LITEfttERMILOOPA , INAIIGiURATION OP :LOUIS' NA POLEON! THE CABINET THE POPE,"&,e. The Steamship America arriVed 11 . . 6 Boston, on Friday morning. On th,P day of the America's sailing, Cotton wae dull and dropping. Flour, duty paid, 26 to 27a per bag , --: Bonded 25 a -255. 6d._. -Wheat 6 40 7e , per 70 lbs.• Corn Juts been declining.— . White 305.; best yellow 326.,13d. The Presideot's message ‘witi — reattin England with•greatinterest, particularly that portion. , of. California. - I 7 . ," PARIS, Wedriesdayli4ec! 20th. . , The 'CireiribriforpiiiMiiiihrte Pre!' sident took pliteeilihrilayiitlailieNtitibnal Assembly ; M. Mar,rast in a lepd voice, the - 4h sothettlitit:hrokeir tlitieo*n, de clared 'Louis VapeleenvPhield ern of -the Republic, one -and:litta iviiiblevfrom :that day to the second Sunday:oft May, 1852,- and invited- the new. ~Presidept. to. come forward and take the 'oaths. re,quired 7 "3l4' • the Constitution.. , • • Louis Napoleon advanced•.ur.the Vuoe and, was sworn, to remain faithful. to •the 'Republic and 'fortVara its inteiests. 'all respects. He, then read the following - address to the C hasiiha tea" 'firinr•voice. CitizenS—Repubilicarts=The-suffragets: of the nation .irnd I.lteXaftlil..- have just taken trace out to me mY;fttliure , 'condeat. d shall follow it as la.:man-Of honor. '1 shall regal!! as the.enemies,-of 04:11..grAin try all thMitvho shalLattempt to change by illegal means• what.all.Pranoe has es. tablished. Betweeh : Ton .and Arie, Citizen INpresentativese arly.krea d,fference of 'optition: ;eiir c . ,"Wighes and desires.dre the sante. :I-W.4li iike•iyou to place Society . on,,a ,truo .bpsis, to strengthen Democratic, ,institutions and to 'alletiiatethe-sniseries.‘d tl;mtgenerous and intelligeut people 'tv:hich has ',just. given me-.such striking' proofs -Of4leir confidence. • The majority I .have obtained ri ot ()di , penetrates me with gratitude, but • will: . give to the new government that moral force without which there is no authority. With peace and orderour•country can a gain improve, can, cure !its Wounds and bring back the men that have-been mis led, and calm down•eve . it liassion. Ani mated by a sincere spirti„of conciliation, I have called -around caoble and patiotic men, who, in spite .of the ,diversity• o f their political origin, arer.ready..todevote themselves, with. youv to the - application .of the constitutieniAlie ,improvement of the laws, and the glory 0f..-the Republic. As a Republic= government•ooraing into povver, we owe ,a,debt.of thanks to its predecessors, wlierft the „deposit. Of - its .authority is handed-oveatotit,intact;.and .and -in particular, I owekjt ;to Gen..Ca vaignac to say, that bit. conduct has. been worthy - of the generosity.cif his•tharac ter.and that sentiment of ditty; tvhi;rhe the first quality .of a 4tesraan. (Bear;, . - hear.).f-L. . =We-- have, citizen representatives,..a grand mission to fulfil:. We. have to found a Republic in which. the•interests .of all.shall be . guardeld'hy a just and firm „ government, which shall bs. : animatedtby .a sincere .desire .of progyess,..withont 'being either reactionary ,0r..,171.0pian. Let us be the nen of the cauntry, ,not the men of a party ; •ruid' God, we will at least do good, if we can not achieve great things. .After the President had concluded this 1 'brief speech . . he .advanced towards Ca imignac and 'tendered hint kis hand... ! This movement surprised the Generhl lint 'delighted the Assembly. .:Cavaignac shortly-respcmded And shook hands cor with the President, amid-marks of 'the most mneallivocol sstiplaction _trona all sides. .M. Odillon .Barest was empowered-..t0 form !'le new ministry. , i yhey..ore all anen of character And , captitity, it Is reported that the Ropei..bas.,ac icepted aft :invitation •to viSit • Peri* Van) olal difilotnatists of touis Rhil lipe are to.have.high.offices, Accouzus 'from Rome to-day, are.hy . , uo means satiffastery , torrthe cause-of.order. The Clubs eyed/whin:possession of the Government. 'filieir, Chief, Lucien di,o-• 1 tutparte, seems ' , resolved to ..cleatroytthe . temporal soy reigntycfAbe Pope. . The Pope still .continues ,fit Gaeta.— The provisional gover,nittent at.Rome i bir a vote in the .Upper 'Chamber, has ex hibited a further. .disposition , to•endeavor to bring about the , .Pope'S-returnl.. , -Piue the 9th, however c rrertiSes reieept upon • condition thattlieChatribelibilissolvo; the National Guard ,dAd3audbA...o.ttd, the joUrnals.suppressed. . ',,, . ~„:„., „ .... ;PRUSSIA —The , stete, sof 4 kw. e „ , ..mtill‘;be raised beforethe-beginningiiof!ibet elec tions, but not until a prtiviskmakdaw•has appeared - : . foo—iiPpreasi rig ‘the':iibuseejof theliberty'ef . ' . th? . 4ire#SViiiid - lhf-iiot..-ef r,.:%,;• t.. 1 -ll' , ~•; I rt aa t iC j a t i° °'•, : ; ~ 1 •,'. ' , . *..:'1 1 il' ! . 1 CliklSeqUfnee .- 91:,Ilit9M?,c,piii.. - 61.; ; the . .. COinititution.:•thel,Ansettmnettyolroal, il63:' Court of Berlin• has' kinettaOhatged,,tu peed. ~._,a note , to .the • Fliii&ie icth.illabilet, 'r. Whig h., contiinA'lCdetititor the dettjgeremeiiv, !Ash' the 61? Ti44l4: ,l oeb!iiiil:hiiiigelf • th i s iq),Y -' o: l3 # o * . :"P47 :lll *?*. i ,i ' ,.o .' , 1013g9F , 00.1igigrAtiiciAliwk441*, agtteet,, his - , Opluppecuji t iiipiept‘ tr ~..,., -§_gizettE ...OR, t:, , TUE , PX/0114) V.l4:mPtip.- - 4,-, The . Delhi ,Glitieoe,-.exuAteijovenithe:cer, . • tute - • of . ! , thii . tfa . utonsli Lithothiudianiendp • wbielwitl‘ 'the fij'det ; yitl iiiiblOt , in thCiiibilk'eti t d`i f ilr,, i siiiiii, lik . #3oi . ittif, A L .,9:;(1 . 14,40,1',2 !i 4 i t } ' P,..e, lV 'L l 4 ol.t . *44 l• °,,:cAi t.. ho;: . . .li,g.. .t.crowii ' : e . .-. I ..e.cptt.: l 4sl. ~,,A4.1 seizure. is an xii,eg9 : 41) ow , (4 , 7411 ' - ' ,- themart7r - pf , thw filoritiligiiiik"fiZtilmiti,:to," Isicitpithliprigkiii.liv.4lownrientitv4` , 4, .'s; ,, - , -,-,-,l 4 , Reihilifideti -414 -4 'WlikikedUeit '._L-.111,ii itilt'cit*!, - ,tho'_GlilliiiihallOitti-11.413;L !, ' in '&.`P-',..4."-'.'', l ..' tTl"'''"""•'"'Y - . • - - , -1-I_ , , --, ,14 lutilieJ mat J o. - -a:J.:3m ,t, ~ .. - • ''' • kP--.t. ',IPP I e Xtie!iliVAPOW;:: 'to , OM% ::;!;aY)Rigsll/Asicl,,ilPcir,-,o4)9Atry, Aii.- - . Leutti -- .owitlieolit.***l ,l 4l74 - soA*6alitind , .....istariatiOn',.,:uticd.o**isor t oniatioaxdoz., ..•.'-gfiemmii.Elcio.iimatikelititittio ii_obittiterg irgo*Hoid.iti; , ,ikiiti3Ofolftiklik :Nom* .. ',Okeled.';."s9lsiiiirtilllCll4ll{ll4lcitf ai . .. a • aiiiii4 l ,Y . , l l 6l (§!r?.Nefeft i,is.,, 4.?",PF.11.1,4t1ia,1%.01.,14914,,i1eAt4P,9__,*: 1 nor 'mg , . 01 1 :;.Aliole6'of114100 rAinilaug'; anai !Pili,li‘'colibl,iy iwitli.i her MalculoctiOt Etat . ..:- i)iio..: . '..t':- - -;'411?.!.-': , '';.-!:Q,' , ',04A9 . v!Yi -A - ''.. .'. . ' ~. :ii;',l4iiiijioll6* . ii4ii.' reenio4lK7.;4tx-' 40tidiOi'..1i . .k• V ' "P :'-''' - 1-1, ; - { , 4 • - •' - . ' 1 . 2 ,,,H - -12 '-• [Correspondence of tßollorald.] (flAnniaßtloG, lan. 16, 1849 Dear Herald :—The -Inauguration of Gov_ -Jontisewcarne off-in fine-style The Governor wile attended from his lodg ,ings at Coverly's ll'otel,.bya splendid escort 'PlifilfilaifilqfPaiffes7TiiriibigVhefitlke * ttie" beautiful 'C'cimitiM.iee,tChßi.:, , lMettli,'eriaott'd of 1 Carlisle, and,Capt...Cireyfe el Skippenal:mrg, loshone cottepiceoottlyakut 'were , 'Pavtiouhtrlr admired. "The iiiiideitsiliiienieteit„the.!'gall of ' , RepresentatiVesr 4 wltereAiollt.:liiiiiiikie's' were iwsetalini, tgligl(VaiPtticililldlitier.:/111 king the usual oath at the-handsef the Spea ker, the Governor ItWivele;tl It'ill t : , .Miqiqiii addresF. It is bitief,,l2att,gi.vec-amorritiftenp ,Sive review of the great , Principiescwhicit form the•tritei - basis,..."aufleftt , ONlWitiiit ',;lt %vial be read, tyith ! twitierita , aiktiliiiiitalkie l the people. The ceremoniee illie,day. were closed by, a reyfew ~of• th' „ , ,I,.poo r klis 'by the Governor. An ivarneusp.erow4ot „entliusi aslic Whigs.hils•been" 01r - reeled' bete by the novel and.graOfying - kiecticle'aitlitfinTaitifi ration . of a Whie - iovern,or. There is noth. ing ette - ofireportanoo to epeideol. Itit.l3all vas_yesteillay_electolL.State_Treasurere_tiy his own casting vote,- thus•thwartitig the laci. tieus ilesigns of theiSrativicts. Yours, &c. ts-JAuzs A. SatKrll,..E4q.jusii•been re-sP poinied : Prosecuting -Attorney for Cumber laud county, 'by Mi.; Dairtigh, new At • tcirneylponeral. ' , et:TA telegraphic„despach. reports the death of Col..Croghan, ofkhe Army, .the well known Hero of'Fort:thindusky. €Cr-Thc.Logislature of Michigan; after two days battle, refused logo "mar domina tion for U. S.Senatorr—More.trotabie - in store for Mr. (.ads.-,; • STATE •TEEASETIMIL.-M.r. 41u11 : member trom.E.tie, having been Settied upon in eau_ unS., was to be eleetedState.Treasuret by the Itigti on-Monday,, • SENATORIL—Lion. James Cooper, Mr tux yeare, (rem Pennsylvania-Gen. Jackson Morton, - tor six yearp r iporn Florida—Hon. Thoinaelleltcalt, from. gentaiky—Hon. A. C.. Dodge, 141 m, tortra-1-iion. Atcheson, from Jlltsk.otiri r ior six. years, .inive been re. cently elected by the .Legislatures of their ;eaveraliSratea. ,11 . 4rWe truly regret-etoirleatrit that oar 'friend, Cites.lW.liree2l;:tifoitittlir of - this "be rodg was a iieeeresuffeter.ll the' salami tourrtfire in Pillatettg. ,Theobeaniing house in Which he.and his 4amily resided was burnt: down, tati most. - inmates lost their eritire wardrillie,p r aw.rapial was the pro gress of destruction. SIVAICOR PF , TllSztirrs,--Gcla. Johnston sent in his resignation ars etember of the State Senate, and raso,his.resignatton of the office of .Spertitasr, on ?Saturday last. Mr. Dareic,,fem; Then resigned the chair, and was forthwith elected regalar Speaker, receivipi the rotes of members of both parties. ~ • DEATAI or MAJOR. IL' W. PoirROSE.—We regret le be called the death of .111,aj. I. •P,4riaosp,•ol 2na Regi fanny, O. ,tdajor Penrose died at filiattsburg.N.a'.-on theaftist day or lie present 'Month. Xbe decieased was a - man of Itigh ineu,tal ruin mcnal,guaitties, and his death .i.Ve have : no doubt, *I/ be sincerely lawientedlbytilisituartpaq4ettiatances in this idaes. 'He was 'a, graduate Oir:the :Military. • vat,soMy,:cio ser:4l4iiiitqle,!iiiqipn' in the :He 4isci.iiiirve4 dering,a , ,tionof.therteeeuteeem war twithaleir ico: compartied. them Snort f•in hie ' maich' from. ;Vera Cro:z i arici wati,eogoBediti all the 14( 7 ties.,.!...i4h,ocourred in the. aalltiy Al Mexico., Ravin, galiono.y rim the 'battleof Cero Gordo he , iet:eiveil -141trbrevist al' Maier; acid on several .other oactiaions A . ;) ae! - notieeii by his commaading4fieer.lgr his coo:doers" and I hravecy. • . , Major , Peoroee rrtie;4v;gtHitti . 4tif high motif' INciriht "ad etia?,hirted tyr4y y , of. tGa a quail- I fee high t aro,necemoshry,rttxtme(ce:44,good,ol.. "peer:. .41riesadttltorotriptO tnibeiit of(ahr:rea. 44: 1 46 4ft' . 4!o.' r..44P444 . Tile,si merely treg rev the •d oath: st.thid gall:. hint officer tind"Withlifteelit' '''; " 14 n.i. 9PlLEinti At,i_cY.4.4ltia. body. had ahother. ateetiogietp'Setuiday , night. !dlr. Palhoun sub btaitiid hitritadreati'r 'sad carried ' ... '-, h. 11 t l lt a h i . ?? u MA 39 ti ct o l t i ll i k i lk t f, l ' fi f t 9l. n iTM "F - E ll — )rv... Il l'a u ffli 9 i a . aVINI47/., Seven of tho, azerufiera; fooled mg Seualotritualt I al Texap ? , 1 .. 9 I r phafanittdri9artipptiti) olat . hitt‘tßusta, crYesfitl i tie`l4of,toiealAlNkii ' 6 i4:':44„,Fii)' P a !%lY, er o 6 t r igtiqiNf l aFPßlO:o9Lichn• Mr., latheut4 it ie, behemouirighluin raiew a delib4 d • , p ircilitaa , 4oe , theAVlSeltilthii Idr , gto ilitioni ? 4 NPqNt at9 4 7 : 1: - Att , r 8 : 141 F:4 1 # 1 4, 1 1: 1 ( t lll 4l.kiiiti,2 04Atels i4lO l , ,ir '4 4 FiOws, , , Vil.k..§.oegtfrjenettitaaffligelking-10.4e wont, il;anittkia of theNorthl boo , ,hefilyq 1.9 *.t‘...r; I 01 Plialk , 0 , ' 4-, 01) vlimwr a1, , ..1xi11 st% Iliiiiiikr4r1111*01141:::. "',' , 'Pl.: l ; 7-I` . he itika BB 4o;!ti,i,i9iia'*Av ciAlifl 6 :! l : l oio.ii, ( . 1 114hibt 3 1Ci 1 Pitla 0) WP4, ll ,ting. , cgases,are.Ctli :iiortorl iatoabulville,4KentubkAViOkoheirg,/ s f.M ., :m2hisi SlTypatp n anti other poiniti Shia( .3 • - irt b #6• l4i ireuifil• 0%. 4 ./ t...2 , , ,tt fa ”. 4 kSirittr it 5 A . k. I'le i s4jr "lr l ' Ol , that t o clhcherg brok e o u t amoog.g#l4lll. 1ik94;54‘ FP.T4 II 4WW .I O4aV argil cOogid' " I ' . ' f' rty "deatbit , midi: ifiteheitr.(otituwoseekohn ,e. . WfdiiriiiillVA o l34o**l l :64 iimv i ll'yet,ibitt in li aia night. AtPdtitriv4hititeriiii i iiaii l ie 11 _ F A. Tl A fi df4':w7prealr„Ftic,tkis,„ Ala t ei t aciiiiitilkitlie Wil ke" " " 'iii' - ‘, t „ , _y. blrig!"W,, 11‘,4101 a w gPla t it T ollO e sM . . , *PniimmogY' oredua die4.L i,t'lli S 11. t;, De * any l l i o. 0• 11.6y4 f,l ifi iMii 4t/ICl l as4"VOll4tti 1499•PIN#4"!0m04#a lfif7vZ 'islro.4..t . TP. ci-,! , . •.. • • ~ , - NY, ~ 1 •Its ~~Y`~Stiub 11,, .ws,l4. - . . ~- ... ~ .. • . ~. _,,,. '''' • v - • )X4 1 4g0i". „ " - ThiliSliiierj:iitiCn 'cOnaihreliliibe.. a • source of egil 4 - •ai, ' itenienuin Wash. Mgton. • r",, ' , ) . , 1 _T R th 11!i ~,. ~ 4iirety Mr. Bak to M. ! I iliyo 41 lA, . lition i and ct.torlho f AS :.:'llin - ih - th'" • ; . t co open the Disitlot of 4Vphi ' 1 . ? .? vt 'p i ctiofis to report a bill 414)11'4,1114H - the District, created eonSigerititlefei . ncen Mr. Hale's motion was ffhallY. rejeoto/4-Yens 25, Nays 16:— . 1 Mr. Corwin offered a sirMiar petition and made a similar, motiowmtilaltitvaa also,: laid on the-lable, - M.r..,Llndrniogi et:Kentucky; offered skresolution'.instructing the:Judiciary Committee to inquire tul i p theTexpediency of reporung a bill mrktrig iipkipriitiOns by ~ C ongress , torthe colonization-of such free V.Afrieaes is may desire to emigrate to Libe.. - tie, and such . slaves as , triay 'herAtifter be ;,'emancipated. This re/3'01'910 also brought ;on a sharp Ore of W,Qrciitliptavectil Senators, --'which ended in the adoption,ol..a ¬ion to Postpone. In the Flout Mr.:Crott's famous reiolu. lion,. relating to the 'abolilion of '''tpe slave trade .in the districl, careaup again, when a motion, to reconsider 'prevailed—Yeas' 119, Nays '8 1, A motion"; made afterwards by r.. 1101, to to;. it,a . 60 dig tpbl . 9 7 ; eO,O4',NAYS ip. „ SCI J 4. gesoltition will Come , beforeithe tionseiniew. Test, Other matte's conneleted with slavery , hiliA 'also tended to warm up'the.tlense—oue, a bill to grant ~.compensation l'echaco, IS Spaniard, for a slave belonging •to him, killed . during, the Florida" war, which was negatived-Artiqs 'B9,Nayi 90; the otlitir.a — resolution rustructingilie pinper - eommitterr to report a bill for reclaiming BiONOS escaped into Free States which was lost—Yeast 78. Nat's 90. Senator Douglass' bill for the immediate , admission ol into the Union as a Stateris likely to be killed quietly. ,Mr. Berrien, Chairman of the Judicary Commit tee has made along and elaborate report a gaipet it. Alter this, it is not likely that the bill will be loreed upon the consideration ol the Senate. ' Mr. Smith, from the Committee on Terri tories, has reported a bill providing Territo rial Governments for California and New , Mexico, with. the Free-territory clause or dered by a resolution ol the !louse. This jilt( Will be the great measure ol the Session.' - It will no doutt pass the House. Its pros• peels in - the Senate, hewer-el-, nither Woo my. • 1 • 111 fore trouble In Ohio. Telegraphie_ilepachei IrOm Columbus an nounce a renewed trouble in the Legislature of Ohio. On 11Onday week the two *uses . met MConvention, to open and count the 'votes for Governor. IA committee was ap .pbinted to examine' the returns and report in regard to alleged errors. ~ Six Democratic members of the committee reported to favor of rejecting the vote of Lorain eonnty on the ground of informality, and they then declared Col. Weller (Democrat) elected d o vern or. The Speaker declared the report mit of order ; .but finally permitted it to b i c read, on condi tion thatthe 6bject should dGe submitted to a new joint committee.. The, Speaker then, as the ilespach Baia, declared Seabury Ford (Whig,) the Governor elem. The proposi tion to appoint a joint committee to examine the Governor's vote was afterwards rejected and the Speaker again declared Fold elea led. During the whole session the utmost excitement prevaatt, and threatseaths, and hard wreds appear to have been dip princi , pal adornments of the speeches of the Buck eye orators. The majority for Gov. Ford, according to the Citicinnatti papers, is 671. Lorain coon .ty gave him 610, so that if it be stricken out „be will still-have 261' majority. The people have declared for Ford, but locofocoisin strives .to nullify their voice I.ry violence,-- "Whom the Gods ilestroy they first make mad." • ' CANAL COIdAtISNIONik Re t etnlT.—Wu are indebted to our popular :Whig Catiil Co n missloner, James M: Power s Esq. for a copy of the annual report orthat Board. The re, port-'says the operations of. the past year on ' t he canals St railroads of the Commonwealth, do not , eithiblt as favorable a tesnit as was anticipated. The disastrous floods of les t years occasioned extractiilitiary,„ expenses, which have reduced the receipts:below those ;of 1847. Most of 168as...facts-aro familiar to theleader i and. it is, not new necessary to 'repeat them. The4,toss.reeeipts on ,all the lides were f,1,5531:344, and the estpareses 'wtie . 81,1;167 - m4, IiSS, thin , a half sum Ifl# 'whiph the ;incidental:expellees of the ;offices ate to be . deducted:: The grosi reCefiptiolny- . 1848; fall short thenie‘of 1841, twenty''lliglit thousand 'two ' hundred. and thiriy-ciacillalliire and eigh iy-sevencents. • • , _; ; Ti!E NATIVES .A.NIS THE LocprocOs.rfe .vl9,ms, pilocoloco pews Ipapers'and orsilora . weekly-tpemed with char: ge.4:l4l'tpLfihrgeLhtit!'lpftrie4VLrihaly all pce ? r,,tt jt native , arts t eke char ea r twilyp.,rung:,so t tflp.„4ll9o,Attergenl. ,flianngt Ifroritone • end,theirailroad'..tq..the other, with sorq ell .Cattle' it is Oki': itot ~4.%;,:, ';erl93' , „!!4 6 3, l lt6M):b6PgPi itAFE. 6 1 :•4 0 ..4 1 !L.7 1 v, ( ":Ir ll ll' etittaiv.eAtkre,frtay_,lllitt _ Abe heii'esl.4iiiehippil, G eniiatis w!tb: cm+ qh de ti bitid ail`into Svia,bee ?! .# o tea:at,,Jiarripbu r g , Olita . ; V 3 111 11 inl thil3 , eimiilades,l try - 14iri;OziiciftIViitie)r ty..l ;to, mr . t7TT, 'l` INarliviali/nll. 4 l—lniilie lower House of ow• tutell.egteletereiletit'week, 1V1r. , 8 w eitzwelt: lei l ieltocht4rid ti,j , eini;Ydicittniiiii: iiiYitietii* 0 1 4 '1 4iiiit v he:tfi recitieAlqiOlf - tteMiseiitti: ivecotithe.StatelorPotaßYlttanielte Nolo, 1., or the repeal , oilitheoterill , 01111-113-iiflid ;lei 1 ., the tiiiitiliioliliy l o,o#6l:lB42 li Witl)ilqiii'l,4.' f‘ Miiiii , 1 :4A!4 040044:1 l l i io, l C l .,,ik;bblk=, / noon+ of the governMPPl 1 9.49aq/the lotto*, t the eeeetey, by, thelproleetibn4llfielhomi -' atiiel;!:t4y,'!l • tiolace* i4,IIi#IIT currency 1 iiirffoFt; 00.,:t10 1 1, 6 0#4,1% 6 10010 6 y if e l iii g a 11431 ig-Piote ol7l6 l !"f li ' t ~, ! eugo, ts..:,,volicll iii (if•l7llV I/ ..T.,..1 1 , , $ , 4't hllNlFtirlFtO n ft 1117(1 RE , ~111 . ??,1 • 1 ! ! ,gra :.jikamootifte4Agnigtimil WQ,0 10 4 1 , 1 1 1 ,. i kik; 4 ti I,4y.qq.iti tfir,:l 4-filiakpatcq , o4l- ,a4,,N i 4 te.s;i 6c Ml T .t hll 'l'VT'-1- 4 ,* 'PAITF - .. . , - : . Ct::7 - ThellaiiiiilititOriterFaisertstliatihe election Ofihe fienkAernei Cooper to the . United 410t)Seii i i'* far .edni n istration defeat! dii:tbii th e., H arrisburg lntelligen • ' Cer ieni4i;lhkti:iteatcet_beinga defeat, the isleatoff.ol-Mtv Cooper is a triumph, not. Cilli:tifthe'administra . ' lion,' but to-the ' Whig pthly,"4the',Stete:end:the'Nation; and to the Peefile#(the.wlicile`peuniri., it is one fur, ihei.'stgitewitfilef dhif. utterannihilation ,ot Locolocoisricatid en able, bold and • power :Jul opponent,. will thidparty find on the floor of the .U. S. Senate, ic theperson of the Hon. ins,,Ceoper; .ft is , -well' known that Guy. Johnson'clid not interfere at all in the contest betiveen the siweial candidates for Senator. The rtio/t .cordial good feelings exists be tweeieflim and all' the candidates; and- his administration has do wormer supporter than Mr. Cooper himself.. Our opponents catch up every little circuniste, the hope of seeing it create dissensions and divisions in the Whig pasty, but are disappointed in es -ery case., O6' 'ANOTHER AILLEAGE SCENE took place in UCtngrosti, last week, on the Civil & Diplo matic appropi laden bill, in Which d dozen or more 'members assailed Mr. Greek) , for the publicaden of overcharges in the N. I" Tri. buns. - : - Mr. Venable, of N. C. who . is down for $22,30 excess characterized the pUblica lion as a very small business. Mr. Turner, of Illinois, wha - poeketed the handsome sum Of $999,40, extra declared it - was false, ma liciously titian, and that he held hiMsell per sonalty responsible for what lie tittered. lie was succeeded in the same strain of abusi_ by Mr. Harraison, of Ga. down lor ii 66 40 extra . " Ten. . 4 ‘ 968 40 ! " Brow;t, of Miss. " 1026 40 !!" Sulmeek, of Ohio ; " 2. 40 " • who commented very severely upon the Trj. butte publicabou lor the false position 'in which What( placed them before the pOblio. Mr. Gteelyiin the course of his reply as ked-it any • membei stood charged in tne publication which had given such offence with more money than he had received? 'No an ! swer? At the close of this scene tnO House adjourned. CON(frltEkiS AND run PasitMENT.—ln the 1..!• SAlouse of Representatives, last week; a Message was received from Mr. Polk, in answer to - a resolution - asking by what con stitutional or legal authority he had leviod duties in the contuted MexiCan Porte d uring the War, and ealiiihtled the money without appropriation by Congress. h o entered Into su argument to show that he had the right to do so of course s whichnvas contested by Mr. Vinton,, and the matter referred to 'a select committee, consisting of Messrs. Toombs,, of Ga., Duer, of N, - Y A . C: J. ingersll7l)f,renii., Stanton e of Tenn.,Viitts, of ,Va Venajc, of N. C., Collamer, of Vt., Ntelernand, of flli note, and Duncan, of Ky.- Aids to theLGoVernor. The Governor hes commissioned J, K. MCCLURE of Miitiintouni, and JAMES CLARK al Huntingdon; - an: aidir With .the _rank of Lieutenant Colonel. T4iia is a corn plmient to these gentlemen tichlymerited. The for mer is the editor of the4eniala Sentinel, and the latter, editor of the Ituntingdon Journul, both good and efficient Whig papers. The Governor has appointed Benjamin nartshorn, of Clearfield county, Inspector of Lumber for the City and countkof BEVTON A FREE-SoiLEß—The Baltimore Clipper's correspondent says that Benton re urns to his seat in the Senate with a fixed de - termination le take, up •a defence of, the Free Soil principle. From his known'"iron will" and indomitable perseverance in what lie undertakes, it is fair to presume he will at least be "a sore thorn" in the sides 'of thoiewho diffei with him in opinion. It is stud he will hate the aid of one of the hon orable Setintors from Texas. ' Picot the Ariny, briither to Sen ator Dix of New Your, died of Cholera on the 7th inst., while traveling. Maj. J. G. Miller, was pasienger with Col. Dix from N. Orleans, and' both . _ took the stage at Wheeling.. Coh Dix iitopped. at Hillsboro, ,on the CumberlunJ toad, and died in a few hOurs. Maj.- Miller proyeeiled on as far as Eirownsville',,Where he diedovithin anloor alter being,attacked with the oholero. • &Adel Vote :ter Governor. The otHeial riturns Of the several counties of the •Contrponvrealth - Avere opeced and Jena in the'Honie . ei Heniesentatives on Fri., day last, in the presence of the members at ,both Houses, as required tiy' law. The tog gregate,:vote is'as &MOTS; Wm: F,'.lo2ipson'b' 168,5122 Morrial.ongstieth, 168,N5 Scattering • „ total , vote 36 i 8-5 • - t • 1 ~ ,i • ''' ''' I, o ' ngstreth, ' i ' biting:mei rani , °Y 4 P .. . '` ' Over, all,otbers. ' '• ~ ; ...„-+.--......—,.„ ..-2 ' '' ' -', Timperence Convepuo ~ ' Stat9' ' • • ' 4 llitia - iliaLthe Carlisle gno rt aa a nto . be held at , Temper ance;n . _ d i h ff odthe : ;004' 0 111mti• * B4 ? .1 :ii iii t l . ;1,:i";1!.4tiq i,o l i P :I ill ! el e: Illi111[(1)11( HarrA-ur- , I 'r '' )'"' b Due,' • Re'it:ll , N 4i ,1it5,1., ..: • R ev : . •C p Wing, __ 'Wri!.. : j 'A i h ll 7 4l ill l l '"'i t ,' - .''''Joliti Halbert, 4111.1i11:11o.b'',,J1:a0eliikir8;°,4hfrt:":4:;,:::14: :.i .Rev. itßeili:'T.T4NYlkEHlC.°,Trierhirl°lllsl:" '' , RE?.`,l' 'lr /'°;e'P.,',''`,.l-'l.l'itpt4ii 1yz09re 1 ., 4 „ , ' LI , slaymin , , ,, .:,i+,„; zimob'Fiiler, . '''r .J: his'Ob . 4 13 10110 . ., , m,- . ., xat0,101.04-m Galla gher,n.r ,Ragil! 40 ,n,TNY,t, 1 v. ; , wpi. 'Mika, ,E 1 ell". ),., , ”tsi '-'' -11‘,114Giatiding..,, tretklif °RILII '''''''''''l'' 4 . Et Sk)let‘.. -'' •' Henry Shr° T i ,r ,, -' . eis ' 4 ' 'n4401403, ,Ditit: R Ke ller,. ,1-; ,: ' - joiiii % Tißl9rt', ' ' • 4cob Sati:eyiL.l,, c-:•-`7,HpA0 offield,, i°; ; , 4 Bilii°4P '? '' l :James Gallagher: : "John„ ..-1,qug1!!rt,„,,,,,', ~ ,.Hey.- 0 . ; 11' Tiffany, ;•0 3( th n : n .Y o i , ' '-.; '' f i ' ''Rett: - IV Bugert:' Bev. jag '4; ppm” t. '' , ''maalay,. , p Ashif..lilli,l,''' ~,, " - mot% Coffin:tut tw Hlinriati,":."„, ,' , .. , :a s' Amer ! , , Pid;'.W.,.,`,Rl2s!°M?: :''''' 119'ClikurYt. R 344111 ;” " ,_ ti , 9?,i , 1:,/, ',.;:19411:3V(11401, eq.,iPTlP,f7tl ;Itt,r;l^,7'' ilt,l'i*l Otirninani • '4llll (vti-r'Tu't;"',''''' ;.',lgiria,Siaitb .F 11 11.,,, , l'Aillititi qt/ 'Pr,tlY g:ipidl , ,„.; 2) t,hd.' 'in.A„,„ t41.,14,111}..,..- ~,, , , , , ,,,_,,: tl, . L.... '"--c-' .a'L.4elliaivaillieHUrtke,.!ng7 ~,:traii4H,„,,,4:-I ,' o f .'' 'll I‘oo4ll6,'llKiltkl'llt • '•Jt ,' t l i rt tr, a 1.2 JR, ~, r ,., ~ ,i v•' , ..,-,,.. „1, ; ,,,,, .0 , ;,.'• , OJ, ~, : t.',; 1 1 4 4,11,11 At i.„.,,,, , , 5- Aft,;,.., ` , ";t.'"1 4 ,, , [.11 , -.., ',,,, 10e w 1,10,10 r..,'R.,,, i„,t 4 „„L ' 1 i,,,1 -it,„.4att,ts,l,4.*•:, 4, ' 1' .': . ,' t, 'it;tltlltt7'.'", ' '.- ' t ', l" •,' ',', ',,-,'r.,,,::,, ~- ,'llr. '.' '' . The . V etnS Of pen.'lor ;:on, • - Retitovals Clam' The Mowing letter, giving the vieWs i of Gen. Taylor against the extension of hitiVe 'ry; and on the subject ol removali - fromof-; fice, is highly interealing.;7_4l:il-,spea-ka ---e language of the President.eiectiwe eatiottly key that we feel still prouder of having reit ded by our efforts and vote to placebirri.ln' the Executive chair. The serdi s ments are worthy of a patriot, of the best days of, the Republic, and will be so acknowledged by every hottest man ol any party. Correspondence of the Cincinnati Guam, BATON BOCCE ; DEC. 16, 1848. .have just Made a visit to the "White Flouse,h in which resides that good old man we have selected to bring about a much needed relOrm in the affairs at IVashington. I found GerMaylor not exactly in term\ but dwelling in a small house of ns humble pretentious as himself : in the garrison here. Gen. Taylor told me that he was already overwhelmed with applications for office, so much so that it occupied all his timenot necessarily devoted to business, torearlthe numetous letters many of which are long and tedious, so that it is quite out of his power to give amstters. "Besides," says the General, "I' am not yet President, and ivheit I. am, let these ap plicatieo, be made thiiough the proper dd. paritnept ; and it it is Wished to remove an inchinbent, let it be shown that he does not -answer the Jelfersunian standard for nit office holder, and that the applicant does;— for as far as is in my power, l intend that all new appointments shall be made of men honest and capable. T do not intend to re move-any man Ipm office, beeffse lie vo ted against me, for that is a freeman's privi le,e.; but such a desecrathin of office, and official patronage as some of , them have —been-gnilty-ofrio-seeure-the-eleetion-01-the master whom they served as slaves, is da grading to the character of American free ,men, and will be a good cause for removal of blend or foe. The &lives of the govern ment should be filled with Clew of all par ties; and as I 'expect to HMI many of these now fielding to be honest good men, and as the new 'appointments will of course be whigs, that t, HI bring abate this result. Al though I do Nit intend th allow an indisetim-, nate removal, 74 it grieves the to think that be recossary to ienuire a great many! to give place to better men. As to my oaf,- ipet, I 'metal that all ;al:meats and all see lions ol the country shall be represented, but NOT as some ol the papers will have it,. all parties. I anti a whig its f have always' beer tree to aekeowledge: lan I do not be hove thfise who Voted tor. ma, wish' me to ha a mere partisan President, and h shall . therefore try to be a President of the Amer ican People. As to die new territory, it is now free, arc slavely cannot exist there Without a btu. of Congress autholizing it, and taat I do net believe they will ever pass. 1 MIS opposed to the ;W(0_166601.1 of this terr.tory, as I also was 10 'ille'llegnit‘inoo of, I Willi oppose,( to the war, raid al ' thesigh by occupation a -wanior, I am a peace !nen." ripen the subject of improviag,' our great livbrs and lakes, the of that measure mar rest satisfied that they•have a friend. in President Taylor. General Taylor wil's sixty-four years old - last November. He is now hale and heady and the fell enjoyment of his natural strong intellectuallaculties. The Gold Fever. (*.Late advice from California have been received at New Orleans. The gold lever still continued, and it possible, with more excitement than ever. 'I he rtmounteal feeted, averaged I 0n.r.,)0 per illy, and was con'stahtly Mereasnig. without apparently any exhaustion or tiny limit to the supply-, There was a great deal of distress among all the !Jiggers, !or the , want 01 the common At-aces /tallies of We, and attended wikvery exten. viva sickiles and moitality; Men loaded with gold, appear like haggard vagabond's, ,Glothed in filthy and tattered garments of the . .nteanest kind. It is stated that one man, whothad two batrels of brandy, sold them out at the mines, by the wineglass, at rates which realized him Menem, thousand del. jars in gold. Eve!) , thing, and particblarlY, .articles of food and raiment, were at most unheniti of prices, for gold was so plenty an d in the possession of every one,, that it seem. ;ed to have lost its value. Daily additions -were made to the number employed ill dig .ging, though as yet tie portion at fhe vast flood of emigration hem the 'United States, hml atrived. The fiat arrival of provtaions, •and other supplies, will no doubt realize larger profits than any proyinus.insurnee thin 'can lotnni in the annutwor trade. • Lertsiuttce ConimitpeOß 'The, several•most important committees of the House of Representatives are composed follows: Wawa and Aleans.—:l L esTtrg.. Coopor, erts, Robb; Unlit:lntl:leh. Biddle, IWCairoont, Stubbs, Nieltleson and Gillespie. Judiciary.—Messrs. Little, Smith, Laird, Eshleman, NlTalmont, Sehottnover, Cornyn, Friel: and Fuller. , Election llisiriets.—Mesars. Elliott, EMI, Kirk", Hower, Gißse, Ruthe r ford and 'Wert. Banks.—Messrs. Laird, Swartzn•elder, Ro berts, N. Thi.rn, laielienbaeli",•Pearce Corporations.--Mosis. Pearce, Bull, Marx, 41'Cullach, Bulls , Sulloonover, Dun ...pan and Porter. 297 225 Mr. Rilitl9y, of Cumberland : we observe ,`.bas ji 'pinup .in iliitConrririttee . on Pqnsioni, , 1•1 r P.arid'Gra i luktes,.9nd in Thai of — Vbie , ti• - • !. Lainberton• line been .very :appropriately pa' the Cornmittea on .Itords'qn&Triclge. 0 Perkins in want .of a goad applY • 9tt7tf:atzt . V4awa,- - -rse - ,lJtJe'e, 01 the.Lo 7ville.j9nynali on jlaper, of immense itiMuletiOtt sand -inn tionee -sayit:Jfiaulho piestion will not embarrass the. tid, :)..o3inisiolion,of general Taylor in the lertst Ilirtt the , settleatent belongs 'not .- PritSP .ilex t-eri'd r h a Cabiirtit, buffe r . gatiiretaitiiliiii " to iiitirtu:tlil:ittatie 'itssettletnitiii=;Will; be !eh. samtkartiole, deprepatee, in,Strong term ns, the•errest of. th 'by • the'EkOutfie` ii•htahrv;i3ui'd result:hi ttie most terrible'ar;tidttiou 'of .;;ual liOetilittes between. the North, andl. South. ;I'n E pro..or. ADMlNtsiaaTiosTlioNatiottl, Intelligeneer stales that • the', Pt esident i 4114 . , Jnitot S , tu es, requesting :• them. to meet in: of , of.Ahs, • 0 age;;krr BEEI NM . 0 P P 111 !!! 11 ,-0 „ ftet i iresniP:9.,!; ( 141 .liter lurnishei , tbp'following istsktomeni of ,theryeralocqynationir'o'ftfiii --- inernbera of be„glate I.cgtefature; Lnwpeis - 7 arriters :Merehtima ; ' S• Printers • litngineer • Hatter e; Cabinet M ker :• 1' carilenier Gentleman - Manufacturer Drover - 1 Iron Founder LOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES Lawyers l6 Confectioner 1 Farmers 38 Grainmeasurer. 1 MercSiahts 1! Manufacturer 1 Printers , 6 liikeep . er " 1 Doctors 4 liutclier 1 Surveyors 4 Hatter 1 Cabinet Makers 3 Currier 1 Iron Masters 2 Lumberman 1 Carpenters 2 School Teicher 1 Watchnialrer 1 Gentlemen 1 Tanner ' .:1 'tinsmith 1 Tailor - .- 1 -- THE Wlipl A I.II,INAC.—We are indebted to the • publishers, GItKELY & MiEtnsTif for a copy of their Whig - Alinanac for 1849. It is handsomely got up, with a likeness of the President elect on the cover, and contains the official returr.s (Attie Presidential elSo lion in all the fitates - ; Congress, District Elec- ' lions; Lists of the thirtieth and' thirty-first Congress; Executive,•Jediciary, War and Navy _departments, and a lurid of politic'sl and statistical matter, which can be obtained in no other. form. It is a work that - shobld be in every house in the country--and eve -Ty'Oltifittroriilirliii-Aro—a copy. Siiigle copies 121 ets; 12 copies for $1 or 100 for $7, We advise ourArrends to swirl on to the publish-. ers for a dozen copies as the Almanac may be forwarded _by mail. Address Greely & Bl'Elrath, N.Y. • . • , . KrTIIE AMERICAN METROPOLITAN MAC vzint: is the, title of a new and beautiful monthly . issued in New York; It is edited by William Landing, and published by Israel Post, lorincrly of the Ladies' Union Maga zine. The publisher assures us in a private note there is sufficient capital invested in it to sustain the Metropolitan and make it the very best Magazine published in the country. The initial nuniber contains two splendid Mezzotints, anal several tine wood engravir.l4,l. contributors com prises some of the beet writers in the coml. it Y. We 110;1,14 recommend the new; en terprise to public favor.—Terms 0 per an = num, or two copies lot 813. Address Israel Post, 259 Broadway, New, York: • Iterns. Mr. and Mrs. Randall, the celebrated -Scotch grant and giamesti, have recently had, a son born to them, at their tesittence, neat' Mineral Point, Wisconsin, wlnAe weight at three gays old was twenty Iwo pounds. The approach of the Millenium is n topic which it is Said occupies a large share of public attention to England, Ireland and Scat -land, especially among religiousiteopie The pulpit and the press are devoting mud; attention to it. The first coffee-house opened in England, was kept by a barber, who thereupon was presented by 11113 inquest of St. Dunstan's in the west, for making and selling a hymn culled cones, as a great nuisance, and pre judicial to the neigl l bmhood. The Sandwich Island Missionaries have united i i an elaborate vindication of their conduct against the charges of Mr, Ten F.) ok, U. S. Continissioner at Honolulu, which ap. pears in Itliesionary Herald lot this month. They show that his occasional letters dis paraging their Jabots, and depreciating the moral condition of the Islanders, are grossly unjust. I'he Philadelphia papers of Ifednesday, giire a thrilling account of a scene that hap', petted on the ice, on Fairmount Dam. A large number- of people, some GO or 70, were on the ice looking at alit' skaters ; when the ice separated in large cakes, baring them from th.e.shom, and Lurrying those on !Item toward She diem. Two girls- and a young man went over—the 'dam, and were rescued by Mr. King, The remainder all got a- very disagreeable cold bath, but there were no lives lost, The excitement was terrible. • . . • A live Turk, dreseed in native mistime, and presenting ! yid' his :ietivy llowifig beard and unburied head,, a vary singular spectacle ifinde his appeai mice in the gallery 'ol the U. N. ticulse of liepreseniatives on Monday. ri is business is in wittiess the manner which A mericinis transact their public affairs um 4 to leant the b . eeret,ol our prosperity in our political institutions. • Fire broke out in the Post Office de- !liniment at IVashinglon on' Monday; which consumed several offictal records. The firo was put elY"ticcidetitul ul course. No damage done to the building. The %Vashington correspondent of the ,N. York Courier says a plan is on tool by Cal houn:and his followers to estalblish a South ern Cog/Walley, with Atalanta, Georgia as its Capital. • Whig llayers -- haverheen 4 efected in Pitts burg and Allegheny, • The Pottsville Jourithl says that. ( ter .Dan. villa two furnaces have gone into blast, be cause t ie a rums gave nnbietto workat greatly reduced wages—so low thut)the pro prietors have been induced to avail them selves of the capital invested, and Make' all eflort,to compete with the. Foreign Menefee tunnel' oh hon. In many insunipee, eur In formant ltoiir Dour illu states, that men . of fered to work for but little more , than their brii.rd i but could not obtain employment.. A. novel exhibition was , presented Bos ton, on Monday. lieu Driest:l4oi made lihi _appe7tranre in au, slegunt , sleigh with his pet tiger r a buna-fule lour.legged tiger by his side. he seemed to enjoy the aleiging high ly and leaned upon!his-inaster, licking his fare and sbowlng other signs of exciterneiti% . — Dr:lteesco . cf 'blew, York - says ' that on' the WeiferiittiriPeditl*o of. chola - is:ever cateniietl)iiFoid'we_aih'er. The providence._ ',of it 111,IliiiiStit; and: alter paid/11 Europe, lh Wititer,ho ; atitibuteti to , , the mass ' living`;.in , Aleut, Tutly‘sinder gainful, eating, and sleep "iiiwund eclokitig inosity hi' the . sarrelboivi It *Cu r ien yeriaerelf.;Gcl Vern .merit - eni I Vasitington7iiiioe.eeilled despatehes front 611 i font isit ; later . en ilthnaa ^ nlre ads. PUblished. which, inure thin ~Contirurforrrier accouhtet4the.rictiness.cilthe•tpold ,, llliao4:. ktileed it ittassertell thii - extraVapiroa et the Ititii,tontge:?iiseil the despatches t thr. Troth . the public: :fi'" :Hari isbutatori!th4,4lth insta 'riViiiid m ietiolved,) t h old . the , gate can krOjiti: hi ate ,;a, Canal`'' ih'i Ail' Of 1A13 , i.10t,;;./ , N . , There were li i 4hr"o Babbatha iii the, year 184¢ .^lt the hundred jeers lt"om-114 et4 Fa? 1` 1 0E 03 NRUZ4a VOTE: . .. . .., .. ' ' • - - '"-:"."(aiiiMiiri; j' .:, '" • , „.,4GOREGATE VOTE. ',-: ... f ...Taylor, Case V. Bare Maine I •'•''' -4, 1 25 ' 39,880 12,096 N. Hannilshirit! f 4,781 27.763 . 7,560 Vermont: 1.- ', ' -23022 10,998 13,837 MassaMMsette; 61,070 x 35,281 38,058 ' Conneetietft: ; -:' 30,819 27 . 096 5,005 ithodeAtilami ' . 6;779 New Jefser, I' 40,015 36,994 814 Delaware 6,921 5.898 ' 80 New York ~ 218.603 114.318 120,510 PenosyliTnia 185,513 171:17'6' 11,263 Maryland 37,702 34.528 .125 Ohio 138,360 154,775 35,354 N. Carolina 43.519 34.869 85 Georgia 47.544 44.802 Alabama 30,482 31',363 Tennessee 64,705 58.419 Kentucky 67,141 49,720 Illinois . 53017 53 300 Virginia 45.L24 46;588" Mississippi 25,922 26,537 Indiana 69.907 74,745 Arkansas .7,588' 9,300 Missouri 32,674 . 40,077 M id' igun 23940 30:687 Wisconsin 13 ; 747 15,001 lowa • . 10,557 12.051 Lonisiaiiir 18,217 ' 15,370 Texas 3 : 770 8,765 Florida... 4,539 . 3.238 32 .1 1 1 Total '1 1 3 . 60152 1219,962 Taylor's . plurality over CHFIi is Taylor - less. that: Cass and Van . Brirett The Electoral vote in t , he Free States and Slave States, is as follows. Tu:s Jar, Cass, Taylor niaj. Flee States., , 97 7`2 26 Slaves Stares, 66 55 11. Tole, 163 127 2 . 36 The'popolorvote of Free mill Sieve Slates. - Tifyiorr eng§, Fifteen slave-holding 5ate5.435,3 , 5 409 : 560 Fliteen hee Shoes 625,40 810,560 Total, 1,31;0.725 I Tayleiestnainrify in stave Smies " " in lee States , Total; 140,790 Th., irhore table has 'teen rerrpeted from the 11'Irig Alitiiiriae, anti is believed to be .strictlyroneet. • Homely Mui.nEit,--711e Ilarrisburg lafclli geucer; contains an affidavit, matte' before 'Squire Snider, by Ills. limit Hannah Seel— who with het hitsband, linsiy,Snel, resided at the Cove in Pertly county, about sLv.- ov 'sight miles ;Abov e 11.iiiisbarg- 7 charging,' Georgellen with muiderilig Mgr. husband on the 22.1 el December last. The parties were sawing wood at. the Mtiise when some difficulty in i•-ditg between Dille:, went into his bruise and getting his gun . : t hot Soel through ,ffie !sect, trilling him Minos( instantly, His body ;cm:killed - in the lthuse'smnit days wden it was boded by Iliss neighbors, and in the meats time Dillon had ericunol. Intelligent:at says the clic Ulll. stances, true are rather surprising, and it will astonish many that a deed oh thisi - kind should be committedi at tl remain so lung _ undiscovered. The Eddy Estuilly. This talented and welt known Family, composed of a brother add two sisters, under the direction of I,M. Cuolidge,, will give a- Concert this evening, at Education Hall.. We:.ce by our exchanges drat their Concerts /give genera/ .tini i dactimi ,wheicover they haVe performed. 'Their Cunt:art in York on Mon. day :veiling, was intended. by one oft e ( . largest and most lashinnatile audiences e v .v -ast•enibled in that hoion!di. They will eifig a number of flew pieces not nientioaed fit the .Progratoffic.. LE UNPREJUDI( El).--Lei no foolish persons he 1,0 plejudic, rl age Int-A this bow !t n y celebrated medicine as to (it sp te :Lis at:%iet , It it be used immediatelv flu p.m Le t g lel!, ao. 1111/Ititr where it may lie, e he:Ll r nt ire brad o r lout, Whither it be iu the bad: or abdomen, wheiher'grising from external or internal cause; use the Brituareiles end n ly_ upon it, that the pain will go, the body u 111 Le It:stored t‘i health as soon as nature has te,eived sufileieut assistance from their effect. The quantity _ .. 9+1 impure humors discharged from the body by the action of ilie firaidireth's Pills, is replaced in the Cl,llll-e of a hew hems with new and pure bh etl,.by the digestion of a moderate meal. By 'n gitte,the Ltdy with this medieibe thew hole mute ul 1.1,0 d I..ccoutes et.- 61 tirelv purified. end rdgeperat,cd.. That the blued is The Isle of i.e; I oily, 1 e sante is undisputed, therefole I dial! ,ity that it - being the seat of it.utust also he the sent of ,disease. If disease be in the blood, we should abstract the disimse only not the blood. It is , lie impurities a Well must be removed by pur gation to secure our health, in let:talcs of the weather, in all siitititioLs,ard iu all clin.rucs.— But it is nut capable to eflect its own purification at all times, to do this it must Mien hay, tscce. When the blood is 'prided with impuri ties, especially in his climate, the corn cquen ace may lie fatal provided the blend is not puri fied at once and this is t sure to. Le affected if Brawireth's Pillb ere used, Forsale by,CHAS. IVARNITZ. A PLAIN STATENIENT.--THOtopSON'S „Cron round Syrup of l'Or-and ral - dfelne the Invention of a mun hilio.travo the sub ject of Pultusnary, Bronchia and, pectoral Diseases the most rigid examination, has hoor.beeti betbro the tour four yours. 1./uringilds period It pas • performed some of the mosereittorknhte cures on re cord of Phlmonary Consumption—secured the roc emendation and use of Ph‘;steinns In their. oCuctice, and tho wart - nest aporoab of-thousand of persona In ordinary and severe colds, coughs, in hourbness, spitting blimp, • Certificates of wonderfhl power bars been giv en In some instances, and sworn to no true. by per sons. wits ill any time, will give verbal verifications of their cnnients.. . . . , But. beware of imitations, and timelines Thomp son's Compound Syrup of Tor' from mond but a iver- Heed agents. or:of those above the suspicion of deal ing In counterfeits. ' , regaled and sold by ANCIVEY & ricicsoN, N. corner of rim] and Spruce street's. Sold by'J. & W. B. FLEATlNTlvearilelo. Price 50 sad et per bottle. • *COLD FEET flte on . evidence Abut not blond Is lu encnlecred with morbid buten'', which not only ten der the cirtulitina sluggish it nd, ottequal,but prevents a proper supply of the vital fluld'in the extremitles.:— Hence cnldusss of the hands and" feeli. nonoluPollied' with headache, giddliicse,pillindabyMalter umileasunt complaints. • . Wrlght.eindian Vegetible are nee of the best ' lireyenintives in thuhveriti ago insi - cold feet, beetiuee ' • .they not only eleense, the blond frem.thoseimporii les, ; tv bleb ore the muse, Put they impurt no energy In ills , eireizinticio which 'eurtles..ll with, vigor .to ej'ery"part , Kneewniu'ordonntetifeiis 0W111161101,0'. her Om ibo 0040E11'01d niiiy hemline Intlinn.Veyete. , hte :Pills ,huso, (he written; slynniure of Wniaurp topiabet ef,ieeb boa, , • • The humane to thr'sale,by'PllAßLES;,ooll.llT; , ; ,- ,:- %linie anent for Carlisle, nii . emierel'enentfor,Cottober. • hod'ont!lity, by whom, country '.!lealeni `piled at • Rev in . A j t o i c c al ltli o n c ß ib r.i ul p it; i o , t ik i ', 1x 14 :1 e E . 1:7,,t,14 ,, i.ll t . ,:„i f t wif , ,, a t ,! n o e . c ,... ' 2 . Z . ds ; 4 11: i : Iiil h ir i rEY: 1,`, !4 1 715iiil,(,' 4 , .., .' same, 3t1r....,Wm• 04 : X 111 )10T , 0 . ~. 1T,,,.: , . , : ' o ' -••• 001:1DICHAI!i both Of,„Mcm.l'9.llL'erzp;ii.:•.s,•,,ikiii•f•;.?,:.,. ..' ` chl - NtleZtaT ivi l ll P2,,t b lit u ti.; `boat of itt)ftptlett , :', )3AAng 11$ M i ce *r`...- '' "'". .•'4l;:iil;l46l\r. A. J•I. HiPtrf 6 . - r; •$:"; 1. :.• :Qn3hp, Alio 1 ."", 7'.' p•Nite'it, Poplilidr.o,,, 'tq'" '': Mr. 36NAT01.111:1"flits'%,:'41ipriiittowneliii)01,11i0 ,—, Mise , Mo l , l Y, l " ,l 4°-, ~. ~ ;., f, , .',.. - ':,, , ,,,0 , , •-!-,4= '. ,',..' i..r' , ~- ~? ~:.,.',',,,;4, L 4 .,.. 0 ,„,‘-',• - i," 'o'i' , , kr'• Still - day inorninforecit.. i 4 7. ' ,:iti t i li:l, 4 7 , t E , Sti n '/;D' i l m b v ,l s ift .r ig 4,2. tr i 4 e i t i d ); ,6 l -:, i l eo n nh c rtk a s .s ,,,,sB l;_t em ,' o — O cien., :h ip i c i,i',. t : r. ; il44' . •l s, •titlYs i ,:ollY, 01 " ••Q '• .:•. i ..... • ~,, p, 1t ,, ; , `'.. I `-! :-l ladeltilitelformorios.Parilkiei K.V1,q'''i4J,.9,1,4% .. ''- it - ~ 'e.,,,J ;,;.,..- ''-'- ' ' '.---'.' ''' ' --"' ' 15,774 8.100 10.389 10,418 1,126 '29 140,790 1 ( ).!162 .Q 43 EWE