2 E _tititiiii. 77 TiftmiliThe — Cincinnati Atlas of thesi7th instant, thus describes Cleneral Taylor, -es- he appeared Whet staying In that 'city:: The newly elected President is may be called It much ‘ better lookinkinan! than the prints and engravings reprieSeitt 'him to be, though nearly all thpse7gt* a correct idea of his features. 7 -SO inu4 sti, that any one who is familiar •with Cleve, could, easily plcir-*lri-rtt•-•vnt—in-a -ce3tvd. His face has a freshness about it that we did not expect to find in the ieattires of one who -had seen so much service, and endured:JO :e:xpositre of So marty campaign's. It wears an expression of great 'good sense.—good' humor,—and tood - diatieSition. 'His eyeleriiirtfiliiibly bright and clear, and' ohe'lcan ,easi gine.hOw it would blaze upon : -'a.--battle fi .Id, witkan odds of one. to ,fourstgaihit h m., -expression is kind,':and.. his . warmers, genial and warm. There .ts a themanner,irr:whichAe,TP: hie . guests, thatputs his visiter at once,, and the interest that' hl ifinhifiiits liven who 'approach him, is taidu lilted to make every one carry a'wtty - pleasant recollections of their .. itatir dew: When the venerable Colonel kohl - ikon Of Pipe, was-presented to him, the Gener al- grasped his hand with great dordiali. tly; enquired after . his health and that of his_ commaned, on_3 is_vigonalt appearance, q,g4 manifested the' ,interest of one who had met a tong absent. cokn- pinion. , ffi person he is short and thick set, with a slight stoop forward. 4 He is about (.34 years of age, and looks'-as old as he is, though he has g ood health - and a itrong constitution. good air 'and' manner are t hose of a gentleman and a soldier. T A 3: itCDOTE, GEN. 14 - vx.on.--It !BlM ted of Gen. Taylor, that at Colurobis, 'Ark., an accident occurred to the Steam bolt which made it neeisiary for hart to • land a...skiff. In Eiddifien tb the, row er alreadyin the skiff, ti'drunketifellow jumped \in immediately after him, .and • mod- urAn the small -and - -frail affair . ; so as seriously to endanger the upsetting of the skiff; and occasioned4m,little anxiety among us. 'Sit down, my good-man . sit down,' said the General, but the more he asked him themore he would not do it, : 'aid began backing the skiff under . the 4uards of-the boat and across her_ lines, until at. Tait the Generallost all ,patienc:e, J and finally exclaimed, down, you den nktin rascal, 'or throw you over -board,' and never .did a fellow come to anchor in quicker time, to the, relief.of ,us all, particulhrly when he ..*as safely landed. The scene. Rehm° was not a lit- tle entertaining—all of the vicinity,seerri 'ed to, be collected, men, women ani lit tle ones, and . glie General had to go taro' the kissing procesi with the feininiries, which he did with a4oodgrace, Though some thought he ordbaulk a• little with one hard favored subject. The reception room was illuminated by oe 'tallow dip,' just enough to_rriake darkness visible.— r A good visaged.fellow came up to enquire from one Or thit %tail' in a . most confiden tial whisper,, whether the General et er -drank bra ndy—tislo, never:. :was -ttie—re ply -in a whisper-equally, ;energetic, 'run His siustins De: and. the blaelcbottle was forthcoming without delay. Among other curiosities produced, ivas .a young Ar kansas 'SUCKER, somdeight or ten -months old, whom his other presented. The .General shoe hand and expressed an opinion that e.no doubt would some May he a General, also, and fie wrs at ,once, dubbed. 'the Young General:, by I,whiclirierne he will probably be known in fature. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS OF THE U. STATES.— According to the last Report ' of the Patent Office, the sunr total of the agricultural products of the United States for 1848 are stated ns follows : Bushels of wheat, 126,364,600 ; bushels of bar ley, 0,220,050 ; bushels of oats, 185,500,- 000 ; 'of rye, 32,952,500; bush els of bbOltivlietit; 12,538,000 ; bushels Of ' Indian - Co rn ;' 588,150,000 ; bushels of po ' tatoes, 114,475,000 ; • tons of -Way, 15,- 735,000; tons of hemp, 20;330 ; rolls ,of tobacco, 218,909,000 ; Ounds of cotton, 1,060,000,000; pOunds of rice, 119;199,- 500; and pounds of sugar, 200.000;000. The largest - quantity of 'Wheat wait raised by bushels 20,000,000; largest • quantityrof barley by New Y,cult, bush els; 4,30,0,000,0arge5t quantity, of .oats by Olt 31),0pp,g00; Jargest quantity,,,Of rye by P n ennsylkanitt;, bush els; 13,500,600 ;14'igst quantity tf when; by . repnlyfinnia, bushels; 3,800- `ooo4ltergest qualnitY !Minn anti - by 'l'entleafiee - ;'husbele, 76,600,000; largest quantity of potatoes by Nerti-Xorli,imah- Y els; '27,000,0004: largestiquarttity..:.oflay hy...eitmls•S tate; t0a5,444,200,0004 in:. to: ilOcc o 4o,lll4Olty AbOlt , tl l4 ,4oanifintviai raised 'rolls thereof 08;0 11 ' 1 10 ; ; cotton PP.Pds r.' , Ap ; rice c4ontli arolina, pinnidn - 9,0`,000,000 ' ,au . ( itaftounictann, pnlinds 2'60;000,100 i , litPottrarnin 'or Wiiicsnt , Ants.D4o4 , Griscom.fecturing in New ,, i(ork.. 4 1. 1? 0 ,0 Ethe:iino,psottangP Of,?. l #4 l ,:ttertißtNof Mallejbt 49 iR t :1 1 9 44 9:11 1. / 1 140.Silit!,y - A , ,)varo„inrlll9, 5RP..741. f . 9 t44,94k1F.5i , 11.4id 16'3 lun g s n y °P.,PSR Pf 2 k . t • pitta "o air ; .tho,uo4 Os nit4h`ets is mhgled - ttliinsp: 1611`. Oa; `c,id W•l2, lade' Lariat 'a' Jlitttka'britithit'reisfirib tos 7:1i1nol? OiratiOnli lace, • k. piaci •nri inindie3 t itAakes; theieforev.7B 'oneaki wry,a ;boargirio,, ripply, • th e 449e,,Lcsriproygmo A n paS t ßilloo/9,P ,6 §.9.,ii:4 4 ,4 1 P11rget,1iir rp.rped, are 'hei rains tlirp u;h. tiflt `t4 0e 4fitei ; 6166a;bii pe t 'ailiat'ttitli 6 lungs Arriouiltetti"- '. OU„- i''• ' le , .en Bent , t ~. g , t 1 e firte efkillottitiVriali,thp“ ipwhole"stern,'disitl. • batilliPits lit.alllytqciils , erectivitriid,:'agaiii nfidnt friol,oiiin Aho'nlufiga.E.,P;orivaliq , ‘ , 'ApOrlicliqzl OriPPra,e-ot.outpublif3T3llkiiid,l r i, lijOryij( l 9#lfi'lle9nlttlY3 tin !?.W* l 4;klOP! ' ' ,: •' - ri s i.PX 'll gar.l9 sl , l fflSk e/ #OIP kßt t . t il!ill9 ':-..' . :4 fr ;04 (144. iiie t — Tiiri. 4 iiiikritliifi'' , ; ; lbi t h' 41iiiiiiii*,-,aileteti f9r:iill'aaidjhrO 412 r' . 4 4 ,1 W4n*IdeiniftliaPPiliaitrii ' 4 4 * - **l ollo et i ptiPt i ti*l , ViPier ' ,-;•., he: , , ,, , .: ..-,. A t4O: lff,t) .01 . 1!! l O OO ' '-.,4iiitt,-', VlifAr i lleggV , 5 1 Pluff-t :CT( " • ; ilegya!Pi!Y 3., g , PP;:! , ` '' , ..- • ,%:,,•-" , ...., ; , , ,12 . icl:',,,=:' ~,,)1„t1,,; 7,,.i4,,,., fiii,i, .. • , , , • ~._ ~ , t r,,, , c4-„‘ L ,,,c,' ,-, .'..;•",te.„',;-4 , ''..it.:(.vi,...:e-,--;!, , v,, , ,0, ,e,,,1 ftt ,atO gv-S 00AL ONCERT.- • concertwi ie given in the new Union Church, Plainfield, on Sat urday evening, next, in aid of the funds of that Church. ••The -Concert-will. be-under the direaion of Mr. Jacob l3eetem. It will 'doubtless be an attractive entertainment to r,the (fiends ol_ Iteliaton. an uPportunitfol advan cing the Clireid`6l the. Tn'ilTwitilirSicatinii—:•This :rabic anuniversary was distinguished in our Borough h - Ytheilihyldh`Of boldly' braved - the' pitilees. eld Tent's,' end made a ItrindsoMe' iiiirpAe. In 'the" evening the 13,ellt;s Legit's See ty; r-Cbl lege, give iiiaiuiivereary Oriittirleal'Ethibilnfrwhich uk tightil'attracted.iirfit'nitliensei thiong'Of the ionth and beCilly of 'onr bOidugh. ' Tlieper% fulininecs f !he' tiEfealf ers elicited a large el; grcie of'Praise'lltit we , have hot been furnish with a critical ho. lice of. them.' Tut CAntinty.—The selentioW of Join; M. CrArrori, atinoretary of '§tate udder Gen. Taylor, gives unbounded satisfaction; and aflords ample assurance that the whole Cab merwill be-thoroughly Whig. Gbv. 'Jahn ston'tevistt teWashingtorip 6t the invitation of Gen. Taylor, giVes probability to the re port that he has been offered a plane in the Cabinet, but if so we have confidence that fie wi!l decline the Honor in - Tim- of the, indieperisable importance of his remaining in his 'Present position. The remainder of the Cspinet is yet a secret bonfined to Gen. eral Taylor's own bosom. , . • • • Titie !—A flarriebtirg kitten:writer . Says the act re:Onirtering the Fiiimeis' and Mechanics' Bank, is a culiosity in legisli tion. Under one of its sections the Gover nor, heads of dopartments, all disbursing of ficers and all bank officers, may at any time be thrust into jail. Mother section makes all bank officers, in - Oise-of insolvency, to no guilty until proved innocent, but .does not al low them to produce exculpatory evidence : , Another provides for imprisoning the banks When th . ei do ncli do right, and so on: Gen. Taylor's Whlggery. Ono locoloco - triends have all .along been insisting that - Gen. Taylor was only half a Whig, if indeed he Might be claimed as that But-We think they might as well shut up on thilfpoint now. His intimation that if 'he was a:limit:kin officeholder he ivould resign about thie,fimb, shows - tliat he has•-no:partia ular love for them. 'llls selection of Senator Clayton as the chief of his Cabinet, shows that he has a liking for hill-blooded Whigi.- His remirke to ;the hardy miners nt Conabar:, lend are significant of his vlewe on Proto6 7 nowt° Arlieibian Indinitry, and , on'theikfiblit we should think the brave old Man hab f ilo en sufficient indication that hale not only a Whig, but may be ( 1 / 4 qua - tier over I" Vivef • OLD ZA CIC NORTH BRANCH CANAL.-T1)43 people will rejoice that the bill for completing this work has been defeated. With the Lancaster Ex aminer we may say, that we have no ohjed lion to the completion of this Canal, but we 'are uncompromisingly opposed to any in crease of the State debt for that piirpose.' If the people Of the distracts to be oenefitted wish tne cattal completed, let them do it at their own expense. Very favorable . terms have already boen o ff ered them by the Leg , islature. • If the State should undertake this improve' merit, the probability is that 'by the time it is Fermi:cited a 'railroad wilLbe applied for, on the poi that the canal is iUsufficient; fto. There . ts no . cluosti'on thit the voice o f the people is decidedly against this measure. 13,-H.: Szitkrons.The-- Hon; Salmon P. Chase, was on Thursday lust , eleoted.'lJ. S. Senater froni Ohio, for, six years from the. 4th of March next. He is a wi2iik:Fie*S94l6 l , and it said to be an ahle'triait,i,folo,'ck,W4ll • , 'phe legislatetti:of polair t Aes.ifip:iildnyi i A , lain eleofed Irilifi''Ottlei,C*l•ll,4ltoli4i i , ft11 , 114 - 14iMino . i'Odetiel'opag ,Fi l reekeilginik 'iliiit a tile' HQ' itiliii l IVI !'tiiiyl 'n f r t ' '' —' ' , 4:4—fi ate ..{.,...).:,,,i;,?..2,..1'411"G1471:r Teelflrrif Wan irieton in. Ilia NeielitiA CouiiiitittfirEkaiier; nays: -Sonde Of thelenumbente'in - cifiel bureau*, inteed 'tci' leilder their 'ilatidne'on the of Mitioh; and to retire 'a' a' gentleraetiotight sutijitioting the President/to the iiiiecitality reirriciiai: 4ficnig' (hitt !limited: alase' - Of offlo4:l6;iire iihe.hierit'aot riaditied eheineetveq iitbnexintlet. its ' . elicaliietitioie-fieitiiiirieTbiti he' fief that dliifiii` i ipon -the anaide4tient'efiti.d'ae*'adredithitiefidil': oi)lionenteits'''ilsrorthy reifteet:' r PT 1 %11,::•• .6.p.:41 tleiNto otilicoil , twit Itrook *704 ladoholy_.triiged :: near =: 4 H eanfpito -1 4 tolg I olandp where er . ..forralli Ouse; :beloogini) to ftla;#ll!ler,f ‘iiiaestroted bififOaftei;night;„ in his obisoneeolioitio fitinilystewifei dciti rt , 131111t) fell; )14Liolistoi: -bielis"ufteiiiaul4trebegiii,. 416%13°0'00°4 ' • suppose d ,'to bee ' -viras , a deildt• Of 'revenge': suppose 0, tbgen.siohidietl ; by the' frieUcts pa tiiioer'io,g4 kliond me' ro Itirldiont 1111*1 0.4f. hid 'imind'ow : ir114113 yeatii , bigfciieicceAi ,„ , , •,,. lie**** l InVeh . to : aPPlllingAdqaiilliVlT.l iii%'Yliguft atileinPilia4iilorg,ink Ilip(aliei iiitl, wh9leside murder- cipini , VlV:ii ,liirrirelq ~the toad. 'mid ;Whore!: qiefarkfily;. ;end 4i ti :aiiionis:lll4l.lleooititiolorobitv`eDlrtmv mane ,iiitti ! iiiiihin ) hin d , Attatp. hp ',half betir ticlua_yx_ :1 (00 1 °440 * l l 3l l l rnieol'ad lhe ,4 ° 6 Plmsfii O rah af*;Y*i l l*R l , ll :WkOi'lizi"4 l l, l 4,"-1 ~Wiitie4l*to P:44-` ,4 4'00 , itii/ T li 9kol4 , (o) lll i9imebA,lPJ. 1 *T I / 1 03 i.ijiP!*; , h 1 415r140f0147:!4",40 i . 'betprif,..kor.!trast!if,!OPlt 01(r.WAI0011 , 0,04 10 . 191 i ,t ii: 4 60 ,1 1,4400#0,1*11.44, - .; te. : , , ,-:,1-':,:;40, , -,, - .., , ' „, ... , :- , :,. 7 4 , -.- 4 1 , ,,1 :•' .- .11' , ..',' , 4;!.• j 'Fo '-.''''3% , ..%:4 1,- .Ni.wp 0410; ' jk. .v' ',..' '',:tl' ~'' 2 '{'ltlf7rT;',;';` t v . , 41.4 ,, , ,, , .:1)...,=‘ . 24 , ,,,,r 1 V,=,'' . 0 ': o l)..‘''''ll.)l , 44' , ,;,f`,'"'` ~'..,,, ~ .i.lbr?..l(oo'it,'..t"-qistr•itA),A.,.. "0 , ` ,, 1f'N'i . ..t ,, , , ,..:-A're4:lll:r. , Z!,:t r.' .., . ---- ...v le .c!ltillat F'#liittitiii „ „ _ iiiikrt-21' tilor,:clia:joj.iisic. firiOuri:l,..ba! ':'.116 WhitOyainee 1828,' have bri`en, says 1 1 ":_- ,_,, 1 044 , and . primeeding: ttfegt y . ,s.,:lotll#4.taproseribed Pary, May i : ..9pittrnd'Unientown,,reach- it(v..,ktiorirlh#*Ventzel 9..,Jacksori's q, v !I.,d,pAllth-iin the evening of the - ,p3phi*jotthieriArit(tifioiitrri arid driven . !,011W 1, ~~~~~ Gen. 'lir lett( vg_lni#B l ,TAntliu ast man lestahepe. ' t*? people greeted ' lurrytet v Attke next day he took the.,gare i4ryafil:MoreNnd arrived at the 4tilit y thajit about fourm the,aftep poor) • A... l .rairLsremeteemearacontaining. ` ll4 4:ait , j l, Npi i iMPOß. , xl#4l,PU l Tl°o-4. 'thitre.,,,tp..neetbe 'old ;. 1;1„erp. ymeral. harliti:atltXtt enthusiastic. shouts, I l i, welcorne l addressed them. in a short speetollanktnetheifaii(- , n4oreßnqor,-IlwitencLitilehhad-Aone.him.-; After remainingl,olms - time dpring which, /1 1 6°° k 4 4 1 8, ,Yriffi irTRIIPA.PIeI3I:(7"I/ the train propeedee Nir„aslicnston. „ Taylor arryed_ . t ri::Llsli_ngtpn city bn Friday evening . • the evening .4 , 1,:1en he surived_hut_a_large,crow*awailed his comiug. The railroad track Was- illumi nated by bonfires on the , mute... By bonfires also, and the roaring of cannon and the flights of brilliant' rocketa, was the,General heralded into the, city anci i the mass of , hu. nip beings whioh,blocked up ,the .railroad, depot,. Pennsylvania' kvenne, on his arrival, was greater, it is saidohan en,any termer, occasiori.;:Theimmense multitude ,actiem papied the Genertil'a cortege to his lodgings at WillArd's hotel, *here, atter a short time, he stepped out on the balcon,y ante returned thanks to the people for their. enthusiastic welcome, which . we're received by buzzes from the immense He then talked to bed in consequence or qatigue and indis position from an accident he received on his route. The reehtollllloltegf9n,wAltn9,l! belintnense. ' , 4 + , , , • 1849. , • , The Intelligeneer s ,iaysop his way from _olom:tend, Gen. Taylor's gar was literally waylaitl - by a party of miners in the vicinity of that place, who were determined to have • a sight of the General. In .a few. remarks that he made to them he ousted , the Mew ing sentiment : lie saidthoy t Were-the mein who-developed the wealth - of Ahe -country, and added that good roads and good laws were all that- weivanted. for the ktnerioan people knew how to take care of themselves. he Pennsylvania Insane. e have received the annual report of this ex cellent Institution, drawn by Dr. Kirkbrfde. We learn- from it, that at the . date of the last Orport, there were - 1118 patientri in the insti since which 215 have been admitted agd 203 have been discharged or died, leav ing-2009iinder care at the cleacrei the year. The tefal , humber thei,Hospital during the Year Wed 403. The highest number' at -one time Wrisi2oB—thislowesi, 188, and the av erage number npder treatment during the entire period *as 199. The present capaci ty of the institution is for 200 patients , rooms for 110 of whom, are provided in the• men's wards, and for 90 in those devoted to women so that it is obvious, - that during moat of the year the,budding has been' completely filled. ,Of the patients discharged during the year 1848, were— Cured v' Much improved Improved Stationery Pled Total 0 Of the patients discharge) ucured," fifty save% were residents,!?( the Horipital not ex ceeding three months; thirty five, between throb and six months; twenty four, between six mouths and one year; and four for a lon ger period than one year. Of those dischar ged "much improved," nine were under treatnient less.then three month!'; four be tween three and six months; eight between six months and one year, and. Iwo' for ' one year. Ofthe "improved," faur were under care lees than three Menthe; seven between three and six months; eleven between six months and one year; and twofer more thin one year. Of those' discharged and reported "stationary,' three were under careless than three month one between three and six . trtietths; teribetween iii months and ix,year; and fire for a longer period than one'year. 6Oiiii'l - t - sov'e Ele r • Ma rc h - c on tains , , . , , , i?ifii - or,i ; no leis than "thirty-five diatinot engravings,", ~411 We find claimed for ti on, the cover,,two ,r,lp'.l,.•;'*ilic . ti are ; fine MezzOtinte'ctheLdst Dove, ;4 ., lttNF!t' liera_ . ; an d.OUstiN.CuPicir by liiPlra ,i lsiki-and a third one aline engraving (4%., t 4 Ititt itithe ) by l if 9rtiin ;'iike. remainder, Ahoy ~ .,,Ifirfa'stiion'itaie; tieing wined cute " 4 various '.• matters, chiefly of calisthenio.and toilet' in , terestovitiihe , exceptioard rtrepresetitniion; of =St...Markle' Cburoh;;Philadelphia, and the' ,Village;Horsei!illecka The enfitentiombmoe a obatintatitin. , ' , oU7iPejliseitillues,'Sketch • Ail ‘iTiniothy• F'ettigiewls Wifti4J4lusbandl" owith'contribntionsif , bi , ?dui: Hale rGrabe 1 . Greenvread, , Mrs:':)citeph: C. Ditimil , Gilnfire! .SimakArthurj'lderbertj Alitttitaifer;' , :TOCker mani &v.' &. 1 : The , Lady ) ii , l3dbk:Abd Lady'si DolleiNewspaperceri be had kir 68. 1 , .;'-' o ' , . ''''rii' Airntraw g iviiiiiii , 4itii?,siiibliOted t iiiNeWlOili , h4ttiteLtAgiwrit,'lied'etii(ed . liy, WirmattrlAigiff 4 lattorit.to maintain a die Amotivw_lihttieecatilieracter.l , frtitis4eitnititine idhitediontiellErigOithg ' .6(4 'lleithletifiiiqiiy Siene----anether,ci the illierfACiedfn'df4 livid t i .iiaiNtid' iiiik ofl , n b :Eiree4i :At lip,--it :Wciiiiiliebii'iii r wat iiiiiAeir Oi liTe"4ai 44 beg l i i , int.Actiaiiii'ciillikW444itiiiiik,: . etthalii4iiiliiiVfe . 4944; W th ifeliii"lli`ii.,-1 If isVe'rii.tt'tObilitei44)iiiigil"ri3Bll" itifriijaiiii 1 , iiiiiiiilet*lolY 4 cit4iiiii;llice44ll464d! , by able? .Writ T era`,!' . liis i'llii i iirAlfelia t A !Meg.; ,Azinee in ,Our.o3lom anthur,evertylrespect ?worthy, itfOuptioftiyiTerins4rtmemoPY;).s3 ,;', .. hir.rsonsyltletistßul(ioillie:,,,gika n d t p i , Ncist,of thislevelient,mgziguiptiopuViatttian • 401. 1 04thed thOliteisitAemPotairvionve,nr lion. It is one of the bestqiithitiyat,raillgi r fhts•Fe toe ever elropiprealrititi, su ite an d hon . ] ] - K i .;41,,rAmb i , -4 , RAIN l; i ii,to J. fir 11l 7 1, 1 Pr' oNn t t l i n°l) ,Bf l igmattil' I c r Atilltf , Pb 1 , •• V. A i'''!)P,t i PO4:#xieettl; * „ ( k' , ;shfildlb? • V it'l l 'R}Oto. ll 2:Y , c ' f i ' Prr a thiepqiiihith vikeemht . ..„txl ii ‘5.0,103 , 08-29st _yak rhidil a l:i9o?? it iit fC7feb!iiiVinfy, , , m,c l l ,AT 11 , ThfitYr1., 9!)i t t i liPlll. ? Arlnf TPfil.;ll, • ,R)taigfilfl.‘47,4 o".3464itilnittlSA ' ih i!a!risbilrg''itsttiqti.:ititVi;o-i;:4vi'i* ,--,;,- .2 ~:. /,l l ! t'' '''4 , ?'., Wic';;* •,',:i,h' , r."' , !!`',,, , 1..., ~,t, , ? ' -ok-..! Notices. of - , 77:1,.TV 14 , , ,oUt offiteciiiilotrilyliiii irtiky, - we , re erre. : .'iiiisii..9lositlool)l4lY. t ;b**lloteY were in ;l:::lB".:9:44l*46.°—ffiiiiiili6lal.9il'i*Country Ve#,Ohrci" l ,ooo4,Wiliic4o o 4;:iii obtain ,llllLl4.44l3iflhij: fifeieiiiiry 'cd;tiler robbed '- 'hr6.l44dhitijilniii‘tricil / iii - rieltiiiients to 1914,they,wercteptilled , ;' and th us for tyren-. ,liyeareiti)l:l7Arafr r We' - r7eiigrilriliiii muritty , luife4blialaniinr!iiiit 'ct'iiedg;,efia ifiiir!ilOW.A.bic:giiiiithii,:tiilf;;Wlth ' ) a - n - utter AdVe s isin,4o Htiii4r optintstrMiliek #l4ljprivl , ,i 1 %08 41:Jr 9PIAPR lAYnCR 41tfr,g9v: Inoment.:.NoW„it.ii npi,JO Se expected that such a sfae of proiOriKen i will be con ;tinned, or is 014 iiiiliiied, - * that Gen. Ta ylor vrilrriot chahge'it at all, Its , soon as.theret can beiiClienie - wiih reason` and decorum. We do net Wish, poi believe that Gen. Tay: lor's,will be, a ..proscriPtive, .na min istrali4; hotly° do belieYethat he will 'restore to full one'ludf of the people their lotil 'rights, and take them frein under the lian of is'i:ConirVh— nieetion which •Poweevhas laid upon them lull twenty. years. ''' .+' . Twepty years,of proscription is the proi. icriptiou of a whole generation, ol . men, aAI .yet'Under thi srproseriptiony , th is--gen that i on have .li , ied i ' 'We 'hive - seen, rind seen with' a necessary . sulimisSion, the injusticeinflic ted upon us oftaking men for foreign mis sions, and.hf#h places at home, without any 'proper - qualifiCatiOns, when the countr3 was lull of Whigs every way qualified to fill the vacancies happeninger created—and yet ex. eluded or presiribed only because they were Whigs..., No matter, indeed, how humble the place, be it even the sweeper of 'angel; of the Custom Rouse, no Whig could hold ,11,- not that . be vias not .honest or capable, but solely beCiuSeliii wpa a Whig. , Friim e ,stiiih a'state of thiiiiiwe are of, course ae much emancipated now, by the dtection of Gen. Taylor, es were the Roman slaves when mancipaled ‘ by their masters. not fkerr , tea yet, we wells freinieti moment we Ore* offdhe pthsatiPtiveyoke;erict we but whit now, for his arrival and settlement in Wash. ington to be freemen who have their share 01 the honks ar.d emoluments ofaigseat Re public like this. . Ahowl; and-a general -howl, a howl in profundisstmo as well as altissimo, is to be ex peeled, Meouree, wnenever G_ren. Taylor or his administration 'eta fit to turn out any twentylear-proscribing office 'wilder, and to put in. any twenty-year-proscribed whig.— "Presoriptibn" will be a word concerted, ' pitched in the highest note, and run down to the lowest—dwelt upon irra momentous and monotonous drawl, and tripped over , flighti. ly in a bullied demi-semi.quayer. We must expept all-this. We must accustom mit ears to it, A half a million of our Loco lbeebrethren, who have been fattening for twenty years; solemnly believe they have a life lease for office, and that we ere bodnd to be their eerie as long newts. all, live;, and the very first efort ,vie.make to 'dispel this illusion, they!„w i lll roar, and raa , d_ inscream and yell toi,it.,Reiliebub•was let lochs, with ! the whole eta" Mitirealing Court and train, ' i i td g , Gov . Jobriston," says the Car e eta ; His the very Me t soul and erntioakment of true • Penrosylvania charriciterand paftetistel irdiffittulr,`,lwecitininie it greater insult to the'"charaoter and pinotism,t"of,Abie, great State than is deliberately . offered ?in those, few words. Coe. Johnston Bas, done his best to fasten the Ens and Ohio Railroal bill, upon us, and give a contiguous State all the ,benefits; which , Pennsylvania expects • to. reap from Central road—and by ,way of' enhancing this kindneis he,proposes also to tax the people to the amount of a million or 'more of dollars to extend the North Branch Canal, the, benefits el, which, .11- .any Are! reached by, its completion, will How, mainly into the same "Stale.: And yet 'he' is 'the, "true embodiment'of Pennsylvanie , •charao; •ter and patroliam."--Cifambersburg Our' opinion Of Gov. Johnsfon'is %not onlj; our own, but that of a majority Of the people, as we firmly , believe, and if our talenled! friend of the Sentinel does agrep with; 'irvre.tke.peoplit" it cant be bellied.- But` the' assertion that gov..Johneton;Optoposes to tax, the people to this eitent of a Million and mote . dollars to extend the Islattli Branch . Cii= . , nal;milnot traeiand we think Ake' Sentinel: must`know it:. 7 Gov.'. Johnsto,n probably , de Nivel to see the'coMpletion of the N. , fir ‘ inish, Canal, if the Means can'be obtainid,Lbuf is known Opiosedl6 dnyirs-' crea# of thi' S'Otte Dibt. 5 • ', ' , Bytliewtiqjjahit binefiir mayTenniylvai nia expect toieeip fiomi 'Central' Itosidl, is it in twenty "millions; •whioh She gTiaeonnal Foltao 'wo thinlenowli inovilably belt° ciase, !)1 1 1tEIGZ:i N'iwii.The'Stoiiiinfr‘EuroPe ar-• iFri'day: 'The isunt Veiy - iniatiatit''''CAtton is slowly ',lid!: Tlieitgrkin • nide id iteidy„,rroiln' the iats. ( ata '`•uniolidittlir . ..taken way 0V aneA:3Y ihi'eu "'in pe on. "a , rrd yoSii Ituiterhairsikpiiiied 4011461 f ciitbaisil l ' ittaco titaireradat gitig not important; • ITC ‘) 4* order and an An appr he da ineu of sold lisi•V r In4 , ,oilafis the only Of n 41141114,1, ;grid l i4at d6l %`tarbit ei in liwiliiii#ltielAtiawhwainio, ; 4•lttP l'ittiinfilt," * • of pe'ril,~tf it deal not pixie ttiei?dcb6iioh ~tii vain/I& danflidt:,',TThilliiiiitii'itOt tiretkiac it fiil ,l . against tbd•olubirxi a 444 , how thieltioive Oftfpibanetiliikt eoljdigarefit irt 003 4 / 4 3 0 1 -vitiOOPktiiitliiiiiitßait3de oployil eon 4-Lagia -18440q`O'gt/i4ACAV44IPq4-'4l'ri,P u - • = , ttl lids estimittedlthat alone arc 1;01ii”015):41. ilikeitailitiaWitiiioll4l`aratike A illt.llo P/ 4 a. / - • The C i vil: Cvil and Diplomatio A:pProprititioti. Is t bill, fromthe,Hohee, is neiv , l3,l t... j the'Sen ate., An attempt was madeliy r." figiN engraft upon • it rinifeiPlmeittepr tile,* • mission of Catito4legoe 94.1iN.*ci • co into the Union att,.,leonsolipAiledNitl:o•* hit it was negatiiqi,ie ~64ive v,l4e of; leas 4, Nays 39. , tfiiictittiiii'dment i 4 bared by MrkValker,.is'now pending, which rnay 7 prolably_be-adepted......l.t...2.prelti t les4o, A.lteldi . ftg ; the.revenue laws over. california and } . R, vriat;icliCi;'eifaclab 05 - 411111irVf 1 he-Viiit4iittialVii:ltiglifibilviiiVeilVeinS6ll, ' I s iiiiii ' hi : finable - Id I he' letril hi lite; 'so !bailiff)" 'President may appoipt officers for their tem• P.MItYfiI? T .V.P9.FqtI94 / 9 r • -1 1 , •• a1 .1! i9 J 99.4- *-' lion of justice ' a mongst iiiharliCents.--- . Thioslikeli,to * biltt4neriieati4eo ii6lltii , iay: kind of GoVernrrieht 'dui! c willbelkivin' to the ne w territorieh by theyreserit conirep3 ; for a inotiOn - to take up Mr. botiglaSirterritdrill • bill, in the Senate, was negatived 'on Moil -tiey-Lli'cie 16, Ntiya 35: (11. tr. li7iiiker's bill' passed Senate on Monday by a vote of 29 to • 27:). ' Botti branches of Congress have passed ,the joint resolution, appropriating s,ooorto to pay the traVelling expenses of the delega tion of' ChippeWa ltaatis, now at Watliii:g ten on business with the Government: :. - -Everybody will he Oaf Ic,hear. 'that ,the bill, reported from the committee of.; Ways and Means, by 'Mr. ArKay, tutheriiing the, coinage, of gold Dellais, and double Eagles (s2s pieces) has passed the House. Borate Greeley's exposure of the mileage 'abbi . es, although apparently without effect, has not been in vain. A bill, was reported in the Reuse on Tuesday; by . Mr. IlltKay, from the Committee of Mays and Means, for regulating the mileage - of members, so as to cornpuit by the slimiest confinuotti nail fkt nail route. .stated uponzAwenting the bill, that the annual sum p . alil - brai)e - eint ment, for the mileage of members and offi cers, amounted to nearly $500,000; Ind that the sum already approprmtid this session, amounted to the enormoursum . of $170 : 000. The bill passed thictlouse—Yees 157, Nays 16. It embraces arfothereconomical provi sion, restricting the customary appropriations for books for the use of member.. State Legislature. The bills for• the completion - of the North Branch Canal, and for repealing the act in corporating the Erie and Ohio &Aloud Com pany, have formed the prinoipal topics of consideration in the Legislatufe for some days past. TheNorthEranch bill was Lost in the Hodge on Wednesday, by . a vote of yeas 46,.nays 50. This vote.,was reconsid: ered on Thursday, and the bill postponed for the present. The bill repealing the charter of the Erie and Ohio rail road passed on Fr . :- day by a vote 01 43 to 30. Messrs. Rupley, and Ltimbeirton voted in the negative on the Northßranth bill, and in the affirmative on the Erie bill. Seventh• Day Bap tists:—The bill biempting the Seventh-Day Baptists from the -penalty of the law for the non-observance of Sunday, or the first day of the week, has passed the Senate—Yeas 13, Nays' 11. - • A U. S. Bank—A bill has been reported in the House4for the-rellef .of the creditors and stockholders dike U. S. Bank, by compel ling the claimants of the assigned estates of the Bank i ;to prove their claims in due form, and the Truatees to close their trust within a teasonable time. s..r . • nornfstefid Exemption.—Mr. King, from the Senate Judiciary Committee, has reported back The Homestead Exemption bill, with a recommendation that it be negatived. Mons. Valtemare's Exchanges.-4 joint res olution has passed both Houses, tor the ap pointment of a Committee of three from each House, to prepare and report a suitable mode of expressing : the admiration enter tained by the Legislature for the liberal 55 , 13 . - tern., of internal exchanges ; . proposed Mons. Vattemare, and of making a suitable return by this State for the valuable donation of, books, &e., tve have received through the lands of that gentleman. , . Petitione.--Ztitione Jar the repeal of.,lhte neury lore, to aliow colored. : persons. to yote, and lot a lava alloFitug thp Qoyarnorto commute tho seuteire,gdeath, fato-iniprie onment for life, (loath:mo" to o he pretented in both liousee. - • „ , Pzompt I SeAlements.-4 bill Mat s. passed too §sn4e ?i , 4ioh is, Ili bssi • offiseys, ,who have the disbursing of the. State tummy, that has yet been devised.. It provides that nogcrverntnent defaulters shall' be appolubad continued ae toll-galbererstsuperintendents sopervisorsenthe eanalkand railroads figo Ahpeomeon,realth Ary4,Timuirel. all, such of re to - render art, ;"celebrated ETIIERIAj o 4110 F 3 ". alspePlN,ll ,antt CAMPHINg milth ;t4:, completer assortment of; 'ILAMIAS 'for , burnint eerse.-, „Having takinitlia huge •and opine, went store, 'Lip. 167 13.4,V1T10 CIRE STREET;: (Bultinore, ) 'txtenthlig through to*l f ight meet' nearly opposite the Fountain ifotel; ho prepared to Rtlppj* , l)ealexpin•theitkbove line, on the best terrne,`lpiliiip4, - qtali i ty slid price.— Ife'respectfully'asite a - trati.leont:ponittrutlloli ear's; believing it All bd , fo their interest. ; J:0:1`. is the, Sole :rigtint for theLeelebrtital, SAFETWREGULATING GENERAWORo a now:and, valuable invention bi whieltl , Ethel real Qil is rendered perfectly herrniess,and•the h. ht of die "iinslifl.ltS'',iontrolable as espopuppqgw7 7 7. 7.771 . 7'"'""."" Ct , +:',Y- ,7 414' .7 • Z.+ ~, i iroa GO ftiQUEIEMTEIWARai'T ortawAi . .q......,.. ,;w 7 , .... ~., ~,,-.:1 itiviiivir. -,., ~,,, 'T . ,. ' .!, .t.. , ..i.anftn u n _ 1 .4, ._ litiiltecritierajOW!PilltrdeATarill y, pl , . ' ''‘ l7!° l l ll qhillii°ll#43) ec atoo) t eli-GAJN. 7, thei r ! ar ta iiiit " l itswi t, , parr .or • GLASS !ANA Ptit - r b 6 MP 'IMF arrivals' from v° , 111 .9, 411 , i1 , e ,.r b ,.. 4 „, 1 T,,44d item:lion/1 thaltiadfarli ili, ; Liverri?.t.""J—rau -.:' prices as 'cannot -: fail v faotor iiii, t0,n111.4v .' ... ' ' ' t P o le l:l n lityek.;'•,.Aii:r goo da a i abli at tinei A s esitii a t b irhsvhil,?. terti ars F - mtarsoll id-iiflP4 Vl4o;ll7irer• ttl~ ' ..11r0-Ist4ll4,'tftiifsYA T' ,ro:pine 0 pc?i • Et dO,CO. ,';:, !kit:PL.:4OAI; 1 i,,1,1 r ,19',,,, , ~....: 'r•lje.,ifitiforfAttnit?i34l4't)-w.4*..4.?tika' -, R ' s A l thi l° ' . "/.:. :',.':'''-'.':, : .::, •'. ~- ~:.' ' '. . Pl '';', t.. : .:•1'. ' , 4 '.:::',' : .;•:,;:' , ',.',. .A - ! ', 7:- ;.'i'''.: . '. 1.':,. .. . , `'.;•*:'`.,.:;::,. ', ~.%.",i,;;;;:',';',. II NE yr YORK, Feb. 24' ITER; gh eriff. 84W';.1,1