EE-GOLD-REGION o .EFJCIAL'. IisITELLIGE&CE!—DESPER ATE STATE• OF AFFAIRS—MM. DERS AND ROBSERIES—LYNEII LAW ! • • • ~ -The-Washington. Union '' - i s e,trit*y.. publishes the following. Jettero.'eceived by the Secretary of the Navy, freni .modore Jones. It is acconipanieCwith, ' —l-Fefirealar, allmlinyttreentfmu dhotis u murderous proCeedings qrAnard-the Tian barque Adeline, and the English schooner Amilia, which required increa l Fed vigilance to guard, the lives and'prop . • erty orall lawfully - navigating the high : cis., • ~. . . Anct'Siiir :Imo, San, • Francisco, 'December 22, 1848. Slit: My letters from Nos. 33 to 42 despiitched from. Matorey by Lieut. Lainnam and from this place liy the Lexington , will fully inform you of the operations of the squadron since our departure from the Gletfof California.— . Nothing, material has occurred since my last date. Desertions are less frequent, 'the Ohio having lost but one man since her arrival here, and I think the disposi don to desert is.not so general ; but that - may be owing .to the inclelnency of the season, which, for a while, must suspend the digging aad washing for gold, except by such persons as are most amply Sup plied. with good houses, and ALL kliE NECESSARIES of life requisite for a win ter's campaigrlin a rigid climate, afford . t mg nothing for the use of man nor OOLO. Incredible quantities of gold are everi,kei . • dairy collected ; and scarcely a Week elapses without some now discovery of the precious metal more-'startling than :my previous, said that a small Party of five or six persons, a few days last, struck upon a POCKET, AS they term deposites, from which, •in - two days, they obtained $30,000 of pure gold"! I have been living on shore at San Francisco now two weeks, and have had ample opportunity for examining the sub , ject,,and I am more .than. ever satisfied that be disposal of the gold regions in - the territory of California is the best, if scot the•only practicable disposition that, can be made of them in the preient dis organized state _of society out here. • * The worst, forebodings of evils corne t,' tient upon.the want of certain and en , rgetic administration .of justice in this territory are almost daily realized.. With hs three last weeks we have certain, nchounts of fifteen murders. In one in 'stance an entire household of ten per - eons—a-respectable ranchero, "his-wife, wi children and six servants. The den, w liOse same *as Reed, had been very s...ccesalul in_ the, digging during the anmer, and had keturned to his home, !.ear Saniallarbara, with a larg;e.amoutt of gold: His "house Was surprised b.y art • -armed party, and the whole family, ,as übovo stated, were barbarously murder -'4,ll,•and the house rifled of its golden treasure. - The perpetrators of this hor rid deed are still at large. 6 01 the other ii ire cases, four are highway robberies, .committed on persons with gold return , 'mg from the Mines. - In a word, I May sty, with truth, that both persons and - property are insecure in Upper Califor 'Ma at chic time ; and 'I am sorry to add • -that, in ;ill cases of outrage and violence, 'as 'yet .discoveM,.emigrants from the "United:States, uisbritded volunteers, run ',way sailor's, and deserters from the 'br iny. and navy, are belieyed to be the per ptt rators. The mutinies, attended with *murder,' to which I alluded in my letter No. 43, have been fully confirmed, and—not with out good reatton--:haire caused 'much un vatiness -to shippers of gold from this .const. To guard each and every ship sailing hence with large sums-in goM' dust, ',you'd require every ship of.the navy.— The bett thati can,do is tokeep the ves sels of ,this-squadron tit much as zpssible, plying between the-ports most. 'frequented by our,nprcantile :Enclosed is a copy of a circular (No 0,) have found it necessary to issue -cad make public, in tne . hope that it may 'fiavesome tendency to prevent a repeti tion of such acts as' have recently occur .ffed on b,oard the English sChooner A mil .a and the Chilian barque Adelina. bar , , the honor to be, your obedient .servant, A %THOS. , AP C. JONES, 'Commander-ift:chier, U, S. Naval Forces, Pacific Ocean, 'The . Hon. Jobit: fr Y. Mason, Secretary .cifahNavy. i': ' • '''' —, , P. . Since the-above, letter was w.rit cs ,r• nom, 'Fe-have:accounts of more• murders • —one tru.this;•town' of Soncimn, and a noth 4.'ir in th64,ricinity.,f,t-- i•:•• •.• • • ! '‘ ~.._ .. Wash`ington,`Felt. ; l3, 1849 WiiihnigtOritfriitii of this morn intolintilishea a letterlrorn Folpem, dint di San sco, , Dee.'•2s; addressed 40o.itaiCoininodore 3riinia. : It toretients a des ' e . nrate state of BATON" As existing in; Oil- Facity:thitig,,io getting worse as ri ,r6gards;,ordar s ,And i goyerfiment. *orders Warp ',Apt orl daffy evenis, '" days hortithim•Ji , ierity been ~•••?!' Jiorpetrated. The o..iiiila:tiere t r i tetitiring to organize eta. in ' ••L'' 4rtior to tint a 'stop to' 'these= ontrades.. , — iVithitr fivelrtys' three . -riten dittVe" been p;`,-4;,,liqpg.l47:llnchAlm;. 1.4; •4:01';', - ;ilThe :United 9tates 'Revento Jaws are. nPkin.f9raeii n , 400,000 :the first year. : The inhabitanis. j arei op, posed Ack, paying : this_ ax. coatirine .. ttimpdaritly. If4ditill,tie • IMO' allihOreviotis seem/mai: ' - • grAtt 'dhat !iitt!ti;:ll r itilitorrieliWnillitiftwci'-ilitriliehite been' fitirteittitiforeiri*nintriei , ' t4Tif,l y 7'tl ' v'rl , :0 1 2`or b"17" 1849 by, ,401y4h' we t;thatt4inibbrigrer iettil,tibait;:arriiedlfrcrat:chrtifiesk,lvoli (is to oititAfti-Oili;of,J,kgpltry fishabringau9iAtk, Ritfi afClitrOi.,as.zeiarall-N-14114!114A9Pf:-APf.. i1G4. 4 .1 rplt :',',':::,7,lll l l.fearn, from relly.h;e.atrihofif.yi that) `,•:',..";iliAoPitif ff ,tt(l3#,Offl43Qpf . kale •bd, 43_ Dela* r , FgbY4 , * +Ctf - 'i.44o4YrApt,,, titt4M4 , 6-044,k0w Nl'so , , .zi*JAIODAY/Fh4PO" . Clay . will not, be in IV nt the Inauaurntion. Q::!7-The students of Dickinson College It will be seen contemplate publishing a liters. ry pa per ci-The Cumberland ebunty applicants are'in a great rage at the recent applictition• of the "Longwell' guillotine." Several.of our townsmen antlered severely. f5-IViley's Cough Candy, advertised by Dr. Elliott, Ave think is really n good article, linvingtried it for a stubborn cold of our own with marked beneficial elect. . LOSSYS. aY FIRE.—We learn from the last Shirtpensburg News, that the dwelling houses of George Beaver and John Butts, in that borough, were burnt to the ground on Friday week, and much damage dolie vied. joining buildings. Mr, Butts' property vas insured—Mr. Beavor"s not. 'On the •samo morning the tannery of Joseph Meims, 01 . Newburg, in 'this county, was destroyed' by fire, with most of its contents.' Legislative Temperance Society Sortie of the members of our Seatelegisla lure have at last hit upon' a very excellent measure of Reform—they have started a Leg islative Temperance Society. We rejoice ex ceedingly at this Unitarian( step. It will be of more benefit' to our law-makers them selves, than much of their legislation will-be-'' to their constituents: We trust the soietir, will prosper, and that the good work may go on.nntil the name of every member of the Legislature is subscribed to the pledge. This will save not - only themsel res, - but the . public, tram4he evil effects of'wine.drink-. ings offered by corrunt "borers." , The socie ty had its first 'meeting on TUesday evening of last week, and organized as follows: President—Mardhall•Swarizwelder, of Al legheoyiVice Preitidents--John McKee, of Washington; John.J. Cunningham, of Mitfin; R. M. Frick; of Northumberland; John 13 Meek, of Cer.tre; Israel Gutelius, of Union; Lewis C. J. Noble, .of Allegheny; David J. Bent,'Of Chewer. Secretaries—Wm. C. To bey, -of Philadelphia; Joseph B. Hower, of Lancaster. • A committee then reported .the. following form of a Pledge, which was adopted and afterward signed•by thirty-six of thOse pres ent. "Obligation of the LTistotioe 7'emperonce I Association of Pennsylvanict. 7o " "The under- I Signed appreciating thEr - evaikitt6nces of in -' 1 temperance, and feeling° that it is a duty which they owe to themselves 6.1:41-to their tel low iliac', through their, example, la oppose intemperate ruritilgerice in spirituous liquors, do • hereby obligate themselves 'to abstain Irom using drinks as a beverage, and to use all reasonable efforts to , induce their associates and °thereto unite with (hem in westing the evil, and furthering the cause of morality." ' Several eloquent addresses were delivered at ihertneetingvwhich'adjoumed to meet a gain on Friday evening talk when it was hoped many additional signatures would be obtained. Speed the good-cause! THE INAUCERATION PALL !f.tOh is designed to be the most,magnificee en tertaintnent United States. A vie accomodations are provided for 4000 persons, with comfortable aocemodations for both ladies end Gentlemen. The wails of the Assembly and Supper:lLooms are to be richly decorated for the occasion. The cost of the entertainment •is estimated at over $7OOO, and the Committee calculate tulion the sale of 1000 tickets at $lO 'each, having' resolved to give Whatever surplus mr L iy be left to the two Orphans' Asylums. GongPs bent) is tosattend-in consideration of the Sub; sequent use of the Pavillion,, and thetr ex penses, which will:be $550. The Phtladel phia Germania alsommgaged. 'The dancing pavilion ineasureslso feet by 50, snd the prownade saloon .100 by 50. The following items have 'been , ord red for the tables: • . A pyramid ••of crystalized gpsits, 6 feet high; 9 pyramids (3 fest) ohs am; 50 gallons of cream; 50 gallons of Roman Punch; 50 gallons of lemonade; 50 moulds of jelly; 59 moulds of blapc-mange; 3000 small. (tea) cake; 120 pounds of pound cake; 60 pounds of fiuit. : cake;. 30 boned • turkeys; , 2o, jelly hams; . 4o,Chariptle.Russe; •12 roinds Ms, 'Mode; 60 Chfoken Salads; 150 terrapins; fri cassee, fria'andise :and itysoltp;and oysters 'without endolaw rind -in-mvery-variety dressing.,,. This contraet,(929olD'for the suli• per, is exclusive ; of all riqqa tad liquott, ex'f. Sept . the Roman 'The wittei ,and mixed liquors it'iiN estirnated,'Will Omit mop dollars-,one item of 'the hitt +being 75 'bats ketS: o 1 champagne. • . , A' GiliTia Cincinnati throna r i ial 'aatra::-Ink ehtleraan ‘vho 'bathe p .tkie river with Gen oftil Taylarits -far' as is Sanith latar;:iiilorrned-iis),E,lsteethirlha ', t: Gen Tay lot. stated' HI daririiiiialiori;-iliat if he • Whig 7an talminiatrittibp, came 11a4 • t gaEoXX:I:II}.BENATOI94II. „Derrnicr,+- Th e iftaintict .Rogipler.; aicittee•lthe ;untoward re., suit of the recent. electionlo , thin Disirioi to secret ncoyernent inclevor,:of, the' :erection' Of countt.or.lilahening., , ;The - . Lobofo- Milini4, 4 l#.l:..vaflYgle4l 4 s l l , .tife , ,a,4, l7 .#plites PPY I . C 9? 1 44 . 1C09900 4 ,...4TRi!rfr1 pi . e 1 Ant #np i tkplcttt;y, , ,•,V•itYflP.. '04 1 , 1 44:,95.i11ifii I°F 77-Vr StallgemMtibeaariaa' - d'ecijOad i— thel nbmitiatiori teaderedio Vhige Oft,Ohioiidllo l tß4O - faxtOr.• for Ideiiliningliteiiit maw& of.a ( ;` ,9 t01; 'WO. ,inhnsan wail knownifcr hie 'lave:Cr:the' apnrta, ttir, turf, died recently ',tstrivi Olt; at mobile.", •; • -..W,/•!30.1+ ~, . . . Mr, P,olk , and Wsofarriad.V, will ;retrutir.__ln i ,W , Obitigtin} — #6lll , ll(keti,lia r i ajtugitrailon' aril, 4 iiil l k6b4iikteilyilf,'st4lill 'olfriioit O , die 131114 A 4 geirt3WA* 11 V+firqt 4- - titYili 4 ' '''• 0g licti*A 4.3. %,., • 4 4.,,, .4 , - , VVIV •P'/ ill it ,ir- ,AK.laffOrcimillßffes4l, „,bgAl P I II I : I IT2TAMA . V3NNierOIre , "! ' , E FRFYPqrqq[Citil:qii64lo 4 411' , 5 , .. 41,1- '6 l1 jar 1;' 4,),.qii . ,v-4tllo:tgti , a , f,Vt., )f 1 , 0.4 ,!, ii.. "1 1 (. ^; . .1 . `'• 4 --"' -'''' ..‘•!':l,',„', , , :, , - '„, ' , ., , iit,_..,',; 4 4,iii", . ,•-• ~ ~:1/ 4,_ :- ` '''"'..,'` . . RE Ma= 0 - 4 ~?()1 1. 1 1. 4 ! ig..,,.c- 1 7:J, ,:Johnstim . being, the'Cubinin Geneiaj North Atneriaank Plquts' , both unite in- deprecatinii Gov. JOhnsfor.'sletiiagifilf s, jinguishecl posf,_ Gov._-o nit on., in tam . the great frader of fhti",,Wliig only litterfolitical station, but: the highe3( place in the ' affections: of, tfie*Whige.: of displayPennrklvanie b,) hie o ett, "d mant mg qualities 1- unerring y 'sun guiSki-tieat popular The v4limi'Of Gov. Johniticiii?s: servicesto the high ' of Ilennsylvania'gan:scercely . Under the flattering, auspice . s‘ofr which - the nomination of d'entiral T'ay,lor afforded, it was still the hOldand Poweif4 onset made by Gov. Johnston againit ism, that alone made the itssuranees . ni Victo'ry doubly sure. ' And 'it is his wise prudent and. moderate administretion of oaf State affairs :so far, that gives Whigs the Surest confidence in the Continuance of our politicalsupremacy. We repeat that Penn sylvania cannot Spare .Gov.: Johnston, He , the, very "life and son!' and embodiinefflq of true' 'PufinsYlvania ciiaraCtef and patriott . isni. 'hie assigning of a Cabinet postto or.e Of her' many 'tlistiriguisll4 sons will be' appreinted . ,butPermsylirania con not now spare Gov. Johnston. We may add that the state, of parties in the Legislature devolvee.with peculiar forCe Upon the Whigs ilia diity'ol - alrangtWening the el , • 'z•- i"20 8 9 9 MEM hands of the Admiiiik'raticin. The flnehsol victory is upon : Us, buy success will be barren ' of good results Unless' liarrribny and union Plevail in our . councils. An. upsdruilutous party, not' , in a decided minority, is seizing every opportunity to and every means,rfiriTi ---- thd tout, to - assail and — Walcif an Administration, which they D . * fear has sealed she doom of Weir prosperity. Under such circumstances let it be the pride as well as the duty of - every Whig - member - to stand up fearlessly and the suppoit f the Administration. - The fifiefalet expect this • cheerfully at their hands. The Whig par ty has lately had an opportunity of confer ring high distinction upon two of its cherished eons--it now expects them,and all, to be uni ted in support of party interests and public welfare. The • Official Proclamation The ceremony of opening and oounting the Electoral votes of the States, took place on Wednesday last, in the U. S. House of Repreilestatives, in the presence of a large assemblage of ladies and gentlemen jrcho thronged the galleries. The ceremony is thus described : The President of the Bennie, -George M. DallasOook - the chair besideihe Speaker of AO-louse, R. C. Winthrop and the tellers. Messrs: Davis,,of Mississippi, McClelland; Michigan; and Barrow, ofgennessee, look seats on the platform tif thifeleit ) s desk. Mr. Dallas then announced, in appropriate language, the object of , thejoint meeting of the two houses, and handed to 'Mr. JefTersen, Davis tho 'vote of. each State, which Mr. 'Davis opened and read aloud. The votes • having all - been opened and counted, Mr. Dallas announced the vote first of each State, then the whole number oast for each office, and next the number "neces sary to a choice. He then stated that Zach ary Taylor bad received 163 vides, and Lew , is Cass 127; and-that.thst candidates , for . the Voa . • Presidency had received the, same number of votes respectively"'. ZACHSRY . TA:YLOR and MIL LIARD FILLMORE were then declared du ly elected to the Presidency and Vice Pres idency of tLe United states for the term of four years from the 4th cf March next. The joint - meeting then adjourned, and the Senator's withdreailo their Own chamber. Throughont the ceremonial says a letter writer, nothing occurred to mar the strict propriety of an occasion at once important and imposing' In noether.. govemmenvia such a spectacle to be %;ritnessed. Three Millions of people divided in'political senti• ment, and but a-tew months since enlisted in violent oppositton r have spoken, and the nation obeying the }aws and the constitution submits without a marmot of resistance!— . A great part] has been defeated and its rival successful—one retires, the other enters,: and both defer to. the supreme authority, What spectacle more sublime! Wtiat.noblet ate to capacitY:for sell-government I , • The Longstreth Guttiotlne. 10.11 e understand, lays the Reading Jour nal that a new democratic sub.organization is getting under way, made up oof the I:antic ular friends of the defeated candidate for •,'GOvernof—who so wisely held 'onto , his, place as Canal Comrhissioner. iltbe clique. is made up of the Longstreth tree par ` exceP lence. Defeated in'the Gubernatorial contest, they-411: bask- on .the., spoils of-the,Catial, Commissioner's office, and are keepingtheir. party quite aferment about;the - ,offices,r• The great effort 'DOW • to,, rentcyo, r ell the friends,- of fir ..; Bigler ;,--- pyrticuiarly—Dr Boinnes--the present able, Superintendent of the Columbia . Rail ;Rout - Longstreth being Mai Mr.,,Painter . visitedlign ;in Phil,. auelphia and-they:had matters in their ~own. ••.: hangs.' •number ;of • .democratio, beads were 'chopped, off, , among • the ' , lrina \ that of James A..Dunlap,',collector , .at.Eashm;:tand 41M-defeated, candidate., for State 3reanlire,r, (Mr. :Longstreth; hap ,partiality:for, , ,defeated candidates : ),ll , lr.lfiff.,l4eckmartp.(ineatime). rf,sappointedi • ~.':dinothereapaion btufrat been 4014 in ,P,1417 , adalphia, and we are.lobildhat . :z refar continnedip , ;',Vhe . ,,,,Nvoictaok.,,9l:( ; these fanny-performances with 'vast d(rot li-rionlitykucnYing itbat 10)0 4:0 4 .Y0 9 1 3 1 4411 P tho , f r9Yl'; his to alrengthng ,—..-carlain,the-rp?alo . tction.:olLPikv,..,4ohnprOpcsre, yearn,hence.?,l"zsv,ti I • 00t,r TAff: , ', d, C .4/ ' 39 °:; o !o,!lt r ri,l9; °llo66° 1. : . !littghtftl 01 , ,, , ",,tte, Repitulkir l tie , pey,,,tip . elti tee .!,relfter . , , tryteg,ttettne, of , 1 4#14ng 'the - efitotoiiil , '' i:Otee. Before '' l lYite'!Efe t aie''''itetie;itif t . .` . .M'i'i "'Slo44l;'et i btlid,l4 : 46aPtitittifittilie4iia ' 0 'il'iti - cit ''' s t t'''' . ot, the houie, ifgye it up' ,641 , v,,, he I at ' 'l ? - 4 11 E!!' 1 " .4-4‘1 0 1 0t! S7A-1 , 1 °F : ! - S alrili° 1 4hi * ' 1 AitirtipsiO, yo; iiiiil . sifindiiioiiii;Oi6lvliig • 15, lot. Cietet"tilOiiiiniPiai,liftpi t i,lii4ttitu , '''': . .iMitili l O s !glgiligtiei'Oi!itiiiii i 4 444 I , pine ..`ir.,,,r0rp.,...„,..„.154..ri;. said . 1 . 417 ' l g'. , -P? , ° I -..,‘ • r t • 4 ' 50 ,4 8d ; . ° 1 0 6 ,, 1 i iettit )iiiiiiikV 4 o at 'l34ll6iiii aiglilii' l l:":,4 l, v 03Ktip$ igPfe?l,-JPVit'oltLitol''`l rgtr ,v4q-0 , ;1-,,. , ...,, I Zt s tt - , 14 ;Z' 1 ..0 . '?'t: .1,41't• •...!t, , „„„** , ;. , f,, ',,p,-,r/r 2.; ,i,„, 'f, t i?,. : '' , • '4 , Zi.c .4 .l' , ' , V:i , ; ~, - r: — . ,•,,,.., , ,TA l N g r e", , '4 , 4i, ,, ::'-';t' 1 , ' n ''+;"•`3;s,'o, t.q .,, ,! ..t?'",'‘'-`R6's . ':i:- `' , -, - ;,v4.. ) .:7 , ..'11,4YV . 1..; ,. ..: , ' :, ' icy;. ',' (f, 1i ottl ORM I, .'Fll .4 *altb# 4l7 lllofiftl*:4ol?*fiaitVeilii , * Vpiori' in; liik,pamol Saturdaj.,list aiaitnes 1401g'1 4 1ils,tiliii4gdiAht • cit ei ~ demoacyl e arLopponen a ocra ic_corpo- retions,pp.4l . :tun'epurenuirippplietc but o iv rriti ih { forests, has nulldenly okainged trouts;"and, now:: • tif,Viitlis4.4l4l . 44loiOnttitAc4--prev'Pat `ll4.idfiiitt,kliatfefint'llitifideuld result to' the people of tfiia valley by !4‘1,.9q.71,m1pp.,,,0f Ha i r sbutt; rail liolush for; telt , • folio Ulf' die . ; i 'Of - Baltimore theibiserable isig ? barons . of 'yore %, ;. iittic; pot bp prolitable!',"Btit„llrutue,ls 'honorable Ediforof the Union is doubtles'sineere, for what to him are ; the,, tVelkiree . tpt' interests of tlie., !he: counties ol.Adame, COmberland, Ferry, and Franklin, when weighed against, the start -Ip.igtide,a, that the rich men of Baltimorepos sibly Teiieive large dividends on their hivestmPnts ln the kindness of our heart, thep, we hostel) to relieve the`fears and anx ieties of our friend of the . Uniois,' by; assuring. fi filet. there is not the slightest fourid ati on . for his alarm and uneasiness, nor is there , the least substance in any thing ,, set forth in., editOrial f7 w hich . filled 'w it h shad es and. , .filtitntoina coniUrild np'l4',Y love ofcorpo,- . rations and ;pupilage. That the york ,tat~rispig road will be,made,we aisume , as. 'lip.Qxpdfictl'—alrittailthaveil,ifferent routes.. botin,:eplorod and, the ground found to , be , „ .That it will be prOfitable is pqual.• .ly cortain,Jor the trade from ,this bomber-- land Valley alone will Olin re go'oa - dividends • to the Stock hOlders. ' With this road cornpie-. ted flour,could, be taken from Chambersburg- I to ,BultimPre for fifty cents per barrel, a late low enough to turn all the • produce of this valley into that city,.and . give its mprchants• the benefit of sending over. the' road in re-• turn their dry goods, grOCeries,salt, plaster,. &c.,artielea that pay a. high •freiglit; trade with the passerigertmveLneeeSsaty at_. tendallA in so large a business would give a . large "revenueto the company. The receipts. of the Cumberland Valley road which are yearly increasing, and now exceed $lOO,OOO per annum, are derived mainly from its lo cal .busines and travel—but let the York and' Harrisburg road be completed and theie re- • ceipts will be increased fifty per cent, by the facility,and cheapness of this route M- I Baltimore. ' The road from Portiunouth Colombia canopt crimpete with the York and! Harisburg road for this trade, because by the tormdr, the Susquehanna • must be crossed' by bridges with horses, whiCh would require' repeated changes from steam to horse pow er andisibe'Verse, , and necessarily cause so , many delays as to form an almost insupera - ble obstacle to competition—added to which • the distance by that route would be some . 2.01 to 25 miles further -= as each' of the'bridiges by law charges. toll "for five miles., These tarns Vtill doubtless be highly gratifying to the. tbzion as they show that decided advazt tages will be enjoyed, by some two to three hundred thousand citizens of Pennsylvanir, and at the same 'joie the interests of the rich capitalies 01 Barimore- r interests so ,deato that paper—will be subserved.• Let not this • Editor then waste his sympathies on th'oso . who have emb arked k: t their lends in the York and Hitrisburg road,—the raw, „material, is' too precious to be thrown away—but "Ionk"-' ing at the subject in a sober and • piaoticdl light, rather let him ponder and refleat'ort the question whether it would not be better for the Harrisburg and Lancaster Company to abandon their proposed work from Ports - mouthrto Columbia, and adopt that recom mended in the Union, by constructing a load from the Pennsylvania rail road and , canal near 'Harrisburg, to a point where '"they . could open ono qthe' riOest inntninn ) .43( our great deposit," "Whitt' fertilizing &c. &c." , "We beg most respectfully to comment lit to. the attention of our esteemed neighbor ." PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT IN ,CAI..ITO NLl.—The papers received by the . fat! 3 arri vals from 'California, Contain accounta•Of two meetidge which hayl been held in Califtrirnia, One in San Jose 'and the other in San Flat lc is co, for the purpose ,of 'forming a temporary government for the protection of the Tile pod 'liberties of the people. The meeting were Iliily oreeniied, and a series 'of . reenlmions were passed, 'setting fortlfl the '• nilowsity 'whfch'e)tiatifoi a goveltriftinVcif ifor sort, until Congrese.shalf flu thein 6 atter de •finitely, 'The ineetingp . eipress • (he strongest - ...regard for tlie'Unitt4 States Government. tritecNework &in says tb at eight , stages . ine , bidding in 'that oily; ttin , twenn Tern Citiz , , , and• 'Mazatlan. q•Stearners on botlieosaiis aro to contisawitlr't so thatliatiVengett'catitelront Now Orleans to ban kranctscoinn hteen • daks ! ...e-r7,llratto7l A`~a -Yaik~~ih~ta+enfy~eA"ven"dage'!~~ ~; ;. A ,mpatabby 4 ing,merder,was con .linitted op - th'e - oehing . 'of . PUbfway:3d; in Cipain..; 'pati:' klialk, itin i ,icirrier w lie 'of' a • l'ettptnin,,. Howard, oallerVa theliciuse:orMris:k hWulfo, , le'Flitb.atieriti.,betweemPlumb and '.V Veatem 111L.w-; and ingutied for Oapt. II". wbt t. ;with Ilia, wife Was,. hoarding . , ' the' haps O . : On:: bitiridinfrihrienlintb..*Bb not iii;: eye in ; ,,: •' or Ntra,ll; , ,' , atiewiti iniited..t nick the i, IMP,VeF. be.servant.girl:oalled,Mi:a4fll,,lwbh ,unnor; lately, fairki,!,:the ! ptgloi;, ,iii,ad: hid liaektlierii, but a - minlite ;_when alto; fit tag gr3r:. ~, t edttO tiiiiritriehilliiitig'iti.,,iytiffftiiiiiiii4,-'U.'hat q Wornanib halt Med MeV' , and fin Medliti 3 iy exr .iiheoi44;Aiffeedlut• A vronfit!pW4e i Inn ii tlil 4i!` 4 1 ,K. th;l!Atb;Oty,firiglo, , . ( 4 , lFili4PlPAN% o ol;tPliite , " l :iy, .;The wetiparparop . i4ed,was . ergimbly . at 'rdior: rrie'illiiithiresalikiVititie.34lfir , tr i esiii . ,, tedf-intet:iiiihit'n6inine•?.Jbatoney'nfitlci 1.9 7 ~ : 4 4uitad4cwirai t eriihe,'esOseti - 4 1 theAels4 ,- ' 4 .~ , , 1 4----,14M- . onae-itipwhiali-Tpin , - , POrWilli-,1,-1---S;- : ' qtit,tl4l4 49ty.t.,Phipiri!4,bitibi is aillhOt:Ogrtill i tt; in, Apur op,'cau , nly,..hentuoky.,:' I lams one. T .itekty;.l4: 7 6ntiin; J .lntinnt:tialv'eliinC:iiiunia' , ' 'ttithitAoilobivfiwalt*tit...'ettitiliq.iltitl 7 d6ws:.-:. ' 'be'glass;;sixi: itvreighti ';YTheold°lei,lyt I,.:inn",,n 4 0 4 P.Y11 1 ,q-J - SOM.:4 o ll4 l .ONYiittit tOfPPr9ved:ttc T :, ,;4,44l l l l ,.#ii.r o .4.4,iiii..:AirOtgikiipk ',oho idpar‘, .kti(Afi OPPlliiiiiate P‘&99 ,i l l iPs i llifTt °rail . nt tlsibwi ,ilVititte i nd'il Water'',itint. bihalie:ami ' litiefrpreptpitOoneilielleirwilfilleVatitilrittee' 0110..t.e,4e,alefle4da,liiigliter,kquIdlcor , and. ,. . IP, 4 l . fPAlXAll o .:;'o.o. l i4h'toctu . ikesiesi,liopsi lhapiii, : in.aiir0t,her..way,,,:',..., , "„....:,.; ..,,:.-,,,--, .;.. ~.,. ..1,, , ,,,m.., ~i 3., t..ik,..f.T..,...p,:1 4 4' , ..j E. ,;$ ( m •-ffssli,r , ....4L'l. , - - .1 O r/K .S*l l ! o `o l o.? , o o+o4 ll l l : i ,e. b r4 , - 1 4,1 1 "Itid :ttfoi:rfhas of.' 4 93leg.itnnt k t ifyi yo last , 00,-; ,: oinvoilo l d l o,,ol4l4l,ll#l# '1411:00W , :,,,,' :':' - ,1,.ii,,,c4,6:4,41.4F, , ,tfi2 . 4 . 1;00.44r..'iif.Cikr.j;:'1t1i,i1.01.4`4 4 i, : :Y4 '010 411 . , ,, i 4 i , 4 -" Ai: 4 0 1,-, ;;iti ''' Zi :)l : ' ':'‘i '.,...,,.:".,-,?,,, !...,1•,..; , -, ~.•- . ),'N'.i;',,, , - i ',-*;., ' ::', : , ... y:,"•, -, dr;:i(it..-;. 4 ,'!. ,, , -1 0,r,, ,,' -' 2i - T., : -'f.i{ , ',',c411.?,64i.i,i1 . 11, 4 ,..41;•::,". ,. '446'..1;:‘,:;',;: , - , t'-;:"A, ifrg,'-',!!, a •• ES atiproac,ltiiitthe CRiat ` , l" • --111 Els Trlumphal.Progress. • in iwo•weela General Tl+t:On will enter upon the duties of the officeyrlficik t,' /i - Anit`;Pltkierysesolutiatifitha.Ytt :PaPta_tli I be i!iirres.mpp.,7l,''itt the:,l,V4,ritnsi,4l,/teA'skitalr(e •t 1 3 r8 111 1 1 ' :. g " gre e 'e F il l ii rT igt, Ifi al i n .- b r i'bitlLo 9 i T y e ti a tj'i l i ° l7 o lslilv:• - • -•-- , i in - „). j JI, ,, 9 , 4 ; iic i pl •-,p i t,.?,,Fk A - wide;•,.., ,, ,f , ,.. , (c;w1 t , ,u,,,,,, , w.; t.v.t to t.‘:1 , ,,i- i , Tim 0 0, 4 ,1b 9r *Ai co ‘ mille p te ikip,wre)t JO tb , Ttie N: Y. retn ineiciel t Paytt`tlhat le' t.,' letter:, ler dif+histivinier %It`riehl. of , Gogaseetiv . el. ; re , -,, 'dit6ed priaeslon cosh, he-ihde yet , rematillOgla rehentiy..recaived ill 41arnt?,!atates 1 that the , 11 Aerge, stoefo , of•lfil i uslinOde ..I,shies,'ceelinTirs, ,Isipm . ,,Tpitsipo,nA iqattwpOSli'...Cir9, l lß!ati iffsi..l , Alysteriel•qprihilrgir ianiliFreec li Aturt o noc . a. , ..airo . R ATIhNiA p#Regt, , ,A4.9TVsl! , :ilf. , !(}l l l ,, I ,°•,_'..;; l 4,, ,l te c a!!.. i ge r „re o ls ,,Z n ssil % l 4.,lFL-ti l WaSf:p n . (l 4 4 3 B lB : iii r e. ' Slible f iSif ; glilli ' itiiiil r itli t iiliiil . Ation , ,7 11 ! 'd° , .‘ . v , 13 ,.. 1144 1 , 6 ',.. 6 ., / , r Mr , , d tt l ,..r.,.*c . it,poiC.4 ' 'ciattiertPds;lakdalis i AratibiegletiVi4d l ,/ -: l l .ie 4 ' - o . tagiemher : tlii6 • m'ina; a lP i rf -1/ set ved.itoNew Yorknahtl',wilhbecialren s , t°o'.., i'-felt,dooralWestef;l3urltheider's ate, , e!t . t . in ... s? Iy,ashingtAa ? ,cityligAt3 ; 4,4,pkt4ol .. ppgara •:,,, *...yav0rn,„ % t,,,' , ,, ~,. ~, '1, , ,,0,,•) ,---, MY ' ; Lion el qpnwltiYAF,t, ) , ,,, .. , .e.!r 1, , 51. , r ,-.11 1 '.d t,-; ,----,. -.----'' .I "c iror ' selirliell. , .' tilli cfilirt n ciltvpen l i, ' Fl -It le•§Pk t ,Rp f e E l T Y - .: ..,, -- LZA N_ rd. :t9-- obA, l , l d ti : fi ; de. Watt, po‘C:iiiseettiott tic A61 . 11(0(48 ,11 a its-:: ir0.,8:414te4 Eittrftit 4 lit ro natation that. can he Übe& liki)Ciiiiitiq3iiiitaiiiiiiiil;thtfiState Jaw,- f! , cittep l gh2 - 11 , ~,,,,i. na t ation that. tarbititittlgetwvendinZ °l ' 4l fi l l9. r4Q3l P- 96 I h9 'r 1. , '.; , 7,V.;rtil: l l7'Z ' ala. Oahe, Splint, '' , , qrl ‘ i, tsLAittlit , :i \al : tatt , . ,, ''eildr` , r4q9z., . 111 it &'' ' '- ‘;'i'l , '':' : . 4l l',f,, b ...?Par.t e " P ,l n t, v i l y n ,,-.',in. s 'il ff tr i le, a rtw` n n t ic u il---- ' l 'Tha-doisisiatufe. 4. 4diotlynetitort—lbei . l'',. --- , ' , l ...E , 0 A k tioroeba c Tli 'tlio'htilidg , tiffritrery I.o.i.!,,9 l 4.#"i•lhilliffr V a Pli i nl a ol j y kl i lit t P 6 4‘ I t l i t v ',,grivirli I il 4. lr c ic , ! o ii i i , fitag i ftd d ixf ti t i i ;iiir o lt r tt t it 5gt0rir0k.17:R:(711 , 4:1 , 1# , ,1.!-- ,-,,,,,:, i ‘ i!ii.e.,.4iiiiiii.4.44so4.-/8 WlNagi,cA l! /) - fled - 1 "If4i*if r# 4l°l. l 4 l l t kr° } I f I 7 ri; ; AW I ' dt ita4:sl°l l ?4l P ( Vi i rti I Pt i t l ii .- "ii' l d i ' ° sr ' eV ifial-PIV ITMlVilrigli t , rlt, !,?3' 11 !, ..- a 4 Xettirttp Mete I,.iL tl, e P 1.. , arid'., „s ,;,) _W. 'rpm 411 b elicit 0; et - l i i i ii, ,tl.; x wilt! ~,,,,, ImiEk wnetesatea„un , rettut Der . i..,? , ptte) r.e!, 1 0i ilifiliailiailififii;ifiltifrt it 6 1,9 1 )11 1 ,LVi t 1. irebeir t . - ,1 ' , .'..; , .._...L.,11 i. ,'" i ~,4t ,?,.? :, p ,,, ,vt Ai i it ? ,t1... 1 : f ‘ '. 4 1 '40,#•,7A1 7 1.09. 1 1?..,,:1:, '' ~ ' "'''''l '' "' l 's ''''' ...''''' , ''"''':'`, ' l ' ,"f' 41 t;' :( 4'.4:13 1 . - ti142;,`'.:7 f'to . tiOlit,'":s%: (o '" 'ti c. lq4f,gAdAkPil/wpr ". ,,-,, r , '' ' ~', * , N's - ';'''?e ,, ,lii:l7,Amt",. ,, , - ..,, ~., .. ti2.,.1..-- , , _, ~!,,, ,5 tz, , 5g. 4 . , e, l ii , 4: a'' , ", , i“ ... -,. ;V. ', ' ' . - '•^,l: i ~ , ~:,,.- A NA. , , , Wctly,,, '' ' • •• ,- ' 4, ,; 1. 4 ,4 'IN% 'di . - '. '",-,-. ,' .;.,k,,,,tir.,,i• ...,,,,,,,L,,,t,,,,,,14,0"),,,biw. Effi ME .;.10-4-Neia Cuiefor . -tideil. ii,zounng 14*-61.8166Ittibliii714:12ets., ilcilolatile trimkaits '9,0104' b ra s fite n ia , t t l r et, pa gi_ r z i e_s iii h i. i iiiB - b fo r o an d d m y iii i h n b a ra w n i c t l t y er .an t t 9 d 6 ::---e "'' these with hie tea and co . Ilit ii. 'e 'C '"'A l l :i ld il ii c em 'e e a lnxil ' e a licl u 'f rit ' o re nl v rolla .e b r ie kg 'd ' i t s i g ie nsl ie ti g n i ti ... I n i.Z ik) fi r itt7l l:- " a-- p - b - galtian.slie u ld, howeVer, . w "" a " rg ig: l l .7 e.'clp'eration - for fear of apoplexy and ''' ( 6 l a t i c'elnestion. One bundled and thir- .. , e ty fi , r n ‘ lii r if: l a — or t lreia were so treated with perfect ititlß - :' .- 11 is said that Randolph prodicted that c(the time would. come .in' Virginia, when the masters would run 'ayiqty from their negirws, and the neg,roes would advertise them in.the newspapers." Counterfeit lives' on , the-Faitfield . county Bank, Noryvicl4fdati., 7 .havo piade their ap pearance in.Briigon; . 05410 itiOnE COUGHS, 9.61.1M1 dcc.— j upostrA sr TO EVERY ONE. ,head tt Oita paper's opinion.— 111•Makin's Model - American Courier: "Tli'ose suf fering with Coughs or Colds, will do well to procure a supply of • , Ult witr,vos critic!' OAfIIIY. 4 'We have had a fair opportunity of testlitg tho'oir tuetiol the Candy In our awn foully, and ungniloted (ezirpt by them.) *e give our experience: If le vory pleasant to taste without nausea in its abets, and almost MAGICAL in Its operation." • The above,-from such ra, stilt rse, We think lo mulch In convince - OW mar skOpilint. We have hood:oils ,orenrtilicatele from, tit - C . 111os; respectable citizens of tho ; United States. , . • *Par public an:taken, it It most capliril.nrilele. it clearing the Toice,aininst It lathe very thing fur children, luring delicious to gut, CrEO - W CHILUS . dc CO, Soli proprietor of lilt WILEY'S Celebrated Cough:Candy, - 1 t • No I Ledger Iluilding, Third Si re'en. Price cis-per:package. . . SAMUEL ELI.IOI'.; Sole Agent for Carlisle.—:'{n . . SCARLET FEVER usupily commences with nroiren end sickness. crest .titlrsi, bend:lt:he; red etc.. s ,tf the eyes: &c, In two 4r three days a pricking SPllSlllifill Is eXperieliCell; and nu' eruption ors fiery redness IT gins trt. stpuenr, lirsE lii the face nod snot., fly n 'minim redness coders the whole hotly. In enses.of Scarlet Fever, Wright's It . lian Vegeta ble Pills nlionid,ite•laken.egery night on gailla In bell in such doses na In , produce' copious evnrnntbma Ivy the howdlii, elitiis cottrikt, ifproperly followed ill is a short time subdue the most violent Him k of Bendel Fever, nt the sonic lime the Alet•Filon will he Improved, nod the bond enmpletelrputilled rrlieware of rottoterfeits and linitattens. Remem ber-Mk the original and only genuine Indian Vegeter ble Pills have the written signature of W 1 1411A51. WlllatUi on the top label, of each box. The genuine Is Pm .stile by (AMPLER 001I.11V, Witust gala hiFetfrliakiWb - riil neeTSTvrrififilier." land county, liv Whom eon wiry dealers will' he out SiIiTURDAY-MORNlNG...—lrlte.export demitiol. for. Eloar.continue - slintitei.-but holders geni,rully are n llttle t firiner, nod sales real; cc sic 7(0 hairdo( - dard Venn'a bra ndsatssls brl, which is uniformly asked, Corn Meal Is steady at ,$'2i12.1 - for Peuti'a,— Rye Flotir—.N . o sales. Wheat Is woolly held shave the Views of buyeie cud we beer of no eaies Corn holders are asking higher prices, and buyers .liold ell We are only 'advised of some small sales of Petea yellow at 57 a 58c,'delivered : Colton dull and prices nominally. without chringet In !prcv Wens there Is not much movement. We notice . a sale of ICO lthdo prima sugar cured hams In plc tile at 8 etc per lb.— 'Groceries in fair demand: Sales aro-150 bids New Orleans Sugar ut about:sc, and 'fICO begs Rio Coffee at a private bargain. Whiskey—Steady at '9,2c, a Sic for Mids and brie." 11ALT134011E, Feb. 17, RLount—The Insueetlonsfor. the week amnia to 17.000 bble. The (Witt market to dey line been stea dy, but notnetive. Soles of4oo bble, Howard street, at S4,BT to *4,114; and 400 bbls, City - Mills, at f Gra In—Soles of red 'Wheat-tit 108 to 110 etc. Boles of.lo;ooobustap coffi, to l ile a; f 5 et(, and yellow at bf4cto. oats,eist.ltyo.4,6o cut. INblsliey— %Boles In tibts of 22. . • On the ttb, inst. by ffie — Kev. A. H. Kramer, Mr. LEVI &mon, to Miss Itnenst. ZIEULER, both of South Middleton township. On the 15th inst, by the same, Mr,- TOBIAS Sim of Loivci Dickinson, to Miss MAIIV BEAR of West Ponnsboio township Comb. county. On the same day, by, the same, Mr. SmittlEr. 'KurrEn of Franklin township Y mit co. to Miss NANCY ETTER, of South Middleton tp. Cumb. co. DIED. At the residence of his brother in South Ittiddeleton township, on the 12th host Mr. MATH Les SAILOR, in the 23 year of his ago. On the 16th instant, In South 511ddleton township, Mrs HANNA!' wifeof Samuel Shupp in the 57th year of Ler age. On Saturday the 10th lest, of the residence of her brother, Mr Robert M'Ciane Eeq, ip Suutliamptern township, Cumberland county, hlrs.J.4,9i: ‘VALLtcr, in the 59 yearof her age. WE sixty-third Anniversary of the Belles . 1. Lettres Society of Dickinson College, will be celebrated in the M. E. Churnlrot this bore.' on the evening . of the 22d ins.. The public is respectfully invited to attend. Doors-open at 6} o'clock, mence at 7. G R Bum, 1 II CARLISLE, A Moons, F C It W Bnowx, T It Twit:Am, 014‘. Arrangement. MEC Proposals for Publishing the Month- THE COLLEGIAN will ho publieslied each montkof , the College fear t. by the Belles Let. tree _and 'Unioii "I'hitondpittenl Societies, and aliallsbe cendtmied bya joint editorial committee &brit the iii 6 societies.: - The Colleginn will be Printed 'hoick magazine formsby Messrs. Col ins' of• Philadelphiavench number contitining ' 2, nueettotettive,t.cfs entirely. griginal flintier. ~ . Its cententiahtilLbeCtots a:purely, liierns y chn• ranter; and the editors:filed' ;sedulously avoid any-thing of - a personal:or-sectarian mimic., yet it at tilt , iimists Otani° flee expression ' of ttliougtit,,tindsopinionn - 0 4 ... , 1 . • • , , 1 , Our priecipid iNe at s brp,l6'stite 't lietn hisiefly, in the first pinto slo - Otiflill . Refkylildj . t.lC the in,- srease'of the libratieirliil:Hnli'liternit'iotiatice t and, secondly; to farnish'iegradlitiress:'.l'Means 'Of cortrunimittitiop With their . ler . 4'''' - 64t • Yet we flatter aurselvis'iliat .w; 4 ' reider. it -caireriodienla'weleesinel'iisit efts she will patronize us. Ip - Princ.,o, o 9, 4 nYarinklY,-in snriance.---sper. 'dons sairdingien•Subiscriberesliell be entitled to an eleventh' copy grntis., ,iortulitates and old Inanthors of tho. Societies are earnestly solicited to aeisrise erns. „Address, poet paid, " Editors s" o ti_ inn "Cs irs e e; _.: . ' Fob. 21,-,lt ---Geniocrat copy•l ~~~~0~1 `~'o'~oj~3o~~~~~~~p~r • '' . ' • (soot:Eason' TO - Igr; 3.'F. NEFF.) A..ESPECTFIIttY infoinitt th'it citizens of . this ,plece anilfvicielly,,tha t , having made lll9;l6lf thcir'ott filk're 'uninfetl'ieit it the anEor,ic l A I Its,w_cli as tliti.mrsietie iptirCof , Dentistry,lt is , ricivr, preptteetlioner ell oporatimis•entruated li to ttri t 'to thii - setts actionz.of , allynt , in'odetste •Choiges. ,, ooefou-;-Soutif tll-hinacet: , street v ,ed. 16inieg office cif:D r . ., G.NriFiniikci,iitid Hirrile ,:dieltilyityptielto the' 2d Proihyiterian Chittiii. , ,/,-i - Fott.:21;18-1?::'; ; +;.!:. • ...... • ... _ , ~. ;,s, ME illeixlitts. = MARRIED lqiiiice. ly Collegian. suRGEOV4*ils'T, - , II