Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 06, 1848, Image 1
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IB Pr'-§"'' ,l 7l l :otv , ' cr,f , :;;qs, • , '` 044 f , ' , !;V5..4L2 %. REIE • 1E VOLUME XLIX. eatb-o i ; De Jelin J, nrAS'itEtVIOVED °filen and dwel ' ILA ', a Act the hoiree'intihining , hie Drug Store en Weet:Higli.iititet.L_L_:_'• 1 • • - -Willis . ' —Dr. lt AtPATE 'or the iere m fieii Medical 117gollege,of re sp ectfully offes ht_wefeestcnut•pervices in tlie_pr4F.tice of Me4i . -biaeitSirgery:and Midwifery.'• __,017-FrCE:lVelui residence of.ltis father in S. HAnitveiefreet,direcily opposite Morreta ' Hotel anst,the..24 rtdabYterican church: np 7`t 17 'Doctor Lippe, • , - HOMOEOPATHIC Physician. Office street, in the house formerly smelt- Ofed by Dr. F. t hrmam op 9.'413 Dn U. LOOn4s, . - • .. • ,Ll.' perform nil' 1214411-.1.,' operations upon the •IP - Teetit.that Are regal , ted fotrthbirpibsorvation, each aa Scaling, Filing, restore• the loss' of them, by inserting Artificial7Teiiii", - from d slug sett. - 0:7 - Office on Pitt street, a few bora ISicutli of' thi3 Railroad liotol. Or. L. is ab ieni. the lasf ten•dey,s of eveyy mornit. Wm. T._Bro e., A.,u V 'O4lOA A 71 1 011:N . 8Y 'kfCo-A.'o, Office with Adair„ Esq. in — a rahrim's - , new build - hg, Opposite the Post Office. mar 31 'l7 TTORNEYO iri - i he. SO verfil . giThle ill Dtj• Car 'OarsoxL a, _Moore,. ATTORNVX AT LAW. Came in . the ; ioem lately - occu,pied, by Dr. Fowler, gecemsedrl, - num - 31 '47 • R. A. LairOorton, ATTOILSEY AT LAW, Harrisburg, -np 24'48 WIUGIIII I-- V, - SAXTON, , .,olfTDltS 'AND. DEALERS IN FOP.- ' DIGN k DOMESTIC Dleas,fraiils, Dye Stiirs,Dil, Iron, Sreel. Nails &c. would hilite' the attention of persons want ing goody. id tjteit .liee, to the. large assortment t hey 'littve'SneA r ietifed l .and which therciffer the itery lowokeeyihjtipees.- - feir2.3 „ . _ • Dyeing • aend - S . cowing . . • . _ I LLWIA-Mg BLAIR, in Lirfitlier Street, • ' v 'ir#ii: iliiiGoilege, dyes Ladies' apd - llontlo. mien's iiptiarrel, all colors, and - warrants all work to be daiislactory.. Orders in his brie respectbill'y solicited. , ; ,- , 6 „lei) 2 'l6 John P. Lyne, WHOLES'ALE And . Retail Dealer in FdroitgauMl Diatomic. Hardware, Paints. Deb GlAss,.,VOrnisli.lie. - nt the old OtIVIll in N. Iflamtar.,stront, Carlisle, hus 'just received from NSW . Y.irk Ai& Philadelphia nlatemddition to his formor stoele,lo which the attention of boy; ers is requested, as he is determined to sell over than any other 'hoase intown. nprl9 'ldiglstrate's 01Ree Removed. Vi.E•oiliai of the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace; has been removed to the house adjoining 'the store of Mrs. Weakley, in High street, Car lisle, immediately opposite the Railroad Depot and Winrott's HMOIL My residence being there. 1 girl' always be - found at home, ready to attillid- Hiebusiness uf, the priblie. In addition to the dating of a M igistrate, I will -attend to all kinds such as Heeds, Mortgages, BMWs, Indentures Articles of Agreement, Notes yhich will Indentures, dxectited in n nem manner and ac r (cording the most approved ftirms. The Office lately occupied by me, in Mr. Gra hones building . te for rent, and OOSSPESSiOIIhid im mediately. The rentsis low and the loan • gond. jun Id 1818 . GEC, VtpTIS:G,; glainleld.olllsslcal Academy, • _(o_yn-*ILES.2yEST CAILLtSLC.) I) AY, N ' 'loh, 1948. , The number of Stu 4.3uts they are, carefully prepared rfor.o4llego,'coitniinehoitse, &c. &e. dientsiailociating with the vicious or depraved, iheiitCroOtote Cram town or village, thouglueasily_ I:l'.a.lcessibleby State Ito to CitattOerland Valley Attila> I, both - of which pass through lands at,. -,.:imbed to the &it. c. • g 9 tra-164,*!aglilak, see.) 850 00' lettiiiLor Greek • - 4 F -. . ;5 00 Amitr„„iiintalimasie - .10 00 , Pfench. teridit'it,, NT, .• 5 Op. ^Circtilari with re";ltect, Corni4hea •tr. oeu Il: It. IC. BURNS,•Principal. • -1- ;'s WASH IN GT3 AT.; HOUSE tr*rtxtmnpAtp, PA,' • :Pdpidar .licaie,safF:reeently,andergpne, euithisar.a . firlia",'N a*, ti7,10 , 1,111:711i10; gib b e at qtpitity: aild'others, - ;veitiag I.... * :Aliala,at,jett,..9.l.l..yerritneat;,wil) find a vaiy,,'de 13,11,WAS - - • )-;•117-tto8094,••mi.i6rpat,: -•- • • • Agent. 4 't ,;.vtibilriii)6ll.l.ll4;.:Euitt, Perry : • , V,!i! F.Aii*FiAsi•A9,siYpq 1 - 444-1, ' ,travelling , but' 1 ,444,thki. ht5,..145.0.,gm0v from (ho , • tr: hiigt#od,Jcp.own WOibly's Intel: by, johli, hi 49;` bifir tit M anoigh% itinet;•llphr.tholpixb., , 1 1-*lfjuMitta'llo344i9fitlPiirtr and - . 1141 Ch, Whilf3 lo . , Y , lhn •'o4,l..L.9r4ir.,honthijith's a hpflihw,hpi ber il;fo'no444l4biiiii4l4l Nit fa.' - 6,‘!eittrfibr thiii`4ol4,4lBofiniablo iv in accootimion 4f)."eopt: AAftgoOri,' o Mntk.° e I"; SY *che4 . 49 0 0 ,g(pisp".4 1 ,::1 toilful ,Q,ktbirlytal , oliyoiti toollangci.-" - - -0';'lir;t4721.1i191411:;voltrilu:64121)°:r11.0441:08:A•2:31 vaoll.l^67APllol.4fr, inAllt,pl:. ƒpr - - t 7,77,t7:795Ci11iffl F,>o 4 +. etr..'lealm 11104am:00 $ n n ohlitielhofforqoAßAWS7 lo ! [„,., fAfkil irkliVete4:o;loof,rpttnr44l , 4l,..l n tin f!r ....t.416. ~ ... . ~ . ~,,,, .. , i .. A. o. ifAlosipfp ..' 1:rp, , , F5, , ,,fr,,.,...,,t..., , .. 71.,6-`3?4ti f f ' 01e,,R., iraltilisottmetOtosyy ,4qt, won : 041wArtT , T.,, invOlgoaltoulciero; for. ,inik,hri It. ',,MpV , Vifi ,. 4 44l o...Wast ro gi: :.1. , .:i ,, , ' c'l;piftlki.: : ...1,) ::, ':',4lYAC,,ci,4tt:q!'.7;:.'ViVi,c::,:;'Z'-.';'tlgr,•z:,'-t.i.'0.75,5,;!7- 3isitrdnii eainpatiis • Equitable Lifejnautance, Annuity and TraD Goznpany. - OFFICE 74 Walnut street, •Phiadelphin.— Capital $250,000. Charter perpstunl.— Itlake Insurance on lilies tit their office in:Phila.. delphia t and at their Agencies' throughout the Statesq,at - thOowest rates:of-pretnium. . Eatenfo insuring at $lOO on ti single Life. : • • . Agn.• -- -For-1 year. For 2 years. F Life 20:' - Sr I • .91 260 30: , :- .' ~99' ' • 1,30 2,44 • 40%;; - 2," .'l 1,29 1164,,.7 0 50.;;:.: ~ 1,86 2,07 I °,94 's9' - E:Ciois.t.g.—A person aged 30 years next birth day,: by paying the company 95menfk would Se cure to his family or heirs $lOO should he die in one year ; or for $9,90 he secures to theist $1000; or Ihr $l3 annually for seven yairs he secures to them $lOOO should lie die in seven years; or for 820,40 paid annually during-life, he secures $lOOO te 'be 'paid when he dies. The insurer securing his, own bonus, by the difference in amount of premiums from these charged by °Thor oflice's:' For -$49,5$ the heirs would re ceive $5OOO should•he die in one year. : I Forms of application and all particulars mey ol be hairet tie office •of FRED'x Ws - TT.T•;• Esq, Carlisle, Pa. . ~ 3. W. CLADIIORN, Pros't li. U. Trrcirtve, Sec'y. FR ED ' K. WATTS, Aley. pr. D. N. MAnost, Medical 'Examiner. • .nt1229-1y : . • • . . 111 rimCtiCe . 'plend coun opposite the • fob 9 The Pranklin Fire Insurance Gem- papy of philadelphia. OFFICE, Not 163itThestrut street, near Fifth street DIRECTORS. .. Charles N. Bancker George W. Richards - Thomas Hart '• , Mordecai D. Lewis! Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Bone Samuel Grant David , 5 1.4. Brown Jacob It. Srnith. Morris Patteri•on Continue to make insurance perettial, or Rini tee, on eyery description of properly in town land country, at rates ns low as are consistent with security. The company have 'reserved a large contingent fund, which with their capital, and pre 'Mins, safely invested, attord• ample protection to the itistAred.'s' The: assels of the company on January Ist, 141.1 R, as published agreeably to imam of Assem bly, we're ns follows, viz: Mortgages $R90,55R 05 _ Real Estate IOS 158- 90 Temporary Loans 124A59 00 Steeks---. 51,563 25 Cash on hand and in Minds of agen.s, Since . lhOir incorporation, n period of eighteen years, triey have paid upwsti:ds of ONE N111.1.11 , N. TWO HENEEED. TEOVNAN DOT.I.AIIB,I4ses by fire, tVerchy affiftdine 'evideneb of the ntii.antages of insurance, as' wi , ll as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness. all liabilities. CII A 111,ES BA N tan , Pres' t. eIIAS. G. Bs eOOO, See% ' feb 2 The sobseriber is aqui for the above - company for Carlisle and its viettn , y. All applications . for insurance either by mail or personally. will be promptly attended to. \V. D. - SEY OU It. Fire Insurartee. • `'. • r(11-1B ALL.P.N . N!cn PBNNSBOROUG II j Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated , by nit act of Assem bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un der the management of the following commis sioners, viz ; Clit. Stayinnn. Jacob Shelly, Win. R. Gorges. Lewis flyer, Chritoion itzet. Robert Sterrett, henry Logan, Michael Cockliii, Benjamin h. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Semi. Brow ell. Pc. and Meichoir Breneman, who respect fully call the attention of citizens of 'Cumberland and York counties to the advantages which the corn- pane hold out.— The rates o 1 insurance are as low and favorable as any company of the kind in the State. Per sons' wishing to become members are invited 'to make application 90 the - agents-of- the-companyi who are willing to wait upon them, at any time. JACOB SHELLY, President lENitY'I'OGAN, V. fres% T,r.wis 111 En, Byereht!T 31' WHAM.. COCKLIN, Treasurer . '-'"Neilwrilßuctoph , Martin, New 'Camber land -Christian Thud. and-John C. Dunlap, 'Allen; C it:...tinrmoh. Kingstown; Henry Zenring, Shire -niaristnwnT-Simon-Ovel , WurinieN'sburg; Ro bert Moore. Charles 'Bell. Certisle.c.• Agtmts for York e;ounty—Jacob Kirk, gene ral agent; John Shertiek, John I,k in, J. pow.- limn; Peter Watford. ---1-kgents-forliarrisburg—tiouser & LoehriVan. sTall 9 . • , IAftI . CUNI lirAtLAl4l.) VALLEY . . 4 1 .Arfitiedi .11 1 rotec n tion Coin' y. Ill'IIII: . CUMTIE111,AND IILE C'"*Al PA Nil , nil under the directiou, of the Tollow log board of, aciagees fth,the etnuing year, viz C. 'Millet', l'residect; Srnitiel Galbraith, Wee l're 'Datni 41 W . McCulloogh, 'Freashrery A. G. Mkll er .Secretary, anieeWeakley ,Juloi 'l'. 'Green „John Zug, Abraham , King. :Richard I Vt'moda, Sainuel littatoc. real ,• licott Coyle; Alexander travidson. There are itlgo a. .nuuthcr Of Agents appointed, tho adjure ct ymtiutea., who will receive applications fo r in.. aurattue atcrl torwaril ahem inttnedintely for ap 'provalto the Cilire of cite. Compit tly,at.heti the poi ihy will be i asned without delays. „For further initrinatipu . lhe b ) T.-t a i rih r- 117 - € , inlilith) • " I ' llOS. C. NIILLFIII A. G. Mitt.e.h,Src'y. The following godlier -Feu hare been appointed flag. ,Weatpcastaboro, Gen end J gen!t • S. A ; . 0 14 ' :a a l e . 9 • • 1 .11)1i M i Cal i " 1; P r" ' Georgic Brindle, Mont a ne, " AH 3 !".• iBlOtihdtt.-Culbeylaftiqp)plip.titqkor'A‘, Septeml~eri r ? 4 7 n ',"' ; ' I • ‘i! • ,Try . ..3lr,;,:r:lrrt.. 4 oV , T.A . ;,iiiik,affikeiio the he I.iiattni , : V' 'goikble `P,tennnhP.Plasteio, e.nnidititti of 'which ` loifwand.fried*ifi:. it RVei...;beetr . LentAfttetijril y Itlr.‘Croop #h m 0.0 y, • 6f 'Pytdrinvkii' I.l , ry.nt;:44 o the;Vellon'AVqmbi t 'Alow'rF,?lnntoolle,hie..lllq4igri.6lte.rerit§eingitir t it re. and aneedy cure rho short ep4"eierttempt iB 'eltniinrltit,thelcountOstrinettnitnente;fted.4:o.'enTl . eisc,itynaogu Thle . .))e feels, jue=. 'tifiedin'4initti4,kinheinueliiteVertite; , noi failedi. iii cusinfit,o4,o out,-:O(..three . ithhdrgtl:nhtl,fiftr elee, 0 rtf: , ;Dow:ii,iiiif 1)ox..! Sithi in La to, 9' , rjOitcYc• eneDe." 4 .l 4 : . V.M.VER§: " h 1-dtaitthinttitig' .4.•;' , :,'''Kl;:.'d"li*,'Zq - '- :4 4,, .4.: sue. -L7 .....;.7.-.4.-: ' :• ,- ; .Y ..2 - ,!,' ~" :;:'. ~-; - -4 :07r, : ?;0'1, 4, 4.v•e• ,,, ,:. , 4, _; ==- Fi 1 1 ' • • - $1: Mil 35,373 28 $1,220,047 WM !greeter; furyomildnerenee the "earnestnesis.of ' hie pursuit; while tilltilir vital pin vre• flignil ittiposaible,for BM biteiffmatrlartned his-shield ; Several times lid . Haypthe, best marksman of our partyv.taise•his..rifielibat as often low. ered it,•nnable , te Coveri,Pny sprit Wliciie his ball Might:fell, anil'noW he .Waited • intent and anxiciustfor.4hiernote -favorable - Mo-' merit •Ever.instrint deepeneddlie intensity of our powerful:- 'ilitereet. There; his eyes glatlingpMsimeruthliill-open;-and-the-laige -rogglirongife •stinting:betWeen the far -expo- , setliteethOvaslhe Wild' (March, of; the wit -iliititiiiiTtilifigiW.fallh attlikeAtiritaity - h - r n ‘the 'four -pavvic.i.W;il•P' c row ledge ofi,rock, and eitriVing' with 'all„ .18 energy to bring. tip his hind feet',-'andprepare for t he , ohe spring - which theft weal& earl. him •to his `victim; while , buti - a7•leW4eithbove , him..swung -the" seemingly ehildislifferm.ot little,Windlogle, appealing. to , our.rpity, • not 'merely , : by his peril, but by. his diminutive size and over whelming 'emir.. l'he; , llottentol, , and: yet more the far darer besherraw is said to be the fovoitteprey . ol - the.lion; ari ' d , certainly 'there seemed'soniething.if • rattle-snake facination in hie influence over theitiny creature. , ' - eiW indfogle - 1:- NV indfogle l" ' , once more crietl_o_ut_Vaittlap; Aiming over the Miff' a ropeof4hrongs• which we had quickly knot. red togetheri - "clitelrthe - reiin, boy) and we will draw you .01)15. • Don't- lonic down, but catch the helm;. come, quick I" . ~ Thus. abjured, Win d fogle caught.the thong 'bet - chsti.neyertheless,• another 'glance beloW —td seethe Beni with a fierce growl, spring forwiefil - irr that decisive bound hediad 'eh long been Contemplating. At the same mg- Mend Haylfiredj tore reserved shot then wee useless;. but thigigliPven grazing Windfogleis shoulder, it merely loclged in Mat pt his. foe, and hindereli Pot Phis spring. • - FOrward he, darted . ; bet,in,thavVely instant the bushmani • was swung clear `elf the - rock on which Ire Plighted. Yet quick as we might be, (he ti-. on might Demi . ..Mier in pursuit; and where might that endl: - PiTlielhought.was needless. The fragment-04%k. which Windlogle had `.aung, toe sligli4,lmberlded to bear the pon derous weight' nOrettat upon it, gave way : at . once; and, rolling down, bore the lien= with it to - the loot 'ol"dlte precipice. Sullen ly he rose, mitlghveidfimself. a hillky shake, thew, .withetil brining, 'single look upon us; moved off ' leistreeyin the direction -oppo site to rids recenOniri a certain halt in his gnit betraying thit(ite had net come scathe. - lees through the'Aginest. Wegave him , a parting volley, (*.which he took no hued and in a few triiMiteelte had passed beyond. our sight. ' .:.L. - • . . So ended• onisly the wildest features nt that eventful dayirOisport"—it had . nearly m proved se elldt4eltiel to W indlogle. And JlO4 'Alter ' awhili!Ov#:,were • ready to-stirt again;but lookik*inial first for the Kafir i lO 0 41 him his-liMinisid vewaril, - he was Invisible. Generbeiycnith! he had served' Pe pot for hire..4iol_ , het-but helped Mundell; lor, Inking adveigge- of the confusion, he llnal driretinfl - a' -,,essilinirsi-x-of-ourborses saddles and altytmine and Hays amoug them,) and tosaOhthing of other hurdlers, lenVing u speedtio.v;lopiruint.our..nunaber. 'iiiissibly - cotisitir lig- pear Vinittogle would have nn further need of Tie. No one espe cially ehroniclesjhkes against himself; so all our friends merriment at the expense of Hay's and my own plitinnthropy, and the satisfac tion we (1111$1 leel in enabling inn Kafir ,pro lege to buy himsell a wile (or two, perhaps, it thei were going cheap at the kraal) slinll here pass unrecorded. We gave the bush man ifercompanien to the smalleit Hotten tot; and so muclrof the 'past Incident that we haftittlelimelto wialt -forlresh.adven. ' ' Ari:hcairdifler - this we Met Tunis Beck, re, turning lii-;itiel - ribrilepan' , place." ! He. had found theliottenteth, end they the'eattle Mi nus ope, Whbse'letwOns--Could.suggesi; and. he was riding onto rell the netters. We Were it ;Po groit Aliststriee'. from them: and fleck's report elithe old man having two or three tolerable horses that he mightpart with, sinduced Mite ,bettil ourpourse thin way). runt; to do hiniPistiet,lhe young Dutchman eviii iieil no fears - to West- es one mere-in the pre, sense of- hislatlV--love. ...His countrymen_ have little ' reserve •ori7Pirelf --- shbjects; -- nnil Beek ',Kink:cur raillery In great good part ~. talking much of , ltietlyar Khtjee and telling ifs that 'they ,werei-to be 'marrie, i a few , Vent - aka thiiir-Tettlffrid",9lo-COIOnYt-arld 'Meg' they' shonld be ho -happy. Only wheat hirm_Was,.eriptigh io,makeone- resolve to 1111. in love with the first pretty face that should, • welciime him Aitibk do. oivi lizplion.• , - 1.1.,was near eunset,, when .We regained the. heights overlooking dell, and the rays which lind - alrintly felt it- , were lingering nit the surtountling-hills, , lighting up , every klool. and reek; Mid tree, with g distinctness Which seemed to'bring close befora'us those which :wcae'in reality miles away. le, the dell was stinting blend ingol the homely with the picturesque, which l.htl,belote'eniletlvp our siniles: , - Aintil 114:fairy . .like scene old Fibber sat on Itts'divan,' purging lank clouds. of smoke mien the l purd cleat air; and oppo 7 site to, him was placed, Ilia wife, evidently e talking awity,„with,greht. anirtintiOn.thid in - Grnttnierillitle' bushman) , whm mmoti- ; . tlu,str.y . ; while the thteb dusky beatit in% were grubby anyone, and' 'Our, Inughing"aneelinttering- fanned • the fliti.:jn, proc.eecrnigs,i had. proyed".at; ; once .hts . :ittlie;;' hbay.reparationso fi theevAning itteni.,',-, Two ,rentrwiltlifesa,_huil the reogoy 7 rAiohtfrineteii . ot,threeaceekt,gree OS Ai vidpo,ll.9. l tle° l3. ficiiii rit hialiatcti re,' by ventdringfloWn tiff clifflct„, the fairest, ,thlpg in.fltnt.,,liiii • spat:: :.Itiitryilii , 'exatifiriellre"dimbilul",speor:Pltalsb -,r hitC this •lii.aueilat' the.fonf of i'italitily"itiyitle; dial , Wont& have brien..eo'.any:i,li Me, 9M. ;•tlatiger' . liMdrii'Veniltiregiclittlilitatire's indistinct .?m, new,weq .irebilo. „:00 , -;lioti!jef',Alleritipti sytili , :hot:, vilthie".aftOuthiffirtilientedifeLlltAlligiOn.,-- ' fixed, pp thelraMbljeg jiffies eighttiref.Who,‘ Probably,,,eliAtlieeKkONTA,Vligie,ftice was parhliz t ed 'ty 101 . 666100 g, to'' , :titiljeeting - • beami4with ilgliglit .0; he dlitkiNfea..llfr,+; inbk; . and:tittereitinereing.cries44 , ,More:thOif , itittPP3, , 'lPP:liillttP,k#r' i tYti •-I{ " ° - 16 .g , 'P1 ? 1 cite shot ~ v,voci. 111 elk haOity,;eo„esOles e slyi„es. :fermi,„etther : rif f . ottOb • othpr. or dt.',:ifestlil'l. l I llig.lien,,,b,ntpillei t l pg,,'ltral l Os . all, hurt led 'AO: §asme , eotriiMile - ,lihil'elittiedil;!"tvlierl:kiitrYhii" l ificKndarekt: poi diliticiiib ( tie tigfiniiiiiiii - 410k !tiffiliktlitlir!frido . : nij)t* to waxils ..44:1-i - Strpoge.i 'Ve . tili;: . 'ldit dikli.ifii wit ift"theloy,bisfore - my ' girl` 1. Is; , hig ,, fei.uddpd . ..iiilitorniod . oti our pr,e,q,.,:1 l eiftlqvkli4 ., aliciftly.';:ensaying oho; eirgept. 1 -Yet t eneei'i'llvtiliflKlifiil.o:itt9o4illtTio Itiin)!Fttivi4: l 19 •0614,Allq*.prephispily4a,n,q, trille„evert.,' to., ,Sfir i i,';#ildjyr,.'; i fewtilidis.,-,this - ' wagons)' iitterigg .liirh;ior. 4 _tiiißther:.rippute wOUldy,linve,ehildd, : rierentri':alfer,ioeiiikde!fiaileil!"bblior ll•I ' l4; isq Ayi nil lagl (Ps i liieVierirlil"acil i roVrkllt,itii 4 ; 'Wield/1-e iiiiliffrailliff - Yell;f:ilif'' . 4.*Theiliiiii no:: s ie'voi!, -, '6116 , ball '.oPliiiii'fferee - Ideli4Catrildurg' : lion:W.1 , 104; t,Embitteli;:tule,;, es,,,airtkleg.:,his, bi l vo t oitiikottii l o; . .ip“ . o(.o•oBo4;eCgreai!r , '5049 ifikciMil'Aftol , ( lo - 51 ,3i ck , .,1 00 PP ' 1 11 dyoolll!Yrit 4 ; 9Mr•Coilt/iAgEl:' , *1)0 rir i was- VMO VA incelheb,ol , ' , tie); tined ath e'llOW' r s,4itilor , - nlit.**,rjiiiip4lo;•. l, lliild Mt's+ •lielisii,. lialiiidiiigliontitihd . 1 414Litiitt# kV hitleirMifilil litilel,being;but)hruhlf-ibe alidifF.WiliVirow,- . . o, owit - ,Vviir ortorgigtoilz 4 air Inotall . irol.7 ~ertaiXfoidc,l i iindl i t akied•hol,diand , tiortiqatok4- , iitri i)whi1e1..41,4414..;n0rf00:000,1 rirko,: , , piling :?;tiivo i liViiiid fegletllt tense' :Fennel f; ilowrjAti.,Jo,lAgtogisb t lot4np,94,,rij : the boyilhC.llMl:tili49,ti r :Avofimecertettgit ko es- ,hottem; ] lierigleng l kawas our. pa ce; Yet itiff . "Veit 'pvl44l.ll* ,ihe.pbseriation '' iiiegrai Sailed() rap eVerytb - - iiit44--thOtigatifi• - ' hink:iii.Ah**o.'siiiiiniinfin vti,lo-.1..i!,,,r- 1 '. 4 , i,i / .. hi 'i /I ' - '' d' 'be tea "rt • '"'' 1 '-' 5 ' at ' he' rnkgq,1 1 P,...• . 9 1) ; , t , -, 1 ,,,Ve ~4.. ilitigkii,noihoPto 1161 .010a1 1 0 5* , •41.ktOrOef,*;444it0.001- , f o Pi'', 'i 4l4l qq74 4 " ;66 " ' ''''Y kitl F a g l q i l i fOß i mi4 ;ooo rArite t k r-Wit. P9Tr i tol...l, ,9,!e giiyi,tir.largincltu,%llBlr. iiri . ~nO9l , trn* lt. 0 fitic Tor as Ave' f iliiii.Optit.P, ';l(liti3 , .„11. , , Ogiu..,, fi-x.„..,*1r0„,, ,- t i 3, , 4 ,1/o*l,lliiii •.,tioits: hii:9lo4lllfiwaMeiloh*litqm_ ~ -. ., : rt0 'i;!:'t . i,!.!p o'f; - ,t1:145'em . .! - initte.4l4oo44.' iittkiNOßM,VOff' 4 g; it:Ps:IMO ;nrga4,'Aiiii, irin*Aftlir i p,tali 0, kieWil.,tht ,-401 01,',';zt, 1 losllN hlti, - , hp d,': hi: , .110sesocia.fapi. , in i rgatikllo, l )ol9, 4 l,lW iti t 4 1 0 1 4'49A'rl'A J : '1i.,00 1 ,! &VOA* lin •.:040 4 .00,4 4 046 AP.* t f . i . Ofrl'orit'iliokiifiiooii t .Oe#lo*vloo . .,jS.k : ^ ,tii?,..)14.7.01140.511: 1 4i.,„ q,01454, 44 4 10.6 .liilto4i):'.o*!ig=:.lijiiV •; . poliiiiliiviiloo.ooo4bctrk`.ltivri l . it : l'Mit 41 *Wik,t4% - lik -: ' : rlcliiMP:ol . t it, 'k ' l q i k -.fiikt4»-.1410 , , ,, _ . ...,*,'A'%-va- . i ,,!' .., ~. ~. w t , r .,, , ir .', .- .4.: • , 1.:„' . ~ ;•:.' . tiOtt, , i ;ne. 1 z,!A;i4;;,. , i.:',', , ;;;;;;;..::,, , ,.:• , 4. ,, ;:. '1 , 74' it;e l, ' ~ ~ .e, ! , - NV1L4....A!, . ., . . ~, ! “(...:;, , - . .....- 4 :1,9ftt,ti . , 0 , 410, ':,. I !•'''r/:!!:-') - /:' 4 P , S, '.,,, f 4 01. :4-114vPIA.ii , :k:011 1 .1j0egiffi.Wii'ir, • OirbfW . -4 ,, :.'4.Ni . 7; ''`A'''2 , :'•l' k:t:::, l " , ti.:t 4 a`hfa , nn:Nitab.el',..*?';': , `'.i::qc n :6: l A'''A.;::'. ? -'' '.o.b'r'.-*'.BV:loi-',l'l: Otta2V:;:. l PERSEVERANCE A swallow, In theAtring, tame tp nur gram sry, and 'naafis the eaves Essayed to make a nest, and there did bring Wet, earth, and straw and leaves. tiny.after day she toiled Wiih - patient - hearts-but ere ber-work-wasurovried, &due Cad mishap the tiny eahrieuriolted, . • . And dashed h on the around. She fena - the - ruln Wrought; But not cant down, forth•fiom the place elle Ben , . And with her mate Belli earth and grassestrought And built her nestenew nut searcely hid she plecodt%.: The lantstoft feather on Its apple When wiekedid: or chance, again laid waste And:wrought the ruin o'er. . , • tint still her heart Vie kept, And tlit'd pgnin t—and lest night, hearing cells, .1 looked end int three little swallows slept Within the ettrth.,mode wept! What Truth N here, oh Man I Ileth Ilnpe been smitten in he early dawnl [Nth donde n'ereael thy purpose, trust, or planl have FAITH and struggle poi tow: AND -- I,IOItTNING. - Indy, who her loie hadnold, Asked if a reason could - he told Why wedding rings were mode of gold, • I ventured thus t•lnstruct her Love, me'nm, ond'ilghtning, ore tile eeme— On earth MeV glance, from heaven they.cathe Love is time spulle•eleatrlnflttme, . .•. And OOLDAIII hest C - ONDUCTOW • Fro the London Sporting Magazine THE LION HUNT. A shout from Kobus cut short our reproach es. The spoor was Mend, and Othello's oc venation was come back. There was ani mation, and chattering in voices solr and shrill and rough, and faces black and white lit ,np with Joy, as though - none pl them worth'' be turned • from the eagerly sought encounter: On the borders of a 'Obi (or pond.) whose rapidly Orrin:hug whim's left day by day a line of ,nut 'around them for the stint ,io bake , and . dry hard, we friend 2 the stifletiinglootrharkkand thus -far along the rlnsty plain their tracks we're -visible.— Onward we hastened, all handeimpatient for the fray; our Ka - hr guide even betriyed every. intention of ...waiting to see the Inn. ‘Ve were brought up frodi a precipice from 'brow. to base, well nigh us perpendicular as many a wall. Cavities and 'fissures in. the rock there' were, end here and there an -inequalitY• jotting- forth ; but lord of white man, aye, or Hottentot or Kafir would vainly scale it, even it urged by the most -deadly terror:- Yet a little on one side the lace of the precipice was so broken that possibly our chase lied contrived to scramble dew.n it;'„at least the Kafir maintained that ' he could distinguish more than one trace of Iret on tire ground beneath ) while a darker_ , streak along the toll, lar,k grass, which frin ged the edge - of a dark hollow 'near thele'pl,'' appeared to Os all to' indicate the passag,q_ of some lame animal. Thil hollow, tilled with trUssmitl bushes. and a few trees lifting up their headir to see what was passing in the world without, might well be singled oat by the lion for his retreat during the sultry hours of day. but lie might have left it; and it i would he a long detour ere we could hope to deseeral and.seconnoiire, which made Hay's I pioposiiion of endeavoring to dislodge him 1 the more welcome to us all. A stone, weighty. as two m'cn could lift was torn from its comfortable bed r aniliirhir• led far into the air and into ttint4ild'holloii, to explore its hidden depths: - Wlthi , a diill; heavy sound it fell. How, we hung over the -brinks .of ,ilie . '6141 in.'expeetrition't A few iieenediciitirl'the lien emerged from' his erre. realmeet; Stalking.slowly along the pith lie hail already trodden-down•through the grass. On gaining the level grotind he stretched himself out; And raising his head, made the hills anther:tole-echo far and wide with a tert;fic rem Ile then took a - leisurely survey -of the -heights_try_whichAie_wea_sorreunded, The moment hie,„...eye.fell upon us, perched high, upon our reeky 14trt.str there - was A 'change in his - clenrittritibq'hit shook' bark his nume, lashed his sidesiorfously with his tail, and appeared, as pne might say, to'brgiilll. - ering himself up for combat. ft • Seethed' dastardly to take a mean advantagirrif Lthe: noble mruntil, and Slay him from where we stood, so Utterly beyond his reach. This' feeling stayed our hands, end foreruns! me , ments no gun was ralsedaga aga inst him; when, to our amit2ement, he. uttered a deep growl; and bounded along the base of the cli ff ' to wards our lett. . "fie flies!" /'He itt:coming,lO meet ue !" exclaimed Grattan and Drtubleitt in duet:co; but at the same instant a shrill dip frem be neath, in the direction' of the Pies' course, drew every use to another Pint.: ;..11ore than hall way down the .cliff, ;where, 0: 1, have said, it' was s least inarcesible, thPugh One might itavit'theughl the'.bitbOrin Mille. len. aard multi Mime linVil trent& We tooth); 3-;''i=;''''';'''''.'''''Pi''4'''4...4.:4-P'Q?;%.'l4,--'''f'''?•,‘l'i ,':c.l)':''';''''''''.'-j'':A''Y'.'i.i:,lit::'f':.":::;';`?.::7l"'S;!;T::,-3.ei.-:•:..i,- A•,,.:•:,,,'.i.f.::7.1?,;,`,i...:.;`.',z,1t,k-:',:-Fi..i': , ‘Q;Qr,..El2lE2ict tlaw - tome . „ • •'-:: A tystK;;DECEMBER. 6 1848- =RV IMiiiffi ~-~ ~f ~ The stout ,old..ilder recalled apace,Nut the 'fathers loVe iielis`far MO Strong for Mail and, while. the-mother rsii &stirogled to and fro; he seized a reirn Simon (heavy dreg) Which lay .at hand, strode. bravely • finwarci, and c_oreless pi .(Seth and eltinis i. beat it With all his strength against the,heaci of the terbcious, whi ch n 14 growling over his beloved and only child. But, heedless of this attack, the lion 'onset eq . hiiliiliold,:nor turned on his assailant: - every, -blow appearing but- to bid' him clasp•his Silent and unconscious vic- I 'liltri firmer and closer in his poweituEllinbs 4. ifirdtc — fiercer ydt- fie'rcer over th—effiir—abiiiildei vir which his 'teeth' were, closed, ever and anon shaking hy. it' the gerale girl, at one l ot May hay ' Wheat do with her defericeleris - rey. ' o J:J ' P - •..• - Ale ..- eohdfiAid all this)' it was a horn 40k - ble sight; th. ' 'old Irian and. that fair -young girl !.., , eemed. obsoletely mad dened. He iivt , on the spot; and spring -me to the el' n ',lntrust the bane! of his gun •clos - e to the animal's chest- and fired.. The wound was Mortal, but not instantaneously; -anti in the convulsions of hitt dying' agony all the most terrible leatures ol• thin tenant scene were deepened. It took Hay's cooler and to lare'thi3 muzzle 'of his rifle to the lion's forehead, which the Dutchman had not venterstl,tocKatrytia's sake, and send in. to h-is brain a bullet, which, after one fierce mruggle, piffled for ever that enormous a- Monnt of online! power,. • Anxiously-and shorlderingly we separated the wild beast -of pri3y•frorn the. timid: , who having !hinted at the'litst moment 'she telt' hersel! within-the monster's. grasp, had happily - been oonsoiouti of little which ensil ed., But all was over; and it was a lifeless forth besides which the mothereflung her. sell, in anguish a mother's heart alone can feel. And so ended our "day's sport," Needs it to say mole? or to tell how the morrow's sun beheld that lair form laid,•to reobeneath the solitary myrtle; &how eyes longkuntised to weep, sW . tenre, sweet Kat. noel on the lonely grave, ;eller; far from thy home an' kindred, we left thee to thy. dreamless sleep amid the silent wilderness; meet late, perhaps, for the ; reckless hunter, Ninth unsuitable. for thee, the beautiful, the gentle,-and the . loved ! - lt Fearful Dream. Some ninety years . ago, there flourished in Glasgow a club of young men, which from die extreme ri oinig i rey. GI its metnibas and the licentiotisneils of theirbrgies was Cont moth called the Hell Club.: Besides thew nightly or weekly. eibetings, they held one.' grand annual Saturnalia, ifi which each tried le. e2teer the other in drunkenness and blas phemy :,atal•on these occasions there - wan no star unitingthem. whose lurid light. was more Conspicuous than that of young Arci bald L, win, endowed with ,brilliant talents and n handsome person,.hild held out great. promise--in-Ills—boyhood r -and—raised -hopes which had been completely frustrated by his subsequent reckless dissipations, Clue Morning titter returning from the att nuallestival, Mr. Archibald L.- having re tired to bed, dreamed the following dream : He fettled that he himself was mounted on n' favorite pluck horse, that he always rode, and that he was proceeding toward his . own house—then n country seat. embower. ed by trees, and s:tuated upon a hill, now entirely built over. and forming part of the city—usher. a stranger, whom the darkness of night prevented his distinctly descrying, .suddenly seized his horse's rein, saying, iiyou must go with me !" ' ' , And who . are your exclaimed the young man with a volleY of onthsovhilst he strug gled,lo free himself.: aThat yOu will see,"' returned the (Oil% in a tone that - excited unaccounta ble.terror in the youth iwho, plunged his spurs intothis horse, attempted to tly, but in vain. Ilowever fast the animal flew, the e'ranger was still' beside. him r till at .length, iii hie desper.nte efforts in escape, the rider was thrown, but, instead of being dashed to the earth, as he expectedi tie found himself .falling—falling—falling still, sa=il sinking tn to thebowels - of the earth' At length, a period bein" n put to this mys. tnrious descent, he found breath to inettire 01 his companion, who was still beside him, whittier th - ey 'were - going. -- "Where -- agr - 11 - Where are you Inking me?" he exclaimed. "To hell I" replied the stranger; and im_- metliately interrninable echoes repeated the fearlul sounil,, "To'hell ! to bell! to hell !" Attfterigth...n light , appeared; which ' , soon ihcreaseg into a .blaze ; but, instead of the criesi.gryans, and lamentations, the terrified traveller expected. nothing met Ns ear but music, ynirth.giond jolli.y; and he found him= fella% the entrance of a superb building, con structed by human hands. IVfillin, Lim, what tpseene I riii amtiseinent, 'employment, or pursuit el man on earth; but was ,here ,car ried on with a .vehemenpe ,that excited his unutterable amazement. "There the young ,and lovely still swam through 'tile mates of the giddy dance ! There the panting tsteed still born his brutat rider though the excite limit 01;the goaded race ! There, over the ;midnight bow I, 41.edtit eirt pe rate still drawled ,nul l then wanton, Eqnr, or maudlin btalphemy I The gambler plied forever. his endless game, 'tilictille Itaires , ,Ot Marti men,' tel red ; tliroggh eterift49.ltholi , :toilsome: task ; while ~.a ll 'the' :Magtfifi*lice etearth paled InsJore ;bat which. now me "Iris view," " ' - ' 'fin soon.perceiyed that he was arntingt ohLacquairtturtees, whom...he . 1c new to' tti ,0 0 0'{ 1 , ,. .aad enqii,, l l. o ,9brliidi,Y4 3 ,Puriuing' the otleeti:yitillitei* it'was ; thavitbd fOrther 'in'erl3; iiligrossian?,`Orierr finding hirosell'. trelievetVer lit filp, , preseriCe , of iiii uthweleutup touudliotorii..lle3Yeilluti'Jo.:address; l l4 l . , l9 l ' llll r t lecielotifOtri:ir brioNhq 6l "Y;- 8 1Vi l lV :is' pitaean aer' ' w ' hut ovi , elirth, fibiorbou. talon '''."' il `l - fik,ci" c f ' ' Ili& Wei tuli -- eu su 1,7,. r jet3t. rom #a ~„, . ItitAliki, Atujiro till.pleasui.W:uf:. th e'ZOlavu, - ; iwitivli,4l'74l.edi:Ao.3iiikn:--190;tertufy*Iike Wlint.,hullgtl ,eXpeflij, , posl....buketl' , Oi l .1 (lent' ul,:y - itgiOeubl4 - atill:"":". BiOv'fift,l NO,' Of', 1 atinnir'ille c aniAieltil l l, that', there';waat ho" alit' ialigiiTtlier*FtTilifei-toillitritHltollq-Verf rtit3aguretl,;o44 Fitmuneriibif4 1 1 .clice4:,'ObOod , Attfol.llllrsilMrrnAPO!! YaullT, !Abell is pp, mat ipt 0024, jyjoikt: ihrOWitiebp'etl i their ..11,9 , 0tiopitittOliolps#4t.f,iii,ktits , bosom ah , ever; . . Int :fiattletcr-ThPPIN they i1icY7,405.-ti* ji :tunir .1 p ~,, 111, i 'thpir ehoici"on Rini!), ~ .I. , tittt , , 11iiiirin,ovitibte• (1006: P.:" in' thethiohtur c om : horrin tjuittcpoetite„nyptilk totgliftirNHAi.44ii4tsi grti Zr1iiii11ta1ta4;),.27%,4e,":":1,,, ~13.. ,'!i*fr,*,bo;,l;;;fll,7*;):l4o(iii `ti , ,o.U:u l t,ligaly,,titi.:,..r., , :;: 1.14't; Niff)irtAlWOf!.fuliiirfittfill7e ; 4 1f.0014164iii0iltlitiiliOcuiiiiii ViliO4*.7o o -qta,#.4.11 ' - iiir*vim 1; ,, •,„ , , I 1 ) , ).- ~ get i :' - t: '1 4i " ,,1t. 5 .1 17, 0,0„0 1 : 4 !,a 1 , i ti i t 'f "! . LI krirfi : 1, ;(troOtao . ;mitYfigti -.., 4WW , it2 , 4 - 0,ka,..: -. < , .;' , .''':' p f :. , , ~- 1".-;.; ;";i •,,....,.,:°:. :,,,7 :41i ' NEM which terminated in a resolubnn to ibaijOok, the dub and hid licentious cOmpaniOnt aka-. gether. , He was•no sooner well,, however, than they all flocked around him,,bent on recov, ering so vslitable.a merriber of theirsociety; and, having wrung from him a othiteseion ot• the cause of I,l4.dejection, which, !is may be supposed, appeareu to, them eminently. ri diculous, they soon contrived to make him -ashamed of lits good•resolutions. • fie joined them 'again ; -resumed his former coarse of and when the ankle! Sammella calve — r - Oundilielgund himself ovith his glass-in-his hand at the table; ,when the president,sising to make the-accustomed speech, began-whit sieflng, c.cgentlemetr, tins being leaplear, it is,,a year and a day since our lait anniversa ry," Std., it. The . worde struck upon the young man's ear like a knell; but ashamed to expose his weakness to the jeers of his companions, he sat out the feaet plying him.- sell with Wine even more liberally than usu ' al, in order. to chow!' bis obtrusive thoughts: till, in the gloom of a winter's mbrning, he mounted his horse to ride home. Some hours afterwarde, the ,horse was. found, with his saddle and bridle on, quietly grazing by the -road=side about halfwa betwee the cit a d Mr. L.'s house, while a, ew yards oft lay. the corpse at his master. Now, as 1 have said in introducing this story, it is no fiction ; the circumstances hap- pened as herd related. • An accennt of it was published at the time, but the copies were bought up -by' the lamily.: Two - .or three, however, were *served, and the narrative. .has been reprinted.—Abs. Crowe's Nighl-Side of Nature. How the itankees Blake a Living, A writer of the Bostim Recorder, who has lately travelled through Connecticut, thus derciibes the way in which die people gain a livelihood: Beginning-1n thA northwestern part . of the State—wheie, by the way, some of nature's true noblemen dwell--we find many furna ces smelting down iron ore of the bent qual ity from their own mines, making each from. two to three tolls of pig iron per diem, and each consuming at a single blast-of-eleven months a'million- : bnshols of charcoal. There is a shop manufacturing some of the most delicate and beat cutlery,nnd another making huge anchors and chain cables for our navy, from iron wrought at their own puddling fur nace. Fifteen miles eastward lies a village ol fif -teen hundred people, situated at the outlet of a splendid sheet:of water, which, in its de scent of a Inlitre() and fifty. feet, carries all needed machipery. here ttte business is scythe making; :Another town is famous for its brass kettleii=en article Made nowhere else in the nation, and the trade di making which, it is [aid, was sto'ea from England.— Hard by are two contiguous towns. made --derisely_popinous, even_onlilB- rugged- Lin `tides, and independently rich by the manu facture ol ,brass clocks. These articles, ol the ordinary kind, costing from nine shillings to two dollars, are sold over the world at au ad vance ol 500 to 1,000 per cent. ' Coming further eastward, into Hartford ccunty. you find a - gang of betide digging copper ore from the bowels of mother earth. Then you enter a town of a thousand people, supported entiiely by making axes. Follow ing the Farmington River, and passing ma ny establishments, you alight at a town of fif teen hundred inhabitants, right in the gorgili where the river, in ititi dashing heaks, liken - lover without eyei, instead of making its .wa'y,easily and horestry down to New Ha ven, breaks its way ilining,h' the 'Tarcoit Mountain for' the purpose of mnipga tidibii With the. Connecticut. These people are Seotchmen making carpets. But this is only a part of the establishment, the lemairidet located ten or fifteen miles northeast, where' is found a community of eighteer. hundred, trom the same country, and engaged in like ..husiness. ' Obseive here, in these two towns, are three old-lashicned Presbyterian- churches.-- Passing by a community or Shakers,,who iiipply — llw - linur wittrtarden seeda and Limoiris and Hazard's well-kr:Gem powder.--/ where the qvillainbus, saltpetre"re made in to an abomination to cast missiles alibi:Vl/3,x-, leans, Wiltalso - somirdistlfleries, roo - detestV ble to blot paper with, you entor.a , growijng totiwwheie. are made paper, cloth at differ ent kinds. Iron ware and card teeth--..the list set to order, and in quantities sufficient , to. straighten all the fibres that ever grew on a sheep's baelt . or a cotton plantation. Passing through the e;ty of Milford which our bird's eye view seems to make only , a mart for tratiiitking in the workmanship of other and honest hands, you' . find a town of three thousand inhabitants, manufacturing various sorts of brass wire, to mention which kinds wbuld be to write half the names of artirles - in a hcrdwrire shop.: Hooks' and 1 eyes must be Particillerized„enough to hook. together all the ladies' .diessits in the. land, beside. those ot ,'one-lialf ,'Queen:Yietoria's subjects. But to ,,the...connectiout river, .for; in .our residffight we have alieatly,: orol,sed', ietWiee; . antl'On'tiviikniiotir WAY' in. TO)lat id . tiotinfjp;ltoi_:en t e red :the. regton , .of 'cotton and , yooler) i ' t 4lid Aerey et, the - ,-eatlet-et a : :,bi3atiti- Iu lake,,rentirred„mernerah4 by the .!•Lile of reer.Seridi t " Whiitl ig.ori 'lii birilii,,you riaiiitiop' WintiOt'iilladei of twelve hundred people; .g tOWnilp in the vouree „al ,ii:tirikeit' yeagyhavingmente air pr• Pit& mil/P." 1 ' 06 . 1 g, . ruttuiptc:an d . the ritceet,cfweirnere,in the cepa. try.. _ln, Other iteistionit cittiniceentry are hir: . • it aCety Corterr afiit'WOolin'irillW 41 1 rri ' chine :4h orig ;:i• : i e„ T !! 4p!, , , , : , ,,, , ,1 (”: .'..,1., : ;- f ,t) ~:jiese;;lnoo in lasteral!•and,; . .it is our own :0 1 . 1 F !.i49.5 1 1u49','; - Yith low qr.tvkiiilk 1 1 0 1 6 ,;. ,ries,,,‘‘lipee'the gr'isi dart iii i .Oni. titilitreYols: ' i tit iiiie t e tii_li t e t i o i "_:‘ ,. l, 6ll ‘ t iti w n tiii !a u e g N e actn a. 6 :lx. ;l ts ei l itc.a ve n ti d t :'.' e i e %! ,i. i . e . r. B -t.. time .Will4iikteepeak':.-of ittir';llardTtly.iln- Aiiiiidtiaiii'eenneyi'ii:striOituiationtOreighirl, ihundred:inaliiigreoltorvi.olOt&UittAhe,.. Piker lei,:r. .. .!i- e..sit,_jk' L Ly, iii the vaf e" _n . ...,_ilfit t t7.ln,ifieiireath;ort•the'ispape of. twenty ,.:titiliTti , ' ,are at least ;tW.elie hiei.erf yitia&r.v . ..ota ,,, :;, '' ''i,W - 'Miii';':l'..Oiio`ii::6ii4i4!'l'efl.iiiiiiiiterteitir i ed littlf . .i . talibeilititNeitiety.74lortinci. o l: ,,. frOicor.: , 4iii liFWonierOirit,Leettott'lniiile'aboen:i.; 40aitt , 1 " fi WiT? 1 ,4 1 ,44P.#7 - Ini., Pr,itte-PNOIOW-4 0" 19 - 244 ' -'l ' ' '' 4kl ari e. : ° '. 4,l l3 o7Llnlatf ti.'"ScriihitiQS IMEIEN MEE and,alt kinds Of "orunmental : worktimp of the Then you need riot knife it 4.!!1' tablisliment , fcir Making', pateptinhiftliiidkenib ploying thirty 'Men. - Next you will Bud a• shop: turning axe.baliteS; next,Weirew'fictl ry. Then prisition'therbsui of the 'river,. another 3 guarty,,ir,trlett vein. of the gneiss, splitting about ad readity*:Chillit°,4ll timber, a vein abittit, twenty, rods wi de, irom whence have been sent,idcgtientitieer -of stone, to various Parts cif.thi.tituon;',atid to the-West, Ind i e s . - Ainf then an o ther quarry of: re& sandstone; einPlOYitiethreet_hundred _ Irishmen and their .overseers;'-' I had mimes; fingottennabe rich by the manufacture of'sif . ..kinds:it begs, such as sleigh, norselock, - , and ;cow. : In this City;iits' no - Mak to tell *bit manufictured, exeep feet, theology, fatly, add physic. • 'Fairtriren furnishes the whole of New Engleui& and some portions of 'New - York with: oyster's& Waterbury,. with almost four thousand in hab tan tri, - m eke buttons, lwaste'Wi re and pins by the ton. And then, thentrielhitimingbfWn and A nson ta,,two contiitteritOlAigei,*ll - cutlery, pin's,' and lust' hove therni a !urge reetablishrfiefit 'Mating • , and thi.liki-.--Thenee'you— will pass 'westward . into..the north part: of Fairfield county,. and , here,,you make . acs quaintance with the , hatters'in abundance. , —; Here it is the superb hats halite N. Yorkers are made. • El • h 7 VI I= MEM Nuir . r: Dlrntay • Here is a coeliac sicetch4p which the chief actor is aptly named • ".What is your name, air,'! said the Mayor, to a short, squatty, jolly-looking fellow, with a carbuncle nose. "My name is Jotiii Dim- . my my friends and acquaintances call me Ditnrny John, and I can hold as much' iquor . as any one of my mne. How came ! drunk? Why, how the deuce should Vb. sober? When I' was a baby, my, 'mother put a quill in the cork of a brandy bottle, antithat's the only kind of milk 1 ever suCked. I watt raised on it; comes naturally to me ; and When stop d rinking brandy 1 hope they'll consider me as gone, and bury me at once. -Bet the I,4litchrnan swears a hard oath when . helailye I was drunk. I noyerwas drinks. bran4l .has, no more effeFr.,tin me than butterinijk., COI heal any man of my weight—Bonaparte,' Gen. Taylor, I. donq,care who thery. are.. drinking brandy. Yee,l Can-beat any one-. always eaceilling' the ,present company," saithltii. John Dimmy, recollecting himself, and •hpwncrlitolyt's iilanners•l've -heard Is y , te , except the present: com pany s . but h&kingethlf,there ekroise beside - the present company, that can find stowage for more brandy_ than I Can. That is t free confession for the simsick the-say ing is f and- you-can-make-the most otiti"— He Was' fined for intoxication, but Mr. John Dimmy had nothing to pay, and therifere paid nothing.-. New Orleans • trAb4siv ibir , lb Loss. The followinuffivetrawitance occurred is Dublin a short timeligek... Mr. L was much attached to Miss C---- 7 —, the young, beautiful and accomplished heiress to a prop. erly of Some fifteeirtbothand -per annum;' but being himself bird's:if no- earthly nessessione than talents and -good looks, he J. never , told" his love, ' .' fearful not only of a refusilhn the part of t he lady to reciprocate thesentinient. but 'of probable imputation of mercenary mot iv es by her friends. . Miss C.......—...„ ho'w• ever, bad sufficient penetration to discover the genuine and disinterested motive!' of the swain, and the highly praieworthy sensitive ness which caused him -to shrink from' its avowal. She was by no means indisposed to encourage his suit, but,. the consciousness of ,hielconsparative poverty rendered more than ordinary. encouragement , given. hy'a lidy, to lier'Suitor 'necessary . tcrstinUliste hiet"Courage to - proPoOnd thellicisive inquiry, tilt)* Was J she, then, •to give expression'to .lier, senti ments regarding, him, vrithout : at, the, .same 'time Overstepping the bounds of maiden mod esty 7 She,proposed a game °rewrite. I'For what stake shell we Piny 7" - aslred M e. 11......—.--. "'!'here's-my btakeilo • rsaid the ladyi laying down a sovereign, ~ , , If4oo with-you : win it -1-if 1 win,,1.., .vjit yourself . ' I am aware T. , have no ehalce — cif'Whiiirtif tholighTTrielisst so expert: s' player.-as : Jou.r', , ,Mr- - - . .H. was. about the, beef - Player in Dliblhi;Tirhila hie fair antegisnist 'knew little Or thithinir, or the game.. Strange to .say,.however; Mt this occasion, his...luck deserted him, andttie poor VeritteriteitierioiraftirturnileltstO tole-both the g ame 'and - himielf4and{Mrinlirsts.Arirses. • • , .- .• . . . . . ..., , „. ssear—W, tro'sata. rase t -..,The‘ toiling intilicines th vilatt'or.iPl/1 1 . 1 . 10 4 wornan,,the, farmer:oft he-,nieFialat,lh',.;ll.irt,t the.iii'ienttor,;`the' tirtiduee.rq , _rar tr f wt it I Thais-are , niturei.nittiiiipp4Vod.'n eorites.etheialt of 'the earth. whether7,t heit hie high, elf Ipvir ; _in, or poor, in rilf,..ernisyncPci*-A..-49t1t4 r o s iti o fi; they ' aye iturel, ti#4,1P(0rP..4706 in the order net re; whatever th e , netts dist inctionit , oVeutiety, , faehionable, oX un fashionable, 01# I. the ditty, privilem and Wasute t 'far,llta, greet man:v d the wholeiltouled , oyentiVOt'tetun i.h'at ; 1 1)4 av — Otk„liteir- iitiWarry thr'onigi Are; teb4 thatirthitebt tlireir own fOrtitnes::-stilonsegifialtrivankttfita;U.l4 l4 l-1 1 !,have alluded ; to.'cc only: ielai , in, fact the Injddith:Ahlittel. 'l'l47 ll 4 re , Aire absiiititely 'the' veil a Clasa,cif _human beinge,loo,lratiti; *Wat? ' perig-tondertoritihatod ) o *lA'it thol:mrb° -pro spend without earrdng; rho . o)untirio ,wit h out pr,oduciogiNho'disOpatelice t'iitgingai tethers on relatives,,Wi th ilut t dp . pitA 4 T ieg eld i of thennielies. • Colen mei IN YOUR Mornao:—.lo* orb. ler_ weoihould seY, lhet:,no fargit4tean love i l l:o u iFi lr eT l , ;13-21:1Pilliglic;;:delnlitr,..Voinillt your A froun4i'Y ,lukcti.l! 6 o3llnY ttiOlVglitfeip danOteri 'ree4vet add , a. ..,_ Viiiiitthleal,W tlielipkiiiiph re4Oivelbens. A llir t 4eittOielyi'Wdrchowv 4.14,0147. • WI A11LT,4 1 4 -, lhol , Elo l W-Rt tlil!ke; . tieep• . 'Puled& lAeliha'.wttial****iiiik 40.' l oci. ceiVe. pour ifilitntarproltniAl ' r,ia',AtAt;:. -30-O.<444PYorPT9IY bf - t+ foAt it ' YP0,,W 0 4: 111 014p 13 wilts tteirdity: • lig *hat -. ..yo : fiaikihet.,,. You .00 I.lkOs' . e gild a iyintiathiclia 7 ftiiltillerid . itfilittrhi,,,. idio m* - ;counsrllo6-foiriel&ClilifelisOrteMotionir— :wriitatOinirllls#,PiikriM4lo4#4l34 hi° P7!".,,ldeiglea ing yop wtia 4 tii,jod. .tree#prifilitliff!.-whlikiii 141.. WbOiliefidt reed 'lll6 l .4vilitlr otite.o.4iCtiriko ' hOtiii;' Pale andLliellooletly , Ifeettiree4-4k, die , eledotifor '' T 1, y :9:.1:•,!:/, '"l'' , t 1 ' t.• ME ~; ~, ~ ME ME