Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 25, 1848, Image 3

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ift.r . rionmaioNoroni
Indian. Vegetable ritid - a'certnin Mire
for the 'Mork pelinfeiliffisl 'bdcouse . they Verge
from the body tilde" cert.. 11111110r8
Which ore the oosse.not-only of inflammation of the'.
oYae, Uneeflveryfleraltilnien of dipluse. Fy9nithrek.
to six Of,:tkeAkove:;ll . 4piek)c.naino
taken o.o4.utiglit*klgoing, ted.l44WillArLdlsliort
thee eadtpletely rid*.the hedY of every Olen that
°pilot egio'lleaftlii iiillllheteferei - ioli assitYddlyinake
a pelf eeLe tire or 4411114 n m -don. of the eyes,
saute tree blood,tdid other Millis will kalif such •
healt IVY gq ldslityl Mato illgeniebt mny kind will be itb
eel utelY - drilpeasibid,, -- :, 'fr` . " • .
f •:-
I,s*PeAkatkof oonoterrettb imitttions.,,Reinelp,
Igetthatthe.Ortilftuil and ,onfygentaina itillinn Vogel a
,'TaiWd the' /vritten slgnaturd` "Wtimaes'
Waren.; on the top label of each nor; • •• •
The Igefinibe ,, islor isdle by MAHLER OGILGY,
ole agen t , for ppillsle, andleaeral agent, for Cutilher-
Fuld county,liv ninon% country dealers bill be lap
lied at the PhriadelPhia Prices, "' • . •
litortins COUNTY. MENDtIAM, N• l•
• -- t t‘, - • ~• October 29, 1816.- :I
• •
Dr.,Botit.W. PoWlef v-4/ear.:Bir— ebrtify
that 1 am about. seyeAdiodye Altera of age;.; was WT.I
an 'd - h n ve , nliviiya resided twirn. ioa6bey;,
1845, - 1 took cold and for srx months ikalialdlirdWll/ 1- 1
Ifes influeniaand the writs!. cough ekeao.l
rienced during my whole life.,(Atraelf,ap 141dmis
had strong doubts of my ever recblierlng. II got a bot
tle of Schenck's Syron; it tliti die Vind. t thei)
applied to a physician, who prescribed for 1110 haver:it '
times, hut did tool:ore toe: At lasility physician:ad. -
• vlsed me to take 1/r. Winer's celebrated Balsam of
Wild Chatty, Whit:ll.lms, performed an ninny retnerk ,
'nide cures: .1' dill Fio. did 1 believe that wive& toy
'life:; my cohglt AO. inc entirely, when I had taken a
single nettle, I pin now .eninying,
,good health. If 1
~ever again have a Blinder attach, or any of my nthilly:
I shrill finmediataly resort to Dr. Wrist:it's Balsatn'of
Wild Cherry: J;The physician who recommended tide
Bataan'' tonne, was induced to do on front-his_own_
.yessomil tultspriniinn add experience in using it. tine'
'very strong` Cage of cute of. n young man omitted In
• thlkimmediate' vkinity,of which Ilr: Homan Inform
ed me.: e 411 , 1111A151
Notte4 . o4ittine nolessasigiled R. 111.1,11 S
wrapper. '"
" Sold In
P ..
Alla confluent is'necessary upon a' plain. unvarnish
ed certificate like the fidlowliug. Coming•ns it does
Item Otte of the most respectable and worthy citizens
tlf Poughkeepsie, N, V.. it imist carry conviction with
it, more egpecially, ivlien. we ennelder the time that,
4ins elapiefl Without , a return of th% unpleasant symp
toms—many of the certificates of the day being rib
`rained after a few days' trial, when n.monuitary (or
perhaps imaginary) Felicities been obtained. withine
anylwrimiticht benefit. (This rartirierte tee obtained'
!row a respectable member of thd Society of Friiinds:
l'ongitkeepsie, March 15,1817.
..This ism- certify that tin the Spring-of 1844, (three
yyeah Since) My health Vea l, feeble. I MIS af
flicted with a pain in tnylefliide, wil hnther unplens•
Eget symptoms, and stiflltred mach from genet:l.l delti
'toy. At that !Into 1 pereatnsql of ItloteS^Dante•ttvo
bottles of:Tbomson's .trompattrod • Ryrflp , l'ter and
Wood Islaphiltai from - which I exptnieneed-gkoas ben
efit, ntY . healpt being now very gond; and 1 nhenrfelly
trecotnntend.then ri Wein nll persona tv'fro tnaly ho Ka r-
Tering from general debility, with symptoms's( a 118‘.
AUR.AIIAtII witasip.
Prepitted. anti sold by ANONEY DICKSON, N
t. corner of Fifth soh Spruce streets, Phintilelphia.
, Bold by J. & W. 8 . F1:13311NG, Carliate. l'rice•bo
V.te undid per,bonle
POPULAR 'ARM rie MOM. porm--
r remedies of the present day arc those wnich
,c l eanse and purify the btopd, and which are
k nown to he -innocent in their •qualiiies. Such
emedies as A in itnuity, Mereury, Zinc, and how:
r ng recourse to bleeding in disease, are now, it
is hoped, going out of use..4.ild..Vegetable reme
will be soon the popular edicaid. The
• Brantireth's Vegetable Universal Pills will be
-tised and approciatUd , ---They are -known. to act.
beneficacilltvit every part el the body, being
taken np'hy the chyle they pass into.the
which they purify, and it shuald be reivicitilaered
th tt they only remove those partsTrom the blood
Which were the cause of itillaination or disease
of any kindt — gothing is equal to ridding the
vitiated humors with a Vegetable medicine of
this kind, which eigh:y.-loar years have proved
never to do initiry, but alWays good.
Sold in Carlisle by'LI..BAItNITZ.
OF Vila!) 1-IERRY.•- , —The -original and
genuine preparation. Great triumph over dis
ease. Another important letter.
'Detroit, 'Michigan.
. AA. li. Sal Sir: We have been
in receipt of your"Rvoice of Wa ED Cueua v fur,
alien% two weeks, and we mast say that wefee.L .
encouraged that the sales will be extensive this
year. Olio customer, who came for the second •
bottle, stated that his wife had been given* by
her plifileiati recently, sepposing that she would
not'aurvive more than tvventy,four . hears. A
consulting physician ptormtmeed her cage des ,
perate; bath of them are of high -standing in this
place us scientific men and gentlemen. Toefirst
bottle had the effect to strengthen het so much,
that she leaves-her bed and moves about the
house. Nor husband seemed very much grati
fied, and proposes to use six betties, as he felt
confident it would perform a perfect cure, W.e
feel confidenttwat:lice, that is teach superior
to any medicine of the day, and in justice ought
to take the precedence.
Ytiure rerp • Vully, G. G. GILL.
To Punteu•Smouuts.-- , Dr. Swayne's
pound •Syr,up of Wild Cherry will be tumid nn
invaluable majelg. By its ore the voice is ran-,
dered clear, and all disagreeable sensations re
in wed. All should avail titentselvei of the op
putt ml v to test this "valuable compound."—
Coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, liver, com
pl tint, and consunnvion in all.sragtil, yiElll to its
socitinig yet powerful influence.
Imree ro tsr CA,CTIO t N — RE,%p ! READ I—There
is hut one genuine preparation of Ivo,' Cherry.
and •that is Dr. Swayite'S. the first ever offered
to the patine. which has been sold largely
thr the- United States and 'in some parts
of Europe and all 'preparat ions, culled by the
name of W•ld Cherry [Mao been put out since
t ti., under Geier el some deceptive eircumetnn
,s, in order to giye currency to thelf,enlea—
a little o'iierva\ ton,'llO person ricitid 'Mistake the
genuine from the false. ~Etyell Fibula of the gee
nine in enveloped with it beautiful steel engrilY
ing, with thodilceness of `Williatn - Perin thereon;
"lslsn, Dr. Swal'ne's- eiglinture; and •as a-further
timothy.. the pbrtrait of Dr. Swayne will•be add
e I hereafter, Bolts to distinguish his preparation
froin 4 all others., Now, if it Was not for the great
car.ttive prone:ales and known qUalitiee 01, Dr.
S vayne's impottpd 'Syrup of , Wild Cherry..
Orions would not be endeavori
nt ng to, give cur
rey their'fintitiolis tiostnitv, by STEALOVG
the name of Wdd Cherry. Remember, ativtiya
boar 'in •fitintl-the name of 'Dr; SWayno, tied he
not deceived: . • ;-.
•' , Principal Gillen, corder, of/ grGrartmmo
itom.clE.streets:Pliibitielnhia. Also, far sale by
,W; HA VZII.STICII... and. ErAttorr,
Carlisle •Pa• • • ; • ,
• vie.° IiTER,S. and Dealers in oreignP and
Highrstroat, opposite Ogilties 7 .dry gootretere,
Zarlishi, pa., have just received and are now
btelieitinit a large ablittrtiiient orGeOds' ill their
line, to vhielt - they Woithl . cidl the atteattolk of
iiiiiclbtbor *Witting liardWare,a,Ctiteir'ino'cir haS
beeirtiiiiio;at the lowest tatee; i and soW
at. WWI 'profit,'" •
Thot;h4 4 4a P plett received
• P ATL S PRAlV"itnil" o'o R.N '''STA LK
CUTTERSoko'iviiiehtlittYWatild invita the at
tention of ',ThFyzici Macitines.littycipiA
thetiiiiiiitain at hearV all thia Adrieititttral
liVihtit'aointry;:tidd are copelditted
• „,...i., __ ,
~,,,,-. ~., i...:0?, , ,, , , - Kulidon it ini , Freikoh , •••
~ t: ritiratctiAßßEls t witlic fiAL,= n:iiiiiivo 01
.ti , ,tivi: Frantepwlfo hing.bOini eduentod'in".Pdiisi
s" o'o dfinotillteti,to thel'lnidleili yrrd:qiinitiYmoilicir , Cor7
lielelthtiii-fie . isd4d)finli tO'f'cioelye , o eltientif pa?!
"" ' 7, n/tbil*' to , inittnoitin:hickintifolangnage. ~H e hne
/ iii
I , Tiimen file iribie'llonr* bilr'glOing motrnetiotio td
hri , tliii , eiiiialnit'ofrantig Vey drip] thd'anidgnts of
c, ,, P , olithiyiidoito34 l lldgd d tiliqtiloco7.-'4 Ho bringi .
te lettnfti frion:ihn' , .PEciftntofoi all&ientlerridn of
—4- 7? - cattyoiirgr whoLh'avol,istii.diOdulfit erLhisliiiilc—
. '2'l6iiciii;Viing?...hinvtltO l tlfitatttat crkdit , '.bbth'' lift a I
q -7 3nan'or good' Oiniinoti , r ; ttiodiennhelifiaftil initiiietcir:
I'il Inoletrns,Ott 1013' Tors fiirtyillisihnEi-lt itch ,, les r !
• ' ;stni twoonsiiirof , torihoot. , ."."": ol n i ' 7,. W`Dietqs , ;' ,
frr-Ti-rrr.,._nd---p,-.k, , ,--- A ,--- , ---- , ----,---s-ti-L
e,, , i .11. i'..; , ..niiii• - ;. , • , i alrO i - rf .40hri,11 , mill. r ,,,i,tr,, , ,
!:?...;,",-, , --, i'HE,Two•storyßlLlCgliVittiliv.
, ":' NI: :I,Ng,iio.T,rgE, on ,P,ltt thent ' adjoin.
' ' '.ltir' , ,' MetltodiefkehdiahNi 4 V l
, I, , Y), , Altap . paipo,' , !rpaggitlipn'gilipn I.
' " -°O/ V 4 A *, '.: :*;-; -,,L,4' , ~, , , , id fv.,l4,•=f. „dr
. , •, ,
t';:no9tortlT',,,i- ~;00...ifdt'H'itr'
, ~,,,,, %-,.• moved., 0. d llingco "_P
4 , i
ytv,..;ll[AS,ltlei d pcietteptl!!l,, dwelling
1 1 1400: of
4 ,, ;. Eltt,`lttP,:letifti%dimnilf/.1 411,1-'4l F.,michfrirf,„
. , 'r,,,,, twunr„'lci'gri lid SUR9EI clildeetti•iwlll
I.;l.4tl; d l ,BrA t t, - „, peat,: 0 , map, arl,la,it„T.,l,,„ioctgs I
•- , iri ~, atiention., / t -f- , •I'4 • , , . 4 ,,,
tr ctifil itih.-L,Th.e "u ',Pr frim-TiEifiltnti -
' * )31
•11"0,-W-qt11/16118 i'i)tstAlclO .S.:, •.
' ' ''' Rib Oltli# verY,F/ke4t11,7P,7, kvif.C„*.iiti-; , i s l ff..'
' 1 " , • , % , '' :, 1, ~::-. 'fi,.11,4,-oPllrl,lll',.lPl:,,,,,i;ilii•ni'f' I I. ' '
, i ," '''\, %t1 . 01}1.41q Th , t -". ''
C i , N '.
'' ' '
• ';::!..;.4:41 - 4 1 - . •
,ticEone.4sl.p. --, 17 - 21, ,f;fi pi 3,701
ji4l 45'4.1a.ti4, ant,
TE ,G 0 7 .,15, -WrPcli:lh7OlisAlltiriiljileA-I,o aoilj
lownq ttqy 9,010, cSta4lntlitnent-arpi,itirlieleCri
in the 1 e0tt11M! : . 72 4.3111/ irtichsca , ,and, judge/or yogr
solves - 11e.ts:s ; tisliOffikactio one can unicyssil
and, will gtvs,gaCkhargaiitsw ho may ;
favor y,,,kisstore in --WeSi.thig
strect,riesrly,oppostio! Beetem's
'stock;coninstkof,,Cloths, Casiimerstit; : sl4n
satin t stiChtnere.merinO.and Yestiiigrti,
`rinoes,,,AlpaehitS, Moos de:Latries„cachifferes,
French workitd•collars: kid gliiteb, silk Fringes - ,
gimps,ffowete, thread laces, - A large
or SlHEAVV,l4;.stiCklstiaiff, lonwand
square, Blanket 1 Cachin'ete, .Tibet,. ; ;Ferkeri.,
Moos de black Cffehisetc, ike FLAW:.
NLLS searlet, ytitoStalid White cottopilits'V
nclwi•biatikettil lihs'eYet Kentucky Jeanes t .tibk?
Mts, Pit me, csliCoes ffto cis, very alietip
muslins, hosiery, Berlin and Cachmeie gloves;
comforts, wonlediiatOt winter. einahnms Also,
a large assortment of ROM ET - RIBBONS,
very low, satin-plain and figured Mantua, plain,
bared, striped, and fz.(tirnd Also GROC ER TES
and QUEENSWIA.RD, .aneh as Coffee, Tea,
Sugar, spiced of all.. kinds, tobacco, •,segsrs,
crockery, glass unit cliteenawftre, rice, chocolate,
starch, idgethrtt with numerous other, articles —
Give hint a
LY - 'virtue (if sundry writs of Levnri Pricies
.6rid Venditionri Ex-pones issued out. of the
Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
rind to me directed, 1 dill expose the following
Real Esiitte to publib sate oh SATURDAY' the
4th of Nov., ut 10 o'clock,.s. At, or the
Court'House in the borough-of Carlisle, viz:
A TraCt of Land, situate in Dickinson
township, bounded by lands of Philip Ebert, Sr.,
Win Gralinni Win Randolph and othere,,cohl,-;
raining s . acresonore or less, havihg thereon .
erected a :Me and a half story Log House. Sei
end ttikr-11 - in execution ns the property of
Philip nbort4.
• Also, a Tract of Land, situate in Hemp: ,
den township, bounded by lands of Geo..Stuorna.
on the north, John - WM.4i on . .the east,'Jciseph
Waggoner on - the south, and David Weigle on-,
west,•containing 4 - Aeres, 51' Perches, more or ,
less, having. thereon eroded a two.story Log
House, Log Barn, Orchard, &c. Seized and
taken in - execution as the. property of Jacob Cain.
'Also: a fAt of Ground, situate in-the
bdrough of Carlisle, bounded -by a road leading
from tile tnrttpiliie to the Walnut Bottom Aid on
the north, east iy fife - turnpike, south by lands
of Jetties Noble's heirs, and west by a lot of
Jacob Weaver, containing 5 acres, more or less,
and having thereon erected a one and a-half
story Brie House, Frame. Barn, Brew House,
&c. Seized nod token in - execution as the pro
perty of Sebastian Grundler. .
Als°, (sot, of Ground,-s i t in South
Middleton- township, bounded by lands of 'l'o
bins Caulrman, James Crockett, Christian Herr
and Others, containing 2 acres, more or less,
hating thereon erected a-two .story Log House.
Cooper Shop, and Stable, &c. Seizedciand
taken in execution as the propel . , y Of Jonathan
Itoffert, .._ __
Also, a tract et Land situate in Nenii ,
ton township,. containing 110 acres, more or ters,
bouttded-brlands-ot-lohn--4.tanrp's heirs, Skiles
Woodburn, Jos.. Ervint and Wilson' +Sterrett,
having thireon erected a Two Story Log House,
Log Bain, Orchard, &c: ,Seized and taken in
execution ns the property of Peter-Strome.
Al'ap, asLot of Ground, situate - in the
: Boren.,_A oT Newville,compining (0 feet in trout
told 180'_ biet deep, littiinTd - WM.eitt..Street on
the Nortli,•ehltrch lot on'the List. Joint Sieder
on the Weet, and Church Alley on the South
having thereon erected, a two story Frame
Ideas%) and Kiichelt, Frame Office, ke. Seized
and taken in cxeention as the property of John
S. Wilson.
Also, a Lot of Ground situate in — the
Borough of Carlisle, containing 60 feet in front
on South street, and 340 toot deep Jo Chapel
' Alley, and .adjoining tots of Andrew Blair and
others on the-Nowt, sop a lot of HULIICS,OII
the ,west, having thereon erected a two story
Vreine Rouse and Kitchen. Frame Stable, &c.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Also, a half Lot of Ground, situate in
same Borough, bounded by lot of Geo.Reigtev
on the West, Mond Rights Hnll on the North,
lot eat" James Davis on the East slid Pomfret
Street 011 the South, having thereon creeted , a
Two Story ?Mitered House. Mld bark building.
Seized and taken in moiculiod Ile the joist prop
erty of Henrietta and Ann It. Keigley.
Also, the undivided half part of a tract
of band, situate in Monroe township, bounded
by lands of Henry batides, Henry Kuck. David
Eberly and George,Meisell, containing 70 acres.,
more or less, having thereon 'erected a two-story ,
Log horse, a one-awry bog House and Barn,
Orchard Sc. Seized and taken in cm:cation as
the property of Semite! ti iv ler.
Also, a Tract of Land, sittiMo in South
Nliddlinon up, =raining Fire Acres, more or
lees, lands ofJohn C. Culver, John
Craighead, %%rm. Craighead' and John Nogle,
having thereon erected, two-story Log House,.
Frame. Story:Atonic , and -Log- - Stable. , Seised
end taken in eimeatton as the property of incob
A.lso,a•Tratt of Latin, situate in SoUth.-
n4ton tp, bounded by lambi of Henri. Hoch,
John tt txwell, John' ICitzmillerl Andrew 11n1-
ter and David Foglesonger. containing 170 acres
More or less, and' having thereon erecterl'a tn•
story Log House, Log 'I o
enant blott, tog B w arn,
Wagon-shed. Orchard, &c: Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Henry Strohm.
Also, a Lot dad one-half •of Gtoundt
situate in the. borough of Shippensburg, hayhl
thereon erected a two-story Log House and
Kitchen, bounded by Prince street on the west,
King street on the smith , an alley on the north
and A lot of J. Clark, Esti, on the •enst,.being
Nits. 45 and 4d in the plan of said borough.
Also,-two Lots and a half of Cliolind,
situate in void borough, having thereon erected
.two-story Log House, bounded on the north
by King street, on the south by an alley, on the
east by a lot of Mrs. Duncan,' west by lot No,
50, being Nos. 51 and 52 in the phut of said bo
Also,, a Lot of Ground, in same boro',
haying thereon Oreeted:a, two-story Brick house
and back building, Intended on the east by road
leading to Abgcl s Mill, on the north by lot of
John Stambaugh, on•the hit di D. Ma
hon. Esq., on the mob by , lot of di. Reastine.
Also, a Lot of Cround, In stone boro',
(k.pown , as the Briek•yard lot) containing Three
Alres„ more less, bounded art the north -b'
lie of Alai; M4l)bri9o • the 04arbsi'lat di. Jellies
B . turOge, lot
dud on - the west' bv the C. V. Railroad.— _
1 Also, a,Lot . of i Gqoutyloivate in same::
borough; having thereon. erected' a,' ovastory
frameiro'uto, bounded PM nottlAyi Xing
streat,sontti -, diast byfobof Samuel,
Hilh &h i d, oast byelat
thri plan of .ratid'hOrtnlet!' i I. 4 .sized.'ariCipktin
irioxeeittirtn.turtketproßertyylfyinul Martin, Esq.
Aldo;tilAt'or Ordt#l,ol; 1400 e jn .41 Pi
,tepo'h!'N pntajOtig
'One Went ifint a:ltat , wort orless,.halttng there-,
otteriialeti a-11v4riil° 1 7 LoCA° o . m
B P:..§! , P)e- - a l l4
Appla:Oreheid- .Fteised:inii_takp caseload
il3 - ibetci . PeßV 'itc , Dtivitl:ti Hein " 1 7 1 -: , • . "1 4
:A 10" Ololf
ILijf :pl`'Citrrouittl';; sit die Zia
t 1 a orougkp arlialedtdarided.on t east by,
Poilegd lane, noith'l4lrot 'Of It. &Miry, urost,hy,
(111 alleY,lhoe,santh.ltyllot of Mrs. Stayniatudeis
mining -50 feat in front ,„ and-1325- feet- in depth;
ticiiiiie•and Frame Smith:el* , .
tfolitioo4 ‘ college
it'd; tlifnpilteriiiiid'Wor,tilleyreMiniieing'..22.s-:feht.
feet WI:Slott& and t
, lobelyrac t iffolOottit? : 4l:) . o..4:!•;-7 , 2'-';'.11743,4.101 ‘ ,
ITAiirtiWib 6'041414
ni Ittildi-'IOENTUCKY, nod tiro
obgccO) foriniettii
.. Sidi ' i 77 ' ' 1
- ,NitarPet:--- !ri:.. i'-
c'etv - Oil ilerliiiiijilf!Aesonmen i p
( w- • ' - '„ -- iric t ir_and.otyle. over bro
GarAtinifBPrAtlatilifiTiVE Clothe, two? inutero
tii Carlin 9.' Is, ,R,,, ;a „'' 4th ' '
!gptli4kLyli-Y-JOIHrITTAV G OGILM,Y. -:'
ocl4 • ,?. 1 ~;,, ~: t: ' •i", i _.9 ' 11,14 - : - C' i
:i.fd:r - t . ', l ` 4- :' uu Pt. ,-"'• '' N . ,..'1i ;owl - 141.i:r,l'"}' 4 , -1 ;-
'VII !ni briti,ol 1Y 1 . - t.....f' .
. . . .
to.„7:Skburettsincitte-vo .
Peeito4tqhisit**4ll7 .7. 4y , s4hilfoe ,
I 0 natfolliftWiiii-Ob t ac:# l *
t-- •
,A7stostan.,..MlVEM. - 1.
ttri;suimit a er:9;;living,
gueriecitAfteGa ly SO tliir Sotithtlget. kbrner of
Al.l.atkOtAgn.erfh, Snodgrass unit
Ore•-roljy,ipteporeo,tOi:9*qoute. DogdorreOttilft.'
:1 4 klieneetos, ofinit,ttizes,;imuotyte , not:l4be!,itorr .
poasb„d.• , Likenesaes,of Clpidten
.Faip,ity:Grot lO
ipo v taTcon .oplqndid style , „ay
intitrorote pritPtt,.lg.intotures • mode Ivithout,if,,,
wttO ( to illor.:qtatoof,lbo•,wevitheti.botween:
otit-o,'Orkft•qd 'arid § •..! 1.1, • . -,• /, G I
,rithipg to, tirrio :Miniatures tidier' .or.
l'epmi4o,t!pecintoolf,: would (Rowell to cill soOtte
,akthoir fogy h
- DAVID 'RA Nwril„ l Chesnut
— 4 ,treet,,iornei of Bonk street, Philadorphiet
r-'"offers .for sale'the folloWitiglehoice.assort
went cf TEAS, on accommodating:Ml . l'l'st
500 half chests kiiivehong • •
200 do • Ningychig Souehong
100 do Oolong ,do
100 chests ,English, Breakfast
100 half . do
, 50 chests Mokea Sonehong
25 du do ' Vowebotig
25 do Week leaf ,Pekoe
10 do Orange - .Pekoe ;
2011'14 lb: boxes superior.. Ningyang
P5O; bed f cheiget' Young II ) , soix
Ida . do Otimioaider
.49 1 't Ant Votegatty 'Dyson.
!'•1 1 0 :BUTTER :INA:KERS:
Tsubscribers havinO,putelinsod tho.Cright
L • of -Caniberitilid 'aiiii.) , fur itiakirreCT•ow:
ell's Patent ,Thertubineter.Chhin,-they would
respectfully inform the Partners and public, in
.general; that. they . will make - and'oll'er for sale
their Charlie at the Cabinet Wifre-room - of,Geo:
Simnitler,.. N: Hanoier street; nest. door to
the office of D. Smith, Esq. • I
The principal advantage this Churn has over
all others is, that it is so constructed that the top
can be taken off so as to ° give free access to the
inside of .tlitychnro, %Villa makes it:cent:enjoin
to put in the cream and get out the butter. .A
' lionnorebter is attaclicd to the. end of the
Chitin so as to chow the temperature of
the cream; whibli experience shows should be
60 degrees to make good Butter. A chamber or
space is arranged around the bottom of the
churn, for the purpose of ailtnitting cold Or warm
warter, so as' to bring the cream to the desired
temperature without nijxing the water , with the
cream. The secret in churning bitter_ te, to
have your cream at the proper temperature .;_it
will produce more and better hotter, and take
less time in. eh u relit ; it. churns tqo all Y 'Vett in
cold or warm weather—no surlti thing ti - S having
scalded butter.' All thatja necessary to make
good butterall seasons of the year, is Ad get line
of Crowell's Patent Thermometer Chikitts.. ,
We would most respectfully invite the publtb to
call and examine for themselves.
Mr. Geo. Spangler—Sir: We have been using
the Thermontenni Churn. I got-of-yon for some
time, and find it farsupertor to the old. barrel
churn for several reasons; first, great saving of
time inputting butter, the average time of churn:
ing abotte.fifteen minutes, - (all - weathers); sec
ondly, the butter when obtained, is much firmer
than When using an churn ; my
folks say they woad not exchange it for any
other churti.:and twice the original cost of the
Thermometer Churn.
Sop. 28; 1818.] G. W. STIEAFFER.
'Gm Spangler—l have had the Crowell
Thermometer Churn you made for me in use
at my place, and I do not hesitate to say that no
Farmer should be witlioni. it. Fifteen minutes
is all the time required fo make Butter, and the
value of this saving of vitae and labor consists jit
this, that it requires no more lima_ at any one
season than another; and that the temperature
of the cream necessary to reeky butter, is. pro.
dneed with certainty, and withent the admixture
of mirth or cold water with the cream
Carlisle, Aug. 17, MIS. •
For dm benefit of the bettor part of man (wo-
Man) I give tI is certificate. Afar Using the
Thermometer Churn made by Mr Spangler of
this place, I would have none other in my fami
ly. We have been using the old Darrel chbrii
for thirty years past, and I mast say it is not Eli
be compared to Crowell's Tito mometer Churn,
either for speed of churning or convenience; in
the old barrel churn it took genertilly from four
to six hours" to eltuni the churning, now in the
ThernyMnettr Churn we can churn butter - in
from fifteen to twenty mibutes, by brining the
cream to the proper ternpvramre. I can recom
mend it to the publions(+cat.
JOSEPII S111:031.
Carlisle, Ftcp. 4, 181%
GEORGE SPA N G LER has den on hand,
and Will manufacture to order CA BIN ET
WARE of every description, such as Bureaus,
Seer Marys Sofas, Tables, Bedsteads, and all
articles in his line . : and will sell as cheep as can
hosight any wheit Sn the eminty; and warrant
his FurnifiVre of gond material and ddrabfeworli
manshipc iv - nerd invite't he - pnblic to calt'ao
examinehit; stock before mitelitising • • '
• • OP FIN S made the shortest notice ; terms
mnderate. [nen I
. .
WI LI; He exposed - to Public Salo
ho the premises in Slver' Spring
. combo-166d co, On SATURDAY,
PI I the Myth df October, the following
--" described Neal lignite, tote' the;prc.
petty a .1,1. c c.. 41 NIEII,E dec' - d, viz i" . ./111
that certain Lot or piece of Ishd, situate
ver Spring- tp, r umbofmns (mended bya Ili s
of David Lone: Geo.: Ttimp's heirs., end Jelin
Schwartz, and co - Outlining about It Acreb.; 'The
improvements ale ~ a • DWELLING
.1 - 10usg, Fame Barm .Currier's Shop, park
,nrcessaty Also,
a number j ar 'l'no Nate, in good order. •The
land is first-rpte „Limestone, cleared and under. •
fond, fettc,q.,o.'fiere is a, superior Grejtatd, of
young. APp)e"j'rees on the lirenties. 41:le
ei;l'adifig! well of Willer. In additipn l to the
foregoing, there is a substanlinlly.,lntilt..Lime
Kiln, pilculated,for,,the itso,gr stonq,coal:
Thitt protip4kja altunied about one inileifortil
0r ..ilien'oo,„ood, POsiesses finuorflello
!ages bilpirteps man, from, iip vointlyto,the
Railp4ad, lite facility of prpetitifig rk.Sor
l'afintpg purpfisesj An i information .relative te
this property can be.he will
scri4er at 5,.93, , ,,tim0 b v r re...the ,day,ol , .ittle. • If
not; etlld ort said Executor.will, i rent it.
lorono,yem„.. . _
; pale. ,to FortirpOt'co (it 4",:o,'olooic„l4;l7ll.pikid
.day,,vehddtcpm;rill bo.mrulo
- - 4" 1, 1 % / S'P II A7 I ;+
. ma 1.4
t 81
fcriLancasterNofkefround insert till•itle;ltiti
olairge .thie ; • •:,41161
" House at4:Lot forSalev 4,,y
4...01000 ikr, , ...pol;iy. c,owpjeu now
sitiumr, In_ Plaitifield„'COm.
canstating.offi LOT con.
'tatningttiptvard ti t Of tin'AttrelizEgkritildlc Oti
'is erected' It !lid* Iltle!itdryaniek DM E
,tic)use,,,4ooek'stiaiirshitsbr&e.V.Theiklit ;at
oeVerlei Illig %V ell , tit th'ilinutiep tit
terk clink e "Ffith T6Fes on .
it,"en , ti.l9•*tand itlefickitedini.ood
4t‘t ut kholot o.ol.:eiroirgwiee!touoe3•2 ,
not sold befoit Saturday . ;*ilie/illirof.igoi , em;
?her'next ,it 111 oh 6i4e ' itar tiedi&l
-antler di on tlier +ye.
t.l.oAttlr`ttft - .1 , ‘. 7;e!.ICiED.AIQI4NII.'
, •
A YLO ielili 13` FlutimoßlTPletiribie Wild!
AO , Meditle , loooele by. l, ..-v '.,_ I ,,,, A!Tt'w.ti_',:i
-*A aciaii:;, ~..111,,:i ,I. d( 1 b ;'f . ..; 1 o '4l.llenever pt.
r '" - ' ibt.iirliAl:'tlie'eArieilbeii 1
!' ''' ." " 4 1ge
' 4 ePcil'hl ~
S 'ai4iiirl'Arti l 'i.4ll 81titAilic.::iet every':v2ieti'p
style arid pfride;fienl6Vitete - ttetif --4-:,
- . ;oetll) • ' -. , . , . .. .G R, ClitlliKB
Postponed • Sale.
OSIER : & VES ropaititig a
itlfgeAlltiAbt t Input; tif Men lif. 3 Yaintill,r_Vond
al ilioaiefy„and •G loves of,e'Orr,Nrarloty
of quality for sale cheap - A
, 3 ;;1::15: 1. , 'CCP (. 3 OR%
, •
• •.• ;11/1
100 161 *10d S'
I -
uneed §
.• :
; Ix Tv
, tr i ß p : ..o % , P u r p
r g i e
1 n Alb -coomplete.wnloittne ,
,1, 11 . 0 1, 6 4 jadrealk
.11 ` I ' 4B n n7t ;r ° l ft:d
j u s T c c ,
zllr 746P:90:89:11:741c11iV.;:td,','1
...• 0:44T
".• '
, •. .
Tr ,übsc.„k. x #49• o lk Public'
• ,-41icmProw SATkAßDAYokteith
u . i,Navembet :ne4t,-at lf.o!clocho.i.!
'tilts folfowing saleable property . :
sA,I tact of-.Landt nornamtng7One , Aorereitay, ,
ale at,thelhead•of ,Moont,Rock , Spring; ZPllles
liweekttfc, Carliitle.,,on,the turnpike. loading% frensv,
3 Otfrhsle3.o.l3liippenabtrge „li
The mprovAnienta;
"areco fireutrate'twmetory, Brick D we Iliegf Hook;
;with,kteek bilildinghosniAablefor A1119143 , 01'40 1 .:
er,n, a well.slll egeellart,Water 'with A pump
stormApring-house:,with. a room aboye.euttable
rnechaniewr There Aeiood.stablinglatAcited
tO.tho,prenliesiThe etteY.;.. , .
ilia aboie property, is not. sold that,dayi;
At willtht i rente&for. thettirm,d4one your from
the , ehof A pril next: L ,
OnitiAlie'Ciitirtlitde, .-.
•niri - wr , •• - -'-" 't ,
'• . - ,irT puretience of tin 'Orde,f of thl
. . t f,iie- • Orphans' 'Cdurt of Cumberland
~„.[ ll4- , coy the fdllowing. Real- Faistnte,'
"5'.. I. 'l' late tht property of ,Armstrong
,4iL" . 4t'!-:!. 'lrvine, dee'U, will ho sold on she
premises; on SATURDAY the 28th day of Oc.
tyber next, at 12,o'clock., ideal; or that day, viz:
Alk,thitt at. 12
Plantation or.Trict of Land,
situate in,ilyer BOring_rp,in 'apid county, boutt,
1t44 , 01 11 "M‘ 0 Coo. Beltillarlyir, Jacob .1 - 117(ri,
man, Atfdrevi leVirie and, others, containing about
121 MCA. ahaus acres of Which is Liantistene
and the reildtla 1
hide 'Lana (if good tpiality, —'
Between .20 and , ) ades.nrh in dirtying:Fin:her.;
and the reSidiah in 01p/futon. . The land is well.
fenced, e lafg‘i Otic‘ifNerif it b e ing: po st' nett rail.
Tho improvements.dre «forge STONE.DW.EL. -
LING HO USE, Kitcline„and.large Siondßank
Barn; with .o,lTreshing 7 inachine ( -Attached, and
other out-birallo. There is ti . good Well at
the door, and a VerY Adrierior Limestone Spring
near the !foils°. 'A young sAlfple Orchard of
grafted Wait and btfter kinds Of fruit trees on the
preen jabs... -There ittli'twd Mills vytthin a mile of
this Fatal. There n. gitiit OhnOty of Lo;
cast Treat lift said Farm. .
Terms ands known.ohildi.(iny of, sale by ,
of Arinseg 'lrvine, d'ec'd
Real Estate itlio'
w ta, he'seld.dt Public Spit, on
the promisenipn SATURDAY, the
;mil • :flab-slay of ,October, nt . 10 o'clock,
a. x, the following Real Estate, sit.
-.unto in Bilvd•Springitk. C uniberlanii
co, near the lion of the borough of Mechanics
burg, bounded by, lands of D. V. Coo.ver, the
Hogento*n road, Crhtnlich's heirs, Adam :Wen
ver and others, el:Mt:lining sft Acres, neat mea
sure. About 5 acres of this Tract are well tim•
tiered WoudhiiuJ,yihe residub first qiialitv Lime
-stone cultivation hpd Whlf fenced.
There, are no buildings on this lirdpe . riy, but
front its vicinity to Mechanicsburg is well stilted
ior•towti lots and for holding purpnnen. 'Phe
-property, will be sold altogether or in lots to suit
purchasers. Persons wishing to purchase can
view Om premises nt any time before the sate,
by, mill* on hither of the subsCribers, who re
f.itto nbout n and a half from Meelmnisburg.
Terms made knuivn op tin of sale by •
• 121C11 ARD M DUX
Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale:
JY virtue of- an.orderaiLthe Orphans' Court
Camberland county, I will expose to public sale
on the picmibes, on; ERIDA Y, the :Mt h (Ink of
Oct., 1848. at 12,, ii clock ill., a firstrate Limee
stone EA RM. Dickinson township, lately the
mansion farm of‘Vm. ‘Vealtlev, deed, situate
immediately south of ale. Walnut Bottom Road,
about half way.between Carlisle and Shippens
burg. It contains about. 140 acres of prime
land, 120 of which is cleared and.well-fenced,
and the residue in line jini,ber.• : The, improve
monis are a two story BRICK DWEDLING,
with a Framb House 'lunched, a •goed Frame
Barn, n wood apple orchard, witlt Other choice
fruit. The land is all unbroken, end'of flistrate
quality, with running water in needy all the
holds. Altogether it is among . the finest fitims
in the comity. _ -
• The•terms will be made known on the fitly
of sale by
Wm.-L. Wealthy dec'd.
Adjourned OrphEws'_Court Sale.
BY virtue of an order of the Or
plums' Court of Cumberland co., 1
'•• •• 41 will expose to public mile, on the pre
ys; A
October n SBAIBT, O n t R D
o A ' Y lo cthke 2 ABt hM 0.,f
all that Plantation or Tract of Land situate and
being in the township id' S. Aliddleton, and
&minty of Cumberland, about ono mile east of
Papertown' nn
hich Ilenry Ilartzel, deed.,
lately lived, containing 93 Aerea more or Ices,
about ten acres of which is. in timber, end the
residue cleared and under,good fence. The int.
rrovements are a twu4oory Frame Weitiher.
boarded HO USE.-a pretty good BARN, Cnre
crib, tin excellent young Orchard and a Well of
water at the door..
Also, at the satnelitidi and place, will be sold
a Tract of:Mountain Lath!, which lies about half
a mile from tine 1 arm, And contains 1131 acres;
more or'less, and is well stilted for timberland.
aii the. Irvin:. The terms will, ho
'Made known on the day of Pale by
JOHN 1V CRT, Adm'r
of Henry Mosel, dec'd.
oct 1-10
THE subscribers. in pursuance
of an order of the Orphans' Court
,• of Cumberland county, will expose
to Public Saler on TUESDAY,
...., the 24th day of October next, at 10
o'cloa, A. x, on tho premises, the following de
scribed Real Estate to wit— , •..
.• A Tim of Slate rind Bottom Land, situate in
E. 'Pennsbure tp, containing 66 Acres and 140
Perche9, in n state of high cultivation, having
thereon er:cted a .two-story.-Log House, a n,pw
Brick Baru and other nut:buildings and improve-
Mentes:lV° Ofeltard nude sever-failing well of
water. at the deer. The land Jthunds ori the
• Susquehanna ,river. 'and is nboin miles nonh
bf thdflariisburg Bridge. ARUM land is (leer
ed but about 3 Or 4 acres, and'theto is an abort.
dance of Locust Timberon tilt, whole tract.
• ~•The teittlS of iiele Will be,-One=third of the
purchase Money to remain in the land as the
widow's riewery one-third to be paid on the Ist
bf April next, and the balance In two equal an
nual payments without intbre'st, The purchase
money to be secured•hy fecognizenebs. Posses.
Ilion given' n the Ist or Abril. 1849. . .
•, ~,-, .Arim'is of .WM. Sheets, dec'd
* , 4 011_.
Valuable Limefitopo rani
, AT riiilikl'E.SALE.
. . .
..h.- • 'l'll E. eubseribbr Went at Private
.virt ...Bale the Farm 1
es ; situate • n lltahmson '
, t, ship'..Ctnberload co;onVit3 VUlo.
t nuctnottorn rdsd,.aboutfour-'miles
frota:43-arlisle, Nontainintk 109 •Aetes;•ntore.'iit-'
less; of first rate Llineatone I..find,about'9o herrn
of elenreetuld in):igh state of-rultiva
tion.t:The itripioietnents , are.tularge'Frahle anti
pi us iora Dcylling'ilnuse t , Log Bprn,ll,nptit''
nowiifp,'CorriC,os - : iyogbn . sho ,e4lll:AlLOOlilit
',rifee,Peary'otßkltighipAgL_t. ,AlSP,fwO'yoUnglqrch:,
flitit one bl,„ii r lithfiAtt pow, :h
n ‘t , ,peario g , pril6,r.' • Fortri Is ad . imrSh ly
01mati)d,'Itryi strmig; .. :iryloptrienis, to
purffitisers. , fu'r. h'Sr. inforinsl lol ),4l4
11 ! o,puhiferilit;rosidjt)g.:4441t,e,Ilirm_
I. • - • (. o.loAfti
w•l'iMiclqfritert•Entniner,.puhlish:onmt month;
Ord gliprits.n4vortiqol, 'll7l
:.-z,--li- , - , 1------;Ait' , -kaiITATE , SALF.,::'4 , ,` , :k . :‘ , t
''-' '4'. ' • ' THE nailsonl3(l,r _aloes at,'
° Onto
9 4` , - 7 ili 'cl,lo_, Itt2afii,_. b!lvinti_ElnLile'wtnat_i&
s 2 'Clitneetlnnd co, al)outi`n oinnrteror ;a
- ''( ~ .iiilfalliniih tiribb 1 tqfOcia leiding:
. „rtpo, Vdrililti; 0, ippinithurg, and ,
'direct 113 'dn. thefoditleilpling' ) foe) Whiigheilown il
'icTlckle'igrotirilifjPinl4lan 0 . 151* - SkiletriVf.To4::
good Lifnaatono Land, add„ the,
Ininaindl CUPIIP - Pf,Pllo:onndr )( )vep,lo,aajl',it'
i' 6 °P.orulii lAPA ( lgcltliP9cn‘m n y bellele*: 6 o l i A
ett,ont,n'o . Tlq,oo , PtftMg,tl 4 / 1 11 10atinn‘I.
- Tliq #ll "% i pmanlit nr ,nth, t o, , ,ntory, 4.flycl i:pg
ilionee,' d g, VONM°6lll.§,ilWBlPrine-si111:8°
i p
, und otlioi.nele !yAllt , pii-0g..- : kit,. ell
'pr - 541.41.4 r.: ~,#P9.1.911Pt..4.,... ”' ~:..,,' .1.
VorokiECtil tTg, 0 virohnno.,lll'nur:63 . tiet,
ololt: 4 101V,Olt iT,'• - neTißteildty;qlno p , tpp
', '7 s 27 l, 3l ' glifi' sv 'l wa l`"*Sklqllo;;'§i'llai . O. b'"
- 'f
o(Lono• 13
Iwiciffl4t-'.ed no' n5,1149r.0 iiiiirortl444•-
r"-` ,7
r ; '
414: • *;;4•1•''j• •• •
eR otAtc..
1 -NEWVILLET__L'!„ - So
"Institution' under We - c!),tie . - of
`BELL & WHYTE”; Ifaiiiiird'orpploted its
fireoerrri j underf.fey,oreble, - abatiipale.oes 3 ,l4tib -
VVAd t. 9100 .0 aP4?!.d4iPPP.9 II / 1 1P14%- 9,1, R u t tt ',f•
a graduate of Wkshingtifit - rpilitpet'SernmorY , ' 3 o,
OrigaiPa` for!th6 l 6litMii?e,tb'rm; ) tie fiNiAte Wilrfiok, •
aqp "hilid' 'lO )3
011aib, vor t iAatid
• Jtl--, • 1,5; •
. 11) PProh1,- •
Foi,byardibg,ooogingi..w4elfing, lighisi,.,
and „ • . ,$5,0 go.
Tuition in,Jui,apile
I ;1 4 , 4 . ' .• bo
' ' t' ob.
.:...Bem or . • Id • ,
I)lltwin,k 10 - 00
- " con IPinno • < 10 , 00
" • r litte of:lnstiument 4 00:
Pnirsble one half in adynn&
7 g1 . • The'nwit. -sessiop Acialol6'neee kov. lat•,.and
ends MarcJi 31M. 184 g. '
Oct. - ; Newville. llth, 1848.-3 t.
Plainfield - Nursery. and torsolee:-
- cal Gardens,
rue miles vest ,6ftariiylle, (.INecti'
STOW contains one rif thelargest and-best se.
lected assortotopt 01-FRUIT TREES. ever,
offered for . sale in pumisylvania, to which the,
subscriber wishes-to call the attentiott ,of all
Joliet:a of fine. fruit,
,Plonicts 'find it tleci 7
io their advantage to perelinsi Of us,. as we'
have Ari immense siock of the very .fluest large.
healthy trot* of the lialgitaficil' varieties, Much
as enuntit hail elseadiVre.' ApPlea,..Peacialds,
Peers, Viums, Cherries,' APl:foots, Neanrines,
Almonds, Respherriea, , SirttidterideleStb;
piker with-a , splendid, lot of.Evergreenii..Slll - of
which will,,beaold lower then ever otliired,lteßi.
tofet 0. largo,ple trees very ll,O. to 14.7 ee**
high, inking stocks, perfectly 7fnrineil heads, of,
bearing age, at 10 cis esv u. , Ordinary p,nott trees
such as ere usibitly sold,Hentr'series, at From eft
Tots each. PeriOnsinivition sell again shjiplied
at'n liberal discptnif. The fact this we arc re•
irioelag title enttee stork to other grounds compels
as to offer such extraordinary indecemcnis to,
ptikhasers. Every tree sent from our establish
ment is distinctly labeled and carefully packed,
-so as lo give the most entire antistket ion. Trees
ordered by letter..vall be as carefully select - NI and
packet' 'RS if the. purchascE was-present, and can
be safely seat n diongsnit miles. Whited oats.
lagilesliielalied gratis tn all nmilleanit Address
nett l-6t
Ccilisle, Pa,
Woodland at - Public rale. •
obserther xeill-selltral Public Sale, at the
Cann notate; in the borough of Carlisle, on
MONDAY, the' lath of November next, at 11
chitik , 'Tetley of Mounnin'-4tlndi cum ,
mining now:tills of lOW - Acres of 1/diastole thit
her, 'fielded into hits to suit purohnsers. or
. sold
.altogether, as iturchasers may wish. Tlie•sille
will he peojtiee and torms accommodating..
ocitB—ts) A. G. EG E.
itafaablia Towtl Phiperty for Sale.
, • TII understgnetl will offer rit
Publia Sale, on MONDAY, the
?11 11
•-• 13th dayNatelith'er next, at 10
Q-. 4. tit the Court Home
in the borough of Carlisle, his
TA N -Y A It D, w ; ith till neeethailt Tools and Ap
paratus_'rhis.i.EU43 Ms the' largest and most
desienhle Tanneries in Ctlml lunil coiitity ; the
location is good, clot/ea - tint and. healthy, and
could if wanted, be enlarged id any extent.
I will alsd offer at the same time and Vince,
that large STONE DOUSE, 40 by 30 feet, sit.
waled in Ernst Liberty alley, within a few yards
of the public square.
erms made known on any of snle by
T w
VA' 1721. :L 2 :FARM '
THE subscriber offers nt Fri
jamif vate Sale the following described
Rent Estate, situate in Ntirtli
niddleton township, Combed - it - rid
county, cOntaining 150 . Acres,
more or less,.patented land, nimbi 125 of which
ore cleared and in a high pinto of eultivolioa, and
the retithib coed with thriVing yoong Timber.-
'file improvements are a two•story Log House,
Stone NitclitA, Entine Mini, \Vagon.sheil nod
Corn-erlb,...tki i c 1 18 1:e young, thriving Orchard
with choice ' Mt., 'Flie,,,Farm is weal coVered •
with Locust " r.There are A id:indict ol
nerer•failing running,springs iff Witter near the
door. The above mentioned trtidt iii Liu Li*,
stone Linn', and is in n healthy neighborhood,
Within two miles of Erirlikic And one mile from
the„cumberland Valley Railroad, And Ilin on
the Canednguinet creek. The Fakiti 'is con
venient to the Carlisle market. The purchaser
can have the whole Farm, or 111(1 ncrel; and the
interovements, or 50 acres, or the 50 acres di
vided into five or ten lots. fly this Inner divi
sion the property would,suil persons in Carlisle
who wish to purchase lots.
An indisputable title will . be given. For teYrits
'apply to the subscriber, residing on the- Wolnut
Bottom road, five miles froni•EntliSle.' —
sepl3 . „„, JOIIN 'FISHBURIC, sr.
I 1
iviTHEREAS,tha florterable Sinner.
mix, President Judge of the several
Courtsof Common Pleus of the countiegof Curn•
[mined, Perry and Juniata, iu Pennsylv§nia,
and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and
remlner and General Jnil Delivery, in said
countioCitird lion. John Stuart and John Clan
denim, Judgcs of the Court of Oycr and Ter
miner and General Jail Delivery, for thettiul
of all engtturand other offenders, in the snit.
colitity driitlMberland—by their precepts to inc
directed, Jel,ca the 29th day of August,
haie 'order& tIl Couit or I?yei and Terminer
and GencrulJail EiCliiteir, to be holden at Car.
on the, 2d .Moihlay 'of Noyenther nett;
being the. 13th dao at 10 ,o`c,lbek lb dm fore
noon, ta ebtainhe two tveiskh.
•• NOTICE is thetefore„ hereby gist , h, Loth°
Coroner, Justices or the POO hiliConstahle,.
oftlie said county of Cuinbrulentl, that..thoy are
by dill said precept cubit - banded Cobs+ then and,
there in their . proper poisons, vith their rolls,
records, inquisitions, eisininatinhit and la!
other remetnbrancee, to do those .thingioykieli
to theirolfices appertain to he done, a eitlallibliee
that are bound hy. , rcerignktunbes, tp. likhsebeic
fugaintd. the prisoners hint ore tit then shall be
in the Jail of said county. are to he.tliere to
iireseehte them tae shell he just, , 4
Sherill s ice, Carlisle, -• gu itg
; M
. • del. 41, 184 FL.
..• Cheap, Idillinety Goods. •
"i.-IsEliDl.l:i itodfittidiiti consisting
••••••of RInnONB, othro; VA, INS, ViCinTs;
FLowEits tend Fsetu; . lt9; fur"vasl4:42"
!ST S:.geettnit
'sepldl It
,!; 4 4, +l4 Gill!
713 i ,k :8. , 13X110/U., s4,t
V,AO ligtdit
cljo)dfs of
'Gerrtkily,'tlio';Uiiiverility. Plitiitßyli?ptiy
for tHVBVekI4I.I-T4siiifil;ifdlit,
tl rdniidAtllll.l3+ • Beti;
i110n.4101 to thb
rive iitilgalipariCprlitili4'Aft(thdiSmdb" , rivid'llihd - ;
tki9 dol; Me)yyi
~-;i10*.1.1.1 '.' f
, 1. , VP, ,, LI ,• .t . “;/- .li • ' II .0 .
u IT,ll,lp,aracniii nya,digreklanTlPPLl.VAlAliat,pgdpra'l
~Taa)prodry,, t yi Oa p aat.4ll:itksiTtd,vy
4 -. 110 1 13 ,1 ?•‘r N i AllUilA r tarr ' 14 6 /09'%! i d( '
buddiiOn,(l6l ea, in. e bblid bpi Ad.,ilid:.B / 11hi,
'6l.llldel:reitiding,rn'ilfi iiikdifiiii dfd . lilliaTO L All_
ildriond ,Ilidiing:giiinllol3P.: l 46ndiddis ii tifidio ha
asnotr-of-said---dlidedadOtialtlSiir , I pre,
.1 1±
pantifientrnnrlyinathanticined fin; soutamen4;
, and tlatitfx itdobtodrOiiiiikiiTililMadeto : 4 ti
1...!.. 5(. ,. , ,,_ ye1,b; , ..`, 1 :3 I ' S , ,:i INV P.fiSBY'ROPit 1
17,11P11,1itttii7.74t44,•;-hil 1., .;.41- - -.-4 , 0Lh4 3 . , ..ctl. [j
6 1 1 1— )iiiii i - ' '
, ~,,•, . , 01,, -, :' -or ..
tworr.RB Ivest i mibaarrtera :4lial, fitniot,
(-,BO‘,ICRA ID II iii AY .sr..'letto ofi'eout It Mia..
iiletoeiownahlti4ribej!, , hgvelbeeriltrampd - by .
the: ltitistiii of Cumborbind-i&inntr to.tho eit.\b
se'ribouqsreilidinv loitholiinie lovhabirr.i'....All pqr
eons titiviiirdem*igeliwilriortetild' , aiiinia aro e
qtiesi'ed to *lib ltikowir,itio mirth) :Oitliciti,t'del Y, \
t pid . .tlitifio indtbled t ii4 l nkoiiii6Tiorwid , •,•:—.. i t.
'• ; •••-:',....".:-:. :,' br44PROE . ,DAtiR ATO li Ft AD,. f t .
.... ~,':'.• '••,- : ::: - ,MA RTA - 1./VA: . •011010 1 1E AD .;,
itAIN GE oti c L IMETtEaiVALAirg4n. ,
,t,llllr.Ar4l46kidtpilduilOrttYol 6l o 4 d rin b e':
96 3 1#noreti r Mode...401,tinesikeifin§pAilad-tIY,
portenity io seedy; in their various forms, the die.
I t r o ,r g e i l r f o ef
j e t
a rid ui c a 'u l r . e .. . d Psait,.i.
, ....
, . tfen i l n- S r l e v e h o o m u m i s e h n i l t i e li d e ' . t ft t n i. d v t o o on 'a
o dn lt P le t d i i l ei e L " : c ir tl e Y in tb vit t e ti l e i
- "WI ihemielves
.Bi* its superiority, i
and, the invaluatile,nc'anertY. it poiSesses• of arresting
\\'. 'bed curing disease. The Bottle has been enlarged to bold ONE 41IYART, dad In Its
present impinikd'faini inay - Satell• &Alin to be tee IlliST and citearks4 hindleine of
111 the age. ... } ls preoei,l e 6 the fame it has attained may be traced by a lIVIS line of fact
and cures ; thhtfinnild Ai tantlmarks mini beacons for the 101iliti, lal'ilittiVg tliksrey to
llthe laveraif,lieilth. ' . . . . '
' 'ii -- ' rl . '
1 2 ' ThilfolletVielt Ii from Col. S. C. Taylor, n Fentfenien 'of big._ sytnili ' g and eMndst"fe
' 'PentitttnOin'e n tiin the southern states, And latelj , tipiiointeii Coda Ito - Nair Grattli'dit
1,1 'ileari.,A..l3. - ar...0. - Ka.rtns:-7.-, - f-, .
~ : , • ~..,. , • .7..Prm.Ye.h."Alilli'ra.o 4B l .
' I
1-itGBHesitr'illtlifii—einiadilfPegtgle.V.litlict;ll6le7l:4ot the
p. e lt C s 4 ol 9l t?rgo, --e afgl i e ' 7 -Ik , • _U n . -
'll 11, . Virginal, - Louisiana, Texas, an r u oim+o, a .t i lent n ' itieh nle i usure in u lin ia . nign
~, otlink t o. enfertaineg i nf its oreet , meitilttel ,t vailie, nl ,lti ,m , f.own en i ttY lv th 11alniest .
:11 i t i t t ginet „ r arirtf)qe °v m n irtit ' l ' t i t i r 6b oi h t i Cin t l i c m anl e i r nvi t g e n d ra ' t i i4 i d nitt t i ll e e ne n j ite the
- a _... ,e, oiling;l6.
1.. , '4l Your Sarisporlila ift hi g h l y Unproved and extensivelY used ,bp the ti. Ottee army
~ II in Mexico, end ink censln, GEN. 74CIlAttY TAYUp.It; has for the itst. ve, years
' d ill 1 been in tilonaf3it-of using it, and .rtuonintelals the Same ;he And tt4 , .eie Atkiiited the
76 il -.article at the scale time, aml . it is , new considered an ,alninit.-fn o illspe t nitable. cogOisito
i lli o ui l i! . i i i t i . tpo elm.
.1n conniOsion 1 would say, that the . better Kis kn
... it . Ilc more highly
ill lid prized. sail 1 trout thin. its hettltn•routorjltg.,.yirsteNng It 1
4 n unfri l , gcnerthY
I I , i ll
, kn :o vt . n .. t_lli_r f, ll l_ , !_ hout . tlte4e g h af i s li , , l t r ip r b o r s 'egt hfi t s:?: ir. , tv171 . 3r , xt
I - 8. e i, G. l TA
to ,s yx,city ow C , , ,,ii , ,,,x,.
. ,
S,outhrort, 'Measly IS4B. ,
Messrs. SAfins :— Gentlemen — Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to in fo rm you ,
of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in •the case of my
I was severely afflicted with-the Scrofula: on different Perla sic thlbsaly.iDal glantlis pr
1•.:1 • the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs much swollen. Rat , sttileting ever' a
year, and finding no relief from the remedies used, the discus:le Mated oho leg, and
si "helm , / the lame suppurated. Het nhysician litiVised it SIMI be,lald open, whictswair
. done, but without-any petrriMihnt benefit. lit this .sitnatiii „Wo,,hefird Of, and. yfero
induced to use SANDS' *lrian:lrina. first po,tle tired ced deciffedliditl tom
able effect, relieving her more then any preaciiptioe sae liad ever taken and beton,
4. she had used six bottles, to the astonishment add delight of tier friends, she found het
l! health %Me restored. It is now dyer a year Since the eure wits effected, and het
health. romaieS.good, showing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the system.
' OUTneighlitive,ere hauWitty, to those .facts, and th 1111( SANDS' Sarsaparilla a great
blessing . to the ag Yours with respect; JULIUS PIKE.
.t . ,,S,tiiket from a letter reedited froth Mr. ginitfolistm known
.tothsa county, Va. t have burial negrlt boy of Mine with yottr.Saritaparilla,'
who wasattiteked With Serofirla„and,Of a sernfuldtia bodily. Yours
Prcdcricks - -
The folloWing testimcin front iteV. Joint 1:1ie fteeili} . of the ailitefit of tAe
qruninsion in - this city, commends itself to the intention of, the.tiffliceel. 141 merous
certificates of cures. of various disenseg_effected by this Medicine are airiest daily
Messrs. SAilins:—A member of my family has taken your rateable Sni'atiparilla for
a severe Screfulfais affection, ko. with the most beneficial effect resulting from its
nun. It gites one very great pleasufe to record uiy, testimonY in behalf of its virtue
Mid efficacy, hoping that onion flay thi Milticed to 'hake it filth Of it.
Neal York, May lit; 1546. 10IIN GRIGG..
A v.& li. Sea es . . Nerwich, N. Y., Oct, 0,1847.
GENTLEMEN—FeeIings of gratitude induce ran to make a public acknowledgment
of the benefit I have derived from the use of your Sarsaparilla. I have for several
yours been aMicteir,With - , cunfdlous swelling 4 ill niy.hend; Which at times 4ry,e1114
and alfscharge qt my threat, nose, had Pert auu at others vinuld brcat,otit ih
different parte fine and head. These contended until my throat, face,,and
Ifeltd-were Almost one-complete-sere, find for a long time I Wes Jtohoarse theta it was
with the Utmost thfliculty that could shit, lf alnico a Whistler. run this tune I had
several attacks ofpleurisy and ,other fliseasys. ctilistilted different , physicians, and
tried various i'dinediee,tit.rebelled - no benefitlintil continence(' using your Same
pantie. 1 ail now •well ; the sores are all heeled, Mid I attritiftte the result entirely
to the effects — oryotir valuable medicine, •
Yours, with respect and gratitude, - PIIEUE bAROON.
Being personally acquilinted4ita the person rtbo;e naniecl,.l.lelieve her statement
to be correct. JA3IES IL D. CARR, Justice of the Pea Ce.
' , lll,ii 111,1
1 1
411 I
lit ' 11l
il l i ll I '
ii i t'
1 17 0 til I
p , 1
I 11 1 1111 I I TIMPARED ASID SOLD, W1101..63ALE k:;:ii iti.iAn., BY
liiILI. II ' ''
A & D .
' 'M'C'
.0... 33. /I. 011.::\ ADS, IntrGOISTS AND CIIEMIIkI*,
7 1111 1 11 1,
1 1' illii Wl ' gold also 'ay Druggists Onerally throughout the United States arici_6ankias
. .
11 1 11h, , , '
iili 11 1 11 V, 1 1'
t '' Price St per But‘Leisig,Bottles for SS:
. ,
1 1 11 1 1 1
. 3
UST roveiVeti at the
"BEE 111 V IL" n
11 k••••
*"., 4 : ['Sentiment ot A 1,1., C.
eoniisting in:part of the
following tinkles, viz :
ron Lniarts
Rich satin striped Cachmeres, Alpahas,
de Lain, iiew, style.Albions, figured dress Silks
plain Silks, Parametins, Meritioes; French w,.r
ked Collars, Kid Gloves, Shawls, Ribbons,
assorted Silk Fringes, black dn., Sllk Gimps,
Bonnet Silks, Flow - era, Thread Laces, &c.
Black Frchitlftlothst black CasSiincres, fancy
Cassimerbs, rOvins; Satin, Merino and Vulentm
Vestings, Cloth Cape, kit. '
Also, Muslin, Gloves, Hosiery, 10 , 1 Sheeting,
bleached and unbleached ,Shirting, Jneotter,
Rwiss and ' Bishop
. Itawnd; bl'it and col'd ,
i d Gloves, Silk, Cotton; Lisle Thread, Morino
Gloves for ladies, gentlemen and inihites; cotton,
merino, knchmere, alpaca and woolen Ilme, for
Indies and gentlemen.
1. would inform the citizens of Carlisle and
vicinity, that the above goods, suitable for ilfe
Fall trade, are opened and ready lot inspection.
and I am confident that persons exnmitting my
stock, from the greatly reduced prices would be
induced to :mike their purchases thetefrom.
sep27 • . S. A. COY:LE.
Groat 8akg.4.10.5
+lt HE subscribers, recently. from Philadelphia Philndelphi
I reSpectfully inform the ilitisens of Carlisle
and surrounding ^country, that thoy hove just
opened at the eon:error Ni•linnciver end Lumber
streets, an °Mire '36Elw:stock of DRY GOODS,
with - a wen& tisiorttnent of and
SHOES, all of lvhiclt Wk. 'Venn purckhatd 'at
the present loWinicbsvtlittl, trill btl•Auld• Vert'
cheap for cash. Please- tint
etbelt,lis mount determitted to 'soli at very enroll
pidf it They have also been "ciripointbd &Oink for the
sale of the 'Pekin • Tun Contjetnir . 'S TEAS. of
which ihey keep n.gbtiontl attubrtmeitt at I' bile'
delphin•ratO t oitees. , _: -• •
sop 27, • S. — D. P• 0 NV ELL CO.
110611 LINENS.7-‘A largo umortmout of
Irish LinensyttullAow; at tho Cheap Store in
Wost.lfigh , ffirriat: :Gull ..
-niuly26 • • . 1 9 • el' , (1. GA R 1 1 11.0 NZY ,
o r Bilk
und-Purttu,GiUmps, anti PUrio
Beads cnieltet
1 , ,4epg.73 it I NACtt,'4. - CY!'O !1P41Y4 1 . 1
.41.4,1 ,Elt:
o d
• Tl',EitS of Adi7,4,iniossrottrpf Hip ts(ty hi
71,4 01s1711 VAUP 'Ho it,' Ina , Qt ailtr
co,upOt W,d' s 110131)13 , 0i tratittAlith 1110'ilt4 dirt
bqc, r In Li tithOf 41,04 ! rii!.* All Ildr.
Wins dllll6 . niripcsVosttild'of paid
'cedi e pA4l: ,Obpvco to. tr. 'oho , tor oeilfe
-1 411 liprA gitci#lng 'Ons`dli i 4:line*ted
lIP,E"?° IV-g4ll;o4e.tlonf,fB"
An:ftc. l , - tt a t
_ _
`:k1:W1 15.1'r
'VI •
nottecoll., ettette,_'.!;estamentery orr
3tVpit) aria Jellement k pj :At 1),-
,E,C.L, tion'tl,o,ate thelboyouih:of Certiele;
line.ditifziPAY ,Ptilif444ll's3oo.l!BlielifiY( *lie Rug. '
°44'" o.4 l tYtei . fOunilic4Y l ,t l d;ito"
ibor, ytPßAticktOop, , iii,the !Aid Perlin ill.
All perepna,lemng,,e)nmi , pr,igninnndi,egninet
irye; evoke ~3,l;yrnit4ege;lentillreZrOrtenPilt
!Melia 4n. 4 2,(Q, tbsll4 l .,4lVMMlnut fiRIPSYTP. O IIO I
indebted to nuilt2zemeollt),,N4;it -, f
• .lt•MPAP:lytif
• Ctit 1.1(
,) . ta':t . 1, , it11.)11' - 1 , 1 6.t i oiiit.,1,Vt : 171( 1 11. - .IW i' .
. s . .. ,h4ll 11
' 7_/LITTT/Plit . ,rtOSlrry., on Min k ealpiof 9(
Ett7,4lll , Yroem 9P Y.A-i into - rAller) ,
tp,avii,,..htivo - noon g ailicd li:. the su Alcriber4
lesiding -in-Ate- annit .-tirivivihip. , .4111:persona
having claiiiitnOinaktoVOCiinitif said decedent
fi )o
atg,taqiinatct, o ffininclhoin 19i. afttic,invu, t tinit
lilt' kiierl "‘: L t liOgrYll V S' l l i k f °s l 4;.l .6 t'''4 i °
ii, iiiihita .: , Si , J.,, i 3j,, i , 1 ,. :/ T , ,,r.; ? 1.,
::119RiTr:$4K0q P/W11 , , - ,9.9,Y,,P,lYAfttp_ n5.,..>-:
I g .., - f- , ripr *a... ' ll i'l: •,., RT'
1.. q. 1 1,• , '- T . ..60air.. . L..--04 t ,
1 , 111 , 1;rn.:..,:. ,) i,I -,
.... TII g,au isnpi )er. Itwittiat imqtvoclrttcynnot of
ilfigniti!,iiiiiEtiSiapliiD . ry:GoOde,, - to - vihiglitlio af-'.
46 , 1ritirpt1121!:tk,WIVIITattl4:;:'
ii:4 3 111 ? ,;,; - .4ja .- Tdi3il'iie.iY , 'N'ilif , 1 ,, N ., :: ~, ft•- ' 4!..,
~ , . ..,-,1 4 .,•,,,,,...4,•ii,,..t . „, . ....!•,.--1,.,.,.,-,,i, , ,,, ,, ,,i,,,t ; ,,,, ~ •, , tL . ,,
-.,•,-. t•••••r:: . '.,:„..p:•,;:irtia tl-,A:v•i•
Auditor's Notice.
Orpharia' Conn Of Cumberland county
having referred the account of Lewis 11. 'Wil
liams, administrator de banal non of l'homai
MeCormielt,ttlee'd; to me us an atiditor. to 'nutr
ition and distribute the aseets, hatieb is hereby
given that I will attend to said 'duties at my..ol
lice in l'arlisle, on Friday, the loth day of No
renther neat; at 10 d'clock; s. it. The ciaditore
will please presenttheir claims at that time. and
all parties interested may then and there' intend
if they think proper. W. M. BIDDLE,
oetia . Audit&
October 14, 1848. S
of this institution, to serve ler one year, will ho
held at the Winking House en Monday the 2011 i.
(ley of Noveniber next, Vetweeli the hours of
to o'clock, A. at, and d o'c'dek P. M.
datltil-te] - . G. A, LYG,N, Proyer.
Ptlr Rdnt;
niodatini .torms, a ;ialtiableilAii;
FARA., near Reciaartcyn, Baltimprii
county, Alaryland. A pply atorrice.
SIIA IllS--:A large !tit lir Tailed Shuns;
also long and 'Nana Blanket Shawls, now
opening at the choall store of
wprtENCII MEIRIVORS—A good desott
lE' went 61 French Merineey jdar toceivtid, afsd
assortinthn of all hinds and styles of dreni
gdAl3, selling at the 'very lowest notOh.hli
oetlC C Otl BY
C5.1.1',8,—J 4.ot:ewe& a general illiltortmant
it—) of Gentlenitin!4 Boy's and Waldren's cloth
Caps, for sale by CI R CIROOKS
4 -4 IMP, FRIN U J &c=J dig ()Veiled, a gun
. t.g oral 08,39nm:int gl Gimp% field Fiinges.-4
tdo; 13104 of , irarloOla qualities
apkpricoe, 1,4
sap s7]
A-4 ENTLEMEIN'S Actin() and Comin Shirts;
lA nlso Silk Shinn, just by
sep27l G W
Cheap .Ilooks. . .
ALL the d nd peplAltir cheap lAtbrottiliv of
the' hided dt the coutbet Or Cat:
BRO'fILLIRS. SortE.,'gdietlyet etre° t
Cerlb.le• • •
Grays! •••
dt the. kitiblici
liBuse of Col. flototipr, Mciu)B.,ROck, 01 sit
.iurddy .1.41.1) 4I I. et„,
CdrripletPlierppjlt f4r
. By oirder orJule'thintain;:
IIiTAR.IsI:- . 4oocut:l l COUntty Yaiti just: ive4
' I
Ind fei-ealtrtie thli• 13 r. E.ll,‘ , .l.prilligini
bv l tsottet. :.• ei:ocot
irt 0 U . N THY LAN NED—Jai .4,306a.rf
, lot of enelthry.flannel, all , wooly lathe-18 Pa.
Hatioveittiiiiect.t:-:'„ , „%l'„-41 , . octla•
1" 61 '
r. 04 ,
LA:gt;F(allci' Ga.iime
Ale.ongi;.fitt„!ifP • 74tA
iliOflle 414 r. arncisil 'ibtaldbir .
.rivin+edhietiber-inapirtllo§,infefilltifiliPub . - _
• I .lie that he+, still, ton,tiqtex ts eat!lfro,;(4 th e' -
ii hve huaindad in i all lte yeriontribrnowinur, in EL. ,
Ilanoveratreed;,rkairly otipostte+the tont Offici:, •
nnd -niair -tit Morret'enitiolei; initlwie,lniiro4kh of•—
:Calltell9.*.liOrtf:he. will cons' antly, Iteep,on hand p
--- G
.'ttnd , inivite : tkorder t evely.thing in hie ' line of '.,
:1)(194166p, • rineigiiieLg.l A DDLES, 'IIRIDLf i S.
- 041:141067 — "ItA - K - N - 41+54ollartr, -- . - fiViiipt --
• TRU Iki KS:, Ciiipat Ilthia:idte.: lie ,yeill 41e6 re-:-
ppir old llarnere.
~,'Plending of fill hinds done at ,
.theshOrteatt ' shied + HO' Wllt : Weilik t itimp,r_ark,_ -
'vbe'tyreidil:+of kodliii4eritit flu, ilblielfi itrupe l
nor frinner:` Ile , flattOitt:ltinteelfOliat. Mies
pyrei-rionfr+liiiduceinelits',;l6-IW•JillbilO' liti.wgt:
'bake' 4jr+lhif interatv-to2iititoniatiltlinp)•ipty fit H--
iiiirldliaftettien tctiiiiiiikeis i • tip& a jlereqiiiliallo4 „
ftolifellilifiviii ihnti" eat tifie't;leo;Plitillte,k'll , re' : •
mOd'il 1(10,11i1 kailie if ptililio 'Paikoll'i 04 1 .f.:'•' - '4' ' 1
. "q 9 t;'''''o. 7 CV 90D' ; vvilt ,, tiJi: iliktso - ' Ito *ening?, (..:
~ ,•; - .!).1 ,1 - , ::$ -: .f 4 -I • 07.01%-.. .., :
'., P a ., ii..; ~,9 :.- -,-;.. .w w., P"' 1, , agfoaAll1110" ":;:-,-..::•,'
-' " f'' --. " -` ±'-: ' 2 ' - ; ; • - •":'": ,- f+ ' ',:,' ~_- ' N ,'
„ E i.
h ir ,
.'ilLYNCßlJk*P 4= ;*,ll;4 e tt 17,,, liti o !')N.,:;
, kichtti.iy.! tc.*,1,,;,. , f,,‘, , 1i 01 0r Abbate ..
Pil'efiliell iiK e'' h
ni N e i V i iir s itTii,ottly bei';athries . :••
Tie N t iftrWo Aii - Aiiir ', ,i4ri 10w0100kiviti„: , ,..., , :
0-,4: ,inirrithif6tthqqqpir.,.:
Iv. .49mIt. n , v l ,,fri , A..- 1 ',:.;A1izr...- ,, -: , ,-".
1,-,.1. , iir - -Ti,•, , ,R84.,,, , f0,..x vr,•4..,.,,, F,,;....,.,,.
-4K~~ .