Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 01, 1848, Image 3
ictßtriV7jatroltglliE'rEtiPlE.l The Wetehin e gtOf giii6doh.," " .V 1 authority . . organ 01 the:great.:_lneoloco party, gives the oitepOiiit)ciribMaylbi-tind Caps on the gaol ion . 01' tittki'rer i ffeititialoltif-Y of the Darn °drat% siys' ; *ts , - , are *committing a fraud upon; our ratifiers In 7,reprefienting ..Gen - Tity-,. tql l e opt . sitt to'the - Uttensiori of SlitVery.-L= But Ili`itAallkiWirirr extracts horn the. i.',llnpU". abOirOhat ;Ave are carrect, and that itis Ihri Democrat which is fidslfying the • views Of DOA , , . ter. Cass Olfavor of Slavery ellenston: 'et' - At all - events ' Blind litiuivate leiteindluit" Genetal CASS ,stairtis the'grOund which lie, liar, taken. Biiitig - lpriffe`il to Jofinally by Min of the Irgilmot sts he declarell uphesitatirigly, airlio_olierea to line- NicholSOO ~letter and .toAirt 011141'6mi and that if elected I!;frie ViNi'f.tioyiti VETO 'tun WILMOT PITO e r ff-7,1 :141 . 1. 4 1)1110e, Aug. 1, 1848. Taylor opposed to Slavery Extension There can be nn doubt about General TAT Litiii being opposed to the extension of Slave-. r.i , , IlitilettO to Gen,Gaines and..the Cm-. '''''cinnaq''siimizil are proof of this fact. That he n..„ 6s4h\ &ie.; 4" n'Tiatti Slate is no-. argnnient 'that he Otiiiiii extension . .. ' Thonsonds of, the citizens 0f,,-thesin 7 6efieve slavery,to be wrong-id ebco) • • 41400 in Wbceit can be vietectl"—W oohing ton Union, 'Aug ii, 1848. , ' The vote of the eight Southern Whigs in ' lay the Meant COmpromise Bill • IM the table is a striking.,prool that "ilmn 'sand'i iirthe citizens M o llie South believe plavery to ho wrong in every aspect in which it can be viewed," and•among these is Gen. Taylor, as many facts have shown, . • • ladiatt 'Vegetable Pills will be found n certain cure for. the above painful malady . ; because they purge from the body those corrupt and stagnant humors which are the cause not only of inflammation of the eyes, but of every description of disease. From three to six of the above named Indian Vegetalihvikilts, taken every night•on going to tied, will in a short time: ecumfletely rid the tinily of every thing that is uppgsed - to health i . aitil therefore will assuredly make a perm! eitry of . inflotninatitin of the eyes, and at the sainealind the bload and other fill WS will be of such in littsithrquality, that disease of any kind will be ab solutely...lmpossible, 04.1eware of counterfbits and Imitations: — Remem , tbef thyt the original suit only genuine Indian Yegoa -400 pitii have the written signature of %Viva/Oil 'WRIGHT on the hop label of cacti box. Tao genuine . is per sale by Cli.altl.l3S ocai.nY, 'rile agent for q.arlisle, and general agent for Cumber and cotitiiyAy Whom 'country duelers will be sup lied at the Philadelphia prices. ' - MORRIS ebuNTY: October 00. 1818. ?tr. Seth W. Fowler:--Dear Slr—This tear certify llhat 1 dm - s h o o t.seventyskeee years ol'itget team born need l o ws alwa ys residell this town. in Ot-tober, ISO. I took.cold and for six menthe. was of with he influenza and the, worst - tough t bate ever expe --rimmed ;duringnty-n-Itoteriln.ev-- - Nyseif - tentl - fricovel. 111A41Tfilii /inilhiS of my ever recovering. rgol a hot. "tre of Sdhenek's Syrup; it. did me no good. I 1111.111 41,1 , 11m1 - bra . pleyesicianTwho-preileribed for nee.SeVerat 'times, but did not cave me. At last my teleysiriten atl vtseillnc to lake 11r. Wistar's celebrated - Italsain Wit., Cherry, which has performed so tinily remark nide-cures. I did so. and I believe that sieved sty my cough left no entirely, when I lead taken at single bottle;. lum note enjoying good health. If I ever again have a similar attack, or any of toy Smelly, 1 khan immediately resort to Dr. Wistar's Balsam-of %VIM Cherry. The physician who recommended this ' 'llatsare to me, ivies induced to do so from his own ,perlional observation need experience in using-ii. One Very strong-esse of Cure of n young man 4 - maimed be Ibis immediate vicluity,sd winch Dr. Ho:nail intend - " rrultAur SANDI-IRS. None genuine uhless signed -I. ori- the tempter. Sold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT, PLEASE _READ -AND CONSIDF.II.—Bn idle comment Is necessnry upon a plain. 111,31111.41 certificate like the follow log. Coming as It doe (remit" ogle of the loos; respectable and worthy rit imui of Potighkeerisie, N. Y.. It must carry conviction wit it, more especially, when we emmider the lone th , has elapsed without a return or Elm unpleasant avail coma—timny of the certificates of the tiny being — At veined after ',few days' trial, when n umuaontary perhaps imagitiary) relief I). been Ilklltllell. w ll tint any p •roinneni 'benefit. (This mill ilk,. we Muniuc front a respectable member of Om Society of Friend. 0 BE= =II "Thia may certify that fnthe Spring of tell. (three years since) my health was very feeble. I tram el'. Acted with tvitha pain In my left aide, vial oilier Millie.. l niasymploms,mnd antfered mach front general 11, 1 11- lay. At that time I purchased of Moses Dame two Lau 's!, a Thoinstw. C pound Syrup oh Tar and Wood Icaphilia, from which I experienced great ben efit, my health being now very gond,and recommend the article in nil persons who may he ant ferini; from general debility. with symptom eta de cline." A USAIIAM 'Piepated and 80,1 by AMINE Y & DICKSON, N. E. corner of Fifth and :Spruce streets, Philadelphia. 'Sold hg I. dr. W. II FLEMING, CarlisJe. Max 5U ct a and $1 per bottle POPULAR RO Amp! lac—The most popu Jar•remedir of the present day arc these w•erch treatise. and portly the blood, and which are known to he imioreat in their qunlities rentedtesas dotimony, Mercury, Zinc. and buy ing reedifriteliibleedifiglti . - disease, hro'auTv,'il is hoped, going oat of use, and Vegetable reme dies will be soon the popular medicine. ' The Brandreth's Vigetable Universal Pills will be ..used and appreciated... They, are known to act beneficially ork .every part of...the body, being. Teaken up,by the, chyle they pass into the blood, which. they purify, and it should be remombhred that limy. onlyAmove those parts front the blood which were the cause.of inflamation or disease 44 arty, bind. Islo.thing_ts equal to ridding die vitiated liumors with a vegetable intniinuie a his, kind, which eigliiy-four years hire iirovtnt miser to do inpiry, hut always good. Goldin Ctirlisle by C: BARN LIZ. DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND S'-lIMP OF' WILD' C HERR Y.—The urigited and •genninelfroliarat ion. great triumph over the- Another. important letter. . ' • Detroit, Michigan. Dit.ll:lB`efivive—Dear Sir: We , have been id receipt' f your invoice of Wire Cuchav fin about two *edits, and wiyinest say that we feel -encouraged that-the sales will he' extensive this year. One eustopier„who came Me the second bottle, staled Ilukt-his elicited been given up by her physkiah recently, supposing that she would put survive more than twenty•tbur . hours. A consulting physician prenthittendl2,lter case des perate rthoptof them ere of-high standing in this place a' !scientific men and gentlemen. SiTtie first bottle had the .effect to stredgtheri her. so.much, thiprilliGeWs tiOr7bilentid Moves abOut"the hemp. D.Pr 41 11 441 d "seemed.very much _grad. , fled , and' prOpoemi ,to ; ase:e4 l ,botiles, as he felt eoeficletpitmoul4,p,erferrn fl pcifect,cure.. 'We byrielves,,, that .iiiimuchl supc,rior to ifify,rnedielpe,of Inc day, aed,fn.justice yifghi 49 inie011§,0.1•499;491?'0, I Youre'repCc'll'plly, _„ To Pudi4'?dOicloceiii.—:•l.?i,,Swayno's Coin. round. Syruplkil Cherr)i. Will be found •an invaluable arti c le. " Byi , ,,ics.use. the voice ren 'dor,O4,. clear; oflcLall' disadrepable'eepeatione re. 44 , ted;j , ..`,A.4..eltdii hi avail Ilia po'rtunitvlO:. teat ihis colnpound.'.!.— 645figtiff'46314.ih1;44nehttie; aelhinn, 4 )iver, cogi Pl A Niiii_l4l l ,4lc9 l l'o l lo, l if i !?]i n i.l l t 4t..4gPsiYiel 4 41- i t q •othtn~ c uert4ft . 4-4: 9 ;r.oty.f t a,,,N,F,qo4.l74ps7,7tAte'Ati.l..READ !—There. ,111,,Aut.,one,'geolttite,preparotioit of ~W ild.. Cherry, a.n . 4.4,ho,•,ks,: t kr.4w,,:the!..fireLevOr olfer&I " . . 1 ) 1° tiP,UPlic,*44lighrAhlte-.. been ',lei:4d - largely . AL tlAui4oft,...,Che.4l.lnued„States,aud in 'eorite.puile ddsp,berry...,have: , been '.puir out -.lllllCe tt iNo,,,,,EgOvor•of, - ..tromO = deeeßtive , eireinneten.' t 4, : 8 you'll no ereon , need,mietake the' 5 1 ,1 k... o f , y prg 1_ Sc 'butt e,filtbe:gen — 7 , 12,1g0 4 K-Oveloiloiwlth i-benutifulateol-ongraipt ....ingov4h.the:lo,cer,kep:Of Penn iherdotni • ...;.1 1 120.01XitSy.94,0'4,..19gnaturer; ,and;.;na;a fuilher • ,iforliyAb e uprlrult,ol4)ryi.S*alne Nrill,;ba add., • Atorenthi,r,,,fo4. aq.. 2. loAintinguipla,biej proparntion. , • on" nitbthere:.. Now, - if lcwne Ft not . lb he gree t ., and.. knoWn ( qUalittee ild zp harry, , eritlEVlOi t hig:JO 'l:i4tlt y tiatt l iar*lß;sTralo , 4iiii , lo. , -.' , liiiir po • - ' • -rIPIP mg Are a4l ,9 ; , • .sl44?trC • , • •• • •- %ollCtitSittelllti 4 t ,11.4 • Sabbath - Oonverittpii AT the !Sabbath COllVeritiolalidd in Cham bersburg on-the 36th.lif-JatibarY,;lBaLf, dersigned were..apfointed a Committee , ' to , call libm - S anotabbath - onVenOon the , fridadO of the:Sabbath. , to meet blithe borough - Of Gettys burg,, of suchliMe as they shalrdeeni ber, 'I In ocordance wit h . hcoribovd appointment, - the triendiof the , Sabbailliiii the counties of Frank:: lin, rorryi.:Daaphini ,. Cumbetlatid, - York and Adams, are invjied to amid delegates front towil, districts -and 'churches , to: a Convention` , to' be: held: on WEDNESDAY, the With 'Of' NOVEMBER' Boni at 10 o'clock, A. At, in the 'English Luther= an Church, Gettysburg. Several'Addresses may be expected from Rev. Messrs. Nevin,-Sharp and--Morrisi-Jtidge -Het). 'burn, A. R: Stevenson; Esq, and others. Rev D D Clarke, Rev. J N Hoffman Rev W Philliptt, J !VI Ahl, 'Rev S Swelter, S Small •• • Rev A W Nevin, - Gen Fetter. Caminitted - Prothonotary's ffotice; "V" 0 TICE is hereby given to all. persons in: 1.11 terested, that the. following .accoucts hove been filed in this office ,for examination by the accountants therein named, and will be present ed to the Court - of Common Pleas of Cumber land comity, for confirmation and allowance, on Monday the 13th day of Noyember, A. D. 1848, • . to Iva 1. The account of Thomas Bradley, Siottes tator of the 'Hanover. and •Carlisle__Turnitike Road. 2. The account of Charleoßarnitz and Jacob Hoffer:Assignees of John M. Good. 3. The account of Henry Leidigh Assignee of JVISIC Kemper. 4. The account of -Smiled Myers and John Snoke, Assignees of John Lutz. 5. The account of Ito Tort Middleton and James Kennedy, Assignees of Andrew M. Mid- - dictum 6. The account of Thotas Paxton, Commit tee of James Moore. . '7. The suppleinental and final account of Geo. Brindle and Uctirgo Neiman, Aassignees of Adam Brandt. W. M. DEETENI, I'roth'y Irroilieneinry's Office, SS (Nee. 1, I+4lB-31. Selling Off at 'Ocist, subscribers.would inform their custom• prs and the public generally, that they are desirous of giving up business; and will sell off atlirst coat their stock et Dry Goods, Groceries. Queenswarc, &c: , The public are respectfully invitedlo call and get IMILGAINA. They would say to these who „know - them i - selves ndebted; to the sitbscriberb, note or book account, to call siTd - priTirii :Ts soon as pos• sible, as they intend to wind up their business in a hurry. MYEE.S & SITEAFFER THE CIIIIAP ST'OItE3. Where Cloths, eassimeres, satinet's, vestings, Ihnnek Carron flannels, shawls, gloves, ribbons, Irish linens, muslin tie ;lnes, alpaohns, -Emberg-rierbs - , -- rnnrieurs; - velve - t - nordsTri - e ginghnins. enlieges, blankets, Clrneeriea anti Qiieensware, with n variety of roller gouda enn be hml - very low. Call 'and see his cheap stock. nevi • . - J (.1 CA I? 'MO NY„ II LOTH CAPS--The subscriber has just ./received a • full assortment of Men's-and Boys' clutli cups, at low prices nov G W IJITN ER OSIEI2 Y—.‘ very frill supply of Lritlios IL Rod Chil•lr..lo4 Merino S•orkino, of tin sizt.a. jos! reevivpd by . • ri IV 1Ill'NF!!t 4IGIIL4ND NURSERY- PIE stets giber desires ft) infirm the public, I. and the lovers of imearfruit particularly, that be has now on hand nod fol sale at the low- oat manes, the most extetweive assortment of —F-R-1.44-T-112-RESIAND—P,LA • evet offered to the public; embracing nil, the most estimable varieties of Apple, Apricot, Peaeh, Plum. Cherry and Year, together • with llaspherry, Carreto., Gooseberry, Crape and Strawheiri Plants He will also tarnish Ever -"green, Ornamental nod Shade Trees, at greatly reduced prices, if orders be sent in duo time— if.s stock of Apple and Peach Trees is particu larly extensive, containing near ~,"0"),000 trees, a number of which is very large and exhibit for 'sneriniens of fruit this season Ills Nitrsery is 3 miles east of Carlisle, and hall a mile south of the Railroad All orders punctually. attended to Address the subscriber, ['mit paid, Carlisle, Pa noel -7w ' DAVID MILLER. Jr • Warehouse- for lieut. ' WILL he rented by public outcry, on SATURDAY, the pith of No vember, the large and commodious alki l'!f , Warehouse, situate on the Railroad,. hi the, borough of Mechnnicaberg, now oeinipied by George tiingizer The Ware. house Lot fronts on the Railroad 265 feet, giving plenty of room for ears and wagons ' • ' The half of the Warehouse, from thin garret to the lower floor, is finished as a Dwelling-houso and capable of comfort ablY•neconimudating sev-• end families Attendance Will bo. given on said: day by novl In die Court of Common Pleas of _Cumberland JOIIN.AG.NEW vs. ANN 'MEM; Air= minhartoris of James liredia, doe'4l;iiih tide, &0., . • 'ol"6p'_7,".p::::iiiit4;:. T , estatinn Vend. Exile . to Perry county', NO, 5; August Term. 1848., ~ September 12.'1848..' On motion Mr. Reed 'anod:Alidavit 'Slott, money made on. this .collOidertuldu;,Courti.and:rule,for• the', arpropiia-! 'non of tile', same; arising:Ml(6l' the-sale et the -Real lEstaie of - defetidunt;lifOrtieadkyTijia..l.2ili •day,cirDdeeinbar next;-"Ty•the!Coutt.:---'l'--:'.7 Mid.EETEM., , Priptley erPtlinnotarya:',olllce4, , - ' •'' ' ;Sp'rlarltiamOitinti-.'giza (Ist , YialLarLher_ebyznotifiectibut:a-Court . or-Ap4. : petit will be - bold nutlet house hf 14.reveiniiiirrheliveen47+04itturazoi4ne A n noel n Captim77. s. • FOT •i , THL''Tvin-itorktiexcic,D,wEtt;-, • • 2.19 ING HOUSE* Pitfaireili, jgipijt he Iliicticidisis'Churat,tt' lioNvl'9ooklPiggs , E by' Mies P,ossos r eiatiOely,in?iTtdY4ply t , " "Tl'"A'•;-*°1":elto--tlikd-W-ctill);-in tiro pra .l jo (Cr pin Irm SU d ;Midwife. „ ;:; . * , !l 17: 5171)10TN•Prz,kkivoinetxr 4.951..- ' often eepeP ‘1613.:6" butt:write!: ■ 188 tokivP63oo,,ltke a ` si e l P n st .6 ±l bnonevve-----44Not-1444§41P2,10,1N1N 1 'w:ANAsTiti t . - IN CARLISLE, Neirly opposite Bectem's C 0 NICILEY,, • SUSANA AIEILET;,. Exia of Henry Molloy, fiee'4 NOTXCE. vl . A:C'taij,ltt la eriteintiliio.l.;',it as3i+GFA3ivlS; atC+a=raB2: ~./.LATEST,A.RATATALI just.recelYedin.large and ...1. .extensili&nssortmenf of and WIN.r. TER GOODS; whicly.lyis-dotifiniiiitid as lownsetty other :ostablishment:irrCarlisre in-the county - 'Calland - see andjudge ' ' for your.. Soltles• -He.ia s.iisfied thtieno ono,can him; and will give goodsbargains to.allmhu may favor him brealling.av:his•storo ine'WettrHigh siteet; nearlY. opposite Beotem's Hotel , • His stock cOnsistsof Cleths, - Calisimorse,'Satinetti; sdiitt,enelith'ere:inerino andsilk,Viitinks'teAte— rinoes, Alpnclitts, Lainkid: Cnclirmeieitj, French worked collars, kid gldves;isilk fringes; ginapsjoweisillirend ..laces;-See A .large,os , sortment of SHAWLS, such as Plaid, long.and square, Blanket, Cachmere, Tibet, Terkeri, Mons db Leine, lAnck Cachmere; &e FLAN NELS—ScarIet, yellewhndewhite i cotton flan nets, blankets. linseys, Kentucky ranee, tugs at Pb *cts;calicoes 3 to GI ors, very-pi mp, mushos, hosiery; Berlin and Cochmere gloves, comfocts, woolen yarn, winter elephants -Also, a large assortment of frONISLET RIBB&N.S, very low, satin plain a id lignie7dManturt, plain, bared, striped nod - fmnre'd .Also .GR C MIES' and QUEENbIVARE, such as Coffee, 'Pea, Sugar, Spices of all kinde r tobacco, segars, crockery, glass tind queensware, rice, chocolate, tnrch, together with numerous other articles-- Give him a-call„, oct2s ..7 G CARMONY SHERIFF'S SALES. • • Y virtue of sundry writs: of Levnri .Factins Uft and Ventlitiona Exponps . issued out of the Court of Common Piens of Cumberland county, and-to me directed, 1 will.espose the following Real Estate to publiit saltkon SAT U It DAY the 4th•of Nov., 1818, at 10 o'clock, A. at, at the Court House in the borough of Carlisle. viz: .A Tract of Land, situate in Dickinson' towpship, bounded by'lands of Philip Ebert, sr., Win. Graham, Wm 'Randolph and -ot here, con taining 9 acres, Shorn ur less, having thereon erected a one and n half story Log house. Sei zed and taken iu .execution as the properilet Philip-Ebert, jr. Also, a Tract of Land, situate in Hamp den township, bounded by lands of Geo. Simms on the north, John - Mown on the cast, Joseph Waggoner on the semi], and David Weigle on west, containing -I Acres, 51 Perches, more .or ' less,.hming thereon erncted a two-story Log House, Log Barn, Orchard, ke. Seized and taken in execution as the property. of Jacob Cain . Also. a Lot of Ground, situate in the borough or Carlisle, bounded by a road loading from the turnpike'ro the Welton Bottom road on the. north; east is the turnpike; smith. by lands James Noble 'sheirs, and west lot of Jacob Weaver, comuipina.fracres, more or less, and having thereon erected a ono and a-halt story Brie House, Frame Barn, Brew House, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the 'pro perty of ticbastinti Grundler. Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in South Nliddleton- township, bounded by lands 14 To bias•Catilfman, James Crockett, Christian Herr and others, containing '2 acres, more or less, having 41threon erected a two story Log House, -aooPer—S-holt, and Stable, &e. Seized and as ILO propon y. o • on =1 stk Also,"rt Tract of Land sittiate-in-Ne-w— -ton township, containing GO acres, more or less, bounded by lands of .lidin Sharp's heirs, Slides Woodburn, Jos. Ervine and. Wilson Sterrett, havinu ther . ton erected a Two Story Log Ilatise, T,. Hart, Orchard,, &e. Seiwl mid taken itt execution as the property of Puler Strome. Also; a Llt of Ground, situate in the Florough.of NeWVille, containing CO feet in front and ISO feet deep; bounded by Main Street on the Nunlh, elluireh lot on the East, John BWiler on the Went, and Church Alley on the Soutli haying thereon erected a two story Frame Ilouse and lii.chelt, Frame Ofliee,'ke. Seized taken in execution 116 the prupor:y of John S. W 11.". Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the Borough of Carlisle, rotitaitting GO feet in front on South street, and 240 feet deep to Chapel Alley, and adjoining lots of Andrew Blair and others on the East, nap a lot I lumes on the west, havingoliercon erected a two story Frame Ilouse and Kitchen, Frame Stable, &r. Seized and taken hi execution as the property ul Itenmek Atignev, Also, a lialf Lot or Ground, situate in same Borough, bounded by Is of (:eo..keigley on. the West, Equal Rights Hall on the North, lot of James Davis on the East and Pomfret: Street on the. South. having thereon erected n Two Story paistot , d'lloose nod back building, Seized and taken 4execu , ion as the joint prop. arty of:llenrieila and Ann R. Keigley, Also, the undivided half part of a tract of land. Fituate to Mourne township, bound, a by lands of Henry Limit:N. liellry Euek. David Eberly and George, eisell, containing 70 acres, more or hies, laving thereon erected a two-story Lou House, a one-story Log - House -and Barn, Orchard &e. Seized and taken in eleCutioa as the property of :genteel clivler... A leo, efmct of Land, - situate in South Middleton ip,.eontaining Five Acres, more or less, bounded by lands of John C. Culver, John Craitheiid, Wtn. Craighead and John Nogle, having thereon erected n two-story .Log House, Frame Smre•house -nnd •Log Spade. 6eizod raketrin -text:lulu—Jueub Shank. Also, n Tract of Land, situate in South ampton ip, hounded by lands of Henry Hoch. John - .Maxwell, John Aitindfleri Andrew Hal ter and Day.d Pbglesonger. containing 170 acres more or less, and having• thereon erected a two story Lag House, Log Tenant lionst , , Log Barn.' -Wagon4lictl; Orchard, &c. Seized And taken in execution as the property of lienry Strohm. Also, a. Lot and one-half of Grourid, situate' in the borough of Shippensburg, having thereon erected a two-story Log House and Kitchen, bounded by Prince street on the west, King street on the smith, an alley on the north and n lot of .1. Clark, Fag, on the east, being Nos. 15, and 16 in the plan of said borough. Also, two Lots and a half of Ground, situate iu said borough, having thereon erected n two-story Log House, hounded 011 the north by King. street, on the south by an alley, on the oustJtv..n.JoLoc,Atrs. Dutwan, west by lot No. 11(1,1faiir Ni3e3Viiird 51; in the plan of said bo robah. Also, - a Lot of Ground, itt same borO', haying thereon erected a two.atiiy Brick House and.back,,biaildiug, hounded on the east by road leading nerd Mid, on tho north by lot of .John . :Eninfilniagh, on the west by lot of D. Ma; lion. Esq., on ille.south . by tot Repetiqe: Also, a Lot of Groand, in shine .boro', 4lttiown , as the. Brick;ftard , '!'h rite' Acres, , niore or loss; bounded' 'dti' horth, ,lot. of Alex. Matear; on the east h3l 'of of .t.,,no t , St ttrgael Esti, Booth of 0. flaylline;Jr ; ; and on the , weat by the C. Wittill;'inid 1 Also,it:Lottof Grotinii; . .o(ttate"jti.latiiti6 b hid nit" lltereon ,, erectatl . u: two-story 'Frain° libuilo.; bounded O n tlia,nortlt, liy, King. f alrebt,'4anth yest:liy ) ot , o f Stlntuel Hill, deed; Cast' bYlot No: .51; being lot N 0.50 in the plan of sitiel..borough.. A .Sekzed, and token in °sect,' ion as the nronarq,of Paul " Martin, Esti. Also;lt" Lot of Grou d sifttate .- 01'../,‘,140 township; • bona's& 'tijr","lainN' Nicholas 'Udell'and • Inetiti"Nallort,naotliaing 0 neAere.an4 I:inota,ntleati; he vittg,tberst A nt:eyealocl a two,:titory'Lfek,lfon .. sa,..s44litsand Apple Orchard :"` Seiied and ulken . ia,q~y+ontiop thie Int:11)00V nf DaThl . lso; it'. HallC,' Ent6f.loo(zrifli,dicktqte,y, , 'the Itoionati,pf garlislc,; hoarded ,Qlk the Cast,; by,,l o F.OrßlAitiPiYelweat by,l atenlle}t; . afin Ita r ying,tlieradti , itted'tt - hiriVt . htn=attp . ty ilß,rictt! tr same lioro DM duo by a' Ott . ° . Tory, o : ego. 'To ? ' - the , torottUtoi . stid;:tdralley, conlgptin ` 2 5' fee .feet:!io.t length'? nrid,lso foot;.id . .; brew th,having proctedso:JorgO'Fiarno . :.f War hoiis .- Seized nod tattoo in , exesTiotna tlto prOpOrty'Of, , John MoCtiffrek.. , -• . • t Anil auto be sold byy rite- - ' • s ethOkitro-01lioo;;CorlisliR). :I'Octobor•I 'ill34B".t."V:ti.Nrc. Zioaf,To alma. • ETD S, - .: — IcHHT.VO ICY ilnd. OHIO I OP Wobaocsri for 0,010 by.. ; 4,1 ~,'•l' c ' irilicit • Hai. •, , , ~,,, , N: - t - t - fifat ~,. • ,Erl thOJl,aiteit'' duillPtil.: 113:81%:7';'''Z,ery 4ni'ritify.ana'lnkpittifno, ~ipitiliqs,,Ms,lfloiii Oltrcl ii/1114. %,tv, 0 4 I;t•4olPte. litTvie ht%ti1e61(:4144,1,$ ILVAIit .441, 'apitinsll,lt,4k,l,4A;;T:ll44o,4l-mytiftelal-,?it.,v'' m,..,,,ii \i,,,V44-1-i,,g 0,,::,y,i1,94"th•n ,-,4,--tViAill'uvw kr= n= 5he,g,,,,,h,q,•,,,-;,,*,,,,.., +,:-' 4 1 4 ;YI;A '54,445-51,41404'1441,qii,..ze A.?, . l 'Z''-.YI-I't-15fi',4 , ,tr, , ..., ~ . •, • SiCU DTA he: . Shad 'aim fade; only , L9F h pest pa, prrpo-, TIII7 substeribirslieVini leat-ttenetLa4tat. neireotype, Gallery in Pouth.easkeerner'el Iktarkot;!SAtiere;in the reati'aE , Snodgre BB ' More, linti. - .fullrprephareid to execute: Degderreotype , Likenesses of fall siker On o style not to. be' Ser. passed ' „likenesses of Children 'neailreleeuted Family Groups Jtalten in s i ilendidstyle,.and at modeokte price's". Miniattq made without re gard state , of.thei: w ether, hetween the .houra:ofBnatandsry . Those .whihing to have Miniatures taken. or examine speeitnens,.would do well to sell soon, .as their stay will be limited oetBsl - McELROY dr„TIJODASQN TEAS! TEAS! DAVID RANKIN, ,No. 73 Chesnut f. . street; corner of Bank street, Philadelphia, offers for sale the 'following choice-assort. mont of TEAS, on accommodating 'terra: 500 halechests Powchong 200 do Ningyong Souuhong . 100 'do - • Oolong .do 100 chests English Breakfast • ' 100 half chests do 50 chests Mokea Souchbng 25 do. du Powchoug 25 do hlsek len( Pekoe . • 1 . 0 do- Orange_Pekno • . 200 14.1 h. boxes superior Ningyong . ,• "250 half chests Young Hyrum ' • 128 Alo „Imperial- - - • 100 do. Ounpowder. • - ' 10 do Company Hyson 1 0ct25 - WRIGHT: do SAX'Z'oN, -1 - MP - ORTERS . hild 'Dealers in .Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, GLASS. OILS, PAINTS, WAILS, IRO N,STEEL, &c, Bast High street, opposite Ogilby's dry good store, Carlisle, Pa., have . just received and are now 'opening n large nssortment or Goods in their line, to which they would call the attention of Farriers, Mechanics, Builders, Housekeepers, and others wattling Hardware, as their steak has been bought ni the lowest rates, and will be sold at a small profit , : . They have also received a few of TI 0 VEY'i; PATENT STRAW_ and CORN STALK CUTTERS, to which they would invite the at tention of Fdriners. These Machines have tilt, ke a the premium at nearlx all the Agricultural Exhibitions in the couniny,'and are considered preferable to any other Cutter nowin use. . 0et2.5 TO BUTTER lITARERS XHE subs.cribers having purchased the right ot• Cumberland county fur making Crow. oll's Potent Thermometer Churn, they would respectful.) , inform the Farmers and public in general, that * they will make and offer for sole their Churns at. the Cabinet Ware-room of Geo. Spangler, in N. Hanover street, next dour to the office of D. Smith, I , :Sg. The principal ad7tage this Churn has over • all others is, lint it so constructed lint the top can be taken off so us to give free access to the inside of thus churn, which makes it convenient to put in. the cream and get out the butter. A Thermometer is attached to the end of the Churn so as to show the exact: temperature of ercom,_which experience shows shotiltblio . .Xeliumber or space is- arranged oroun - dnre — trortrritt—ef---tl eh arm-for tbe purpose_ oil admitting cold or_war , to warier, so ns to bring the cream to the desired tentßerature without mixing the water:with the cream. The secret in churning butter is, to lut ye your cream at the proper temperature ; it Will produce more and better butter, and thlte` less time in churning ; it churns enually;weJl in cold or warns weather—no such thing us having scalded butler.' All that is necessary to make good butterall Seasons of the'year, i . 13 to get one of d rowe r s Patent Thermometer Churns.— W - e. would Meet respectfully invite th,c_publie to call and exuroino for theihmilVes. ;.` GEO SP ANGLFIR, - SAM L. MYERS. Mr. Geo. Fpangler—Sir: We have been using th e Thrrnmmeter Churn I got of you tor some time. and find it far superior to the old barrel Amu ter FUyVrfl) 'reasons; first, great saving of time in geithrg butteroluirtvernge time of churn ing about lifteen minutes, (all weathers); sec ondly. the butter when attained is nitwit armor than when using any other churn ; my folks say they wduld not exchangeit for any other churn and twice the original cost of the Thermometer f'hurn. Sep. 18, 1818.1 P. W. SIT OFFER. Mr. Oro, piour.ler—l have had the Crowell Thermometer Churn you made for me in use nt or plan•, cud I do not hesitate to say that no Farmer should he without it. Filieen minutes is nll the time required to [mike Buyer, rind illy value of this saving of time and hibor constets in this, that it requires no more time at any onc season than another; and that the. temperature of the cream necessary to make butter, is pro duced with certainty, and without the admikture of warm or cold water with the cream heel(. FRELYK WATTS. Carlisle, Aug. 17, ISIS. For the benefit of the bettcriint 2 t. of mnn (Wo mnto I give tI is certificate. After using the Thertriennogr Churn mode by Mr. Spangler of this place, I would hove none other in my fond-. ly. We hove been using the old barrel churn for thirty. years past, null must say it is not to he _compered to Crowell's Thermunimer Churn, either for spr &nit - 6111min . or "convelliehein to the old• barrel churn it took generally frwn four Jo six hours to churn the churning, now in the Thermometer Churn Wo crin churn limier in front fifteen to twenty minutes, by brining the cream to the proper tentperature. I can recom mend it to the public se tin chem. JOSEPH SHROM. Carlyle, Sep. 4, MR. GEORGE SPANGLER has else on hand, and will manufacture to order CABIN ET WARM of 'every descriptien, such as Bureaus, Secrp.tarys Sofas, Tables, Bedsteads, and all articles in his line, and ns cheap as can he bought any where , in the county, and warrant his Furniture of good matoiint and durable work - manship, Ho would invite the public to call and examine his stmck before purchasing COFFINS Madura the shortest milk.° ; terms moderate. . PROCLAMATION EAS,the i llenorableSMUEL Dar .nuits, President Judge et _the severe! Court Sid Common Picas of the coutitiesof °um. twined, Perry end Juniata, in Pennsylvania, and Justice of ou:eyeful Courts ut Oyer and Terminer mind General Jail Delhscv, in said counties, and lion. John Simla and John Clen lenln, Judger; of the Court of Oycr and Ter -miner-andOeneral JOH Delivery,, Or the trial of all copttn 4rtnri-otec-elfetleva r ln—Otri--sai • counly,ef Cemberkindt-fiyAlteii precepts tome clireeted,",lnted the„oll4day of. August, 1848, linve ,ocdoredOte,Court„ of Oyer and'Ter miner drat tsmtoral Jail Delivery, to be holdemai Car. lisle 011.; the c2rl 'Monday Of 'November next, 'being thel 311141ny ). all 10 .o'clook'inthe fore noon, to continue two weeks: •'' NOTICE,. is therefore ltereby. given, to the Qoroner, notices - Of the it'aikew and Coriatalde, orate suit! eourity.of turribrir lunA, that they are' coiniiianded to be then clad,' 'thero in theirjiiiiper' tiersoris;-• With their rolls. othor;ritiein i l)l:Elteea y .p:actheie; ings cia to stlieirfetil4os e PpOrtptiite . hii,tlone, and oil tln:so thittth,lieiß k d t hy:raecgrripineaai to. 'pr vice to, irNie..ol . friKidoll9rB .t4141.,!R0 _Or iti/Altlli b e . Jail,uf: Said, Teti titikara;';.to ha , th ere, ;proaectito thorn au shall t.; . 4 1 1 01 - Es. HopFgll. , •,: t. L' Sheri lei 1110Abi"ViTIFFIFO' " ''' '7''' - ' l,llo' coil; of hlisoott inriaits , 9 9 1" u '° t r‘ilfivrififcompletss kt 4 81i1rE:'847;"74 ' 1 r , - , ,„... io,pro,f ' • odi r ilkyprlb e l cireminP4, ,I . un i t .. „Arm. term Y. . an. q4itioneL ili,loiper 9,k n, I" , i` • ,' 'agi l t° ' t;Pa li . r aerif tottebors, 07; y,0,00g 11 9, • "En ' addiVa"-I f`' t ivl!,l r l?niti r in, FO)iila Seininqt•T; l4l _ f l grodkiatik 9 4 . naubig. term;'as ,niusilif,t,t9ffch'ir.'; ellrged f.9r.19 n ° 4114? , , ,;,,,,,11 , 1;,1 10 , 010d11 , r , p, ig . .ii. ev e 'r Y lTA: l4folitru 9 lo9l ; 4'.T 9 ni. Y 1,1 T , j , I n os,o, yFr,9 4 9 1! -, ~, . 6F, F.,,,,Ard t ,irotoll ?Yd., 1, , , ' fir mo f ii, ng a ''S Ras IP'f ' , , -'`' N , . I,.ni.,iii, , : it'l... - ' •+ , ~ ~ 'I, ihi itiglY,Qoiliiii.kk,gtltt?,:ripolitli-) E . cir,byortongo g ..j0_,..,,, ~..„, , , ... „15 -- - - 00d...1 'iyC - 1 -- „ n i f, C.‘; i-s• ! „ . 6 0 : ;A- eitski‘kinific• ePtir 17 . / 4 . ", ' , - . -4. , 9 o U.1. ` 4 1, 1, i' 0 ' '1:31118g , ''' ,,t ' , , , k 'l,,t , I i f - 00 , , '1 -ti'll4nl6ll 4 i 1 in'1 ,1? '',.`r..; , i1 ., ,, , $ '. ,s;',' - 1 ~‘,? i ' ' 3, ',•-"„'..,4k,itt301119,r1.,49,,- "p;biingi ,, , ivii. 9, 1 ' 4 9',00 , ' or ~,;(MOVlejlif,Via," ~,,,., ,iiraf , A;,t cfq , il 3 , i00.) -..,^, iit _ l .? . .c ,, .,e,Mltlior,_oll' r 1 ", 11 %1 • "'A , '• '', Li. OD •i,i ~,, . , 4,' t , tivain'Aitiitxprit -il., -!,:•';',.Y.' _.- 4 t7''' .l' •• " • 4:baiGEn-advance..' - . 4 ' `." -d , Av'q' ' "X f•:•; '9r azl °. `ol itln '' Clil lf t P4 rieo , B o.9Y`q, St i' 11Y ! o loploplllillln ;ot)4^4l l 4 Ejoioi . JN;oli - e;v• , ;1 t 1., , ,, i' 7 , ;:::::•,q 1 ‘ J:i„ ~,i , x 1 ‘ 1 i ty° 4 1 3i 1 44 1 ) 1 4 44 - 4 ,8, 471414'A445't 'lit 1 ~p¢ ,, .0 , 11A' r ' ",... ~ , ,, ,t , , ..,, k - 14, , , 1 ,, f ~ t .4--41 ' Pll '' ' '" '''''' le,'li, Ti'`.:';‘rqrPr;, , , , ,i ? ~, ~,t l,ll', -,, ,=4 'f"+4l"tPc t w,411;-: ,'' 2‘l' . '"..;`-' '' ' ''4-' '' ''-:': • , , , ', 1 •Y , 1,` , . - Az. -- ,.: -- •'• ,- 'I , -, • - .r - , ... .• . Atate - - . • • • • .. Homo and, Lot for,Sale. - • - . off'et'sik prirato he, iieW, lives; . situnte in' Plainfield, 't`+ berhuid. county, live milea',li‘ iin ng of &urn Mtn taining ttpwskis of an Apre of ground; nut which 'is,erected A now, two atm.) iIrick.DWALL,INf HOUSE, Smitth Shop,..Vtable &c. There is .tt nevei fnilliLg'Well Of Water near the 'mute, and inrEq' nmnber nf very choice Fruit Teves on the tot. It is an Ofd - vtand for o Blacksmith; and weirknown sue!' 'through the Votintig. The whole•pronerty.ialn good coadition. If not sold before Sumrdity, the 4111 of:Novem ber next, it will on that day , be 'esposetlto public sale of one o'clock in the forenoon, on the pre mises. nets--Ini (EO. HORNING Valuable Limestone Farm AT PRIVATE SALE. . • • THE subscriber offers nt• Private Sale' the Farm on which he now I lives, situate in Dickinson town %;4• II i . I ship, Domini-Ink& co, on the W) -1: , -.-4.14. ~. ;L tt nut Boom road; about four mile from Carlisle, containing 109 Acres; more less, of Brat rate timestoite land . , about 90 acres of with:kis cleared, and in high state Of:cultiva tion. Tho improvements are a large Frame and Plastered Dwelling House, Log Barn, 2 Tthuint Houses, Corn: Crib, Wagon Shed end all other necessary out-buildincs.. Also, two 3,oUngiOreit ards Ofyery.,fine..fron.99o- 9f Which is, now in full bunting • order. The . Fa rm is admirably situated, and presehis strong inducements to purchasers. I'or further information apply to the subscriber, residing on Clio farni. • sep9.7—ts GEO. L'EE. ikl - Ltmcaster Examiner pul.lish one month, mid charge advertiser. VALUABLE FAUN AT PRIVATE SALE: TILE subscriber -offers at Private . .:•FIR.. , Sale a Perin, situate in Newton tp, tt, ' . . Cumberland co, aliout,p-mutrier of a Mile SOM Irld the turnpike leading ' _ front Carlisle to Shippensborg, and directly on the road lending from slough:4l;oi to Kyles:More, adjoining lands of Sidles Wood burn and ("Liters. It emitains- 974 . Acres, el -which el; ate good Limestone Land, and the rentainder excellent Pine Land. I Would sell it .. separately et... Together, as may be dunned. A stream of water flows through the Pine land.— The improvements are a two-story. D wellibg limise, Log Barb, Wethill Stud. Frame House and other necessary nut. buildings. Also a well of good water Orchard. - Pornons wishing tn-pitrehnkti n Fnrm will 4 , et n good bargain,' au I intend to remove to the West. sep'37-3t -pd SAMUEL STROVE • -PUBLIC S 4. E. subscriber will sell at Sale, at his residence in W. Peen ,- ••st. • . born tp, on SATI.' RDA V, the 4th /lON , II 8 nmeninet next, at I 1 o'clock, a. M. the reilOWllle valuable grist ty : A, Tract of Land, enntaining nee Acre, sou , ate at iho head of Mount P.:ock Spring., 7; miles I west of Carlisle. on the ttironikis leading hams Carlisle to Shippensbarg.: The improvements litre a first-rate two story Thick D lrouse -with beck:lmilthngn. r - suittildn'forn-store-pr tav ern, n well of exceliem water..svith. a pump Mit, stone spring house with n room above, sttilithle for a mechanic. Thera is good staltlintrattaelied to the premises. The terms will he easy. If the nbdve properly isnot sold 1111 that day. it will be rented for fhb terin of one year from the Ist.of April next. • • oetl•8-tspdj ~', JAC. RELTZIIOOVE .. .R. NTALITABLM • PA.Pt ZVI Al' PRIVATE SALE. THE,,,subscriher offers nt a a vale :talc thg lolloa iog described .. ; tt ; t : aa. ;.• Real Estate, situate in .N6rth , 14 , 4 I 1 Ntiddleton. township, Cumberland. county,.containing 150 Acres. more or less, patente latid..nhout tie of which are_elenred and_iit-a high stale of cult ivaiiici; and the residue covered tvPh thriving young Timber. The improvements are a two•stery Log Ilmise, Stone Kitchen. Frame Cure; Wagon-shed and Corn-crib, and n fine young thriving Vreliard witti elmice fruit. The Farm is wel covered with Locust .Timber. There are n number of never-(ailing runtiing springs of water 'ear :he door. The above mentioned tract is all • Lime• stone Land, and is in n healthy neighborhood, within two miles of Carlisle and' one mile from the Cumherland Valley Railroad,and lying on the. Canothigninet creek. The harm is con venient to the Carlisle market. The purchaser can have the whole Farm, or• 11 1 ,1 acres and tlre improvements, or 50 acres, or the fin acres di 'vided into five or ten lots. this later divi sion the property would snit persons in Carlisle who wish to purchase lots. An indisputable title will be given. For terms apply to the subscriber, residing on the Walnut Bottom road, five miles from Carlisle. sepl,l • • JOHN FISHBU RN, sr. Valuable Town Propexty for Sale . . THE undorsigned will offer nt -'`ot 3 r l ' , Plthlie Sale, on MONDAY, the dny of November next, nt 1.0 Iq,? , ' T o'clock, 'Court House in' the borough. of Carlisle ' his TAN:YAUD, with all nececsnry Tools andAlt 'peratns— This -is'one of the largest-clod most desirable Tanneries in Clonberland county ; the location is good, convenient and healthy, and could if wanted/bo pilbrohl to troy enent. ' • I will itko nt the name limo and pl that large STONE HOUSE„dO by Ito ('et, sit uated 51 East Liberty alley, within n few y ds of the public square. Terms made known on dny of stile /tv 11.0B"1 Carltsle,net,l—ts . Plainfield N iirsei y and Pomologi . _, cal Gardens, . - Five . Imlay west of ( b 7orlislte, (Norville ;odd. 110 OW emotaioti one or the im• g est a n d 1),,, t BE IN lamed assortment 01 FRUIT l ' ItEl l :W: tire offered for sale in I'Mtim 1 ,11,1 in, to which lb tuthacriher wishes to call the attention of all lovers of 'fine fruit. ,Plantet a will find it deci dedly to their advantage to purchase of 115, as we have 1111 illllllOlOO/ stock of the eery lingo healthy trees, of the la at grafted ettricties, such as cannot bu had elsewhere. Apples, Peaches, Pears,. Plums, ttiref - Ms,' A prit.ote, Neel:wines, A !moods; fi a Bilberries, .St ea wherries, &c, to. gektice with s splenr iti lot of. Rcergreena. all' of he sold lower than evermilerell here. taint e. Apple trees very lerge, 10 10 .14 -feet Itigli,, strdng stocks, perfectly fornied Bends, of ,hearing age, at 10 cis each. Ordinary good trees, Buchan tiremettally sold to Nurseries, at from 5 to 7 - Ctstrnell77Portatits holing w sell again supplied at it liberal distioutd. The fail' tied we,are,re. within our )star stork lo mikgr,gvratadscotenels. es to a 1.,. Seel, ,estraordttiary purehaSers. Itvery tree sciitt front per eareitdik so As'to give the mutt °Mire sot isriitina. Tr'eei" ordered briette'rzw ill be as earerulty seleetrd sad parked us if •1116•'iittecItaser.wit's presetit Mid" bait , he safely: meta a •Illousand °mites, Printed ciata= , leguestitraislted gratis 001 spidtratits. , Address pail Pit) ,l 4 !v4N.I)A net I 141t1 , ,Woodland — :at , Publio Bale. .Tll . lll sbscriber.yri sell at; u e,'at the tie.,' oronkh Of , ; Carlislp, on, IVION0,0)„ tlto 13111,0 f ,Noyentliermext. ut t ii .otelt)bk:' - x. n. Tract` 'if .slounnitt,,,Ltuil, training o.o o AO'Cik:9l:„VtifAiibra nutehasere, oCirola ,alerigiitheri - lifreihafieri3 icirinikaceonfiriodittinire.''llLlL 7—oat 18 -Is) fE(-,4t.7 ALI - ttiiirscinh ioo loin; LTootottleotur_v,oo the • estate of:the_ Rroy_. Dr.'ItOBSIVItt:EMPANiatiie....;: - Pree'dont of iDioltilfiod i C4ll.sA,Paye,bee_o, 'eiiii:9cillitAktifill!?,.b!irbllgll of ki1,., ,W bmlaie of W,l 'porAOto...ll;ty,log;olpinis r Ot - - d r o'petdoo!;,llr.ll; TOq11(100d Ao ; pro, sent ofoperfy'kkilkkuitteoted.ftir ,taot4,oionti iandithose ip4obtod, to incite inlytilynt td • • . 0 14 3 9 10 r • ' , 1,131"11111 , ..4 .I`eitittniOniiio. on •-.,ttio stint; .; ' ORAlglitAD;'sr,; .." dleiontoOintiltip:dee'dillytyo , hiiokftr.ablbli , bY, 'tbo:Reiistor.of,COitbOilnod, , aoWityi!9 thp":(0- :serjvarottsidins.;4l l l,ll - 0 Obittestata'arlC. , •re'. ryiool o 444::!mliccf:kwiikniP l oMable.?!wi.thout , , 404.0 4 7 , nvdlttioso 1100)4 dOgORICO'f itiOtilio G'EORGIO.;,'D‘CiteNT.G,EIKALTPri..; " /...-- Tun Proprietors have spent much time , . . in bringing this preparation of S., RHAT, All I'LL it .r to its present state of perfection; and the experience of fourteen rears tins fernishodlbein the most tun* op- . portunity to study, in their various forms, the diseases for which it is recommended, and to adapt It e,,sectly to that relief and cure. Pa tients who wish a g HALL v soon Medici ne are invited to give it a trial, and satisfy r ii„ / ,4116 themselves of its superiority, and the 'invaluable property it possesses of arresting -and curing diseaSe. The bottle has been enlarged to held ONE. QUART, and in its presentlinproved form may safely claim to be the iIEST and cussrasv Medicine of the, age. 'lts progress to the fame R has attained may he traced by a long lint of facts and cures, that stand as landmarks and beacons for the invalid, pointing the the haven of health. • The following is from Col. S. G. Taylor, a gentleman of high standing and extensive acquarntatienin s the Southern states, and lately appointed Consul to New Granada:"" Messrs. A. 11. Si b: Sisns . . YotCroik 4mvary7-1848. i:STLEM Eti,—llaving used, and witnessed the effects of your excellent preparation of yorsayarilla on different perstini in .various parts of the Southern country, viz, Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico, I feel much pleasure An stating the high opinien ehtbrtained of its great nuahninal value. In my own cute it acted almost like a charm, removing speedily the enervated state of the system, and exciting, in the Most agreeable manner, tonic and invigorating influence. Your Sarsaparilla is highly approved had extensively used by the U. States army in Mexico, and my cousin, C EN. ZACHARY TAYLOR, Ims for the past five years been in the habit of using it, and recommends tho same ; tie nod myself adopted the article at the same time, and it is now considered an almost indispensable lequiszte in the ninny. In conehision- I would say, that the hatter it is known the more highly It ill be prized, and 1 trust that its health-restoring virtues ,will make it generally known Hu oughout- the length and breadth of our widely-extended country. Yours . very respectfully, S. G. TAYLOR, U. S. Consul to Now Granada. i t 11 11 11 1 11 11 I'll It'll j Southport, Conn.. Januory . 1, IRA. Messrs. S its ns i—Contlemen—Sympathy flir the afflicted 'adages me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the case of my wife. *he was severely afflicted with the Scrofula oft different parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. Alter suffering sent a year, arid finding no relief from the I einethes used, the disease attacked one leg, and below the knee supplanted. Tier physician advised g should be laid opens which was dune, but•without any permanent benefit. In this situation we heard . of, and were induced to use S.tsii4' Sarsaparilla. - The 'first bottle produced a decided and favora able effeet, relieving her more than any proscription she had ever-taken ; and before she had used six bottles, to the astonishment and delight of her frieniti. she found her health ajuife restored.' It Is sow ever.e year since the cure was - tereettal; and her, health remains good, <bowing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Oar neighbors ore all knowing, to these facts. and think Satins' Sarsaparilla a great blessing to the ago. . 'Yours with respect, JELIUS PIKE. ihtract from n letter received frotn - ;%IC. N. W. - Itarris,ingentleinan well known in Louisa county. Va. I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Saisapar:illu, ho was nitacked with Scrofula, sod of a scrofulous Yours trtily, Fisderirks Hall, Va., ialp 17, ' N. W. HARRIS." The following testimony from Rev. John Grigg, late Rector of the Church of the Crucifixion in this city, commends itself to the totention of the afflicted. Numerous certificates of cures of nations thseasen effected hY this medicine are alinost'dallY received:— -,(' i ---, v --.. 'l,l, Messrs. SaNn ., • — A member of my family bas taken yrinr valuable Sarsaparilla for a severe scrofulous allfetm ~,,, istit.l.llll the most beneficial effect resulting from its use. II gives we very groat pleasure to record my testimony in behalf of :oaf efficacy, hoping that other. luny be induced to make a trial.of Sew Voss, May In, Itlltl. .101 IN GRIGG. z,,,,-,, i t : 1 I =I tirI , ITLE , 4% , I-I , . , elillgs of gratitude induce me to make is public acknowledgment of the benefit I have left red (min the use of your - Sarsaparilla._ I have for several yents been afflicted with scrofulous 'swellings In my - head, whirfr at tunes would gather and discharge at tgy throat, note, and ears, and at others would break out different parts of try faire awa 'lead. - 'l'hoso - turritinued - untrl - my - throat, -face, and head 'sere almost - ono complete sore, nail for a long 'tine I was so hoarse that tt was with the utmost difficult 4. that I couldsipeak above a whisper. During this time I hail several attacks df pivot Icy and other diseases. I consulted different physicians, and trued various reineditis. bra rec - eived - no benefit until I commenced' sing your Sarsa parilla. I sin now WO f - the sores are all healed, and 1 tatrilaito the result entirely to the eflifets of your Valuable medicine. Yours, with respectnnti - gratitude, - Pll EI3E CAHOON. , Being personally acquainted with the person ahnvo named, I believe her statement to be confect. JIM ES M. D. C.tttlt , Jusuoo of the Peace. r 41 , I 1111'1111y 111) 1 1 11 1111 'leill,l9i - , PREPARED AND FOLD, WHOLESALE AFD lIETAILI BY A. B. Lk7 - D. SANDS', - Dicuric4tB AND CIII,ISIIBTS, _ 100) FULTON-ST., CORNER OF WaLll.3l, NEVI YOWL. SOld 11,1A0 by Druggists generally throughout the, United States and Catmint' Price $1 per Bottle; six Bottles for $5. 1, 1 111 ; , 1 1 1111 1111'1 NEW GOODS NEW GOODS I .1 r ST received ut the "DEE HIVE." a large .:u,sort mem of FALL & WINTER. GOO S, consisting in port of the following articles, viz.: FOR LADIES. e X Rich satin striped Cashmeres, Alpnens, Mous de Lain, new style Albionl.., figured dress Silks plain Silks. Partncttes,.Nlerinces, Freneh n.•r ked Collars, Kid Gloves, Shawls.. Ribbons. assorted Silk Fringes, hlnek do., Silk G tops, Bonnet Silks, Flowers; Thread Laces, &e. I= Mack French Cloths, black errssimeres, fancy Oussimeres. Cravats, Satin, Merino and Valentin Vesiings, Cloth Caps, Ste. • Alec, uslin, lovestlfosiery, 10 , 1 Sheeting, bleached and unblcnchcd Storting, Jnannet, Swiss 'Mull and Ilishop u Lowns; hi' k and cord Kid Gloves. Silk, Cotton, Lisle Thrend, Merino Gloves for Indies, gentlemen and; cotton. merino, asalpnere, alt,ael and woolen Ilose, for ladies andgentlemen. I would inform the citizens of COrlilde and ticinity, that the aheve goods, suitable lor the Fall trade, are emu' and ready Ito Mspeetlon, and I ant confident that persons extrmining my smelt, front the grentlY'reduced priiths would ho i n d uce d to !mike their purchases therefrom. sep27 . " S. A „ CO Y NEW AND CHEAP • STORE Great Bargains. /I\llE subserittern, recently front Philadelphia, respectfully intortu the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that they have just opened at the curter of N. Inknover and Lout her streets, an entire now stock of DRY (mops, GROgERIES and CI DEER SW A E, together with a general assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, all of which have been purchased at the present low prices, anti will be sold verY cheap tot cash. Please call and examine the stock, as we are'detel'inined to sell at very small 01,618. They have also been appointed agents for the sale, of the PAM 'Fen Company's TEA o f which they keep n general assommmt at Philar dolphin retail prices. seM27 . S. D. & CO.' GjTEIEL GOO I) ti, assortment of Bag and AP imio'Clasps, Slides and Rings. Parse tilts;=Stetd---Bruds7(.= &e.- just ; ioceived by NOSeXCEI. LETTERS of Adniidratiattim on dio.natato of HAN,NAII'VAUGHAN,deo'd, late of d. o orain. county, Ohio, linva, been 'granted to,i ho LI liscrj• tier, residing tin Citinberlund c4,.AR per sons ,having clinms'againat tho,oattitO olsaid tlo cedent are retitiested 'to prcseht thsm for sanla mom, and: tliuga : knowing thOinsitivoit indebtod tb molts imotedialod pnyiannv in • • ' con4-6tpd] G EQ. ••Z 'Ad r. • • • OTIOM TAKI notice that Lcttora'Tet~tnniontory on IhV:bbningir'ol .gtlg e s 7 : 'W,ET.4".6"de.eN, th 3°"*4-61.°811e4- ' 4l‘r; iiiid,'• to liarti,l l )!A') l PY l tad county cmnilniatalio;: -kicr 1":111 ‘ fd: resides tho ,„ thb' v . d r it 6,4 p((1.011111,14ttfrotr tact - TP, r.vhbio -9 1 -i - TiniikorkiloWn4he / 14m, 1 doliiii+l4o4s"r'' ' ;ItOSAII ND' s C4I,D)VELrIf; - r 4 " , • i thri ElAzyvßvar-wsiprnsv Alt I); latB bri'A itch titt'dtio;4l';'litifolsoitttr4fatArcViii - tliti!ittibsOibeq townittiln, 4 ','' AI I nortiono ' linvingclainut nontnpt ,t holstitte ofraaid decedoin. tire'Vegoafed'Ag thosb kinloWind: 'id"inakti" intmodinto'nn'yntOnt..'. , ci Q,11,110 it tnr: A•at'p l a'et . t„9` 4—, ! , ° „ Vli .- o va c roa!!: lok ,47!t„, r r'''',:i:';iir',i,,/' a .,#' l 1 :1 o.; llf .rt i f'l.!!!,,,'i . ;: : '' Li. 4;1. )..,%Irfetixv, ived itario . ty,of •. rf 01VAN/Y;x1,14,,„,,,,,,,,,, 1''';P,.',.0.,1-'.,,tr ti.-., , fia-lElaub, l .o.l i e ) : ; 3 l :\, e-j 4, 8 6t" r d e s 9 ,7fdwhi c h Ilia ae- Tpx.4l4s',ltit,'l4,itplllll:rn:iv,ii,'XiioTg ft.C'li'f:`‘"' taii! r ';' l° Y "d "n i l l ' iiiii is'invliads;` '','-,„.'' . m .''''' r ', 1't',,,4,;) ,1";,!;-,fiL„'d, ./ '. .jcigl I ck , 7,i, - V„vi`rk`:qq7 1 'N.,11 1 91atilr' s i , 4 , ion af-1 3 , , P ~ ,-,:, ,_ ir,r4 ,t G w .:t El cA *.• ~ t , 4, tiat'v ,, t , '',',' - ~.t,,.,,i,, iivii.,hi , o pn i iii,i ( ii orgo • ,', , ,'• '..; ,! .1r- itdvirt.§;witifillitu A .l..!:or , evory_.veri ! o r of- . '' ifri....., , -,... .; 47 r , ,:„ ro „ ... iiit.i t t.--oi ,r 3 Ha% 7 , s 8 „ . 4 . ,.r ?,, ,1,, t -,, 110$ r• II .., qt , Eir.. Moil a; W. 0 410 11 qx i l io r , , Tatar!, , ~,,,,,,;„,, 6vi) cti! ta, at !, „, ,- ,,;,,,,.4 ,. lA . , , larg°t' rllti24ifand 1 eieli,,PiLkilq°7444)Z i'Vg 4(lll4:f'eTil4)lVl';:',..rito ' i 1 f " ' (3 :, 11',C 4 , 1 1 1.(L,M,44. Qilif°° ll li ,, B l'. r btu 1511??WbY-1.4'''''2,0,''';;131'rki'LLOX:11 11'''194‘14.1"‘.7.' :"':t '-rt' '' ;' ll' 4 ''4 ' .ts''„ I„.'it;„ '..i'firi''r'7;t6:. of tittt4l'' ' All . 8 , -3 rt'A' r l4C3elkla):' Y1':"54,44..77`,;!Pqr'0 '',4:./.14 c ''d, fC'' 4' : . - r' -.!,:„- ;'`' :- . ',;,. ''',' ' 'itil.4°t•l' I ' l „'''': l',':.l,'„l'i''tyitirr,i4'itiOrct4?A,r,P r r'',!",:;„%•A l :rfi t ',-, t 7i; ? :',, ~ ,r",ir . ,:,,., i, r . , '..j,441-Affk ,k 'lli"t't:ril'''V''l.''' P4St,',"l,l''l''t.."7`,:fi';'t,:rftPl''"r'',"?l:,r;",'''ri,:i';' ,t-, ' .. ';7,':'' s -- ..--';'''''-•'., ',-.,'-1!..,) --, , - -..14111-41:t'T-la , T. .i .,; ;Fl.iii t ;;`;:: 4 :-‘-r,,„ .y i , ..,;-.. , • " . ,'4.41 : ,4' 71 ' i '- ' ::' , ...;,:' , 4, - e.X. ,, F1r.,4,4..„ , 411 z, hot Trips - A AP REMARKABLE CURE OF CCROFULA. MR CIIAIiLNS AREC A 1,, n native of Fratteo, who has been Cti%Waled in Paris. announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Gar hsle,..t Mu ho is desirous to receive n class of pu pils to instruct, in his native language. He has been for more than a year giving instructions to tlfe citizens of Gettysburg, and the students of Pennsylvania 1.;ollege at that piece. Ile brings letters Inon the .Professors rind gentlemen of Gettyslntrg, who Itave studied tinder his direr'., giving him the greatest credit both as a man of gootr character and successful instructor. His terms are 48 fir forty les:oils—each Ire. SO" I of ore hrnr. fuetVs 'MIR Orphans' Court, of Cumberland county having referred the account. of Lewis 11. Wit hams, administrator de hoofs non of Thomas AleCorrnielt,tdee'd, to me as nn auditor, to Mar shall and distribute the assets, notice is hereby liven that I will attend to said ditties at my of fice in Carlisle, on Friday, the loth day of No `ember - next, at 10 o'clock, A. at. The creditors will .please present their claims at that time, and all parties'interested may then and there attend •tf they think primer. nct A mlito AN cte•ction of TI,IIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this institution. to serve for-one year, e•ill be held at the Banking House on Alanday the9.oth tleiy of November neat, between the hours el Itl•o'cloclt, A. SI, and Y Ock r. m. oet I rt-te) G. A. LYON, Pres't. • A SPLENDID assortment, consisting of RIBUUNR, SILIIS, SA11:03, VELVETS,' FLowsns and Fukruatts, cheap for rash. at EDIV R DS' 37 S. &sand st. Philadelphia. ME] Nails, Nails I. 200 KEG S Duneannon Nails and Spikes 100 Kegs Fairviow Jo do fur solo by; . FUNK St MILLER. Ilarrishorv, net.l , lln 1 ' . ItiTAT Ell PROOF ivrt} 1, a lot of prime Water Boots and Gum Shoes.' Aloe h complete essottinent 'of 'Ladieal arid Children:a Shaba; at redticed:priette.: oct4 C'OGMBY: . ON neenmmodating tertng,. a valuable MAR- K FARNI, near • Rin.litet-lown, coanty;,Maryland. Apply at thisollicd. C IV MTN Fit . . LIAWLS—A ' large' lot of Torkerf:Shallso also.long and square 131aiiket Shawl.p, now opening at the cheap store of oon ~• • . • -•.17,‘ i),GILBT - :51 • • . p . aEN,..., iv, Ell IN,QES—A. . , moot of Franch Morinoos rocetiod;also. a 4111. uasortnient. of aJI kinds mal-atxlea ofdiaaa goods, soiling at tho,treiy lowesi•notob h Univ. • V,' uttifili.9", 7 -1:' ;.I)4,novi'_.and'imOular Lit tll4(ture.of .c thehlov mdy ba , , , timild at `LIU.R.X:I3II,O;IIIERS, Nukth Hanoieratieeit r ftri ~ , YOU , nre:.ordered,.t. • ' . ' Ouse 0 Iloovor, 'Mount Roe ;on SR I .. -iordnyaluo-2Stli-or-00tob0.ri 2 a,04-Olaloak', A.. 31 completely oquirn for drill. - • _ , lii , order 'or OW '‘tr . " l7 "T:f TT Oct,l O, • .• • • • TrAti:N . 4ll)l.)eutAi,C'dutitirkl`nr,4 I:0i, Ail 0, ac, thoi!114141 kt.l, CIO .'l4 t 1 ":1 , ;L A:111.3.;4 I'l4 . 011 14 I V 0; Il i 03MM 6= Tuition in French liaditor's Watice. Notice. - CARLISLE RANK,? October 14, 11'48. S Cheap Millinery Goods. For -Rent El 0 I! BY