N'eurrabiltrtis 331w:diet" • . • R=IT-0 eit, ama 044*. 3, WHEREAS. in end. by an net of thoSipit'O rpl Assembly PoinsylvaniiiTicasstd . th '2crifaf of Jhly, 18;P9, it is provided that the elec of the Several counties of the Common-' -rwealth, qualified to vote' for members of 'the' General Assembly, shall hold 'an elee.ion at the same plimesi of which said members• shall hove ~been voted for at the Preceding' election, on the llot, Tuesday of November next, (being Mit 7th flay) for Me purpose of electing Electors , of a ,Troeidont and Vice President of the United States. NoVv; therefore, i, JAMES HOFFER, High 'Sheriff •of the county of CuMberland, its pur . nuance Of the duty enjoined, on rne by the above •recited act, do issue this my proclamation, giv ing notice mike freemen ofmnid county qualified • to vote for taetnhers of the General Assembly, . to meet at the several Election Districts therein, - as follows, viz ; • ' The ellOction - in the election district ,eqmposed of Ore borough orCairlisie sad the tothiships of North M iddli-ton, South Nlithileton,Lower Dck itison,LoWer Frankfort! and Nest Pentishorough' will be held nt the Court House, in the borough rof Carlisle. The election in the eleetiott district composed of Silver Spring township, Will he hold at the put-lie house of George Duey, in llteguestou non sold township. lly sit act of the General Assembly. passed the, • fllst day of April, A. I). 1846, the election in the ieleCticut district composed of;ll,,:noptlett township„ be held at the house formerly occupied.by 11, Dressler- tn. said towinthip. And by the same act, the election in the electidn distrieLconiposed of Lisburn and a part of Allen township, known 'as the Lisburn District, shall hereafter bold their 'elections at the public house now occupied by John G. Heck, in Lisburn. , The election in the election district composed.. ' - of East Vent:short - nigh township, will be held at the house now :teeny-ell by S Benninger, at the West end of the Harrisburg Bridge. ' election in the district composed or New Cumberland, will be held at the public house of W thr. borough of New Cumber land. - • The election in the district composed of the 'part of Allen tossmship;Wlllell election wasliere-, tofore held at the pnblie house of woh iii the borough of New Cumberland, will be held at the Terant 11(111110 effleorge l leek, now occu pied by, Irdbert Coffey, in said township. The election in the. district composed of that pert of-Allen tOwnship, unt included in the New Cumberland, George Heck nod Lisburn election districts, will beheld at the public 1101130 . 0 f David Sheatier, in Sliepherdstown, in said township. The election its the .dislict composed of the . borough of Afeelnuticsburg, will be held at the public house of John hoover, in suits borough. The election its the di.triet coinpos d of Mon; roe'towtiship, will be held dt the plAlte, house of John Paul, iii Clitorelstown, in said township. 'I lie soection in the district composed of Upper Dickinson township, will lie held Atche house of ip'Weiver, in saiirtowitship.' ['he election in the district eomposcil of the Borough of Newville, and townships Of Mifflin, Upper I•'t:Aoki:is:o, Big Spring, and that at 01 Neat os township, not iacludrd iti the Leesburg election district Vreinaller mentioned, will lie -10111 at the Brick School Ilottse, in the—borough or Newvine. The election in the district comprised of Hope *ell township, will be held at the School House in Newburg, its said tow 'whip. The elEelital to Om district 'composed of the borough of Slaippenslairg. Shippensburg town skip, mid that pits L or Southampton towoblii, not Included in the Leesburg election ilistriet, will he held :it the Council House., in the hot ough of Shippenslatrg And in aril by in act of the De:meal Assembly of this COMITIOeset.SIIII, passed the July ' '1839, it is Ikea provided; "That the qualified Zdecines of parts Of Newton and Smith:mw:in iflisnaltip, in the county olCimilierland, bounded liv the lb - lonsilig distances, viz: 11..rgitinctig at the , Adcins eotant3-line, thence along the line dividing - n rt. -tmsnt ant to the turnpike road, thenee :firing said turnpike to Cen tre School House, on stud turnpike, in Souilinnon ton tom ws.hip, thence to 1. point au the Walnut Bottom Road atlic3bitek's, 12.qt:tick's Farm. thence a .stelsight ilirection to trio Saw ;081 belimgfog to the heirs of George Lilt:vet% thenue along Rusher's rim to t e Adams county line, • Thence along the line of .Vdsons enmity to the place of beginaing,he :old the same it Iterehy declared a new and sep.trate election district, the election to be held at the public house of .101,1, Reback, in Leesburg, So thampton township." At which time and place the rptalifid electors, as aforesaid, will abet its ballot— T W . EN Y-SIXELEcToss . . for President and Vice President of the United States. Aunt the several .1 udges,inspectors, and Clerk. w:in shall attend at the precedi.:g election fur members of Assembly, are required to attend and pertorm at the said election, the like duties, and be subject to the like penalties for neglect or misconduct as they shall be liable to at the elec tion for memhirs of As.tembly. Agreeable to the pr•uisions Of the sixty-first colon. of Said act, every rfeneral and Opecial Election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interrirption ur udjoolrontent until seven o'cloct in the evening, when the pulls shall be closed. • - And the Jildges of the respective di st ri n afore-- said, are by theintial, act required to•meet itt the e m ir flousuitiif the borough of Carlisle on the third duty after the said day of election, being Friday the 10th day of Nov'ber, thou and there to put furtn the things required of them by law. Given under my hand, at Carlisle, this 2tl day of October, A. - 111. A‘l F.S HOFFER., Sherili.' • Sheriff's °Mice, October 11.1848. ( For Rent, ON aceenamodating terms, a valuable MA R -100' FARM, near Reostertown, Palinnore county; Maryland. Apply at this offi , e. net 114 • ►~ P.A.W.LS—A large• lot of 'l'urkeri ulso.long and square Blanket Shawls, now onenintiAtt, rho:cheug ewe of 'nein] LEINCti NIY:IIINOES—A good assert• JIC .nient of French Merlotti:a just received, also lull ass'Ortmont of .alllinds and styles of dress goods, selling at the very lowest notch by nett I) C OGILBY • - • reeuoved a general aosuriniont uC Gentlemen's Bay's and GniWren's cloth Caps, fir sale by G R, CUGOKS . - ------- NEWVILLE FIDIALE SEMINARY. 11 , 1111S' Institution, under the cam of Misses JL BELL & WHYTE. having completed.itS first tupl, under. favorable circumstances, is pre paretlto vsecive an additiobal number of pupils. In addition to the present teaeltersi a young lady n'tirailitate of:Washington remtile Seminary, is epgaged,for the - ensulitg term, asintsleAnnelier, and..,nvery arrangement will. bp_ mudelo• have music; vocal and instruinnutal, efficiently taught. . . TERTII . F2.4 S CSSION Op Ptlic MON'rns. For hyardingcladging, washing, lights, and fuel .. . •' .- . • . r , 850 00 ToatiOn in Juvenile Department ' 6 00 ii'.4' , Primary. Chats , ! , '• .91)0 , - i -. !J.0r„...".. • . 'll 00 ,',' ' Seaii. . '.' . . .. . • 13.00 ", •" . Drowing . orYainling , 10 . 60 :n , i" MOsio on Piano. ' t , • 15.00 ";414:1,p50 Winstrinnont, , • .9 00 .PorriALque halcio,ailyunee. • • , „ 74, 49,0e r t, c . ...oee'sidi(4 - einmetices - Nov.:Ast,ifd 611 Aliirgli;:3110;,1 80; ~,.; •-` ~.... ~ , • ~ • .. ,Otilsl64l•Acadenly, OV CA RL1916.) :' I4OI. ; II:49:}iSSION. JL: tit 1848. 'aatabar tatt• aouto.lo)linaittfdq , fidd't ontsOfu e ll . F,,prplutre!i, for k.;:olfego." counting, !motto.' &c.; • Fv . ,t)rott dos tlao possibt , l I)o4itersiitoto4Om'tovvii or 'village, akciossible". 'hi-plots Road or ,Cuntl)er HI . d y hollt, Of " , thr , ottialt ~laadt! at • • ICltatY4s74g li Y , ; 01 P 1 " - •Eit t rglit • J)aarili'lli)ki , o4l#4, , ,',oltinn,,P4„(pnr„,neor),.6l: , :o,.9o, . Fie ib. 64 ll tia Fct,qAni,o, .„. Stoi4Uxnishodf.b.r. ':0 94.ttg , RN - 4i' FrlttaTal:'', , g - ij r ai Pgittrrp, I,§„& c d--, , g?„, • ~Rjll,- , eYnti,itio- s Oetioehr nr.,(#t attC,,Ktiogon,..7 \ \ gisit,,Atikiiri;#4,,l EIII New - '2bictitsiitehts. E 2 • -- 7 , I3HERIM D S,' SALES: `•. TIY-.llllqueOf Writti o3o.;eynri Fannie ismicd out 'of tiro Couit orecithirion . Plnin of eculiboilund county, and tci'run :Oirecto,d, 1 Will 'bkpneti tho following Ronl itininto to public sub on ''A.'l./RI)AY thu 4th of Nov., 18,18, nt 10 0'c104,.6. m, nt , the Court Ilounc in the borough, • A Tract of Larid,•_alitiati?,iti.DiclrriOsoq toWnship, hounded by lande of Philip Ebert, sr., Wtn Graham, Win Rtindolph . ruhlothere, con taining '9 'acres, more or less, haviilg. thereon erected a one and .a half story Log House. Sul. zed and, liken in ekeution as the property of Philip Ebert. jr. Tiact of Land situate in Hump , den township, bounded by.lands of Geo: Simms on the' north, John Mutate on the east, Joseph Waggoner on ,the South, and David Weigle on west, containing •E,Acres, 51 Perches, more or leis, having thereon ,ernutcd n two-story Log House, Log Barn, Orchard„ &c. Seized and taken - hi execution as the property of Jacob Coin. Also. tyLot of Ground, situate, in the borough of Carlisle, bounded by a road lending ft. to the turnpike to the Walnut Bottom road on j4le north, east by the turnpike,. south by lands of James Noble's heirs, and west by a lot of Jacob Weaver, containing 3 acres, more or less, .and having thereon erected a one and a-half story Brie House, Frame , Barn, Brew Hops°, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Sebastian Grundlez. Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in South Middle ten- township, bounded by latida _of bias Ciauffinan, James 'Crockett, Christian Hen and others, containing 'I, acres, more or less, having thereon erected a. two story Log House, Cooper Shop, and Stable, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jonathan Hoffert. Also, a Ttact of Land situate to township, containing fio acres, more or kiss, boon dby lands nt John Sharp's heirs, Slides Wood urn, Jos. Eryine and Wilson Sterrett, Ravin thereon erected a Two Story Log House, Li3g 13 xn; Orchard, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Peter Strome. Also, a Lot of Ground,-situate in the Borough of Newville, containing 30 feet in front. and 180 feet deep, bounded .hy Main Street on the North, church lot on the Mast; John Swiler on the Weet, and Church Alley on the South haying thereon erecied a two story Frame House and Ritelieh, Frame Office, Ike. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John S. Wilson., • Also, a Lot of Ground situate in the Bctistiglicif Carlisle, containing GO feet in front on South street, and--240. feet deep to Chapel Alley, and adjoining lots of Andrew 13Ieir -nod others on the East, anp a lot of Humes on the west, having thereon erected a two story. Frame House and Kitchen, F,rante Stable. Seized and taken imexecutjefr as the-property of Renntek Angnev• Also, a "half Lot of Ground, situate - in same Borough, bounded by lot of Geo. Kt.:eley on_ the West, Equal Bights Hall on the Nor , h, lot of James Davis on the East and Point' et Street on the South. having thereon erec'ed . 14t) Slot y paistered House and MIA finittlin ff . Seized and taken-in execution es the joint prop erty of Henrietta and- Antilt Kerjrli3y. Also, the undivided lutil•F-rart of a tract of Land, : „situate in Motir'oe township. honoded by lands ofdlenry Landes. Henry Ellett, David . - l%erly and George-,Mt•isell,. containing 70 acres; more or leas, having thereon erected n two-story House, a one-story Log Barn, Orchard & c. Seized and taken in execution ns the property of Samuel Civler. - Also, a Tract of Land, situate in South Middleton tp, containing Five Acres. more or less, bounded by lands'ofJohn C. Culver. John Craighead, Win. Craighead and John Nogle, having thereon erected n two-story Log lionse. , Frame Store-house end Log Stable. Seized and taken in execution tin tho'propett,y.of Jacob Shank. . _ . Also, a Tract of Land, sititate in South ampton up, hounded he lauds of Henry Hoch. John Maxwell, John Kuzmdler, Andr6v ter and Daval Fuglesonger. containing I 70 nerve more or less, and having. thereon erected n ta•o story Log House, Log Tchant Hon:A, 1.00 Barn, Wagon-shed. Orchard, -Seized and taken execution n 9 the propehy Al I le . nry St earn. Also, a Lot and one-half of Ground, situate in the borough of Shippensburg, having. .thereon erected a two-story ;mg !loose and Kitchen, bounded by Prince swel on the west, King tureet on the south. an nllcy on the, north and of J. Clark, Esti, on the cost, being Nos. 45 and 46 in the plan or said horonnh. Also, two-Lots and a half of Ground, situate in said Itoronol, having thereon cr. etrd a two-story I,nir llttuao, bounded on the north by King street, on the south by an alley. on the Cast ,by a lot of Mrs. Dunc:aii, tsesi by 1.1 N.,. 50, being Nos. 51 und in the plan of said. bo- roach. Also, a Lot of Ground, in same boro', having thereon created a two•suury Etrirl; Muse a nd back buildiue. rounded on the east by road loading to Angel's Mid, on the north by Ln 01 John Stambaugh, on the west by lot of Ita• hon. Esq., on the south by lot of 11. Ileastine. Also, a Lot of Ground, in same boro', (known as the Brick•yard lot) containing 'Zhree Acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lot of Alex. Meteor, on the east by lot of James Sturges, Esq, south by lot of G. Hartline, jr., and on the west by the C. V. Railroad. I Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in came borough, having thereon erected a two-story Frame House, bounded on the north by King street, - south by an alley. u est by lot of by Hill, dee'd, east by lot No. 51, being lot No. 50 in the plan of said borough. Bauch and taken in execution as the property of Paul Martin, Esq. Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in Allen township, bounded by lands of Joseph Best, Nicholas Udell and Jacob Nailur, containing One Acre and a half;more or less, having there on erected a two-stoey Log House, Stable and Apple Ofchard. Seized and taken in execution as the property of David Ettien. Also, a Half Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on the east by College lane, north by lot of R. Emory, west by an alley, Imo south by lot of MrS. Stnyman, nen mining 50 feet in front and '2.23" feet in depth. haviog thereon erected n large twq-story Brick !louse and Frame Stable. C OGTLI3Y Also, a Lot of Ground, in same boro', hounded by n lot of R. Emory, College lane, the .t.propihe, end an alley, containing 225 feet. lent in length and .50 feet in breadth, having hereon erected 'I large Entine' Ware•house,,- Seized end taken In execution as the property of John McCaffrey. Also, a Tract of Lend, situate in South A[idrlleton township, (known. us the Carlisle Iron Works) containing 10,00 D Acres, more or less, having thereon erected a large Brick Mansion House, a Forge' and Furnace, a newiMereharit 'Mill with four, run of stone, three large Bank Barne t , and necessary Tenant llonses, blockumithlihops, stabling ,k , e. • Saizeilind'inken in execution as . the 'pro , pert)i of Michael Ego, deed, rnom-in the hands of Mary Ego, his executrix. . And 'Alto be Kild'hy met, JA„NIiISI.IO,FTER., Shea'. slicrilTs Orrice, 'October 11. 1848' 8 . Plaifteld. , Nursery Gdrdewo, . ;1 7 1 - k?f, V:1 Ts! ef.catlisile r (.1V empiletoad:) Nconuarin NNW ; je , ; !acted assortment ol 1 , 11.1.1117, TREES:ever' f f re d . for subscriber,. wisitee' , to .enti IL losers Lif •SPinnters thou it ' , ',dc"pi-; detily.to their attvaniat t e to purchase, or esolit we have ae,imniensu Sibik.ist:Lite„ver finest Riekel ea It I ty' roil!, or, the - best as iiittent. , bb .14U1;etiewhere: - Apples:- Peachtssi, - I'citol;"Thinas -- , — Cherrtes,7Alirleetf,T7eiditili t e — ai Slreo'berrleiri s .kel'ios , ether, rjth, ' opleneiti JO of , Evergivepc. alti fir whit li'.will,he 8011110wer : tituti etdir. offered bait: tofm.e. tilde o.oes ‘vcry-lcrats; ;10 t0..1V, reia bearing oge, 'at 10,:eitLeneiti:...Ortilea,ritteds1 trees,' stioh as ttrettstOttly:ooltLoi.:'l9:ersorietl; frtdo . ;!s.:tts Vettl Pitesp.othaying.t.e sett again'soi r itilled' at: a littera' The • foci . that.NO. are re.: pritivinkriiitr:teltrestotllt te other grounds compels`: e kjp : uir cr .. such ; eitiaoriltnary-LindOeMents-:to t tturchnsers,', 9011% IrrOrritAtt establish. • !eref-li yßacidi, , INTO. 0 1 4(elt411iffill11:111&,abittlitr,iscslivesent; - -and :eat! logu,Leytro *lash gnat s.to;nll'sp ilia pis.; -pdd •esa AApTiiim t 3 3;c F,.i,A-t-i;.,r•;Thp4l.p' 4r l ' A : ' eAtrimu:i:',j..4.„ 61Ri3.,,G•C.,,., . 0 eodi§*4kyMallaldf pd4oTtV4li v A% : ' 6 .1q:1' , .; 1.1 , Ae4 4 ;!iY,.l'-.1;1 , 54:: , .:s ti Ai f,,W.T .: aU ~I4tourensulcuis,: ~..„; , ; .4, ,:.. ~,,. To - BUTTEICTIAILERS , 'rjr4llE 'subicriliertiliiitiiii Pirreciaiielf the'rigiii, •2. of Ptimbarland counlY IhrimakinE Prow .olt's Vatent Thermoinater Chinit..thoy would respectfully inform the Farmers and'priblie id general, that they will make and °reefer - aide their Churns at the Cabinet Warm•rcioin of Pee. Stiatieler, in N. Hanover. street; next door to the office of D.,Snlit*llaq: '' The prinhipaLadvantageithis Churn hap-over all others itt, that it is so'constructed Hutt the top can be taken off so, as to give free access to the, inside of thethurn, which makes it corWeident to put in the creatn and got Out the butter: ,A Xliermonieter is attached to. the end of the Churn so as to show the exact temperature of the cream, which experience shows sh'am aid be 60 degrees to make good Butter.' A ehathl il , space is arranged around• the bottom ( the churn ; or the purpose of admitting cold or warm Waller, so as to bring the cream to the desired tdinperatine without mixing the waterwith the cream. The secret. in churning butter is, to "have your cream at the proper temperature; it will, produce more and bettor butter, and take less time in churning ;•it churns equally well in cold or warm weather—no such thinras haying= scalded butler. All ibid. is necessary to Make good hatteeell seasons of the year, is to get one of Crowell's Patent Thermometer Churns.— We would'most respectfully invite the public to call and. examine for theniselves. •. CEO. SP AA' GLE R, ' SADI'L. MYERS. . ....... Mr. Geo. Spangler—Sir; • Wo have been using filfriFT lea for Some time, and find it far superior' to the oadharrel churn for several reasons; first, great saving of time in getting butter. the'average time of churn ing about fifteen minutes, (all weathers); sec ondly, the butter when obtained is much firmer than when using any other churni finally, my folks 'say they would not exchange it for any other' churn' and twice the original cost of the Thermometer Churn. I . • Sop. 28, 1848.] - G. \V. STIEAFFER. Mr. Geq. pa nglin—l have had the Crowell Thermometer Churn you made for ine in use nt my piece, do not hesitate to say that no Farmer should be . without it. Fifteen minutes is all the time regithied to make Butter, and the this saving of lime and labor' consists in this, that it requires no more time at any one season than another; and that the temperature of the cream necessary to make butter, is pro'. •duced with certainty, and Without thendmixturo of warm or cold water with the Cream iiself. FREID'K WATTS. Carlisle, Aug. 17, 1843. • For the benefit of the better pert of man (wo men) I give tl is certificate. After 'using the Thermometer Churn made by Mr. Spengler of this pilule: I would have none other in my hove been using the old barrel churn for thirty years pest, and I ptust Bey it is not to be compel., d to Crowell's Therntometer Churn, Mier for speed of churning or convenience; in , he old barrel churn it took generally . ..from four six hours to churn the Churning, now in the The 1. horn we can churn hillier in from fitteen to twenty minutes, by brining the - cream to the prover tempertoure. lon recom mend it to the public as no cheat. JOSEPH SHROM. Callole, Sep. 4, IRO. • GEORGE SP ANi:LEII. has nlnoon hand; and 'will •manulacture -to order • CABINET WARE of every description, stich,„as Bureau's,' Secre:arys, Snlds, Table's, Bedsteads, and all articles in his line, and will sell as cheap as can be bought any where in the county, and warrant his Furniture of grind material and - durable work manship, He would invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing COFFINS made at the bhoricst notice ; terms mailprate. [octll 'Postponed Sale. WILL be exposed to Public Sale t. on the premises in Silver Spring tor, Cumberland co, on SATUI2DAA the tith of—October, the following —• &scribed 11 - ear Estate, late the pro perty ;of JAC.: OB ElLEYoloe'd, viz : All that certain Lot or piece of Band, situate in Sil ver Spring tp, Cumberland cd,boundcd by lands of David "tone, Ceo. Rupp'S heirs, and John Schwartz, rind containing about 11 Acres. The improvements are a two-story DWELL - INU If OUSE, Frame Bern, Currier's Shop, Bark Mill, and other necessary out-huildings. Also, a number of Tan Vats, in good order. The land is first-rate Limestone, cleared and wider flood fence. There is a superior Orchard of young Apple Trees on the premiffs, and a ne• ver-lailing well .of water.. T n l tiuon toi the ioregoing, there is a substantinliy built Lime calculated for the use of Prone coal. ' This property is situatsd about one mile north of Mechainesburui and possesses twiny advan tages for a business Esau, 11 . 0111 its vicinity to the Railroad. and the facility of procuring Bark fin Tanning purposes. Any information relative to this properly can be hod by calling on the sub scriber at any time before the day of sale. If not sold on said day, the Executor will rent it tor one year. Sale to commence at I'2 o'clock, nt, on said day, when terms will be ma M e d MM. o M knwn by EILEY W. . octll-ts) Ex' r of-7 neob Mt ilay IKr Lrnlastor Volksfreund inseit charge thitroffiee. House and Lot for Salo. THE subscriber Wert at privet° *St: , rile the property co which be now i Q lint* situate in Plainfield, Corn. berland county, five miles from consisting of a LOT con taining upwards of tutu Acre of gtnund, oh which is erected a new two story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, Smith Shop. Stable &e. There id a never failing IVell of Water near the house, and' a little ututiber of very choice Frill: Teces. on the lot. It is an old Fraud for a Blacksmith, nod well known as such through the country. The whole yoperty is in good condition. If not sold before Saturday, the 4ith of Novem. tier next, it wilton dint day be exposed to public sale at one o'clock in the forenoon, on the pre mises., mit] I—pd GEO. HORNING Cumberland County Agricultural Society. FALL MEETING, *ED N Es b 'GET 0 BER t 5, 1848 Committe appointed at the meeting Of j the 28th May last to select the ground and superintend the' Pull Meeting,.have selected-No bles' Barn ; peer Carlisle, es • the place for the Eshibitioto nod a lot Plow) by for the Ploughing Match. The following are the Committees fur this year, viz : • . Committee on Agricultural Tirrplemenis-'•Rob. en Bryson, Ch'iv Sinymen, SkileS•lybodbyrn, -G H Bucher, It C Sterrett.-. • Committee -on Sheep' alid Hoga—Christian Titzel, John Stuart. ' • Committee on Horses and Cattletilchoir Bronernan, M C Thodini Lep; Committee on Ploughing—Thentas Bradley, David Sterrett, John Ilemmingor, Daniel .COble, Abraham liittnbertivib -••• • • Cp in ni i!rt,pe on' Hors es—Abralt airT Mye re, John Zug,'Jolin Ndble. •i r • Corn mit leeil ti k 'Watts, George trindle4-fl'ieltard Parker.' i• •':•• • Conti - Mite° .en'iNtiiit. : C.l beetle, •Vegetables*, •Ch ergo. ,Sbea fib r, Wm. gilleadepide)in .41; Vroavor. r. • • • .of i the, Commitfeero-erit '.eainestly requeited to be on the : AroUnd !.,pod, ,to make. their ,o,wn „errangements , rar the extirhinni nn-of elicit,aoplomis 0411 , be prekerit: ed:"'P.rovision will be made , - ,for caro of 4 2 .4 a t4:4:4-4.-.14,1 ' . 1 § ikf . 7 t; .,1 1: tz; iVi ST'G'.N 0 BIM ~4. klp ER §01% , T. 7 ' ' , , , Y06 4. • .Commit te e 00. 1 1 1 01,a6 HDS,''..K.ENTUGtit Harriebueg,yool4+4iri '' ~ . 7. y:A t ni li r ii .,,,, :f'ttEl ,A.. .tit ..,,, 7:'.: ° :.: i ..; "."`, 2 2 - ', i rtfe,:ituliiiiribir,,,(lfferti tit' Private' 1_,.,4, golii t a :-FIIVIVpit unto tiii,...NOWtott IN 1, 4. ts • /, , ,.. 1 ' Orationand co, about a quarter of, , f . ' 'i •'' inge BROW ef_thi'turloptly 3 244oo, --- ' rotr'''Caniali tO — Slifpponaburg,. nal: directly , on - tho road deriding . .froan Stougbatoyri: , to lr,yte a graro,adjoining. lands bf filtiiktolfiriltodv, t+ tlerir-'--ItToontaitiaelkAlitlia&l. Irarii-711-179 ' ' xi; tonetlaihdrithitltha Ar aa np, 6 , ll :7 oi n 46 Iktkralld'aillh rt‘rarangor,raSgailent'.--- wi*liNibfilin ' lielarat'a r e!. ft t" ;ll%W tile il l :tl7ol lP gil iheLi ' ineliiiidi alrea . l a, RI - 11°„44 , - -.,,,, ~- , '' twct..4rary.-Ltattillin The,:traprove rrte ra t rrottrolibert . s3ll° %s7 l l'll l ,l4.lTftlitai,t Altlext kw Il 14 1! 1 4 -'4° I': 1-le :pioi o :0; ~, 1 . ,,,er ~ ', - T- t ° #"IY-110416 . 104.0... - s,vonotilts I:6•'' Otaa a,. 11l 'X, t i 41 4,, itirernovo, tot: Wit °64 4" 14. 0 41 k f tt .! , A 9- ',,;,' ' ~.,,,...: , - vest -,:' '4,, • -,„„' .:;... ... .--'-^ .• ~ ' ''M'''' 4.l `N COliet-,111/0 '''' ~ ,,, , kr . 4o, th tOP 2 ' t -- ''t ' 0 f3 l / 111 ' • lk / 1 ,41 f;0:0t .1: '..it. ,t1,..r.',14- i -.- -,, 4 ,---' i Ar"ti-f-t!. - , * 44,, , ` ,' , . ...iv n ., • ~ 0, :..,, ~,1 , ,., 1 r r ; f.... _ftrAW‘the'ilArg, 4 Plinillntlrg: ` i" . ' ,i nie ', Kihl`C‘ :"A l 4") F: ls . lll , t ie "PhP7 - 4 - 1 7. 11"q' Ai r r i &gr T l ' 4fi r arit ? " "r e ' ' ' 4lf4 "'' * l ttiif iti qiiiATUAWA 4 ! , diAillk O .OI:( I .AiMPIOtei, Act , '0 IP , '.. 411D ' 4°1141 4 1 l 'T atll Vrg t "',7,lL ?' ;4 1 % 1 IN; 44ra frO liaialia a ' f " BPril * . ` 11141IltralorpittrItkOtOt-J.,%it'adriifrst6.,9, c ebINI,,,, , : :vi11k,„: : ,.. , ,.,,,., , ,, ,, , , . 7 t flo ptyl, - `; ti eacf 4 et l ig4,l) VimktV,3l'A , - -.-o' , l„ , t4Yi' , t,t"''4 ',.. '`, l' 3 'l" ''- ''' '' ' - - 4,ll7%lA WOMM 4A d g lakT 4l l olo V' 4 ' . V , Pa , W''''',-, - '4'\'':.tj'''' ..41.,A't1',.W4'kr...,g,,tt-dVi,,ltg,,,,'l.',kW.l',' ;, 1 t OCtiforic s eggoc , s d igYee; bale - try - MILLER. PP t lr,P l . l "4l,' it '1,,,i4::,),rictjaz,r,,110111.4 p,...6 ors 4 St:',l3R 'Z'S: r ,t/1 1110 .)!O fTi; NIIEM= ,ff4ifti"..ll4:ey": 1 .:` ._. .0.:.':: ..f..0,..,4te.,-?: . . • Orphans ourt . iii•drair' the • Orphans' -Court. , -of Cumberland • co, the loth:owing Real &State; 'P. late the property: , of Armetrong Irvine, deed.‘will ba'. tibia ,on. the premises; on sAIT AY%,!lte 28th day 'of Oc tober next, at 12 o'clock, noortiof 'that days' vii: -All-that certain Plantatippeor.Tritot. , of , Land, eituato'in Silver• Spring tp, in seid•county;Amits ded by.lands.of Geo. Beltzhoovei., Jacob. He t ... man„Andrew and others, contaningibribt 121. Aces, about 85, acres of:which isl Limestone and the residue Slate Land of good, quality,— Between 20 and 30 acres aredif thriving Timber Mui•the residue . hi well 'fenced, a large portion of it being post and rail. The iinprovenruitentea:lergriSTONE D W EL LING 11,€) USE. Hitchco. and . large Slone,:Barik Bern, with a TreshinK•Mheliiiie rftlattlied:Snd other'out•buildings. There is.a good ‘Vell at the door, and a very superior Limestone spring near - the house, A young Atiple Orchard of grafted Hit 'sod other kinds of fruit trees on the premises. There are two' wt thin it mile Of. this Tann. There ere ti groin quantity of Lo cust Trees nn Said Farm. ' • ; Terms made knownon the-dnv of ;ale by HENRY W. IRYINE;:Adin'r Oct4-ttd] of Arrest'g Irvine, dec'd Rear Estate at, Public -sale, WILL be..sold at Public Sale, on the Premises, on•SATURDAY, the 121.5 t day of 'Octob'er, at lO.o'clock, st, the following. Real Estate; sit• utile in SiNet Spring 10. Cornbiriland co, near th line of the bormfgh of ;Mechanics burg,. bond d by lands Of G. V. Couver; the, liogestown r ad, Cromlich'sfheirs, Admit. Wea ver and other, contaitiing s.2—.A.cres, newt men sure. About ffacreb of this Tract are well tim bered iWcindland;thn residue'first onnlity Lime stone Land, in good cultivation and well fenced. Them are no buildings on this property, but from its vicinity to klechanicsburg is wall suited for town lots and Mr building purposes.-'The property will be, sold altozoilter or in lotslo suit purchasers. Persons wishing ,to purchase can, View the premises at nay - tierrbefore the 'side, by calling on 'either of the subscribers. who re side about n guile and a half from Mechnnisburg. Terms merle known on dnv of sale by • .MEILY, JACOB MEILY, .... I oct4—t a] -Adjourned. Orphans'__Court_Stae—_ BY virtue - f en order,of the Orphens'•Cottet Cumberland county, l will expose to public sale -on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 20th - day of Oct., 180. at 12 o'clock it., n firstrate Lime• stone FARM in Dickinson township, lately the mansion fiirm of Win. Werikley, - decd, !imam immedietely south of the Walnut Bottom Road, about half way between Carlisle and Shipper's - - burg. It contains about 140: acres of prime land, 120 of whieh is cleared and well ,fenced, and the residue in fine timber. The improve ments are a two story BRICK DWELLING, with n Frame House attached; a good Frame Barn, n good apple orchard; with -other choice fruit. The land is all unbroken, and of firserate quality, with miming water in nearly all the fields. Altogether it is among the finest farms in the county. . The terms will be made known on the day of sale by WEA KTA:Y; Ade r. of Win. L. Wikakley, dee'd. =CI Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. 11 V:virtue an 'older of the Or {' phone' Court of Cumberland co., T will expose to public sale, on the pre p ;IN - V-4l m O i c s to s be o r n , S B A4 B T, UatR D A lock 2Bth of A. M., all that Plantation or Tract of Land situate and being in the township of S. Mtddleton, and &Moly of Cumberland, about ono,mile east , of Papertown, on which Henry Hartzel, dec'd., lately lived, containing 92 Acres more or less, about ton acres of which is in timber, and the residue cleared and under good fence. The. Ini nrovententss are a two•story Erase enihe r hoarded 110T'i r. a pretty gout BARN, Corp crib, an 0(311m - it young °Marti and a Wale( water at the door. Also, at the same time and place, will he sold Tract of Mountain Lund, which lies abOut hatf a mile trout the Farm, and contains $l3l sores, more or less, anti is such suited for timber land, as attached to the Farm., The terms will be Made known on the day ()Isola by .101115 SV UT.' Ad nex of Henry Hormel, deo!d. o - rll-1 PUBLIO SALE B Y virtue of on order of the . ' • Court of Common Pleas of Gum- A *i, 1 N herland en, in a proceeding ill per. 5 5 • ration between Adam Crouse and the heirs and representatives of Georgu.AV. L.ert, dee'd, f will expose to Public Sale on the premises, on SATURDA Y, the 21st of October next, at 10 o'clock, a. st, a lot of Ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, con. tubing 60 Met in front and 1.10 feet in depth, bounded on the north by a let of the heirs of Martin Zeigler. east by Hanover street, south by n lot of Susan Spottswood, and west by a lot of Melchor Hoffer, and having thereon erected a ono and a half story Frame House, Stable &a. The terms of the sale will be five per cent. of am purchase money to be paid on the property being struck down, and the balance on the first day o( April next, when possession will lie giyen sep27l JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff PUBLIC SALE. TIIE aubscribers.in pursuance of an orclor of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, will expose 44/ 1 ' to Public Sale, on TUESDAY, '.%•‘141‘..' , :- the 2401,day of October next, at 10 o'clock, n. iNt, on the protpises, the following de scribed Reid Estriie to wit— A Tract of Mate and Bottoin Land, situate in. E. Pennsboro tp, containing 69 Acres anit.l4o Perches, in a state of high cultivation, having thereon erected a two-story Log House, a rew Brick Barn and other out-Moldings and improve-. meats, n fine Orchard and a never.failing well of water at the door. The land bounds on the Susquehanna river, end is about 3 miles north of the Harrisburg Bridge. All the laud is clear ed but about 3 or 4-acres, and there is an abun dance of Locust Timber on the whole tract. Titre -ternts'of gale will be-Qtne.third of the purelinbe money to remain-in the hind as the widow's dower, onilthitd 10 be paid On the Ist of ApvilMext,- and the balance in two itipial an nual payments without, interest... The pycluwe matey to IA aecured'by reogitisapeeb. Posses. — Mon given onite at of A pril 18411. ' 3 01 . 110311EitTS, JACOI3'SHEITB,. :Ad m l re, et Win. Sheets, .ilee'd Sep2 i -ts Valuable isitUesiono .Farm AT FRIVATE SALE. ' 7 • • THE subscriber offers at •i'rlv'ele'„ • cerr Sale the Farm on which he now f' ,j 7" in lives, situate in Dickinson town. q!.tr'• )! ship. Cumberland co, on the Will. nut Bottom road, ,abeut four miles front Esthete,. cciniaining:- 105 Acres, more or Jess, of first, rate Limestone 11.Und,•about'0 . 0 acres of whiCh is cleared, and in high smelt( (native trice, The' improvements nre a large Fraine and b a Stiarcd . Dwelling ,House,.log Barn, 2.Tenant Honketi, Corm Prib, Wagen , Shed and all other .necensar.f youhg',ol , :ch-• ards ut „very fine fruit, one of; which is diftW' bearing:. order,,•i, is_edintrablV:, situated, iandoProsents strong inducentents purchasers:gor,..further,in formation ' (6 4 thn'aubscribiti ree ding on .thmfarnM-' , • GE 0111:EM , 'N' 'irrLaneaster;'Examinsr:p4linh ,find...chatge'fidyert.isat.cl,.!:l,,h, .-=i' . ' MW;==Mi!IBM 14,1 k, • 01pAPER. THAN EVER prp.. 11111 HE leitlificribers have. just' lfdi he ; ,City.the largest quantity, 101)8 ever Brought to Carlisle. ...1.111 insists in part of the following.; ', CLOTHS--Bite, brown, from MAO palm(' up to. $4..... CASSIIMERES and Vestings—good, heavy 'aii'd,fino striped. Cassimeres,,7s b7.i and ,t3I per yd.' Soino of;the most_ handsome Ve.s:tings tii thownitty. Cnainotta,front 25 to 87 Ms. CASHMERES and Mons. do Iminea, from 111# to 82/. eta. ' ' C A MC OES— , nliout 5,008 yards; sc l iTßO - very} good at six mite' per yd.. Alitactias and MOO noes; 181,25, 371, 51.1;'628 - um.. Splendid:future: Gingham at I'2 eta: Yard - wide Muslin' at '4 eta per.yd.. Good 'Picking's, 6+,,10,1211; lo.— Seat quality domestic Gino:hams, warranted' fast Onldrs, at 121 cis. Fine Irish Linens 373, 50. 013, 751cts. Lim=eys, 121, if, 25 eta. Woolen Flaancili at 12,3. 291, 25, 31, 50 ctst Ginn Shoes, fill kinds end sizes, Ribbons for bonnets at 8, 12 15, 181. 25 cts. Laces and 14dgIngti, cheap, real thread lace. wide, 12.3cts, Cloth, Glazed and Far CAPS. 121 eta to Bl. Together with almost everylirtieleln Our line, which: ire are deterniined to close out very low. to Also. on hand an assortment of READY M %DE CLOTHING. consisting of fine cesium! Costs at $5; Pants, 1,7.5 to 3.50 thr cassimere: Yeats, 1,00 t0,3,C0 for satin. We have a hire stock Of Cloths, &c; forn wbtrh those can se lect andkave their measures taken who Ennui sat themielaes in ready nonte.- The Clothing Store is conducted by George Befilz, who is acknowledged tolin•one of - the best Tailors county, who will take mea sures and manufacture clothing Nom $1 to $5 on the suit cheaper than ran belied elsewhere.— dive hirn a call young men oct4].A & W BENTZ.. . ----- Saddle and Harness Maltirg, P E subscriber respectfully informs the pub• . Ito that he still continues to carry on the above bas mess in all ha various branches. in S. Hanover street, nearly odposite the Poet Office, and near to Morret's Hotel, in the borough of Carlisle, where he will constantly keep on hand and make to order, every thing m his line n 1 business., such as.- SADDLES, BRIDLES. M art ingales. HARNESS, Dollars. W h'ps, TRUNKS, Cnrpet.llags, Es will also-re pair old Harness. Mending of all kinds done nt the shortest.tiotice. He will warrant his work to be made of good material and done inn supe- Tiormra - imm- - He - flatnsnr - himeelf - i hat-he-en n. oiler such inducement's to the public ae wilt make it their interest to patronize him. By n strict attenticn to business, and a detertnination to sell lower than any one else, he 'ropes to re• ceive n !literal share of public patronage. GOOD WOOD will be taken in exchange for Work. oct4-3w] VERY INEPORTA:NT To all those who wish to lay ont their Cash to the very best ad- Xa IttagC 1 • OGILBY is now opening his NI.) immense and splendid stock of FA LI, mid WINTER URY GOODt .and respectfully I. sites one and rill to call and look before Purees' ing, no he is determined to give onekr n o AIRS it) the , way of prices and beautiful gou.ls. His stock consists .of all kinds and qualities of Clotho, Ctiosim*fis;Vasinet Is, Kentucky Jeans, Linsey's, Flannels, Blankets -and .a thousand other articles in the Woollen lino; also Cash meres. Delanes, Alpacas , p Lama Plaids, rich stile Winter Gingliams, beautiful and cheap Calicoes, Muslins ol every kind and quality, ex tremely eitettpo; the best and largest stuck of CARPETS that he has had for ten yearn; they are beautiful Patterns, good fabrics mid VERY CHEAP. A large assortment of HOSIERY, a full and Complete assortment ofCubes fine DRESS GOODS: n large stock of BOOTS.' SHOES and GROCERIES, all of which will be sold at the. smallest profits. Be sure to call and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere, Remember the old, and well esthblished stand, East Main. Street, Car- lisle. flzirLoolc out for the I,nren Sian, Large \Vin doves and Lnrgo Stock of GOOD Gouda. 13Mil NEW GOODS! NEW GOODP! ! k P i . ' , 4npfP."„....'•,#,• r. JUST re ceiv , e d at th t o a= 4 —?;'tZiet "BEE HlVE"nlarg e i...Y.:"" ? '''%' 3,o °assortmentot FA LI 1 & * :':. 74 -: 4 ;. -,/ ." NV INTE G R O ()DS, , Alfairel..,;.;:i• , _ consisting in part of the ... 1'6. ...... * " ...ll ''' '" ' following nriieleß, viz : .. _. --... Mill en tin striped Caelimeres. Alpacas, Mons. de Imin, new style Albions, fmnred dress Silks, plain Silks. Paramour's, Mennoei, French w,r ked Collars, Kid Gloves, Shawls, Ribbons, nssOrted Silk Ftingee, black do., Silk Gimps, Minim Silks, Flowers, Thlead Laves, &c, Blabk French Cloths, black Crissimeres, fancy Cassimeres, Chyme, Satin, Merino Mid Valentin Vestings, Cloth Caps, &e. Also, Muslin, Gloves, IfohiCr!, , , 10 , 1 Sheeting:, bleached A nd unbleached Shirting, deco:nit, Swiss hall and Bishop Lawns, brk and cord Kid (fovea, Silk, Cotton, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves for,ladies, gentlemen and misers; cotton, merino, enchmere, alpaca and woolen Huse, fur ladies and gentlemen. . I would inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that the above goods, minable for the Fall trade, are epened and ready for immection. and I am confident that persons examining toy stock, from the greatly reduced prices would be induced to make their pnrehases therefrom. sep27 S. A. COYLE. NEW AND °HEAP STORE 11111 E subscribers, recently from Philadelphia, respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that they have just opened at the corner of N. Hanover and Louther streets, an eniire now meek of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and Q UEENS W ARE, together with . a 'general. assort Mani of 13 ()ors and StiDES,.all of , which have been 'purchased ' at the present low prices, And will .be sold very cheap for cash. Please call anti examine the stock, fie we are determined to sell at very small prolate. They love also been appointed agents for the sale of the Pekin 'rea Conipatirs TEAS, of WhielVtiley keep a general asscirtment at Phila• dolphin retail prices. seiat " S. I). POWELL & CO. lihtor'S - New Goods ! • • 74 , 1-14-4411nraribor—ltaa—iti3t •r.turned frarty_the_ city• with. n variety of , Fttlicy and S•nitlb fiftY (WOW, ,to which the attention 'of the public ~cnerelly_ie. invited. g' eepg7i Q 4 'Pt g Va. o'6 i) sesertment dif Purse Slides' 6nd, Purse Hilks,Steel Bends, •CreC h ok Pett#Rs,.l`iTcedleri, just received by — ' `. s'ep2V] 6-AV 'HITNER. • • . , • "New Goods • THE eubscpiher has just received n variety 'of Fancy, and. Stettin' Diir . ;Goede, to viitich the at tention of,tito public isativiiedi • • (4.,W..Hrl!fg Tb hi! -• oTTs• HAMSr—k;iiiige Itisorfmaiit of! Gingg ! 'hams, ~ L aWnaealoogeti, Baixbrinei; itia n , De Lainea, DaticosaHoseries, Dhaka; t 4.7B4?lBLTBll,l6' Dialier, the C.henp ..Siore of the eubecribbr .7 , j2L1Y 26 l• CARRIONY litiipi" , :Assortninat 1 ,31' At wile: ettenp Buniin ,t35-,,fr0 . -11 - (Malt Crap • CC)F, 1.51rN,84,f4t. 0 Nortli Hanover street' —4. . c o 6p 13 ;.. -g,:1!;• .. ,.Y.;', - ,`.i' . 'i , ;(!1: , :; , .'';.- MEE ME C. I. CARMONY IMMIZE2 1:CE11 G mat - Mil gain!". (i,WiiiTSTiit ~ ,,,, , ,-'i, , , A !,, ,, - t '• rE3 . •.. —, -- :.• . --:*." • - • j-1:lI,t;:;;;.„-L!•_ , 11 :. , : v, , .:„,..,, : [. ; -::; 1..1, , ;,. o , ..l.ltitstellanton'si , ‘ - ' , 1 ' ,-,:-,..... veat.g:sxatc, . . :;1 1 ......,a; . 1.j. 11 ~, R .:_'.:._ :•••••••-• 4 4; , -.)- 4 -1:*-'4 ,. /t -,,, :•-• ' EAL r onstUVV • -- • EI - ': • Ntiill4lile town.l.roperty . foi Bale. ~,,,.. AT TUBLI.C'''S ALE: :• • • • '.. . ;+,', . -.lt •• , ~: .r THE uhdoisighed wilL Offei:at , i ii,“• ; lN natant - Incept: an order of.tbe ~ 're?... • s :public- Sate, On MONDAY, the N. , • Orphanee Court of Cumberland co, 14' I .' 13th day of November next, at 10 '''. will tre said ti't Public gale, oil 1 4.- .11 ' :E. :a V'biripAti , ,A..:l4; at the COUrt douse . , . liireruisosi bit' SATO gIJAY, the . P4r 'I• in, the, borough of -.Qat:lisle, his ,V.lst day of •October lie.X.i, qt, 12,0% i TAA.y Au, U, vEith as necoseary fll)ole and Ap. clook, 4, ti - ute folieWteg desuribed, Real EAttete, eel-clue, I'llis is one.ofnahelargestp'end mast 'late the properiy'of Enoch WeedroW, de'd— I & a im& T amier i e . i q q, v . r,ikun i enti,coutity.r.t h e • A -Lot of 'Grhutid, situate' ra the' tow of location ls -.)goed,,converitenttate:heelthyi, and could if warttod;-be - enlarged to any extent- , r 0. Springlield„Cundieriand co: on tha south aide of I will alPoxilihr-, at the lattne'iinta and place. Main street, 1)91109E1.01i the cast and soot). by tiiialleY, rtrid on the 'West hy n lover Jas. Sinith, thaslerge STONE HOUSE; 40, by 30,feet, lit. 'containing.6o feet in front & 180 in.depth having wed in Past. Liberty. tilley,:mithin a row yards' svertt_er_oar_. ,thereon erected a large two-story weatherboard- b sl of the public square, • ,• . ..„ od ROUSE and FRAME STABLE, andiother Terms inside known on day of mile by - out-buildings. This property halt heen men- •' lt.ol3'T SNODO PASS: -pied for a ituailier•ef years and ie.'still admit:a Carlisle, oet4-ts I. as a Tavern:. and the only' public house in that ,------ BM ~: ..- 11:rtc . town., . , Also, at the Brune' tithe and place, t Ih be sold Is Lot of (ironed in the same town, botatidcd on the north by tin alley, on the east by Into of Grace. Margaret and Peter Palm, on tha south by it lot of John Pahn, and on tne west by tilt nlley, containing about t:te•fourth of an acre, • more or less. The Tavern property will, be sold on the lol• lowing teens—silty duilnre to be paid on. the confirmaticin of the. sale by' the court, one•half the balance on the let of April next, when pos session will he given and a deed' Made to the purchaser, and the residue in two equal mutual, payments thereafter without interest. Tha - co.ht.l - 'Lot will be Sold cnt the folloWing terms— Ten &Okra to be paid on the ronfirmn-I fion of the elle - by the.cmirt,...and the balance qtr or befoTe die ist of April next, when posmtsiliqn wlll.he given and a deed ,exeented,to•the pur clinser.` the payment to ,bet secured by- pit.U ments, and the properties wilt he sold subject to any quit rents' in arrear or that may he payable hereafter. and the purchasers to pay the taxes for the . year 1949. .11 , 10. B. VANDERBFLT, sapin—'sl of E Wondro&lldee'd • • PROGLADIATION. E ft EA B,the ;t u n r d a r b o I !te of h severalc e Et Presidentl[Jar-„ CourtsutCommon Pleas of the countiesofeurn- 0 berland, Perry and. Juniata, in' Pennsylvania, andltialibe or the aevetal. Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivsev, in. said counties, and Hon. John Stuart and John Clen. delimit, Judges of the Court of Oycr and 'Per- j miner and General Jail Delivery,, for tile tricl -ofall-capital end-other offenders, in the sate county of Cumberland—hy their precepts tomb directed, Jated the 29th day. of August, 1848,. have ordered the Court of Oyer and. Terminer and General Jail Delivery , to be holden at Car. lisle on the 2d Monday 'of November next, being the 13th day) at ID o'clock in thcfore noon, to continue two weeks. Noencv. is therefore hereby giVen, to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Constable, ofthe said county of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept commanded Lo he then and there in tlicir proper persons,' with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things which le their offices appertain to he done, and all those that are bound by recrgnitarices,.lo prosecute (against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of said - county. are-to lie there to prosecute them us shall be juitt, 3A NIES IIOFFER; Office, Carlisle, Or 4. 184 R. NOTICE. In tlio'Caurt of Cornmon -Pleas of . Cumberland COunly. JOHN KEISER vs. Elizabeth Keiser. Jacob Keiser, Wm. Keiser, Catharine Alherti Rosan na Alltem, Peter Albert, Rarbara Reddick, Sam uel lundersmitlmand.Catharine, his wife, Sion'l Dunlap and Mary, his wile, Catharine Early, Sarah Early, Elizabeth Early, John Early, Hen dricks Early, Barbara Early and Sarah M . nieh. Take notice, that by virtue of a Writ de Pot.. titione Facienda, issued out of the Court' Of Com mon Pleas of Entailerland county, and to me directed,: an Inquisition Walla held on the Real Estate of the above mimed parties, to wt,": A hot of Ground in the borough of Shipper - whorl!, on THU RSD AT. October 12, ISO, at 2 o'clo k r. at, on the premises, for the purpose of making partition and valuation of said esi me, sep27--311 JA NIES HOFFER, Sheriff. Auditor's notice. TUE creditors of JOHN R. GOSWILER, of Cumberland county, Pa.; nre hereby :twilled that the stiltseritier has been appointed by thu. Court of Common l'lrris of said county, an Au ditor to marshal the o<t•ets in the hands of Chri ,, - tvm Tiizel, the nt.ugnee of the surd John G. floswiler, to and among the creilitme, and that he will meet for that purpose with the cre ditor.. at his office in Curlislb. on S ATURPA , the I Hi day of October, at 10 o'clock, A. at, of said day. " W. M. DIDDLE, Ayidlor., Oheap Ifillini3ry Goode. S ['LEM:4 D 'assortment, cdnsistk.ng of R1141541:0 , , SILKS SAIINS, VELVETS, FLOWEII.B and I:EA - Far:Rs, Cheap for cash, at EDWARDs . ml)2o] 37 S. Second et, Philndelphin. Dr, A. B. Arnold, . -A Gft kDtTATE of the Washington university of. Baltimore ' and who has at tended one of the principal Medical Schools of Nermany, !lid University of liennsyNania, and for two years the filockley hospital, near Phila• deldbia, respectfully offers his Professional ser• vices in all its brahelics, to the public. Revidenee—Plaintield, Cumberland county five tit4As from Carlisle. on the State mail lead tug to Newville. lsep 13-3 mo—pd Notice TILE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court, of Cumberland co. to settle and adjust the rates nod proportions of the asso-M of JOIIN WIEKLINE, sr, tlee'd, to and ttniong the respective creditors of his estate; hereby giitess notice, diet he will.meet with the creditors for that pgrpose at thu house of Elias Divide, inkeeper, hi the 'botiough of Newville, on SAT. imoAr, this 14Th al or October next, at 10 o'- clock. A. at, at whic Into said creditors will pre sent their accounts duly attested. J. B. V.ANDERBEI.T, Auditor srpla-tm iNtOTICI3 Aid, persons are hereby notific:d.ihet Loners Toetanientery on the etoete of the Rev. Br. ROBERT EMORY, lain Pres'ilOill Dielchthen College Lace benO granted' to the iiuh eriber;feeidiOg 'lO the tioivtlilv or 'Caf1,1,03,, -emit Waving eln"ns anninfrde7mni,n fire 1006414 i -to prc• . , ustnta sniu,,ourodont; , , _ nom tlu l titi t properitt tuttltentiratedlor,anitinniunt, and those indebted to, naalTnavwfnl. for AV • 11. SEYiNITJR, sera:l-R , ,lacentor: NOTICE.' LEITTSRS .Teeceentery on the Esinte of GEO: CRAM ri. EAlY,..rfr., Idte of South Mid tiletert townehip;:d,dit'd,live• been granted by the Itegiste'r of 'Cumberland 'county to the enti;• eeribiw, residing in the esnie toOnship, 'All per sons having &Intends against...gild estate are re (vested to make Ittiaten , tlie sante Withon(delay, and those indebted "to' nteke'pevinenctsf • • •' cft AISHir•A ,1141.1 444(e'ettiftiiii- ffilil . . . Air ER IN 01..5;,CAEliMlat Elsi / Ac;:e..4 1.11.1.. -era .as.orttneuv I" , FrelkhotlmOhiANl , Citchineres,litousAo LiarrioiTs Fiii.qiiin'operiad 'Penll7 ,- s A 'lo2Wri . '17.1;!•S `PO. TAKI iiaco thin Lottore - Teetmm~ntnrt'•bn" tho - Inet OnttintintircitATEßßlT;ClAtW: --t WELL, iinctd; Into 'of the Inarmigh littVe:.lli!.4-1111y,;,(Aju1ti30;): bean.ieeudd by theateg: itifor,!4 n, d thotiminis o . olYiUnmhorlend, l t Ank.scribor; , 'lv.boirosiilen , tn. tteAnidlbpirbilgV• l the eetate . nieke known , thp.iitpo vithout delay, and tit*: indnbted'tp,innkrrtyminln7,."..7: 7-7 111,13:7KPIEROSAMIXD. CALD*.ti'Llri; •••`.. rt'44137q..t esii:4ohl . 4 Exeofitillic • Vit t tit it:tv.v optatit P • "" 1 ) TiehOkplo. o l.o4 . ,Nl Ole , 0144 1 / 4 .11...u,41 1 : 1 0 11 )44, '1 1 944 0 , 6a1, , A41 4 pimi , ;PeeV.... o # ,tqcifiot,4,l,oPF.9.PQo4.llolo4lo.fjlttli Ttrtie,•qn elioso•knoiOng : qiemsn!yen,indo . l344l. • 11,;`,Tdt,6440.10,6 r a - . • iron 3 • '‘ `I ':Y. , illt , ` l'a - .''. 4. , .. ' lr.! ..ir -, oNyt-snAwi,s- ee.-->tiil3 initissorterlieq, JLII Jug oPoiied.liii,agiiirjivitiii`og;kcii3:444l,l4l 9 ; : ' rwhich ivilVbfi:Oftlited , (a sinnlVOTofil'il ,,, ' ll ''' , '', • - i ' t . " $ ' 4 1 71 " ',''''' ' >33 ''. "''':- , ''''''''.F 43: -Nr , iiPFDTAR• ',L ', °, l 7 6t P, , • - i *, , , ~,-,-A.,•.i4.-i, C T 14' ...' V, ~:'' ' ‘V '1 ', , i ;` • ,*,` 1 ' ' , l : ' , .• • " '. ' , i , V l :Fig. ; ,4l . s`Ai,t ,' , ' Z=1;Z::, t 4. • ? O . + .rc c ,: ' '`..., .", S, :• " f',''' • • aluable Slate Farm AT PUBLIC WILL 'tie nal at.Publie ..ale, nn SAT URI) y the 2lst of Oe. toiler 11P - $l. on the premises of the ` s ubscriber', in ~liopeweil tO.. C rthi• . ' vat Cable Faiiri en whirls lie now lives, situate in said township, boat Mires east of Newburg, near Quigley's Bridge, and seven miles north-east of Shippens , burg, containing 9d Acres, more or lees, of firm rate Slate Witch about 14 acres of .which its Woodland, an the remainder inn good item of cultivation. There Is runiiing water on three ides of the Farm, and a large portion of it . first rate meadow ladd. Tho improvements are' a Frapie Plastered Dvvi with en;Tlirw and otErineildi`nge, ell of which are in good a iTh — a - good - M Orchard of to -sifted Inuit. lies about three. - miles Irmo the limestone section, and is considered one of the beat sldte farms in the GNP 141 • neighborhood. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. ?di when terms will be made known, and an indisputable 6110:given by p‘27-te ,VICICLiTIULE piazza AT PRIVATE SALE. THE, .F u bs et b er offers at Pri • vale Sale the following ~described • aaa `.ftrl; . a a Real Estate, eittune in North 1,1 'a' Middleton townt.hip, Cumberland . county, containing 100 Acre', meta_ or less, patented land, about 125 of which are cleared and in a high state Of cultivation, and the residue covered with thiiving Young Timber. The improvetnents area two-story Lop House, tone 'Kitchen, Frame Barn, V,Vago,n•sbed and. Corn-crib, and a One' young thriving Orchard with choice fruit... The Falmais weal- covered with Locust 'niece area Lumbar of never-failing running springs of water near the door. The above„ mentioned tract is 'all I,ime stone - Land, wtd is in a healthy neighborhood, within two mike of Carlisle and one mile from the Cumberland Valley Railroad, and lying on' the Canodoguinet creck.„The Farm is con venient in the Catlisle market. The purtliater can have rile whole Farm, or 100 acres and the improvements, or 50 acres, or the 50 acres dP vidcd into lire or ten lots. By this letter Elicit. sion the property notlld suit perbons in Carlisle who wish to purchase lots. An indisputable title will he given. For tern . apply to the subseriber, residing on the Walm..t Buttonn road, five miles from Carlisle. sepll JOHN FISHTITIBN, Pr. ' ORPHANS ; COURT SALE, • • W ILL.be.sold on the pre . rnises, .4.;* T J blic vendue- or outcry, on SA URDAY the 14th day of , •' Otnolier next, nt 12 o'clock, at, the -:-t'...;-.'•;.."4:•;`F.Y4 following Real Estate of John Saxton, late of Silver Spring township, Cumber. land co, decd, • All that certain Lot of Ground shuttle in said township, bounded by lands of Henry Grove., Christian Keller, Win, Keller, Peter Kissinger and the, road leadilig from the turnpike to mill, containing about 2 acres, 'This Lot is situate near Kingstown, and has there oh erected u weatherbourded Dwelling House. and a ,I4tig Stable. There isµ good selection at fruit tiers On lb,: premises. Also., all that Plantbtion or Tract of Lnnd sir unto in said township of Silver Spring, bounded 'by lands of Chi iclinel - Kost, Geo. Rupp and contaitdhe 112 Acres and WI , . Perches, strict mensal v. The land. is Lime stone, in good cultivation and well tenct.d.— There ie a fair proportion of c woodland. ',l• Ito • ithrooveinenia are a two.atory ilierhorirded_ Log Dwelling House, n Stone Fityik Bert. Wa• Corn.crib and. other out-buildit .....-. Thete is a large Apple Orchard of good trey. and other fruit tre'es MI the pace. A sin alp o.' water runs through the premises. nnd there Is well of water at the {mdse. This prnproi yis well shunted, being about 1 mile south of Kings , town. PersrinQ 16 1 ,•ieI:.: the premises ran do an by enlbng on the subset ther or the tenon' re 'siding on the laud. The 'conditions of sale will I lie made known on the tiny of sale by sep2o--ts GEO. KELLER, Adner. Orphans Court Sale. , • ' IN pursuance of an order of the A: Orphans' Court of Cumberland co. .is. will ho exposed to Pnblie Sale, on ridrid . II , FRI p Ay, the 16% of October next. I .an the premises, in tho borough of Mechaniesburv, at t` o'clock, A.lll, the follow.' ing deseritwd Rent Estate, late the property of Jacob Rupp, dee'll, sic— A Loge Ilriek House, and Lot of Ground, sit. 'tune in surd borocgh, nail bounded by Jonathan Franklin, Jarab Hartline, Silver Spripg Roud ritulothers, outwitting Mutat Two Acres.. Also, n Tract of Land, situate in East Pennsboro 111, bounded by lands of Geo. Rupp,'Geo. Oyster's heirs, Bee. Clark's heirs and others,vontaining Twenty-three acres, more or. less. . The terms of sale to be ns follows—Five - per rent. of the purchase money to be paid •at .the time 8r stile, the residue (done-half on the Ist bi - April, I 8 10, and the linlanee on lst Apri A l, d IMO, LEVI MF.RKEL, m'r of Jecob"Rupp. deed snn2o— . B ABELL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. . WILL be sold at public sale on IMONI)AY, the ltlth dnr of Oct••• g * .• heti next, at 2 o'clock r. thelo! t/ - If' lowing Real Estate, late the pony at George Rapp, deed, All that carotin l'intontion'or Tract of Land rit• nate in Silver Spring tp:Cuinherlarid co; bbuntx. ed by lands of David Lnne, Jacob 13rickert , D, Cottle and Jos. Briggs' heirs, containing- I Acres and II perches, having thereon greeted a two-story 1,0( I HOUSE nndolarge rr'atneßara, Wagon Shed and .Corn Crib, and all rrifictr . nn. ecsnary ; About:7s eteiggare Clean ad and in ri' goild . stateof, sultlyqi ion, a4ld.rthe 1/11111 net,' do Vero thiixtihg tubber. ' 'Thin fut io has etiosideratilot lucent ttlnillini4l and, 'near tlic.turniiike ; witbirlti . aßa , ntike.oftßriiikerla - Milt,. and .4 :73 ; sight.l, .sll;pg Ivlett;94l imuse. The CelelqatWil:Blltief Sprnig rises ssi;hi in a foW lent rif:the"honse, ' t • • .. Alan, on „T LI V,SDA the 1,7111,day of Octohrif next, at' 2 o'clock; r. at, will ` bq at)pßl4o 88111, on the premises, the, following Tract ei Land,. late the propertyof - said ded'il,,Vrii:V that Tract of Land, bounded 4.iy lanthr,of-Chrig: Linn Keller, Rieleo Parker and John Rupp, eon. taming 56 Acres and Fl2•ncrehea. having.tkereon • er,ected a. LOG npvsr, and' Log Darn; With never-failingiwell of goodlwaret hede•thil•hrAs'et 55 pores aro cldared and the : lntlitlciinifirqr rate anther,'' Tliis,proPrny le, loceted.ni;,olteit 44nt n di& tit , il three from 'Tctllls made knowit.on dal , Of sold • ' I,LVA•MERKEL thiK 'lll • t;•:••• It : • ..FRosel all& pot at f i rWkt;O v Sat p ? r_kv`' !*:` 4 l .saloltho :•FIOLI'SriI litiir Vo t • ikffl‘ PooPMPollitunie. , intWiegrli ate west,-fiv . m iles nest , of fr'Neivlille,-`-'onVithii• Slaiii-road..containing:ihrtre:Toplthi:rif'inhaexu. cirith.4,oP)ll-13441.Q4 RI RUSE; t ',/,byf wedtv ' - folir elgopi cositily 'PA Lot can, b t ttkido INcell-calea etc fdpq tavern , sland;bipm ' 1 • • Itetkr;,,tlfe,cenn;e4ereten WillllobhVg!Littot , ~ Rl ; :: . tlitori Cr," M. F. SN AXEL?' J „,dO. _ Joie
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