Mil WZ = , . • .... . . . . .0 .110,-...,4 iit , ' ,' , ' , 4. 4) :itti '. 2 •'• ' ltit t . - t1 '' '' -. t ~...4:ir, - . --,,,,,, 3; ., 4 „;,,-. 3 .....,;;.../... ~..,.L , ...i."„, .- ti t7 ...,...,...,,,.....,:_........, ;111.81 ' iS t.R N"-kY \V EDNE4DAY: . "itA i° 9 ' 7 ,l. - . ; l Oitlietel:24 . 7Z e tiVd i jiiltia i.. ;- '').;. - k ':. -., ~;,- „. A .^:_i I I l e , , a-fac,,,..i.D-ALt 76, 0 -dimu r invii.4,, , ,i OF ICI; eh the Soak TMCiiii•lt'of ilditiblie - •,- ~ - - -.- ' - ,-' - • • examination gelds - Urge efoe r of Stoyes;' i. `."Siitititc;./Kraitriiiiii-Cdurt-//ouse . euntir.Otiog nom or , tln3eibiet rind most elegarit, i s . t. - - rEfilleiS.Or SUBSCRIPTION, '— - vattiirnt of -Petinsylvetiiir, New. Y0rk.,..-re'elis,-, kill, Troy, ke;rtogetlierwith,a-benutiiutesriqrt : 0.11:0111tiwtil Filly cents itYdrir IN AI.II6INCA:, , , thein ' or;Fanty Pim& Iron gloveSendicnitki ßii T.v, Dollars, If paid within the your. ".'", -... . . for.prirfOrs, diding , roome, Doe iiillar for six ationt.M. ' - chatilhers,or kitelt.!sis ,• ' I.l&"betieves that his. rissorfment will aonlptiff Mikan to t he retil be rigidly trditerild to . :To secure -,', the piper at t duced mina - It musT-lto Void cash toqtdVstitago ; witli that of - opy' other estsbliih= in ailiminie. ' ' . moot, ,liti has also a. splendid stitch of f Ore'd RATS.OF ADVERTISING; - . •i . e`elebrated,Air.tight Stovert,lor which lie has Itecti Itgaict for tunny years in this city, in tho mitertlsetnetitinakhiOlftatirtli'des or Irma:will , 11 l cit . rac.l at tlio. rat e g f Fiftil;ell{S for one lose, man:tincture of which ("or oxeellenee and cheap tion-tithrce auras -fort. One Dollar ... ,:itud two 'testi, Ito mks to'his numerous purchoschs, and mat s ' no . overy dubsoipleilllfisartfon Yon rl V ad.,er- for beauty of patterns ho boliores himself nun. tisers will he cliarge,dut the follow iag r ates i . valled. For Stoves, whether of W n r Coal, his s i assortment is contid‘Cre. Ife rota , his thanks 'folds old customers, to whoth and to the^pultlie he 'wows his invitation to give hint n call nt the old stand, No. 97, S. Second street, Philadel. lido. ... - - „ • .150020 One Onhenn, with the paper, for nee year, - S't:tr , 11!‘lr u el/111i1111, 110.110. - -..., i . . 1 • TWO 5.111111.1.5. to 11 11 (pet rterlyelertnges, - * lO 121,Alvss Cards, willvthe paper, .65 )03 PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Ruh as 11.,mihin,,, Illa.aks, Circulars moil every ells. er ileseripi hill on'Onling, exerepnl handsomely and xdlicilitineely' ;Lila al the LOW ETILICBSP ...0. vsaavorafe2Ne." - -` 4 - `1:0'.1 3:.'residential Zlection I! 0 .1 011.1 .0". Arec , IF,IIEREA.s. Li and by nit net of the Gene rat Assembly of Peauslv.inia, passed the f2A day el July, I.tW, it is pruyided that the clue: tors of the. several comities of the Cunintou• to vete for members ut the amertd Asseuthly.,,shull el.c.e.tun at the sAtite plaebs at which said membets 8h:ill - Eve Leers voralliTithnlireentlit - g — trtectionron - the - ' !et Tuesuay of Lluvemther next, (being the 7th day) lor the .purpose of ("kitting glucturs u President „nod Vice. 1 , -residwt ufLotted attes., 'Now, therefure,l, JAMES IMFFER, High Sheriff of the county of Cumberland, iit par nuanett.of the duty ovine.' ou toe by the above recited act, do issue this my proclamation, giv ing notice to the freemen of said comity qualitted to veto for nietithers of the Cultural Assembly, to uncut at the several li.e.:tiou Districts thercni, , as hollows, viz :. • 'rho-election in the electinn district co - :.posed of the borough of, Carlisle and the tow ',slit ps of North Mitbllet.oe; Somali Middleton, Lower inson, Lower Frani:ford and AV cot Peonstiorung le will - be held at the . Court !louse, in the borough of Carlisle.' Thiieteetion in. the election 'district composed .-of_bilter_Spring. township, will be held a t the . house of George.Doey, w lloguestowa,ist said - to wustilp. Hy an - net or the . Gemmel Assembly. passed the :list day of April, A. It 1.8-16., tbuelectien 'tithe election district composed or hoo l otoo will-be held at the libuse formerly occupied In it. Dressler in said township. And by the same act, thmelection the eletti Dim di strict:'conipeSeil of Lisburn and ii part al Allen township, koowti as the Lisburn District, shall liereatter hold their elections at, the public house now occupied by John G. Heck, in Lisburn. 'rime election in the election district emnposeil of East l'emisburough township, will be held to the _house now occup-eil by S iteniihigerot the west cud or the Harrisburg Bridge. • The election in the 111.01'10. e 01111.105,11. of New Cumberlatitl,,will lie held at the public imuse of IV 1' Iluglies;lif tin. borough of New Cumber land. 't'he-election in the district composed of the part of Allen township,, which Llictiti:i was liet e tuforii held ut the public 11011Sti of Wit. Ilught.s, in the borough of New Cumberland, will be held at the - recant House of George Heck, now once pied by Robert Coffey, in said township. - • The election in ilia ilistritit compost d of tha part , olAllewbitvitaltiti, out included in the New . Cumberland, George Heck und 'Lisburn election districts, is , 11l be held at the public lionstsof David Slientrer, in Shepherdstown, in said township. PM: blection in the . dis.riet columned of the borough of Al eehaniesburg, will be held at the public lonise of ohn Hooter, hi Rain bormigh. , The election in the district commis d of Mon roe township, Will bettelilmt-the-pabliii house ufi John Paul, W. Chitrelitonm, township. • vl he e.inaion in the districicomposeil of Upper Dickinson township, will be lichl at the house of . Phi ip Weaver, in said tux nbhip. Tile election in the tlibirict compost tt of the Borough of .Newville, and townships of :t Min, Upper Pr.mkiliril, Big - Spring, and that pain of Newou township, not included in the Geetillurg election:ABll4st 0- Ireittaftett 4 spentioned, be bald - at the IVitk Sehjel it Ouse, hi" the borough ,of Newt ille. 'I he election in the district composed of Hope well township, will be held at the School, House in Neal:erg, in said township. 1 he elm:moll in th t district composed of the borough of Shippensburg. Shippensburg town ship,:ind that pal t of Southampton township not included in the Leesluirg election district, will lie held at the Council House, it: the borough of ShipPensburg And in and by nn act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 2d July . 18.35, it is.thus provided; -That the qualified electors of parts of Ness ton and Southampton township, id the coon ty .01 . C:timberland, bounded be the fol lowing lines and distances, viz: Beginning at the ArillM4 county:lino thence along the .in c dividing the touotAtipa of lAckiusoll tail Nea,tun to-tile tar:mike road, thence along said turnpike to Cen tre School !louse, on said turnpike, iii Southamp. ton t toWnshi p, thence to a poild nu the. Walnut Batton: goad at Iteybuek's, iacludiun trybuck's Farm, thence a straight tlirectioll to the San AI ill beloup,ing to the heirs of George Cimer, thence along Grynlier's run to t to Adams eounty litie,• thence along, the line of Adapts county to the place of beginning., be and the same ii hereby declared tiew and separate election insulin, the election to be held at the public house of Jolt:: Relniuk, in Lee:Witt-6c S . D.:Olin:pion township." ' which lime and place the gnaliEtil electors, us afureSard, r4ill, iilec,t bl' ballot— ' ''TWI N 1 Y-SIX'T.LECTO S Par P,'esident'and Vice Pre - 51(1cm the United States. , And the seyershtlidges,lnsPect ws, and Clerks *W.toshall . attend at - the preceili:lg election for mcrithers of 'Asienthly, a, e required to ultelicl. ennui pViTurin lit the said election, the like dial en, and be sithject td the like penalties fur neglect or they shall be liable to at the elec tion tar Members of Assembly. . .. , Agreeable to the provisions of the sixty-first fr colon '.iii . 'learn. "Inet,:-.LiveilAietniritt it'd Special Tetitivt) 11%1 , lie niiiine . !lhepv,e!ni, tile tiner?, -el gfit pail tett ifi the focenonch to Anil enntintle A Windt intei4ilfrilini'firitnildin , nrialint tihtit - tteen n'etoe::. in the. eveeino. \Vhelc the 'Of he shalt - he n• eininith .; .., ;• ' • . , ~ . . ..**,',Antl, the J tulges9f the respective dist Outs afore - said; aro, ity sail apt required,thc 'COO Lou, in the.borough :Carlisle; on .thc titird day alter the said day of election, being kriday X1ie,19,11) day of No 'her, then and thereto Met farm, the,thi No required .of then& by law. 'staler. , my hand, et Carlisle, this 2d • sby.,o,Octuber,.A . D. 1848: jA m 11.0E1.q.1i, Sheriff i s,ltttriff,'s Office, , ; ,...,,f)cttiber 11 . .4448, ;.,,,"8 - • -•." It 0 Court'Safe, " ti,+.744 14 apS I :t. oi •E ,IN,ottitrettance.ernen ernerior 'the • ' '0 rpliatite) , Qinfri of .Cumborland ,cu, 0401 be • exposed ~ t o• Slde, on ' ALI DAY,-the tatit, 3m -the promisee, irr" - t be borough' of '',ltliseiliiiSeinarit4 tit 11 iii dsieribod (teal , Estate, lam, the'pruperty of Jacob of,Grduatr,pit r unie it-said boropolt,.entlibouodipl bStl:Atintlian Silver - §prieg etiol A - 14'fitherg4lePetaining.tiboaWr.WOtA4P s p , ,t • A lso, -a TrueiMPilmnii,§itdatO jn , Easq°oo4o4-11:, ' • Bind. - ofridilliapPAMO: - (hi* a ,01314, Clark's heirs and pthois, _tuintunnag T"Ilt1; - 3 1 .)!W w f, 08, 1 9.09 , -PrJea b . ogrratvit -ittrilMoltdras'ircilletvs-frrire, per. „il i ti 48;,ipidhiOlt4P 1 1 11 .1P • 4•ltu. 6 ,o'f fiPPO. 4 ", 411 10 PeAt : EHR" ilhP6'' 111 . 1 ?( 1800 t .041; tOpi, , ' , A• - rop2o-18'..= • y of, laaub Rupp Z. ~.... 4 , tt cl, I 2 ~.., I illfzi:: sligillifl l .433;:gt ,KAVWA PII t,, V 'l :A t.)„Telit;F; enbeeril;er,offor at'-private ~, , ..3 " "-, -.- 11!:41ale,:11401110UP"I'k'a"14 lii!liP . - 1 ...:1 iV V I gow,fAcupinnotutnntonFinn4t .,, , I "s.J'', I/ Al 01.4`;j4)1,9"171,14P.:11ra,°::..w.: , ,:- 2 " '''.. ' "I tk " :j) 4 4l ° E a lli:do karl fill of 'lttl ner9% ...01terthit , 'l'. 4 i l'ig . 1100 twosiartrbiAwentr. ' r ; l' n 't`nk,' . 410nant(Inrgiwtanthiti,nsliothown gg r " 4° 4 1 '0" ii,j447ltio LintiniKtilitAivid!nbilito ' ''t e r ai tto m ,il4's g ohictiltAti.ibojlslipoeigt tykow -‘7l Vtorvell'F'alcninte4trot7titprl i ttti l lt4e , LA ' Pnaern''r th0"604:6;14°4*"n . illua • 1 1, t ' ofe'gritilrll . 1? - t ,, , ,,i 0 ii," % y l oj u g, iltu d pit rohntift ,n ; unsc btr inionthati ~. - ,,t, , ,fr,g,i,4,,bargith,, .., the 8 " , 01. , ...01 . 0. ', ' sr a I frag" l 4-1-471'°; } themat ok6tot, • :,:'"Af egt: sol _, ° l l q' be bir d e sa l is on Out Pitli / Oteff t ' ,„'':t40.10,411.1;7„:1111)C,,,adji icillawn. by , 2p , Yl' i 7 k . ` ''' ' `A,41141 '7 ..1' ' ' ' 44 r 1 .,i' `''''' if 4 D 4V41), id",MEE'il,''q" '-:.;c4R, ,Ifialy-,-.L.,l;n'igai,iitv,,,l-I,6,,p,'S='-:iii, 0 1 . I , .s t .. Zilicipp,tutincighpiPiii ,Y2:lB.4llVlVlt!ll'iPitaquto;drilm;l44 a :';'''''''' i" 1. 51 4 !). lz ; ":,7..„ ~,, y.,i, . „,, 7 1, ~,,,i , ~; :47..4-:::„„k.,, . ..-ye.;-~, , ,,, , r-.4.-,,,,,. . , ~....., N E - We NE 011" ST:II.GES;; ` . 6 y- • FIL0:11 CARLISLF TO YORK! 'THE stihscritrr bees ledvr, t ti infairthiftwoil' ling4torn m nnityAhatAudinetwadN OF STAGES most CVni.tst.E Youx and Frock, duce times a ‘N.ek. Milowsi—Leeve eVlislo on Monday, Wednerday 'nod Friday mornings, at 5 o'clock, a, ar, and 'passing through Churchtoivn, 'Dillstown and Dover, arrive at York at I o'clock, r. m, which will Le in time to 'take the York train of cars lur Duldmoro. Leavd York for Carlislo at 1 o'clock,l , at. (immediately after the firr,val of the curs,) 'on each. Tuesday, Tharsday and Saturday. The subscriber assures thos.e•who frilly, pat. ronize him, that he has prepareil himselt with comfortable and safe Stages, and will use Avery effort possible to accoMmodate travellers. l'as sengePs front Cut lislo will engnue pa - Essen at the attire of the subscriber; and will be called for at the places they request. In York they will en gage at the Depot, or White Hull tavern. GEO; ,H EN DEL. Extensive Livery Stable. 'FHB stittseriber l'espect laity infortrup-he pub lic ..that he continues to entry on -the LIVERY II in rill its branches, at-the old stand.— I Ls .11utt.t. tts arc numerous and well-assorted, and his Carriages. embrace every variety of pa:tern, such as Co.telles,;.ellis, TilPourys. Sulkies., Bug: gies, all of the best finish. Ms drivers are careful and attentive,. Sada' , lrorses cif the most agreeable glit, always ready for customers, at low rates. ' • The subseriber: desirous Of securing tlieliar ronase of the public, will spare no pains or ex peme to render his estaliiishnient worthy of the most liberal erieouragenient. j GEO. rIFINDET, Physicians and Country Merchants Will) wish to purchase It It I.IGS, &c, cheap, are reques:ed to call told examine the large stock received at the store of the subscriber. The arti cles are: fresh and warramcd good, and purchased at the very lowest cash prices, said will. be dis puted of lower floss articles of the same quilt! y. have ever been sold in Cumberland county.— call and see, and if lie does not make it to you' uelieLuAtte_tp p.urcease front him, he' w,ill not ask you. to buy.. Orders from the .country will receive prompt attention, the articles guarantied good, and - prices to vcr.than any other place in Cerrlisle. J. A. BISHOP, Successor to J. J. Myers, Main st. Extensive Furniture Timms. JA(OB, FETTER &SON VIE7*O ULU respectfully cull the attention o V llouse-keepers and the public, to the ex tensive stuck of splendid FURNITURE - , inclu ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing and Plain 11a-roans, and every variety of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which they have psi opened nt their NEW ROO MS, on the cOrner of North Hanover end Loather streets, Carlisle. They are confident that the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which their articles arc gut up, together with their en r:ArNEiS, will recommend them to .everrper• son wanting Furniture. They heye .also made arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a, constant supply of every article in their iine, built plain and ortiatnental, elegant and useful, at prices which cannot fiutl to sun purchasers, They would earnestly invite persons whoore about to commence home-keep ng, to call and exionitie' their present elegant stock. to which they will constantly make additions of the newest and most modern s.vle. COFFINS nrole to order at the shortest no cc., for town and country. Carlisle, t3cot 6, 1170 (IL ME TA r Ra3 ATP': fiLIC SA LE. WI LI, be sold at public sale on t ~,, ''.. MONDAY, the Bith day of Octo 7r: ben next. at 2 o'clock r. AU, the ful. . 1. : ,,, : I - 1 ',5 lowing Real Estate, late the pro v!,,,-,-,_„,, -0., perry of (icorgo Rupp, dec'd, viz: All that certain Plantation or Tract of Land sit uate in SilveSpring to, Cumberland en, hound ed by lands of David Lime, Jacob Bricker, D. Coble and Jos. Briggs' heirs, containing 69 Acres ,oud I I perches , havink thereon erected a t wo•storyd..o (I Ito USE and large Frame Barn, Wagon Shed turd Corn Crib, nod all oilier ne• cessary out-buildings. About 70 acres are clear ed and in tt , good pinto of Miltivatiorri , nnd the bailee° covered with thrivingllmb`er2 This farm has' considerable locust, timber, aryl is located near the turnpike, within half n mile of Bricker's Mill, and in sight of Silver _Spring Meeting'. house. The celebrated Silver Spring rises with : in n few feet of the house. Also, on TUESDAY, the 17th day of October( nest, at 2 o'chick,-r. m, will be sold at public sale, on the promises, the following Tract 01 Land. late tho pfoporty of said decd, viz; Al l that Tract of Land, bounded' by lands of Chris• tian Parker and Joh") Rupp.. eon. tabling 56 Acres nntl.B2 porches, having thereon - erecte.tha3Joq--HOUSE-aud:Logilarn, with a never,failing well of good water near the house; 25 acres are cleared and the' balance in first rate timber.. This property is located eixcitiles from Carlisle and three•from Mechattiesburg. Terms made known on day of sale by • ; -• GEOROF,I Rlll'P% Jr, • LEVI — ME 11_KEL, sep6—isl• '• • Biecolois - V Lancaster Veiling Frognd, insert till: sae, and "send bill to :this office.' • • I= .ORPHANS' COURT:SALE. • , .„, • • , ,•• ,•• ir, .., WILL be sold on the premishsi If il :. by, p U ublic' , vendue or outcry,' on ';',k. SA'I'RDAY' the. 14th • day of :.:!..r. • 'October next, at 1:1 o'clock, at, the' :...:•-,..,',.......- following , Real Estate of Joint Saston, iato of Sihier-Spiiiiig township, Cumber land,co, dec!d, viz-7 ... ;,-.y ‘. ; rt.: !TT: ', i - All 4hat certain Lot ,of,' Ground situate in said township,, bounded ; by lands of Henry Grove, - Pitt:ration Eeller,,Win. Keller,t - reicr!.KisAnger and :Alio , rdad • leading, froin' - olio , Clark's...mill, containing. about '2,2abres. ~ 1 1',his I...9.oflaeituate , iiiinr:K.ingittiwn 'And. linatiherb-. on erected-a=weatherlioardtaldliwelling,Houset andl,,Log,Stsble.^;;There is 'a good solomien.ot fruit trees on the promises. , Also, all (hat Illattlationoal'ract 91,La nd_sit nate in - said tow44l6 . l(lll`'Sihla Spring. bounded by; hinds ofplrietian 'Keller, , Michatil'KOSLlGeo. Rumr.ithd others,lbonteknintril2Abierrniid ' ; o!" -putAnsi . il-sit‘i . ut. c ; lvititti3Ure; - ',THOttiitiVis -4 ,1,1m , ii. , stone,' pi ,'fgooo/:clilliiiiiiciti 4 aiiii' witlr'llin'63 - a:— , -. Thatitt9s - nliiir prOfitirlifeli'iti it', - *lioditifid . . 'fliti i rriptraveruhnts 'lire , n , tWo;:iicifst"t4Cititailiiiitdtt4 ' LqDwellink Hodne;' , is ',Stotts:lldt* Milli' yVV- Ee n ,:gbddilv_o_tolerili:oud. ". s p..tho.rlour,builittOge . • Y ilititipl‘ id tt !Argo 44fploi)i - Jfi r nrd;:ol': - goad fflilt: and utior, fruit ties's,odf ' itV.ilane...! `A: 'stisiiiti''or wideeriuts':thio`ugh , tlU3isiertili . teni‘and: thoie is a Well 'tit . ..Witter at, the house.' This tirojii , 4 o ls, Welt Attuned, b eing about 1 tulle south of Kings; 'WWII: '1 . • -‘ - ' .12C - S V , VV.g4 - - - . .., ' ii..rol 4 o9 9 f;Wiai)iPgolAgmi , rho. ' :prainie9t can, do . 'so btuttlliman it twpdtospii be r p . rl 1 he,- ItiditiftAPifutlift,linull.l' l'ho , . soUditloof ,st'.salo will: ~ ! ioviiitvisiww Fr) qp ; AlteodaV; of sails I) wi . ; II i ; .',6 hgva,im - 4, , ,4 . 4. i iiip494A...141 4 ,,rai. , 4ifm?r,:wT .Aire4Wiiiii '' i',.: 5 ',411 , ,?„1 - I+l,lotirligillyisFATl.lso, F.,;(i, , f; uv. ~,.., " htvl.l ':' l ".r•T'rEll.Bl;E:_; . 4dnii;filitiniioniaril!fin,nuttitiiii 9.FlLlM) l7 .44. — LET:iiktiviir N#1114111555 , 6141K titirnb4Tlqiidroottlity;!;-:4R"tit'hii,vel-lieen,:lrepte t t G . io ilio`subintribottt,Fdifithltdrenitfii;tOwtiliiit: ' 4PORROPOf i ti' ,l 4ol:tig. cqmltit i kt t iifo7,ol l 2l.l 000 7 si, : r prpmml9 t ri . , ,q,,tiq . , t 9s 44 - , 44 Pi ,1',,,.,v4.VP i5.041111i:VV.21 1. , 1.t , 5,^, dZtedlilalta_ pyp0utt0egq 4 ;;;1. , ;. , .A4 . 4 . ,,,,, ait„ ' g! ir•A :440, 4i , orgspuiso;nrogle, i ::I',lltt 15 * t if. , ,41:1 1113 ./SAtMIITSI;I: 1 ,4 = 'M' e AOO vt,i l , o *:P/10`. #s;gi H I P-gPv 4 "4og' t r uei...fiArl 1; ~ -:1.----, - , J . .-7'.'..!:'r,i#ilfgt4l4lik, ,0i ., ,.20::: , ; ;.' 1 ,v.... , Y4 . ..,; , : , ;:,:,.1?i , ...t.,.0 , !1.y1.. i-.',1. ... , .-4,' - '5 , 4:1, - ;;•PiX.43Yri,,•:-1,,, , ,i,:::.44,, , ,i., , , , ,..,i,, , ,f ,, :".. , ,',.. , ::,, , ,1,':.. , , , ,1:4;54:-., , ,,11i'1,t , yi. , ;.v,i, „, r ~„• t ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,,,,,,- -,.,, ~,, -, : ),,,,, , ,,,,,,•,,.., , ,, , ,,,,,J.,1,„,, :,,,,,,,,,,, ....; - roN-!.. .4. , :.q , ',... , -!...:V ., ' , ., ~, ' - -1 '`. - ",iitfbitiqi -, .- •-• :,, • . -', -/lllllERalisiknotm]ftattl,Amman, - p4cjAttii Vi enlatiolidfilibtakfi. addition' at' tbatiiiitonl a' tht•Aerv ' ;b bt'fttroctipeciallya A .;. ti ' cstot lifiq' toiVitid idatnitl'VtitiOnev&fty ; i l aseP r eiiftibilf'ttici- pOritd ii .'0 - - Aifitwf so.likatilC,poaqivoii4optiiii4.:.pi. ,epp o id„pho . c , ,in' t0.,„,1 40 4 '0.0'; 0 .74 acting, 4f,illPyoo"Piei'„iiil:o9o.94o4:anti,i..- nu a :)I.y. u f ~the..blOc,d, fise)f,! pie , 'llocastenl. for the mostiatul.and,triabgnatt distrdeek.fl,The bile tietomeli (and often without tiny,LWarning) iit.'s'nfost actimonious -. condition frotn'thCiii. ' ropmiled idninkeliY-tiiid . iir the a tonaChl land boWbls 'lniv6 been negletted prcivinusl,:Cit first svirilituulis'roiluire immediate attent ion - 4:- , Even tlibbeivlib'hav i e'a betilthy diSaisltith of body,-are'subjett.l.6 sicknesh under these 'eft- , - eu - nOtaaft - c — Tliertfore, to - prevent Any 4.111- gar, we, ought ..eurefully to guard ,s,gainst'af 'austivt stato•of our bowels. Once 6r twit: theishouldhe evacuated in twaity-four lieu' ii, There.. a re..onany. causet-whieh ,, praluee . 'un healtly bleed: sometimes ,it .ma,y'aiiSe front grief, at others when the s ystem is in a'iiiute of fullness it can take plane fro,n sudtipn, joy; closefipplicatiun to Jitkrary undErtaluag can produca.it7-in all cases where :pony persons' have. to be seen and spoken tp, which produc ing nervous-exeitemect,-is. a. fertile source of un heat hv. blood oecusifin lug that slow nervous' fever which has parried , 6ll. some of our beet Men, , men tnartVra to their.'re'putation, but .:WhielfLiatiowledgt .p. 1.. tbulfoweri'lit. - -11 - ean - & - - retlO:i -rills Woad. have prevented._' h ose SIM iv to esti° . Ottaetw9 wrr 'wag, utitfer a most any- edverpemirentostandes;.nan do so by hay,• lug BRAN DR ET frS PILLS un hand, und.4t once resorting lo thein when the first, feelings of disorder take place in their bodies,• As I his advice is used so will the health be: • The tinto will yet be when a flash' that makes a good thedieirth shall be honored more tivitt;he who is an adept in the art of war. ~, ,• Ile exteedinglyafrafd - of-C-011\ITERFEIX TILLS. The Agent is the onty.frersonjiblit whom Ilrundreth's Pills should buriiniy.tuitidd.. 'nit. BRAN quwripsvit.Lr.,.4;,:-li;fil6i.i2i cents per box, ml , Ilrandretli's Principal (Mice-241 firokiilWl4. New York, by the fallowing duly ' Win.-S. Powell . ; Nev Ctintbeiltewl. iller, Lisburn. 11. Muter, Sliieenianitown. .1. kL.l24,igel, Nleeletniesberg. Geo. W. Singiser,Cherelitown. A. k D. Leicheli, Boiling' Springs. -Whitt: House P. 0. Rosenberg & Welting, rentrev:lle. Mon R - ",i-le,•lerksoliville. • ' Eii wiirtiSeullpSliippensburg.. • - ' S. 1.. Nerwinen, Newberg: Sold in Carlisle:by CHARLES I3ARNITZ I Sole Xuent for this boron:at. Poi flee Pe maven: Cure 4741 Diseases.ari;,iug from an Impure shill of Mc Blood. Ml{ IS....4ediaine operates particularly upon the• Blood, and - ciires dischse iv about vomiting or purging. It ne - ver fulls 40 cure he most obstinate cases of Rliounintisin, eases of the Lungs, Coughs. Colds', Bianchi tie, White Swelling, Scrofula, and Sores-of -tong standing. ' It is cheaper than any other metheirie in use, there being 32 closes 111 each boCle, Which costs only' 75 cents, and to those using it ao.. cordiu to ditection ono bottle will hat 10 days. Certificates arc pouring in from all parts of the country attesting the virtue of this medicine in cases of long standing, which have been 'given up'by physicians us hope. less and beyond the reach of modicum to cure. ‘VITOOPING COUGH, Sltephord's Sarsa parilla never fails to cure. CONSUMPTION cured by the use of Shep herd's Sarsapuriila• The following is from a gentlemen of re spectable studding in Baltimore,who was ef fectually cured of that dreadful disease, Con sumption. by a few bottles of Shepherd's Sarsunarilla. -Haltinare, Aug. 29, 1317 This is to certify Unit 1 Was fast sinking undersytnptolnsofgouse pt ion of the Lung., until I was recommended 'to try tibepherd's Sarsap rilla,m4iich-fdr-tunutely I did-end am under the stronge4 conviction that it saved my life.. I run now rapidly recovering_ iffid hope in ri'shoit limo.tobe restored to perfect imulth,and undei no consideration would I be without the medicine. DAVID R ICKETTS. . • No. :13, Hill street. ShApherd's Vermifuge, or Worm Destroyer. - We challenge the world to produCe a moili ornoludter a i da pied to the expulsion at wtsrms irom the !intim body than Shepherd'S Virnii foga,. IL hub been used by thous inks with entire satisfacti M. It has the advantage of most Other Vtrinifugbs;asiwaveraicltOiia the person using it. It has .enied ohilairen Unit have' been subject to fits for years, and that had been given up by pllysiciati,,putcnts nod friends: : It should altanys bn'tilidd as a ptiign tive „JO!' Childien, as itstren'gihens theca', and atilt same time• Carries OW-the notiiser ileletrof fond; and 'worms, if they ate Lindblad • 'The following e'citlfi'ente hes been . • handed tecus bylu 'go Koons, of luzerne *aunty, Pi. It ipettlis fat '. ' • " .^. 61 • sTe'Wn'lllll; Pti; Jari 20,1847. Joint ICOoris, ' ' •.• Doer Sir - Votftbillf-pleaso send Inc 4 hot tleannaro of * ShephercitieVAirmliliii: thrce bottles purchased of you i'eltotinti ago hay . o been 'used ) 'NAV T4Y were giVan'taillecci'or 'nay ehildreit—in one case 65 witrans•were 164, and in tho t lust 67.. 1 ow-anxious to give the rest of niy fumily , the. benefits Nil nedieipo iei and their; folo l nidePart, a boy,o. This is , decid, artife'fdrilestrbying wernitthit has ever bceniinthis _p!rt,yf 0T -country. I have tried Orrecli•S; 4 p; err Itliller'4lbuilivltheitt 'any gLod e t • ‘ , ..Xialit twilblistostn: I- , t- • In ph FirdisecPsy Saie a per i I len? • , y ; ioniniO4;ii r o (beat!! ite:eil i e P4Ol‘, o, qiillii ' d.elini,i; l P'.*; Y4OO, De.- Win; C. NV e,f9_Pp ff -t• 1.11 i; (in riiiilr:JghniTuls,itori shiepenn.burg; Zpiln D . l er, Nowistlitu.Robett. Eillott;'Newbtirg;.l4 tl,„&4,4ll.'ickify Birk: A..-Richilithillet l rirTlainfeld; No lan Sr. Sr; kitlintein ;se.' BitEV lowtt APCiiTifigiltiii ;;.- '" 1,1348 ' , :** • Vii* . +o w rvp 7n. 21:VID>>R42Nit.IN,73 Chekdtißt at, I'hiln:r ,116.1.172: 300 half °koala Young `lO4ll 'l;da , npowder do 1.r ; •. 41.50 , do "Imperial"' • de • , do . .'''''PoiHdlfobt.;,: t , 2 . 00 ". gotp,7:t .ofilon g - • , (1 . 13 " P od rp : t o inu lt p 45 • V kifii . lll; " 141 ' 1'! , „ 9 I l'Pr';'l7; . !/IP lr ( . 47. land romila d utiltt to *.apy,,TOali O'Art' ) 11 11 It V't" t r Tegliititutble sigeqtriniiWbf kat;(4nOlhoi; titth6.liiwi3st.: 4 priade;'iOholetittliijiiiiiill'Oil I." tOld Blintlo Phinted quid 16 -1 1 1i4 cittziiip 'country aie I),lseiyhora;' vonfid9fit of iilt . taginWintid'qpiing'ontisftieitoit till 'who riigy hini'Wiih' " "•• ' ' 13E111A,1411g Sixth 'it., Philit'd .• `Mtg. ' • • as ngten a ery 01 egaeroo .hi •011 '' . . 7 types t • • • No. 234 N'orth, Second, street, N. NV. corner of . street, Philudolphi . T E Likenesses taken end boeutifully cc ored at this well known establishment, for ONE DOL LAR Oro ,univerrililly•conceded to bo EQUAL in• ever.T respect to's.usitt The city. Pictures taken equally well cloudy 'and' Maar weather. A large assortment of:Mmirtions enti,Locicurs on luuld oft from ' ss` f incitidiUgAlto picture. The subscribers respectfully invite the cats ens iir.Ctimberland (minify . , to call and osamine spe cintend of [lto latest. , improvemants inWidort 'f)dtterreotyping, which be wihiblieilAser- Illtly 'difutwitliout. cha:te.. - . - C' NTT' erot, Hoffin - aw& - to., Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, ~No. 41 North Wharves, and 83 N.Woter ' street., Philadelphia. .pLASTER and sALir constantly _on hand, for sale at thetlowest 'tiddler rates. Liberal advanced made on Produce. . llefer to. .. , - nU 11 LIT &' HU NI PII R iIIYSI ~. Fit A II K 1,3 N,PP.ATT r!..e.Q,0„ Thilad'a. LEA, BUNKER & CO. I. W. KERR., Harrisburg. npr s—Gm • .. . . " Xrprk- Cornmissior Warehouse, No. 10d North Water street, at:vl North • Wharves, Philadelphia. f. I FIE undersiEtned. still continuo the Commis sion business, for the sale;orall. deScriPtions of I EON. Our expdrience of Many years, and ex tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers of Iron-throughout the country, has mudded us to establish such relations no give nA peculiar ad vantages ro serve our -equal'to any other house. Aar OR RI eTC & CAMPBELL. AtAvaNl's Empire Cooking Stove. • TN again 'calling attention to this unequalled STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it lois under gone an entire change—the pipe and hearth pla yed opposite each tither. and a Sll)lMEtt. II NAIITII AND 13 (JILIN U A,ITA RAT US, being. added, thus rendering ii liothiesd, and , mn• less there is another limitless Stove. in,t he mar ket, this is unquesiiimably the best, as it now embraces every cal - nab - 1u iMProvement possessed by any other Stove, in addian to some peculiar to iiself, secured by Twit er . .Patent. --trim—succestrol the. tinny fitrceeits introduc tion is • nocquallea. .Nothing!. hatirevrre' been of lered lit culinary pur(.-ises that . has given such general saii - ofnction. Stoves have been copied alter Its treat; some dealers have overt used its fundamental *minks, bin the proportions were so unlike -the original, that they beer the. relhirve value that a counterfeit does ton genuine , Complete CO Or: and other CO OE STOVES in groat variety.. Persons desiring.these admira ble Stoves, are requested to call at the Stove and Tin-Ware manufacto y y of the subscrilicr, on Main street, Carlisle, who is agent fur Cumber land county. nisyd4 JOI-IN 1). 0011 GAS. N: &I; .1: IL Rovie, itnoom AND • WOODEN—WAR E . 2 "-F Stor; . No - .--63-IVottir , Titird-Wtrnet, old d above Arch., east aide, 1'11'41dt:11)11in, manufactur ers and wholeslde dealers in nil kinds of Browne. lirualea, Tuckers, Ceti tr Ware, Willow and French Bask'ets. Shoe and liValli3rushes, Scrubs, Dusters, 111 w a, Blacking, Eastern-made Wood en-Ware or every dose' &c, C;, e, at Ike lowest market prices. roar I REniovm. SHOE THREAD %VAR EITOUSE. LARRA BEE: has removes' toi his new jrA • Warehouse, cornor of Calvert and Monier streets, Baltimore, and has now in store, ,of di rect impartation from the celebrated factory of Tinley, Tatham kiWalker, a hill assortment of SHOE miREA I), viz: brown, green, halt blenched, white and yellow, wined he is prepn• red to sell by the bale or leSs quantity, on as good terms as the stone quality can be had for the 11. States. Also n general assortment of SHOE TOOLS and FIN DINGS, viz: Shoe Knives, rasps. pourers, hummers, awls and awl handles, peg,sol all sjzos, bristles, wobbled, boot cord, shoe nails-of all sizes, cut and cast incite, French irons:-completer, peg rasps and cutters, &c, &e. Premium Glass Paper, to take the place of the common sand Paper, a very su perior article, - being our own manufacture, WAR RANTED. 141915, boodirces.- shoe trees, crimping boards, all of n mandfacnire, of the very best timber end of the lateSt style. Everyjardd etc can he oluninesti at lus establishment-fortune damming Boots and Shoes, except lenther AIL of the above will be said at the lOwest Market price. Country Merchants tire paitieldnriv re. quested in call. E. LARRABEE, ant-2:1-1 until No. 2d, Calvert sf, lattlamore RMTrAL. LAB 0 ItATOBY . O FIt6ISOIst'S BOTA prf.c • •. • •• . • vyn , m. ',AIM...ASCE, No. 25 S. Calvert. et'reet, has removed his•Lnbern. tory to his, ' and has; always on band the largatif end, most 'complete' assort: menf,of pure 13nintitc,. remedies hi the United Stines,`prepared. under his special care at hie Llitiortorybeing the first erected in the United' S'lntos . for AM special purpose. Of preparing THOMS,QPIAN"BOTANIC MEDICINES. of - Allthe . articles are put f eels quarter and half pound packages, and" neatly labelled, With, directions suitable for retailing,, 811(f:coop hatter terms than the same Allele can be lied'. for in the United Stntes.— , Every article in, hie line is warranted geimintf7- the public unit rely upon this. • • A liberal, dieectin,t Annie :to count ry merchants, who oreliftiftionlelityclifeiled to: call_ MO quality, before.purehaiing,4. Toe,varione.,Pentieea, embracing the most rePpifed • anthefe,,upop the.,ll'hotrisonielf tirille tatitoSyetetn of 'Medicine, may aWlick A 4 ,0 thequautity,oeitinglectifiY. iliti623-qm , a It Newel', Failsi.4,6l CURD rail: there •.'ittist•esitAtid;in'iptkr:allics.and' populous'towns; aAp r ecias of diSease;' the depend-', snob And: propaganoteof*lfich"fettuit'S `lre ti th vielatitie I A'w - fi:• A yructEn, th&A Nie. Cliist 'CO 1114) . P Pi 18 presented,: as• being flicilnbst certain, speadi, mid valuable !spa sillutoverqdfiereil `to - the.'ifolortdtidta.- It hae*herever known adiitilyed reputation that; laity ex parlance conti to - Strengthan':=Vhon: sands' cured A* its use, And nit' iilenies notosier,ondl;c:ltWorStifi rollidrefticithersiiibitOn. in diet or. business; nor coursollirelihorTntercuiy or - nosioutr'driigchrtheiemtillia,r4ntlw,toAo Sys.' tern,3t itatipitilblisehtea s the!..bsitateiitedy, rot. sneh diseasettlet k offered,i.xlmitt_epogt by, physi, Ohms and prenctunctiOupartor.,4l-epy „known' v.. triedr.: qFA. I tititiVoiiidighlidet+estcbgAPil i 1 01 4 Vri,PA:- ITtleriteratirdna73P.VirYeil4liar,p4,lol„Pgc!!,:::7l, . ~ ------ `‘ 7 o7f, c •voir 7 tifinlli t ii .I 11e'. rik LpON'l'ltty,- , 46 'to ! rnaltii, utirtotppitilyr;orfeofliitildtrinkittllidirtattlci°64L.Wilf.,ithfoiliti,;,ct,,i,,f;,. iti-anY 4 sY, l intilia,TaSe I trp i ; g l l 4Pef ~ , t( a 4i it/contains no„tttli t t i .titik . o36, ,, h ,,,,,, t •i•tta-1 .. 0 1 , ' N 't" 0/1 . sutnio' l4 lt .4%44 i,tit',,,,-,'','" ii P' " „' gt,,;:yditt, firth , It -4, , , tthi....dft, TR. ,1 49 41 , iq ilYitutv ~T s?Triii .V i piN i Li te f f • pring el illf 1 dd. Ottali's , 1.,4 WeilliA diqr 4,434; , 417 haat:VP/ I I ,a1f4,1 1 4, 1 i , ..,..1,,,,,,F1 ;thipclueorowar- ... ~- wr 4- tr, ),t$ Y 941" * re . V III :;•. , ,Y4Wltril . f4l\4 '141 "-1 044.tiotrifgc'fr' L toro,rlW- t> IWO too and l t e l tl, 17, , ' COW W il itiiagaaltilAX ( iith t f .. Wit rz t r '6"enell ati Road Line — for Phili Olinoßa :OF ,Mei:chant % •"1 - Linnisennu t • ieforms,,his Ric nda and the puhlie,;thab front the Ahern' pat renege extended to:hini during thepasti•year,ho :has been .eppouraged. Inukoincere extensive arc zangeniente fa; thadiresettAseasen,„and'j has lad. 'dud ,twe:Atew„largti to,,his 144 , 1,E; And will„be .filltyierepared after, thet:op ,ertiiig of Ahe •Canal, to torward•PROD,UCE and h1,139t CITAN DI ZE .7of ,a 11,.. kinds , Ruin Philadelphia, T;aliimoro, "Pittabergin dee.,,atlhe ,loiest. - rates ;4.freight and with;the unnuat dee'. ,patch. . r • b • Age 11 tejOr 'BOMB,• CARLISLE cF GAkELL, • • R nee street Whaif, Philadelphia. (EISE BON; No. 98 Commerce et. Wharf,!Balinnore. CLARK & .SII,A-W,. ' IiIeFADDEN %Se C 0.5 Pitts'g , Agents for Curs, • WUNDERLICH &GRIER, No. 272 Market st., Philadelphia • CHALORER & REYNOLDS, No. 493 Market st., Philadelphia SPIER. JAMES & CO., 'frond street, Indiadelphia. PENN'A. k OHIO LINE, North street, .Baltimore Harrisburg, March '29, 1948.--tf. • - - Llarisburg Tiansportation Line. r%-'# FUNK & MILLER, ORIVARDING & Commission Merchant's, Haratisnyce. Pa. ship Produce, Merehim thze, ice. to Baltimore ' Philadelphia, &c. &c. Coal.: Blaster, Nails, Salt, 1 islS, Grocories,-&c consinntly for sale. Harrisburg; marph 29, 1848 . • Dr, Keeler's Panacea, 1 - IOIL the removal n>4l permanent cure of all L. , diseases arising front, ut impure 'fatea—the Blood and habit of the body, viz: ' 'Chronic diseases - of .the Chest,-Pleurisy, bron chitis, Catarrh, etc. Scrofula in till its forms, 'fetter, Scald head, Cutaneous affections of the face and extremities, chronic Rheumatism:and Ilepatetis, chronic Enlargcnients of die .foints,. White Swellings, Syphilitic Alfections,..Con 7 . stitutiontil dis Orders, arising from debilit y,Mer curial and Hereditary predispositions, &c. itfrCiavery change that is taking place in the body, it is manifest that it is- brought" about by something having tvstibetantive existence ; • If we suppose the organs of our body originally perfect, I hey must continue fterfect unless elianwd by die intervention of something that hears an unbind; thy. relation to it. In all - cases of disease, there must he the interposition of some new ingredient which by playing its° part ns a cause, served to modify the properties before connected with the .burly. It is absurd to titlk of spontaneous disease taking place in Organs .previously healthy, with out the interposithin of some morhitic agent; as well !night we en peel a piece of chalk to transfer itself spetenteciesly into erne is, without the aid ol:Sultdoirie Acid. In all disease there is it prior cause which mast be retnovMl. dirt,' the agency of the blood:. For this 'pttrpose there is no remedy superior to the Nene:ea. Itt evidence the following is submitted - 10 the public : une 7. 1817. Having been apprised of the nature of the Pan acea, it affords the nitwit pleasure to be able to rt•cotnntend it -es a valtialde remedy for :di those chrome. eonstimtional and glandultir diseases, to which it is especially adapted. To those who are afflicted, and require medicine as an alterative, they cannot obtain it, in n more agreable, active and uniform state than is to be found in the Pan. area. I have used it in several instances witlide. tided and signal suedess. roars, tc,i• 7 D. ALLISON; M.D. Prepared and sold at the North West corner of Third and South streets, Philadelphia, and re. tailed in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. Put up in pint bottles at $1 per,,bottle. fetr2a Extract • of Sarsaparllla, Is the best sod cheapest Preparation of Sar sti ever clfcred ta•Nlie !midi. being dt stilled front the first ipnility I 111r:13S:ire. isparilla !tout—and one of this prepare lion is warranted superior to inn bottles orally other in the mai ketoind will retain its virtues unimpairaLle lil asst climate. It i,s pleasant to the taste, sod (tram infancy to age tips Extraet will eradicate disease, invigorate the licitly , and is the 4 best medicine for the prevention and cure of disease ever discovered in any age of the world. Its as ttoti is mild, and it cia es without sickening on debilitating the patient.' Tito satuls.liase used it in 1t.,, Dr.'s private practice, and consider it the greatest blessing ever offered 111511. It sets in perfect harmony with the laws of nature, and has never been known to fail, u here its use was persevered in, to rune even long sounding and desperate cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, Cittarrli,Colie, C oug h s , c o ld % c o „. I sumo ion, Crautps, Ca maxims Seres au d w eer ., Distpsy, Dy clery sipelas. Fever and Ague, Female enitipjaints, Fevers of all kinds, Gout, Gravel, II) steries, lutlittnniation, Jaundice, Leto osy, Palpitation of I he I I Piles, Scrofula, Spinal — 6l;tiftiluiat, Salt altetint, Swell IleadiSyjihilitie complaints, Tie IJolercit,s , Pimples on thel'act, Swelled Limbs and joints, Nth in thofSitle, Spitting Illood and all eases of Prostipljon of Strength, said General Debility of the human body. - In all 'enSefl enumerated .41inte, Dr,Treplif• S al,g111:481; la 'surely restores to Benda. A wild will satisly any one of the truth tif„tliciel..lpvest4ntations. ' • ru TtIE•LADIES Delicste FeAntes who Soiree from the obstruc tions soil debility to which Ladies of sedentary habits are Balite, will by the tise of one or two bottles of Dr; Traphet, , an's Sariaput•illa, regain their health and color. It is valitailtle to thOse who'aee'_tipprbaching womunhoodois it is calcu lated to assist nature , hy quickeiting tire blued and itiSlgtietitilig• 'ay stein * •-" • Ladies who liave,pale Oct nplesions, dull cVes blotches ue the face, rough skin or freckles, sod are iow use. Dr.Tratiliegait's'Sarsitpit• It will idealise the blood, remove the freckles and blotelie.s,aiiil give you au animated ennerennneei 's 1.400 ing eycc, line spirits, and eautifoil compleicintis. a fib lire sulTeriiin• from bail and un healthy to trim• of the I;loritr, eali be quickly're l . titovedt 6 hesith, strengtkatitl l I)r.rupp I liagnit'S SarMitiarilla being very pleasantuiill pal. .i t table, children t.tke it readily, and, such as attic thlO;ttuil weakly soon *elCr robust ; antiltdOthy, 'Aippeitratice. It eau , , ! witit,tierfeet safety,anil such lie are sOtreritig front 3 - mitior t.:Ompbrn.t iweeive great relief. Nothing can be more astonishing thitn.its in vigortiling effeets tijinitthe humen, system.: l'erA, in 5.),11 ssi tv.eakoMss at Once=beiStinierOlttisi atitrliettitliy, mules , its i ..PR.EVEN7'S" DISRASE . • b .- tittle nine - . 717rS Obligee to rsigiz. aril occasiotritlly ll:prevent diaessevurel eon, Full wirt Spring purifier , . or .• tire'systenti it Shines :rinriiiii,lerFat' , the present riny:4- Ita - tu se , 'e ;rent e w,orldz'ul aullecitignit prison'' 'will keep their biped 'unified untitheiribotlied ;strengthettedby the',u seorlhis Sepia Dreg iterriliey I I htt' sere te - einiepelbeuttreskrauetprev e ient' rijl try Pgrchabgre;willt be re fu ;i3 4 .ekierse! 'thtqlevelirt Nettle rif , DikTi4 pll tigdn'lt pslelain !Eitiecf !lure in , 1 / 1 514/9n ,pp Abe, le:reor tj et 4e I itted ItOi t erl iirrat•fliki l tti:4' l 4,kre'r;4l+;einieet-eonnterfeildt;fet. - ,upArkjiAtdino 'tiio 14W:0 , 1mi nf_ol.lg pi:I:LAU poi luittlei For oi*Alietr-,ktpr4, IGroi t it 'ILM,4I;r , P pit F 3 E RIC us t ra'reaidlied s `. a fresh 'ik . ` Q.. IV "ogj,tik",g.t)racta tC a • jot, Ir°WlNi l , al A' RpAr&RlLL'A;fortho 18F ' l 41 ' ' - eilirtAißiir gill discuses, 1 reilm_va! VLOtS-Ti.g•n„,--eiotiA,f,therblii4c4oVeor- Arisingstnan ini,klk. 7.1,,„ t i,,,p4 r ie r t o Imp 'Alois il OMR" l',APfsilnliirajoipritladitiw-ixt416140011 kohoNii_r:o°.'""li-h-n 16-otilitirorti'irc:PT Janie by t lc! c 4 15 0104. k " - J. A. 1 3 1 6110 P 7 5Y 1 •'‘.'7 1 ,1,,:i ; •-• )( • , - 1 j - ' W. - • Mein i maY vi•.''. • ..,. ; prim Store, - • •• , • ' eicrep ':' - ' , :oViiio.6 l- V.4144 . 1 1.-. : Perrtuies, , tfidiatScaps._ 0 thehe`e'F'd)ty htitiee'; i t e'ddeliltVeitrit'a 4,Weet EtTid'r*,,Reme Gse lum; Vaibc9a*lPAterlOil)Y; genoftt o Pe.'Xillellguf Mulak. tasteolly put nil anErforeale tbeddweei pradi s: Also, i for"the Heir, Elanclelinezs 4 , madliat4 ,Fleure; Jenny Lind haii,gloA i ljear' Oil, 'Aitteaw4ear Oil,;fine-6eented •A'nttiub Oi Philocornejleiire Aintrow; fine Myrth3 alp r i b let Pottimadee. , Also , Penick* Seeps, •eueoe. Routeel!e Shaving Cream: Wright's do,lllilithf do, Almond and Peltn aelf•Soan, ' innkl f i g aseernnent nbsurihaseed t,y eny in the bordegh; may3l S.4V sx•RtFca-0 1 aturctox • • T A. BISHOP ; slieetitior to e., hes *jest' re&iived,and is now'bOeilieg aterg'e &'well selected tisSortment of FRESH DRUGS', 14I1;DIOINI;S; &c, atilond 'which Will tie I:duild the following, viz ' Ojium, Caniphdr, Epeomo Bahs, Dye Sniffs, Spices, Cuilay, Alcohol, TorpCntine, Pin Oil, MEM n' hum?, assortmeni of , PERFTJAERY, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Umbrellas,.Walking canes, Roussel's and Haupl's Bear's' Oil, goro g u o Width-, Hair Dye, Ox Alafriky Fancy,Sorps, Extracts, Mrcx Fox, curling FI gni] ' FANCY A RTIClirOl of every description; to Which he respectill3i invites thevnttention the 'public: , Ylis aa'sortineht is a ft II tthd7irlt one, and-hb - hopos-by-strict'altention low prices, to roceiveli liberal :Ilya° of the publi patronage. • • Physicians' prescriptions carefully etitopn ded, . •-• .• •: p, • • nuty4 Wrist Main fdrpet. Carllsfa ICJiLES, PRE,S.ERy,F,S - ,-.—Just received aild pflened by the 'subscriber, preserved Ginger and Pine Apple, Orange Jelly;. Piehled Lobsters, Cherking, Mengees,Peppers, lili l Tornatnes and Onions, Olt es, Capers, An; ellovies,Oitlines, Tomato Ketkttp, fine - mixed French Mustard, with a very dice nod'pure urtiCle of Salad Oil, for Sale at mnyai. HA VERSTIETC-S - CAXt DR. J.J. MYERS has illsposed 'of his cpilre stock of Drugs tic.c, to Mr. J. A BISHOP, of Harrisburg, who will continue: to do business at niy old stand on Main street. Mr. Alaimo has had - considernble-experience ,- Mr - tho — Drirg - tural= ness, and confidently recommend him to the customers of the store and solicit a continutmea of 'hair favors. iCrily this arrangement Dr. NITIrIIS dill Le m enabled to give hin undivided. attention to fhe &yips of his profession -mnvi .101'ew Afrival. THE subscribers hove jut received from Phil adelphia, a fresh. supply of Drugs. Medicinen' nye•st tiffs, 'Perfumery,. Fancy Articles, lee.— Our stock is now large and emnplete, and fin we. are determined not to be undersold, but to sell to the lowest inch prices, We invite the intention of country Merchants, phy:deitins and others, to examine Mar goods and prices before nurelinsing "erSt.Twhere. J. &W. R. FLE MING j;ine . corner "1 Pint and High St z,ot 0 N :if XV, 'S Confectionery, rruit Toy Stotg, Nora Mower St i:l7t: subscriber would respectitilly inform • 1 country Merchants and the rublic generally, that he is constantly innitufain tiring and bus all ways on hand CANDIES -of tßery Variety, (which for quality cannot be stirpa,sed by any mattufampted itt the Stoic) which lie will sell wholesale or retail at the lum s•r.A ND, N. Han-. over el reel few — timirg — ruirrh — rif %eller° lie has also on Itandlitl'lT.`.. , ,e id NUTS:, of the latest importations, whfch wit:Qty .- sold at the lowest prices for cash. Ills shwa consists in part of Oranges, Lemma, Raisins, Figs, Proms, Dates. Cocoanuts, Cream-nms, Pea -nuts, En glish Vtailituts, A Imontis, Pectin-outs. Fill ens. • Ile would also inforni the piddle that helms just returned from .the cite with n viiry lorce stock of FRESII "FAIII.ILY l; (1C ERIES. coll.:sting of superior dtittlrle - refined. erusl , ed and 1111 Iverized LOAF S CI A. , I:rown So nars, amou4 which is a very lair article for C.; els. per IL.; COFFEE, from 8 to 18 me par Rh: II superior article of Imperial. Young, I fystot nod Black 'l' S ; ASSES of alt kinds: NV ter. Soda and Sugar Crackers; Cheese, Choco late. Rive. litneltitm, Matches, Itrindtes. FRESH SPICES, viz: l'epper, Alspiee. Cinnamon, Cloves. Nutmegs, Queer' and Ititis• turd. A - sootily of Indieo. (best quality) Aline Starch, \Yitshina Soda. Salt Peter ; all of which will be said nt the lowest rates. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to die public for the liberal patronage extended to him, and hopes by n thisire to please to merit n continuance of the snot.). All orners from n tante thankfully reoeived and oroininlv attend: ed to. [marl MONYEIt NEW VIM VARIETY STORE.' • y & M. COLLIER & BROTHERS, tiegl ti • leave to inkirtn the citizens of Cumberland and adjoining counties, flint tfiey hnvo just open ed. an extensive VARIETY ST 0R Pi in North Hanover street, in the building lately oeetipieif birM ri-Haiatchrbetwoonliaverst ick and 4 - .,0105, stores, whore whey will he happy to receive 'the calls of all wishing Articles in their line. TheY will at nll times keep on hand a well selected assortment of Colored Prints. (French, English and American) doniestie and foreign Perfnmety, Patent Medkiia% embracing nearly every, de .seription,' and In fact a little of every, thingiusu ally kept iii tin extensitie variety They rare the exelusive.ngonts for, the iiitlA;4li Dr. Trnphagen's celebrated, Pulbionlo'Mixtere s ,l and his' Balsamie Extract of Snreanarilln b'br. Green's celebrated Oxygenated Bit lere,.fhiDY's= pepsin and Plithysie. ',linty, are Alen 'the itzttle - - sive agents fir 'this- count) , pl' Ili'e . .NAtv Yoitic; C . A.NDON. Teit CoAtrltzw, and will keep icon - steady on hand a largo supply of thbir - sup'criori Pena In ennelusion they ling leave to firm - that illey! are determined to sell at very-small. profit for GASH, 00 invite nib wishing bargains to give thorn a call. Orders front. country , merchants, supplied. upon the ulost reasonable terms. Carlisle. mum' • ( -1 roafoyed, ne . w'lluppAy 'Ur of Ginghains, cheaper than ever. by julyie• • - • G R. CROAKS 'AWNS.—A hnti(isinun nssortment of Lawns 1.4 on hand. nud }sold-very ch6np.l)v " :HIV! " R. CROO K S ,; BEN NV 0 12,KED GO.L.LATiB.-luWt . received;' pAnrgo ' 6101416'6i `.of worked tnrs,!ti btailtifurtirtidld • • Pro'llaCksitliths. M I , TE . " P COAljontode,chttap.byi TlaTriaburv.i,noljPllB4B 4 oom. • - Nails and' p Rea— , . ',. , - ilFir. ,-Nails'pn k i,„Siikketi,,rp f o l o ,1 i, .. ti +, foehille iil'iltp.Vhen 'iltirdwarit 4 I'Bl 're .-: -',a 1 M-Itrall'ltg S *VI' ON. h . IttlAltiV.'ll'lQ ‘ NS fOE TIIE liAnt.ll3. ',.!'kqe 2 /10.' 11 /P('‘X nrcho B P'rci)..ooi4 fq 016 hair I :iitifio , qvi3jso u iodrye (I I y-1.)(10 tal n r,, v a i llp uas,e l's pm , .14i§titIti . '40,higittsily99101•44:11qr' ilcAtielOg e . beitiAtrylijg,:prpf9.ry,,ios,OckpiojOyno l tilo grcoymh 6 r 1116 Inlit(„ ....,: •.,,,- ' ' -...•—••. - - " 0' iiii'd*O`F,,,ilixis,:‘ Tho';hiitlieitt q irinteikienlot. , Rnkb 4 .! , ,stiliulyi93‘ . l:4. G;It4.CRTYOKS.,''' 4 , lllll.bbblibiiisictte ' iili in~' tilth'e"lbliitilbf MAI oßblritiolfrfirfitthittibipf , buifintnitiMblf*iidilPotifd;h3dil thefigllll4 - 04 Arltpi tr. IVIVRTISF: V; CP - I " 88 4°41Y ,1, lioa, at _ , 4) •urt 71,511 4 ), , ,114.-Te , I 40.p. , :,‘“1 - 1 ',1.: ,14,1r111 4;, 1 4.it1i4 , 31g7:0-4g(64.44, 8 4,V.1ii*, - .Rit• , ::;, , i!. ; , . AptEDYJ VON TIER,Prp ~- •!, •liig;,, . ~ .•,,, „ . .,r, • - . 1. • . 1.,, •• t‘• •FeS ;h . ti 'r nti . :50000 cases cured= the p „,a, ~, ,r ~,,, ,•• ••,••1211 frit fq..11: ‘ 1,,,..1r1 1 friFlN.nedieltainarranteti to minim, •i'ilrensairof I'llea • Vdtt her Weeding iiialdirid /i'4ltililli'fir'ithle:Oi)4:4.'il','o4.';4l,ill4Rfa(lcirgrg attes 'tariff' ill ininjtirdCtion.-wilW-tiM •Pilee,—. ,euelmas.ClunnioaDystinkprylfideseribed,in-rthe , follutiOng. , cortifieptor , •• , -:, ' ,., - 1 , 1 !` '•"'",,,,, i•• ••• '' ” " ' ' '' - " - •'Tfliilitd4)iitKpoi;lal4#47; . ; I, Messrs; ICierifir;iii.4 , Itensiraw.r+,iientini , ,,i- Irbut Alva yeari!•agn•l.'was'afilidio&with.whull 'ciatt•ettlled 'etlidni ii klyiiribfrirY,',!lmiii,Y'Ofr O te4l with it ever Nina; (Cliff' frbyrilerrine iniVe told me,that 414 livue v viariTiff,cettidorq. that- my ' • Bowels *ere . ulcerated ; fat* bloat en d pus, at terided,with,O peculiar putrid inielliivircrerthe frequent disriharges,. ,, Av , shorMtiimotinte '1 nude ti! visit•to • Maidn'tlinilietcq;' iii lirriVitr. r irf ,be.ritifit lioin;'Cl , orito ;Of air; bi t suffered :More ,sovere.fhanmeer before-, ;While thereiii pity •sielan,,iiffored to-curt inti - fur - $40;4111100 .„ toiiirtha, llapily,,l•in the midst oPirite,fice pain, occasionally relieved by leudnum, , bstilw in- the the avrapper of your Elm:teary, a•'.'•pej'f4ti,t••r -' description of toy complainktpgethe,r,;viritit many o:AlBi:cites of cures, Ts;gilve hi me groat,•confidence in the mcdicir, --- and "put. 'chin& it Wk . ; nine:cloaca ,iirt>wlitch,ltris appi, • _ rently Pared me, and Lim • prepared „to say everything in its fevol,"ei.,render any service I can to•litinfinity'b'y subscribing, to its merits Reapeetinilfryours; ' -. . ---- , i , ,,,113ENJ. PERCIVAL, 80 S. Sii h it: ' ~,I, V tialitiiiis itroriaammation of The ' ine, ; Allot of thg bowels, womb &c, Oat fe ales • ' particularly are subject 'to, .undbxliar citeumstaimea; : for „wirich ,many - ,certifieutet could' be given,of speody.curcs 7 - but delicacy ..tabida their•publientlon. ,i. • • Savant and habitual costi veness, ftwx, or blood to tiro head, dyripepiiiii, fistulas'ibilhait.. ,Marione! the stomach, find.a speedy cure in Der-Upliarn's Eleetuhry. •It is• an , luternal i'mody, and,cures by its sedan on the bowels . aitd blood; the relaxed state of w.l4ch is the cause,of the above named diseitebs. . •, - '.. UNIVERSAL COWMENDA'rION . From every city, town • - and • villiike, where' Dr. TJpltain's Vegetable PilefEleetunry has boon introcmod,•ths 'tom _gratifying , intelli- -- gince of its orients !irons been roceivatiLliy the . • Proprietor. „ lo hundreds of iiisidness it has • triumphed-ovor - eastis - whicir - wera - 7diarial ' incurable. _ ' , • , . . . Letter of Capi.G,,,W. Lean, lite of the V. 9 service. and44lion ber et the N.J. Legislature' - - Rahway; Juno 16;1847 I havel been afflicted for years with the Piles, and have tried; Without. anything like permanent . herte6„tolmst,invt.yAlf,i,tig,aettatto liii ih irid e ium oh ii riiindy.. I rum as remuttor ii. Comae, lost all , eonfidendi in ,piefrOns,.... UnderAhlerfeeliek I 'Was fitduced 2 -pot without reluctance, I confuse—to u EC . Uphant's Elect u ary, and having need Without three wtilts, according to the direetiona laid down, I find to my surpriscota well as satisfaction, that every symptom of the disease Latil aft me. I ibink it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to intake this statement. , , G W hIcLIZAN Addressed to the agents in' , • Russeel County, Ala., Feb, 20, 1647 • , molar s , Winter o Epping—Gents:—Der the lost Eno.. years 1 have been afllietted with that 'opal distressing diacitse.`The Bleeding Piles,' and have had f C OUU 'YU to a great many medicines, tvitliout obtaining relief, untel-i ',Ato ne d 3 boxes of Ophant's Pile larieetuery froth you, which have So far relleva . ti tee ilitet Italie great pleasure In recommending it la ail - whrrarcraillichairwitly:Pilias, as it safe and sure remedy, ' 4" r }211.11., " formerly Bookkeeper. Dank of Culabia. . Remetititblo cure of Bleeding riles, eortlund, Nle.,Murch 14 Mylten . r Sir—l cnnnoi 'express in you my sincere and IteettliAt thanks for the mendettil cure I have experionacd by the use of y' , Onr truly valuable Pile Electuary. l' have been a perket martyr tu.the 111ectlinir „Tiles for Os 'years past, Ser se, that I lid - Arne reduced to a mere clown, with loss ti f' appetite ;tad general derangement of the nin• 's es•ive organs; my ey'es else became tiffectLd, and in, foci I wits a misery to thyself, and.44s,ohlimed to gore up my office here, whit 1-hold is the Custom House some years. -I-have tried all kinds of medicine, had the tLott advice. the physicians of Bus'on and this place could giro, spent much money nod twice 1341bniitied to a surgical operation. 1 bad heroine perfectly tired •of life, and at the suggestion of wy friends I was' induced to iry,a box i pf your medicine. • -The- first .1 Inutivl 'relieved me slightly, still I persevered and purchased a second; and assure' you when I int half thronglr I found Ines:llf getting went"! at-ill kept oh, and now 1 ant a new nom lily dear sir, language cannot express toy thanks, that I ant ones mere restored to health, and now in o coridition to support myself tied family de pendent on -tne.• re:trustfully, with great reord, SAM BEL (ISA ft UPOIT • • = New TurktlivA 14,1848 Messrs: Ketchum 4 litmsho w-,This.ferti fies that! hive been severely a filleted/JrfMny years with the retes t but more KarttenlSrly within t=he last nine 41011111 S. /.1110060/1 - the remedies prescribed by my .2 having tried,other means to little or no ad" !Mitt:aged lte'come veryinuch discouraged aaJ :fi.4t es. thringla 1,111/USto saltier as,long,asl- lived. .I.l9l.l.ptcovidentittlfy , W 118• infortned'by Mr, .141LcitGistructor-of the public schoel'et'Stattrit Island...that I could:be:mired - by •your tun !IR - PiloElputuO•y;. Vetting cnnfidmice iii Aye t in'e'd titly ,nrocure"l.l soma of the. niedicinishappy to .knforni Ydit, li 'Oho beg. Very illet..;;lt4-41friti," . M4fetetly pit red ,by. the u4O of %A'lir:ttlYyour scrennt, .(31159.1113 Sit it GROSS Sold whulesale and retail- by :Kr.TCH AAt & and by' druggists, generally ! 11l rotighoutrothetL_Llitated Suites end Ca • Pri - MiTSI per , :ltiuCl :•1' Sold .in :Car Imle•ey July 1.16, 11148 ', l SiLt Ilfoteet Eaitortml. , liernedr, 4 - .. , 0, , ,tr i l :.' r , . , ..,, , , r ey ft ; , ~ . . lIUM T 1 S - liltslitreillEeirT.- fle,nuet -universally , 'tic ItiMiOtilikeo I ea bel l l ilk,' . - ',, , INFALLIBLE '•RTINI EPY '''''' ,' For ithenmatism, Spinal tifliietidinVCentfitC;tions Hof thelMuselee,.B(We 'htlittt Tat id Alititilii:rtyllt ~,-r sues , •Pld Ulcers, Pains in the Back ea " - .. g Chest, Ague-itr,the, Brealoram - KoF:oi . it ~, ',',' ~ , taiiii,'4,%otli-lipli'e,' gpinin'ailikintes t 1 , t, y • : ~ , a .,, , , , f.-.,titt.lttiptiiii,, l iiirils; iolip;,; 1 . ;„,' , .. ••, - s ~-.` .Vitosted Ifeeten 'SW ,' .L... ". '' . .- • ''' '7' ~,lgeiy_qMA ,;Ep4bv ~, ~,,, IiXtIS II .O . 4 4 MAILIVIt-iti au mm ~. i 0 9 ,... : 74 p age n , alie t i l A 9l;e , lYteimilekr eeed Ye Is r , i 9. NO:PAP, IIII IIBV/ glvO'JillroM,ol4lloi itPs bOflfoCgt)94PPriallentlyond%lurglyliegurnit lt -3 ra49`Yt , Yl , N9 llP:lfq l o44l;olleotihar 9 .bern 9xklerietiePP , .PY.9.,manYtge-expreseienieigrtti tuue,itre,,pentpiaaux Rpppatimg;?nrii. Ainseolro lOP,boP*n!l" , m l oo ll Ytitetteellig WeldOffUS that A tlia,efilicfea shoulootbleogeizsi es in v i gm , runt.9-‘!YOWl"bi°ifillyitloßtielpfileacyta‘s.;:,l,T r. uco.E. enton,. Stt • the Treprietor,.te con. stantlrreceiiingitebtimehieli4l.tdiiellifficiceivri from us Iket, 2 9Ml , ,nriktly of4l l ,e.,e`nrettin.liatreffepilit . [tinware exceed—Gclief.--lir one' cestail,rillehild . Vitt ' been a cripple fosseightlyearti,;tbaeikgtor4ekelit4 11to ‘spioeiwhen -at the age of hYstlit - I - from ta chair..' - .lllc4lical trenintervifailltit boV,' for bottles or the Liniment reitoredthhtt4.9 steengts,- , 0d , 1i0...n0w---joine4witlit-his t.pleintatesisti=thel---- Youthful gambols; ratorolitiettaistlplehealttest ,1.t.., tbenlll - 111fid tioly it steeir hurpp,.on , ,ligheeklo ri•• 1 mind - him - orintronirtitlibritigiiiried44-ierMl-- Pox: beille.ol:4 2 ,ll l l.ity'.V:.l7...lo ..' -' ~. ', • ''. .ktZkr." . ‘tt . llk. :;,q'. The ' i,i*frpirittix 4. 1 ',4) , P1T1* - 1 - ,a,-A 7 r7iL 4t - ct-Yiii:A*l l- 441C, • ackittpity etigeibgebtxts4.,nteat.tortOWstr4lo4l...— :f . e er ; 41 t Y e'd '14 oli j u i t t rth 391}; ea ' it e detg l e ili b q y 9l a ill l r l l ev i li ll o li kti1 dA erettste lS ZI‘•:, 4 !dloktltlytheAsil,doC'etes of .11f !LK rAvr t it44.,,. 01,21tEr AgAlly,Spl o rP.l.E6r: 052.04- , - . X.H -, '' " ir 11 1 1101093A4PkotolOtivIkmAti4fic*i, i oir,l tEdno„ , l*,4llpi.tiptomp,Al4.telo43vigyvF:,- 14 . Nottion-yl9,,,pay,;!3.3,,rgly,piaytqgisp, -. 0 rsb 11,!.e rrend.,...striee,2.l els. pethex: , ....V.E.' f : r - , c , ; ', ."qt - t , 'E.v. , .ST.API2IO%* L.' kotp4l:oori;' , §ing.'.'Philla '..,:,. '' - iiii,y,Work,‘":pold,bv,. - .', , .., ,, , , ,4:6.,,, , N,, , 4: . -,=!-T' ,,. , 4 ' . ' : '2l lO /nt.I . YTiOhI,,MV i likditO,Col 0.14,„:,,, tralryi. ' 6 . , eehilpleb tia,_..??ft Zit.a , r cit ~"., q,,. alie Weittp ''.4ileeiticr rtilikithit . '-'. ti : T.,7 ~l.''`A',,ilent,ltcart.,',Sliataiehrlitoksfra- * ,•82Wh....,...,, , G:',' , 'VrAiiaiegej'rClitt*sttta,A:r,,,:f.;t,goz:?: ~,,-...c.,, ,: ,,:,, ~ 4 6 ,t. , 4'„ , .. ~.,,.. ~o ,-.r,,, , ,‘,... , i:',, , ,J,, , .. , , -,.v,,,,,,:.1.:4:„.,,,.,,,,,,t.:,,,,,,,„,,t,,„",,5, Lagg -..._., It
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers