Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 25, 1848, Image 4

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s '*"" -- •``'. r !TF 'g #4 ' "
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eint.lo „, i , .!:•••?;-i • , ' -
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L 4 - . - ,.,, ; T -,,, ,. '.i . :, ''', il I:itov, 1 Btiiieillitio 111
P . Mtn' i?..EV..RY4, ...,.......SD..Y: - „VOA -
_ : Mt_No. 9Z ;Soft&
. 4eceitdelelett. Pittladetphta.
• i \ . , • - --• ..• ".,,. ,!--
4. - '
O,F(tCIg in the :SottehlY est . angle ofacpublic C :',....4,: T,YNVA. , IX; Jespectfullr
. inntes -an
-• ~ e -examination of .Ms large stocu'of breves,
• Square back of the Court-Hotter embracing,
soma ef- the i best and , Most - Oleg*
A.,..., .
• . • . A oedem •
a• - of Pettrisidvinki, , NOW , York - Pecks-
Vtll, , ,Nreit, &c., together ; with a beautiiul nisort-
One Didlariutd P4lliettitaa year IN any arms. meneof Fancy Sheet Iron Sieves and Itatliatdrs,
Two llpflara, if paid Withhitim.yeair . • for parlors, dining ; mama; 'ehatnberi,or kitchens.
Otte Dollar for six Months. lie believes that his assortment will compare
Thosit te rtes will be rigidly adhered to. To secure
the paper et the r .4Cced tmcc .,it "F" be " id "P l \ meat . • Ho has also a sPleridtd stock of chea
in advance. a• .7 fr . '
RA E,SOF. ADVERTISING, to advantage with that ef,iiiiy other establish
celebrated,Air-tight 'Stoves, for which he has
- been agent 'for many - years ititthis •Aity, in f the
advertisements, Making ilheetillnes or less, will manufacture of which for Srcellence And chimp
be charged at the, rate of Piety cents for one Maur- noes, he refers to his numerous' pErsitasers,;und
lion—three tlinca..for One
Dollar, and twenty-live f or beauty of patterns he believes himself anti.
cents for oveglitabsequent insertion. Yearly diver- veiled.
titers will he charged at the following rates:
For Stoves, whether of Wood or COO, his
One Oeidinn, with the paper, for one year. --• *2-5 assortment is complete. He returns his thanks
Half WCOIIIIIIII, do. dr.. - - $ l3 Whitt old customers, to whom and to tho.public
Two,settares, with quarterly changes, - * lO Ito' ropnWs his invitation toe ve him a cab at the
Huslhess Cards, with the paper,. $5 old. stand, No. 97, S.-Second street, Philadel•
.... . [IMOD
Staiih as Handbills, Mimics, Ciro:tars and every nth.
or description of Printing, executed li t imisomely and
xepliditiously and at the LOWliefltiCESP
•''rte,sideralral plection
JO . * o' • .1 Oir T o.v.
'WHEREAS: its and by an act of the Gene
ral ASseinbly of Petinsyivania, passed the
' 2d :day-ofJuly, 1839, it is provided that the pled=
tore of the several counties of the, Common
wealth-,'qualified to - vole for memers of the
General Assembly,. shall hold nn elee ion at the
same places at which said members shall have
Seen voted for nt the preceding election, on the
Ist Tileiday of November next, (being the 7th
day) for .the purpose of electing Electors of a
President and. Vice , Predident of the United
Now, therefore, I; JAMES HOFFER, High
Sheriff di the County of Cumberland, in pur
suance of tho.cludy enjoined on me by the abcoM
reaitecl act, do issue this my proclamation, giv.
_ing notice to the freemen of said county qiuditied
to vo:e for members of the General Assembly,
to meet at•the several Election Districts therein,
as folltfws, viz :
Whe election in the election district composed - ,
• of the berough of Carlisle send Abe townships of
North-Middleton, South Middleton,Lower Dick
inson,LoWeePrankford slid West Pennaliorough .
will lid held at the Court llouse, in the bot•ough
'The election in the election disirict composed
of Silier Spring township, will he held at the
puldic Pease of George Duey, sti Hoguestown,ni
said tosinshin.
By an.act of the General Assembly. passea s tlie
Ast,ilay. of April, A.. - D. 1846, the election' in the:
election district - composed - of Hampdentowityllip,.-
w ill belteld At the house formerly occupied by
Bressler its said township. And by the same
net, the election in the election district,composeil
of Lisburitand a paq of %. lien township, known.
ea the Lisinien District,shall hereafter hold their'
electionS at the public home now occupied by
John p..Hecic., in Lisburn.
The election iir the election district composed
of East Pennsborotigh township, will be held at
the house now occup-ed by Reneinger,at the
west end of the Harrisburgilvidge.
TIM ele,ction in the district composed of New
Cutulterlaiiii, will be held attlie public house of
W P Hughes, in the borMigh of New Cumber
-• - -
The election In the district composed of the
part of Allen to wnship,:whichtleiditm was bete
tofore held at the public . house of Win. Hughes,
in the borough of New Cumberland, will be held
at the Terant House ol'Georgc Heck, now occu
pied by Robert Coffey, in said township.
This itt the district composed of that
part of Allen taivitship, eot 'included in the New
Cumberland,licaege Ilea :111d Lisburn election
itistricts;wil I be held at the public bruise of David
Shentrer, in Siteplserilstown, iu said township.
The cleetioti in the district composed of the
bot:nitgls of Mechnnicsburg, will be hell tit the
public house alleles lloover,in said biwough.
. .
list-sist,compas-d-oOdon , --
ree township, will tic held at the public house of
JOhn Paul, in Chem:Mown, in said township.
.1 he median in the district committed of Upper
Dickinson township, will be held at the house of
Pni ill IVcaVer, in 811111 W115111v.,
The the district composed n 1 the
Borough of Newyille, and townships of Mifflin,
• Upper . liratikford, Big Spring, and
. that part of
Newtm township, mint included in the Leesbneg
, election district "sivelnatter mentioned, will be
hold nt We Brick School House, in the borough'
of New ville.
'the election in the.ilistrict composed of Hope
well township, will be held st the School House
117.Newlitirg, in said township.
-1 he election in di t district composed of the
borough of Shippensborg. Shippensburg town
shipotitil that part of Southampton township not
included , in the Leesburg electinedistrict, will
beheld at the Council Rouse, in the borough of
And in and by an act of the General Assembly
ofthis Combionwealth, passed the 2d July, 1869,
it is thuti'provideili "Thai, the (instilled electors
of parts of Newton and Southampton township,
its the county of hounded by the fol
-. lowing lines and distatices,viz: 132 ginning at the
Adams county line, thence along the line dividing
the townships of Dickinson and Newton to the
turnpike road, thence along said turnpike to Cen
tre School House, oil said turnpike, in Southamp
ton township, thence to it point un tiro Walnut
pnoin Road al Res wk's, including Rey suck's
firtn, theism: s strnigfildn•ectioutothe Stu , Mill
belonging-In the heirs or George Clever, thence
slang Keysher's 71111. to t Atinnis county line,
thence along the line aid:tins county to the piaci:
.of, beginning, be and the same 11 hereby declared
;,q new and separate election district, the election
in be held nt the piddle helm of John Rebuck t
in Leesburg, So .thaninton township."
- At which time and place the qualifid electors,
as aforesaid, will eh et by ballot—
for President and Vice President of the United
•Asiti the gestalt! J tidges,finspectors, and Clerks
• W'in shall intend at the, precediag election for
''members of Assembly, are required to atteiill I
• 'end - perform at the said election, the like duties,
find ho subject to Me like penalties for neglect or
— . misconduct as they shall be liable to at the Om
' Bon for mealier- of, Ai,erribly,
Agreeable to tile previsions of the
Of add . net; every General ana Special
Election, shall, be opened ,between BM:hours of
eight Mind' ten In'the forenoon, and shall continue
Without, interruptien or adjournment until sean
6 clots a. '
t, the. evening, when th e polls shall
I ; ^
_ ...Awl the Jui :pea the respectiyeilistrict nfore
said, are by.the i sni3l ashre,quired to meet at Ma
CRT. • Wyse, in dui bitrough ofof Carlisle on the
fhireilaraifici the ' spay of election, being
dayFi Nov'ber, then and there to
'Verfaren the things required of them by law.
. Given under hay. hand, at Catrlidlei this ed
day of Detuber, • D..lB 4B . .
'tSlieriff s Wier', Carlisle' Z
• 'Gantt . 1848. S' ,
Farm ai . ,'Private Sale.
~% 1 •'4' ;;'
f . •
: k ssie ,O,,VARNI 61115i01%111.n
'„; I -•, l og township , Cumberlan7o?unlyt l .
i' I built. seven miles” en h-weer of
' - ri''.''' Nevrdle, now oecup . wd
by Hem/
ft 11.1O1e,•contanting]na.!CcA.eyee.aa'r•etgeod a ed il Ega i t n ei i b g a t 7 o j
!Itboublit gems:Mimi , 4 Ifl e.I
d the remainder in riving*
a , ototo of clip ivati . on, an d two
, goo
~ , ,
•t, rh o im rroye ... tne n u nt . aro- a.
•-: ;:tlif! , 'Acil ELTANG ,n0_ , ..,F.,' steles,' to..
, nd IC it Iniveflank
' Lal';;e}er t. )l, z „„.;„,? ~,,,; „46;. . ,,' b I d . „,_.-
il l
i., i n t i - li, i , l yyjt4 i P .atf o o - 11.. kirriaird447o4ll44tharye;ioaucto.ut
. - '-"tklA.slrerAWatT.PF r ail.""..efitte-tietidow lieu be
ds. arlatY. 6 - n & a public rohil leada,
•iftrtbfe4littldsitir bt ilfat.odsekn ewvil „ ~ 4 J _
oil s diractiffonv thoreir t o ,
de o eli he Tarn* ate alines o . d . _
- ----g- Va l4°Vl ‘ b i ell : lng "gt tonant, 'or' on the entiiion-,
..13V-/401 on A b Pre l ! •, , .„..,..,,n •i f , .
.„, , .
-14 'h 4 2e t tt 44 ,mt rll g.k ivi t•.4 n°' t 'A d e r b Yt P f ,'C l' d y ril l ° .: .1 41 C i:IP'STAVICit • 1,
4 -4 7 ;
~ i iNvvrva i i i ,,.. o , 1:.7
' 11)1 !'•.
-- - I 47 ,il 1 ti)itieoc, o,o , Z IPP i i P.PS ~, t ,
„,-, a 1
i , t i, ~ 0
....,....L, 14..„,,-th-,K01pri...4000,,,0,
,gt 18714 vO. .r.. 4 ;a 4 c e r Resin
~1,,„,w r , In, gecaereCrethari9o ' Alb pdlijji, gedb::
• --WlystY,Xih"T"„rit;rhtie. Alberit'BOttrulS' L erq • _ B o,o
o, rlO ..- - • ri• ar id
,Cathprtno. 410 wife,;{, li,
--- -- )trirus4 - AAR'en t . ° Fo - ' hi wire OalhalitlaAE,Y?,
tidy rirl., B:L, b As; I tiollt'
4lf Mi l % 4 I ? 1004.0 V# Dr IY , 3°ll "' 1 1 1 1 litsielq
K a.
i t r. l) Arall , s RC_ • . ihat.,,Eltly ar,l4 8V? , ' ~ i
~..,,,, 'Aka Eark..... ',11.f..ay vltitig of , pAy pt,de. + r'''
'.- Tl i t te l S i tt ' nd ' e:iss' nal' Ank'gsfststs Court
d efr l C gt o t
i lli;
gitiqn ' Lie - • s • berleno county! an
' • nll3l ' . I t deition will be held on i lhe. t j o A ti
, dirooteui ton ...Mlb named parties, ~
,','.: ' • :.: ' r the a ov° • ' f q,l • epebi iv.
--, ' .I Flel t 4 , o t l,U ° ;ennd i n; f 40,011*,°"g 4', 9 18 1 ,18 1-l a , P t, P 2 l) ,p' 'I . - i
•.:ant n„,,,i. , g, , ,DAy.,4icteeero I . ,t. i . a no
- 04 , 11. P , I ', " - ) 1,40$ for the PYrPa. Bl . l 4' ! I T I , ,
i • , ..too • pram- P MOO , ...' . t‘ ,
';' ',
t.'<iltkrtx. P.' d ..,' alimlion, of asid,e ;
in , if t .
'',• 1 ' 4 , pattillOil an 4 , ,
'A , I I leaW; v v l "'" 77 •• '
'; ''' ll '"
+l. dttV'Vfl'VreliCli‘,ltl,,v.ires,
• ',' - ' , 4 , r FV - q,l 4 .it 44 21 9 - / t le A . lp t 6h,j; Tibbet
,+ • ,,7- • , -M'..3' 'pc it, oak, now iY 0 ., ~
q; ' ,,, , ,,' ' ' '',: p0 i 1 f . 1 4, 1 0. 011 , tr "?.r,.- , , G.R, CROOKS.
..I,tl74X•,:•'';Y'',‘,`; .''.,', f'.',. s •"•- ',_',, ',•4 : ~- '., .
''."- ,, ,', 7 t 4J'a7.-b. , ict-21 , 1'`4 , .:' - ',1,• , . ~; ' C •
mornings, at 5 o'clogli, A. 111, and passing through
Chtirchtown, Dillatown and Dover, arrive at
York at It o'clock, P. sr, which will be in time to
take the York train of tcare for.BriltimoriLt Leave
York for Carlisle at 1 o'clock, ex, (immediately
after the arrival of the cars,) on each Tuexlay,
Tharadny and Saturday.
The subscriber assures thoFe who may pat:
maize him, that ho has prepared himself with
comfortfible and safe' Stages, and will use every
effort possible to accommodate travellers. Pas
sengers from Carlisle will engage 'passage of the
office of the subscriber, and will be called for at
the places ther'request. In York they will en
gage at the Depot, or White Hall tavern.
Extensivo Livery Stable.
THE subscriber respectfully informs thepub
lic that he continues to carry on the LIVERY
BUSINESS in all its branches, at the bid. stand.—
His Roasts are-numerchtseind well easori cd,, nd
his Carriages embrace every variely — ortiattelii7'
such es' Coaches, Gigs, Tillburysi - Sulkies; Bug
gies,&c., all of the beet fi nish. His driver's are
careful and attentive. Saddle horses of the most
agreeable gait, always ready for customers, at
low rated.
The subscriber. desirous of securing the pat
ronage of the public, will spare no pains or ex
pense to render his establishment worthy of the
most liberal encouragement.
july26.3m GEO. HENDF.-1
Physicians and Country Merchants
WHO wish to purchase DRUGS, &c, cheap,
ere requested to call and examine the largo stock
received at the store of the subscriber. 1. lie arti
cles are fresh andwarranted good, end purchased
at the very lowest cash prices, and_ will be dis
posed of lower than articles of the same qiiality
hove ever been sold in Cumberland county.—
Call end See, and if he does not make it to you'
advantage to purcease from him, he will not ask
you to buy.
Orders from the country. will. receive prompt
attention, the articles guarentied good, and prices
ho vet than any other place in Curlisle.
Successor to 311 yers, Main st. Carlisle.
• .
• s 'tt t• ,
Wousu) respectfully call the attention o
House-keepers and the. public, to the ex
tensive stock of splendid .F URNIT U E, inclu
ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, end every variety of
Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which they have Just
opened at their NEW ROOMS, on the corner
of North Hanover and Louther streets, Carlisle.
They are confident that the superior finish of
the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which
their articles are got up. together with their
cjicxecixss, will recommend them to every per
son wanting Furniture. They have also made
arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a
constant supply of every article in their iino, both
plain `and ornamental, eleent and useful. at
prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers, They
would earnestly invite persons who aro about to
commence house-keeping, to call and examine
their present elegant stock, to which they will
constantly make additions of the newest and most
modern kyle..
COFFINS made to order at the shortest no-
ce. for town and country
Carlisle, Sept
- - -
roHE subscribers have just received from the
1 City the largest quantity of DRY GOODS
ever -brought to Carlisle. Their stock consists
in port of the following :
'1 1 0...1415 Blue, brown, hlue.blo.c.k, green,
f ft sl,sttirtir yard up to Sl,
t ,
. . -
. t.,ASSIM Ell ES and Vestingw—good, heavy
a d line striped Csesimeres, 75 eta 871 and 6 I
per yd. Some of the most handsome Vestings
Mille county. Casinetts front 25 to Sii cis. •
CASHMERES and Mous. do Lemma, lrom
181 to 1,24 cis. '
CALICOES—about 5,000 yards, some very
good at six cents per yd. Alpschas and Merl
noes, 181; 25, 371, su, 62/ Ms. Splendid lustre
Ginghums at 125 eta. Yard wide Muslin at 4-1
eta per yd. Gotulffickinge, 61, 10, 121, 181.—
Best quality.domestic Ginghnma, warranted fast
eolbrs, at 121 cts. Tine Irish Linens 375, 50,
621, 75Icts. Linseye, 124. 16, 25 cis. Woolen
Flannels at 125, 281, 25, 371, 50 ctet
Gum Shoes, ull kinds end sizes. Ribbons for
' bonnets at 8, 14 15, 184, 25 cte. Laces and.
Edgings, cheap, real thread lace. wide; 121 eta..
Cloth / Glazed and Fur CAPS,-4k eta to kll.—.
Together with almost, every article in our line,
which we are determingd to close out very low.
Also, on hand an assortment of READY
'MADE CLOTHlNG.corieisting of fine casinett
Coat t-•ss;- Pants, 1,75 to 3,50 fureassimere;
.yosgall . ,oo to 3,00 .for-satin. - Wo have a large
stock of Cloths, &c, ftom•whteh those:catt- se
lect , and have their. measures taken who- cannot
suit themselves in ready ..
is--- . •
The' Clothing Store • - conducted !by 'Going°
Rentz, who: is,pcknowledged to be one ortthe
boat this county,.Vvlto will taltemea
suriiii and Manufacture clothing front $t to 115
• on the suit cheaper than, can be had elsewhere.-7
Give hirritt eell young Men
0 0 4] - - A . & , W BElslini.
vzsur zrazonTANT
TORII those who wrist to
. y out
thelr - Casttlo. the ver est it*
Yardage! •
, •
fIHAILE§:„CIGILBY` is *mis t !, opening his
iMmapse and aplandici weak cf, NAP. and'
WINTER DRY GQODS, and re'lifiecibillyijn
'Ales one. and;till ; lo call and lasilt bafore.purcas;
,ing, ae be in .delermined alibi" driver, nip-
Aitres in the way, of . prices and beatrill4'ijoiids.
'Ria''etticleeobanits cf it'„iiide and autilitiati
Ploths, C r assiirteres; Casinelt Kea tnelry leans;'
Liiiiseyii; . .Flannale - Bleakets :arid,' thiliasand
other articles iNypallen line; also Cash:
-mores,.Dalones, Alriatiti„. Lama. , Plaids ? Heti
stile Giligliamit;?!'beautifuV ) , entr` cheap ;
Oalicoes,‘"littielini of averfikind mid
trarnelio.cheariTiliw 2 -bineith d d:;!reat , ; , inaciviof
CARPETS' that lie lief hid for n:jmailr;"9
aro .thattiniftil:PatternsTitoo rice 'and , vettsi,
OSI E 0 , 4
-full— , antla'eciihrilerikLatiSprtMantiref
DTI? ! SS' 9 D slll , ldrae" dek 'of 'l3 OTP:
'3ll-003-iinCGIROCERIE ;
ha,tialil, Ihelitillitlleat
irddliSW.fOr'yourselves before
Purchasing elsewhere, - Remember dui olil,
well tatabliakni.lnandignlt Brain Strain,
lisle. •n
! , (4i-LacikPortt
dews and Varge Stock of 1070 OD GOds.• I
1 ' 1 . ! sep27. . ' 1-"
- ds
%liana p. ;
'regg stOksord)pc,itiusAiiireAornod , : tr9l47
. 13:.
.FALL 1).*Old
Initt±e,‘bo:itt_oriticin ‘h_ftilijkli.c.Ati cal _.!tiq.!( . 1,1.,
hik; goods bilo r ro,puroossolg aosn'nqrot
loot,tho , siote;.kovWcstlVtain'sties, slss, , ,dosFs ;
! . 0 -%,
..ii;43cittiV,.:6 l -1:` ,14 3 8 '1 o;'s,
•',A,T ., zo'cllKßOot 8 ,, d.
_ or
,*Atboiliinititllthe iteraV
f7I74'HA.IIIA. 60,4.0Enquire,.,,
a,ond ig n f all •
Office: 2
%i ili-rAtigkiCkteALiii'rillf3'il
.48141 y. Reaboßc ;•
. . -.t ."
nril ii EßEtio"iiiikii;m4l**oniiinoenem64.
o t , tneYtiiir;huclifeieeePoa l ty'ai Ode fin*ftt'
ciustaieiciating at.',d4l. potted militate irti.,iftit„
Be likolY,i o :Produce , k ll /0 3 :4, 8 440.;
repeated changes in 013:
acting siiihey do upon' tholConliitittiOn 4 and
qua ity ortiiiVbleads'
the most fatal and malignant disordeid. The
bile becomes (ktrid 'erten WithentanYWarnine
in , acrimonious ' Most. acmonints"eondilipin ,from these
repealed, changes, and if the etediach, and
bowels have been:neglected., previeusly,.the
first Symptoms requireimmediate attention
Eyed those who hava.a healtherisposition of
body, are subject to sickness under these cii.
cantata:lees. Therefore, to provent'any dan
ger, we ought carefully to guard against.e'
costive state of our bowels. Once or twice
'they.should be evacuated in.twenty-fenr, hours.
There ate many causes which produce un
healthy blood: sometimes it may arise from
itt others when the system is in a state .
of fullness it can take place from sudden joy;
close applieatioti to literary undertaking can
produce it—in all eases. whore many persone
have to be seen and spoken to; which prodnc-
Mg nervous exe:toment, is ,a fortil6_sousca . of
unhealthy bloodeccasioning 'that duly nervetts'
fever'hieh has.carried,Ml Kanto
men, men martyrs to their reputation, but
which a knowledge of the powers of Brand'
Pills Would have prevented. •Those
*ha desire to secure their health, under almost
any adverse circumstances, can do so by heti , .
ing BR ANDR FTH'S PILLS on hand, and , at
- once resorting - to-them when the first feelings
of disorder take place in their bodies, As this
advice is used so will the !health be. The
time will yet be when , a' Man that makes a
good,medieino shall•be honored.more-than 1.0.
whio . is an adept in the art of war.
Rd exceedingly afraid of COUNTERFEIT
PILLS. 'the Agent is the only person from
whom Drandreth a Pills should be purchased,:
The BILANDREITIPS PILL!. ere sold f0r . 25•
cents per box, itt"Dr. P. Braitilreth's Principal
Office, ".9.41 Broad WRY New 'York, antl• by the
following duly authorized 4ge.ts:
Win. S. Powell, New Cumberland.
J. G. Miller, Lisburn.
M. Hither, Shiremanstown.
.1. k L. Reigel, Mechanieftbnrg.
Ceo, W. Singiser, ChumMown.
A. f‘t D. (Athol', Roiling Springs.
I). L,.lleelman, White House P. 0.
Rosenfinrg Welting, Centrev ille.
ward.Settll,•Shippensburg. •
S. L. Sentnuin, Newburg.
Sold in Carlisle, by CHARLES BARNITZ
Sole Agent for this borough.
For the Permanent, Care orall Diseases arising
. froni an Impure state of the Blood: -
the Blood, and cures disease without
vomiting or purging. It never fails'cura
he most obstinate cases ofithcuiriatiscri,
CaPC6 of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi
tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers acid
Sores of longstanding.
It is cheaper than any other medicine in
use, there being 32 doses in each bottle, which
costs only fri cents, and to those tieing it ao.
cordin to ch fiction one bottle will last # lO
days. Certificates aro pouring in from all
parts of the country attesting the virtue of
this medicine in eases °Ming standing, which
have been given up by physicians as- hope
less and beyond the reach of ineciicine to
, .
W [MOPING COUGH, Shepherd's Sarsa
parilla never fails to cure:
CONSUMPTION cured by the cso of Shep
herd's Snrsnpnrilla•
The fnlloWing is frost a gentleman of re
spectable standing in Baltimoremho was ef
fectually cured of that dreadful disease, Con
sumption, by a few bottles of Shepherd's
Bitititnore, Nug.29,1847
This ix to certify that . l,yvas.last einkins
undersy ptoms orConsumption of the Lung.,
until 1 was recommended to try Shepherd's
Sarsop rills, IOW! fortunately I did and'
under the strongest conviction that it saved
, I a lin now rapidly recovering and
hope in a short time to ho restored to perfect
health,and under no considerutidn would I be
without the medicine.
No. 23, Hill street.
Shepherd's VernoHuge, or Worm
We challenge the world'. to produce a midi;
nine better adaptedl.6 the expulsion oriverms
from the human body than Shepherd's Virmi
fuge. ' It has been used by thous inks with
entire satiefacti m. It has the advantage 'of
moot Ober Virmifuges, as itnevor Sickens the
person!uslog it. It hes cured children that
hove been subject to fits• for years, and that
had been given , up by physician, parents, and
friends. It should alvrayi be used asa purga
tive Joe children; as itstrongthens them, anti
at th:same time .carries , off the coarser .per
titles ()Hood, and worms, ifothey are troubled
The following e.ertifie:ate , hae been handed
to toi-by Juigo Koons ; of Luzerno county, Pa.
It ape.ake for tleelf:
Town 11111, Pa, Jan- 20,1847.
Duni Sir:;-11r int Will -phiese , ern* me 4 bet-
Elea : mom of,Bhephord'a Vernilfoge. •T,h e three
;bottles purchased of , you a short titimago have
been ured With:AM, hapideed effects.. They
wore given, , to - 111ree, of my children-1n one
lirkee 65 wurme were. ex pelled,in another.l64,
and in the lest 67. 1 ale, anxious to give the
reel of my faMily the honefite of this Medicine'.
end therefore order ae.above r ,,This deeid.
.edlithe last OrtieleTdi,doetroying worms th a
hae 'eVerftMeia i in'thie part:'f
• ileum ry. I
fi"use .Orrick`e,lealtei 4 B, l ,3l6iik'e and
Mlller!,e,,boyWithaul. any gold „ t
IroWs „
,• !•• .B,I3I,UP.I;;SNTIDEA,
d;Shepheries,Sarailphtillaprand Vermifogifl're
,fdr reale oby , :lhet fig'. treepeoluble mer.
I ;Chanti OtitilbAdand . .counly, Psi and ' by' Dr.
Win: C. 31' PhdtenroMare laborgi r. -
.G. W. lIITNEIt . :FtWrlielet J ohn Fu wiiei
NeWbilig 011
tap gr,,
‘.towV,t4Y.lB,AlexPlPler.llßo rll ?N v 4 :l ' 4,,,
i Teas • , of the -Nowlcrpp::
lyr N 73 Cheetiihi:et.:Philal.
dolphin . ; has for sale the follaivin2',Tene:
'-i*:200,h311 - obeete, , lrsteo2-'llyeon Tea -
; .100: dd. , otti!llitbilovirder _do •;.
1501 , ;; i;
do ,;. , ';:llyeoA.l,i).lol.`.
,Poweho fig. \ ;do t,y1..,i;;
;, '; 200 At;•' , do h• (I , llNingyong Sciebothp," •
1.00,1,0%p0l Ooleng:nlih do ;:if
75: chests , FedrelSoucheingoi 11 . tl
,1 t ,17 3 ,,;45 ;L.:black leaf .Pekoo
half ..eheettorf. do' t,1 , ;. bt)
;ikr 66.4 ah •
ellOOO milltt,qiusidaT A
the' beet ehloPelihip:erted,'
in ”ohiocaiii,Niteh;./Lainbmir,•.Tongeta,lnee,
,001,.:IitAntreebatuid,-;ere muttlt:lo,einVl'etyft thet;
hiVO3heeykrlll.olidin'tlkta toot,ket
ko Iip;l ad
4 4-17:',. • ,-
• fi n
WAI . MS,I"A - NApp - A - ,
..I.7mfeetvod ,, ,,o ; BlBllorS...tife2
1.141'0 ;. ' -
• ,
. „ .
. ''. OWl4'7Wielieti . 11 ds r 4'
, ."B: I'o AVILLIAMS,'INM 12p1NinifillSiktfi
afactitrerhatenow.otrhand . thitlargestind. - est:. t ! . .
fashionable/ tostittnrentof.ntitiow.altit; tind'e 'er . .
Nenitiati Blinds ; of. anyiather estiibliehment ,' 1
theilThited StitesV vinpriiiing•entiri new styles'' I.*
trimmings:lo4 moidrs, which vvhicliWill berstild )
st theieWestoptiees, tiielestileand' retail: ; Old'
Blinds . liatnted and•trinimed•tikleek'etpiartontive. ,
This emzetiii of-Carlible and - adjacent:country are"
respectfully invited ?tmcall 'arld* , exitertituchis 'as:'
sortmeriti , *befoi , e PuirchasinOlitewhere; feeling ,
confident...of pleasing - end giving satisfaction , 'ttt:
all 'wheittay favor him With-a coll.— , ,
may2.l-3m, -N0..11 N 6 Sixth et., Philad
Washington'ltillery - 01. Miguereco
•.. types, .. • .
No. 234 North' Second street, N. VVitititiFisi
- • • Ctillowhill street, Philudelp,hia. ,
THE Likenesses tafien and behittifullY colored
at this well knoWn establishment, for ONE Dot•
LA It, are uniVersally_eortecdcd to_be nottAt. in
every respect 10, Ail Yto the city. Pjeturee'tak'en
.equally well in clondy •and clear weather.' A
largivassoriment of MEDALLIONS and LOCKETS on
hand,, at from $2 to $5, inclading the picture.
Tho subscribeis respectfully invite the citizens
•of Cumberland-connty, to call-and examine spe
• Omens of the latestimprovementsin the art of
' - Dnitgerrootyping, which will be'exhibited cheer-.
Intik and without clurge:...
julys ' ' y-sr. I C TENNENT
Perot, Hoffman, & Co.,
. .
Forwarding and General Commission Merchants,
No. 41 North Wharves, and B 3 N.Water
arreet, Philadelphia
PLASTER and SALT constantly on
hand, for sale at the lowest market rates.
Liberal advances made on Produce.
' Refer to •
J. W. KERR, Harrisburg..
npr 5-6 m
Iron Commissior Warehouse,
NO. 109 North IVaterstreet, nod No. 54 North
Wharves, Philadeiphin. .
undersigned still continue the Commis
sion. business, for the sale of all 'descriptions of
IRON. Ourlxpglience of many years, and ex
tensive acqunintance with dealers and consumers
of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us
to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad
vantriges to serve our correspondents, equal to
mar 22-sin 0 R RICK & CAMPBELL,.
Atwood's Empire Cooking Stove.
N again calling attention to this unequalled
I STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to
inform the public that (externally) it has under
gone an entire change—the pipe and - hearth pla
ced opposite each other, and a SUMMER
being added, thus rendering it faithless, and un
less.there_ ia_another laultless.Stove_inAlie...mat
'ket, this is unquestionably the best, as it now
embraces every valuable improvement possessed
by_any other Stov.e,in.addition to some peculiar
-to itself,- secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove, since its introduc
tion is unequalled, Nothing_has ever been of
fered for culinary purposes that :tiawgiverf' such
general satiqfamton. Stoves finite -been copied'
,'after its form; some dealers have even used its
fundambntal principles, but the proptirtions were
so unlike the original, that they hear the relative
value that a counterfeit tlgps to n genuine coin.'"
Complete CO OTC and other - COOK STOVES
in great variety. Persons desiring these admire
ble Stoves, are requested to call nt the Strive and
Tin• Ware manufactory of the subscriber, on
Main street, Currielerwho is agent for Cumber
and county.
mny2l .TOIIN D.- GORE S.
N. BL, J. HE Rowe,
BROOM AND 1170 - 00DEN-14ARE
Store, No. 63 North Third street, one door
above Arch, cast side, Philadelphia, manufactur
ers and.whelesale dealers in all kinds of Brooms,
Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and
French Baskets; Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs,
Dowers. Mats, Blacking, Eastern-made Wood•
en r Ware of every description, &c, &c, at the
lowest market prices. mar
LATIR A BEE has removed to his new
I'4 • Warehouse, corner of Culvert nad Mercer
streets, Baltimore, and has now in store, of di
rect importation from the celebrated - factory. of
Tittley, Tnihnin ktWalker, a full assortment of
SHOE tTIIREAD, viz: brown, green, hall
bleached, white and yellow, which lie is prepa
red to sell by the bole or less quantity, on as
good terms ns the same quality can be had for
in the U. States. Also a zeneral assortment of
Knives, rasps, pincers, hammers, awls and awl
handles, pegs of all sizes, bristles, webbing, boot
cord, shop nails of all sizes, cut and cast tacks,
French irons complete, peg rasps and cutters,
&c, &c, &c. Premium Glass Paper, to take:
the niece of the common sand paper, a very su
perior article, toeing our own manufacture, wen-
RANTED. Lasts, boot trees, shoe trees, crimping
boarils,nll of his own manufacture, of the very
hest timber and of the Incest style. Every arti
cle can be obtained at his establishment for mon-
tendering Boots and Shoes, except leather. All
of the above will be sold nt thin lowest market
prise. Country Merchants aro. particularly re
quested to call. E. LA R RAB EE,
aug23-1 me] No. 24.;,,C01vert at, Baltimore
•LA ILRABEE, No. 20 S. Calvert
street,,Baititnore,las removed abera
tory to his new building No. 24, and a always
on held the largest and most coin et °siert
meat of pure Botanic remedies , in the 'United
States, prepared under his special care at his
Labortory—being the first erected i the United '
States lor. the special perm's of preparing
All of the ptilverized and compounded articles
ere.pitt - up in quarter and half pound packages,.
and neatly labelledovith directions suitable for
retailing, and,upon •better berms, than the same
article can be hod for in-the United States.— •
Every article in.hitAiite is' warranted
the public can rely 'Open this.
A liberaldiecount-ntacle to 'country merchants,
who ateparticularly requested to Mill and,exam-`
hie quality, -Itc before purchasing..' .
Tne..varloui Treatises, embracing the - , meet
reputed,•authors„.upon the 'Thomsoninn or ,Bo
his mob lishinent, by the quantity , or single copy.
I . aug23-6m0..,
•No,T It .Never Fails. •..b1 • , '
clu RE -Y,b Ult SEl. l 7.—Fiskoin i minc o o , l
,'itel i'f.luitli - hag eiiisied in larger '614 p,nd
I?9Pfllc s olie ieVins;', a species of disease, the deßtpd,,.
elite and'propagation of which eiults ken* Oa,
violatien of 'diVino 'and ;oferar aws. 'To Abaci;
a trpeti.Kll4 AMEItIQ4N, ontrouNp is,
presentdd, Op 'being ;the meet tannin; skedy',
valuable ! Apecitia'ever,offereirto-the';unfoitopile.-
It - hei wherever knourßemiu,dpd - errepiitailowt hat ,
daily experieureoldoruiduee reettehkthen: :'•,ThOu
seMds havi3 been eured by its'ese; . und usiit leaves
I no odoe,O tboi..bieri!lf. t rpotiireirrieither•itairietien
jim 4le L t orabilsine*:noe eat IMO , either niereuiti
or. spocionerlrogs IA tlhr least ilibifificeie7t - olfieeys,"l
15 0,, itip : l ) , l 4llyrirssented as ihs best remedy. for.'
, secy., diaeleme yet, Offare4 . 6 'At: ie. sued , hir . phyol:
pJariPMO'ProosimeedisOOTiol•dp;npynown , rei,
,riteiiy. '. r,f4l, direhtiong -peel:Timm' .-eablitbettle
. 10:0 eileAt t i ,N. W. curlier dAn iPoUilistreere,,
.11416041m,i; Od:iii.S;FIIIAQ, „9,ioiabiT,nr.,
,Bainite,• y.iioc ~,*. dr. W;'.,1111116r;-,'. snerister;l:,Di:
d mon rastm - n
6t'ttier ditichr t , ositlye,li,apsertfilt
.itma I a , ef,-ttiii °which
h Or* "A!Pd , . n e r T „,r,,,,„
g i ,: w -.. 4 ; f7tFi • , ‘ist-0
ti !th s t .
.s 1 O gi :1 /int, {,
1. Itepe,
Vlikteo wit rocelirefOinalor
r 7
iliiidvi.aro.Storo of, •:•.
•-.•'••,,/ 1,„.7.•:1,7r:;;
Lira m 0 11 did
Lira • I d l,lllp 'UM.
51 . 11KiltittpOtit6f Bleached Min3lin#;444' , 4e:
at (bit' Chenp: Stpro .in Ween .
...i.''EOlY9C' , ,,
‘;- tit cAttsTONY'
4-14t4t , , 14;
PiiniiiolooY.T#9ol l . 47 4l4tiT lll-0 / 160 :.
1 •
• Z. 1
Canal rind retilf' : .EfOitA . Line''fiir Philadei
VV, KERR, ForwarilMg . and Coiniriferiton
JP- Merchant, liarmrsevrio; Pa. , Mforiati'hie
triends and the - public,t•thatfroM i the
renege' clitended to him during•the , pette.yeer he
Has been encouraged to'reeke mete witenshie at
rangcsments for the preeelit eiilittoTi v and has- pd , ..
dad , two neW,,large 'mid! sPhindld 'Boats to `hi' o l
LINE, add will be full ' prepared . afrei the . 'op.'.
'offing of , the • Ctinal, io 'fOrward PROIHJCGand
•Philmielphip, Baltimore, P.ltisbiligh;
lowest rates Tosf"fraight'and With the utmost-des
Agents for Bdafit,' I '
, H
• • Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
, •
No 98 Commerce et Wharf, Baltimore.
J. MCFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitts'g
Agiente for Cars, •
No. 272 Market at., Philadelphia.
No. 423 Market et, Philadelphia.
• trend street, P
PENVA. & 01110 NE,
• -Ntlrth street,- altimare
Harrisburg, March - 19; •
Harisburg TranspoitatiOn late.
4 "tarcr r •
FORWARDING Cimmisaioniggichants,
liAantalteno, Pa. ship Producelorehan
dize, to Baltimore; Philadelphia, Ikt. &c.
Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, 'Fish,. Groceries,
commintly for sale.
lifirrisburg, march 29, 1848 • -
Dr. Heeler's Panacea, •
FOR the removal and permanent cure of all
discuses arising from an impure state of the
Wood and habit of the body, viz:
Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Bron
chitis, Catairh, etc. Scrofula in all. its forms,.
'Fetter' Scald head, Cutnnedus affections - of the
face and'extremities, chronic Rhiiurnatism, and
Hepatetis, chronic Enlargements of the Joints,
White Swellings, Syphilitic Affeetiousr-Con
stitutionai disorders, arising from debility,lfler
curial and Hereditary predispositions, &c.
iCtign every change that is takhig•place in the
body, it is manifest that it is brought about by
something.having dsubstantive eminence. If we
suppose the organs of our body originally perfect,
they must continue perfect unless changed by the
intervention of something that bears an unites'.
thy relation to its In all cases of disease, there
must be the interposition of some new ingredient
thich by playing its part as a cause, served to
'noddy the propertieq before connected with the
body. it is absurd to\talk of spontaneous disease
taking place iWorgans previously healthy, with
out the interposition of some morbilic agent as
Well : might we expect a piece of transfer
itself spontaneously into Plaster of Paris, With Out
die aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is
a prior cause which must be removed, thro' the
j agency of the Blood. For this - purpose there in
no remedy superior to the Panacea. In evidence
the following is submitted to the public:-
Philadelphia, June 7, 1847.
Having been apprised of the. nature of the Pan
aces, it alfords °um much pleasure to be ableto.
recommend it' as a valuablosEinedy for all those
chronie, constitutional and, glandular diseases, to
which it is especially adapted. To those who are
afflicted, and require medicine as an Mterativ,e,
they cannot obtaitr it in a mote agreable, active
rind unifortn state than is to be found in the Pan
acea. 1 limiemsed it in several instances with de
cided and Biases! success. Yours, &Mt'
Prepared and sold at the North. West corner
of Third and South streets, Philadelphia, and re
tailed in Carlisle by ELLIOTT. Put up in
pint bottles at $1 per bottle. feb23 '
Dr, Traphagen's Balsamic Extract
of Sarsaparilla,
"IfS the best and cheapest Preparation of
saparilla ever offered to the public, being
distilled from the first quality of Honduras Sars
apartila ltoot—and one !mule of this prepare. ,
lion is warranted superior to two bottles of any
other in the market,and wilt retain its virtues
unimpairable in any climate. It is pleasant to
the taste, and from infancy to age this Extract
will eradicate 11141CMIC, ills gorate the body ,and
is the best medicine for the prevention and cure
of disease ever discovered in any age of the
world. Its action is mild, and it cm es without
sickening or debilitating the patient. Thou
sands have used it in the•Dr.'s privatepractice,
and consider it the greatest blessing ever offered
mall. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws
of nature. and has never been known to fail,
where its use was persevered iti, to cure even
long a:ending and desperate cases of Asthma,
Bronchitis; Catarrh, Colic, rutighs, Colds. Con
gumption, Cramps,Caneernits Soresand Ulcers,
Dropsy, Dysentery ,Ery sipclas, Fever and Agate,
Female complands, Fevers of all kinils,Tiout,
Gravel, Hysterics, lofiammation, Indigestion,
Jaundice, Leprosy, Liver Complaint, N ttraglia
Palpitation of the Heart, Piles, Serolular.Spinal
oempla int , Salt Rheum,. Sea , d !lead , Syphil4 tic
complaints, Tic Doleretiv , Pimples on the Face,
Swelled Limbs and Joints, Pant in (hi' Side,
Spitting Blond and all oases of Prostration of
S,trength, and General Debility •of the human
In. all cases enumerated above, Dr, Trepha
gan's Sarsapasilla rapidly and sorely restores to
heath.. A trial will satisfy any one of the truth
of theie representations:
' • TO Tin; LADIES. ..'
. Delicate Females who suffer from the obstruc.
lions and debility to whleh Latlis of sedentary
habits are liable, will. Ity.the use' of one or two
bottles of Dr. Traphegan's Sarsaparilla, regain
their health Ohl - color. It is valuablerto those
who arc' approaching womanhood,lli' it is cult:a;
late', to assist nature by quickening,the bleed and '
invigorating thit'itystem._ '. , ' ,'
Latliee'who have pale Coinplexionti;,thilleyea,
Statelier oe the face, rough' skin or frecklea, and
'are low spurned, Otel Dr. Trittiliegaa'a• Sirsapar
Mllit: It will Cleanse the. blitod,',iertibye; the
'freckles - and blotches,entl iive you "II entreated
ciiiintennime,. sparkline eyes, fi ne' . spirits, and
'eatitiftill coMplextons. ' ''' ' '
Childreti'wbo'are suffering trtori battantl'unr
healthy hi miire ef 'the bleed', city tie gittekty'Ve.
• stored to health. stre,ngth and bloorit.'l)r:Trap-,
bagroNSarsaPitrilla'being Very:lo(4'MM and pal
atable, 'Children take it readily; and • Such eflare
thin and - weakly:North - weartrrobust - and-,healthr.
tipitearance. 'lt can be administered' to urdit%
with perfect safety, and such furore suffering from
3ummer Complaint will receive'great'relief. L .
Noihing.cane,be more asionishingthatilti in
• - i? ig?ra flit 4 affetii-tiportlthe-hurniiit--13 item:N.-Per
"sot.i'all Inssittide and' weakness b efore taking it,
. et Oiii3ebecottiO robust •and.',,healtlty.' under:l4in ,
Quenon ,;, ''!' ' - '''',, ' . ' '-: ;...;.'., .` ' '
;' ' - " 1 "11 , 1" REVEtv TS .'IDISE . ASF:''
~;,, ThA9641.41. !mitN pf Dr. Trap agen'eSeream,
,atilla doccei °natty „w 1:1 i prevent,
i disease and ass
Fall end S prim ! wilier , of ; ,the,systern tl• stands
,unrivalictil t„the present day.:-.-I.ta Use Willpre;,
.venta'svorp pi.aufferingitn,l.paie:, al l persons
, w iii4 e ep , ,t gig hlood,poridedkand 'their bodies,
atiengiltentll hy i llni useetf,ll4Saream.rille,they
will IntstiroteleeetiPP,Ahealliteki3faillY,prelltlent.
or contagious titaeAtelisit - F , ,, , ~f,- -,r
~opo r chapon(wll,bo,earecul
to'. observe'
that!eyery , bulge uf..PrTrapitagdrOti Bohemia'
Extract of Sarsaparilla - hie this written eigna:
. .ture.rnlbl tieW.lolEom the label , of thelnittin;n4
a fair;alirtile:printttd in. L rakin It; ott,the Onleldc
wraPPer, as a guard against
oPliri'.llotideottio white, gist* quart . bottles, et,
tho loW*,priee of ON E-DGL LAR perl.bottlet;'s
~ i Vf:ii.oß to: vi b ale Byp . vdTprin-bycci.r.ra rat_
- i - Ivi ~ BROTIIE.IIIB ..tinly;,-,ti 1, illetC§ls467" - ,A6Voi,
, liriiiiiini f ittriiii; V,r
), I
ctirlialit,,, j.
lif•nari! 42 tH ' '
napplimi:RonstAlte Coloine; , ExtrOmtui.rnokey
f unie , d e cunnny.Lind vsi•
4uint( . 1.• & W.B FLEMING;:
• or ' ent,.i.4,4AiipiajOd
En dirt.%
'ivrueulr Einit 4/ frin l t 3ii A,O, 4' mmek".l
1-%1 &t.
~i,aUg AY,
s EN . D
% irdkieluPlr of Sarennarlllq nu* iyuge, for!
ts,iTiri.,,e,Bl4lollo4: DISH o ,l''
ti,l43' . 4h?
Store, M 1 44 " 61 er"
StOrtt - St , '01)04,10.
reifilin eic,oll9 - tinl 89apa.
FlNEliia l freeti'4lol,l).tivinhi.Otkerfel.l3, end,
„INlL,dtlier tif 'the beet 'oily
ere &able Sweet . :Etbit; - Roki Gerahluni..
Verbiine';'Piitebbitly . ;'9lfeliottript; i I lefletir 'arid
MitekAatitifulik pu t 'up forlgde 'afthelo'weit .
prices. for 'the•libiir; Eldndolitie, Pore"
Made Flourd.'iehnyi, hind . Neff kidae, Benet'
'oil;;Wiiebesser flimLneented , Antiquici
Phileceine,BeeriMeritivii, fine'Myftle raid
let Pottitriedeti. " Friridy . :l3oripe; 'euch.'"ne:
Rou eel ' s Shayieg, Cream, Wrig ht's do. Minter*
do, I odd' and Palm. Wasty,Solip. .
'sae Ont.unseiii . assed'Oy any in'tho'borough."
nit' 31 ' W HAVP.RSTICK '
t •A. BlSHOP.'suedesor to D. 3. 3. Alyeta,
fat has just received and is now opening a large
& writ! selected Iss,ortinent of FRESH DRUGS,.
MEDICINES,, &C, tripttg which' will be found
the following, via t
Opium, Camphor,"Quinine;
• Dye. Stull's,. Spices; Cutlery, Oils, '
Alcohol, Turpentine, Fine Oil,
0.64' !Ste.
Also, alarge nssorment r of PEIFHIHERY.
Hair and 1 Brushes, .
. . .
U•rhbrellas, Walking Canes,
Iteussel's and Hauel's Shaving 'Cream,
Bear's Oil, Cologne . Water, Hair' Dye, Ox
Taney "Sonpit,'Extracts, ntlnir, Fox, Curling
F_ANDY,Ar s ItTICIAS of every description,
to Which' he respectfullY, inVites•tlie attention 'el,
Me public. His aseorlinent is a full and rich one'
and ho hopes strict auentiOu r to bushing' and
low prices, to receive a liberal 'Ware, of the.publik
Physician' prescriptlons carefully cop-moan
tied. J. A. BISHOP',
may 4 - "West Mnin street. Carlisle
— ICKLES, PRESERyES..4•Just received
.11, and opened by the subscriber, preserved -
Ginger and' Pine Apple, Qtange,..felly, Pickled
'Lobsters, 'Gherkins, Mangoes, 'f'eppers, Prcal
lili; Tomatoes and Onions, Olives, Capers, An•
chovies,Snrdines, Tomato Ketchup, Mtn mixed
French Mustard, with a vary choice and pure
article of Salad Oil, for sale at •
DR. MYERS has disposed of his entire
stock of Drugs &c, to Mr. J. A BISHOP,
of Harrisburg, who will continue to do business
at my old stpnd on Mein street. Mr. Bishopthas
had cdoilderable experience in the Drug busi
ness, and I confidently reconuriend )him to the
customers of the store and solicit•it continuance
of their favors.
14rffy this arrangement Dr. IVlvints
enabled to give 'his undivided attention to the
ditties of his profession mny4
New Arrival.
THE subscribers have jut received from Phil.
ndelphin, n fresh supply of Drugs, Medicines'
Dye-stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, he.—
Our stock is now large and complete, and ns we
..nru'determined not to be undersold;but to sell at
the lowest cash priCys, we invite the attention of
country merchants, physicians and others. to
'examine our goods and prices before purchasing
elsewhere. & W. 11: FLE NI IND
june ' corner of Pittt and High si
Confectionery, Fruit 4 Pay Store,
Hanover Street, Carlisle.; •
riVIE subscriber would respectfully inform
1 country merchant's and the public generally,
that he is constantly. tononfactbring and has al
ways on hand CANDIES of Mier}, variety,
(which for quality cannot bo surpassed by any
manufactured in the State) which he will sell
wholesale - or retail at-Iliti inn sTANn, 3N. Han
over street, a fiiv doors north of .to Bank,
whero he - has also on hand FRUITS uid NUTS
of the latest impartatibils,which Isold
w.., .3 9 at
the lowest prices for cash. His stoca consists in
Part of Oranges, Lemoite, Raisins, Figs, Pruned,
Dates. Cocoa -nuts, Crenm-nuts, Pea-nuts, En
glish Walnuts, Almonds,-Pecan 7 nuts.-Filberts.
He would also inform the public that he hos
just returned from the city with a very large
consisting of superior double refined, crushed
and pulverized LOAF SUGARS , 'Brown Su
gars, among Ultich is a very fair article for ful
cis. per lb.; COFFEE, from 8 to 10 ets per !h.;
a superior article of Imperial. Young HYson and
Black TEAS.; MOLASSES dell kinds; Wa
ter, Soda and Sugar Crackers; Cheese. Choco
late, Rice, Blacking, Matches, Brushes.
FRESH SPICES, viz; Pepper, Alspiee,
Cinnainon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Ginger and Mus
tard. A supply of Indigo. (hest quality) Alum
Starch, Washing Soda, Salt Peter ; all of whicl
will be sold at the lowest rates.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
the public for the liberal patronage extended to
him, and hopes by n desire to please to merit a
continuance of the same. All orders from a dis
tance thankfully received and promptly attend•
ed to. finny 'I j P. AIONYER
pk • .41; ; Joy 'ai'Ks);
• leave to inform the citizens of Cumberland
.ndjoining.counties, that they have just open•
ed an extensive VARIETY S FORM in North
Hanover street, in the building lately occupied
by Mr. Ilantch, between Haveratiek and Lyon's
atores, where :they will be happy to receive the
calls of all wishing articles in their line. They
will at all times keep on hand a well selected
assortment of Colored Prints. (French, English
and American) domestic and foreign Petfumery,
Patent. Medicines, embracing nearly every de
scription, and in fact a little of every thing usu
ally kept in an extensive variety store.
They are the exelusivi, agents for the sale of
'Dr. Traphagen's celebrated Pulmonia Mixltire,
and his Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla .; Dr.
O'reerni eelehrgtellOxygenated Bitters; for Dye•
pepsia,and Phthysic. They are also the
sive agents for this county , of the . 'KEW ypi t x
Crams; TEA COMPANY, and will keep con
stantly on hand a large supply of their superior .
-Teas: •
In conclusion they beg leave to say, that they .
are determined' to sell nt very small profits for
CASA, and invite all wishing bargains. to give
them a call. 'Ordere from country merchants
supplied upOn the moat reasonable terms.
may 4
received, a new supply
lOC. or Gingharps, cheaper than ever, by
jalyll2 0 R,_ -ROOKS
LAWNS.—A handsome assortment of Lawns
on hand..and will be sold very cheap. by •
, - 1,,G CROOKS
• orgii neFin, v:vork,
o nip 11:13 . 6,ciutliqartiql•Sy'q'nd 15 3 'r
I ) 4 i • .;‘ :p iv.OP , P,P.KP... •
• To taelikinithi.- ,
20011 Bu S heli7B- h : Olt - S - M - I - T 4l-
Caitt for sal') cheap. by
• • lEUNK,&,M;I4I,ER.
Igartieburg, Jai:09,1808-6w • 4 •,.; ,
• 'Wand:Bolw.
it • .), • ,'.
i . tja .Neils„atid / Spikes, Jost reemyeo
and"fo'f , tette et the ctieep , trardwere
Stcire' or: . G k ,-otocp R.I.
EIPARXT . S HAlR—AmtFong the many alltclot! preparedfor,thq,liiiii
,n9mtAraao 014101101 y popular : int Itmieeel's EAU
it:inettY oelebtalmi toi6lMfnamp
hbaunitying;meititty,ictg and in:OMotiogihVgiol,
f th'e,tintr. • „.•.* ''' • • •,
lutiel4' " FLEMIN
hightiiit.pripigi4 en_ 'Ai: Unge 64
Hutriolv CRO
. 1 1 11 ffa:4 0 cit.
t e d,meetings_9l4la.baolof yip
. . . .
*Weir Moat at w Itoli
time .atty pastlo.lla,,
buainasa with anitl„Pgardy,isil ,Utt .144 .
that t , t
, A tteet-.. . '
SUPPLY thekl'=6licve, 4 !TqOPAOlthae
TRUSS, recolved','colistontl, ; i fpr,
'sale at •
IDl4;ltiriliitY,,*ii4it'Er'li ft u#RY, , Pl' "61..t1
i ''''.'; "Ottlitta fl g,"!
liiiiiiiplailli '.i6;6oo'ciiii.iiVecil‘,o4 "i 90•",
•T"'.. .....,. is warranted An'tistir '!e:':
• cases of Pilesi ealier,thieeding, Or: Brad: <<
internal or external, and all inflammatory dig , -
',mites it 'c
fOundolonjunction' with - the'llies!, , —
linCli, tiii;Plff,4loYoi4o,ldP)k l etio l lii '9iii, t ;
following cetilfiCatei , .1. 1 ~.. 1 ,. , • , . • . ~. , n
!, 1 - ,(, ..'.) 5 ` Fifiladelphia,•Scpf‘9, 1847: ;
".fitcsiiii: Iteitham . Ba. IleoshaVr=‘, --
43enticAi '
bdut five'iMirs - agol wee, allinied;w:tili;Wlint.,
:was called chronic dy sentery.,_l, have suffered
' ever, eincs t andlPhYffiCiaki:,tufve told
.me.that my liver .Wari , affented, and that my
'bovvole.tvere ulterated, , for bltrodrand .pus, at' , --.„,,,
tended.+Xith a peCulier pfittid• Stnell,''were t h e
frequent dist:barges% A"Siforirtiine ~.eince I;
made k. visit to Marisichusette,Jny hopeo.e et
trinefit from changecif air, boteuffered bole!: .
'etivere - tban - ever before,. While thniiVii,.l444.,`.
slam offered to. cure Ins fur 1640, in three ;
menthe. Happily, in the midst •of ihtent6 '
,pain.', Oadasionally relieved by lininitiii,jeSA 4 ' -
u the wrapper of y_our_EloatuarY; it _perfettt.,..
Atescriptinti • of my complaint, together. with
Many certificates of cures, This give, ind
great confidence in the medicine, bind f ptit. ,
chased a box, nine doses of which hos *picas ,
really cured rite, and I am 'prepared 16 ter: .
'eve'rything iruits faitof; Or 'irtider ariY seriien
II can to . humanity by subscribing to its therittl,.. .
' Iteiiiitftilly . yddie,-. ---
11ENJ. PERCIVAL; 80 8, glxth at.. .
. Weakness and ihflameatition'of the Spine t
: falling of tho bowels, womb &c, that femaleit
'particularly, are subject to, _under, peCuller
cireumstincest. for Which many certiflcateit
could be given of speedy curet—but delicacy
forbids their publication. -
SeVere and habitual costiveness, flow of
blood to the head, dyspepsia,fistulas
mat ion-of therstomeehi-find , n-speedy cure-ht
Dr. Uphain'e Electuary. It 'is an Memel
remedy, anit.eures by .1W action on Ike borsht
and blond, the relaxed state of which is the
cause of the above named diseases. •
From every city, town and • villrige, wheru
Dri Uphttm'a Vegetable Pile . Mlectuary but
been introduced, the meet
_gratifying intisllio;:
gence of its streets hats been: received by t h e
Proprietor. !n.hundreds of instaneee it hoe'
triumphed over cases . which . were deemed"
Letter of Capt.G, - VF. Loan, late of the
service, and Member of the N. J. Lenialatoria
R¢hwtfp, June 16, 11347
have been afflicted for years with the
Piles, and have tried, without anything like
permanent, benefit, almost everything assiiin
lug the name of n-remedy. had as a matter
of course, lost all confidence in medicine.—
Under this feeling I was inducednot without
reluctance, I contest—to are Upham's Bleat u
cry, aid having used it ahont three srankr
according to the directions laid down, I find
. to my surprise, no well as satisfaction, Chet,
every synapto_m of th_e. disease heat _ I
think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to
make this eintainent. ' G W mairwr
Addressed ttithe•agents in-Columbia. On:
Runnel County, Ala., Feb. 20. 1847•• Messrs. Winter • di Epping—Gents;—for
the last fifteen years I have been afflicted with
that most distressing cfiehiso 'The Bleeding
Piles,' and have had remorse to a groat ninny
medicines, without obtaining relief, until I
obtained 3 - bnxes of Thiliam's Pile. Weetuary
from you, which have so for relieved Ma quit
take groat pleasure in recommending itto
all who are afflicted with Piles, as a safe ar:d
sure remedy,
>e "P HILL,
formerly Donkkeeo:4"Bank of Colelna 4
Remarkable - sure of-Bleeding Piles.
. PertlanA, Me., March 14
My Dear cannoi express - to you icy
sincere and heartfelt thanks fer the wendet lel
cure 1 have experioneed by the use of your
truly valuable Pilo Eleetnery. I have been a -
perfect martyr to the Bleeding Piles for tx•
years prist i ne much so, that I became reduced
to a mere skeleton, with loss of appetite and
general derangement of the digestive °runner
my eyes also became offbctud, : and in fact I
was a misery to. myself, and was obligod in
give up my office here, which I held in this
Custom House 801110 years. I have tried ell
kinds of medicine, had the best advice the
physicians of Boson and this place could give,
spent much money and twice inibmitied to a
surgical operation. I had become perfectly
tired of life, and at the suggestion of ley
friends 1 was induced to try a box of your
medicine. Tho first found rylieved ma
slightly; still 1 persevered and purchased n
second, and -assure - you when I get half
through I found myself getting well; I still
kept on, and now 1 , ain a new mon. My dear
sir, language cannot express my thanks, that
jam once more restored tolienith, and low in
a sooditiun to support myself, and family de
pendent on mu. Yours respeethilly, with
great regard, SAMUEL CHARLTON
'NeW Tork,.J,toe 14,1848 .
Messrs. Retabein Y Ilenehaw—This certi
fies that] have been severely afflicted ftr many .
years with the Piles, hut mare partieularly •
Within the lest nine months. nuclei/ used all ,
the remedies preicribed by my physician, also
having tried ether means to little or nn ads
vontage,l became very much discouraged and
hit tie though r must stiffer as long as ,l lived.
But providentially 1 • was
,informed by
Mott; instructor of the public school at Staten
Island; that I could be cared by your valuable .
Pile Elcotuarq. Having confidence 'is his
statement, I immediately procured some or
tfie medicine and em very happy to inform :L
-yon that I am now perfectly cured by the use
of only:One; box. Very truly your nkedient
iservent; GEORGE R. CROSS
isiild whuleeale and 'by EETCHAM
& HENSHAW, 121 Fulton and by
ditidgriti ' ti "Melted
States iieLd-Conada. ~Prioe,Bl per brix - ,4'
Sold in; CittLali 13 ELLIOTTi ;
!illy 28, 1848
• StaittoresLEkterniti ,Remedt - ,4
~ -
• 041.1. PD ' •
',- , 11/7.471 7 5 -1
Lis-nuuritiorsiilly,richnowietigeiif-io-bo:41io •
.J.VP4I,LI,I),LE 111i15,;.PT, •
'For Ilheutiloiisio, Spinal A ff ceifong., , ,b,onikiipno
'nor - the end cihketif
sues, clir Nine in tlie,,Dieipoo4,,,f
—I-Ctheeti-A-gue in ihe - Brifootluid 24:
agik;!l'oolh•octie, ;I T •.r
Neriongi'Dieexi•ex. , , 1 , • p.O
.1[11J141 " P I . ..lNTAlENT.io4usjOnliqr pciori •
itneqyalled`,l?) ,- opy,,oyoi)er.,,retriegli) It
ineeires,,no puflipgiio goro regutitilep,.it. tae
been"foileetue _tirne eurelkecou ing
it, and nowwhonite ipmeficiril effects lorre•been
experiences)eirpNesioini of grail
tude • arp.„cOntinntillp oppeoringi,Vnltthegernit o
I .httY4 been,nott4e whnle. by ire means; ere
thil,t,troi..,Aillicied:Oltoolthoo longer fretintio,,igno• -
Itinovoluoble - orirlqpfellible,rnMexer;jl
441r.,'cce.,?;Stiintfw„ the , ir,ropOet °roil MOP -
frenr•tte•tte.oo`encltprirof betoefigefet „.
',ohnottt..exseello.h.gbef....,ln.iene_coneaOhilt4e 4 -'
been. - .aliripplolfoAxight yeers,!having itrenchT4 —
•:•the etine;l, l terf ntithet ege.ef, fled yeate,ohY,l o 4. - 4 -
.froth,n'elystro , Aln4ie,qt,treatmett
:bottlee,oi,l44. - 4prter?tlresterAd i liint - Ameiiengte.. - •
• rul.ll ployinifen;itrAllit
I youth h 4 rn 018,.ee• eke/it "esotio,bwililliggrlt - Tt
. • • .i - or -hie - beck to
mind him of huf early si . Inge. • ' rleo cents
- '4l , =-..5 . •
• +9.. $
as),'.. • • ,
nehnolyledged,tn_to the mnervalunllceremt.
'dyilintit. i fift,eitd,,stoy,er9l...llnd luny be rs,
lied'op'iiiirredlnrunnyn nY nil ‘VheAMY hnvo'nt I.
ciisiolefdritirdie fis!csiieteofifilith , FEy,sttarik.:
Yip-TinPilittitT6oll4'Nlr.ri,roiptL•j. te, _
a r Thie:pkrinlent itlvetaicultirly iniendeil '6'
I ' 7
4nitintidEofirtfantsjnne W
i.Nnrie'etFriend. . Price -;
STAN TON;' - p x.orlfit,nyz,Sin(ling
- „., •
" •
r • .'
Dorintdato •Si.l 4 4reen; relinetoyn