Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 15, 1848, Image 1
: - : ,,, .v. 7,-1: Yf-r.:,..,:',..-i4g;',•.',-,.,!!!1-1i.:4-:,,,!',.,'.04,... _ fp. ,7ni , _ ~ l4 ie , , 0,7`11 - • *41111*6 41.6 41 , , , - ,y,A.7 ~ , A lig tly ;tp' AO - . ''''" `, , ,,,.' 4 1 I n :, v 4 t :, ~, t , - , c1 ,. 4t4 j r-4 7 1- 4', 1 . Ytf t ,; l , ~ t d - ' " 4 V 111 / 4 1 Z ' .4%. j' .l-4-1 " ) '/ ' ''`''' ' T '' ' 3 " A ' , ) ' '' ' i. '',' i PV, ' :i.t t, - : ' , rj, •,:r ,l ''.''' v : l '' - 'l . I: _ r: 1 ~, j. ~, sc. : . , _ 4, , ~ cs .4i.: r ,' , ~ ~: : : :.4, P . ....„ : „,, , ,,,,,„7.,:i,,, ~,,,: pt , ~„: , .„..:::: : 41 , i itt,,,r 17 „ ., : t :i rri,i,i : t :::....' , .. ,,,,j_.5.1,:..,,,t4tp, : i.,.: -.1 : t,, .. 73 1 * : , :‘ o2 ` ) 4, 1 :i, _10‘..„: ' 10 : ' s : :/ - '''' ' iLf I : 4'''. : "‘'' .l. .' ! '-' ''' ' ' ' ~ ' '. -(: 1: :::'''' A' -7 ' l or ' ''' ''' ''' ri-l'' 4 '' 1 I I."' ti : '', 3 . ‘,,_ - 1' . - 1.41-'',A., • „„ it.t • ,;;1% . .,,i,t,„ ~( 1. T ., ~., r:: 1-(1 . 1 '3 -', 2 , 1‘ , -- ' ', :t ',' , r,,' 11, V '...:>-..'' 1- ' - ' , :2r - , q.,• !I' -;-'• A,...' A: ;' -, * ' •!. , f;' ) ,* - j - 1' t .r ~ „ ; i'' t , t'' f.‘ .. 1 - I , ?', I ,"I . 1:' )'' • , ~ / _ / e t 1? a , * -t -...-- ', -4..t.t - , -.. ' • ~ • . v , i.4llit 12'1 , lit 9 c l 1 ' '"kr• -"" ' ' ' -f: ~ 1 ' ...' • • , g;„ 1 4ItIT, 1 :1..a: " . 7J* , ' • feVii , `'' ' Fl r'"to_ , ,t3 ' 4• .?}Otti'. o •*: , l,l„ ? V" ). 441 ;4 ”.' 4 " Km I 0 IME i "SU MM=Zil ME vo.liti.gx,'xmxi . earl c 1 -;= r. „ 4 . Yergi isitet§ritEMOY - E,D - h is - 0 ffico nd e, 1 Aiok je,jiiityo .adjoiniOg his Drug Store o r” april 1 • - i , ' if t'• -.' Dfei Geo. .12111.1 e .ronike, r p. oAbititE of ilie Jefferioii Medical, ,: ....: ttliittego` prPiiilndetphis,..respedifully oilers 1. Is#l4ol3 . sign4l.serviee4l4n kiln praniind or bledi ,. cijoq, - .; Suriery liyl,i‘licl,wiro,ryi .." .I•KY:ElGE"iit'ille iesid'ence of his father in S. _ iicl4l4ttOrtt j; Elirdnitiiiptinsiie llorfets' . liotel Etz!• Abe 2.5111-!.}o4l9ricEpi churl h: . . np 7 '47 • _.. • • , . . 1 ; 1 -Diietiy , 4 41 4.111 ir.MOEOPATHIp . O ffice tit.Aittin street,ln the torse fornerly .RI'4,,E)II7.PAP, op 11.'.4.k.- • I- - "....' - ' .Dr••'l. 11.: Loomis ' ' ,-• • - tit ILI portorm nll -..t .operahons upon the tv. : ' _ ; e, ~,, i • -"`-' ••, . ". 44. - ~..,...,..t.otult that arc mini "' ;;lltiiillettprUiitrinitioii, aitoltliai §ealing, Filing, i '• .111eitihW,lobiror'etiill'hitliore the Woo of 'them, :.3h!tittlulg;AttifiPjal4llt,Sttlpt a aingle•tonth ot•Pg,t,optir 'r pi we ottePiel. attpet, a . few ließitit iduttOol,t b ftailriNtd•ltitvt: pr. L. 18 ob • /intti the: last. , tom...layt! of every rrtritqh._ . ....." , t , . %:, ~ Z 1 . octor /L. Rankin, ..... ~ . ..., 441.,s's''''"FLI.LIA- teml . erftothe inhabitants 1. ' f'Clailiiie and its' vionity4 his professional -; , t.' ertrieed in., a l l ' its various -- departments,- *Og g it rcrptilis long experienpe, and devoted artentidn I if the litisiness di bid Pl•afesP.ion; to nterit p share 4,tothlie patronage. • • Wlien,not absent on profossional business. he t4t.,' pally at all times no found either at his Office; '- riiixt door to Mr. Robert Finodemss' store, or at ~)Litt lodgings, at Mr. Beetems' hotel. • Etnay'li b . Win. T. 'Erwin, ' A,T , TORNEY AT LAW. will itacii6e 'siveidtourte of Conitterinnd coon 7,11. ',Office in Main. street; nearly cipiaisird . 7 C - titinty jail Carlisle. fob 9 • Fv• • . . --,-, ~- - 4•0 .133 R. Smith, .:AVnitiNEy - AT LAW. Office with S. Adair,. Esij, in Graham's now build• _ tg,, l atmshe:thrsi POn, 0, tiles. _ mar 31 '47 oa.reon.U. Noore, 'AT LAW. Office in the, roemi- lately ‘occupied •14v . lly. Fivaer,. - W60081114, -• aim 31 '47 • - 1 ., ' . I'TORNErAT Elarrisi - Jurf,r 4 7 3 _ 1 . PA.- zip 28 '4B-- • WRIGHT s 3r, - SAXTON, imPoriTZas AND DEALERS IN FOR • EIGN D011)381'10 I-IA RDWA RE, Faints„ Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Sieel,Nairs - would invite the attention of persons want ing goods in' their line, tp the large. assdarndnt they have just opened, and which they of at the, v ry.loweot cash pricee. . , feh23.: • • •.• .tiga)TIVAIX4 .5P0411.4g, - - : i •=kIDIVALLJIA.IVE.I3I.:4III;in • ;Laithei : ryehr theTollega. dyes tatlies'-and (=mule , }:non's Jjnparrel, all clors, and warrants all work eifistaCtoiy. Ordlirs,in Iris line respectfully FlOll 2 . •-• Magistrate's o..fice - Bemovoi. • ,TElE'litrice-of the subscriber, a Justice of the it'eftee?'h?tslheen reinwed.l6 the Inigse adjoining ilekstqrp drillors. Weakley, in High street, Car 1100„autildettecly opposite the Railroad f.Mtot and thrott's Hotel!. My residence being there; Idtifill dlWil , ys be found it ilo.llQ,reariy . to attend the litininoil; tit the publicrill, tidltion to the ' Ade.; of Magistrate, I Awl t .p . 'd to nil kinds af •Vyriting, such as Deeds, Marigages, Bonds . Imitintures,• Articles 'of . Agreement, Notes &c, which .will be expcm.od in a neat matnierand eel sordin4 to ;ho, ty's!. opproved forms. • 'rho 011 ice latolt occupied by tne,,in :Mr. Gra • Mint, and possession had ilia 'Clio rent id low and the loention good. fLEMING: • . arlart• aryl Perry Hotel, -GTRELs'tibscriber, deires to tat'," his friends and the travelling littlilititatdirtffias-ncsiotqat--front--i tr -• f• - ; n d k now Fi as WeiblV'S theiffiffiic-housa• recently occupied by delth Corpomit,on Ziqrtit.ganover Street, near the pub . 4,ittiparo,•vidterit'lle will be glad to see Isis dld .troquditittaees• trona Perry and (lumberland,,and as ninny new ones as poebtible. Ills !tease is large • , - htidiin. , : good;olddr,-contnining.n sufficient number of wall lirrni.ilLsA,ghttinbers aqd every mitt:r i fe: • cility for.the m Ist consfOrtahle necommodatinh of •srgiellorkond:tparderii. - His table will be sup 7 pilot with els choicest delicacies of the markets, ritiddiiSlar-.willi the best Of liquors. There is -chkiiO3 , 4l,,Attelling attached to theise, and 'a eltaraOltibi.:s . olllll , 4l.ys .ittentlance.-4 lid •resOsoftlillOnyites alanil.fioirCiravellers nni . 601.104 , ;:riaq•deof giv4 satisfaction .rn trelt23744CM.7.;•'.' , :'\ G S S -- ; - •'-'...," 7 .•:.,41.F , "-':, , ..%,,,, „-•,*, ~.;,., 4• . ' 4 itrovirjAniber Taxi% TO .-. ty3ltAepzjilhic!o"Paiiia,?a 'new Lambe Yard•ier itri.pornee7orlYest..forect, and Lochs ~ • plley, , Witern,he'•neir, - nee and will keep constantly ..: tt , ti I'D inl bilitififr ;Silt e'steedrtmentmeneaeo n ed . 4' I N E ; 4 i ... ?,„-iil i rli:l/A4,atitt;;.Pli:AN:K;:tind ,ffilte,t,„ikinda :bf ••,-...i. IrPt , piltof,Wlidelilni'Will eidl lOW for wish. 1,, X ';'V'elMititchlfy , eolleitiOlib 'pnblie'verronag. ' 1 -' ysi,ittivrB.37it.,,.T,,iir - , , :, , T . 9y - Al - ;11 - . -- Af - 41. - IVAI: p . ; 1 ,:;"“11-'71T.IttlfPer (4' io e"'" 77 ,1 . 7L:L7 7 • 7 2 7 1 -7 7, — ,;, - r;7l - 7t=7 , • Jo it r . Lyn" e ' nti_i_gi ', liiiil .4: '',„L, i: ,ct! I ~'",.., h)„ 1 ,'2 ' ~,, • I'7 •- )i Wq.A: . 3 4i ~...t.3.- tn4,,,.. l 3._,F i kiLitoppoer in ' . ,:...- -,,, ,:r.: L I o r entn,n uninit i ii. tiard:vare; Painte, . iliis.fil,ltili:“Priiqiiller, Egm - fit - thisislititrin In N. •••'. 2 tp'Yer . et rpet„ Carliele, Ins je , ittreeeised..from , ;.I , rair YArk an 1 Philadelphia a large ,addition to : ,Z, hik•Ormer etnirfaVliiiihnlirattent ion of boy ' ~,jiini.:4oiikuipef,sted, Ate: he ;itf..3determined Tta - tiell` ~g'AlSTriAliqlq,g9 y e , ptli9,rilrfitX,i l l4. o ,WA•t,.,,,i ll Prl if, , 3 ' .., .0:314‘' : :,,,;-.., :::,, .: ;;,:, ',.. . V. 7 1. , ,:, ' ,: . . : : .. c - :);TrektlA;R:l"44.4AV,Vgilfij . *l l l9Cir,htii,4Pg,'Ci44i:, ''''''''''lrA.".W.44°,Q;:fgc.onl9 bi, ,'..,4f,i,,,,910,7 '0,R 1i ..h1'1F.V,i1ii41A4,r...:1, . ,0 1 .1, -4,.:pi...E.4. af:!t! 51i, '' '' 111 ‘1 41 , 11419 - 1 4-akrO ga , l .4 4 f1t t P, 1 9 it ".-,. 1 2 1 , 1. ,... " :1 1 .415: ? 1 , 1 1 441 4 44 4' M ' ..'411.4ii,a_, : '•'''': ~ ,- . ,:, . .Yrti".1, 1 6.7;00t7:1;P, .. , „ t;T,, 1 7 44.1.; 11,14:,),Ei. 10 yr.,t,i,r..1 i '' .'2 ,, , , ,i FjpTu....9,.*ss ) Tß4 , :.."':• -- ., — ,.. - ,- . :.... ', , ,. r ,-. it..„.„_,' t 1 , 3 •itiifilf,,.'364ildll-,:willi'o,cinirAape en NI N“.. -„'',l') . • , :e*Sci', - .11 - o,,ti G!,lio . 4Blß.;:ilTAillitinlibrd,( . o'o. d'AlierartesttrrefdittreppintO . 7 i l . , ^ • .i, •,I , • . „.. „c ~ r.': ?,.." Atic 'Wett e g i l o ,W l . d '.#o.,&9. ,• ~, ; ~•; ' , ' , l f - iii"•ll4l#o,n.lppb.4,4o, o ,#AsKAP.looll7 - 9rAil.ti ~ „ ,lit , . 441:,. ,,Nwtortpopoo.l.i. ' , :;NibiiiittuctulOttifiduitown'or•vtllnge; tfinjuh , eliiiily . , / .; , ,Wkeiti 01114dP,ilykSintle , 11.badgreittriberlan4 , VOINT. , '/It . ' . ' uiti l 'Olittetirlifbiatiliaiii l tliiliu,Atilainifi' bc-'• . •'' , ' ,( ool 1 104i 1 ,40?itli.t i'lle"h• •' , itill ,441/ , '2 ' - ',. 4 . 7 . ••., ~ • 47 -,ci •; , T , P#R , NP• e.• , '.', ' llflthU ', .14,,,,y,,, kfig!, ~. Rai, -,. 1 . , 4 , ! :, , „„ r .V. itil.,AMtleNthoitT.6:::l ,, :-...q . •,,,.• ~;, ;• ' r , ., : t., ..,, ~00 , . - p nis,.rß.Triviinl..mulle ; . , ; ,, i ; , ,,,..,„ , 7 ^, i t' /OS FU, , %-, , r, - 4 v Nur ('` ,4.i.":,,Y'Aii425!..7.4°..t0.'4,?.4.'f)p, .;.',,L1.,,'+1: -:713fr0" reyili ' eThieiiittie,Bcrauinialuid ) . 'y f. i % 1.1w, , i1-.001:,... ..i,..in5),..,' ~..MVAC4IIOIItsIS, Prilletpal,^; ir li t ,:i:FittiNg,ty 4 w.. mato_.siitar.7ll l ll.,;,4 eg iA , t 1 ,.: 1 ' • . e ,,,, i , 39, 4 ,tbK, -, ..Ary.if1190‘ , .t , 07.. , ".'.,, t lll O , l l , .1. B,,,ltY.l*(3.l4tfititiiiihtkiii;otisWar iin V "111 4 11 4 - R ii i i .Pt io t , bif l gEkidlitAGF 4/ , Milliti. or in /.? 4l;tri ~ xsr*h3l,ltreredfiitt:the,.lfeckiAlliiiifivsi ~ ,, • oilegilfittivlll.lolo'lltniciliiiiWitrolidtta:Ortll46l , _...r...+1,• , ; , •;!•; , !:".' - ..,t1. ,, ..,-~ ,,t • ~....h..„ - .- 7-7 ,7 --, i•p'•.2„,.., t,..A. chb' rvio6.lj44ii l ciflisito4,l7ettgw,:ogviy , ,14? ..4 L .y,mi int,. npa micsl.. r59.9, 1 Y,e4:49g 49:i gtr.,..t t r i. !3ill:4';;Y:4ilittik.44 3l 77lV l l l ,o 4 ,le-, t , 414: 41 X' 6 , 451 -4 181 ?.r.t i k F'.."eA l .lls l l7'' '.P';'l' ', :,.'',ll;' - ';('J. -: `,'; , ;1..::' ,, 'W';1 ; -':'. ll, 'Zi.`,'l 4. .it l, iiitt,:ll,'?.. •,: , q4,t6 , ra';!:',,:,''''''' '46.4: . ,0'; , i , :;- - ,:1e::, --,:,, , ,,, , ,u ~ , , ,,,,-,,,,,,,,T , ,,,...-., I.A .;:,,,. f,V.04,W,...ct ... ,:`4 ;...1 ' M` L F.4;":' , A : +1. 1. ;! ,, ,. ..W:t4,+; '. l4l* -- ,T;,a' ' ' -: : ' 'P '' ,Y4;4.Z '' ' 1 : ,. 1 41 ' : ', lVP ' !=l :l ::th ' iV,: ,, `.: 3 D, ',....1..q..3 .( 1?.? , ' .. . , ".. , '. .-I;l''..:i ';i • Zen ,2 ltt:P:6 , O,6aI,C, ' U.',FAAV::V. ,,:dw?.y4. , ',,,,, ;, ...... .;;„ 3 . o.tilic•e ecintuniies The' Franklin Fire Insurance Ccm- • - - init'FlC 5; NO. 1634.Cheuiniit Stieet, near Fifth ij street. - • •- • • • . • DIRECTORS. Ghat.lee N. taticker George W, Metter4o . Thomas Hart 'l4l,ordeerti,D. L'etvie . TobiasAVAgrket . .6411 VI 1 6 Halle Samuel Grant.: avid. S. Beown, 'Jrtebiflt. Sr/oth ",Morrie k'ititerson . - . Continuo tmtnake Man' ranee pbretual, or limi ted, on eye ry.descri ption of property.ip town fend sountry, at rates tie tow my are consistent with seetirity. The.. company have reserved .a largp ctintinkent fund, which witli their capital dud pre miums, safely invested, klkird ample protection tc the insured,. . • Tlfa assets of the koinpnny on January Ist, 1 1118,4 s published agreeably to an act of Assem; bly,•weroas_follows, Viz Mortgages ,' $890,588 05 Reel Estate 108.358 90 TemOoHiy Loani 124.150 00 _Stocks 51,569 25 Cash on hand and in bands of • tigems; 38,873 28 Since their incorporation, n period of eighteen years, they have pnid.upwards of oarmit.t.tos, Two IIUkERED THOUSAND DOLLARS, losses by fire, thereby affording. evidabCe of the advantages of issurance, as• well as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness. nN liabilities. . CHARLES N. BANGKEIt, Prrs't. CHAS. G. 13,strcHErt, Sec'. feb 2 . The sabscriherisagent roillw aboYd erimpativ for Carlisle and its.Yieinity. All applications I'ar lusay,anee either by mail or Perprwli will be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR. rpilt E. PENNSROIRAJGII Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated by ntt set of Assem bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un der- the management pl tLio lollownig•conruala sioners, viz : _ .. . Curt. Steyrrian, Jacob Sitellv,,Wm.. R. Gorges. Lewis flyer', Christian 'l'itzel.' Ildfiert Sterrett, Henry Logan, Michnel Cocklin, Benjamin 11. Musser, Lnvi :Merkel, Jacob Kirk., Prow ell, sr, and Meichoir Brenemanovho respectfully call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties - to the advantages Jyhich the Com pany hold out. The rates of insurance are ne low and favorable as any company of the kind in the State. Per. eons wishing, to become members .nreThivited to make application to the agents 1,1 the company, who are willing to wait 111)011 them at tiny time. JA.O OB SHELLY; President HENRY LOGAN, y. Pre A 't tiwts livan, Secretory; • Ithettara. COCIthIN, Treasurer . _ • AGENTS— Ru dolph Martin, New'Cumberland Chriatjatr 'ritzel end John U. Duttlap,.:.A [len ; C It- Harmon, Kingitown; Henry Zearine-, Sliire rrienstown: Simon Oyster, Wormlcysburg; Ro bert Moore. Chilies Bell, Carlisle. Agcrits lor York County—Jueoh . nirk. gene ral agent; John Sherriek, John Rankin, J. Bow map, Peter Woliord. • A grnt'e fOr Ilarriehurg—Houser & Loch matt. feb 9 tAI.‘IIII:IICLA'N Olattierti Protection COOP# cumBEIMPZu) VA IILP. YM u•ru i, AL PROTECTION 1:7AI PANY , ill be under the direction of the Tollowing board of Nlanagrea for the ensuitig year, viz o--Thos. C. President; Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre si"nti Da v id \V • A/ .I. l 4 •ilanrrri A. G.Aliller,Secretary, James %Venkley „lobo T. t'Zi•eeti, John Zag, Abraham King. Richard Woods, Samuel -fluidal, Willi:lm rtal, f•rott Coyle, Alexander DAY itiSoll. There are also it number of Agents appoinled iii the adjacent' coil who will receive applications fur in surance and forward them int 111 eiliatel). for ap proval to the office oftlse Coin patty ot hen the pal ley will lie issued without delay. - For further inlormation see the by-Inwar' the CoMpany. Titus. CcNIILLEII Preat. A. G. Mit.r.Dnit,tec'y. - The 'following gentlemen ',Rye been nppointe L.H. l'irilliama, Esq.,Wesepennaboro, Can era! Aria. . S. A .-Co% le, Cllrliilo, • . Dr. Irn Day, If--e4linniesbore, , George Britille,F.sq.. -NI onroe. Jes. M. Nrenno; Fag. Ne )erp,. ell - n — efemletriTt7E - gir:l4 - wwfmcis.` Stephen Celbertann ,Shippenabur.g. September '29, I 847 EqUitable Life Insurance, Annuity" .and ',Truit Company. .. CITTICI: 71 Walnut street, Phindelphin. CPCnpitnl 8.11130.100'.-..P linty, perpetnel.— 'Make Insurance on lives at their oflicii in Fhila delithia, mid at their Agencies throughout the . Stales, at the lowest rates of premium. Rates for insuring at •$lOO on a 'single Agii. For 1 year. Pori" years. For Life 20 s l 01 50 .30 , 09 1,3_9_ 2,01 40 1,29 2,70 50 LAI; • 2,07 . • 3;94- 59 n,48 2.91 I t. 03 v ' • • EXAMPLE. — !••• firson aged 30 years next birth day, by paying II .bOrTmany,',ls -culls would se; cure id hjs farnily, or heirs fiiloo hb die in Rao r o otir ; or for 89,90 ho secures to thorn $1U00; or fiir 113 ebbbres to titti.m..slooo shottld he dip,in eeveri.ypers or for...VOA° paid ,aaapally, during life, he secures $1000" to' be paid 'when dies.' 'The 'Meurer: 'emiring 'his owrfliikas;-by. the diflititelititTiii: : ntrloyOt.of premiums from, those- charged' by, other . offices. 'For 'Vlb;rini the heirs wbuld:rez . - 'co i Velitsooo'should ho dicrin 'one yeari ; • tforms of, application and all particulars. may be had at .the calico of Fribtiq: ' WArks, Esft,• , _ CLAG4l,O4N,,Fres't . TOCKETT, FREII'K. Att . y. M.erws, , Medical Examiner. • • ,'. • ' • Prominnl:Plastek. 1 , 0 P.'lirttlactitchhie 61Terir ~lie his,kollitabYegetithle„Prooliom , Floweiy ,the qulitips of Which Brier, lOok.and tried airier , sidefaithiribr hTettittilitroi atllicted with tho affection, ttf . Pitot,A rem UTEItt, Or thoiFollori Woiob, lie' . 41.21 , to ,, 4 itichitiniondti his pleat erf , g uareatetiie g• a safe' Aptl,,apeettyOdi t ri t, iln the short space or li mo T ar ; f rom , 441 1 ,194 1 31T 1 44 11 06d - rottitor: ,oar , log Lthe.cou,ntle‘tositttmettta P 1 i971.4 11 , • until stottnig,tattle eon rle he heti. tib i tlftfl,ht4n , knie in iffeti,out' rtlit'CiirhOiililil,',ollll (it ifOletti2. !Pried. 0 lettl Do teiiviter ih' Vottills44; t00(V174 .. .4 1 .1:1:'MYEq.141;',1r5fiN t. , .. WASHIN TIM +110IISEr: •.' iltthetOtitep It 9 * A ; i ll ulF o ',4 lo P4lng ognee-: age Jecontly,,anaprgone terh4lthatitib in tiVite.,)OrOlt heel] , ifte , bhatlghtifity;. tMornb.olll(ni ' , the; Xit 9.ofittiteltiOtil, l o!§o4t=ll. NerYfile yeYliPll3.-4tRP.PriPPACP4iu'iI ailOgir W obtrAte;:v .1;4 ‘ , r K,Diiß Aunt.. #lirtlabuw* "-* . I 4 4,.. ' , .. 4 -E'......''' pally of_philadelphiat - 0,220,697.1,7 Fite Ins . urance. , AGENTS EMI WEE tl7 ar4Pl2l:l /X) 13* 7r-77 =rw'4Qw: - .FZE / :!U 6 b . oft,r,'l": - MEE THE BACHIIII,,OR'S . Returning hotnn_nt apse of day, , . Who g,ently,chides my long delay. And hy,myelde delightenlo stnyl - , . Nobody nary cite VVIM bririsi Tor nth Th e' t ilry . . . , . sets of t thq room with. :molest sore, • ' Arid Mys my eldiMsts knotty titMO".. . No b od y.. .. - Wbo resuintss tits cbeerfSl-111.e, .—Atutidlos - tlie bluilrig•frior litpafer, . . . ' And bltliw - toyi t 81.111 nittberr Nobody. .. , . . - When plunged in dire and deep distress, 4nd IttlXione cures my behrt.nppress,. Who nrisheirhopee or happinek , i , • :Nobody. tVhrttnitifoits.ifintieitteWitbie me ride, in sore; disinny sniriudins,....: • • Who deutheinie liy her kind replies 1 Nobody. When sieknees reeks my k.ebie frixhid. *nil grief distrpcteiny fevered prnin, Who sylopoibizes with my peinl • NohodYi Then 111 resolve; so.hellt me; Pntei To change at once the single slate; Anti tViii to Ifyinea'a alter taktr alliOrtitaarnZago Murder discovered by-Phrenology. IW. IL R. ADDISON I never recollect a -warmer ee,thusiast than Professor Leyder.. \Vheu he spoke, he seemed to forget all other . worldly circhm stances) all other Subjects, s&ve the one eh grossing topic on which he was engaged.— His eye, widely dilated, saw no objectsave the,brighiritagery created by his fertile 13ram. His-voice was impassioned. His every pulse beat high. The professor, at the time 1 speak et, was just-two and thirty, mid ranked-hien sell its ate 'Very leader of• Gall and -§guszg beim's energetic disciples. On the sliTlect of phrenology he W3B . discoursing ViNiti- I entered the dining room oldie Baron Hart mann. -It was a fine anmmereventrig,..Stravfbee; ties and other fruits, de c orated the, board.-',-. The well icatrolihnnisberg and the Cella's. cooled Lafitte stood temptingly op .a table, ntound - vi luili about a &ken -y.olig men, ,with the worthyltidbit and the professor sat: It appeared that, in the height eil Ansi - ion- Vstardo; Leyden, hle. to please the, E•orripit... ny, ex . amined thew heads, and with miiiiy o v•e looks_piessed-the.lautubs..:.which he ile elated-to be the unerring imlicattons of Me hurmn - iniailiiiler and passii‘ith. Some unlOr, unitte wight in company, however, had' evidently shocked the esuminer by. a,Oem ott..tiatioo of wicked propensities,Ter, ) vvincli he.strenueosly unused, on this oCeasg.:igAto pronounce upon the several org . h*, , ftlav ',ring.,lte- 6 might , give offerree,.',.jgght-Ire wtortg,' 'indeed it might,appe7r:lllvittiptis;i in short, alter making several similitr..excu,- ses;the professor sat down in •meilitative siL tepee ;4or could !he again be brought to speak, save and ,except upcethe general !omits of the systemja-subject on which lie . „ ‘.. 7 .i. never lulled to enhergc. It is a curious hiet, that I never in my file heard the subject of phrenology broached without a laugh being raised at its expense, which very 'lemony. annoys the-supporters of this theory niitl brings:owthe - warmest ar ',,ournent. It.wa; a elipearos,kitirol this kind that iirobetilY had mired thefifewhicliffusli ed the Week id LeYden pit - lhd eveiiipg 9/ :wide.h . .l_4Cali:„.., - .... :* o 'i.:l-.. I he.gotiversation hail .inow taken-so hew, ,channel. 'i'it illikatiffil tildrilir Nall beatithip),* mined in theemidahntitc,rod of the'Blaelt 1..'0r est.' A youregipThilit ;;loped Itiiid itel• piii renis'sorne weeks Belpre. 'The 64hp - intim of her flight wis supposed to be o your!. man who had been staying in the neighborhood he had disappeared :bout lice same time. 7-, Sheitad j - io, • lfeen"lotnd savagely murdered, whillinhe suppesed . partner other guild luta "r• - ra - p - perifeilTaii - dilerclfit --- eil - thrliiilitin7Villi difficulty escaped (r..nt the hands ot,bantlini, who had ) without any apparent motive, sei zed him rind imprisoned him. Tei prove MI'S he showed Vevend woueds - which' he. hail received. in thei successful - struggle ••hei had had with itwo.ol the gang in-his entletiverto liberate himself, ', -This .story, ,IMwever, op peared,,ae idtpeobalile t ' that 110, belief was-at ached-to-it, ahn iheituM.giiihrn WA's' tarried to prison ) theie to abitle:lits•trial. - •q ; .This.sails. stilly , hid' been". Tepee - letwith painful minuteness by Carl Iloneuomet and. some young man, who lid lately. arryir at t,k os nutlen.. 4nd - whose, mild ant( t getutent; iIY ram - moils hat] already won tiir„ him .thirtgel. 'den - opicienit' of all-the secielY:laiSiehribled there.: Jiro tine wed mord pleased - .whiff •Itim Out ;rift eliliisitven. ~ lti v crtleVert. ' Tbeligved that, lip rooked fie,h`rglyu.thogoeil old iminieM,tliat ItAvast-umeireil he • ha =sell . ali.'hiii4eiiitillPiellepteditoll uut s rrh, tV.lllt . : . ihit'llilk Vanctiomot her. ~ tys a harraiori;lew„ - could. excel. hi, ....v.i.ietitildieriMions_lettelifiabliikitini 'wheitAutilliefilvi (nsimbiligiireseriliii ) ,bg,gould,fillrreiw tih•••theoritirFaa hid aiall :Ik'e movt epithet ; .I P i tckl a ''. l ?)theii' rhost.,,inining, i . oleigi.• . .' .! -- ' One' lib iiit' 1-.4. , ...un,•, • tall :gonblupthi, titiepekelidiv ifeleiffeir hie atf (Mori:J:4ll ioiutyekWho nt , ; ,,, ed tmotithitl I.Pr./' rollth):wr seeinealildit hi bly . YiSotni..l ie.. . - detrii lS!'glvettby CM% ith ballots perphlrillai dr the.bleddyrdeed. et r 1 h P: ' : 1 1' •, '1 ".' . i ~' ' ' . - -t ~.:.7 -t i, ! 1 ; 1 11 OPll9l B .ll. ll l is i , 9 , k c ioPtkirrrair. - l' COOti ~ ettry the Oink. Muth ,s ,o .such ii • ifietelf l . l .tildigirrintlYgdieleltribilltAriTritkle- ! of:olevbetelfircjoung..ltuNg#l,ol;itipW'N.. *Vincki‘9_ l 44 lll Nßliii imitc, ' - I.kf.titoA-lielliff- ' g bor,liie,..filerj,did,bilg;Attic 4 la azzliuttliirqe, l tylhvirieWiesti -,l3 fthetliat.iiciiftiO'Fiditulif!.._' l l(•' gpstgivikl,W,Teio,existp9ippqvp..etakep',..4.'iv 11„7,4,A,14;y40kcvd.Y7:',:ii./ ~, 4 , 1 , . i,103 : :P. 5. '1 :P i '--. htl - ,itel,..Traild . tll‘Velt. i ., .. 1 , 1 4 W 'fitittildil, - ,Ctifer htliih4in,l'. Ofilreletf•llt ithblher.' ,4f . .y.., : ' fig . , tie : ~ huh' irtli eili - ..1041111 7 i1 1 4iii?Icl AO . ecirmel l 4;.terveMly:tetiOlated Chtli ,:-- - ,- ;'''l','' -- - ' '';'; , ,ilstagAii(iP,PittliErthiii bliTYbat' '4fidit Is silk,' itit(Ocgtiliielileiliqh - iiiiicittlia , .rhantlerisiiriFiirs' lieki'Oailltit4iOPlhMtlil t. talli.4.o.llll l 4 l .•PlOpi ,M ii ;; `,l l."#9.r.d.oll lo [Nrytl' , i l Y l, „1. , , t ,1.. 6 1 0m 0 0 , , ,,'„A n ^, : , th e old , &bit 'iti ll6 4l4,o l :V:::Vaifi'd';.Cetelthihiririi . , (4 .' - ...r, ,-- -,-. ' alt o qP r q l t o l i ...':s:Pi•'-qo,l#oli' - idie . :9*cid ' i . ;4a 7 ~.argupdg;eattiflitii,ao,,ttia ,whoie . .eVet - iing,' 'illy;' cify,(.o.44 l 'lol.tkivorti / *.AtAillitiliMbAiltii, 4 rdigklit . t i liltliVilil.edi. , :iityd4'ht.,C4l4ifitOil-1 - letri': tittettel , lbeltrindaPM,9V - ed:. - Cfeo: , X•,,,,,Fveibe:dlitl kik, ,Itif , r)tOehtbii - LtliellithlrittPliA . -1 1' IfiiiArek )r i'l l ben ie M b ni l 4'tilliio l :loi.iiii,o4;•:.4,6o 4 11 t - jni. - Avrt,f nxilenieittilleMl gittid f. - 1 - 1, -..% ell4:ola,•.reE( fli*. i llikialW/M l V'' l:ll te • , -- ,,is.yfirsigil 7 ',,ll, Y, l „iloo.fitl. ~.1 t 405.01.01 '''''' - i'; - i''''l6'4 ? .i.l.' Iftifi...Vii..:'sl-',,k -- .. - 'l-5...i.. , --•• `i'. : •": - t . : -, 1'14.41:7A•t4111 -4 ,:,.. .710e' , Iii17 A.,c'y !;,:o!.".-5--:'',4,'%',4i-li• ,:,';',t,.,.,%,;.:,,:.. :,, - -.v. ' • '...: - Y -- '::.'2;: ,,, ; , ,1; , -;;,y -- tt , ? .. v, V ,, --,--- i.l __ _ ;~ CA . ~ ...... . , ~.,,, Itipt ~. A - 71 !-- 'lr' ,-. ("iirlli4l)iofefilikitl4liohd• loi,e,nr_tilitenelngv iit eitAlte e!. leciiim.t beridliodvery.i ii I - guilt,, ant 41 : 1 4.t.iilefilritiPfl Olean nqcfmcp„ioo,l4p,,nrlbisi. Aidricf)4li :ti - :"iiieit - gi!l itiiiriiiity...C/iiini.:: P e iVA..l 4 lt r '' f ' leintifOteoiiii: 7 —Aripieinineship: i t s I the ,liiiiikintip i iintent.titage:efAile.throtiliii: . 4 . o 1 a 1 , _ a : • MiTli 011 id inrinpjil , tmemili t liftiteoAt- tp .em , : . ptit i ttiolii;the4preig,se;tetill . fleirhiedi ;iliti' the • time *teal Ile is ~ seiting 1 , iltlV,Pee } 1 10lie: Intitti..4l'Wliieh he is: n :ieaiic•l4 -4 tilliiit,f' re4l, , II Ykki eliafetiki- ItOer •,,in :lin' piiiinie,: . 'elilib e, lie', i iii 'sg id dl'Obi,iinig en : 410 Mini i V linfiFeet ; . but t i I lb ' the etliere: Ithii: mbiititl` FOIL liiiloli6V: _thir. iitahiltier ot. liirin.iillitillttlib',iiiiiti, ;Mil! : CAN lessiy-i - end -:' - kiorigOntlyrittaKhi4c Worki . lilee itierf-lie *•1 „find: file eeVillti:tliVeliiiiin i unAlibi:t2=tinalti,t.i,lo4i l iiitflY.!3lllotls. -' n'ttbr* .. -- ~„, ,r3 1113 M 4 19 4 A1i, ~tftribe4 • tra:nititl,u.!' , hi3o,•oo.upplicrnaeinMrllltlA any EliiiiineB!;;:tilliV;pll: !times 'of .6iiide 0, ? 1310.? intfitre'Ltiktieesrla lade'SeirnAli i t; ' nor.. nil); ';riniel7titiliii,Zt',hb nil iireinir,ili .. I i A L . ' i.eti . -. • lipp,•-Llliiiii - biatir" in• fit in d 4 likg • ki),: t ',,•, , •ii.: eurtite lin efei,'Oilne :.buisitietie:i`oi(ita.ikro , 1 t hp iii..4i t o • 000401.1.cm3)ititlit:010 ‘ , ,S; t k irglV: *ljAilg;itiAolrY4,Millo 6 o.tififfir ,'S;P.I ''; 1 .: iiil4o(ji,4lo, ii,Wbttlliiiovf.en l4, 4 3 ; l ,: 1 1 '' . 's'; TOrlti!iitinlftliviriti")liiidf.,:fiJeci*".l.!,,V p . 1i4) . 4 4 1 l/fe_ ~.. 61F00),Oher : tair440,' ,0 ilini0;41 1:t iie i . '..., 'ogrYilinilsool:ll4ot4Woo-:Jfoilihiliitt . :r •,, 1 '),jyttfit4o6llll'i,-,4oo,firioi-,!lbej*lfo'dit . ,: f?: 1( :ji*1) 16 4 71 044 110 4 0 the*qik.'ll l o ll .. Mg, ` ; (rifititti:'o*4. l .iibit:4rtii!9!itiVOA.:'ilil3, .v,Ol, rhi l enetiki! 6 .,olfPAftr.ti i'.,00:a.1', , I t 4 :, Ili I'tht.oo94,tPancl.-Ycliv.:i 4 4l . 4lo4 ll :.iw.he, i 1 ' A mellrOALlffie't(v . **: . lifVe4iitti - zi t your"(- I .l.o6*ltiik*V":ooVjo. , :::. q* . 1 1 . • 1006 - 01 ii tiosikti4:44,6oo4o . yrv,•:.;. ...F , ~:., A: tfk • ,",t, .. ,tiTF , ;;„,;:: , v;,,,5',..;;•:.. , ,,k,:,-;:1): , ,,,,„.1 . t.r.:: r . i ' ?%'1;,•-.0,.C',,..7,',.,:,i*::,.'„itii1;,4,;-..t..;,:,;(*:: -.,,;•:?,,:,„,i,.J,,.....j v g.4 :! I c l ,,,,44 , 4, 1 ;:,•, -, !t;',...: 1K,,:i..,-.::::',;,:,,,!.i.,1-',4;,-. handfed i 4 iiuuttibl?i :Thfr.)r9l: lol !not evert 'eniered liiirl'rre,vir;lirien imt 'friar 'Atli ?Obi " serione spriet:.TTjh or . wounded, but , --iu to be an i l ftitoud .ioap.resuion.he_rosti;;o;,.,-- 4' - 1 You diritotles!', Conceiled ,the intending . ri'.fright, and iii :mud, laitlc.liii4eserye it; loCtlms care kirgtritrilo'lbele 'after At tfiutiOt acid gity tholfithnl , he seems reallytuneasiabout it; I mlist•be4 the person who ha,,-taken it instantly to return it, and aekrititivlMigittifiic joke. , • , 1 • ,44.410 7 -the usiiiicruffeuted.4o Noitb ; illwpN6r t ,,reeppnfleA t ,artd.,l:lo,nrltinit saw *tilt tio'irritsi now . iilie ittbri geriousty:' .when the„fipt„person • undergo tie prr.te,al,, I almost bhjt4 "te 'say; 'We 11 7 e must hc' hut hifirti'gdilty can reel annoyed ; at this proposal4P; .• , • rrofeasor. Leyden staTted.up.. By heav-. en I. Ed siiiitiee die • -Ailoriiktr was of thksame - ,opininit, and oh 4ecterl ,te, !undergoing ,such au .tiperatiom which pt tie very lejvu , , iriipliVit n doubt. like ii,;-glitiSt.. Ile towattl - -Meyduni,-Vcho now rose. 'Let grave was al !her at sole seieni peeks friends this hilly "'eruct exam hbbut t 'mMk, F4ilktat shudd allude 'to cmi f~etrf ennsi and or ha Tooke at . Ft re. rnov genii suite his ' lit_ trell Ins piotc Atte.:o4) , ,otli • , • ••••" .rN , tuelestitoci3,_ the, biox,"Whia the oilier' hpotieil •Itirn to Fora few mortiets death-like pause. T h e party seettir. t _ • • I C • tied, while .11to,,Iretriblibg 'ail seem,tpjli streugle with bur ieeliiige;.• leuillrjits. if suddenly ewos lie„ mulled up, .40.4,:iiieot herentely . protiouneeil--7.„ ''The hrtnitlOMiri is en : ri . Wrj„...l. but entiliotfily...hiit pulaeitiill l4 , - Pfulesser, Leyden triiii24 1 ptir ;t: robber ( ituthe murdeier.l Qnder the'neriiiii'Or.Graetz, IJr'Ygeeett.igiel,wotir.r. , ,ith e 'm e ,peasifilatt; el .splActs:just_nolv_._ tnaihese, I espoused however, in a ,lew thriiMays,, ,t 4, ti.crl iorie un teierlow hoire- 7 11 - erifing lltal Clara and knowing that my 4 - Olefin elirrelene presetit- : ob,taele to , ent wedding, this lair bore ess, I siewilierayeretuery slew her.!,. are! oat , • how Abel isidyl net that Satun laid ,for,-me i antLcullilenst 4411 .litteLnol having the_ poriter,taylgstO t i enplation. TjiAl eursed lidk'wrieditednit beiltitnt. Some,ipell lurked, in' iy,ntid,-ttraty men xith ar, force: I ePP!. : 4 ) l l .9lAlitl ,g 114 .,,,nt0PP, 1 ,0,, 1 1 1 ?4,,t1t 3 tn, at mice 'u pen ,rpytaityt :thlis in or aliie t Lel 'itt2elslo,iir j p•rtiy,;•=l:;l; date , for' me,r lgt ...31nrjtitnttAe),atta, suffer on' the Not:lcH ' ) too, moan, Titus la`tigh` at Fatez4fitie a, never tiliofetiareLl if -ter'inTeelilitfmitive6th prat vent him; trii3 had . ,swallci,vred the, eilinei its .nt a Emma l yintoiltiell oller0:11,r41:4' piciyetr ' ..v:: jl t ,.~{:'e i I '4(~f' ~J~yry}'y~l(~ i!YF ~Y ~~~`,Y : i :y~~~ ~ _.,. )~.~.:: x ... __ r... ~ l` .. s ..e': .4 ='.b.~'~i.~'l. ~i%~~&'dtte~{s7T~~ir{ I'uY::w 15 A LOVE AFFAIR -'DOWN EAST SkETCOED ACCORDIN G TO NATUR2 Ye heard folPe any that wimmm was. nrrdy.° , IV'eHolley in a leiffeapj-bat-icyoull ingge 'am tight—haul in here and let lem there. 7 l,pu can drive 'eth elong Without whip ,or, , spur, just Wllieb way yo u wan't 'em 'e to go: - • When L at oil, I tele was a good many dust-ratki 441,18,bo vv rahere, bitt, did'el lake a hkittaciany of 4 .ent`fill, 'Squire Cummins cum doyrn: cheils o lfi jitm: i , Si A i re .1) ad, a s trigrhtii'-;Lpurty, darter".-; said' hind Of the g,rlls wasJust-riCe; but Nancy . Cummins was Inst. , rate , and a lee Thae wacmany . dressed finer and looked' grander, but those 'vas sernething jam about Nance that they ; couldn't hold aeundle If a feller seed her once ho couldn't look at 'another gal for a week. I tuk a liken to her rite off, and We got aiihick . nithieves,, - , We used to go to the' same meetin' aid sot , the same pew, It took tne to find sarms and hims tor her; and we'd swell out rt,matmer shnckiu' tp liarcibued sinners: and, then we'd mosey hum together, while the gals_and fellers kept a lookm' on as though they'd like to mix , in. I'd always - stay,. to sopa; and the way, she 'could make injun cakes; and the way I ceuld slick 'em with merlasses and put 'em away, was nothin to nobody. Sho was dreadlul civil, tow' al ways gisitin' semethin 7 nice for me. 1 10, as ,op to the hubto love. 'pod was, goin: for it -like `a locomotive. Well, things. weld on - in this way for a spelyill she had me 'Wit enough. Thou she began to show oft, Vitt der independent like. %Viten I'd igo to the there. was no roonrinshe pew; then she'd cum and she'd sneak it oil with ;tooth :AP/AO; and leave me suckin' my lingers nt the door. Instead of stickin' to me, its she used to do, she' got to cuttin round with.all I the other tellers just as tf she cared 'loathe about me no mote—none-Whatever: my I got Considerably riletl--mitt thought I 'mite us well cum to the entrel it 'at once,-- .so down I ,went to have it out with her.— 'There Was a hull . , grist of lellptsthete. They seemed mighty quiet till I weld hi; then site got to talking•all manner of notisense--set iicithiit l to rite mill tlarlibit ljttle, of th at: ' I tried to keep my-dinitrerilownibtit it worn't 'any'-tise-4,kepts mash,' about as'il I had a pin in . fityfrowseis; I sweat as. if I had 1 4 een ilimpliin',,,--My-eqlltivhung down as - it lot had been hung over rny.stock to thy., I aildn't stand ii; so I cleared nut as quickly Altadotild, for i seed it was no use roty t', ~- 0 911iiii'...fe. het. I went-_ strata to lied and 4gughl lie molter over a spell. ' Thinks- I fftt,gtil is jest a tryite ol me;,'lniril,:lio litre ot i aer Pllfyin"lipssiiiii; I'll take the kink MAW% Iter, ir., I ilon't fetch het out of that riigh grasti,dSe me lot sausage meal. 4,?..lieartl tell of a boy mince th,at got- to skewhlitte on Sunday niornin'; roaster set: 'You tarnal sleepy erittur, whitAfas k':', i4ni'sn late 'l' IVA -A, ,- 'Why,' sez the bey, tit is so slippery nut, I , eouldn't gutalong.-eo how; evecysigaltoo k .,,i -iforWard, I went two bark ward; and couldn't' : diere nt all, it I.lladn't nip's!, back 1 ,0 to go Colier,Wey.' . '''''istow that's Jest toy ease. I have been a imitiii' after that gal a vonsiderahle time.— , Now thanks I, .•. II I . go,t'onier way--she's been slitin' of me, anti now I'll suite her. yliat': , sass for the goose, is sass ,lor tile, gander. %Veil. I went .no atom iq,r), micy's. Nest Sabbath day, I - sl s ielied. myself up, and I dew say, when I got my fixiits p ,op, I took the shine clear.oll ,any speginien,.lif -human op tor' immix parts. About !neon& ttincolf I put- to Elthuth Dodge's. Patietice s ,Doslge was as nice 'a gal us you'd see' 'Ltvict.-. lime and yentleti:nity mere than she wasn't ,just likii. Nancy..Cummins, Ephriam . 1‘1,11:5 4 ey had tit.etl. to go and see. her; lie was a tqever teller, but he was.dreadlril jell's. Well, I wen), to meetin' with Patience, and sat i l ipsi alore Nancyi I didn't set my eyes on her till after meetin,; she -had a feller with,her who. hind a blazin red head . , and -legs like a pair ' ..ompasses; shelled n face as long as a csgivipg :igniter, I know'd who she think inLaboutritretWt-ivastilt-ato-Alep the red.beptl r riuther. Well, I got to mini_ Patience about a_spell. Kept my .oil' Nance; seed how the Lent was jum phi"; she (444 curfilibut like she did, and 'looked rather„aollenifY; she'd gin Ater tew RIO M 1 rlOl te)y cPa• EMI eyes,te Itiss,trul makeup, I kept it upitll I like to•have got imo a mes's about Patietters. The critter tit - ought-I-was guilt' crier heifer gorid ; and grit as proud as a tame turkey: 'CIIM4d(iVell to our place lookin' as .'rattly as a milishy officer on a trainin' clay. $l. ' , Hello,' set I; 'what's broke?' • tIV 4, 1 sez he, 'loom down to lutve Aatia fiietipn abentf Patience Dodge.- pure Pve tleen,centtitt' ever since •last year, end she Yrislestais gtjeil as,Mine, till you .cum a go m' after her,' arid , tuziy leemt-ioueli her "ii!fdri.ii:loot pole lufl;";and it we've taken , rt - s•-•'llk . kin IQ each . tiler; Ishii I - Yollr IIIIIII; billlt'filllkiirt,'lllmiglay taken Ivitli''` I her, and yoteniaYf i geCtlet Inc all rnel . solybu hadn't ought tii,Attt,,Acitige about nothai.''. ---‘ 4y,e11 i 1,--se-lhe T 1 ,4 2 .m the; tifiltiClilelit'ildni:ilt 'ereatirid: '.l. went t!Oilf,t'il',,,tl4'l,4liilribti .. ,'iy.titfrlf;lltfti',Wha an old womatt , died l3f:ipme dis:ease i mid they -%+eret:-!vollifig , OutAhor •thinglF: j ; %Sr:o, there Klia,4ll4ftillf.frlgbik'phiikpr A l aw y ei P, hill' 01 all sotto info tr < ralt - I: sp. 113on . )1111 it ft.i t i tho'i 143 ii. iiit!ite?'riop,e,ok:; b4t:Vd I . cutrff'iii 49 . 0 k akt;f 2 6lll;`..tliete wityp i t:nptitiii!, iit -it .worth , it .cbntv eixeopt ani old-sil Vs r. tlt i nOts,', tintt...i i!ukt• k‘',qt 14l . .rPsli.90vr., ,141 ;;I!joi t ilTi l i.liplif l' Anvil (at 4to •Ael),',3l.l94.lliAclglPAOs( , bottihr• -it t teitt4Sorssittinlttattlia,+7_ , A.541iP,1.1M, - 9 1 It. AC: 141 0•11111,04t,k0k9kg4 111 iu ii, in , a, rawa,..tittp,nt ,phailti 4,Jan. PinW it .l. 11 - 041 4 , ti#VtitOlik i ll ' i,(1:11 riarpeircsi• toUttill that, in. :• , .... ~ , 7 digOiPtiloiKtestreouptery lett aittl sI t& bepnAnk. u [I- foi passit ig ' : r7ite b T'iri l ,"Yis i ttli' d k v irhlit?M,Vd i':. hllll9 l . , i i ,_1 8 1 ' 1 ; 1 '?;. 140Wtilli r, reijit 1,1 !Zp v tleotitst.tlis4 kull ;•=;;lt.llif - 'lNl' 6, ! ' ;; m tq l 11 MHe 4t :'g'I' d n'") . °P:' 0 " 1 4 , itet' l*tianiA, A 'll[..i.siv ; ilii,gpllliiii',;',3Yoiiii i 'tAki` the iputrivet ges - ottlent',l4 , yoir pleastiA •" 5 ,' 'Ttk4!7\ ei94lo4"tillithit':'4iti)',faild avvai ' tie , .s,l 11,111 it l'lllidAlOtttiVeaie,);";;„. , 4;!: . s' 0 woltinksili i ' 'iltpii. to, loclk nicer 'ldllTlNe.o:ilti,kiiiiiii ~,,,rtiyAtlyiloyi iv. lit' . slll6nb• A. a, ) i.041 11 0 irilie,'SfluiFt/ - Wal4ifi: Sli'o silltlit's.ittarety,k , F,;(tNi".l,..ii,...a,..l;;;,, , 't. ~e ttu4Niiigi' X ol.ckttittiAlaiiit 4 1 74tt_ . 0 .1 40 ' fitiur. toti!iprimettitiisiiciot:miiig i t - Ob. 4.1 4,l,tikoil,ifttl'lpfitplo'## i fratixwaiti '..q444.*,' , 1?:;.: , 0 4 , 0 1: , fq'ti11..T.1. i'..i , '''" , .....t?7.3.''N'k.t I . ' ' ' l44t: ' l4' ' etlsd.l'l)°' \T. ° 4 7. 4 ) ) P 11 0fi1t. ; ; t ',- ," , iltp ',.. ; 'Ac"';, • :;.: - .; e :4 F. (1;,-;;If t 'i Nk, :} ;: (°' ' ' '' 1 ~,,D , vitv , s i lts e , looked sllcitttotititii6" , .•.,:., h.,,, ,, N „,, ,, k, • ~, ~ . - ,. .....;4., e .,,' .i.-- - ,,... , ~ ;- , , k ,;.: .1;.. ,t „. ~~~ -;r v- and mytteitti felt "queer all around the edges Aster a while St : . „ , • liir ou goiii down' to Betsy 'Malanla quiliml' • ' •• . 5.... f ...• , . Sett she, '1 don't know - I'sr surrin j are you -goin?r - , •:;-, .. - Sed 1 creekrined • l Wordil,'.. , i. ~ ~ Sed .she, 'I r 8 7 . 066- .- yeull take Patience Dodge' Bud I; ' , mom; and again ment . prit44 - .•;,,.'', . Sea she, 41.. heard you're 'goits'.lcltet.:iriat.'; 'i•ied;'• Sed, l 1 cshouldn't wonder a_lrit,-*-- : Vatilnee, .Is. a riiee•gal.' - flunked alit& ; 1 seed . the, 'fieats7orilit in:- .„- , ..• • ::.; . ..`.-- • - 'Se.74, ‘nitiyho she'll ax ,bridea .. . . ' maid. 1 She 07, I{l, she did, her face as - red as a hOilell beet. N t .,...ellistogies!' sez she—and she eoulchet,s43 It. ny more, she was,'Sci . full. 'Won't you be brilinqig,?' iek,l. , .., . 'No' sex she, and 'sit lu st rite out. ' 'Weil, Bren t ', suit -1, - .'llyon-m• - on'tlie brides maid, will y.on. he the bride ?' .. . ' l c' She &Iced no at mu,-,-.(.0 plan -1 ..8.1„. never abed anjuili n a. so aiet rl oty ! - Wok rite hold of her hand: 'Yes; or no;' sex I, 'tile off.'' , - •, , l i eS,l st•k she. ~ ' .... • • ' .. ,'That's 3'lnd. sort,' sex . 1 2 Ind I dave,her a bu4Ertittal w i litig. ' . - . '. - '..,3,:,)0pti Xeil matters with the ',kiquire.—. Wei.,spon' Melted irnees to trot .in double hillYiess !or tile, and I never had cause to re piiht my bOrguitt.—Phihuldphta -Sunday Dis. . •,.: . • patch, ..... ... Manila' Dexterity in. Dlaiitifacilires. "-Tlic,,.body' . of . a hat {beaver) is generaly 1 made of one )110.01 ‘ . led 7 wool., dope parts Saxony, and e i tglit parts rabbit's for. The mining or ‘voilciali,up id the,,e materials is an operation which depqods.yeri nitwit upon the dexterity of the ,work . rren, and, ,years of long practice are requir'ed to, rtmilef,„a man, proficient The vcool.ond fur are laid on a knelt, first sepemtely and tit'eu, to . gether:— The woikman, takes a maehine somewhat' like a huge violin bow ; this, is suspended from the ceiling by the mitlille„a fti_vtipeltes_ above the bench. The 3v(ii k num, tty means et a small piece. of wood. Aleses the gad of Ins -bow" to tdbrafe quickly agifinsi Alietpar ,liclea ol wool and liir: Thkopei anon Cott : , tented for some time, eileetealty opeitS the-: clotted masses, and lays open all, the hbres, —Tiles! Ifyinu upwards by the action al the tori s op•„ j }rire, Ati l , - 11c4t.. , fititotial antl.;wortilerful dexterity obttie , „ivcirkinat4;canght .ip_ttieir descent In it, pectifiarMatittet and laid -111 a small layer of equable thickness,--This op eration, apparently so simple and easy to be eflectea,- isrin reality very difficult, and only to balefuned by 'cotti,tatit practice -o.- -1 Iktype- founding, whop the melted metal . Itai4een poured into _file mould, the work= roan, by a pleillroi,l,eraol hi* hand, or rath y jerk,.causes the metal to be- shaken into I"the minute interstices of the inetirii. ~ 1 Imanufacturing , imitative pearls, the I glass bead forming thepettil has two holes'l ,in,ils,exterierLthe liquid mailpfrinti vend- I earl 'like prtivrieri is iii&rteteiliferthEilittlew ? ilf the I bealio,iby a tulte, ! :anil by a peculiar twist of the timid, the single drop intiOduced is cans lirt ed to spteoil . .nself over the whole surface of 1 tile it t. 0 4 Without stye% flinty or deficiency 1 beitt ..,,:ltintici - ,-,..,,,... - le' ) nixing the etit 10if blacking. bottles, , 4 , much cleverneSs44, .yea. •The wax is melted iti an otter dii .stud without brush ; la r ifle n'i dther.„-opyilhoWe't the workmen waxes:..erfelt prifff-iteritty- and expeditiously, steeple by turning-the lantle'upside down, imq.stitiping thes,orklitto. the melted wax. Viactiee.jais , euit.ltlerl, the roen tO:Alp,illi.i so neatly That scarcely any 'w its, is [Wowed to totieli the bottle, Again, to-tpro the bottle to- iis pro Per position, without spilling oily. al .tlief wax; is apparently a, s'pripte matters, hoc it is only by a peculiar movement of the wrist sod, hand, impossfi-le to describe, and ififkictilk.toimitatfi tip-A Pipperly effected. One man 'cv,scal ,ivoi lontilreifip,on hoer. ; - Iti,-pasting and affixing the labels oti the blacking bottles, much alsq,dit . pinked'. ~„ As„ope..maa s str.,poste as loony -1-abels . ---mir-tvin"-eart4ilfix, groups-4411,ceer-ate employed in ,this department,,t IM Asting, . . the dexterity is showm by .the final toueh:-of the brush, which jerks thp, label tiff ihe,hean, arid which is caught in the hand . of t the workroom and: thrown aside,. Thls •is done sb'raaidly dint' the Ildee Sad. neastion ~at jet king. posting„ and laying- lishle,'- is, repea t eil no less than tWo thobitapil tittles an heur: The' affixing of the labels is al limy . riehtlind dexterons'Operatiolf; to the Watealul'specta,. for, the,.bottle is sefirccily ,takee up io the hand is, set, down labelled. In pack Mg the bottles into casks, much. dektdrity 'is displayed. . • " . The heath; of certain kiptis of pins are formed by a roll or I X 0 4111113 wire placed at tine end. This is eut.ofr from a loi4 ?oil fixed in a lathy; the woikeniut cuts off one or two turns of the Coil, guit i ft4.eftlirelY l by his eye; . and . the du nual dexterity in the,opeittlMe, trint n workman will,co4'efl ..1-6,-(.100,'----:-.10-iciEffl--Ireiritr,',71ititliont-tmiliittgHir siinfle mistake: . iiii, r trifireitahtber; of Mille "iii math: --An expOrt - wrirlimitir, ; xati fasten on tient ill Iltirttr;ts , ooli 4 ,ol'theser heads - hi-a , f.t1ity.4. r ," 7 ‘4,,0 ••• 3 Ttie . Peiiiiiiig,pt:pitts.and ~ - tieoillptt is done: solely : by,liatirL.- Thec_WOrktriari hold j() or /ciptiljetigths-IM.lttSjelittli.sii - relie open like: -Itfaitreur . h-wot.•;tlerftibtlexterityiis shown in - , lirirngiog,enehporCto;:thist.s,i,onitc,:,auil present iitg-every;ilUint,"itf:lia :Oreutrilerenee lii its ~grtitilitt;:i ,'att..l;OfAi'! . .'-;.!iti.fiittilly.:l,fiitiering btfe.,' , Illes - ..'10r. sttle . ,•:.l6l , 2.feetitesi,:ernplo.t 0(1 ', c”, 1111 'amp h en d iiaralcilireadhousna.l. In, au liner., you talk your lii Pvd In- ' Ni.* Usk Volt Ciii4ileorpni.t. A, gent emilit,! '‘yi4:rebtueib In LoliikKii• l e,gool l y, P(i.iii. lol ). : , !s ll - fi v e ., putiAod I 9 ~,liffteYl'.. :by jeii't)-` niiisi,viiil:o,litiabAl'y iiii'e*'llrriltivii lireijitif hit* atilt to u'iie',.lq i iri i lilt:if . iii glifelo . lii(rv,adi, taileulirkeotil ; i‘Oilitrilrei,itii lid ; 1k . ii.,91.11 . 03.7_%Ati1i i t :.,.. , i'li.; nioll4 . 4l!er,tre,e l iiNiiit, lice ~ ,eveni ng. . ;Tile g,tatitlpiniqvNTs . 9fp,entl'lty l iltgAirii§:t.'.'llisbili• blii;,b3,i liCifoliceirjeinili.iikt 14 4 ; P!3 ) IeCIP9 II /* 116 , ea ternfitrirrinftrarati tritilie rvibrn'. It-liiir."6,..4Rdili,tiAltlif.ifiteliiiivi n . ii( ilese. 4:.liliiilikriliffilill,X l 4 l ,,_:lsl .. 4l)ls! 4 ,ll l 44oL' b i eel 1 4 pyillilegioit:9itykittNK9T!i)!,' ,:,-, -., -4.Lz-!.:::'eA, , r,.- . ;:•",;',..: it 5 1 4,iPtitdAlikilligfi•EiT:4 1,, ; , igiigijoh; , :topei ylyla A ilmxiit?,:4l. ti',Cvntall p4,l,lli . r i tipiqils.sup pecieA,lnAiii've•oilii9lell', i libt?o! 'tier peireoi In 011 °Y, or ' 6lll e(Pri.'l 3 tiftt' 01 : Vitlr!elsPt,itll'Vii; iiig;4. 1 )rF.14 (1 0,9 1 04'..9„05.4 6 : . Sl ' o,,wav 'MPrO '13 . 1,,t :(07...ifile'silto, ~Arid Ili ;'her "buigje, :"' l'olo ' * i iti " 3(l6l l l 4 4l l!AP! ic il t .!C i l v inorti aillYillif4liiliire ,rn‘e, 00 villue'oi:',*loo, , ' teoiti.:l - ',l/.,:iii4i. , ;,, '.--t77ot .44 , t ,k ...:‘'.''. ~ :,J. Pithp---Ari:tritinolan9yisiktiooo,imeii6e; 4,i3j4o.;ivt - ikil"4/oiiietpripifipc,i ' 'en common' iliiiiAliiiill.#4:',..lilV,47?•lok4 higi Ijtil:qt j tegtitiittli4Bo,o9;ilo6/4. 1 ,4iti1i9 Elf 4 I *,rr,ido - ‘t , ; ,, A'ii A,'li'tOrotkitlhtfillAltil#'l4l Wi‘ 010"Ooto;Itittfif .1 . - .Ikfi'Ptftiliiii*fliffilill)Oyilill , 1110pt.itli#iii(1, ' • :VlAW,iiimr4:o4,llA,..o ';:••:' , •:',..:' , ';f , 4) . :: ,. ..4 • • 44,A - i.:P:2',;4:, ~ + . , , -, , ,..A..,...7m1:P ~ • ' ''Ni}rf'.,.i . ,,-",f , Metiiqv • MEM ME I 1= V., -, 4.. , .'' - ' ;.: ,. ..;1:,: ' .-..r TEE WEALTEY lII.JTTOBLEATIME4 " . A Frrlllif' kketall Atiii'-';:e.4.7. 1-, boy , 13ttfton Maker Or Bolton . , Coverititi •-- learned.her.traile,When she was A mere child. -'-- tiftf...ralko.l% Wen -sv.tqilgb, a ,vRTY. Paat I tlall• • •Inttele:family . conitiated ,•41 a Miticq. Fill :four • ,APYElitOtie./._.:lhe'wife.,,was a plaln; ; devotell, fattftl. - ,Okidgitid,•sui7rill 'the daY•laiiiiteir , lag;.,liYthe`,.'Slile"Pf ,her husband. • The ,girls Y'V'S:tlitig4t'••lxk'li.e}:Brirt.l'afl fa, lan it. • they'..were:cildvencteg 5 - and' the -00 e; who is • the isiibleee,:bf,iliiir'sketch;'Wee - slietyti ; Wow i te c over' hefibrie t itk*etal mould.With i kleth• , , t'Orrailfs,'itnd aoeinzbeellittcvitrY.'lelkhefl.'ifitittka business. A lbeitifeVery,•,,mem ber I)f : tbs. - rant Hy . was industriaiii4'.'t he:tailor - matte but fit. tle,_ anil continued plicir,l,.'One day a fleshly dressed.yoting man presented , himself, in-the little shop., .-.• , .. 141 s Mr. CarPeiitet: - in ?" askod the striiii- , .. That's my name," said the tailor.-- " Very well, Mr.t - Carpenter,, my employer; , Mr. Jones, the Broker, desired me to call and inquire the numbers of thetickets you bought in the Maryland 'Menutriental Lot tery" N .., .: , 4, Bid you Iniy ; a li;ttexy,tletcel husbaniii" sale the wife, in ,a tone 4 9 11 9 ,t f iebt k kcc....-, 4 , ,ruiher, have you bought a - ltitte:ty tic k = et I".crled the:children. • - ;' , '".. 1 ,..._ * 4 -,11 : 14 . The ta i lir : Pulled out .a gr,east siatlfOreitrf P which he too ll'a little • piece of thiii4'ed•JpS.V.:-I . white paper. " , The norith,era•ara,l.l,, 9,:27,". • ~• saidthe, tailor addreialpg the Clerk. . - •" That ticket iti vrortlh.the discount tiff,', 'eleven thousand, `fear 'hundted'andt fifteen • dollars and ninety.twO Cents, and V? Jones - . will be most happym cash it,,foftop . „" the . clerk said, bOwieg-tiolitely, and 4(i - 114011e shop. . , • , . 'N., .„Therewats,np more work done,l4, the thi c • lor or his family -that day. CarpentelweritN, out and obtained the money for •the'tickef ; •• and when he returned, the wife• and. daugh kers ,grilbvred round him; and locilied - with. amazement at the thick pile• of elite hundred -doßer City Bank notes., ..- 2 ....: f .:41:.!....':1 ~L.:. The tailor's fitsr imptilite,iAte.betebrite. his•good fortune by getting gleirifme)iiirank. But his wife quietly interposed'an'objedtion. ".1 am told." ,he . remarked, ,0 thris Money' - a let ter,,,s4l4l,qmalietthlong. There is enough there,;husband.tto,-makettia'haripy for life.".." And ihere. shall;bel.ftrat, • times.. that ametipt, wife," eatelliinied.lhe tailritl.. Ainew ,passion was suddenly born:within fits - Posonts. :Atenth. of the'- aura' - he - had deafen,. wq)li lit, : . fltiy.,,beroTe have,.maile him suprem el y iappy; now, the•whefe.only whetted his appetite for more. The tailor. --sokl-444-little__startz_ in. -trade, quitted the shop board (or ever, and moved 'With - his family over. to - Long•lsland, near ..j,knalca, where; for $13',000, he' . boughilwelve. nerve of land, upon which was a plain comfortable , hou - se. lie was a stiranyd t though ignolant ' man, and` - with the remaining.. five thousand lie flew to =peculate. . , . . Two years later:heat thi7it;feckleis sys ;teernoinfatim uc o i and speculation - ..which. rm kelp:lost general . bankruptcy in -1837, Our tailor aneltleplX leaßtglarr 't gfent man. The half.of atownstilp ,aine, for'‘whieli lie paid four thousand dollars, he. sold for thirty.tive thbusand and pocketed the ziAt. ji t ilaseire acres near Siltrlikeri/vrera • found Idliettfelntre of a space, : rrbici -,, na. tire evidently i t fended as the site/ elf . !Feat I city." .41e,s,q1it Out, for $.1(499X464011ian rubner company which he eptithlbilped; failed I in three years, an utter loss toithe sten.khold- L ors, but irt_wayseestained that Airtlttilor bad 1 . ., not o wiled- a share for more • than ,e„ year. ; lie sold nut, in,lime with a ..clear ; profit of a :l• little rising g. 0,090.• Every scheme, which '1 he originated , . or was coneertted., iri ',felt l'tlirough, butibe was the gainer by'.llll..' Fi r I nally; when the. bubble burst,' in 1817,,and • two•thirds of , the business community were ' ral l ied, while the industry of the Ilwhole , country- was : Mine* with ,parialysis 7 .-oeir tai-" lor 4 wai d'aiill ionit i r e':'. ' :Vir Oil , poglis,haver neige7cvair:e4oleer cen t : . p s rerhiuin , ,,,Lii r d .b ., i t ll! , ( . ~. 14 1 0 ~ A much e , ll , s , ligers nrinctieeil;WeTdeparturii‘:,(Or i Egrone, c iii,lhe , packet-stiiii:StAtkirteh_Olinni,it gar, henter,Esq., lady, fiiurlfitell3arpenteruned tliresi;: i seivao. '-'":_iT.P . ' fir .. ~,119w.lOnne:lailtiii.irti.11,00- t rOrk hie •. famit . y.reitTaineilY.;Oliiii,iglr.lit!' 'irn. 6 V : ,. lll Y ,- .7 : ,tut . in ' ' lBt4, I ho , ;'iliorikia,litSeti pa is OA i magnificent: - liraise,...iii4triiversity... , Plifeei . and , I ~ ,roverliirrhoefelf- ' .eireles- o t4higorr. - . .-_. _ • -_-_ ES The,Fhlest - frail,,lsner ,tl.- a -French 'ddtirif. with qn-ustrtnenaantLiwitgli.-,- er moustache. The secendditiader : .*:ll,ltbis wife of,,a,y,titing lawyer, 'of •diitinintshed family. nt ..ttio,otitli. , , , ,...Th!il t hyd4rn a t,ried a wealthy rnerchat nf.this eity. ....A, hnsbend had been selected'orli4 fnurtNiiiiilieiiine t ' but , ihe .young, Indy; unlike her;itistere;',had ' ..resojy,ed t cp, tr,illiether , own ifAti!rwrirj!iriot ~ that stit't'vnits at taaid'tO Vq . pfteh,ctilar,Ver.44. , sorij htit,.she.didtpitowiehrtnlbi,painietlievetp as the ”Santivind chattels', of ts, Ten ; t yi o'e: only recommintilstion:‘,/rniiii4iletsi, sition.. ilAr,fgthar -walLientitge.,dAtt, $.O 1 stiledt-liis yaungest , dittighler to :tett' man,' of his selection. -But-he,gaire her it ','. ' ' ,„ths:.l to dgeide:-„,yli6iiis 01.ti 4 , months, she. Wii , d ip. ~ ..retiterileni..?initi4Occiiinfiy, - ; t-, her,:,reao- •• liitiontstirnaltell ,- ; ooyang . 0 1, :,;.,. eti-t r ailor Att4nattfe'rrible4sts,stil .. ,. c . „,.P . ,24 .. . , .,,„ it:O le:et:hat ihr.i.",getitlemtin. in" d . ,2 - I'P .ull' tc? .: eatikier 7 /4 0 Nife;: , *0 1t _.: * 1: ,:: : :i . kelr.—... a9llereplile!l,tha.P.tW":ol,44ll.l,,'': *oold.. _gni,ktitiThltigebi'`.s4o l o l3 44o cp AlltolOt'er'• . p r riiiiesiOi:O.riftvii4.*Jifr'..!tbe ,- , (a fitila •-, wrath; .:anitAglintoi'velailittnittiated iti iheffivostun stti "iii - '"'' . o — i"re - at*" -- 'l4t - ht -- t• '" egsa .teell t... 7.-, ur a,e ..;;;,1,. is ia ,43 • 4,Witieitl4 :.t0ia.441,.. - iio,oli4r4q:. gnit the ,hOnste;'•tto4.,,nevo:7•4S.,',ifo--ailifitrtic; ;:n' . ,I ,..%.,Thetet . ..wtteni), , alte.o4o4YAti, 7r! Y ° P n g ' " r:Mitf4:sunk . as repidry', , .**fildWitit „Arlen- ':. t i ~S, lie ttliielit* L l?r.uttl,k.44Clqicloye Ifitgf4ot• ••• * .the:ort;Whiehsliiii, "lied' . it!Eittif..clijOdtipda.'.., ..: .riiiieratnicFlittle'4l niM,ite,iiiif . 4,*kik:,-. •,tier sitere Aro-Jai - 4, ~ , , , •If t• 0,10t.,100 . .. stoeol .. ; :the' famtly,' . : andirefOseal MilliVel , 411,:1ei...',':' i vr PotiO3riaVeiiiPetiterTY i . 1 114 1 :j/t :bsTei2, lartilecakiiindithe runglits l 4,44l 4 llo. l oE7' Itei•"„but Itrir.. CarpetitTrhaelnealtly'torbid,7 - 'dethiiir`itittnalitg,Fiirbii:liiiiiTali jo trfOifiweik',•• -,,t0;; or of; t h - e)bahish o 4 ,9 iig 4 4 4 o4Yotip --. ," !nee', She, i n,a 'gaftit,',-;11e• ill untolly. t wtt • hta ', o't-iii' tietithO'eaT Akio 1e - ill ahl , • 1 has - tnitieltnlbe4N,V-0;04614140a* v,iirittlia -r - --,Attx , tajlor•vtill tlitiCanct eall t her_hoinea' 2._.. tiOritiet he , la -' 4 liMaiitetixffititPl4P , lfert . 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