Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 21, 1849, Image 2

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    '.3:lllstprov.lit t a#l
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NV'M*ESI)IEIei - tri*Reli -21 ; 1 "
American Art Unions
.-' • New York Art Union.—This institution wmt,
ostaWilied for-thrnpurtiosircif cativo
of the Pled ArtettlfrOueiont 'the 1.11 States, and
to encourage, Ainearecin Artists: Its plan is that
e,very individicileubacribing $5 becomes,, tinienk- , ,,
• hilHatroirnyettrloll6llffidriliii itibterned is ep ,
plied, liret l ,totho procuring ofmiarge and . costly , :
'ingraving;fronf. an original American picture,
every:!rnembar recititreali , e6Py • and'
nest,, to the nere l lo o r
''Statuary,' or otherivbrlis Aat, ‘v,k t ich arc ex
hibited in a ffeo galler rsi ,
dhfteri;Mi dietribut
ed by lot among the members; Thns , for $5 ev
ery member is sure of a fine engraving, (Worth,
'that money) and fins' rho ehance of Obtahling a
fine original Painting:. The. annual distribution
takes place in December ? , , „. ,
Philactetphia Art Vmoli.-:,'Phis association
..lhaii-the-same , dhlect generaljplan
as the N. Y. Union, eacept, that. the successful
' member instead of
_drawing_, particular picture;
'draws a certificate 'for a tepeclfiod. sum, with
which he may purchase a:painting-of his''
lection. The ftrst,Mondey,m, May, annnallio is'
• fixed - tor - tlie'diatfibutien of the prizes,
so. ; that all subscrlptiansishottla'.lM
the last Monday M 7 l4Pfkl-nfSubserib,erts,foOlie.
Dr_eselit dc,eiva an engraving from the ; '
. picture`of Ruth and Boak;Oecutiia'brSartain,'
A, , ,enty one,inches,by .fifteen, :
VVe are auth - OffiedlOeceive - subscriptionsfor
• both of. theee•inktitiitione: Mbie detailed infer- .
motion concerning them can'he obtained by cat-s
ling at our office. , • • .
The appointment of Waiter ta Presi•
dent Judge of the district:of CumherlanA,
Perry and! Juniata, is received with warm,
expressions of satisfactien .the ditterent
sections of the district s arid abroad.."
The Seri:hck ptiblished at
• „;
lc When we sailhat the apfleintment of
- -Mr. Watts-will'-give : -priiversal-satisfaction,:i
we are sustained by the - undivided voice of
the pdkfie of the district ae,expressecl prior
lb the nomination. Mr. Watts is•generally
acknotOedged to possess illeanetressary.qual.
hies to make a. most able, efficient and im
partial 'age: He comesln - the bench with
a high reputation as a jurist,And endorsed
by every one who can claim his acquainr
Lance as a man. of undeviating integrity,
honesty of purpose,, and one who will per-
form the responsible doles of 'his station
without 'fear, favor or affection.' Mr. Watts
has ever been a consistent Whig—vias the
Whig candidate for Congress in 1838, -in the
district composed of hoists, Perry and Cum
berland, against Mr. Ramsey—but is one of
generous and liberal politicians,
--- an - d -- tursuctrirtespected - by
'real persuasions.- He is somewhat past-the
- meridian of life, and leaver , a practice worth
treble the salary of a President.3udge." .
The Perry Freeman says :
• ugmverrier Johnston sent qruto the 'Senate
• on the 6th inst. his first noiniriation We Pres
iaent Judgeship—that. of Frederick Watts : .
Esq., of, Carlisle, to fill v tlie.vacancy occur
ring in this Judicial District by the expiration,
• of the-term of - the Hon. Samuel Hepburn:—
The• people of this district desired with
- great unanintilyokis-nornination, as. Mr. W.
has long been known as one of the ablest
jurists in the•Commonwerilth?'
- From the Harrisburg Telegraph_
'The appointment of 'Frederick Wawa,'
'En : , as President - Judge of the 9th Judicial
District, seems to-hav43 given universal sat :
isfaction to the people t 1 that district. As
far as we have,seen the appointment, re
ceives the cordil and undivided approba
Lion of all pattiei.' Ho is known to 'possess
Atli the necessary qualinessto make amen a
. ble and worthy,J,udge.• He mites his seat,
upsm the bench, Titha highrep,utationtlf3
,jer4l, Whieh:has bean earned by a metals- 1
bonous and eileitSiVeltiletiee,i'ltigis'kiiewir
—es a-man of greavititektity.itntVhciitesty of
,petpoqe, and as • onewho: will :not. swerve
4otalithet in the ditties of , his newtposition."
110 ! for California.
A 'party of enterpriting adventurer, from .
,callieJe, consisting ol,Messrs..Geo. Fleming,
Keller, lArm. / Kajler,'dohtt;C:Williams,,
and William Humer,.left this:place'on hfon
. t i ny mormng,..laatrior California. The party
_proceeds via Pittsburg Who rendezvous. at
Independence,' - bliictottri, - Ivhere they will_
,probably join one of the, large expeditimis
on - , the overland route to, California. They
are, all , respeotable.young men, of good Char
' aoter and hibita,:endimayibe 'relied upon to .
connect. thertiselvereedth , lbel"Law• and;Or-
r. dpr",pikrty . icitalifornitii Not one of them, we
n.menture. to say, *lll.eyerigive'v his voice in,
, T clayor Of=a4mittingibeSatit floOt 's7aviry:
, Mtd:Mat, t embryo . emporr*f Irreslom.
c ommort,wittt ouri,ebibmunity;wbtotrollo
• h 14 1 1.0 4!;;MlTl*Difit!#4o,o.44 departure,
c.FreilTidiqhfigt-C9!; l l4(tgß*4i l 44 l ;m l Wish. ;
jtM lll 4,l9 ll ooo.Mittiortgiil l oo l 4tk,Pbmi - t
—1!4 7, 44qCfra%•4 - . Allertlff4114400100 . ;;A: -,
itiNlOPtffti•llittpi4c.corilvtthot latter: 4
etbrient of the 'Senior 'Class in picictn.son
.39MlßlKsMf!q , A?l l .l44l,qw,.. , we'Understarld2 ,
;4n:1 1 03%54 flPPlYgd,t'Sc.).WAltert, He, must.
not. Mkt to' "o4yrovpoelilltlPriti' tome dtiyis.
iirigLfithttPto4 l *TPV..9.o 44,lo, his
45WMP 1 41 9 rt bhultrit:l 3 PKoll4ho
oiiltY*o9,loll*44P,,,CiatgrnißliP.:;;An 1.
• ORINififiRAPPA tegir,tki.tiglil...:;,-Weititb)
'Witt4rePtIiWINSIAIR4994V for,P.Oliftall o 4,
'retsP ll 22 ngilinkgr4494eWl4l or,thectiOtO,
Vi - iilirfdletiiiiiiiiTii=ttiki''itlitid6.lo4 , lo-:;
I, ,lyaitlive .44iiiiViiviioriiie4miliffiOir witi4eit
liiti4i o•lo46l, 6 fic4telitiii4 , y olqiiist'fiiiiii- -
o *,iilltiblikeifebeio o(i6e t iiii l ifiliigiSia'
; —4 Witiokifil WWI. NO: le isnifkienifer:
tiiiii* l itstik iii'llieil ''',lii' iiiiriiiiiilivie
, i l V4Vii'l tit. &ail life i ti lid IV' '
.con q f qf the tenure of hiseaffleitaldufi .tee
pier ,ii rite ogaiti , i n the war *
f kit itOiaibilicia,iiiied. " 1 (
,ffirto)lkzvls!'orzoi, owln(110 , 1 ,, :( :', X a , h 94 : ' ; ' *, l. i
, pAos.Aviiinhitstearitio#ANTa,..4cOosi
' 0tti0#116,401. 1 011,14 , i'40,0,t0i-uEklar44,,,
1600,ittinv—q'Pro".ff?Iftrn.', cidiehN i kpui l,% i:
, v , Ali f i l ieriffir,Og loOt 31, 9 014r1V .14X.Per *O.;
• 01 . Ifte t rFOß l 3lsl : o l olMr s triget a t i .
Js774,l : cipli o pl f,Oltn.,,,,aoltial
-, 6 fr, t .. i rs.,‘• il PP ',lel 0' 4 4 r"" I
';, A ilkilidtaT'Fib 0'1110 : f adiglim i t ce: 4 t ", t
Aliii,"ViV - ' If/ '1, 1 •"""r t4 1/ 4 4 "'" * "'‘ Eri' (40 . ,-
4411101 , :cii0estcuiairsFottenor',f-Mherireliu ti
j.-0, 11 •4 64, 4 6 goo iiii ibvi 4o 3behi,ir ,eil 11 1 11311 mc-'
"iit*#ol4.X6*Wilif l64ll 4l!d,o llll o,o.oq 6l
% , :!144 - 01141ii40,r41„4t .tlian#4oiq',*s,
~, 4,
.1%16 , 10i0,46_4 4 ,644 4 1,0
;.,0*, ,, .' lt,ii#ROboittlOctiptornifli ~,,,,'
~e:;''?'''''S'iv`6 '-,*`/.'°' l''"':' , Wi''eP? -4 ` , *.. , ,' % i:''4l'. t''
,t',7/,%t0 , '1 ? . -- ). I '. , ' ' ,4 , 1'11.! , 141 . ,.0
1. 10 R.A l hl::'YMlt , '. , :el-41; ' ,e 4', Zi'n' s. '' , );/,.. 4 41L-4 , r''- ' 4 , +l/I''',4o-',.':,,i1
. 1 ',BoitoTraln RPnoIV, -,:-..'''
,' 4 4 7 ,0 1 a 71646 2!
• 4' gal' -49 wjh SIWP'ti,.A # I "4-6 1;
to I)4rotelnopo, itod clkprB 6titateitl,
1 eliiMon b eer,Way Itiatp, viill'breeen;
-tilit4ipitio ie7 1 441141 - ticienli ' -- Ei :
41i610141 . 14134174he Aaepelitt4itaiit,_
• --,-
the aggregate of ,ertel,l party Owe a clear
Whig majority. of eingn 'Votes. In the vote
or ; urgess tw he majority for Major Blair, an
old en& true Whig, is seveptyfive. These
facts are worthy of attention, as the loss of
sever'arerstair — Eanclidilfeti' - (liorif . Pei:aerial
causes, probably,) is seized upon our
opponents ab-th9„0!!7414-5.°1A1-P?.in.o--,iic
"(66%;"'saiiir triumphantly ,
tiiisiichtlY the ;VOliinti3err
:ifibei;at; The trick of .'dividthgthdt6i66o,
'witlfthe absurd pluiroi efeotiug ' five
in'one and' lout '` in the n .ettfeti,
liaii,abio foe once • served 'Their puipose and
given the LOCOS a controlling xpajoritY Lin
that, august • body: The justree' of 'the 'ljw
may be seen -in the fact thai the minor~ty
'party ., has thus been Tittle lci ncquircta majority
in We's 1 - "Yeaf, ' by 'the
same rale, this accidental fnejoilti 'Will. have
leave to.retite . froai poweingelit)L.Orf "the
'part' of IhelWbigs thefe ices ' litde`'spiritvr
detiVity • `trianifesieckrin
otir•Oppim'ente iite"ot
the , itatieri'deirended tho is
too`oi, _
. the case, and while" such apathy
preivaili';'inir Mendel:lan eitpedt little else
'than that IcidoleceisCivhicli . islalweys 'in .
Ifighting' order, "mill easily lciuniftfi.
LOCOF 000'
Buresr .
258 James Ga4iiBber 183
Sogephli Blair
, ' ✓ssutant Burgess.
James 1 1, Guthrie 224 S Eneminier
lolrmß Ternet . • Q7s' 114' Drcete — ' 29a
.Aniefant Assess**.
Peter Weibly
Jcilria Shade
283 Henry Myers - 280
280 I lease Shaeffer 283
Teren — Cler/r. .
D avid Illyeis
John Halbert 155 'Robert Moore
John Thompson 154 Abr'm behuff 113
• Council.
John El Parker 123
Samuel Sipe 118
111 Eghert 113
John Rhonda - 123
Justice of
George Bile 136
Win B Flefiling 127
'rho! H Skilea 228
grw Cr9p
148 Henry Gould . 107
'Charles rleager "131 1 Aster Spahr 164
Steplten Reopen 131 I Wm. Park IG9
Council. -
Jacob. Zug 94 3Baughman • 138
Emery Glass - 108 Wm Bell • 133
Wrn NT. Biddle 100 David Sipe 199
P B Lechler,. 1•02; GeOL Bentz 129
D Ecklos . • .97 James Ligget-,•-• 141
...Mem of the Peace.
leaks Todd 104
' Michael Holcomb 188-
:Richard Parker. • 126 IGeo Sanderson . ',, , f , 377
13 4 Sniitil 13tilPiiiric til)aildijon 171
. • Constable,
John .Poters 424.1 Wm Holmes 162
, 4n the-countrour Jriends have done hand
somely, bk : enarry plwes. An.Meohapicsburi
the Whtgs beat•their opponentelwe to-one!
fu,Lower Dickinson, where Longstreth had
a majority of 29 last fall, the Whig Judge,
41 C. Woods, EL3g, was elected by a majoti
ly of -6. in Monroe, Alien, New Cumber
land, Bridgeport, &0., the Whigs triumphed
as usual. in 'South Middleton our ticket was
lest by stay-at-home Whigs. In the upper
districts 'we have held our own.
The first number ol the "Collogian," pub.
fished by. the atutlehts of plakin l on College,
,is " It is neatly published, and con
tains a number of interesting literary artiolem
, 1 0 4 78; 41 , 01 ;iCes,.Sta. ebioe $1 per annum.
Munn '& Co., publishers of the ,Scientific
ifolericam, hove favored us with a• Pamphlet
containing.the Patent ,Laws-of the United
Slates, together with air-the, forms necessary
for applying for a Patent, information in re•
gartijo fling ,oaveats, with remarks ; .on its
•11t# 38 ,. etc., -amount of,jose reqitired at thrkPat.
etnpfpoe,,and every other information „Apt
is necessary Winrilruct a parson in making
4111 ; gtau • application.,Priae, I2k cants single,
' 44 3 0PitIft 19f r on,e3dollar—.seit by,.mpiL to
,Iterpart3el the Trehe4,thates4dtheoltitipe
- "
,1 7 4n tee;zisithe:ittle , ef it - new
*Agricultural imipeeimbliehedin , Niair"46th
city; landcii'thei editorship's!l ttiplesitor lathes
3."Slapes, a distinguished chemist, and as
.tveleatn from the PFatmer;tlmpianneall ag
lioultatisti, -It-is isatedi in monthly. numbers
,o 1 smieect,very large,pageitiet the'extreme
y. lOW, VICO tOt fifty: cenlitlpisst annum. 'oft
Itho44l:Rurnbermayf be..
, At t t4'n' ise,, a . B iri,
imenObelvrevlt4,i,vi)llooir*it 'a high repute:-
.tion, , ,aha,soli:desprl*l4tatranige ,of aye
. ,
it;. The •, llreur,') p an ' arfner,, publethed
2 gi' el "F ' '
semi-Mtifithly 916' , Boston ' Mese.; is one ' or
the ibettotterioiihritt journals in Ihe cotintry.
Nut editbr•Mri Si-W , .. Crilitites h'io ,, &tonsideia
tiler*petiotica:as'thi tigrieulturel editor Land
(ullyiattethe thirreiitatlon.4 1 Eilair. , •;/!' , -:'
iibi, , A`iiiian'Fanner;'ktillitits4 iii 4 Baiti:
'iiltiii" and t ildiiitd %;if Mr! 13itriii4StilideT,
:4'64B*i, 044tieettilatifi, Mkt's; letitiirli
'edict of aeditileitil taft`the 4iillliiiiitilhigetl
're'phiittiotiqr ‘hil 'ill'iiikii`r,qtre:liiiiii4ll 4
this eiietiett'eiWe Siete:)'keitteB
, o?4iiteti,
•" iikieiti ! "4
ilViele.Zie);;iT(ilofir h4 Wii;iitit 410 i thpi
ldkl,Ti decidedly i;3,piies
works ill
AV ger ~ 1 4 1 8110d - c rtM§,
V, ' 1 ,,rf6 . a1PiPm , 1e,(02„ , 4 1 ;3 1 10 , 2 0 A 1 . , ,IgEl
M3O; P . ,,14P Riltl i l i k...,,, 1 ', 4
cP , OtioTheexlliitidital '4,oe hie r , o
1 ' ' " )."(i'i Iditig ' tit
M e t44B , ilititlistlileitr'otkixiiilibiiid,r Winer*
44 L'i:fo4oß(tiOilittif'ol3 * (liiiiiteti
, A: ),;',olq6obiAlliiiplii,eildfhitlikgalf,
1, 1 y. t . liiiifiltiiiliiatiAlittvisitliiiikroi ,
*lei: ~ , , ', ' • .q.'-' - ';;S''',' ',: - ,. , ,Et1
~,'-':''''',‘ ~" 1, • '‘f ‘, 0 ., ', ~,-..! ':, , , , ,'
257 7, Richter 297
Jae H Graham 81
Andrew Roberta 89
Jacob Duey 88
Samuel Wetzel 76
- •7
~..1. ~,,. ..,,,,„...„.....v.,, ~,1
~;. . Wit. 'tietsatt.
4, i_ ••la, 7 _ , eA r ford 4,j , - - , l ii ,
I'" 4 6 V1\.11,. triveif. , tit' Washington, p! , ,,...
~, t , , 91d,PaN " tete ie itit' o.i-6,11i244
~,it.t.if;ilo.l 01 - 1111, ' - r birel4l 1
.- 3, Ikliti_ de oi'Deliartmeets ere
t .
_ .. ,1 *AIN is'still iltiet_Aim tistag y A ,A
. ti''ii • 7 b . finre . confirming everyiltyliipA:=',
*- 'ion l 7n e *title , with out . 'a sinile'exeeption. At
c. the gefe9„ernitnli)ee;iyhelirid Gen.,5410.1a
baring been a eitizen,oe -UniteeStetelf
for the term of. years requjred by the.,„Coti
slit Utiou of tho d Ai,nyeck States as,the.qualieni
tinilis United States. Senator. Gen. Shields
expressed - his delerflhation:tO ti.Orf'je
decision of . the. Senate in his
might .He.alsc; denied herciA tbmSen t ,
me and his God jilat thd tier;vir filen ~bSt,
him to Mr. Breeze, he had the slightell in-,
tention of 'assassinating ,
On Monday theitkplamtio Corpslo', full
uniform, waited , upon the Vresident to ,Ye
'der hint their congratulatioUtighis:acceasion
to the, Chief Magistracy. Gen. aylot re-'
ceived titan in the Presence; of hja Cabinet.
--The oongnitulatery' addresa:yms'deliiirreil
- by the oldest ,mainbOr at 'the corps' Gen.
prtin:Cuiloa Maiia de Alvear, Minister limp
the Argentine confederation, to which the'
President • Made an . apprewidie reply.
~Thirty-two-.members • Of foreign legritidna
were piesent„
A letter-Writee.says, almost sill the office.
seekers have a•good Eitpry telLof the ' Pies
anTitithOugh nitria ati'ibt are gratified,
believe all are satisfied with the realionn
'bleriesa of his, answers. His resolution is
• unshaken as to removals. lie will make
none in and .of himself. All must.-conittk
7iiiiiiiiiiiMsipToiiiirDipatitifeht, and all
be duly, considered in Cabinet Council:
A 'good story is told of. one Ins old
neighticirs and warm personal friendsokin
• presented. himself 'cif the White 'House. on
Wednesday, saw the President iOr 'a few
moments, told him his wishes, and then com
menced laying before•him his written appli
cation, testimonials, &o. "Pot them up,"
-said the General r "l will not look at ono Of
them. All appointments must come through
the proper channel, and while! wish you all
'imprint happiness and ail public prosperity,
1 cannot make any exception to the course I
. have market! ont, even for the best' friend I
have." The reasonableness ol .the answer
was entirely satisfactory to his - friend, and
halekedmiring_his friend more and more.
' Another applicant had an interview with
him yesterday,'and bore with him a petition,
with an immense roll of names. "Mr.
TresidentP said the friend 0 alien no _et
over t tat lam sure. Read, aud- lam ;tre
you winild Say so," and the paper. rolled
from the applicant's hand aChe spo k e. The
General took it, and handed it back and said
he would not look , at it if• it reached from
the Whit!, House to Rochester.. It must
conni ihrbuglWthe department
So you see there is noway H of getting oYer
the oceupant of the white' house. endite.
"who climbs up any other .way" than the
right way, will, in 'good Scripiuraliihrnsetdo
.gy be 6 - dated "as a thief and a robber."—
The appointments• will not be made with
any hurry, and the . President and, his Cabi.
net sewn digiosed not to buiTy4iitifteik: .
doubt if any other appointments are sent
, to
the Senate than thOse - designed to fill,Yadan
cies already existing and new offices created
by the acts of Congress. Among these, are
the three Mexican Comaiissioners, Secretary
` . and Clerk,—and the ap'poihtenents for
Minesota territory:
• - ,
• 'The gentlemen apriointed" . in oonstitete
the Boaiti of Commissioners; to adjudidate
the claims of American citizens against the
Mexican Government, are Hon. Geo. Evans,
of Me., Hon. betel) B. Smith, of Indianna,
and Col. R. T. „Payne, of N. C. Ile was
Colottel of the North Carolina Volunteer
Regiment, and served with distjnction in the
Mexican war. Cid. Payne is a Whig.
Slonaker has been nomiF - ated . llavy
Agent at Philadelphia, in the placeof S-Paf
tersOn. Col. Bigler, democrat, haS,beeit're:
nominated as Post-master at Richmonil, Va.
MOClintock Young litts 'resigned . huiplace
as Chief Clerk in the Treasury Departrrient.
Wm. B. Norris, formerly' of Main county,
but latterly of Lancaste has beet, appointed
Surveyor of the Port o f' . Philadelphit.. Mr.
M'Gaughey, appointed Governor Of Mine!ur
ta, it Is said:hari been rejected by the Senate.
t our New Poitatlter
•The editor Of the NO "irdßeCptliier and
Etiquiref relates tiii'lottOWiti aneCdote of
I Mr. : COlianter,'Of cler'neW Post,
triaster '
"He is, loam extentoare even in this courrL.
.try of wonderful opperhinies and %Militia*
• forrsuiecess, the artificer of his oviiiltireinis,
hiving:rassed, himelf, by; the pees strenuous
efforts,, from poverty :tro.his.illfeAaPl'Oefle'p—
To illusttate his eicestiOnti .and-ehys.rerits,in
thin niarl,withOuVaniproPilefyi,
repeat here a reinerkk*alterilld'. him oniake,
at; a dinner ot, the;gradoates of hiir2lime , ,Afa=
fer 7 tha i ciniVersitypflreprioirprover a ‘ yeal.
ago.: hpealiing one
dente of that' inifitntien, - Whcr.pris in
- 'Office
while lie 'was in.-College;ltic
~never,heartthim utter.what!shemee to him
lit ba - a rash reprool t ,bnt aneeounl thatmari
' When hit,directed harn,neyeregsin to sppear
.in 'the' recdtation'ineni - Without'Shois. The
.-Infraheese , of: the remark,' tieli'aiti,ter;ruiig
; ; from the foot that he,hadao ebotar. ,. He proi
' . cured earn, bowery, and!, fer.,the eake„er
' "eironemy, carried:thea in his, /,and ~to,hci
' dear'of 'the'2reeitaiicin ' iriod, 'end th ail pat
the Op:" i:': : .'• -', , f , ' l : !:-!(-7,5tt,i ,:-.... i , t; ,-.
..Suah'ini . ;'ititlatiotti l ij ILisis better" than . ;I
"Patentcot r.cibilityi 'mar WC' fritherluess 'that
I'Mr:OollOoderi'llillTmake; in' et£l6ien - mut
of" , ttie.!-PAitLtiWide: l : l llli. l COilitliiiii; it'neert
gharrlly be, Male ;10, , V , frtend . re . t e cheap
:r" , porgagelayitti!,:`,-:;!! ,- •k , s: - 7 ;"''''''. t'''''''' - '1
;di ,T1 , ,'. ' !,t.::1 )
111 ; 1 !TrifErl ''. ' ;'. 5464 , 1 iiiiieciiitiiiii6ted
`return ef,#arite''''Armit.—`llr , $.6. dean,
liCieseent;iiiiltre'tittiiait; haiiliiialited';tiel
verlilerriciiP.F , lPeiCer:'"lhe'')iOiii l iiio.Teriiif
- ,iits'fikiii , 'th'eicWoillilif li J ititigilibil*,irkir j i,
' - 'irtnero'..siiiiikaliiii,iikpfAiiii4iiit 6 liiiii' , ' - jialii,
k tilliittithiit.Siififeieliiiii liKbiiiir iiiiileiiiabi,
vie hi retie:id Ati - 414iialie. 4 .0Ottinfitiereriki
4if hfii , :fas*Oliittiiiiif niiiife'tillm t i vo'friti
, ; , :tkiloi*ctiliiiiisin 6144 iiiiiiy;:iaiiisilitileAt
liNall'.ttitavi4itiiiiVileiiiiiiiitig t4Fici i ir;',,,, 11 .
, PM
i ii`Ottli:44l . ll,ll6lbitililoooo6lF(l";l64 3 o4 ,
1.::****1001#7 081110 0 00 Prlifittak
41 1 ,4,0 ili 6 i/401 1 0 11 0100 1 **W*1
APtitiPigli6Oitiiiiiiiii 0014 B: 'r''" '•'
I.V:'' , • e-`,1;:t%!,•,;• ~, ~,,),,,,. • ; '7 , ,
,i . `,k'' '' .. , V , V .. ',''' l'*' , l-'' , i,P,' , A.; * ', 'ON ; . " -. , ,, t • '.`,,,r, ,,,. 1,;.
•-• .4t.4,,-;::,•,;',:,"V; '',..l.4lVC ' Z' 1;X:,, , ', ' l' ' "... , `!, ' ''," -:'':?lte:iiblr.'
74' , .QRy:';': -!.'i'-',sr
' ._,.,,;'.,,,
_t,,, ,, , ..,, , ,i.v , ,,.. , ••,,, t:,,,',...f.,..:, _ .
p §,,,.g , i- - - - 7-• . 4., i.o . .f,'4lo,l l APY'll!ltu , Dank.s..,, r
11.„Q..,,,0tn'-'..ft#Wi4l39,gtel°P(o'co leaders
I,. . l ;.%tle r i : bk, At kki#l - 01 1 0hir.ig '.'up'44Pdi
i.7,44l. 40400*" . 1,1fe1/4,..0i, r it1 )60 i no 10r
I , •tiiiik.-iiCtiqiilittiiiiliiliiiiineiYat - Olos," - aq .
i • -4 • •-• . ?.. .. - ": ...- e': afiltitir"Tili - ifve cos our LTlTslatu 'are or el It 'alhea
• , •, 1 '; '• „..1 1,1 -1 3 L inv i i' -. ir:4. .F.:.-A,i ~.
~ _:- ' . '„, , cg. . -11 •3 4! ({ .., ..1 , , , . --.:tf
e„ 14theiN,plitStple_t!.! = .,-;, 4 Wel, bootless. TneL jenly Itecht?eAttarhl
?taiiipi f, :iro;iii,r;ll;il(4;4as* turns up ' they sta) for .or care about is, to "healiTrOi-
Itii 4 4etieill'i tileitiiiiiiiirthie rinci le in' "cornier ' Gov: ' o - :to —, 'il 17 le a e
- •
09 , 413 1 Q41!4!Q/r-!ke-hiMqgiggcrY'9( - 4 11e 111 : 1 Qg I ;4e!!POY.9 o aflrlOal:thay,-.9a!;;
Prfftsaktr4illong lox a stlfficionAnntidlar•.ol As they ore. very , sagacious, at au
Sens file tan - 6y - fitly be s:ble to do it.: We .
;0a peerunon,fuld IlAY,:l'arthlitib,off and shall see. t •
dO,,filetr::l4ortit';se. the!, oontiMps,lble t The Lancaster Union mentions a report
juggi5t;,, , , , ,.;7 1 10;-; I 9F OI °QQnPrPPQ - Yl 4 ralll I wa) . -,, that - allispositionexisted in-certain-quarters,
1 0414c!!!,;1 1 10°.:ffle9. I94I I !4'7!.QMIPI I) P!!y , to daleat i the -aeons!: appropriation bill, for
.141l!!Mt,9141 (1 !.Qg.AQT. 'eintO t sl'Qu e !' !!,,government. expenses, by either failing to
; pass it in time or rendering it so obnox
•:(a!-QQQQ?.;',IYPICP!Iaer' pus to the -Governor that; he could not sign
.F4iltffnfarl4,Alle RemagruaYA.ifl l leerfted'
,it, in the hope that he would thus be com
.,be'yinlljcpleci, and the 1 11 hAildy , pelted to t e-assemble the Legislature ime-
I,js UpOri 4s Pod "Qa.Pdar! for; ditely after . its adjournment. If ii be true—
' the next election Nowdri ilio fieriest Noters .55:y5 - the men can so far rime.
of The Conintonwealtb,meau to be perpetu- gard the obliantioes. 91 their official oath es
ally iiryled-opori,,:apd- decoivoti by this 'to lend•themselveslo a scheme so yile—we
swindling devicel. TheNtoeofoco leaders enisi'thal'Gov. Johnston; will not call them
Uo - dipiiiiiei - Ottuivi - vely well -dial their:Pmd- *lc to Fe occupy seritswlaeli they disgrace.
del Whirl me : onset litimtesgsovhich ---, -.TheY 'should-be allowed to return at once to
afelnever"APected - to be earried,oe t. their homes' accounts - with in
64.1ently wls - have,this rimeaied.every 7^ outraged red betrayed constituency. , A fail
wirffercif h, - ..sufficientlriumber'of lOcotoco I. ore to pasi the apPropriation. bill Would of
'members joining the Whigs and. voting for 1. "Course subject every ddpartment of the go-
Bank:charters. with something like reason - yernmeni to great embarrasiment; but Gbv.
'ibis restrictions. Don't the honest Johnston shotilii' bear With all these evilsr-i
-seo-thot itis'abro . ad?trucei and:that' it Is reg. ther-than have the 'odium of •an 'extra sea
ularly pisyeff:eiery,soision4 Theselnivage
sioii fixed upon his administlation. if the
eeminci ionir-by The Volunteer and other . legislaturd neglects to make the proper
papers onlyinake th e fame mor e . ridiculous.
provision for the payment of the obligations
The only q4slion*, will the poo- c= of the state, it will be no fault, of the Geyer
ple quietly-continue to look on and applaud, ‘n and or, the peOple will not be slow to fix
while Air' .frifling with important inter- the responsibility writ Those Who prove
estsis iiniurrllly exhibited by'reok less dema- recreant to the trust cbufitled-to,them.
gdgueel We Isbell see. •• • •
• 4L ,, iliood Ilzample.
—l-he -Locofeco,-papers-ato-oommending-in
editor ofthe Pennsylvanian, who has resign.:
,ed ihelefficia of Inspector of Customs, to
''give the admininistration"itchance to fill it
with a person whose vtewe.airee %yith it."
If Col. Ferneyhas date so we also feel in.,
dined to phi in his praise,,and hope that
the various-other office-holders, postmasters,
dtc,, who - woiked night and day •to defeat
Gen. Taylor ' Will see the propriety of f0110w...
ing his example. This would be a- deal
more manly and spirited than wailing to be
removed, and then setting up a howl about
Through Polk's administration no press
clamored longer and louder than the Volun
teer upon the necessity of removals, arid
clearing the Departments . at' Washington of
the low whig.clerke who had been SaVed
from the guilfotine. The — long.winded let
ters of one its correspondents, who abused
Secretary—Walker-for-not-turning ont-a-clerk
whom.he j could not do. without, will be re.•
- rrieniFeTiaTlVhen James M. Power was
elected by 144 Whigs, the Volunteer gmely
wed th#4#,retention in
„ office of MIT
rfk.B.f#kY ir 4 ll 7 ° g• l fil f + ol l l !. t
of their de Tie resolution of • trtALLo•
aokdo Stnle;cadiratition, demandii.g.remo
vale* j ibe tkatudi of,' Mr. Polk, will be- re
merribered..4: The - Volunteer thought that
resolution ett;itctly,,nglit;,, Now; the". Volun
teer's, Mae itiallang , ing r singer the• Whigs aye
in pOWOr r iinit•it hiloegMhing to risk' in whi
ning and , piteaus tones whether Gen Taylor
means' to, gilitc!seribap men on account of
theif politics!, 'Shtimh on this mean spirit !
Where is your tantottemotto, uto the victors
belong the spoils".--Messiors locoloco office=
holders! . • ' -
, Good.bye to Politics!
, ~
Feeling the force of . the fact that ''Gen.
Taylor is fairly seated in the Presidential
chair for the next four years,? and . that the
people seem universally satisfied t hat things
are all right again, oiir neighbors of the 'Vol..
unteer' and . ' Ctemocrail have giverftheir ed-
Rot ial lucubrafior.e ci• little'diversion from the
stale and hack'neyed subject of politica. In
the last Volunleer; according ly , Niet
. find a
lengthy disse tation, with 'a ' ppir,n ise 'of
aiiiore, l l.if its teaditi i Ol WM Tiviste de4re it,
on a , too iritchl, neglbeted . oubjece Mid.' O.
ple‘ the Indiana. In itieiDemOciati we find,.
i , alsothe'liegiatilajerit a - series, On'the'BUbjet
' of Domino,- in, } : iyhitih the writer "eiiiiilantly
'fitie„in - vieiv ihkelffeeting of i'revoluiiiih in
popular opinion.. Neither intending '4:;tl'4‘
".finis'iii'Oniftrciir ifaii i hriderse 'the' -iipirtms
ittiian7itid iii'iiit if' rtiheei aii(ciee, vie only
allude to thein 6 *anal 'acknowledgment .
that both oar q ghb*ioel gi9l4l,lO't been
'iiitticai gone " ' A 'lli6P9h6;,saiefttle `safe"
uoderhOnent Z hart ; 'l + 4.or! •_-.; ' -
ri '
.'.neunuo'la goiri,l-The linstarivat from
Europe brines ttrktiniker_tatzt., ilitellieepoe of
the final ElndißSifelllntitnni nflibn , rnPes
and ltif!e-e44 l , l l4telttlii‘A licepplie. li'lltis
trent too k
ink' ortWe Pill 01 ) P evoio,, ' , .: 1 09 1 . 1 4i11,*
'tea ihni I, ihit' enfor iit tPe "graltar 3 l
necessary for thtiritie?eridenecfpf ,, Me spirt
it`cat 'Parer. it • - ' 0 ,, ,' ~ , c;- 1 ", - .. !' cc '
The proclamation r 'op( - tlie:Septt2lte ~ leek 1
placeo ..11. , .. - ‘ ~.tAer Pr ' r ' '' '' •
.(0 1 Pc' d qi . rwti,fkr , A l / 0 4 ,ce T99 1 1r , f! nu
.`'!a.e ielet 4 ated ki.),;. 4 4P2RPRitf i9 l 4o4 l ,i'veL_
liiiile*9: ll F,Atitht ‘ l ,,joy•rlvt*.ts lool jAn
I'l '!'‘itiltitf 4o6l . lc of,Aiisb)4 l l:fiNg . s o l;lhe , 4,&
Ou ; lin, Tan,liPlitn(cii;lthnin,ltaf nr.'OPPaPf
'not; amid the,chicffitifig,GAill,o9Wo4o,liBPici
tanner PO th e ' Yeigesil,9lAnW,S„nalba!ntad4
at its 1;40,4, 044,F,4%;pip. 1 4 0 403110:tirem
ihri peallo of. 5t.44;e10.:„ > .6,, it., s , ;,;;. 1
...: •.-, ~. ~,At .0.C.. 0 1,"..:' .. $. ~. . . ... I.
..'\ ti , re wan a grAnd demnn 6 tra4PPlign4 . o o ,..
Aim in honor of ttp ROO/1k gi,drat9Lup-i
Aetirelellloo Atlig#_,i o e! , tegOlie-c-apit - 04
The p e ople leedir'i9pplituded the aftieltlAtei:
;thijiiiilior•thiit indopedeoFp. , o3htllO-PePel4
spiritual troteero. ihtlfe lith a grantiv .
TP"A. ~ ??"'° N DI O. 4OI I ati3P-IterlaioilitAgoe 1
fi,9 l l9, l .9fAmtKpelvOliPi : Rt Ahi;4eot4iii; -
. , , ~& „ tr z, ,—, ra „, r o ,,i ii i i
. Krlntelligonoe-445 , wen 0, •° . - . t 4
Y ll/ -1/ 91 . 1 V - SP I / 1) J 1• 131!liniti dt Nlfj ~.
!parka . ..y*347, 1 019g plArea o ,lnonlluiLeggiAati
1 4 2 0/P i t”: °t'eAgOligifl. 4. # o #l ..- P - O d i
s9l4; 4 sk . q4Pllrßlo.4;iPiti , ttitlqitt', 4l o 3l e.l,44 9 lry
etift,lfN'L;Viii#44443,4gAlß.ObYt ti,*llll
! afik ,11710.°6 rec eive ai1Y,3a4140f4:;//0001.
littlebin,, id ' 94 1 :A / 14t i;°l4lllrP Pao
g ' f l
:ft i rfig,Zl74 tfl I tit, rne F.; ; fell
' tr ._ • c 1161 1414141
• /tinin§iillnnittinti'nft cntinntloo. ''''-z: ...,:'''
i1 ; r 4 ,;; F 7 ,',,t,'.:',: , •!,
'.','';'''',''4';`-' l ',':,,, „'• , , ;,f.' '',k '.,`;..f'• ,` 'r,.` . ." ;:r.'l,': ) ;
ae, OS
The Legiel#tare htte'
the 12th of . April#l4bjifis ttrefritP‘b
imjorlant oollahlklellitthaq 1 11 1 a kPt 4 l l lF- , 1
Th.tilßiti — Tia4iferpleAt :saYO he pcoft
A IsToßLE.Aciumii. - 64.istEmr.—In his ad.
dress before the Senate ; when his case came
up for discuSsino, Zen. ShieTdi — i made the
following manly aelsnoo;ledgmenl, which
does much to extenuate • the fault of his
utt fortunate letter: -
•,' Mr. President, the Committee have ac
ted upon the-evidence before them. They
could give no other decision upon that evi
dence. 11 'neoessary 1 could explain that
evidence now. - I could explain the circum
stances in which I hacii• been placed. Butz
sir, I have been guilty of too much rashness 1
already. I have been guilty of an indiscre
tion since I came to this city that has pained
me more than 'Would my ejection from this
body. I .have . committed eirors. I have
committed n Wrong in writing' a letter tO.a
gentlemen recently a tnernbef of this body.
— I oak nowledga - rartfrrorrl - Mtifit my Wilt
belore the Seneje of the United States and
before the country. When two kind, gene
rous, and considerate-friends called upon :ne
and pointed out' to. me the improper
character of. letter-:!(i hope, the- ,
nate will tolerate me in these retnarks) and
• the injurious construction of which it was
suseepiible, 1 authorized them to .withdraw
-it- imtnedtately-and-make- any - reliaration in
thdir power.
' And now standir:g here. before the Senate
• of the United States—before-thiit honorable
. body—midi Wonld say it before the bar of
God, to which I shall in time be called—l
' .• ,'• .1: mation_which has been
put rtkahat letter. • I disavow ilia tots 4 - am
incapable of, such a thouithlr—l mean of me
Juicing assassination. Sir, I could 'call up
eVery man who has been acquainted with
nth, in:the United States to disavow so injuri.
. itins an imputation. I could call 1,10 the gen.
tleman who has put that construction upon
any letter, and he, sir, could testily that, so
far from menacing hiyn with assassination,
1 hazarded and perilled my own tile in the
* town ot Belvtlle, where I reside, by thrusting
myself between him and, assassination.
Mr. President, I do not make this state.
ment by day of complaint. I make it for
the purpose of extenuating my indiscretion,
and to exculpate myself from the • injurious
imputation which has been attempted to be
cast upon me. Mrdetermination is, sir, to
• submit myself to the action of the Senate.—
To•the decision of this body I will bow sub
missively, and then 1 will go to my constit
uents and appeal to them to reinstate me
DEl.pniA.—There is a case' now being tried ,
in Philadelphia, which is the .all-absorbing
topic, and cruises the Court min, to be
crowded to excess. The Pennsylvanian
says :
case of &inspiring, IVlorgan Flinch
man vs Samuel Ritchie and otbers, is one
that has created vast deaLef excitement and
interest, and tins occupied the attention of the.
Court „of Nisi Prius,•before Judge. Buritside,,
Binge „Eriday, and in wh ich_, damages are
claimed against the defendants for an alleged
-- conspiracy to place the plaintiff, a sans man,
, in a lunatic asylum, so as to deprive him of
his properly. The whole of the evidence
given in the , case, clearly that lie gave
nosigtie ot insanity up ` to the very moment•
•of his coefinement. One of the witnesses
• testified that one of the defendants,
.11itchie; had met his brother, Edward. Hitch
ie, who informed him,that they werp ,going
to plane Mr. Hibehmaii in the lunatic, asylum
'and that they had sent a man to him (SlMl
t'nel)atthe tavern, to tell Hinchmati' to'ie-
LlXtamyntil f 3 o'vlock the following morning,
and:they would meet, him at , his bouse,in
'`Marshall - street.' The time came, - and they
';!tirtlied 'al the house end' with:him 'five or
six substantial frien ds, when they got Flinch
man into *.privale room, and told hint he •
" vas to tie main the Lunatic Asylum. 7 ,,F1e
strongly resisted, but he was inforMed that
resistance Ml , B 1150 . 16813; as, hey they ; . .fotinit
accordingly 'ko was 'conveyed 16
the ariorptti:intri , his'oWn•Wagcirt, and "driv ,
.ery,te,the.Aiiyittim by Samuel ,Ritchieiwirhert
47*st:et - narked Altal things had to be ~done
ns 11,1ylorgrin'S horses ratt oil and Allied
Several other witnessei ;Stag! 'that
, they,hua never observe& any signs'ef Moab;
hinny:of bUsinelis touts?
„actions, yr in his dailriptemourtie i r stint 4 oo
theeontrary liWit Way's prov,,iso , hir4sell
tilinteit'shrevid addiiiinsible man; '. l Wheit'it
bp completed id hot for us to'isay;Ai the
Ovidanee 'for . ; the plaintiff has,not eonelb.i
~decll , , l'hOsourti h tild asesiticip Insteveeing',
I! , :ftlitadhlri!l•4(liiii
,liti,SO4;proactibe fineppinionl'uakethillhbldl,
lAwo r ehalPo ' w ;4'Ai 4 .,tr " 1,, ,
;I I A 4 1 0 SIOCAPticIV 0,4 18 .10 0 4
.05rislkitY14::4 A r oi ,
194. 4 bithioyaritile, (Timm doOn,,to I
littolVe„lapatg. nor#WiatlYildspc"
to'APcomaftiSro46ltiteia,,A,,,:„.:,4„.l r r
% 04 : 4 1 :1414Plent ° 4 1 4 4 14 4 :figlAM ' iuTO
r yro t
„ Fey atom sops! or tirepubsoptif;i44,4tibrK
to child in f eet 11 , 00
Benton ,is going:l6'4ooi ? otiOhe
Protocol Inatter, --• 6'
. "
I -'„
lag_ ,
11 -' lad'
iCity,, e qpitak.
lot thOnf:,
iirroi Jo , o Bl 4rl9lis 'l 4d s ' Pr 4 44
. bly.aderfrditiesc 9 let liver andrrialf i 0 Ai
pr-is-lecornbinatioa - ..0f-tflese--tyl;o diseases:
‘Vhich, etith'purulent opthitiritia.', have been
, ry-pre in—tho it ms ficusa r _ltheve
,patienta" kept in a. very ill verfortied
room. It tins thus far been confined princi
pally to children.
”' W eldrifd Tricih ,fliii Illenlgomery Ledger,
thtit at the February. term of court in that
county, the Judge decided; that a turnpike
.companykrioul&notlecover?toll'of - a"lravcif;
ler, by suit, upon his refusal to pay after he
had been permitted tp,pais.through a gate—
that the onliechipulsory power Invested in
these•Companielsda,the privilege of closing
the gate upon those refusing,to pay.. ••
The inventor of the Wrial Iccomotive an
flounces -that he will leave New York, on
the 15th ol•April, on his flight to California.
The - price of passage is fixed at S5O, inCle
ding board, and-the trip is expected to
made in calm weather in two,daya—against
head winds in Ova days. Capt. Taggart, of
Boston-, has made another invention. which
will be , melte an. ex
periment in a few months: He intends to
•make the first trip fecim,Boston to 'Bunker
Hill. Ain't this getting ahead of the birds?
The Ne 'VIM* 'Natioal :Pollee Gazette
of last week contains some - remarkable rev
elations respecting the robbery of the. Patent
Oflice'in November, 1848
The Gazette has from rthe first 'charged
that the-robbery was committed oy two well
known thieves, Haud and Webb, under the
direction. of lOs.„Jaines Young; formerly high
constable of Philadelphia, but nowcvntier
suspension on account of some conrle'xion
with the Chester County Bank robbery.
Dr. Negrier, a French -surgeon, says: the
elevation of a person's right arm will always
stop bleeding at the-nose. He explains the
tact physiologically,,and declares it a posi
live remedy.. It is certainly easy of trial.
' Vie learn by the Montrose Register, that
Mr. Imes ADAMS, of Hart ford, ,Susqnehati
nail county, died on the 27th ult., aged one
hundred and tour years. He Was a native of
illassaetnractis~ unteer braid - 12ov;
ullitiOnary wet'. '
It is understood that all the Chester cowl
, ty Bank notes stolen from Dr.' Darlington,
with the exception of about 611,000, have
been recovered by the Bank. , '
Eighty dollars were paid-for four barrels
of green corn and peas received by the
steamer Crescent City, from Citagres, and
,s,ent direct to IVashicgton.
SCARLET FEVER usually commences with nausea
and sickness, great thirst,"lienduche, redness of the
eyes, &c, In two ar thiee.days re-pricking sensation
is experienced, and on eruptlon.ofa fiery redness be
gins to appear;llrst In the Arcs and arms, and finally
a billforni redness covers the whole Bode.
In cases of Scarlet Fever, Wright's Indian Vegeta
ble-Pills should be - takerrevertnight-on-geingjo- bed
in such copious evecuntiops by
rlcaliiiefer — Thlicoiiiire,tfproperly followed up, wilt
in a short time subdue tlie most violent attack of
Scarlet Fever, at the time the digestion will be
improved , and the blood completely purified •
tcrileware or counterfeits and imitations. Remem
ber that theoriginalund only genuine Indian Yegeta-,
ble- Pills have the written signature of WILLIAtiI
WRIGIIIT . OTI the top label of each,bnx.
The genuine is for sale by CIIARI,ES 0G11.131r,
sole agent for Carlisle, and general agent for Comber
land county; by wholu . country dealers will - be sup.
plied at the Philadelphi oprices.
re EVRRY -ort . g. Read a great paper's • opinion.--:
111.Makin's Model American Courier: ••These suf.
faring with Coughs or Colds, will do well to , procure
*alunuly of -
We have bud.* fair opportunity of testing the vir
tues of the Candy in our own ihmliy, and. unsolicited
(exempt by them.) we give our experlen'ce. It Is very
pleasant le7istate without nausea in its effects, and
almost MAGICAL in its operation."
TheithoVe,'frem such a seem; wet think is enough
to convince the most-skeptical. We have hdtWEds
of certificates- front the most respectable citizens of
the United.Sfates•
Per Public hpeakerti It Is most' capital ankle, It
cleating the voice almost hnmediately. It is the very
thing for children, being delicious to eat.
GEO = citsErts & ' CO, Bole proprieter of DR
ooILEVB Celebrated Cough Candy,
No I Ledger Building, Third Street.
Price I 25. 50.cts per package..
SAMUEL ELLIOT, Bole Agent for Carlisle.-3m
wilt come when BRA NIMBI:ITS PILLS
will bo appreciated as they ought antUdeserve:
it will he well understood that Di, Brandreth
has the strongest claime• upon the public. It
is true that every individual who makes a tri•
al of the Brandreth Pills concedes them to be
tho best medieliae.they.ever used. They are
indeed a medicine about which there ism°
mistake. Tneir value a climate so change.
able as ours cannot he eutfieiently appreciated.
A free perspiration .is at once restored, and,
thus they cure colds and einsomption is pre
vented. Those who have a raduniancy of
bile find them of the most essential service—
and should' , there be a deficiency Of that hp
pertant tlnifprandretir , Pills have Ai e
qually beneficial effect. Often has this inffier
tantinedleine. aired itilriable lives in those
regions where the dreadful Yellew Fever was
prevailing. , And at no stage of this dreadful
epidemic is there ea proper a insdleine as the
Brandreth rim.. Let this medicine' be uni
versally used in this disease, dad ' , no loss of
blood allowed , and few, very fent, wOuldhe its
victims SO with other discuss, „Assist Ne-
Lure with all riMpoilent 'tnediaine, ,to re•
move morbidhumors from' lho'bieed:'and do
not resort : to_ bleeding or mercury, and we
shall find fewpersona afflicted wills chronic
diseases. feritheied tabo r -the animal
icingdoin—over Vvidelt 3 via are the_lOrds, they
arenot,afilicted with .ebronic maladies. Nei •
tiler alfould we be if -it..:ware hotter our pride
the madieine which harmenizen with her and
bet Mirely 're re oveCall ni pu lilies - from
the blond.. Let me 'again , "stiyAliat every' de.
parement of theminnfaeture of the Brandreth,
Pill s, personalty, Superintended , bi- Mo, arid
that every hes with my three labels upcin it
may 6611410 d fipen to have ihn. benefiaial fif.
feetdesoribed. if used accerdinir lathe dire°•
tAcms accompanying. • .
' •
NlTZLlbet:'Citibeitson,Shippeneburg ; IL
'firatiettied,'New Ctimbeila nd : M. Saner, in .
Shiremansto:wnr...LOsyle,flegestown•-: •
. .
On. ,T.lnixrlaptho 151htinetant. by the .11ev.i.lohn
Moody;; Mr.''.lsWaelil: &VANN:Iir hteweltle;to Miss
SARAHI,4,4stue ttattqfiltndr,ety Eraser,,orelhlp,
pensbtkrg • thvotehjp, Oumberland county.
Olt Alitiritiact latit,ityZttiit'oev.
John,o4-Frltchey:Mr.. Jaetn) IttiOnts, hits! - ,14/ns A
thritb; bothltrYtirk • ed,. • '. • ,
MOH ENOSI ; 1141s cut,ring.c. ,bpill; of
On,Elattirday . the .10th Instant, at bll.lllaldfinee in
x;911.4414...A411,94ria1ti1l gimnity. Anpto iheAaluie,
.tentkry pi 14611.05 ybora and.24,daystuthitethevai
alatiOnsri trot:inn:l Alai thee: or
traveler In the ,'humbler wattle of 1111,," ; yes',,wheael
mantettl glftv;ltrid relltatitiiiitttilintientel l / 4 mPtled hit&
this.pgiteg:clinulterl etc:
Orem' •••, 4 Ezedillng • In s urbtenitt; ever' eciav to .do
dloogtikg :4110,1 1 .'.1 11 aP;Ilettlintlthilinnud:titilletInns •
'Wh.nout ft muribur , he thug tilled esteemed. an died'
lamented; by all who knew hltrl. . T.;
. '
. .
ilneootnivitigv,ignipipporiLf fetrkpßry Jut.;
11 .LEF. Onlclula ok-Eptirldm
Aqt011 1 4, 4 3,
411 WVINVIPANM i gXgbni;tggtt l i.
itit i vfiyk, t 7tagit d e iset+Avol i wrovriptittls.r;
t 4414, 1 61 i
Select School. .
.lie , lhat Abel iritends , . ispoillivg*U) IeBrOOP
street i , - vhgre ello , wllll.
rnii9 6l Wlif ItireWelialOftdtio
ettpaglitt4lkenFikQet, l o %lag 'Npril
YkSt•tu,.. nfoOprate:.- 4, lll3for§psettOyeM
t. ,,._ .,,
gpideliki hits •app,eaTed
i s.•="lslcLute "Otl , tjte
*due ' lik,rtio , ft cation
ii) . §„4n Acheek' Otfilitig
tla:..,'Latlo , numbes haVe
_ _.. .
----., . - Ipti).•;.illarkets...
. • .e.,..).-., ..„,.—,. .. • -
•..,., ,r • )IDELP I -114 March 20,1849: ,
'T ej:liiii '..1 4rliet.continues:qu'eti-nntrtilioliF
-1100;.,,hb BO '",ennta. brands found buyers at .. .
'-.4-$4-7.5*4 '' 'Llhe-uniform-asking-priee-fM-----,
i ple
libippitige a r• Corn Meal :and Rye Flour.
-Aviihikiltrabrige in Brice, and the demand limit-
- . ed. What—we hear of nmsa les; Morn - in - fair - -----
. demand,:and ' ' 43000 bushels sold at 54:„.ceitts
or-souther ' 'ncltuling Penns ,--at-the---
same rate, in. .
' . • , • ULT)IIIORE, March 10.
Flour—The market Inte'rOatty been lnaetlYe, the
..only„salea.,lielng n,
.atnal eiale-ef•ilowaftl ,
04,70. and Oily hlUla•a; a shade
Tlnteuhply oQvneatts Ihnitadi,but lii a has-been •
no - vatlatlpOn price a, Mitt/tee or corm are lotOo
mined, yellow 50 cents, and wfilte. , lo Sales of
-Rye at' 03 to 6tefitif:fiiiniiitittiftltiin.B'6lll.
John B,' Parker ) - -
A 'rl'ORNEk 1,4.*:'2--oryloE
PI in North - Honrivce tiaef; in Atti•Oitirilltir
rnerly occupied" by the Eon: f- nub'.
March 21i,1649,
or Rent.
. .
TIIE STORE ROOM• "adjoining ilia . Poet
Office on the south, is offered for relit front the
first of April next. • It is well adapted. either
for a Store 'Mom or n Lawyer's Office.- -Apply
!Unroll 22.2 E "
Brigade Impactor:
FELL9lr,,•p_rrizENs : solicited
- by :ti• riuiliber of triy - frietids to seive, writ
cunditlrtlit foAlto , i,ofqc.lll,:l.T3RlGADß, IN
SPEC'fOlt;RAfiditi:ll4offur inj , gelf.lo the con
eidortition ofsytiur supOit,
licit your suffrage, , SAMUEL CROP. ,
March' c •
. . . .
~,Brigada InspeoiorriT ' x
..,, . ,
EiT.ow-cr r i z E. N p :— Loger. ; myself 'to •
. your consideiation na in, CiftftildatY roritite '
office of BRIGADE'INSPECTOR, at fhe en- •
suing election. 'HENRY 'W.OLF .
March c-tc..___._. ofSouth hlidtllntoti tp. : .
2000 Premitun 131Inds:
. .
.1310•' STE EET,. Ehiledelphia.“ - TVENITIAN
awarded the first and bighoit Medals - OAm N.
York, Battimore'and Pluladelphia Exhibitions,
= for-the stiperioritrolliiS-gLlNDKWitliTcOn
firmed confidence in'bis. minedaeture,) asks the
attention of purchasers to his. assortment of
2000 BLINDS of narrow and wide slits, with
_._fancyAmcLplain-Tri mmingtfr-of-now-styles--anri---
colors. Also,,a large_mitlg.erteral nssortment of
110 Wilt sell ri - t the lowest assn. stets.
Old Blinds painted ansltrimmed to look equal
to new.
eil:) .- DEALER.g• SUPPLIED. do liberal' •
terms-co The citizensvfcCumberland county
are respemiully invited . ta, call Wore buying
elseu here—confident of - pleasing all. Open in
the Evening. -
March 21. •
Philadelphia respect - fully solicit the custom of
HATTERS and others engaged in the Trtant.
'They manufacture SILK HATS varying frtm
24 to 42 dollars per dozen, that will bear a erit
cal-examinatiirrrimd—compore•farotrAtcly with
those Many other mannfacturers.---Au4hey_are...—
largely engaged in this business they can
orders expcdmously.
Estate of Joseph . Newcomer,
y ETTER S testamentary, en the gstait 61
.I_4l JOSEPH NEWCOMER, late or West
HempneLd township, Lancaster coninyriiid
formed . ) , of Silver. Spring, Cumberland couty,
clee'd., having been granted
. to the undtraigiierl;
all persons indebted to said estate are requested
make immediate payment, and those ,haiing
demands against the seine will present thq*lor
settlewent, to either of the undersigned Ntrecu
Menrowip., Cumberland do.'
, ,Eas!. He intinelddiSraneester
March 21-6 r. •
• • • .• . ,
Choice Groceries'. •
AHANDSOME and geneielkseTertion of
Coffees, Brown . Sugars, FineSt Loaf;and.
Crushed sugars Spices and all the other
es usually kept in our store; fresh aqd chent
as ever, direct from Philadelphia and Baltigtore
just received and for sale at the Tea and Gib,
eery store of •.• J W EBY.
March 21 . •
- Spring Iffillenery diode,
JoTaN STONE & SONS, Importers and
N ERY GOODS, No, 45 South Second street,
Philadelphia, would, respectfully cab the atten
tion of Merchants and Milliners visiting *dm
city, to thiir, large and rich' assortment .of
by late "arrivals from, France,: such as Gialci
$11.119 for easing bonnet's, Fancy "Bonnet and
Cap Ribbons—a largo and beautiful assortment,
of all prices, Plain Alamos end Satin , Rib bons+ /
from No. 1 to No. 12, French and American
Artificial Flowers, (in great variety), Colored
and White Crapes, Fancy: Laces. and Nets
French Chip flats, Face runningc—Quilings
Covered Whalebones—Cann; Bnckranis—Wil
low, Bonnet Crowns and,,Tips, together •witlx
every article appertaining to the Millenory trade •
March 21, 1849.
Dr. Davidaim:.aiiii Bitithers
LiESPECTFULLY announce to the citi-.
zens ot Carlisle and vicinity tliat they have •
p moths at Bfirkholder's "Washington fio
.tel,' whore. they are mepured to, perform ope
rations in elf tlio Various branches of DEN
'TISTRY. Ladies and Gentlemen wisbing„the•
preservation and subinitutiou_ of these beautiful
prgane, the Teeth, would do4ell to give them
a call.
' Dr.' F.Drivldson, having :giaiinated in: 'Medi
cine, gives hie special attention to the diseases
of "the mouth and teeth,
Carieti of teeth effectually .perma.
newly cured, if the deetrucilon ofthelt4th ham
not gone too far., . s , •
The teeth carefully eleansed'Of accumulation's.
'of Tatter; which,,il.permitted ,to, terimin,
destroy their nee and biau4 , ; Undermining the
best-constitutions' br - oxeitinipyspelifria, Neu.
ralgia and'etWer chroineLdiseattes,;,.and making
the breatu fcatid ind'disagreiriblet'
Teodt and. Fangs carelully,extracted with, th:e
'Moat improir,e4 inetritme n ts, ; without bruise or
laceration. tct thitgfints.
POrtrOntirOletct o mentrupt ble teeth
of perfeccsiniilitrity itith .the natural, inserted ;
upon pure gold or palladium, 1/et:moat been-,
mul and durable manner..
All, operations. warranted .tolhe eatiefactotY
mid las ing:' Lediee,and Gentleman. - waited
upon at thetr.reeidences, —E I •
March 14, 1849:,,:,•=:' , .. Q't::v.; •
• " FOR' SIVPO. ,171
• TfiEsubiteribitecifibritiifttrivSfealittilhe:fctlz.
. Stititighetd.'Gurnberlsiid holiki.!kl,
• 4. large two,story.StputrD wet- , '•
ling BO SE,'and lair of Ground , - "
withgood Stabling apd,other no:
cepeary- outbuildlrtgs, alitifivr , ai , , • [ft
....tlygsi , ll3l`o.lsfßpl.ST.ll4,Elßilf.' -•
..!cut - snlitleec;tsitthl ;Par" .
,laidiitiorilit.dheidildiy , :orill oft 4ewitii;we,i'oui=
'l l ...ifer,:hirikineen the AfailliOnglitiiiiiittha; it h
tu , •
sttatedfitin the banks of • the Big •
Difiblifht - Odin CountryWhirrhjs — phtl'ie ibundigt , . '
and cheap, end IthibgAllsi echiVetklitit to
thtrsaiiktproper4 , ,lelßot ilispatsChflat
PfkirateAide•befo're%slol.lrde.Y E the , g4 . 44YA r jlt tne l
next, it . yvill 9441114 day 4 0 ,AfrPreil at 4 , 3444 0 .4 101
914C4 NTS' Aft0rneim.... , ',C90 11 ,0 6 4 401 1`8 1 !"!
immediately. • . t•orson9 , .f (1011 k ck'muronmeing,,,
wi11,0,61,pe,011.p1i dn . the su Norther, residing On.
7.. .
ire Hit tel)iiii ,S tAkiiiol7o ll V!ife id , e i 4.
bill tiit t thiaolffeW •
~ • , , • -
ciaompok - 351 0 0 ftY l rh
vit:FA airid,'*orritatcol iicel4;:foilsolfrattUir
Itiklifligkr,4l,l3r, 4 0 0 Beek B fO N
strocAt lt T-Polifte.
. e tiPtilArdettli:A.4
!?014. good;1Or late es i n, •
Drug stOce;Wpor,'Asiin.:limes-c,":",.!
. 1,