Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 27, 1848, Image 4

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A it , v It 'l4
1 1 0, - .1 err ,T ; •
t ,i Xniln.qpia . innul in linen on'elenir,; •
f•••••,,,. •
i „ 4; ; • - - S.
-••••,.•• ••A dclachtlotitg lay -Aprflrt:
Oily. In nil 01r0:' I , T
•; hialllniltl , ifirui'..ow•dainrs..rmrn'lo
•"' yrinlifa'grin'A'.;;nl4!tria why ;Jim.
• .
nrnnAnni . l: C' ringe '
lr 4 1 V 010•Innnz.gnin..;
Pla ge gleams " 11111•••0'
i • ( "f
And Itiglinnrnairnininflinil fire.
0 r rlll anti 11,ile, enedepi•ri
•ninti.Oure'en',linwnlks; limy■ i ' l:l
an eilogry mop . . ihn t ninnip of Ciotti
tiKayies TAtt'itts.—Y ntii experience at lrast
telk you thai plac,ll—that the time wltieh is
past, tvilea,ytm I. , tik hark to it, ;wears es If
it were !milting; uud you quay 'where horn
this, 'that o
mime asviskly t ;tad onpoar little, and
as Uinirt r mthy' 16 be sintered to tempt you
away f'ro'm eternity by its pleasures, which
ate but for aseasun, as the perical of your,
life that, is alivady gone. • 'The very tfiNi
ment of your final farewell, if you are
'mot previously cut short by 'death: which
is possible thing, that moment will
''come, and old age will come, and the dy'il
in bed will come, and the last look you
shall ever cast. upon your relations • will
come: and the agoritof the parting breath
will come, and - the time that you ‘vill4iie,
stretched a lifeless corpse-before Eke „eves
of your vepirig relations will come, and
the coffin that is to enclose you will come,
t and that hour'when the company assem
bles to carry you to tire churchyard will
cope, and ,that moment when you are
rmiliheolthe-graire: will - come, mid the
throwing in
. 91" the earth uPon it, all—all
will coins on every • living creature who
now hears me. And inn few little years
the minister who now addresses you, and
.each - one who now listens, will be car-
rigid to their long home; now all this will
come: Yes,' - and the day of reckoning
will comil . and the appearance of the Sod
of God in _heaven, and. his
.1 - loty . angels
around him will come; and the opining
of the books will come, and the, appear
ance of every one of Too before the judg
ment seat wilt - come; and the solemn pas
sing olthe - sentence which is lo fix you
for eternity will come, and if you refuse
to be reconciled to God in the name of
Christ, now that he is beseeching _you
to repent,, and if you refuse to turn front
the evii-of- you r-waysrand -to 'do - and - to
be what your Savour requires -you to be
and to 'do, r Must tell yOu what the sen
tence is.—Depart from me, ye cursed,
into everlasting tire; prepared for the dev
il and his angels." Dr. Chalmers.
your Mind with a reverence- for -all that
is sacred. Let no. wantonness of youth . -
fa! spirits, no compliance with the intem
perate mirth of others, ever betray you
into profane ,sallies. •Besides the,guilt
thereby incurred, nothing gives' a more
odious appearance of petulance to. youth,
than the reflection' of treating religion
with levity; 'fasten(' of being an evi
dence of superior understanding, it dis
coxers,.n prrt and shallow mind, which,
vairinthe first sinatteringecrfknowledge:
`presumes to make light of what the rest
of mankind revere. At the same time ,
you are eat to imagine chat when exhor
ted to be religious, you are called upon
to be mOre formal and solemn in your
manners, than Others of the same years,
or, to erect.-,yourselves into supercilious
reproverrof th,osearoantl. Tne spirit of
true religion breathes gentleness and
kindness. It is'soCial, kind, cheerful—
far removed from the gloom and illiberal
superstition-which clouds the brow, shar
pens the / Jewel., dejects the spirit, and
teaches men to fit themselves Tor another
world, by neglecting the concerns or this.
Let youerelig,ion.• on. tbecontrary f eorv:,
nett preparation fortleaven with an ho'n
orable discharge of the clutieskolaCti.ve_.
life. Of such religion, discover:on every
proper otvfisfun.that you.are nokaShonred;
but avoid making any unnecessary osten
tation of it before the world.
THANK Go o reireyelua R.rusox.:--An in
dividual, vilio was„accosted by a stran
ger with the question, "Did you ever
thank God for tlub,us'etfif lota reason?"—
"No," was the reply„: never thought
of doing it." \V elf do it quickly,", re
joined :the strainger;‘!. "for I have lost,
For years alder .roading , the. no
count,of the.above occurrence; we, have
no recollection: af 'ever,keeditig;dit,pritYor
withOut;4enderitig„ r diStingt.,ati.l:expritss
thitrikS to the father oNnercies forthe con.
tinupd tiogsesion Of Os Inestimable bles s
ttuitster iii 'Top ,stipp ; 14 ,1?0, ac
costed 'World on
which hope never dawns, with:olo4les
tion;"Did you.ever rendersitifahlinlitinks
to God, that you are not all'that I and"
what would, be your replY? And with
whar feelings, as you shqUld subsequent
ly "bow the knee - .to th@ l'ather of our
Lord Jesus Christ," wOhld you express.
the grateful
. re'membratice , of the fact, that
you' aro not. lost? .
Tutiv ARE arm. viiTii vs.—We lute
to connect together I , he• living and the
dead; and to hold them still as one fam
ily, and feel that loTed ones, removed
from our stghtare still, in our hearts - ..:....."
We love t?,, , sit - dmyrioithe twilight's
, hour, add i call pp'thVovedlorms of the
early departed, and retrace with them the
paths weonce trod together.) We then
leave the 6.
resent, and live ag in the past.
Old famil ar faces flit befor , the eye—
old loved vloices fall on the y a ir, and warm
_reetiogs-oHtt-ainli i s us, as in
tappier days. "Wroe again amid ,pl 4
scoetii andqaptklenticzt , thehknked. - 1 , 1 NI
iiilct ViiS l 6 lo ql,t B Agg t eclll'ili'Ar9gnil a
even t eigrave,Kfepa t emimottibaelpa--.
,They oinettft bright siv Irlenl etude
oC,farjyol4o,9d, A o ,4lqAjmnithei,inipres.,
aion,ot Avompidodi,influehoes,"Whieltrbith
!itila e ll e t,a4t', ll l /M i l i tir k l i ! i Yo 4 ' . 1 ,111 , ti:7,
: X MP Yibtv , Ys whisper d inf those sweeti
tc, f ieg e witioh we cni etiverforrati'apitir
imltirejt OthiiiKilkblf mg. in, Vikti 1 4
,eir r Pieol , i '9liiere:,‘l l 44lAce; ‘ylliah 40;
10 7 0 toi *- i sit cillatter. teari bede*st•der
° l eek 1!4" ( 1 1 , 11 / fy h iO tt iiV it i iif Oitl:i*"4:
Wk , iltrifilr filithrhAiißtpry, oveil 46
giumithaLdeaiNflYfirn 4 l*tel l 9, i helir,
-, A EI 6 0 , ... k 1 Ikkkil
___ _i
x..' -
that livontotus6 , And dsd
u nee die-;ii,ktli:iliOn ,'h.6!)(rPtlAll,wolltd
be:l6st of 'die elei li y' and gen tie'. re
straipt which ;sp,s!j,is:alits, ns way ward , asbur4,
could not allow id 'be , biokOi• "'.
_ .fz=
111gW SPRING - And su
, nmwqoODS
refiE'tiiit;eic4C'r'iltirjtiiit ' .. ( 4i;413 and fa
now opening at his store, on the-Squth
went corner el the ruldic Squure 4 an uniisc..
a Ily cheap Stock of -itiasonahle goods,srueli pa
Clutha, Caattioncren, VenCings,pahas,Stilta,
lininhaZillOP, LIIWIIA, Gillkllo M., . .atnliric,J ac.
toilet, Al cii,S wins., Bmk and nth descriptions
rt' fine white Alm:dins, Checks, 'Finial - Igs
(;loves, Hosiery, &c- .
A large stoci CSLiNS, white and un.
bleached. from 1-4 to 1-4 in breadth, and from
4 cent• per card up in price.
A splendid stock of C ALCOES at prices
Varying. ISA eta.
Aisn, a (Ash stock of the.
_which he has Neely introduced r and which are
found toile hyall that have .tried 'heat ; the
most captio/1(.41 and desirable:ll-tide onevery,
reaper:l.'oli in nue, Alio the
The Pekin e'ostspaiars 'rea s.
fie has been appointed Role ;igen thisplace
for thb . dale of the a hnve-'l'eas, to which he
would invitethe speeial attention of the love
of good Tuns.- The manlier in which they are
pdt up is such, as Oita the devour is prrse•vcd
for any length of time, being 'Denser, in lend
or tin foil, * Families edn he supplied w
any quatititf put up in this manner.
llie4.tiblic is respectftlily invited and
examine hisstock before purchaqing elsewhere
inns - ritual as he fuela confident thathis variety
and prittee will be satisfactory to norehakers.
eprl ROBERT- IRVINE. jr.
•- --•
& COLLIER & 11110111ERS, beg
el • It aye to inform Lite citizens of Cumberland
and adjoining comities, that they have just open
ed an extensive VARIETY' tiff/lir. iu Norih
Ilanover- street, in the building lately occupied
by Mr. Ilanich,between-Haverstick and Lyon's
stores, where ;they will ho happy to receive the
calls of all wiihing articles in their fine. They
will nt all 'Mies keep on hand a well selected
assortment of Colored Prints. (French. English
and American) domestic and foreign Pei - fluttery,
'meat m
t Nledicines. ebracing nearly every de
.... .
union; and in 'fact' a little of _every thing usu
ally kept in an extensive variety store.
They are the exclusive rigents for the sale of
Dr. Tiaphngen's celelumed . Pit . Mixture,
and his lialsnmic Extract of .Stirsaparillat Dr.
Green's celebrnted OXygenated Enters. firr Dys
persin and Plithysie. They are also the exclu
sive ngents for this county of the NEW Yone
C NTIN TEA Comex xv, and will keep eon.
tautly on bond a largo ammly_af .their superior
In'conclusion they beg lenve to saw, that they
are determined to sell nt very'small profits for
CA su. nud invite all wishing bargains to give
them a call. Orders front country merchants
supplied upon the most reasonnble terms..
Carlisle. mnvi
T • IIE subqcribers having purchlised the right
ot - Cuelberlatid county Mr- making Crow
ell's ,Patent Thermometer Churn, they would
respectful y inform the Partners and public in
gemirtil, that they will make and yfler for sale
their. Churns nt the Cabinet Ware-won) of Geo.
Bpameer, in' N. Hanover street, next dour to
the oilicti.of D. Smith, Eery.
The principal.adv.intage this ('horn hag over
all others ii, that it is•so constructed that the
can he taken oIT So us to give tree access to the
inside of the churn, which molten it convenient
to put in the cream nod get out the butter.
Thermometer is attached to the end of the
Churn so as to show the exact temperature of
the eream, which..experience shows should Le
tin degrees to make good Butter. A chamber or
space is nrranged around the bottom of the
churn, for the purpose of admitting cold or warm
warier, so as\ to bring the cream to the desired
' temperature without 1111Xittg, the water with the
cream. The secret in elturniog blnter is, to
have your eream at the proper temperature ; ih
will produce more and better Lotter, and take
less time in churning ; it churns equally well in
cold or warm weather—no such illing.its having
scnlded butler. All that is necessary to quake
good hurter all seasons of the year, is to get One
of Crowell's Patent Thermometer Churns.—
We would most respe'rtlully invite the public to
call mid examine fur themselves.
(:1.30 SP.INCLER,
Mr. Gen. Spanler—Sir: lye hnve been tieing
the Thermometer Churn 1. got 'of you for smite
time, had find it fur superior to the old harrel
churn for several rencons; first. firm; saving of
dine in getting hurter . the a verage n of churn
ing about fifteen minutes, (dlleyern hers); sec
ondly; the Muter whetl Mutinied is much fiver
than when using tiny other churn ; finally, my
folks any they would not exchange it for any
other churn and twice the original cost of the
Thermometer Churn
Sep. '2B, 1848.]
Mr. Geo. Spangler-16;1yr had the Crowell
Thermometer Churn you made for me in use
at my place, and I do not hesitate to say that no
Farmer should be Without it. Fifteen minutes
.is all the time required to peke Butter, and the
value of this saving of time and Inlair consists in
this, that it requires no more time at any one
season than another; and that the temperature
of the cream - necesitnry 'to make brffr, is pro
duced with certainty, and without the admixture
of warm Or cold water with4lie cream
FRE:D'K IVA T TS. t"i-
Carlisle, Aug. 170848.
. Per the benefit of thmbotter part.tif man
man) I give .t 1 ,cerlificate.wAfter using the
Thermometer Chhrn made by Mr. Spongier of
this place, I would have none other in my fruni.
Ty.. We have been using the old barrel churn
for thirty years,pasti; and It inust - ,sny Wig not tb
be coMpored CroWell's Thermometer Mom.
either for. speed of churning or convenience; int
the old barrel churn it took genera lly limn feel : .
'to eij ltohrs - torelitirn the now in the
Thertnometer Churn we can - churn Muter. in
. to twenty Minutes, by y brining the
theme to the proper temperatUre. I eon recom
mend it to the public us no
Carlislo,t'Sep. 40845., , ,
GEORGE SPA NGI:ER, hen 'hrso•ori hand,
e :
end will' menufnernre to' Ordei CA'BINE'r•
WARE or 'dyers description. sheh,e,,floreensi
Seereterirs,-Sofrni, "Pithlefi
articles in his line, and will sell tis.qhenp - as nen
he hongln iliqconrnyiendN#l9l
his Firrnifin'ti'of 3 gond runferlel end duimble'work
menshirw; • Ijo Non Id, Unite the piiblje to' 'nol'll'lll
examine his sreek.before tnirellusing
=4-o ClFFlN , E=nitidO•afilieadiCTrinift nrityCii;
mndeinte,, •
ijiTOKLES;. PRESERVEp - ;30(, ,fooolved
'arid opened" by the tpreleryear
G ingerfOnd 'A mil tVgin 9g°:
Lobsters,' Gherkhis,
I ilf t
fkR9 tpigfd.Fropeh ustard,.lifh 0 1 411 . P 9 Tartielscaf . fcridle at ,
, . .
... ~ ..” z- dow Arit va 1,n4,0.t.,, 4 ,
: i .), :1.1
4 : 414 11Elltilititirifierilitii , oNt reept.vpstiront hal,..
adolphia; a "fresh - pop* itt:Piggo, [ -Ittvdiciocef.
DYe-altaro;' PorriiillOY.: ForteY"'Articleo..,4c.-. 7
'Our stook i Will
o noorgo tintt&tmfilbtiO,'lTACioi.:lo4,
nro•detorminOd, not to tiAtinlifietiltrat6 ,toiell, of
the, lo.Wootiooth r:l4oHavvilerliitii thelittehtlkoh .01'
"'coun t r y' me tdi t tritiebhjiiciatiol'Aild.foilOis:'ZO;
tokitolill(o3iflgbilibilitd priocebOfore:puichnomg
!elkowlielf6- 45 :-7;: - .'31. 4
~ V i W° 7- :q•1.:A: - .... , ..:c F:°! ,l i?T',.,°c: lijtYt'PlIII.;, 11 111 11 . 4!
„_,O: i . I' ,l. :•i:g".` tik34 5 1. ~4;' .-' ,
' ' 1,41: .. ..m.-1, rgolnlirAtat , 4 , 0 , 1 , 4 1 „rrtr0fV ,. .p14.0,0 1
, VI, TAY„%,,,,U.O9AAVRafitnqr.q,,.I,3O,4IyINFUI trgings',
I ,olsi)inii - tvry.nperTh Inrorm . ..tpo It oklio, thotghiftt.
Oid.Pitelingi;:oGikTlin9r44l' Cointhiwde nd e,o il f
:Pe Lneld,:oiv:.lllci.see9ng4,ond.fopyt h'WolidifYillg 1
e iiph. month; ' at. ; *Ails "littiftliAlWfftionolevii lk ,
;th!sina'9 Flvith -R P id ii •91041fil,Pi!---.OLPA'*
.filai f.6 .T e .P,9l:s9M , Af.3 - * 'Ale' 0 0, Ttr
i i - ,:iliti p+'',...,-,i . '.,.t f t,!. , ,, i , A t,. , ,; . .
- :;'l,VW'',e+ t : •:e,'...'
T rin e; r o p n r s le o t r o e r r s ,i b r a . v u e on sp t e ir nt s ilti lime
~ ,,, ( - .7 . - in b
/7 7 j.
ftooniritszroesye4t.stit,ii,,,es ti f
i f t n I P e i
r s
I f i a e c i I d them i n e • l n i n t
the h d e m :s t t P i c t M e a n t e " „ p •
ro p c o o r ni tii m mly w t e o d s . ti t i t t n i? l ,, t i: t a l d ic o i r r t va it ri e o x u:: t o l r , m t s o t i h h e ci d r isLi i s c e r s n f n o d r w c h u i r c o h it
I i Rents alio wish ft assktx noon Medicine are invited to give it a trial, and satlefy
,f themselves of its superiority, and the invaluable property it possesses of arresting
I and during disease. The bottle has been enlarged to hold 01 , 14 .QUART , and. in in!
f t
i ' , 1 , 1 present improved form may safely claim to be the BEST and CIIEATEST Medicine of
,i the ago. Its progress to the fame it has attained maybe traced by a long line of facts
, t and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the way to
ill the haven of health.
il The following is frombel.H. 0 Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive
1 acquaintance in the nouthern tunes, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada:
': „Messrs. A. II a: D. Simbs:— ______lreitLYork, jantiary 7,11148 _
GlevrrEsikv, - - - Ifirvihrused;iiiTclisitiessed the directs of 5 our excellent preparation
il l of S Lira 11 141,11.
ile o r x eLi , t , p H e n rs . ciAs e
x i%; , tai t io i n s
el rairts or p tt
much 1 elaesuSroeut i h n er s uo ri u g nlT4,
I v i l g s v,
1 .. opinion entertained of its great m0(11(.1111 v:lite In my own case it acted almost
like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in
I( i 1 il l th . t s i n: Fl . Lo r st s a m axs . a r b i lLm i a s n l i t i l e g r ti o l a y t a tn .. ! T c o i , i , :3 ~...1 , ,it,.1nutn...
extensively use d the 1J States army
il in Alcamo, and my cousin, GEN, ZACHARY TAYLOR, has for the past Ave >ears
11 1 . been in the habit of using it, and•rodbmmends the same ,• he and myself adopted the
.1 1 article at the same time, and It is now considered an almost indispensable requisite
1 41 1 d i l i r t i n th i a army . i nconclusion
anriii t l ti w n iii t i i t le ay ai ta r t u tl t ie bettehi t t u i e s s k w rui l v l in m t a h k e e ir t o g re en tla
Tl, 4'
,known throughi • mt the length and breadth of our " t i tiVol v y-extended country.
l l 1 1
1 '
II 1 Yours very respectfully, S. 0 TAYLOR,
1J S. Consul to New• Granada.
Ar .
„ .
. 1 . ' Southport, Conn., January 1, INS.
: M essrs . auras t.Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to inform , you
II .I! of the remarkable cure effected by year Sarsaparilla in the ease of my wife. She
g 1 0 II was severely afflicted with the Strofula on'different parts of the body.; the glands f‘i
iil , . t h e neck were gteatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffering over a
"I I y e car, , and finding no relieffroArotrhpeliyrsercieandieasdvuissligsehdoimisbeenitntii,ticokepdenoilweilicA;
was. i, u t i r ,bat suppu ra t ed . withou t
t any permanent benefit. In thls situation we heard 01, and were
;1I i il . induced iu
to Use Spam' Sarsaparilla. The first bottle produced a decided 'end fiver.'
111 If able effect, relieving het Moret.hin'ttny prescription she had over taken ; and before
she had used sir bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her friends, she found her
~,ii ' , health quite restored. it Is. now over a year since•the•cure was effected, and her
'i!`l• ' health mollies good, showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated front the system.
jaw, ' Our neighbors are all knowing to these facts, and think SANDS' Sarsaparilla a_ great
, ~,.i ~ blesiing to the age. ' • Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE.'
41;:. :.. •
. .
Extract from n 'alai receided from Mr . N. W. . -
• .
Harris, n gentleman well known in
Louisa county, l'a.:—" I hare cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla,
1 who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous faintly. YoUrs truly ,
" Crederijki Halt, Va., AV 17, 1816..' . * . "N. W.
~'ls 1 The following testimony from Rev. John Griggatite Rector of the Chttrch of the
, . Crtleifixion in this city, commends. itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous
' certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine are almost daily
a. I WII . received:— . . . ,
i st - Messrs. SANDS :—A member of my family has taken your minableSarsaperilla for
•. , • a severe scrofulous affection, dm with the most beneficial effect TeSilitlllg from Ri
, 'II ~..j I use. 11,gives me very great pleasUre to record my testimony att
ony in behalf of its rle
~ I a 111 , 1 ‘ i ,e tri
i c: o 4a ,, c k y :l lr ay pi
ig g , that others M ay be induced to make a trial of
, -
. ' Messrs. AB.& D. SANDS:—•
... Norwich, Y. Y., oa. 8, 1897.
..' I '—reelings of gratitude induce me to make a public acknowledgment
the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarstiparolla. I have for several
Ail.B. of years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in lay bead, which at times would
gather and discharge at iny.throat, nose. and ears. and at others would break out in
iii ! ,l,i different parts of my face and head. These continued until my throat, face, and
th., : .0.. head were almost one complete sure, and for a long tune I was so hoarse that tt was
ittll with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a whisper. During this time t had
, :I
several attacks of pleurisy and ether diseases. I consulted different physicians, and'
rt l
thl tried venous -remedies. but received no benefit until I commenced using 'your harsa•
1 11;11p11 u t il i l e la elrec t
t il s inall yo W ur WLli i :Ze e S mi r ie re d sa n r e e , tll healed, and 1 attribute the .result entirely
1 1 1 1 11
U. :„I I ' icing personally l'ours, with respect and gratitude, . PUEDE CAIIOON.
acquainted with the person above named, I belientr her statement
'l'll ,to be correct. JAMES M. Di,CAltlt, Juttide -tif the Peape.
11 111!'l
,101111 i ' ' PRIMPAR""
A .'-
il ' iil'ill' '
I , ) ilt li
1 1
1 1!I 11 I
S.3ld by . ELLIOTT, sole Ageilt fo
umb. Valley Traasparta4on Houl3e
,:12-1 „or.:
Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel
phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &c..
. J
W. KERR, Forwarding and Commission
Illerehant, ILt et:ism:DO, Pa. informs his
friends and the public, that from the liberal pat
ronage extended to him daring the past year he
Inns been encouraged to make more extensive ar
rangements fi,r the present season, and Kos ad
ded two new, Jargetand splendid Boats to his
LINE,. and will be fully prepared after the op
ening of the Canal, to forward PR ()DUCE and
M ERGITAN DIU of all kinds ,to and from
Philadelphia, Bain ))))) re, Pinshdrgh, &c., at-the
lowest rates of freight anihvith the utmost des,
, pateh.
Agents for Boats, •
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
No. 48 Commerce at. Wharf, Baltimore.
J. McFAUDEN - &„.c,„0.5 Pitts'g .
Agents for Cars,
No. 2i2 Market. at.. Philadelphia.
No. 413 Market at., Philadelphia.
- srrER, JAMES & CO.,
• 'Broad street, Phiiadelphia.
North street, Baltimore.
Harrisburg,. March 1.9. 1t13411-If.
Hirlsburg - ITransportation Line,
t rcv;
; 0 W l .4 7 Ala
100RWARDING:k.COminis'sion Merchants,
HARRISBURG. Pa. ship' Produce, Merchtm
dize, ‘o Baltimore, 'Philadelphia ; &c.—
Coal, Plaster, Nails; firth; Fish, Groceries, 4c.
eonsithtly formic< • • ' '
ithirrisburg,29,, 1848
, . Dr.ifeoler's Partacea r , >
11.-1011 i the remevalnnd permanent, cure of al , l i
JP ' - tliseeseit rtrisittelront ettlitripstatit • iirkho :
!Acted' and habit Of the bctily,lizr.' ~, .- ' I, ;
'. Chronic diseases of 1110.1; hest;,„lileitrisy,, Drnn-.
'chins, Catarrh.' etc. .86.0111111 ,iii 'all' its 'fenny,
1 Totter, Scald` bend, 'C w oneotis effeetiOnis id the,
face and 'azimuth lea, ;eltionie ' II heintimisni. and
' .Ilentnelia;:ehrimin Enlargements oftliedhinta,
'White Swellings; Pitplyhtic' Affect idea; ;Om
stitulional dishrders; awing front debilily,Afer.
.eurill'end'ficredititik predisPdsitions,..tste. • ~7
i it6ll'n Avery : change 4h:it la inking' place:in-titer .
body,-n is manifest , that iv , is brought:•nhoutly,,,,
something having tysubston,Ostenre: r If w#
auppose the organs of our : body: 'tinnily lierliki;'
they!mtisttontinue ;perfect till' eskeliongedby:the.
Intersentiomdf soinething that heirs tin'unhet&
Lilly 'relation, tolt,'-.ln-ell:Lcasee.,_of4dieetis4 i fief,",;
' Must be, the interpesitioth.of soditt , new, ingredient,
Which:by playinC lite part! as it mime, iterVed:fdi
odifyl thelprokrtietr-before: - tenneetaiviih,trid
ody, ilt inabaurdni talk 'Of - spontanetitni,dfsase'
', f akingrilai3e fri drgentopreviinisly;:lniniths;,ikith . ,,
One thninterPeeitionef,scime , 'morbific:iigent.;'. no',
!'hell, might'avre , expept a' place' of, eholk'totyintlfer
', ltself.spontarinausly.intd 'Plaster of Perin; without ' the aid:df Salpbone Acid? 4 In all ditgeniiihOe is`
n 'prior cause whieh musfbe;remoSeir: ihrcellte
r o remedy superior nithtVlPape t ra. ,fq - evidphett ,
lie' &Hailing' utlititinitted to th Vablic i t - • l ~.
li' • •;,-•,:..,* ,, 4, . 4 - .Phifadelphiai .Intie7.'lB47;'''s
. IfirOngr:tkiithrierikilitd, of ;hit nature of the Pan.
cello; afforda, rneNnuch pleasure , to be able to
recommend, tilpinablp rernedir,-cor,allktlionti,
,Oirdidn',' eithatitMlotit ited - . glanduler:dienasea,,tds
3.eshieli•iiiis esrleooll Sdeptedt,;;;Te.ljpkeNhetirtt
. tfiliPiq't.:MdArkkill* e :di , biPe` an *an ultottitiv,o,'
hoteettnnot`o tam te . in 'aitlOre ogreable, active
!Ind "uniftirpf elute than than . to bp fosaptifirb&Pnh.
k 'Mos.': I bliihk'tutpailiihreveiallmirtnethiVithili-'
" Kvii,o4sividA4c-cgsig;'NotiTewste;a l .. l ..,A.:
1,. . ; „. , ,i. , c f .. ;,,!-! (A - 'D. "Alr.rasoirivan.vv:iT,
_p re p' ar 4 owl_ 'politi at the North , Weit *titer
4 I,, Thintin ' il. Bol llk4lreeigradelphien - find , te: ,
tilled in ; Carlisle Lir E10 , ,E
~ (KY.:, Ptit up fa
,'' . int bottles at $1 pep bortflk . ~' -. '''-',. ' ',. feb24 ";'
. It F
*,W •
Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States and C anada,
Prlce $1 per Bottle: ma Bottles (or $5.
Carli st e
'litliSt*EAs! ~ ,'
, . ,
x ,.. , DAviagaNKl.N. 11.473 (A.m..
.- . treat, corner'of Bank woo, Philadelphia,
- '-"' offers for rtio4lie following chdiect•asebrt.
,Inc.o-of I'EAS ton accommodating terms! ---
• oh. .., ~,,,..,,..
• 500 half cheats pd v d‘on g ,
200 ,: do „i ~•iNingYong Sonchong '.,';
loo ; - , do , ~- ' polling', ' , ' do, , • • ~,,,,.
tloo,4lnyna,Englash Breakfast '
100italf chests ,f)i.,- :do ,' :, ' I
; - 50' cheats Mok3a.Soueliong -
, 25 o .r.Oorlti VP/911,9141
95 .do tilartli hf: ekoa , , . .
.reichbe - " - . -------- "" --
1 , .. : 20'14rib:bog afpNrior Ningyong
[t' . 4 2:0) . 1ia1f cliiniti Al:1410nm ' ' '
t f c . l A B I d o ;`,o lll Pehni l ' '''
- ' '.
' •, .
u l '.-IVf . :; liktiti 4 . 4111.,....,...., - .
'ly ' "IV r 'otnp n Hylton ' ]Oet2s
j i
1.3 r li.iiiiigT,4 V,I
' ', tr.:4400m bitpdle Of. ftnir4o ,
r , ', theatfard,ware , Sto e on
lITIA,- , - 'l O O lll 4-Ictret , . 3
' , 4 ' ,,,-.
Titg:sol34lll* IptajlltY received a variety iif
ita!CoY and Staple Etry Goode: to which the'ln
tendon of the pnblie ii,iniritiad_- ,__, ' - - -i: -.-•
i, ~ • " ~., • ...!„,, 4 , ,', 'V , o,' , Ny: .111TKER'4;
• Prams
anclivivd expds'ui
Wato es and Newolry!
-4111/4 . Wholesale and Retnii—At the
" Wetelvend .lew•
elry Store," No. 96 North SE
- •- GOND street, ? corner of Quer
;„ereti,S,"'",, ry Street..
Gold Levers, 18 k. cases, full jewelled, $llO and
upwards ••
Silver Levers, full jewelled, $l5 and upwards.
Gold Lepine,lB It,. cases, jewelled, 925 and
Silver Lopinns, jewe'Red, 810 and upwards
Silver Quartiex Watches, $4 to 10
Silver Spoonsoequal to coin, per sett—Ten,
85. Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro•
portion.. All gtipds warranted to be what they
are sold r.
Conga y on hand n large assortment cantle
Also, an , assortment of M J Tobias & Co.,
E Simpsoit:•Btohn'el'&•Broau4s, EFT Yates &
Co, John. Harriso, E & R Beesley, and other
superior Patent . liever Movements, which -will
be eased in anAOll3 desired•
Arrangements :have been made with all the
above named most' celebrated manufacturers of
England, to short notice any required
Style of Wateh t for:Which orders will be taken,
atni the name and.iresidence of the person or
dering'put on ifrequeited.'
novy] Ithporleof .Watches
• T•te. •
Stoves! - :11•Nves!: Stoves!!!
ti ;
At No. 97, Softf • • s ceel Phibuklphia;
TVNEtif.A ;ikmectfully, lushes au
s. large_ stock of Moves,
embraing sairtit•iif..tfililjest and most, elegant
patterns of Petiole0):4014; - '1Vew York,Pecks
kill, T.roy,.4)3.4h.) g e ! fi q it with, abeautiittl assort
ment of 'Fancy Abbot:A . ooH - '3toims and Radiators,
forlpurlo tr , dint ttg Tor elmiaiheri,ar kitchens.
;,amsortroent*ill. campfire
to advantage"iiilfitt p 1.•1 . 'anr-iither estebli4ll.
in:eot.; Orr'4,
celebratederAirotig4t93to*esi:for4which lie Aiine
'been tigetir`for , man3i„years in this city, in the
manuracture of which.for excellence and cheap:
ness, he refers to hitt rinmeratis parehniers, sad
for beauty of paltellislitillitilfeves hinisell
• For..Steyee, whether
,of WoMi„., or. Cos/ohis
assortrnentiis complete . ,. returns his thanks.
to lila old — cifirtiiiiiers, Act whord ;Indio the public
:he renews his inVitlitiort 4o give him a call at the
sold nikt fitl3ce,ondi•reikept;v;Pliiliida •
‘ 4 4204;
lu , at'.,
y at'
a 10,C 1011040• • ' t
aet .41 kkti•l7,4l,t.t kf t,
1'",' , . - JACOEVFEPTEIV - & , -SON; t` j
wo Uhl) tteepeetftilly' call the -.attention 'o
',Hfik:ie-Iceeperitind", the . public,: fci!flie ext.
„tit - wive atock oftsplondid
, - aii* -- 5401:Witfilrabel, - Ciintre and eater Tables,
..Cabinet•Ware : and.Cliairs, which theylave Just
opetiaid •, at , t heir: N ItV , R. 0 0 MS, en the corner
• oft North, Hanover. andtLouther atreets,
They lore confident, that the superior' fi nish of
the workmanship, and elegancesof kyle; in which
.their - articles: aro get• up.' tOgillicel
MINA PNESS, will rne&thmend them to every,Per
son _wanting-furniture. They have ttlifo Made
arrangements for manufacturing and keepitig a
constant supply of every article in their line, both
plain' and ornamental, elegant and useful, at
prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers, They
• would earnestly Invite persons who are about to
commence hottsettkeeping, to call and examine
their Present elegant stock, to which they will
constantly make additions of the newest and Most
modern styles.
COFFINS mndo to order at the shortest no
tice, for town and country..
Carlisle. Sent 6. 1848 ••
Farm at Private Sale,
- THE subscribefoffers nt priv.ntn
sale, n FARM, situate iti Mifflin
s n Itownship, Cumberland county,
I I . linut seven miles north-west of
.Newvillo, now ocsarli?(l by Henry
Lorcomnraining_ 102- &ares-of-gond-Staidlinn&.
ribont 7B acres of which is cleared nrtd in a gond
state' of cithivatinn, and the remainder in thriving
timber. The .improvements are n good two
story . ,DW ELLING HOUSE, Kitchen., &e..
with a spring in the cellar, and n large - Plink
Barn; with all Other necessary
There nre:tWo Orchards nn the !tinge, containing
isery variety of Fruit. A tine meadow lien be
tore the door of the house, and n public road lends
direct from the Farm to Newville.
Per4nne desirintm see the harm are rennesied
In cell on, the present tenant, or on the subseri•
bor living near Carlisle.
nue9,lt or if ( Al UK,
• I 1 1
r-' ^ •
Et - Lt.; I t a i 47?e.--7 - 1111i.^ - *
- •
For Mc Perm•tood Cora 101 l &oases
front mi.logotre stair, of Mc Blood. •
TINS ‘leilicincoporates particularly upon
the Blood, and cores disease without
vomiting or purging. It never fails to 'cure
lie must obsffnate casts of ltliMitrimisin, Lis.
eaves of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds. Bronchi-
White Swelling, Scroula,. tilce - rs and
Sores tif long stainliog.
It Ii cheaper than any other medicine in
use, there being 32 doses in cacti bor.le, which
costs only 75 cents, and to those using it ac.
cord in to MI ectlb,p one bottle will list 10'
days. Certificate - Oar° pouring in 'from all
parts of the co . try attesting the virtue of
this medicine i: rises of longstanding, which
have been gigs • up by physicians us hope.
less and beyort I the reach of medicine to
W 11.0011.114 Col/Gl/, Shepherd's Sarea.
perille never fails to cure.
CONSUMPTION - cured by'llie - cssAf Shep,
herd's Sarilaparilla•
The following is from a gentleman of re
specie We standing in Baltimore,who was cf
foetuslly mired of that dreadful disease, Con-.
gumption. by a few bottles- of Shepherd's,
rsupurillti. •
taltinrilie,'Aug.29, 1547
This isto certify that I was fast sinking
undorgy mptoms afeousimiption of the Lung-,
until 1 was recommended to try Shepherd's
Sarsap rifle, wide!' fortunately I did and am
under the strongest conviction that it saved
my life. I am now rapidly recovering and
hope in a short time to be restored to perfect
lionith,and under no consideratiOn would I be
without the medicine.
' No. 23, Hill street.
Shepht.rd's Vermifuge, or Worm
We challenge the world to produce a medi
cine hater adapted to the expulsion of worms
from the human body than Cilutplierti's V treat
Inge. It has been used by thous inks with
entire satisfactiin. It. has the advantage of
most other Vlrtnifuges, as Heaver sickewithl
person using it. It has 'cured children but
have been subject to fits for years, and that
bad beentgiven np by physicluth,parents and
friends. It should always be used as a purga
tive Jur children, as itstrengiliens them, and'
at tit - Elaine time carries off the coarser par
ticles of food, and worms, if they are troubled
with them.
The following.eertifiente bus been linruied
to us by Juigo Koons', of Luzorne eouiity, Pa.
It apvults foriteelf: , '
Town Hill, Pa, Jan 20,1847.
Jon K. 0618, Esq. '
Ddar Sir—You will please send Me 4 Jud
tleamoro of Shepherd's Venni foge. The three
_botiles.puraused of you a short time tigo have
been used with the happiest effects. 'They
were given to three of my children—in one
case 65 worms were expelled,iir another 164,
and in the last 67..'1 am, aniioua to gine'llie
rest of my family ilielrenrfitribrilds medicine
add'thereforo order as abo*C.' This is decid,
_erßy the treat article for destioying wihms tha
-4,1,1110vei.1,00n in this part of the country.' `1
hove tried Orrick's, Reukcen Merrick's and
but-without any gaedeffect. t
Yours with esteem,
• . .
`Shepherd's Sarsaparilla and Verinifoge .are
for by the following respectable mer.
ntf CtiOcrikw_coßn y,. .6,
Wo l ; . o:M i lltersoutHarrishurg: '
~; G.W. ,lll TNEL , (larlitile; John Fulwiler,
Shippensburg; John Diller, New Ville; Robert
;Elliott, Newburg; M -1)'& B Imak'ey. mr.
c , rBviik; A Rif:inn:dß St , Plainfield; Don-
Isp'At Dar, Kinkatan;'S.
Uteri; IV in„Aleitiridet,Pa'perfen4.
Alrri I. 26, 1848 .
JAVID .11A1 , f1ifi,..,73 Chositnit at. Phila.'
adolnlgn, lino f9r aal9,llin following Town '
300 hall'elieste Yotinllyoon Tea
~-,.- i. 100 "' •do 4. ri",oinipowiler •• do 7 '
. . 150 ' don , ivlrriperhil • " do ''':::";
. . .10 do in . Ilyeon : I`. do.' , :' , ;.l
. ; 1000.- .., do , i iPoWeliiiiii: / . do' '. ' ..."•::
- " -- 7, - - 200-; , - , do' i rivNingy,iint.Sdilihonfr
1® .1 113 '.. 4 ' 4ooll lng','• ".- 1 , v' : ::do ' ' ~, '' ~1
75 .'cheate 'Padre Sonelitinel ;'' ' ' '
° P, ~ , ..15‘, .. Obi Lilack.fdat Pekoe '.'" • " ..'
• '25 half.olieldi..'dot.i ,:do, ; I _l.. .'
_'..01. 1, i
r.- - 25 - ''Mo - - Orpogo dii ':_i '' ' , ''''''.r".. ,
1 09041„101k11:qottlai, .0 rt. , t,T•,•7:'O 4.1• i
That° Tepo:Obrit rap theehdetchOtil; iinportpii,
. in,. tihiPti f,i,e05,1111 Rain hEtiv,o O AP no Ida ; / In en •
. and;nunirelihrrin '4l,ra,,tiimil, to' any 'Peas that,
have been ofilired Ufa' m ,'.
----- Phi a.° p,ui., ' .O. . ~.,:', MI. .' ,: ' • )
-.- 'ritTrrr : • , ,,,,,,.'`,= = ' ,' r i ', , 4. ' ' " ' ' r .
IjiiigrOritlitir;ESitikaiopiirtei; O doil-1
.., vi... oral asonrtm'ent ifilpa'aitliP-ringe—,
AleopßlaoklMantilla" "s of SnitiOtilii..'witalities,
: and liricee,iby,• , l i. Th!' i.k '•, °l44 ';'''''''' , •'''', -'C' , . i'",• 1
'' k' 8yr391,1k• ' , '`.,ul - '•tiO ~!,t. t;tiitoiornto r v i i,,,.
) d.,..4.,. ~.... sr ~,, it *. 1... , i.t , '•... , 9 . (: . 0 . 7::::7 , 1 i
l • ;'ifikli: l' C .:41i
:;I)X.Ig 4,,,..1;r141H1
PIO aPP ' lA, o'D qW.017) glit,A*E;
, . „ iginee' , Dro.lB Mardi illiira idergkti",diiik
'above Arc k, opt, ‘idel.r.biplititihot,lCacle 1
era and;wholoeste nog eral 'a
~kinilleti coo a,
Drmihe it-,q atidkiltrii .q eddiii!"Wirrog,'l II or t ,ondi
Freo g lans kO l O , 'Shoooinl.Waltilllthiihil l i, SOlu be, i
MAI ore; Mate, Diab.,ktgaMillradiiiMniade' Wood, 1
!.iin-I , Vare 9f nog 'dkuldfitilion,.4oo.illritiitt ' he',
lowe • atlinhlhel prldeltP , l'Opil,oll `. l in i.%!,:si
liili ..,
...:Ifitivol 9 ,lll.liaß 5 - ''' ' • '' " ' ':
''•-ti ' :
;:i4'...Pl.skgnartoVor t .Voly c., ...Ott ,1 : 41 . 1 1 1, A--
I rdr94er,'aiaii.Rdidion'./tetteiltrid Ilooltifin, 41 lo
1.,41.Y,,g1 . ,pri•Tv1em.4v) ' • ' 6 IV, LliT'',o:y-,
.i.fitt4lll:4 l l/140. 1 10, 1 1itr;'
..... 1811 4 , 1AMS,•:-Noi,:12:NettlipSixth`
nowien.bankthe latzest, and most,
feafilontible •Wisortment , ollierroW•slat,Znid:other
Voniiian, Blinds,. of any c other establishment in
tli . elUnited Slates ," ebtatitising entire new styles,
trimmingz,and , colors, Wvhich _which sold
at theloweet pricee, iwholesalia and 'retail. Old ,
Blinds painted and trimmed tolirok eimaUto new,
The citizens of Carlisle and adiacent'country are
respectfully invited to call. And examine his. as- -
,sortment, before purchasing • elsewhere,' feeling
confident-of pleasing bid - giving eiiiiifiiatirm to
all -who may favor him with. i calh.
inny24-2rinNO. 12 N.' . Sixth at; "Pliilad
Washington Gallery of Dagnered-
„ .
No. 234 North Second street, N. W. corder
cXallowhill Streot,'Philadelphia.
THE Likenessesraken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, for Ores DOL.
LA ft, are universally conceded ~to ho EQIIAL in
every respect to ANY in the city.• Pictures taken
equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A
large assortment of Al EWA T,LIONS and LocucTa on
hand, at from $2 . to 85, including the picturC.
The subscribers respectfully invite the citizens
of Cumberland l'Onniy, to call and examine cpu.
Oimens of the-latest improvements in the art of
Dangerreotyping, which'will be exhibited cheer.. -
julyti '1 & J C TEN NENT.
Forwarding nnd General Commission Merchants,
No. 41 North-Wharves, and 63 N.Water
, tritreet, Philadelphia.
pLA STEtI and SALT constantly on
hand, for sale nt the lowest market rate's. Liberal advances made on Produce.
Refer to
FR A N N.PLATT 4 . 11 c r
NER &: CO.
T It, Alarrieburg.
npr 5 , 6 m -
f \s .,
• Iron Commissior Warehouse,
No. 109 North Water etreet, nod No. 54 North
11111;.1 undersigned still continuo the COMMIS-
Rion business, for, of all descriptions of
111 ON. Our experience of many years, and ex
tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers
of Iron, throughout ilte country, has enabled us
to esmblish such relations us give us peptilitir ad
:int.:mos In serve our correspondents; equal Jo
tiny other house. .
mar 22.fim nftll C K & CA.:MR[IE7,UL.
Atwood's Empire Cooking S ove - .
IN again calling attention to this unequalled
S'T'OVE. the• proprietor has the pleasure to
itifOrm the piddle that (eNtertally) it has under
gone an em ire change—the pipe -nod hearth pla
ced oppositn. each ether. nod n MAIER
being added, thus rendering it faultless, and On
legs there is manlier tnultless - Slove in the- mar.
bet, this is unquestionably the loom, as it now
embraces every valuable improvement possessed
by any other Stove, in addition- to sonic pc:colter
to eecured hyletterB Rafent7.
I 9 a success of this Stove, since its introdne•
lion iv unequalled. Nothing has ever been of
fered •Ihr culinnry purpose!' flint has given such
general stnislinition. Stoves have been- enpietlg
after its form ; some dealers have even mind its
fundamental principles, bat the proportions were
sn'utildie the originnl, that they hear-the relative
value that n counterfeit does to n genuine .
Complete COOK and other cook: STO VES
in great variety. Persons desiring these atintira
hie Stoves, are requested to call at the Stove nntl
Tin-Wore ninnufactory of the subscriher, on
rylnin threet,-Carlisle, whwis 'agent for Comber.'
hind entintEa
LAM: A BEE has removed to hisinew
-I.l' a rehouSF, corner of Calvert sad mereer
Autvets,l3altimiiro, and has now in store, oti
cebt ,importation from the celebrated fac'tory of
Tinley. Tolima)
.B:tWalker, a full assortment or
SHOE ,tTIIIIEAD, viz : brown. green, hall
bleached, white and yellow, which he is prepm
red to sell by the .hale or less quantity, on ns
good terms as the stone guiltily can bb had for•
in the U..,Siates. Also n general assortment of
stn.*: TOOLS and FINDINGS, viz Shoe
Knives, rastlis. Movers, hammers, awls and awl
handlee. pegs 01 all sizes, bristles, webbing, boot
cord. shoe nails of-all sizes, cut and cast tacks,
French irons complete, peg rasps and" cutters,
&e, &r, &r. Premium Glass Paper, to take
the place ol the common sand paper, a very su
perior article, being our own manufacture, .wxn•
nsx•ren. Lasts, hoot trees, shoe trees, crimping
boards, all of Iris own manufacture., of the very
best timber and of the'latest style. Every arti
cle can he obtained at hist establishment for mam
damming Knots end Shoes, except leather. All
of the above will be void at the lowest market
Country Merchants are pertienlarly re.
queered to call. E. LA R RA ri EE.
neir23—ttett) N 0.21, Calvert et, Baltimore
LARRABEE, No. 9.0 S. Calvert
street, - Bnititnore, has removed his Labora
tory to hitt new building No. 24, and has always
on hand heinrgetst_and most complete assort.
meat of pure Botanib remedies - in the United
States, prepared under his -special, care nt his
Labortory,--being the first erected in the United
Statca for the kpeeial purpose of pre.paring
AB of the pulverized and compounded 'articles
are put up in quarter undliall pound.pnekages,
and. neatly labelled, with: , directions stumble for
retailing, and upon , better ternis than the same
article cum be had for, in the United States.—
EveTy article in his line is warranted genuine—
Vie public can rely upon this:
A liberal discount made to country merchants,
who arit'lntrticularly requested to call and exam.
-Me tmality. se, before purchasing.
;Tim VII 0011 Treatises, embracing the most
reputed authors, upon the Thomseman or, 80.
'attic. System of. Medicine, may also be had, nt
Itis'establishment, - by the quantity or single copy.
ntizr2:l—Gas .
I AWLTLE_Tiaurtar&L,
41, rail there has existed in larger cities and
popidettstOwns, especics of - di . ..wage, the depend•
duce and propagation of which results front the
vinration of, dix tile • and moral laws- To; hose
ersiderch, , the ,A illlO ICA N COMPOUND is
prosented, nn being Ate inest certain,'speedy: cud
vnlonblo specific ever' efiered to. Its • 11111oriunnie,
fthno wherever.known nceuired reputation dint
daily experience continues to strengthen: -Thou
minds have!heen,eured.bYlte 'Use. and ps'it: leaves
ho odor oit the hirentlhlreenires niiiilier restriction
Atlictiet or Iniehiesst nor.conteineieiiher mercury.
,ooAt r iona drilrge:in..t he-le as t: i tij Ho nolo - th e sys •
ktlsilhltdiy,presehled as' that beet renied
,sueh .diseasis.yeroffered,; , ',sq! l
,tissa: hy:Tiltysi•
~ cians and •pronntineed 'superihe'io any known; re.
xpedy. , „Vail direetioniaceempnny'eechfioAe.-,::
10OestiltF ittN: - .W.;:eenfet 2 d7tflid7Shifflisiiiefe,:
I;T , iOT;dturliale', Dr:
'Ferheijeolenti, : •4:Witiah 'HArrisburg,
I: •
OP•O'N RTN i g" - T- ush,troseined t ylinother.; rem.•
letippiy,ol,-th iceelek&ledgein hi,Paste.s-h I
containkne nehkoi i lnny other Spiel° si6jeh u it
, .
(ITON9 tion'Unr,oti l u t e r lik,l ,
&,'S i tring B,toect
t: ;c theteteop.4llol4;ore.Stdrrit4;s' , .. , ,' „
—,,, ~tilad.f
s ' A' eiOlen?,7 had{
~.. , MUSLYL;IirIIS C12..nt." tall;
..-, t , A 011/4/Duni.aelley.ital4 1ik1:77,,,,
~,, ,
I,t:d vu.--,:,,....entsotoaAr rezip i r *qs , Yd.-..
pwtklthe 9h..Prormrtly , :,..,sk. : . , v ,
. exanilro,,..l4l;.,„ijil4'et , , I_,.‘t---7, ,;
b-.,;,,,, 'l4
qpi, va
~.., . , ..,,f,'...,.mowit ~;,,i,„
' o'l. '''",
~'' Idlllifikl' 14) It.
t• ,t"r‘ 0,,,,64,0Ntrit,,!-Rii• .)'eDl3l4l,ffilittiire
'ool,'Nk' °A10.01T.E114114115114, . , A014.,°°12'
I,iinf4ll744.stt' ilqP;o%.4"4lllieNlro*.oftz.
Ft ,F,Ahoz,l,o.plvoutp,f, l!eitlA t i t a
tlqfymeo,,,t*thi; -0 11" Ci t, ,
wllykAreiiiolll f4 , •,Z\,t;',W;;F' ',, -;'
A ir
~,-, 0 : 4 4,;',4 - F,l r ';, l ,c ~ ..vpti".;,,,
ii6tlll' ''''i
..,1!' I,',-
Perot, HoMaian, & Co.,
AVtiorves, Phileicieiphia.
It Never Fails. r.
41trateift-P •
Triumbhant 5 01000..esses cured in year
s IM HIS InetliatAtif' wrigalai r n - ‘ . ?in i 6 . 4 e a
Entre! Otexteititil, arid dilp•
pa ibiiriaLin 4onjuttiation,WlV,:the"Piles,-,
such Ili Chronic'llyianterpi4d6fierlbedila lfollowing
eirtifiCate l^f;
' Mourn. Kele litt in_ St.i. Hen sli
bout years ago I Was afHibletl.witfilvtingt
was called chroniedylitntery. /-hilver suffered
._With it _ever 4iicce,r;and. physicians... Lloyd told •
Me that my livevwai affeetittkand libitt my
•Itowclatvere. ulcerated, forlllOo land pus, at
tended. with a pectiliar-putrid smell,were the
fregnept,distibarg es .
,A sitortAlme,,sipcd.
made n egisit to tilaerachusetts,,ln (lopes of
benefit -ihatige of airiltit - itufrereti i pole
severellion ever before. While thire,:atphy.
eicinn ,offered to cure my for, til4o k ll,thren
ipontlui. Happily, 'in the niidaCcit.iniensa
pain, oacaninnally ralit4ed by laudniiiii4 sat
in the wrapper of-your, Mee:witty, it' petted!
description of my „complaint, tfigether;,With
moray certificates of cures, This grokr nib
gicat confidence in the medicine, end Etter.
chased n bix,'nintr dose; of which halt tippet.
redly ettred'lne, end I am prepared to - tiny
everything in its favor, or render itnrseiVitti
I can to humanity by_stibecrihing.tcits merits
Respecifully - yiilrs, ' '
RENJ. PERCIVAL. 80. S. Shill it.
Wcolincse and inflainmation of the Spine;
falling of tli_e_letWels, worn h &e t thut.ferna led
particularly, are. subject to, under pectiliat
circumstances ; for which many certificated
could. be glyen of speedy cures— but delicacy
forbids their publiention, •
Severn and habitual coitivCtiess, - flow 01 1
blood to the bead, dyspepsia,,fiiittilas inflam
mation of the stomach, find a Speedy Mire in
Dr.Uphnm'sElectuary• lt is an internal
r. , mcdy, ankpures by its action on the bewebr .
and blond, the relaxed . Fl ale of which- is MG'
cause of McGinn° named diseases. •
•From every city, town Mid village, yrbere ,
Dr. Upliant's Vegetable Pile ineettory hag
been it - 01 , 4nm), 'the most, gratifying intelli ,
eonee of its et - Feet I hate been received 'by. the
'Proprietor; in ht ,dryds of inatnnees it lane
triumphed over, c sea which .here deemed
inrura bl e. . •
Letter of Capt.G, W. Lean, late orths-ll:. •
service. n nd Aleintier of the N, J. Legislature
Rahway, Juno 16.1'847
I have been afflicted for years with the •
and have tried, itliont anything 'like
parmanetit lien( fit, alnost everything assum
ing the
. name it remedy. had as a matter -
of con es., loot all confidence in medicine.—
Under this testier I Ras induced—sotwithout
reluctance, I confesr— to die pham's Eleil
ary, and having need it shout three w.erks.
seem-ding to the directions laid down, I find
to my surprise, as well as satisfaction, thet
every symptom of the disease Last eft me. I
think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to
make this statttnerit. G W
.ressed lo the agents in Columbia :Ge:
Rood County, A la.,'Feb. 20. 1647
Messrs. Winter Zik Epping-tents:—lror
11 . 1 e Ink fifteen years 1 have been stllietad wiih
that most distressing disease 'The flleeding
Piles, and louse had rilsourre to a great mealy
medicines, without obtaining relief. until
obtained 3 buxesof Upham's Pile Idieetuary
from You, which have Po far -re lievvd
.me that
I 'Uhl grout pleasure in recommending,ifin
all who anti afflicted With Piles, as a safe er.d
•••• •
sure remedy;
. 10 P 1111.1.,
formerly Boolrkieper. Bonk of ,Colubla
genial kuble cure eftlileedieg Filar.
• Yorthinst, lltle„Alarth 14
My Dear Sir—i capitol express :to you nay
sincere and hearlf It dumber for •tlie•wontletiol
dem.] have experienced by the us'e of your
truly vitlualde file . Eleetuary., rharve been
perfect martyr to the Weeding - Piles for tau
years past, so much so, that I become reduced
to a nier,e ..keleton, with loss of appetite and
general derangement of the digestive orgass ;
my eyes also Leennie tifl\feted, and in feet I
was a misety to myself; and was obliord•to
give tip my office here, which I hild iit Iho
Custom House POMP yenta. I have tried
hinds of medicine, had the hest advice the
Pl , Ybinions of 1hm•,.11 and this plnce could give,
spent much money fiti,d twice plibmilied to a
surgical operation. 1.• ,-. lind become perfectly
tired of life, nod at. the suggestieu?ofti.twy
friends I wars. induced to try a beut'Of Juror
medicine. ; The first I found relieved late
slightlY, shill .l persevered nod purchased a
second, and "saute you when 1 got halt'
through I found myself getting Well; I still
kept on, and now.l.nm a new man. fitly dear
sir, language cannot express,my thanks, that
i not once MOM restored to health, and cow in
celndition to supper( myself lied fanfily de.'
pendent on mo. Your,, trespetatitilly.- with
great regard, SANILGL CIIARG7ON
New 'tin k, Juno 14;1848
Me reps Ket,elmm Lieu, he v, —1 his I e
ties that I huve been'severoly afflicted fa many
years with the Piles, !Mt more parliaelsrlY
within the lost nine month's. Ilav,ieg used all
the remedies proSeribed by my physician', also
hissing tried Mit r means to little or no, ad"
vantage, I . became very much discouraged an;
felt as though 1 most suffer as honk as I lived.
Iltit provit'entially I was informed 11 Me..
Mott, i nal r nefor of t he public school- at SthOell
Island, that I could ‘lle' cured by your laluable
Pile - Eleetnory, Holing confidence is his
statemeni. I'tinrnediately nreettred'adree of
the medicine and nun, very happy to inform
you that 1 am now nerfeellymuyid ltt?the use
of only one bes.'.'Very`"leolrynnrVit6edient
servant; •• ' GEORGE kt'ett.o,
Sn wlndennle and retail ky.*,T,;I'CII.AItX
1-IEINSpAy, 14.1Ilndlit,'1‘4, Y., nndj'y
druggiala generally 1(1 rinwhimt the Uniltd
S rates and Canada, . j r.4,111r,
Sold '51111077,
July 528;i1848,-1/47
Stanton's' Exley,lat RcOVcit, .„
ILA 41-4 n -S- T , -- j E.-jite,- .. , , 1 1 1 /41% VI 7/ t .
Is now' iiii'v'iiisally, acknowledged, ,to, ba) +fink
• ' --"- • IN F 4 L.; Id it,Lb: .tt. LI AtvpY ,r, .:..: T •.1
- For ft lien n int isnr,Mpilial,Alkai ico is, .Controctions
vAnt ilie Maanica, Stn•4:_',,l'itroat and Quinay,..ll-1
ems; Old U. lotre,,rtlinti;lll iliA`,, ana,q, ,
I Chest, Afide it. l , l hillre4sLatid:Faeot,i.,, ,, ',
1 -•
„, • l' ,, OßM -
ins, 13raisca, 1:
• .$' al i* Rlieint,, it urna, .Croop,
- Fpnstetl Veer, mid ,ill,. ..
Neivous . DiA9.•cp. ;! , . i , - •-
viuNT,'&3 LI N).;11 EN,,'1,7 ta tntltainiag, a gator
• ' .ki. 'eiy tillo-nalle.dltYol9'."4lPlarotePeOX;'l'i
rtinditca Wu paYlitilo give tt,pimptitatnimok,iiati
been liceiimpir iima:plio,liy.anti,.aproly,aectitinit
• ' it; Mid moil , i Ailioillithrelleli4al,offcteintya j bean
.-.`,Mtnarienceil by tii'Many, the Opr,osaionti,ciegra!,
---Ltatia-nro_contmunlly,ati tiqr,ing: Ilild,,ti!Oet , lwhc )
uhtirf biiiit!iiiiidien by„,nalidlo nwansitgoitittitotnt
4 that thol , tifflieftd,ohtiplil tn.:4Onact,„ttirnam;,ispti-.
i;tant'of,.Hil . ittiPillittllilo hal inialliblacikqalik.:; ,-.
"Mr! , Gon: , 111,t8t61101):„', Ati",..tropr*tor. isti•opp••••.
latreiii)ly, ii 6 Ofinif - ftiolimohaht i nfhp,ttykk eiVa. -.
..-froin'ttk ago, ai l a r i V:Pr l bCc#TP!OhAi't tl
a...„,,eitreeirb .1 10:' , :1[0::914:,cmq,it gni jLa.
'l)otui':,n "cirpplii•lciireg hi l'enia,',hp, - vipg,4yr #g I •
i - thi,ephitoo,i , lien'af'lll6., bee 61 1'40;19111i . i,Fik..- •
- ,frodin'elitiirr.. ,, l4lodicall.tictiiin'en".fingli, . il,
,k 1...
' bottlestiii-bbtintontrini-frfori-tcratt•engiT l
anti 414 .110‘ii Ana -t'lih• his pinyniatclin,7m.
...youilibil gamb o ls;. as, retina/ tui,, , tifil'hotilthreat IA •
".them,-and-only a Email:bump
do' •Prwe 25 con%
• mind him of Itlitylat# 4410
...s. _ , .
on hii:bacirtcrrt
,P1r,(1,t14P.i..i-1:,ri:,:.1,-;',.-,;•-,..f..,r-,l, .....41 ti r' , . ,,
t ,,.''' . .'' - ';,,,..144:4'4),t '.l,?kwot. t .,,Evienf),l,,f,, . .
'''.l : Aikit()N3s,-..eArifivkli.Y,:otglig . llsl.. '
l ' 44- 1 1 4105 1 5 1 1 13
AlemilifOgioiblil rvOi:
thy ihat, 0.3, a ~, wen ,tic'oyarftl,..,;art 0 - 11: 4 4 , 41 , ,, ,
tiiid , Ml 6 Vilit'#o l fidtinck ..1! ) ill Vl' rvoo.-...
faloVitoall, Ohio Sapeqr, 1 E'T ,
L 4 o p , ...
' C - ' k4litit ' , siiittlr# , E , ' n' . ~: in .'
:III ." . iii' . " - iiiiti ill - n i l'' .rakri, ea
V i "'"P l9 ' / 4 4 '4(10... 1!. `ti I P S I ' . r i , ---
',t3l - yii, Itiffi,,*_tli ,t,. itil. ( 1 , , a y,,,,r . ,m le,,fn,d ifEsi; 4 ,..,, ,
. iltill Oi ii , nrinCrin!Pitii' ll .o- 1 , Io. o 9,fµl.t,•CPin 1 0,.,.
I l liof f ie, 'OrtivitM-. Prii.a.2 'cya.,t,)0,1?&.,.`1 4 ,i, J;4 ' ,. ! . : . ; 1 ,
* ''l" t1;1113 1. 81'4%
IT ZP '''ll4tl'l9l‘'?..ll' il l#. l i) .ii,
.0 . 04,1, - . 1 -ififilp',Pl _,. . rs •-# - n - --.,' ~, " - - ,,;^itki IR:
i',- ; ,,L tle t rli ll ly:FtrCll!!!!e!u-te; ,
, i , ”Edwatd rie.tiiir Nit .onurg .,..
D6611:14411% 4 ,4 13 1 11' ' •P d 4t' a llTls ! ° . " : ,,6 ., ',. lirl4ptjig.'t .`Pi A:Pi
~ :..JA- . -Citilheitit;' , b. ••• tat Of Irn '' ,- 7: ''''''''i!...... tr4 l. 4'
•e;ifv.,L i si pip i t* fir . ek !DYn t- :;. "•- ..44. 4 eifis*wi:
~.„..„.. 7tf...''. . 4 . • i . .! '11::
' '• '",, 4- I =,,''''' ,',, , '''sa. - ..- , P1•,,,:,-.. , .,..t.1%,`...,-.:,.....Vt, ,, ,Nta1 , t,, ~,,.6