Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 14, 1849, Image 2

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tietele the 7 kimmiet `oetirle'tcr
They tell here, thlii,Pollii.iihmet
bes K.—ester -Merck. , - I Speee he'll stenip
r some oftitis. yovite, (lei; ilireOtt to
tate here, if he . eurns. 1 mar rite
';d ntt-no Your ..ENVOIC. SAtiIIEZW,
The" Great Prize Fight!
The brutal prize fight . betweeri
,Ilyza and 44 icsonfr t a Sum.ivalf," which
has attracted n great deal of public atten
• don, was *vented- on Wednesday by
the vigilance of the public authorities of
Maryland, a wboorffered - out tiyo military
companies fOr the Purpose,f Tt came off'
howeVert : on llklultdli3riAn4.- 1 4, 3 ,49. 1 19,w7.
ing account of. it istgiven in the city pa
poi LS3R"r2p.AVial
BALTIMORE, F.ebruary 8. . 1840.
The prize - figlit'tecurrO, yesterday at
4 o'clock; P: 'Rock's Point, Kent
county, lgd:,:oii-the eastern shore, about.
10: miles 6eloiv Pool's Island,. the spot
originally eelected. Sullivan was whip
pad in sixten rounds, lasting 21- minutes.
liyer'inits knocked down on the • first
round; and had both' eyes blacked, and
Stilliian' claimed first blood.. On round
Sullivan ariz,t3.l:l3Tr to the ropes,
and while , hanging , t here punished him
pretty : severely. Byer, however, on
. round-fourth,- carne-up,_in.half. minute
time, in-good -condition aril spirits, and
the rounds to 14th inclusive, were fought
cautiously' by both, iiith nearly equal
On round _lsth, Sullivan was thiown
heavily, and had - lhis arm badly injured.
Round 16th, commenced with a despe
rate grapple; Hyer caught Sullivan,
drew him to him, pressed.' him; down,
caught hia head 'in chancery,' that is
under his arm, and thus punished him
until Sullivan's .Triends dragged him
Whipped from the ring. Both parties
shortly after left the ground, aild pro
ceeded towards, ilmingfon via French
town. Theaei who witnessed the fight,
. state_ that Byer_ after, its "Onclusion was
not much injured, but Sullivan was ter
' ribly battered. TN. steamer Boston,
with the military, police, reporters, &c.,
is still aground near. Pool's Island. The
seconds, of both Hyer and Sullivan have
been arrested in this city.
Hvan, THE- PUOILIST.—This perion
for some days previous to the fight, had
been in "training" near Goranstown, Md.
He commenced by walking ten miles per
day, with weights, which he regularly
increased one mile each day; so that on
the day before the fight, he was to walk
twenty-three miles. He also practised
daily by striking at a suspended bag of
sand,•weighi ng 160 lbs.. , which he, caused
to throw a somerset by- one : -blow from
his powerful fise" He also used some
black chemical substance - to harden the
flesh on his hands, so that they were as
rough and hard as a nutmeg grater, He
also htid two negroes to daily .baihe
frotm ,head T 6 foot in whiskey, and rub
him with coarse brushes. He was daily
- proiided with a. large number of raw
eggs:, and in short underwent the training
Qf the ribg-in all its vitieties.
THE Laws I-Isarirn.—ln the regi
men that prize fighters submit themselves
to, we may see the secret of acquiring
the greatest power Of endurance.—
It is to be strictly temperate in all things,
to avoid all debilitating stimulants, such
as alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee, to
bacco, &c.—To rise early, to take abun-
Anne° of 'exercise in the open air, to
bathe often, and observe the most rigid ,
system of cleanliness, and abstain from
all licentious practices. Those noted, for
pedestrian feats submit themselves to the
same kiuj of regimen. If it may be
done from. such ignoble motives, how
much easier should it be to practice the
same system for the greatest of all °less
ings—llealth I
HUSBAND.—The Washington correspon
dent of the Baltimore Patriot says :
_Giddings, the gun of the Abolition
. ists, is in high feather just now, on ac
count of a petitiOn to Congress frqm Mrs.
Johnson,. somewhere in the state of New
York. She represents that her husband
was in our army in MexiCo—that he de
serted to the enemy—that he was cap
tured and brought. back—that General
Taylor would net allow him to remain,
but sent him off--thatle is losi: to hery
in consequence, if:not to the ,world—and
that as. Congress is paying for negrees
in a similar way, as , in the Pacheco case,
and,she considers-'one - white Man worth
two negioes, she:prays to be paid, twb
thousand(dOuble.the sum 'paid
for Pacheco's 4wis,) for the loir 4us
• tract "maim kiter . received from a die
tinguish'ed' English:chemist .1) steimer .
' ' “The gold &Oen 'svho , nre flocking to
''California in oat' nnnibers. should take
'to 'thein' int k
liliel• Of 'honk to flux' the
gold ' adki. • i 'er, 7 'ritihipg . ,, I*.', '64011,'
~ z , whibil:Woul4l:throw.,,doin OP the *pall,
7, ',particles,-.of:gold,,not ;recoverable in any '
_. ! lather'wey, a solid lump at the bottom,
of the 'crucible. - 4 Ae.muCh - would; be re
•;':ioveted 'pi" this' way as by the 'lnary .
".`, t v ii s hi t ies , : ~. , zi , ,:, •..
.- y:oric; Ti,
~. , • , • ‘ ' Ti,o ,K 7.,
the West.
,ffiiPansniNiii"; learn f„rui,P:fned 'lC4tt,
7;, , .. - , sitiye :7-,
hat,,,the rC•i_hioli,ii)e '.
77' 'IT l!e. male,. r . • • oritiri al . -. ;ma rvellous
,•,'.•...t.iiil'irki°uid6pkf,'.'risereron4,of:6l:lnit ail
~ ~,,,i,,,,,...-tz
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II jeip'o,`k! %. 1:€,',.0 r a
l;131ut9•07;;;-an:' wi''''''itart 'im tm other ! cftivt
,i,/,,."7 it,* Ond,Y,l9m. choose pri',.,1,.., i.,
..I.,gre live - kir 8110 a. ;' ,, 1, ,5, , ''.'
'' '.: % '
, !!, , j 4 )°.ritthan.:tiiPatifit-:' •
`eli,,f, nikient r 5.?..,
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i'i4A.,co.l- tirriltitPlYi
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4 4:tf.6Aoir.r.-7
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,•:',1120010 .
'17.--111tirrr4rit.ifeisa.n!' • ii be •anrYL t're'SiOP°
77,''',:,?i$hiias,m„an boiWir'''`wifjcso .mlll4 "F'4l'o' •,
, t'i,,t410,„71 000,009, , - ivrople, \ ....,-6,10 is:.
'.• •r(;010i,l,')i51/6416;0004"),,,,,...'''a hb::„.Pii,ig oi,
~,ii i.iy,aefi;9;:i.e7,7,,,O..''Er, bii4t46.1.CY,1, 4;" iii"
values .I
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1) (tIP sr
'erTher'.Leeture of Mr. Caner, on Term
perapev on VVedoesday night last, was a
rich'lrdat to a large audience, and we are
gratified- to say was followed by- the.Cialgm!`
tog of the pledge" on the part of a number
of persons not heretofore temperance-men
Ki-Thie is the day for the opening and
counting of the . votes otilie
tots, which will take place in the U. States
House of Representatives, Old Zack will re. ,
calve a grateful People'S 'Valentine to-day.
Otr-Gen Taylor is on his way the Capi
tol. IJe arrived at Nadville'on We 7th.--;- ,
Eyery where on his ~foute he is received
with great demonstrations of joy and eniltu
silm. giOld 'Zech is coming!"
Whig.titate Convention
The Whig State Ceittial Committee met at
Harrisburg on Tuesday laxcaptl - agreed upori
Thursday the 16ih. Of 4:itguilt next, as the
time-tor—holdiagAbe,S.tate , -Convention.:to
nominate a candtdate-lOr Canal coriirn
er. The Convention will be held at Harris
burg. • •
Robert Atherton has arrived at New York
from California, having made the trip in 81
days. He confirms in a great measure the
previous accounts, - but does not - represent
every body to be milking a fortune.
He says instead 41 9000 there have not
been more than 1500 engaged in digging,
who 'have averaged about three-ounces each
per day, •- The whole amount taken about
tour millions, • The gold region is estimated
to-szterid- 900 mileswide by 1000_ .miles
lin - length—the digging about, as slow and
aborious rut in other fold countries. •
Division of the Borough
Som6 four years since, when locofocoism'
was in the heighth of its supremacy, and ex*
ercised with a high hand the grossest acts of
arbitrary power, a bill was carried "through
our State Legislature, which provided for a
division of our borough into two w ards. The
measure wee got up stealthily, and precipi-
tately hastened through, without a word of
Consultation with the Whigs, who were tree:
ted as though they had no rights, either of
opinion or any thing else, in the inattet. To
tiome of the previsions of this new leie we
have no objections. Our-growing population
.probably rendered it necessary to have two
election districts. But the provision which
requires the ~alternate election of five mem
bers of Council from one ward and lour from
the other is simply, ridlculoue. The locos
thought by such a stratagem to get the reins
of the borough government, but in thio they
have ma with a humiliating defeat at. every
attempt. A number of our-citizens have
lately aptilietrib ifie Legislature fora repeal
of the law which divides the. Council ticket.
But nothwithstanding their previoue martify
ing defeats, locolocoism still clings to its
miserable hope of success, and opposes the
repeal. That party succeeded in defeating
it on Wednesday last in the House, after. it
had passed the Senate. is 'this any thing
else than factious? We hope that an oilier
er Int will be made to effect the repeal, and
at the good„Sense of members of the Leg
islature will enable them to act above mere
party considerations in voting upon the bill .
All we ask from our opponents is a lair field
and a fair fight. •
MILITARY Horroas.—We inadvertently co
milted to retention., at the proper time; the
appointment of Maj. Simon Oyster, of this
county, Maj. James McGowen, of Perry
county, and Mr. J. Wallace Kerr, of Harris
burg-, of whom have been recently honor
ed-w ith-the-appoin tment-o f-Aid to-the-Gov--
mot, with the title of Colonel. These , are
capital appointments. • The Gov. could not
hiWe besto*ed such honors on more worthy
gentlemen or sounder Whigs. We notice
also that our aticient 'and esteemed 'friend,
Maj.:J. J: Cochran of the Yoilt Republican,
has been similarly honored by Gov. John
son Our congratulations are cordially ten
dered to each.
113 The Southern Caucus manifesto has
been published in pamphlet form, and 30;
eopies are-said to have been ,taken for
distribution. at' the South, lt hes the signature
of forty-tight 4 ivsliant men and trne,g-r-four=
teen 7. Senarrs; -and • thirty-four Repiesenta- ,
itvaa:ll!laaar,a,,Gait,e of '4la., and Tompkins
of Miss., are thit. 0111y,Whigsvhellent even
kheirffirtmes or their influenewto the move=
ment.' Maryland, Delaware,-and Kentucky
THE PENAL LAWS.—ghE,,JEcliciary„Cpm
mittie of. the Senate :hay° reported
proiriding ;thee, %lege of conviction of
murder rn 'Oil:, finst:Alegree in
Otte ,Stnte, it ishell be lawful Governor,,
ont,thet,recommentititiOn ot:the• Co urt
. end
jury,lo'commute•the.Tuniihnient .Of death
to imiirisenment, f e in'the , peuitentiaiy
01.Ahe•Pr_ 0 9.9r. 4AtOot.•;' i
034:0ur esteemed , cotinepatitry; jo it A
3 akeTiblA l 4 , FTYLFOtTnan) :we qesidled to
lee hie'been' attpoiefedin:Aesociete Judge
forely„.phialY.4lcoOrep he. will bo.doit
T,,4 1
: bi - tt4i' Oifilii`ii.'-lait2:ii iiiiini willT
,' li
eai ._f l r % Abillignity_blineni.
poneibinitieti.: - : . _..;; r ~, , ~,
~,ogr.' ' ' ' 'l',d'M 3 , 11. Waila'rre!!s . ipd
.. iik)li ilogelpitto !
Iffl , sioirda , 'anthtitte, shi
n e°, bsten ':taken :to
'B4lfitiido -, i . .'tkihr.', , ;140 0,6 0 5 676 be e n
4 9n/ , t,., tliAnttled .
to, (OW tiiiiii re.
calve at
. i-11.0tr, i,iir."„ tiaa 57: 11
bitter di ikOrPt who ,
"*".,4 1 ,tY, Ytrilitigtip;.
P.419i ~,,7.1%.•11!o
,41t014 iPlaii( l l 6l i' ' :
ililfSidi .1 00 ,141: %!
~..,,,„ ~
-.01#1;:;: Italitallti!j?
';';;;b , ""Mt l-, ,4 , 1 - .. , ;„%! 4,'1 , Y,k`.:,,,•,i :' , ,::',y, ,, , -,;,',' 1 ' ~' 4,, ~-
..; :.-:,
We:observe that some = petitions have' been.
for iP.O.r4tal
of th i e . a / bittrt and: .. Cninherland
ese pantionsi. contmve,
th - tot4egialature can. pose no
law ,ellerini'e'neriibet,. of interfering With ,
vested , rlglita t r ittitfie ' . have noticed male;
positibli in untie:parts or the State Mulaim
peculiar right to leguileii!e fair Or rz for instance
it is allt,proper • to ' make a:rail ` road along
Easterdside ;the - Sniquidni r ritii,Lbtit the
privilege of makings rail road
means be granted le; people on Wefitefil,
aide of that river. The`ie alas` hp' harin ,in
granting a charter to make a Mil Mad shin:nit
by t he
, side of 'and.parriliel with the mein
of our Public Works,—ii mad that inuel 91
necessity - lake travel and told?. from the
State Improvements. But it will ruin the',
State to'sufler a road to be made between
two important Pennsylvania towns, and
through a section , ,,M`Oountry -lying off the
line of the PublietWorks: r
Our object in noticing liaise petitions is to
inform the petitioners that . thera is a - large
part of Pennsylvania out of the limits of their
respective counties ar.d cities, and , it mai be
necessary to bring to their minds the further
fact that we in Cumberland County i bave en
right - to - legislativetlinsideratimes the
people of Lancaster county' Or ''Plittailelphia, l
and if a rail road on the West - side of the'
Susquehanna will benefit Cumberland Coun
ty, tve are as much entitled to have a char
tectot such a road as Lancaster roiitily is to
have one for a road on the East' side of .that
river. The bust of tee story,is, however; that
we have ri charter for our, road, - a 'fine
prospectbesides of its being Speedily made,
and 'those who petition tot the repeal of that
charter ask for what the Legislamie ;Minot
grant ! The Constitution of the 13:6. forbids
it; and . sound- policy also teaches that-no
patt of the State should .have the ;monopoly
of said.roads._ The gentlemenin.the_Legis
lature who
, have presented these pore - ions
could only have done so from a feeling thai
persons have a right to petition for almost
any thing, and with no view of acting on psi
-Miens-praying the State to violate her faith
ald disregard great conservative provisions
both biter own Constitution and that of the
United States.
The 20th Senatorial District:
The election which was held in this die.
triot on the 2nd instant, resulted in the sue. :
cess- of Mr 'Num, thaLocbtoce candidate;
• The following are the repOrted majorities
in the districts
Indiana, . 449
Armstrong, 175
Camtuia, 152
Clearfield 346 • -
(2 4 s
• ; 673 . 449'
Drum's maj. 124 •
This had usually given from Tour hundred
to 'six hundred majority: lorthe Loy:dodo can
didates. Governor Johnson- was 'eleateinn it
by a small majority, when - ritiflaillifiSETtla;
and also received a small majority in the
district for Governor. The majority for NIL
Drum is not as great as is. generally given
for ttie Locolotaa candidates; and shows that
if Indiana county had given any thing like
her usual Wing majority, the
. Whig
date would have been elected.
York and Cumberland Railroad
The subscriptions to this work in• the city
of Baltimore, are said to atiount already to
upwards of three hundred thousand dollars.
There seems to be no doubt of tl;o corn.
mencement of the road early in the spring.
The Baltimore American. of Tuesday has
the following paragraph:
We learn with great pleasure that the com
mittees 'appointed to collect Subsiriptions for
the stock of the York dnd Cumberland Rail-
_ .
road reported on Saturtlqy night, at their
meeting, additional subscriptions duritig the
past week of about forty'thousand
—lt-is-cenain r now,thaLomcilizens_are_detere_
mined to make this road, and we hope that
those who approve of the enteipnse, and we
are sure all must do so, or at least ought to,
will now come,forwaid promptly and take
at least some of this stock, so that the road
may aronce be put under contract, as' onght
to be the case, by the hggiiiiiing of April.
Canal Commissioners.—The Hoard of Ca
nal Commissioners organized at last, a• hinv
days since. James M. Power, was appoin
ted president. Several removals,bave been
made amongthem
. Dr. Holmes, superin
tendant of the Columbia Railroad, and A: 8..
Ciimmings,'Collectgr in Philadelphia. .7'he
Current business of the Canal
being transacted at ,Harrisburg, by Messrs.
Poyier ont:l :. Pninter, Mr. Lo,ngstreth: having
on Satinday.relnWS in Mont
. health. The Board will , meet 'at , Congress
-131111—itt-PhilatlelithiaTen-the474li l -ineti-4)er
resolution. , , - •
'PENNSYLVANIA:—We 'learn from a. COM-,
from.tha' State realurer 'to the
::T.e •
• ,
igi3Ot! ' !uo ' rin4
re/ IVa n in q/P:110::, of
'defitulterti to the Cornmouvealth; comprises
• (816' nampit„ owing . vttrioue amounts liont $1
up ,to *84'148 . 70; at `which 'llattef i llinie' is
t, the Delaware anti i 1 404?/ ) !OTO
;,,The gross arnoiarii,ol (10 1 4 ca;
'lliOna 160401;440 99. tin', thenr.oeso" 49oll i
liana inn lio4itiited;'imt„'iiiiiitimeig*elier
been mtide.,or What ylospeolrthero of Tyco!'"
°ring' any.portion oi Them l : , ,its not „ittnied.7,
"iiiiy' , Ol--the-elaims-lare4nobablywotAless.
nail initio',ofthettc are:sti Old 'as
'l-' prevenf.the Possibility of northing
. mined ,by the ,
AbAge , ol , ..oov,
iodlii'ith),lihfiAtiolintilioni:pf, A
theti'i:n l Po,g l **9f*#f: ,ii is 9 ,4 i ,P; ),j
ken'laaterilta otaggeleOlplA*4oo , ap,
f.q l4 §"i 4 ', l 9tiii i :
toff? 4, 1 401r,0!14 1 , #F,V 0,11
Wfttelp him," ,-,Th4,:ir,4l4plifle
340iiiiAinil'tkib4e,`,4oV:`.4Aiina*,itAand Ualined the
~01 , :; , .. , t)5.4.410 .. ;) , Il
vifiT , WITWO. r .:I, 4 I I .P.IfPg , I.!mipritpfhiritt
, t''''Ll ., : l lT ha lPeeh l ktie-MT . :A tie , lo . 4 POP"?.''tkV , !!:g
7r4ii#diior,of,'4l(i Po* F r ieemaj, ,10 :riti)ly
to_.'oortlitlitiadentwhettteks.himilfAie, aft-
PellitideatY,lfr FettetaticiettiVirs; Esq ad ,
-P . reai*.P.ledit r eflkiklittre,g;' , Would eoLl
:pi?(Prirearlead -.Ctirriberfaiiictie(intieeizto con- -
- stdenthleleepeitee . ,lnitheitalding,,i/fisgetrad -
terlitieefor'ititit*';#9,yis;;y::lr think;not
::t*/1 1 ,:M4,,1 ' i r :0 1 .04#,,t1 ii ,? .. .w.ii:i4 i. i!soi
ted,it"3ll..',lr.=-be:the . -:Pieeiderithdke,
because in . Juniata end Pettit, and we ; pre:
suree'in Cumberland, there is little Ur riothii4
on-the dneketet6 tin triet):-. 7 . l•Ve+undersiiiid - :-.
, • '.., ; special -
a series ' of . octane Wee' held. I
thPAPP0g1tti 1 94 1 ,14.:.,.!Pa0.4 1 ,44?1r; 1 ;, Wttlek„ l i
brought up the list, and - has, lett but few "
oases to be.disposed.'ef. f r o!itx. it . iloi been for
these Speoial, COurii in Cumberland, is list
Would pethapshaie been 'almost In the sit,thet iniltatirdrin county, where we
learned a few *cake ego, they are now in.. ,.
1849;trying suits thitt were brought in 1841-
i-3'-a state of things to .be deplored, and
tantamount almos c
t,to a denial t. justice.
chi an average of contested auses, about
ten per week are tried; and wee there one
liundred'suoh,faltial, tea weeks would be -
censumed, What difference would theri , be
in the expenise:todeunik, Wit part of them
were tried at dpeciOicourtel Nothing bet
in a name-say ., five• weeks ere consumed
with jurolli" to ,ffik,rgalar, terms, and, five
with those 'tit, the Alper-hal. It, is evident,
however, the listlWeald be brought up in
half thetiine,as instead of awaiting ten leg
ler terms, five special Courts would be held •
ih theinterials tietivece theni. Bat - what is
cionclesivrrort=thlietibject_iethis, - that a Ina+
into be•Passeddering,thespresent tiessioe, of •
le Legislature,itutlitirizing a Jndge who-iltr.
, • - ,
interested in till o 1 the shies lor.trial at the'`
regular terms, to exchange for that term, -
With tiny neightioringjudge: as for instance,
next A W:e-tor the new ludgeswould
go to Chambersbarg t _ end hold Judge Black's
Court there, and ;tie' hitter come toCarlisle
or' Blbomfieitl, both places, and hold
Mr. W's (or the new Judge's) Courts . in
those places. '
Such is our opinion. It is given candidly
and honestlY. N .We can see no grand I eaSOll
why a President Judge should not be ap
pointed from the - district in which he resides,
• which lie has practised as an attotney,
in the present Cue. - We admit that, under
diflerent dircumedances, it might he inkidi
cious to do ser—tlere, there are no unfavora
ble circumstancile
. . .
. Poratglif News.
- Theitteamehir Niagara arrived at Boston
on Sunday. • Cernmerciatintelligencelrivor - -
able. Flour was in moderate demand at 28
t0:808.6d.. The iron trade, was actitrzand at: -
advanced lriCes. , The financial reform is
likely, to truttnidi in' England. Governmeiit
has detetmined upon retrenchments in the
national expenditures: From Ireland we
learn that thet*lleged errors in the case. of
Smith . O'Bkien and other Irish prisonersbavek
been oVerintidliy.ihnenurt. ^ M. De: Lam)
ourthe has been- elechia Vice President - o
France by•the'Assamhly. Martial prepara
tions were making which it is supposed had
in'view •
mined intervention in favor of
the Pope. Germany is still unsettled and
confused. Prussia was comparatively tran
quil., The Pops baidernanded thelnierven7
Lion of Austria lo re-seat him if. temporal
INC Isicumurv.-The National Intelligent& de
scribes a visit to the capitol of the delegation
of Chippewa Indians whb - w,ere -recently in
Wasningt9 city :
"They frequently expressed their wonder
and admiration at The extent and grandeur
of the building, and the splendid..paintingli
strougly attlepted their attention.. From the
capitol theyproceeded to the statue of Wash
ington, fofiovred by a crowd of ladies-and
-gentlemen:kT:ley went. up to the front of
"the statue end gazed alit for some minutes,
- with - rooks - cirdeep — interest — clepicte - d — uporr
'their painted lacer, then sitting down lacing
the statue, one.ol the chiefs, o.Blrn-ba-wiss
filled his splendid pipe of peace, and held
it out towards the statute, saying: "My
Great Father, we all shake hands with 3 - 6 u :
we have travelled a long way through the
great country 'that you,hare acquired, for
your, pimple by the aid of the Great Spirit:—
Your people 'have- become very great—our
people hive become very small; may the
Great Spirit, .who gave you successoow pro
tect us and grant us the favor we ash of our
Great Father who now fills the place first
occupied by ..rhis simple supplicato
ry address was faithfully interpreted to the
I bystanders by Maior.Martell.
TrPNRANCE IN iORFA,-=FPI two , years
past a law has been in tome in lowa, leav
'Mg die qtiestion_ of 'iraining .licenses for re-
'failing opiiitaousiiquo,rs lobe determined' by
evo ers t e,several - ortunties - The - con- - --
'sequencelhae been that tio licenses were,al-, „
ext in one ortwrretituttietrburttrivi -
Jati has failati iu,iisjieUeficial opitratfons, Cool
account, iattlte difficulty in finding possums;
to • complain of die. infringement, and ; dine:"
lulu: Ohs pilisinleni loininisliment. The Bye-.
tern. has been',Acitlified by a late act of the'
General 'Assembly,. ' *be question of-grant-.
hi licanseslififow tali ;tO,the. discretion of
the several Commissioners; 'Abe'
ll' i elol Y. ,i t
I '. t 00
.7T,*-..;i !li? :
Oi ,„ m tc, ,
h lic
. rea ks
.bPlfli4JOi•firc,44•4nicioPc4 ' ili:tio ii
vetise;h ' i;sid .the;pitmaciliin,OmMilletf
to the ilct ,which
ft`lii'Siii ;isl - KOtiiiika'renedrldegi
delectsAl the foiM ii„liii!',:: 4 •,' ' ''''''
TtillinoresrAiitL:riihi:6iite of
Intliaitail. flie_gili , n tfi'sa. a.opte • a reao nuon 7 :
tnlinfaili 'itie', 401c1at , 1. •
_,,omtoitlee to'qin l •:
.(i!iiie'fi , ,: I ' ll, ) .i44 l tiiin°Y c'i 'ff 6 , 4 11 °. '16 #' lII°
civil and ablenlesidnAl Javis 01 it i dt, state, a 1
t 9 . r ebdei yelnairlege covenant void at 'the
Optlen~ol: * lie . lisil'ilii4liiiiiiti#r) a n d : it
inaYlibp.... .!‘ i4 l, s) l 'Pitii o,4siaillie i si' ' c riiit
itievai,lil) hii,ioB o lolion ,i ' lAteMio , EvAnli el
ou i
. c ~, .0 riirr,r-,k,„ : ,.‘ ' ' ", , • ..'..4-4:-:-
~..,0,.1 , .4 : !, ~, , , i.y.4 ,, ,....1.1...._;; ; :c; e,, ‘,`Ai i.,
; t,,..fie441, 1,.i. , 41.,),--, a . . •.
!k ?'''# oi P 9 , lllr... . 6 t 2iP P lPi #' foi Vq l )!!!‘tr , is .
‘Av.l.o,t, *ibulOki'4 ,,, Verookii Y)(44ogr , Al'
. 1 !0 ', 4 41t$Oklii:## 1 vhe'rpuoscA ti p l i , i i
4inlyltc r,,,oo4otloo.iiefiAPiiA 6 ithin' 4 , :j,
!MAlPlliti •,4 4 0P05F* 94 04;.# 4 i; -' lso ol 4 , :
liijitilleit%Neliy'll r o* , ;;;7o , 0, 4 71 7 '
irvar, - Tv FV ,, All , .. , ,f.flfitirii ) ::,try ,:i\si ., :w . 44'. o
~ :,,.'ilcLir,',
i - ,'"•:, •• s! ,;' , .1. ~,',.,,, , ' , i.,": .',2„. , '•';',,, ,, , „„'i4i...:`,,,t,...,,,,,,,
47M0,Fkr.#40 3 4.0 4'FP !1. 1 71 4 4' 1 47#
s ''' Important.Bill,44 ii;ill;_:iyile reitented'in
Iliti'Hiiee..onThipsd4l:7 m ! , „".. iitio ; , , piliwi, , , re
Ping4er the relernption'i;Olihe relief:4)olw • . :i
lerinitOitling.theihiladellithia_lneline4ho,,. 4
and: for the complotio0:1011tOorthOilineK : o
- ellim - r - Ttriirlittli,l'up' ~,',,,.,;i:Optte- 7 •10. 4 .:!:',:
2q year's of $2,00,0911 7 $0;00 *cancitt 1
rebel *as; 'B3OO 000 to; qeilit ihtiiiieline'il
plane ; 81,109,000 to corriplete the Neal) ' .
i r;
*cinch Canal. The brinks are io lake the)
loan, and isaue one, two arid three' . dollar
billli(Me."Little is the loccifoco leader- in..
the Reline.) • . .. ;,
.: 1:. : . .: .
Election rif Judges —ln Senate on Wednes
day, Mr. Johnson-(Judiciary,) to whom was
i relerred the subject of giving die election of
Judges to the people, reported favorably:lo'
theijoint resolution iplrouticed; providing for
aOuneridment of the Constitution.
Norlh. Brandi; 'Cana!, tj.c.—.The bill for -the
completion of the North BranCh Canal, in
nia'yv before the douse, on second . reading.
Oh Wednesday., a resolution, offered by Mr.-
Grihinger, directing the Committee op Ways
and Means to inquire what ref/en - lie, if any
can be set apart lor liquidation of the bfate
debt, and advoiding Inclined Plane, and fin
ishing North Branch Canal, wittleut preient
ing the irinictual payment
. M semmi•annual
interest, wits passed—Yea s 55, Nays 35.
Thr Currency.— The Corn milieu , en
hixt — te - ported - to: the Senate; - wbill - fcrequair
ize,the currency of the Co irmonwealth. 'fi
requires all the Banks to keep their notes at
par in Philalehillia. ~
Re.chai td.—A, bill to re-instate the:cap
ital, and extend the charter of the Fanners'
arid Mechanics' bank of Philailelphra, has
passed the Sanate„,.witli an amendment, im
posing a tax of one peek cent on thircapitel,
and limiting the charter to 15 years—Yeas
20, Nays 5. . .
Pig: iTSufirrage.—On the 31st ult., in the
Senate, on a motion to instruct the - Judiciary
'Committee to report, a bill giving the right of.
suffrage to all persons,..wit'mpt regard to
Complexion. the vole -stood, yeas iO, nays
18. (Mr. Stefrett voted with the nays )'
Free Banking. —Mr. biela has introduced
in the House, a bill to authorize.the business
lof banking, and create a sinking-lurid lor
paying the State debt. The bill is upon the
prinbrple of the general banking law of New
York and other States ; mar permits any per
sons to establish Banks, under certain testric.
ti.. ns, who'are required to pledge to the S ate
Trepsurer, State Speks, to' secure the re
demption of their notes in circulation.
General Manlifticite Laws.—Mi Pito,
from the
„c_Qmniittee on Doinestic Mannino
tart's, has reported in the House, a Milo
:authorize the forination of general *thanulac-
uring companies . , and' to-encourage domes
12'4 n d ustry
• Invesfigation.L—The House has passed the
joint resolutions, providing for the appoint
ment cit a Committee front the two HuuseN
to investigate the affairs of the. Cartel Board.
The $3OO bill has passed Senate,
Fro in Washington.
, KrAir.'f'oltrit sterns has bead'atother high:Menai:id game in his Mexico
schipmes, which 'CiIR brought to light the oti
or day by Mr-Stephens, of Georgia. It ap
pears that the original treaty, in the 9th arti
cle, gave monstrous and anti-republican pow
.eta to The Mexican Church. The eccleeirts.
ticr.l head of that Church, in• the city of
Mrixic'o, possessed jurisdiction, civil and
criminal; the ninth article continued that
foreign jurisdiction over American citizens.-
1 It'secnred to. the Church, in moriunn, all the
"property destined to its supportY It rec
. Ognizell the Catholic religion as the religion
j,o: the * Mate. The Senate very properly
' struck this out by a decided vote, as wall as
other i
objectionable features, but Mr. Polk's
ministers, thinking probably that if the inaste
had a right to make a war, they had a per-
feet right to reinul anything the Senate might
do, entered into a secret heaty, or protocol,
whidli restated the ninth article with, alt its
vile leaturss. This subject is' now before the
' Hoar at -Washington, and may yet end in
. meting out justice to those who seem to te
' Bard neither constitution nor laws as of 'any
force when not consonant with their ache
Truly a curious: case is presented here:
A Protocol, officially rigneil, goes with a
Treaty, and is, in fact, a part'or it It may
'essentially modify the provisions of the Trea
ty, linter all of them.• The National Intel
ligencei says, that the Protocol declares, in
effect, the amerrdnients required by_the Sen
ate to be of no force or validity; and that the
' only legalize the proceedings, is for
the Senate to ratify, the Treaty over again,
with the Protocol annexed. Mr: Polk" hire
transmitted n message, acknowledging: this
extraordinary Protocol, but affirming that
Mixico under the treaty. No further action
Ts ye blreir - tywir ---- • ;
Kilt is ruMnred that Major Bliss, whose'
'pan and sword alike contributed• so lingsly
to the glory ?S our arms in the late war With
Itlmilen',liS•engaged'M'preparthg a hiatary, of
the eirnipaigti,of Gan. Taylor, allot whieli he
witnessed and'raost of which he was
'ed about.„ • ' •
o:::rArn()ng the I)(nitiolis in the Hodee• of
tepreeentitives on,. the Ist.hist. wtie,ene , for
:..1)1w_to Coniperftete-the- larnlhol(!ere`“long
le fille r ()I•the,q(ittysbnifijitilionif; . l(ir (forol. l
es a'veing from the; ifeneoiiipletion of
Shoe-niakiii 'of
dame Cotniii as log t ;at vetitleis ()I bon!'
—O-arisemiatitrout - Of—the 4 Coninrol a'license.
' A PLAIN. STATEMFlNT.tioursoles
empenud §yrun ot.Ter and Wned , Naphtha:—Thls
' -edlihni the Invention of,trinatr:'who•lrnyi the .eub
".,t; en Pulmennry, Bronebja and Pecieral'-pleenses
I 7 ,"e meit4lghlreiamtnellin. hie now been before MO
P . llltie near years: During this period Whaty
/rformed notnupr the moot remarkable cures out
rd n(, red+.
, :ttitindittotionti use 'or Phyolelnua In halr;
orOlnary.,:anO severe , colOs; celusbr. r.uukfrrlrlly
4 i; lttingl •
its;:iyonderfnl rlow,er beve!beeri ; slV,,
to, na trite; per=;
, :sl;`rebVrortirlytlms:rkiiiiyt.veyba;irerldisellomi:
r ?I ,‘,;'' '' : A 's-1
• 11 : 1. t b l ie :1 1 7: ;1; f g
i l n i A a P t l n f I P II t l ll ll .46; l ' . !ler i' :.
ad g ople,',ne,orA
jonsreO and 11- I RICJC
`T,' , corper.of Filltrand rkprileettrieerrillr4lelphlo,
'2,.. , •l4olagsf , JAldEOLV/Ar4lk,io,9ooll,llili , Fries
pritice;'Wage,:prihee-Johnllan 130-
rep.; on the-oecanteivAl i bis last visit,to, Alba
Met ffiziyiee,Tresidefit
elect. LIWIISTare vi/W gbuig to - do fur 'lig Mr.'
fPitlitini : e;!/.'aalitzhei = •knril'Oliat4ll
,'ar° 01
effkeitl'? ''Eph'f'or yon 3 ~
you r - wel" "ieleberal City-
for,iftgely redeem
safif!irolpfio.Pleilgii);wbat phidiel";
emPlie,gave at Budrin Vfstai Sot to leaVe his,
Wehltifed behind him P' . .
A lover - should-be treated with the samy
gentleiness,es,a,, l ne* glove. • Tlipze,iing lade
shoultcptill hi m on withllidi utmost, tender
ness at fist, only making the smallest ad
vance at a• time, till she gradually gains upon
him, and twists him ultimately round her
little finger ; whereas the young lady who is
liatty,.erid in. teo.great.wherry,never
get a lover to take her hind: but:be - left with
nothing but her wits at her fingers'.ends..
The Committee of arrangements of the
Grand pivision Sons of Temperonce of the
District. of Columbia have jasned
eddies:4Al ,to,, the !trends of Temperance
throughout the 'Union, inviting - them to per:
ici pate .in'the inaugural - ceremonies at
iigton, on the 4th
,of next month, of Gen.
'ayloV as President.
IVI f ICay has reported to the House of
Repieveniatives n'bill to•authorize the coin.
aze ot one dollar gold pieces at the mint of
the tithed States and its brunches, and the
propnvition has met with' such special-favor
in all quarters that there seems to be no lon
ger any doubt as to their ultimate introduction
as ono of the coins of ourcurrency,
1114 ostiniaterf that our population is in
creasing about three per cent annually. This
will give au au incaeased populatoii 01670,-
000, during the preset year, and the census
of 1850 will doubtless exhibit an aggregate
populetien throughout the 'Union, including
our newly acquited territories, of ht least
24,000 : 000.
Thd Jou/mai& Health, in cases of croup,
l ad vises instant, - suilderrattif free .application -
of the coldest wafer, with a sponge, to the
neck Lind.ehest ; then, alter wiping the. pa
tient (fry, wrap in warm covering,•giving it
freely of cold water to drink.
'I he telegraph in trying to tell theN. York
papers, a lew days since, that a bill had been
reported to the Legislature, authorizing Wil
liamsburali In raise money: to pay her debts,
said "-Wm. Btirgh has bcen•authorizatto,raist
money to pay his debts." Probably
is dalighteg.. • ,
Tlfe north is presenting a united front upon
the important questions of Free Labor. Al
ready the Legishniires of New York, New
liampshiie, Vermont, Ohio, Indiana, Afield
van and Illinois, have spoken, and every
other Northern State will do so. before their
Legislatures adjourn.
The editor of the San Francisco "Califor
nian" having deserted his post and one to
gold digging. writes to the Newpor (R. I.)
News, that he can make more by sti king to
his met., rtml,thut consequently he has gone
nark to his sanctum.
June Hyden prominent and 1e.4.
tog derrineyat of Alabama, has aildrssed a
letter to. Goy. layman urging the propriety
and necessity ofa,iaw to prevent the turthet
immigration of staves info that Slate, either
for trade or settlement.
Ir-Mr. Thompson, member of fintetourf,
suddenly sunk in hie seat and died, while
speaking in the Virginia House of Delegates,
on Friday Inst. -
Mr. Benton has, reported a bill in the U.S
Senate toeor.itrnet Central - Railroad
from the Mississippi to the Pacific.
M telegraph is to be constructed along the
Little Miami_Rallioad. to connect Cincinnati
with Sadilitsky city.
The Richmond papers announce the death,
on Friday last, of Hon. H. Watkins Leigh.
Kr "The Graffenberg Pit" has effected
another remarkable cure, according to 'our
correspondent, in an "extrodn'ry cage of
priminatifi defines ;" "My seknd child Mer
cy, bp my turd wife, Orlando, bekame un
well in the here, about lour weak bak ; kdr-'
sing a good deel of trubble in makin her un
derstand. We tried awl the nostrus inyen
shuns of the day ; put a pease ufMrs.,Jervis'
kold.kandy Brit into her here; bathed it with
rum from the Bay State; got a trumpet.and a
coiner-a-pistol from the head' player at Pal
mors'—didn't doo no good. At last, nt the
earnest littigations arid prescriptions of the •
agent ul the kumpany, sum unknown part
of New Gersey, aplied - abox on here, and .
two internally; a pease of Green Mounting
ointment on the end each phinger, she
she karrying tn•her pokket a kwater of an
ounse of searseapperiller and sheimmediate
ly•heeril L. voice. 1 ,think, respekked Sur,
that this inwattiable
uoiwershlly overspred throughout this land
ul litibutly-polee, lhe foinithightia ulauch
a cyst nt entorin as it due into the harts. ul
awl ponntrymen, add eirienating as it must
effectually into 11:e constitooshun of the ner
vous Pershuri of this g rate republic!" Yes
—exactly so.—Knick;boeker.
To CLEAN KID ,GLovcs.—Fold a clean
towel three or Jour times, and spread the
glove;t on it quite smooth; then dip a piece,
of clean (bowl into some new milk, and rub
on it plenty of brown soap; with this rub ihe
gloVes downwat,ls, lieLling the 'top of the
glove firmly with the left hand. When the`
gloves, it they be white, look. n a dingy
yellow, though clean or it colored,. when
_look dark, and spoiled, lay them to dry,
and hey will look almost equal to 110.w.r.-
-They Will be,sott and glossy and elastk fly
adopting this economical method ol hie,
'soiled gloves, ladies will be induced to per-.
eh ase the - best . articles,- as die bettera quai
ityi . the neater will they , appretaeh their pris
aireLbeauqLby_dnarrprots •
ADVERTISINO.AL little 'malt . bithitul bi
roe , tvtt ia p atier. u pear s, at on y one
tent apiece, and keeping:his oviti counsel,
would probably . . sell nothing:,:, It, is cirth'e .
greatest .troportance to tinke;.yOurselh. 'and
your, goods,,kitown,. *hog in the night, at
Inlets more attentioMtbuti art_oiklor ,for. cries
aloud and. spares • not, -.l'he proll•S•
from advertising are 'pot Ceitem.seflAl those
WIM have not —.-, To.ihose who i h ave,
we, need. netsay,a their .never
disemitimitrt'he'cuSidni.'. • • • •
• •BE; bNPREJLIDICED.---let no *foolish
persona belie prejudiced ;against, this now truly!'
cole h rated:triedicino as to despise this advice, let - t
'it ,be used ' inimediately y being felt; no
matter' Whore it May be, Whether intik) •hend-or
feaq whether it;, be itt:the - .ltek: or abdomen,
whether arising , front external or internal .caufe, !.'e . Rrandreiltla-Dillit;fend-rely-upbn•it r ; '
the pain the:loteily , .' lbe . restored, to , ;
triltlt.aasebn,ritt:tuttere , ll4LTecelitedenfficien
assistance frent their • ,
• 'rho 'quentity::otilititrare;:humors:disCherg.ed
from Anti:Oily, by•the,tition",ol ;the.''BrandrOih'e
Pilitfi''thecoursecref . a'"few.'hours -
With now and 'Pore blood..byithaTtiow'ef
By,o4glithell ,w ith this '
Imedialtie the Wholminass 'et loridr emnes en-:
,tirely purified end regenerated: •
the blood is the liro or the body, :I'7 pro-
Sante is undispritad, thetefoi vt `l shill,asY:that
'being the sant .of,life,'it must alai:ilia the:Sok:of!.
diaciase:,*,lfllistiese•be in the' blood,' we Should!'
;sblitttidt.'thrr'dteruofe - lirtly - ,•riof - thethhiod. - .... 11-os
tat impOriites Which must removed
gallant° secure onr 1004, in 811'A:tilt*, cirthitS,.
vreether,, siteafiens, and - all elintetes:'.7."-:
!Wit canable to effect,its own.purificittioni:.;
10. do I hia .tt en, hattia!tisela:4.: I
tones, W,hotp Woo& is:loaded. with impuri;•i'
,0044. 41 Pec!ailkla
v l e ii
t a
4 , f,a_ l , 6 FOrid4o',thy , ' 1 04-0."944 1 41 4 .':
Avil..ol'°?.9!'Puu , P.;.,1 1 ! , sow; t
t i qelt4C #Ao‘l'll / 4011 2, 'W
\'; • •„•1 : •;: t • ,
PIif4A;DELP.IIIA, Feb. 10.
The•Wa fier4mr.advices by the steamer I.div
..ue:nt.8,04041i;. - elefflateltunfaverebly on the mar
tatil.byriinomeollt lanes dull. In Flour we•
onty ,...... akbled.On sale for export nt $5
hping rpfusr_d_foistan
nrd brand i Cote and Rye Flour are
al farrier win nous. Grail .— Very little
gulling .of COttitlkiv.° nut Bales of Southern yel
;ow weri3462iit'veight. 7n Cloverseed sales
:each about 1000 bushels, .to go out of the tear
ket, mostly prime old seed, at $4 per bushelof
64 lbs. Wittekey7—No elterationeVls me 24,c;
- hhda dull at 23c.
..Flour - r - The.inspeetions for the week--:criding
to-day have been 1 7;000 - 1:ariOISZ - '71,1i tnerhot.
is rather inactive , eastern dcMapilbeing smaller. .
Sales of 400 bbls..llimard street, at? $4,81'1 4.
and gity,Mills is.held at 5 dollars per ,barrel.—
Sales of rye Bohr ni . 53,50 per libl. Grain-1000
linsheli white wheat ,was - sold to day of 108 to
121 eta.. arid red nt IQB per bushel. Sales, of
4000 bushels prime white corn nt 48 to 50 eta.— .
Sides of oats at 31 cents pet bushel. • Small
sales of rye nt Go eta. Whisiceq—Sales bbls.
at 24 cants per gnll,.in. Seeds—A smell sale of '
cloverseed was modest 4' dollars per butihol.
At Cuol Spring.V.PennslinNo. township on
Tuesday evening the 6th it st:. by tlw Rev: R.
MeCttehten,.Mr. OLlVen ei.ivat. of. NeViville
:o Miss SARAH Low Lo'wn Of, the (envier place. "•
:,..Wheti fascinating beauty emits,
Tim' deemed n irmtsiettt flower ' •
' Gay mail in all bls ; bnustell wile a,
Submissive awns its, power."
On Fridny, the 9th inst. at
,Elarrisbdrg. Era
ABM! -
AB! I :LENDENIN, iii - roicarnikniero - 'wm. P.
and Marl S. C. Beatty, aged one year.
In this borough, on Sunday. the 11th inst.,
Mrs. MARY ADA LI-YEI3IIAPR. daughter •nj the
latls Ezekiel McMurray, decd.,_in thdr.22 'year
of her ago. • .! •
bivE.sixty.,,third Anniversary of - the - 13011 - eti
Letirpn:Sociely or Dickinson College, will
bn celehrtited_lin the NI. E. Church of this bon,:
on•the evening . of 'be Eld ins .
The public is respectfully invited to attend.
Doors open at C 3 o'clock, exercises to cont.
nuance at 7.
J LVNCTI. . J A N 1001174.
_ ,X. C'gIiErHETID. R W•Bitowk,
Corn, ofArrqllomont,
. °timberland Graye.
'WU OU will neFernble in parnde , order nt the
DAY. the ':'2ll of Fehritafy, at 10 o'clock, A.
M. 13y order of Capi. Stewart.
TIIE Commissioners of euitiLerlrnd county
would hereby give melee to tlicee persorat con
cerned-, that . they have appointed the following
times and places for the hearing of APPEALS
fur tllhc reapeet,ive Townships and Boroughs
'Tdivireithia Time of Place,
641 Gores. Appeal.
Newton Monday. 19th Fob.
New vllle tin
E Pennsbnro Tuesday. 20th Feb.
moden do do
Hopewell Wenterty, 21st - Feb,
Mifflin .. do ._ do..
8 Spring, Thtt'duy, 22d Feb:
Meclfan'hg do do
Ship'brg B. Friday, 29d Feb.
814',Iwg Tp do do
8 Marton Sat'dny, 24th Feb,
W Palumbo) do dn
South'mpion Monday. 28th Feb
Frankrord 'do do
Dickinson Tuesday, 27th Feb;
N. Midrion WeiterlayMth Feb
N Cum'ianddn... do
Allen 'Thursd. let March, do
Monroe Friday, 941 March. do
. Saturday, 3d March, do
JOHN MELL. }Commissioners
Attest War.
Commissioners Office. it
Carlisle, Feb. 14th, 18485
At Private Sale.
THE new and handsomely fin
_ • ished DWELLING HOUSE on
MI the west end of Lowlier street in
this borough, now occupied by the
- - subscriber. The lot is 72 feet front
by 240 deep. It will be sold atbargaih. Apply
to JACOB F. 110.0VEIt.
14-3rnos pd
For Rent,
. . THAT large end commodious
STONE HOUSE on east, , High
.1 , 4)
t _s _street,known_as-tho-property:-of
1• 1 Matter's heirs, occupied by Jun.
M. Allen nrid others. There is
twelve - rooms; - n cellar; a- Kitchen, Frame Meat
House.and garden large enough for two or three
small Families. but would prefer to' rent it to
one or two 'families. Apply to
Feb. 14. AVM. BUTLER, Agent
1 1 or Rop.t., •
. . The STOII,PrROOM &c., on
' ‘tha,Public Square, now occupied
• t. Mr. .1, E. Forster. Also two
•••• e comfortable two story BRICK .
11,010sES. Possession to be gi
yen on the gat of Apriljnat. Apply et Os Car
lisle Bank td` A tIENDEE. Agt.
February 7,-4t. . „
Estate of Catharine COove, deetd.
LETTERS of - administration - on - the Estate
61 CATHARINE G fl 0 VE, late of Erie coup
ty„Pennsylvanis, dec'd, have been granted to
the subecrtber residirg at Mount Rork, Cum.
berllnd county. All persons haring claims
. .against said Eitate to present them for settle-.
mom, and those indebted toirpite payme n t
mediately to GEO. Adm'r.
Feb 14-6 t pd:
henz „House.
_ .
No. 280 Market Street, a. ,
• Sc.4th side
TIIIS largo mid tplondid lintel Kati been fui
nished ; with entire new furnitme. The Bar,
ltbonfis tholargest in , Philadelphia, The Par
hirkfand:iitting,rooins are entirely seperata
from the noism.and bustle, consequent to the ar
rival .and. 'departure Of- cars.',3 ke portico e x-,
trindiiMthq'tvitele - front ': of 'the:hi:moo. affords a ,
'enel.reirearin !Winn xyailier;•and,SOMlefidid
view: of the greatest thWoughfare, in the City.'
Lodging,Ronmsird well furnished. -The
Table as well, provided for as at any other Howl,
with:everY attention of the nianagerS to make it
the hest hotel for Merchants and business men,
during their eirty,in -the ,City#, The terms will
be - oite;'dollnepor claYf *lt n^-the -arriyal- Of. the
ciriy-yro,ll,!thAiwiist; to ptit!erwill Aid in 'attend.
rineeltodonveY:'hag r ifoge,.•&e.; , to tho "high iaedjnihSti:iho depot;'' "
- " •
a': 0 tare, - ''" •
TII E g4bec,ribfiri,4tgigy in:7 to , remove . from
, Wit:Writ:at pu ?Ito !salla,'" , ;Jri,_SaiUrdayi
Sie 41411;oT Feiliiii(tiy,ll,l.lleit,teltideficebii !tun
4 itrienieui bile, lafie. %Uri of 1 9 f•
telitir(L fki t uttei- coneliting .bf
Siditboard;:'Nbletr:: auTeniggi' chair!' ,Suivte
otker articles. todulidiubrous: to
Ibregnihieutrie:4lCifbrokAq. l
• •• r..• 8...0 0 OK. , •
. ,
,Eab6ioryilkhii;!R4trESerr l 99 l ll;.P 3 J l ,Y. , - -
eetthc r tiereuaider ,
A . t r io 0-Copies-of this iitspoler Musidjust
siviveiVstilbe fo,Wre'Pr' 1 1 113i4 14 ;
"Feb /1 1 "-,4" 4 " 1 ‘ *P„t'
mEtqlii'-',,,:A5i1a,..:•..111,8i11i.; ‘,;-•:','',:;--;-' ''. ,
`,,.; ~wz• 7 , -'k'•c"". Z, - t o' T *lc hitilAii• VIP'
*lll'.'M itt,'Xl)..., lo e.,..b,T hn i ri .. ; -, A Nom 6 , .3'T
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e 'ip';,44tib_li).:ll,ll;:,9l.'.;,4l,`.l:D.,,llAtißlMAL,
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l' ,, ' t'lll -.a..e.g-a-,v, -If
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nt Cam's ()aloe.
_ag it