ler6latiansiAsolicitade'arld - -shttr o f Gusuitus,:lire equallyin; . vain'. ; o•4, unfortuaafe,eieature orri',destiity ; 7,so pe rs , collar, grew .raortit shridOwy:eYerl - ,;(lay;: She ¶t yent Witho'ut , COMF, plairiti,and,iti the same Ikei.,4ccksforried place teside,;the - Milduw, 4'1 . 1th:16,441 . m; the death Ofilet ling e6atiaifed'to' , herkelf, without seeming suffering, to de friendli,stigke of death:. She died, with a smile on her lips. of the same disease which had carried Mr her mother. Tux "T r Hona REVOLT'TlON.—Flis torrrecords4no political revolution (says . the Cincinnati 'Gazette) as thorough, ns .extensive, as decisive ; as quiet and or derly,)4.Yet as sublime and glorious, I as' that effected _on. the . 7th of November instant,by 'the freemen of this Republic. It viriO . p.levtillitiorv'accomplished. in TEN 110Unns :Three millions of freemen :as spnible'..tivether in thirty di ff erent States on;the - mini() day, and with less of dis ordei-and' confusion than nre usual •on such:cleat - slops, they express their save reign. displeasure at the principles and •practices of. the present- Administration, and prOclttint that the continuation of the preserif political dynasty shall be ter- NO . iiih‘eiiiitkin on earth's surfaCe en joys right's and privileges whiCh secure to the people so great an amount of in 7 tlividual' sovereignty ; no other nation possesses,he fisluable arid enduring privikge of , repudiating Unfaithful pub licservanta and elevating others in their. stead at pleasure. • NVe!ritn.y.Speak and write in admira •tion-af:tha bin Ody three days' revolution. .whickonikieMoved one Pr, nch monarch iystibatitute:another ; or of the more're cent'.-revOintion‘ Which expelled a king and_e,nlistitSted,civi LAva r,_anarchy... mar_- - •tt l.law ttpreient insecurity of life and Propeity, arid frightful future. But • what is all this in contrast with the peace ful, constitutional, and sublime up-rising , of threemillions of freemen, represent ing twenty millions of people, and in TEN nouns changing the political policy of the Government. - • ifr''''The elevation of ;he character of ggxililic officers "Recording to the lournith of Commere.,• produced by the election of Gen. Taylor. It says : "One of the • tesults teterelY counted on frorri the vlection. of Gen. Taylor,' is the - strengtheniag"la all parts of the country,- . of respectable men, a class which of hite . years - has 'had hut little influence in the' administration of puVic affars. Every. soma Ruibserver of_atich_etenla-Inust-4-v -witnessekin all direction's, a tendency -_for many years past to_ lower the stand ard of. chara6ter _required in.filling cial stationsouid a corresponding demand for office in quarters from which a few years ago no such pretensions proceeded. Indeedoo far in the descending scale have Ave been lowered, that if we judge from` composition - Of many public • bodies, t want of reSpeciability has been somc4kat of a prerequisite for securing places in -them." We sincerely hope that the prediction of the journal oT Com • uterce will be verified. - There is room for improvement every body knows.. DtscaratNATE.—The Office-holdera in - power are just now yeti; 'elisions. that •Gen. Taylor should DISCRIMITATE in their favor, when the:tline for appointments tomes round. The General in •one of his letters, said very properly that he mike no I,7sniscatmiNATE removals from - office; The - N. Y. Courier and Enquirer notices this anxiety of the pre , tent office-hOlding party, to know upon what .principle his discrimination' will be exercised, ancl!says • We are entitled to our 'guess! is well as others ; and we, hazard the conjecture that he. will . discriminate with reference to tWo,points : 1, with , a primary refer ence to the ability, faithfulness and in legrtty of the office-holder, so as to insure a.proper discharge of the duties of thi, will -discrimin rt. to in such ti .wav as to afford incidental protection to the Whig party! vv.novssArx ErrcronNATtos.—lt was ---stitted :recently; by. Rev. Mr. chiniguy, in a,. public meeting at Montreal, that he alist of fifteen familieS, once among the wealthiest of Montreal, who have all been" 'destroyed by intemperance. Their aggregate fortune a few years ago, amounted to $BOO Oa, Now they have • disappeared • entirely, root and branch, _ sidely , throug:h the influence of,intexicat ing liquent He• had another list of four-. tien:.fanallies,l of ' various occupations, whnne, :ngiregate fortunes' amounted to 41:200'900, who have also disap • -; Irein;3lie'satrie cause, and another list of and -seventeen families, who 40401 , ;in'Joutteen parishes, and were ''" - nre'rlo - 7 . ,,CeinaPanatively ;wealthy, but ate , ;iiiii2,44tnind•,;by liquor, except remnants :,:'oCalleo4',.thiofigh. the States • and .else whereOli4i.thes that intoxicating liquors dlottey,tlitylunaan race: • ' • • ~.. M 111111 1 ,61 EXTRAORDINARY 1 -11)0 Se who a!le fond of:knowing all the particu -,.- Nix‘tif,Weddings Will begratified with the ''.4olloWing from an exchabge : ,- <;- .''' -,•,..,.1-11,11Xiimetra the public -'highway,'at . k :O r. e: e 0: 1 1, 011° Wi in 'Voluntovai , Conn. on ;; - §44 - $ 7, fkk,s lll -3nk.,gtb9i'lt..l o n olock, , P. +:^;' ' `sikitiffla,,in potpingiii , toerents from the ~ :"'relsgis • high winds_ finni the south - - --- t, ? 6rOiniren - B,.'Nirflaver,while On ,yis wayqo ntte‘nd, the 'funeral of Mrs. . 4 rpir:t:•'Gaildp; wifd-,jtof jiienjanlin Gal tAtiiikovitiOih6-4iod7Nov-.4dra-- ~, ~.., I .__ll.4:l4.yeatiOlir:4oust-TspiAti,-of-the - ' 'irAbititirlArdee, , o',mise. MARY QARTER, of "AtOitytriliire4`folifi'tif' Of Washington, and ' , M 4 4:ltAtii?-1 1 *Ii 41 14Ad • , , , i r .t,..i..,, , - , , . , , ... ~ ~, w , kig;, e11it,p ( 937,-An, t.he Njutonal Intent - ge*er.? 4 fit 4 s" , ,a9 . "4 , ,itternPt..'it o 49#l;to,he ffiiii.mr),RlVa4elistvoi , inialft'4O4PowSci `,/if',,this'tntintrY) ,l .Af,:f4.iT3o l irl nfotillork' Wllii"ticoritA,H)LlATElstaligt?il''C riiPiii4a-- ~:liOn ..,4c, /. .Panfir. CO tK0, , ,i)0riti011,)(P,..11 1 .6* , .1 , ' , 14tq1..,00f . ' .400 ',4lpn plants `of ' t!b o ,4k;c l i*figt ""40,4041itiThef°ri.inaC°T-° ll, thiPftOtC4' 2 , ,'`'-'• c li r OVit/V,ltiiiioOK Smith Of:COntlectiout, 4Y.b o V l ,9,o4orit4Ttle'Ldn' r ";:q ''' ':. -.', 'itiiiiC*ll, l i,ing;4fig: 0.0.0= , / 2.,' .01 ictt i , : f 4 t rtikq ; 6 Igl:ftqi t , ,... 1 ,.,,Atta, , j .„,„ ', 3t , , ) s ,ttl!! 1 , i, r ; 0 .,, MAP , !11, ,' TV.Xf, , ,',l-, ; c 4. .,' , ,i4,14,:f; '.',`,':, s ,t a , t tka„l ,, '' 'T^ : E 7 , ,Cr.' " r ?7d/: - ;?: i:(1 11 ?G " :.c .' " :^ h . c.1 1 .1 '''l 44 ; g4.ga : . ..._._ ... :4 t AY, .41 ITS '; - t i •iy e: it gr,o. , two' 11'11P'. De4ll is :op i•1•13:t • , 4? Oiaata.V Z , Vtripsaiitow , , c ,, Z,6 • ' A,f CARLISLE, PA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1848 NO.TICE.—A Sermon will be prOavbecl by the Ri;V. Mr. Wikri - ; an - PrOftWr Slwniiiing; in the Atethodist E. Churelt, of thin borough. on Wedneedoy Evening, the '29th inst. at 62 Welk. OF-TIT tale on our first page this ireek is one of pectilXoerest. Shucking . Aecident. A little boy, about thirteen yeare of .nee, son of Mr. Jamei -Callio, of this borough, was run over by a •truin of burden cars Which were pestling thronghtown on Friday morning last, - and so - badly injured astto re. mrirethe amputation of one of his legs. He was standing on the track with his back to• ward the approaching train „but - being very deaf did not hear it coming, or the alarm gi venrby-the -engineer, and_wes_consequemly knocked down and run over, before the train - could be stopped. 'Under the crionnstances no blare 'can justly attach to the Engineer. The operation of emputation was suc cessfully performed in the- evening of the same day, by Dr. G. W. Foulke, to-the pre sence, of Dr's. Myers and Dale., Tits little sufferer bore it with great .heroism, and We are glad to learn is 'so far doing-tt•ell. Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving-Day 'was observed with great propriety in our borough. Places 01 business were closed with but few exceptions, anJ labor of all kinds suspended. Large congregations were gathered in the various churches, and the occ asion improved by ap propriate sermons from their several Pastors. Although our people have 6, not got the hang" of keeping ThankSgiving in. the, New Eng land style, We doubt not the day also formed the occasion for manybappy family re-unions, good_ dinners and fireside festivities. In the evening there was a large assem blage both.sexes in the M. E. Church l for the purpose-of taking, steps towards the for nation'—oLa—genera I Society. A committee was appoiy.led to frame a constitution, after which; upon the calf of the meeting. addressee were succesSq ively delivered hy'Preside.it PECK. oh seek. inson"Cellege, lieu, C. P. %Vivo and Rev. B: NAD33 : . Thongh apparently unpremedir tared, we have seldom heard more epquent, earnest—and • stirring addresses. TAra:g. number_of sign;dui es to, the Pledge which . were subsegnently obtained, testified their powerful effect Rim the audience. We nest the gentlemen who have started in this good work will commit°. their efloris with energy, that the good cause of Temperance, which, has so sadly &Tr:lined, may be again built tip and shed its benign and lasting bless iirgs upon our community. Arrangements, ,we are glad to learn, have been made for a, succession of meetings through the winter. Friends of Temperance ,l let, your motto he constant and untiring "Agin ion • Agt talim - . Cen. Taylor 'Hearing. the 'News A telegiaphic despatch from New 01leans , to the Baltimore Sun, dated " Nov. 21st, says : Gen. Taylor was in Baton Rouge when lie heard the result of the election in Pennsyl vania, and enough from other States to"de tertvine, Without doubt, the fact that he had been elected President of the United State. tie took the fact of his elevation--t fr the highest office :in the woild with ridrfee s t eomprisure, exhibiting :ranch coolness and deliberation., ICe.lr ft_ Baron Rouge soon after t:le,result was kt.own, rit board a steamboat for his MississipmoVhile on the pas sage he was accosted by a stranger, a &To ol:it, who presumed, him to be merely a common passenger, and the two commenced 'talking pol Mes, speculating about the elec tion, the merits of the candidates, &c. The , stranger told-I , um that. Old Zac was good enough, but he did not think him (pained for the high office of President. , • He aki o asked the General if he was a Taylor man, to which the. General replied : Not, much of a one, that. he had not voted for him on account of his family, and more • spevially-his-old-lady_babil ew in a • ,posed 1091 d Zack. At this juncture a gentleman P tapped ups, accosted the General and called hiin by name. The artanger soon smelt a rat, and alter opening his eyes tolerably.wide,Aalked oil, considerably crinfused. The Generat!in good health, and loOks unconcerned as.usuial, taking things coolly and deliberately. • Tne l'_otut_AND Custigawain 11/41t04D : -!... A .tneetiog 7 says the Baltimore,Clippar, was held jrx the: city: fiallAK last Thursday eve.: nitig,`Bleyor, Starisbuit 'presiding;:ik‘Fh!o. it was detertnined to -appoint block contrnit teettio sell tho.rto'ck ;of, the.`york•and-Cot& 'fierliticd. Anil road . Interesihir, loiters Were ,rend: Irony the Presidents of . the.Cutribeiland Yallei Railroad, •1111;•Cential••.Itallreati; and the Rnrrie _ huig, Portsmouth, Mount_'Joy. anti .Lancaster Railroad ',,quttNtlies,letiprettaing :the-most-libentl • imill. , 'enoßrlitOe -ieference7. - totltis4oad - Thi - NrnishinkrOpiikiiti, to the public, and„iri' , ,fact, bitities , for inie too:arse' to foadtil.! Tito shares ,are'only . B2sl,*o,tis•the money', Will net be asked lot beitti;stifine:oUr:eiti, •zettseit is to,le hoped willgr4itiliberalry..' Y ' SrATCTREABURtR : 01'0' TgOtt Eiit'' 64 eittj l; l l o o o 6l JOiii# 6 4 ' 4. Atfole - Pi l o o A ( Kup tirk: 6 7 0,1.* - AB A :444:000.4**1 O 0,;* ktiO''' - 44 - 4 1 iferd An# 474,i113/4V,P,Z774 *ol4,Vi'o, vgtrsspjoi,;j .:"''f' r -T; . ..0 - ' , ...:.:, 4c;;;,:', • ,7—,,—, ' , ' , ' - 'Jiq'' , -' . . , 'i1' , .' , 4:; ,, '-• , : ,- ; , ';1T , ' ,. .. n 4:1''V. , . 4 -: , t' , ."-.`,•-•;A '::',' , l:',.!:` , •':::',' , . -. i..' , :'42::.:::', ,, .. ,- ;'.:L.i''.: , :'4;j• - 1?;,..r - , - , , :,.-?i,=,-_.-4' , ',t , .. , :, ::_•:, . •-••N•12- • • tn;thEi'eity of , New ''i rk IM ' tine yolk a;truly,:.inauonal ' scha deter,, Nny iartisk may belcona'a cif tt 9R 0 19,- 4 49.?" 6a1 V 4 T e1 i t °f Thelnbil 6 .Y f i blaiPed is 40, 614 ; #te.l,l lol hStS? " , ditetiOn yof a large and costly , original IttitgOgfrotri an American paintink:,";ol) this' etigitiving each member receives - a,Capir for - eversiss paid _ by !dal. The second -l 'ol?'• jest of the institution it% ) to purchase affd'Sciifpftd4 thaliriltictian" or lesidentAtitiste. ...These aller.being- exhi: bitedin IT free public gallery, in New - York,. are distributed by lot amotig, the marnbers' t I each having one„,share for every $5 paid by hitn : Fact; iffqmb - er is thus`cetisin or recei ving an elegant engraving in return forSs paid, and has also a chance el drawing, a valuable. Painting. • This •year each triember:will be entitled to a copy ore large engraving of "Queeq Mary sighing the Death Wifirant . ,of 4tly 11)4 Grey," and also, dip, Van the' celebrated tale of .Westiiagion living, with six large . original eatliao. illuStrations;by parley, a celebrated artist.. • There .will -also.be distributed by . 'lrit; ;Op! firprize Melilla of Wifsithiginni Airsion:26,6 Bronze Medals of Galburt And ahem three Ondrcd Paintings, richly funned; inclu ding some of the master-pieces of Ameri can Art: The tinnu4l this.year on the 22d of December. re'rsons desirous of becoming members may do .so by 'leaving iheit names with the Editor 4 the Herald; who is duly authorized to receive subscriptions. And those who• design doing so are particularly requested to hand in their subscriptions prior to the 10th of Deceriiber k as the books of the - instittition will be closed . - .• , one•week - Ware The annual transactions, Bulletins, and loriner Eegra, wings of the Union, may be sect.; by calling at our office. ' Interesting Slave Case An interesting trial came off last week in the Court of Common Pleas - Of this County, in which the chilslren of a Afr. Oliver, late of Arkansas, deceased, were the plaintills, and - Daniel Kauffman - , of South Middleton, in this County, delendant. - . It was an action on.the-pase,to recover damages (laid at $35. 00) from the defendant, for enticing ; aiding and assisOng the' slaves of the plaintiffs to escape, whereby theirsetyces.vrere entirely lost to the plaigtiffs. Frorri the evidence it appeared that Mr: Oliver died in Arkansas intestate leavin_ among other personal - property n number ef_ slaves, which ° by proceedingi in the Court in that State were divlded between his widow and heirs (lour children, flie plaintiffs,) at a valuation. The widow 'and heirs re moves)._ to Alaryland with these - slaVeSiend in October, 1847,, Odeon of Iheat:ran off -and came into Pennsylvania. They eon ! sisted of two men,tvo women, and nine_ children, male and female of various ages. They :wired in Chamhersburg, uticHts it appeared in evidence, were' escorted from there by a colored man named George We, along the Smith, Mountain to the Barn of Mr. Kauffman,, in South, Middleton. Here they remained a lew hours, were led by Mr. Kauffman, and removed 'miller on in his wagon. This is the substance of the evidence. .- The case was argued. by Messrs. Watt's and Biddle, tor the plidnifils, and by Messrs. Gaullagher, Graham , and Adair, for . the delemlant. 'The ground taken by.lite fence was, first, that no evidence existed to prove Mr. Katiffinati engaged in a combina tion wiib others, and seeond,, that fink' base did not come within the jurisdiction of a State Court The trial occupied the whole slay, And the jury alter being out rill night, rendered A ver; dice of $200 . 0 thinners for the plaintiffs.— A motion for u new, trial w•ae made by de defendant's Counsel, which -motion ie still pending. TIIE SLAVE SLANDER ' The Volunteer dielaresit can "Neva its amen:wit true to the ktter,", that —"theist is a man in 'the borough of Carlyle who witnessed Gen. Taylor torturing one of his slaves, by hanging the poor black devil by the two thumbs to the hod) of a' tree, when he tGen. Taylor) with hie own Stands whipped hint with a cow-hide, every ten minutes for 'two hours, and (augheri at. the fun." wilt be seen that the "poor black devil ". could hardly hare been e nt throngh such a biotal process of punishment uS . this:without losing his life, and yet we are . loltl:that,tt.Niss the, act of 'Geo. himself, who , 'lriughed - at the fun" !! This story the Volunteer declares itd abidif:to . „ . venture. to:denounce 'the story as false, and. irtmousl4slanderous. , If there is any inane who .pretends to finve Winipised' spe.h, scene, We caution him !Or* 'folk • the statement made *thn y"eiUttteer;lteTWre, he ventures to swear that. , Gerii ; 7'ol - il l reified" ' deed Whirl). Foidd:"tren:lolY.".Tl'.. , ". resulting in nold-blootted''sitti:iief:pli.,if davit must'itejt.aitory very horn the' above, or it, will.sink to in famy_ll:;: own ohat'seter insteadof injuring'Gen. TRY. nt'Ai ear . and hehevolenee.of ,"Gee.'Tayler are :nsttera .Of itistori;', which have; she4,i; lustre upon -his name as'' imperishable -;as have . _iti '_great 'deelkUPOft T trai l tint in the course' at his life have proParly i lpttnish4 ,a•efave . fur•miSeetnlact, , wit.iite tint el'eutrieT prepared to detiYi:terl iut porpp cit; ii . t)*()) : 9:01; , ? 1 1.fr#0e. o ec . - 11. ---- ' a ---, oa a l al n i I Yliith ev , ••• , k areClFabl- / , i , ~ • ' `.'• lir Of'--Ye • ' ' .eiers in tarn" e &„,, '' i i vi,butu 1 . 5110 4 I 11 ry e n ' vrThe Oe ,3 ri :6 08 1 al% en • lo'ilielexe ! iii ' ecen't f wort° Prale fti viiiigVriP4, ~° r " P, , ~,, p olo o • r 11114 , n p 0 , ~,, owe i4t,g, ,Sclirek/f;) , s; ist;ri^uniaptuatt,E.,.l.,.-,0 anyallP. SP11114°" ' Y ii-willtirhiPide,(\\...) ° 1 ye/goe0,10PY") il %,,,,,4-1x 6-1 '' an d aWu ~. ', ..1. ,-,, 11',4.,,,:'40f -0,q,,t to'4",,7irk„,t- vs 'r°lle/Pl/14 gizitetcM., ,- 7 ; ,' 1:010,..,,v0iT,11! , Ji Ft ~'a 'lei ..iir 6111634 pit :;:laltiffitide,44oltl(?e' alint*loONlT; 'lir ,;„4,44;iiiii;tcYtt aPt!IPI,, i. jale:Plkf,?i,lt4 I—,,Tr •lr. ''' glat`,p){o3.UlVA i ' , he'ukie,, i' If 011 9, % • . Libnikfl?rtt , ~ ~ l ei IPPV. ',. ,`,1,0# yipitif V '44'l of' 40 :, t t nit titi, ;+-, ,e , ii 1-4 h.(9iolol:lr.l,aP fl, l '' 'o, rrp:p lili...ct r , i „ 'A I ,. ~. ,r, y Ail lti, '9)1! , . 7, , 1:', olgßivt, , I pe),, fr.l )1,1, 411,/. jar ALI Afh--mijltk4N°-,+-,4,,-c,,,0i t,t5,c.„x78.4 • .5, -, , , ,,r , ~,-;,.:; , 7,„ ✓ , I, ,vi.V- ~, APJ, , ~...,...,0,kf,?..,,,,,., ~...y.,,,,, ~,, ~ .z.v. A1ft,,,,,,, t;V.,,' ,--,3 1 , ? ,,, i '. .X. ,3....»....T'-: -. - - , 1• -- 4,,:`,..' , r, - ..,:::4!, , :,:4.,"1:04t 4 r , ', 9 ... , : - ::' ,, r , ..:; - ! . E. - : :,, ;...';',;',,,e,'• '--,•.; : .-,.. P:y.- '-',-, ,;;;,. _, -,• - • - .:.' . -.7g'‘'' , '!f.'-g,1;' , 11 14 ,0,,i'.1'.•t: 1 ': ';;_:;,,,;=:.,:'-i;::.-::.:,-;,:,;:,,;',.f,',; .;..- , -'KFinvinii. , . ;' . 4::'7-r11,40,01 11*,414i(i4i0140,iiitii:..0 l'OfteWiligiliiiife'e4lloli . o ".!/90t44 , ',OfROrfpffilitiae‘ja ,14-94:..,. ,r i,' Ntiettrilater:ll:oliile ;IXililiel4e*elee;ol;ifiiiii .!iit4',:glitioihn - egiiiiiii. 4 ho.'Siiiigloiliniliri'lo l ;''!i' Galiikinif,lti'paritt*ie'riih;Oi covered-ati - vonsigne6 ... ~. 7"l'l.lelit:aßillgtily'everla renetyn.,.."Before - the.;_W ,wailit'liiiiliost`al'--Cifiii it iStiiietien es„ - ariy ' 0I: lil s t hedlivdrylis 'A h i tstii le i -- fa Diieaseinid:itii'6hilly'lta he-was erdered4iiirriela forces-of his country 'met ileadlY . Sty i fe, ': ' 4 n d ; iict : '47,' haiflie 'noifirireeiritii .obtain .permission trout;{ i trifiipairite the seat of li' Ceuz'he'tvris attriched'tri falion, and' partiolpetedl Mast dangeroudmarch, t nearly; every 'siep•wits.4 nhinbers.el ,the foe, a r id VOW iticeesently, night , marsh,, detailed," rit irrien,ldUtiack . .rind cart browned the heights of ,coMmanded- the - clinic 'Wiliii,ll ley 'the rontelif th 'movement was accompli pie justitie to Lieutenant writes Major Lally, "in tl skilful manner." . . . . The .battalion finallyre had Jalapa ; and iiieri - riffeTb - e - Ciiine apart I the force which, under GPri ; Lane's comnpm, reaped laurels in every convesti e with - the -- enernyri large bodies Of whom the , met, routed and dispersed, covering .ttiem.elves with 'glory, end the - areas of their caustry With . unlading renown. In this series of brilliipt . eiUloits, Lieut. Ridgely, Wlid hail beencomMissinhed by' -the General es hidActin Resistant Adjutant General, ever goveieSth os'of danger and =oT hen or.• On the"llifii overt Thie - r, iiiiilid .Resistant riding. with . ei fez * officers aid a small guard, far in advance of the main body o(theurrny, they fell in - With and instantly charged' Orion a party of - gnerillas, whore they put iri flight. But pursuing their success leo ardently, o the little band suddenly -came ..in contact with General Rea's entire force, at the Pass of (Miura ; by whorryafter n gallant resistance, Lieut. Ridgely was mortally wounded ' and captured—"falling a victim," says General Lane, 'FM gallaiirry which was ,never sur passed." His body was barbarously. mutilated. by the captors, and secreted so affinity as to es cape, the. notice M. all the parties sent in .searelisof - it, by the General; and lay in soli tude for, Monins. In Julia last. through the 'indefatigable exertiOns of his brother, Dr. J. Rrdgely. aided zealously-by Capt. Lewis,' of the La. Volueteers, hie.ternains'Were .found, and in due time convexedi.to. the U. States .Im:itiwment. Their gogress Irom Illezrico to the place of ftepu.ltutc!, , was..d'dory' chronl 7 , cl . gil . by foie Nss.. e., Every !range that a-dmi ration to or love copld agggesOvas paid to the gallant deactiee the inn-mins-Om ved solemnly alo ng,,' Arta nn the2Oth Octo ber last, escorted leythe St..Lciuis . Greys, and attended -by-w-largw-conergurstr:bl citizens. with military honors they Were commirtell to their last long resting place, in the Epis-. copal' Cemetry at St.,,Lqpis, .in Missocti„ Where many of his relatives reside. Thies has passed away, in lik 2bth year, a brave and accomplished soldier! Our own - Strite i ns his birth place Iry claim linnorto herself, as she •inscribess name 'on .the long roil of her departed hoes. On every tattle-field in*Mexico has commingled the lite4lootrof her sons with that of their brave Col' p atnots ih arms, lions ;the other Stales of thin great Republic, - ponied as freely as theirs from hearts that beat as high for fame! Shoulder to shoulder, they met 'and van quished the -foe; and fell like valiant soldiers, covered with-wounds ir..iliti arms of victory. They ehrill hear the wild cry at 'Battle, and the t h rilling Amu ol,Victory, no more I Their memory -will fill- the hearts of the -gentle mourner at the domestic hearth, now deso late ; anil affection's tear will .bedew their graves.' A grateful country will cherish. the fame of its illustrious relatives, in the stain less lustre of their brief and glorious' cdreer ! Baltimore, Not. 17, 1848. . 11. W. C. iiii i; , ,,;, r,-:; , , , - 4 .. .:,.,..- ~-, ...,..,:pc- , ,, , , ..., • - • - /deadlarn'oili i * riot li:anlJellt .1044iimide l n ... - ` ..- ...,..•!...r ,- ,;.;,A-:: , ,4 C.:,, , A , :r '.73 , '' - '4, - ; . `;: - .•- ',!, 11, N7lrhictiii"-•,. The` IVElntiOuilge:Pincer 0 1 :41`460rItantrt, liTo*i4itibiir latti 14 • rit 'le(' gsh been' re o -a . ' ' Ch riot ian -4 Bep , .., ''Clii_eltil'ea - ger. kir Qati befeatitcfieffi=`;'. him ; anti herianef Mexico in 'tit-IJie, summer of as' to O.:WitDepartment At - Vera ajar, Ldllj.tr bat. herds of its which :bind by• superior tire :Of battle Aa:jr: . Con' thii ith‘a !eine riklo. .ihree foris which Grialo;, and t defiles 'through Ametieene. "This heti; it ie but "sirri `iilgely to saY". nn9st,,gallant and A NEW MANtinn.:--We' find in the 'Penn sylvada Cultivator,' published at Wart iaburg, the following notice of some eirperiments made by one of the 'Most enterprising men in our county : ROBERT 1311'1'80N. Esq., of Onmberland county, about eight miles from Harrisburg, TVs been experimenting kir the. last ten balk tiveilable .and valuable as a manure:''' Beiides his Mad. niticent term, he liketVise citifies on thetam Ring business. Finally aftet a great . of expense and many failures, he hao'succeeti ed in - .discovering a ..method. of prodding from the tan an effiCiett-manti l re. This is his plan: He has his inn wheeled out on to level piece of,tkroMid„and leveled.efl two or Arise feet Mink.. 'Over this •liellflieads layer of two Or three'' inches -61 , lime, and , 'over tharagain mliyer of lime, and so on. He lets the bed so pre pared' rerrintif forAvid-years;,at the end of 'that time he filidsbinisell 'in possession of a bed of mania!? the efFeets of which upoothe .land can hardly be sti Mimed the'richness of stsproduct; and otiribillOtiliiy which it itimarte,' to';'obtain - '- -•, ~uculUf - 7tcautittl' lriThrir - Nt ,I7Bryeori B drl ai method. 14,... .F110111 WASHlNGTON. —congress •rn eels on NOpday• next, arn . l ,. kneinber • of , members 'Ate:already 'arrived,' itt 'the -`"aeat bl: grwrn: eni: . Leitei.'Nint4'Otiy t tinit,the iv ilminia n, 7iplo '.rrothing,;,olll„propose nothing. ~ i ..t throw the; .ealittlit!ittithy, 'of . •legialation /i4ortf.lntehnee.,ulViehr of t43.l:l,,,z,r.,;.,:oo;:!!..tine:igaitiiivue.t "'YIP Piece'; the ,FaaaYr.i!) , ,a494 a. Pgahian thafjtiwill. , :lie:-,-nen'easary4or; p. 6 it : ,-Taylor,to call , art extra` l3ot4lolW. , '',.,'. :',' • ' , rim cAniiivi.=!•-%"The La!)Owl! e aurnal says ClitYt° l ?) of ~ b' e Nintite'4,lo - 1 4 1 31 PePR!t- ient.r9l ient.r91 State,i arid, Boa. bc :; 11 , 40, the g •. . • . -. lli l dlV44oiptedtilm4ol. l lModjapleo l o ', ~' -: •B hi' ~.- ,•,.:,,,, ~.,„,f 1,4,'-iip6irolinel. r‘.,,, .0 , i za . ,'-',2 iiiiilllo o r gan . ' ie.*liPcr , • zii .ott;onei Pot 7' l r? ~-' - Hi;ij oe tly,:lik Tai,ut,T..t,- , t ... i fti or : #9-I#9l:em, ~fi,luid.:lllbierli)?-: ~ .the SiMatt !1'.64:c 1,‘,",,,;'11.':, :t:: : 1 .*:.: , ;:r1 ‘1 ‘:1- 1 - 'iiiitliia „- • - , 1 t i 46 ~ ,',4" ;-, 1-' t s lii #lr 46l o ll -,1 1 1.. T • ',••• , 4,oiliiP4'hil4lllPAli4lll ' .4 ll"'Ari?il s riartll,l!! , Yq-c-Mlifglith*,44oFsj 51!.. , :, . 01 icii - it'.: `,V4ciftY/k1ti1v....-likoguio.9lY -,,..,„Nw, 4 " I un ' iitidA r rPil- "`A',':-7,,`:-. IrOtk 1edu1t94.4!.", 'th' Tet.P4,..... $6,16-1400104004 ..,,,,,11.,i,:if.,.?4-.0,, ~n ~-4 1b.pp,..` 4, so ',..-:,&JL,,,,,T! Sai- ;,,,q.:4'eft-AsX'.4.^l-P-,ll,'lf,A4tfol.,'W,t 1,4 '1:1y7.i,:,,y.:N-,.,,?:.-,:,N.;44.5A1,,,6..?:;4:4- y‘- ~ '.,1.,, ,. .,,, ,:, ~,,,,..4,,1 th 1, A 4 4-1,4,-,,i ' 7'.,,.' -... , -.'4'. ~. , , ... ,,,-. .i444' ,,, :i;',: -, , , ; , ';..: - , , ,': , ,;:;] : ',i , ; . ,i . i*:';',1 fillfetur Minato; ";.. As the : complexion : of. the .: Uhh{ dtStates 'seeate nuch:lmblitr-interrestOi have , titTten. , sap pave belteee,:presentrOc;4l,riect...iriew,- ot4 A 2 l political aepeet of , ilia( bpdy : ~:j:< tateii- . • '4;:, 4 .Ltro - N. HainirOire' Arer ni 'M ARRAeII U, ells •-• `9.• Cbririectirat Nev' Y ork' 'New:Jersey • Peniuky Ivania Delaware Maryland._ Virginia N.' Carolina S. Carolina Georgia Alabama Miserasippi Louisiana, Arkansas Tennessee ' Kentucky Ohio • Michigan Illinois • Missouri • Florida Texas NEI 1 2 • lowa IVasconsin . _ Lcieoloco majority 6 To the above estimate :LT. Nets. — ffiimpshire is counted as a Whig, because. on the general questions of public policy he will vote with that party. The prospective Senators from Ohio and North Carolina are both estimated as Whig, because the proba bilities ale greatly in their favor. On the 4th of March. 1851, the terms .of 21 Senators will expire-13 'Democrat. , and IL Whigs. , 01_ these 13 the. Whigs mar count upon gains in the following States: 1 to loWa; 1 Florida, 1 in Tennessee, 1 is New York, and I Penni.ylvania l with chances for indiatia and lin Wisconsin. Assuming an aggregate 5, the Whig majority 'on the 4th of March 1851 would be four. The terms of the 8 Whig Senators ivhich expire at that time, Will tibuhtless-all.be filled with Whigs, as they occut in - States of decided politics. 'Mat .the British Think. A paper printed in Kingston, (Canada) called the " British - Whig," speaks ofi, the ele . Ction of Gen. Taylor asiollows: • "It would appear by,our telegraphic re port, that Gen: Taylor has been elected -President-rit-the-thitied-States-ohAmerica. l'rior to the election 'the hopes of the -Whig, pally were Very strencr,'and it ie.Seen by the result that their hopes were wellAnntitled.. "We hardly know whether we should- con gratulate the country on this- elevation of Gen. Taylor-Or nod:"' He himaellfie an estim able than, and his party is 'composed of nearly all The wealth. and intelligence of the "[Molar' .; but on the oiher hand, that aarty is-and ever has been opposed to a low tariff and the introllnction of British goods. The cry is protection • for native productions , Whereas Gen. Cass and the Democrats, al though opponents in speech to Great Britain and herintereies, have always. advocated a low tariff and free trade. Thus while the • Whigs speak the fairest to Great Britain, and treat lie; with the utmost courtesy, they close the ports to her merchandise and man- . utactures while the Democrats lotions in denunciation, and threatening war every in stant, nevertheless freely adroit and con sume the commodities of the nation they provoke." . British Whigs it will be seen do not hold the same-views that American Whigs They don'i like our " Cry of protection for native productions"—anci would armor Have Geri. Cass and the locoforos in power, be cause although they are opponents in speech to Giet..„i3ritain they neverlese favor 'het practically II encouraging the importation of British manufactifies ! Our workingmen will find in this extract food for reflection. • A Timms I The North American very philanthropic giVes a hint to that class of office seekers who overstep propriety—in- Weir insatiate thirst. : ,lor the " spoils," that Gen. Tay lor, - thouo a very amiable mart, is never so terrible. as to office-seekers of this rude kind. The old warrioe• is roused in him again to the approach of this sort of assail ants, as at that of the Mexicans at Buena Vista ; and his nostril swells,'his eye flashes ; 'anti he looks as if aboUt to call for his sword and , 91t1 Whitey to make battle ! AGFA OF THE LANDIDATEN: Gen Taylor was horn in Change county„ Virginia, on tile 24 of Novembiti; 1781. Of course he was sixty-foiW"yeara of noon Friday last. Gen. Casa is onp year.youngbr than Taylor, having bebn bobn on the ° 9th of October, 1782. Mr. 'Van Omen was born at Kinderhook the same I, Th 'd ; To ,Cure a. Cold;orcoug ......- e e 1 . .. tnr of the thiltlinnre"Permer says t. s oThe beekrerned)r. he ever tried in hi. (tun for.' fo a ertugh;.mr, cold), to decor: inn or the leaves of the Pine Tree iweeteued, pod freely drank warm on Piing to bed' at. night, end cold 01'000101a the'dey." , .11f Abe decnctinn °Cite leaves of the Pine Is 'en oirectnel,,Ai the eolorwa , cobalt hew murk better nowt bah'Phionemec Com pound Syrup er•Ter,eull.Wand"blaphtha v egmbultng no it does the eery Enrolee Of Tat or PlUe4telth amour other, of ourluiest, effectual tVagetabla;.cough.;,ll4,tine ai„. . r,. . ~-,,w- ~ . ......-v:Pli'l „ ,.'ql` Prepped - end enid by ANtIN'EVEi;" up4` Su- 4 N''. E., c.prner of Fifth end Sprucestrepei-philedellitibiq', . Cull 'by 3. & w. n FLEslltkr9; o)tviliVii ,- "Pricip eta end $1 per battle • - " , '.. ' , 'n' ).:-. - "a .. , - , . . "'''-i I" ' rr;74r:" 1 "7"" •', Wright's Indian Vegetabte , V l2l' `irerli ,: allare. - eney; -- end - certein'' , enre for- Veld antr Congheal.:---, itecaure they, carry off, hy the otnnteCh - ,arid- bowel*. r those morbid' humors. whleh; if deprialled ;upon the u., lunge, are :11t cause nf,-the above dejrigf,r o -1 4 ".!?" t": leliatik:"- A : rivight,iwatilyAviLeent b9X,017.1fa tk-Iledillef ...' ' vegemiqo rill& ill generally eidnclent to niltiee'per., .fect 'cora ni -,tile:;nibet 'ohellnate ..Kifltt - ' - kerib* 71 "i'in* 7- time the (itertion •le improved,vandlhe Mond ve:roui, ' ineiety •ptir ified, taut • new life. 1/ ad visor; to sive*" le the .., .4 ,, ...'",' .4! ',.q.4 , 11r , rt ~, • - .., r• i A gi• Pe wa lA. of donnterfeitx qiiit J014;0104:I Rosie aw ber.ihui theffirlginel and hn ly genuine liodietuyege a' hie `lPille have,, • the rtilten,eigneture. of WHili t till . ~,, ~ : , . 1.,,_i , , ~ ~, , ~ ~ ~,,,,,,;,,,,,1;u:.,...., I., l , V, n i t triiii h nle r :_ n g:lt ntio 9l :: ll ,,ii : l L, tll : l o ll : t 7 iwi P l int ".ll . l lernn r a : , s e i t l i 9 l d e n ult r n fi r c y ft a rr c ,; (3l ,, li to ll it ATß izo . v.,.. liE ‘ !„ 4:; l o i ' v - , (l ' bos iT n it: - ; .i t:Y i l r. .— , . ~ l!BII;' mono whois , in : everycrespect well 1, qualißed •to 1 1111' that ,inmartini • .:Tiolt: ' The ' , is,-To quint :, the , lea ' rei of„ officious ;Locos p l ied 'P t h e 4110610 la Pr , !” , ..; ;,••:•:••.,,,-, ~„ „,...„.. , iiiiitethation and election cif IVIr. Cqoper•Wilt thq lc North - Aivierikte 7 "SYS it.lii , iiiithOrti6d ~‘ -,,;,, .. -.• _6v , ~,,-. , 6 , •gixe,,miqualified , plearitun s to thq:vast inajOri- to ' say lhalC.;GOti:Jl43lOrla!,qablitet 'i will be ' '' -•-• 'i ',, •• - ttlgN ,•• 1 7••Cr'' 1 0, v1 , t , :, • ty, , s,citin , , }yh!gs,:cif 'fit , ,iii,;county;‘ , ir,they-loolrl ~ , 4 a . unit „ )1 iyi Ficilitteal ()niftier!. '‘,.. ,— , :._: ,, , i - , i ', ~ tan o , m r : „Avoo n im , , A tiolific i f ; Sho,/ ,, w .. tr . ," ', ' pprit)„ hirriAtfi r , amiihntiOnlity• I,i' bainn . ea's 'man ' • :•''''' ' =:- , ,•-, •••mb - .t.. , .1, ...', •• • ' ' t ii ii Lainitstr,all'aFFitiniireptil tarrW‘i, r , : • r.sanashar. l- Tornio . o bou ti rrna oast ~.•• + • , --,• - - ----1 4 1 t•Ls ' ata-•ialki,e,Whositlii'riaa - tSe' ii" . ;„;,:',. n ' / 4 ,',....,`'.6'. ' ~ 0-'7, f!, .. L . • .f. ~ ,,, , t , e, , .. , , t:-.. - t , -,, ..,' - ..;,„'.• -, i„e ' " ~.•,- , Y'A . I,,Y , L; '''''' • 7 , 7%: :,-T { ..7" .. .,,T;ii;', r• - ) iit , ihks 'o9lbilibfit•plA yOteir ii lain 1844 , ,-, ve , toe. leth, inst,•uy, toe , same,ii,err,i.\ ss..'; prii . :ltiAist,,ci . Mirilmiv,e4ik,Mtghsisalety,kie:iiiiril ,4 1 •-•••,• I rt , • , ••-•.,, il i. a ii P:' ^.: 1 , •-, il , 1 ,unr; Eriebniaord to' ,frl isii:l4iiin ' snai ~ /1,4 i ai,v` tiqiii4 ; '2 = 'X •••• - '.4...• P': ' , ' •'''' ' ,, 1; • ~,/ 44, ••,,",",,-,'':.` N- 4 ., Ff, 1 1!''3 1 !1 1 .0P54„, .1 , CaVEir Yr, kir. '.et ,: t his countt. ,•,';•;:,;, Vi'..-: s`?;', ' ''..;', 5 4,,;,,:' ~ --- ~.7,-..3-;',41,-..Yr.-.trY.,',:::l-,s*9s4tvir.iz'f'. ,goi k 4 t if t i s ifihi g <hiiii , th- t r l si a i6. „ !:._Th e ili.„:4 ~ ,',4. , .,, • ,-,-, : , : ,,,_,- ~:,„, ; :.' ' ..,_ • •--;.. ' 4 ~":". ~• ''''' ' 2.?,"1"'''.1:5.' '. " ".. ''''''.ll lublitiee'lluiti(thielalifiror)f ii01:119 , 0f '. '-- , '''.1 , 2.---- -, i9 'l ' ''''V 6 '' ' il f4- " ''' - c . '" .` ' l7 '.,, . 4 51 - in'u# l . °U I inflr •ii.r - hie sarniq:ll_ .1' tilts.m, • ; ~,,, .00' • ,`,.'''''' IP, .}k ,, , , ,? , 1, ..,ix r ~, , ii , ttflnireet' But 1 yrieeded ,noi 100 t . luireilanuor.nr.* • '3l' ''r4 b ' ''' ' zsd' * Itii rife "litinitiOiliply 'no rif t * 160iiii`le ' ~, re. ,,, - •F..,- - 4- 4, ~ _,4' .1.,. 4., t, ' , i . A, „. PO, . MS-. ;^' iouto .01 . A...,,.... f t t t t _s,,, i o,/h s -, .i„..t.`44 , !,..A.,,, , , - y,ovi .4.1,0A.:. - r, , ,, - ,L11 1 ,1 , ,v ~,m7,4 rqn,L,/,!,r,t,,,,141,,.,1tiqm0tit ti. cm..,, cy„,,,,, 1 .H , ~,,,„ ~.„„1.4 0, ,,,,,,.,,,, ,ml , ,,e,,F',..tr.,!!!)tigig, ,P9',MILVI, ig:VT2M,,4 . tllt, Vir4tiritilyivv ~ ..-.-'.„1;, ' :.'.....:4;?- ,-'' '4l-.1..- i , „/.4.t. , ;;Vri.,V.i.,s;'o' - " •1'4 ,1 01 ,, 1.';'1 1 ,.' 1. :;x0;.'.. BPugelb-4.10r ny-z, - SmOipluo,,upovii,4,.olo.olBol,l-, -;;-.. v. ,f-.... 4..m0i.1,0•4.v ...,‘ ' -; ,,, tt.f,, , '49" , .': , "4-* 1, -v , ,•?,t1t.,;14 . 6,%„,... , ..,-, ; D1ED. 1. .., 0 , . 4 ,,,,,,,, 0 ,:43, ,,...,, , , rt.. ,, , ..,, , ~ , , ,, ,f' ' 11,1 . 44,te.0,L0 s ",k,: - ~' \t , .P.7l` 41 1 ,L '" I °' e''' ' . 4' 4 11 . -. 4 `1 'o` .6 4, t, , .•`, ?,!':,). L .. r .,' ' '''cl ~ if,•' - j , . , n'' ' ',,...,-, fri v, t . ~..., 0M1Y1 , 4 1 1 441 4 r 44004te.16.1ticiVirw 4#o4ol*elitp,iiv . zjegtvgo i; '40'14 sok.; l' l 1 4; i l ' A it i . I n 4 EM, 7 4.,..41c1iAtt 4 7ip 0 0 1 ..b; ~,+,,i„i ii i,, .0p h ,„,,,-, , ,.„.t..-3,„ r,, v..k,.,....... t , ,,,, , ,..... ~.. ir lir :I ',l 1 1 ifk/ I, '' t' .4. . 1 ~ 1 1 1. ~ *. , tfIV,7,- f! ,1,;,, , ~,ki't,„, - ”,•;,r114.04,., , , ,, ,.. , F r,,,T,,,,,k• 0... t r,Af,v1114.,rj!*1 iv - A , ;la AV t'lse' ~ f• . , -". ‘.' li ' l t nrn11 • 411)114h • - e, '. 0 40- 01 ' ',.).‘tifir4•.,,V31111111,0"4'.'-',44141,1'4",. I Alp* 'o)4Ti!".ij•liitvi,l4srii(l‘o,eilet, „ zf ig , 4 4 64 .,,,f iv, ~ , ,: v . , „Ai ! , 4,...f„.,.,, ~,,ylo,o * oppoy,t o2 ,;-? , , ~ -,,,,,„.,,,,,,,, , i , ?....Y' fnf r ...'''n'''''' .el -. 1; - -,, .'' ' '''''''- '' 'EP ' t Lr.'-)•••••45" ,, T 3 .004' -,'• Vl. ,w,,,,, . P.A . P.A.44';:4" , A '' ', -';'','? , ,..% . f01V4.4.4 , %-`:;' , ' ,-,..1.- , ,,-„,,- , ;.,Ji,....,,, ,, ;_,, , ,,—Lic,.,,.._ , ,:• , 4-_,, , ,J...2.:,.1,—,.. , ..1_, ~-,%:::_,-h......,,,,,, , ,, „ =,,„.,, v ,.{., , t, 4 , , , 2 ,,,,r,:. ~ ~, ~,,,„,.„•,($ „vq, e,;., - ,, , ,,,,-,:f,,... • , , :-..,.;';, ,, ,t;, , , , ,z.4 , 1 , ..,,.„ ,4 : , ~.,,',4 ~,-.....A , ,%•, 1 ,,, , :„ ~ , t -,- ;; :,,, ' ' • , ~., ;,,,, ~,i,,,,,..: , , 2.:,: , ~„ 2i,, ..2_ ,, i. „,.. :,,,.„ ~ .p..ne,,.,,- , 1,7.; i-e,r14:1,...1,6% , „41P7.- - 2''i';',"% ----- .`•'r4 — P" , Vt' L ' 43 r :i ' '.,),:: :;;,; . .::.V . ,, ~ ,,,1N ., .' ~.-,],,". ', ',•. -, i '„" c' ~."'," „,.„.. ~„ 4, f ..;,-.;ni, , ),:, , ,,n,5:T,',:;?.b, - `..,',f- 42, - , :. : ; -,,, " , ,.§.',1 , ",.`,64,,., v.:-;,,,,2 4 4,WA,,, , `,:;..., i , -,:..-, ' , .,.c..!-_,IvOV-',,;i . ..4, ' '' ' . '' . r''''' ,, L- - .t: ''' ICI:V , :;' ~;,. +.:,,,A. , .:, , , ,:,r',,i:.,;:., 1 . .,, 4, !,,,,,: . ;',t:; , . ;,,:,,, :' : :,•1 . % • 'llMttlV ,) o* ,. ' - ;;`0 1,, t . , .., ~.1 i , ,,,r,*....Pq9.'0, in.:,,,,`,01.; - . . year • With - Gen. Can ; viz ;—Deeember 5, 1782.. llTGo'vernui hilitistuts has issued a Precis declaiing the twenty-six individuals named upon the'Whig Electomilicket, to be . this. persons del y elected Electors of Pres ident 41, Nice President of the United States red notifying them to meet atlia(rilt burg: on , the first, Wednesday of Dea'ember next,,to oast_ their votes' as 'directed the "COnstitutieli:andViVs'ol the United States. For itipl:4ol.eridaipiiiitiii. aria ilte.piiblio partiOlßilnh at pneal attention that fiotAe-, nn4' • .% lrrip;i4A MEW COO' ..~...:; ~,. =BE PRESIDENTIAL TEI EFTION,!-,. • • '.' The Grairicf' '.. - -he,,foljowing,liltijix.,hrbjt m e, niffillet o,eleoiiol , StOtelf:•!ibtafne'd* I Vile alt(ZOngh thoi,g,trne of•Alealeeitytie:nrot: I • •- • I lAt' • - 106- ...yeee_rtaTly knorn to hay% l gone A ...„ , eas; We irrefient 'the °Thera patio ar vote o near y tic State: • , V>, , ampshire, Missichusetts, .Vermont; Rhode Connecticut, New York,• • New Jersey,. Pennsylvania, lleltiVai4; Maryland,' 'North Carolina, 11 South Carolina, Georgia, .Alabama, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ohio; Missouri, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, Texas; lowa, Wisconsin, Florida, = =I 1 The Pore of .Penksylvattia, OFFICIAL AND CONIPLETE. TAYLOR'S MAJORITY OVER CASS• 13,452! Taylor. Casa. V Buren Adams, . . 2576 1761 . 25 Allegheny, • 10112 6591 779 Armstrong, 2030 2126 141 Beaver, 2655 ' 2303 530 It radt4d, • 3272 1-5'19 1779 • Berke. 5682 9485 .- 61 Bedford, - 21 4 30 2816 1 Bunko, 5140 5364 163 . . Huller, ," I .. 2505 2247 173 -Blair, ' 2476 1435 4 Com lria, 1233 1386 12 Carbon, • 889 . 1181 • 1 Centre, - I 1856 2611 4 Chester, 5949 5:370 507 .Clarion, ... - 1372 . 2306 27 Clearfield, 761 1168 23 'Anton, 911 967 1 Columbia, 2263 3396 29 Crawford, 2204 2478 , 622 Cnotherland.,..---...... ..--.9242----347-- 8 - --51 Dauphin,. , 3705 2251 94 Delaware, 2194' 1547 - 84 Elk, 3 134 242 Erie, Fnyeite, Franklin," Green, Huntingdon, jnilinnn, _ Jeffersoli; Juninnt, - - LIVIC.IISICr, Lehanon, Lehigh, Lycoming, Ltizerne, McKean, ramn IME Monroe. Montgomery, Noralin minim, Northumberland, Perry, Philad'a City, Philad'a Co. Pike, Potter. ,Somertiet. Susquehanna, Stqvan;. Union, Venting°, Warren, - Washington; Wayne, Westmoreland, 1421=1 EU 'mini Tay/oi . 's Majority, 13,452 • Taylqr over Cass 13,452: over both 2,252._ 'ohnson over Longstreth 300. • The rggregete vote in October was 310.954 The nogregitte Vein now, 4 309,974 Showing nn increase of 33,220 Increase since 1844 _ 38,098 C,nas'e vnteie grenterthen -- .Tohnenntrhy ---- 47194 - Taylor's vote is greater than Johnsons by 17,586 "Bowen's North AmericOn Farmer,". is the title of a very , large , and handsome. new weekly paper Which has just.beeti errin. Philadelphia, by Messrs. Bowen -& Strouse.. Tfre'Farmei is ill be chiefly.,,driVn tea to American Agriculture,. Commerce, Mardng, Science, Art, Manufactures, News, &.,c and intended errpecially for country rea ders. It re published at the rate of 32 a 'sin 7 'We copy—two copies Mr . s3—erx for $.5 7 -- thirteen for Slo; . and twenty for 515. Ad -dress---Bowen'a North American Farmer; Atheniatißuildings, Philadelphia. . Messrs.:Greely & MeFlrath, publishers : Of the %Neuf York 'Tribune, have iiStied''llieir (,prospectus for the corning year. 'l,le:r . drfr not like 'all the isms which the t !Fribirtre , 'baftlei for ; ..but it ,la._unguesiiirnablria yabrab.le,mild Most interesting paper . ...- , Tbepaity: - Trißuie is $5 Perrinfitirllia, Ferri i 7 w eelclfirr . issued on Tu eSS: ay, and Frf d ay , ar 'three( pey-anipmi or two copiesfOr ; ssll9yloj ,, ,, 09 ne ; a -ling' e , dterble7rnerlitirmelbecit, - .elosely filled ,With ,reading_matter,'ie.; ;published oat:.s2,,a year-,:singly.tbree "copitfa for $5, eight for $lO, Mid tWprity'forl2o-payinent in all ea -os. fir advance. Address Greehj& IlleEtratth . 15f Neill eiritiriertr Ne -.Wit IS t4l, T - 7777 - 7.- - • 'e - Otr.Giov Johne!lon has •!tr!poilited 111ifliir(:964i? . tk; A4j9lsirt General:; ohthe,-;State o f . 01'. vc.. , :l4ciirmay,i;;pl , ' , ooWhii,xkl,... :place as.o,iignidi-so :.«.., .r ~~ Taylor. tags; Clrity--Pjilk-. 36 " . 30 7 126 -- 26 9 9 - .•~ - 23- 23. ma 127 • 105 170 '.r.± a :1418 MO 41101; 9022 ' 337 3441 73 - 2199 • $4 2379 49 1022 25 3544 204 972 - 19 1212 - 3 1.176 2590 2110 BK7 1179 6080 163 1862 2 3199 2244 3 3991 176 F 413 ' 12 11390 2996 2978 1992 3.'16 31194• lONO GNI MD EEO 1830 .5827 251 .420:1 2258 8 2.295 A 5'256 MI 16241 577 799 3 5010 2891 1765 1562 10655 20575 216 468 248 • 226 3700 35 • 1127 21 2563 301 303 19 1344 953 1656 25 1538 164 1011E1 .136 3820 . 468 1642 • • 202. 5197 1 , 22 892 37 4939 • 3018 18.13 1 / 9 1350 3129 1061 948 3898 997 3124 IMEM ELM 186,113, 172;661 11,200 NOTICES. . - . - - - NAo:Of I:totalize's - from treland,,has Je• 4Ort) iid,attikiiiiiirt•of:Ner York.' .-'• - ,ThOrejrirlea r ktr,l)oo iitforneyit in N . ; of_dheite,do not „earnYt • 52001 a. •Thertilt,eriicrOrFtwe 2 Aganibling hell in Bop elloopwtklailf.ep,' many ef:,whom are • . • '; - thoroughly explored Uy meane of Lord llosse'e great teleceope. No eitidenees !mind ie . -v.O%T -ilfatit- - is inhabited. • • • - . . ComtdrolleK of New York Will Stave to he elecied in iikeie of Mr. Fillmore : e:eeked Vice President. .- . .„. ,• Lancaster; county, - . Pa. , I crattA.;624 Olin/ votes than were cast in . Bftoet Rhode I.fandi' , - • r • psi 1t is 'supposed llKlhe . Legislatnre Of Mich. man will send the Elbn: -Lewis Case in - -RIC: United SlateSSenate.sgain. Capt. Rohert. H. Morton,' whp , was twice Native AMericaa candidate for 'Canal Corn z ..' . inissioner in -Pennsylvania, died at flariisi burg on-Monday - week. Halters seem In be popular in Dutchesii county, New York.. One hart .been, elected: to Congress, another Crienty Treatniter,.. and. anotherto . the legh.lattne. • • - Col. Taylor, brother , of the Ctesidept elect,. is now; stationed in Baltiniore. the GeneluPs son-in-law, is also Co the seine station. • • The Whies of the eifv•of Philadelphia hare determined tojoesent . their brethren of Lan caster enemy with n'linnnei reward for the noble majority which itheyrolled"upffoi. - Old Zach. Carroll. ceiiinty, Ky., — the ThomeM.:Gem Butler, ,the loco candidate for the Vice PreSi dency.,..has miijor by and Fitimore. It has hitheito. been .:I.stemich Democratic county. , . A collection .of rpoems'!:byllfmlate - Jebri Quincy Adams, tins. been. published. 'The New York Triburte.says, the volume is worth_ havitirz, if . only to see what- extremely , mb'. illing verses n great mari.„.,nony : write.' Adams did a great !Roily thlirgiV try was not among them.. •-• •At the Baltina Convention,:Wilsett,Me cimillears,i(Who In 184•(•plorlged Polk me '42. Tariff man,) ploidged . Pennitylyania for 30,000 majority for Ca..s. The rettlin s s make it Omit 18,0 majority the other way. The latter pledge was about as ler olit of the way as the former. • The papers state that the last time Oen Taylor was in Washingtrin; was pre‘:ions In Iris going doti•n to Corpus Christi, where he was orifeied by President Tyler, to lake command of the Army of Observation.. On that occasinn he II ir ed with-Mr It is slated that Chief Justice Taney,, for• Inerly a member of General .lack•on's Cabi net wpb Gen. Cass, voted at tilt, late electtla for Zachary Taylor. . There are 778 hanks in the Union. Their capital is nearly *270.000.000 Clerniatior. about 5126.000,000. Specie about• 850,000• 00'0. McGowan,' Penee and Pratt, wile were con v e lite'ago_tileettsp,iring In Ile fraud ,nr reboil(' Cheater Bank, }ruvt.'been granted u new trial. •. lion. Francis Wenger of New fork says he wit not accept Oa Cabinet n2pointmenl,, •• Travelling 'on' the Penns}•lvania Canals ceased on Saturday for theseason. Sixty-one years ago the first white citizen moved into Olio. What is harder than earning mothey?— Colleeling it. (*-Conntetleii ss's of the Penh Township Bank are in chentation. DR. SWAYNR'S . 005il'OUND SYRUP OF — WILD CHERRY.—The- original And genuine preparation. Great triumph over dis ruse. Another important Wier. Detroit, Michigan. Dn. 11. SwArxt—Deir Sir: We have- been 'in receipt of your invoice of Wien CIIEBUY her sbotti two weeks,•and we must say that -we feel encoureged Mob the sales will be extensive this year. Olio customer, who came for the second bottle. slated abet Ida wile hod been given up by her physician recently, supposing Hint sitewould not survive mord than twenty lour hours. A consulting- physician pronounced her cilia des perate; both of them are of high standing in this place as Scientific men and gentlemen. The first bottle had the,effect to strengthen her so much, that she loaves her 'bed . and Moved, about the house. Her husband seeeried very mach grafi.- find, and proposes io use six beiftka;-as he felt confident it would perform a:perfect cure. We feel confident ourselves, that is much superior to any medicine of the day, and in justice-ought to take the precedence Yours reiiiecttully, 'To Pnut.tc Sressces..Dr.-StVaYnele-Cone- • pound• Syrup of Wild Cherry 2 will be found an . nivalitoble article. fly its use the voice is ren dered clear, and all disagreeable sensations re moved. ---All-should _ovall themselves of iliems.' - portitnitv to test this "valtoble sompoomd?'— Coughs, colds, bronchitis, tustlmO, Imo' com plaint.- and consumption in all stages, yield to its • • Wistar's Balsam fiCthe tionth.—One of our agents nt Ateens.oeOrgla. has rent or the fel,- lowing letter with permlision to publish ibesame. IS 'llllkalTV AND WILL PREVAIL. " • Athens. Angulo 241, Aleanntler-Deer Str; Ravine been altlloo4 for more than ten mmiths*lth . Chrenic:lntlartinintion of Tito 'Lungs-et :seeesely- and linvitte• adopted tunny.lnedicineeNrithenrany hot tempornq relief-I'. purchnsed - alionOshren.'htutles 'or AV Istar's Ilnlsnon of Wild CiMrry.•'fiptif,the' effeeisOf ‘lilch I obtained inure relief . ihan'from rill the medlcletesl bid. ever hike,' for that dlstressincalsoider. , 'W v e by the' repented use of this valnable-Rilistn.vbeen more free frompressure for hreath , and apprearloit . tbe lungs than I had anticipated-and. indeed,con colve that I 10110 m ;ettreChttantlo4l4l,:iti Ore. or this most dlslrenrtening inalady, - „'l do toottchierlitlly ,tender yotollis actmoteledgment.,whleh voui.wlll use an your jtidgment dictates. novNEY Humus,— Waynesboro. Rorke Co. 0i0.•• In Carlisle by'S. ; MR tal Si 0. e.J . . G. HILL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers