Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 07, 1849, Image 4

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, • ''- ,- ~ • U 1 1-
--.-4-44- - --'- - --- 1- •' --- - _...1.
•7'.1; 110 m tit" o , enznutoien Yfclellam:
On the ad.vantages of G0010&y,t0.,. 1 .A. 0 5 . - . ~
• 4 1,. . , 41,;./-
17,4encience,9,L.plogy is many
respects not .on)y_ mterestibg_ but ako
highly useful to the farrnitrrairal — togOtli-1
er with a laiOwledge . of chemistry and:
botau is tb iftiValor of the soil a
necessary,accoilip ~ •
It is thereforei:ferttriiihe that consider
able Icifowleilge:otrgOogy inaY be oh
.taig,ect tiy..farifilns'i,'l doily observing
kinds of soilwhile
cultivating their fields.
Every farmer is - sii - vitiucli of n
'o be able to designate the Jiff t'
largo hlucnine, makes
the. Soif•lit*Sril4.t'Ofititi of - moisture,
while tv Supevubvadifnce of sand or ailex,
makdi th' 'groand• too porous and not
suffte c ieb'lly retentive of moisture fof the' !
•ipu•rpose of wee-eh-trim). Most farmers.!
t00,,,.cap rlestinguish herween Ithe soil of
limestone land That of &Mahe - Arias or
arrilacibus formation, althOugh they tnay
both be fertile and productive. - 'lie also
•knows4that one kind' of soil is, suited to
prdrluce ctlrtalit kind.of plants, while an-.
other is. adaptetrto other orders of v-ege
talon: All, latilleTS•„o,6 tht;refore,..lo - 'a
. considerable extent, practical geologists.'
A very little reading and study of this
comparatively new science, Would great--1
ly enlearge their views and extend their,
knowledge by -leading -diem to obArirv'e
and investigate the various substances',
whether organic or inorganic, that come
• !Oder tneir naleii:•"feSr•Woultl -- thus
be able lb many instances to change the
'cliaracterof tlfeir - land 'in& correct,•d,ell7
clekeS by A.mixtbie.of 'different, wk. : -
ties of soil, or by the addition of such
kinds as may not be irr sufficient quanti
ty and are necessary to the growth - and
maturity of the crolls intended to be rais
ed, • Wit all know that a heavy clay- soil
'requires,clraining,; and a little geo:ogicat.
'investigation - may,,,,in
• 'or a grave bisoil ii - th‘ • !Which occa-,1
sionadopening Nvon:4l facilitate the Work.
or a linowledg:i of the stratification might
greatly' reduce the ex penso'cif
- -After which the plastic nature of the soil
may be corrected by rho application of
sand,- or by paring and burning, and min
eral and vegetable manures may then be
-safely applied as fertilisers.' The obser
vant fennel w Ito has become fain ilia r
• with Om materials v:liieh compose the
.soil in different 'portions of- his estate,
• may. find substances pei.-sessinz more fer
tilizing properties than Ire dreamt
Thus, there may be in some of the de
composed rocks, a considerable portion
of pothsh - of soda, and in some of his ap
parently N . txllll ,-- ,s swamps and bogs may
be found rich beds of peat or muck. or
decayed vegetable .inntteri that wotild
• furniali the means of filling his' barnyard
- --or - ilis compost -I)Viir,
JUST in.:Cl:-INF:1), •
N 5, Country, Illarehants and
Pedlars, are invited la rail and examine my
stock of M.)oleines, Pallas, Glass, 0.1, Kar
Patent Horbs and Exit amp,
Fine Chernieals, I S;rievs. ground and whole
lostrumoms, !?=seams,
Pura Essen'l Oils I Perlumery, &e.
Lag and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol
Coupe' ns,
Lee Dye'
I:Nrohdrill & Brother's fare Lead, Chrome
dieen and Vidinn, , , faint and Vignish Brushes,
Jersey Window Gla,s. Linseed Oil, Turpen
tine, Copal and Couch Varnish, and Hod Lead.
All of which will he sold at the vary lowest
markut price, at the cheap:Drag and Book Store
of S. W.
Nov 29:11, 1848 •
Ca:eat,',:ittraction for tilb Holidays
' Alt it riss-Kin.kle ' s-iia.d Qiiaittir ' sp
jli NORT II HANOVER TT„ CA 1;, 1%1.
THE=SObsiirilior wotild'llespoctfullytinforrn' •
the chizinit ot cavil de, and those who may visit
it during tho,lfolidafs; that ho.le now -, :niatiulati.
luring. aud- will' 'keep constantly on 'hand, a
R. largo asset:went of , NFEC'I'IONARY,
' SU.GA li. PLU,NI . II,', , suitable„for,the tip
.4,s, prottching lestiVities, whit twill hb still-Whole
sale of Retail,-nt , Ilia 'OLD STAN n in North lien.:
over Street,-a few, doorilniarth of the Bank':
wherelle : also has on hand , a large assortment.
of FRUITS and N . UTS.of the latest intporta
: which , will 'be.sold on accommodating
terms, consisting , in Iptirt. oflo RANGES. LE, ~
MONKS;GRAPES% Raisins, Prunes, Dates,
Citron, '''Figs, AltinandiAlotion-nuts, :Cream
. nuts,'.Filberts, Pecyhuis, , linglisli Walnuts,' &c.
&c. Ho would also call, attention lo the hest;
assortment' of FRENCH, ,GERMANi AND .
AMERlCAthrirSvielvor iikciagfif.' to this
,consitlil p Ytlrititne'Fi'clibh Fancy
toxcia,4idein *inlet...PVT il'il.r.:aizMr- d°ll
• heads, fine Chinn . , common c ph. nailWadden
teillaci.ii4 liiYdliini - fiOttir iibli 1 fiirniluiei is.litixea , -h,:
Blifsdlitridi tin :.trunanntaiiiWooley4oga,•qh.oo, l .
I.lll,thailliei and wher , , , taitles:' '01:
' air kilfdkltttigtiniti'and. , whielbaritilva, , 'Sinei,tin.
, tdyttf;itotilsditi ,, hoxils,' ;gallica . ; Puzzles,: &a. Xi,
ariatt,'?'.litldle, , Tanibarinapi:Haimonicana, • Ac . ;...
diidebtigi' , drams,itlinli;.pistidc.&a , i,,Gr lass -and
Ciiiiia,itoyaofitio ‘ seiiing; baskets. Ai. o„; Toy
and.'dolt;hilakcita;-)ailiVit'Variaty ottedifeibartiillea.
tho i l it t ei c ms ti o tot tua t i t i tl ii, 4,1)VC. , ,01.4!A .ill Wi . ii il
g . Iti , t lintilt Ai 0 wit 111 tliefiricvo:hethassijust , fet ,
ca.Hledoatiiiliiiai,liki . dfilile/Itil hoii Unne..l ,aI In 11.,;
•01t0,f,, , 1,4 4 . n.....+40 Id tall 4 l ' ` , lJ:i. trif:.l I ft: U. , . .hl- , :rd.
. ,titi,Jl4 - Itts '.“. 1 - tea
. imrooeriet o gsit to 10.1:
'4,mi t i'd w ovi•fd6i . A"rzna:ti:Pcifii;.iiriaiiit, ,, cifi
. # ,ag,,Q A,. .iisp.. ,e 1 •,. ~,t 7i. iiiva
k.r.RP.A,At C r eak 4,0. 1 / 4 '” I. 9 1 ~. ..01
9KrtP i .O . llP •- .. t.y lli nag ,ll. qbk sl'. • , v' l;
- 11, , i - . -- ...mpp,lb... , , rvIA - 1 1 ), -- ,04[ 1 1.11a i t ,.
• 1..,...#1 , 4ai , 1 ', 0 9 ' ou-• 82TtiV, ( Leta Mg,' 1 1 of
- 1071!: ?R, INAllers,k(A1,1 1 1 1 11e.:
44,04 • ' 7;,i tile eCfierlch9 Ilk% fl ..
Itni ri t MiP*l.ll.Yt'l4.l4lo,l,Millt aitek't
Av i v/ lAl,•,gitimni. 411 j - 0 ,?..t AtiA? - g ito„ , g i r
IpfrtV4*FßlEY.frfkrare,.„ui,E.. j , ,
' ,aft '4 AP lI.,'IriJI . . bDa ,itt,, , Eff,NAP, 4 4.,:4', , C ,,, ,, Nf l
• . ~.,. , ~„7.., . ..'.,..:P'., * 9,''.:.- , - ~ ,bniat a i Toad .14£4 aud.,4....);iii
• 1 • ..-- , ...: ,i,,.....,..4„,„......0,..,„,...,,,,,.„
,_10 72 :,: ipp g e o toillet t t Apkppit
i t ilt
. Via, to Il; V,l4,TtrAial-011"1
- --7 F , 7- • v a g iaitlC A , % 7 'NT) I O.e44:I
, 0 ,.,.-
_--,7-. 3 1) n.l! , , 4, --f,t i vvavytirlibri
v ~,, ! - • ,4 l aSt AY9118 , 191r ~t I l e Olteill4l j
d i j.:12 qlilair.'gßrAr.,ll,„lnitheliviil ril
-. 4.0 , , ~,, i„ 0ff, 5 7,1,„11 1 , , M 9,4 Ar r o Att s6fi
'.. , 04 , VAlteh. 0 , ... : 1. i 1 ~.. hug
- ' - Atitl4ll.l3 c ! 4°,4-ARAY4 11 1 0, 1 , Litlizq t hl .4
• ar - Rsfietio. g stt:„Yst)tlif4ilihaipti
, co iiqnifiltV A 5,1 ” q r 4,,,„
in 4 t o i EIE i, Ar,gl r, e , ~,..
• ' 0,14, 1i 4 / t -P 4 P 4 "ii ' 0101reti.
'l,m • ' 437-*1411b14 4 ' IP lif t yi l'i t
~ , ,,ysurf p ,v84,1,
' Al ' 4 l I )tT r 9V(IO
, a pitapv,o44.s t t cs_ v ,ir_ , e Itot 9
, k iilMM.P.rkisaEW4auLX 4 44_-_,„,,,,,w,„,kirt, . ,
. wirlo I:It oat' •ak ",341:m•itiotm, , ..,
. 1. if 041.110,Y.1 . ..
.011;ixtro • ),
i .. I '‘ 3.* * VI
. .0 1 1 ' 0111141 ' ~, ikltr if aCt ei l ilsit ol3B., o%
H .
' . ' ' ' '''ati l iiii d iTivvrtriet T . () ••. , ,
-- n - T . __ . .W - I,tl
~,,,......,4- lipritmtattaTegpttantl--sautoe,rft':°'
7 — ri*Pr . 'u_eucTuN'• , " ~, : k 0 a totv . ept
.. * .,.! l , rt iT .n . ,
' ' it. Il
I bOrr 1111
~,d - -0;,.. i i,
..1,,0 1
, #4
.L . ., A , .7 , ..t.'.- ',.,k 0 . ;k• j.,.,1
::, , a,Zatig .4 4 t h
.( t. ar A tle fi,„ l° l' , ecUl r awatort ~,,
..,',',',.: 041i:::Wei p rit( ! ,0,:, `::..„1 , r!.. ,- (7. , :,*.a.w.' CB.. '1,'410.004U415144' '',.`,7'd'`'l,.,'-'l'gi:.F.:4';
~,,.., ~,14,v.':.;';',.;;,,,,,,,,'.0,,;'`ev,,',,`2",-.'4,..:',f,-,-;;
itaar17,2X.611.1-'- ',L4,14 / 4 I 4
14 1 fivr.q:Lv
• 1 / 4 , y(i i 4iii:•:kl4;,; iiV - 4(:;VA4 . . 4 , 1047 , - ,*,: i
• - •
HAN ECEuL for: thd fgVQi .4diet
• K.',:catliNtariii'dit(ilejin of but
Al4l) °
euvolliftFpf I,ll,titioker.4l.oibeF,i,(lotkliM)PPl:
gortornt we nro rect
alawatcy ' ab k I tn.thexiti).otull. nyticlus
t o lltd busineia pf a '
qrimery and Tea Store,
embTgeuin B'r~q'n.s r i~_nrs dl
'mid' •'OM; pi•ptdidd, 'l3rdlte
Tp( 6 had' 10 , 0 . 00er irrtit v Java
it hl - Mocha 'Coffees, also
TEAS ofi'mheie elect olio; eil her
metallic packages, always fresh, at front :,17,1 to
$1,41, per pound, lotto her with every veriely•of I
Spices,,sitch as CINNA NION, MACE, Ci r r-
ItON . , Pepper, Cloves. Ginimr,'Nntniegs,
tooviher se 1:il Fine Slat either iu•Sacks or, mina.
whillte! with Mould and Dlpt qunlit es;.'
Sperm al@ bleirelied Oils; of MirA„MiliTif .
as 51.ib' S'ALMON' AND - MACIcARtit;?
Alolakigs; Chetiiios
and nnmirrolfg other amides, till brwlife,h4B,if
phi) , audprieqs We feel confiden t im itispealiih.
will 'prifite equally iv; gravid ressonal.le.
as emi,lie held any where else. 'But it mill from
oar rrierids.onn , .4Utisfe thrift hest and its too.
te'T - a - lTd
tat too
. ,
Romeittiter the t•OLlS:antl." tiebtly oppo.the
13..itIth.kli:Cs (forme' ly tliteichi'o 'Favern Nl:tin
F.ll'Vt`,. . . . 1 \V EIbY.
C.itlisltt, 13th 1/cc, ISIS.
• I.
Div) lieu Goods,
FairtE Subscriber bus just reutrned from the
ri y with u large supply 'of .new g o o ds.
M E A S.. A [argil rissortment
.CasutelfS, Kent ucky,:lanns - ,
COntings. 'LADIES 1 0 ., 11.4-
Such as _French Meiinos, Satin' Stripe, Allnii4f
vriry - liandioqe; Pattnetto and Coburg C'ollt,
Cashmeres, Mottar de Li bias, very fine qualities
Ereneb Cloth for lAdi'es siekS; lame assortment
of :.lnnrniug GondA,Attul n great vartoy of other
goods too' numerous to. unurrllin. G r .nle by
Renutinber the sand in West ]lain at, west
of 13,ntem's 'Cavern.
Dec 6, - • "
More Now Goods at, the New Cheap
pl-lt Subscribers would respectfully
" 11110111 i their friontlA and tho uublie, that
they truce just returned front l'ittladelphia with
a largo l of - El \V GOODS, purchased at
reduced. prices. Aniong these g"ods may he
C ISSIAIERV.: 4 , and S.vrr-
SCI"I'S, law priced, medium, and of the best
. - •
.1.:41)11 7 .5' .I)RE:SS..oooDs.,
Tieres. Alpacas, fled ;Thins. de-Lnins,
Ti.:IOiERRE mid — other SIIAAVLS., good
amtilew FIV e.
. A 1.0. a l splendid Ikeortolent of C •TACO, nt
fr. - 114 Ito 1 . 2 4 1. (.; !Wail TiCKI S and
)1 USI.INS of 01l Linda, n,id mi . large add eta
.gent of ..11f) and 4: 4 1101.:S, lo , teclito
wi;11 n urrerol noAortrouto cd tt ell selectod G HO.
CERIEti, all of which wit are do crulott'd to
Thr. Polon Tea Corppavy'44l . .,r 1 . 1(1), (I 'I . E.\ S'•
are also Ibr .)(!), l v as at the 1.1(11)Iiia'Ite•
nul pies. I'l())1(4) g)ve u= n c)(11 al the corher
()I' ll:mover (Intl Low her str( , (l').
8 V I'ONVELL ts:
I/cc '
Bargauil, reargairs. e .
rtfir s , Thscri;TTbi . NvillT . TTI11:111,1)1 . 1., This week to
to etit TIOWIT his \VITTIer Efoods TTI
greatly reduced prices All persons in want of
vilely goods will find it deal frilly to :heir advon
me to eall and examine this huge assOrtroent of
goods I have 'reeentlw Opened a large and bi;an
tiful nseortment, whii4 Loan and will sell at
without regard to cost
Recollnet thd old stand, cast Main street, op
posite Mariin'is Hind.
Dee: 13 r 11 , 18 . • OGILBY
Spices! Spices !!
I WOULD respectfUlly invite the nrention o
those wishing to use 1' E P P E R and other
SPICES to the articles 1 . offer —they being
;ground by myself are wA RR Ant'rsn
. 31:1:rEeTr.v
er•te Farmers and. others wishing PEPPER
at-this season; truly rely with confidence ott the
article I sell, 01 is not a mixture -of mar and
DYEW WM) and will Fond its low ns the int-'
pure article brouglkt from the city •
Dec 13, 1848 , S ELLIOTT
Perfumes, Oils and soaps.
Ak FINE and fresh supply front Roussel's and
other of the hest city houses, nmeng which
ire double, extract Sweet Briar, Rose Oernitittio.
I'et heirs, Paiehouly, Ilekerope, Xlilleticur nod
Musk. tastefully , pat tip and for sole at the lowest
prices.. Also,. for the Hair, Bandoline, Pont
made flux Fleure, .Tentind hair gloss, Elepr'S
Nlnecassar Oil, NW-seemed Antique Oil,
Ileal ne 111yrtle and Yin::
let ‘Ponimades... Ah,zo . .rancy Soaps, such as
Roussel's Shaving Cream. Wright's do, Militnry
do, Almond and Palm Wash F;onp, malting an
assortment unsurpassed by any in the herottelt.
FririE iubti,•ribers have just receivedfroin the
- 31., — C - Ifftlie largest quantity; of Dlt I' 00014 s
dyer brought " Their stock consists
in yen of the following :
CLO:lllSttxl3,lne , brown • hluo-blclt„,green,
front $1.50 per - rQ. a . •
CASSINI KR ES - and Vest ings—good. heavy
and tine striped Cessimeres, 75 ets STAtatn,l,sl
pilfryd. • Santo of Ilia toast handsome'. Veetmgitt
in the county • Casinette front 25 t 01874 ets.2,:ty>
CASHMERES nod Mous. do Ettings - -Kiiii
184 . t0 - •624 eta. •
• CALICOES-about 5,00 yards; some 'very
good at six' Cents •por yd. Alpaehas, and Mari.
wee, 181, 25, 37.1 - , 511, 824 -eta. Splendid •lustre •
Girightups air 124'cis. ,•'Yard wide Muslin tit 4
Cis por yd. Good Ticltiogs, 6-k, 10, 124,-184.
polej,,quality dothealle.Ginettatfis, warranted fast
eblors; at 1 .124; :;Elnocltish
124 - ; 6 (15 ! Ei. "Woo WO'
Planoole n). 124 281, 25,474i - 50 eltitv n:
Gitio . dhoesVailfirridls and sines. Ribbortifor,
bonnets at 8, 123,'15, 184, 25 ctda Litess.and
,Edgings, cheap,, rent thread wide, 124 ens,
Gliket)lindsgorLOMlll,ll2.lwf kin 8 1 . -
11190011er,Vitil,p11 - 101., eycry article in
Witch wOOto'ilbterniitied
assortment .of!REARiIf
ik4.4)E'cr,O.TFlTNGlChrisistitig of
tCO iniedi i;COlo ' , to 3:50 flit coestmere
jVests;lAM'liT,'OfFrof hneotdirge
stock Of'ililiVSeOfeedf,,iNehllitsecanoso•
leoLlAnd l hoyBAlMii!menidirei , ikieii Who
suit thenselvrs
latently. trade. KM
Tho ClothinkEtroto^ cblidboted by-George
13(Triti7.9ibis - nedrip . ettell4 . o,,. - to lin ono - of the
be " ' .00,01thti:Nyho • -
. 4
--, arit o OrtAirkOew i .
14' I ant
4 --, T-t lie CHO - 1107h 11 47 gßorry Store of 10 •
84,11 - 11.). 1 0 Ellq ; Wes; Mnl street,i
'''' trITOI1o: V 64 qvit ilt4 ' A
liMi `AlVii&li itlNtry o m it
v irtibtillPOleetilifeht4liiit iltbtr qt i tfttliyh , l l l: ll lln u r r k ii tt d ,:
nkri- Ailfn'e
u-V.11111441.111.1.4141114.f 111 ;i 14 _____i Ale
ftpiin I.4hd eilY. rni,44-his-frtealitioffm, ; ftfutit
- Pc i lli n I.l° a ll al n ifititou - k - galc - whith.entbrupee ell
the ar n tivies usitillgAiln 14011,1110 e 0 1 b,nsins l tr.
troucteeslllie; /fwe tkluirlifinektmg°, •,' -I ." 'I
'Pedal ' 14°InigvilY4411 1 1ri tir pt?,' ,'ea I 1
tileacquelity&ilitvortt;lot , ; 4
fi d toroorn .guglro.o 4 1Y,'. - A Itt'-' "I
oari fdtan.,
titiot ; atigni , op ;' or; . • , r
Price twh bil it t itjaClSTfien l n 1 kinds, which he
gr a,/ ""- a freeh- tir o o lo lw - giti m u ß
will warrnnt pure an 1 wof w,114) -- in herb
_buckettirbmaiggrija,itora'vory v'erietY.'—
' (.°lhe ' s
PiP" ' Tell d e 'enufery .5: 0 : ". Al
011M1°2191?46,1)°1,4 ) 1,16 - ri , liii i ' '1V1, 4 ) 0
„,..1.10';,,,,,1/Pdahr;4,,vg.„.ll ' 4l7elodelint fili ' . I ro l
- .1. ,-• .- Kt a u ci'n ..: ~.. e s t E
44 'E v ilro ( A 'K a ' .V p
bah . t ...
h - art4W . AtSfliiii6l6ll3lprituilda 10
' •-o- tti (1/11151. tho,libcrol prttronbgethere
00 1 13,
, a t
171")” ' at'''
fclreN7 l 3lel. ll his An t
7ii - C - 1711iii --r .
1 r ,
tindlitypreAntoWhigrit , I r rifit9n l 4l l ?
t i.,',1,1 lentol4lo.l•4loloo4#o,oloYlt.,QMV.P"ar
; ttl,,,fi t: - . ootothearnadvAol4 , 94l it.
1 't,t1,440 •
t , c; .1 .''- ',." 4 4 4 00dt,'4 1,1 1A 11 104,1, W 1 • P.s&lw
1 *Attinikilittaolll6 4 .#lllll T manila ' silt AViY?F4O, I ) .
115ITUediiihal 4 chea PP; 11l fratlgi.,
2 , 1 ;,,1001C - ') ; . ,'• ' 2 ' ' ~
t - ''.' ' "
:i4(l , qiiiililfri it:si
~......„.......--. •-• .,TitEliroPtleiori;lln;i: 4ent ' Meet' . tiMe
/ . .. 7
-7---- to its in p b r r o il s i e g t in t g st t a h t i o n O P f ie pt i lt i t ° l[i i n 9 .l 4 dt: go ' L el ' itie ' ; l '':'.
' • .
f , 1 1
is portuni ° ty ul tO e s ° t n 4 e,a i
recommended,. and to talent , ie eZ i
r in s. t h i n ie s fr r ilii is o l;d ro th rm etz
t t i h m e i r o s as t e a s m i.o p r lo w m- b
tic l'y to their relief and cure. Pa
. : Mints who wish a REALLY oboe Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy
A ll ( 'themilv
ee s of its Superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of Arresting
and Miring disease: The bottle has been enlarged,to, hold ONE QUART, and in its.
l' i i l ' present impuived ;fermi:l - nay MffelYeltilm, the lIEST and cuLtrisy Medicine of'
. . i ll The 'age. Its progress to the fame if has attained may be' traced by a long line of facts
!I and cures, that stand as hindinarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the'tveY to
1' the haven of health, ~•; „..:.: •.. . .
1 The following lif'ficin'i Cot. S. G. Taylor; wgentlemnit of higkstandingand extensive
II ;; acquaintance in the Southern states, 'and lately appointed Consul to New Granada:
t i
111 Messrs. A. B. &'D. SiNDB:
'- • •
. ' New York, January 7, ISM.
II :i - GENTLEME74,—HaViIIii used,iindwitnessed the e ff ects of your excellent preparation
' I .:1 of Snisaparilla' on different persons „in, venous . arts Of - ifs Southern country, viz.,
1 11l - Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, andlkleXico, I feel much pleasure in 'Stating the idgh
Clopinion entertained of its great medicinal value. In m y own case it acted almost
like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state-of the system, and exciting, In
thb most agreeable manner; atonic and invigorating influence. i . ~
II Your Sarsaparilla IS - highlymtiproved ntid extensively Maid •by theld. States army
r . ii in Mexico, and my cousin,. GEN..ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the past live years
I been in the habit of using it recommends ttio same; lie end -myself adopted the
it article at the shine time ,- any it is- is -an-nlmost-indlspentlabfe-requisite
' in the army. In conclusion I would say, that thetetteritis known the more highly
Il it will be prized, and I trust that its Imalth.restorinceirtues will make - it generally
, II il known throughout the length and breadth of our widelrextended country.
ir 11 1 h
I. Iti i Yours very respectfully, • , S. G. TAYLOR, •-. -, 4 '
.-‘ U.S. Consul to NeW Granada.
P ,
r 1! 1:!'
1 1- it til t 't, ' ' • • st o uth,),.„ i t con* T -Janutttry-1-,-4848,--
j:1 Air:Fars. Snaps :—Gentlemen—Sympathy for the affilottdinduces Med° inform you
11 Ul of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla An.the case of my wife. She
1 111 was - severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts,of the body; the glands el
!! til l 1:: the neck ss•ere greatly enlarged, and her Ilmbkmindiewellen. After suffering ova' a
--", 1:Ii year, and finding no relief from the remedies 'used, the disease attacked ono log, and
p iii, below the knee suppurated. Iler physician adviamt it - should be.laid open,' which wan
Semis' done, but without troy permanent' betrfit. In this. situation we heard. of" and were
. induced to use Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor-'
able effect, relieVing her more than any presEription she had ever taken; amtbefore
11 1 "'
jj she had used sit bottles, to the astonishmentand delight oilier friends, she found hoc
Ili health quite restored. It is now over n. year since the cure was effected, and her
111 health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly,efadioated from the system.
1 Our neighbors are all knowing to these -facie. and think SANDS' Sarsaparilla a_ great
1.1: blessing to the age. Yours with respeet,, , - Jp.r.aus PIKE..
; I l;•• . .
~r;:i . i hl Extract from-n letter . received from Mr. N. W. Harris ; a gentleman well known in
, Louisa county, Va.:—" I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla,
:i , who who attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours.truly_
1 :1 . ; ..I.L.F.,Fsdaidrs Hall, Va., July 17, 1848.. •
ll i
In 'The following testimony from . Rey.7ohn Grigg; late Rector of "the Church.. o a
l P -.Crucifixion in o _ this city, eonamends itself to
effected by
of the afflicted. Numerous
!,ill11,1! e r e e rt c l i fl y e e nrs 1 ,6 cures of various diseases by his medicine are almost daily
~11, :11 Messrs. SAN ns :—A member of my family has taken ydur valuable Sarsaparilla for
.L.U. .: a sevefe scrofulous affection, Arc. with the most beneficial effect resulting . treat its
,' c.,,1 :!, use . it gives me very great pleasure to record my testimonrin behalf of its virtue
11,,ii, ,:' and e ff icacy; hoping that others may be induced to make a trial of it.
, 1; .!I Nea Yank, .Slay . lo, 1848.
- ,
...:' ,, ii.,• L Messrs. A. , 13. , 5. I). SAar i.—:
C...... ,
c,...._.„, Norwich, N. Y„ Oct. 6, 1847.
"' (.• ENT! EmEN—Feelin s oL ratituderriducci me to make a public acknowledgment
"I k, of the benefit Ihaye derived from the use of your Sareaparilla. I have for several
• 11 -....,.
" ' •' " '
rears been afflicted,,with scrofulous , swelling); in my head. which' at. times would
other and discharge, at my throat, nose, and ears. and at others would break out to
different parts of any face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and
head were almost one complete sore, and for a long tame I was so hoarse that it was
with the utmost difficulty that Iconld speak above it whisper. During this time I had
several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. I consulted different physicians, and
tried various remedies, but received no benefit until.l commenced Using your &wan
parilla. I ant new Well ; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely
to the effects of your valuable medicine.
Yours, will; respect and gratitude, MIME CAHOON.
Being personally acquainted with the person above named,l believe her statement
to be correct. JAM ES M. D. CARR, Justine of the Peace.
Sold • also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada&
Price $1 per Bottle ; six Bottles tdr $5.
,LLI6TT, sole:Agent for Carlisle
Sold 'by S
Climb. Val
y Transportation Hoe se
Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel-
phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &c.
w. ICERR, Forwarding and ommission
Merchant, IdAttitisitutic, 'a. MOMS his
mends and the public, that l'rem e beret pat
ronage extended to hint during the p ear ho
has been encouraged to make more extensive am
tang,emems for the present season, and has ad
ded two mew. large and splendid Boats to his
LINE, and o dl tmly prepared after the (m
-ein,' ,it the Canal, to forward PRuU Uftf and
MERCII AN DINE of tili kinds to and "from
Philadelphia, Dahlman., Pittsburgh, &e., at the
In west ratec of freight and with the . utmost des
Agents for floats,
Rase street Wharf, Philadelphia.
(:EISE• & SON,
No. 1:1 roituncree st. \ litirf, Bulthritire.
CLARK & $ll4 \V,
J. .11.10FAIMEN Pitts'g
Agents for Care,
Cll.ktoll ER & REY N OLDS,
\lnvite' st.,
SITEIR JA:111.19 &
Itroad•strvet, Phdadelphia.
(North street, Baltimore.
liarrisloim, Nardi 29,
Harriburg • Transportat ion Line.
- •
• -fa r 54. 22_
Imo awA MANG & Commission Merchants,
C llArr,tnunra,Pa: ship Produce, Alerelitut
t time, ttt.e. to 'Baltimore,
i Coal, Plaster, Nails, •Salt - , Fish, Groceries, &c.
constantly for Isrilf.,s
1 gatlispprg, pareh_29,..184.8.
• . Dr. Keeler's' Panacea,
1 1 - 4,101 t the removal and permanent ttiir - e,;(-all
! •E' diseases arising from an impure state of the
Blood and habit ,of the bodsi t y . o,o i.,,.., ~,,i ; ,,, ~,,
fThrooid disenaos ;of the Cheat, Pleurisy, Bro : „ .
chills, Cutarrb,meic. Scrofula in all its forums, - ,
Totter, Se'af r d i ligail, Cutaneous affections,9,l4ll9, '
foci:land exir9inpies, chronic Itheumnsitistriluitl'
Ilepatetis, sllge)Bp Enlargements of the Jointi,
White Swellings,,, Syphilitic Affections, 'Cot
slitulional disorders, arising from debility,Mer
curinl and Ileeflitury predispositions, ke.
i that is 'tilting place in• the
tat it is brought. aboni'lly
übstentive-existeneelf - Nr .
our body originally perfects
tricot unless changed b y,the
thing that bearsliniutilietilL.l
.dy 1,..._. _ .... nil cases of . disease, there
must. e IlteVieritc . isitit, i ntal : esma . nry ingr.itliont ,
which by pla in ,its - inrt,,alo,i-nti reetsdrytddler )
modify the,ptaide lies afore .conn' Med withf i the
body. It as atYurd to talk .of 'ationthimoitadititititio
• tatting
, -,-utit-the Interposition-Of -sumti.,trtiorbifultagent4,ati
' wall might el',iii:4s6 - et a piece of ehallvto:irnhafer'
--ItSSI -tftWl:tua y-intro-lthe Or rgaiii7;iiiiilidiiT
. the aid of Sulplitirle Acid.;. In'alicditteitse.thitre is,
'ti prior cause,. which -.lndia he removed,tthre', tho
. imeney of thityljtt?Na:ro . ...liswyr.priseayor,te:
- on . romek'suneriorlt
o•ne t:ahtteern- an.o.vioence
' , he fellowinß;iitittilljniittitKid'the public t .:-,:_y.,,, 4 4
: . • .•;", , Vll.V.ltThilatielphitr;:.ltimti 1-1i3:114$1
• Having betiii".4 3 Vise.d . df the .riartlro Juno,
• seen, it. allhrut 'eno *inlet) plessureHo'bo'nblotto .
—roCornmend.-41,.`,10 4 t-lialuitble7rein ra
edy - fell - theim
°ettle.' counnuipnal ;Mid: p land it Isr,diseititeta, to
wi'igh'iiiiegßeAlYildtMied:'%; l 'ol l ioso , u , „lut/tre .
t', ,
' afflicted; 'antlirp tme ,medicine ,tis mn ' filters ne s .
- , -tirey-cartnet-Iht int4i-41i , a,,n,MreLtigrottble.-tietia ,
end lutiformAt a 'Aintii-ift'to,,hrtleund nuthi P,ar.
- tt0ca......1.ba1l peoptilttin.severalitistnnees tilth ITO::;
'. aided and sitirttittecese, , ,J.YOurs;,Ste. ~ , , :,.'.1',•:,‘. .
.. ~., .. *'..,.'. , /14. , 4,' , :.:;,: ~ .I?.'iseri,- :
..-- --Ermr.6ll6 - 0614:Li'r' itlaia*ortii-N-figt . 4oio6t-.
Third antiE ff alt , sireeti; , :lPhiladelphim:rintEie:9
-failed - in - Cag l MoY 3 i- 4 1 31 ;b 141 •TTtti,'Iihrirkill
pint bottlealtgtipper3iettle.;',/:1•:.:1 . • - ,:.,.':,•::,:•;feb23.i',-,,
I - . 1 1 00 1 40,1.1 4 0
A 13 04 1 4filiabbeirn'iln'"r6f/
13 0° to*geetillkitli Avonieriehil'bOY.B. l )°9t. 9 and
opipted ATM forliiilecarv)na new . Atoze,..
. 1f Jllllli
Watches and Jewelry!
v .. -CILEA PER TIIA.N. riwER--
' N' l 'lo ll l l e s s d a e l l e pht lA nd i r i n e tc u h " a — n ' d ‘ t ie t Tr ita . •
, ;... • elry Store," No. 96North :Off
,v.....„,.....„..,:, COND street, corner of Quol-
Wei' (.I's:ti', ). ry street..
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, s3o'entr
'nu - wards
Silver Levert, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lepine, 18 k. cases, jewelled, $25 and
1+11•cr Lepines, jewelled; $lO and tipwards
Silver Quartier %Vetches, $1 to 10
Silver Spoons• equal to coin, per sett—Ten,
$5, Deceit $lO, Table $l5, oilier lirtieles ut pro•
portion. All goods warranted to, be what they
are sold r.
C ons ny on hand a large assortment of find
Also, an assortment of NI J Tobias &
E Simpson, Sinned & Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, (..1 &. R. Beesley, anit other
superior Patent Lever Movements, which will
'be called in any style desired
Arrangements hove been made with all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
England, to furnish at short notice, any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name arid ,residence oF.the person on
Bering put on if requested
Importer of Watches
Stoves rttoiei I I .Stotres ! I !
Ott A l t. 07 ,'South S'eebtid street. Philadelphia.
J. TYNDALE:, respectfully invites an
examination of his largo stock of Stoves,
embracing some of the best and most elegant
patterns of Pennsylvania, New York, Pecks
kill, Troy, &0., together with a beautliul assort
ment of Fundy Sheet Iton•Stoves and Radiators, •
for parlors,. dining.rooms, chaudiers,or Kitchens. m
Ile believes that his assortment will coultie, ,
to advantage with that of any oilier estsbliM
Inept, Re, Imo also a splendid stock of Oregl
oelebrited Aii•iight Stoves,,for which hehas;
been agent for many years jn,this city, in the!
rnirmliteture.of which for excellsn c e and, vhea p -!
ness, it6'rellifS'a hitt htithdrods purchati;rs,, Mid
for beauty of patterns he believes himself unri
valled. , -
j.fdr ,toves, whether of Wood or Conl, Lis
hisiortnione is complete. He returnd his dunk s !
to'his old customers, to whom and to tho publi c !
Jut roliove - hiti,irti,442p to givo Iltjm 0,011 t, tl? .1
old stand,
.N0.,p7 §. Seccitleidieet, -
'l l 4 0t , ' , 4.• • A.p
- • .;.!i J.
J.TAW44141, r.P '
, •,..I'll 11. D A VIDALANKIN:IO,i C'h cAnpt
f i tiN ktroetiroorneil.of BEtilk'otrgAlT.4 6 4A l /4 , 4 0 ,
olnirfacirsolAAl;i9,loll§:iViog ,Ftwicp...B.Eilost
men' of . 111 N44.0 1 ,AS5 9 . n iffk ii *Pg.f1?-1,1P 8 :1',, , .
a o CidodLelmicilPowebtril- ,, ,,,4 7 •
ft. 1 0 0 0 0
ches d l o s i ng ' l o ish olong. Breakfast 'do,
chests do
};°.tloos j lf
e l heste h Makon' Souchobg
2¢ do- do Powahoog
I 4 , d1 - d l 9 , qa.oo9l.#Pli.r. '4,115 , booms~ 1
tJ do, nkrig6 e)EbO" 1 ,
• N . -yak
it . ..
zoo 141). boxiis-oupiriii: ...ingy — onk , - t
gJO lal hewn 'Young IlystiririNAP Fo n, 4. t
~,841 T;Kl, l yt,7 l! . .t,iiiiievitg , /..-1.11 . 4,1 ' IV:CA . O .11 1 „
, 4- :' klAuppw,del ;:, lsTo. 7 )o'.mtaitt):l ,,
---: :: 40'..---- 7 -:-4o t t-- . : L-Com i tiony 2 „..llyno?").o_ loot:
itti _.,44 - kw" ,-- ralatii i
'''''''lll6YPORATerlyi i ii ~
.fortfyi e:' A..........,, , ,•, ,, , , :. , . IFI: , trvießt:,
~ 1itirri01iwgibi5t4,:piii..,..5.,,::.....:,;.::,,,..,,,,,,,,,:...,,, ;„ ~„,..
.-",..; 1',':' , .,..:.;.-,';',.,.;::::::'.:'1,.'i":; : , 4.i1VP , •:: ,;-:..(',',:::'-' 1,7')":""I''
tF2 4I
:riOtg YieCigf
-wit.ra 'te&A-TON
, . . . .
in , Fureigri - Ond ; ,
4,.N.411.. -
E. .111,4 N; S'VEE4*.„c.; Gast'Thillgis'veptidiaternpe4
lisle, Pa., Itave
ring n largo asian'tment'of
others , veatoiile iferdware; as.
,p ek
'hough! at.tlo4)vest;KEtpsl,andlii4
k ' ;'-
3 4 44-Aas ieetWoLfeh , Or -I LEIV EI r
'rEN. 4 ',PEAVV:ifand
E • .A.-•{..•K •
171i;ftS‘liqmhiciLibey, li,ottld,inyit.i et:-
.Inion of Fanners. - TIV, se 1111411;tteslieve tii
Ati n tha_rue.,ll,ilµ4l.44-nquply-all-t4o--Agficillomto - 1 .
he e . oltn , ry; and ore .:(:)”sidlrt•d•
fonttrlu te - a.nY outer Cutter now in floe. •
iitTEW YORK 011 E,
/. r" . "
• ir s; beg
tIF • leave to citizens of cl(iidlierland
add adjoining ihni they lifole.pist open;
'ed an extensive A'A ETY . ii 1 . 0 lt-E in North
I hinever street, iti the buildina lately occupied
-1Y Mt. flaincir, bet wceli llnverstich and Lyon's
stores, where they will 5e happy to receive the
calls of all ariicles .
line. They
nt all tines keep on 'hand t Ayil selected
aisortinent of Colored Prints,.(Vreich, English
asd Ainei lean) dome . stic and htireigtt Peifiimery,
Patent Medicines, embracing nearly every de;
scription, and iii fact.n little of every thing usu
ally kept in an extensive variety store.
; They are the exclusive (mons for the solo of
Dr. Traplinceit's celebrated l'idnioni, Mixture,
Extr.tet Or Sar,aparilln; Dr.
Orecil's celebr.itod Itxygeitated Itlitt!•rs, for Dys
pepsia and Plithysic. They are alt, 1110
sive agents)* ,r c . Ninty et the..N.s.y. yoatc
GANtrox 311'
. 0.% Nv, and will keep con
--st only-on-hand -a-large- supply.of. their-superior
'Pens: • .. _ • .
In conclusion they beg leave to say. that they
art determined to sell at very small morns for
CAAII, find invite all wishing bar:::tins to give
them a call.. Orders from emilttry met chants
Eiuppited nron most reasonable, 'cum,
Til,E:subscribers having pureitahed the rlght
at Cumberland vounty for making Cron
ell's Patent Thermometer - Clitir,i, icy would
repetful..y. inform the Farmers and public in
general, that they will make .and offer tor' sale
their Churns at the Cabinet \Viire-roust of Geo.
Sp ite, , ,ler, in N. Hanover btrec,, ttet dour to
the Wilco of I). smith, Esq. .
The principal advantage this Churn has over.
all others is, that it is so com.tru , med that the tnp
eau he taken oil' so as torgive hve" access to the
inside of the
. ..hunt, italics it convenient
to tint in 'the ennui and- get out the buf.ter: A
Thermometer—to,ilte,end f of=the-
Churn so as to show the exact temperature 01
the crests, which experience shows should be,
ih degrees to make good Dotter. A chamber ei
spa,e. is ;orange(' around the hottom of the
churn, for the purpose of a tinkling colder warm
warler, so as to Ming the eil,llll to mite d es i re d
telim:raturn, withont milxing the water with the
cream. 'llls sei co. in churning looter is, to
have your eremn at the proper teinverature ; it
will produ., more and Miter butter. a,ar lake
less time tr elturning - ; it churns equally cell is
cold or warm weather =- n, stilt thing as having
scalded flutter. All that is necessary ib melte
g - tad hotter all seasons of tile y, or, is to get one
it Crowcirs Patent Thermometer Churns.—
We would ino - it re=pectlully invite the pabtic to
call and examine los themselves
(:1•:rt STANII;.:;I2,
SAM .1,
Mr. Geo. Spaniel—Sir: We have been using
the Therrninneter Churn I got of you for smite
time, Mid lied it far sultcrtor to the old barrel
lor'several retemns; first, great having ul
tuna ib getting butter. the rivet age time of elnirn
ing about fifteen !ninnies, (all weathers); sec-
Nuttily, ,ht: butter-when obtrined is much firmer
rhatt when using uny other churn; tinnily, my
folks sny they would nut exchange it fqr any
other churn and twice the original roost of the
Thermometer Churn.
Sep. 28, 1848.] G. W..SLLCAFFE R.
Mr.'Geo. Spangler—l have had the Crowell
Thermometer Churn you made for me in use
•at nay place, and I do not hesitate to say.that uo
Farmer should be without it. Fifteen ininnits
is all the time required to make Butter, and the
value of this saving of time•and labor consists in
`this, that it rerptres no more time at any one
seastni than another; and ;Ma the temperature
of the cream neeessary to make butter, is pro
duced with certainty, and without the admixture
of warm ur cold water with the cream itself. ft .
Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1818.
For the benefit of the better part off` than (wo
man) I give tl is certificate. After using the
Thertneveter Churn made by Mr. Spangler of
this plane I. would have'none other in my fami
ly. We have been using the old barrel churn
for thirty years plst, nod I must say it is not to
be compared to CroNt ell's Thermometer Churn,
either for speed of charnintt or convenience; in
the old barrel churn it tool: generally (coin four
to six hours to churn the churnin g , now in the
Thermometer Churn '‘‘;o ran chant butter in
front fifteen to twenty mindies, by brining the
cream to the proper temperature. 1 can recom
mend it to the public as no cheat.
.Carlislei Sep. 4, 114'
GEORGE SPANJTIII. has also on hand,
and will manutacture to orEr CABINET•
• IVARS every description, such as Bureaus,
Seerotarys, Smas, Tu1,106, Bedsteads, and all
articles in Ins line, and Will sell as cheap as can
be bought any where in the county, and warrant
his,Furuiture pfgood material and durable work
manship, ITe Would invite the public to, call tlid
examine his stock before purchasing.
' COFFINS made at the shorest name . ; terms
moderate. toctl I
ICK LES, PRESER VES ....Titst received
and opened by the subscriber, preserved
Ginger and ine Apple, Orange Jelly, Pickled
Lobsters, C terkins, Mangoes, Peppers, Picot
'Fontaine nd Onions, Olives, Capers, An
chovies, Sardine Tot mato Ketch 'tie mixed
French Mastoid, %vitt , a very knee d pure
article of Salad 0 , r sale at
, .
i r le. ',!/i •l a 4~ ~.
• . .
rinHE subscriber has just received a largo and
exiensivo assortment of EA LE Mid 'WIN
TER GOODS, which he is determined to Soil,
as low as nay:other establishinent in' Carlisle or
. in'the county,: ,Call and see and judge:for.yonr
solves He is satisfied that no one can inidersolf
him, and will give s good bargains to all who,may
favor him bytcal,ling at his store in West High
Atreebotearly.....opposite Bootem's Rom' His
stodk consists of Cloths, Cassimerse, Satineits;
satin, cashmere. merino :mg silk,V,estings
rinoes, Alpachas, 11lotis.4e'1lticridei13ichindrest
French worked collars, kid gloves, silk fringes,
gimps, tioweisotkrend laces, ez.e A largO,rts-.
sorttnont of B,II,A : WLS, such ari,Ploidi.loniitplil
. u sepera,. Blankin,...Clachtnere, Tibet, 'Porker',
NELS-7-Scarlotoogow tintl#hite;.c.ptton.lltin-;
eels, blankets, s linstYYSlKentitokitleatigtiMielid
ings at 61 cts, calicoes. 3 to 61 cts, very plump
muslins, hosjergi 13erlin.nnd Cashmere gloves,,,,
Irecon(prts, woolen,yarn;wintor gingham's Also,
a Jorge' assortment 'of BONNET •RIBBON§e,
very low,satin„phain ) end figurqd,Maboa, : plaip,
bared; Striped-ragfifigfirdd-'4IO.GROCERIDS
and. QUEENSWARE, such as Coffee,' Tea ;
-Sugar,-Spic*.ofL cl
/troCkery, glass and ,tinecotiware, rico, chocolate,
lttattrogeth - cOhlEtto - tworomptlformlult i
Give dm, 6
..oct2s' - / J N
1 , 111-1.13 ealiecribere recently frofiriThilidebhia t
"'respectfully, inform the citizens of Carlisle
and - ,euryoundiriveglintryFtharlifeYzli
opened at. thlt?,Perner.or N, lianowir and lionthor
streets, an . attire , . now stacof ..DRY. ' QOODS,'I
with : a, gerierAd,..aleorthetintfrof
ES,""or rof have . beenpurchtiga,'!.ef
tit& brefisnrib - 47briCeti,pid • riotd,•.
tam; for 'ea,air,',.*; P leese,.ea it and' .'exemine the.
stockyas - Vre cre detterqn44olo.ll)litlyorrOga
iihMO. been ' a" ointo n
a ca t mp
• ofP:fiionorat Et:seOriefratAMll,!
ittt • bat.
' o l °9
fr. 7
juorp r 0
bua:eVer by_.
", ct 41,4'.CR0PKE1,,,4
'4" • Dee ge
; .-1- - 4'-It4?-Vol fn li'ff . r: ',14 4 7 ,,, t ,,,,, ' 4 , !' , ''
: , :t., .. -, !"fr4'S . -'-'/ rrs'f•:•,.
f.',..., - "-''' ''•.; + . ....--;,'- ifa-t-'' '•-4`.:' ,'' ' . ,.......0.4 -.
'' ••• .'"' . • 7 It:'.:SALE::' - ''zL " - k - : 4- `... ' .
'., ,±. i 1 • ci.-4.4.1i431 , 1- . u rrA nee -- -
, 3•13:1; Fib b 80 . 14,t0 tkrold nig Ikea) etri Thiii. !
;mice P t rogetizosituojeAupenhe ~ townsli,ip, Per
_ll. cOtititY,'l'it.:l4lUr Alan southwest of 1311:ioni.
.field,n_ndilve,mileo 6110 9f.Landisburg, .. ..,
r; 'l'hicillinps,rty,,contuils -laboyixt 1 . 11)0., A cxeil 01 . .
„Lnticl,' , wit hatn,lroli pip,.1..,1?„.1:4 . . t5f , tc.E - ,.now ;in
,ciperiiiiini, 'with ,r.ow Viinftii IVlider "ciiil
1 , fliAltiwa-Shwly flied - ttp , . ' Alio; a SiAlT•hilL i li,'
- —,- nitvrirfittetk4>--‘, , 14g° M . * .
r,..„ ....,,,11- 0, u•A E „J.:3 . Tenant ;'.forties
4 ,1C Sian' Tlonso, Biiimi; Three 'No.
-1.1.,. , i - plii ': 'Orri . Mitis, Liviiii-- ithiiiit - loci)
-.4.... . 4 ..'„: A.- - A - cretruf - olt - ffird — ltind. 'ilit.liiii - ir
part of
~ tt hich is. itt p - higliLBt4ll,o , oi . ' ellillylltiell.
with apin 12Th - 15 iibriiii of fiTpnclow.. ,
Thetir ill. LIIVIESTONTIWntiindtinCe - Witlidi
forty rods of the Furnrce; and a g. od ginnitr
of IRON ORE within 13 miles of the Fur•
utter . ; worth (loin 113 to 441 per cent., and with
abitmliince of the srate.•
. Time can In.. three orTour good~nrme, mum
on thete lands.
.A.ny person wi,hirg to bloW the Furnace the
r;'ontit,g sear on,.ran are 11. a ad% ablege a. the .
Storli, ,Teams, d:c &e.
The Whole 'of the above lands, with II e tu•-
por, trance;, mill be FOlll el her, or in Lots to.
suit parehturrs.
There is Wit al.tu dance of Timber On tl.cie
Imola and in the veittity, for Cord fi:r litany
year= to bli,:{o the Furnace. A 1.0, a let ge
qttaulity_oi c. lot caw limb( r.
-The abo‘e iamb; m ill be told vet y low, al.&
the onynrents. tnade - Fury.
F.K . rut 'her pariettlars. rpl ly to :him Al LI.
sop: (Mnnal:er at the ) trillti , o; , cr •
her residing at Xe ti-pert, Perry ceitni V.
J 11(YStqsat1IA,N:
Orpliner - Caut SIM , • •
Juguary 3
3:.3 A I $ TII% I E.
By r:rlic of nit order 01 the (Oilmen' Copri
of (•ttiol,(eriniol county. I will cxpo.e to
Public S Ile, oo lie prcitti,c». uu 1 , 21'1 I 1:1)AY
h - of - .1 - a - talary 11, - o II +lidt Pl, t - taiioll of
'Tract or nate in die Iowa:lop of tYlattli
'AI &lien(?), n (I enmity of 12 oi t iLeri n i,(l,.ab ou t
ntileeli-1 of Pi11:1:11,W11. 01, WitiCil 111111 y 11:u1-
dO/• . 11.. lately lived. cootistoirg 112 (AZ ES,
more orless,:ibout ten acres of nhieh Is 111 tin t .
bet', and resides elenreo nod under good
.11c.). The itoorovcnietits ate a
— O7 Two Sony Frolite n
1111111 1 ‘• ;plod Danl. Curn-'trilt, it young.
n 'r Orchard, nod eta it of littler at lie
door.. •
Also. nt lie saver time and Pince, mill' lie
Feld a Tract if 'AI (11' N'l'A I N LAND, st 'deli'
lies alien, huff n n ile. front the Farm, and on.
'tains 'fliirttien and a half A errs, more erless,
nd , ial feElifilLiTr o
the Farm. S 10 email...ore a! I I O'clock,
Alll., when ierins will be made I, I,y
.1(111N NV Fin ,
Ailin'r of if Hintze!, ilea'd.
Dee r.20,,s
Tiff: (it'weriliers offer at peivate.sele tt vttlu
F ;t ub. tin on the it.ixlitiry. road. ',twin
three 1111:t , tura! of : , 11 , pinet181 , 11rg,
hinds i d javoll Nitley ' S Leta. Win. Rodgers,
Cox, Julio `Null , nt d j), ir i s
:101) ACK !.:5, id Lints
stone Land, Chou! 90 acres of ‘N hi( It are timber:
land s , and the tem:Under in n MO' state 01 etilti
v.ition, under good tenet.; St
N i v lV
IL:113 11 1 1; :: ) ,... r c o 4 Vul i ll i C 1 1 ) 1 1 1
rate Rank Darn \i'Seoti
4 " 1 / 2 7 wi It wo ;end.
other neee,atity ont•hutldings. ''l here an Da
cellent young Apple Orchard II nit
with a w:e;I of fiiat•rate water. Persons wietdril
to see the pi °pert} , and learn It tnis max do s.
by.eallin4 on the lit-at-named of t.te sulneribert
at N ewetlle,.or tha latter at Cat Brie. Poseos
sion and nil indisputable title given on the Ist of
April next. A L EXA NDE 11 SHARP,
Nov 29th, 1.948,-31n
Extensive Furniture Rooms. -
wO LD respectfully call the attention o
llouse-keepers and the public, to the ex
tensive stock of spiel-Oil FURNITURE,.ineIa•
ding Sofas, Wardrobes; Centre and other Tables
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety o
Cabinet•ware and Chairs, which they havet.
, Ju
opened at their NEW ROOMS, on the corm
of North Hanover and Lout her streets, Culls h
They are confident that the superior finish
the workmanship, and elegance of style, in whic
their articles aro got up, together , with the
CUEAPNESS, will recommend them to every pe
son wanting Furniture. They have also nun
qrrnngemen , 9 Tor manufacturing and keeping
constant supply of every article in their line, ho
plain and ornamental, elegant end usefttl,
prices which ~ I nnot foil to 'sum purchasers, 1 1 . 15
would earnestly invite persons who are about
commenee house•keep'mr, to call and eannii
their present elegant stock. to which they w•
momently mtke additions of the newest and me
modern st vh:4.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest m
lice, for town end country.z7L, ,
erlisle. f-trnt IF , IB . . •
Hat and Cap Store.
rinflE . salitwriber having just returnertfrom the
I; city, would inforinhiintiblic,that he is Mitt
opening a splendid assort nest of SU Al MER
HATS at biesild•stand in' N. Tianover street.—
Ilia. stock comprises Molipthe, Nutria. Rocky
Mountain Beaver, Pearl, -Caisinfere and Silk
HATS, of the most substantial malty and liitc4it
styli .Also CAPS of every thiscription end
Ile invites his friends to ealtot his establish•
meet before purchnsitur elsewhere, as he is con
fident that they will find'it to their advantage.
N. 13:—Ifieheat price given for Furs, Lamb's.
Wool, A;
Leaf 'Tobacco.
an MIDS. KENTUCKY and 01-110
Leal Tobacco; lbr solo by
''ljatriitarg, 004—.4 m
Anti Dyspeptic Catholicoc, •
th • spe,isia, Nervous Headache, and Liver
;-• Discases.
siiHIS is a Vegetable compound, warfented tj
safe and effedtunl remedy,, not only for
pepsin, hut for those diseases resulting from and
connected with 'a disordered condition of the
stomach and liver, or derangementaof the digcs
tiieifinietions, such as debility or .worticritt - s,
flatulency, loss of appetite, sour eructations and,
ascidity of the stomach,' costiveness, liendaehe;
, fleftrlittxt itipk billions Folic It is particularly
commended to th'o'se who are suffering under
debility and depression of spiritaoits soothing
n'tid'iistfoViitihgAmWerslbeind,pertipularly ridap:
'teff tri'stleb
Fnr_aalo_hY' ji •
Zi:ia . CPgPatr.: 3 l;#* . .
JUST received , .the largest ossortmentci
varmi:agspr:every yo.rins.y . Itktlistyle, o_
ver. t
to Carlisle: - Ab or e:flois,-noVipatterti e.
Seiling very low nt the chenp store of
()GIL Y. •
A tir •
atrEvarietyl , of:•:l3oinbAzinoffi WPR£ l 4. 9 i
_CtialliuSTA:UN ou d 2 otlior,l)resl
Goods; just- r oceivod - and To ron blientr
u:,,,,,7';!,":1 ~, °. ' tr, _ S W,ii ITNEIi '„t
- More 'N?w• - .Goods
--oily with:a—lento , .and: : hearitifil; attitile- , of"
PAL L and WINTER', Or 6OD Would
irtvtta , thtkettlatitionor,th& public to 'eat!' arid'itoe'
lire gouda before pureheein AtieWhere:f•, , .ReColi
leartlur store; ,on anr ! streot . ..a
'wciatf,oll3eatterii'saiitil4t. 4:Bll.l'WCA',ViTttti;,f.f
roinortioaOht 01La", :
P 16 1Y )1141 t4 v je l9
c lie 4 1;,*, $'"P .l. ,
, ".
- ;4l• ll ) l TattPjiln -- •
r f
Chpp,z, Bjt.d.7.
street, Philadelphia, V EN r.i:by.N.j3xii,ND nian•
ratroetnrer, has now on'handllioil . arget ; Ond Inuit
'ruihionabla' assoWnenttolliWoW 4 ti
Vnnhiaa "Blinds7.lnr SlO:i.liWeilijklrehintii r in
theiUnitetl-Sfatc4,OcirntiriihVeinire,neW'ei ) l es ,
.'trimtriings and 9,loiii,:',which . r,WhleliWill b'e . sold
at tho lowest priciiiii ,- ,Wl:ciletialenfid , -YetaiL a ' Old
Blinds penned new.
The citizens of
• ul y mytto ..!!!xatnine.. is es
sort !Bent, beforgi . .),ppr,elliiiiiigiplo3‘hero: feeling confident of filanitn4 . ,.pfiff',4itotig,,sfitislitoihft .
• all Wl2.s . jus.y..falOgb Ini1;481
mny2.l-31W.:. No. 12 N:SiNtlt fit., YLilnd
''SEA - E 1 1 , • Lf
Washington' 414.111ery: of D agnie o
- • types,
.1- N . nr 4 r — Senorrd -- strrer;tftl.r.Thorner 01
Col:owhill street, Philadelphia.
Tlf r; Likenesses taken and beautifully erAored •
at this well known.estal,lishm em , Ifr U ne D,, L .
LA 11, are universt.lly conceded to be 1:4.21*At. iu
every respect to ANV in Ille. city. Piet tiles taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weedier. A
large nasort meat of U 4 and Loeicr.Ts on •
hand, lit Iron) i 2 to 85, including the ;deluxe.:
The iThs,tribers resnt•etfuliv Incite the eiliZella
of Cu:»herland eannty, to call turd ex:urine tme•
chitties of the latest improvements in the art of
I)nugerrecoypiug, which oil be exhibited cheer
fully and wnbout .clue•ge.
Mlys & TF.IN . Y 1 ENT.
Perot,, & Co.,
werciiiiv and Cetteral roterniPsion'llTorollants,
No. 41 Noah. VI and &1 N.Watcr
pLA Sl'E[i and SALT consointy on
hand; lort:'ale. at the lowest market rules,
advalicte made un Produce:
I;efrr 1,, .
T/1 , I !LH 6. 0 T 1 I 1 \IP TIP EYI
rI; A N LTN CO Phantra
LEA . 111.1 Nrj_Eir_& .
3. \V. K t Itll Iltansbarg.
nyr s—Cm
Xrcn Conillll6EfOT Warehorse,
N 6. tuto Wit'vr strt•rt, nod No. 5 , 1 North
• Whnryt s.
THE nindinsiinieci continuo the Commie-.
Pion busir.cPP for the rule of all iltieriniiinis of
I IZON. • Our niNperienee of many-years, and'ex
teniskib nociunintaiice wills dealers and vow:inners
of -Iron. ilirouoinoun the country, enabled ins
to,b eine)) relations en rive..llB
rante no Ferro our_cornocpondents, ennui no
tiny feller
. inner • GA-..N11± El f.i.
- - -
Atwo .
agant calling attention to this unequalled
I'Bl 01' H. die proprietor larsolhe pleasure to
inittrin the Bailie 11141 (c,:teinttrip) it has tinder
gene an entire elinitgethe pipe and hearth pla—
red opp os i te en d ] l oh er , an d q :41) \ NI ER
I ring added, thus rei.dering it liteltltk A und nu
lotSillete is anoth'er :7 , :tove in the mar
ket, :Ins is fingitt stionattly th e hest, as it now
enthral, F eve,w valuable tinnrnv . ,,tent pt; , sessed
by tiny ho•r Moses, i;o loicolow peculiar -.•
to it , s, If. secured hp l,e , ors Patent.
The success of this Stove, niece i:s introdue- •
'job is tre,;tntiltd. Nothing has ever licon .of
tcred for coiortry tutrnstses tlrr hits given such
goner:ll , toisfact ten. Stoves hove been eepied •
idler its loam ; fotolow olert!cr000 hive set 11 used its
tundunienttil principles. b u t the Tio . ,ltortietts were
so, unlthe thc.origina I, Ilya they bear the relative
value that a rtalla , Crleit does in a genuine coin."
('outplay COON' and whet COON" STOVES
in great variety. Persons 'desiring 'Wes° ad:l-lira
lult• Btoves, are reline:oo(Ft° roll at Illy POW:0 and
Tin-‘Cure, manufactory of dm sill:scriber, on
. llnin street, Carlisle, who is agent for Cumber
land ossuary. •
N. J. DI.,
Store!No. (i 3 North Third Street, one door
abOve, Arch, east aide. Philadelphia,firiThufactur
era and *Mesale deniers in all Idndscir Broorntl,
BYuglia - §7 - 131M•kU - s, Cador Ware, TViWitv and
'French Baskets. Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs,.
Dilaters, Mitts, Blacking, Eastern-wade NVeod•
en-Ware of every, description, &c, &c, at the
t o tweet market prices. mar 1
LAR II A DEE has remove4l to his new
A • Warehouse, corner of Calvert and lien ur
streets, Baltimore. and has now in store, of di•
reel importation from the eeleltrated laetury of
Tinley, 'I wham tqWe Hier, a lull,a.,sm toted of
SHOE THREA I), C.O brown, given, hall
bleached, white and yellow ' which i.e is prepa:`
red to sell by the bale or less quantity, on as
good terms as his Same quality can be had per
Its the U. States. Also n general assortment of
,Sl.l OE TOOLS and FINDING, viz Shoe
Knives, ralys, pincers, hammers, awls and ow l
handles, pegs of all sizes, bristles, webbing, hoot
cord. shoe nails of all ctu and cast tacks,
Freneh irons complete, peg•rnsps ;Ind cutters,
Cc, 'Premium Glass Poper. tb inbe
the place of the eommon sand paper, a Yelp su
perior article:being our own matonamere, w A
11.1 NT I:11. Lasts. boot trees, shoo trees, crimping
boards, matittfacmrc, yf the very
hest timber and of the Intent style. Every mit.
de can be obtained at Ins i•smltii-I,l,ment for man
ulacturing Boom and Shoup, except leather, All
of the above will be void at the lowest market
price. Country Merchants are parneillarly re•
queued to call. E. LA BRA B FE.
tmg23—l trio) N 0.2.1, Calvert st, Baltimore
EPlrlkr. LADIt A f3EE, No, :20 S. Calvert
street: Baltimore has removed his Laborn•
fury to ' Ms npw buildil , qt No. 24, and haS always
un hand the largest' and most complete assort
ment of, pure, Botattic remediea,fit the United
:.-butes s preintred, under his•spueial ',rpm at his
Labortory 7 .being Ate.first erected in tbei,Uriitc,d
`States for • the. special purpose of preparing
All of the pulve'rised .and tannpounded articlesarc put up in quarter. antkitalf pound packages,
and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for
retailing, and upon hetterLteihtii - than the same
'lllicit) can be had for in the' Untied Suttee:—
Every article in hi 3 IiSO is kettirantud genuine--.
"the' public can rely upOti this.
A liberal_ discount made to - century merchants,
who breparticurarly requested to call and exam
ine quality',:ittc, belbrapurchasiug. •
'Fitt-Veratnitt—TreatiSes, watt - Hula - R - 7hp •most" -- . --
reputed ,uuthurs, ,upon the' Thomsontarf oh•Bo
lame Bystem •of • Mediehiefinny Otto be had at
his establisnment, by the quantity or eftikle•eopy.
,m 1023-6
-• •• •pt llt , Never
•g -- ApfzEYOU t~l'l:l:=Firoln;tiino,itnmatne•
11.--ritatth6rHpliate,Tisi et, lufgur 'cities , and. •
populad townsi• 'te,shppids or'
dige i ie;• ilWdepiiii,_ •
onus anl,propugetiOn
violiithu; Antrnieter•lnwi,•
'Po , thoso
.ArrLiorthtligi'AhlertitTAN' t 051 P 01. IND is
• prole 4,,lieihAlho nett, co rt ai speUdy,. shit
valtnitildupbOifio eget> blierhil• ihetlitilbittineto.
NUB .w.horoverilnown acquired ti repuils!ion ;hot
+rddily:exiihrien4e eon,' i ones o: sI re o
~, ssinsis:hove- k lisen7itirod tkrite. use, and as. it4env.cs
tiolpirot,ori 4. 11 0 140311ir . tequifos noliher reistkioion
in diet or. „biisinisif n' eruury_s_
7,6e.:liciontildr - iiiiithillie7,7i3n37..,injurious,to ;the; eYe
ilBlitlitlistlialdigpiettented•es.l hsaiest,,rernodyAhr;
suc h isousuiy op...offered: t l ic;4B. us q
:, „rialto •Ctra pmnhfulheiF,suorlur :le, oily hilifsSu rg;
'Full' direct isine occouninufr:(uwts beetle. •
- -z-aPor - SUI ntL•NAV.-.- homer 3d,ft n d 'Sou h 2 street s,
4,.[.; ar i ;94rtiAio "
' - tc : Yorkl t millep,l4nn9aster, Dr.
• ,Ale liorsdh and Y,Sitithliiellishnt*Tel
Htimrpited•itlikßO fb aroma •
l'i'ddr:,Cntiyshbar, Tllittior Se Seri twateeel
1 29, Woies' Tin. Platoildultaerid :l thid'fbr sttkilt
sheOhotitol OfittlwartiAtoi , to
, ibb23 WaTall'ildecS 41X T ON.
ir. , 40 - o"o4lti§b;.*-1 4 ., ; eplendid--es.
.„M Obit tilo,olfialgnommuorio, can be
AMito; -B VrAft
+ 47 77; 10' , 1,/ ,
fia'kju .
4i1.3)1k Bonnet yal 8 ' 7- ' 7 "t"' 9,S g rilli'e q l -V
gpie Zoo IRO OrAO
. .440 . , ,ry 'o7 , ', 0
. .` 430 -,i).%# l lrreAi;
Coolisle, Nov, 29,11 NS 4Att 4 , 1k4 . 4 , tv
nit. Vir94
"!, }it!, ;•...1t4..