_ 13 4 1 17.4Pk ire Died ht, ills . reataence tn.Carlicle - P-a;:onTuep-_ 4 =• : /; 2 )14 inetaltig liiitOflrlB4B; "Vißed:.7. s ,.tittf ; ri,t,..nlottlit And this place in 1774;Vtii i 4"' i pttr4eif i , a, vitiate's' in Dieltinsl:oo;l,-,' , "loge until May;l . iB2`, ilthen•lie graduated Atflio=.. nor tn . himielf 'and .credit to, 1.. e 08,0 n, 1en..7-z- Patlog , fiis.connectien with the College fin was an'-activenad prominent member of the - Bellnai '',XettrtieScicicity, and at the linatrof hitreectitee tiffittiffe:er.DXST *Wlen then; living. '.He recei '-`ea`his degrees of A. B. tind . ',A„. M. from that iNliatitiguisbed faculty; of )0110411e Rev. _Dr. li4ilitx::.Neshit Wait . - efinniting alizofession, his. mind 709 1111. :' . . l preased with the iderrhe - could beef more bone lit to:Ott/family of:man by .becoming .versed in the'prtmlice of ITlOiChie, He accordingly enter ed 'tlie,difieniitHirStirtifilil MeCosicry, and af ter bnlifil,t9,"yettiiti in, his office, received "the ' t folfteWlntge:94liiiiiinittry letter from his Erecep r,.,tor;:ittlatilz!"lliesleptittuieto Philadelphia to at- . , iend , thel7hiedicat'leeintes 'tt.t'etifililinslieMi-turcierft'iBd, your denortntent " i in"eiftitY7,keiiient ninexeciniOnaltle nnd your pr . - - !‘iidin'tiiiidiatqrrepreachable; I can confidently ...., % frecetttniend you at Physician.' capable of pmc lising'Whb Safety to yourpotients." He attend -*.e4,theflectlaretiof the University of thil'inedical faculty of which i.`the: itilitiOli4lll3learned Dr. •Blltlittrrlin"lttulh -was coneffictons member, and from ti hiejelitstitu 'tioti*,t4c.oed "equally high testidlionials, as - l ii:OM 7 hiroldPiecentor. . 1 • Prepared to enter medical life, I 'aiittekifulhtsburg and Lewistown respectively, burfortrt-peritilliftettieli,placo,ond Waiving, neither asfis the place destined-for hisiliture; '`,tisiiittinessiilie removed to Landiebtirg,in 1799, 9Onthitted.to cficitlikge his &hies as a rimy.. t aiebin, giving-entire satisfaction to the people of-- '' l 37heria — Canra — y . ,iilfey as it :Was - Mtn called, until .1May., ; 718.194 when he;.removed to Carlisle, the plaoe,o 'bra rtne-viii/,-for the purpose of educe ••-.:)ltint and bectimindmore useful in-his "lpinfeiiiiin: 'From this period until the time of • %Fs' dernlifie was active and laborious in hiscall lug, Oaohatging ills ditties to all,—and now that is erriffidslif mercy have ceased among us, we `oanitasseieriticeuely say that ."none knew him "'but 'fb Robe him." His- mind' being enriched' with thlllical knOwledge—and knowing that he hind tire Sanction of the greatest physicians of • *the age, lie reit:dyed that the principles that they ;fad inci'llelitatl should be the rule and guide of . 'his'fuiure t4ical l l re, es lieNvi,s unwilling 'that Ifiiii - OttholicommenliStrhim should be disap :, 10 . 6 krienient fill life he wasevcir-Octuatedliv a land ; 'Able-aMbitiffirronxcel in his pioiessiom„and con -,e.equently became in every sense SP ale term n LextmEsr i -devoting all his time in acquiring that •knowledga end searching for ililise'ecine'dies that would alleviate the. latrine'a disdat - es to which :human 'lntern is snliject , —iti iine, l 'ffo was 4 .1 . ways -. 7.considered alitudent of close reasoning and dill. , •I•4o7s .. gent application to his books, mild lib Wits ilea li'y disease. Cannot We theratire say, without disparagement to any of the Medical 'faculty, that as.a Physician Dr. Creigh not only . ;excelled in his profession, and was ever'eckly . 'impart medial information to those Wh sought , 'his counsel. , As a citizen. be was honored with high abut 'important offices of honor and trust. In 18013: Its . was.commissioned es a Justice of- the Peace by 99V. M'Keitn, andin 1820 by Gov. Finley. In : when the_Capitolef our cuuntry,was burn ed to ashes by the British, lie enrolled a com :pany in two days, volunteered their services to' :Gov. Snyder, was accepted, Assigned the szcoxn • •roso.or neatan in the ' Pennsylvania , line, and "__ - __.:,Pfidfirmr-d-a-!..tour...of.duiy. lie wae4comraisilion 'id as a Islotnrk PubliMiti 1835 by Gov. Wolf, and . aildo q usiitly renewed in INS by Gov. Per. 'ter. In every office which he was called upon to discharge its duties, however 'arduous, he ne - ter faltered,.hut 'done his duty lam9aly, feat .:.•• fessly and consnfantiously: In all the rclatiore of life he Was kind, amiable and affectionate,— and- b'ffing beloved—and the immense ,conceurse of relatives, neighbors and acquain• ; times which followed his reMains to their Mild '• resting place, told too plainW that a'tnan uni vet , - sally lamented and belolie'd tad been taken front us,' and that titer ttbd asdemblrd. to pay the last ead-trillso3 of afleetion 'touts memory. As a christian ho .regretted that he had not 'connected himself With the Presbyterian church, bin gave satisfactory, evidence of that change of heart iliitdt so triumphantly establishes : Alm di binity'ofChriscandtlie revelation of God's will ''ttrnianatli ant:ermined in the, Holy Scriptures Niii'Ve:joicallitit he,versedas:lie wasin the Bei -7#litie"ofitllll4eMill- lied thus left this testimonial : fi , vior..9l"."thut. religion Which- can alone take !away. therning 'of death, and prepare the-spirit . - - - turibe.joye - rilheaimm . --- Under the most agoniz •• 'inglMild-WhiCh he suffered, there was no mur but plating implicit Merits:6f his Itcdeeiner, he calmly 7.A4-,a . e l tirui44l9lditihis spirit into the hands of if4d *llo , ,gaiti.;it. Thus lived and thus died, "•••‘;,Di"44ll,tirtlOreig,li:- He has emend the'Jortlaii I.'lltdatifikiin'd and; now with his muster. A. • ' b.fkx , BWkYNE',S_ COMPOUND SYRUP - ~'• ',"' i AF WILD 14,41.131t11.Y.—'1.'h0 original and - genuine preparailuo. Great triumph uvur els. ease. Another, inputted' letter. ~ ' ' , Detroit, Michigan. ' litia, It. SWitsms—Dear Sir: We have been' l ' -Itt-recuiot-,tif , : illur invuice 4 ef Wise CHERRY fur -aticitlitAsYttWeekei , aild4u must any that we leel eucciltraged‘that the sales will. be extensive tins Aest.,One r ,csstomer, who came for the second Itiriiittattatarlittr wile - had - tree ii gigue up by —• 10 ithyslolan - recent y t euppusing t tat s le 14 WI ~'9 , l l' ,Otiltdritirai l tdc e fa- r ilniti• ty.a.sty•tiitir hours.. A _.. **gulling ' 0 dialer.' .pronounced , her case cies ' - iloni,ttiA ,bdtli f tlibtil'areof -high standing in this ,-;', ,4i,446othilaiii,kiiitifte.nieti, end.genilemen. 'The first " tiottliDlattip,eltuat td strengthen her so much, • ihits idlal,ladties IltF blod ,dad: moves ebony - the hodite , !der . husband ?minted very much grbti• Bedc,ancl litdposes to use Flit bottles, as he felt nonfidentet *ctuld perforan a perfect cure. Wu ;;reel,:' l. odreelves that ,is much superior . 4'td slitt,dledjehlti dttlie d ay, and in justice ought ~,,ttii _ _tidte.tile,tliticadence. .. , „,... Ycjilci retipectfullyi G. Sr. J. G. 1 - 111,11.: '.• -!„-; , ,",'To - 4 0 pc ,srsixtgas.—Or. 0 wayne's Coni• L -i - t pintgli- phi o( ;Wild Cherry will be found an # . einCalujib isActlEle.' By ite WIC the vuice„is: rail- . 1 •..L.A I - ed Oise' 4443,411 disagreeable sensat i ons-re- • Stoves I', stoves I 1 Stoves II ! - ^'-- .;.) l 4 —e py,:priffi'Al i tilld. lll 4 , :pmail themselves of thorn!, • ..,4i - •/Vci. 91 Souk *on' d street. .Philaile Iphitt. -,:', pormilAy4o l 4`o4,4lpa , ':v.aluable Tompounk ---_ •e , , , J. '1..1' NWA I.E. , resitedtfully Invites an . ,• , ....„14911 , 0ug 41,,,,00 go:, trottailitta, asthma, fiver i coin' 4 OX minatitvi of' ii is largo steak of Stottrae; 41"plainfatitteonsuniejoe in all stages, yielci , td ., its einb i rtiein n g 'soine,cif 't o beer and most eldgunt 4 , ;;; strthog, yv, pore I I, influence. , I , , . . natterns of Pennsylvania, .Nevv,Yor . k, Pfuits ; -4 . ..k*.1F - t:lstimifilr CAwriSti-'instepi Ras D !--Therb kiii,.T re 'y, Itc;oogoi e r, with u boaumul ustmrt- A,4 iddibuteope:ganuine FrOsidtion'of AKiltl,EiherlY l'itifiiit_tif Idney She Iron Stoves and Itadioors. ~‘ ...- ,i t a iiik‘thittis,, L Dr:4 3w fYll,"'2 l: tHe.llret eyer "Mr.": l i o a r n li d a v rl a ors, dittlng tpems;•thantbers,or kifollank, .4" , ,.sabthac,PooliCi'ovt!leb - li". Held: .aPid • hirg°Y ,Be believes tiott i ir i iit • .arrtinottl vvll,: s corfmato i , a stlivimghoatAha qlmtediEltstes dnd m ddme parte • • at og 4,dll hitt Lany...mher-entablush, , -la otburopev aturra irvt — Vittlitilo( lB : coupe LI i ° tniiiit'. ,He, line -11 go k,ittploplll4 iiopit of , pit' L. , ''name :of Willt•Glierry , ltaltd , bean•put out since celebrated Alr.,tiglit Stirces;:lot t pylnoli.,l3o halt ',..l•AthisiTtindittrrooveiot iBOihe decamp/Of oiroditistan- been agent for, Tani Odra ,IDt us , qty. 11 1; 2 .4 " , o4lose;lriordeeta ghezat•rohoY cd.dilit' !tile": Ht ntanulitature of vvhich fdr eicalletwe and che a t, • ';.,little observation.. no person! nee a-a-raitak 6 416 nheal he refers 'to hitt numeroidifldr,9lnoiora,ond i Q ,'.• tgelnuina,fiam the falser Each battle of the gam: fdr beauty of patterns lie, believes ,hunself, mixt, '- ' a '14111 4 1 1.1 0 9 1 ' 616 1 1114 -" t*. • biniliful J o(9 engrav " iniltid. ' ':- "., • .. ,-- 7• - .f: , ` : 4l l " t iot t nit'll (4 "l B , l PSW illia l n I ' 6n ° j ihe r °w lr ',For.,gtoves. whether ofWpno tor Coal , his. '-' ' '''' i l 10 11 ,1 " a it";; ; ;' 8 ; !"' d ' , II , '" farther assaritrieni is'ardhplete:-',liti reining' his thank • o'' . 4. Hifed4M3lfeltth•trjli'e Dr. Sivariii ,A 11; be"dd,d,7 l to'hi t i old odstothersod . within , end to, the; Mbilo ,' ••',l l ' 7 ldl, i ll„.. ~,Reitteiltd Is' tti,,dletilfgpieb..oll, ttAtArrt ligiatilistiL s hiejn*ilittiimlit'itS , o;kintil oall•at the L lilit*l tilatC:. , l4dtvt'itlMitill,PPLTs ll t A i lk. I+ t , old , ,sittlnd`,•lloZo7; Si : q46. , .::.`otieet; , 'Athiitt.deP , - ;• - •.•;4 1, tt , foireit, tdp6iirobaAMß:itin 'tilialifies .0, , r• 0# it , „ .:„,:' 4 ....kt;; k •- -. c.."‘. 1 - .,N1 4 44 . , lc! .F-o:lyrtfyip`ot fC,miloznyippsqup_rit, Aild' ,, COls Yo .'• ' 7',' 7 - 7, .• , , ""; - ,5z1, - -t ''''^, .‘ /„lilitpn;Av4l,4l4 , iint , tke„o , 4lAyAririg` tct Om; apt-: :4,144tir0g,a,, , , . „ ;, ; 4 e.' '. , „6„. t io n 4 . , '• 1 1,, t r #1 0 ) V !' 110 Pi r ro*k;.{ 1 *;. , 1;i 0 ,;!/•;?f ,l 4,EAt;n 6 ` `,MlForatl 4;4410 . ) 4 114 1 ,' . ft/ 0 N r • he 94, 10: kil r till•9494Y.N olll , 4 l l ‘ P I :O II #AYA , ciattvaiiet;',lllimittntil• korkarau 119Pcmo br ~- t •L'l4 :, rin'on 00 4 .14-114 mi otipt,'SyVOrlefaAdtbe ig...2t . • 44 : l4 lfAipi'''''VO4- 4 1XV•'41'iunICER', IP i'.i ' t - klikoritit'adiveld,',';' , ' ,'' „? . -p',,t,.., ifii 4 ; . ;,,A' i , ,c'':; '' ..'-` ' " I , •""'• . ',,,., .^ , '''',,- "'.. ' y 4 ", ~, -,,': , , , ' ' , '," i ti;' , : ° . - , 1 3 , •114 1 ,i1 0 .!:,.0{c,r - 0 *9. 41 ' ;Prrl l O t T•fff: l !" 4 . l 'VKlN. ' EC':)Y o : l) oAdAda,' , :lullikt ,' o,9P .,. . ~ f:'lt ' ' „ tren„,, l4 4 b i ld11 ) YIIV Lf . it #,ttttir 041 7 • ,, ,:k ',,u15+,14 , qiifot AelidkPlhc9V.f9r triMmIPS, '''"'"' r '''Y '4 .: -51 ,47..!% ., 3 1 %"PtATP 3 4?ftt1419,,,T.54 - ilreoent',d,l,o R;;#4"in iio;;Pliitt - 1- I , ll "kl.f&dtuiltjo•l „,,, ~, P, - .4orlillaet ~ !• , o , •• ' 'tNett4oo.l-044.VYrwt.0„,4,1`40111d4,0*1"•;',",P."'"016041°*„,',1,t`',Y','•""41.....F4'rtit•„,,4 , 7 - '' 'J. '.'13y,:,..f . . k . ., '' ... I '4' l ' l ' . ' , '‘. l P17:74413 ,, ;14 ,,,1 .., , t,dtt..,..: . m , 14; , ,. , y ,, 5?, R ,, 7: tx? , fr , .. , _,, ,, ...,,1,;,.4.-,,, , i;,g3.v.;?„, , g , .!,t-s:,:f,,lti-i;.1.,,.....,,,...;:ma tikii , v ,„.4 , 4,,y, „ .,,i, , v,.,... , ,, , t;; ~ .., , , : , , c1,, ,. w, ; -, ,, ,, . ., . ..,:., ,,! ,-, ,, ,,f,, , , q :.54.-,-i.,,,, „ .4.4,:u.kt..1% , r,.14-41 , -.4.-;,.,-0-: ,, ,4i, :' . ,",::A;',:-..:;.: - :.;' , :.',: , ! . . VW. , ,,,,,:::,,,,;,; - -::. ? . ,::,:. : ::••=.: . ,:,: 5 '. , .,..:.:. : :.;,=. 7:,: ,--. i,,,;.1.,*.:rii',g,:i:'ii:',,,;.,4,..;tti,,1;;;::._.,-,,:'.. . i&ifieiireieneraitiate:thetio*lfah reniediefTee . Aptiitp,Ayaeretiry,„ 7 ,ZirteZteo naV ltig ie4tureffitmbreeding .Inl..dit3oaso, -are ,new, it tr 101ipill; koiTg , .fonvoruse: and Negetable ,reme• . 4ieaXwill , LlC.sOanAltitpcilultir . mod iciner.i,,Thc. Orahlit'Otlej,Nogfc,(olC. Universal used .app - reontted Thoy aro known:4b,act ben'efidiolly on, everyltart, ofAte body*;:,. beidg :t a ken,,.noll i Alls Ayro - they 'ousel n ttir Alneh , they purify„ and it should be tomerinbered :that' they only remove those parts from, the blood wliicli:were tho. qause of inflamatian or discrise of ink kind,, , soshing.,, ip equal to sidding .the ,vitinte4 hdaorto with , n vegetabk_ medicine of this . hind, which eighty-four years have proved never to do injury, but always 'good. Soldin Carlisle by q.lt AItNITZ. iffARATED, On tho 9th Inatnnt, by the Rev. J. A. Murray Mi. War. MISS; of Adams county, to Miss S. J HART of York county; P. Ncw Murcs-tinunto. Daguerreotypes. THOSE wishing to have correct picture's o . thetnselves or their friends, would do well to etill soon at the Daguerreotype Routh, in Market Squurq, Qat.lisle. Room "open from 8 ► St, to 5 r 31. novls Strong Brtjeze from l'himdelphia. CHARLES OGILBY will be rX pvlceiving this week , a large selection of WINTER GOODS, consisting of French and Etigli.sh, Merinoes, Cachintres, Mous. do babies, Torkori Shawls and various articles of Ladies' dress goods Stik:k OrCloths, Cassimers; Vestings, &c." will be Unusually large, cud of the choicest style the'city market can ;produce 4 , Ladies and Gentlernen are respectfully invited to!Calt and - e?camine for diet:ll - Selves. Remember the thug Sign and Big Windows, a few doois east of the Market noose, and 'directly opposite Martin's hotel' - [novLa House . and Lot for . Sale. subscriber will sell at private tic sale' a very desirable TWo-story D.well ing House, with a large and convenient ack building attached, situate on West Louther street, adjoining the lot of Mr J oluLlieller, gun smith, and now occupied by 'l' li Skiles. To this property belOngs a water right to a well of excellent and never-tailing water in the adjoin ing lot, which renders it more desirable Should not be sold- at private sale, by the 30th of De cember, it will be oliered nt public Outcry on that day nt 12 o'clock, on the premhes. For terms: which will be made dam% apply to the subseriber, nearly opposite the Railroad office. The Howse and lot adjoining, belonging to Mrs. Creighton, is ni:o for sale novls-ts J LIN PIDDLIPS, Ag' , . IiTOTICZ . I.FITTFR S Tesnimentnry on the Estate of - Mr) s ES - ST - 0 R late' (.1-11fintp - ddit4usinalihr, Cumberland county, (We'd, knee been eratned to the Atchseriher, residim; in the slate township. All persons having dem:mds against said estate are requested 'ht Make known the snots without delay, and those indebted to make rum-tient to GEORGE SHERBA-N, •Egeeutor Notice LE'T'TERS of Adtniiiistration on the estate of Dr...Jul-IN CREW dec'd, late Of the have n granted to the sub scriber by the Register of. Cumberland courtly. All pers'ons %mint elaims..dr_deinands against ihe'estlite °lord clOceti't are requested to make kim‘tm the same wiirout delay, and thosesin debled lb make ingidinte'payment to • ALFRED CRRIGH, "novl - 5-nt -Adminisiraior Notice rvilE pertain who 'took the bundle of Knives -II and Forks from the Hardware Store On Saturday Morning, is, felpiesled to return thew, and save exiuinrc. El IN E FAMILY FLOUR—P. NE4SER - S%II'I'Ii has Just retired nt his Sias on Pomfret street, corner of Bedford street, n lot of very fine - Family Flour, to which he invites,the nttentiou of the public.• • rioV , t • Notice, BANK,? .. Nov. 8, 18-18. • A N Election for NINE 1)1.11E("l'ORS of thf ;mailotion. in serve one rear, tvdl lie held at the Banking 11 Ann nn .MONDAV the .20111 h e ; wren the bourn of 10 o'clock A. At. and 3 o'rinr 1: [.. at.. A general mewing of the litock• lioldorg wi!t tot the tinme day, at 3 u'• cluck r! At, at the public house of t leo. [lectern, Es q .. to lake Jl OO cons•deration the propriety of applying to the Legialat tire tor certain alterations in the charter of thin flistontion. Dy•order of the Dental' of Directors. , WS Ct Ili AN. Cashier Notibp ' . .., . vAIII,ISLIZ ISEVPSITUtBANKI S ' NOV. 7, 1818. . t • WAIVI hoard of Directors of this Inelitotten have this dap declared «Dividend of Three per cent. for the lust six months, on the capital iltoen paid in, which., ill be paid to.the Stockholders or theirlegal. reprebetoutives on and alter the 17111 insituit., NV S COLIEAN, newB-nt _ , Cashier Notice IS Iterel , 4 , giVen, that all persons having claims a tom s, the Itst.taa 01 JACOB BIC,Att, are. re quested td presmit them for settlement, nod thotiu knowing• thomsedvs indatted to come for ward and 'hake papthetit without delay to ' npIIRAIII Li EA 11, A SAiallr.4o WO foi Rea . . l'llE subserit.er alters for hew, „,'z ;NULL , from the Is of, A ptilnext. n largo II BUICK mai NV MILL, on the Conedogitiont creek, in E. • ..".... b .`-zctir'' Pennshoro township, Climberlnod ttoonty,ltootvit as Abraham Oystet:s i%IIII. The Mill conithns foal- Fan ill drones, capable of ma:- king fitly harrels of nom' every dor: Thu party is in good ortle; and tha'sitnation guod, with n ,;:tillivinney•oi water at nll times. Apply in the anbserilm. in Ne'w Ciimhorhind novii-T k t C lIA IMES' OYSTER E'er Rent. • TIIR atibstiiibbriglinfor—rent-for-one en or more years, n :\V AGON MAKER'S SHOP and BLACKSMITH SHOP, botli tinder onti Anil, situate on the "Irindle Sgrtog road,:neni• Richard's tavern, in Nortli Middleton •toWnslitm It is n first-rate stand,' linting . been ocettpicd fib such . for ,nunifyears, and bong 'welt known. If rented by single meri, bciarding could ho got Fonvenient. • hovB ' • JACOB RINGWAJAT . Notice, • .., . , - , . • • ~ ' Having tide dny ptircluMod u John E,, Fotnter, bis untimetnuk'inf ddiids wares'nod.utdruliiindlie et , n• now in tili :kora in tlio Borotigh ofenilialu. Tim linsiness - will be - nunductnd„ ut the' some aptp(thyla. and in,rriy, Intintr , '_ . ,2„ . „,;•.:_;..1 . .' ..,"-nnvli - : '. . - ..TOUN'Fbitt6TER,.t: •.-,,, -• ' •'• • ').:::,',:-,:' 7' ' •', '* . .,:';',:.';'..t•i•: . 4'.•L.:.:4:')Or''''. - !. ,, , Ap -. 'lg ii : Oa, tatOVertlOUt Cid O ' W ' E .- • ..,•. Y"'"erirT. ' a e; ,,, ,a'4•:.'1=: • ....A . 0 7, 4 ). 1 ,, ....4 , - -: i• ' • :7 • 37'l* -1 ,, ,A,. , • - 13 - . ' 4 61 !, 3 •-. . . 4 4..iirr,.. "' O. -411 0' ,g•T ','f •' . Z '' '' ;-I', I V ''''-:"' ca 0 Xi ! t h'.}Tl4.N.'4V kit 4 ) .• • •• ••• 4' ... ••L'a l / 4 '''A:l-Vholitatileatiihßetill , ilied "PhlliidelPhin'AVateletilidlii+6 , , I, ,: l' , 4. : :;,-... el rit,toOre t"r. NO B6L . l9'orth'SE ,, ,' - -11 4 : •:',.. "CORD sfreite 'Corner of 14,uat ,- !...orr:iNii,Vo. Ty.itreel. - .: .-: .<:•.• .. 'L. , . .i • , 'r. 'Geld ittAire;rltlti:eaoea; fulltiliwolled, t $3O and Silver Levers:full jewelled,4ls and opt/tit:tide:. Gold Lepine, 18'k. easos,Yjewelled, ,- 820 and L— • •upwards - -...z. ,-• ',. • - •—' t-i -•- t‘ , Sayer Lopiriets,',jewelled,,elfJand tpwards. , . ' Silver Quartier • Watches, :$4 . 413 10' .: ..2 '. :: i r- . t 'Silver SPoons.mqiial , tto -ceilf,' per:sett—Tea, fs,Desort..,slo,slablesl.4 6l lier artieles.iti pro. portion. All goods warranted to be what alley; are sold for. . Consult ly on hand'a.latgelmsortment of fine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE -Also, nn assortment of M 4 Tobias & Co., E Simpson. Samuel & Brdthers. E S Yates & Co, John Harrison; G -Sall" Beesley. and other, superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired . . Arrangements huve-.been made with all the hove named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish at short notice ony required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and the name and' residence of the person or' dering put on if requested OE Prothonotary's Notico;•: OiVen, to all pei•sime in: 111....teremed; thmt , the lollowing Recounts .have been - Med in this (ado for examination by.thc nedOuntnnts therein namo_domd wiil - he present ed to the Court of, ComnionThiiis of Umber land eonoty, for confirmation and dilowunee, on Monday tha nth day of November, A. D. 4848, to wit: A •THOMSON, 1. The account of Thomas Slratllf y, Segues water of the Hanov er td Carlisle Turnpike Road. • . . 2. The account of Charles Barnitz and Jacob HofTor, Assignees of John 111.-Good. . 3. The necolint of Henry Leidigh Assignee of Imo Kemper. . 4. The account of 'Samuel .Myers and John Snoke; Assignees of John Lutz. 5. The recount of Robe - Middleion rind Janes Kennedy, Assignees of Andrew AL Mid dlefon. • 6. The account of Thomas Paxton, Contnit. tea of James Moore. 1. The supplemental and final account of Geo. Brindle and George Neiman, Aasaignees 0 Adam Brandt. V. M. BEETEMI,.ProtIPy. Prothonoinry's Qtr . 's°, .2. - , Nov. 1,18413-3 t In the Court of C,immon Pleas of Cumberland County.' JOHN AGNEW vs. ANN BREDTN, Ad mittistratris of James Brodie, dec'd, with no tice, St c. Te.tranm Vend. Exps. for Perrytcomity, No. 52, August 'Perm 1848. September 12,18484 On motion of Mr. ReOd 33tind ntlitlavit flied; money mede - ozi 1114 Wert -,siderain . . . considered in Gittrt i and role tor the ailurt. tion of the ennui, arising out of the sale of the Rerd.Wataite of defeddant, on Tuesday the 12th day of December next. By the Court. M BEETUNI, rroiley Prothonotary's Office, Carlisle. Nov: 1, 1848. - - Sabbath Oonventian. .AT 114' Sabbath Convention 'held in Chant= berslmru on the 36th of January,.l 1,8, the uti• derstritid - were appointed—a-Committee to call. another Sabbath Conilention of the friends of the Sabbath, to meet in the borough of ClettyS , burg, at such'timo ns they shall deem best. In accordance with the above appointment. the friends of the Sabbath in the counties 01 Frank lin, Perry, Dauphin, Cumberland, York and Adams, are invited to send delegates from towns,. districts end- churches, to a Convention to be held on WEDNESnAY, Ille 29111 Of NOVEMBER next., at to o'clock, A. m, in the English Luther an Church, Gettysburg. Several Addresses may he expected front Rev. Messrs. Nevin, Sharp and Morris, Judge Ilep• burn. A. R. Stevenson, Esq. add others. Rev 1)•1) Clarke, Rev. J N Hoffman •11,3 V W Phillips, J M Ahl, Rev S Sprecher, S Small 'or - Rev - A. %V Nevin, Gen Fetter. cost . ' • Com Mitten 4-IZGLXILAND NURSEIRIC. 11 ~n r IP, subscriber desires lo inform the rittblir; aod the lovers of good Fruit partieulnrly, that he has now on hand nod irr sato at the low 'est rates, the most extensiveasowitnont of Frturr TREES AND P:tANTS,' pvel• diihred to ibe 'public;.Mrdiractng ell the most estdmnble varieties aft Apple,. Apricot, 1;cuill, !tithe. Cherry. and Pear, together with Raspberry, Coltrarit, Coeseberry, Crape and Strawberry.Pluats .lle will _also furnish Elyer:.' green, Ornament and Shade Trees, at greatly . rduced i orders be sent in due lis aka Apple rand Poach. Trees .is portice• erlY extensive; Jienr.:oo,ooo trees, nomber of 'whieli,is very . blrge and ofthibit ,fair seeeinona . of fruit this,,rieustl. '•. • lie Nwpery jet Miles omit of Cnrlialo,.and. e nds-,south-ef,illerdlitilrentlA-11-,order: Nuctunlly atthnded.te, Addresotha subsariber, NN,Oraid, Carlisle, Pa ~.. .-; nevi-7w E ;'Arnold,• • - bRADUATE. dt; , ,IJniveraity•of Inziltimore rind':whO;has,al intii.lcd ono of the principal N'ledienl clictial4 of Getniany, the,rl,lniveraityAof=rbilnaylyonia, and for tVio.yeara the TILT:May. ltoagitalooar.Phihr dalollia,.tnaPPcifullyolliirs rspfeatitonal Bor. . In-towhee; ,tri the pnitli4 Cikultiorlap4,',enuntr; fiv e a a 'fro in .Cat'liale;, on:the At atopltifi,l4o ing tti faortl3lp347lo ' • • SEM I NARY : NEivyiLtir . .FEIIIALt, refill ts '• Institut io nrundor , thOlcOro, or Misses g 41. 4 1.,J 4 .. : wpt YT , EL . Itairisg.i conitilei ad its Iraietaxm-utidirfp.vorable "ciikumsioticos; la .I) A te; -Ear,o4.to , rseoiyali t n ail dii ion al. hu ni ben of lion lii:. in tidiiiiilanito,ft Ito pr,oson'iAsinOora;ii4oung, oily ; :d . fii'iidillitii Ail . 1Y 6 1 3 ,4 1 01 0 1:g.e.0.1f11.9 . ! 1 49 1 1/iOi 4 TYI is, on gaged- far the oils anig. 'toetti..tia, mnsjoAscileli nol..;Ti,lll.,o'eangeol9q!*4l .09 '.!1144 1 ul.Ptive '.. niustei; onitYiatijiinatratiorrtiqoir3onto'ilyiaailii.: s l itiiiie . k . .ikSill'aig.ii3OP.,.V.l.o:4lP.i(iiigi-''' •, • iFiir l i fli n ii - Pi . .m ti ptY vai i , . mifil - g 41T,7 7,. mr,,, -,•,,, ,i.:.ari Inal . ,'-. '',; '. , ,"'• .4.; ' q' . ?'""; X. 40100 'T,uitioni hi von itO; rYe 'On' tintine ''.fl ~., ~., : ,6 'on ....,1". ' .', ,Prihinry, 'Class '.---.: ' . • ''. . '::'l..“. 9' 00. ,-,, ii,•,,:i - :....t.1 ) 9 1 .rr.kt , 5. , '.7, , ,„P . .'kc.o.i('')'.,.',P 00,- •i.,! Ab." It' Mit!PlP,9l , s",_Ski9Nlg, 'lO c Z , ..-;,,,,,, ..-100n.,, .- ipi., ,, V. 1 1 0 ; ?R.!..... 0 14V1‘ . 1-;. 2 ;t4:.„.1....:),C, ~ , ,1.5, ) oo 3111 rpietttgrp. , •:. , •_-,,t=,, v ,4 :00 .' ro, . .94' .':: .. ..,,i' ,lino.. iliii,iiitinitililitkences "Nnif.;si,4iiiii' `' . er dk'P"rotral4tVaB4ifj:*l'F'''::,-'" , ;1,', , , , t0 , tr•A---.,-.-- !,, , ,Istairvitill,OPOot.' 4, l.ltin , 4434B::-.. , 1te ,-,.,.; ,1 , . ,:,'...: .'':l. 4 ,Vi'il'ii"iiiia 2A " .',' • .`,t.`;',... , ‘"v.,!: ;l q t 4 1 Sty'; -. ~.. - 1 , ,..a ~.a Cp.5 , ; . 4 ;',. , , , .‘iii f i!4- ' i'.'' ; is(li.tif f iPr i prA l SL Kl . ls::o4kaiiio. l .. ,„?. ~.tt4l lj i. V., t. L , 6 r4,,,, , , , n ,P,....5 4 ti, i ,i:4,..?04,11 ~.c-i..4 , ;. te. , ri '1,1,:.5. ,, , ''' ; ',1"..,:r, , F; , ,. o,i . ....Npatt, .ii. 4:, , 2;:zY9'..r.!° 1 10.;.,R997.1.1)1iai. 4 0 :f. , ';'e& \,',."'-c,PA1g;1,0....*: I 1 ,-, , ! I lENP.tvsj , 6 , 10 .k. 1. 11118 0 ; fet,.4rAimymzqr Otg,e (0,..7, - IP -ix ... 1.!':1,5, \ - .~ 0. Colt.i.l), Importer of %Vpy,lies NOTICILZ MM ~~~•.;StC~tt~lt~~ lid';; r tapee fad 4 4., Only . sl6olbrilttellestnagq rr typo_ 5' eiletloBo I,', ' Y, THE ,eubscribini JiaYing:Aust., o Pe, guerreotrio:G.ay,no.4o4o:So . utnr.cfla i liZlTTEX. .111iirknt Sqiieroiltc.th° to: - ,nrojullki preiparen i .lO. cxeconi. - !, ,ogn i a LikortesPgssP,Olfelaoi in a'Atrel9,l3.,°.b e o cu l t l 6 d i inisaok."-”Likemsasig - Oliildrc :hem y:n . x FamiliaraupsAnkeKino..spJendid.atyle , oan. Litman: - ea , mado•wnhout.,ro moderate. t gait to",thit,estallAi , or.;',l4l3;'!Waa4Pr , hoc:f e nxiarnne;aPeciumn- , ' ' fo call soon, • ' as their 'n.ca _ oct 251 '.. 1 . 1 .' A M.C, r Si: T M IT MS O N • Oft 5A V ID* 117514‘11;;-..d.r.40.07,...i,.‘p t r< systreot, cornoc,o4l.ou .str,,cut;'Pnk l oltinth ,otters for solo the., Tol.)m.ouung.ctc4e.Atisort nont of TIo:A.S; on accoriiodaung,M l r4obt. pir half bliblitti PPAVO 04;1,, 200 dd ning . yotrg - potichottk 100 ... dd do Oolong, 10Mbeat English reAlir9 .B 100 half cheats , , , • 50 oilcan!' Itlok . ` ea. bouchi?,s' 25 do 'do VoAlutlng%, t 25 do block loilfleltoo.i7t ' to do Oronge , Yeltoo. 200.14 lb. bOxciietipeilonNingyong 250 half 61te.ste Young 12d, do ' 11:111 do . pqnbowdbr 10. Company ilysOn 100t25 WEIGHT .desAuctrolvz. I „ tIitTERS .ond, Dealers in - Foreign and . -Domestic HARDWARE . . GLASS, 011: 4 S; PAINTS, ItAILS; IRON, STEEL, &c, East High, street, opposite Ogilby's dry good store, Carlisle, Pn., have just received and are now opening a large assortment of qqods in their boo, to which' they would mill the attention of Farmers, ,Medlutities, guilders, Ifousekey, and other' s Wanting llnidware, da_their 810 C been bought at the lowe st rates; and will,be sold ' • at a small - profit.. • They have also received a feW of- ILO VEY'S PATENT STRAW and CORN ..STALK CUTTERS, to which they would invita the el tention .Farmers:' These iVineliines -have ta• boa the -Premium - nt nearly all A grietalMtal Eshibitions in the country, and are considered preferable to any other Cutter now-ip use. 0c125_ • -• B.A.ROILINS..I3ARCIAINt: LATEST ARRIVAL!. subscriber has just received a large and extensivelissortment of FA LI. and>%VlN - TER GOODS, which'ho is &torsi tit - WS to sell ns low as any other establishment in Carlisle or in the comity and see and judge-for your selves ..lle is.satisned that no one can undersell him, and will giye good bargains to till who may favor him by culling nt his store in West High street, nearly- opposite_ Beetem's Hotel (Its stock consists of Cloths, COSSIMOTSO, t utineity; satin, cachmere. merino and .silk Vestings ; e cinoes,Alpachas, MOUS do Laines, lim s & Cnceres. Froach worked7tollars. -. kid glOveS, eilk •fridgeS, gimps., (towels, thread Jue,a -4 C - '"&, (te A large—tts sortinem of SHAWLS, such ns Plaid, long and square, Blneket, Cnehmere, Tibet, • Terkeri, Anus de Lame, black Cnehmere, &o FLAN NELS—ScarIet. yellow and white; cotton flan nels, blankets. linseys, Kentucky ;canes, tick ings at 6* cts, collates 3-to 6+ cts, very ohenji musltns, hosiery, Berlin mid Cnchmere gloves, comforts, woolen -yarn, winter ginghnins -Also, n Inrge assortment of BONNET RIBBONS, very .low, satin pinin.and figured ManTifti; plain, bared. stripett_ntul .figurtid _ Alan GROC E It lES and QUEEN SWAJtEt such as Coffee, Ten, Sogur, Spires of nil kinds, tobacco,- segnrs, crockery. glass and queensware, rice, chocolate; swell; upigether with nurnerflus other articles-- Give him a call, • . oct2i 7 G C A4l-11•ON _ _ ~, } J ~ ~ S t - 4kLISL, • - I‘ j uirty gppoi.iteriOctim's -41otd, AV here Cl o ths, en,ssimeres„ gatinet Is, vest ings, flannel 3, linser; Canton Ilanneli; shawls, glows ribbons, Irish• 'titans, Muslin de ;lanes, alpaehas Coburg cloths, morimes, velvet cords,,tiekings gingliams, calicoes, blanltets„ Groceries ant Queensware', with 31 - 1 , ty of other goods eat be hod verilotv,,:_r,alltind see.hts•efienn stock novj ' • ' .11 G GiIRMfNV Selling ON at Othgt, . .. , sabscriberit would inform their custom • ors and the public generally, that •they arc destrous,pl" giving up busittoss. and will sell off at first cost there stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries. Quaensware. &c. The public are re4ect telly invited to call and get BAROMNS. They would sag to,those who know them selves indebted in tho subscribers, by note or book account, to' coil 'O4 pay up na soon nays... sibla, as they.intoodr lewinti:up ihoir business a hurry. noSt-3t SUEAFFER. TO BUTTER MAKERS THE subscribers having purchased the ingl, ot Cualberland county for making Crow ell's Patent 'llieruiempler Churn, they would rgspectful.y inform ihoqrartners and public in general, that they will make and 'offer for sale their Churns tit the Cabinet Wnre.room of Gel.. Spangler, in N. linnover street,mext dour to the Wilco of 'l2l'. Smith, Esq. 'rho principal advantage this Churn has over all , others is, that it is so constructed that the tap can he liken ott so us to give tree access to 1116 inside of tip) Churn," which makes it convenient to put in On 'er'endviltid .Ifet otathe butter. A :l'hermons'eter ikAn sti- ttached to the bud of the 4iiti Churn no as tO - sr ..." exact teitiperature of alto crpnin; wllicif FirAig ince shows should be 60 degrees to tnake.good. titter. A citainber oral space ts, arranged. around 'the bottoin of the churn, for the purp9se of attailtting colddr ,warni warier, so as to hung the cream to the desired mg Winn 11/14 without MiXillßillp "yV4lljr , :Vi Ii!, 1110 cream:, The 'opciet..in:.chttrnitigt, hntter is, tst, hove yenr,,Cregei et'ilte preper..4ptiveratniv,; it will prole° hiere . ,aud;better butter, and ~thke' less link. n 'cliprnirg ;'..lt chtirns dguallr well . in cold di* irm, weather— no inte)ilfhtnrat),ligying . ' scalded, Ittittg.• A it,th4l ut„nebeseary to tddite' &oil butter al seasons - of:the year, is to g,nt one of " CrK ill' •, i . Pete . rl - Iherntomete r' Churns, 1 . We' would"imnti`tViiitcAilly..mvitethe publuf to can'antlexaniei'fof:thotvela. " `• ' - QE . SDANGIiEIt; SAli L. MYERS. • ~" ~ partg,.. ,Mr. Gee?.Blerßt"_W irelinv,tieen tieing .46-4-IMi-iniaMeter ClolSti. I get .0f yoefer,siip ,time, ortd:tfind . if fpc Superior, to.tite.eldlttirre c i: churn,,fer,eov,prarreagetnt kArel.iltadt tavVing o • tima-la'gOiling.ba4l'l:l-ilto.tqatao3 diet? Or, iAillrn- • i lig about fiftoeil,..mtootioti: (itll,.yfentlite tindly,:the.but.ter.when.nbtained, ta..)lll77lo,firmitr. than w,lien., 2 using:,.any Other. Chitin i'..itnally,,,myl folkil,•sti,y tl,key,',wonld'-Aot ., °"" )1 01! ,41Pr ,any,. other 'Chitin end twice 'Ate engine , boat of tho, Thermometer,,C horn. ' • , gep:' , 4o pap.) , -,•.„, .4 .r, IV. - sn. EA.FI 7 nu . „ - • AVI( 3 000:'Sketilg1er4-I:haite-hade thelerowell., "di ' Churn' l ' Trier emeter you made , for me. in ';(ice' at my,pluce; ne&l'dB , not hesitate to say 'that not Farmer 'should: he `withotirj,t, Fifteen minutes 'is all.tho,titriec,rtiquiroditti mike 'Better, and ,t he • valueof thia'aaYing-or iiine,midzlahor.consists in.. , this; that,',ittrequirett.,ndyloore, limo ht. any , onis l ' semtdrritien'inwther .F.,rutd . .thatihe ,terreperature. ef:the credift,4rtecessary.te.rriika' butterilist,prew dueett,witlt xertaidly",;.and. wit bout. the admiin hies of warm ei 'Cul& viateit NiAli.tlie - crennallself.'. 2 i . ~-","' i i':'fi, Aug ;IC 'l , li :1 r RED , II:.AV AT .TS , :, .! I :Carlisle :'uft'.4,l,-1848:. ,- ; , . - 7:: - .. , :,; .. , • ~ ~,•-i, ' i• tad . . -, ]..f":1 . 1,L, / - • A...1,-,..q,, , ~-^',.',...- - .'-,"i i ,°:-.' ' ,', ' ' For the ,bertelit'Of tnegietter part; of Etijnrk .wo., , m en) tl. : give. , tl . ne: certifidele.i..,.'After - nei ng , • the t IllltormOnt . itter.PfitifnipitidOby t , Mr4 Fitningler.tif this phibe,,imiod7fiwilt Pallit . Ohi,in,nit; food- 1y..-Mctst r hatilo r beery : uaing.:tlie:.eldr.barrei7Chittit for {fill'A)KY.nafa!PattAtitifd Iffiest . eaYrit.".is.net; to . 4 bendmivkiFted t to 7ct rtieteill TherthariferdrChut e ''. tithe* foT,-110tiad . . , of Oboilfitig,tiftconvenie,ii§e l fit the old ltettyrol churn • it, took getietally,frotoll - Olir I to oix.hoittei,tii'ehttrn;the ~ cburning,..novi:ity, i lie .TherinonietcviChurp.%wA'scari.ehttrii ., ;slittitetNete', fronit/fifieen'ilk,i4yOntrtninutes;:hylhriningt•ilim crearn , tO„thilirdn,OAMPOiati4e , ,:!'',PlP,ait.teeent-... Inetnitt tkthe.pettilemilme_chentxt, ,l4- .o•AAill ,„,,...•,.., ~.:.,, -,,,,..f..44;p5,-'fi3SE,e4l4H4-0.1i41,i'.,.,-1 ... ) CtitlialQ . :Ba ' P .4 :4 tl.o: '; ' ' ., ‘: . ' , ; . .'°, l ==.o . it i ' , ''..:: t'4....-:-.. , . , , ,, ;;; , ':"."' 4 ' , -' , .t., , OttO It ciE t SRAV4ISEAV.Ii qgli)E4'iiiilliiiiitt il npd.',,wiltp...MelltAfeelpfo';449igoi,,.,C4if nig* -.llogPf 400470jeitqlliPillimfcly4War , Bykewin - lift:t ' tryi!r i :9oiThve7F 6o l7Psidtije,!/¢ 14 4. - 0104 -, mill -o r } 4 att,i rti, teAlgeten *),lqaalk.aa ,, ,a4ElPi t tif'caki ' On' , - 0 4 / I ,44o9 , M4kriv,llo,M*pliic'jihd*Atilitit: 10,ZisigiurkPfi ..041PAffit*9?0,111#10,11,100i 510,04.11`,74.40114, .it9n r ..t Afe,lo4lmst 001iC ot 001111111milig9 :, ,efirspoco l f ! situg,qo,„g, ~ , ,,ii,„,,, i 4:, 03 aOr AN* • liOjciltl9qqatetq'%9ol.llC t ' ; ' . ' •:!, , .*:::': .'.. :. ' i ': ltll l lif ‘OL. :, , ..44 ~r4s. W .-, : ;•,, , ,i, , , ' ,,c.,•, , , , , 4 '.',...-.',.:., : , • , ,,, 1, ',11;,, , ...: 4 1-:;, - . 4, ,A -, .., -; • :'''',111'1,..:,,,•.'f-''v'',.':;':J.i -,'",..•;.,,i2,-).,,,,..,,,,,:5f-4,,,,,,,,,-:',' -,,:,...., .-,,,. -,q::: - . , •''' , ' , V , : ;1.;,',,_-,:-Vi.'•,..:::';-,'.'-....:P.i:'1'7,4if•tr,,,,,,':,...1;:i:,',.:•'''':•.:',•••., ir5; '3,7, ,45;* . ' - •` '. 4* • 2kainaid ME ",1441'00:tia 1 - , :zfor t ': Rent ca. V,lbL,lilented , ht pnbito-oujimirl 141c-AIVITR.TO'4IE - ,Abei;)Bi4,:et , asfor ... i' l ventbiiir'.fife; large - ;and . ,-Oompiildninis ~ . 1 ; it ds ii/p1 alb ijidT.Ailr9lo;', - pow occupied by George s~~gtser ". ; The`:Were lieuen;Lot , fronts - On . the-linikond ;20 'he ti ; , lilenti‘Of foodi:for 'Corn nndwaggons; +'i k The:half of t he. Warehotise,-IriA garrot to . iiteJower,floor, is finished asa.P rolling-houso, .and qapable of, coin forinbiritecommod Ening, soy. , families Attendance, will h . g„gifvetimt said , ayGy • " C',o • ''SUSAN A: - 'l%lElf,,tlY, • Heniy'Areiley FE . • ,' For Rent. • ', ING f?' E bit Pit! inlfoibing - " . " 1 - the 'Moiliodint Chii ch, now hccuiniql by nos Chilli. Posonssion giVen''jinmediittely. 0ct.25 . ,i • , - - liotise and Lot f6x Sale. -, •- (i , ... . Tim tuthaeriber offers :it prism i • ~..,, AT , - sole.the e property c n•ivbieb,he •now, . 1 !..4.."43. ~ liveo, silunte .ip l'ksincteill, Con. l it , 1• .4 bci , lttott kottot+,' Ellie. miles -lento 11 ....?-' , ". , ..,,!" , :i.7- Cstrlisle, consioiuk oru I . ,frf eon• ii mining, on wide of on Acre of groom', on Which ,4: is i•rected II new Iwo Story Prick 4.11 1 .P.L11i.:6 ,„. 110 USP Smith .Slop. Stable &c.• There'll' it ~,.",, kieyer failing %Yell of Water near time IMOse r sind .'!; a - lorEe number of very choice Frni:•Teees on ,', -.; 1 . 1 the lot. it ix on 0141 Ftnoil for a 151116klitIlitil, Mill - tl well known no such tlorStip,lk the Cedinry. The . 1 . i . whole pi operty s-n- . rgpiod condition.. • . , If not sold before - Sul twilit" , the .Ith, of Novem ber next, it will on that day he exposed to public . sole ut one o'clock in thelorenoom on thc pre. misei. net' 1-pcl CEO. 1101ININfl NEI • 'Valuable Limestone Farm . AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber olrers at Private., -Art --Spjo -the -Farm Qn which he. now _ egit pit , lives, situate in Dickinson .totyn •• t , f • Cumberland Co, Wit , nut Bottumi road. about fear miles from 'Carlisle,Lcantaining. 109 Acres, morn or less, of lirsCritte Dimestone Land,nbout 90acrQs of whieh is cleared, and in ddgh state of ctiftiva tion..4lio improi , ctrumtslire ai large Frnine on& PDwe,lllng".ll4lllSe f Log-Iliirtt T e.-Tertm IloaswtOprn Crib, Wagon Shed arid all other • • nette-statr ‘ Votif. s buildin'gs. AlsnowoyoutigiOrch. nrds of 'ypry fine fruit; one of which is now in Intl lienring, order. 'Plic Farm is admirably situated., and presents strong inducements to ° porch:mem. ~For further information apply to the subscriber, resdling on (ho form. scp27=is CEO. LEA!' ir'S - Litnenster Examiner publish one month, and Mime advertiser. VAttrAlirarir neat= AT PRIVATE SALE. TILE sultecriher. oiferi I=l. vale Side the Toll wing described 'Ka s s. sI ,• Real Estate, situate in North I I • M iddleterf township, Cumberland --"` county, comaininq 150 Acre's, more or less, and a* laruti.about i emigrated and in is high state of cultivniiipi, and the residue coveredwlth,thritingmbar, The improvements are n wo-srory Log Ili:inch, Stone Kitchen, Frame-Barn, Wagon•shed and Corn-crib, and n line young thriving Orchard wits choice fruit. The Farm is we.l covered with Locust Timber. There ate a number sif never.lbiling running.springa of water ni•nr door; The above mentioned tract is all Lime stone Land, and is in n healihy•neighborhood, within two miles of Carlisle and one mile from the • Cumberland Valley Railroad, and' lying on . the Canodoguinetrcreek.: The Farm is eon venient to the Carlisle market. 'rho purchaser can have the whide Farm, or 100 acres and the improvements, or-50 acres, or the - 50 acres di vided into five or ten lots. By this latter divi sion the property would suit persons in carlisle' who wish to purchase lots. 'An indisputable title will lie given. Fir terms apply TO the subscriber, residing en the \Valput 'Bottom road, five miles from Carlisle. JOll N FISH B URN, sr. . Valuable Town Property for Sale. I NroAr GOODS! NEW GOOD El! THE undersigned, will offer at Public Sale, on MONDAY,utIio day of Nocoinlior next, at IQ ••• ) .., , ts Ll li y o'clock, A. lit; nt iliiceourt Icritise in the borough., of Carlisle, his TAN . .V A ft I), with all necessity Tools and Ap. perattlft This is .one of the largest and most elesirablo Tanneries . in Cumberland colony Ilia location is good, odirvenient - Mid healthy, and could if wanted. be enlarged to any extent, .lArdl also offer nt tho shine time and place, thht large STONE 110138 E, 40 by 3)) feet, sit . noted 'in goof 11..ilArti , iitley, within s few yards of the fluidic square., - Terms matlo•knottm.on•thly of sale•lts ••• ' • •ItOII"T'SNODCIRASS. . . , Coritale, rict4-6 • W o (Aland at PublicEaloi TM E. sliOrribbr Sale.,; - at tic Court 'the borttingle'of Cntliste on MONDAY, the of 'November next.. at I 1 •o'clock,'A. at. n Tract of- 4 1Actit twin : J . 4;lnd, con taining. npwards.of 1000 Acres.of, valuable tint ber, divided into lots Pi suit purchasers, or sold altogether. us purchasers 'may Wish. The sale will he poMive and mune accommodating. octlB-ts] A. G. CUE. , clst-Wutabr_y_and.-Poinelagi cal Garden!, ° • Five. :mks trest, of;Corlislle, (Nerifille AT OW cotitniiiii6iielif the largest and best se ll Adele - 11 tasertoteutot I:lZ,Ul'r TEAM. ever Offered for sale in Pettit lrettia, to which thy subSeriber to. call Atte attention of all lovers Of Atli; fruit: . .Plaiti'ers Will foil it-deci dedly td their tavitittage iodoureliase Of us, as we have' 'an 'intarieelo 'stock of 'the very' fittest large he ll ipky tunes, of -the best grafted' varieties, such Cattuat , elsewhure. • Apples; Peaches, Tears, Plums, ,Clierries, Apricots, - Nectarines, 41rtottils . i Itaspbeerles: Sirs wherries, Sty,,'io. Fctluer pleat:id-lot of Evergredee. all of ,sthicit 1, Ohl lower , fltsu ever altered here,. toroi 'wry A s eFs,,Tyry large, 10,• to 'l4:, feet. limli,,stroug 'tasks, perfectly lbrotod ,Itends, of, iteariagitte, at 'lO els ra ell'. Ordinary kuitf,irees, such as , are Nurseries , fit from 5 to ets:etteli. • Persoui buslitg . tii sell again stipplied at avliberub discount. The Nut that we are're. moving our statue stdelt.totithey groutulscorepels jiiN to 0111% 7 sta:1i 'estrherililitiry intlitements 'to purchasers. Nvery tree sent :from otir4estaltlish ' wept ja, purchasers.. t ly . atieled , aim] eca,reguilly. pa ckett, • so 3 tuhto glie the !oust ootitty.tottlatitetiod„,,Trees of tlerd 4.letter,Will.he as ea reful Iy; 8099 poll . lie the 'purchaset%was#retieitt,aud can ; lie solely, se thbillialur . ..logiies lurid slfed grill s i , ll'applidalita,:.; TR, ' ciat,Arateriog 'll4 i 4 'x; OA ic4 ' t th b ti il It ik.i "VF I.I T tor- i 1 ;4 0 i ki' i veju i, Cartiii6.rdinOhPremterthe elltintiemfqpn.A borlana: l'eriy ireJiinFtlar!in ,Penniiiyina",' cntl A tip Oce of Lint rke l 4e'rill; t epiiit;c ot, i.) , :braild Tertniodylind 'Ocindrcil • la rl ,I)l.tki.,flev,_ in, said 'Coiliißmi h 60 'ticitit:lll49tife rt - inii;l,olin Ciqq:: : i fiiiiiri,'Jiiili'6,',Or the 'CM) rt ,or gyptiihd 1' 1 ,31'4 minor l'ild:dikneyill'Jii‘l`DOllV.OS•;lo;iliC,trlil'.. qf ail 114001'1111'0' Vthi , r li ' lrOlAeriV, i It. ,t fiti . snit' C.oilAty ?II:Ai mYeititid-bytlieil''recilpt Tim , iltihetel;',litt4ll',,thlf,4l.li'diky iCAI*6II:, 40:, 'haloartleietr ch . & qblitt.ro(OY6lrolild l' i 'dYr loci, 4ilikt)iineibt.l , a It Delivet c yi to'be, 143140 n 'it t 'Oar, ' Held' tiii'll. We ‘2lr ,IViiiiiliy:OP,'l,toielllbei 'doN l beinii . thel3ili` ittiy) -,l tit o,lo'cloi;lF,' i a 1,. lie' ro ril ' noctn,..,toi.oiltiritz‘e,t Wri I. Oaks,: 1 . ~.,! ' ',.., 1-tt4110130,131-te4herere e',.4lietahir-glitan y itittf 4 Vtl.chtee t ,J,tiaticeer orate Poubc, nod Conitibl 9,(lllivelititilouiii7,,cif Ctimborl 9 eri,lthei 1 they sit , II theliald plteeptt-eeimandettte;lititt lt . oa 4 4.51 , 'o.ketr; rq, thoir Pi4o"!?,`,Pro.ond; - . + syltli:thiiir 'Alai T eciir(l6, '" 'n'illill;tql"!; iesaiiii'lifgrijiki,ll6o:''rilE ?that; iplngtly . ,lbiuthtiilb dd qiiii t tope. wino, i.,b o f,t r ,fticai•ip,,,,t v iAii, tioApnev; ;mil all thok 1 - th 5 t itt,e I) , 4l9oi44,;ipkTgM,i9P'4,4l. l i'tp; Profit c,ilie; I (agOrist tho.priOrthrralliipsAfe, ottligh kalali § 6 , iik3ll9' , „:lail or bald iettaty.tera",,tir be, there - to`, frOsiraiiio:llolralidilillitijilifet, r,:r• ' - c - ' ,- :', - ;•?, ~.P-7 I d= SltigiffiliiCilpkg,tfitlieffbrOf,)StiElitit. l''. , ..„ , ..i ~..r.4.,-, rf d ,- ;; A i. i s ty .17. ,---, ,"--, ~. .11,P , t'' , 40, 1. it 4: , r4 , Tarii ,. .. , EPtil i:VPI .Al , 4l.l:liiti • itrill ?, '''. 4l ~ :,•::',..iii,;,! . ? .. F4:, 3 , ) 4, 1' .,?ft . o ,otii)rk'jei 6 :oo . littc:potortpiwk . t :A' ..Pittlif i . 4 i'Mttit. 44 4 0.Y,' 4, 1 41-*-I.l4liermo,T, 00 r y,v. .;,, Iti l, vooto t tmo.,AQ,6l)..vp.r..; ~. Q I itto , ,e y t,,itt:' Ole , p eel) atom' of,'.", .V il , L :i.". ~.,'. 6.,ctpe'14,10-t:.:` 4 •'" LL: . .42 1- 4.L. ' ~',:.' .. - ;. F. 'l.' , ,''''''• - • • •?':4 - - ,:'',—.:;.,;-, • :: .. t''' - ' , ..l'; , '4.";.;;`, : _ '' .'::;',z' ' "-'' • - . IM riii,/ ..e- ito its preseet Mate tif perfeetion t,, and ti l l itx, Unenrti •'7 i / in , r , ,o.tn e i f in f t y y lex , ie;r l :: t ha im a p trze o l: l e s sl in t r tir . : I ,l; id , m ise at o tt s me i e w o l 4 .ll it . :‘,. i• 1 ll I / ', l .tieete t vqie• 7 ifi t h ft RF,C ri CLlro . ool:l3 i ted e Lelilit i cel;tt'iNtaryfie9l sl t i ll e dt*44l l, 9 l o ,.... ( ( \\\\ Ili hernsa tea o,t a sup ortilennt th ~ , i nv tia , 13 r B , Sea MU ~. g ~ .`, . ..„-r . end Miring disoaset t fie bbttta tag been enwrged a 11 . 91 . 1 twAttt) iktis ( i 4 - I i 1 ;,, present , itapicieij dorm may sefelyelaint to be ,ibe,ettx4_aliret:4o43.Mold tr teted of 1 1 1 , 1 11 i'll the e d a n g u c res, tt t ' lt P l °r ag7 as t° t tdttl e ttil4 n n t ne n t i te " o e n d li m f; l tt e e t i M nvitild, ,Y ArietYlitill'i_ n ,I , 1 1 the haVen of health, 4 , i ~ , , I ;ti •r 1 y., , i" , l isi , 4.. ,:...r,''',.' ri . ?lel" le I lllThefollowing Is (relate' Si G.,Taylni, ft gentleman ofiflgltstandingAnd stNlniPe ; .acquaintance in the Southlgnitaths, atal intetrimmititeci.ConSunn Nilir,91111111411: Ye Veal odwidintsta . .1 1 MC .ers. A. II & DiSsens --. ~,,,,, , '10!, I. 0.4 cit., /ea .1 ,. 1 _GI PICT 1.104 e He, Jinxing used, and WitneSecd the erect 1 `of yolty eximlient prepnmunn 1 orighranpatilla on different pertorm in various parts of the Southein collfftrY, TIC ' I , i , I il Virginia; Lottimetta, Telef., and Ideate°, 1 feel murk, pleasure,in stnting,the high i ll ' . 1 opinion entertained of its git•ht , mediettial value 'lrmy own 'cake It acted al most i It like it eliarm,•removing speedily the epervatod state of the syratern,mid exciting, in hI 11 '; the-most. agreenble manner, a tonic, and invigoratunglufluenee. 1 , 111,1 h 1,1, Your , ; Sarsaparilla is highly employed and exteninVelV Used by the Lf.StMes artily' } IIil) i'l li n ee ' i l l e i z n i ?l'eli n a d bnf e tut ou i s n i g n 'it G , s a r are Z :oUnep ß i?s - . tfl ' o kY saVe lti , h l r i t • t r n t rseited fi ti v plet e :f..l , ,- 1.1 article at the same time, an y it is mow considered an •almost•indistainsable manlike' l I I* I; Tw th ia tw.rempTizo!P, rnit• olt B r,',ositi 4,*var :i l e a i s i a Ziti t AgL e ri b n e c u t r itbrs k Zin t l h k ° e ll Ogln h at il l;, N1,,1, ~ known throughout the length find bretultit.r our wirly:extentled country. , , ....._., Nalli c li,i' l' i. Yours very respectfully, tit, O. fIIAXLGIL, l, ! ill ' , U. S. Clitlitil ba • New Granada. • ~. , i i '-- '` . l -, - - -- ---- REMARKABLE - CIIIIE - OF gOROFULA. ~,•--. , - , - -- P- - „ ~ i ' , ,' i - ,• ' ' 4 Sloati,pere, ceaa , Jam/aryl, Mk" ' u I I fifesses..B,trree •-fientlemen-Sympathy far the•aMicted tmleces male Inform lett , I ! iii I , , of the remarkable cure erected by your Sarsaparilla tri- tee ,ens,e•of mlitWite. Site il e Ain 1,,l was severely afflicted with the Scrofula pn different parts of thdlitidyil thiiitlanda of ',' 41 ~ t y h e e ar ne a c n k d w fi e nqii! re a tl i! T i ril t a i tg o e ni d, t w e id r i e le m ra t r e l: inu d e , h4 , ll4:3 l l , ..lp e ll i g t i (*At a l i ZlMVll4 111 , 1111 id belc:v the knee ggipotttrid. Iler physiciemedvmeti it Itpuldberlahlefi'd Whletvrtfit ((j 11. done, but without any permanent benefit. phi thintritrthlg 'we heard of and were 1,11,11, ti id, induced to use Santis' qarsapatille, ~'Lltnaftest. bottle totithled a 'decide and favor. 'li' 0 1 , 1, able effect, relieving her more ttitnunny . prescription 9 e had el/er taken; andbefore n, ' ',:t . t i e 'e „l l lerillif e ir l ' l r k etre t t\ i &l t t ° is "l n e tlry td e 'l ver a c yla s r n m d in d ge hg t i l l i t e o e f i l l i r e ; L e a l n lfivetiA7l l ' a .„.. : L., ... health mutates good, show ing the disease• Was thoroughly eradicated from the system, , . L ia, im ~, Oar•noighbors are nil knowing to these facts. and •think Saxes' Sarsaparilla 'a great ~', 1 , ' blessing to the age. Veers with respect, JUL:: PA,K.Ef 'Oil .• 1, • • " 4 " —,---- • 1 a I, ill 'Ex•ratet froin a letter revolved from Mr. N W. lfarria, n gentleman kstotvii iiit 1 Louisa county, Vii.:-,."1 have cured a negro boy of mine viuth. yOuti.garpilpartila, w lio watt attacked with beraininonnti of a serofulous finally. l'ohrs trtily%__ _, , ' I " Fr/derricks Nall, Va., July I:, 184tI " • _ t"N. W. MARIUS* ( i , I , Ile,- The follottin, testimony from Rev Sohn Grigg, late 114frir orthe Cherch of the i , Crucifixibii in this city, commends itself to the attention of the afflicted. Numerous , 1 :11 certificates of cures of various diseases effected by Una medicine are almost daily. 1 - (. , receited - C' Messrs SAt.ns -1 member of my family has taken ynur valuable gaisiftarilla for e--i S a severe wroftilrins affection, he. with the mote beneficial effect resultin g from its I rj use lt gives m very e great pleasure to record my testimony in behalf of its virtue I , and .. efliiacy•, hoping that others luny be induced to make a trial of it. AN ~ , I sis f ork, May 111, tell, JOIIN GRIGG, ) ikg' l Messrs. A - ri iv. D 5.,,,,, -- , , roriad, N. Y,7Jet. 0. isq. _• L , OENTLhM PM -Feeling.; of • mtatude induce me to make a .ttblielae e 1341 eat 1 the beneht I have derived rum to use,,e your anat. ri a. , lay . s- rsi ~, years been afflicted with scrofulous swellings in my head, which at ti 'Wand e h, gather end discharge at my throat, nose, and ears , and at others would break otitis ~...i , ~,,11, , different • parts of my face and head. These continued until my throst,lfacte, end -1 91,1 I e head were almost one cnmplete sore, and for a long timei wits-so hoarse that it was ii h ti 'lll,ll with the utmost difficulty that lcoutil speak above a whisper. Dermatitis time•l had 0 amoral attacks of pleurispand other diseases. Letin I stilted diflhvent physicians, and i ,I I m ;I tried %lins remedies, bet received no benefit until commenced usinryOur Salim. lillit II al pantie 1 min now • well ; the sores are all healed, and 1 attribute the result, entirely. t ,iiiih 1 11 to the effects of your valuable medicine. -, , . 1 , 'din , ' , „ 'Veers, with respiet and gratitude, . l'ilEBE CAHOON. ili Being personally acquainted witllth person above named, I believe her stateinent to be cermet. JAMES it li: CARR, Justice of the Peace. IEIII 111111 4 .11 , I 11111,1 litt2=l Rhin stunt striped Ceehrarres, Alpacas, Mons de Lnin, new style Albions, figured dress Silks Wein Silks, - Parnmettns, Merinoes, French w,.r ked Collars, Kid Gloves, Shawls, Ribbons, assorted Silk Fringes, black • do. r .Silly crimps, Bonnet SINS; Flowers, Thtead Lases, Sz.e.. . Blneh Frenchcloths, black, Passimeres, fancy- Cassiiq.eres; Cratiiits, will, Merino and Valentin l'estings,.Cloth Caps, Eq.. Alegi utliti, Gloves, itosiery,lo . 4 Sheetinir bleached and unbleached Shirtingg inuonet, Swies NUB and Bishop P:tawns; brk and col'il Glotoes, Silk, Cotton, l e isle Thread, Merida, Gloves for ladies, geritleinoti.d4 tniesiciN botron, merino, enehmere, alpaca and woolen HoSit,for Indies and i ..• I would, inimon tltb citizena of Carlisle' arid ileinity, that it above gond.", sellable for the Fall trade, are •epened and ready lot immeetionl smelt, from the greatly reduced prieeti would be induced to 7tnike their pnrelias.es aterefroni.• • .sepV7 - coYLZ I:=I1== N'EW AND. 011EAP STORE Great Hat gains staiScrikers, recently; from Philadelphia, 6 9 1 reapeittfelly intbrat• the citizens of Carlisle cud 'etfrrounding .eotintry, lltat, they. have- jitst' opened at the corner of N. Ilaniwer end Dandier, streets, nn emir° new snick Of DRY '000:DS; - 'G ROCERI arid.C,), t. l E ENSWA Rfl,together 'with a" general. assort nient .of ,13001: end .Sti all of which have .lieeriptircliesed at' Ike, presentie w mines, and • will be sold very_ Clic4i for cash. Please call 'old Cxatnibs,, the• stock; us we are determined:to Sell at very small ,profits. 1 hay ktve also been aPpolnlett Agents for,the, vale of the :Tea Lonipany'b PEAS, qr which they keep,,a g eneral assortroi3i - if tit ;P,ltila• delphia retail priest'', 801)27 D. rw oELL'& cc?: S TEEL ODS'';l 7l 4==ehn tia'abitrtiBnleif bag! antf-Plitie'Claspa,, SliddiOnd . :ltin'OS„Pnrse! I , Bllks,fitsel Beadii'',Crentiet'lr ' Ott .rOdWatil - b):, • • 11:,gepq7 tit AA tiAll a 11 AN 4tAN ,'"dod 4 tl; kite lir, Lintiitt aunty, blu, hoot been grentid to,the eithaori ,l iteroreeitliNl; isv.Pull! l 3pT4inti :Ali per.; ootp , 'lldiiiny - orloime'nfoot:ei, the, olti9ti?,of eniti,tlo . tt!edont'ero rigfitoefiul to Aragliilliont' (de:pelt IC 'nielit;raiithjh'asi) iheineblfed`.indebt4 to make irrtroodiatetlAmintorli qui 4 7 0)pd). GEO,' ZLNP,..jr;:"Aditrrlr. , ,11110 - 1 . 1X1P:. ; ; , T;TYPTMll:44'7vileiinentiffirreift't!i p . 'eldf') of -ELIZABEI'fIi'Vt 91) lnn? „of . 4llpn tii;dn6;di:lntvi: elsiiiVinn t e1:., - to,pt4 • sup auxiper: 'having ntaittni tighir!st csta i te of:JOIU Opppqej . it,, n Ku requested to pruiniplitiedi cpretudirUnt,und timif4o .All4.o{inetliediut4l,fteik-indebit'd+ . . , t b :,Tult inzufdiniq'tnlnield qi'lin(4-I;tpdt''•';3"()lpllp:;clq!,:t.,AltoAinor:. ll , Ivilifi 'itiiciik,4,'4#o,tibilti,', 1 o 'l r'..:% , tif. : . ;AA-s.l4;ing4tt;io • , ;41,;;iindeelari" ; ~Plte- l e trgot4lppfoigtoi9rAheodyollipg:-e(Ar:. . I,ootrifili. Olio 4431164i:tip sinlslid,prautt e. r , ,i.111EIDIC;I:li 03 nil' SU R(IRR V. NI is 4 I: / , .F1i4, 4 4 ipilObees'ortßi r Ortioniatidl.Childnig,•:vlll . 'elliitii:lsnimJiiiio , 4 l i.mtioti - 46 41, ' , 1 ri , i4.i.7. ''r ' [ 125 ,-, ' og 4„ Ai JEfts.Qt*4-71 4 he itibsoriber IN Jot i'iiiiminti l -u k , a , Rpl94,4l,lleng,fmntptpll.nnil ,Wintl . w Ribllnnorr . k . tiort 01Vent':' . PM; ~.. C.R9113 . K5.,i,'T! Ise .4 10;:' 46 .t r,V: , It ) lq,lik •rga7l', l 4ul4,t, f9T ;AY 91 i'et P-I°T , ! , :tt , , ,,,,, i , 'Ati.(qt • ..' L I A , . 4 ,, , , ,it ie rt,t i,4 1 1 , me) , ~, i ., 11 . 0 ,;:i,?-1 , 421. ,, , , ,, , I , -„,,„, . , . 7,31,-...rvz Imo , : Trar , uTL'ativ , . if i f" v :;site , ,u,kujartiti!ii: 14 er waiK i L . . P... 0 / 1 ,1 ISr ts. "via:,: - 3,14,„)' • , ,'• 4 ' • '" ' • ' j', ' •t ' 4 -444 "'‘` . ' ~1 '4.lfr, -7 •,' Ri.T.,,,ZIA,z,i-':=-,' i'?,7 ,- .. L c':1,4•.;;; , `4 , ;N •' , I - ._ ' ...'!.. ,-, v , ' ,,- 'i' ,- :i , i , t!'.'t.t:l:i• i ., . ::,..•.:.::.‘,:,',:t'!z,',,,:;:::,:..,,1. intErAtty.o 801LD, WIIOLESALE , ,LND RRTAIL,9 , .• A. B. do D. SANDS, 'DRUGGISTS AND 100 FULTOTI•gT.,,CORMER'OP.WILLIANI,NEw 1411 K. 2 Siild also by Drugglits generally throughout the United Sdtel and Canada' .Priei3. jag DOttle; alit Dollies fur Z . S. ' %I JUST rec,pi yeti rit the Zyet. "BEE HIV E," a large L i t:„pesortmentol FALL & WINTER GOODS, consisting in port of the following articles, viz : von La Divs. • F.Oll .Gpirl.r4,TEN WIOE J . ktti Par. 114147 TX% A Lusk kePePtAlk ,Y.ar3PIKPI i1 , 441,9,0cia k p voletrj.p.4l,et.7 !MI MIMMI ESE IMEZ fruition in French. livlß CHARLES .MARECHAII ) aeative 01 Franco, who Nhs been teductited in Patio. announces to. the Liedieticand.Gontlemen of Car. lisle, that lie is desirous .4:i t rectoittn.s.class,of pu• pile to instruct 'llia;bas been for more thanelem giving Instrubtlimit to the citizens of Gettysburg, and the.studerits of Pennsylvania College; that place. liitbringo letters from 'the Professors and gentlemen of Gettysburg, who have studied under his direct lion, giving him the greatest. credit both' tio.a man of itood'cluiracter.and successful inttruetor. His terms ate $8 for forty leattons—eatth Ice. eon o snifter nt one hour. 4.419.6 Buditoj se,Ngtice. Orphans, Court, of :Cumberland county having 'referred th,ir Orchard: of lkitivis H. Wil liams, adolinistimer., do bonis non,NOl. , Thomns IlleCermickAdoczc, to ins att an to4ditkr.4,ut,nt sr shill! lief! dist ribuie the 'astieta, o'olll6li -i-wtlllittetid'ma selll ot hen in Carlisle, on Fridayolie 10th dayloV.No. Borah r novo:it 10 o'clork..e.o.t:: frhe'crditors still please prose nt' t heir, cleirns ihhetime,,ond e atitll parties interested y•thin.itiad 'there attend if they think 'proper. . , BIDDLE% • net. ' ' . ; :Audits, •••, Notice: , "• c.;.; • • V " t',Xlttf3LE3Allir Octo_ber,l4,lB4B. I AN eleetiontof E.EN:DI97oRg of this institution, Rekie for On'etyeat'ovill bd held at the 13ankini HOlifle Mondik the . 2oth• tluy - nf - Novaniber nextrzbatweanAhti -hottia-of 10,o.'elock. A. at, an4:i.o'c!ock 01.118-tO7' - Ch9,ao . 41 . !1 . 1qerg S vi.;EN DI a. assortmeiir A . :FOriEifitin f. of „ lOolipiss e ,Athic e h t,l3ki Flow 'a tne rid 'Fe:vitt - Ens, ctteci*,foY - vatih; , „ EDWAADS! . ,Philadelph ie. ,pero2ol • Priikee, 00 - 100'Kete FairVidyr!!•'iltii - -:'' , •'!"ibirt • to'oNtie by . : FUNIC•Iff:MII4.,Ek. ATtlia fa 0 0F.;13 00T 4 5.-4.110: recedire . 4 ArimooA,T., lititAkiieGfAP4J;m4. 41T0. , a l corriNdfit figeottni!infleliadOs' • andAallittlreif*EWcies; atited#o4.jiriimiOr44. • , 1.1'4; ;;;',Vei,jl MAR KNIT r,FAIL 'near, iteputeitiwn, !Baltimore county, Alacytand:itpply.-at i thitt,olfico. colt' ‘.- ' atIA W La—; littrgo lot oe Takla/ 811olls. ind:otiatikkobqleocgthani , ,i.p,ow P,oollg.fitaixe irctENcti..,4igptl44:?Es.-44.,4 g :04 . moat of Fianala MarTdee just received, slap, ±), k , 011 , 1 psaatma,a44if-1411 , 1iaideliingte41 1 7.,af Ore.* goa,dsi sellinf ft yery,larTacn9ta ", • 44 ir~yyAP t S. Juan. raaawad la'or 9;J1C1b0a1i , 7111)0741. 4 'r t , ~A. l ..p:tho tie* and, pipAtiii,,tite,tplAtgratulto of ' Airday,,mlVe *tun ,c(34. LlEft'az: B 01'01 S, lgortllltinikver **les ,f 4 sa. lieas : AIN+ oifb ,e, , w 4114;frrlectstItger tear ".„ ; • Yret7. 9 rtftr.,F.,LAN EL T -3, kestei d ' 11' 'DEE • '9_ COP ry flan ,e a rw STeJ iinisti et Teel. I T. 1 , ' , i;i'rvlAMl 4 44",fti tiNgU 'o , •tAltwee.tieti , otti'd' , A, l o,9ol4,lcetlte,./fc ( 3tf t elt 1,) • ,rm y.1,(111.' .4AiT:f filiYl4l9.' ki., • ' , =_X's Oidiiiiiil'olt i.iiieliy„ ~ i -„,f14 u. ~ ~,.- r .„ .., ,:, quamila r iP'a# ~ 01 '*'ii '* ',' 4 ii- it+'' ,: :*` -.4 4 1,-, --7-- ~, - ' ,, ,, , P,5,' , • vii,. o•oct41 ~,,i, ~ ~, ,rt ..7-1 - ~ ~.„ ~.... r ~ ii4l*_ V i +k fr j::% l rarir iv i St ~,..,.,.,. ,i , t t ti r rYll",'"9:f. M 1, ,: ,ta,, AI! Y poimig otp:1:10..., „, 7 , a te: 0 ~,, : ,..,,,N.4, 4 ,,,, ,, -;:eic.,;7.--„,4:,,,. ..,.:,,,,„:',.2 ,', ',',,:•, ,:,,i-,54,:i., • 4'