :,....,' v . ' : l. I.f . ' ' '': '.,,„,'.:, ji ... -,
q ' f ' ' :AiXi:. :1 1 ,!; : "i ).',.,\;; , ~, 'l r ; t; , ~1' li ...
'''''t'ir kiij''l4744,lliiii4d,li",4olc..arar 0 0 1 hPi lill°4 1:4 dt ki)i . ;43 ' ‘444 1 4 11 : ' 0 3 i ;. 9 4 itY i.01:4i t(')l6i4l'
10 , 1 , tig, 00Sn'itrOLP:44004Tittr,i0419119hAtel,l,t1rjb rep to r 444414 he I , Ppot ;, , 4 o u aft and #OOOO of
~ b ,qui o X; tiOort , alot:das?, of . Ittouttrg to , ; theOWL (pit, of Deeetofiot o :l .. B4B,,
is ifailtdo 0 6 , 1 ',4 1 ) 1 .11:0Nq 'fid4' ll ,`,: Illiflldelt to API-'•Plii: 3 o.or o "r9vPiamlioProur,pumisod:lmq
!%fri4 6 181011optt,twiolghty,,fou4diVoiAti t
„coots. byi . „li r a wt,„1,,e,.,„,,,. :
,l i , 4‘ll6ooforfl i tind# lifltlfpoil r oottiol. f 4 dttyof• .IryauEry,,,.. , A;.. ~- J ps
.4 ),, i ,:., : ..,, , ,, , .....:
1 ~,,,, - ,,, , , ..,,,, , , ,, . , 11, , ,, , ,‘0. , ... .6.,., -,,,,, ,,N„J.i0,:;,-, - ( 0 ,-,1 .0 !-Aittaiafitsriv., Silt EN "";''!'1:;" ''''. Ili
.0.# 4 ,? ..::...d.' , . 4, ','''''.1" , ',•...'....:',c,:'4.t, , , '2 ' ~ ,..; ' ,-; , .l,• k rtyposgw,., D ivlbtaki l li.; ~,,,:, ....i , - . Ai d u st si, , ,
..?...,,,,,,,,.,,, ,-.,: ' ,1,,,,,,, r ,„ ',.. , , : 1.i. ;; i t, ; 1 ? 0, , ,, ,', , , ,,. J161114 , 13:1FANDE gil';' '' 7 '.' '. l l , ' 4l ' : ''
Oiiii 'f l ' i ' '.' l'4- t' • . - I ' ':' . Lii.4" : -'::l , :+';' , 1 -....H. ,-, ; --, ,":::'. ) , , :',:.;' , :; .'. :: `,
'l , :,.9.', , '; ' _ : !:.;'":::iii,VP/':,..
c(F4i- „..P: . •:.!,-„.•,..,,,, ~, ; , r , ; •::, - a; ,;.., ~ ,,: , 2r .,' '.',_.‘ ' . 11 ` , ' '," .• : , ",. -'', ,: ;
:-:.•C'';'/EA , ZiA';7? .. :;'.. ~ .':,••it.',i4t'.,i.'if-.'-'.');:' :'.',,v.." . " , ;.-7.-',', =V''; , ;, , r .:•' - .' '-,' • _,,.. ~.._:, :,..' :,,-.
GO 00
30 00
15 00
9 371
4 10
2 00
1 60
1 86
1 09
1 02
0592 41i
repairing coal stbves '
Paid Blind Inatitution for tuition,
hooding and clothing' of S.
• McGlaghlin -
- Philadelphia' Alms House for
support of sundry paupers
Franklin county Poor House
for support of sundry paupers
for supp' t of Out-door paupers
for Constable's fees for remov
ing Paupers,.
' for outdoor funeral expenses
- 1131771 it-door medical aid
for'Plaster .
for lumber .
--- for Castings
-- for materials, improve'ts, &c,
-- for farming utensils, tools, &c.
for printing ana stationary,.
for postage '1
Joseph.Lobach's salary for ono
_ year. (hirelings wages incl'd
Jacob Baughman's salary
for!one-year • • -
Jacob Squier, Esq. Treasurer,
salary for oxo year
Hugh Gaullagher, Esq. attor
ney, salary for one ytmr
',Wolf, Esq. satin 'servi t a
as Director
JACOi) Hersh%
William Ker
, 1
$5592 511
By cash paid orders as above stated 5592 51/
Stock on the Farm Ist J anuaiy, 1849.
1 i , ::; , ..,.:,.. , ,f,‘„,!, ; 0 , ,•:;;,: : :-„ , ;, , .x,: . ,_ , ,, ,, ,-,:., - .. - .1,
I;. • . ~.: ,„: ••,. , ',,, . 421 4' '.. • ''....• i '
By paytnprit Of interetit on dower in
lavorollfrs.'•O'Brien on the , land
. ' purchased 'of .•.it,. , McDowell,' in
Coal' for' 'groceries, .marchandine,
• 'clothing; and bedding included
Cash for stook... ,
--- for rain; floor ; bairn's, and - for•
• :grinding. ::-- - •
for'shoemaking,• tailoring, and
hinting . .
--:-.. for freight on coal, groceries and
lumber •
.for stone coal - •
for hardware, cutlery, &c.
for leather,
for potatoes
for carding, fulling and mane
lecturing t93}`ytirds of satti
for carponterwork . .
Cor tin and copperware and
tinkerbg •
for coopering & wagonmaking
for saddle - ty
--for blaeksmithing,
for now stove; siove•pipa, and
g 213
— Neu)
L.,: •
- --wifloi,tllo.Ta
.' 2 .1' rsli , ap-
AliPitiv"47'l,e'lh.7l 46iltnat :lr lir Gitlin Of
', NOTly ••-r Apptll.'6:olTecktifyi'fak a
-- ply. st;t ..,o.Verllirt lig Ctkinlleillt
Quaiter lidesion. of..„, iifliou.
.. ...,,„ 7
r.., , _
ii4bit,lolP tthoewin'sifii..,.f: 'i`pfUK.l_,,.
-- tw i li t - I'. in Allen
..., , f the ownsuiP
i nediA lVi t abbrland. do
..; Wet' tlaY.andenitatit*lßY‘: ,a4tiid: with Ole
of tkie'''a well ''q9 E r st-h e is er:Baad
certify that' we_ a re e illbrrorti4tm- Ri d i s well
above mated Ge"4.faiidtaalgetablitteniendels-far
repawfor hondstv
e ,
boil! rdorwlaltt*d trmilarar
provided: .ajtAhdatitok,er attanq . ,.. I
eu„sty to, oa
th° acooramu T 4, „Iviorq.." - ithin, strangers :
an 4 that:auall'n bile alul', o l4CP .• ; 4' =
e ne o ut
B e d i
te,mr ere' it a s; ti
,:c;ioil Black,
y ,
i ,
ii.) ; r: .
:07 , 3v, ' i : le i :.-
ii i
. 4 , 4
E. -
10 4:
1... ,1 1
o K i, , 1
11:7.413,,ni1 Smith,owr
D ShbbP, I '',..°93llitsEli Niligr' ..,
C Stoney 9 , t ,,- . a -1... -
sl:'9B 9L
1695 58
- 841 87
327 98+
279 32
120 101
125 00
1/1 5U
.114)1M.A — A,
NO''= le' h'iCiti,gi;, , Onitititillitind,4
ply at the..4ippling..A'prif Tenni drthe..oouit,of
gettoor Sodetons,of Gutaberland*unty, tdt
'lit:tease to . k e ep hoitsei n •the, one now
occupiedroe to,NorthMiddhnon
'March:4-31. ' . ",GE9; §WIOEItT.
We, rho 'undereigne'd "ciazanCof'th"O' town
-441P of North Middleton:in:the cloinft,i,of Coot
betiond,..dit-conify that.we tfie Well."-avinaint'ed
with the above canted Georgo'Swigeit , that -hal
is of. good repute forlhontistyland 4 letnperanOit
and is well provided with: houde,rootryanttcone the accommodation epetrengera:
And ,trayelere,,pad.that,aueh in,n' t,
oesiary,to Itesonuncidete theAni,ttdiP ankenter,‘
thin etratigers,enATitriiielfera..'„., .
li'l3'MdrifinT,''r 0111,1 'Code,
liriti; 3 1 0 - Beadier, 'Conior Heni#,
Smidg, J Thinned,
Seidler, A Mor,dorf. • ' '"'
98 i7l
24 31;
38 96
33 75
39 896
63 70
23 18
94 00
140 98
50 30
191 75
• Application for - Tavern - - tense. •
NCiTICE - is hereby giyen .11tat4 intend to
apply ht. the lumping OrVici Court
of .Quarter Sessions for n license to keed tt pub.'
lie - louse in the one now occupied bp . me in , N.
• Middleten township. • • '
. Viris,the,.untleisigiied, citizens of NOrth
• (Beton townehip,
,do tortify that we ar e . rtgli -ae.
niminted With the above named Ahrabern , We
goriettlitit he it; of good.reputo "ler honhety and
temperance, and , is well provide'd with honk'
room and conVenienee for thcOaccomthodatien
tif strangers and tra'velere, end - that ,
Tavern is necessary for' thekeeetiamtidation_of
public. r.
• G.l3rindel, Wm- Brown, J .lideCord: -.1 We
gener, P Baughman, D Wolf, L 13 , Motdorf,,
Hartman. Win Shugliart, Gr Sweigart, P. Al.
bright,Conrod Alordinf, Al.thonipeon.
54 97
60 44:
• '.24:00;
'32 09 •
15 15
65 391
25 50
3 50
3 04
- '93-75
26 00
4 50
4 50
• ..ip'plidation for Tavern License..
O, 'ICE is hereby given that -I intend to
apply, at the -ensuing ApVili_Term of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Gdinherland co.,
fora LiCenee to keep a public house et the
Dulilin Gap White Sulphur Springs. .
. Match 14-3 t ECO'rr COYLE.
We, the undereigned,.bitizens of the township
Mifflin, being situate in ike'comity of Cumber
land, do certify that we aro well acquainted with
the above named Scott Coyle; that he is of
good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
wolf provided with house reoni.and convenien..
cos for the accommodation of strangers and tta
velererand•that such an Inn or Taymie.necint,
:ary o accomme. ate t.e pu to and - entertain
strangers and *revenge.
'. Win Knettle t P Meows, A Middleton. I W.
Sterrett. Wm Mcrfoneld, 11. Snyder, 7 Wood'
burn.J Miller, MEuder, N. Brown, G . Gre.
'gar. Middleton. Y - ' • •
1.7 00
Applieation - for Tavern - License.
. biOTICE•iif hereby given that 'intend to ap
ply at the.etisuing - April Term of the' Court of
Quarter Sessiones.ol_Cumberland county, for a
License to keep the public - hoime formerly
kept by John Boon, sr, dec'd.via East Penns. ,
borough township. DEM. BOON.
March 1,4-3 t.
- .
We, the Undersiglied.. citizonse(.East Penns.
borough township, in the count( e 1. .. cumber.,
land, do certify that.wo arty#6ll' two:wanted
with the ahoy* evened Bordetimitlicoe,. thairbt
is - of good'ioPute foehonesty and tempentifee,
and is well• provided with house room and cent .
veniences for the accommadatiott of strangers
arid travelers, and that suchen Ina orfravemiar
necelitary to accommodate the public and en.
teriain Strangers and travellers. ;•
.T Gafcird, H Church,'Wll Walhurn, J Long.
necker, A Eslinger,..l Holtz, D Oyster, J Er.
ford, acob Erferd, 1) Criswell, I Pelt, Geo.
Application for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given. , that I intend to
apply at the ensuing- Ann', teret.of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a
Licenselo keep a prhlic house in the one now
•occapied by me, in Kingistown, Silver Spring
March 7,3 t • ' J OSEPH. SADLER.'
We, the undersigned . ; CitizarielfSilier Spring
township, 'in the county. of • Cumberland, 'du
certify that we are welt acquainted with the
above named Joseph Sadler, that he isof - good
repute for honesty and temperance, and
probided with house room find convonienCeitor
the accommodation of strangers and Travellers
and'that such on Inn or Tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public:and entertain strangers
and travelers.
G Read, 0 'Wftgner T b ilamptarCi EM
minyei, Wartime, A Miller,
Wallace; 11:Speidel, G Eiduelc; Raman,'
Wm Williams, J.Forney T7ishet.,4lo limner
AppNeation.. for Tavern . ' License.
NOTICE is hereby given thatl intend to ap.
ply at. the eneuing:A.pril Term of the ,Court of
Quarter Sessions of Cumberlorid.-county .for a
License to keep a public,housii'in'tho one now
occupied'by me in the borough 401'11816.
'March 7,-3t- , W ORTIL
We, the. undetsignediciliien's of the'Weet
Ward of the Borough of Carbide in the
of Cumberland, do certify thee welare:Well act
nttainted.with tho n abovo named Henry , W:, Orth
,of repite for Itemety,ao tem.
derehee, and 15 well provided . with-Unsolder%
and conionliencii.:lo,r..-the. , ...siCionintodation4f i
strangers. undirevellirs,iind , :that 'Buehler' 'or
tavermisheedssary,tcreedominadation,the pub
lic and - Ontertairratraitgefs and travellers
D Rhoads, R'.ParkeroAV Lichlerllt Mor
rie . P Weibly, J6Mtiorer;:.LkLeiby,.jr;, St . W. ,
Leib*" 'lY , One_ri GraYrlr'
C 'Gibson -J.
• Heyi,'s, plibigiiiitiiii r
.fdrilloro — 'iiii - 1
, , .i;,.:;;-[iv:T.HI13,.. valuable •14 fq!,oa .
..:, 4s" 1 ,• .. ..04770,KiWi1l aura!' rain 4
I t
+:. , r 7 ;,,Fru4leso Putei . ffellt, well+
' 11)33k. •• ;•) 1 .41 lA4P 4raulloilu.:;all.d.:.oll
• - - ' • eamp tyrtmk.which. raguire , an
cktornal rothod • ;-,,,'' It:Alyea, froriiedinivielief,'4o
' the pc,tatchraq: ';''OL`thelncideiii to Iforsea hav i ng
-, • WhiterfildVend 416'84, produced by . po St. 4ohn
, • Waft.•';'•ll le oleo higlifylineful,in - relaxiria Idiff?,
nose of thecTondone' and4Oinia add , Orddacee
• ' beneficial 'effects in cracked heele;• brought on
', by.high . looding, aplinarepraink: , This ;Menne!.
•••• ph:rip:L.)B reponiended •to :Fanners, 'Farrier. ,
Keepers of, loy_gry,,§ .. tablea, and., private, gentle.
-• , won oiviiinii ;format and, shoUld be constantly
kept in,•thetpstables:: "The ,GENUINE_ art s .
ale hipreparadmifly t l y ylr-Majtiniirg o No 302
Mien et; Philadelphia. :
_ And . for• into, Wkalietde
' Ond-refair IVDRiItW
ALAN'S' Drui'hfiorels7.
• Main tirdoti'ffarliblo. -, •--'; , ,•• ':;, ' 1 •• • ;',,,,,, • •
' ;1111iirch.14.,41y. :•: -.:•:, i - i i,:is! ,- ';."-•!! -,, \ •-:.:t7 1 .. - !, .
. r .
' .- 14 , ;."-'..
~". ‘'..'.49.'''"-
) 11 31013grE „
dot :lion thO ! ;oPlVeist
OndtHigh ktreeti4:latelr otkupied
her yelloMplatod; for. a . college '
r.,lsiat tri g M i lk Mx...YEW opplyto, ;;;,.
'Matool,;4'." , 1.604
ijet?iebeii - etii r friiiiPikr
;11433011, IPPer v E , Q * 4 4 EX'ff.PBOSIlliJO
Ilgar l fa t 'WFM l l l #lX9 l l7.
1 P.1 2 1, 4 1 . 014 . 4. A.
JUST rOceived end • for
AttUrAoV=slllClUe.'.. :
; •
112 Y
IllnalitilinmirkfAVl ll S;.Co!le4.43o ll 9( l lPF i ;
TiehholCumberland anutilyonid:(o.44,4 ol . 4 ,
Public sale, Mt the Court 'House, in the boritugil,
- , -off:lturlitsleViit-1-ILo'cloekilton.lin -• ,
D r itD Y
A 'l l ot
. 'l43i - ea'
Kelsomidlithers,Mfd,theWahmtllOttem road:,
conta(nha FO ACKER, Min*.
ing thereon erected aiweatory,LOQ:llo, l oSE
ass. . SeizeiLand iaken • In : oxen - itian ~ ,Iti,„the:
praperii ofl ienes H.-Criam - :,/,,
a'Tmot of Lanrl f situated
;ciltinilning:l44AtMit; uiril!
bounded by lambi' 10146 Millet-on the
,south. Samuel •111"Daw, " on „the
,Wolf bit the east, • anti . .14413 - 4,tieeb.eY Lan.
,west; haying thereon erected* tWil l in,oryl.,Cr,
'ROUSE; Log Ebro, ate.: SeiZedand taken in
exceutiOn 'as rho property ofJohn Dunbar,
Alsoi'a 'half Lot of.',Orsoiidisttuat
vd'on ffie - mutt) side Of the -Piffilte Square
.the borough', of Carlisle. Pin
Moiety. of Lot N 0.144,10 the,plan of maid bp.
,rottgh, bounded on the north by p.,-10t30,1.Fred..;
crick Watts, Esti:east by Hanover street, and
south rind west by an Utley; haying.; thereon
:erected a two story _ BRICK 1101ME'ttutlhheh,
;buildi7 g.• ,;„,
Also; tits. stops Stablifaal.6iirisgb
sitiiled'On Beath end -ill
• with - ,rigliCand:PriYilegilefrtbo - Yard:!ffi'front'
• of said Stable and Ctirriegillinuife.'lltednuton'
wits?the owner' of said other, Motet:l' of Lot
'No. 144, bounded en. the noillthYilatorie
ble of F. Watts, Esq. east by suiffyard; month
'by - a i
alley. and west by lot,lfil, 1 tgc --
Also; , one -moiety of Lot.. N0i,.1 ISi
bounded byLot No. 1260 ti the*astolouth by
an alley, west by Lot No.11(1, find'nerthbY the
.other - moiety of ii!ld Lot No 118. Seised ittd.:
taken in. execution -. as the property Of Michael -
Ego, deilensid. .
• 1
A)só Two. Lots of .Groupd . situated in
Springfield, West Pennsberougli township,
bounduid hy lots of 1 hos Duffield on the east.
by a road leading Nom Springfield to Turnpike
• sonthitY it 17 foot alley, and Wait. by - lots of
WM.. Moore, having thereon erected a Two
StarjL - OG - 1101.13".F414 - stablei'ater, ---- Selzed
,taken in eaecution as . ffie property of
.Emanuel .. Steigleman. •
And all to bri -sold bime, •
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Fob: 2 , ;She9
stir. S. Tr 0 151: .
n ~~.~»
celebrated ETH •L OIL 'At. LAMPS
also PINE anerCAlt NE • OIL, with d
complete assortment of LAMPS for burning
the same. Having taken the large and conve
nient store, No. 187 BALTIMORE STREET,
(Baltimore,) extending through to Liglts street
nearly opposite the' Fountain Hotet, lm is flow
prepared to supply Dealers in the aboye line, on
the best terms, both as to quality rind ptice.r-
He respectfully asks tilde! front
. punetual deal
ears, believing it will be to their merest.
_lLEitt.the_LsoleiL egOntforibecelebrated
.a new and yainable invention by which Ethe
real Oil itt rendered perfectly harmfass, and the
light of the generating lamp as - controlable as
the common gas.. . -
Feb 28-lmo . .
rirltiE subscribers invite the attention of Court.
JL try Merchitits and purthasers, generally, to
their, large and well assorted stocks of CHINA.
whiCh.fiss 'been received by late arrivals from
Liverpool, imported direct from the best menu.
factondir, and at such prices as, cannot. feil to
please. goods sold at this establishment are
put up.itoistid and as selected by, the
weal} end examine before making their purche
les. J'C BOKEE.& CO..
.13trivard Street, bets init'Fayetto
Lexington Sts, Baltiompre.
• gab 28-'-,2rno.
Mos°lotion of Covattoopihip.
THE'copartneisbip heretofore existing under
the name of M&'J F HOOVER .ia .dia-,
seved,,,to date from *ha Ist of March, 1849. The
business is now, and will be in lutere,.cenducted
exclusively by the - subwicriber) Who
_will ketip
constantly on hand a well selectsinteirassortment
of all ,kinde of seasoned .LUMBER, and also ah
ass/rtment,ol COAL. &c., all of[whiclehe will
sell at low prices. lie respectiully solicits a
shirp:Orthe public patronage confident that he
carertirider general satisfaction. '
' Feb 98 4t pd' ,SAlf,f. M fIOOVER
To • Owners and Dealers In ',Horse&
for the Mut .of Founder, Split
'Hoof, Hoof-bound Hornell, and
• ti ."1 4 1111p ) contracted and Feveriih Yam,
= • Wounds, bruises in the, Plesb,
Valleießai3ks, Cracked Heels, Scrattihes Cuts
Ificklotii, on' horses. ^s•
CARLTON'S. RING.BONS Ctratt,.for the cafe of
Ring.bone r Blood Spavin, Bone Shavim Wind.
galls, and splint—a certain cure (Itr This Ring.
Bone Oni . l and the,-FOrinder.Ciniment are pre.
pared from the'reCipe ao/oly celebrated En.•
glish Farrier; and will etirei in ninety.niue ca.
ses44oCone bundled of any' of the aboye coin.
plaints ,Theiltuye been used by' Itirtni4s, liVery
tnen aftigeknprietoric and others wish the most
rrierked'and'decidottetieecots. For Sale by C.
OGIL , BY% ..•,;•' • • . •
J. F. 0111.114.L1ER
. ,• •••-- , -
General Cortinntion_a rat .FOiWarding
MerchantNo: 79 Bowly's Wharf,.
2 ' fi .6ll;TlM ORE'
60l the, nib-of Flour. Sian!,
t , Cloversiod,
Whiafte o y ol itnmber a 4:so. 4e.; Also, for ,
Warding. ' via .Tale , Water% Venal rind
4nPliveninnte.; • Orders for ; fish
Sal rleater s , ace, dr.0. 5 , , , Supplied at lowest
Having been engaged in the above butane,*
during:thedast. fives years, a' ontinutition of the
patronage of..bi9 friends and, the public is re.,
IPectidllYiPtatea.tide s- ..• .
, „
kAIf.LEB,t, • %. , t 4q:*
11'1 4 sk•E . Harriuburg
•Bgaxnr & kuaLER, -
l Acon anent Zerlielo 4 0 ,611.-
GEopoE SronOO": 4 -
NochOniootOrll. Po.
Fob ! 4
i. chalets' Uran us , consisting of refined., L
endieh, Anti , Nerve, Eldorado , Luacious Luxury,: )
and Collpflap chewing To bacco. Plantation.,
Regalia!, La Printavine ! , Pellon, llick -Hondo,
Bermadan4 Crispo t Princspe,,lcneeita and , ma,,
fly Adler brand) of fine•cigurp, also fins Spaniels 1
and Half,SPanseh,-.Bcafforlatt and Dutch, Smo
kipg_frobacco. Long stout clay and stone Pipes,
Ike, &o. i Np better salesman canto, fisund in tho
place, call end see, alb .o ba,lid.whpleaale &. rer,
tail at.the Begat &Tobacco Daps ,OCtho.aubp ,
scrthe zi in Weal :nigh, •poet, opptetitp,; the k V 4 14.
. ..,„'' , i TlloiiiitS :0- pßii(rkkt r ` -I
- .tiiiiiiii:'Nknuaiy 240 1049, , .-„ir., ~.. ~,._..,,
.„. ~,A r!algneesibilp:Accotlief4.oo,
Irlilip ACeciant Of disielPtillipivicAlliteq.,,lii: l l
algae° - til Chriatibir::Piele'r i llisiink lsOli'l
presented to' the Cisurr'ar Cirtrutiblf:Pleiss or
compound county, said Court uPPliiiliiidillie,
1 ar day 'a Aprll l'orin, 1844, rdettle fiend 'RN:
'nip of quid account, and ride ion ell operpontil
interested to appear and show - cause' why the
sentoollsold not be'illowed. and`confirmed by
*mid Court ' .IXEIL/I.IIIIIPRIDON, Pro'
, Pri5..,V,,, 0 4, COn . 41 # 1 0.tht.' . 11ili; ' 44k 7 . 1' , 1. , T '
11 0, ,1 149,147, ..N , ,,,,,' id-4 5f ,
.....,,,m „ ..,,,,„..
~,,, T wr • +4
1 Diet gpeive At POWs, cm cs antor.orosso4
'aquatint, assottttank..,4l;.....VVAlliEND 4 GUM
' P a c t SH9ES ;'' . . I Y,P tt PO 13151PkWt60,t the
lowest pride i, ,- • . . . , ' il,,
Alp 'MRS.* ?i'll'iVAlCOgi itorvf'pri . c i . F
' mow! ,a 'pawl! ','' 1 ;q 4:' 1 1 ,? / ,';',' ri;'-t. ' , '_ , ,,'1,1;:ii: ', 4.:1 , "-i,
',ls :f. ll V) l tt AV,',"” i ii,Z. v .' ',,i :,,i,',.. Y t ',:, ;!..i ,; ' t
i''' ' Jtll7 sigtr t 9V 6o *• ll4llr i ts 3;
';•! .4l, tift .. ind'iiinefarity on: of, leitiri:
111 4144,9 1 77131 4,brA tr l itt4: , 9 owe
ititilitirkti - AM 1941 r. , a 411.panbrac" ,
log 1 1.0,0 0 "Ake (9 1.,.,A11p
!pelf price the OrocOrytito,or-_'
10:111,0telii4,-- -,' - , , ,i w 4 , , ' , . S W„t4l4ll'.
;,,.. , •.,., „: ' .; 4:1 ', ' ;), . • ~,, :' , ~,
SHELLER., for the counties of ,Cumberlan d,
and Franklin , ..„ Farmers who - hove, use
Corn Sheller . , pronounce it a most itivalusblo in.:
vention. simple in its construction and not
liable to ,gitt,out of order. It separates the earn_
froM thci•ciab`.' without breakinkon her, and •,,deli.:
veitthe corn clean and fit for market.
from ton to twenty bushels per huuri, - Eight
bundred'of thorn' nave; been sold the pustseason
by the.ieventeri rall;of whieh *bre highly ep;
Pro teC, . . • - •
. Persona iviabinilo see`tlni obeye can Shale
ler, go by calling. at the Shop ot.thci.sub,
sc riber,,porner of,NOrtly lianover.mtd , 4uther
etreets,,garlisle, yvherojie IvijiAitop:,constantlY
on harld'a number far , sale. . - E
very fairer
antfirtiller,shotild have the abrpheap but val.
,uatilOPtirli . Sheller. • , • • -
San 3t, -
•..• • r
• Aiwood's Empire Cooking Stove..
IN again calling 'attehtion ..tot.hls, unequalled
STOVE, the proprietor' has the pleasure, to
inlima . ...the public- that (externally) it , has natter.'
gone oarentire change—the pipe and hearth phi
red :ciPposite , oath other, and a SUMMER
being - atided, thus rendering,it rallinOSEl o 4114 .gll.
lean theiri3 'ls
' janotherfaultless Stoic+ in the mar
ket:Ade ie unquestionably:the' best; at} it now
'embraces every. valuable improvement possessed
by any other Stover in addition teaomeliticulig
to Itself, secured by Lettere Patent. .
.The succestrof this_Steve,ainee Its-introdue— unequalled. Nothing liturever been 'ef
fared for culinary purposes that has glveninieh
general eatieficuon. Stoves have been copied
•alter ire form; some dealers have 'even used its
fundamerftal princ iples', . but - the - proportions were
so unlike the original; that they bear the relative
value, that a counterfeit does to agenuine. eoin:7 ,
ComPlite COOK and other COOK STOVES
in great variety. Persons desiring these admire
lila Stoves, are reqnested to call at the Stove and
Tin-Ware manufactory of the subscriber, on
Main,street, Carlisle, who is agent for Cumber.
land county.
. "may2l JOHN D. GORGAS:
, Estate of' Gabriel Line, dec'cl..
A 'LL persons are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on the Estate of Gabriel
Line, late of South Middleton to mnship,
countyolec'd, have this - day been issued by...the
Riigtater county, to the subscri
bers, of whom Time. Lee, resides in Dick.
inson township in said county, and the other,
Mary Line, in South Middleton township afore
said'. An persona having debris or demands
'egateet the estate of said decedent, aro requested
to- make known the same withnut delas k -and
those indebted to make payment to •
Frzbntary 7,-Gt Adm'rs.
•fi4S. I EV33 I 24IMILS;34O.tIgitiEt 9 EMI
No. 280` . Market Street, 'above Eighth,
THIS f large and splendid Hotel= has been fur ,
nished .with _entire - new , fumintre.i. The "Bar. the largest:in PhiladelPhiu. , The Far-
lore and Sitting.rooms ere* inutility separated
from the noise and bustle. consequent to the ar.
rivet and departure of cars. .The portico ex;
tending the whole front ol the . house ; eirorde a
cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid
view of, the greatest thoroughfare in the City.
The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. The
Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel,
with every attention of the managers to makeit
thebest Hotel for Merchants and business men,
during their stay in the City. The terms will
be one dollar . per day. On the arrival of 'the
Cars from the west, a Porter will •he in attend
ance tp convey &c., to the Hotel,
which la adjoining the depot.
Feb. 7, 1849-6,n.
larElEßEASAfie`iionarable Simon. HELP.
straw, President Judge of the severdt
Cuurteof Common Pleas of the countiesof Cum.
• berlatuf, Perry and Juointa,
in Pennsylvania,
end Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and
Terminerand General Jail Deliiari, in...said
counties, and Hon. John Stuart and John Clan
denin, Jddgee of the :Court Of Oycr and Ter
niftier anct,General Jail. Delivery, for thitrial
of dll capital and other Offenders, in the edit
cciutityof Cumberland-1w their preppie to me
directed,'.dited the, 9th. day Of Jan:, 1849,
• Mire ordered tllp Court ,of Oyer and Terminer
and Glniersliall Delivery, to be holdetiiit Car.
Hale on • the Od' Monday of April. l :next,
.(heivig.• the 9th day) at 10 o'clock the.fore
noon; to continue tiro weeks.
NOTICE is therefiire hereby given, to the
Coroner, Juittiaeierthe Poofce µnd Constable,
. °fetid laideounty 'of Cumberland, that they are
by thivettid precept cointhanded to be then and
'there in theif proper person'', with their relic;
- records . , jounipitione, vreminatione,: and ;ill
' other remerniiiancee, to do thoie thingo winch
'to theirofficei ap . portain to lie done, anthill think,
that are bound by, recogiviin nose - , to lirovecine
o ffa i ne t, thirprieenewn . tunt nici or th en'aliel I be
in the Jaii.ofasidi county are. to be there
• predecute thorn ite shrill belt:at. •
Sheriff's Office'. Carlislei?
,Vigaubacriber chatijnarrecateeCan neeott
'l3o.rwhiebt , heelbeen'finnd tole invaluable' ,to
suck fie;eroeifflietcd'with crick in the back: paine
in the tedtkand.bresatiepittingve &c: . • •
T-This setwle.ia also found to -be of 'the suttnotif
importance to children liredisporedl4`.steeping
' and' betiecielly to females whore tealthrier , fire
payed, and °lien totally ruined, by thia'hnbit of
, stooping,. which, is entirely.l ;hareem ' by the .
Feb..,2*. ,;;
233111' ' ,
. ,
HEREBY itt (Mtn ir;ljte ornate
and the surietinMem, eettool that they. are
ofrithe'balince of , ltheir ' , Whiter. Steck , of
Goods at "great ly'red used% price6;l3olllo. littidtek
soushAstow ~ F/1181.`. - COs ' Nota , ,oti?karid
.2. 22,g00d assortment of z.Clotltsitt2assitpares. Ote
1 , buts, ,lolannelai ,, !rickiota/littslins; Calieoes,
,AlMtese, VecTriiptithAwlsitittiorarieS i!ze. Plitt
them a call aiid Secure ,bargoiiis, orrhii old stolid
r, - 3'doors south ottheJsoat OffMeittitdMearly.rrp.
posits *rotate_ Hotel: ' i.c.1147-Af:(1-013
1, . • • ri f ' ' ' Ill'i l iN ' . l. ' " %.'; ': '
...', . , Fiaklieht,A,` , ,„ A .. 0.6 i;.. ~
' • 'f ' h ice ido4l'lltiiottOteliiilicle
A LaT 0 4 ,0 I:I
~ _ le ,, „ A od ix ct . 3
rf II; half, 414011.08!ter'va"8 P' .. ''. - ' *iinit; or ,
• do hi, wholcosoathilf4l)orele, 10 :1 11 91 1,
lo l a by, ~;,,,-',:-,;',,,:-'. i, ,, , , , ,, 11) , 111pEt:re.
~..,,N0y,29,-,,f148,..,,,hiv'111y- - -,,, '..-.
'. *i'inteiLs.
1 ' 2_, ti ' l' A o . -fto6 iioWaViiiii itaiiii r if.. ha.
t •
avid a 'A:aegnataMtasithqOps 1:of his crod •
itors e .to7Tlio,so t 4kifdiaio. —.0.0 , •,. 2' .' . f.. 11 114 4 t ll 7d i
i 1 y . 41! 1 , ord . Pk` t . 141 : n teltifillt ,ife 15 7' 4 1 , 41 1 , :' ,•.' 3•
;‘,41 14 , ~, I.l9lKipll.F.A vilierio,.,
4 , 0 . st
~.y.,4ii ~, inboriilcowllsh ip,f3sip - 23 t#, , ..;;1.,
r '
..1' r • , '''' ^'' , ' ', ' .:'. .
~:,•'. ,• . ..:' ,
4'." r ! ' •' ':4: ' ' '• ''' ' '' At ' l l tiVat ' i , °o o l ) . i . O•P, ' ' • . ; * .:',4:,
~ '' , ; . :v. • ,',; l i ,y 441-10t1016.*Aod, ,
f....-, 4 U S E ' i- ,....ii.iiitr...pmrp4l4.astcs.,:,uork,ot . r,
•thl tibroWits., $ ~,
. 11 ~
l' ' ' ' ' l 1 [li ? e ti '414114:"4;: i1 1171:°114 ''
' iSb :, ;
V.- kolAdrieri'Ml! ~w• ' . '
'A . Ist
, Ak, 44. 4 tri• FetAh bslib tier , ' ,
"''' " ''"" '' jAG t. O l' '"1 Q.0..v4 '- ,
.; -.. i t el , l4,3taaa iiii s i . .,k' --- .,.; % :f , "'-v... ,,- .. c. , :-' .'. : ..,.,
, . -,- , .1...• ~ w
.:,....f.i......,,,,.‘ f 4 .. f.4.•.:. ..,,.."
~. --
rs~ , . ..
4zerteriirsartirer ataccifittmq
south. West strestAireatly • - .
.I'6lipoisite4,tiagiti-B:psilkii,-Plie' •1
°Utile most, pltiesantly situated arid •
'0010;11 7 0..kter111P4P9. 1 0 0 ?
scriber etnismtere Main Birect VEVA
11.71.'f )I , Forrt
' ,W114,1401. , m1
IS4CBTOA,EI-1?..,q4") 9p,kritt
Boukh4eit.'cornei lot' or ilpi , einitrq square, fidic
ocoupitut It‘obWrp Irvine ; tijeo
rElaEaandAtiOl'A ta,Mti,d,l?k,
- Jiintiiry.3'.-if 6 • ' 7 t au esr,
%J.; ivivaimiv i t! J.
• s.; A rwSl story..weitheil rtroardoil
; I/WALLING .I'l9/1. 1 4, 1 ,.
1111 trearifid'Of•Higttriirebt,mitith
4eorriocoupjed ; tor ateler,a,i 'YearaMS:
• - a )3oardirrg Houoe, 6tit - is etlitablo
fora, - ,,S °War plothiag Store: 'EtigaTt% 01' ;'f'
jra3l ~ , S, 31UBAX. of
Rent. • • • .
- the Public, : : .:;;:kuttra ire d
, s ;; • "I , 4ypier. Alen two
• .p LI kwii--atnryrrilß•lCK
• ••:- ' fiaLISHS.• Pin3sen ‘ i9n
yen ritt,,th:e Ist 01, pri,l. pest 2 • Apply L. •Ifte,',llo
Bank tot.g1;;'••
Filb'euitryl•7,-4t .4w,- • ; •; ;
:01 .4411t: - '-'-
TfiE : iiiroill'Feim-iniihe Turnpike; ;lima ono
oile'West of , Ditliere
letilyAttalehed.; , :hcontallielebouk
Duty Oni3 tierce. - • • • •
• t'fo
" Ai
Jorioto-y.:,24thv184ni:t1.2.7 , -.Loy -; Lo
;0•.011 :.•.3,,ofrt i rß e ht 3 i
oifetiet Hier
sirpore hnowri as the•preiterty:of.•
41etter's ,Iteirs, occupied by..lati,
'Mien and others.
t weivO\ rooms, 'a 'K rFra m e Neat
Honsit atid'gßrt)pg lOrge enough for two or three
• onion 'Yerniltes. but „wouldNkrefer to ',
onli`ortwo '
Feb.l4.- WM. BUTLER. AC , Eitir •
• ArTE 7 Rwe •
• .
111R00111 AND ' - WOODP,NwiNtAtik'
JP- , Store, No. 63 North Third street; ofio door •
iethovriArbh',- emit side,-Phi Intl e Iph io,-nt nu fe etre- ,
ere ttndmbolcenle, deniers i n, 011 kinds of•SrpQMS,
Bruitherti •Ttuckeni; Cedar Wore„,__Willow._ntid.:.
Treirelt•Hasliete7ShoeZat Ortisties,'Scrubs,
Aiettiro„ Aims; Blaakilig, Entnern•inade WOO&
on,Wareeveq, 41er:wit:kit, et the
owes duirkot prices. = , mar
Nine Tracts of land for - Sale.
On Saturday, March 24/h,1849.
. .
THE subectiben will' self et pnhlic ' sale, at
1 the house• of David Common, "(Carlisle
Springs,) on the day nb•ive mentioned, it 10
o'clock, A. M., the following teal estate, to
wit - •
'Nine Tracts of.l o -An - 4.
-Sitnetc-in enitol - tnnrnatili; - Perik qinik,f;
joining Linda or Abraham L.mboon;
John Cornthan, and otlicro—d . o,ocribt , ll in!. 101
lowa : ' , 0
No. !;'containing 81 Armes, 82 'Perches.
,No 2, containing op -12•1 "
[On this tract there is An excellent
perches, No. 3", containing 16 Acres, 38 perches.
No, 4, containing 26 22
N 0.5, containing SO 1 ' 15 " - • .
,NO; 6, containing 44 "1 9.0, " • -
No, 7, Conteining 53 _ 44
No,-8; containing 47 .. 192
• No.'9. containing l9g .. 118
About 80-acres of which arc clear* ( 12
good meadow. land,)all in a high state of culti.-
vation, having thereon Meetett a two story log
Double . Log I3Jlillrn;
ialGrik . 316 lifflalltAttpuiciFi.Z.-
. 41 .
an the necessary out bitildinga., •,
,: There eXcellent t eepte'otehinl tin: this
tract, and a very :large'entr inpiricr:Tron Ore
Blink. These -tracing - are all well - watered,
there being springs on each of them;
bars 5 end 6 have valuable water [Maroc pe
culiarly fitted' for the erection of Saw Mills.
This land lies within a quarter of a mile of
the new State road over the 111buntain, at
Grain's Gap, and. is .covered with the best
Vine and vhesuut timber in. Perry co only,
TerMs of sale will be' Made known, end 6
good and indisputable title wil l bo'i 'Wien on
the day and place of sale, by.
march 1 1840—ts • " - '
Instruction In Company and
Regimental 'lnfantry DAIL
THE undersigned' respeetffilly announces .o
the_citiseha-of_Carlislo t test he intalids opening
a school for instruction in the'sbove drilla. For
further inforniation Please. cult on Ine at 11. L.
Burkholdere Hotel'. J. F. /JUNTER.
feb 2 / 1 -3t •
•"'• No. 51, NORM SIXTR Sinesf,i'PH(LA
DELPIIIA. Qives Drawings and Specifies.
Lions of contracts to erect. Dwellings, bte., and
lay out'the grounds for - Country Seats er Caine;
teries ; together with the arrangetnent , iir Trete
to gibe . propar:ofreci:
Hospitals, Prisons„WiterrAirollts, ; .Pas-Works
&e., orilhe.ltiteet and 'trifler kplireiled plena. in
cluding heitiing, veutillitito: ;- Wel) VI;
Keep tbe.Feet,.Dry.
'BOOTS— &. .800T5.4.... SHOES.
TUST reciiiVed'at P, ORTER'S Ell OE
t/ STORE'iarehh"rladOitinent'sof'overy, t
cle the shoe ., comprising :: , .
Men's calf„hip, water-proot and thick beets.,.
cel,l kip and thi ck brog'apa Alonree'e,„,.
• - Niillifier a•and.Slippere,: • •
Boy's and Youth!!! thielo.'boota , and &bonito
Ladiea'..naprocad, rlid,rinclOjeather4poloittai.. ,
French lice,, Oitifer Ai•cc •
• bleu* arid fancy Colored:room her h 81 /E RA:
LO pPVER BUOBO• attcli,RPA;4llQ)SSzz fii
great variety. -.. , • s
Tliosa %the idi)d..lVoric'etlfiirr4"
'prices. are solicited te" . : I i 3
..Drin% forget; the pIaoa—B.OBTER'SitNEW
STORE, Main street near , the Rail it 4
- •
~ t • • •
s ; DUc:6;IB4S. .!)no
EstO(o.tas., ai or cc,
LET ETAS 6Adminigliilol39 , ,, Or tbo,kaiatOy•
of M'yrTfllAS SAILOR, late of South
township, emulpirland ,
hiverboonigranted itv the Sublieriber li , eiding lrc
the sumo tlyyt.lop.,;.,.:4ljl;persqns)viilivediumois.
o EiG
gainedidlstato to present them for settleli
ment, nil' those knowing themselves .Indebicir
-0 op*OplroodiatorpopsnoottoYmwoyooso,crrqzs , ?;
, Foti 21-fit pd" GEIY.:I3II,ALO.R.:IIIO.
f rAltite. kfPfir Shad ) , Sainsonl
.111dorol..aid Hod' Cheese,' conetootly
.as :for safe' by lIPALIVIPR &J ClX,llfiiikots „-
Wharf. rbitodel;
7 77:'i''
i ‘• .11x t llarkV,;', ',(-, W,to
,SOll CORDS tip tioiki RI. 4 4Dg QAp '.,,.
' '`.." BARK; ','*hi:te'd'tit• IWhiOteioes,*,l4l':
frtewhieh .3 ' Per 'obratfoi ',.thi" . MultiVi,...*: •
4 iltrlitri i f . glkirr°4 tI•WM - 1 . 4 7 4 , ev:
i f pot f,, t4l ) vp d:biiiamtnii i .ki i , i r . ni, / ,4
u t x . 1
ii Vittf
ii tin_tmoillti st(ytiti,fit IS , . 1,..*-
4:4 1 .4 4 V1,011 4 TV • • ••• 1:•il
1 4.. 1 1,1!..34.•9. . 1 :-• ..12:,.„•4•*0 I ntai'' 108,4 e
1 tiraitilaint*o4. 3 / 4 *06,16i1•14:itt
I , doe . Ceerieheiill'AMet.,
__,ert..1414, a 4 , -,n:
20 boxen Tin Plate, juit`XeC• l 34u:AUW 'a , . -,..,..i ":
the Cheap Hardware Store 401 ??...iiit . ' 1 7 4 "''''' ,Zfft : t,, :....i:
• Ifeb23 .• • • . ,W•4101/9/4- Ott VrOtf,r ,:',. ~
iM,. P .
lu nctiiM l
rait ll , 1:. 4 t
l e , rt l ,, t t V Fl,Nernorn4eOklitu it tv a 4,.,.•1i' -U . 3
••t d l' ;• Q; 9 ioo• 00(famthtAunto, - 1
-;., 9qp y4:
i 4 , 1' . .;,0r kilo* i 1,444100844_11. 011tirj` '.44%,:l
' MO 1614151` 011ifeinift. 1 0111)10 tiVird. • 4
. ill ; fif , Viat 'rjo ititli'F o therial '0441.49, ,",
f'' rac e r/ gots of • -•'' L \••'• • '•
•" z .•,,•• . i
, • •,,, ;•••',,`• , , • i•,O. isiiiprfs.,-Ag.'
i ' . ',aritile: latfitAth Iflef ' • ' ' • i tik ,''','ll;', ,-.'-'