ailt - tyeatiZNViiiiistamir ',N'; A et • L V• :-;•rr 4« 1 Csrß?t~SYi~7~~'TAc: WED, ESDAY,'OCTOUR It, Ms iDemoc6 lc Whig Nom - Ignitions, PRESIDENT, . . GEN, Z. TAYLOR! . I,:bosiAsA. vIcE - pnEstpr,Nt. ' IVIIi.LARD FI LL11,;01-1E, OF NEW.YoRK ELECTORAL TICKET SY.NATOIIIAL. • . . Johil P. Sanderson, Lebinon. Thomus M. T. AVlCeithan, Washington ==! I.'Jos..G. clarksort 2..l:Price Wetherill 3. James M.. Davis Dn(field 5 baniel 0. Hinter fl .10.1mt1 Ddingan 7. joint a Steele S. Join: UM des, - 9. Jos ,Sulnnorlier ip, Chares Snyder t. Wm. G. Harley 12: Francis Tyler Bear in Olin& That the election for Electorsaat Presi dent and Vice President is to be held On the Film TUESDAY, being the 71:11 DAY OF NOVEMBEft. . EcchnsurricAL.—The Presbytery nt Har risburg will meet in the First Prisbyterian Church in Carlisle on Friday the 13th inaC et half past seven o'clock in'the 'evening, and will then be opened with n ratline ser mon, by the 111otlerator, all Its subsequent meetings will be open for the admission of any who may be disposed to attend them.— The Synod of Pennsylvania also stands ad journed to meet in the Borough of Yolk on the following Tuesday, the 16th inst., at se ven o'clock iii the evening. Naturalization FraUds IMPORTANT n EVELOPEDIEINT.-The Harris burg-and -Philailelphia papers bring -to -us n series of Ipost startling disclosures in the" shape 'of extensive• and deliberate Frauds upon the Naturalization Laws, implicating a number •of prominent Locofucos. Several hundred fraudulent Naturalkation papers, the_Seal of the Court 01. Common' Pleas Of Philadelphia, and the name of R. Paltrier, ProthiCifotary of the city and county, had bean sent out from that city to he . distri 7 limed among the foreign laborers along the • line of the Central Railroad. The hand was diseovered by a developement made to Mr. COOPER, the Attorney General, while on a visit a few days since to -Dauphin county.--;. Warrants were immediately issued against ' Wm:O'Shea, Patrick Fitzpatrick and others implicated in the fraud in Dauphin county. Mr. Cooper, eve also learn from the Phil adelphia papers of Wednesdayitail arrived in that city With the view P 1 taking measures to bring all concerned in this infamous fraud to the bar of justice. .CIIESTER COUNTY BANK Ron"ticitv.-21 1 ho trial of Prait, Pence, Lackey and M'Gowan, charged with conspiracy in attempting to pass the stolen notes of the• Chester County Bank, after occupying the attention of the Philadelphia Courts all week, has resulted in a verdict of guilty. Ths jury were out 21 hours. Alter the rendition of the verdict,' Pollee attempted ali escape, in which he was foiled' by the' vigilance of ate officers. :The parties are now confined in Moyamensing' prison awaiting their sonte ce. "Too GOOD TO DE LOST ?'—Under this head the Miners' Journal piiblis es the following. twee/ate, which is indeed a home thrust at the British Free Tradist : few days since an honest Irishman, who with bundle on slick was leaving this region to obtain em ployment, it possible, on the Central Rail road', was accosted by one of his Locoloco friends,—"Well, Jimmy,, where are you go ing ?" To The Central Bachand, to get work,' seas the ;wry. What have you got in your bundle lil•incifilrellis friend. "The Tariff of 184 k" said Jimmy. ibis friend asked no • . trity 4l T,lo: . Sier;: ; Meilre-expetlition, it is .announced i n lie New Orleans papers, Was beei , btoken . ..iip. The causes ale uncloubt miry, that it has been checked by- our government; 2d, discountenanced by the -- peppt t e port fern provinces of Nexice, 'who ~W;pre supposed.tof be favorable to the the defensive preparations ma t,fg:byAlto Mexican iovernment,and fourth, thelaek of: , funds: . to.equip'and inaffitaiii. the "•euciddittoi .. Twelloo4Fed;rin, Bent out to ' o o4%4:beendis• and returned to New Cirleans. ,Oz:rThe Miner'a,Jpernel inoiate: lint, the 111 EivaPO!!,..0J)1 11 %11 4 . 14161, CoritiTevs ., ntitl was , ! thti.gkeoulive, perifiit! when I his ltititeipilif Ye' • ?.. ...11 11' pr ..7-,Tt, De sond daygbler ef,cen. ) Taylor tray on n a • • asro j eo,,ii t ilitiliteatoor;,poncroidin thin, ..qxplridedliesboilers,and killed deeeraljei- riV( MY- 11 1 P " rb .4it.ltllkr4ra)r) 10 . 011 tii I, a n t:4211, h^o, '"- ANSllTYVA4l9Y4, o flßPP•4ll!!!ll llll °Put;ireelw.eatisl i 'youngruill .1, Ai, , VlSfir lady Nevybutyport Alegi died the otlier,crlayrirern.elluiving large' ,t9tiOgt f kli el:Pt v,tetl4 ml(ri !J " 0 1 "`Thanksg 14 . 1 '!8• 4 4Y/ 1 / 4 11 ki lies been tixe,a - bY tile , Govftnipriaer4iiiitay 4_4o4gottiloi, girgist) I;PEATNSY~4.ANIA~~FL'EaTION;'~'?I .~ ~: • • CIIMBERCEND . .COIiNTY. • From titeerirrriperfect returns we • htivcy beep able to , ectlect Of.the ejection belland-cOun!; there id ha do ibf thep3Vhigi 'aplii,eved a p4:ttial if itoe.eemPlei'e'v:ic" - , L q l 4' l .torygi, l ll/I.rtir ; I!STAFTII 2 I , ke oco candidate, -log Gwetnnr, ltatt';zOba l o4.o o u!:! 60 . ei n ralority where fa4t year Si-10mi huti' 306, and there is little, doubt btit the Whiis have elected theireanditrates for .4.lsembly, bnI;PLEY anti !McCraw., and their candidate for .Prothonotary, Jonis J. Hew mid, t (Our opponents however confidently clines the election of ha. F. LA3IDE{tTON. • , ;‘, Under all cirmanhtimees this is" a most cheering result. Our frientl9 went info the contest under the 'discouraging influence of inst iall'slteavy locofocomajority, while the locos were indulging the most sangnine ex pectanmis and boasting that they conk] and would early the county by at least 200 major ity. The result has cooled their yenning spirit amazingly. A "little more grape" train the IVhig batteries—which they will ,_ • , certainly receive or. the 7th of November— woald have blown them sky-high ! Our op. ponce mare the. most desperate exertions yesteray, and they have, barely ,escaped defeat. That defeat is only postponed fo the 7th of November, when MIS Whigs Will ral ly under the ever-victorious banner ot Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR, and well do the des pairing Cassites know it ! " • Be of good cheer, Then, friends ofTsron! Gird on your armor and rally again for the fight-!----The , replt-of yesterday-is-full-01-en couragemeni. Lot no friend of TsrLon faint or filter now, but in the- Spirit of our great leader, who " nevir surrenders," let , US . 'rally again to the contesr with renewed energy arid vigor, and the paltry locofoco majority' of yesterday will be reversed by a Irwin pliant voice from the _ballot-box in 'favor of the glorious old Hero, and well-beloved of 11 1 Veople, Gen. ZACHARY TAYLOR!. Our friends in many of the townships did nobly yesterday. Shopherdstown, Church-- town, Mechanicsburg, NeWville and Ship penshurg came up to the work nobly.. In this I hnmuch and South Middleton we lost ground, bet ou r friends are not discouraged,. and will return to the contest in, November with nn undaunted spirit. Let this be the feeling throughout the county and we shall have no fears for the result. We subjoin the vote for GovernJr in. the several districts of this county, as far as we have heard them. 13.Ilenry Johnson 14 Wan. Colder, Pr, 16., 16. :Chas. W. Fisher I 17. ,l 7 w I 18.1'. R. Davidson 11.1. Joseph Mark's. 20. Daniel Agneo 21. And. W. LOomis 22. Ri. hnrd Irwin 23 l'hortnsll.6ill - I 24. S. A. l'ulv lance Northad:sitlielon, Sotnh Middleton, Petinsboro; Frail' ford, Dickinson, Netvvilie, Miinn, - Newton, Upper W.,P.ennsboro, Upper Frankton], Dickinson, Shipperniburg, Leesburg, Hopewell, Monroe, . . • Allen, Silver Spring Lisburn, E. Pennsboro, Heck's, N. Cumberland, We have received by telegraph this morns ing this following cheering results from other counties. They indicate the election of Gov. JOHNSON, as they show again of over twelve thousand on Gen. Irvin's vote last tall WHIG MAJORITIES. • Philadelphia j city and county, Delaware Schuylkill micaQter Dapphin . Allegheny Washington Franklin,, , w LOCOFOCO Nl/00111TIES Becks, reported leas than . York, reported about Pony, repotted Dt. Nes, (Whig) i; said to 'have came York county by a decided majority, as we as seiriintl of the Whig voluntecr oandidates for Assembly. le the Non istown district, in Montgomery county, Johnson. is saidto have 189 majority when Slim* last year had nearly 1001 Tayloils'Prospects In 'the North.W est. We have'conirereeci with' 69vorar gentle men erintelligetivit,*lio have recently Hour tied from their travels in the.North-West. liey-represoitf4lie-prospect-el3faylOr-carry ing Michigan and lows as highly &timing, and of Illinois and:lVisconsin, as quite • en cpuragtlig. IVe have received n:latter Ironi ,a, distinguished gentleman of Indians, Cool and eloar •headetti who promises that State for Taylor qor10nly;;14:a so:lan:but deeisive the ',bail Cincinnati Chronide. .„ Vineatts..—/t: latter, in the, Rieltnmd giving an aceotint . 6l a great', 1 . 011 7 . in Lek j to 6Oci EcOns tank waa If ' ivaa and o n.ra to (pea-, .1r .!./1!; , •• • • :;/‘S!ty,:tgo 'eur Ilitictildel that (thenth . all the: limor.eunguitieiilniiiiiieortiftreett the inytnptbiluy.oh ltl.Roaghiatid Ready From? ihilih,ex 'Wont wo.4haii.l Rennta. l ;lokrite. Kl t aitei ,rnitiao,,Df: Ple.;,Cint veutiotwier, gtatiee,tireutnii mountaine, OA DI ;':ii!!!15,11),*(1-ieegraylormellz , fiwie,4''.'brityet,' ikt i aet::heartedi.ihermatt!altttifeldier:-.•:,•.arehaeht 2 tether' right'at in:ahould;ibitlialsied- ; 00147 e l ;tif Ilegti01444t;•NIIII , fP,Ff ; Ctitd rw at koi.t#l,444o?,4oo,4Sirtotffour. 'ol,t,itra*lfr*da."4ll'4sl6:llll°l.C.,..Psfo,'o4,,l).6(.;. Johnson. ,Longstreth. 8 - 00 00 72 00 ll 66. 00 00 33 00. 20 15 00 00 79 „ 00. 21 15 OO - 00 24 00 17 89 00 00 8 00 88 00 77 00 • - 00 189 • ' —OO 14 00 23 .00 00 ' 2 11 00 418 490 - -- Result In the State Johnson cuing it with a Hush ! e.O-Pfoolttitititibirfo ;ft . r • ,' • •• r• ,• .Wejavei received th'ty•folliiwini - eitifiy . of lig; • • r • ( ..' fia lon matte I qp f , , nrierorr, tor, a ijiiV 'id. -Thanksgiving on' the 23d day of ! Noverti er next. IVe commend it -for iteele-' geoeiro l fdiction add felicity of sentintef : n l'eiteritt.vAnix se. , • ~ In the name and bylheniillicirity al the Commonwealth of Peifilityt: , vania by IVlLLlitre F.'3onitsott, 'tit the said Ceintrionwealth, A PROCLAMATION 'Thrilierforrriande'OrditiVni'ivO Supremo . Disposer of events_ is a task. tibleis pleasing, thin „ by. whose enduring mercy we livey ott ,whoro we lean for support : whciiitt arrh is due de fence, and whose peculiar regard is'ohrglo; ry';-who , in'adversity'entraoles;WWififltiii t t' sustains us, and from whom. we receive evHry, good rind .per feet gilt, we. owe, especi ally our adorationr and thanks. This oblige: tiny is equally peremptory to' nations and individuals. 'No organizatioh of men, no condition 'of society,, no form of government can release n people from dim, I duties to God: nor should the seductions of power, the lust of ambition, nor the splen dor of renown, ;ender thorn forgetful of the sieted,privilege of addressing to the throne of graree,and mere) , the language of 'thanks and praise. These truths apply to ifs, as -n ration, with especial -force. Willi political iiistitu -Idi Wisely nil apterbto - oir wet lartl,:antl-frap-- piness;, a country abounding with resources for individual prosperity, and national inde pendence; a climate dispensing health and vigor, and a land yielding to the hand of toil a !India abundance; under the gracious 'sti periotendence of a righteous Providence, we have arisen in half a century froni the condition of an infant and dependent nation, and have become a great and . powerful pro pl e. - I I tlrtr - trecessarey - iliffiggiTift - i - str gles to enlarge our. proportious, to develope our resources, and defend rights; in the conlbets resulting from lcueign and-domes tic intercourse, influenced by opposing idl e _ rests and national jealousies in the balancing of powers belonging to the different branch. es of the National government, and settling the boundaries between reserved and con= ferred authority. our institutions have been preset veil, our National chataoter vindicated, and our liberties set ured and prsjpetualerl.— fo Hist, whose "hand is not stiorFeued, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear," all praise, all glory are due. The present condition of our country should awaken our most profound gratittide. The war in which we have recently enga ged. has terminated, and our citizen soldiers have returned to their homes, crowned with imperishable honors. We mourn indeed, the lyiss of many brave men, who fell in bat tle,l or by pestilence, bin we have the ennui. iation to know that they offered up their lives in the service of their country. Their deeds will be remembeted and their memo ries cherished by their admiring countrymen. The arts of peace have succeeded the clan %,or -of 'War, and the spectacle is ,presented ( 7 1 twenty millions of people, reposing, un: der-the-shadow of flee institutions, alarmed by tin danger without, agitated by no convul sions within their borders. When we compare our favored country with the condition of unhappy Eurram, the mind is furnished with lessons of wistloni, and the heart instructed' in hoinility and re verence. There a driwn 7 trntldeti and long endurig people have awakened from the apa thy of windage, and are teaching their op. preivitifs the gill husbandry of injustice."— It is a lesson which inust lra written in blond: flence . we behold crowns tiampled Tinder foot: tht ones overturned, anti.empfres wrest led limn their possessors; herfee 'we see the desolation of kingdoms,llie destitution of famished natrcts, and hear the lamentations of 'stiffening humanity, A righteous, a, just God, ill the exercise of omnipotent power, has preserved as from these awf u l ca l lwa i. ties. We are in the enjoyment of ,a govern ment of our choice; which,while ,affords divenses with atieven hand the flails of civil and it:4o(ms liberty. These are manifold and precious, We enjoy the deli:rids of peace, and in prolusion the bless. ingsit distributes. Plenty crowns the labors of the field, and from the rich return of our harvest, the destitute of distant lands have been ted. Throughout our extended coun try, neither the murmurs of discontent, nor the voice of mourning, nor the cries ct want are heard, for, '‘our ways are ways of pleas. anlness, and all our paths are peace." lit the midst of these unnul.bered hies sings; is it not our ditty, will it not be our Mersin° to return to Him, from whom, they flow, the homage of our adoration and the acknowledgement DI 'our gratitude ! To His mercy, in off unworthiness, are we in debted for the munificence of Hie favor: to I-lie gracious and loving kindness must be at. tributed the continuance of our national pro. • iiroverity. 6000 500 600 4.200 1100 3000 200' 830 Entertaining these sentiments, and deep ly sensible of the necessity of Divine aid I to guide and guard us in the path of duty, do hereby appoint TIRIRSDAY. the 2.3 d day 'of NOVEMBEI, next, as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God, and do ear nestly recommend to the People of the Stale of Pennsylviinia, that it be set apart, by all denominations of Chistians within this Com monwealth, as a day devoted to TIIANK 801. VING, PRAYER and PRAWE; and that they ab stain on that day, as far as practicable, from worldly employment, assemble at their ies peedve placea of public worshipOicknowl edge their transgressions, supplicate through the moots of the Redeemer, the forgiveness of sins:tlittlcontrite hearts, render to his holy nametha.homege of adora.ion, thanksgiving iiittl i p.taise. ' under my harid and the Great Seal of State at Ilan isburg, this tiventy-einhtli day of Septembei,in the year of our Lwden° himmand - eightirmidred rind - orty-eig an of the Commoawealtii the, seyentyrthird.. 9000 10'• 700 TOWNSEND Secretary. of the GoletecittAveelth By the Governor': 4 V." (111.1) I "d.. f tierce rtn ly Jo the true, lailh.. The ‘‘' hig , cause is' on ward: ay= ery whore."lht l ii • Hart lo rd,:Coo ra , So far, : us we expected, the , have . signally. tri urophed. There has peen a decided gala',le! tewhor; . them iiio'st 'tin ea 61,',;We; arreitierheri i'o ll The Courant gives lik 414 -V‘ihfikhtli,:fll,4*riiib;':j.;;!4;i4q,bl64,,, oefoco Rod .strh; tleQtlPol has la N , I lortiri, ga xeles,foreliarktTaylor!:l, , Qui •: Mil IC • - Pitfratrbrr../T.fe , elf:;Eifffl4ff,p:/fli, ol 3ri .obtoi99(l-4 plof ;IX Of, ooritif 1,140 for Or, De rn oc rot to 461'1 1 1 1411dIntrafiti:'1feffkitiiiik•thriruin rurtile~''hie 1# 44 0,( 1 4 ,1 : 4, .5 3 : , 44;fi11* a i1i9,ffff1!109, 1 g5'144` i k ll " ll .o o qieftVkiiir ,1.1f4 ?To ME MEM *gra . 2!tip:,,#(1,!:: ; ,; ; Itgiil!ly„ Johnson and Adjutant gerlierid Jonert i iinll"ejrphrin itself. Since the groes,, - -rexfokiierin Cirl, gran "the'; Triserify,;kwhileGover -4ficir4.-ipahigiii;,,,,hdirre,,beeillrrevived from tire:'l4rielitribos have endeavored tOirere4C . iiirrin'ehrtrge against bk*hinh it rnight-iiiiiear, fair ly tie.ntlfei:Vvise, too hail been the re . - .9,M° 0 1 ,pose, the lisicn,puhlishod,, with statistical Minuteness, the virioneritems-ol his iniy and ',errielominits",,lnproduce the imjirerisicidiluir, he had received Ter-eon : in pentiaben: then his ,PP-ikl.flPsio. l ?f!.a llo we,( l . The p,rjrenipncien,ce mnst etlectually nails this calumny to the couliter. , hlr. Johnson to Adjutant .Gcneral Jones. BALTIMOREg 301 h Sept.; 1848 My Dear GetteralA n. article in the Uni on; a few days since, 'minting tote pay, and emoluments received by Major General Tay lor, although I hope not so intended, is capa ble ofthe construction • that . he has received it in Ate nature bf extra. allowance. Although there may be:instances in which such allow tomes may be per,tectly proper, 1 am as sat isfied as Ldan be, eithom actual kriowledte, that General-Tay lor his'ite.ver applied for or roceiyed.them. 4nd as-31u are' or maybe enSily, possessed of the information 'necessa; ry to put the master beyend doubt, you will oblige me by saying— First—lf, from the. commencement of his military service-to the pre:tent tone; Gener al Taylor ever applied for, or received in the' lorm of pny, emoluments or otherwise, one dollar more than-the laws in terms allowed, and— --Secondly—Wbether—bin-pay—and-fepolu inents during the period he has been' a-.llla jor-Genentli have not been the same as those received, by Gen. Jackson whilst he held the same post in the Army of,the Uni ted States ? • I have no hesitation in making quiriea of you,.beenuse.l know that yourself a solditir to whom the., country is indebted, will rejoice to do justice to a brother officer who has so ?realty elevated the military fame' of the United States, and whose only offence, ir. certain quarters, is to he found in the tact that his countrymen' have brought his name befor the public in evidence& their confidence in his integrity, for the highest official liOnOrs Within thou' gift. Yours truly, REVettOY JOHNSON. Adj. Gen. JONES ) ington. Adjutant Gen. Jones' Reply. WAsniNGTON, Octobet 2d, 11348 Dear Sir—l duly received your. letter of the 30th - ultimo, and having examined the article in the "Union" of September 28th, referred to, have no hesitation in saying that all the. pay and.Mlownnees specified as.hav ingleen received by Major-General Taylor, were in strict conformity to law end the Regulations of the war Department made pursuant thereto; and are preeiiily such as any other officer similarly situated, would have been entitled to receive. I:arti, sir, very respectfully, Your MA serVl., R. ,Ipp.m.s, 4dj. Gen . ' tiOn'tile R. Jour: scut, Baltimore, Md. KEEP IT BEE - ORE THE PEOPLE! 'The Washington Union, the "by authority" ersfint of the great locotoco Party, gives the true position of Taylor and Cass on the ques tion of Slavery extension. The editor of the Democrat says we are committing a fraud upon (=readers in representing Gen Tay to he ()ivied to the extension of §Javery.— Rut the 4ellowing entrusts from the "Union" show that ve are correct, and that it is the Democrat 'which is falsifying the views of Cuss and" Taylor: Cass in favor of Slavery extension. " At ail events we are Itilppy to under stand by private letters that Gen 7 l lal CASS firmly stands the ground which h . las taken. hieing applied, : to formally by a man of the Wilmot stamp, he declared unhesitatingly that he adhered to his Nicholson letter and to the Baltimore - nhuform and that if elected President, he WOW(' VETO TIIE. WILMOT PRO Vlso."—Wash. Union, Aug. 1, 1848. Toytar opposed to Slavery &tension. There can be no doubt about General To Lou being opposed to the extension of Slave ry. His letter to Gen. Gaines and the Cin cinnati Signal are proof of this fact. That he nees in a slave State is no argument that he wishes its extension. Thousands of the citizens of the-South believe slavery to ho wrong in every aspect in whch it cat; be vieuxd"—Washing tore Union, Aug 5, 1848. The vote of the eight Southern Whigs in Congress to lay the•reccnt Compromise Bill on the table' is a striking proof that "thou sands of the citizens of the South believe slavery to be wrong in, every aspect in which it can be viewed," and among these is Gen. Taylor, as many facts hat•e.shown. A SOLITARY .Criss Alsst.---The Lawrence Mass., Courier said. that in canvassing a sec tion of that town, the Whig commute found one map who would vote for Cass. The next day two men arrived from Bangor and arrested him forhorse-steal'ng. The - p - angin Whig - says`;eiriCti Men he, has arrived in that city and.las. fitruished apartments in - the A PLACE L 7 - 0 , L0%-p-1118 Putnim fa situated 'Muskinaunultiverpoppol silo zanegyillf, Ohio, conlainaA,,o,ll!,l,l l Lion of 204 . 04fri," ar t "pre: sent, an intinnperato 'than in the ~Slace, and Onion rn ita , of Ihn'aorpora,(fori, a ainglp,,tayorti, more or shop where intoiioathig-akinOra 'of any-kind win, be had. " t4L- EXECUTIO•'O3 i ' A NUlii#4l , Ell:•••••k!arTiS ,6011 )1.0 ii !?g e :4 ,,nt :. tl P , P C O 3, 1 9, Pry -4 1 i 1 11 1 1.1, pdreddnt icritimiende, inrJheinurddr,ol , l4lre. the AViiiiiidis; lie seized oods I lie 'l.oi9ing 'id ''Sabb`ati m9OC • -hofrible-oli4 dumfounded; ;Having rnadd CRdieisidn 'Of Yeligilin;licOiciiilestidd kid f OciTlcilmt *Ale kat{ leAti juitio:, lenience. - • $,.-Ai. " i s ' r!fo4.6o4., ' ;Dobali t, MAG iZ lN E'" ioti Ociobdt*i on o u r table 'tilleih with en te twin- , - oSkit# :1 :# 1 00 1 VOrle A', 4 * 4 lo 4 • i tY 4ra Oß.to , oioiNgfgoitith:T lochs 01,riaciiapipecteit , Tllfie iO*V dt iriitot i t i 4 'liefi Skliq l3 o4o7 olittgat4ligiitiliikAjik(4iotio,pr4ol. zitsYPA , 444 , q , ,Yki , ',A l oleni#l 7 s l4 ,o4l'st' tiv York: 4 1 1, 1 45 "11 :\C,P^ 42:2-..A W alL • t;;(34,r, C 3 ' ; ; " 7 ' 1 ~, ' The' mass meeting of tsol friends of TAVLORi Firxmort.s,and Joni:tiler,: in, this borough on Salylny, last,.Nt - 'as iiii . :.old 7 . fashioned gatheiinglike the4lpPU*olll:- . pourings of 1840 and 184 liti day was bright andel* , WitlatSofgnir,a9d' at an early hour - carriages . and horse{ ten began to make their appearance in every avenue leading into the town. „ - : Between- 1 ien"iina'lvi , elv'e O'CloCkimmense delega tions: rrived in procession 'from the townsh s of South Middleton, Allen, Monroe, Mechanicsburg, Leesburg, &c. and. as the long. array of wagons and car rules, all filled with - hrifilkiiiiirs, de filed through OUT streets, making the wel kin ring with - their shouts and cheers, the highest enthusiasm prevailed. Most of the wagons and carriages were deco rated with flags and evergieens, and sev eral delegations 'were accompanied -with spirit-stirring martial music. A large number of banners were borne by various delegations, each displaying some stri king device, or inspiring motto.• 'The spizit.that Rervaded_this vast gathering. inspired• every heart with fresh energy for the contest, and gave a bright augury of success The meeting wassailed to order at one O'clock, P. P. 1., in front of Wini•oti'l• on Main street, by Geo. Fleming, Esq. Who .nornififfEd_thts. followetp r nflicers • President, DANICL LECICHY, E'(101 Frankfort) I ice Presidents, J. L. Zook, Levi Eberly, orAllen, Geo. W. Criswell, of E. PeOnsboro, C. Contrition, Wm. Bell, of Silver Spring George Sherbahn; of Hampden, • J. Millisen, of Mechnnicsbnrg, R. Anderson, Peter Bricker, of Monroe, Elias Johns, of S. Middleton, Mifler, of N. 'Middleton, • John - G'illon, of Carlisle, Jos. Rimer, M. Donaldson, W. Pennsboro, Jos. Mr;Dermonrf r o f Newville, PIM! Randolph,,of Franklord, Samuel McCune, of Newton, Wrn. Knettle, John w. Clever, 'of S(inifinrnpton, Wm. Gmikel, Inn. Laughlin, at Hopewell, James Oliver, li. Shaffner. of Dickinson. Capt. W. F. Carey, of Shippensbuig. Secretaries. Maj. JOY. A. Ege, of Shipperisburg, James 'McGuire, 'Or Hampden, W. A. Lilffliurst of S. Middleton, • John McDowell, at Frankton', Erivveril Peters, of • 11' in. C. Houser, of Aleclitinicsburg, ‘Vrn. Woods of Dickinson, The : officers hailing taken their seats-she meeting'was opened by an,address front the lion. Jasper E. Brady. - - His appearance was hailed with great gatislaction by his constilo- . -ant's, and hi% admirable speech received with 'arm appla Iwo Gov. JOIINSON was then inirodncedlo the audienceoind made his appeMance amid long continued applause, His lino per-thial Appearance seemed at once to strike !risen , (hence with great favor. Gov. Johnson opened his speech by explaining the vircuin stances.under which he became a candidate, font giving his reasons for publicly addrers log the people in the diderent counties 'trough which he hes Rested. The Gover- nor's speech was able and eloquent through out, touching on all the most important topics of State and National interest, and treating each with stitting lorce and clearness. He was listened to with plotound admiration by the Whigs, and our locoinco Iriends who were present in large numbers, were con strained to adm i t that his speech was a mr del of argument, fairness and courtesy. It told with powerful effect upon his audience, atul at its arise three hearty cheers were gi ven tor our popular Governor. Gov. Johnson was followed by an eloquent Yankee Drover, Mr. CADWEILL, who accom panied the Shippensburg delegation, and who spoke with admirable effect. A.—GAL- Brismi Luc, Esq. an old acquaintance of the audience, and now one of the Presidential electoral candidates of Maryland, nest ad dressed the Meeting in a strain of fervid el oquence, and excited the most intense en thusiasm. . The meeting then adjourned, every-man re solving to.gri hone arid devote his time . and energies to the election ot Juiptson and The County Ticket! Shepherdstown Meeting. • At a wEig meeting held in Shepherilstowif, on Thursday eceiting, Oct. sth the following ifto're !were, appointed • President —Capt C McGOWAV. Vice Presidents—James Eekels.Fen., Jacob Mumma, John 8. , Coover. F,sq., Jacob Shel ly, Wm. Wilson, Jag. Crall, Geo. Hyde, John Dunlap ; son., Geo. Beelman, sea., Wm. Kline. Secretaries-4V. C. Houser, J. C. Kirk, D. Markley, Geroge BiYan, W. Lambert, Levi IVe4, John Under w Ooti. , Mllotting gentlemen welt) appointed -a-comnfttee-to-draft reiolutions,,T7-h-Cath cart, D. S. Hamacher, Esy., B. F.. Lee., John Moore,. Peter Baker, John G;Taylor, henry H. Grove and J. L. Zook. ' , The rneetigfr, Wks addressed by Ifori.las. per E. Brady, Gen: Ayres of Harrisburg, and James R. Smith, F.sq., of Carlisle: intends; in ear at hand when we shone called upon to cast our votes for' President of,. thti.cnited States,',it. becomes l i us to siniMire intii . .the views and. iin et Mos -of the- dillercint nominees, and . be able to give'iiintisfecomy ieasOffs for voting as we do, therefore. • • • .!‘:liciolved,, That wit enst.-,Oniyillei'.larfGlOtt: Z..•_Tiiylor. and. M. Fill more,' beitaititeJlicry_'are. iir'falterjot 'a poteotivOliiist . .tb;thatlfeeitrade,'.olioyx;whiii~i':iooyi ~c lods, ourPl illeliere,;ourtfactories; , elia , our roiliest 4e1(1••, reduee the .'•,.wages of the. American laborer by. filling the - , markat‘With -thepreduallona llie.• , Pel?P'er 1 10 i °P.EA '60640' cif,7slaye 'territory ,', and the_tlfelo.,P9Wer, , W l pptlbe,exercised . coMtary,.to.,theilikpressed. s .tbe j %; I olveci, , Tlint Johnson witritt:Ave , twe,Taith fttrefßifill Sint ed Sena of :Peililaylvariiii; Whe'ittiOild;:eaerrciut the 'true "•principl t'Whi p eri Party mitt: .ileeitairtteleolitfattilarit Pennsylvania itaile;iiigiver''fiffeeMol•t*e nt ylhoiiiiinliZah, Welfiiii,4lll,o9fifjOOPC° P.! re°6 o tal i ve- s A .09604,1001i41q.itile4iiscOliiettnole, p ia:sp! *ectibtf. (ficolApoliiii , b,l,liciii:,loo4o ) )l,, t iirePlielS' 'et vel!lik:44:•tti'k . 4;"•lk. (l4,ll 4il:AAnit•le':,4eketi that' lehiti 4 4 0 All , • =1 ME .'zm-,,1.N,,, S T A TE ' . , OTioiliS, Little Delaware Safe bY,lA.oo,MeJortly At th . e inspector's election on Tuesday wee:Fiii this State 111tigs canted .New Castle County by a handsome majority— and there ltat;e been Whig gains is other parts of the Stale. Now3astle county is gen eraltyagainst-us. The Statq is doodler Tay lor by an old fashioned Harrison majority: Maryland All lt Ight 4 . The election in this Slate; on WedneSday last,. was lot Sheriff's only=-the legislature being chosen bi-ennially,-next yen. Fred erick county elects a Whig Shetiff by AOO majorhylast - ye L ioo. .1 3 1TOCe Getirgarii . a Whig Sheriff and Senator. Baltimore city and county a LbeoSherifi by less than 200 majority—last . year over 1600 Bahl:more city and county always gives a Loco majori ty, while the rest of the State is generally Whig. This year both city and chewy will join -m-giving -majorities to-the Old-Hero-who quever-surrenders!' 'These results settle the contest so far as the l'residential election is concerned. The Whig States of Delaware aid Maryland stand firm—whilet.-Georgia, which went for l'olk in '44, has as good as declared that Old Zach shall have her vote in :48. CeorgiA Bection The returns received from this State are .decidialy good. The papers give returns of majorities in 16 counties. We have comJ pared these returns with the majorities given in 1844 for President, and the Wag gain i 3 four. hundred and eighty-three! There ure 93 counties in the 1 4 tate: Mr Polk's majotity 'wins 1911. to 16 counties, we have reduced that smite live handled voles. A like gain through the State would give us the popular vote by a large mujot . This election is for members of Congress only, and the pripular vole in ay be talented more or less by, persolal popularity, and by local causes. Yet it is a fair iudivation of the popular pulse. All Hall! Florida. The last N.aloaal Itile.'Ngeacer gires..the allowing telapraph-ie despatch :• • 'Georgia and Florida are both redeemed —The latter by a large—majority,--wthieh—huts given us a %%lig Governor, , Congressmen aiid Legislature, The popular vole in Georgia is close. The gain iti seventy-one comities. 751 over ltle vote for (ovettior. last )ear, when the loculoco s tnajority ISRP ‘ 1293. The Stale is good lor.Taylot, in Novenitier, by three thousand or over" • Another diriptitch Says' the returns from GeUrgia show that the Democrats hav6 elec ted Messrs. Cobb, Hardison, Hacket, and Wellborn— The majority for Wellborn is 200. The Whigs have elected I\lo.,tsrs King, Stephens, roombs and Owen, leaving the next C6fig•erisfrinal delegation the same pol itical complexion as at present. Important News from Europe ANOTH ER OUTBREAK IN 4 RELANII. The "America" steamship has arrived at New 11'oulcon thirteen (lays lrom Liverpool, bringing intelligence one week later than that brought by previous arrivals. - The intelligence is highly: i.nportant and even• startling. The sudden appearadce of insurrectionary movements in Ireland, alter every germ 01 sedition was supposeSto have been crushed, and every thought of resin• twice against the power of British govern ment entirely abandoned, is highly surpris ing ; and the feeling of astonishment will• be increased by the accounts of a general rising of the peasantry—of actual conflict—cannon capturted—soldiers fraternizing with the re bell—the police flying— a camp formed near Clournel, with all the indications of a civil war already begun, With "this 'excitiMr news from Ireland comes intelligence of towering skies continent—movements of the Socialists and the Bonapartiats and attempts at the assassi nation of Gen. Cavignac, in PaHs—resinr lion Of Hostilities in the Schleswig Holstein aflair—with troubles in Spain and Italy. The commercial intelligence ; in regard 16, he decline of American maples in England s more important than favorable. ARRIVAL or 'rile' ticiuumis Tier 'inane et, NewYor k on IVe t iliesilay with lour days inter intelligence titan that brought .tiy the America. There hail b e en positive outbterik in Ireland ,sinee,ithe rest ••accohnie. : The pittlicita poh'ed:to adopt the , Gueiitla. system el, warinrei - The oho lent ,e'entittueS..,to ' rage' at Ponstantinople.i Napoleen has. been elected to the French As.setriiW,':''Gett. Cavainnee ,: is.eaid to', popularity.; .Vteentt has beenf'debiared'. iii ti State,' of 'siege . ; anti it is repode t ; tita r t ‘ *oortt pkibid :to saelti - safety t. .• !Z;-."" ‘ . " -- 77,.; • - 77 , - -- ""t; 4 •,- - • I F virrGetierallnylor , nrtived . ,in-Islowdprtoans, on ttio r 26ifi at"; `item Pass .CtiVistiiinT:And passagelor born& on ~qiti:B. 6 9o CrOOl6. Tlns GeperaF rema in 'nt- o liktie-Pfeiiiablititiliiloimit4l7Viiiiir-fietiyilill6 9610PanY , Iiim; ;le', , j%,r.:•'; l , :.; • ' —3;., ' 110:Iirp;n1h",C . witiiqww0.46.1.1"le in titho mouth" tiOd'o l l 4 o B '.94on lontit .oritotonio;isitp:,theiee;•, r flin food liteieed of, being hropeilyritiesoleini Vow Ins hi the stomach a 'delete. lions_ called eleept le generniedi which %mixing filth the lipil.ooop uoptii,is.vort..lti not onty ~ .10 stye 'lhad!:briiat ,f ,hitt tilott'':ttia' Arno nonce. re '' ""I ll eifi ( t r ,,ftsPt li, o;fo 4l- PP'!! t Orlt rta tt9 i Fk 4 l ,lll . .. , ,vvtiata , ,Andiniiiliagitatiiii , Tilleuietentfe'if the 'lto - to nett a nd howolr, of ioll linrygliitkinioo,hitt L jtipytitteit,!;f eptore 1 he,Notovo: 'Oralto, betjtlW too; tliorl, are 111 . otoforo • s oOtalo . to taint Ott' a had to'o o lli kald'rir , Oveitt ptelitititlO'ol asyy of ;;!;.-_, r I.l64leita cif Icialintcir re Itsjititl, {Oft ber . ttmt,thit or lattiol iiroget ti .tile. 11111t:AttooL,2,110 - . grletwt ).?.(41V0 eildrA :V Rioiii.,p!)..the tap:label• of elicit i.,TOOi4ljottioloa'llB iblOsito'63,7lliin oug4.4l4tAiiitt itont4lo.3ltrilato:ottil 'go tiertkEoil,e;:: um cc , 11,11trY, - 6;541116 following articles, which hare obtained unbounded itopularity, are sold by PiAltri4 Oon.av, tlie.only agent for ilie,gen infietktatbs, in Carlisle, Buy onjy at us alrb(luti f iltre counterfeit. • • ItEmzint, and an Alta ,, into (or I 84ii`lcbtis. and Feverish feelings and tit e • renti4-.l•'tifeiii 24—For Astiting Liver Con, plbilit oinfOliflious affections 9d—For Dim - rhiesii Indigestion :Mil Loss of Appetite For Costiveness in females sail aisles 51.11--Fcr Stomach affect ions, Dyspetisiu and Piles. lthe great points it it is not bad toiake, ne ver gives pain and never leaves one east ive.. For all these things it is wiliTa Med tk 'lomat lei anthill Who do not find it so may rein en the imt• This medicine is LONULEY'S CHEA*V •WEST ERN INDIAN 'PANACEA: Fbi s li.r dc Seri ption in an A imanieftir IB4fi; Oath: Blinn, 61 ' 'Corilint.iitt.. Bait 'Ltd and Greg--lf you 1Y ibil o,o4)O.N.Olti heat, 'of hair, tree from lift - 44 .fief tiff, do not Nil to procure the Ceindoe Hsi ot .Colunt• lies In Cases of nattiness it *ill , niLre than ex ceed intir 'e:gt,...ctittions Musty •ho have loss their hair for t %Anti,- years have.had it resivrttl 'to hi original peelection by alit. flan 'Ol - thisliatin Age, state or conditicin appears to be fin obstacle. whatever: it also causea the fluid to Pow with vvlticlethe delicate hair ttikeis filled ? by • bi means thousands (mlunieltair wa a geey as the A si atic eagle) haCe redo sit to its pa ti.ral color by the ose df this invaluable remedy. In till cases of fever it will be fonittl the most. pleasant wash that can be used A few applica tions only are necessary to keep the Illtbr Irani • fa I hag out I strengthens tile roots, It .1 ever f's,ile" to impart a ri •It glourrre4pearatiee, Mid PP kiwi.- fume for the its s unectoalled; it I,olds three tidies as aas other mtsealled.halr:-restorr., - tivea,am Amore effecttial nitind'nlann factoret only by Comstock- & Co., tif eiturthatr street, 'ew York • Ceti Magical Pain Eritraelorz-11 now Co cited by medical men that cal Pin Extractor, inanufaeltiredby Comstock Le Co, 21 Courtland aireet, New York, is the greatest wonderof 19th century. Its effects are truly miraculous !All' pains are removed from blOlllllB, &C, and All external sorett, in a few minutes after its applieation, belt ling:111i sante on the tooscliarcite skirt, leaving on aelii."ll is equally beneficial iu nil .kinds of it flumtnatory diseases,so eh as sore Nipples and Even, Sprains, Rheumatism, V hire-swelling amt Ulcers, Brui ses, Burnet' ' Chilblains Erystnelaft, Ellett . , Tie Motorola, We might, add its .protitto alt we say, the. names of [natty eminent physicians witti use it in their pinotice, and .hundred's of the cergy who prA iseit to their people Kind parent keep it consta oily on Mind cases of accident by fire.lite may be lost without it; but by its use ititmer,s-are subject to its control, unless like el [iiis a re . dest ray mt. Caution•-• fit:Member And ask for - Comptork's Slogical Pain k,stractoc; manufactured by Comg stock St Co, New York, soil take no other. Deafriesrs cured--Dr. Acvonstic 00.--Those deaffront'oln age-and from infancy after; receive their hearing in a most miraculous ma nne r, by the use of this its Is has the effect to restore the tension and bring into the natural action of the parts So AA to restore the ItM,ring when lost or impaired This will be done in all eases of recent thriftless, and of bai•gaiina inu All cleat' persons should !lose this oil , Cfm stock 6/ Co, '2l Conetland st-cet,are the it bole snlers. Price SI per flask, • • Piles, Soren s:e —The Genuine - Hay's Liniment, is an article snore pistly celrltrutril ns a cure for then hove, tl an tatty or all teihrrs Its cures are almost innumerable_ it till it is only ties censor,- to let those who kno w the :Wilde nu.i) used' it with 'asset' great slie_eess,tlist it-is to had tint-e -nnui ge . sitiiiie of - Comstock Fs: Co. 21 Courtlatie street, N, w York, sot.. proprietors Dr. Sl*nit's- Sick Headache Remeey-, Whs . :win you suffer with I hill distressiri t plaint when Fl remedy' hat hanchliPi will not to mire you? This remedy will elfectindly des ,drily any Hum* of hendathio,eitimr ner%, Ito or , . Jilious. It has curiql CLISe.S . of 2() years' stand- Alothet's PiFenvety--All - expect ing - tri - becontentOtbrre Flllll a 10115 10 *soli( die Pains, liistresses 01111 Ditegees nf - ing,ore earnestly entreated in calm_ 1.1.4i-qtaesr---- allay (heir nere.oosness,attel soothe tln Way by' thetpie of this most v lurn nn. Those _who w l ll- canditll obsess(' its strives toast approve ni it in their 110}.-rio CACry kiu4and ntrectionnto imArmia a ill feel it Ids tabst solemn (fluty to alleviate the distress his wife-1s exposed in, bra sire and certain method , N his II is the rise of this mother's ry.lief. Farther par tiettlara in pamphlets intendeti Mr the female (se, are to he hail gratis a here the !impact redid is in be tonllsl. 'llse Mother's 11010 is pt (Tared, and nnly, by the nnw snle prnpettatirs,Comstnek en, 21 (i.airtland street,New York - . For Worrns--Kolmskwk's Mill pe will eradicate and elm; r.hildren and n (lit Its alto has e W 111.011.1. Cant ion--liewnr e of all mar Rs the name is %pet led• Kid:month ,`the old Dutch name st ti nt inventor. Price 25 els per bottle O It canton ip;ttre the child should (het n Inc no N orms, hat it will tin it gnod. • Expectorant Sy rt];',— nave ythi Do not neglect it, 'Flionsonds have met o prema ture death for the wn4t of aliention to 14 C O II.MDII Colt( ((aye you n cnngitt key. 1)1. liartholo- M M W 'SE:CPECTOTIANTSTRIIP,II Wire IllelliCl4l4llT.- scripl inn, containing no poixnuottp dregs. UM Used in not eAtetatiire practice fur several yrors, will positively give relief, and nil ve vnu fi•ntn tit* most awful disease, Pulmonary tonattrertlieli' which use:iffy a weeps into the grave Istmdreds o the young, the old the lovely 111111 thee gay. MARRIED, In this place by Rec. C. P. Wing, on tb3 10,1.. Mr. 3,11111:s 110I'VEIR 10 AMANDA Bonne 110111 01 Ibis place, In Mechanicf-hnt g, on the 2 ult., by the Rev. Jon. G. Fritchey, Nrr. SIIEDItKrII STE vEs., to Alice SUSAN BAKER, b01h . ,01 Yolk Lt Meebante,bing,,on Thursday last, by the same, Mr. DANIEL :1.0(1K to Miss itim t ß A . RA PINtItY, bra DI Allen tp. • , On Tuesday last, by the Mime, Mr. DANIEE K.),IN F. of .Monrce tit., to Miss ANA JANE SO LANDERS, of Allen tp. , Josiall !Ulm ley, Mr. JOON' to Miss REOECCA. Soul. all of SOutli Middleton townsby Cum berland county. . DIED. On the 20th Sept, ult. in Alifflin township, Miss ELEANOIi INATT,AII; 111 68th year of her after n. prouneted which she bore with ehristian resignation. "- ' Suddenly rut Saturday, I6th 01 September MAt.y ANNprrA keepitti: 'Ol Simon' and MargnrettnOys:4n•ogeii ,arear . a 1119 R i,hs-.- and 23 dars,' . ZoTR ON „One. of the ..street.ii .of hOrolikh; on Monday hist, n Coot:het-work colilOirell, and 'edger, with berl 2 ioOir:OlViii#e:—k . I he . notino of the owner.•WilFbolliifOrloir.lquiiiii-: kerchief cootaiped io ,Altb,i•rttiTlT•4o4"l/1-(Ir be paid,to the tioderxmlativiogit,tittlitatalffiao: ' nelj • " • • Acqe:? :WOW.; Goode; > ' t, ••, Aubgeri4ei cii y,, wil a: larah,t'a nd ['ALL and N ITE 11.• G 0 ()DS:rigid thott aention :or.:tho'puttlietittently.titiait.6 4 hifratiodte balite& pairchaSitta 618eiiiiera..; , ,Itrettr;`-" , teo Ow store, on West Mani street, nfew'ilitEtiii • .„ ~,V,Ott:ol_lloottnn!s-llottl. • • not t •..: ;:•,?„ ..,:3Ari•OIt:(I.R`OQITS • q vsoit rri °ot =dl" Fre ifc trehtioes, ;; ,, t C asl3 m a : style;' , . l-I.lftfclite;t '110,0, - ; C (id) Atl; . ,itist etived' b r a C l ll.O KS' bseriben 15,0 4.ll.everYivl ' ~ ,;.z, f , 7 :t'i, • cts $ Tsiilp n1i.,P149Q! • ontli • . 111.113t3 ON S: --q skippertb qysjuskPnerPpg : r ;.. MVO a rix-or 0 1: And 'ltiltncinti:='VOtY.oo ll. o,- -n : F Ot - Ir• It 0 or, ;GrTUP.' Brat; nsiortiuotit;'llE64lllii - ck . tlatitillii'Siliti' . " will ho , sold•at n allprollitq-by it'49WilY'Bp` .4. a, i11q?, 1 7 , ,,,. 006i))"t°!::et 144:4011.1;14d • dlrg/t a, 84013 tp,ELt* OPnriro '' z ^, MitroAl,ll ~--(11.9- mon o,4.4yfirt-, 4y, ant pi,°„l4:ll,i'll",7,;•bv "(4 itSIX •F' srn.6 .111 0141 riirrtgli (Ij4!l' """ Arti` '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers