Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 06, 1848, Image 4

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.%11 - 1 1 .-
OfFICE SouthaVol angle ofthintOlic
1 1 . %! % . Slifuzre bad - 6 1 1. he. Cotert-.Pot
Lrnvl, .I•I7:EIiMs4•SUIi •
OuoDnlla nn riftimiriii -ye!ti , nv OWs
'ollp fc,r aiC (11'010,11c. (
..,IThhae teVins.l,oll her feltlty itilhered „
the palkervit the reditet.Olterinii it Jilis.flie• paid cash
P4YAllcs , •••, , • ,
•* , [ l : 'RATES 'OE- , ADVERTISING • : •
1 ' A'ilVertiilethe'ati anes pr leea,tivill
cintreett at tliirittia" of s :Fifty • cantafor one inner
ion—three times for One Dallai,tand twenty-five
coats (or (Wary etibsealient inaartion , .. Yearly adver
•(lslgrq tyji,l l lia,a,harged at the followinitirtes .
Cho ridlierr,fortrno
_ do. do. -
Two Squarns, with quarterlycha
'llosineem Cut 4,Nvieli the kr, , ,
Such AU 'Hun/01111e; lila hire, (tircitiars entre very nth
.docrintlint UtPr c lutlitg, 'executed lutudeontely unit
e*ppt!l9tttifyuktit'ut tho , LOWET PRICES.
,EquitalAti Life Insurance, Annuity,
, • and Trust Company.
~ . .
cirvrce 74 We!nut Street, Phirtdelphin
11 1,'Papital ; $250,000.-Chtirter pereetnel.— , -
"Makelnsurance on lives at their office in'lthila
tlelphitt, and at their Agencies throughout. the
'Metes, at the lewein rates of premiunt. •
_Antes for inswing at 8400 on a single Life.
AO.. Fur 1 yew'. For 2 years. Life
' •Qo • - 51 91 1,60
.30.• 99 • )..,30 2,04.
40 - 1,29 1,64 -. 2,70
50. •
.., 1,86 2,07 I
' .59 --- 3,48 • 2,97 603
% ,
EXAMPLE. - A person aged 30 years next birth
day, liy 'paying the company 93 cents would se
cure, to his family orbeirs.sloo should he die in
one year ; or for $9,90 ho secures to demi $1000;
or for $l3 annually fur seven years he secures
to them 91000 should he'tlie in seven years; or
for $30,411 paid a nnually
$lOOO to be paid when he dies. The insurer
'securing his own bonus, by the difference in
amount -of premising from those charged by
other 'offices. For $10,50 the heirs would re- ,
ceive $5OOO should ho die in one year. '
Forms Of application and all particulars may
he had at the office of FRED'k Wsrrs, Esq,
'arlisle, Fa.
CLAGHORN, Ptee't •
• H. 0. Tocagrr, Sec'y.
- FSED'A. WATTS, Att'y.
Dr. D. N. Msnoe, Medical Examiner.
"L, ' LARRABEE has removed to his new
IN • Warehouse.corner of Calvert and Mercer
streets, Baltimore, add has now in Store, of di
rect importation from the celebrated factory of
Tinley, Tatham & Walker, a full-assortment of
SHOE THREAD, viz: brown, green, hall
bleached, White and ValOw ' whichlio is prep
red to sell by -the bale or less quantity, on no
rood terms as the same quality can be had for
an•tlie-U. States. Also t general assortment of
Knives, rasps. Pincers, hammers, awls and awl
(handles, pegs of all.sizes, bristles, webbing, boot
cerd, shoe nails of all sizes, cut and cast tacks,
French irons complete, peg rasps and cutters,
, tire, &e, &c. Premium Glass Paper, to take
the place of the common sand paper, n very su
. perior article, being our own manufactirre, war.-
, "doom, Lasts, boot trees, shoe trees, crimping
bosrds, all of his oWn•manufacture,•of the very
- .beet timber and °Ulla letest.stla—Etery_arti
cle can be obtained at his este!) isliment for man
ufacturing Boots and Shoes, except leather. All
of the above will -he said at•tho lowest market
:pried. Country Merchants are particularly re
quested to cell. E. LARRABEE,
nne.:l-1,0) • No. et, Calvert st, Baltimore
rirVIE subscribers respeCtfully inform their'
friends and the public that they are now
prepared to execute any orders with which they
may be favored, for their 'West Philadelphia
'Complete COOK sTovE, of which they have
three sizes; CANNON and BARE CYLIN
DER Stoves, seven sizes; Bases and Tops for
Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; Ovex PLATEs, four
(for wood) two sizes; GAN OVENS, three sizes;
CAST Inox IlEsTsrts) and a large and beautiful
ussortmeet of Patterns for Iron Railing,.
Their goods are:all made of the best material,
and from new and beautiful designs.
Their West Philadelphia Complete is, with:
out don'tt, the best and most saleable Cook
Stove in the market. They are constructed with
Mart's Patent Feeder, Front and Grate, which
gives them.axlecitted superiority over all others.
They only want Ottial to confirm what is here
asserted. •
CASTINGS of all kinds made to order with
promptness and despatch
Samples may be seen and , orders left at the
Foundry, -or at J. B. Koliler's, 154 N. Secon
street; Mathieu k Doiseau's 187 S. Second et.,
and at Williams & Hinds', 598 Market street.
. .
Erin!. LA RRABEE, No. 20 B.' Calvert
streets Baitimore,.bas removedhis Labora
tory to his new building No: 24, and has always
on hand the largest and' Most complete assort
ment of 'pore Botanic- remedies in the United
States,' prepared under his special care at his
-Labortory—being the first erected in tilt) United
States for the-•.special purpose of preparing
'All of the pulveriied and compounded articles•
are put 'up in quarter and half pound packages,
and - neatly labelled, with directions suitable for
retailing;•and upon 'better terms' than the same
ankle can •,he had 'for in the• United .13tates.-
-Every'artielein hie •line is warranted genuinetm.
'the Rubliecan rely upon - this. - ''
'• A likifirtil diaedunt made to - country merchants,
t;4 "
iftelt '4lprticaltirly regitestedto,call and'oxana-,
•iralf,_ 0,;444,` before' purchaeing, •-'-'•• t
,• • '
T ri'„ftlititis ;Ticapseti,'Ombracing the most
'fey tadAtnthers.• upon the 'Thonisonian or Bo:.
tanic:3yetenCof' Medicine, may also be 'had at
lilitclitablisitimenr, by the quantity or single copy.
all2 23— Oma, ~ , . .
To Contractckra.
, .
ecriber up, to; the IQth September next, fee put.,
sting up the AtenO,Work.of tebuildintat - Dublin•
pup,,SUlphui Springs, 100 foet .by, 40 feer,the'
,fitaterixlif,to furnished op thmliOund—the
• Mono are , of 'alkbail"quality., • The work will be;
rP9eired,:l4b . !"'OffrcPiCted ) ) ii 1.4 of December,
Proposals aso eTeee ye d a
ientor ,Work of upla the same time.'
the materials . to be furnished on the ground, ex-•
blipt . white' pine Wards and blialt,for window
&emus and sash,door frames and deers, mssh-,
-;b9l,lrd etaks, mplies; &e : , &c.,, which ,the ;
contractor mitst fiynisli, 'Ate expected, Wheys,
'the, roof, on . the hopse,thisTall, Beat io haya r the'
Yvb,ol9 completed :`by the ,20th of April next. A
p)an,of ,thopmno can , pe seen by calling an the
„, also, ho received tor t-lastering
rbQ'tipilding,,ap!te October ,2Qth.l,. Mate riqls to,
b i to fukoietted:ori the, ground,:end .beqiintalied
liFftbell 9, o•Thriti
tiitg9 ' isqp7r, coyLE.
, -'. 1 , thlogreuf-cfrop. . -
• :,; •••:: - 7; , Teiarro . • • • --, , i• - • pililn.2-
tfollol4Hg. 7 '
'Aintkallittjii* l i3-oeelnutet-,-
• adetpiiiw, Meibiratilvih
- , , 1 ,1 7 NO Oiat.,lX o LtnA 4Ye° l 4 p.- ;
,•. '
ro . , lo `it' 0' 'll-," 1L, , ,p0w4 1 .,,,k3 . , 9 , ; , ,
—__L•±ll..- - , ..,,iic. e .E.170:4‘: e , :10, ~;,.,.! )
, ?, ,. .4.44c , ,,, . 4tiT,,,,,,, ;,„vi,gyeanp',4,,,k',,AdP:i.k.,,/,,,,.t
. t vki l ' A " gi,lft,:ii,, iphirgliiiii'o4lWl
, 1
h•'', , 0910n13, I, ~‘. 1 '.,,, ~...3;:,
47,-/;,.'gilatalt-itidre,Souelitillir ~,
~, ,- 11 ~,.,;
. 1 ',,-, ~ i)''itir'4 s. : '' d6',,f4.104164P.P',9,131'''. '-',-';•1,.,;
i''',4l.„l,is;kitif!clhiql:;.l4°;'-'''''g.'' :''' 7"' ' ' ' ''
- -A'' , rt-", 24 , , 'raj);\ ~
a .8 .5 1 g,.': ..,,,,.„ - z . ,:' , T . , ..; , T! . : i : , ,- '1
.;'. l ' t ."'?lii°9° t64CsligeAbg i.4K.`01.41•1+.1iiii,.91(6111
.' ';/' 4 111 *A ifte53: , t1419)TITPr$ • 'list lq;
sibi l
', 1 r It' gl V l "I "' ' rket• , • ,,, ` ,4' ' ." ,,,D /
' liii 441 0 ,OWItAd ilitihk9r , ~,,, ... - ' .,•
. '‘°
' 'fiv'll.wriil:":l7ll7."l.s:9ie:'.7'::
...- , „.1.910?piT4,1*„...,..
n.b„, had:
urr'r,'''64lVWS„!:4l-Aftiellna cu^ii-,•l,otdri
llickiEj, l lC,P;
sietesnitn,.. - -wotiatitteor ebild,
ot the yeari.h4t-uklrt,tiefiee,ll49l4-thiti prose '1 1 .
time: „for'Dierk..'problibiy.,yiere,fietai an•Miiny
•Csuses existing 'atenc period as 14404Ietiii#i
so likelyteiiiroduce . o- Mate siclinesia:Tho'
re pealed' in the '; : arnioinihare,4lo
aatirig'!awthby'do upon` the eonetitiition MIA
Uidity . at thelilood"itself;tiee occasion-'for
the. itoistiatitt and inahgnunt ' disorders.' The
ile e‘e nie (an dof ten iv it liont r erVigariiing)
lii„a ; most uorimonjoes , conditiOrt Trpin:tlicse•
repeideci• ebanges,-Mid..,11 'the -atetinielt. and
bowels have been neglected p re
first symptoms require immediate attentiou.-- . ,
Seim thoso' who have a healthy disposition of
body; are subject to sickness under: these:elf
co Matt:flees.'
. Therefore, to prevent:Amy.. da
gar, wo ought. carefully to gaged against a
e.istive state of surbowela. Once or twice
they eliodldbe emended in twenty-four Hours.
Thera are many causes which produce ,un
'healthy blood: sometime it may miss. from
grief; at others when- the systein is in estate
Of fullness it can take place from• sudden joy;
close appliaatien to literary undertaking, can
prodbea it—in all eases where many persons
have to be seen and spoken to, whichrpriidne
nSrvous ese:torsont, is a fertile source of
unhealthy bleed occasioning that slowaervoin
cover which has carried off - "Some of 'oili tiest.
men, mon martyrs 'to 'their reputation, but
which a knowledge of the powers of- Brand-.
would -have . -, preVen led. -. 1 .-Th ose.
Who desire 114w:um - their health,under almost
any ideerse eirdurnstancee, can do 'so by hair
ing EIRANDRETIPS PILLS on hind; and at
once resorting to them when the' first feelings
of , disorder take place int-heir bodies, •Alithis
advice is used so will the health be. The
titre will yet be when a man that makes a
good medicine shall be honored more than. I.e
who is an adept in the ei of war.
flu exceedingly afraid. of COUNTERFEIT
• PILLS. The Agent is the only person from
Wiiiiin - Braridretlre - Pills should bopurchased.
The BIIANDRETIVS PILLL are sold fur '25
cents per bay, at Dr.' IL Brandretli's Principal
Office, 241 Itroadway, New York, nod by the
ftilliTalilrrilblrfnitliiirized Agents:
S: Powell, New ; Cumberland.
J. G. Millet', Lisburn.
M. Bitper; Shiremanstown.
.1. & L: Iteigel; Mechanicsburg.
(Zen. W. Shigiser, Churchtown.
A. & I). Leitlicti, Bailing Springs.
IL L. Reelman, White House P. 0. •
_ Rosenberg E.s Weiting, Centrev:lle.
...lames Ks-le „lacksiniville. -
Edward Scull, ShipPensburg.,
S. L. Seidman, Newburg.
Sold in Carlisle, by CHARLES BA RNITZ
Sole ALl:cut for this borough.
For the Permanent Care of all-DiSeasys arising.
• - from an Bnpure state of Blood.
THlS_Xedieine_operates.particularly upon
the Blood, and cures dikease, without
vomiting_ or purging. -It never fails to cure
he most obstinate-cases of Rheumatism, Die.
cases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi
tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers dud
Sores of long standing.-
It is cheaper than any other medicine in
use, there being 32 doses in each bot:le,.which
costs only 75 cents, and to those using it ac
cordin to direction ono bottle will !Ist In
days. Cortiticatos are pouring in from all
parts of the country attesting the virtue of
this medicine in cases el long standing, which
have been given up by physicians as hope.
less and beyond the roach of medicine to
WHOOPING COUGH, Shepherd's Sarsa
parilla never fails to cure.
CONSUMPTION cured by the coo of Shop
The following is from a gentleman of re
specteble stanitingin Baltimore,who Was ef
fectually cured of that dreadful disease, Con
sumption. by a few bottles of Shepherd's
Baltimore, Aug. 29, 1817
' his is to certify that-I was fast sinking
on , may mptoms ofronsomption of the Lung.,
it I was recommended to try Shepherd's
Sarsap rills, whic"i fortunately I did and nun
under the strongest conviction that it saved
my life. I. am now rapidly recovering . and
hope in a short lime to be restored to perfect
health, and under no consideration would I be
without the inedleinc;
• No. 23, Hill street.
Shepherd's Vermifuge, or Worm
We challenge the world to produce a medi
cine better adapted to the expulsion of worms
from the human body than Shepherd's Virmi.
(lige. It has been used by thous inks with
entire satisfacti in. It has the advantage of
most other Virmifuges, as itnever - sickens th 3
person using it. It hoe cured children that
have been subject to fits for years, and that
had been given up by, physician, parents and
friends. It shouldalivays be used asa,purgit
ffiiirolleillfirdiriKiiis listrengtheurtiffm, and
at th same' time carries off the coarser par
ticles of food, ind worms, if they are troubled
with them., .• • .;
'The folloVing certificate haa. been. banded
to us by Juige Koonsorf Luaernecounty, Pa.
It apcaks•foritselfi' ' • • • •
. • .Totv-n Hill, Pir, Jan 20,•I817.
.lotta Hoene ? Fsqt ' •
~,.;•• • r..•
Duai.Sir; , LYou pleintear'cd:ree.t. , bet.
learner° of Sitepiterd's.Verniifoge, - - , Tito thrre!
eattlea purelietted - dwa e 1.74 - r. time ego Have
been wed -with. the happiest,,,effeeta..., They
were . given..tu three of , mylehildren—in ono
ease 65 worms were ozpelledan , anetlier•l64.,
end in Alte.lust'67.. I:ain , anzioutrtolive the
rest of',the . benefiti of this ineilicine
Mitt therefore 'order as above.. 'Thlals:'deeid,
etllYthe beet article fer,deetroYlaiwerme
!mover been le 'thin part nf , the country ' , I
have tried Qrtick ' s, S
Relkar',, 51tirriek's 'and
but.'‘Vithout any gocid.olteet. t'
Yeats wi th esteem.. • .:•
„., .• .:SAMUEL. SN Y.DEI2.•
t..Sitephard's Sarsaparilla . and Vormifuge'ai°
for 'sale 'by. the reapeetuble
''clients of Oisinbe.rlanil county: Pa,,andbi : . Dr:
writ C.M '' P-lieraon ; fierrief~u{gi ,s.
Shipponahnrgt4alatt . l:olller‘Notiville; Robert'
Lackey'. moz. l
cravillof,A. , ..,Riehards,& _Co. 'l l .lttirilioldt.Den,
lap & Dar, Kitigeled; S:•&ll , A. , COSPle,tfogeti.' i
v•Anril SO, 1845.-
irllHlS , ls . lhe held article 'ever Olvuoveinil fin
,talla and 'Glass Wire, bclllg superior. to.trctted
.slone wh nk; fic.i as t produces th ost
lipnt ond, lasting polish whit very, little jahOrli. Ii
g,alsklti '54001100t Ardidplor elesislwindliNat
?inkhairro - eir 7he lAmerionn ilaT4!10:.
pdli , rrne frOnvields and corrod)nti:h.Optans ,
ndC/1 thernfore:lniperine, tolbe, Italian Co ; mud
person who s:used - tithe
be , saidlont ti , :l,l 3 ,ricis,l26 , Oents *nif
Pr:44T he:inpPlhibratft his nitinnfantifribp cord:
JSnyhquin,d;bzotadlliiii:at thedrug,Stere
m ING`;
A.o.ii - vi,t,t, .iiii‘ii, , ;; f4iiiiiviiii;, i iiji4oo,.. , ;ti.iiii.
ity,:iiiipolk , o ~tiii.:Atooil§daimh.RA,!wlpiiii.
in - pilifactl;ro o:-iiii4ro.4iormpsit ploporg i t
ippooniolo - ppid;:p.ippy,4 ~1011.f..qfp,:v..0140.-i,
~,jv 00),,,,4,,ay,i0.4ure,t119,i,!,8etVW0044r411
„,,...,, , ,,,,, ,,, ., , ,!.. , ,) , ; - . , ,,-ij,. : :... -, ..?„', , ,,t :' j',',;.,-;:,,:,,,5,..,',:.::,',.,-;;;'::-.,-rnt,',•:!4qFilf,Y.,r,,'4,,;,
, :: - .„ - ;,, , , , .r , ',-!,:i ., ,' , 2-...,i;,:' , ' . .,i , ', 1 ,1, , ,,,:-:•;.,, , :,,.,', 3 ,,.. - ,,,, ;-, , .',-., , ,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,7r, c, ~,,, , . ,
"_, .. . ,
.'''''Ar'''''''lt r iittitib '''
''';..,,. ISce A - '. ~,,--,:,
01&104e,Y, Tka4llP.o4oioA
4 ": i l';', :,..^ 1 ,r '' ,i,,'
~nr.r ~., tr 2g.p.-.. -. 1 :.• - , % i .. ,
Canal 4tild 'gait fitiad Litiei ' for Philatlel:-.
~.... t..44i4 l •l3tiltiutiore, Pittsburg, St,c,b' to•••,: 1
:11l*..R:E - ,ltiti Forii-ditigatid Oommis,aloni
r lVlnichant;, -Ifinalniißli,.. Pa. ,itiforatit ; hie•
Irienda ,nn'ef Aheiiitthlia, t hat' froni,thelliheratpabl
reiiigei extended' trilita, during Alia 'pant. Ipttr, •Re ;
has been eticakre g eif,to,niake,ntortroxtensive'ar7,
lingernenteVr the lireeent season, and; has
,tti. ,
dad- ): large and' s agendid Boats, toliii '
I LINE, and will. fully prepared after • iliii.:Op-!
onitigJoit the Gnash to' forward TROD, GE and
MEROHAWDIZE - tof - all kinds to '' d Trent
'Philadelphitt,llithintord, -- Pittsbergli, i& `;tat the!
loWest - !Idea of freight and With ilikutmost des.
'patch, - ' • • . •
Agents; for Beata, ' • . , • .
' 1 Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
„I,EISE-Ot.,,HAN.-- .-- •,_
-.-.N6..4ivComnieree•at. , Wharf, Baltimore.
- J.-McFADDEN & CO., S Pitis'g
Agents for Cars, ..' ' ' •
'No. 272 Market et„ Philadelphia.
~. No.,423•Market st„ Philadelphia.
~. . SPIER; 'MMES.& CO., -
- • Broad,atreeta'hiiadelphia,'
, . - PENIVA. St..oillo LINE; -
North street', Baltimore.
_. -Iti , -4 ---- irtltirg,,l)lttreb39 l l.B4B,-_- . 41...1__'
Harishurg Transportation lane.
AR_ -
O 1.13V/II•
FORWARDING.St Commission Merchants
liAnntsuuna. Pa. ship Produce, Merchan
due, /sec. to Bahjmore, Phileaelphin, tits. &c.
Coal, Plainer, Nails, Salt, Filth, Groceries, &c
11nrrisburg, march 29, 1848
IT - has poWsr to cause all external-SAKE,,
POISONOUS WilaNDS:to dtscharge their pia
trill matters ' and then heals them.,
It is rightly termed All-Itealing,fo; there is
scarcely u disease,exteraal or-internal, that T
will not benefit. I have used it for diciest four
teen years for all diseaties of the chest,consump.
lion and liver;involving the utmost danger and
responsibility, and I declare. before henvetrand
man, that not-one Single case hue itfailed to ben
efit when the vatient was within the reach of
mortal means.
I have had physicians learned lathe profeasi dn.
Lhave had ministers oldie Gospel, J udges of the
bench, Aldermen, Lawyers. gentlemen of the
highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use
it in every sariety of way and there has been but
one voice—one univeusal voice—saying., "Mc-
Allister; your Ointment is.GQOD." •
CON S 0111 PTION.—It can hardly be credited
that a salve can have nn' Ores( upon the lungs
seated as they are within the system. Hut, if
placed upon the chest, it penetrates to tlur lungs
sdparatestlie - poisonous paitieles that are consu
mintgthem,xud stcpplitilicts from the
-it is airing-persons of I,Onstittipilon
.1 - IEADACIIE.-...The salve has cured persons
of.the headache of 12 year's standitimind. who
d it rcgularevery week so that vomiting often
Dearness and Ear Ache.are helped with like
MIKIJAIATISNto-lt removes almost imme-
diately the tufbitnation and swelling when the
pain ceases. Read tilt:direction around the hos:
COLD Ff.tlT.---Consumption Liver Lom
plaint, pain in the ghost or side,failing off of the
hair one or the other always accompanies cold
feet. (This, ointment is the trite remedy.) It is
a sure sign of disea.e to lutve'ettltH'ect.
In screfula,old sores, erysipelas, eshrbeum,
liver -complaint, sore eyes, quinsy, sure throat,
bronchitis, broken or sore I ;t 9 east, piles, all cheat
diseases such as asthma, oppressions, pain ---also,
sore 1109,i:hopped hands, tumors,cutaneous erup•
flails, sit:Veen s disco ses and of the spine, there is
uo mediehm now known as good.
SCALD II EA D.---We hove cored oases that
actually defied every thing known, ns well as the
ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told us lie
111141 spent $501.1 on his children without any bene
fit, Whena few boxes of ointment cured them.
BALDNESS.--It will restore the hair sooner
01311 any other thing.
It NS.--It is the best thing in the world for
Burns. (Read the directions around the box.
ORMS.--It will drive every vestige of them
There is prolnibly no medicine (mate fnoe of
the mirth nt once so sure nod so safe in the expul
sion of worms.
CORNS.—Oreasional use of the Ointment will
nlways -keep crams Irom growing. People need
neve•r he troteltied with them i Ethel will use it.
PlLElS.—Thousande are yearly cured by tale
Sole proprietors of the above medicine.
CA CITION --No OINTMENT will he genu-
De unless the names of James McAllister or
intones McAllister Sr. to., are written with a pen .
upon every label.- -- -
Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. W. llnverstick nod
Dr. Myers, in Car'isle; J, Ist, Me
chanicsburg; Singiser & Paul, Churchtown, and
.John Diller, New v lle. _
Rahways Nedioated Soap.
agent oft.his place writes of a mysterious incident
which occurred in that place, in relatiOn to an ex
cellent young lady, but who unfortunately pos
sessed a very repulsive complexion. Her face was
covered with pimples, blotches, pustules,—her
skin dark and yellow, cracked mid chopped—her
lips in cold weather would becothe sore and bleed.
She had, however, several good traits, one of
'which was to read the 'newspapers. „ One morn
ing as she was looking over the columns of the .
Dispatch, she sow' in largo letters the words' Iten
wAv s CIIINESE MEDItATED SOAr ! As 11 sure'
exterminator of all skin blemishes, with . a direc
tion for all ladies to read the papers! Now mark
the advantage. On Sunday morning she took
her place ,as usual, among the 'Chortaters, and ,
to' the utter surprise of her fellow-songsters, pre-'
sented , neamplexion as fair as a lily; and. beauti
ful as the most admired belle.'ef 'the' Own:—
Strange 'mandarins and . Much 'exCittinient was
exhibited by the , busy'crewd, end nothing short
of an esplanade!' of how„this iuddeif,trimeformo
! ion' feont.tigliness‘tti beaturY .was 'attained, would.
answer., The like till:her sex; full of gen
lioness and kindness, 'explained thiecauie; end to
way's dedicated" Minden:Soap, which she had
beed Using for Iwo mcteks; was awarded' the full'
approbation of the'peoPle; as the “restarer'of lost;
henuty.' , Our. agent. coneluderr , thua- I .'Since;
the Attie luts.become:knatvirtl , have had'a per.'
feat rush for IlalitiaYds
Ladies and gentlemen;'.ifyou' Wish M gc•
way'a Soap in all its puritY; call on -
• l erri l "
„..,:, , ~., ~ rito. , ~. :.,, ,7
— , l l,r d irri l i, -- ' ' "-, !% , :t..' . ..kA
• `-'lllllO ll ll4 ,_ek-, , , , ~ •
,17.11 0 .1.'i, , ;, co., —,- .
,'i ••"-
...,-;',. 41.. , , ',. 1 1 , 1 1 1 1! 0 1 ' ' ' ';',' ' '
I 1
~4P -- -r ”
~,,:!111.4 • 1 wk.' -.I 1 , ~,
i.olipeilt- 61r--r
kii :4
• NURBEAtiritlallti'S'EliioTlllNW diralliFOßJ
1410,T,H, ERS iniVinkedsildren - afflicted
wltifatiy CI Utopia 440406 InCidcint to the
. .
tat - th,net, inch . a‘ conVidelL,ma . ,epaame.,
di4T utiVfinfe. • ,dfaCidarift
:4temaitKraiddlEioiehene Otthe should:,
!never be Livitheut' title •in fallible reinedy.that•
, /al,ifravOd'ed , efflitielone'in all‘the
nieu if CO I old !i 1 von
P."4riticrrY.;i9PliPle; .
(,1; ,0 , XOl/401.1108;', 4 ,
AitticifliOginti t istipidy
1110101 es, conlisOnipet t i t , ~t t
9 .167 4,0;! 01 ;! 0 =-YM r nl ir yll e
~ • ,f Rm-Tonto, 4:1
$ '4 V( . . '4 l
'44 , im nut ly Ilalparn;V i 7 .
UT WA,tl,rf,braY,
„rt. `, a9ler,r 4 f.4
4 , 1
fA!` C 4.4. Vitg , 10.1%1 . 0,1 ' W*C1.1 -i
A . , aril 4,i.;‘lAN;,ti• '
, „ „.
„ -
- ” •
I:.'-110[1:11)Ik1V18/!•111i / . ,
- Nand 'moat
ltholtriiltdil'States"; d,eimpitid ti . tylvs,
ITho'bitizolia r ,ilC i drlOlo ituteidOot.COitaktycitlo'..
`'aotl examine his, as- 1
adttrtiolit; :before litiicliasi.9-OleaSylil i ie,"fefding:
c'oYCfidtint-of~plpo9tn~ and giving iatiiitaotion .to
with koair. •
v"" 1 ..4;II4N.TAMINI. WILLIAM 4.
NO :12' DT. Pliilad
Washington' ol—Daguereo
• . . Ope, so% •
No. 'all Norill Second street, N. W. corner of
Callowhill. street, Philadelphia.
THE - Liltenesses taken - and iratifully colored
at this well known establishment, for ORE WI,-
'CA n, aro universally conceded to Del 'EQUAL in
every respect tCI:ANY in the city. Picturesialcon
equally well in cloudy and Clear wenther.'.;A.
large assortment of MEDALLIONS 'and •LocEETs•qn
hand, nrfromnsa to 85, including the picture. •
Thesubscribers resPactfully invite the citizens
of Cumberlandmonnty, to call .and examine ape
cimetrof the latest imprevemornein thwart of ,
Dnifgerreotyping, whieh will be exhibited cheer:
fully and-without;
.• • 'l l- St: C`TENNENT—
. . . .
ithA TIKE LEADING COCOAS, 110 inaich MOM.'
evand Mantillas, (of Our 'Oven .mtinefaciiire) .
a 'firit 'rate assortnintit, of rho qbalitY, • for
sale at the lowest cash prices, at F. J. DRESS;
DER'S Fringe and Trimming Store, No. 47 S.
Seitind street, above Chektnnt,' Philadelphia.—
Together with a regular assortment of STEEL
GOODS, Purse Silks, Fans, Hair Braids and
Curls, &c. Also, O large lot of Domestic Cot
ton Fringes. . •
Purchasers are invited to call. They will find
.it-to-theit-intprest to do.tio,-as the-goodcwilL be
I sold CILEAP. Philad. aprl2
Perot, Hoffman, 8c Co.,
Forwarding and Genefil Commission Meretinnts,
No. 41 North Wharves, and 83 N.Weter
street, Philadelphia. -
PLASTER .and' SALT constantly on
"- hand, for sale at the lowest nmrket rates.
Liberal advances made on P-roduce.
Refer to
J. W. KERR, Harrisburg.
- epr
China, Glass and Queens-Ware, •
T C. BOKEE & CO., No. 41, North
J • Howard street, between Fayette and Lex
ington streets, Bahimoro, invite the attention of
Country Merchants and purchasers generally, to
their large and well assorted stock of cittxx,
ALASS and QUEENS-WARE, which they offer for
stile - , at the very lowest market prices. Country
Merclmnts will consult their interest by a call
,before purchasing elsewhere. aprs-4t
Steam Refined Stigar Oandies.
._• pound, Wholesale..
T . J. RICHARDSON, 151 - 6. 42 Market - sti,
• Philadelphia, takes-pleasure in informing
the public, that lie Still continues to sell his very
Superior - Agleam Iteridea - Catiartif the-low price .
of St 2.50 per too pounds, and the quality is equal
to any arinnufacitired in the United States.
He alio oilers all kinds of goods in the Confec
tionery and Fruit line nt corresponding low prig
ces, as quick sales and small profits are the order
of the day.
Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail
to be satisfied. Don't forget the - ritnkitir, 92
Maimer. STREET, Philadelphia. ml
Iron Comriiissior Warehouse,
No. kO9 North Water Street, noO . Nix-A-North
THE undersigned still continuo the Commis
sion business, for the sale of all descriptions of
IRON. Our experience of many years, and ex
tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers
of Iron. throughout the &awry; has enabled its
to establish - such relations ns give us peculiar ad
vantages id serve our correspondents, equal to
any other house.
mar 22-6 m ORRICK & CAMPBELL.
Atwoad's Empire Cooking Stove.
lsr again calling attention to this unequalled.
STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to
inform the public that (externally) it has under
gone an entire change—the pipe and hearth pla
ced opposite each other, and a SUMMER
being added, thus rendering it faultless, and un
!dim there is another faultless Stove in the mar
ket, this is unquestionably the hest, as it now
embraces every valuable improvement possessed
by any other Stove, in addition 'to some peculiar
to itself, secured by Letters Patent.
The success of this Stove, since its introduc
tion is unequalled. Nothing. has ever been of
feretk-for-eulinary purposes that has given sitar
general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied
after its form ; some dealers have oven used its
fundaniental principles, but the proportions wore
so unlike tho original, that they bear the relative
value that a counterfeit doim to a genuine t obi."
CompleterCOOK and whir COOK STOVES
in great variety. Persons desiring these admira
ble Stoves, are requested to dill at the Stove and
Tin Ware manufactory of tho subscriber; on
Main street, Catlislei who isMgent for Cumber
land county.
may 24
N. 81. J. N. Rowe,
-K.l- Store, No. 63 North. Third street; one dear
atieve Arch, east side, Philadelphia, mantifacter
era and, wholesale dealers in all kinds of Brooms,
Brushes, B tickets,•Eedar Ware, Willow and
French Baskets. Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs,
Dusters, Mats, Blaelting,, Eastern-Made ,Wood
en-Ware of every des cr i ption; Sec, &c, ,the
lowest 'market prices.'. ' • • : mar t.
To Purchasertrof . Irctilinit Steel,
rring • Subseyibere, Im po r ters , and D ealers
L in' yOreiAi'a i,olcxn,
beg leave
to math° attention of gorthelefriillßQN and
STEEL; ' to the'. - nedv," assortment or Sn ode
Norwegnit4,Ckblo'an t dCOronion English
whith , tbityand nonstop tli,re.
-461 rant. A le.
tying liom'EcroppAll,rect. ,Alect American
on;`eon lit of•lloop;llaiid,''Seroll,'.&c.',---
En! ial<R usaian'eied `4miiiican';,BltOO t•I ibit; . ,
Small Round and frlgOOrelli s ok rrom' tathi
end and '7l .
shoo - avd Riide; Ail° 'lron; Oailfiu.silu
Loon'mUtilid;f , Railrird B ';i Angle
Iron; Hr roand - ace. 'illpiing'Ood ' Bliatir;
'heat 'itimpe% of Stvedi' lion;
Cact' and Sit eeir Steak &a. allor ,Whic they .
offer , at ilia 'Lovv.prriitee? - for'citili; or at
air ',rnahthe for ' . aPploied.ieferenCe,: . and 'in'
which they invite the' rotierititilf of purchasers
beforO replenish inithisir ateekor,'"7 . 7, -."
" A t.ig Irohiredelred 'OW coins
iniarden ,. on wide,' advattiOl4lll
' "Iron - and SiebtMertilliitite;'
117 NAVateiSt.andtsUN:.pidiAyelitiaOhii,‘ .
';lt ,(Never.
OURSOIir.-FAcitirtime iminentb:
vial; there has exibied nr, larger ';eitieit, and ,
- popolonarownva - apvetWor - dilease - ahrdiWat - '
aod ,propmetion or; *hick reitulto froum,the
violation - thvine;alicf, hove. ,11!0. .
Arrimrten,lhe AMEIUgAisi,
proennidd; as tialakjiliti *4,l'i:crude; sfatellit,"and
valuable`specifiir ova' Onerai:l .tc•' the :iittforitinate,"
It hoe rherrivili kitownticilittrodelepatation that,
daily experiencOcentleuee to'strenglifetiP Theo.;
sands have bber(buredly.he'UlleiMld ililtitlditiNB '
no odor on the briiathi requires neither, restriction'
in- die t:ttt, inishatee,.nor conlaloo; either neercury •
or nexicols' l tirugs in the least hourious,to.the aye-,
is haldly . p.rottetioni ea the)hest remedyi iii n
deor 'sale at , lorner,3tilind'loatiketrinits, ,
11 rml YorkT O W. Millect,!Larteeeter'ppri-
AXtPhOriciii 19.4
=4A,VAINI'§IPAN-, e ulß t o BligiOP 71
;'; I
VA,:nnta) -17';
IMO,lt. tpretnevat end I.lermasent• enrs;o • a
,L 1 '•••tilawidepiatising; fropit,Mt, impurejnitteOf !NO::
•LI loO'd ,aiof hab ice t hir body; finn,;,,,'„;;,
ClOnic•Aittettatte,:ofthWf : .l
•clutis, Caterrhono,Screfulti forirte,
'Totter, Scald heed; Cutineeuslaffectlbits;elthe
• • face Inid!ep mini lies, Chronic Itinsturitisnr,aild
Depatetia, chtonie,ElnlargententstaftlieJoinisi`
'•.W hi t e swell i z ssitst,olitie-Arreddiasi 7 Con -
atitutionaidisorders;:nrising fronidebilitP,Mer=,
icutiaidnd•licretlitarylpfedispositiolid,•bte. • •
eve,t3i chango t at 'eta ing, : p fleeing le •
it is ntafttfent that it 41'hr - engin about by
Wilething litivt tg a substantive existence. if we
suppose the organs of our body ormtna, yperfeet,
they must *tame perfect unless'uharigedby,thei
intervention of something• that' bears arlunlicial..
thy relation to it. In all .cases of disease, there
must be theintorpesition of some new ingredient ,
which by playing its part. as a cause, served•to
modify the properriee before connected with the
body- It ie absurd to Aalk of spontaneous diSease
taking place in organs previously healthy, with
out, theonterposition cif some morbific agent;
well might wtreipeet a piece of chalk to transfer
itself spontaireously•idio Plaster of Paris, without
the, aid of Sulphuric Acid. In alidisease there is ,
a prior conic which must be removed. 'thro' the
agency of the Blocid.; •For'this purpose there is
no remedy' superior to the'Panacce. In'eVidenee
the following is submitted to the Public f • •
, Philadelphia, Juno 7, 1847.
Having been apprised_ of the nature of the Pan
wen, it affords me muck pleasure to be able to
recommend_k•as yaloable remedy far all these
chronic. constitutional and glandular diseases, to
whiell it id especially, adirpted. To those who are
- afflictediand - require - medicine - as - an - alterative;:
they Canner Obtain'it in a more ogrenble, active
and uniform state than is to be•found Pan.
wen. I have" used it'in several instances with de:
cided and signal success. YourCike. •
• D. Am.isotv M. D.
Prepared and ;sold at the North West corner
of 'Third and South streets. Philadelphia, and re
tailed in .CarTisle by S. ELLioi"r. Put up in
pint bottles at 81 per bottle. feb23
Dr. TraPh4gen's Balsamic _ Extract
orn — nCap - atill
Is the hest and Cheapest PretActtion of Sac..
satittrilla ever offered to the public. being
distilled from the first quality ollionduras Sara.
swills hoot—and one
. bottle of this prepara.
floe is vvarranted superior to two bottles or any
other it; the market, nail will retain its virtues
unimpairable ut ally climate. It is pleasant to
the taste, aid from infancy to age tills Extract
w ill eradigato..di sense, invigorate-the- body,
is the best medicine.for the prevention and cure
of- disease ever discovered in ally age of the
world. Its anion 'is mild, and it cu es without
sickening or debilitating the patient,' Thou
sandshave used it in the Dr.'s private practi c e,
and consider it the greatest blessing ever offered
man. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws
of nature. and has never been known to - fail,
here its use was persevered iii,to cure even
long standing and desperate cases of Asthma,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colic, roughs, Colds. Con.
sumption, Cramps, Cancerous Son:sand Ulcers,
Dropsy, Dysentery, ,Brysipclas, Fever and A gne,
Female compla ints,-Fevera or all kinds, Gout,
Gravel, Hysterics, inflammation, Indigestion,
Jaundice, Leprpsy, Liver Complaint, Nuraglia,
Palpitation oft he Heart, Piles..S'crofula, Spinal
cemplaint., Salt abet. in, Sca'd
complaints, Tie Dolerene ,Pimples on the Face,
Swelled Limbs and Joints, Pain in die Side,
Strength, and General Debility of the human
11l all cases. enumerated above, Dr,Treplia
gan's Sareapasilla tapiilly and surely restores to
heath. A trial-will satiety any one of the truth
Or these reprelientat ions.
lions mid debility to which
,Ludies ot, sedentary
habits are !bible; will by use of one or two
bottles of Dr,. Traphegan , s Sarsaparilla, regain
their health and color. it 'a valimble to those
who PM' approaching. - Womanhood, as it is rated
hated to Ramat nature by quickening the blood and
ins ignrating the system.
Ladies Who have pale eim j ,lexiong,dulleyes
blntelles ue the f.tee, ropgh skin ar freckles, anti
are iow sprrited,:tide Traphegan's Sarsrunt•
ilia. It will cleanse the blond,. remove the
freckles and blotches, and give you an anithated
countenance, sparklitig eyes, fine spirits, and
beautiful! complexions.
Children who are suffering from bad and un
healthy hi mot.* of the blood, can be quickly en.
stet tal to health. strength and bloom. 1)1. 'l'rap
hagnit's Sarsaparilla being very pleasant and pal:
stable, children take it readily, and such as are
thittantl weakly soon near a robust and healthy
appearance. It can be administered to lithints
with ptirfect safety, and such as are suffering from
summer Complaibt it ill receive great
Nothing can be more agouti shing'tlitut its in
vigorating. effects upon the human to stem. Per
-BmA all lassitude and weakness before taking it,
at once become robust and healthy under its in
The use of a bottle of Dr. Traphagen's Sarsap
tn•illn occasionally, wdl prevent disease, ond as II
Pall and Spring purifier of the system it stands
mini :Idled at the ppi•eseot day. Its use will pro
ve:4a world of sulfering an I pain. If all persons
will keep their blood purified and their bodies
strengilteneo by the use of this Sarsap..rilla , they
-will be sum to escape:Ate-attack-of any prevalent
or contagious disease.
,T7Turchasers• w ill ho careful to obscore
that every bottle of Dr Trapbagen's Balsamic
Extract ofSarsaparilla bus Isis written signa
ture in' black ink on the label ot.tha bottle, and
a flue slusile printed in red ink un the outside
wrapper, as a guard against counterfeit. 4 Put
up in handsome white chola quart bottles, at
the low price of ONE DL.LLAR per bouts:.
For sale vs holdiale and retail by COLLIER
and BROTHERS only, :at their Store, Noith
Hanover street, While
aprll 12
. .
TrlThis must valuable Embinea flan has beau
:IL used with wonderful success in the cure
of some of the 11/oit tronblesomedivetises with
which thelierie is affected, (w ithout destroying
the (lair) old, strains, swiillings,.,l„tifiv
noon ofjolnts, galls produced by the collar and
saddlei.sirains of theslietilders; Stifle, Void,
pastern and coffin joints, strains Of the
bone, knee, and fetlock, pall fistfiles,
Vtirbe,:splints; spar in: wiudgalle, , phifS,&c...l
It verylioon i cures uld'or fresh wounds c uts,
ru sea, stu etTf6ll7etil,curbs.olo.,andlmps
Instant relict:ln the scratches, grease, etc:,
the , discerns , incident to horses' havihg w hite
feet..and:.inesus .produced' by P.:Jultn's 'Wort,
Which'so Often' destroys hoefahnd • bonek ef
the feet,' and resisitillie - r, and
vitriol ointehenti, Otberl , rentatlieseqUifily
Nip simnel' . fore:, proved:So
useful in reitivingstill'ness,of the tendons and
:joints and producing knelt immediate and
beneficial effects iii . cracked heels, brought on.
by high feeding - , ant intele nd sprains.'
; This Embrocrtion is highly,recehanerided to
'fitriierS, , ikeepera',Of livery '
etablotj,'ivugof.p e;
stu~re r 4 ric tors, andarivate4MitlemeitAn
mg forges, llC:pn ova ua and
sitohlti ceristantly .t talr„stables,:. I
'Alsti,forninre, ; whoin.:h.orses.areime
k Icka, ciite a lid ;Wen ds w 'find •i Conlin pi
advantageous to keep it canstantlYon . hand.
It: , is. !fluidly:beneficial •In; , Off'•treatnierit
‘WOrking , cattle; , for iferb necks;
•1 ? ;, ,
_ .
rdetaved, cud' (qr
solo by ' ' l / 4 13:',FILttOrr.
Deliohte Penalea who sniTuFfrom the nhstroc
The Great English Remedy.
Dr. Darber .Liniantent
•.' -.MOM • IgtelßOWSso
ARGE "avid
foreut. "."; '
A.B..iSitOP,` , .titidossor64)r. 3—Myeis
. ,
Is now opening a iaige
MtDlClNP3; . ..Sie;;!uniig `vi hicltcwill bo found
..„ •
__ gi p ,
~Dye Stairs,: f"
.A.lcoliol,'Turpentino, Pine , Oil,
• • Also,' tt:ldeggins.tbrtnient bi ,
• [Milnellas, Walking :Canes, 7
Roussel's Our Muer s 43having 'Cream, •
Bear's' Dil,;• Cologne -Water, Hair . Dye, Ox
Fahey, Soaps,•,Extracis, Mr.EN Fox, Curling
Fluid; and •• • '•
PAN CY,' ARTICLES 'of every denc;•iprian,
to•which ho rospectftilly'invites the•intutition•n
ilienublia:. His assortment is'a fulland7rielt one . ,
and he hopes by strict attention to busintisa 'arid;
low, prices, to receive a liberal share of:the public'
Physicians' prescriptiell% carefully compoun
ded. J. A. HTSHOP,
niny4, • West Main street,
DR. J. J. MYDRS- has disposed of his entire
stock- of Drugs'Bio, to 'Mr. 3: A .13ISH l',
of Harrisburg, who mill continue to do business
at my. old stand' on Main street: Mr. I3ishop has
had ponsiderable experience in the Drug busi
ness, and Lconfidently recommend him to the
customers'Of the store and solicit a continuance
of their favori, . .
.Mr.BI-thin::errangesnehe ,lirr.-IVltens will - he
enabled to give, his Aindivided"attetitioh to the
ditties of his prfesaion . ; tnnv4
Confectionery, rrui f'dc Tcy Store,
Norlft linnduer Street, barliec,
rpur. subscriber would respectfully inform
JL country merchants and the public generally,
that lie is constantly mntinfacturing and has al
ways on hand CANDIES of every variety,
(which for quality amaiot be surpassed by any
manufactured in the—Stem which—he sell
wholesale or retail at the OLD STAND, 1 2{,. Han:
_over...street, a few doors north of .ie
Whero ho lies also on hand FRUITS"irvil
Of the latdkijinportations,
the IQUTSt prides for cosh. His stocit consists in
part of Oranges, Lentons,.Raisins, Figs:Prunes,
Dates. Cocoa-nuts, Create-nuts, Peanuts, En
glish Walnuts, Ali Peanuts,tionds . , Pecan-nuts. Filberts.
Ho would also inform the public that he has
just .returned from the 'city with- a vetv Wee
consisting of superior double refined, crushed
and pulverized LOAF SUGARS , :Brown su
gars, among which is a .very fair article for 6
cts. per lb.; COFFEE, from 8 to-10 ets per W.;
ri superior article of Imperial. Young Byron and
Black TEAS ; MOLASSES of ell kinds: Wa,
ter, Soda and Sugar Crackers ; Cheedei Choco
late, Rice. Blacking. Matches, Brushes. •
FRESH SPICES, viz: Pepper, Alspice,
Cinnamon; Cloves, Nuttnegs, Ginger and Mus•
lard. A supply of Indigo; (best quality) Alum.
Starch, Washing Soda, - Salt Peter; all of which
will be sold at the lowest rates.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to
the public for the liberal patronage extended to
hitn, and hopes by a desire to please to merit
confines:we of the same. All orders front a dis
tant e thankfully received and promptly attend
ed to. fmny4l P. MONYFR
-- GREAT-114.1tGlISNS - r--
I3ENTZ'S Cheap Ca9h Store, where-they
are now opening the .grentest quantity of
new and cheap Goods, orthe following kinds:
. CLOTHS, Cussimbres and Vestings
CALICO ES,-of every variety and style, front
4 to I•_'} cis. per yard—and some. of these arr
first rate at ti+ and S cts. The aeon:nen: con
sists of about 9000 yards.
123, 16, and 181 era per ynrd.
nrid•the best for lti cis.
LAW NS,,Sotne Lead(Uhl pasterns,. V2i, 181,
and 25 eti. per-yaish ' - .
ALPACHAS-181. 2.7, 271 50 .and .62 els
per yard. We have the cheapest Alpnehus in
town. '
ArusuNs—White and unbleiiched, at el
prices, and lower than ever add before.
-CHECKS, Tickings, and Pantaloon goods at
all prices.
hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Bonnets.
Ribbons, Hats. Oil Cloths, Flannels. cotton and
linen Table Diaper, Fans, Shawls, E , Aatigs and
Laces, Fringes, Buttons, and in fact every arti
cle in our line of business.
'l'hese„goods arc otli•red to the public nt lower
prices t h an con be bought any where iii the
State of Pennsylvania, as our menus of purchas
ing are equal to any, Mid far superior to most
country merchants.
Give us n call and we 'feel satisfied you will
save money in making your purchases.
A. & W. BENTZ.
t doors south of the Post Office
mnv t
ell • leave to inform the ruinous of Cumberlund
aiid tidj.iining counties, they have just open
ed an extensive VARIETY STORE in North
Hanover street, in the building lately occupied
by Mr. Unwell, between Ilaverstick and Lyon's
stores, where (they will be happy to receive the
calls of all wishing tickles in their line. They
will at ull times keep on hand a well selected
assortment of Colored Prints. (French, English
and American) domestic and foreign Perfumery,
Pntent Medicines, embracing nearly every de.
seription,.and'in fact a Mawr& every thiog _usu.
nlly kapl in an extensive varietrstore.
They are the exclusive agents for the sale a
Dr. Tiaphasen's celebrated ,Pulmonie Mixture,
and his Balsamic EXtract of Barsaperillit . ; Dr.
Green's celebrated Oxygenated Bitters, for D ks.
pepsin and 'Phtliyeic.'They, are also the toxin
stVe agents for this 'county - of the NEW'YOEN
CANTON TEA COMPANY, and will keep 'com
stantly on hand a large. supply of their bumf*
In conclusion they bog lenve to say, that they'
are determined to, sell at very small, ttrofits.fro
cAsn, and invite wiehing bargains: to, give
them n call. 'Orders' front. country mathauts
supplied upon the most reasonable terms.
Carlisle'. ntait4 • • • ••' .
I%;TATHAN' HANll'CH;•having'removed hti,
•IA Cheap CLOTHING STORE to' the room
fortnerly,,H.H. Grove, on the east
eolner oI the Market Square, directly. .opposite
I'p_rLect'e *store,'woOld„respee 11Y,,Inform . his
l ifriendri — enlThe,pablie in gene I, that Ile intends
e i.,
to' Commie Our Iniihferis on' . ante'. extensive'
'ticalit.thititheritofore. , 'Helios just received from
1 the etistern:eities a torte' iiiiktrtment of SPRUNG
I ond ~13 UMMER G 0 0D5,;.. , which he. will 'hove
mode up at the shortest notice , .the , most:
,desirable. manner. ,He wilLeonitantly hove on
hand it.. largo ardection , . of „READV4tII4,DE
CLOTHING; cheaper •ithart, ever ofl'ered i ts.' he
Public . befOresitet, nir,bleck,"ond'bilig,, Dress
Costs, Frock' -and Seek Cori re' or viiriona - 'colors,
Tweed Coats of , all.shopes and cetera, Sol - timer
'Cloth' Coats; Lilian,: Cotien , ond - -'jenti coats;
and . all other .kindi of , faihinnahle Coat s i. , black
and fancy Cashmere, , Pante r.Semmor Pants , of
,tworY,ilese,riptionr,and *oolori...ploittf.and. fancy
.Satin Vesta,,-roll sorts i on4:polors; Shirt , Bosoms
, endLCollnrel
Shaekti,'Suspenderri of_all.kinds,:a n tLyery,eheop.
''Dbli'( ferget time'i placticinilto East,coiner of
rho Public Squere.: ::.,,•,:..- ..„',,Anyt`Y-4.
;•:. • JU S TE . •
,„,:.logo: lot ot.cjpglioroio,laivols and ,Boregos,.
wch will sold. boo co-h.+ Alior,sl.9
;AViirlf* . "4 fliiiMB4 . ilig ' fit4l4l : lr6iko l / 1 111Wpg
jijAH:Ore hand tiolblds‘viiVG: IL I '610(1)';*
,-' - -
r , l * 1 . .)!1KZ "PPL•G4
" ' m worked
4 ,4ect4VeciNilarlej a _ aa n 9 fl t V:l; ciioilPs 12y
poll4B, 0••10-0300110.01100,10 011. dIt(YOUP
utereobjyya"trolii PhiP
ildiiloll3.-a- , fie 4lo9l 3PPlii/ord ) 3 l3 l3 B 3'Ak(g4toines;
Dy4 , l43ufra t aterfumeriF4l4lr;.Artioleli,ll4,-- .
pqr fikaolc,pt4.6ny 1ntg11•4 4 31:4344P1 4 1 3 10.1414 , .A.3,-14:
Ar,4,4 1 41.111i 1 3 0 . (1, 3391:39; 1 1.13',111 1 0. 0 rooldvb111 1.4,13,,411;44.
11;4 liiiiros3 Cash .141444,11va irty114,.3110.[311b4419p;0r
40116)0 4 - IRiarclint4,:,pllxtoluitt44 44 - d'133114r8; :14
exanfinb r oorooniii•uotl'pfiodtp,blifur&
414§1044:5;.:p•TIdt.'1 1 1."13:1PLEMING . ;-
-- .. - i.• '; — :,T:,
.c.1 , 5' 4 'f' , ;.6'f'.. :,, :i4:‘ ,. ..; .f ~,,, ? ,,i ,-;,:,„,i
itvizetrit,'l76l(ZHE 'Tait&
morianie'itle,eaici; all
• cait4s- ef , Pilea, -, either bleedinror
ieterMil or 'till in9iininta:loi:dis
eases .found , t „eotiiimeli.on:With
st;ch•ait OltronieiDysenterry - describedin•tho
••• phiradelphia
•' ' •
• Ddessrs,?Korehim ds , Benshaw
bout t'fitre years ate
was called elireeic.diae'etery. I liave - antfered
eyer, ainceietrd,phy,siciteint thatfc told
me that,. my, live;,, was -afftintgltt . P.PCl.i Oat ply •
bowels. were
,uicerated, for'blood'atid pus, 51-
.1.0 ,1,1 1;d with% pointheryntrid smell,'Nvere the
frcOent diseltargett..'^A•'Shat,t lithe 'Shinn I
atilt i,k,Attaiii - eliusetteDir Ijlipes.. of
'benefit lrorn.,chango of mr, butlinfferedi.more
severe than ever before.. While therei liqq
,offered' to' atirii",ine' for 'IRO; iit i 'three
months. Ilappily, in the, midst . Orintense
pain, occasionally, relieved 'by landotin,l saw
in the WrappOr of 'your., Eleatuaryot' petlent
' description of :ill, complaint, together with
many certificates - of . cures, This
, gave. me
great tentdence'in'the - medi'dine, ant l per.
chased a' bei, riinertli4tie of - Whieh has appa
rently cured mciiaridi Fain .'preparedotar say
'everything ittits -friverier'reedeOtirgeo
1 can to hunienitybyanbacribing: to
. Respectfully 'yours, ,„ ,
, 'BENJ. PERCIVAL; 00 S;;Siftli
- -Weakness-arid -inflatiirit of -- thiAtiney
frilling of the bowels,le:males
particularly 'pro • eptieet to,
.undo! "peculiar
circuitisnincest for whiCh 'llituriy certificates
could be given of ispeedy but delliacy
forbids tlreir publication. •
&were aria habitual costiveness, flow of
blOod to the' head, dysPepsia,fistulas inflam
mation of the stomach, find, a speedy cum in
Dr. - Upham's Eltictuaryi,: IL is an, internal
rmiedy, and cures hy•itsnetianini:ibe towels
and blood, the relaxed - state of which' in!, the
cause of the above naved-disonites-- , --
From every' city; town 'find village "Where
1130 r. Upham's Vegetable Pik PlibeteaV
introduced, time most gratifying intelli
gence of its effects have been 'rpeeixtd,by the
Proprietor. In hundredi of., instances it_bas
triumphed over cases Which were deethed
jneuruble. -
Letter rel. Capt.G, W. Lean, late of the:U. EI
service, and Member of the N. I. Legislature
Rahway; Juno t 6, 1847
I have been .afflicted fur, years. with the
Piles, and have tried, without. anything ilk°
permanent benefit, almost everything assum•-
ing the name of a remedy.. JI had
r as o matter
of course, Mil all confidence hp
Wide - ethics feeling I watandoced—rio6without
reluctance, I confess—to nee Upham's Electu.
try, and having used it' about three weeks,
according-to-the-directions 'laid down, I find
to my surprise, as well as satisfaction, flirt
every symptom of the disease has! elt me. I
think it due alike to Dr. Upham and myself to
make this statement. G W ItIeLEAN
Addressed to the agents in Columbia. Ga:
Russel County-, Ala.; Feb. 20, I 847
Messrs. %Vintcr "Epping—tlonfat--For
thc_last_filteauLyears I huve:bemelllictcd-with
. most distressing disease "Thd Bleeding
Piles,' and have Find recourite to a great ninny
medicines, without obtaining relief, until I
obtained 3.boxenni•UplianVit Pile:Meal - Miry --
from you, which have - se hie 'relieved me that
take great. pleasure In recoin mending it to
all who are afflicted with Piles, as a safe and
sure remedy,
• ' E P M 1.14
formerly Bookkeeper. Bunk of Colulu&
Rem' kaki° cure of Bleeding Plias.
Portland;Ne., March 14
M'y Dear Sir-q cannot express to you my
sincere and heartfelt thanks for the . wonderffll
cure I have experienced - by the merit' your
truly . valuible Pile Electunry. I have been a
perfect martyr to the Bleeding Piles fer
years past, so much saftliat-I-trecurna minced
to a mere .keleton, with loss of appetite-and
general derangement °film digestive organs;
illy eyes also became affected, and in fact
was a misery to myself, end was obliged to
stye up my office here, which I held in thq
Custom house aunts years. 1 hove tried all
kinds of medicine, had the best advice the
physicians of Boson and this place could glue y
spent much money and twicesubmitied to a
surgical operation. I had become perfectly
tired of life, and at the suggestion of try
friends I was induced to try a box of your
medipine. The firin I found relieved file
slightly, still 1 persevered and purchased a
second, and assure you when I got half
through I found myself getting well; I still
kept on, and now lam anew man. My dear
sir, language cannot express my thanks; that
I nm once more restored tu health, and non in
condition to support myself and family de
pendent on me. Yours.' respectfully, with
great regard, SAMUEL CHARLTON
• Now York, Jivre-1-1.-1434i3-
Messrs. Ketchum Y HeAsitaw—This certi
fies that 1 have been severely afflicted Err many
years with the. Piles, but more particularly
within the last nine months. Having used all
the remedies prescribed by my physician, also
having tried other moans tolittle or no ad`
. vantsge, I become very much discouraged and
felt as though 1 must suffer as long as
But•,.providentially I Was informed by Mr.
Mott; inst./tinter of the politic school at Staten
Island. that I could be cared by your taluable
Pile Elccluary. Having confidence--is-his-•-
statement„ I tniniCtliately procured some of
the medicine' aril, am very happy to Inform
you that I'arinow'perfeetly cured by the use
of .only one .hex.,Vorytruly - your obedient
servant, . GEORGE R CROSS
- - - - - -
Sold wholesale and retail by K ETCHAM
rilf. RENSHAW; 121 Fid,ton st,A. • 1r;:k end. by
druggists generally 'l.l(rdualobt ' -United
•SI tes and Canada.. Price CI ner..bOic;
cold 'in Ca r hire' ' • ;
July, 26;1848 ," - "'
Staaton'q External Remedy,
unlveraally acknowledged tot be the
Vor Rliodinatiatisi'SPiiiiirAllbratinlierVO-ntractions
ijof tho Nun:dos, Sorol'broat Mut Quipay,tls
- atterti:.old' In,tha Back and '
• : thoAtaast and Face, aye r,
Cl9Up,ll , :i • 1.1 e
!,, .":114 1 I . 9 ll lVaar.di'alt.-; .14
11, . IS . Pnrdus Pitlnralsoyi ,, ),l 4
• N'F'S• 4.3 Di Tis s ustaining a skatori •
ety intOqualled ,1 by any.'siaidk,tomedx.,,,. It
required'Potting to give .4`a;repatatiajp,st., has
been for .aotuir: tima':ailoinly and 'ettrely,snouring
it, and now; kyhenitli bench( jai eirt.,•o#,,halraykeett •
eNeerietic ' e ' d Vied ninny, the exprosamps of grab
'ludo are "continually. appearing, Aud, those li who
have been?m,de Whple by lidUkqaa ars desirous that the afiiicit4rolnauld no: lionger';ieroaits tgrios.
rant. of itainvaltiabla and intollibte244Hoacp• r
mainly receiving. foitintoniala iir-Impe n ts t ,i:e s vva
from, us ttas; and Many ofthe Ogres
tt.lias cheered
almost'exceedbelie In one anis„a,Oddiltt
_.been_a ,wrenFht
tho svitari at tho ago of, tw e ci.yOrailly,ii fa 1..
from ,a chair: Alledinal ;treat en en , ftodeddipp
restored.ttiu to strum'',
yonthful ,. ,gantlidid, ria rObitst 48.:1,411,4fajits.101Pt
them and' only, a!arnal huipp Zif 4Jacji,-,ts . ro •
mind hifdarip•tiuttertags,,,„"krieeig . s,canta
The: 7110.,s„078 :F riettd.'
TA 141:014'S,PAP/111.1r, OIN TMENT '
I. acknowladerflotallkmast. remalp
odit . heen)disedvored; and ma yrbri to
lietilon . viikhonaddited,l/ralt Whtitrial halos os:
aaajok for:its'lrs*inkeaSeti oftlVlsrAel."ErsitrAtscs
'l 6 7lti it.Oloiro out , ini dee forihoit
qlittkiMothefs tiro liable v •
riirrOirg ,tif 10%604110: ' orb s ;-
1/4nriari,Frfandr , 'lPrito 2 a c tisptor-bort - ii!im'' , .l •
Sing Sing
k'.liaii•o'York,..' , tild!iry , :o4 , :/**,::'47 , ;,1-
:1 1 A - jOithiittit; tSliejihertlrgirirrt •