== IN •-• • • • • , h ."' o utt sal of-tiAbcree_of_ilie-brphens!— • Couri..l,will wipose .at Puhlic Salo on the promisee, on THUASDAY : ,..the - , - , - 15th dor. of,Nefoli;'ls49,,DETtiml. o'clock. - .1,01. - bolonghig to the Ewa - IeCo) Animal. Byers, deed, situate et, the north side .of west Loather Street,..in Ate Borough of Carlisle, hounded h the picipekty of A Humorich and Rufus Shapley, conthining 21 feet in front and •240, feet in depth, hiwin*, thereon efacted'aiinall VOG HOUSE. Tsang , : One half the purchaeo money folio paid en ctinfirmatien of the sale, The residue on the let: day'of July, 1849, without interest.. to he secured by, lien on the land. , Feb. 21-ts •; R. IWCARTNEY, Admr.. ' A. de.W. BENTZ, HEREBY Informs tho citizens of i Carlisle and the surrounding country that they are selling off the balanco of their Winter Stock of Goods at greatly reduced • p ices, some articles much below FIRST COST. Now on hand a good assortment of Clotho, Cassimeres, Cue. inets, Flahnols, Tickings, IVlusline, Calicoes, Alpacas, Cliete:lss, Shawls, Groceries, &c. Give them a call and secure bargains, at the old stond .3 doors south orthe Post.olllco, and nearly op: posit° Morrels' Hotel. [fah 21 Estate of Matthias Sailor, dec'd LET tERS of Adininistration on the Estate. Of MArI'HIAS SAILOR, Into of South dletbn township, Cumberland :county, dsc`d.„ have been granted to' the SuPecriber residing in the same township. All persons having claims against said °stale to present them for settle ment, and those knowing themselves indebted to make immediate payment to Feb 21-61 pd GEO: SAIL.OR,. alackerel; Shad, Salmon, EftlllN OS; Pork, Hams arid Sides, Shot- NI 'dors Lard and Cheese, constantly on hand and liar sale by J PALMER &.CO. t Marker st Wharf, Plutadelphint I.Fab 21-1 m Patten,. Shoulder Braces. TUE subscriber has just resolved an assort• went of I'r.d'ORTER'S SIIOULDER 1311 A CES, which has been found to be invaluable to Bitch its 'rite afflieted with crick in the back, pains it the--ahle—eturetteLspittingoLbloodi - liae ,- ; This article is also found to 'be 'of the utintis.t . 'importance to children predisposed' to stoopirg and especially to females whose health is in.- paired, and often totally ruined by this habit of sieving, whieh fs, entirely overcome by the use of thid invaluable Brace ( - 4 W trITNER PRODLANATION VITIJEIfEAS,the llonarable Scat: et flee. twos, President Judge of The several Courtsuf.Cormnon Pleas of the countiesofCum . berland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania, • and Justice -f the several Courts of pyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivatvl, in said' counties, and Eon. John Stuart end Jbbn denin, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Ter ' miner and General Jail Delivery, for the trio\ of all capital and other offenders, In the 'salt county of Cumberland—by their precepts to inc directed, dated the '9th Any .of Jan., 1849, ,f Wive ordered the Court of Oyer and Terhilner - and General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car 'Dile on the 2d Monday of April next, (being the 9Th day) at 10 n'elock.in the fore noon, to continue two weeks. ' NOTICE is therefore hereby giVen, tO the • Coroner, Justices of tho_Peaao :and Cnnstable, oftho said county of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept commanded to be then and „there in their proper persons, with their :Mlle, records, inquisitions, examinations, and ell other remembrances, to do thßse things which to their °Meet appertain to'bc done, and all those that arc hound by recognizance% to prosecute (against the prisoners that are orthen shall be in the Jail of said county, are to ho there to prosecutelhem as shall be just, JAME'S - ROFFEII, . Sheriff's Office, Carlisle : 1 SHERIFF. Pe b. 21, 1849. • Applicalian for Tavern License. IVOTICE is hereby given that 1 intend to apply at the ensuing Aril Term of the Court of Quarter SeSsions of Cumberland co., for a renewal of License to the public house now kep by me in South Middleton Township. MATTHEW MO (IRE:. We, 21, 1849. We, rhe undersigned, citizens of the township of South Middleton, in the county of Cumber land, do certify that we are well acquainted with tpe above named Matthew Moore, t h at he-is-of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenien ces fur ihe acCommodatioh of strangers and tra velers,and that such an Inn or Tavern is neces• nary to accommodate the public and entertain Strangers end travellers. E F Hiskell, Adam Basler, Samuel Givin, George Roush, Wm A Linthurst, Jesse Myers A C Barniiz, Alexander, S Zug, Jacob Hatz, Jacob Zug,, jr., C Macfarlane. _ Application for Tavern Montle. DI 0 TICE is IkesebY given that I intend tor op , ply at the •e i nsuing April•Terni of the " Court of Quatter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a Licenio•to Iseep.tho 'pnblic house now kept by David Stevenson; in East Pennsborough town. ship. WM. P. HUGHES. . . Feb , ^ - We, the undersigned. citizens of East Penns borough township, in the .county of (Aunber land„do - certify „Iliac . we arc well •slatainted with„,tho ohmic Rained Wm P Hughes, Oahe is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is ‘vell,provided With house room• and com voniapees for the accommodation of strangers 'and travellers; end 'that such en Inn eriTavern is neeesettp to acco mmodate the.,public and en ,tertain strangers hod travellers.,: .• S Rotiningor, It Church, Wni Phillhin;Tßenninger, B Freeland, S,E.b areal. j. S R Wil son, S Jacob Kauffaton, D•,,Ste-; venson, Chnrch, J (:;opgimelcor. : • ' At Private Sale. - - ,THE'riew,nntl hundsomely ';',IIiIiddDWELLING HOUSE on , • . the west end of Louther.street in it - Alia borough, now occupied by the subsoriber.- The lot is 'W. feet'front: 'hi NCI - deep:2' It will be sold n bargain. Ajoridy, 'to" JACOB Fe IWOVEB. Filt• 14--3rons,pd " , For Rent fnitio s "• !STONE' 110130 E, Op.eciat ldtgli • street; It 9aivii 14, pit:l2oly of, t • . MitteiNs heirs;,.oc6oiiied . . I 'l l i Awolve r bms, , tr Moo lioase.andlear.den largo stnallk.Fami Heft: bitt'svcitifil'prerer to imeAr..tw&fatiii n lieseirwoply - to ' , .B ••A —Vor Rant. , '• SrPOrtgltdQM' ' ,Uc;, - iini • ''' , lllB Public buoupiellt :•;;";': 111 I ,E.' IE9 IWoI ' 7;, I• autiirdttiiblod Rip(' • --. HOUSES: PiissOsgiun 10, be onct . ih6 t cuiitieFtotit` rays, , . , ... .= , , -,:•{: 10 7) ~,. ~ :;,•, ; J .,4;‘,. :-,, ~, - '., 0 •: , ;..,z,,,....1 . 1 ;:i 1/,' , 1 ~. ~;514,. II: :n r 1t! ,1 .,1 pi /( ;) ''.,,ii ,iio, ~. l, 1 ''. ,1.• . 4 ,- , ,, , i ,,,- . , . 1 VAIATifi: ~1, : i 3 : 9V/450j* 14'4 ii'l ll'a‘tir'ili2).OrYi4;TlO'24A.,''')l3;il 1:1':k.:-. •4 : ? ,01.1 thill , assemble , \ ln: parad . o ov,det. a L ; 91_,,CAU,VITIEIREIAND'4'flAltiL,Iiin rr fitl .. , 13,9 1`.041;f-tlicier,Okrkif putidititfeAcjirN'elil6!F,FA:, -- ', ,-- 1,: 'By ,ordar:of CaliGiSteWirrt.L . ' t .r. . . 0 , ,',, 1,. , ~,,A g o b ., f4'...7itv , A. 1 ,0L 01 , IffS, E l/ PTPPT 4/ 1 4' " 9 C:"T'i. '...•---)'..,,;,,'-'-',, ; ~,.: 03: 1,1101 "Salf). 1 'Of'. 2 l l filikittiid: l ' '-' , i'.- . ,„:„; TEl,E,'Eittb'siiribpr; - oile'eliainc ip,fornov(ittr9nl 'crirksiO-viii4niliii , l 3 .if Ala 'sub ek, oil' sficurany '. , .iliim . .444,Strebjiitfrkrat liar residefl4ls . 0 14Y/PII :,''''Eltreat 'pear the putillo aquore,: a lfirge yartett .___,o • - 'Houvaltolititu&Kiteltian - futrlittilll;7aoiislintig'Pl '',Bidolf9arO; !l'ublitirAt t irkt t iupilphatt,),.. groves ki “, : . ,'"itlicir'uttlelesTroo ribmerouily:lo'Mkol ahliae ) ', t. l 4l',gliaillt l i4 o : o4 ! ) : 6 !elliek'OAtlM:' , " ~--ol, V rilfk,_i,4lo6lo,: ' ,s,', i '' ',irieirall . r ) gikh;-Af,Csett. meroociat , C py .', '., • : .' ' ''',''''''' '''' -1,4 4A' et 'olit'- Vii , Lsl.o 4. lol ,' h . t/01 ,, •':''' g 411 111,0 S.O. egt 1 , 0.?h 6 IIetTSS =ME =I ... . -. ..'....:.T .- ::..:-i:=- • -'. . ---: .. ':'-":', , - ,17.eir:)... ::_TAIE:.O.Orein - iiiiiOiiitif ai-aUTn'TherliiT n d'ooOriii would hereby :lye iitgice lo,thoso:pereonl4, eon iporue_4,,,tlkok they_have appointed . Ole' following ii.miiettild pfeeo l e fOr iho - hporing of AP PkikLS I ! .ezervestiv4o:owifkdopo-ood-Borooghe ... 1 Townuorti.''.: ,, i ' l4 ilino`OE'.`.' •:,-,',. r lido; ', '''' ,i , (tt some: Appeal: , '. • ; Newton Monday. 10th Feb. at Comte:Office. Newvllle do do do 1 l reausboro Tuesday, 9.011.-Fe.„• do I • Hampden . do 1 - 14 ,t6 ---N •,du i • Ilopentall • %Venulty, 21s4 P - ~• .. d o ! lonia' . do do ;', . . AG 8 Itlnrlng' • Thatdity, 2 ,2.1 Fob. . do i lifeehautbk . 'do 'do . • : 'di;) , ' 81Ip'brg 1.1, Friday, - 23d Feb. do ~ 'slinebrg.To .dp, , •do - I , do 8 Mfdrlon Elut'day,..2-111) Fob: • do ' IV' Pennsbre 'do' • ' do - do ! ' Sontli'mplou Monday, 20th Feb do : I Fro nkford do do do 1 • Dlckln(on Tuesday, 27th Fel. do l - N. Ididllon. Wellstday,-28111 Fe b,.' do 1 N Cu...land do do "do ; Allen Thursday. Ist March, •. do ; •.. Monroe Friday, 2.1 Marti.. do : ; Carlisle sal ordoy, 9.1 'March, . do " 'DANIEL conLp, .101114 M RM.. }Commissioners. JAMES 1(E1.80, . . . Attest Wm. RILEY, CPU, . . commissioners Office, Carlisle, Feb. 19111, 184$ watr-tsmarmataalxiuzeti .111egheny "rouse. No . . 280 Market Street, above 'Eighth South side • PHILADELPHIA. r THIS forge and splendid Hotel has been ftii liished with entire flow Ttuoittire. The E Bnr- Itoutn is tiler largest in Philadelphia. The: For btu; and Hitt ing•rooms are entirely, sepeirated from"the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival' and departure of cars. he porlico ex tending the whole front of the house, affords • cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the . City, The Lodgmg Rooms are well furnished. :The Table as well provided for at any othei Hotel, with every attention of the managers to make it the best Noel for Merchoms.and business Men, during-their stay lo the City, 'rho terms will he one Millar per day. On the arrival of the Cars from the west, a Porter will be in at tent • once •to convey baggage, '&its;, to the Hotel, Which is adjninimt the 'depot, ILER, r:VPT,lttnt General Connrasion.and4"orWarding Merchant; No. 79 Bowly's Wharf, BALTIMORE,- irtriß the sale of Flour. Grain,"Cloverseed, IC Whiskey, Lumber, &c. &c. .Pftto, for warding Goods, via Tide Water Canal 'and Pennsylimmia Improvements. Orders for.fish SuIC, Plaster, &c. &c. Supplied at lowest prices. Navin, been engaged in the above business during the last five years, a continuation of the patronage of his friends and the public is, re• spectfully solicited. Refer to FI:NN Pc MII.LEII, 3& E ERT, ' Harrishatti. - . 13nAstntr & ZEIGT.RR, JA . OOII RHEE3I, Carlisle, Pa, A. CATHCART; 'ShepherdStOWTl, Pa. Grmaor. Stsaisurt, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Feb. 14-Iy. Tobacco and Segars. OF clqce Brands, consisting of refined Cav• endish, Anti Nerve, Eldorado, Lotions Luxury, and Cong,osi chewing Tobacco. Plantation, Itegalins, Is -Pritnavine. Pellon, Rio Alotido t Bertnadino Crisps. Principe, Tencsita and ma ny other brands of fine cigars, also fine Spanish and Ilalf Spanish, 'Scafforlati .and Dutch Smo king Tobacco. Long stem clay - mid stone Pipes, Etc. &t. - No better selection canna ftfaiffiff — thri plate, tall rind see, nil • o be had.whiffesale & re tail at ihe Segar& Tobarco . Depot of the sub scriber in West Digit street opposite the Hail Road Office, S 11. CRISWELL. • Carlisle, January 24th 1849. Gold Pens. . . JUST received and for sale at Dr. RAW LINS' Drug & fancy store W. Miiin Street Carlisle. Jan. 24t11: 1849. California Inney Belts. ° All persons going to Califotnin would do well by culling of the store of Abe subscriber And procul c one of these safe depositories for any extra change they may have to carry with them. They will also bold a hra p of gold dent. Call and see them. G. W. lIITNEIt. Bark ! Bark ! 500 CORDS of good BLACK OAK BARK, wnnted nt Middlesex Mills, 'for which 83 per cord for the: rough.. hark—tor 40cts per lOOtha if shoved clean 'of,the iv:art-- will be paid. if delivered before tlki Arra .of %Au gust' ttextnot to, be shorter thatilB inches in Width . HOI,LipAY & PENROSE. ..'"JtOf, 1849-2rn Notice lAM desiroui of reducing my stock of goods and would say to purchasers that my stock is much larger than I wish it at this season, and the way , to reduce it is to coma and buy them, as they will be offered at Arcfy low .prices, also the Bee Hive is in great want of tnoney, and now is the proper time - to settle up, us the old venr goes out, let us square up and open a'now lent. S. A. COYLE. Dec: 27. GUM SHOES Just received at PORTER'S Snos Sivlts, a superior .'nesuriment . of WOMEMS ~ OUM 811 0 ES,--Mens and. youths stich lioiits,ltt - the lotie.st.prices,,, - , Also Aliases DEM 'SHOES from 25 ',to 50 cents O Air.. . . January, ' l7; 1849. . , , ~: .. • „ . A LOT of ,ohoice No , ‘l:lVlankerol in whole /1. 3 lielf,And quarter- hairelo,ner2 . Ike 3 Ri 10.v/hide - and helf barrels, iri•Store'46T for ahli3 by D HALBERT Nov'29, 1848 BE ,UNPROJUDICED.--Let no foolish persons lie so prejµdicpdagairtat-,this now truly celebraletimediethe as to despise this ad.yie.e,,let it be. used iithme'dititely on pain . .being,felt,.. no matter 'Where it muy . be,'Whether- in the, ,head•Or feet, whether-it- be to .the • back. or ibilekeen, -whether arising froin external or internal` cease, use the •Brapdreth's nod rely upon it; that tho pain will go,ithe.botly ,witHbe Teetered' to health as soon as naturd'hati received-sufficient pasiteance tram their effect. • Tho quantity of impute , hombre; discharged -from the-body'-by the netioNof the . BrandretWe Pills, is replaced in the 'entire° of a few• hours with noul'and pure blood; bytthe'digiatiom - df n moderate+mind.. -, Brpttrgingibe body with •this medicine the. haler mass of blood becomes en ' 4 1 ITII at iheltlood thip;life of Ilia:body, •I Pre: nicrismndisputed therefori4shall say Ithat.',4t being alio!Sen b of. life, it Meat sltio neat pf disease.: If dil3OllSO be in thelolotik-We'should nbetrect thediseatte,,enty,. not 'the - bleed. - if se thalrepurnies m hp rerneypd, by, put igatind.i6'l6imitritiohr of _the liol It '', o,llrxitit6.t Tllitalt . \e'atilibloid'effnatitiiieti PUrAfic4o9k at ell times,. RP do: dila' if - Mast' iMfluive . ‘ asinp 7 . tance, When'the_bloOd is idade %OOP iinppri. ' Siesrespecio By:Kit it" eliMeagram`,Tebbieireqi. ee's may: blqatfirpectvidattlide blood is net piitj. te.4l,o4l.l6.tlittllemis4o-1.01401.-to b ltited" q-11 .0 - 1 3,„ • .e,„i!vtz . .it .. .o , -osier ?tele Ihy t., '-' ,l .' - 'o' . iiii - '6l , . it;11 1 1 ' . W . 4'.. •. f • '• .• A '.' . A ' I's ,A. .k.a ; . - •i(014 • -6N.ii .conlipuNll.Eryiilii Of ."1'44.' htit Wimid Naplishe.--Thli quad tine, invention of if .tiooylvlil, Ftheithif ebb lestplygimooery...llrautille..aed Peekinal.,Thioneee :the 'poet rigid ,liitegfiloooo l :llbbtrigvi i bele before the, / ,PVIIIieI iligg;-fil.r.ty#4.r,.,,Apqrlug this' period it , hoe po arm 464%0,0 tit Aupo.Bl,7marilablEcoreemt r T . Orilla' , uthihnn y ' s t tdifiligf . if 906 , - , :ligtUted , , , Zo4oe - tonmeortertiroilie tisei , ,KPlile pinn4lo4o.llrl ii,kro,c , -,•till4r.illoinurrneat'unpyrtviti,:orihnintptUfftpopten . frr,rirgiglorsiLopils.rverp r -i..o4!k..dOttihßiin.olllllli IP I I MRCP , ' &c.".-..; ,, .\ - t .! 4 14. wit) -,.. ft of ~' i ftl. ' l . . Put ficiitiot oillite wpriderfiii power.have ,iter? , itit. en iii , athirthiltu!tiip.. hod mom tc! tot trod, Oy 'poll , itinEr - ,lltliirAtL'grfy A knie, witl,4tre ifsrbal7Verilletitionp or theirs ti4teritso.• ...1). f;',A. , ,,,.'74.e•..c..: .. . ,:- '..... - v.. ' Hot myii,lc,_,lm i tio.lOnk t ,ae t ligriii , pc*. ti ll so, ~. ~, ..ovn . . AJp:orf. irk., /I , 0104./. At'. N. ' r (Rr •P r ATP! •t il M ,I M., ' ,l ° 4 ol o l 9 liti r lia, .1 0 . 1 kreitto 4F', . .'• 1 "-Li.. ,. .:.1 - .Z . / § . " 4 ' . 1 t'‘ T drpliChikNQNSY...kylut ON .• , • i , e, in . lab kind pidAttf,llo,l4Phiftqlelplilii . 11 0 2/'t!Yi),O I ,P#AP.I...... 7 9) P .I I iVeiRMJ I P4iZ'g r .O ....VT,7,4111 fi u ?kY3..i it ' ' *:', ..il .;k".'?‘4'.:•.i. , ,; -. .f . ,.../4.; , .. - ..' , '.. ..,..,•!..:.. .'. '. '' ,1 .''..)..... :', .'.. : . ' -.' '4 - .',..i . ',...1;:,t:,,,,,' ....*:' , .,.l.:,!i'F'.''_, - , , ',:.:. .1-O , APF. r OCC anCOll53 v0,f7,14.10:1 :73M1= 1 B‘ 43ORN ,S respectfully the far ming eotbmunity that ho has purchased the right to BORRALLS CELEiBRATEO CORN SRELLER, ler tiferanres of Cumberland and •Irrlink lin. Farmers whit) have - ,used Corn Sheller, pronounce it n most invaluabld in- Volition. It is simple in its construction and not Hebba to get.out•of order. It scperates the corn front the cob s without brenkingcither, and deli vers the corn clean and fit for market. It shells from ten to twenty bushels per hour. tight hundred of them nave been sold the paid ssason by the inventor, all of which' wore highly,: ap proved. Persons wishing to see the above Corn Shel ler, can d o s pby calling at the shop of the sub- scriber.er of North 1-Innover and Lowlier strcete,iSle, where he will keep constantly • 'on hand geAmmher for sale. Every farmer and miller should have the above cheap but val uable Corn Sheller: • • - DAVID F FETTEII. Carlisle. Jan 31, 18,19—..:m. SALT VALUABLE LIMES "ME FARM. • FOR • Tllr'. Subscribers o ff er nt r' •ate sale it vnlu• able Farm, situate in Soul mpton township, rt•nnkliu county, au the -Roxbury rend, about three miles north of Shippensburg, adjoining lands of Jacob Nisley's heirs,-Wm. RedgerS, • Wm. Linn. John Cox, John Wolf, and Davis 'Skiles' heirs, containing 300 ACRES, of Lime stone Laud, about 90 acres of which are timber dead, and the remainder in n high state of eulti . rtion..--tmde.r—good--feneer&c. • ';'c~ . 'rho improvements tire ,a leg • 'tr••• in ', DWELLING 110 USE, n' first q't lt .-, •,P. 1 1,, 14110 Slime Donk linen, Wagon 4 L:::- -- Shed, with two Corn-Cribs,. and roller necessary out-buildings• 'There is nn ex cellent youfig Apple Oreltnrd of choice fruit, with -a -well -nit 6'l%v - rat ti water: Pc rsolis - wian ing ' - to see theopraperiv and learn - terms may do.su by calling on the ffrst•nntnerl of toe kubrcribers ' at Newville, or the loiter at Carlisle. Posses ' - sien and 1171 indisputable title given on the lst of April next. A I.EXA N DER SHARP, ALFRED \MODAL•' Nov 21 . 4.11. 1818-3 m VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE I'llE subscriber offers for sale the valuable Limestone Farm, now occupied by Samuel Bear sr., situate itt West Pennsborough township, Cumberland county, on the Conodoguinet Creek three miles 'west of Carlisle. -at contains 153 ACRES, more or less, of first rate land, all of wliiuhis bailee dultk ation and good fence, ex cept about 20 acros which is in thriving timber. Abotit'Zscacres of it is first rate meadow lands. . . The improvements arc a two story .4( Stone DWELLING II 0 USE, ::fti;Hi t . Stone Bank Barn, with other ! !c. cessary out•buildings. A never spring of water riser, near the house and there is Alsri 'an excellent orcharti. on the place. 'Parsons desiring further information: or wishing to see the place, mug call on Philip Shambnugh, tenant en the place, or on the sub scriber, living in Plainfield. Fed. 7-ti. •TEIOS. - GT:EASON, Asey,e. Estate of Melchoir Hoffer, dee!cl ALL persons are hereby notified that Letters Testamentary on the last will.ond testament of ELCHOIR HOFFER, late of the Borough of Carlisle, county of Cumberland, Pennsylva nia, deco„ have this day , Iten issued by the Register in and for snid county td the Subscri ber who resides in the norough of Carlisle afore- All persons having claims or demands against Ice estate of said deeedentoare'reqbestgd to make known the same without delay, an those indebted to make immediate payment to CATHARINE HOFFER, Ex'rit. January 17.1848.—ft pd Estate of Bernard liendel deed. Letters Testamentary on the estnte of Ber nard liendel, late of the Borough of Carlisle Cumberland county, decd. have been granted to the Subsrcilier rettding ip \Vcst•pcnosb'.ro Township, all persons knowing themselves in• debted to said estate to intilte payment immedi ately,' and Illose having claims to present them 'o CHAS. B. WEAVER, Executor. • January, 17, 1549.—Gz. • Estate of Abraham Erb, dec'd, LETTERS or Administration on Ike Estate of 'Abraham Erb. late of Bast Annabore township have been' granted to ilia subscriber• residing ip the borough of Carlisle. All . per .sons having.clititnsitgainst the estate of said de ceased are requested.to .present them for settle ment, and those knowing themselves indebted to make payment immediately to 'A I' ERII, Administrator Jan 31 1849, • Estuto of lletay Wise, decd Letters of Administration on the Estate of HENRY WISE, late of Monroe tp. decd., have been granted to the subscriber residing in South ?Middleton tp. All persons having claims against the Estate of said 'decedent, to present diem for settlement, mid those knowing them selves indebted to make payment immediately to • , GEORGE O'DONNELL, Adult'. January;t7,l,9l9.—tit. Estate of Gabriel Line, doe s & • A LL persons are hereby notified that LettCye'. of Adminisfration 011 the Eshoelof-Gabriel ' Line, late of. South .Middletont. to Nnship, ocetilty„dee'.d,.have.this day been issued by the It:lister in and ler,seid county, to the subscri bers,pne of whom Thos. Lee, resides )n"Dick inson township in said couniye.aid the other, f Mary Line, in South Middleton township afore. ' said. All. persons haying, clalins or demands . 1 against the °stale Of StuLdceedent; are reaneefed'" TO make knowh the Mb 'without delay, and Lose indebted to Make payment to THOMAS,LE.E,; hl A RVIANZ, j ' k z Ad m're. February 7,—ft Estate of-Cathathici'Orefe,lsicii,d,: , :. LETTERS of 'administration on the Estate ; of CATHARINr GROVE, late of Erin,eoun-;' ty, Pennsyltitt ti t ,'dee'd, have been' grertiPttii the sulmeribe l rle, ;ding at Mount Rock, Cum-. berlind eouiity..;.- All parsons having claims against said tiatiitb to present them .for settle ntent, and Wee° indebtgcl.td inflict) payment im mediately icitt) I GEO, ZINN, Adm'r: Feb 14-.6trPti• 1;;; ecotor a Notice, I[l ETTERS tostamentary on the ,E.stati i .Af tj the AVM 13. JOHNSON lute' eV ) Le Borough of Newville, hove been • granted, to Subeeriber roar to We Pennsbarouglii tbwnahip. $ 1 611141 3 ' 1 (Anhui againiebald BALM) will . peettent thewter' *settlement, and those indebted s4lll make,Ain, mediate PatMenrie. 141f1V13 11.10 ,'• : . AITHES.uN4,I4I4I.ABEANI:4OI' Al, i* • , - --,. ' - vommulav • ' , I , ls hereby given: 'thM 'Srtrofel Beer; er. bee Made ap'Assigqoffenif Plib oßith V h(CeyeaL itors to ThomaeGreason, to, whom .all .er one Will - present :41f — Jti7Aipma - and - ailporanna - m ebted: will make payrnent 10 the saki' • ' • ' • GRBAS ;Isi Assigqio:i eatiiniOrq'tow,hakin, Jan 23 r 849 ;,' r' , . Blags th Look HeTe , oTbNA !dads of ROLLED ii-4/1-4Ro.l%tuit..,zealtl, that we will - sellTatitt lower rato tha4eyor has boon sold, at either Gm. cash' or. aordKi4h.". Also' Watts', boat BAB. IRON-alisraiaspa'bantl'at the store of JACOB ttlYllll, , Viuslie:olll'e SerettaderiN; . , A - ft:4; 'rttori3 ‘opies, of this jiariithir ldeic ail ,received at .the4noict. of !' Pi W. HITNEIL 'Etherlat sinit Juivrte4ol , lo4ll4:4O6,6o:;WtN•liAi.,< Ll,,?T)ruifOtkltObyLEStof Efiregi:E; -PIVIOJef ~j ;' ~ ~ ,vi,pA,i.,,,..,'• ~,iv;l•.:,-;..i,.- -•, ~, , A. ..i.,,.7i. ME or : 5 44 . - arbtLW:Ciii;;iiiiiiii & 'eta. 'Ca lisle Pa..offersfoi - salesasithe mootteasentible teibta,t. ty,largd atmaiWetotfchnicall(vga r ,o4 Ciairnicals ,Vatnts 'th. tso M. 9 use a • atoue. tetneso so— n e egant aattorunent of Perfumery . iToilet. • and Sh reatvhrieiy; Hair, lopth , ,Hat t Nail, Int; Soit ik ei,j3havipg Cream, Pr), Hair ila t ap & Cloth brushes,Whtptiottreat vatiety, brollaoi „canes, ~,P,Ochat,Booka...,Contbat Ink di OPei.;.o.o.4rokElt:..Razo.re, ,Pen ginves, aciesora k Fancy Wick . Chid s CaVeri;;Vannir' 13pzes, i„f.,Ornehua,. Patent Lard I,anipa;„Globes & W ; il;sitivdoll;;Sperm. candles, .&c.:; 2 . •• , tiasarttaeitt,iit Impoieed & tnaitic Tobiend & Snuff.. . • Callfund exaininathe is prepared to offer inducements to nurchaeons, for cash. Ca rl hide, 4tin u a ry„ .2 , 1j112184.9.„•,. , • EN DRDG, AND FANCY STORE'! LkaatWcSWMittlgoiZ3 R ESPECTFULLY invites the atten- IV tine of the public :10-his' Drug ansfrancy Store, . .West Main strect,Garlisle, whore he hoe just received a:fresh assortment of Drugs Me decines, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Jewelry and Fancy Goods.' Amongst his extensive variety may be found All.theinest • . Approved Patent-Madicinee,; ' All kinds of Salts, Dye Stuffs, Quinine, Opium, Castor and Sweet Oils: White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh ground. - Glass,-.Putty, Chloroform, • Shandeliers; Lanitts ' Wicks, Sperm Candles, having and Toilet Soaps, • Cologne, Hose, Lavender and Orange flower , Mat - , l* • Bears. Oil, Ox Marrow and Hair-Dye, • .Nail, Tooth, Hair, and Shaving Brushes, .- Fine Ivory, Horn:and Shell Combs, Finger Rings, Bracelets,:and Breast Pins, Bead Bags and Purses, • Porte'l‘lonnairs;.• . Silver Spectacles.and Pencils, Gold Pens, Ink,and Inkstands,• . Fine Writing and Note Paper Envelopes; Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights, • Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, --111.-nsicriPand - Sarrneal - firstrtimmite, Fine Knives and• Scissors, - • Carriage and ktiding - Whipi, • Umbrellas, Canes, Clocks, Tsunks, &r. o Countxy Physicians. Merchants; Pedlars and there may hear smnething to their advantage by callihg „„ _ „„„ •:: •. every week. • frrMedical aid - and advice gratis to the poor, January 17,1848. DRUGS! DRUGS! DRUGS! . JUST RECEIVED, P IIYSICIANS, Country Marcliants mild Pedlars, are iri ited to call and examine my stack pf Medicines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Var nishes, &c. • DRUGS. Patent Medicines, 'Serbs and Extracts, Fine Chemicals,• I Spices, ground and whole Instruments, Essences, Pure Essen'l Oils Perfumery., &e. DYESTUFFS. Indigoes Madders, Sumac Alum, Wethorill & Brother's Pure Lead., Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and.Verni.sh Brushes, hrattly Glass, Linseed Oil,' Tuipen tine, Copal and Coach Varnish, and Bed Lead. All of wide!' will be sold' at the very lowest market price, at the cheap Drug and Book Store of S. . IC.K. Nov 29th, 1848 - , . Fresh Drligti Iffedickis t Etc. Etc, / have just received from Philudel 'Aid and New York very extensive additions to my former stock, onibra cing•itearly'every acticlo of Medicine npw Ai:use, together with ,Paints, Oils, Vamishes,Turpontinc, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationery, Fine cutlery, Fishing Tackle,— Brusheit of almost every description, with an endless variety of mher, articles, which I ant de termined to sell tit the VERY LOWEST prices. Physicians, Couhtry Merchants, Pedlars and alters, are respectfully requested not io pass the OLD S ['AND, as they may rest assured that every article will be sold of t good quality, and upon reasonable terms lonnv -24 A FIN E and fresh supply, from Roussel's and - other of the best city houses, among which are double extract Sweet Briar, Roso.Geraniuta, Verbena, Patchouly,, Heliotrope, Millefleur and Musk, tastefully put up and for sale at the lilwest prices. • Also, for the: figir, Bandoline, • Petri.. made mix Fleure,-Jenny l a nd hair.gloss, Beer's Maseassar Oil, fine-scented Antique Oil, Philocome, Bed's Marrows fine Myrtle, and Vio let Pommades. Also FancySoaps,' such as Roussel's Shaving Cream. Wright'si do, Military do, 'Almond and. Paint Wash Soap, making an assortment unsurpassed by any in the borough., •may3l .S, W - RAVEIMICK NEW AND .011EAP,.:... , UlS•srxelleKrtuuNts• EM9(kt6temag Jf W opening by JACOB SEN ER, who re spec:dully calla the atlentionpf .hia friends and the public generally and all' dealers iii HARDWARE, ment of all kinds At 'Hardware, such as Sad dler's Tools and Saddlery Ware of Otfery . do scription and style, all kinds of Carpenter's tools, and building materials of all kinds and new htyle, all kinds ,of material used by Cabinet -makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all kinds, a good.ilstiorlratlnl , c'ffiVlPp'eirnerecco , kldarench Straits, lining mid f limdineakine for, shois.ma 'articles &ad by'slibiimakerti constantly kept on hand. Blacksmiths can be supplied with the very best of hammered iron, warranted good,-also all kinds of rolled, slit, round, band, aria. ettap 'irdn, oast; shear, spring English and American blister steel, warranted good, also a !pt.:preheat irowfottinnertf....:ll,outlektieParq cab also be'supplied with every article necessary for housekeepin.„o in the Hardware Lino. Bthereal and Pine Oil Lamps of every deecrip tiOti.44o,lteCeived; also ethereal and pine oil for sale. just fresh, all kinds of paints, oils, vara- Sishes, turpentine, aloe, a first rate article to,pre r 'larva leather - tilibeeil i and• .kesp :the feet. •LeolCouvandlhdatirr Mindo I,..Fatintetts,'ralpalianjoitittad , tHousekeeperalin3 .011:Wh ;tit:H.( h ;9:llillskßiP WAR i.aa II at'tbe well kniliv.rtt,4 o Yfa-Sqatilled - A 4 RD.i MAlf:Pll4, l, 4•si l if.9 l 9o APP4):OYirLO I6 o i Hai,fatio J-ranove r,„B einikt okt„4,tir 414pia , , ;love It . 9qli 111, Glitlhand alstifli it - ,door tat'Oito4i' I or'S Fanay tiiiiii''StZnla.7;':Caltind a:Mining Noti'vdttii6neje; kis; we .t e fn ur iapaisewn atitluviibrritmellest profit for CASH, and we think we shall be nhitt, to sell a little lower than tny other Hardvibiq 'Store to ,town, as our goods aro well "selected and' are purchased right in order to sell low a the new arranged Hardware Store, viteil-knowit .ad LowleiJitirtahtoitla.Tholinq vlio?elvoil'frhay find a good) assortment ofasvery4artidleinithe, Hardwaregrade. Don'tfurgat,thet,Stand. ami r ink 01,a5-And,010,1; , :p50mit.40.,64.04#40 , Cali and exazune tor yotiraelvea.;! -• - • • ' JAVYD'AENER. • Dea. 6 . 1646 • ,:* • • • J temiZON. 7_l5V) 1 ILTIERSLimd — D imiorifiirEgyititeand -, , A)iiiiiliolic Helit'DlVAßEllGAlssViats • tlttftB, , NATWAltroNrOsEntatO BB :High, strernpopOiiipilliPsollryttobdwithre Car11 . 21411a3 Mao Preapivinivialubarel* , optuunsts4largoiiiitat tottqyarW9 4 4 4 iiin ~fliei rf,:growhioli *tiov,rojkok#o, otteAtifil r o s trraltirtrilra OVl cip eitta a 5 9L Npingp b e im . , I), i . t It %K R ! I! V i igif ';',;itt‘.4,`,igiaimts h .4, __,,,,,., .4„, it,,,,... .. e,..R..i. , ,b,c,f,..,...t...,,„...,...., i.,,anz..,:ltatmerti*Mactaiaintonad havelta nothqlAidfortkialmillarb*Nbsit i oigh ire Eidiilmwoloo3ll3:oo%****ll49lsq. l l l l l #o4 prereratAirVlMlS" t AtikMUlPßflu.t 1 i tiiPl Mtritv;Vt `i6;' tv-tholko,ffirfaitorliaicot ec 184$ tL,L ..,• ILog and Cain Woods, Oil Vitriol Copperas, Lac Dye• ...., tAINTS. S. ELLIOTT, Main mewl, Carlisle Perfumes, Oils and Soaps. 6 4 1171 e 1 1XV V # y MIN K.OOO,(.O4**KT: - : . :'1.:(; " 'rIIIIANKFU.U.for-thp-ftiVOXichretddrizi = 4tl4l l ekliuiPt 10 5.1. 1 1 sr : l:Plitt Of 'we agaiii woukt..:"Bla t t.l.n.!it,outOlutnere tl e,,K l customers 'that we 'artir' ni-eon:tatn.stiPPiytif. a genera , asso tment, w tc we are ' lll ll7l Alpotit.viekkixitrOM pilltirtic.tep;Ori.: , talniug, to the,basmesself,_a • o:l , oo,erit and' Tea , 'elibitteling ; Bniiin - Sug* Of goad ifealities'Ut 5,` ;6*,-7.;:artd;B Geffen , s , at 8; 9, ilincio,icts,,Crtm,kred,i,PulYetizeCna4. 'BOY= : Loaf "Sugars, a t ,9'nnd - 10 ete , pi3i Peund, )3'4 ii"dlltiche-Ctiffeesialsn'BLACK! and GREEN , TEAS of choicemjections, either in bulk or, in ' inplalliaipackeges,mlways.fresh,sat frow97i to 11'i:in per pound, toiether Witlf,trieTy'veileiy of Spicee;`itucli as CINNAIMoN,.MAcE; C,IT- R ON, Pepper, Cliives, Giiiger„Nutmegs; /DUB. tar& Ric. LIVERPOOL A.ND G A SALT, legal her with Pine Salt, either in sacksorsmal ler quantities. SPERM AND WIVE CAN - DLES, together with:Mould; and Dim qualities, Sperfm an& bleitelied Oils, of pure quali ty, as also SALMON AND MACKAREL, Molasses, Syrup, Vinegar, Cheese, Crackers and numerous other article, all of which f0r,.., quality and prices we feel confident on inapection will prove equally as good and as reasonable as can be , sold•uny•where else. But a call from . our friends can satisfy them best and us too. - Remember the "Old Stand," nearly opposite Burkholder's (formerly I3eetem's) Tavern Main street. . , W EBY. Earii4le,l3lll Dec. 1801. t GROCERIES, GROCERIES': the Cheap Family Grocery Store of JO AISEPII D. HALBERT, West Ma ',street,. Cdrlisle, von mill always Slid the best si.drily of Family (Iruceries that the Philadelphia markets , can allitrd. The subscriber has Just returned,. from the city, and would respecifullv invite the. public in general and his friends in particular; tb call and examine his stock,.which embraces all the articles usually kept in his kne of business: such as Rio, Java and St Domingo Odffee t Im perinl, Young Hyson end Black Tens, of the. beet quality & flavor ;• loaf, falling loaf, crushed,. clarified and brown Sugars of every grade: with price to suit. Honey, sugar hope, Orleans and syrup Molasses. Spices of all - kinds, which he I will warrant pure and fresh ground. 'Broome, buckets, baskets. butter bowels, wash rubbers, clothes pins, and brushes of ever). variety.—• Castile, ancy, rosin and country SOllßFS•; Al= so, a general assortment of chewing and smo king TOBACCO, Spanish halfstinnish and com mon CIGARS. GLASS, QUEENSWARE; and CROCKERY ofevery description whiclt he will sell at the lowest possible prices. Fee ling-gratefirl - fot:the . liberal patronage here -tofore-beinowedcupon kim, py. a-generous pub lic, the subscriber tenders them his hearty thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please, and particular attention to business to merit a continuance. of 1116 i-support. brov'r 22 1345. JOS. D. HALBERT. Great Attraction for.ttie Holidays At .Kriss-Ifinkle's . Had Quarter's., IN NORTH UANOVER ST., CARLISLE, PA. •THE - Subscriber - would respectfully inform the citizens of Cdrli tie, and those who may visit it during the Holidays, that hois now manufac turing, and will keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of CONFECTION A RY,, SUGAR PLUMBS, '&c. suitable for the ap proaching festivities, which' - wilthr sold - Whole- 1 sale or. Retail, at the OLD - STAND in North Han over Street, a few doors north of the Bank, where he also has on hand a large assortment of FRUITS and NUTS of the latest it - porta- Lion, which will be sold on accetnmdtfating torma - consisting in part of ORANGES, LE MONS. GRAPES, Raisins,. Prunes, Dates, Citron, Figs,: Almonds, Cocoa-nuts, 'Cream nude, Filberts, Pea-nuts, English Walnuts, &C. •&c. He would also call attention 'to the best - ;assortment of FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AISTEB.ICAN TO YR, • over brought to this place, consistingartly of fine French Fahey i Cokes, kid and pinted Dolls, all" sizes, dolt heads, find China, common • delph and wooden tea sets, kitchen setts and furniture in boxes--• Brass and tin trumpota Wooley dogs, bonef tin, basket and other reties. • Penny toys, o all kinds, wagons and wheelbarrows, fine tin toys, tools in" Boxes, games, Puzzles, &c. Pi anos, Fiddle, Tamborines, Harmonicana, Ac cordeons, drums, guns, pistols, &c. Glass and, China toys, fine sewing baskets. Also. Toy and doll baske's, and a variety of other ankles too nemerous to Mention. • In connection with the above he has just re ceived a prime lot of Fresh Groceries, consisting of pulverized, crashed, loaf s a d brown SUGARS. New Orleans, 'l'rinid Syrup, and Sugar House MOLASSES, very che,pp. Imperial, Young Hyson and Black TEA. Chocolate, Water, Soda. Sugar, and Pie. Nie CRACKERS. Cheese, Rice, Blacking &c. FRESH SPICES, such as nutmegs, cin namon, cloves, pepper, ginger, allspice, ground or whole. - - All orders thankfully receided and punctually attended to by • P MONYER. Nov. 29, ISO. Reep the Feet Dry. BOOTS.. Sr SHOES. BOOTS & SHOES. "(UST received at PORTER'S SHO E el STORE a fresh assortment of every trti ele in the shoe-trade, comprising Meri'a calf, kip, water-proof and thick boots. Do calf, kip and thick brogans Monroe's, 14n111fier's and Slippers, Boy's and Youth's thick hoots and Brogans, • Ladies' morocco, kid, and Leather nuakins, French ties, Gaiter Slippers, &c., &e. Misses and Children's Boots and, Gaiters, black and fancX colored, togetliet with BEFFA. LO OVER bIiOES and, QUM...SHOES in great varieW:7•,7i Thong who.wish to buy good work at fair prices, are solicited to call.* E l Don't forgot the pIace—PORTER'S N W STORE, Main street, near the Ruil Road Depot._ • Dec. 6, IBM ULV,I/1) , [00:110(es.u2a CORNER Cita. NORTH HAISOVRIL AND LOUTIIER STRETS, CARLISLE, PA. • - THE subecriheritas received and is now °pee ing a , choiceetelection of Winter Goods, consist ing of Clethei Cassimers and Vestings, newest style at the' lowestrates, which he will make up Into Dress hod Frock coats, Over Coats, Kicks, cloaks, Pants and VestelOressandFrock coats 'at' cloth Imps_ sit dollars upwards, Pants 'rem $1.50 to $6, -- Yests frein 75 etc. to $3,00, sleeks front Bto Md. Re also keeps shirt's, booms. cellars, neck and pocket handkerchiefs, went-. forts, caps. gloresandAllosier), in short evrry- - thing averred ll i l It; toe gentleman's wardrobe As he is agent for an extensive house lie'will be enabled to' offer fresh goads at least oneea month. Ile, will receive regularly the N York and Philadelphia Fashions and will spare no .mirts ilk getting utt•liis workin the most &treble and Eishionable .mantter. - He will also make np Work purchased at othemetorptip!ttmtnbittetwel oh manner. He will Obi parlibtifsir attenfiento Children's' Clothing He respectfully solicits II share of public patronage „. PARKINSON; ;Hee Id, 1148---4 Agent for , the Proprietor Extens?,ll l 39.#9P! , ‘Yk ' JACOB FETTER .dr. SON. CULLY' rt_jpss ectfully call 'the attention 'o'' Bong :keepers and the public, to the ex tensive stock of splendid FI,IRNITU I. ;poi ding sofas, voitifrob6i,)CellEiolikarAittalibial , ),' Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and eve g variety of Cabinot.ware mud Chairs, which they have Just groped ,at their NEW' ROOMS, ,the corner eftiorth-HditWrir and Loather streets, Carlisle.. addiLi They are, confident thes,the pugetidr. fintelt ol the workritiiialititgandealftiftyld,irst*hto their articles are -got up, together with -their , Will,xecommend them' to' every p9rf!,, ) ., om„wantineFurniture. They have also made rringentetitiMir — manufactunng arid-keoping constant supply of every Articlet4 plain' and ornamental, elegant2ailditualid prices which cannot fail to suit purehesers,' hey.' world earneettlfipVito persons wilt) ate . abo'ut:tril, commence hquee r keeping,lo call .and their Itreseitr elegant tActek-oo.,w,hiph-ohisy„,xvillp Constantly make itdditisseMpp#opr.4,mpt„„ modern style,. • • . . • p,OFFINS'Igfide to'orderitit the shortest no. t t'ictt;: for tOwn and country t • • -• . Sent' 6.'3848 . lgni4:loZ. Mane' an. ;loge CA al %/' kinds and aixds 'just received ache E oJEYEdri:North Iliutover 'street, ? k. , Ifis Ack:Re THE .114.40 PR ! f 'ouni,Sh'ons tereart.—. IF , 4 / riwpg'-I.llit a, general annorin ga'Sl tteittan'e'Bny's'nnd Ghildran'd, cloth . Cop'jovotlii G R 'CROOK.S . . , EMI • foltercri car 4 ;44 .• .;; ; DELROAINIO:.: subspriber his just receive a argn a a . • assurtmem. of FALL ,and WIN; al - 1 1- 9Q .o t l S7threli be is determined Wile as , lowznannt other pattibliehments•kqtlii*Pr;: in thq.,..fourny. ,1 9 11 and see and judge for SiOur selves lickts'satuified•tharmiOne'ean undefiell .Ifitn;farni will giya toi4 Wlni May :favor , bilk slore in. Street, . nekirty../.opposite ..Beetem's. uotel his stook consists of ClotbsiCtiebirrierlib, Satiric - tie; satini'oriehtnetel uterine andailk . Tiestings ;!Ale rinees, 4,lnachris,ldousAS Laides,, , Cachnieree, , French worked. collars, kid,gloyes, silk,. fringes, gimpa,flovete; thread. A 'line ini 'sortment of SHAVILS,"stieh 'as Plaid, long nnd wpm% Blanket, .Caelimere; Tiber, Teriteri, Mous de Lathe, black Caelimere, Ike FLAN,- N ELS-.7-Bcarlei, yellow and white cotton'flrin; nets, blankets. linseys, Kentucky panes,. tick• ins at 6i , cts, OriliCooB 'eta, very ohm mueltne; hosiery; "Smith. arid Cachmere gloves, comforts, woolen yarn, wintergmghams Also, a large assePrtment of. BONNBT RIBBONS, very, low, satin plain and figured Mantua, plain, tidred;stri ^ied and figured Also CER IBS and 4.IJRY:NSWARE, such as, Coffee, Tea, •Sugar‘Spices of all kinds, tphacco, Gagers, c rockery r glays-end-Opensivere, glee, abocolate, siereh,-togother with numerous Ober articles..r- Give hinva call, oct2s , "J G CARMONYI NEW .AND OFfEAP STORE. Gireatkiiagaiqe , riSHE si s diScribers, recently from Philadelphia, I. respectfully inform , the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding'country,•*at they have jinn opened at the vorner of k nover and tlier,l streettyini entire nevi , stock of DRY G9PDS, GROCERIES and QUEENS WA RE;logother with a general assortment. of BOOTS and SHOES, all of which have been puirchased at the present low ericeeowd will be sold very cheap for cash. Please call and examine the stock, as we are determined to sell at Very small profits. They have also been appointed agents for the sale of the Pekin Tea Company's TEAS, of which they keep . &general assortment at , Philir dolphin resell prices. sep27 S. D. POWELL & CO. Margaitisr -- argains. rintlE subscriber will commence this week to 1, to cut down his Winter stock of goods at greatly reduced prices All Dersoits in Want at cheap goods will find it decidedly m their atlyan toga to call andexamhie this large assortment of goods I have , recently opencitu large and beau tiful assortment,. which • I, can and wiLl self at very low figures, Old -stock will be sold NT withodt regard , to cost f.ecolleet the old stand, east Main street, op posite'Martin's oteL Dec 13, 1848 Tsubscribers. have just'receivedfrom the I. City the hirgost *enmity of DRY GOODS ever brought to Carlisle. Their, etoek consists. in part of the , following z CLOTHS—Blue,,brown, blike-bick, grden, from 01,50 per yard up.to s4'. • CASSINIFIRES and Vestiegs—good, heiwy• and tine striped Caseimeres, 7.5 eta 87k and $1 per yd.. Some of the most lands'ome Vcstings, to-the county. Casinetrs from,9s to 87k ctn. • CASIIMEDES and. Mous. de Lanes, from 134- to 691 cts. • b CALlCo , l33S—about 5,0 Q yards, some ' , fork good.at six. cents• peryd. Alpachas and Meri noes, 189, 2.0 $ 371, 50,-621 eta. Splenilid lustre Ginghams at 12k,ets. - Yard wide Muslin nt.4 cis per yd. : Good, 'Fickings,,6+; 10, 121,• 15k.— Best quality •dnestic, Ginghems,.warranied" hist colors, ni 191, eta. Fine Irish Linens 37k.,50; 62 i, 75tete. tinseys,l2l, 16, 25 els, %Woolen Flannels at 12k,- 231,•25, 37k, 50 am - 9unt Shoes, all kinds and sizes:• Itibbonaor hotinets at 8.12 k, 15. MI, 25•ets._ Laces. and Edgings, chew, noel thread 1ace...wide,.124 eta., Cloth, Clazed..and Fur CAPS,.I2I cts - ro al.— TogetirrWith almost: every article in our line, which we era determined to close outyery low. • Also, on hand , an aseortmeht of READY ' MADE CLORlFTlN.G.eonsisting of fine casinett Coats at $5; Pant5,.1,75.10 3,50 for cassimere; Vests, 1,00 t5.3;00 for satin. We have a large stock of Clothe, &a, 4/3111 which those eau se lect and have their •sneasures taken who. cannot suit themselves in readj , made. • The Clothing Store is conducted by George " Bentz. who is acknowledged to be.one of the best Tailors in this countY, who will take mea sures and manufacture clothing from $1 to ets on the suit cheaper than can be had elsewhere. Give him a colt young meg ont•il ' A & W BENTZ, Subscriber •haslust returned 'from the IL city with a large supply of new goods. M E N'S \V EA R. A large assortment .ol Cloths, Cossimerec t Dasinetis,Kentucky Jeans; Tweeds, and Coatings. 'LADIES Such as French .Merinos, Satin Alliance very handsome, Palmetto and Coburg C oth, 'Cashmeres, Mous de Laines, very fine qualities French Cloth for Ladies sacks, large assortment of Mourning Goods, and a great variety of oilier goode,too numerous to Mention, for sole by G R "CROOKS' - Remember the Mend in West Main st, wo4t of [lectern's Tavern. Dec 6, 1848 For Sale at Reduced Prices. A hat of Cashmeres, Mous. de Laines, Gin ahem,. Plaid Alpacas, si " Calicoes, Sionlvle, all -- Persons desirous o olMAgglll2¢Wil. purchasing any of the -. above goods will to cal the BEE•1111E, as I hale a wry heavy ock'of,winter,,.goods.und determined to sell barn at reduced prices, S A COYLE' January X . : , • Margainel , 33.irgains I I THE .suliscribeo, being desiroue. of reducing, his stock oE.DRY GOODS I die now oflr ink all. kW Drige-, • Goods,.oonsisting of Fren Merinoes, =Bombazines, Alpaccas; 'Cashmeres, Mous.de Lianas, Calicoes, , Gingham, &c., fl at. cost, for: cash only. all other goods..at reduced prices. •t W HITN ER N 13. The ent;se stock will be sold on vet) , liberal terms 'to any one diepcised , uvengage m the business. , . , : ; Nora. Now_ Goods at : the-New Oho? 1 . . • , -,f,, .....,•01,;:••••.. ~.,..>, .s tor e.,:i ~.),:50r.‘,,, . . 0:, 01 : , ' , :i • .04 , ^•:: ~ :(0. ,, , .tlii t , Ai ~' I TIRE; -Suliscribera . wow ,respectfultp 'l ,-, ihforrn u their Uriends .i sad Ithidi public; tl thkir•hriVejuiit.ietirrnedi froM Philadelphia w ild. a large lot of NEW 'GOODS, purchased- p it reduced prices. Among these goods may. tpund -; • . TH t_ci rt , MOS, 'CASSIMERES, add SAT NETTS, low priced, nxedium, and of the 44 1 :LADIESI DRESS GOODS each ail Cast;: mores(Alpacas, Plaid. Stripes,Moue. de Laine f &c., &e.. _ _ • I.illEfkliThltglil , , , and , e:clikev - SHAWLS, god' qurilitf and new style. I. . Also, a splendid assortment of CALICO, ht tirlesterfromallfe lei;m.Chisti)lloKENGS and, MUSLINS of all kinds, and a largei and. el • 1 ‘ gent slot of- BOOTS and SHOES, togeth r, :with &gem* assortmohttivellselectod Glt ~ CERIE S— , all brivhioli we are :determined. e, :sell very low. ~, . - • • ~ • ::i • ' !).. ;:>She sPekm , Tcia - CchipthS , P,faiiiiinidirTE are also for sale by us : at the Philadelphia.ll. , tail prices. • Pledges give ue a call at the' corn i 'cl 1 4i99.1 1 F - hP- 111 47 3 t rp e tkpr.r, • l ' & CO ? : Deo 6;14318 ~.•. : ." . ...;:' ' . . . , . . • ,JUST . rOceivedi• the largest assortment 10. 'cifilitttiaitif ()eery variety and styln, (mei brq't to Carlisle: - Also doer Oil Clothe s new patterritu• _SplliUkvcig9l•l9, .o.N e g?dll.9gtilit t •;i r , B 8...r.c •tr.ci 07,11,10411biiiiiiiii4 I , OkIVIP 151 U, I . V-9 . k.1 -- 40 -4 /Mt ", greatildtarlett,itt .I,Bn,nlttazinee; Alpecr,s, Cashmeres, Moue de .Imines,,and other -Creep, , Goods, just received and for sale cheap byt. I+X r • G,W 111 , iIitrf9WPIVT I I r ri 1 Tfw P49ipriber I rv, ..iiiefwi i i941.,i 1 7 , 4 4) , Sii(e'wttli 'a °nee n filmdom e l , . 1 which he will be constantly supplied with • ' .e tiPti °( l2s ll 47 44.'°°ufrfi7 j " Vta a I: iii oW oe *rem,' z per cent. on the above article Can dO SO y U- ',r, l R 1ik., 113 . 4 / 4 1 1 : 4 11 1 1C All, IVVt4fgi, NOiiiilka lf4.4 V 4k ''' 1 6...,' S ,088, ME C OGII,R.Y CHEAPER THAN EVER! More New Goods. arpetLsa u; Veld)) bid. INDIA:IIS,QUEETI HOTEL Mifirth:strtetibetiveerLMEtrket ttufl'iStreetS, -44 L. • onikolion IFOrtraked in Vito; tintundinfe o tbd Poet - oifibo:. nnlih:Mid Anilidettietitlitteidtt) f ,Tbe.prosenti Propribtor, flateME;tko, , ,Ameri- l • ran 49,lisC; Sixth xl{eot,) him ; re4hrumlied and Wed up the - entife'tißlhbliehmerit; with iihw and elegent furiiituriflandqt• :ifiwirtOltedlor -the reception-NI tiler travel ling , comniimi y 't . ; • He flatteroiinself,that Itial'ong:experience :the - thihinpina hirn't6 'eontlifet it in stioh nianner'aeWill plualse allywhiAnify favor him ivitlntheitylatronage, s .• !. , . JOHN C, •11 1A A'WELL,. Proprietor. Late of the American Hothl, Sixth street. Deo. •'• • •• ,1 '• •' ' 'a VitatOkaa and *purelrsr,l 8 ' ' •C . PE j 2 ..rusrl- E"'ER— . . ------'... tali\ j - - ~ ~.•-fth..)\ Wholeso e and Retail— At the 4\ . "PhiladelPhiti Watch and Jew- ' 4 .1 1 '''' elry Store,'" NtitVli North SE . - - , -•- ''-'',.s • PPNH.st reel, corner,of ;Quer , - ii. -- Ctif‘iiiid,' 1:1 , street., ~ Gold Pavers; 19 k; cases, full jewelled 60 and upWards --, . - Silver Levers, full jewelled, 0 in‘and upwards. Gold Lepine, J 8 I‘, cases, jewelled, SO and „upwards Siliter Lepipes, jewelled, $lO and upwards Silver Qtyartier"'Watches; $4 tole , Silver, Spoons. equal. to coin, per Sett.r•Tea, $4, Desert $lO, 'fablol.ls, other articles irt pro portion. All•goods warranted to be What they ;re Sold r, -. C ons _.y_pn hand arlarge : or sertMento Gfihe 1 OLD JEWELRY and ,81LVER WARE Also, an' assortment of M J Tobins & Co., E Sint eon, Samuel & Brothers; ESS Tates & •Co, John Harrison, G & It Beesley. and. other superior Patent Bever Movements, yhich will be caned in any style desired : • 'Arratigernents have been made with all the above, named most cehtlirated.manefacjurers of .EnglandAo furnish at short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders Witt be talen, and the name and residence of the person or dering put on if requested novAl TEAS! TEAS! . V7l ", Chesnut . street, corner of Rank street, Philadelphia,' offers. for sale the following oholce assort me.. of TEAS, on seertninietlating terms: ' 500 half chests Powelithig 2QO :do Nindong Sow:hong.. 100 - do ' Oblong.- do__ „ I•ooellesii:English Breakfast 100 half chests • do 50 chests M okea Souchong , 25 do -' , do • Pewchong 25 do block do . Orange Pekoe _.200_14. lb. boxes superior Ningyong 250 half chests Young Hyson }2B do , bnpernal 100 do ''•• Gunpowder . 10 do . Company 11sson 10ct25 Atwood's Empire Cooking Steve. N again calling attention to this unequalled I STOVE, the proprietor. hah the pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it has under gone an enure change—the pipe and hearth- pla ced opposite each other, and , a SU MN 1? It KEA ItT AND BOILING: AP PA RAT US , being added, thee renil..erMg it faultless, slid' un less there is'another Aultiess Stove in the mar ket, this is unquestionnbly-the best, as it now embraces every valuable improvement possessed by any other Stove, in addition to some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters relent. The aueoess of this Stove, since its introduc tion is unequalled!. Nothing has ever teen of fered for culinary purposes that laas,giveri.eneh generil satisfaction. Stoves have been copied after its from; some dealers have even used its .fundamental principles, but the proportions were Act unlike the original, that-they bear the relative value that a counterfeit does to a genuine coin. Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES in great variety. Persons desiring these admira ble Stoges..are requested to call at the Stove and Tin-Ware manufactory of the subscriber, on Wirlin t a r earlier°, who is agent fur cumber land o • ty. may 4. IOHN D, GORGAS Trott diumtiiissior Warelicitso, No. 149• North. Water street, Red 1C0.,!•t North Wharves; Philadelphia. THE undqrsigqcd still continue. rho Qontmis sion bitsincsa,for the sale of all descriptions of IRON, Otir experience of many years, and e . tensive acquaintance with dealers andconsumers of Iron, throughout the country, Lee , enabled us to establish snob relations, as give us pet alias ad vantages to serve our correspondents, equal .6 any other house. mar m • ftßlcl(dt, CAMP REr.,L. THE BHAGABA -SHOWER-BATH. An entirely ni•w Article for -ShoWei-Ba ' thing; 'with . ' warm' or Cold Water., Tins Bath took.clle.premipun at the Fair of . the Franklin institute, Plifiatielphia, October 1848, the only Bath that ever : teat n itrerutunt at that institute and , also took the first ptennunt at the Fair of the Maryland.lustitute,Nolsoni - bar IBM. . A great' on,d important improvement is Made in this Shower-bath over.allottters, by throwing the water, immedimel,u en,,.the„ body, without wetting the head, unless at Abe or pleasure of the bather.; but wgPotiter point it; gained by being enabled. to bathe teult.warm wirier, which no other Shower , l3atti:is adapted to-rand most of alt the Bath can be medioated Without ltAury to the hair, ' - ' /strum persons cannot take a cold befli-.-th'eir • case, is met in this as they cap regulate tho ; tem. permute of the water to suit their, wish, , nod commefice bathing, at ,any season of the year , without any unpleasant result, Lodiaeoen have the advantage . of le4hing,wahout wetting4the head or coircring, the adme: ' , The arrangements are. simple and conidetc,. and not liable; to get nut bf order. The Stith ,can be,adjusted tasuit any , ll4.,lit;frotnA small child to the tallest 'person. When , the, dem* is cloied, the Txturcs'arehldiind the ontsidd up :pearance is that'of a neat piketibf tutniture. , • They have-received tho:apprebatiemef,iteve ral medical gentlemen-704)er! ate .raquested to call and examine theta., Manuftielltred by the Patentee.• zpiilt44sci.4.4ll,AßEE, South caivert strectidEtaltimore. 42;tiePPkiiiigt/saAViAiiiitlt ri illgN a Y s 11.10C;',NitThINtr0V‘d .Thetsfulces of‘thealtitiffekteugliqot 'eel) rJali INltY4l4lqs.o:l4.lollq.Akneowitypitio f : apaa I I!10 e PINV , qw1 43 0 1 tt PO. mach (as it 6°8116 'h Off.' y `gtltitly `i'.l.o :KO M.t it I/ Y.opr , doly , petinethje,itdortpctinr`r,ith he want et thi s tapottenty's Weretf oto.,t 4 "Lf this' mitern rt ne t *decefit 'graderWwithbat 411PYouili /andPilferine Arq loothsonle•int ,t r -11/....3: , I • •Ir4nlto •*A ' , rt.) Y. ; t ,40 -.-----/ .1, 1 , 14R0nv , Ati:,17:1 , ,7.0 .44.1.4 , i • '': mq " " " 4 .1 - ..-. 0 4 rvrhi -,, ~-/, lA, 7.7., wift 4, 11 , A kh1:2,.., , ' - ill 0 ENLiIiBADNYA4I/ 4 ,„ i „. ciiLl.Nnii ew _TI I 4 AgßeEEipPd'earrisp% MI .44 fill lien et. or 1. a re di. , VWil . gyi.nottie `.. 6 ,_.1 1 014 , 44"4554r1r64d t1 11 "11 3 teTlantory of rent invparlaltsAll . , rout !1) q, e s t facto ry of `Tfttlef `Tinhorn ky r ttilfgr,,, 4 1 8° t it ,b sti ell o ciie lsc 9 r4 h ß i N4 ,,k g c ,cp e l io N ly ' i b l,,,h y le t te , halt ; 'tea in 'obli bytihe thile,‘at `lmth ~p. 0 „ 0 " for ,i,,t,i,i . feh a a WI Itiei'srcin!+ .0 1 i 111 X,Fr, wo n o f 'i'tive'l.r.'States. 'Mao nAtntsra gor ~,,,, __ 'BIIOE4 T,90.1444 FINDL/1441'i111447,Aul iti r il i-PB l.l;4 l l\ c l e irtit i t:ll l la,asiTt 4 l4itir cot fint dleisAter.- , .g 2, '' —1 "1"Ife hiA 119 , Cord,Leificle tictila•br 1 131 4 011 ipu.,. , , et.. ~,!.._ ikehaizsithii,cd* ,t?Al,l,o4; i inT.s „ k ,; I, c , 0 , isze & ( ,,,,t. prerp.o:, ae. , 1 1 %1;1 i 4 , l4 3Tge. tho!pittoi of, tti.' , Oritilott,4l Phil 1 ,1 1 ;;„. "perviiiirttelObping,put 0 ,n: Opt . tln 1 in , I d a yp t i v .l lee* bpqi tr4a,',A /le m er g 'bbara 2 ; all hi hia(od•lf inieogor 9 t i ~ 2 re p . belie twilit., aild 'of ibelotbat'st .1 ..iit7 ~ ode man be obtained at hiaeatab 1011;e a n i t h ig 411,_ , ufactiming - 13ootsica t arrastifl of the libove_ will'il -P6404 ~00nntliflif. f irairti li Zri r t , WA T A- 7- Augataal(o4ol ti,+'/....41(';,.. Abitit,,vildaltiiitOre ..thft 101vett anarket .fittial 2, ____arka ol ` 4 " l v a '''rc' . rt.t4 1 , 1, tA :-.--- /n+r , rnt,AlDifaitgiSplCOß ' , '''''" ' etfdllitnAirthW''atifiddon o',' w,O DIM . 1 ', 82 11 0 ,,,, , ,p.E r ik.ft B R - intd-olier. -ilitnivjohiPir,''' ' I og I they binne groi°,l:',.`k: go-4 Ec,, I t er c „ 0, .vi r ..t .i l h ., , e 4 6 . c , POI a h infillOitf,. ? 1 a ~./ ii ii i ~ t i • , ii , i i *lwo 410 , 14:1 1 , la ii Io R tt to oni: nvinvoo ,' MI Ag i t i kti/d i ,, ,'A P. ~ , 1 puro,artioWtOmig ,x ° i r i i,wovi , :, Den 10, 1, 6 48 ,' , ' ` , t,, - it „Thi , ', , O. coNn.tn. Importer ocWatelier