Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1849, Image 3

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Y iLum W l W • .
General li
. Coinsion and Forivarding
erchant No.' 76 Itoivlir's Wharf,
OR 11M Bale of Flour, Grain, Cloverseed,
Whiskey, Lumber. &e. &c. Also, for.
aiding - Goods, yin .Titio Water Canal and
—Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for, tieh
r-Salt,- Plaster, &c. &c. Supplied at loweat
Having been engaged in the above' business
• ' dUring.the last fiVe yarns, noontinuation•of the
patronage of his friends and the public is re
spectiblly solicited.
Refer to
J & E FAY, Harrisburg.
•JACPU BUREN, Carlisle, Pn.
A. CATDCART, Shophordstown, Pa.
'Gamma SINGVISE.R, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Feb. 14-Iy.
• Estate of Gabriel Line, dec'd.
ALL persons are hereby notified that Letters
'of Administration on the Hamm of Gabriii
Line, late of South Middleton township,
county, dee'd, have this day been tatted by the
Register in and for said county, to the subscri
bers,'one of w honv Thos. Lee, resides in Dick
inson township in said county, ned the min r,
Mary Line, in South Middleton too tiship afore
said. All persons having claims or deffiands
against the este e of said dticedeut, are requested
to make known the same without delay, and
those indebted to make payment to
A d 'll'ra.
Fe btu n ry_7.,Ct
Appointment by the Goventr
THE subscriber wishes in make known to
the public that he has been appointed PUBLIC
AUCTIONEER, by his excellency Gov:John
ston, in place ut Wm. Gould, Esq., elected Re
gister ct this county. Ho will receive at his
roam in the rear of the Marked•House,;Wares
and Furniture; ',Dry-goods, -Groceries,- Horses,
and Cows, mad every description of Framing
Utensils, nil of which will be sold for rash to
ihestilvantage of persone going maw. Ito will
also attend as usual to the CRYING-OF
SALES, in town and country on reasonable
terms. Having had years of experience he
hopes to merit and receive a share of publicet
ronage. WM. MILE S.
Febtulry 7.72 m.
...,y ,d pun_ _ _ _
SHELLER., for the counties of Cumberland
and Franklin. Farmers who have used 'iris
Corn Sheller, pronounce it a most invaluable in
vention. It is simple in its construction and not
liabltiet out of order. It pepetates the corn
from the cob, without breaking either, and deli.
—vers thdeurn clean and fit for market. It shells
froth ton to twenty bushels per hour. Eight
hundred of them nave been sold the past season
by the inventor, all of which were highly ap
proved. -
Persons 'wishing to see the above Corn SW
-lan-can do so-by-culling at_the_shop_of_tho_ault
scriber, corner of North. Hanover and Louther
streets, Carlisle, where he will keep constantly
on band n Jorge number for sale. Every farmer
and miller should have the cheap but val
uable Corn Sheller. _
Carlialq, Jan 31, 1843-2 m:
To Owners and Dealers in Horses.
r-for the cure of Founder, Split
, Hoof, Hoof-bound Horses, and
111110191: contracted and Feverish Feet
Wounds, bruises in the Ftesh,
Galled Backs, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Cote,
KiCks,'&e, on horses.
CARLTON'S RING•BONE CORI?, for the cure of
Ring.bono, Blood Spavin: Bono Slinvin, Wind•
galls, and splint—a pertain cure irrThis Ring-
Hone Cure and the Founder Ointment are pre
pared from the recipe of a very celebrated
ghsh Farrier, and will cure in minery•nitte ca
ses out of one hundred orally of the abov'e com
plaints They have been used by tarrorrs, liver y
men, stage proprietors, and others with the most
marked arm decided success. For Sale by • C.
0 GILB •
Town Property for Sale.
W - ILLrexpese-ni , Bublie-Bale-oti.the:preMi,.
sea oti Siturday the l7th of February next,
at 10 o'elock Antlt`letbllte , property of BER-
NARD HEN El,4.dced.'part of a let ef ground
situate in the-Buroughof
& half feet from,,,& two hundred & forty hack
'to an Alley; with a small Frame Sheri & Buck
Building, Stable Sze• Pounded on the Went by
Wm. Et.'Seymour; East ;iv Robert:Noble. front
by Main street, North•by Dieltinsfin Allay, pos•
•session given on the firsl of April twat. the
above property is, suited for any branch of bus
iness, tomps made known on the day of Sale by
CHARLE•4 W. WliA V lilt, Executor.
Carlisle, January dtth. 1849—te.
I! or Rent.
THE small Farm on the Turnpike, nliout ore
mile West of Carlisle on whit+ D Bailey now
lives; with the lots attached. It eitintainsttbout
forty •oint acres,*
3finunry 24th, 1.R42
Pine and Etherial Oils.
'PROSE not gulag, to 'California ran lie eap•
plied wall fresh Pine and Etherial Oil; at the
Cheap-Grocery store of
C INHOFE, Ai . 4l.
Ca lisle, Jan 24th 1819
Thtecutor% Notice,
, , . .
1 4
'ATTERS leatanie fit ary on the Estate of
'the-Rev. WM. 11:' JOHNSON,- late of .r
t a .HO'rongh of . Newylle, the:d., hive been
grante'd to. the; pubseriber
,rosuling in - Weal.
.All ,per s p o s.-'h av i rg
elatnia against stildE's . tateoivill orosent,them for
:settlement, and Those indatitdd wirtaake:lin..
mediate. payment t0..._ . .. . , . , ,_ . • ,
. ... Al'.94Esalkilt,,,,lJAHLlN.
. _
• - i3 .-- hcreby - gwetr. - 11iiii=thtinlie.1--13er,--_
liia'slif ow, AriEgtwiient h'enefif:',9l' hie e.
iii . :,W4Cat l ;porhons
will p' resq)lolleirciptFiuOind nll po'lobe tridubled
' ill hank° pa robot 1,11411910 •
alit - A:SON, Assignee
'Wcisitionniboro Toivpship Jan 281849
. .
',',vgatate .A.bieham , Erb Aso d
ThETTEESiof , Adr,niniotration'ob the f.E-31tite
a t A.,brAbralubrir Erb, dlite xifi East .
ahiplava hmin'annie.%. ••
sotto, bovine afriinondipet,fl4 woe Of , de-:!;
cciOsoo „ arcoroquestedAo:o l 4Borie : ,thcini:ol4aKyt.
thentokrid:thOsOiknololOg',-thetifOoljtiil,ilidob e ,,,.
to, Otako , plynletif itrimodintoly,
1,3;:r '.'Elt,B; -Ad iiinietrdtor,.. ;'
Estrote 'f :!)Yjs ,. ; , i
late ,, ,,oflAnnroe ;
any ti ej!e_on gro,nted to .Iha, u,tiscriber t?splinfitin'j ;
~;15:4 11 1 1 ; t e l TAI, I lfecillp ,
*W01.44 4° 6:4 glittrj!!-F414! Ch / q9P. t , , • I — PregTnt ,
oivei;i e4ti opdthoiii;,.Anowititc.l:them%4
~, ,, „. ...t o),toaiolinkko.pnyrnifutlirilmOdhooksr.tok6
anuarYil 7;9
• ,T;T.
„ -
docleet::‘,:4* , ,...erk " ' 180-7-8 ' ' ' 4
!in 'es Loud,!?l,„ ri fl`VlrSil ieie/0445111; ~ " ' ;11‘',,
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1,01 thtrkSlet*lttit
County of aumberland,ftmO the
.J.,arom the Ist day o,_ taky
', , December, Aka) . tzvl
MU by Of C • f f d t
• e e ornmismoners in con ormity o aw,,,contame
. tn e. ar_an y-ttecon .•
:- • - irtatztvretity.thiid-sectione 'net of :Assembly cf,thja.Cornmonwealthi'iMased'
on the ftfteehth:day, of 'Ajaiil D.' 1834,and alai - 3'lr — ) costb in;tretitlf-thn-atirtx
seventh'section:Of - the Act i c r e .- q t ui re 'the CoinlY Treasarei,,bnet;
year, to state his' ecoun't and produce hia.Vouchers to the Commissioners w
altar examination' by - Said COmmissionerS; shall be, by, them laid' betoie the Count
Auditors Air settlement according to law.
In accordance with which ,Robert, Moore; Esq., Treasurer d Cumherlan • county,.,
sub - ibils the following as a correct -exhibit of his Receipts and_ Expenditures for; .
the'past year, ending the 31st day'of Mecembei, 1848. fJ
To balance in hnud : of Treasurer is per'Auditors settlement
To amount of outstanding Taxes
" of County tax assessed for 1848,
of State abatement for payment on $22.000
received of James Heifer, Esq. fines received in Quarter
- Sessions -
received of James Hoffer, Esq.'verniet fees in Common
received of J Ellis Bonham, Esq: 4tt'y. Gen'l. verdict
fees in Commonwealth cuSes .
received on Misceibmeous receipts
" of John Goodyear,' Egs. late Clerk, fines and
yerdict foes in Quarter Sessions P 5 00
received of 'W M Beetem, Esq. for use of Arb'tion room 35 00.
of Car. Dep. Bank loan ob'ed. by co for 60 days 2473 33
Justice Craighcira (per* hands D,: - Coble,
Esq.' fine for, violating bridge laws,
1 , 02.
• I .
ExlnOiting the amount of Duplicates, ainorztlt , Received, ammin
Evaluations, and amount Outstanding on the Duplicates, t
Townships and Collector's Mitres. Years Amt. of Dn. Amount Collecfors Exhne- Outstanding •
Borough's ' plientes received, fees, rV,lons,
. , .
. .
. ,
Allen Allen Floyd • 1847 • 1100 41 840 81 .138 , 14 21 46 . .
Carlisle John Harder 1931 59 1000 00 , ' 931 59
• Dickinse.6 ' John Huston . 1423 06 1228 96 147 57 46 53 . •
Hampden Simon Fiteoveti , 106 48 29 77. 70 80 591 •
Hopewell Wm. S. Bensha 91 18 52 05 34 29 484
IHonicie Peter Diller 582 44 460 49 110 65 11 30 - '
New v ille - Daniel S. Dunlap 42 23 23 94 16 25 2 . 04 ,
Newton • David J. M'Kee 239 85 126 60 89 03 18 22
el. Middleton Samuel Allen 964 72 852 74 103 03 895 ,
N. Cumblimil Joseph Musser .- 50 73 39 62 '''S 13 298
Silver Spniig, Hon. Voglesong 882 47 750 33 119- 54 12 60
Ship'burg T. Andrew Frazier 39 93 26 41 13 49
Si Middleton J. Burkholder ' 1028 35 876 83 116 96 34 56 .•
Ships'barg B Georga Butts . 53 08 r 704 37 31 873 •
Southampton Robert Mateer 61)! 55 557 23 81 46 22 86
W. Pennsborit John Dunbar• 1 458 57 314 11 115 90 28 56..
Allen • Jacob Coover 1848 1 . 2814 47 1470 00 - 1344 47
Carlisle J. Postlethwait I 3541. 57 , 1681 00 • -1860 57
.Dickinson E. Hutchinson 3005'88 2266 00
.1739 88
E. l'ennsboro' J. Longnecker 1327 60 1000 0.0 327 60
Franklord, • ' John M'Dowell. 617 49' '535 25 82 24
Hopewell Samuel Heherlig 689 23 650 73' 34 25 425
Itamp;len David Shupp ' 1456 . 27 1240 00 216 27
Mifflin H. D. Dalhousen .771 47 727 74 38 30 543 .. i
Mechan'oburg Isaac Kinsey 443 68 362 00 81 68 -
Monroe Samuel Bricker . 2212 25 - 522 00 .. ' - - 1690 25
N. Cuiribland Charles Oyster 166 96 ' l3O 00 26 96
NewVlll - 6 John Hume - • • 2,27 75 309. 09 .. 16 2.6 '2 40
N. Middleton Jonathan Lehn • 2066 44 „. 968 00 1098 44
Newton Michael Hale • 1791 71 1695 32 89 - 25 714 • .
Silver - Sprirtg- -fotin-B,Ebright-- ___2404_54 _ 1395.00 1009 44
Shipp'eburg 13 George,Butts 769 45 371 00 - 49.8 45
Shippistang T. Daniel Kenower 2 7 2 15 161 00 I 111 15
S. Middletott- Hugh Stuart. . 2371 72 1301 14' 1.070 58
'Southampton David Mower • , 1664 40 886 00 , 178 40
W. Permsboro W. M. Da•vidsor. 2342 68 . 1628 541
114 14
. - -------.
TOTAL, I . 40,708 35 211,586 '77 1,380 61 248 76 12,492 21
sone $4OO 00; •J 1:t Shright,Dpy. Col. $3OO 00; David Mower 113 00; Ceorgt Butts, $125 00
scab Coover. $2OO 00; Jonathan Lohn, 200 01.1; W M Davidson, 13(1 00; R. Anderson, 331 , 00;
lugh Stuart, 813 46; J Postlethwait, 105 00, Daniel Kenower, 59,00,
Total amount received on the above duplicate°
do. of Collectors fees '
do. of Exonerations allowed
do. Outstanding sdn the above duplicates
Total amount of Puplicatos
. •
Paid Gran o Jurors Jurors at January Sessions
do do April db
do do August drT
do do November do
Paid 'Traverse Jurors January 'du
do do do. Common Pleas, . .
• do do April • Sessions • .
do do do Common Pleas . d
do do August Sessions
du du Nov, Sasions 1 , 1 4 n
do do do Common Pleas
Paid Jacob Ensmingor and others for board allowed by order of Court
whilst setting on Jury •
Do David Williams pay as Juror I day at April Court
Do William. Anderson pay as Court Crier, (for your 1847 not brought
into account of that year,) and for 1848,
Do James Dunbar and others pay as tip stoves • : .
Do Samuel Ensmingor for 12 cushions for Jurors chairs,
Do Hon. William Dock,for porcelain inkstands fur court
Do John Harder for Candles for Court , .. •
Do John J 'Myers for Oil; &a., for - Conn
Do Samuel,W. Haverstick.for Oil for Court
7. Ellis Bonham; 'Eeg. fees in Commonwealtlreasee, .•
R Smith, Esq. Attorney Generalfees in Commonwealth eases
Wipteisteimenibracing 28-CuriunonweOth_tom__
Justices . fee t il l; - 1 ' -;: •'
. :•...., .
a o r a
ac g 7 Gotrimonwealth case - • -
' -1. •,:,'`1' ''.:).- n' '' s' ',,-, - - 'y .- ".. - 4 r • ' .-.:ff:' ,' '. i 3l Sll
,„:ooNisiiißLES FiES li .. ' . . - '
-),- •. , • ,
.. j ..'
' ~-'- '! ''' ' '-'4 1!• ;'71 ,, : ,•„ :: .'; 1 ,•, , ', :.'.. ' ' -.• *: — .1,4:: *.".' '''- ; ' . • ' '
*W ill4.° F e - etilliraiiiV 9- Ciintnoitwli"
',, ','...''.,.;'..yr.1/4;:'-:‘,:-;•:,;-',',N -.. '''''' : ".`i ; ' ' 4 ''' --; • `,..•,:, i '''-'' • ' ' " 74
'''..?.ti•-•'-.•::,..;--',.,..., ,:0.-..'', L ,„ „,
t i; ''
'j:'477':4'VP'rl"-e,.''.79)YNTY ' ' AUD/Tbili. ” ' '''
Siii) , l3 : l : l , ,i , i , ,, i i, , ~,P,r;,,.,,; .: , , , r'' -,
. f , ~'-;'',,,.'''
, willi i.r. . ‘ l l o 329ll lo ..r.,,AU44 l ,figlp:o.account of lE'47 , (1 . , .''''. ,, ',l 'l'. -, ~. ~ 5., . .4,1, . `,. ';,', AA
IP hilip Zglirircal:l3Zn,P 8,. kg
clerk, for 1847';' . ..f., - f . 4.i +ll ' f , •,-. I.:, ,T61•6 , 6'.
1.,..: ~T,,i,,,.„,c,,,,,r4il,4l,lid'otelAr,irgoPurrir...t„,i4touniiihin'a,is4.,...,,Teogiiiiiii*,ia--'l6-.....",,, .-;• -::„.
iA' f. ', , ,: : perlict:or , A.sionlb* + . , . , ..,,,-;.' y.;---.--,T,T.11;7.1-A!,,,,,..":toiviired'Atti.: ::=..--,;: ~,-..:. ,
'• ' '''''''' . 4: ''`' ''''''-": 7 :4 - ',/ . .,`:-.• ,;' ,, *.i ,4, ' . ,yj4..Tliti':4l','; 4 ' , ''',: : ' l 4.4 5 Q..
~ f . ~ „;;„',':-:: ''' .,,': -1 . ''s, '' i ' "-- ' 1
It , ..... - ;,';;;,:z ~--; . L,,,...., . ..,. ....,, p ß de rf i c oc yiiili i - i.,,,.---- ,Y L, , v. , •-,c '.,',', :'''' - °,, , •
.':.'ili . i'.•i , .:'';' , ; . -.z.-,"" . .,':.;•:;,,,7
JuTtOE§ --1 :i.kk. ,. i%i .. c - ormo,isi' - v'Fi.ur.k4'•:o , .4i : O.F:'a;:.
`:.}kl4i=:L.y?. :'hls: yr;f:~~~~'ArK, , ~,.j{y.'l!`.li~ Y l_ . : rY~i'S t i •l ~ _ d S~. , .i::
:;; ;
of Janni
ARS .1847 AND 1848,
t of Collectors Fees, amount of
tp to the 31st December., 1848,
; '' ,
.' ' ‘'i ':1-!'''.',i;,. , ;
.. .. . . „ .
$2431 29}
31057 71,
1157 89
I ' - ; .—LI_J : '' . . , - - - •
&morn Penitentiary for ottppoFt of convicts for 184 . ? .
,Jimesitioffer, gsq.fonconvoying prisoners to Ettore n Penitentia ry
dp , ado . . amount of check No. 292 Of 184 'of bro't in tio't.
~' • .
. _ .
95 001
64 53;
20 00
25 464.
John BlackA'ilq. for three cords of hickory wood.
,Nathaniel VLintch has clothing for,priooners.
Joseph 'frog°
hainHeri Esq. for -2 cords of hickory wpod
Thomas - Star:at! for.hauling shingles from Mifflin township
Skillets MelCephar.i:7 o 2 cords of hickory wood •
Robert Boyd foy 5203',:nk shingloe'for,repaira at jail,
John Schwartz for shin t rics'Penitentiary roof and irivies
Mrs. S. Reilly for maklng,shirts forprisoners
Myers& Shearer for Blankets for do . •
J & J Basler for Making 'hi:3l3lo3%nd hand-cuffs '
Conrad 'Henninger fdr;l2oo. shingles for repairs at Jail
Gritillagherugent-'for clothing for pnsonere ,
Henry. , Glass fox 500 oak shingles for Jail
-William4lillerfor repairing pustpi3 •
Solonion Stouffer formaking.plattermet - Jail pump
-A'ndrew Hecker for repairing Woks and hand-cuffs
Charles Ogllby. forshfies, &c. for prisoners
Edward Showers for:l3 virile of hickory wood
James Hoffer, Esq. for serving Jurors notices
Do , do- • for articles.farnished Jail •
Do do - for foes in Commonwealth cases
—Doo-• -fbrauPPort.of;-Zriappers .&c. .
William - B. Murray for lumber for repairs 'dill - 1r —
Walinin liarrefOrtumber for repairs at rail
Dr: Jacob' Baughman year's salary as Physician, to Jail
5 50
$47,000 86,5
. -
Jacob Squier, Esq,Treastirer of ,Pcior House in full of estimatoA 4000 00
David Wolf, Dab in full of 1 year's Salary as Diroctor - 90. 00
William Ker, Esq.. -do . do do • 0 30 PO
Jacob Hershey, Esq. do do do 30 00
G. Ege, Wm. IL Trout &-Dr. W. W. Dale, for services as P. Hous ' e Vie 30 00
. a ', , --•
• -
Mrl6lton Means fordamages by orderof Court
Patrick Davidson, Jefferson Worthington and George Stroop, Esgs., as
Cotnessioners, and others. for. laying out mountain in N.
Middleton township as per act.of Asserebly. , 114 66
Samuel - Kitts and Jacob 'Seidler, supervisors of North_ Middleton tp.,
owneconnt of making said road . 1644 137 k
Road orders to sundry persons issued by Clerk of Court ' 190 18-
Ilirvid Capp for repairs of bridge at Bucher's milll 00
Goargs - Santh.for repairs and materials at Middlesex brldge • , 874
-Allexander Cornmati L for repairs and inateriii4 at.liays'bndge 34 70
William Woodburn for 'repairs arntirmuirinls arlletvvilletridge - - • 49. 95i
George Ruploy, Esm for repairs at bridge at Mouth of Conodoguinet.creek 9 524
Jacob Shellabarger for lumbeitind.hauling for repairs at Quigley's bridge 3 50
11. S. Ritter, Treasurer, amount of appropriation to Cumb. Fire Co.
C. Fleager, do do do Union Fire Co.
Assessors for services rendered making anessments, posting lists of rasa•
bias, making duplicate copies for election purposes, &o. for 1848
Constables for advertising triumehin elections for 1848
Election officere for holding township elections for 1848
do do, do October General Election for 1848
do do do November Peest'l election for 1848
$26,966 77
1,370 61
248 76
12,492 21
40,708 35
40,708 35
Abraham-P. Erb for winding town chick 1 year •
do —... dm ' '
tor materials , & c, to - repair clock -
Stephen - Keepers for repairs at spouting
James Dithbal 1 years salary as keeper of Public ouijding
William Edmond.for labor work done at Court House
Bernard Carney for' whitetWashing offices
John Gumboil for mnterials and ffooring Commissioner's office
Jaynes Dgnbat. for labor Work done. at Court House
Mrs. Mary 'Dunbar for cleaning offices
George Cramer- for 30 Yards of rope for town clock
92 00
85 2c,
64 12}
89 75
276 12
155 37
229 25
306 50
162 625
198 87i
223 00
'sallied° Deposit Bank, lgdn• and discount obtained fur 60 days
Mrs. Jane Siaymaker and ethers embracing 14 bonds ofeounty
Wm. Irvine, isq7s4 oiiintlf. embracing 57 checks, int'ret on bonds
5 87i
1 00,
83 00
15 00
7 00
2 50
5 37i
2 89}
.. , ,
. 1 9 1 40 3110Caltren, Nag. for_aprvicce •aureeying on State rued near
..i ~, liowvillo, kinti'alco nerth',Of Pliarville
George Satidertirrin, l ro: e c,la g e for county . ‘. •
Jitghti#arioNorthington. Esq,:foi pairitirig and glazing
GienrgeAlspaugh fbeglazinctie trae jail . : • • „
Frinhliii'Gardner'flir V. atovisiforCourt jail , ; ,
' ' • .
. .
Conrod.Renolnger fur aluiaeatene, anal_ ` . -
Charles'Oisivatd Eor plakingli,,beUot bozos
' •
JolrAptrislro'n • rut ,horce.lnze' -'•
Jiihn'W“Hetill for.reintliztri inhitands • - ' ; . ..
GeOrte . :iitittlderi fine,.lllo bushels of charcoal' . ' .- ,' „, .
2,022 52
45 00
19 00
64 00
Conrod Long nu Juror on ingduition of 'Oro Body •OfilOhit Efitnynr 1"0D' " • '
J. T. Green. do :'do., - ~- "1%00 ' ' •
John Mehafrre •••••' `!'do•••. •
R. Given. BEI tirliorint r Of,ingikinition' on 'tho•boldr,6o4ritinn• • 16,137 f
T:PrejOhelul•Ellb dril,Vlo l t,:i€ol4qulsittoo 'On,. ' z iicicyy of:
nnknos# ,' yi!„,,. _
, • '
" •
r •
- a '
JAW ltfccri;Ecg. cepector or , Nowville /10 ' 1848 -,, ..f. , . ,•1, ,, z, ~ ,;„1.. 1, .101117, , ,,1 r, ~ i
Henry PPP.olhous oll l o 9 ll6 tkurrofMkfililij . 9rlU 4B " ~`,.ii:;:- ,', l ....,,,ilic:' A 4, Bs.
Dirld ellupp.;oo/lector or Hamkeip' , ~t : , ..** , ,;4 48 ~ , ~ -,:. ti .?,',., 4, 82 ,
Chirleo OYAeil bc'ir ac "A ri Cu m blilli n ui ' ' 1 .: ~,,' I , - , -,;,,, , „, ~ J , ,!„, : 4;08'.
r • ,* • .;',‘ !I ".4';'.., , , t ,,7:7, - : ; ! ', ;,,,..1„`40 : 48,,,, e: • ? ;I. l i
DoeliMovoir 'collector oroffbotheroplon
ria`gieli J /40°1111 " i ? ,*c°11,0t P *414116111 " 1 " ''
, lii ,; ~•- .. , ~. ~, , s la GC ',,;',,: ~i -
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~:, 1 , !,,,,„ ~,,„ ~ , c,,, ,:; ',,,,,egi; gs ; s• :, ~0, , ',i ~,,,,
ciolci?3lcDowel:cOof,4"eif ,114,511:1 :1.,;jr, ,/, ' 4i 1 , , '3
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jmoicitliatiiP tre,9 l 9t o ri e r t `!" `:1 1 - -' • 44 1 %v'' '1 -!"^J l ' t'T ,- ` i . 2 ,r 4, 417 , 41i'L'4 ,:; . '-f,,
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ietio 11i#6 I 'l l 4 01 1i / 1 11 4 1 °7" ~, ' ".."1 1: i L i , •';‘) : 0 64 . 1 . = -',l illf+l , :,:r,, , eL.i. do ! ~, - , fi
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liiictio,oo,o4r."3olroitw,blLAJ.,,„.,,,-_ c',o I fw, 44 4 : 4 ',.. - 4 0 , ,,.,!r 0 'y1t „:;,, ; ,,40,00,„ ,;,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,..
lilitipuivelAlii!tol,ll,eo6!,'ef "nnt ! "" lrrT't s ,`F:;r i's'A l :t " c oll'rvll,l de 87 ,, 'N'' , 7 1 , i , o:
ion:ValqoFi ° l 46lot °l"6/I *" r- i t''' 4 4l . : ,, I),p'',, :;!, ', '- :,,,, 0 - (1845V,:),:' , r,p4, f
F. 7.• , eolt toeor Mitgralps Oa, ',f ~. 'i ...---.,,• ", ,l ~ ,-, _,, 1 is
~,, ~ ~.,,......,
iolielikloltotir,:49 leCtort3 11 4 .4 4 0,' , -,--',-- ~ ~- 4
0 0.0 , 'tfittio:iLlOU 818 37
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4 . f' r, ' r '.7 ;' .',
''' 1 , "`-' r! , ; ' ''...:. ' , 11, ' *'..'i ..'',rr ~'4' -,'- 4, ‘.:4•4-'..f.?‘ , ,, .', :7. :- '.. , ' -".•'.. '.. .:
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. 69.„50 , 1
"jr~ F ~ii:~ r
legin - Gbodear,FA;'6,;fer - co 'lt ' '
- 4 . k,.,, , coN.4,eetkuw - 4f,scalitt ' •' ' '
:- , ~... ,- , ' ',. - -,,;: ~--V±,- 1, ! ' c,""„ ' ''„- '' ' - :-, " , '. l . r , ' ~. •'•-..-'' Were
12 ' - , _ _ .:, ; .40 1 4 ih.4ll,oiiii ~....,„,-
1 viv1......,- " ~. , . 10E.L.s C.r.
is iami Lli e s eM i ct m i4 o o, tilo; t i pt) - oh,;A:: ,, l ta it , l i f vv c , o 4 :_ i f;:id . l o erx ek iti , i e !Aiiilli: . iii:ottii • . in 4 ;:iii :,... 6 . l .7 dsc ; ;; C ' t . tl y,iit'l,B ,o iir t: : i
r., "`', - - "ct r - ' ,- .1 l,l' 5,,4. 4'l: i , . ''' ,:',6-6.'.. , ! , : - .
_.., ~ , ,-:- ~ '1,,- , , , t di . ,k.',..•; , . ~ ,s - ';';'` •,' -1 P •,' ;%) y• ") •:,, ,' •
" 1 ... :::' ' - .'-'''./ ;'''';'(3oll4mlsaxoNe,R,s cirrict .`",, ''' --:*
- ' tii
JameirLeadolf for stationery,' •up tea es, „ 'i tt, ng, • • . •
:Sohn Hhisaple anii•oilters, assistmCA preimiti'itatemeh forYtee. :Cole . • 00"''
Itaheitriiine . for Ethereal •• •, ''., " 858
David Stfirret, Esq. to fri•fcir , 9Brdays servieelds:cotitadlisiOder, 1848 v... 138 00 ~ ' Daniel-Coble, Esq. in • •do •••••.-• do,: ^,75 60
Jahnliell, Es q. d 0.. ., • do, • - 's do • do 219 00
.. .hares KoteO; Esqiy os-ctotrilit,t'Orli•om I.3th NOY. to 31st Dec. 1848 "28 50'.
'Ames yitir r enhatt'y,to Commissioners for 1848 750
- "diem yeele . s,salerrytet,aterk to commissioners for 11148 300'00'
-do. - do. for deltveriiig werrams,duplicates, etc as per ida, of Corn. c • • v. 45, 00"
do. Ido 'for , sundry artielesfarnuthed Commissioners office 3 76k
Line for 4• chairs forCommiartioner's office 800
Cooper f & Deckikrt fi;rtirinting for comity'
E. Beatty . 4o , .do
John 8. - Bratton do
Boyer and Matoar . do
~: •. :, ~jfl~.
do frodk May'lB47 to Deo. 1848 917 00
do . ' '179 50
16 00 ,
161 60
051 In
90 'OO
166 75 ,
, 547 77
9 00
4 75
6 50'
6 00
26 00
12 97*
1 50
9 00
4 62}
13 95
2 25
2131 -
2 31}
1 25 ,
9 50
18 29
99 00
108 00
14 77*
20 03*
2 50
20 00
70 00
12 50
12 50
362 531
73 BO
262 47i
401 29
405 76
10 00
21 25
1 50
65 00
3 50
21 00
2 00
1 00
2500 00
12175 00
1688 .Ifi
' 01 75
4 56i
1 00 ^
42 00'
2615 '
d u ctrok,.; 7 0; , •-• , wattairdribilant .
tons r 1114141 • 4.4 124
;!, (1 ,54 4 ' 14 4 1 2
i':.:4,.:;;, P I4NS T A P / A 'SCA= P R PlPf:if , t r i, it 3)
l i - -
1. ;
. 45
~~~ T J , .~i.l
Amount of Communion &Moved, Treasurer at 1, per env
Amount of outitilulingaukeirslue , by-Collectors :
Amount of esoncestions osloweik Collectors. . •
A mount.of nottectok fees ,
Amount:of otTeeasurer.
bamberland County, ss,
• , 4 . . , .., -.;
.... ,We elk Commissioners of Cumberland county, do certify and submit th foregoin g ; .e ;1:
i , I)',`j;.
t tdaeg a i;ta o ler an e u n a t t o y f t t o hri l r e ezi e f i ote da n;d o ptl e m e n e gl b l e re r s If
r t , h;3 B4
t cn a n i ta ut tz: B ait o frr e . :
• ' i 1 , l'i' amount of the enemy Au. for each Si the respectitte berouglutimd Townships,,Ayith= ' '
\ '.`=----;'' in nai'dnnunly , levied and assessed upon realand Rere,cpal. • estate, .' ea idicetiii by the
book'mr the 31st day . of December, 1848, togegier with a titatenient "ot'thb rexpendi..„, 1
tures, tinder each hand orappropriation Made by the Commussioners in cpmplianee 4 with'l the ile.l/ ,'/'
quisitions contained in the 22d and 38d sections of au act of assembly of thm Commonwealthi pew , /
sod the 15th day of April A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty fotir.., ' ,
Winless our hands and, the/seal 01' the Commissioners Office, oCarliide tine Bret day of hinge- 4
ry. A. D. 1849
,_• _ .
• N J 5 .,, 4
AMES KELSOOIIN MEDL, ' „Cosnuesionerit- •
Clerk,•to Board of Commissioners.
955 991
Cumberland County, es
We the undersigned AnditOre of Cumberland eounti; met actedding to law, . and -.
having examined the Recounts and Touchers oi Robert Etaiii• Treasurer of said , ' 7i
... county, from the first day of J' the 31st day OfDecember, .4'. 13 :' 1848, ifl
elusive. do (*iffy:that we find the sum of onethousand five hundred and eighty one
—"dollaratin&fiftinute and three fourths cents, due by said Treasurer to the county .
• aforesaid, as will appohirthe foregoin — voxhibition'of-said accennt-----',--2--:
ider our hands at Carlisle, this 2cl day, of January, A. to: 1 846, :' ' •,• • .... •.• :
. „ •J. T. GREEN, - '.. • '
JAN S McCULLOI3OO, Register, in account with the Cominonwealth
of Pennsylvania, for Collateral Inheskancerax, received and paid from
• Jantary.lst 1843, to December lst,•1848, tnctusivte. . -
1 848. anuary. 7 To cash reed .from the salate or Marg't Summerville
• GS. 8 do do do Catharine Kuntz
•••-• - 10.- do- - do. -.-- - -- . do_f,Michael_MOver,... —. _
Fcbr'y 15 'do do do Eml. Noiswanger
March 21 do do do Philip Zeigler
April - 25 • - do .do • do Elizabeth *Clanked
" 25 do . do do Dr. A. P. Litie .
9 do do ' do Sarah Harpir
4 , do do dd Ann Black
12 . dodo-- o . do 1 2e1M-George
18 do ,‘" 4 ""do do &trail Harper
2 do •-' do do IsabellaDritton.
15 - do do ' do John MeClure l jr
la do do" • do Daniel Smith
91 do , do do Rachael Kline_
20 . . do .do do Agnes Douglass
28. . . do ko. - do Elizabeth Caufrmati
21 du do. do John Harper .
21 do , do do Robert Laird
28 do do
._ do- Catharine Reighter
710 66
4120 00
2017 70
. .
By cash 'over paid• ih 1847. •
1848 January 11 jiy cash paid , Andltors per reneipt
" . 14 <, do - John Banks State Treasurer
24 do J B•Weiikley, Assessor •
24 do. John Donor, Assessor
.10 .. do Danlel..Leckey, Assessor
18 do Win. Knottle, Assessor
•`2B ---- to ---, = --- A.l l lumerrBtate—Treasurer--
8 do. Elias Johns, Assessor .
.10 do A•. Planter, Slats Treasurer
19 do „ - du • do
2 do Hugh Barr, Assessor
1S: do David Wherry, Assessor
10. - do A. Flouter, State Treasurer , • .
21 do do do
21 do J.Surk holder, Assessor
- June
99 561
. Nov
25 oo I
. • By 5 per cent, on 1256'56
Dec. By caeh pea A. Planter, State Treasure*
By balance due Treasurer
362 53
Cumberland County, ss.
We the undersigned Auditors of Cumberlandcaunty,.th accordance with' the act of
Assembly passed tho.22d day of April, A. D. 1846; having examined the above ac
count of Jetties Esq. Register °titre county aforesaid, in the matter of
CokateratTax, and find n.balence of seventy-five cents due by, mid Register to the
Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Given under bur hands it Cm
lisle this 12th day of January, A. D. 1849.
January 21, 1849- 4t
For Sale--A Good Bargain,
THE large two story .Brick
WlHouse, west of tho . College now
occupied by the Rey Mr
and formerly belonging to Mr
Caffrey. Also, for rent, the two
story brick dWelling on Pitt street, south of the
M F. Church, ind now occupied by Miss Crain.
Possession given on the let of. April next. Ap
ply to. WM. D . SEYMOUR.
128 40
.14675 00
. ,
Tor Rent.
ba t
THE subscriber - offers for Rent mayoral
NO %YELLIN G 110 USES, for farther par
mtioulare enquire of
Dec. 17. '49.
Two Reins for Rent.
Tito two story PLASTERED HOUSE,
and lot attached, in Church Alleldireet
-11 ly.opposito the residence' Uf Samuel
nsminger arid near ' "E4ucatioa Hall" ia ter,
Ront:•: , ,Ala4 a' moll Weather., nsts;
boarded ho
with gardenia's,: in South afresh' ,,
lir :PatrickThillips-Ayplrto..
•':;•.41 1 0, • . •
10th rl/110:L:at'te.'.'
•t 'r:'' . ' ,'' ' ,ror Rent ''- ~ • , •
fVI .ainoiliet„the beetetendivin'the borbui3li;
If f ' large - entk" cOmiiiiidione '. bootie. -hiving
ihi ' dehipailhatinte:and Oseller limier the'whole,
iicitif the Ventre Bqui(iii'iltinite . id High',etreet;
Rear . ly . intioaita Beeteettiiii liotel, , ,ind et•preeeti ,
occiipied • by-Mr. - Cannony ne. ft' store. For
terms apply,:io ~, ,y, ''' - 18ACd•TODDi •-•'-'
len 1 7-9 t , " ..- - ,..- ,
• '
:.THE HOUSE end STORE ROWS•I ()tithe
south wet corner lot or ihe een!co equare f now,Mr. nfl tho, , OF-,
FIoES nnd"SHovat
FOR 134114
jal i . l . , AT t , private ; sale 1 , 114nie and ,
• Let'sitnate ; on Abe .iontll Ade ,el.
of, Pitt streets- vow r in:, the ;seen
.. . , ~ pansy 011VIrse Greenfield..., ~ '. vq, ,
_' , i,-. , v., 1, ,, 1t, MILIENDpRsPN; At1y.;,,. 1
Nov: 29;- 1f148:-*Ttf., '., 7.;; ; - , : , ,A, , , , 1,.;., 4, k Q
„,.,,';-',` .” ' 4 "'' ir i ',',i, , 7“ , ..• - '
: i ,'r,,',..1% : -.lvoiloic y, eutt4._;, , qoipted:
1 ;• .D NtELLING: OUOK, - , ott'thp'
; l b 11 west and High oro e u v ,h-folf..*
,II Veen bacupled for iterrojOkrjkliii
- - --. I,7s o iiiiinj 4 9. ‘0_,' but iti:eillt9l
initte,': hop pr,,n o ptliing altort; t i...'istlOircdf :'" '
.1 ay , PA ';', , f'!,: ' ' ~ '1 ! /, * 1 1 1 , , ,m. • ;P,I I 4I I .J*RAY
Ffik Sale' ot , Re3it.;i
cf. opposita,4udge Rgeirt.`o4o 1111
'et,theinobvplessantly eitheted end
r well finished houses in ,the
terms appk,o
th e ape', ~ emj,(crp;
bet i o% his lure I n vv " l T -7 11
.f r
• 41. ; ..I syttot 4 kyti*w.. 1 .4 1 4a,4 17 .410, 1 0,-.. • •
1111 ME
l i
ei4 on C
o to Ord
dor Rent
r ; , l•V
43108§ :871 ;
21118,18tic.7.C'e - E .; I 7
. 1;510:39t •
A0(11) . ;13,04 4641
. , .
,%tivrcif :St': 5344#.
Bargains I Bargainis I!
TRE subscriber, being desiroue eflred,ucing
. hie stock Of DRY 000))13; hi now-offer
jog all his Dross Goods,' consisting of:net:l6h
Merinoos, pmpbazine qrs Alpaccas, Cesbnieree,
,Moue de Laines, Calicoes, Gingliams; - &c.; ""
onse t for cash only, all other goods at reduced,
prices.. W' HITNEJ "
,N 8.. The enere stock watt be-sold on very;
liberal terms to any one disposed to engage in'
the business. • . r •
. .. .. . .
• - NEW 'AND . CHEAP • -' ' '' ."`A
C 1.114 ",
• ~ ,-. . , ~
I:llEicuktrallmrstiaircio liMikrttareTlPirCk
&TOW - opening by JACOB SENSR,Wliciri'l. , ,
.iII spetiully calls tire attention' of hie fr eat' -
and the '" public geuerally;:end ~ a ll' " dealers in,
HARDWARkra.his_newend epiendidesiort , . ;
ment of all,kitttler . ef - Hardeure; sear.
,fre S t e:
dler's. Toole brielledliferyliVireat every .
acription atid llYlii, ell kindiroffiarpenterte toole,',. •
"Ind ;.buildinr , materials 'of aft arid . near' .
style,' all kinds - Of Malarial - used, by 'Cabinet ' -
makers : ' -. A150,l Slait ~.Findthge of ell . kiode, a "
good_essentirient_tifjtenni moroccoa.l4 - .French '. " 4
straits, lining...m.o ins binding skins for shoe-Me. -""
kers, allertiche need by shoe makers constantly,
kfet 'On - hand.' BlaCkemiths can be supplitid
with the very best of hammered iron, Warranted
good, also all. kiiide,of relledi....liltroujittlben4l
and strap , iron, cfat; aliciar,,spring Hntiltan end '
American blieterr steel, Warrarifed gilistkelisci e,‘,,„
lot of iheet ire& for Unser& "HithaekOperet'earr''-ri„
alao be 'remplied with evert artieltr 4 4Meeeeltrc'' ., 4
for housekeeping in the HirdWarer Line. '".. ',,,,..' , .. 1, -
Ethereal end' Pine Oil Littnivor bit el*,,Eiocri o t"' t .
don - bat received,. Oleo . etheirialltrid time , oil f '.,*
.sale: Just' fresh;fill."'kiude of petiti; ,iitie;vittn.... ,,,, •
ishesfierpentino,.filso, e fi iit'tste article toirti 4 ,?i , -
serveleather 'elides, and. keep the feet dr.r.F 4 . '
Look-out mind,- -----.-- .- --- :—.-
- Farmers, blechesles a •"$• ' in end'
4 who user,the *tilde, or• • , cell'
litthe old wOll-.known 'nil" intange HARD- . ,
WAREI.I.STANDiu formerlYikltipti bY..l.:eiettfr
itritint;lTT.North..Hanovbr 'tritest; nest edeor 'lb*
lohn:Cornmen'e tavern standyfrunsi keptliy..Horl
Gow, Tawas° nest - dear; to , lilebrge'Nellir'ser
Fine . •!fiat .andi•Cari‘ Store. :CHI and'.esiddinemb
or yourse nee ; nd , .save money:so - 7w° sires dm:4 ; .
jorminedrte sell ell; articles at the very'emallesi
prpfit ler CASH, end we thinlcave shall berthlel
*,to'sell a little' lower :than any other' Hardwareria • ':,,
litore to town, es our goods are well Selects& • ' :
,find-are purchasedlight •• in order , to 'sell low ,
'the newitoratiird:llo/021111;80teptionipill. . ,
KS; Lomb] ; par an'e t olCstand,%wheref Ye
And lig9ed It 4 0 .,, '.. '
11 4 4 1, v 0y 4 .2tte r It Wurtil iff,rett . • '
1 1 1.ts:Ml 0.. i ..., (4 ,:,01,3?1,.,,, . 1 ,0, ; .,., I ,!!ctlt,. 42 . i, g_o A !r 4 t .
; aiy, . , ~, -, ~,- v.'' , 1. , '' ' 4 .,1 - IN''.l4 -,l ;iriel4- :'''•
~, rEell r eridilagibriltiir i r reli*i.f.,,i ~J.:- - 4 1 a.' . 4 ,0i1 , ,,*" , ,
~. ? .411u. 4 ,;'p.f-,( s -4 . ;,";1 1 4 4 .,,,,,i,,, ,i'A , Fg.vt , , , ,i , ..?:.
POf;ip:, 1,074 ~,' ~..;; I :Pabv: y 7Lloi4 4 . - ',C , ,, , i 0 : :.,34.4 'hi • .
lilti z 4:b.b ,,, , , ,1. ,
k-i kit o f f , r , , L 4 , 1, ~, , ,, : , i ,,,,, ii4),,c ~c
woo ,
i t,
- 7 1 y, ,, ',,,:;",. .Cj:. -:,.:
E ; :4 ll ', l t V9'o2'44Z,Ott;i4j3i;t••44il- ''•:
~C f~~ ti..
11: i i : "/
841 86 :
32 22 ,
9 00
10 ,00
85 001:
6 102 41
30 00
I 0 32
12 60
413 72
28 40
25 00 '
69 55
83 13
66 51
5 81
'OO 00
149 88
1256 56
00 '
4 50
73 00
• 1 OR.'
, 1 00
• 1 00
136 -00 - - -
1 00
30 00
413 7 - 2
1 00
,4 (10
OW 00 •
100 00
1 00
1028 49
62 60
164 30
1255 81