Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 06, 1848, Image 3

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• ,XPV
,txtt -, ,, , i , .!a1;:,.. , -"ti'::.t,
IkTilu - 10, 0, V-PAI-cli.t.P';-:t.-'i
- 1 13A.1.8i7:;4*.tsP'i
1 - 16eso and,
-'lOttitilatii.•int the south aido of
.remfiet few.:dooia one!.
- ' •Itifq'fritt street,new , in Alta' twee
- ". - -ritaricr of Mrs. droootield. ,
•t- .
it AtaigNDERSO. : III, Atly.
A--gyeat,',:vaiiety, of • Bonibarines, Alpncits,
asbriwres, IVlcius,do fniocri, and other' Dress
just-receivid and for sole , olieno by ,
I ' o W firrNErt i
•••: -•
:uanaxy and Hemp . •
• • •
A; ItltESELauppiy of the above nnmed Seeds
et reeeditul at • - MONY ER'S,
Nov. 2010' 1848. in _N.- lionbver St.
JUST roceived,!..fliWeet . into of Cyrano,"
'Rosa Lee," "Donisit Nine" "Oh Susanna,"
ad other popular_Oirs,Of tha f•Cerranders
. .
Water Filters.
TEIF. Snbtinilbr has just 'reeniveti itt few
stuns NST!iteerilterti, which by will Pell nt City
Pries firrptett
Nov 29p1848
. ,
'Fish, Fivh. Fish.. • •
A 'LOT of choice No Ni"l - MackeVei in whole
half, and (muter barrels, Also No 2k 3
in , wholo,add hall barrels, in Score and for
Nov 29,.1848
onne t
TllEsubseri.ber has just •received assortment
eitSfilt Bonnet Velvets, of nil caws, and at low
prices, also Ribbons fo match.
' W
'CarIWO, Nov 29, IRig
Roussel's Nectar.
A. SUPPLY of the above named winter
;drink . , has been received by P. MON YER:b
Nov 29, 180 • •• ' -
lin the Court of Conynoa Pleas of
Cumbotand County.
! Dr Joseph' Speck •Take 'notice. that by
vs. • virtue of a writ, De
IB•lward Armor, Geo., •Ptirtitioti Amen-. •-.
1.1 mitislor, Pet B Lech- .stied'otik'OCCAnif.Coltrt
ler and Catharine-his. Of:_letti&Wjekie. of
wife, WilliqfeOgy and euulle — linfo,:44o ll ß:i•
f•intnli his wife, Alfred and.tOliiiiigaireereit, BA
Spn9slor and Tranklin liiirisiiii6X4ll.,lielbeld
Stionslor, Rev. •Win. ›int th e :•R:MiP7Baftiiii' of
Butler, - Alle n - Bri - b7 -- 0•71 - the - aboye--mirded pars
'ware, Anna Wesley tics, to vat; (A [louse
13utler, with notice to andtot of *rondd situ
bar guardian, Rev W. ate in the borough of
Nutter, and Dr Fredk CarliMe, bounded by
'Speck. . Righ _Eure'et. . Mulberry
. ..,
alley, Geo. A. LyOu,
. ' 1i .. ..n , and ot h er'),
On .rffIDAV, the 15:11 Deeend er, 1818, at
2 o'clock, P M., on the preatisee, thy the pur
l-wawa making parliti.pi and valuation of said
Emote. ---..13 , - HOFFE-R., Si'/F.
Bleirs or e;
Cvligle. Nov 19.
" AT P Wilde SALE,.
B .
1 1 virtue of en order of the Court of 30 rn •
man Pleas of Cumberland County, in. a
.proceeding in partitutu:listwecn honesWood
burn, and Samuel IVoodburn, et al., 'fill! ex•
pose to pfiulie sale, on the premises, on 'f // U IZS-
D.A.y; the 21st of Dacoruher, tdtx, all that cer
tain Train of _Laud, situate, and being in the
township-of Dickinson, and county ot 'C timber-
It tad, hnunded by lands of I , mie It Parker, Hsi,
Jaceb.Bultzhnever, Johnson Al oere, tuts others,
containing, Two Handred and Fifiy 7 Four Acres,
rithre or, less. The terms of side will be five
per cent. of the purchase ;rootlet , to be, paid at
thp tine at the donfirtnatiol the sale, the
residue of one-hall of -the purchase money ro
be paid on the tat of April, 1819, when posses
sion Oftitalanil will be given, and, the halanee.
thrie annual payments, without interest all
of which payments shall be silenced by bond
rind-annrtgage, and the share of the said.Alaillem,
D svidaon and his six . named children, shell re
main in.the land during his life nine, the hue
rest of which shall be paid to Wm for and dor
-I.lg his life time,'the internal ,411 Which shall be
patd`thltim for and d iring ltht life [hill, or o:ntl
his atilt chit Iren shall 'signify their will ngoe:s
that the peineipal sum be paid to. him, or any
part ihnreui, and then the same shall he
the said mortgage becomes
.1 k M ES 110 CFER,
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,
Nov. 29, 1818.-11
FOR 5.‘1,1•
'FILE Subscribers offer at private sale a vale.
able Farts, situate in Sotohatopton toWta,hip,
Franklin county, on the, .11toxbury road, photo
ihree miles north of Shipliensdoirg, adjoining
lends of Inca, Intro, Ito.kterS.
W M. ' Linn. John Cox, John \Volt. and Dam
Sk des' heirs, eontaining :400 ACC ES, of Lime
stone Land, about 'JO acres of ‘‘ , liieli!nre timber
land, and the remainder in a high elate of
. under good rni;.,n, &c.—
• The itnprweitient s are a log
DWEutING tiorsr., n first
rate Stone Bank Barn, "‘Vrtooti
Shed, with two Corn• Cribs, and
other netessary . out.bnildings. 'There is nn ex
cellent young Apple Orchard of eltoiee frith,
with a well of first.rate water. PerSoltS wiAting
1.1 see the property and leant terms may do t 3,1
by calling on the first.narned of rat sulireribers
at Newville, or the litter at Cailiale. Posses
sten and an indispainhle title given on the Ist of
April next. ALEXANDER SHAW',
ALFRED 11001 M.
Nov 29th, iB-IS-3tn
• ,
Tan Subscriber will se pa,tlittkille, sale, on
WEDNES'OXY, the 20,h , f , ,pso:ejtilier next,
his WOOLEN FAt.:l'o,[l. Atiftie in I , tok:
insuntownsh p, Cumberbirtd•c,OunOtrin the rend,
audio; from Ca,Viste irili'dttysbitrg,;',Adjoining
the village of. Spring
Furimite,P whit ten acres of2Litpd,;whereoti
erected a good DWELLINGAIOU.SIi . end
Stable. 'l'lte,gmtring of.ibe nitt'y 'and the
machinery • for carding,'sliiitningovnnying,fulf
ing.p.resaing.shearintr, le,,in oogd-erider, and
sulfiment to manufacture cloth from 5 the fleccer ,
The stream of wn'er is n fitVitig.. r apring
Itillieletic'to Preliml mucli hiore ` pluctiinety ilia
the above described,
Also, tract "orM OLINTArq.. , LAND , Eatit-
Riad, Anoui' . c.ine and a hail milos t if . finn the above
defictibed property arid "accOsi*',.-P:Y,sk lo° 4
riiad; sold at the'kainitfitile. , g • '
Sale to'iornmence= at - ,V;prtloot,, , 4llao , F,daY
when terms will be nniiiihiowtilw ,
1 •
ti It IST cn 1 1 :2 1 . // •
Nov 29: IRA B—fit pd".-'4?:,
• -' AIVATUALAIR4 3 0,11.T4',L...
ea. - „,;+++ l,- + ".+", .. 1 %4 '
r.'ine . ,„. alien u! un I
; 4-$ : ;$19 16,`616
703E1 ,
, •
N. ) ..I"Aolos.Tlflrtgayty , llll,eitt " ,..Oppic $1:27,679.
4+; ++„+.lkitC4'd b efoa9M.tlisil,Or.",*l.3,:l9,lo•
+376,00 •
tCIW'! iu . I6 . 44 P IS/11 1 I A '69tes nqu'i
Tr ~131i0,6' , 4P. 10
4 - b7Wh9 l .4 , Z•rol:•l4.iici i a , ;1414
itilllBl*(riPn4l l Tean ' A .
"+KNOVI6,iII - 50t,iel '
itiancol,lury. on,
T o o-, • 3i684-66-
56 le
• `-; ,1 :54,361.86
p - tvA 64:
7 , /14"414 , 44 1 00 1 infq1iviq 4 :!;42.1141?h,
14" ,1 2100 , 49 11 0 1q,77
a '
, Ja li 1
t IF 1
c .
f2 ; .fr 7 ' ,
Pedltire' ere invited to dal' and
qtdot . or 111elidince,• • Pajote,. 01," VA' !J .
&c •
, . DRUGS. . .
Patent Metlieines, Herbs and 'Extracts,
Fine Chemicals,. Snices,ifitiund'and yvhole
Instruments, ,Essences,
Flue gsson't . Oils Perfumery, &c.
- bog-and-Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol •
Lac Dye'
113 TS.
Wetherill & Brother's Clore Lend; Chrome
Green and Yellow, Po i nt and Varnish Brushes,
Jersey Window' Glees, Liii — Seed Oil, Turpen
tine, Cope! and .C_Oaeh Vatinish, rind Rod Lead.
All of which will be Sold at the very lowest
inerkst price, at the cheap Grog and Book Store
of S. W. 11/VVERSTICK.
Nov 29th, 1849
Great Attraction for - tlic-Holidays
At grisantiekle's Head Quarter's,
Tim Subscriber would sespectfully inform
_the citizens of Corti de, and those who may visit
it during the Holidays, that he is now manufne•
taring, nod will keep constantly an hand, a
largo asitoftment of CON FEcTio N A RY,
SUGAR PLUMBS,' &c,, suitable for the no.
preaching festiyities, which will be sold WhOle•
salc_oritetail, at the Oi.e STA,ffn in North Han
over Street, tt
where he also has on Itithd a large assortment
of FRUITS and NUTS of the latest imports) ,
lion, which witi be sold on accommodating
terms, , consisiing in part of ORANGES, LE- .
MONS, GRAPES, Raisins, Prunes, Dates,
Chron,..Figs, Almonds, Cocoa-nuts, Cretin'.
nuts, Filberts, Peanuts,English Walnuts, &c.
&c. He would nisi) cu ll attention to the best
assortment of FRENCH, GERMAN, AND
'AMERICAN TOYS, ever brought to this
place, consisting partly of fi ne French Fancy
Dons, kid and Jointed Dolls, all ,sizes, doll
be a dq, lion China, common delph and wooden
ten sets, kitchen. setts and -furnunre in boxes—
Dross and tin trumpets, WOOIPV dogs, bone,
tin, basket and other rattles- . Peony toys 01
all kinds, wagons and wheelbarrows, fine tin
;o boxes, games, Puzzles, &e. Pi
anos, Fiddle, Tamborines, Ilarmobienns, Ae•
•cordcons, drums, guns, pistols, &e. Glass. nod
China toys, fine sewing baskets. Also, Toy
and doll baske's, nnd n variety of other tali let,
too numerous. to mention.
In connection with the, above he has just re
ccoved n prime lot of
Fredh Groceries,
consisting ,nf pulverized, crushed, loaf an d
brown. S It 8. New ()deans. Trinidad
Byrne, Mid:Sugar Tlitsc ' very
cheap. • Imperial, Young Ilyson and Black
TEA._Chnrolnie, wthi g r, Soda. Sugar, and
Pt .Nis itti.,\C MRS, Cheese,Rice, Blacking
&,... FR E: 4 11 ES, such us nutmegs, cin
namon, cloves, prprcr, ginger, alb-Ince, ground
or wiOdo.
All nrdnrs thankfully received and porooonlly
nuoloted hy P MON Elt:
Nov. 29. ItilB.
50 Sacks of Salt. • • ,
13 - 13 ST received in Store and for sn)e either in
0 the aoeli or by the bulbul nt 'the Starr , of
Nov 9.9, 19.19.
Wrapping Paper.
TflE Subscriber has entered into arrange
mews- with n house In Philadelphia, by
w nick he %yid be constantly stipplied with the
best article of Wrapping Paper. Country Ater
thants,.and others wi.hirig to save twenty•five
per cent. on t be, above eructs can do so by call•
tug at the store of•-•
ov' C 2.9. 181 S
OF the hest (011114 i—in ptore and for snle by
N ov. 29;18.18. P. '.\II)NYNR
l'arm for Sale •
E subscriber, intending to re•
t , move to dm We,c, o ff,rs tor nnlc
i The FA It NI on u Melt he now lives,
tc sunlit! in ;Newton township, six
1 -"' miles east of
,Shippensburg, and two
Mires above Stomthelown, oil the road loading
roll rho turnpike to the Walnut Bottom road,
....Hifalutin , . 112 Acres of Land, all of which is
iret•rale"Hincsiotte land, except twenty acmes
.1' it, which a.tioins the pine lands. About
%veiny •tur acres of it is also first •rate 'nuttier
1111: Nunn is %Older F././d knee and in
null state• of cultivation. lire improvements
lie a I w.,-,tory Brick Dwelling Douse, Lug
lurn. W . neinte' tilted. Corn Crib and oilier out,
nil lines. all of which are in gond order. There
A on dui place n veiling and thriving Orchard.—
For lure her ilaritcula:rs enquire of
Hat and Cap Store.
efirTF. subscriber having justrethrned from the
Y. city, would inform the• public that he is rum
openina a splendid nssbrtment of SU AMER
HATS at his old stand in. N. Hanover street.—
Ills stock' comprises 111'oleskin. Nntrili,.ftorky
Mountain Beaver, Pearl, Cri- , iimere and Silk
BATS, of the most substantial make and, latest
style. Also CAPS of every description and
He invilea his friends to call nt his esinblisli
meni before pureliaSing elsewhere, nti lie is on
fident that they will find it to their.ndvmotree.
N. B.—Highest price given for Fore, Lin - tiles
Wool, &c.:
• •
Anti -Dyspeptic Catholicon,
For' Dyspepsia, Nervous ffeadache,:and_Liver
~lilB is
n: Vegetable compound, warranted n
' safe rind ettlictual remedy, not only for Dys
pepsia, but fur 'll°B6 diseases resulting from find
connected with a disordered condition ()Gum
stniutieli and - I,ver, or deratigemelittof the diges.
liilO — litifeimns, :such as debility Or, wenkness,
flattilencY,.less' of Mipe,iito, sour eructations and
of flui sletnnel, headnabe,
'flaitiletp-Mid,billlons colic. It is pniticulnrly re
igijnniended to those who are suffering under.
"debility,Mid 'depression of spirits, its soothing
'iiiidLyenovnting powers tieing particularly tidal).
:iCd'to such cases.
' FM' sole by 3 & W B FLEIIING.
• . Dr, W. L. Oreigh,
(Sisccessor of Dr. John Creygh,•ticceased,)
Alrux attend all Medical calla in lowa
' V V
country, by n'tiv'or room?, and will give
every attention to-patients entrusted:o his care.
OFPICI on East High street, opposite ogil
by's store. ' (ttov22-6n4
Daguer rrotypce
THOSEwishing to 'VO corrki-,-.,pictnietOir
themselves or their M
call soon at the Daguerreotype Hounin
Square, Carlista. Room open front:o4li; lo
5 r •
nos 15
• 'iw.out),2si
eabscribet is inseopening,a
lot of",lodie's and Children's Muffs at va
, UST. rfic'aived,....tlio •laigeat
'arpetirige-uf ; =ovftiworiety-aa.A.Sdel ovvr
Aleoo.ll , C ppm? pa!torno.
I?iv.fikihd'alieltip:i3i9ro "of
Y .
4 4 ' - • QGTUDY::,'
[LEFA44I'EONS,rFitEIfA/ it—;4 0.
ong . the hiso,y . .poieles preiisre4
nono'sre:so dakv.ealriliviitaroe4toßsqll-4,ssiu
Lestral,twhich - ii 4 mistly
j94191' nail
, oleo -
" • '
c' :
lA,ttfiel'thenpFarilllyG . roeri,Shie"CeOri'd - J , t
sEPIPDXIIAEB ERT:V.iiiii 4 fa) eireet;
Carlisle =<ydu ikirOstist:SUPPlY;;Pf.:
Felinity GroceripriAitt(thrabiladol . l4a . mairketi3. -
atm afford. - The subscriber has lorit - lefty - TIM
M 1116 city, and .would iiispettfullOriVitti"the
pu is in general and hislriends iivpliftiaillar, to
call end examine:M . B.Blo6.h., whicK.erabradmi
the animus usually; kept in his .line of7'buslnese;:
such as Rio, Java and St-Domingo Cdffes
perini, , Young Ilyson and .Illack-,:Tene, - of• the.
bestquality.& flavor; loaf, falliiii,lotif,Minshetl;`
clarified an4j iii iwti Sugaritroreve4-gmderierith
price to suit. • Honey sugar house .oileants and.
syrup Molasses. Spices which:ha
will %misfit pure and fresh' , grormtl.
•buckets, baskets. butter bi - :owe - 16 . , %Tel'. rubbers,.
clothes pins and brushes of. , ayary,variety.—
Castile, fancy, rosin and country-SOAPS..-Al
so, a general lismott tnent ofeligwing Orid:.817)0.
king TOBACCO, spanish half - swish and corn,
and CROCKERY of every , description-which
lie will sell at the lowest possible prices. -
Feeting,grateful for the liberal patronage here
tofore bestowed upon him, py n generous pub
lic, the . sultscrikm.tenders them his hearty
_limits, and hopetfiliiit in his efforts to please,
and particular attention-to business to merit a
continuance of their supperi.
Noe'r 22 1848. JOS: D. HALBERT.
Strong Breeze from Phßadelphfa.
CHARLES OGIL.BY will ho re
-4 ceiving this week ailarge selection of
rit-44- WINTER GOODS, consistmg of
lerencli and , English Merinoos, Enehmtrosi•
Mous. de Laiiies,iTerkeri Shawls and itariiips
iirticles of Lliftlies'idress goods "'"•!i":5-i' •• '
- Our - stock of-Glriths,Cassimers, VestingfAci
will.lie unusually large,,and of the choicest style'
the city market can produce
Ladies and Gentlemen nto respectfully invited
to call and exantitie for themselves. Remember
the Big Sion and Big Windows, a few doors
east of the Market liouse;find directly opposite
Martin's hotel (nOvls
. • THE property knowirkos
DLESEX MILLS, situate in N.
Middleton township;' three miles
f , east of Carlisle. Thera are 90
4 , acres of cleared land, a now Met - -
ehellt with•fonr ran of stones, Saw Mill,
and a Plaster and Clover Mill. The weter
power is one of the hest in the Suite.
Also: will be rented, separately ,the FULL
l'lt CA 112D1NG,,A14-.61,
For pnrtieulare apply to
WM: Mr PENIIO . S . E;
Aaent :or owners.
NM for Rent.
. . THE subscriber offers for rent,
from the lst or April next. n large
6'! t 6 tl on the Conedoginnet creek, in E.
Pennsboro'lownshiii, Cumberland
eount y, known as Abraham 0 ystei's Mill. The
11111 e'„onta . tus four run of Stones, capable of ma
king fifty barrels of Flour every'day. The pro
perty is in good order, and the situation good,
with a sufficiency of water ut all limes.
Apply to the Subscriber in New Cumberland.
• Raving this day purchase® of John 13. Forster
his entire stock Of goods wares andMereliandize
.f e. now in his store in the Borough of Carlisle.
The Business Will be toqueted et.the • same.
stand by-tae;And in my nme.
n the Court Of Common Pleas of Cumberland
dec'd, with • no
lice, &c. .
'Pe.tatnne Vend. Exps.'to Perry county, No.
52, AlIglu! Term MIES. -
September 12. la4B. On motion of Mr. Reed
Add affidavit. filed, money made on this writ
.considered in Court, and rile for the appropitt ,
lion of the anion, arising outer . the sale of the
/Real I...siate of defendant, on Tudgidertho - 12th
tlay.'of December next. By. the Court. •
W BEETEM, f'roth'y
Prot honntaq's - Office,?
Cort,sle. Nov. 1,18.13. S
• •
TILE Goan of Common Nees of Cumber
land county has appointed Michael G. Ego as
an Auditor to marshal the assets of JOHN
LUTZ in the hand's of his assignees amongst
his creditors. Ile will attend at the office of
F. Watts, Esq., in Carlisle, for that purpose, on
Saturday the 9th of December next.
m y s,
novn Assignees
LETTEItS of Administration on the estate
of SAM EL BROWN, late of Frankfort fp..
(*.timberland county, hare been granted, to the
subscriber, residing to same township: all per,
sorts having claims against the estate dr said( de
cedent are. requested to present them foriodld
meat, and those knowing✓ themselves initithted
to make immediate payment.
nore2-6t . .1011. N M'DDAVELI4:,,,
• Notice
IS hereby given, that all persons having claims
against the estate of JACOB BEAR, are IT.
(viewed to present them for settlement, and
'len knowing themselves indebted to COMO for
ward and make payment without delay to
Erna A/ Al NEAR,
nov Assignee
LETTERS of Administration on the estate
of Dr. .1 (.0 II N CREW 11, dee'd, late of the be
rough of Carlisle, have been granted to the:sub
scriber by the Register of'Cumherland county.
All persons having claims or demands against
the estate of said iiecod't are requested to make
known, the same without delay, and those in
debted to make immediate pnyTent to
LE I'TER'S Test wintery on the Estate of
1108ES.STORY, late of Hampden township,
Cannierland county, deed, have.been granted
to tint saliscribet, residing in the same township.
All pet:it - ens having demands against said estate
are requested to matte known the same w ithout
delay, god those' indelited to mak& !element to
GEOWGE Slikail3AN.-
VIVII 1 1 .1 R EAS,the Honorable Salmonellae.
Bunn, ?resident ,I ud go of the several
,CutirtaOlCOnitrcon'Pledanf die eouaticaUfrurn.
lioiTniiiiv Parriand'Jlinlata't in" Pen risylvaitia,
and 3 urnieo of the several :Ornate of Oyer and
r.Teimiefer and aoneral,Jail,' Deliverri in , said
''counties, and' Hon; J Om Sti3ort and John geo:- ..
Ariiilii*,'Judgea:'.ot the:, Coort:nr_V • ytir , h n d rfrr.
rninerY,OUd.Genertil for:idir.Pellitirk,' lidtrilll -
of 111:n4ita l' and' othei.dffenailifil:,-'iri. , tlUl'eald
rtaiutiii‘'ol;CUnuerlandi—„ l 4, their'', iwipc4fit'o me
direellid,,..ileteCtliri'pktn, day 91' DiPY:; 1848,
hiiiii - c;Nereiltho'COurt 't'of Oyer. and;iTerrulnor
and-OonerlJuil eiiverY, to he holden at Car . :
'ifs Id.' on: ;the -; gdndayt,:ofr: L- ,ltinuarrieit,
(lieing .tise'thli ' , dui yet .10; o'clook lir th e , f o r a
pc iiiihjb: ciiiiti4u:etyi,o"..y . o9ks...
'l%l -,1,
-,OIIQ gii iaj there rare '400.4' k i vi'ilt;t o the
rMier,4nstii,eaO): . the,Peaeo - ',,and Ornate hle;.
ofthaiaid - 01:iiit1?9irriliailaiidi-thitilfin - ;!ir
. 441firi,1010;bra#01,OriroYrtegdett.tti414 1 ,ten and'
",lliqiitOliqAPS 4 P°i.,PPol?, i o:* lol . 9l,r4si i it s:
. r9Ri d0;01‘1111fWR/tei,:':etrelIlinottont!,' and all
-44.thit)i!OnOikatitipilciit4to`kO done:l l tdoll:th4l4
: ligiultait:&-iirAioinier,ik!Ric rii*oi 3 Otatiiflop Alp'
IP'•:ti,io44./I'.7qE;l)ii.r oelinty.:::lft 0 ; tryliAliato4
f -11Osceola:ill:op, ft , is - Ain be Pit; - .L , .. , _ , . , „, 2 ). , d , ' . A ,'-'= ;
r• ; ; ,.;.. , ,4 .. .:„, .;•,1,1;',4', , :, , ''i ,-, ,::;:' .3 A M E.§:',', lIPIfF,EIt%%-- '...
~. '^i . pliirisi?O';',sz)fifo6,',Ofi'giklii;-I .4 :::s!iiii4: - \t; .,
,'' , .. , 1 , v?2,?, - ,11 - 44.1g . tf0L . L . , :5•izzei , ,„c ,, .. , „:i
~. ..A. ,4,..„_,
or-- line
all and
ror Rent,
no 15-6 t
Auditor's Notice.
TILE Auditor appointed by the Court of
Coinwwi I'leas of Cumberland county, t,o,mar•
shin find distribute the 119P018, in the hands of
Henry Leidigh, assignee ofaSAAO:K•ENIPAR,
.twill .attend,t,o tho- duties of his appointment at
tohie oliicH the borougb of On Satur
day the oth of liiteecmber,nexi, at 10 n7.Clockin
the :foremen. At which time and tpliMe crodbk
tors will present Asir claims. and all. pi:illicit in
terestekmay attend, if thew. think proper.
n0v321.31.. „ , B. KNOX, Auditor
' ; ';' , ;. i 'lW:O'fiii%T r g' , 'J'M,.. l ' ,. .%;7 ., .:•i: , o ,, ; , k , V.Vltf, k '':'t4iM. , ;' , V,.,V.,,if.^ - ••>, , i,.4„'Atp,, , z, , ,xi; ; mi , ,,*
tit ,, ,',,,i, , : 0 :: , . ,);';:!-':,:, t r ; s- ;'':'. '°,,',';.',4,.%.'.'i,',:::,:_ir,•.;;'.."i;i•k:.;,.''::f47,7=1';:iWN..,i.';';';•i',;‘•:,:i.:;,,,:.•,,7,,:,.',-.::
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.• -- i. , .- , -- -. 4,,;61 flie-,:l't:1:.•
---T i. ,- nrintiet-sedteinegr : A.... ...
- ,-, . - riti5...:,,,,--- ! • 1 , - - w-a - iw•Phitaditi;,
r `' / - - 1110 , e: pet ~ roceivp r.c? ), „.„.,
, - f .. ', ~ • ~w :very w.yorl'ext.9"a”"-':
. ~..„,_...-..i.hiar and.: !... ~,...ntnetiiock.v`embrat'')
'')- --- . 4 g -• , addi!iiMitto rt'" • 1 t?Chtedioide ,
~- ~• -..,-- :,,nii4ixiciarly:eiterif artia,..,.thy,,paos;,
t . 11 •' - , in - mil 1046 th er- r . --" abtilltr'
• • pow,. ~. ~, - n -- tlice;;Poild - mbyY, t . .?,
Oils;Varrnehosi.. - I.urpa,
B .
.e t r r a ' u n
endless e l ti n e e n di r : o t ; ro ' ii ' 6 ' B F a toy l i l tn7 lo Ci o i Ell
t. a r t 1 i . 51 ,. . i l a it : ; L F e i a r i
i li: l w r.
3 °l_ i : t i ti n 9: n i
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d i , I. !, 1 c i
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1 ; n :i
hd - .4 7 edlnr.o',
..'„ 3grynysfeinna, "C"":1) .1,9- -
_w_i_!r ienie r„. not td 'pose
and :eihers e lire rpet)Ocklulv-ry.„9, ii.,.;.r.--;,;B6nred.
the OLD' . STAND,- nO. tneYin...v.
t ai r-
- u707: - e a- a r s t i ctn ie nble i ; l 1 en br:117::::l'a:"td.;:::::::::10::1
.• , ' 13.` r, tI A OTT,. -,
Perfumes, OUra and' Soaps.
FINE and fresh ettppy From Roussel's and
IX other of .the fibs! boy houses, nmong.which
are dtpableextrnet'SWeet Hritr;'_Rose Geranium,
Verbena, Pinehouly, Heliotrope . ; Millefieur and
Musk. tastefully put up and for sale nt thelOwesi
prices. Aloe, fur the Hair, Bitadriline, Pom
mode aux-Plenre,-JennyLind hatvgless, Bear's
Oil; Maecassar Oil, fine-scented Antigua Oil,
Philocome, Beef's Marrow, fitie,Myrtle'snd'Vio
Pommndes. Also Fancy Soaps,. such 'WS
Roussel's Shaving Cream, Wright's do, Military
do, Almond' and Palm Wash Soap, molting an
assortment unsurpassed by any in the borough.
tnny3l. , • S W HAVERSTICK
1 - 111PWRTERS and Dealers in Foreign and
111 - Domestic HARDWARE; GLASS, OILS,
High street, opposite Ogilby's dry Jood. stare,
Carlisle, Pa., have just receivel and are now
-opening-a-largis_assottment;priGoods in their
line, to which they would,call—fltClittention-of
far mem illeolianies,'BuilddsvHazeiteepeis,
and others wanting Hardware; its iltffr.stock has
been bought at the lowest rates, and 'will he sold
at a small profit. , .
They have received `a few of 'HOVEY'S
CUTTERS, to which they , would invite the at
tention of Farmers. These'Machines have ta•
ken the premium at nearly all the Agricultural
Exhibitions in the connrry, and era coppi_cleryll
•prefernble to any other Cutter now in use.
.subscriberlas_just:temlived a Intge and
extensive assortment of PA LlAand WINT
TER GOODS, which he is determined to sell'
as low as any' - other - establishment in Carlisle or
to the county' -Call and see and judge fer,you'r
selves •He is satisfied that no one can undersell
him, and will.giye good bargains to nll-who may
favor him by uniting at ItisiuMe in West. High
street, nearly . opp lie Beutom's Hotel His.
stock consists of tits, Cassimerse, Satinetts:
satin, cachmere. . me and silk Vostings ; Me
vinous, Alpachas; lons de (Alines, Cachmeres,
F . cench worked &Altus. kid gloves, silk fringes,
gimps;flowers.. thread laces,large as
sortment of SO AWLS, such as Plaid, long and
square,- Rlanket,--Cachtnere,___Tratut,..:Perkeri,
Mons do Loins, black Cachmere. ISic FLAN.
NELS--Scarlet, yellow end white; cotton•tlan.
nels, blankets.•linseys, Kentucky jostles, tick
ii4s at 61 cis, calicoes 3 to q •eto, very abeap
mushris, hosiery, Berlin and Cashmere gloves ;
comfortn,,yvinter ginglinms Also,
-a lnrge assortment of BO.N.ICETJUBSONS,
very.low, satin plain and figured Mantua. plain,
-hared. striped slid figured . Also GROCERIES
not& QUEENSWARE, such" as-Cole, Tea,
Sugar, Spices of all kinds,_•tobnecor Began',
crockery, glass and queetinware, rice, chocolate,
starch, together with numerous tither. articles—
_Give...him a call,
oct2s - . , , 3-a CARnaNY—
TELEt‘E.4%.P 5T013, 77 •
-- -- IN - 4ARLISLt s ,
Where Clothe, cassimeres, Fictitious, vest ings,
fin - noels, linseys, Canton flannels, shawls, gloves,
ribbons, 4rish linens,
kine alpachas,
Coburg cloths , niorinoes", velvet cords, tickings,
— dafiViwtic — blenkete, Crpeeriei and
Qacensware, with n variety of other goods can
be had very low. Call -and' see his - chrap stock.
nov.l J G - C 1 ,11 0 NY,
N. jk, J. M. Rowe,
Store, No. 0 North Third street, one door
above Arch, east side, Philadelphia, manufactur
ers and wholesalmdealers in all kinds ol Brooms,
Brushes, Buckets, Cedar NVare, Willow and
French Baskets. Shoe and NVall Brushes, Scrub's,
Dusters, Alum, Blacking, Eastiirmtnade NVood•
en-Ware of every description, &c, A.c, at the
lowest market prices. mar 1.
THE subscribers linvltig purchased the right
of Cumberland county; for making Crow-
ell's Patent Thermometer Chuttf, they would
respectfully inform the Fanners and public in
getteral, that they will make end offer for sale,
Aitair. Chorus at the Cabiiio Ware-room of Goo.
• Spangler, in N, Danover street, next door to
• •llte:otfiee of D. Smith, Esg.
';.,' , The'prineiptil advantage this Churn has over
eltOtlitics:i 'Solidi it is so constructed that the rep
Carii'beAtilteit kin . so as to' give free access to the.
inside of ilia churn, which makes it convenient
to put in the cream and get out the butter. A
Thermometer is attached to. the end of the
Churn so as to show-the exact temperature 01
the, cream, width experience shows should be
no make good Butter. A chamheier
space is arranged around the bottom of the
.churmio_r_Amporpose of admitting colder worth
warier, so as tolutiiffiliii - cicitiff - tcrtinr - desired
tempi:Mt tire withdut •mixing tho• water' with the
, cream. The secret in churning butter is, to
have your cream at the proper temperature ; it
will produce more end better batter, and tithe
less tittle in churning ; it chuthe'eutially well in
cold or warm weuther=no such thing as having
-called butter, All Abet is necessary to make
good butter all seasons of the year, is to get one
of Crowell's Patent,Thermotbeier Churns.—
We would most rpspoctfully invite the public to
call and examine for themselves.
Mr. Geo. Spangler—Sir. We have lieen using
the Thermometer Churn I got of you for some
time, and find it far superior to the old barrel
-churn for several reasoma; first, great saving of
time in getting butter. the average time of churn.
ing 'about fifteen minutes, (all weathers); see.
outff, the butter when obtained is much firmer
than when using any other churi; hiutllit[iby
folks t ey would not, cm:helve it for any
other elm and twice the original cost of the
Thermotn ter Churn.
. .Pep.. 2 1848.] , • : G; W. SIIEAVER.
111 r. C o o . . Spangler,7 , -.1• have hod the Crciviell
Thermometer you made' for mo in use
at my place, and I do not,hesitat hesitate to say thin - no
beAvithon .,., , ...Fifteen minutes
is all th time;sreouired..lo.Olake'llutfer, and the
vnluo of this saving; of lime' and' labor consistkin
this, that ltfrequires no 4itore time at any one
season titan another; ,ntia , ;thiit. the Joutperature,
of Abe : cream. nicessary•tremake butter, is pro--
duced.widi*.certainty, and, I,yithout the admixture
`of Warni'ior,cold water with the ' Cream itself.
, '''. ', ,r - ' '' :.. - FREYA' wivrrs.,
Illarlislit;%eg, 47,..,148. , ". ' ' .-J•
- For tligh efit of the . better part 'of man two
man'il ' giv e tl is 'nettdiente:,-c.A.fter 'neirig the
,6 ? „
Thermotnete Churn• roade:.bY'?',Mr.. , Spttngler , of
this place,' I ould-haye none '-' other in my fatni•
ty,:. l ', We - h vo hadn , ..u.sing ,the veld. barrel , churn
, tor.thirtry irs-pas.6 anal inns( soy,it le Mit :to
be - compared to Growell'eThermonisier Churn ,
either for. spied . :Ofebniting•or convenience; •ine•
the. ol d ' Verret elportilloolt'ireneralry fro fix• four
tohix hinirsticintrrohei the
thermos4;4r r•Chtitit' *o" , ctiti churn': Buller' in:
from fiffeenl,ta%';eVienty •rninutet4 b'y brining:the '‘
-ereittriLtri-thed.priiriee•teniptirdiure;.:aluan.4 . cerm?
mondit tci:thepUblie as no otiOnt, • : . ~. .! ,
--'..•:.',:: ..,.-',., ~t. J 0 SE l'll . sgitaivr:,.:
',..' Ciillsli4'keig;4 18411,'...! — •:' , . , ' "..,E. 1, ,, : -1 1 .
...,:.'F .. • %',,.:'‘,'..(''- `,, • ':.
'''',.E.IinGt#I.ANALEP.: hal' altiO,ort'iiiind
ladt,4;lllftina. lure'. tit , ' , otkler.'ll i kinl`l'E'r , •
Air,44l).9,Veferk escriplx_nVittitlt 4l o:7Pilhso7-
'lBoaliititYs;' Setds?jlibiea.., Bodsteges,ffinit,:fitt,
Artjblee in biii..lint.l;and:WillTeoll ÜB. ` cheap4as.cak•
hie-turnitOrestfjleedlnaterlikanttliOral. )l 4'Works:
'inanithilli•OlftAl'olfid'in.yitn'Ake'lpn.bliptif . eii,ll y, ank
cepardinghitesigc„,ls'lAgOVP ll • l '.94 l l l .Pg4:;4'4.
,P.CF.P.g.ArOrtiit4o43obovret loiticr;;l'llernrts,
' inci,deret,e,:mys4 ~,,, ,,1.1;.`. 'r. .-!C,.. w eit,AN.'; , ",;4'7 , ,,t(jetn: i •i.
MILIE "aabacrilior deaiies tti ' ilifirm` tho. wattle; '
id 'l - •and•'die , IckrOiti , of good Fruit ' pattioillitli,
that' ho slt ea 'tiow,tin hind. and for, solo ati tie low , •
es f rattia,,dioillatit'oatetiaile titipottmerti_of.4:„_,' „
. - ,y.r
FRUIT M.!, a Eps AND- . i • i,k i iiklt,§i' ' --:
avor , kdroidd to th4fpublic ; atitbraetag all ,die,
. 13.
lipst. elitimablel4iiaoo l eip ,'. Of ' Altaic', ..Apriosift
l'Puob,, Plum. . Cltetty ::, and , Rearc} praller, 1 . with;
, aagtL3tryi•gaintat,., QtioatiboriyiAltajia' , .ittid
4 41 4.Y,P,trrrAlivuTtifki.P Er nia° , rurTg-Kv ei ""'
firoop, folitatAttiid .04'§Ittao ,Tideak-at.,greartry
,Yidagodlktoosiiif-ordars'bd`aadt , tri dtio liiie- -
„liiq stock., or#pplo . 'aiiiil: lqlo,klldiiii'liiiiia6, 2 ,
[,ltY.':OifeiviitYliir:OliininiPir pie:nil 0,0;00 , triiti,n
„o_ll4,stot." - Nv - hicii;ii, - ,ieiy.Taigeoia:exhThir'lnir
alleouneniffilfriiiii,„thill-TaTititidti,7'!: ...' 7'' ."-.'.!
r '' , l' l , P i l t .V ill #: e .rii , 1 . 11 ' 4. ..T 44i at f ei t ,it''' 6 iiiii 6 lk4' ail d •
•t±rokalithii,ki4l:ffdi:otipl aiii,, 6` . ( ii',iii'r4i fir i;V:ii . tAl s Cc't"pri,4 ll ,ll? - e i ti t i' f '.ia t :4:l l 4 li,ir,oi) e i f . lh r:sl .‘ r, a ,d,ll-4 '
1,‘,140i110-6taiticriapd.frit stile' hti ;i - li- - , Y ..).,':', :. - 'i 1- p - o',Alue cow l ! 6 %
Ii -117 T. ~ r ,77 :•'4 :- ' ");rii: 8 -' - "-7. 7Y !'
~ ...),..-2,,,r,-„;.,,,t,,)„ , ,...:t4i.V!,''4. , 4, c7 f i t‘ t. , 4 5,..- z i :.,- - 1 7 ' ~., .... 54 ,' , , • a;b 1 ' .-‘-i''''.-' ,
4 04 -,,,,,. -..,. ', , ,,Ts ...,v , ..f.k. , , Do! , -.1-Yt r itt.-1;',:-:.cri , ' .AYAe- ri.t/iF4i7. 1 r 1 . - "” ,
' , ...-q_. , , i .. ,=n'7.--.':---:,7-7.--,4-,e"-"t-o.l' -- j; --- ` ''U' , '.1.,. t -
-,-'..' .', - 1- , '.7',' , .?"'... , , ,---1,,,,,, ' , ' , . ) ~- .- 4..',• ,. . , )::, ,, ,',.' • ;.- ,,, 1P •:',,,-), . r... 11 t...,;. , ) -7 ,- .., ...,...--, T - ---.--.-7---.-
. .
1 'eel! private
tii Sale; a' Very'llettirablii , .T.Wmaiiiry
- 1 t a itt acrusaiwith-a ltirge,arid convenient,
tet builditnkattaolied, situate on - -West
atreet; adjotiongitbe lot of. MX JohMlfeller, gun.
tlueproperty•belongs rt water right to a tvelViii
,Mteellentjand never-failing,waterin .thtiadjOin;
mg. lot:Which renders it ,more desirable ,IShould
it net.he soltLat private sale, by, the ,30th el DO.,
C'elinber; it Willi .be offered at public °Mary. en
that- day'at , 12 o'clock, on , the premises. For
tefrtis,..whielt s Will-be-made • easy, apply,to_ the
sebseriber,-nearly.opposite , the.... Railroad _office,
The 'fiMitlO und Lot adjOining, • belonging to
Mrs. Creightotai also fht sale ,
• novls7.ts -, 0
Tor Rent:
Am THE subscriber offers for rent for one
. ,or more .years, a WAGON MAKER'S
;ma ander one roof, 'situate—an, the Trindle
Spring road; near Richard's tavern, in North
Middleton township. It is a first-rate stand,
having been occupied as such for,many years,
and being well known. If rented .by single men
hoarding-cuulsl be got convenient.
W.arehonse for Rent. ,
, • • WILL ho public outcry,
on SATURDAY, the Idth,pf
Venther, the large and commodfirus
jfil; Lt., Warehouse, situate on thb,Railroad,
• in the borough of Mechanieslmrg,
tom occupied by George Singizer The Ware.
houie Lin fronts on the Railroad 265 feet, giving
plenty of room for cars and wagons
The half of the Warehouse, from the garret to
the lower floor, iti finished as a'..llwelling-house,
und-eapahle-of-eomfortahly accommodatteg sev.
end families Attendance wilibt - rtifelt - on - said
day by
Ex'rs of Henu'ijey, dec'd
f 0 ale.
House and Lot
TIIE subscriber offers at privet()
s a l e thepropeily ( n which be now
4,3 t lives, situate in Plainfield, Cum,
iF B'i re' .lierland county, five miles front
AZ- C arlisle, . consisting of a LIJT con
mining up arils of an Acre, of gto I, on which
is erected a new live story Brick DWELLING
i HOUSE, Smith Shop. Stable &o. There is a
never failing Well 74 - Water near the house, and
lute number of very choice Frei: Teets on
' - tlce - fotT — ft is an old rtandfor Blatdcamith, :ind
well known as such through the country. The
whole." property is in good condition.
lfltofßoldhi-fere.Satuuulat; the 4tlrtif Novem
ber. 'text," it will• on that day . be exposed to public
sale atone o'clock in the forenoon, on the pre,
Ggo. tionwiNG
Valuable Limestone Farm
THE subscriber offers at Private
l „• - • Sale the 'Farm on which he now
roic lives, situate in Dickinson ,lown
,tr. • ship. Cumberland co, on the Wel.
•rt 49 ' - nut Bottom road, about four miles
front Carlisle, containing 109 .Acres, more or
Jess, of first rate Limestone Land, about 90 acres
of which is cleared, and in high state of:cultiva
tion. The improvements area large Frame and
Plastered Dwelling House, Log Barn, 2 Tenant
Houses, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed and all other
necessary outbuil dings. Also,twoyoundOreli , •
nrds of very fine fruit. one 'of which is, now in
Iteliring order. The Farm to admirably
itituatod,_and presents strong inducements to
purchasers. For further, inforthation apply to
the subscriber, residing on the form,
sepii-ts GEO. LEE.
AT r_IUVATE Sll,llt -
THE , stifitieriber offaifiririf. 7
, .
- vain Sale the following
. described
' , V;'g V -Real _ Estate, situate tn,„. North
11 I .7; M iddleton tow nshiji,
county, - ecintitining 150 Acres,
more or less,;aboutl2s of which
are cleared and in s a - high state of cultivation, and
the residue covered whit thriving young Timber,.
- , 1 2 11e-improyentenis are a two.story.Log_liciuse,
Stone Kitchen, Frame Batm,.Wagon-thed and
'Corn -crib, and n tine young thriving Orchard
witB- choice fruit. The Farm is well- covered .
with Locust Timber. There area number of
never-failing running swine, of water near the ,
door. The above - mentioned tract- fit all Lime:-
stone Land, and is in n healthy neighborhood,
within two miles of Carlisle and one mile from
the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and lying on
the Canodoguinet creek. The Farm is con
venient to die Carlisle market. The purchaser
can have the whole Farm, or 100 acres and the
ifnprovements, or 50 acres, or the 50 'acres di.
JONI into tire or ten lots. 11 y this hitter divb
SUM the property would suit persons in Carlisle
who wish to purchase lots.
An indisputable title will he given. For terms
ripply Jo the subscriber, residing on the Walnut
noitom road, five miles from Carlisle.
sop] 3 • JOHN.MHBURN, sr..
Plainfield Nursery and Pomologi
cal Gardens, •
ave. miles treat Carlislic, (Ncterille toad.)
OW contains one of the largest and best se-
N •
tented assortmetit ot FRUII"DREES. ever
offered for sale in: Penosylcania, to which the
subscriber a ishes to call the attention of all
lovers of fine fruit, -Planters will find it tleci,
dedly to their advantage to pu rc h as e ct• us , as w e
have an immense stock of the very finest large
healthy trees, of the hest grafted varieties, such
as cannot be Mot elsewhere. Apples, Peaches,
Peas, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines,
Almonds, Raspberries, Strawberries, Ste, to
gether with ,a splenCid lot 'of Evergreens, all of
which-will be-sold loweedban_eversdierett
't.ofote. Apple treed very large,- 10 to 14 feet
high,' strong stocks, perfectly farmed heads, of
bearing age, tit 10 els each. Ordinary good trees,
such as arc usually sold at Nurseries, at from 5 to
7 eta each. Persons buying to sell again supplied
at a liberal discount. The' fact that we are re
moving nor entire stock to other groundscontrels
us to offer such estraordnutry indneenients to
purchasers. Eviry tree sent from our establiih
ment is distinctly labeled, and carefully packed,
so as to give the most entire satisfaction. Trees
ordered by letter will be as carefully selected and
packed ns it' the purchaser was present, and can
he safely. sent a thousand miles. Printed eau,-
loguesfurni shed gratis to all applicants. A tld reiti
actil—fitu • . ' - • Cerlisle, Pa,
•:''P' : .,;'l,4j'. - :• - :1'; , 1 , :. 1 '.fs• , ..i
' , .'s .7&i.:7:.i:,'•::,-:.;'-7.::;;:.
~..---"' -----.. 'Tlf,is Yr optic tors lIM e spent much time li .
4' . / in bringing this preparation of banSteAMLIA .
77 ' ^to its present state of perfeetien „and the experience
7 ,
of fourteen years hes furnished them the most ample- up- normality to study, in their various forms, the a
li i - — Fri recommended, and to adopt it exactly to their relief and cure. pa
' limits who wish a REALLY Goon Medicine are inviteibto give it it trial, and satisfy .
Ill( ~,,,.
a th n e a m c s u e r t i m g s d o is f e tsup T er h ior b it c y , i t , tl a e n h d . th b e ee in n v e a n trabl e e d p t r o or ol ry o it N y r o , s g su A se ß s ,r of aries d
~----- , present improved "? irTii j kay safely claim' to enl arg ed
the BEST and CHEAPEST iOl/(01tle of
I, 1 1 the ago Its progress to the fame it has attained may be traced by a long line of • fade
1 and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the Invalid, pointing the way to'
1 1 , I :I the haven M health.
!I 1
' I
The following is from Col. S. G Taylor, n gentleman of high standing and extensive
acquaintance in the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada:
I , Messrs. A D& 0 SANDI --' New York, xfonuory 701101.
;1 0 sn,—Having used, and witnessed the effeets of your excellent prepatatiOn
,11 ll of Sarsaparilla on different persons in various parts of the Southern country, via.,.
. Virginia, Louisiana,Texas, and Mexico, I feel mneW pleasure in stating"the high
opinion entertained of its great medicinal 'value. /n my own ease it anted almost
1 . ;I like a charm, remcw lug speedily the' enervated state Of the system, and slotting, In
I I I '; the most agreeable manner, is tonic and invigorating influence.
I Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved and extensively used by the U. States army
1 ~ :l! in Mexico, end my cousin, GEN ZACHARY TAYLOR, lifts for the past five years
1 ,4, been in the habit of using it, and recommends the same; he and myself adopted the
xt --artiste-at-the semitone, and it. isnow considered an almost indispensable 'requistte
0 ~,„( 4 1 . ;, 1 in tiol scaly. lii concluston rwould sair,llint - tIW) belief - it IS known the more highly
, ' ' " it will be p rized, and I trust that its health-restoring virtues will make it generally
ill '
, I 1 . 1 known throughout the length and breadth of our widely-extended country.
11'11111PI Yours very respectfully, S. G. TAYLOR,
" U. S. Consul to New Granada:
!i f . I I;
1 , if , ~ Southport, Conn., JCSIUsEY 1, ISM I
P 1 4 1' ': I Messrs. SANDS —Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to inform you
i ill b ll of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. She
.11 IWI hi ill was severely afflicted with the Scrofula on different parts of the body;. the glands of
Xi $ 1 the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. After suffenne omit •
. . , „ I year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and
1 1,'"IIII 1,0 below the knee suppurated.. Her physician mimed it should be laid open, '
which was
•; I I I done, but without tiny , perfnanent benefit, ln this situation we heard o f, and were
1 , li, li' l l 11 induced to use SANDS Sarsaparilla. The first brittle produced a decided and favor
!iiii . able effect, relieving her - mote-tiran any prescription she had ever taken and before
a ' I;,, she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and dClight - oflid - • - frienda - drfound her
- hill , health quite restored. It is now over a year since the cure was mod, and Iter
HI 1 'I. henlth remains good, shirking the disease was thoroughly eradicate roe , the system.
nil mo iti Our netghbora are all knowing to these-facts,end-think-Sa MA . 4 sapaulla a great_
blessing to the ago Yours with respect, JULIUS PIX.,Z.
I i lull I I Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. NV. Harps, nge Man Melt iatown in
Louisa county. Vii.:—" I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sarsaparilla,
•0 , , who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous faintly, Yours truly.
(,11 lt " Fredericks Hull, Vs., July 17, Isle." . N.W. HARRIS."
1 ,
1,1, The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Church of the
1 ~ 111' II ,' ' Cnicifizion in this city. commends itself fp • t he 'summon of the afflicted Numerous
, I t , certificates of cures of various diseases effected by this medicine am almost daily
• ° I L , 1„ received;
I ~, , , Messrs,SANTIS —A member of my family has taken your valuable Sarsaparilla for
, ere scrofulous affection, etc. with the most benetimal effect resulting from its
j use. It gives me very great plensure to record my testimony inballirlif it as
.1 , il, ',III ii and efficacy, hoping that others may be induced to make a trial of it
-,'571 , ,, Nee York, Alai , le, le4t, JOHN GRIGG.
1 ,
Messrs. A 11 k - rIZZIK,- Norwich, N. Y . , Oct 8, ISO.
Gr rums St EN—Feelings of gratitude induce me - to make a public acknowledgment
, 1 of the benefit
eeua I
with 10 swellings s head, whir-Ii at
t ~ ^ i , " gather and discharge at any throat, nose, and ears, and at others would break out in
1 1, i j 0 ill, different parts of my face and head. These continuedmntil my throat, face, and
, I, I b 111 , , head were utmost one complete sore, and for a long time I was so hoarse that it was
with the utmost difficulty that I could speak above a w • hisper During this thne I had
t ,, 1
,1 1 11.,1. several attacks of pleurisy and other diseases I eensulted different physicians, and
I 1 1' 1 11 11I' 'll
I;, ,„ ~ tried various roinedies, but received no benefit unttri couunenced using your Sarsa
, 1, , 1i 1 1 1, lib pantie I urn now well . ;he sores are all healed, and I attribute the result entirely
II jail ,111 l ,li to the effects of yrntr valuable medicine.
. Yours, with respect and gratitude, PIIEBE CAHOON
,i ':
1 1 1 1 l ilt ' ; I Being personally acquainted watt the person above named, I believe her statement
I. .1,1 .11,1 to be correct. JAMES AL 1). CARR, Justine o4tiio Peace, 1
II li !IP .............
Sold •liy B;:ELLIOTT, sole,Agentfo
Rich sntin striped Cachmeres, Alpscas,Mous
de Lain, new stylO Alhinns, figured dress'Sillt&
plain Silks, Paraniettiva, Merinaes, French wa
ked Collars, Kid Gloves, Shawls, Ribbons,
assorted Silk Fringes, black do., Silk Giinps,
Bonnet Silks, Flowers, Thread Laces, &c:
Black -French Cloths, black Cassimerce,eancY
Caseimeresi Cravats, Satin, Merino and Valentia
Vesting.% Cloth Cnpe, 4 ,
Also, Muslin, Gloves, Hosiery, 10 , 1 Sheeting,
bleached and unbleached Shirting, Anionet,
Swiss Mull and Bishop Lawns, brit and col d
Kid Gloves, Silk, Colton, Lisle Thread, Merino
Gloves for ladies, gentlemen and misses; cotton,
merino, cnehmere, alpaca and woolen Hose, for.
ladies and gentlemen.
1 would inform the citizens of Carlisle and
vicinity, that the above goods, suitable for Alm
Fall trade, are opened and ready fin- inspection,
and= am .confident that persona examining my
stock, from the greatly reduced prices would be
induced Itxrwirke their purchases therefrom.
• 801)27 S. A. COYLE.
riiHE subscribers,-reeentlyfam Philadelphia,
respectfully inform the.,citizens.ofparliele
and surrounding country, that they have just
opened at the corner of N.' Hanover and Louthor
streets; an entire new stork of DRY GOODS,
with , a general • assortment of 'l3OOTb and
SHOES, all of which have been purchased at
the present low prices, and will be sold very
cheap for cash. Please call and examine the
stook, as we are determined to sell at very small
They have also been appointed agents tor tlie
sale of the Pekin Tea Company's TEAS, of
which they keep a general assortment at Phila•
dolphin retail prices.
sep27 S. D.POWELL S. CO.
EEL GOODS, assortment of Rag
and Tures Clasps, Slides and Rings. Purse
Silks, Steel Beads, Creeltet.,Petterns;;DTnedles,
&c, pat, reeeived by •
p0p273 ' , . ti`WITITNIL
' y HAS ':iamiriod td. AleTander's Row,
otteet, opaapito ^ the dwelling or Dr.
Lobmie; M ilo ebniinnetoln the •praetiee of
MEDICINE an&SU UMW'. -1411idWite
iy and tHioeasoo•of , Women and Childron, will
claim opecial attention., , , i00t2.5
• • • .
- „
A SE'LENbL[) . assortment,, consisting
"-a.' of 'Riairiiit , N;" PILICB; SAI
•FLO)VElifi hadTaiviasai, cheap for leneh,-at•-.
1 - - 'EDWARDS,'
-.00001. 3" 31.80'etond St ;,P,hqudelphia:.
Q?LW'-Kege=r:airaciew du :do;
;lc AI LLE Rt. C
1.11-liett.riehurg,,Qcm,r4tTj,. ;,7 , •
11" Er AT Ott PRO 0F; B 0 018:4 iiaqaaitiiie'd
i V.: a. • Intl prime olVatiir Boots r mutt' , uth.
.Shoes.. Also a-, ccimpletivaseatpiienttaf Ladiate;
"kink 0 hildren't Bhoef4 ,at'xac4o-Prieo B ; , rftL .. .
; „.pat4-.4.s ;= F42 l _2_ , 4 , 7 , , 50.
Q HA WLS,• • ••=A jatgb 101. of ',,turkert
, tillitoono.inii vo*
opeOhjir bf,L , 0 a I
ocjj 'f(JJ oil,
TOLtiAssor •
.V----ment-orXrenc.b.iskrigoosiituktoceackiyqd. olio
virliort incolACol,l,l4oe-ailidoiritka - Tordrvini•
goods; splii r pg,at; ,ll ,,x.prYtiPwlisPilfgeb
o . at] •
ng11118843 t i O l " ' I "
t ik4jln
9101g90r*I4t1011-F3 RfifiLV
h604,:;,.q Eir:b KQY s
. 'Art,;col4'll!),g .t l PVA.: 4) , l 4 X
, , ,
1110 1 1 A. B. du' n: SANDS, Dttimpzers AND Cliglilintr, •
77 111 1 _... 100 PUI.TOII - S T . , CORNER OF WILLIAM, NEW YORI.
Sold also by Druggists generally throughout the United States, and Canaddi
! . , 'Price $1 per Bottle ; six Bbttles for $5.
Jusr reqeived at the
4 . 44 , 4. "BEE IIIVE," a large
"A: assortment of FALL &
e.:ef consisting in part of the
following articles, viz:
great' Bak gains.
C rtrlisle
/11115 subscribers have jusfreceivedfrom the
City the largest quantity of DRY GOODE
ever brought to Carlisle. Their stock consists '
in part of the following:
CLOTHS—BIue, brown, blue.blck, green,
front $1.50 per yard up to $4.
CASBISIERES and Vesiings—goOd, heavy
and fine striped Csssimeres, 75 cil3 57tj and $1
per yd. Some of the most handsome Vestinga
in the county. ' Casinetts front 25 to 673 cts.
CASHMERES and hlous. de Lamina, front
154 to 621'cia•
CALICOES—about 5,000 yards, some very
good at six cents per yd. Alpachas and Men
noes, 181, 25, 371, 50, t,21 cts. Splendid lustre
Ginghams at 126 cis. Yard wide Muslin ,s
cts per yd. Good 'Pickings, a, 10, 121,
Best quality domestic Clinch:lms, warranted fast
colors, at 121 cis. Five Irish Linens 37i, 50,•
62i, 751ets. Limeys, 121, 16, 25 cis. Woolen
Flannels at 12k, 281, 25, 376, 50 cts: . ^
" Gum Shoes, nil kinds and sizes.. Ribbons for
bonnets. at 8,12 k, 15, 181, 25 els. Laces and
Edgings, cheap, ral thread lace. wide, 12, eta.
Cloth, Glazed. and Fur CAPS, 121 eta to sl.
Together with utmost every article_ in our, line,-
which we are determined to close'oui , vc low.
Also, on hand an assortment of READY
MADE CLOTHING. consisting of fine casinett
Coats at -$5; Pants,l,7s to. 3.50 fur cassintere;
Yests,.l,oo to 3,00 or satin. We have a large
stock of Cloths, &c, f;ourwlitch those,can se•
let and have their measures taken' who cannot
salt themselves in ready made..
lentz; who is acknowledged to be one - of the
best Tanois in this county', who will take mea
sures and manufacture clothing I. om IS 1) 03 5
on the stria cheaper it cheer than can be had ,elsewh
-Give him a cull_young_men,
t4l- , • ' - - -12K-76E-WR-E''NTZ:
To lOU w ho wish to lay ont
their Cook to !lit? !cry best kit -
raiitrigei . •
fIHARLES' OGILBY is nonr:'enening his
lJ immense andtiplendid'stoeic of FALL aid
WINTER DRlkr GOODS, and rettpeetfully in
vites one andmll calkatid Wok, before poross
ing, es VIII 113 aelerinilled .t(11
,vivo, iiIREAT •••••
BAB- • •-
Ci /ANS the way - pritee and , bettutiful pods.
His clock consists of all kinds sed..ionintes'of •
Cloths, Citssitheres • Casinetts, lientui•ky'3,eana.
Linsey,,lllankets thoinsind
Other articles- in , lthe'-Woollen: lino ;falsol_Calh,.. -
metes; iDelartes, - 4ipacasitvLenta • Plaidsrich
.agile Winter, Gin hams, • beautifuld epdt,9h,OP- •
Calicoes. Meshes of,everg kind and ,autdity,'elt.
iremelv amen; the • best 'efitiVinegtieyetek of
C A RPM'S ilrit•he hfielied•for ten yooifl4Oy
are beaotifulcpatterne; good; fabricaland-;vinT
lull tine etiritmetw'assOrtment‘ of- tioliOs'Ano
nuEss '6 00 DSl'fi Iniee 'Meek ! , BOOTS.
silo Es: And , ,, GROpERTER; all
be sold at the steeliest tirolits... ;
Be ante to cell and itee'fbeirettrietiee:liiitOris '
purchabing elsewhere, I? onientber
well . ,eatablished.neo.EirNlini§oo64 , POr: •
',lisle... .t..«.' 0,.
trtbOi!iifo <
dowif and Largii”StOW OPG O,D . .•
:AriAPS: l • l 4iiiit :fee - Oval:1 i:getiergitttesortizilitit'..:'-
.‘k.of:Grontlonn4 . !B Piie!intidr,Ohildli.O.
CaPo.' liyr
,the-d ay4mny le r loulat,tho:copVitA
Eft &:10oTgit t mitVar PAXA. T 4
p t
it,?"' ~.
10,14-100ctte Couhtty - TeVetreceited - •
cde•s'ale attllike Mll 14EE,04•11an•
Wfe4',:e!teeits'• to , _
lAN 0 tiNTRIP P t tiANNT.I)-4,08t,' loe
NLVE, N. tretioreeptrtt "tt t
Grioloreo i r Voriklustfoo', '
qt,Alko o oloie AloVanov for sale cheap for
'Cog oh - Ito KE:ll_ IV
t4 . 57 re - ouriptVinttegifiVolf - kt.- -
411WSIERY4Aq:60.010010,4 1 4:44ioet
406'44114h ***l6.l
• it. c s ,
L 4l4 ,l ,l c 4 4'f i fe li tYVl t frs
1 1 4431r,W.A.P.,5/46,1,4 0
Vinffr "jiT: