Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1848, Image 2
. S . -:4;°.!;Bi'L''*t4'44l`A*V"4'''.r'll.,A''''''''''Z'''''.l4*l4644"..k&'4f;l..:*. Z j'' .en "4; . T . ' 7 \ 1.11 : tr ,. 4.'4j=411Zir16,19'1). r'''.s.ll4,lrtit'tT:rfn7, r,',..'7-.:Fi , '' :. "-:.'::- '''. ' ' ':''' ".! ;` - C 3.' ':. I • ' :: '' ', ' ' ' .'- " n jff „; 4 • , , , .... ' .. t . ~,-..'; ' . . A , • , ; '4 14, t, ~, ... i't f e '' '''',' ' . .1 ' ' I ',,. 'AV-. -', ' "- -'' '‘, r.l ..' t..;-. _ v _... ~,., ..•._ • A. ', c '„ . -1.., .: ,7. _ !.. .... , , t, ~.. I co. ,' ",,,...4'. , , ::: ' Jr - ' '7. , I .J. .."'„ - _, ~.. N'• ' 41:0 A- 1-K, -"' . s.;q ,- „:1 ' - 11:'_'-' .-.'-- : 4 '- ' .3' Eal ~ ki4 .. ~ t..;; 1 / I , R,' ' ' ' . , , ,,1' ii.- 1 . i ' i ';::,: ; .• 1 ' • P.l . ,t. E. 0, i: . h , i ..,, - ; F4;' , , -r - -.---,,,.* ' V ; -,lo‘ t : 1 ,- ::', 1 , ..i.,4; 4 1 .. ,:„.;... 4 „,:„ ~,t , ,,,,t....„,..fv „ :-.;:i. ...< .. - - = 111 MEE ME El - t, i i]i~, '' F C.,: ~ .~~:. !MEI to People lutve Spokeit and ZACHARY TAYLOR is Pre silent of the United States' • EariliVith_fealings . ctf.gratitication far deeper than we can express, do we announce• that the EleCtion WI on . Tuesday ,last has resulted in' the choice et Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR and MILLARD FILL 101 Prestdent tiTicf Vice President of the' United States! Heartily do we congratult te • our .readers•upon this a'itspi .,cititla,restllt,._ Heartily do . we rejoice with our Whig fellow-eitit ms upon an occasion which will give its the blessingiOf good government for at least four years- Under a'Whig Administration the -business of the-conntry restune and course healthfully through its accustomed channels. The Legislation of Congress will be. as in Aho,better days of the Reptiblic, enlightened and salutary. Thqre will he return to the halcyon days of WaSh .. ington,..lefrersou, Madkon and Monroe.- We shall live. under the benign int - Thence of a Whig Administration, • , prosperous and happyat.home, and in Peace and amity with the Nations of the earth I • • ..... _ PMSYLV4 the FLAG STATE! . OProterer float that ate tolsid.shent !. , \Vher els the foo hut fulls,pepre With Praednot's Bull bettekeatTet, 414Preettom'a laanorfailk- 'et us • 163. PENNSYLVANIA. is acknowl edgedon all hands to be the Whig Flag Stateltthe lintonti Her soil was the :gretti . Uttle-ground , of the contest,. and the thtinder - of'ller,TElN THOUSAND 4 MAJORITY for TAYLISR AN - li FILLMORE 09tidect' the contest ! Proudly soars /ler BIRD-OF. VIOTORY! the hpiilble: l6 g " w i th one wing . I l iTi l ri tQ : o l9 f g i t ' er i.w ot .kiog m ' en , and bbearing, **l h'tO our -:"National . , t '''rights e reure the • e • fl og , which " 1 11 v pnders" p , i n a n . /-a-a tor B ritish ''kif :AVIP.r can •• ' ;Penneyl7, interests W ,,, ufactute” an dt h e i ri . • lia .91k;f i - . ■'op h mines; ler ;fu 1". ~ , Dfonpacp, ,a44 , lAttn , algollqt khavliitlieilidylie!rayr?rs her ' ''::o+4ol4don't of 'Free s!1 rale: FOR :h "~ OLD ZAC K HAS - cozen pounded in the republican teachings and administritive policy of our "early Presi. dents," and cordially adopted by Gen. ZACHAnY Tevlcia, the Illostrioug strin darl-brarer of the Whig party in the to cent contest ! • Old Whitey's - On the Tr a ck! .---).` _ • /' ' -47 PET hv , _ , •.,.„,. <:,., - , - Tt" „; -- -;- 7 " - _ - _- ,- 1 1-7-, -, ---'...."-•;----..._ , bearing the e lec t tiiiihs or the- great vic , - '1 : 11 hi' :hes:also cemd-"Out of the • woods," and is : again perched• in exulting • triumph over , prostrate adversary, whose "comb is cat". Worse limn did ZacJi cut that of his I . lllexicarrdung-hill contemporary at Bu renaltsli! We have- flow , the last sad tribute of •res pect to jiay to our erring Locofoco brethien, in:escOrting their mei cnncholy procession to the wharf and see ing them safely onboard the "long, low, I;i4l‘,B6AiOaiteV i 'for theii dismal "160.0 V ' , Salt River!.: . • ' • • 'A nt%,i,ktiyf i tltittt tutt§tr,,tv . ,ill . le4l;i3 ; ;%yttiltifigtoit , orr_tht3 :4th. 4#2',Nlaich: ii?ex .111o , luers its . ':ol;!silV . 2)o tet). t'entAtViti.lllellicirtei;ftieihe,itsepff-thii lrw4.l.o.4ft:-;.,;-,,.;....!,. ' PENAYLNANIW'SJPASS! lIMffSMES ISZM iZE "I"Ogti , ".lo , ,P+ti'vw ' 4 TF"P c dVii CP/4MA NOE it. OF T*,!fl§,*l.l`, RJjr 4 ; 311 Sali=,Rive you_ "^. xofsthte,l949.plo— r , t'l ~..4 .xEzi s A, . . t.,,:-,._,..;•,-it. •hi.l.ll„f-' ,:ti,'eiiti4:‘,:;0#y5.,,...i,,,,,,,, nt ' fa. - Ptc..4- • -- I • f 7,1 t. , ~,- i f .tht,t_tivlkt,hriroL,,,,ofii,3l,l6'-el :11ps4hf bark AI 5 ,.. ;-tir.4 -0 , 0 1.1.64..... t i 0 40 In tlitiV9*1")' o ANITA .I 94 ' (t Miiill'''.s*l4 *49litiiKfi4l4,on F 1( i11i!Vjr,31,0,11,11,0 y loci e lp i tip i ) 11 ' i iiinieVvas t!F i • k -ff,4V,'j.n.Vf,i,; ~', ! •z•-• , ~;,:,,,' 4 o ;i• 11 5 , :itit, - w14: 1 ;:0`1%,.;, < " ~,,,,:,,,,,,;.,,,_ , • 10, 0 ): , ,0 , .2,, , ,7 : I ' , ;- - W";"" , . ~ Fl _~ ~ r y~ , r,.~. .. ~ YvK'~.s~`~'. _ t ~ ;;4 , ~,.:.L Vote of: retins4 leania4 1848 1801; , Johnelon. Lo h gattet Tqy - tabu, 2692 525 @IVO! • . Allegheny, A(lwns, Armstrong, Iler4, Ilenver, litteltg, -13edlietly---7----- Illut liiii 17. ' iii&feci, ,•,- 507 thitiatiriti ) 4--- 270 200 t:nrimn,. - 228. ,%492 C.heator( ' 755' 4 ...-•-• At ' ' '',',,., Centre, ' -1- ‘• '895 '' ' • . r li, I c,gmht.trlnnd,. ~.... 80. 64 ~,,::':,.... t.roliffilhiu, ,-- 1176 . ligiiii CraWhlrtl, ---, 269 `',,, '550 . 1 Clurion, ....-- ,_„... I.lgl ~. 'lo_4l '..',linton, ?lap Clenrtield -"--- ' , , 481 • '40(1,„ ....._ LEM Sri -146• 866 ----- .. . I)atipliin, 880 ---- 1453 ICrelawarc, '475 -- 647 Elk, -.----138 . ~ Erie, 1413 '.°.°— • 13(6 ' I , nyenc., • • --• ° 514 . 396 rrailltlin, 170 ---- 807 (lrecn, -- . 1008 ° \ 003 Ilitniini, , don, ' 418 ..-- • 615 4 Indiana. 803 , - --... 810 Juniata, • ' —.-, '9B Jefferson, - .. --- 6 207 ..100 Lebanon, 838 ...,—.„ 1134 Litman er, • 4213 .5338 • I,ebidb. • . 446 ' ' 219 Lyeeming, —.•-•' . 948 308 'Luzern°, 798 . 414 Monroe,. —. 1394 . . 1348 Mercer, - -.” -- 536 --. - . ' 140 Mifflin, -- 147 37 Montgomery,. 573 587 MgKean, . 53 ' r 3l ---Nul) Itunumn , r- - t--- i.A 5 . • __ s____l.o.6.7_ Northumberland,--? ' 678 • • 416 Perry, . , .., .... 7n5 727 Pliitad's City, ?- 4061 ---- Philtast Co. 3 Pike, .. Potter, • stelthyll(111, Somerset, Sullivan; ...-- Susquehanne, .-- Tioga, Union, Venango: Westmoreland,' '---' ‘Vushingion, 116 'Warren, ' Wayne; Wyoriting,, ' York,... 5390 . • - - • 4332 - 486 557 - 349 726 1232 1652 •-•.-- 1870 - 178 , ' • • 147' 818 • - . 858• .. 130 1201 - 1175, -- • 544 • .198• •• GOO 168. 183 . 2,4,423 -24,217 20,02; Ot-Gen.. ,exceed 10 000! ,'Wllcs Nan puiep vote-so, far is about 4 ; 500, '' ,l :!i'' ", • - Nortiren . folinTitlpri,,. 1 7 01101 . .:0014 . . , • . • . . . .„ . I • , 0.1 ,••, 1.1-01.11 , _L=1.1.1 • rminiNuTtiN, M. C., Itinise was n'ttur aliNat Inn, 'rot nhy,nnetii haiie:dnd Attend to the natitiu= „ A Od•gt pond htnOpeame to the'donVond knocked, .11.11 pl Uncle tomi,eplig,,wpllN dgem.w,ps.loCked., .< • • . knockingtsl al,lll6 door Oh that knocking 'm11110660 " :" In that; you - Zachl*No,, , Ortia Cans -r. ;, Well. pus,l .1. Anil you've got no ytty,a,i'' . He therit'tino tand tit knitthing t;thit'dfiof any lona, t thate's holuan hnnalilag.ambe.;gang.'fi;) • ran,k4 'And thole Inughia nigh' htittloh gninki,..• • .Eog...they.,htOnght.llo l l l ll4.liTuarriftitnibaan 1 ,4une 'they Ithonitt3,l4ho dhOr nekteat'at .1.116W0r y?"'tl , a;!.l l .te,, Ohtinlytts .at, Smocking; af, tipor I 4;"! - M. t, i'l . JW011,704 din tirtit.e, N. ';'',%.'-'7.,'• ~ 'c 1 ~,,.., ff.; - , , , ,,. R.Yoii'ret . '6ll4.ddlip nine: P ' i,'''', 4 ., 4 4r, , 4 1 , A th e I'o' 04 An Alto I P^ l oPokingP i 1 / 1 7 'Ion!, iTY - $ 19 .!•.1 .0 1 i' ' .triiii mai' knohKing et the door •,,- , ~ ~ .1 - lii ‘ u 'r e .., i • • ~,,,,,- • • tilq 1 4 414'4 4 4 ' ' 44 4 4 1 ' ' r 3-:" ;JTP ,, ..- ,. .:•' ' ',, " ?', ~....!' ~ .." . 4 _,' 4,.. I . , 1 .is 4 iletribiTiciiPlel ol inelwilh It bretvit a1d.Ch1er.i4,, ,. . Wpgitt piat,liware'.be9nd:74h,NVitlrit,,!AVY;: ' l And'itit,ivW , Tie f il • w4d i" ) 1 ; ..t t h 'i, 1 • •A.nt4 tAillik'nockmtll sit 40141 it .. ,' ^Pr,'" $,.."k i ' - :4e ' '''''' 4 ;And ;NV ho'e I iitt;ktittekinit n 'the 1109 Kill -,,F xr. - • ''''' ' ' o1 o.mlio r illt l 4,k lll) klinif i tir a irgp. , '. l :4',34. rtsl...-‘ lti l e i lljU s n i l t leill 'a il l i l iki;ri l il ° ,l.l . /! , ,kk' , „ 5 4,11.V11 '!•.,:ap,-;_.Ator.yttultittitt#l,4llllh4,Pg•:ll,. ' ..! -1 '.11 . 1 6 4t 0 -4,.,,. n,tliptfeillift.lo.l); )110 11 4tt,'P. 65 19!')! fr tg !,,,,. • - Ml4 t as ONI ° 1 10 11 , •14 1" , r A 4 1,- .Ail - ajNi,„.Zi 1 2 ,. .5: 1 1 0.,,,i:,:r.„1.-.,.1, ?, •i i S ii.hifiniiity'Ate#,?..!:4. ; ;A VA AO6- 1 °14 ; Z"Ill f rfl i4 1 1 iblyinft' fivir ttlip i nettikPAW.i. o 4 l 4 4 •41,4t:.3..-,` 4,1 ~ t hit Pielo l • uIIV . ~ ~0, ln ,A :exf 510nleitv•i+TAly.tio.* MiY 1 0 ,24 " - i 4. , '"f,-,- . ; i , IliVagitrittiAhl, o 4,ir s i t ra2 l l4lt I.' ,)'6,, : :4,t; I,z.k.VeN c r iat I .ll l llittii r liW±ir r , ' ~‘ , ;• . r .. .. VA4'tiSkAtlitillg l :4 oo •o 7 ° iii t , :., ‘ ,V A o , ~i ii `4 1 41"AliVPM,1 14 „ 1 .tr-ri.,T rt mi l i k,i - r rV , 7. o t is '.Mo,,l4llollol6l',l`niiir ' itiVo r 14 r' „ 4=4 ',:, qrkti,t AP'ft,Re..,;v.,•,A0,,,,A.:,,,,, ~ ., : 5,, t , 4 , , , . 7, ,, , f .J., ,A , : , ,,,,,x , , T.-- ,- ?Af,4:.FA . ., ' :; ! , . . AittA'l4, - 0.,....., --••••:,,,.. -; 77., - , '4.;'• ilium ~., ~ ~,4- . .:‘,:; ..4:,,...;._,,--::.••,,,-,---- : •; 5- ." .. Y. - ..--,-•::;-MANk; - ' 7 ' . ';' , ;" ' ' A - . ' t hiife , ,,Tay Or *% , ;j !'':'V. ':. iiiiiikliilYoollt . ' l 'h ' ' gala 4 `. 1.,.in 0,26i9. ~. :its,,s,fritien...-W ig- , II '''- -• '' ' 4.943 0, - 8. .., tiwever tvi 04'53"1-00&;t4iiiitoVm1 , , . r*igi:4lo4! tiiiiitOt.4.l''.. , .... rtn—iiiiblig PA i . .;., , -7.,,,•,...;,,,1;•;:„,?..•4, 7 .i,L•vian p513111.?.', •t; 6 ; '., - -•'n'?..3, isloy,--T..,, .4,Lio,b9,nr-alls ' . •,- -•'.,.,•: -,,;?4.41,ayic:', . ~ ,,,i n o f a t , sifi:A3i,,,t orn m...,10.118:4.171_411:1 .b.. - ieiu2.l"Nriri;"!••• -,.- igsfafaVakani. WI *" • , `""' , . ,@U-Wtiigtain - of fAthil MI p: Van Ben 4,747. • The - 140,6T sleady liabitsioes for old Zixcli by org,3ll,olll,Friajotityl, • • • rtnesDE,,ISLAM). • t6,bo, tees Yam .sllon 711 Little ithada is ttte as steel. Taykseti thrtiltty will be aditiOWlial be , tween 40;000 and‘loo,lloll—not j e t clearly k.rroairtl — Ttlit - Wbigerlaire eloctitlol mom , bere - 01 - Congreasomone - TrewSotl man end one lecoroco. The Whigs elect it Gottimor, and have the legislature. Not .lieope vet brittlyeenYeri_Ettr'en ant:S:apa which hes the largest_vote. ' • :•-Trtylor-7,154 ; Cass 4,476. Taylor majori ty wilt be at • Wag 3000. .The Whigs have( the Legislature, tzt;il tour out of five mem bers of Congress.ltuzza t for the Jersey Blues • • • . -. bELAW RE' • This hilitble little SA . 'lies Taylet a ma jority.6l4z-Abokit 800. Tit :fßlee Hen's chtek ens "neVer sllrrentlets4o, e,NI I 4M.NAPTIA. 'rest emi glo;ionalyfor Taylor--sea table of returns in anoilter column: • - In 85 counties heard front Old Zach galna 2500_pn Clay's vote k 1841, when Polk had about 5000 majoriti. The reou_loYet-':in doubt • • • The young Buckeye State has tVantliiired from the hold and iiiswed - to false gods. Van Buren hsedravin an immense vote from 'the Whig rank's, and given the fitate to Case by probably 10,000 majority. NORTH CAROLINA, The*Whig Governor was elected in Ast gnat, boAk ti flo /1 ,01 a majmity. Gen. Taylor •gaip ~.-dpr i Y*,,,ATZlis heard from enough to guy I. niAlie , `'l - ;by .probably" 5000 of 'sk, -,saw I! Ctre; 1-1; , 3- ' - , ',/fi , - - • '''': -- - .--- t•: - ''' , itir CA lib. Taylor gams. a t;ty all over the State and . , marmot have . lenstAn 130 r majority; • . 6 144.. .. *1. t v- SilU r T CA.II.OIINAt Y m ‘-. 1 ...v . . ~, T h ,:;, g 114 it 111 r. met and chime electors for : 1 .,,`":• - 010,1in C.COltoun and Gen, Common 4. ii :: - invited. t • ,;.:•.k'.:; - :•: " t. , -..-1 . ---... 't'• '' • XENTUCKY, • 4 'lrolin J. Crittenden had savaral thousand majtatty for governor, in August, and old Sauk, gains on him in every county I N . iif fed. 3 . ' - TgNNPAStr,, ' . 110 440 f 301` El EMI 1039 215 MO V.utilaiettt retinas are in, says We -Nash ville Whig, to ensure 5000 majority for Tay- In 68 pounttes Gen. Taylor'a gain on .ast election to about 2:000, •which make*. Geor gia O. K. LiVISIANA. • Gen. Taylor's majority" in New• Orleans is 1061—which indidaies tiiat :01/1 1.:m . 16m' by about 400 majoritY. - 1111(I11007. ' Gen. Cues cur44his' i own.Statei . by 7,000 iinajority, but the : Whigs:it, la'said.have gain. •ed,on, member otCongres ti; ~VISCbNSI Bt: -" 16 . Wi • • ' •A. despatch - in'yesterday'( papers says 11 014*iantt NiPiiPtoPin t.lav,ee4ePic " ILLINOIS 14r,"INDIANA,"' • pisl l o'ne,.!gCuss large. y ) but is-, (liana is yelindouhl an,d.there is Soma hop e of Taylor Caryitig- ASKANSASt& Few returns as Oti'llut , ie.-, the 'toaattes, hrii.frern . ia. eticltlltitte !Tit'ylpt , pl . Parlyisk , 1,.Have,,h 0 141 v?- 4 3;:raCMIY,LITPeiAllti's, Ox• ,pectrgoiSel lor , Clusli s especially:t•the ••latter. We' have no' tetitinii hobs Texas yet'," 201'3 153, 5a0 , 79 , 300! . .T:he ttrotu, - exult` I ; , :,;....:,;,:,..i.‘ 1 1:...,€91#0(..F. , 1«r , qh. , !. t?!ii , . Maine, ' -,!..,... ~,, L .' i ' , 5'. 7 7.2 .: .4 ': r ? .. .. , :L 1 ; Ir. ' 1 ' g 14 . - kiimplillirc s i,.,F., , ' ,4 r-ri. , .' , •Aii,.l",v .— !_.:. 'if -1 ' . .. r• 1 gf 88 0) 11 10e1 15 , .i .:, 4A3'. . .:.:7"; !', , ..;' 1;:11: I '—' iV, 1 14i,m9Ptir , ,,, ,, .„...ti ' 1l RhciilitiLsktvV,l,•r, I. i'• tin',•ii7.l:'':'"?''..4:4+',l : -, 771 ~Col!tiet, kiclll,;. ~-. ', l i' 4.-',.6:.;;;:in*ys' vi l,i, 1), ',. ;,.„. 4 ,,,,t 1 ef , :f0Fi ..;+.,l l '''; „,:::' . 311 . -' 4. ' ''r.ri' ', ..LiT. 4 ",. , : . 4 .-1 1 ° , 1 , A .lll W!P r ffY?: ,. fr:l-4 0640 .,.. 0 / ..,, , , , , ;;17 ,, ";tei . ; ttfii 1 ;r e : PoPirYtYlitigst hi :: , 4" 6 , ''-' ,- 'l, l 7:ii , '•t!' 7 ' . 4!), 4 : 1 .,1 , poppv.wiz. ;,ii - fi , , , ;.4 , ;1..:1 , tiir7:iti.r‘iz...•;0;' f ', Ir :: , M.RtY:11011 ,,, ,: hi 1; ii. E,} ...§.; : /;..f17 - tir,iiS't ,Y;lti ='l'"'• Yiril!,t9ai,, 1 i'.,i -i1,%174,,i-rl , 44,irr iliirrrii; I 4N4Elll4CatOlvilli.,.. 4.1,1( 1 4.;,,, .0 XI 4, I - T4,. §P ll ‘ l O - Ce*OlOgii , i;l'' 'Y44 ' ;; ' .:,:iJ 4 1 ,1%1i07r;t; ''' .'Pli .. .' , 1 . P . ., i i1l 4 : t v:.!,irirlt,!i - i , 64. It i , 11'4_ iMi.ti:4: - 3Y.,;'` 'i C° l ‘i. 'it i i l 7 l( l l -i i i ' 79' tte . , t ?tlP!,!, ,, t,:!'; -W • 1. 2 ., f 1 13, 11 !; 40: A t e' 14”14.1 44 1" i;j7 ' ) '1 ; I :Pktr.I , V.:i : rat I P . T• 1-:'1. 1 • 9t4 Rt Y 'i ' :' ' ?" ,! : i •li l ; 2, :i . 7 , .frii i ii lliftl l '. l' l' , Att.„y , ,Aj!iott? ,,, J., - ','4, ,, ,....:riim li•,,i,,i,re:ipmri 4 ; . ~. 1 :iiiivitievi;f •lii;7',!irk4fmr;*il7 - ....01,11.,trti1ii - , , ..-; , .,P.', /..., , 411)1ici45 , .;41fr.',411,ir ., .'i 1---..., 4A., 3 0,.t . 4ipir0.f,iti.A%- ' 4 '1 41 . 411 i.. 4 '..i.i.` ) . 9 '-cAir'''':gg`Z;vi..i rif`akf,i,4o,"tii'4oT*477 ., 0ttiwk.;7 , :i..,5iP1i.,-;to , .i.;.irrg. - b1i. ,, ,r#: , .1147fri1i:.1.01:. t it I'..grckfil!Ri' , . , .s6o.-.4' ti, li-,;..r t rv4;'h.rtp),;* , Ilcir ilit,':, - v;`,11,,,--/i4,‘ •ou t t=i - i,t,,,01,yitt.,,,,4 :,.. t. ~.v,-, t i : ':' , ..... ,,. . , i., -. : er,,, ,,5,.......-,.,4 4"-1---.;... P 14 ,14:1',;', A: 3llC; ' l ,Y: ' )'4: ,1 ;19 ‘ . ' ',1 1 iy,, , ,,.N' Thf.;A,,V , ,,h': 4 1 4Y/W S” .. 4 , ' f t ,!'^' , •' ,4 '. :, ),TI! i .4 1 ,:i 1 1 1 1. 1 ,1 Sf'llf . . Pa l l! , L ^ -; : ' ' • .. ' i• i 1 ' ; ! : 144T;:'::: .;":1' 7 4: '-'::.?,;;;Li' i l.gik , , ~:q,;i.,:litri , lf: * .?;:„:4 ~: :,,:,1 , - ,1, ,i, 0 , . 1 1:44 . 4 , 4 : 4eeg$ A . r'let{baierel . A 4 '-! , "'VNt::0 1 :,,, ,' ''..1 , 1,;1:PP.e4.7..11...i.-I'.4 , 6•_%rie2t,:e.ktiNiflllktV+ 4 '.,_, ,A4LZ'z'd wog iva 7.; pas 44,- .goon by the choose Tay- 1111=21 NEW YORk. NEW JERSEY MEI 'OHIO GEORGIA. =I ,- , e e tar-, vo, sea has ileetiy,Y4b`eleitdrai iore - s;'ci t , Mjit' onld tio''sutfitient cte't , ffirgithiailapd weVeraEfieei-S*Eihi:d deented.- 7 Ttie.-eleCtoral:yo ( o".is44 aitro A)ctvoi't , - O,DNESDAL NOVEMBER 15,.1848 , mash and ai y JSlbilee ! . pveVy tuNflot Matt of the Boiough and Coiint'yluvited. ' , , fha :sitriportets bid ROUGH AND READY will have a mcetint, 3t lirviii's; this evening, 'at 8 o'clock.. A cold • collation ; free of etpetise, ,. wilt be furnished. ...Some Tar ivill bob:nut on the occasion. - • By,order of the Committee The present number °closes' our contract With those who titibtibribed for tho !Tatum. for the (!'residential campaign. A number of these have already renewed their subserlptlohs for the year succeeding, and we trust. that many Ethers will do so. We are making arrartgettients to give in creased value and interest to our Paper, by div ing an additional amount of reading. Immo. in. each number, and to improve its external ap pearance. We shell be,glad. to continuo moor list the nahtcsof all our campaign subecribers, and now that-the political excitement is over, will use eticry exertion - le make the HERALD a gbod farbilk pfNel• I • OrThe Temperance address, by Rev. tHr..WitniTtlosipone,l Irani last Week, will bictlilivered to-morrow evening, ih the Hull Of No. 9. Sons of Temperance. . OtrA eominunieution appears in onr mune urging a ditainguistied. gentleman for U. S Senator. 01 course oiir co:shim-is are rpen . Co t h o friends of other eagidaies. Acknowledgment Alvorthy'sitbscriber to the Ife,ald in North- Middleton township, testified his gratification over the result cultic eleetiod, 'add his sense. of Otri ertions'in - produce Mi . result, by. presenting us a few days ago toad °ftrood,—a most acceptable and rasonahle present for Which he has our thanks. -Ye have labored, zealously, if not. with abillty, In the good cause, and next to the Unspeakable joy which the result has given us,'llo we appreciate such tokens of approbationilroM our readers. , Thanksgiving •• _Tins lionOred leatival - is near at hand.— Origiopting with the-devout piety of our an, ceitors, says - in iiichange, it has *catty . spread itselt over nearly., if not'quite all the Stfaii of the Union.; It always suggests good props, largti _family groups, smiling faces, peals of laughter, stacks of :turkeys, and pumpkin pies. ft is redolent with feelings tif_grattitide and happiness. Yet while there frine s cone 111 ingle ILeirloys ou this ocdintiolu i hoyt many there are, whose lissra;ts wags : taunt] up in sadness and mourning. How many there will be, who will need all our abundant syrripathles for tligir desolation and their poveity 6 : could more :effic -I,iently expiesittitlf gratitude H eaven for the - tiroWidriglAiisings olihe year, than 'by l'ea'ding r 'syy_npatliy to the .alliicted„and a helping habil TO the riior t - • • 111 r. Cuss and the Gir ls_ The Tuscaloosa Monitor says the Boston Bost claims that the girls ate for Cass, and has the impUdence to instance Miss L Sippi, Miss Souri,' Lcimsa knea,"Virginia, Mary Land, ant: the ,two Cargfitik. This • is flam. Lcittia:t Anna begs us y to ',Qr. Cass.; that slit'won't be "at liotne tY he Calls', so Wolfs° itntiCklng fttilikt titior." Miss f. Sippi and Virginia Mink of cutting him. :MIT Lana cieciares4liat - shel has no acquaintance with the entleman, and dou't Want to be .introduced.' One of the Carolinas satne -thing , and the other protests that she Would ,send him about . his business, only that siteAspbound" to mind her pa. Delia . -Ware, and Georgia, and.. Flora Day tell es that that'lliey .ktiotit -a-stout' old a old ier_wenth TOY . of So the-vixenwi h the vinegar 'name Mit;e - Re44 is. the only one of the. whole .betty, left- to console ; pie unlortunate beat, in tite:darli da'ye so soon about to over- 'ani. - JOlngsToi..-:-In atr*ln 19 ntniletomi Inquiriiis we state , that, In all probability, the G•- overnor.wiJl not. be .in Harrisburg bolore thecifiref'Deceinber,, as arrangements con. retneial ht to the seat olHovernment at las present- home-until .titat_pe .1-,Otrts4llPzOlinge la i ee that our. }Whig Iriends:,are.rnistaken in stipposii.g,that: Gen. taylcii' will .never -veto a It has tffe beet' of iieaniin`s` to ititipOSehe 'Will car tautly; vetoßai. Marcy. , That Bill, must lip etirs~ly;con~e tind e r the bO-31.9f.' liaste,,ana, , tvant, of. consideration.!l, ' Titi LAST OT ril—Tho ,Ponsi/voion of ,Satoritly , signifioantly ;signilioantly, snyt,--"The, owes. pondent who asks us ilbout contesting the votillot Go'veritbr ie iorertedlo lb!' /fist te -411901:9,14 §o lo Akill cfIUO.YI 'We liifVa'n o doubt , t . to: 11 election for.,Qoitetnor 1art11,136 don., esilit tillifOtitittsltcitly J . —three yeats' tenee:',.' ~, 111,1ErrholWitstungton (Jnioti k tieulatea , 0 1 111, 11 tho:eloodotutheit Otos OrbofTooitive of peu. TM:lc,"', hle,nll,i_ i _n is 5 V, ~1 4 ' i r, , f if!' ?rwitmot ,r,9 1P91 1 ,9pP, ',' wvallsPi 4 :. •P'''9.ot,e'si77 9 1 0:te ,, heet it. +llO7 I P)n 1 ~34:i ~ ,e , .r. , t, t t , ~,Li 4 , , .71 . 71 , • f .4 ~ ,I , i tv , , ' i 4 :1-7qtick,t'ren 1 90i0 , ,e 1 POIPP itk. Anil, teitetkplace ttitithothe tot ;Doceinboi.,We' 40b - lor s phit4o4l l tagn , I 0 sTasgs , tio.—, iiatoiiitilklio , Pol3 Nrawo.o64 ii 6 ), the otti: t ~ t r • - s et,c'aellt!tt#Fpl4...i,,o';• ', ;iii , ii.,„Lvin , 4 '''' Ok _ h ,. kt,,t 7 oll . ts 'aye i 3 iifftt 01l the '..t#Sit e4 AP T : - :Aiiincp. 4l ,4llo), , Aillwi t t i fipjototr,fi,!o,ro4 t li t lppigi,l,oll,oPofeete Pik 'the'tege , ttO* 4 i•thile,j'ittilt'oetillit' , s 4, ' l, i .2 . ' , 4 ~.r . e , .4 „ .,1 .14 or4P, ~, ,' J : 'l4:`, , A, ,0 , ,,. Ottfl#,o,4 4, DinOCT#Ciotlrld*lset 4 th l eth - , iilOiellYi'iV i ii, ';' l 7,4liiciPiklitliOUSAYAW. it l eeakiller;o, yilielii4Z7i 3 743„4‘4o(4* , if.t t 474 0 5 11(p,1 ,14 ..n.- , , ms. .1 0,,0f4 ,:.i,.. i ~,, •. . • , .i 4 , !.,. ,ee .., ,- ..,,,.:, y,,7,1 t t %i ., . - .1,- .:Yip li ,-, , , 14P,;;...4 b.. , . ,..,:.,. .4_ ' .4144 , c -, ,..":11ii.:,.74 ,-, l'?. =MM!!fMMZ i.OLV.MHERICAND :- . .ICOVNTIR ~.. . - . . . . 'the_ official oitnnO,Kltie alOoiral.iiliqiclapf.eur4criantl couniblari.t , as!lO' danPo:*ote yettl4 cliff!) Pre!40 1 ? 11 ' - t1.4/' , .11011:slur ~bt' exertions made Py Districts. non. I.onga' th. Taylor. t'aso. Carlisle E. W. 163 , :213 176 212 . W. W. 221, 163 243 .146 .N. eton, 14 1 1 - 220 180 222 '....)l4,ii.ititeton, 201 212 213 205 L. Dickinson, - '65 94 70 91 t:. W. ntiboio, 142 46 Ilia 48 Franklord, : .(14 7 42__ 7-6 quiisib 1%010 . ; 934 1012 1054 .1.006 Nem-1/111'e borough, 73 '67 7;r U. Frankto•ol, - 44 68 43 74 U. W. Penni:V(so, 110 101 125 105 7.8 157 IMO Newtbn, 88 109 97. 106 Shippenehurg, 11.9 234 327 , 245 Dickinson, 188 205 203 226 Silver Spring ; 107 29;11 . 109 309 Leohburg,' I_l2 122 115 126 nopei'ell ) • , 94 108 - 96, 7114 Alioura 209 121 237 .-- 127 Allen, 165 -13$ 176. 90 MeclnitiTCAlirti -88 . 74 96 tri Hampden, 98 78 119 -', 95 Bridgeport; " 244 121 154 134 N. CnnMil'and, 36 23 .37 17 Colley's; -- 39 42 41 42 2989 3099 3242 3178 I.sokgstroth's mai.- i31:1 - - -5-1-T. maj. _ Von Buren tickbt received 11 'Vbies in S. :11itlilletotl, 2 in ~Carlisle,.2 'in L. 'Dickinson, 3in Bildgeport,3 Liskourn, : 2 in New Cuml3et ram!, 3611'2. in Newville making 25, all told: • . ' Savage ° • lie tiiA auk f The Volunieerities like a Mice anber, with its mouth full of etirsh.4 and Ifhpreealithisl— We copy the following ham its last ntimberi thff - oliTielittiftanhy biudt at -I,F.T THEM ''itniii..—lVltile we are writing this, the Federalists are shouting; marching . and harming over their success. This is all proper, and hr perfect keepiag: - 'Nero flit- - ; 'tiled when Rome was on fire, and it is fit that -N_eroes et this country should shout and stag when the torch is placeThiifie Very portals of the Republic. As well Might the truperinreityliave celebrated Av it h.ti in mpha I processions the entrance of the hordes of Goths and N'andals, that ravaged her fields anti sacked heriemples, as the people of the United States rejoice at the ascendancy of Federalism, Tliey.know not whet they do. Their yells are The yells of maniacs; their shoots are the shoats . - .of The insane. - They have lifted n Only into power, whose rava ges upon the principles of our institutions will be like the KOM.' I march of the Tar tars of Tat - pail:me and true lltins of Atillii.--, - They have warmed the serpent into life. It will stung them to death: For-years• the old Federal party have grinned in hopeless rage at the resplentlentand inereashiglioNer mid bcautpot the Genius of the.Repußtre. ' Pros= at her feet/ [hey - hate hisser like the crushed serpent, a u dio iirgiotent - Malice, clawed at the skitts-of her garments. The people have. in_amilLomencd_hour_of bliiid insanity, lifs ter' that party on high, Nvliere- .with the - strength — of - vs - as ervain - - struggle and - swot , lea roal;ce, they can dash- their bleached fist, 101 l in her .. ftue, and ,glont themselves '.4ith revenge pan those who'll:vie defended 'her trotn bloody hanthi. So be it.— Shout I Btu you show over Yolir own deg. radation.. Rejoice! But, •(tu rejoice over your own ruin. Form your triumphal pro cessions,- out with ytter tanners ! and march! march on ! Your way leads through the very vitals of the Republic. March! It is welt= that The check of We progress s pf den-Meiotic principles slionld be celebrated With :p:omp and show.. It is best that the ldildjues of, the hydra treaded monster, dial' Vibrates his forked tongue as lie sees hid priay,witiiiif his power, sly nil be dro*lied with muiiie,,the mar at cannon and the revelry of insanity.— It is best that.glitteang flags, and'gapily air- , eurni m ilwe A i d w kii:d klraW tie atiliblion et his! . airlift's Wrirri 'We flashing of his dilaterband I grarilig eS - -' - e. - It is .bestekvlibii the iineleari hands 'id Verteriliktn are plac'ed 'upon'‘ the. Mire pages at the destinies. of the Republic, that the poople slinchl hot mark the stain they leave. It Is host that the people should net see how the Genius of the Constitution shudders arid shrinks Irmo the rude arms al her riot:110w reeling arid staggering with (hunk eIIIIPFS, 111111 insolent with ill ' gotten Rio wer It 'vi_besuliatalw-4 - rrad--shotese encodes of a free goVertiment, for their tri umph in the new, sitottld belt:led and long - , to drown i ll . possible, those • of Their allies of the_ohl trot 4: Very welk! Those 01. itie 'labeling ehisses whit have clamored for if eliarige, lithe aeliativei Arid they Will see :dinea _change h. will be •Thej have,. stab bed their beat'beim& So - they. wlit flint it.— Lewis Cass is enerkiced to their interests.— Solley , ,ivill fluid it.',.-- Their 'enmities have. triumphed over.lheir friends; anh they have belpetiTherh to do it l. The Grivernmantyitis nearly back to the standard' of '9B. :Those whose interest it was to keep it there; labia stopped It, and given its old , eidielles Ilia pewei talead Rapid lido by and forbidden paths. They wil(treit,atair atter—pray God ii tru4 not be when it is 100 !stet , • The Volunteer still belabors the peer t& boring ince.- 4-low,consitlerate--rt-is-fot--iliefr wants! 151 11344 it telt! Them how terieet,ikni . . , the (tannin* prirly. bait b*euti in gittifig The . .. _,... . Workingmen , the -blessings oftha Tatift of ,1842; • NOW, it biliihrtis 'Them beetibeeilbey vote for theyestotittion oli,lhat sameTarlif ! What' a phi. 'Thit lebotitig' men. bad. to t 'waited till the - ( similar:l o f '9B' ~ ir,iip reaclied , , . latirler , Whinii 'flinch!' lies grown, so gteafs and prosperous !; ~ - . .„., .-..,...,, st •-• „, '4 1 „ 11 .31EAT . 1.11111:1I BastiTiretautExransapm, —At a regent detliettlien z ,pi: a new 'school_ tense 6 Ilinttoit - iAtayor Quirky ? after, stating 1 4itili219)0 00, 1tad, initAteenfixlande:dekr ihe eitranthorities In the, ereelko» el, Vhohlttau.4 . -aa l . gav:ti iiiiAinan 4 0 die ft;lli4,iiii,l l o. l6- hetight /I_ , ::_=_-___- :., ::: :_ z pr', , ,,1 :1 , 2! 2( t 'lt , .. ~ : $ ll bni ; onee iin .ii., elinibryi• tt,Tittievbeieg: houhl be sent into tgis.worldr oh the!, 0108 I: . elinatkantLktetillifuteOcigretly • - vittthat n , wantiertur IktinaiiPik finittAaitets; 1 rtAntr(cit, Netttiable et hniiitittell exparifioit iiirlitimill - ..=+Calii4blo:ol bgt;ntilibg moat' *tilt Atith,angels.,.anti beeething the triefid'6l, ', Gad ' r ot lit 'ettolliti 'reqoilte . a,z whin , ,bi cu il , rginwing . up in enmity , against'', him, aTia in: uiring evarittstingi,wiserml ,wouto any e i x , eitifeMthiticitthie:frill,ighttitinliti lontriblite 6 inve,Alitinf,sueltpiroseryv, anti elevate ,to •tiF4)PPIna; 308 , 10 :.:(09 1 1 1 99 10 , 844 t giOtead , I Ono , ntr ~aalfliiil l l 3 l.o . ltlg, twanii•hYd_ttintlaitia to , now ,ewiloq3, to , the .f` cereal Atte; ~ geity fathers,” - 50,1 th eif(editliatiote , ',in . d '; %Vor,lll. will toter,oplif`thiir,lAtait , destin:y+t)riibm-, aniontKp,Agith - tlke:ai*Olfr, - 0 4 iiii. - itie ' ilei c6o 6 (ti'?tietoid e'ilielithia'ai , o 6 d:": ( ';± ,'..!; -,":":',':,' • ;', ''''` ,‘, : ''., .":".,' ' %-„ ::::, ,:, , ,,`li'4fiitio ,' 3 4i fl 6 -; t ,?;!,R e v 061 ,,,YP ./ 0 1 J t iy ; IlikArlaleArA 4 410,1 , 1),A6 rit:4-00likiii.,,,o.tkoil 41, , ,0it. ~-..,„ ..,,,i„:„...r,-,,,,,,,,,,;,::,..:,,,,).;;;47,•,‘,,,.„,..,..v.41 ~- . ', • ; , ,1 ...:..,,;4;,, ~.,, ~ ilikkoit:-.-Ilui ijisti;:iy.` : ,9r , :the 'lir few, yefariilit . 47i,;'iltat:those whom the citizeml uliPaikilV i titil4:: : '-have: heiriosed most, 'and .4iAt" , 4411e4el Abe highest:otationa*Oted., l „ litistetitil . " : 0 iililrßY 4 - :lfleir,', - c*igtipET'i... ~ ,a sita)iii V! "Pennsylvitnialts ' , medlar, into= eeiiiiriellifeit own alnidtion. These men; however ; have neitt: received the : rebuke - or their State, A e - tiffiediVeitirend Illicirlferld a&eert her fightli in till; natieflieltcOuncillii and place there a :man iibleJanA -ready to maintain them. ,_1 The Whigs l and , Teiriff-men sk , thtilrelf• stone have now ,an opPodtinitiiel_.itoOdilli,.. a good and true representatiie,-to-thekgid:- . : led Statesseriato, end it belniove: them welt . le minsided Who shaifbe that representative: We ao not want one whose limited attain: ments and ltatilicteiltiiiiiCirill',M et ake him ' mete bloch hthuhg the .- .giiiii:firitni . :'-bril'iliti country who 'co'repbsb 1)1 ; 4' hudy,.,!..wi t have had enough of !Mai. vie'Walii 'i: ii ' illii:yl , lcer can speak . mit, and „tell ;thotit.?44"! , 'Mach Pennsylvania has beenvvrooiketi,%,er4 kijiiMii by, the measures of . the prosent.itdminhitra: tion. We swant a inert, whohas alwailfbheell an energetic Whig lid not ObritutionsfOlhei opposition;and *hose taletitek,kilietimmatitt i their admiration and respect. , '4N. , .-The namepipI,t4II4M.IVIOIEREDIT,II;' Esq. of ,Phiradelplitai has been suggfotOutet, a suitable peritiklb,rllolted kites SetiVirbri and there is linhilekliffiakltikhb'Oe'Wftlifil the bounds Mi,the'&ll'4.neir,onti_lielMt eel, culated tdrr ,- eiitsl3:l47-.blieti - mstaiii4s:. Mr: Meredith; rears tilior:i;k,..,,*fio.i„,iound. Mari; look a high stalid 7 in:Ml . 'l: f egiiihrfittirret ~ Pennsylvania,`liitlieConvenilciti ret - iefus4 - :: the' constentior. he was -arneng tlie most .ItrAffilt*th..A.t.ihtitaridi now ranksilisf:',4 In private life there is no one who luistUron.: , - gar frlehile hod ,fewer-- enemies -than Mr: Meredith; for integrity and , horiorhis repdta: - lion is the highest. He has always ."bell g - most influential Whig, wlnle]iiet: kindueid • , and amiability have made himWardefrieiliqg e among his political opponents : , . There can be_ no doubt that . infittitfited States Senate his ability.titid4rkt Itio o- iit,: , tainmenis woldd placti. hirrr Iti die rank' with .Weßerulli, arid lieu of thatiiteMrsfi_l3inusyl: 91 172 2989 , 3178 vania if he be eietted will have.ono:woitht . and able to represent a great est enough to be true to her iinetesta. ving eucli an estimate of the "clittracteLli Mr. Meredith we submithis ; narne to con; aideratiorr for the office and hope he - man be our next Senator. • . AN ACTly.f t 6rlible p Nfri::l2,4B4B: • : .LOttOf !hit' Gen. Some time slued ; Hon.;tauftf,iir &rani Ben i. to Gem TATLPR, by , 04 ,.. 1p110 4:;511401 13611, - a letter enclosing extraeltt,:lraiii the Wash; ington linion of April (4siatiig dint . ttaid.:the SOlith never Olimilil l ,Agree to dui, Wilmot proviso,—that he weiet;itt . .ot the Present Tariff;". &e. - &te.• immediately wrote_ the following - reply which he has sineeo receded authority publish : - . Baton nougtv(Ch+April,27 . , 1848. bear''Orr rer;efitil :: Yitur copies of the 01131611.10ne Matleilli totti"Albly by the hands of Major Milli.' :those articlektovOyaitg certain eentim en tif a admitted byiyiyi4ll i are oneand. all vile' 'fabrications an& it Untie. W nth torn's' the bast§ Of snack; caw nofttiow'much f' and ray motives ate denounced, but in canes' like this.). cannot but feel; and openly, et: 'press, my boiteit indignation. It gives me ranch pleasure lo learn that r, have rettiYliiinli in I%iwEh . o,lnt,t, — I have ' the the hiAe — ' eel ler the portion oi our' • country.": tion of the , Veen. ben Mends' mthe my a t ' inition for the high:stitelligenee' 'of its people, and-their—greatiegantsfor944 • and older. Among none is there min:Oho,' briery of 11113 1 and thiVottori' to _irithiStry tihd t enterprise; tit . 6., more' sincere or inittietie' wish Idr ti le. prosperity and repuialibt: ofild countryoltid a wi'e and wst administration' of the tlevernment. I value greatly, there: kite; . the favorable regard for my name,. - -ie exists ,there,pid whielil minim, whatefer may be' the country.V%:,‘ , (, .: • 1 .,. ‘ ,.., ~ ...ot sentimenfs.of cordial rettpectitfid 're-' ganl,l - remain', Wan r KR, - ' 7 ' Four' most obedient Servant mitt:filen!, ~' ' :: Z. 1,411:0,11; thili.,TlitllllAN•slsllTlt,•„ U.batopresontative Washington,D.C.. • - • • frightful ho‘S . cO ivithrot it-M(016 -0 ' on ~l The aniiiitii.'ijiadl .his last attempt :on the 7t~ of Hove ntiAF, Dui.' was , s9,(lisOuSh34 '‘Ftth iii:Csintie, been jiestd:o6tiii(l , ,kiiti - ';‘‘FlOhOit:`, - S. 1 . - ~laii;'amiiifittib ". ed etirlideutif Ilke follow ing. Coitilpg aett'doea ftent,ont'Of h'q' (Vogt re opoefelti9 lOW „ , ,iprlhr. 1' df Panglikelepale, W.l %.1t Moe A:wry titlivicitoe lite. • It ineie:eipeelelli hen•Wit , onn'alortfie limit. at' [iill'ikaterliedeelihOu ' i , e drii.lif,the entiwaeditlagenti. • glie'eskii 4 enteiref, the - day.,(atinic'eti.';' , . •IninciP Mimi ( thit 00 is%tr wh'swijtosstatary • tor .tiethatie lifegliary) relief has Leen anypettrierietivliefieflr," , (Thle'teillflerti*ifolitak iedweetable meniber of the Sochity 'of 'l o tlik, THEITIMONY. - •" • , ,„ 4 ,1 4 Air,4 l A4:( •• eittit, tilytteiv 'rcb t÷ive....a . l witftWttlii - eligj tit4ge ups u suq,sinistsms;isill eilftered tench fro, Agetatiffit, debt (ontiesSitlyiyisosS.4.:camponsdf slikip:ott.trarsisd. Wv.sodzinfshtisitioni•isbisti o I'esSetieSeastski,i,tiben-2. sow.:Nrsryt poi,;ss4lolsesioug!*,...; reconwriate ,the.ett . lac •nitiog rro , 40 4 ( 1 . 1 #0 ,11( hrnitthm, e r'a • Pl - iipitleil. * ltSit , S6l4!)44,ko.lsltit.fs.plektioN, , ' EilOof tigYcirFift,fi 'ttit,ftitie,ittiletifiThitattritf,i - ''••. •±,itiliCtrltift:NelgilliElttlieltediiillale;' , • ffiW^eita •ttifti it it el pee,tiot r. .7 V iiiiiiloaSs l ; '1 fr o m ,-,,,,f,5-,t4',':41004 , e • .:. od the ‘4 . 3't ~',l; 411,,,,,,‘,08 jtlst, TflutTro,: moc k of G. ~ my-m.llff irtihtiftf "Y %do 'fond.' 11AI/would ~ 'l,* iitt'-.‘" likrittlt.',GOgLi'°'" it imlrksf'.',2 ltv'NSAll--/It.' edillstilltiNgott*'°/;1-41tPthietellavrl070ttt'a..41Lc*tiii. ~. ;i,-,boro4)huton tiati - Etraericg,k, 6 !',7 , P iv.: 'iarre3Ao itarrhrM,n4eleis4.'lo,,.yuc:.,r-4`iti.4*4ls.'' i',A i" e l e 'M. Beete T:t t?,,, *` , .7,. tt,F%''V.',-,'-',,,,„"' ,;,t, 41„1,r):,121i2t1_ , :4, :,,,y-_ . - 11 _• , , 4 ...:31 , 7 0 1.- -1 .. - OM (PRIVATE.) A Greof:SlTalltint:% ,Vl/1 .- • BIM - j`i4-L;••-•:•, • ,„ ~• :Jo ENE C