Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 24, 1849, Image 4

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    • ' TiVrtTo •
DtaiiktltrinitsFilm=o v=HiBCV,lrtla-A
ensrrspoll4ql•ll Coin i;re in GM
ti ger., hni de:S-6.113es -WAblatF,;7.-n,,t,,,t
riot '
will'be new and , interesting-, - id ., ISOiteIP
oar FARM , readers
-I have retu med. from a delightful walk
with farmer Webiter'.'• Thnusandshaire
setin \Vebster in the PapitOl; '‘vberiV
lietenitig Sbnators were hearing the wis
dom that fell Trom his lips; tens of thtiW
sands have heard him at the bar;deliamid
ing-jastice,-,eidolpating innocence, find
expounding. the flay;` huniliectS'of - thou
sands "with uP4urned;faces" have been
charmed by his eloqUenCe. in : popular .
assemblie and millions have read his
speeche , sent by,r6porters to all parts
of tl e el vilizedworld; but c omparatively
few. have .seen'and heard fanner Webster
among his cattle and sheep, his crops
and forests, the product of his own Care
and labor. - Whenever heAS.to_ppeak en,
any 'of the above mentioned occasions,
short hand writers are sent to take down
his,Words so that no idea of his may, be
105 t... Now if the cultivatori should send
reporters td note. down ty,hat says
touching their: most usefultind.indispen
slide occupation; whenever-he has occa
sion; they , . would be enrichedas the earth
is by the overflowing of the Nile. But
alaP, olVtrhat use is so much wisdom to
me in
. a chase for a fox, or in shooting a
woodcock or in angling for a trout?
We took a look at the potatoes. If
there is any one crop worthy of attention,
.end indeed absolutely requiring it,
'Webster says;i it "is the potato crop, and
especially so whenitipliable toihat-fatal
disease byWhiCh it, iS 'destroyed in so
many - countries. He, has this season
produced large 'qurtimty, chiefly of two
kinds, the Mercers and' the Pinkcyes.—
He has. -never, had' a finer crop.. Ha
planted them .early, and Alley also' rifle
early. Many are already harvested, and
all have been „ready for the harvest for
some time. They grow to a large size'
with but few in a. hill. lie plattied the
seed in. a light loamy soil, which he pre
pared with a sub soil Plni , ..4l,`and
red with a fish called manhadden and
with a sea weed called kelp. taken from
the ocean bordering on his farm. " For
this crop he used no barn .yard Manure.
for where it is scattered on me land the
weeds will grow. At ripro'per time his
_men will take these potatoes to Boston
where their good quality will bring for
them n good price.
We looked at the turnips. He has one
field or, tenapres, the - b, , st he has ever
produced E Chooses for this crop also,
a light soil, and excludes' from it all barn
yard mantire.. Manure frepli from the sea,
is exactly the thing . for \ turns ps. All sue.
ctilent crops delight inqt • TO-morrow lie
will show me how-and ... Where he'obtains
the weed and how he uses it.
We next ot — fcl'a t a fiel?."bf. five-aeres7
Of- bdets,trowing by the side of the .to r •
nips, in the most luxuriant manner. His
preparation for this crop was like that
for the. potato and turnip, consequently
the field is free from weeds. After the
seed is-once planted he has nothing to
do but wait for the harvest to come. Mr.
Webster has a strict regard to what is
called rotation in crops, and generally
makes his turnips and beets follotv a crop
of wheat or oats, These green crops do
not exhaust the soil bqt bring to it as
Much annually as they take away. •
His corn is growing finely, and prom. ,
nes, an abundant harvest, and as we pas
sed over the stubbled fields I could see
that there had been an extraordinary
yield. Mr. Webster remarked that in
• this respect "Nature had been bountiful."
His barns aro full. .
Among his cattle he apparently takes
great,delight., 'He has imported some of
the finest breeds in England and Scotland.
His DevOnshires, Purhams and Ayr
shires are noble specimens. He almost
alw Aye has-soma prodigies in nature.—
'Sninetimes. an ox, sometimes a caw, but
this year, he has a remediable pair of
.twin steers; yearlings, exactly alike, and
as large as a.common three year old.,
His sheep, espeCially the South downs
and Cheviots, are tlie finest I ever saw,
and 1 presume they'are not excelled by
anything in this country.
'Coming through the lentil, around the
fresh pond near the house. I saw a large
number , of,the real Canada geese. He.
stiys'they, feed 'on grass and flourish best
when left alone,• where they have access
tci'witterVittislandefieyond the lea - fiefs
v...": :,:gt - i3tio.:',;4'. EZ,i)op.
- ,:.,,, ' '!uttea 11';aiiiiins, . -
i . ,
, lk, :subsdriera; recently from Philadelphia,
. b
nform the citizens of Carlisle
-andosurrounding •opuntry,:t at • t ley , lave Jos •
ogenodlat the -corder of N.:Hanover and'Louther
stroals,,anentire , .new stook of DRY• GOODS, -
with_ a general _assortment toU BOOTS and
• -SHO ESPtlittlf 1 - Whith lutVo , - -- ,been . purchased-- at
the-present low-prices,-and- 'mill. he• sold very
cheap for; cash; Please tanel'ex t itiriirie , 0,,
stook,las4eiiiredeMitraried to 'aellEtti Vert, time
profits ; . •• , .. 1 . :4 Y I ~ tr, ~
Thbf :ficifiL'ile6 aen apPointeth .
agents forAthe
sale of 'the- Pekin . Tea' Company's. TEAS, of
whiehthey keep :a getallratnitortment at Phila•
dql-Phia f°4 ll lPS4c9t• ' -:-.: ':'.'''' ' ' .-t '
qe .. .prrq,:, ti -- , Mt -.. , ,,;,0-tiOi , t,PV4Y4F : ;PP/ . :
Stgiliiii t.ilietiie fiom 'PhilEtidelPhia.' ,
. .
• ,: ' ;::-;.::.-' ";;; ,. :41HARLES.:-OGILAIY-will••bosre , --
z.' . . . ''"2' '-' l ' cifiiiffili:thbilditteki , tolaria Woollen o.
-----'-- ' 7 . 7.- I NINIAR . GOODEL.--conststism-o
;::Ff pk, Md'Attillslic IVliiiniikk.f.C,46l4ll4ll3l
M . at trt4 ' )A '' o l4 3 o.:AllP,Wli;k i llbt,i IaCIPIPt
t i ll
• a 108 ',DO '.site s' goodp " ,
-,--: - ::,' 1 8 ekor 4the;Cabilinkte; - Veattno::&o3't
- '
.will be unusthillylarge, and of the elpieest 1164'
,ad ea an. t frit ernOn.uru,r,eypelt u nude.
--to c a ll ' and . enthinelorlhbtneelves: ?Remember
8 4 00 ' 41 0*
- eaartef-theldarket Hduie,tandl,direedr:oppositc
. • •, Ino#ls,
.• I.,•h.*•.t)•d ",t4e'6,h7i;
liiii D " s A ' k s ?"e
V l ito l ib . '4l'
I;pmfffi*;Yii n;4
eve;Yede of4eta:l:'Plthitt,erfr : ,
' ,,, egitt g-nf r po l tne
itattyeY rYr l4 l A ly acki p.7
iarelir" ,6gp°l
~,,,idr "o f 4theilatie•—" t i re impgl l- heVEE iET P ri- t.a r
147 hinelane'collntryhelchanpedi
„hor!taltetcltrfecteetltio!toPnSpliii idilibitf ; assured' 091 q uality,' ,
. •
01, 0 x ,t 0 SP' Ohoß.
74 #14 3C R X R;0 44 4.4 1 45 1 .91r05?
IC9IV.EIi,S .Pl 4 1 ? 9V ili ti ti lle.N
a ~ S
:)• anti" A 114) VA
iund aro , r,f),,
large assortment of..,Goods, in then
I nOro- Wiirch ilieVfweittld'calit , the attention'Or
1. turners, Mechanic's, ',Buildere, , Housekeenoii•
•qati otherroyanting, Hardwore, as their stock he
been botiAlirat sok
at a
They have also received a few - of HONEY',
CUTTERS, to .which they Would invite the at
tendon of 4i'armers.., These Machines have fa•
ken .tho, premium at nearly all the Agriculiurni
Exhibitioes in the country, and are considered
nreferahlo to any other Cutter now Muse:.
oct23 •
/P. leave to inform the citizens of Cumberland
and adjoining counties, that they have just open
ed alt extensive VARIETY STORE in -North
Hanover -street, in the building lately oceulfhql
lry• Mr. flanteh, between Heverstick and Lyon's
,stores, where •they will be Inupy . ,to receive the
ealleof all wishing articles in thetr line. They
Will at all times keep oh hand n well selected
assortment of Colored Prints, (French, English
,and Anemic:nth domestic-and-foreign Perfumery,
:F,atent Medicines, ernbracing nearly every de
scription,•find in fact a little of every thing usu
ally kept in nn extensive variety 'store: -
They are the exclusive agents for the sale of
Dr. Traphagenisi celebrated Pulmonie Mixture,
and ,his Balsamic Extract of Sarsapkrilla; Dr.
Green's - ablelirrifed'Ox'ygetinted Bitters, ftirDysz.:.
pepsid and Plithysic. They are ails° the exclu
sive agents for this county of the NEW YOItIC
CANTON TEA COMPANY, and will keep con
stantly on hand a large supply of their superior
Tens. , •
In conclusion they beg leave to say, that they
are determined to sell at very small profits for
cAsn, and invite all wishing bargains to give
them a call. Orders from country • merchants
supplied, upon' the most reasonable terms.
Carlisle, mav4
. •
11111 E subscribers having purchased the right
IL of Cumberland. county Mr 'making Crow=
gilt's Phtent Thermometer , Churn, they would
re.,pectfitby inbtrin the Enroll:0s public in
general, that they will make and7drcr fen sale
their Churns at the Cabinet Wale-room of Gi o,
Spangler, N. Hanoter street, nex r - IVAIr 10
the office tf D. Stliith, Esq.
The principal advantage this Churn has ..ver
all others is, that' it-is constructed that
eau be taken oil . so its tq give tree access
of the churn, which makes it convemeti:
to put in -the.crettin end get out the butter. A
'l:berinommer is attached to the end of the
Churn se as to Show the exact te,rnperature 01
the rreani, which experience shows should be
no degrees to tithe good Butter. A chamber qr
space is twanged iiround the bottom of the
churn, lor the purpose et aim it ling cold or warm
warier, so as to bring tiv cream to the-desired
temui-rolare without miXing the water with the
main. The secret in churning,ph a utter is, to
have your (Team at the proper teniperalure ; it
w.ll ',mitt., more and better butter, nod site
:C5B time in eh:tilting ; it churns equally well in
e.dder_warm weather—no such dung as having
-..alded butter: All dial is necessary to tnnke
go al butter nll seaso:ts of the, i 0 In gel one
01' rosvell's l'atont 'fberittotncler C burns.
We would 0001 respectfully invite the public to
call and examine fur thetnselte,
Mr. Goo. Spangler—Sir: We.have been using
the Thermometer Cilium I got of you for some
time, and 'find it far superior to the : old barrel
(Shuns several reasons; first, great Saving of
rinse insuring butter. the (imam, time of churn
ing about . fineen atinirtes, hill weathers); sec
ondly, the butter when *Amity:id is much firmer
thaw when , using atiy oilier churn ; rattly, my
vis—stry-they-wouts .lusuan h ;
richer churn norl . twicc!
- theorigionf cost of the
- Thermometer Churn.
Sep. !28, 1848.) G. W. SHEAFFER.
Mr. Cleo. Spangler—l have had the Crowell
Thermometer Churn you made for me in use
at my place, and I do not hesitate to say that no
Farmer should be without it. Fifteen minutes
is all the time required to make Butter, and the
value -of this saving of time and labor consists in
this, that jt rCquires no more time at any one
season titan another; and that the' temperature
of the deem necessary to make butter, is pro
duced with certainty, and without the admixture
of warm or cold weter with the cream itself.
Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1848.
. For the benefit of the bettor part of man (wo-
Man) I give tl is eertificater. After- using the
Thermometer Churq made by-Mr. Spangler of
this place, I would have none other in my fami
ly. We have been using the old barrel churn
for thirty years past, and I must say it is not to
be compared to Crowell's Thermometer Churn,
either for speed of churning or convenience; in
the old barrel churn it took generally from four
to six hours to churn the churning, now in the
Thermometer Churn we can churn. butter in
from • fifteen to twenty .minutes, by brining 'the
cream to the preper.temperature. I eon recom
mend 4.49 the public eel no cheat. -
Carlielit, Sep. 4, Iq4B.
GEORGE SPANGLER has also on band,
and will manufacture to order CABINET
WARE of every descriptiop, such as Bureaus ,
Socretarys, Sofa's, Tables, Bedsteads, and all
articles in his line, and will sell as cheap as can
be bought any where in the county, and warrant
his Furniture 9f good material and durable work
manship, He would invite the public to call and
examine his stock before purchasing
COFFINS made at the shortest notice; terms
Moderate. [octll
PICKLES, PRESERVES.—Just -received
.11 - and opened by the subscriber, preserved
Ginger and Pine Apple, Orange Jolly, Pickled
Lobsters, Gherkins, Mangoes, Peppers; Picot-
Ink Vimatoes and Onions, Olives, Capers, An
chovies, Sardines, Tomato Ketchup; fine , mixed
French Mustard, with a very choice and pure
article of Salad Oil; for sale at
may3l ° • HAVERSTICK'S
Dry Agoods, , .. Groceries, ,t.,
, r!'" ' Ai PLIDLiC AUCTION.
. .
Tat, Tibsorilier intending to ielinenish-busi r
ninth:will oiler his entire stock of .Merahandize.
at Public Auction, at his store on the southwesi
corner of the Public, ,Sluare,. on MONDAY:
the 15th of JAN CARY, 1949. The assort
mem etubracea a variety of rich and valuable
goods, e l oongmhich-will-be-ivund
Cloths, Cassnneres, Sattinets, 'Postings, Alpa.
• caf,:lllerinoes ' Silks; Bombazines, Shawls.
• Gragluimi, Lawns, 'Gloves, Hosier . rj, Cap'.
".(ackine ;Tickings, , Checks, . : Calicoes,. Drib
nags, Mishits from' . + to to breadth, To
ble•linens, - 41t.P. !Anna, _Cashmeres, Cravats.
- Handkirdiieji; Carpet Chain and Cotton ?jail!
Cl ° t ,k in ,'l4l 6 lF z .y e - a P s • • •
- -gredv.varteti of -Nick-necks_ awl ; Sinet
OA3. 0 cjagiv,e t ..- 3 4.;Riikle, sugar, molasses,
tens, r filic,"Aelection,,spices tilt - Wade;
lotdabittekittg•het,toine, table
,Fe.erto Disr.t . .."7l;tiegie o ed th
I n oii i titspe i ch' et e t ,' then. extensive; use, Weiidence',
Ituffieleni Of - their ttoith'::'' Together With titreat
variety, of , artiplea teo,ounteroure to mention. , :- .., ‘,
, Those' Who wish : greet bargOns mould do well
io berirettonl;,clUstrg the.ijoile,' ea, ern
rained tersell'OF withoitt reset e . ? Iti'the ' rrieeo
time,tv,,4,et,t f eas,,thert prime , coat..:
N;13: E;ni;ase - n - eln - 14011inisinta - lit;ottr
customers as ,ninial; . finfil we finally
0-n" '• 1 ,:”:-.!..'ItO,BERT,IIRIIINE,
.. . . ~
~ qq.llo7,l:lo3prear Istrinm. ,
' f ~' .„. :I , i.... 6 1 ' 0.N. , „p4.p.4ka01, ...., t ,.......,
' - :,,,,oßtf i ,loicothff..vpseinieree; eati netie; yams inge,l
monolS, loseys i Vanton.flannels, illiewle, gloves,
VibOonsi-jriill, Imam?, iriusliri'lle ;lanes, *ash*,
~ g obillmolothiN nririnpeo,Nelvot..ooril4tiekipgei 1
itillPalrillit ..,c,shcoOKtk,tklenkets;',.Groedisin;, , ,sod;
c l 444eno`PlMlPMeltlin , vOriety oe.other goods ; coo
POPi,d'Yor.y, iorkt 0,01 - and coo Ms eheapodek,,
1:030.*C.. - 11:0'i,'filui.c - Cp.qtf;,/iGi,O4R;VIO.NY.
ni l 4"“
falA P 4 s.i.7d SY'pon,Rot.
`f`iege kphs7,4l.Ners,
,6"41 1[4 .1P7915-11 altqF,ls , Tltp„4.,lNpm
i p scr One
'40 7 P1:1 1/11:4 4 i.
qiioW,?,4o7 4 , 2 9 ,Eftitigs-,1,4 4?-4,1 k ' t !ea ;';'.
', , :! ,. '.','ic1„', 1 :-'' , .
is'' -'. , ,T , ';.-' , , , ?)2., ,. ..''.':_:' , .,.
Tits Proprietors have spent much time
in bringing this preparation of •Sansarsatua
to its preient state of perfection; and the experience •
of fourteen years has furnished themike.most.emple .op-
portunity to study, in their yarloits forms, the diseases for'ilihich it ' _.
is recommended, and to adapt it exactly to their relief and cure. Pa
tients who Nish a lin ALLY eons Medicine are invited to,givo Wallin!, and satisfy
themselves of its superiority, and tho invaluable property it pThisesses of -arresting
and curing disease. The bottle has been enlarged Id hold ONE QUART, and in its
present improved form may safely claim to be the DEBT and 'CHEAP* Medicine of
the age. 'lts progress to the fame it has attained, may be traced by'li long gilifof facts
and cures, that, stand as landmarks and beacons for the lavalikpointing the way to
the haven.of health... , ” '
The follteving is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive
acquaintance in the Southern states, and liffeli appointed Consul to.Nbw Granada:
Messrs; A. li. &D. SANDS:— • New York; January ?; 1848. -
Dervisines,—Having used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation
of Sarsaparilla. on different persons in verimie 'parts of'tho Southern country, via,
Virginia, Louisiana, Teias, and Mexico; I feel much pleasure Art spiting the high
opinion entertained of its great inedicitail value.' In my own case it act almost
like. a charm, removing speedily the enervated' state of •the system, and eiMting; in
the Most agreeable manner, a tonic and-invigorating influence. , • -
Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used by the states army
in Mexico, and my coulun,.GN-ZACRARY TAYLOR,hits_Oir the_past five years
been in the habit of using it and recommends the same; lie and myself - Adopted the
article at the same' time, it is now considered an' almost indispensable requisite
in the army. In conclusion I would say that the better it is known the more, highly
It will be prized, and I trust that ID hisalth-restoring virtues will make it generally
known throughout the length and breadth of our inidelrextended country.
Yours vary respectfully, . G TAYLOR,
U.S.. Consul to New Granada.
• Southport, Conn., January 1, 1848.
Messrs. Stuns :—Ocntlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to informyou
of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my Wife. She
waiv severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different pans of the body ; the glands of
the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a
year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked cite leg, and
below - the knee suppurated. Her physician-advised-it-should-be laid open, which was
done, but without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were
induced4o use SANDS ' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided and favor
able effect, relieving her more than any prescription sbe had ever taken ; and before
be had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her
health quite restored. It is now _ over . a year. since the cure was effected, and her
I health remains good, showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system.
Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts. and think Satins' Sarsaparilla a great
blessing to the age. . Yours with respect, JULIUS 'PLEB.
Extract from a letter recebied from 111 r: N. W.. Ilarris, a gentleman well known in
Louisa county, Va.:—" I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla,
who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. Yours truly.
Fredericka Hall, Va., Ely 17, 1848." " 111 . HARRIS."
The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Church of the
Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous
certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine -are almost dart)
received :
Messrs. SANDS :—A member of my family tins taken your valuable Sarsaparilla for
a severe scrofulous affection; etc. With the most beneficial effect resulting from its
use. It gives me very great pleasure to record my testimony in behalf of its virtue
and efficacy, hoping that others may-be induced to make a trial of it, •
Neu, York; hey 18, 1848. JOHN GRIGG.
Messrs: A: B: Et D. SANDS Nerisich , N. Y., Oct. 6, 1847.,
GENTLEMEN—FeeIings of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment
of the benefit I have derived from the tine of your Sarsapnnlla. I have for several
years been, afflicted with scrofulous swellings -in my-head; which at - times would
dather Add thitherto at my throat, nose, and ;Mis t and at others would break out to
ilThrent parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, fade, and
head were almost one complete sore, and for along time I WWI so hoarse that it was
with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper. During this time I had
several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases. 1 consulted different physicians, and
tried various remedies. but received no benefit until I commenced using your Sarsa
parilla. I'am now well; the sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely
to the effects of your valuable medicine.
Yours, with respect and grutitmle, BEEBE CAHOON.
Being personally acquaintedwith the person above named, I believe het statement
to be correct. JAMES M. D. CARR,.Justlce of this Petal.
100 FULTON•ST., CORKLIt LUAU, Nxiv Tong.
Sold alsd by Druggists generally throughout:the United States -and Casuists.
Prico 31 per Bottle ; six Bottles for 45.
LLIOrr, sole Agent for Carlisle.
Sold by S
Oumb. Valley Transportation Rouse
• Alr• " 6.715511
Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel
• • phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, dr,c.
JrW.. KERR, Forwarding and Commission
'Merchant, HARRISBURG. Pa. informs his
friends and the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage- extended to him during the past year he
heti been encouraged to make More extensive ar
rangements for the present season, and has ad
ded two new, large and splendid Boats to his
LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op
ening tif the Canal, to forward PRODUGEand
MERCHANDIZE of all kinds to Mid from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsbargh, &c., at the
lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des•
Agents for Boats,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
• No. 48 Commerce st, Wharf, Baltimore.
' J. McFADDEN & C 0.5 Plits'g
'Agents tor Cars,
• No. 272-Market it., Philadelphia.
N0.'423 Marker at,,
t ITER, JAMES & C0., -
, Broad street, Philadelphia..
PENN'A. St 0.140 LINE,
INorth street, Baltimore.
Harrisburk, March 29, 1849.—tf:
Harisburg Trenspori.e." t ion Line.
e-• • o,
-- I 11 1 41 a
• - l'ArC 4 rzrer•
FORWARDING & Coniatission Merchants,
Hannisauno, Pa, ship Produce, Morahan
dize, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, & c,
Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, &c.
constantly, for Bole.
Harrisburg,' 29, 1898
DrviCeeleVe Panacea, . •
EIOR the rernoval and permanent cure of all
diseases arising from an impure state Of the
Blood and habit of the bodyolz
'Chronic diseases of' the Chest, - =Pleurisy, Brett.
ohitis, Catarrlimetc, Sc • la_irLattjtajoring
atter ca ea. Cutaneoutaffections,ef the
face a n'd'oxiremitita, chronic Rheumatism, and
Hepatetie, chronic Enlargements of the Joints;
White Swellings, Syphilitic Affections, 'Con7,
't• , every change that is taking place - in- the
:body,it is manifest that .it brought, about by
something. havipg,a tiubatantive-cmiteitn.-llf
, 'suppose the organs ofcierbot originally perfect,,
~. they moat continue perfect unless changed bk,the
, intervention of something that bears an_artheat,
thy relation to it. cases of disease, there
. must be the interPosition'cfeotievriew ingredient
Which . by playing- its part:las, a cause,, served to , - before , connected- with , the
body.Aris absurd , to' telk ofepoluaneous diseasoc
Pitting phice - in'orAtins previously . healthy, with:.
; our the, interpositionfn of soe-morbifie-agtint ; - as
well might we , exp e c t aiplectr . of chalk to, transfer
iteclf,spantancopely into, , P lister of Perla; without
!tlM,iti of Sulphuric thettelial
pfior.,Mtift.;,%VliSckynil9t,he'rempyPti . , Ind'
t agency cif, 1pe,m09a, )3 For this ph i rpcitte ',there' is',
` not reniadyMtparfor t o the 'Panacea. 'ln eNidanee
Ito fall'awlnstis - attlimitted - teli. •
', , Philgdelphin;Juntri, 1847.
Having apbriied of rhaluifitre of the Pan
acerti, alTorde!rne , ,-mucli - platisurerttelte Are' to.
recoatMett4 - If.le*Valuible remedy for , all:those
clirohje,'conatitational nnd .glanduldedisetteeti, , tol
00; it is eapecially;adapted,t TrVtliese-Who are
altheted;, - . and regain) .- medichmis;.art - 'alterative;
they clamor. obtain it!',:ittAtuggre agreable,
NIA upifermistata,than is to Ue,. f oupA in the Ran. ,
anew- lime psetlAinsaypial tritancea*ithif
,cl44d-and signaliseacesso ;
fiepared and. sold kat,tte North Wesfoorner
af-Thrt4 and South iftifele. PhiladelPhiaja,nd , re..
`IRMA Efirlialitity, , -B,f Elit•lOTTltint7lo.tin
•,pint,typetiol att y Idqleni. ,Y,+'4,1;:,1`1021.1,
0111Eli=000DEN"-:-.'Pltfier - Relidti' 0 011ftipa
and 'Ring4 4 14 1 .4 6 . B il l o4*o-, Wet re
,iiientyddigurt;4l, i'14,1049014.41*()4
/iB WitiYr'
A t ,
'' atII , OKAIAA : 4I , 4I4 I O , 4 1 r 7 11 1
'.'.: '4sik.iPiliyaiaa. 1 i c i", ) "!!!v.f,9tfV,4:v)5 0 ! ( "
tii 0 4't!:,_... „, Y • - , ?': , :i , i, ,, f:40°,0t.;,•A•
.... , -,-,....,„,, , 1,0,..,,,,a-:„-i.,.. ,, ,,,,,, 4, , , ,. ,, , , , , ,: - •N, • = , : r i- , 1 , ; , , , 0
. 1% , '11.:4 , "d; ' . F, , ' • ' , L1A'4 ,,, ';',1;:.,: E,.:•4'7' t .
- , :,,...,',._.••.. ~",,k, :' f ,?';'•':.,, , ?'. • ), •-, - ,4:. , ,..i ? ,'„,„,,, , ,t(''',•:40•'-' , ~,.,' i',t2.0r ,,,,
,'..--, . •- - ","•4',:q.'.., • . ' . ..0:';. , :t;', , , 1 'a.i4:.,.;,'.. -, ;::' , 4'; - 4 1 .•%'V., , fg:: it,'i,,',','
Watches and .Tewehlrl
'. Wholesale and detail—At the
70\ 'Philadelpin Watch and Jew•
No. 96 North SP,
.t elry Store,"
:, COND street, corner of guar
. 1., :, oN . It .1 j, ry street.. ,
Gold Levers, 18 k.'cases, full jewellod, $3O and
Silver Lovers, full•jewelled,....sls and upwards.
Gold Lupine, 18' k.' cases, jewelled; 825 and
Silver Lepines, jewelled, $lO and upwards
Silver Quiirtier Watches, $4 to 10 •
Silver Spoons..equal to coin, per sett—Tea,
$5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro
portion. All goods warranted to be what they
are sold r. .
Cons t pon hand a largo assortment of fine
Also, an, assortment of M J Tobias & CO.,
E Simpson, Samuel &,Brothers, E S Yates &
Co, John Harrison, G & It Beesley. and other
superior' Patent Lever Movements, which . will
be eased it any style desired
Arrangements have been, made with all the
above named most celebrated manufacturers of
Eogland, to ftirnish at short notice any required
style of Watch, for which orders will be taken,
and the name and residence of the person or-
dering put on if requested.
Imparter of Watches
Stoves!' Stoves I I StoveS II t
M No., 97, South Second street. Philadelphia.
CJ. TYNDALE, respectfully invites an
. examination of his largo atock r of Stoves,
embracing some of the best and moat elegant
katterns of Pennsylvania,:New York. Pecks.
ill;. Troy, &c„legether with ,a beautiiul assort•
mom of Fancy' Sheetiron Stoves and Radiators,
for parlors, dining , rooms, chambers,or kitchens.
Ho believes that his assortment will compare
to advantage with • that of anyother establish.
moot. He has also a. splendid :stock of Orr's
celebrated Airtight Stovos,-for which. he has
bean agent lor4iany years in•this city, in the
manufacture of which forexcpllenee and cheap.
nese ; ho refers to•his numerous purchasers, and
for beauty of pitterne he -believes -himself unri.
yelled. • '•'
• .
For Stoves, whether of Wood or. Coal, his,
assortment is complete. He returns his thanks
train old customers; to whom :and to the.publi
he renews his invitation to give him a call at the
old 'stand -.N0 . :97-S..Second , street, Philadee
•pua:• , • [Eep2o
int DAV„ID„.:RANKIN, „No. 73 Chesnut
1-MtiqBll44l,..cOrliet..olllBllk Ptroite_rbiladelphia,
*Wore 'for sole t oegort;
iniiv?f, of TEAP;',On:O4 BI O, BI , B 0 18 mg
00 hull chisfo.rp'ircliong •
200.. do t . ,
' .• 'loodo., • '0010ngt,'. , ?6 , '.. ' do,
; , • '10(1-ebooke Eirglisb . i `, Preg, lBB l: ;
100 hilf chests ',,,_=.-"d,r(j;'•th , •,,.. •
.50 ohOoro, , Mokerel3ogehiog
21; AO ,„ do, , .I',ow,c,hopg
25—, do ,binc4 16;1' Ppkosr
"k:f do' Orange rikoe' .
200 lb. boxoo outioriorNingyOnt
250 half ehiqteYoun4'llysoo,,
128 .. do •, „, , Imperial e c ,= •
100 •do • Goopßwder
1.• 'lO .do • . Cltotilmor%trysoro
'"' Spkkelik
for s e. Is ':ll,th,e,,Cli,
; we* wroo
L THE eiibicilitiiif,PaiiiiiatleieWe!iirivariVY •,
;Funny oOd prh p Sry,Goodi, wtocfrtko,ov
tdOtioniolleittplidAo.ih r ttOtl; ) '
. Store: : . ..
''Hat and Oap'l3tor... ....... lie.
It' oE,.ooii: sdribir4-y',J44Vrif_tuthrnieidh‘fr iNtin4t'rs:.
city, ,I,i - .)41 . 11',!nf0r,t . n, 4 P,!_tili4 t ? , ,, t . , n itim ,
-(2ol)itig,,it..opjenclicLidliPrn,r`'.. Hicioi't,,7;;;;;;t.-7:
' : HATS: qt . ,: lus.,_,billf./11ivi levkin,,,Nwria,;zitockili
'IIII,.:AtOSF,' cO TP u r.E. B ' . 1 1 .: , ormirrieke. -- and. Sill 1;
MOUntain-.4'."l3eayt2pief...,,tlirat!tilifiat make 'nail, lt,tee ii
HATSi O O46 !n 6 t‘ 7`-`reveii'dpitcr!.P,ticl.-:E!!,10:1
iiii-164,,A,10(!i'9,.,:,14.-:?..,.!;„,,,,.4',.,,:,',,,.,,ti,..., ','?-.:..;:,i
:ql.,aiktyf ‘1,i.,.,1L ILIN . ,Ii . ' - '4 , :i.iiiii! a t ;hip 'eiiiablibb 1,
- . ,- r.V o.3 nvites- 1 11,:wten A ..tigiabaiiii+ aa , lip. 18.01';1
riii,al,,,liarcirli;,.ll4 y eli t i ! thittk et,,i - ol i tl la d v i an ) . l VPC4. ' l
P.d en tii t :t t: Ml,*.: l '4),,#,l. - 8- it .igstiEw ßo , )
.1-'*lotio, '1 1 )! , - .:,,-!.3..,4.,,,--,1A.,-. t , lid , 0 ' , liiiiii Loplb'.4l ,
' '. , t;A . i, r;Iiil,ili):0,1051, 1.,,‘;,.,,,;.-,^<4'••.,-ii,:l
1VAr9:1'..v*0.?.).':,,,i ' !;'i .ii , , , ' ,14 :: , .0,,1 = i1.f.V;:1t}Yii1!,..Ft. 4?,, ,," .,, 1 .
`,..1,.. , ::P5'i , :1 , :-..:1..i;,v1,1,,.:-. ~-:-.1,..,4,',".;.14,4„,,,.....,!..: 5,.;',.,..';
t.,‘..4.;;'.E.i.•:,Z1,f1';-.:::,',.1'..;;; ; ;.;12.,''.6, .. -10 ;! (,) ;" . `:1../,-.Y . ':; : r, 1 3
iii '. .kY.. 1 441; , , , i',&,.b.;f::...:1:4 ,, .. - ..,1,..• :.. .... .-. .
2_.- , "..111._.'ff. , ,v0x.. --, eo-: ,, w , ,c ,4,,,,, ,t ,. . - -A - - q --, : 7-- )
.. ir - i- - ,211.1I.Ottilalteult97 , ,, fl , -, •'• 7
, . . . .
~,, .
- i Extensive Turniture , ROOMG - •
• ~ - - .
~ ,_ A.ii•,_ 4: ,
, J ACOI3 YErti'ER,&i..,SON,, 4: ,: o
0 Slip . "restiontfellS;:' , 011`.the attention . ° n
t - - Heinle-keepers and Alto public, to the bx
`l` `'l4nsitientock Or splendid - FURNITILIRE c incIu ,
AingSoftis; Wardrobes, Centro and Other Tables,
Oreasing - And Plain gut onus, and evoirvaricttof 1
Gabiner-Ware and 'Choirs, which they,have 'Just.
Oohed' at their NEW ROOMS, on 7 i le corner
of-North- Hanover- and-Lout her streets, Carlisle..
They are confident that the superior finiSh of
the workmanship, and elegance of. style, in which
their articles are got up, together- whit their, will recommend them to every.per- .
stm wanting Furniture. They have Mao made
arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a
constant supply tf - every - article m -- their lino both.
plain and ornainental, elegant and usef ul, at
prices which cannot fail `to suit .purchasers ' They
would 'earnestly invite persons who are about to
commence Itonso-keeping, to call and eicansine
their prasenTelce ern littiTdlt7ticwhich they will
constantly make additions of the newest and most
modern tu vie..
COFFINS made to order at the shortest no
tice. for town and country.
Ctirlislo; Sent 6. 1848 . ` .
... , :m 31 ,,,
Iti , -% 4...,
_ „_,.. , :k ., J, ,, .
~. \ fr,
\ ,"Z.c ,- . , .- • •
, 1.', 4 '4,, - ' ,-,
For the Permanent Care Of all Diseaes arising
from an Impure state of the Blood. -
THIS Iledicineoperatespartieularly upon
the Blood, and mires .disease without
vomiting or purging It never fails to cure
he must obsttna te cases of Rheumatism, Dis
eases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds. Bronchi-,
tie, White :Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers and
Sores of long standing.
It is cheaper than any other medicine in
use, (lore being 32 doses in each bot.le, which
costs only 75 cents, and to those using it ac
.cordiet to (tit cation one bottle will het
days. Certificates are pouring in from * all
parts or the co . try attesting the virtue of
this medicine-i: • uses of long standing, which
have been • up by physiciatm as hope.
less and berJe.f the reach of menieine to
1VITOOPIS(4 COUGH, Shepherd's Saran
parilln never-fails cure
.r;ON SUM .•urvd try the t se of eh ep
Til.. 1 . 11110%0 , 11! Is Keittleinu II of re
spvet 1.1. it,who was ef-
Net.i 4thi..4.lreadf.ut, Con
sumption. by u few bottlei of Shepherd's
This bite coriify that I was, fast sinking
unnersymmonis 01(701, um ptiomof the Lung-,
until I was recommended In try Shepherd's
Sarspprilla, which fortunately I did,and am
under the strongest conviction thatrit saved
my life. I now rapidly re , nvA l ting awl
hope in a short time to ho restored to perfect
health,and under no consideration would I be
without the mediclue.
DAVID Rirtcurrs,
• • No. 23, Hill street.
Shoyhdid's•Verinifugb, or Worm
•'' 4 Destroyer.
a c produ-co-a-modi
eine bettor adapted to tiro expulsion ofmitititiT
time the human body than
fuge. ,It has been used by thous wits talth
,oplir,e4atisfacti tn. It has the advantage of
moat other Virmifuges, as ittaaver Sickens Utz
person using it. It has cured children that
have been subject to fits for years, and that
had beau given up by physician, patents and
friends. It should always be used as a purga
tive e for children, as itstrenglhous them, and
•at th same time' carries oft' the coarser par
ticles of food, and worms, if they arc troubled
with them.
The foltwing certjfiente has .belm handed
to us by ~luige Koons, of Lu a zerne county, Ps.
It - speaks for itself:
Town Hill, Pa, Jan 20,1847.
Duar Birt—You will please srnd me 4 bot
.tlesmoro of Shepherd's Vermifoge. The three
bottles purchased of you a short time ago have
been used with the happiest effects. They
were given to three of my children—in one
ease 65 worms were expelled,in_another 164,
tend in the last 67. 1 am anxious regive the
rest of my family the benefits of this medicine
and therefore order as above. This is deeid,
edly the best article fur destroying worms On
line ever been,in this part of the country. I
have tried Orrick's, Reeker's, Merrick's and
Miller's, but without any gsPd effect.
Yours with esteem,
Shepherd's Sarsaparilla and VeriniNge are
for sale by the followitir respectable mer.
chants of Cunibeiland county, Pt., and by. Dr.
WM. p. M'Pherscon, Htirrisburg:
G. W. HITNER, Carlisle; John Pulwiler,
Shippensburg; John Diller, Newville; Robert
Elliott, Newburg; M D &•J 11 Lackey. Dim
orsville; A Richards & Co. Plainfield; Dun
lap & Bar, Kingston ; S. &S. A. Cpyley,l;l6ges.
town; Wm. Alexander, , Papertown...
~ April 28.1848
firMIMP; FRINGES St.c—Just opened, a gen•
eral assortment of Gimps and Fringes.—
, Black Mantilla Silks of various- qualities
and prices, by
N. & la t Row!),
sior o , •No. 63North Third' Street', O . tiii . 'door .
above Arch, 'east side, Philadelphia, nuinitibetur
l r3
era and wholesale dealers in al kinds Otßroome,
Brushes, Buckets; Cedar ', re, Willow and
lunch Baskets. Shoriand Wal . Brushes, Scrubs,
-Meter*, lylati,'Biackieg, East in-made Wood ?
elf-Ware of; every. description, (Sr,c; &o, at .thei
loWest market prices. ' ' --- mar 1 .
tibaaa'. mho
L . • a
--y: and .
U OK .
• ow), for.sokUY.
FUNIt do au, Leal To" •
Harrisburg, oct4-4m
Anti .Dyspeptic , (Clatholicon,- ,
For , Dyspepsia, Nervous Headache; and Liver
Diseases: ,:
THI§ is ii'Vegotable cimipenind; Warreniedm
'safe tied effectual remedy,'not only for Dys-'
pepsin; but; fat, thoie cliseatteercsultintc . frern and'
connocted 'with m disordered ,Oortditton.cif' the
stomach end liver, or *attier the -digee;-
tive fuitctions, such or weakness,
flithlency', Imis of 'wet; , Notations and
ascidity of iitit'sfontadh:- coitivOnetts; headache,
.flatulent , and billions colid
commended to those who are, suffering.; undet
debility: , and . ,depression , -01: spirits, its ,soothing
o_ at ada..
I 0c125
ted•to)sech eases. •
Foist& by
JUST. 'received, alisortint;nt, o
CarPettegs every and style, ever bro't
to Carlisle: Also floor . Oil',Clotbs, new patterns.
'Bonk* vev,'low;at the' ebaap stor/ :."
••• OGYLBY4.`,I
.15 !!..
-A...,-001At 14":44,0ejliattl,1119:1.44701ile`eli;
ClPOterdiStrappl'ito, rdr A v itoT ,
, 4
leff --',`-yy,
• tin
j;) ZI CA? "
p" fortolot4r
- ,Y3tl;lfstcou N
• •• N - •
ortb• - i
etre.e4Philidelphia,,NENlTlAN 13LIND
!litfacitirii;' has 'now.en him& iltiiTargeal-and
fashion - Able' •ef "norrow slat; and •Ot hcr
'Venitiati,,,Blinds, of any other cstabliihment in
thelUnited.Sintes comprising entire now styles, ,
trimmings and colors, which which will be soul
At the lowest pikes, wholesale and retail: •,'Old
Blinds palmed and trimmed to looktquafici new:
The einzens of Carlisle and adjacent country_are
respectfully invited to call and examine his as
'sortment, before purchasing elsewhere, feeling
confident of pleasing and giving Antisfaction to
101 l who may favor him with a Mr: •
No. 12 N. Sixth st., Philad
Daltimore, Aug. 29, 1947
6," W HITN
Washington falltory
. 92 Dagnareo
No. 234 North Second Farm, N. I,V. corner 6
Cnllonhill etieet, Philodelphin.
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully adored
at this well known establishment, for ONE DOL
LAR, are universally conceded to ho EQI I / 1 T. 111
every. respect 10 ANY in the city. Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy and clear . weather. "A.
large assortment olltdEnAmioNsmnd LocNE'rs on
hand, at from $2 to $5, including the picture.
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens'
of Cumberland county, to call and examine spe•
chuctis of the, latest improvernants in.the nit of
Datmerreoty:l),ttiff . , which he exhibited clicser.,
'l' & 7 C TENNENT. •
. . Perat, Hoffman, & Go., •
Forwardinir nnd nenerni COmmi - ssionlVlorehania,
- No. 41 Noah W Inures. and F 3. NAValer ,
street, Philadel
pLA sTER.- and SALT constantly on
hand, or flitt at ihe lowest market men'.
Like:tit ntli:tincel made on Produce. ' -
Refer to ,
" IF It 'NNE 1.1 N•PLA TT eJ.I C 0 Philad'a.
J. NV. KER It, l'lnmakurg. t
npr s—lint
Xron,Cdmmissior Warehouse . ,
No. 10 Nor It Water street, nett No. 54 North
Wharves, Philadelphia°.
•Tliatindtrsigned still continue the Commis
sion business, for the. sale of all descriptions of
IRON. Our experience of many years, and .ex-,
tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers
Of Iron, throughout the country, - ,has enabled us
to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad
vantages to serve our correspondents, equal to
.any other house.
iniinlrgici • O'RRICK & CAMPBELL.
Ativoni's Empire Cooking Stove
TN again attention to this. unerpiiilled
1. STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure, -to
inform the public that (externally) it has under
gone an entire change—the pipe and hearth pla•
ced opposite each other, and a SUMMER
being -added, thus rendering it faultless, end•un•
less there is another fnuliless Stove in the mar.
ket, this is unquestionably the best, as it nos
embraces every valuable improvement possessei
by any other Steve, in addition to some peculim
to uself, secured by Letters Patent, r •
The success of this. Stove, since its introduc
Lion is unequalled. Nothing has ever been cit
feted for culinary purposes t h at has given sod
general satisfaction. Strives hove been copied
after its form; tome dealers have even used its
fundamental principles, but the proportions were
so unlike the original. that they 'bear the relatiVe
value that n counterfeit does to n gendine cdin. —
Complete CO.01( end other COOK STOVES
in great variety. Persons desiring these admira
ble Stoves, are requested to call at the Stove and
Tin-Ware manulactory of the subscriber, on
Main street, Carlisle, NOW is agentlin Cumber
land county., ,
mn . .TOTTN p. donclAs.
- , - Tll-1,A13.-R-A-13.1.1E 1,,,,v removed—to-his—new_ .
1 EA
• . Warehouse, corner of Calveif and Mercer
streets, Dalfinoreillnd 'lds now in store,`of di
rect impor3 ttton front the celebrated factory of
Tittley, T them br.,Walker, a full assortment of
SHOE TI ILIAD, viz: brown, green,• half
bleached, white and yellow, which he is prepa
red to sell by the bale or less quantity, on as
good terms ns the same quality can be had for
in the U. States. Also n general assortment of
Knivewasps. pincers, hammers, awls and awl
handles, pegs of all sizts, bristles, webbing, hoot
cord, shoe ;toils of all sizes, cut and cast tacks,
French irons complete, peg rasps and cutters,
&e, 'B(..e, &c. Premium Glass Paper, to thke
'the plaeo.oe' the connnon sand paper, a very su
perior article, bbing our own manufacture, wsn-
RANTED. Lasts, boot trees, shoe trees, crimping
boards, all of his own manufacture, of the very
best timber and of the latest style. Every arti
cle can be obtained at his establishment for man
ufacturing Boots and Shhes, except leather. All
of the above will he soid at the lowest market
price. Country Merchants nre pnrticulnrly re
quested to call. E. LA R RAH EE,
ame23-1m 4 N 0.9.4, Calvert st, Baltimore
EI S ITAI. LABRABEE, No. 20 S. Calvert.
street, Baltimore, has removed his Labora
tory to - No. 24, and has abdays
du hand the, largest, and most complete assort
ment of pure Botanic remedies in the United
Suites, prepared under his special care at his
Labortory—being the first erected in the United
States for *the special purpose of preparing
All of the pulyorized and compounded articles
are put tip in quarter and half pound packages,
and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for
' retailing, and upon better terms thati the same
akh, can be had for in • the United States.—
Every article in his line, is warranted genuine
public can rely upon this.
-A liberal discount_ made to country merchant
who'ararparticularl requested to call and oxen
ins quality, - &c, before purchasing.. .
1 Toe' various Treatises, embracing the me
reputed withal's,' iimfint the Thomson= or B.
tame Systein of Medicine, may also be had : ,
Ibis estab iiment, by the quantity or single cop
, ' l l'.°
t r.
' .
• .
1, s..
' •:''` It Never Falls, ~ .A '
-ri URE; YOURSELF.—From time immem •
'WU rial there has existed in larger cities.tre""'
populous towns, a species of disease,lite depen
mice and .propagation of which 'results from t
violation of divine and moral' laws. •Te the •
presented, as being the most 'certain, Speedy, a •
valuable specific ever ()tiered to the unfortunti
It has wherever sown acquired a reputation ti
daily experience c ' es to strengthen. ' Tho
sands have been e red by its use, and as L itlear
no odor on thichicatVieqUirbiliiiitherielfrieti -7
in diet or businees, nor contains' either Mired
or noxious 'drugs is the least injurious, to the sy
tom; it isboldly presented - es thiSbesCremedY I . :
- such' disemies •yet' Offered: It 'is used by phys
clans and pronounced stlperior ig'arty known r,
triedy. - Full directions accompany each bottle'
For sale atiN.lY.'dorneefid and Southstreciti
Philadelphia, and by S.,BLLIOT: (78,163113 ji D;
nernitx, Yorkr G: W. Miller,: Lancaster, I D:;
Mat wand' J.' N'Yytith, Harrisburg,; Pa..
-.0'14) , ammered,oad 'Relied Iron: - .*.','.'
:l' I•do.',On
~ heei,Blister de SPringSfee.
20 boiesrTiMPlate, just , received ,and'fordiale l :.'
the Chopp, hardware Store of . : '''' 7,l ” ,- '''''- '"'
1 fetira •7' '' , - WR IGHT 4.. 6 N,;, ,
,-. , „
BL ACHED MUSLINS—A - 4plendid• at
efiri ment OC,Blpache4 ,Aftieliiis: min be. lu
t i,h street.; Ca'
'or yourselves
• •
foi46 • '
a hired -un'a: :beautiful alOblc:,
FkLl:i...andl'WlNTgli'i'G,QloD)lo, *child
inrliVitinatio‘niiiin cif-the' aiblic to,Oal sal pee
'his goodi boforo purchasing olselebete.'i'_Riicol•
Wet the storn;',lm", Wad streetiUfeu l i dticra
west'Off Bceierten Hateb, 4
Tae , :,":4,;14)
rntly , -; f•P„.,
, t,
--ping re in a4carrtingi,
. ' '' 'Viral' - ' o tet lialidt'ill'
d 4
y, .. , 1 114111. Irl t pb. 4 l' •t• h_,
wi h , ,
SubsPi ;.no• ons ii supPll Ity,Merr
monli w.„ll4`E'r onnedah Y it-'2:Pit3,l,,,,,Tenty-fiY;°'
r'titlitijonithiaellewo"674T. InP*Oiisilbitc-Pl'Canny,,,deo ;to: by 'air
',4.ll4llittl'and/It itegovei,"%c!tica:,', C iip,itTliL
—l,-coner P.",„4„ n s of 'v,; kt-Rc• 1,, b%; -.,,
r,- ; at tifeltr,itlN4V,',„l ~;c4-.1,5.1.:..1',,,,i V..17i.,10-)1' ^`A.l
I tu lkiiit l '' '2) ~''‘'l' i ' , .6 ". c7,7,V,',`' ',,''. : '
'' v,7', ,f"," ,I,!` ' 'Yr . ,-' 1 4 `:" t , I ''
'l7 '',,'•',. :):‘, ', V* 1 ',.? ''
,t ~,,y,,,
, .;':' '.')' '"
• .
TriumpiniVingooo'iurtd in the•pairt year.
Thisipeilleine,is wart anted to cure a
pigs of . Piles, either bleeding or blind
inteisiaVor eiternul,and alt ofiammutory dis
'castle found conjunction With the
'shelf ati•chennie Dysentery . ; described iu tit
tollowijiitertificate : •• •
• Supt. 9, 1847.
'•ll4eisriil•Knieliiint& - Herilrew- Dents:-=A.'
bolO'Qoi4e - airS- ago 1 wini 'Ofilicted with wliut
. was endedcliferaie dysentery; 'I hove suffered
with it °vox' si.cco, and physicians bays told
me that my liver was effected, and that my
bowels were .ulcerated, fur blood and pus, at
tended with'a peculiar putrid smell, were the
'frequent discharges: A thort time since I
made a visit to Masruchnsetis, in hopes of
benefit rem •ehange of air, but suffeicd tunic
severe than ever before. kVbile,ibere, a pliy.
sicinn offered to cure mt Gar 840, in three
months. ° Happily; in the midst ot in:ensc
pain, occasionally reltvyc.! by, l sow
in the wrapper of your Ele..Hunry, ti perfect
description or my enropluint, tegolicr Witt "
many certificates' or cures, •I'l is me
great confidence in the. medicine, mid I per.
chased a box, nine doses of which has oppa
renrly cured' me, and I am prepared to say
everything in its favor, or render any service
'Leon to humanity by subseribleg to its merits
. _
Weakness and influnvmation of the
fulling of the bowels, womb &c, that Pine les
particularly are subject. under peculiar
bcircumstances; for . which - many- certificatra
nuld ho given of speedy cures— but delicacy
'forbids their publication. ,
Severe and habitual costiveness, flow of
blood to Chic head, dyspemia, fistulas
matlomof the stomoch, find a speedy cure in
Dr. Upbeat's Electuary, It is an internal
remedy, and cures by its action on the hr wets
and blood, the relaxed state of whir li is the
cause of file ebove named disenseii.
Front every city, town and village, where.
Dr. Upham's Vegetable Pile Flectuary hue
been introduced, the most gratit3ing intelli
vnee of its etiects have been received by the
Proprietor. In hundreds of instances it has
triuniplied over cases which were deemed.
Letter of Cnpt.G, W. Loon, late of the U.
service,and Member ol the N. J. Legislature
Rahway, June - IR, 1847
I have . been 'afflicted for years with the
Piles,- and have tried, without. anything like
permanent benefit; almost eyerything assum
ing the name of n remedy. ,'I 'and trs a matter
of CI3I.ItFC, lost all confidence in medicine.—
Under this feeling I was induced—not without
reluctance, I confess—to use Upham's tlectu
try, and having-used it about three weeks,
according to the directions hie down' I find
to my surprise, as well as satisfaction . , that
every symptom of the diseaim iaisl eft me. 1
think - it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to
make this statemer•.t. ,O -W McLEA
Addressed to the agents in corumbia. Ga:
Russel County, Ala., Feb. 20, 1847
Messrs. Winter &, Epping—Oente:—For
the last fifteen years I have been afflicted with
that most distressing disease 'The Bleeding
Piles,' and have-had recourse to a great many
medicines, without obtaining relief, until I
obtained '3,boxes of Upham's Pilo. Elestuary
from you, which. have so fat relieved me that
take great pleasure in recommending it to
all who are afflicted with Piles, as a safe ar.d
sure remedy, -
. - . --8.P.111.LL;
forme'r'ly Bookkeeper. Bank of Rolubti:
Remit ktOle cure of
Portionit, 31e., Morel, 14
My Deer to you my
sincere nod - heartfelt thanks for Ott wonderful r
- cure .1 have experiticed . s the loco, your
truly valuable Pile' Electuary. lii re peen a
perfect martyr to the Bleeding Piles for tzn
years past, so much RD; that I became reduced
to a mere okeleton, with losS of appetite and
general derangement 011ie digestive organs;
my eyes also became ulfectect,-and in fact. I -
was a misery to 'myself, and was obliged to
give...up my office here, which I held iii the
Custom House some years. I have tried all
kinds of meditine, had the best advice the
physicians of Boston and this place could give,
spent much mone y and twice submitted to a
surgical operation. 1 had become perfetly
tired of life, and at the. suggestion of my
friends I was induced to try a bhx of your
medicine. The first found relieved me
slightly, still I persevered and purchnsed x a
second, and assure you when, I got half
thrOugh I found myself getting well; I still
kept on, and' now lam a new man. My dear
sir, language cannot miprers my thanks, that
I am once more restored to health, en.d now in
arc'ondition to support myself and family de
pendent on me. Yours resreetfully, with
great regard, SAMUEL CHARLTON
Morriss. Ketchum 4 I CIIF IN-7 his certi
fies that I have been severely afilieted far many
years with the Piles, but more particularly
within the Wet nineinenths. Having used all
the remedies prescribed by my phyvician,'"ulko
having tried othcy means to little or no ad"
vantage.l became'veriniuch discouraged an;
fblt as though I must suffer as Imo. , us I lived.
But providentiolly was informed liy Mr.
Mott, instructor of the public school at Staten
Ishind. &it I could be cured - by your valuable
Pile Pectuary. Having confidence is his
statement. 1 . Immediately procured some of
the .medieine and am•very happy to inform
you that I am nowperfectly cured by the use
of only one hex. Very truly your obedient
servant, ' • GEORGE K CROSS
Sold' wholesale •and retail by KETCHAM
& HENSHAW,'I2I Fulton at, .N. Y., end by
kuggists generally 9 roughout the United
States and Canada. Pride $1 per box:
Sold in Cutl.slo by S ELLIOTT,
Julyk26, 1898 .
Stanton's Exteinal ,Remedy,
-- z'il niter , s
le nuw universally ncknowledged to be tha
For Rheumatism, Spinal A lfectione, Contractions
Sof the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Is
sues, Old Ulcers, Pains,jtho. Back and
I Chest; Ague in "I he Breast end Face,
Tooth-ache, Sprains, Bruises, • •
Salt Rheum, Burns, Crouj,
Nervous 'Diseases:
iirUNT'S LI NIIVIEN T'is sustaining a 1104 4
JUR ety Uniqualled'by any similar renfedf. 1
requires no.pufling to give iv - tr repetatien; it his
been for some time silently and surely:sectring,
it, and now, whenits beneficial effects'havelieen. •
experienced btso maywohe,expreasionentiati
t ude are eontinnallY :uPPecting:' atkthtict. who
have ,been.made,whole,hy itspean's are' desirous . f that Ai , offliefed should; no, hanger remnin,,igno:
tint!ef, itainvilueble anct infallible orn.cAtq•
! Mr Oeo, E . :..Stanten, the: ProPriatorto con.
1 f' Woe is room
• norm o „
--aoy of 11199qc4.3, .P P A 9 Y.• • '
'from tY1.41.1. use,,,„ .ec'Led
" • • "'''
Veen- brpp e , ore g t•yfars, nying:turenc t
the ephe; att het*tt oPiwii•yetitotity.t(ft i
frdin;B chair Medibitl treattnetr,fitiled‘lie•fcis
bottlati the..Linititeqf kostprodifini .to ottOOglf.
OW he"' hisTliloyinifeilkoo' •
.routhrnholo;.:no'rnhog -no-1)16
'obit'sprinxll imp' oridiie. tmc to_ '
mind or Ind:early 'infreimmil`-, Puce : ':2s`innFt.
The AVIVe ti'lfrien4l,•„
.„. .
g7rx.NT,t),N , s.PAP,)I,LAS.IrciIwThISNI
4 0 4.110 , ."/ledged'iipp o,s,nipit'vnluable rem*
dy has =yet , beim. wpoyercd, 'and may,bgim,
lied on : with FontidSnhthy'all , who msy.have ot%
cas io n , foi4l‘ pss, kessespk.pitiar..Fsv4R,•A.ou
, This , Ointment is particularly intended for those
coinplaintubst Mothors ere ljable to dur,ing.:the
ith(gbilfolll7tints t 'sltd:nitty'be otily , chlled "The:.
,Nuree s Price. 25 eta, per :It •
`Pr s oprotor,
Sold by: ,
and Chan.
, t{trilsle;
'46.EdwaialSetill;'Shiofitinibuig , =
1 7. Msulgert
' • ' ' , ,
' .
'?;~ ',
New York, June 19,1848
In' ono Edsa '&child hi 4