Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 06, 1848, Image 2

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produointerest rtf,...our,eitg'46lM,entlaged
vsefel .ig ha.sineSe'ar opening theAegleit:T4tl
lit the American t'itntb
t Magazine of May,LlB4B, l lo . llolt4lowitit . t4-
ble, well worthythe. ekasnintitßiitand att'en
lion of lire citizens of. the coal ion. :Nike
The difference of imOrtalibMo . ;e4al,Midef
The free trade system'and diit4ct of 1.842-- \ -
ti appeara to me further argument' is is
a 836, 108,432 tons,
1827, 11 , 7,450
11038, 129,0E1
• '1839, 181,557
4 940, - MAO;
1811, .155,294
II tltdse Vieifva toe,/correct, then, fellow
itiemiissiion.ritises, is iint,,tile ap.
election tire most *porta:ll.llml
htfag Wert' held for many years. The -re-
Itistabilsliment of old-fashiciried Republican
'principles, the proper adjustment of rho
and the prevention of the extern
pion of y, all depend upon ihe
" and UM • result depends on Yew' active and
4tearty zeal, cordial union and faithful labor
lin the good cause at lite coming elections.—
intelligem citizen the knowledge of
linty is plena sufficienuto wet niut its per furim
It tray now tic cocessary to inquire wlieth•
• • terthei - proper standaril-bearer. has heerr_ se
lected in We, person of Gum. TAVI.OI2 to carry
octit these Whole:mine reforms, and changes
41 she should be eleeled
. the Canaiktare .pr the Whig
Ttirly,.as well 'as the choice of many'other
citizens, has always sustained the reputation
of high-minded, straight-forward and plant
soldier, whose truth and honor have 'levet
been impeached even by his political foes,
IVithout the cunning and management of the
politician's arts, his great merits as a soldier
and scholar have placed him (unsought on
part,) before the people as a candidate
"for the ; resideney. tie is without enemies
'to •punish or intriguing friends to reward,
, consequently mi2ledged and untrammelled
- 4ixtept - nd - far as-he in his sound judgment has
seen proper to develop his viewa.• 11 1 hat are
hese vie ws?
t. lie will be bound bound by the consti
tution—and - by the Constitution., as it is ex
winded and explained - by the judiciary o
the United States.
2; He will be bound to take for his guide
in his adniinistration of the National govern
' meld, 'the rules an doctrines 'established
and held by our first Presidents.
3, He will enter office without pledges—
tied he may be :free to carry out the wishes
of the people as expresse) their woe
4. tie - will not atlemptfto influence the cc
lion of Congress by foreshadowing his own
;peculiar 'notions on mciabil questions of
'doubtful policy, further than required by the
Constitution,-tior will he permit his cabinet
Ito do sq.
veoPle's representatives or. defeat their will
- by the exercise of the Veto PoWer other than
itr poses . of extreme or hasty bgislation ;
norclear violation of the Constitution.
4 6. 'He will faithfully carry out the wishes
of the people as -expressed through their
'representatives on the subject of the Torii-I—
.:mil if
_the Whigs succeed in giving to the
country the principles of the Tariff net 01
- 18:12 - by the repeal-of she Tariff act of 1846,
be.tvill sanction their legislation.
7. He will not veto or prevent the passage
laws passed by Congress in reference to
•! improvement of rivers and
harbr 'ltat—eirnitiTtitu•
Jors, or any of 1-i — nafrer - 11)
iionally belongs to them to settle,
t 3, He will prevent arid overthrow all
schemes and plans for the conquest of other
onittries or for annexing the lands' of other
mations to these States.
9. He will prevent war, because having
truly toiled through its desolating walks, and
witnessed its sad havoc of the fireside arid
hearth-stone of his fellow-man, he feels that'
it is an evil constantly to be avoided, unless
necessity require; its existence.
10. He will adminsfer the government
'faithfully according to the Constitution. Dur
ing his loag life of arduous and trying ser
vice, he never failed .to perform all his du
tieswell and faithfully.
11. lie will - prosdlibe no man for a con
. *scieidionS' difference of opinion; being a
lover of liberty of thought himself, he cat)
afford In tolerate - it in others.
12. He will through his great popularity
be enabled to govern our country without the
aid of organs or irresponsible cabals—but
being the President of the people, to them
alone 'responsible for his actions, willout a
subserviency lo platforms, erected
to misguide instead of informing the public
In addition to these twelve reasons for the
rapport of General ZACHARY TAYLOR,
the Republic owes to him a debt of gratitude
'for fris brilliant military services in the late
war. The, battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de
-- la -- Palma, Monterey arid Buena Vista will
fill the brightest.-pages 'in - Arnerican - •llistory
• —arid' long • altei'lliti• glen lebtter in those
celebrated." patties, having received his re
' ward en this . .eitith; Shall be gathered to his
lathers,*Will: the' ptoud,retrospect he made
•• by!Sticceriliag'generatioris, and just tribute'
•'• , paid telhe inertiory of the illustrious hero
.and, his aiiiiiiniaions in arms. • •
it miry be asked what assurance is there
• Thet.thinerid TAVi.oa will catty out the views
,That are,herein expressed. It i 4 answered—
'ilie'Solemely.pledged word of the old soldier
• 'mini 4 Who ''never equivocates—never
,r e ,,
videilleptietisibility—never asserts an un
'iiifilinetter speaks harshly of any human
' neve/ surrenders. • •
• this . 'clay
,two tears aim the' gallant
Standard 'hearer of our, party broke' op his
• .004, opposite. Mote:3l6lm 'Mod . ' pom m enced
'`'Aluiteareer of viefoty
'ite'Viite,..oichfilled:tlia:tforld'Wcili omen
"' arid'hiip countrymen with pride and
snore' appropriate day
l',-4;feeartif'st3iiv'e ' been Soletitrid 'commititieeithe
't'' } `ceinp~ppaigri"tt_arnnt'tfie"jpresent: occupa is of
"posses - Teittrill4liat place!
',the "'fig e
briiietir, - Of 'PeritiiiSliveitia.:';.The'cori
'feet 'hittelieiriniP-Aie t( Canap r islueken
on their .
[••••... are '
fliii.'4allame'stootteitr-beari3f nun
' ,.. ;' , eintiidottiire-W4thiPidirtii'e'xe.riiett;' . - ',With'
lid I title' is rii stieMeSS'
lti4ititoi:riiid' '6o'll°4
ktfi., ..,.•„..,,,,, ~. ---,..--r -. . . .
.f.j:.,'.... , 4 IlcsrocsetTtc'Ortmori Or CAPS... 4I : Prom-, , ;
p!....1 , -.4nent , Vermont Lotofore;WrilOs to a.friend itt
V l , l ,: qtititi:dl' . : ' '' , ''•' ' ' ' ‘ 1
: 1 . 4 ilii 3 4 en, tIPS was Secrowy, oil I ar I
ii tiger i o, l 4sll;tlA_raf a 1,40.4. Jacksiiititi,Catiineiitl l
oisPnMPIP , IS! A 11 11,0811411 w - liile.. k renry,q;lol
OA' iVil4,),*'_Cii. 1 14.9a,O1WfttimishiVila.,
*6l rr 01MIT- 4 . 1 :6kike:410 42 4 ,1 1141==z
711 . ...4 t t l; IT*I I4 /. Villitififilo*.atig.
s i
irVika,9 Vi
- o ,'i who "imil.rnlWei.!4...i:nYcop-,.
-04. , ,,v 1 ° a , 11 1 :, , , .1. i .!914 1,.! i n9ln!kii*,:i ..4
milASP.ut SI°44,' 11 . 1 , 111 ! 11 -.I il'PrelAppt!#
.giiiis i ft lry!‘"CtJ4thr grillOnitine: s rnsi,
~,..,i , ,,t0 itrqmil Pff • I °F;IN, g°ootittioy.plet
',:": g„,e 4 ,-,-T i rcestl , k i ..„Yrtlettif:;4;,.liallft
:4 4 4.40 1 4:1 , 41.),`,ritOskillif i liij`tilfikM i 'V v %
zitroir, „jk firw 2 i.„t .„„,;;. ..t.4. 2 ,.i, 2 .;4 1 ,
tiv ,••;•.;PL-i°PA, "Ng i1.1 3 .,V1N.9. 1 45MVM •'• II
Te.tVliPailiiiceJf.a•; , !re . 'Al. 4 o ll :i:iiPil, i!! . ..klltiC-*
~ i. r .'WO!initien thiproifibt o . l,44t)plannitiit;i?' s ix-
irl i ti k fairkitiffe'pii:iii - y7wirefilei;hrtit*l;4 ,l 2 , _ ;I
pt,,; , ,fhilr ti, . thainio , o6ciliciligliiWlll vo
:kr.0 111 : 1 :,fil - 1 1 : 1 9% • , ( paya , ,„ 7 ,y , _ . . ,
iliei:' ‘...• -','':. .: 2 , r' , .: •, ' , `•- %',',',".. :,-. -,.
fKMA,tiii4'.:_,:::,', .1 -', (~,.; ;• ':.; ~-: .4 ,:st ...,. -,„ • •_ 'I , ~.',... ~ _, :
bit y
1842141,526 ton&
' l l,
41 . ,•63
1844, 87 4 073
7845; 85,771
1846 i— .456,833
Demotraile Whig Nominall°ll4.
John N-Sanderiop,'Lebanon. •
Thomas M. T. M'Kennan, Washington
1. Joe. G. Clarkson
we Wetheril/
4. ja h m es e Vr. bel
Davis ‘.l
. 5 Dt del 0. Hither
6. Josh a - Duatiga9
7. John . Steel
8. John'La des,
9. Jo , 42Seht uckei
10. Chares Snyder '
11. Wm. G. Hurley
12.. Francis Tyler
R. I'.III'CLURE, ShiPperlPbUr ,,
J. J. HEM PH ILL r tlope w9O.
Clerk of the Courts
Director-4- the Poor. .
JOHN W. CRAIGHEAD t S. Micidleioii.
The Hauser Family.
These.celebrated.musicians haVe been
giving Cimeerts for the two lastevenings
in our borough, and have afforded the
higherit delight to all who have beard
them. Those who have not heard them
should not lose the opportunity this eve
ning. The subjoined notice from the
Philadelphia North American, 'is fully
justified by the great merit of their per
formances •
Minstrels having been announced to give
a Concert at the Chinese Museum, on
Wednesday - Evening, we drooped in 'n
few moments, expecting to find one of the
many humbug performances that haie so
often been Placed before. the public, but
we were most agreeably disappointed.—
The. nauser..Fam ily, consists of two bro-
there, two sisters and two cousins. Their
name is very familiar to the musical
world of Europe, particularly. Russia and
Prussia.. The voice 'of the charming
Teresh, which is a soprano, is clear, full
and molodious ; the contralto of the two
lovely sisters who have lately joinedthe
troupe, is rich and powerful; the tenor of.
Franz is manly and agreeable ; the bari
tone of Zeppa unsurpassable; he also
plays the Zither in a masterly style.—
The bass of George is so, deep and mu
sical that it fills the mind with a sensa
tion of astonishment and admiration.—
Their- several vbices harmonize delight
fully; and all their,melodies breathe that
sweetness and Plaeidity m pecaliar to*Ger
man music ; and'ihe effect 'it not a little
heightenedby the picturesque appearance
of their national i costume. The simplic
ity of manner and abience of all
effort in their style of singing,' it; ut once'
perceptible, and is well worthy the auxin.'
tion of those who 'adMire• the 'beauty of
sweet:sounds'!--and Who does not ?
eo.eigrfsti,,lo . a e e
-IYe are jequ'ested ig. 6 , 1 4t9 1,,
,rees of erurnberlant •an Petry. Immures; ap-
Abin'ted to canter -upon. the.noinination of a
AViag,earalidate'loi Cen4risii febtithrtlistriet,
wilt meet atrhe Otihhe itpuse'of 111 i,
ia:liew villa, oa,)Tuesdaylhe, 12th;..4ay of
‘Seiiteotheriai-12 -- •
... • ,
• , Our aliumksalienthoki ; •,, . •
The Cheintian
1 11 - Gi.:".140.41
aliciukttol:l4l*.lloo,Atilaf - Sep . tennberi
hes' tieeitiorjApaidlieihtih 7 of iClutbber, al
'thee)? ,Of f
ioe " luff:'" , : l l l .mi_;:.PPOP o 9P l43 9 l .l . 01 4 *
Gov: , ..lotirisqlg,lto be present as
The cailitilrbeihusuiti in. our , neat. •
. , , .
arese,meatlilFCtti„ t itaftte.t
111 e s Hon clelMitiOdi 41'410..4
ti general tnlrStAlith l )ollll,M4, ' *um
e;let,coneiEaq. Ilea written that "- I he wilterr
*l4l,o"be 'there as one of the epett!te!e t -:,:gi t e
rOttis . Pl,CtimbOlnd cmint Y ,l 4S4i!hl ir 9
'huge ntainblne[lo Caoh tlie'fiti,thatiteinm
• t
IWO° ;Overly irt Adater; r
?Tr:, ' •
Grand , Conceit I
to , massri: Gsditeisifs4ot .11i0:,44ttlebralk
'Vfolieranist araiNfittormeiAifeettntuar: the eet:
ebretad .11qaeriati,;h1We' the hOper to entrance , tri
'the public cet,htl• l l!) , f Ti o i bitYl. 4l 4 o ) l her, wilt; ,
give 4 GRAND COACE4N# itt s tae ionnpe
this week ! when they ; will p4trorm their moat
pcipalar'inerta• For ParticiintitOblie eteoloo
- -
+:.~pA~=a=~t=aEw~'.;P.B~~, r te' V ~1~~~
13. Henry Johnson .
14. Wm. Colder, Sr.
15: Win. MeMain'
16. Chas.:lV. Fisher
17..Aci11.w G. Curtin
18. T. R. Davidson: •
19. Joseph Markle
20. Daniel Agnew
2.1.- And. W. Loomis
22. Richard livin
23. Thomas H. Silt
24. S. A. Paiviance
' Auditor.
'.NODUrat 00-0, 01'.. " Johnson: '
I'4lM:brief pror'!eedings pi- the Whig .Sta . te;
idthiventien, in another' column, Will Ar.forMl
louilriallers of the nomination of Mr :present
„Constitutional Governor, Hon.
kiiINSONi as the camlidate of th!eirlendir,
of TA LOR for. Governor. We contraolle'
}turn "mends upon this nomination. andesPe
-4.! i ) ,P9 l ll ll 9pqrf:ept feeling
.!'unionaird s
harmony' 71ticla the nomination this
tliere wire' 'not - a • iliegenting virice
in the Was 'it:146104 'end
enthusiasm—and the.vist of sOC4tz•
tors in attendance gave - Ikii leStimony in.
One, M iglty bUrSt . of acclamation approving,
of themOreiriation!
As for the norvinee a eulogy of ours could
introduce him to oar readers half so . well as,
he presents himself to the people, in his
Lancaster - speech; whicir; ;Am publish - to=day;
ft will of course be_read by all, and cannot
fail to elicit approval ; as well as'secure to its'
author theyeapeet and ali s blion of ever . ) , true
PentisylVani* of all parries. That WEL-.
I.IAU yo. true-man -and a.
l'efirisylvartirin - - 'oiler'—that he is - die
roughlii.iinbund with genuine, Penneylvania
feeling;:qpinioMand patriotism—that he, un
derstands the character, resources, grievances
and wants of Pennsylvania-=this' speech
bears areple evidence.. We :are proud of
bur ed idate, , and - connot believe that Penn
syliania will deliberately 'reject the privi
lege of choosing such a man as her Chief
-70 -(he work, then,. ft iends of TAYLOR-and
JOHNSON! Let us know no sleep to our
eyes, or slumber 'to our energies, but !et
every' man make the work his ownoluring.
the month that remains, and the election *oh
WM. F. JOHNSON, m October, will be but
the precursor of a more glorious victory un
der the illustrious Hero who "mere,. surren
dere? . •
Locoroco Slate Convention.
The State Convention of our opponents
which was held on the 30th; and continued
to 'hit morning of the 31st, displayed the u
sual disorder which distinguishes their pro
ceedings. MORRIS LONGSTRETH, a mem
ber of the Board of Canal Commissioners,
was nominated for Governor, on the fifth
ballot. We subjoin the bidlionings:
.1 - 841101 24.- 3d. 4th.
—49 —.60,,--63 83
28 25 25 .30 25
28 29 27 21 -23
19 -17 18 16 00
6 6 00 00 00
Bigler, - •
The Harrisburg Intelligereer say's, so dead
for Governor fall upon the party, that they
could not even raise a burro• -Their propo
sed Mass Meeting t for which extensive ar
rangements had been made, was a totallril
are! Flaming Handbills, as -large as barn
doors, were sent out, and nutsic-tras, paraded
around the streets in an Omnibus to drum up
the faithful, but it was like 'calling spirits
rpm theyastteepi . they called them, but_
thpy..Ao4lo 913,i.c0me. The rtays_ol Loculo
coism in the old Keystone are numbered.
Gen. Taylor's Letters.
Our r e'ghbore of the Volunteer and Dem
ocrat are publishing a great many • garbled
extracts of Gen. Taylor's letters, for the pur
pose:el misrepresenting his position as a
candidate, but we give one below which we.
venture to say they will not 'publish. Gen.
Taylor has not written one letter which we
cannot approve of, but this one we like par
ticularly :
BATON ROUGE, La., August 12, 1848
DEAR SIR :—I lake pleasure in acknowletl;
ging the recept of your letter of the 22d of
July, enclosing to me solutions adopted at
a meeting of the Whig young ;nen of 7►u
In these resolutions I find terms of res
pect and confidence towards me as highly
gratifying as they were unexpected, andfur
which I tleAre to express my sincerest thanks
to the Whigs' of Auburn, who have thus
flateringly responded to my nomination.
'To yourself; sir, I - return my - bestacknowk
edge merits . for the kind terms with. which
you have accompanied the ltesolutions, and'
for the, •gratifying assurance of the warm
support .of the Whigs of your city at like
corning election. • I any dear sir, •
11'ith high respect and regard,
1 our most ob't servant,
. .
. .
ANDREW J. STEVENS, Egq., Secretary.
Auburn Rough aud.Rendy Club, Auburn, N.
(I*-Tho Auburn Advertiser, gives us the
resolutions to which Gun. Taylor so warmly
reipOnds. We subjoin two olthent,bv which
it wtll be seen that old Zach is not at all :toot
'outt_ by the,,Wilinot,Proviso doctrines of his
'Northern Ariends: - • ..
Resolved;' That as'Whige we are unalter
ably and lorevir In favor , 61 'lie exelpsion
ol Blaveryfrom Intl, lute- 'territory, 'now or
hereaher to become theffiolietty ol the
ted States.. '•
Reeolved, That ,we view'pen: Taylor, as
a man, itotioratiletut a - aoldier,liratep-aa'n
patitot,,inoorruptible—as a ataidarnaitlgebt
. ...UP a ,Whig, , , unwavering and' true: That
We regard tile election to lhe , Rreaidettoy na
the,greateet , aalituardr`to;on(Union,'not o
front toes withonybat Irturi'dangerotia
':.Mr.. C II rie!inn ••Stayman, of thin •borough,
• *dill u. iiQ sipp le fast' week, which goes a
1(*. 11
uinwe have hitherto
. .!1n. , -- 1 1-I*lie one poronl 'awl three.qiiai
....ierai,•4ll4!.;oreigliti -and meneurei 'sixteen
iimiiiiiii!iit!t*iriferettile I lt is the prOdeet
• iiti, .01iilikl.i.:10110i0itilli '°f Mr. Staiiirn,
11,19 4 111.01, 414NtRirs,:Tivitiiiiti11 , beating.* leiv
indis , ougwgincogidit . 4 ; :4in:-. 1
• 1:'*:..ka,40 4cinftlttii4Oour f rie nif At,
1*47 'SRfl44;4ol.ii;j4ietas:i',r)l44Stle;lo4(illeffiltlP4WOUii'lholYO
'9 Highland , Nursery'-' ..:.wtiiirli
*6O bele it floiriitiing'olidition'' if utitied .
S.Foeri (7 Ilfitfec i ' 9! Ati!,.9l!tint,i, informs its
iliat the u irrelitutlee'!.oyet: whieh 'he 1' ‘ '1 '
. A% 1.
getliaitedre, has not now
r aainglOboarder,
1 1 4 0i4if t •r 6 ,i ih i° 111 h 6 '* 1 " 45 ",iiilkiiiloce
, i .si, o f ;to , ' F ,, ,i , 0,,,,..„,i; divim to=:iiii;o s .f,ii 1.. 1-.,.
.,.,,lScpl fe: ! ,buf;as potnething pl ati : •lnklii,
t: itii;Otat:f , mbit s oil is rizu in this quatler, '
liii.4(4 l . ,! i?i' ; 'o4- ,!;:•N:, ' ' ' • - ''; ' . .
i•3,„,i,wt10,p4 oltite4,the , riovelist, died re •
ofeotly in. Eri;"lat111:.1- :
: ,r,.' • • ~. :, . ~,, • . ..;,. .• ~..,, , -.1;...-,-,'.;,,r-,'
Afe27lli: , fo
the r
- -'*44 l' 4faixiire4,;..lo:, run Btt fler far the
YleetrtiSi4Caiiiiiteed , 'Of Fill irtore.-.
,Thee is nothing ,ln; the ;conespondenae`be
braes the otfrders of `;he:thgetingtand Gen:
d icat 3 to the
atter. l o. 3 a 4 o o l.i9„rnft.r4.t9,4Pf? YiPP-.1 ) 007;
dency,•and it Very • stippese,
thafGen.Taflor,:imexteedingfo the nerfiliim
tfon'the ;taus(': reply, truer;; f ni h'jtia, of :Flt:
FillOrete'S name being droPped. eren
1 1 , 1 19-.ditb rw! l ,4 o t fee . 1 4 1 0 -GreqKaYlP,! 0. 0 4 d
be expected Jo refuse acomittation,comiog
efithely toiei loppfeces,, merely i:;Ocsosethose
lacolocos do not 'also , see proper to support
Mr. Fillmore.. Had it been a Whig meeting
this obligation would certainly have rested
Attie:in - him. • •
At an adjourned meeting CO Monday eve
ning; Mr. Collier; the, Chairman of the Corn
.Mitte'i made a report, , in-ihe . COarse of which
—dedording to the Argueh; glanced at the
• 'Cli;irlespe:aflir•--rePrisentiitg it:tie a;propo
tiitiod palhe pat t - of certaic:lOCci'locos to drop -I
Cites orid,go for Taylor—and not, he said, as
hod besn,supposed, on Saturday night, 'RS a
propositon on, the :part of Southern 7 whigs.
to drop Fillmore. •He could see no harm in
the General's thanking the Charleston demo-
Crate icr proposing to vote tor him, receiving
their votes, especially when accompanied
with the usual deplaratlon that they thesi
vote' for him without' pledges. The report
_goofed:ed . whit resolution referring the for !
, thee consi deration of_ Gem TaYlot's letter to
the Whig Slate Convention; gad
89pr:ill the electoral ticket to be nomii
timed by that convention.. Mr. Collier, Mr,
H. G. Wheaton, and Mr. John S. Vac Ren
sellaer addressed the meeting in favor id the
teport• and _resolution's, and they were _ car
tied. Mr. T. Butler Kink, of Georgia was ,
introduced to the meeting, andlipoke Briefly
7 -z-111(finnitt object of his remarks was to re,
pel the idealhai there was disaffection -to Mr.
Fillmore among the Southern_ Whigs. The
Albany - Express, a paper opposed to Taylor,
at the close of its notice of the meeting, says
Tailor and_Cass_ on Slavery_'._
Fite 'Washington Union, the "by authority"
organ of the great
_loccdoco party, gives the
free posittort of Taylor and - caps on the gnes
lion of Slavery extension, The editor of the °
.Democrat says w•e are committing . a frond
upon our renders in representing Gen Tay
to be opposed to the-=extension of Slavery.—
•Bm the following extracts from the "Union"
eltoWs that we are correct, and that it is the
Derrick - an which is fah/ft/big the views of
Cawood Taylor: .
Coss in Poor of timer!) e.itension.
Ae all. events we are happy to under
stand by
. private' letters that Generu 5 L,CASS
firmly stands the grountrwhielt he lies taken.
Being applied to .lornially. by-a nunr•of the
Wilmot stamp, he declared- imliesfiatirMly
that he adhered to his Nicholson letter and
to the Baltimore nlieform and that ij elected
Preuktit. he would V ETO Tile ‘VILMuT PRO-
Aug. 1, 184. •
Taylor opposed to Slavery Extension. •
There can be no doubt about General TAX . -
Lon being opposed to the extension of Slave;
ry. His letter to G.en. Gaines and the Cin
cinnati Signal are proof of this fact. That he
liver in a stave Stare is no argument that he
wishes its extension. Thousands of the citizens
'af the South Geneve slavery to lie wrong. in every
aspect in which it can he vieleetP'—Washing..
ton Union . , Aug 5, 1848.
The vote of the eight Southern Whigs in
Congress to lay the recent Compromise Bill
on the table is a striking proof that "thou
sandi of the citizens of the South • believe
slavery to be wrong in every aspect in which
it can Ins vieTed,"and'among flies° - is Gen.
Taylor, as many facts Lave shown.
MORE CHANGES.—Ihe Rockville (Md.)
Journal says, that Major Peter, who has been
a lender of the Democracy of Montgomery
county, intends to give ft."ToyloOtaoxeciie
this week, at Whtch,a number of fitie speak
ers will attend. Major Peter gees for
Zech,' because lie knows the man—has
seen some service I.volt Mtn, and is beside
'an old soldier himeelf.' The. Journal
eneh Demecratl4 as Major Peter bat
tling foi the Old 17ettnderei of Buena Vista;
what elm the friends of ',Cass expect but 'a
%Vete:leo: defeat next' November? •
FO R ElG . NNiews.—There have.been trrOar.o
ovals of Foreign News duriegthe past week.
The rebellton in Ireland has been suppressed'
without a blow on the pact of, the peole.-
Smith O'Brien and nearly,all the : leklere have:
. beet i t arrested add imprisoned by, the 00ir. 7 ,
Fettnee is tranqutl.. The stateof siegi , stilt
coutinney 41,1'011., ;;. , , :• .
. • • .•_ •
illEyFf.roto. • •
It 3 rn !TT
"Getterel OitterafrosuAn %Var. Department,
under:dote 6(lL'4ost . .r'24th, that "11114.: : I , ,
,tinii u Tait:bl l :o4), Infantry; hai:fekei
Pf•LiPit• 41 for
gallant, and meritorious conduct in the battles
•of' Centralia, lad Churutruico; Alakice.
Democraypublialietl at jillei#llfrikty!** ,
gin? & 4 , 11 ‘1 , 5 1 P,1 G cr.°44. 1 , 4 ?.**,.0
boroughi**4 lo4 7tiowikibe4*, 4 4 4 / 1 440 .
W 40.146,444 t e iietpcooli i :ter f oraioio
P pths
frl il)A 4 Fl l'ipm?NrY 7 49 . w lo l 0-1
Mge!i i tetlhe 11.1•Slit00,8ems?le;
• • •• • • ? , •s•
tore of •Teroneiiiiii r iiiTatiutuPon• the . res%-
HatlOlt holvdtisVflits• `!ilju red , 1110
locofooo parii , ,„ood,,coPl1 1 ) 0 1 1 t•,in lagoS 101
eueral presidency.
• Goa/ - Plantes ' E - 4 / ar e of ,tmt
c'rht•iiiiiortirleeseys ‘'there urn r Ai*
y ) o'ai; too of t!ie tin t ,
Wolf ,fltiP2qOi!'i3fli4l,one of Lewis CsissA
I the-e4lipseof 0416 'he total throughout'llie•
UjiltedAtiited ix t ' M6icioo.,
.• • ; •:• • T 4 "-
1 : 14 *R.1 41 1.1,01.1 a as a `',eritsd
...-;-;-•-pi,•-4,...0i011.41,34)4;e a '
i 0.4 4 4 vitAvpwr,9l e''
1 our prii 1 0!'1104416Y,IiirAapi
year, s
,` .N.,_,..•eiNEAtAkwr,RAZl4g
".{plllQ;,~'l'ATE : CON~ ' Ll~'~iplV~.
The • State Convention. of, the friends. of
[TAYLOR , 'end :FILLMORE, assembled in
Harrisburg„on Thursday tri•rt, the 31st ult, to
nominate 1i candidate for' Governor. Pub
hundred and !flirty 'dele . girtes were in Mien
aFit*beiliebilft hreel 073 the : o6loll.conveyt,
Owing m.ynant
,t3l room we are ettm
, pelted to abridge the, preceedinge: J: grown
Parker; Esq., iippeureiteit.gentuorial --- delm
gate Irom • Cumberlatid and: Perry, and Mit,
:Joseph , Ritner and Wrn.:,ll: Mullen, as
:RePreeentativer-Delegates from •Amiberland:,
• .
The Convention' wait Organized by calling'
the 'Hon: Cornelius Drirrigh, Of Allegheny to
the drab, and appoirilit4; 'Setrinel,Alleti, , of,
Philadelphia;and Charles Ccrok; . of COlum
ofl3erkqoviro had been ap
pointed Chairman of the Com elitrose
officers, reported the name of PETER
Al ICH LETt-i- of Northern pton - r - is, Chairman,
and a number of Vice•Presidenfl.
The convention being. Perrfialiently or
4atijx.e,d,proceeiled_tb'_nomihnte ,candidates
tor Governor,,— Whereupon . the names of
non: William F. Minster and 'Hop. James:
'cooper were proposed. •
No oddr names heing - proposedithe - Hom'
Joseph, Rimer presented a letter from the
Hon. JAMES COOPER, Attest*, "G - MYerel,
tinder. Governor Johnston. The letter was.
..written in e:digntfied anifTiandsome style,
and was to the .ellect; . thlit, knowing Iris
name would probably be brought before the
Convention as a candidate for the nomina
tion, he deemed it proper to state, he did
not wish to be considered a candidate.
The letter went on to stnte dint Mr. Cooper
- was - art7rious-that
over the proceedings of the Colleen,
tion, and that, to prevent any cause of dis
satisfaction so lar as .Ire was concerned; he
would beg-leave to withdraw his name from
the conaideration of the Convention.
'Pe letter wit. received with warm demon
strations of applause.
The name of James Cooper was then
withdrawn', from nomination, and a motion
was made that %yIbLIANI F. JOHNSTON;
of Armstrong county, be mumirnothty de
clared the nominee Of the Convention, which
was carried by acclamation, with enthusiastic
Joseph R. bloodier, Esq., from a Corn
!mite° appointed for that purpose, reported a
series of resolutions, which were unani
mously adopted.
Alter some further unimportant business
the Convention adjourned,- having completed
its business -in olio hour, and the proceed
it gs having been harmonious throughout.
From the illurrisburg Imel!Meurer.
The Blass Bleating
The lelre awl Enthusiasm of 1840
The Proceedings of the Democratic Whig
Convention Which assembled nt Harrisburg
to nominate a candidate for Governor, will
be Mend in our columns. Tbe Convention
w a s . composed of as fine and m'illigent
body of men as have ever assembled upon
arty similar occasion
Governor of Pennsylvania!
The vr hole prneerdings at the Crinventino
were,ol 11:e most haranhaintis anti. gratifying
character. It affords. es much pleasure to
- state to - our friends who were not. present to
witness the jOyeaseounteatineesol the firm
bei's of the convention. and the ntimerous
admirers of ZACHARY TA Y LOR,'who . at
tended from ler and near,lbat _the brightest
'confidence prevailed among the;wholis mass'
Itt.the etrouragiw,prespect,befure us. From
every quene4 from , every:'man addressed,.
and' we have corivenied With gentleman from
alt the ComnieriWisaltl, we have re
•cei veil ' ihe Most-confident' , nssurande of the
suesess.o: r oureauSe in. Pennsylvania. There
was but ottelsentimeitt , the the :certnin• and
complete triumph,. the
State r ; foul it was the, universaLopinion that.
['Goy. Johniiin Would also, be--trinnipharttly.
Clint's& AR eau le : waistedfo'O r aurte .
fcsylt, that' the'riairte aria's prevailed
amongst the thilegatei end Veiiple 'lterii : y,ea- -
tertlay, shall 'be instilled into Midi animate.
all the friends of Old• Rough and 4+Readyj itt
•thofitate.,.lrom, now _ until the': eleetton;_ and
that, tlie‘'.,incri out,TO
seectol TueOrty'iii October, ant! lierfertn
Ant their ` owe tote cause and • le., thiit •
v•• h veireen'oritinelf'Ontifittenf,
'spirit; pfivoileltiur oilikifistnee the Iglorioui'l
'dityylvol 1840: ~There.twas, : all,' the ettihnsi-: . '
.asartof , theiliarrison ',campaign, isittLAveiy.
P9I I Pd4ItC O 4Pf t
olLStso pioceedino of the nonntuating
, 'THE .1,44,i.50
Tn the'ttfternAon• a very large Ant ~very en.
metiting„ Wan,. bp - In' • e
i)Ani)Te'aiiiern6liritl; A
'sten& .was mimed immediately, itiihet rear
°Vibe buildirik forlhe' Opelikew it : :
•- ,MetvlielisEL,•; Eeq,,, trailed , idle
;AltincTng.toi,nnler, Anti tnynogno i tliA,
9 11011
I LAAitrprelonaT tlistrio) were
, Obesn, andleTled ulth - itit
itastbeo •
a; ' 'l'
;;;Ii . 1 13 1 .C . 5 ,i4 C1 4,0
..114N ~.lAll"loCifoPE4t.i
;r1 , .
toe,4teihn:shireilliiii:,(AVi4 proOicsNc,
ZIA4 I OeR.r/i4 , 11.1 1 1-earti
31.clitirleifp 1
4i 4 4 *YA §it i neYrit-9 1 !Psills'siL tPstniliA
i tk tw ' jr. ter k
?11th tfliarldaiJf;lip~itt► 411 - 011 , 7!r.;•:
32 . 1 hr0 11 i1i 1 6, 31 .94 , 14 1 )A9r4A4K - iir;:iii,%e
.9411;1 1 .11;,vitifer,;:l
.Al\l l , ICtrAc
•1011 i.. (iOV: - Joseph, Run er;'
•- • •
191111 dohn..Cikieittle, - "Jahn,.Watesirt
;20tteedtailtaifiltirun,k'..1, - ,, ,- 4,, ,
22d.f.Dthn Al!,Dibaitrneiti S. Cullijingham
S; Labe'
f?..‘llll;,ffettiarrop fi
artehurO, J,lll436llivtiti
H. Satfitirt,,,of,,Beirks.
Thomas Foater; of Dauphin
. John T. 'Whinom of Allegheny
-Lentider N On of Dauphin •
Lem:m . 3lG. Brandebuly of Cumberland
D. P. Boyer, al Lebanon
• -George.Berguerof-Datmitin ,•••• -- -
John C. Gerrish,••of Philadelphia county
Seymour lienneit, of Dauphin.
Willett Hicks, of Philadelphia.
The meeting having been . eygnnized, Goy
ereer,,lol4SONtwits intrittliiced-Ki-lilie -large.
sod crowded assemblage, whose appearance
w greeted.wit h .the huzzas and plaudits of
ihottaands;elC . deviiked hilt', kers
.and blends.
Alter tlie - ,Chiering'hrid'embilded; the Gover
nor proCeeded to 'address the meeting
j n
ilffebli:orstiiiielettgth arid with the tieen
liar force and power for, which he is distin
guished as a public speaker. , Ills address
was_botkand.kvible, arglirnentive and con
v incing,'°.,anif . 'tiroduced thelhappiest
Wegregiet:iliat We - are unable' to give a
'moref.eXteolled notice of , !..
' DetviAtv, of 'Allegheny:coiiiiijc was
ifie'reeeting,,phir tottile a
4noits, iscellent sPeech, abounding:4l,l'l)mm
and eloquence which atlireestouvulaed the
audiente• withlaugliter, aintaganr,elicited
the moat utibountlearapplauge. Mr; D: is
justly celebrated as one of the Most 'effecti've
and popular public speakers in 'tile ftte . ,
and. lost untie of the reputaifed he. lids ac
quired by, his effort on this &modem!
briefly, but with a most powerful and happy
' effect, as he is always 'able to do on such
occasions:--flis speech was loudly-nnpl tooled I
and when he closedrabout six o r clock, the
itMetinwadjourtied, wittitremendous cheer
In the evening', throughTthe exertion and
Aindaess Of our friand'S of the Philadelphia
:delegation,. and 'especially
_devoted ,
and indefatigable. hig, Mr. Geoaceitits:rsMT
we were"gratilied end deliahted 'with the ex
quisite music of. Bailey's Brass Band, and a
grand and beautiful display of FIRE-WORKS
on Capitol Hill, prepared ,for the occasion by
11r. Jackson, the justly celebrated l'ytotech-,
wr el Philadelphia. It was indeed a most
splendid _and gratifying exhibition, and 11.
In ululated ihe balmy moil placid night, to
the delight of every one ;_ rmil,especially :vas
the pleasure 91 the crowd testified, when
were displayed in glewing letters of living
fire, the names of
The crowd assembled on the Ilil was im
mense, the largest probably ever gathered
together. Men, women- Ana 'children were
ant, and all' were delighted, - and expressed
but one opinion, that it was the mo,t perleet
and magnificent exhibition of the. kind they
had ever witnessed: ------.
The hand net only delighted di; an.lience
on the litll with holy sweet music, but was
also pre.ivitt at the Convention and &lass
Aleettng, and tended greatly to enliven and
enhance the pleasures of the occasion.
_ On one part ot.the.gromuls, we believe
belore the exhibition - 0: ' fife.WOrkS WM.
mewed, a meeting was ormmixed at which
E.C. IVii.LiAms-presided, mid speeches
were made by 51r. OLIPHANT of Fayette,
and perhaps some other gell:itHr Cll. but t to
crowd was so immense that not nne•loulth
of the people could hear or know of what
was going on.
After the exhibition of fire•warks closed,
the crowd left the ilill, and wended their
way towards Market Sqbare, where the
very beautiful transparencies of Gen. Taylor
(noticed in another article) were eihibted.
Here the people, with the tine and enthusi
asm of 1840 burning to their bosoms were
not yet content, but organized two meetings
in front of Covet ly'R and Satiderson'e Hotels,
where they listened with eagerness addresses
from the Hon. C. DARUAGII 01 Pittsburg,
l'nostss E. CocnasN of York. IVlr. ittsactriszt;
01 Bucks, J. C. NEVILIJI o: &heylk-ill, GE();
Idermin of Thilildelphia. nun thIARLES B.
PENIIOSE, and M.'lWMicit.tzt:, all of Whom
made spirited and able speeches. The
speak leg was kept up till triter twelve o'clock,
and the most lively enthusiasm prevailed.
A large bon-the bliszed all the evening in
the centre of the square, avid at about It
o'clock a large bantam was sent oil, which
rose very beautifully, but owing to the calm
ness of the night not very high.
The people quietly retired to repose utter
the adjournment of the meetings, to arise in
the morning and renew again the eitr,,,le
for the country.
Fru -) R earl JOHNSTON!
1:01W !ridingcosiest!—'l'U RN
envy and misrule. The cause of correct
pr . inciples .meet trill be triumphant, if
you but do your duly, and our.beloved'eoult
try will againbe-pineed on the high road`to
her lastins , and brilliant destiny.
14" ran the Hero 'of Buena Vista ex
ilainted, op that memorable fi:ehl, When the
hosts .01 Santa Anna had fled,) ,! If we all
pull together. WE CAN'T BE BEAT !" •
toit , in (Motion.
Poo.tiont to u call of the Rang h and Rea.
FILLMORE, nits held at. Lees.
:hti i ri"Oit'ilOna•ty the Plsi instant.
The.mtieting,iveinfke called... to erder Ate.
, President; t Fie learnaiptee7on';ieanlulitlas re.
tiona ) of h 'eh ttie .ou ly .1 . 00(4 `
.for 4ho
-!!'• •
t teltoblertit.ipper
thoroaghly-4tree , :edflvlll,soeit be reedy
nation, andswill arlicnikitt , toaOsot.thinttlerfer'
TetOor Yiltrn Orel& Nniiitti tier •ne.Nl:?
lat4el,lOe'rio — a6.lO,Ata,Voltibt7-11i4titatlitta0-00 - tili:'
-,(That , r •
'6;04: 6.1.1c-ty
itetcolveq, Thrit the IVlnge 40O(hatali ,
ton'triwnsh!p: hnie (Test:4'olo theineehte4‘ta 4 ,
to'ati ussotintiotr,Teo4.PitiOitii'lir,piiimot
ing the, election et the 7wh01e,817 Ticket i
. .cr,POl,PreOidePl.o 0,C9-Pakifeci.§Pliaaylcl'Olan`.
1 , 1 -vi', 0 4,..!1, the
citizens eirpfetne to,;, the
011114113, to, untie . .4lllt Allem; Jo! ,;•if,74
ile Presitlept,i , htr.thrneeNelgoottitir
kiii IC vitiy apprtioilatii',"rehnitirlqliittrri;
ducat! William 14pkgjii,14 the iithlienoci;
wholepPotideilin ti•voWeblelinil eloquent
add rees, , frequently' itnerktititeti by: , ilia ait; .
tilanee , antl,elleere )the'rqeeting,it
.the.meetintretijourned tci, meek
av conoe: soh nortonie,
irk,' the . likpi .. Siiimernbe
; O l kic e itY•qi‘ oll )l?iith , j ,
f6,4,9,0004.V4 14VP011ioppaiiiit otft
(all ?! 1/01 9 once ag tin . fin Q
POLLS in °c
lod untried, stud our
Inc:, cod our country
he lellerA of subservi
t l
Ap \ ith -„ol olelletoit,;s7fleeting.
7, 1 .PV , : , number: ofthe friends of Tip.
,i it' .4filltitora 'assembled , at • Wise's
S'ehti" 1 Hiiiii4'.in SOuth Middleton .. 1, .. town.
s'ez,overiing of the 30th alt.—
The'kpileedrig7was organized by appoint•
lag ihefatioving - officerst,„ _ • ,
Vice-Presidents--Henry Leib, Jacob
Hollinger, G. W. O'Donnel, G. W.
berti, undlohn - Souders.
Secretary—Diller"l. Leidich,
The meeting being organized, B. M.
Henderson,Bsq.,, of-Carlisle,': war re.
- rjnestetlzto deliver an address,itn yvlitclt
he res Ponded in an'elqient and intefest..
_ing,.manner, which- excitetFlistritrap.
.The committee On 'resolutions,- consist.
frig', of Messrs. G. B. Cole, Samuel In
Miller, Geoke AO'Dennell, Benjamin
Plank and Lewis Spender, iheri'repOrfed
several resolutions, which were attained.
(We have not room for the resolutions.)
The meeting then .ndjourned... ‘.
; (Signed by the Offers.)
. .
• ClUji 'PROSPECTS •IN tadmis..—The . %tea.
'go DerriOcrit, a Cass and Butler pa?er, says ;
4 41 t cannot ; he- denied that Acre is a conPide•
rable defection from lho. beinot;rotio party
in this city, and thafGOh. Ceps will not le'
eeive so large a majority ad havd tomer •
iiven at • Pieliidential eleetlnif ) Wien
sueh:Ediidssiona are made by our
We have a right to hope for the entire over
throw of Lecoloimism.
(),—The Venni:int 'Stole Election took
Owe last Monday. The Alaino Peetioe t „
taxes place.utrtrTmestlay;
.Sandusky Bank aid
Bank, 01 Ohio, haiTiailed. •
- ,
ifKr-John P .Hale, the Abolitionist condi.
datodur thd Presidency has . publicly
drawn in favor of Van Buren.
tosatn.--When disease
itkiwie*the the pysical frame, no time alinuld be lost
In procuring it proper remedy to arrest the malady at
once: Foy the cure of Pulnifinitry
Brithcitilis, Aethiva, Obstinate Conglis.Spittitirßltiod,
Pain In the. Breast, in clout ninilseases of !lie Throat
and bungs, .Thonipson'a Compotitid .Syrup of Tai
and Woud Naphtha" is superfor to. all oilier reme
dies, operating mildly and pleasantly In the general
system. Strengthening and healing the lungs, sooth
ing Arritatinn..nrresting the cough, allaying nervous
reellesenesi, anti imparting tone to the debilitated
frame. Thotaxnulls have been Teetered to health by
the unparalleled efficacy of this excellent inedlchie,
slid proof sibundant is offered of Its superiority toter
every' other remedy.
Prelatic.' and sold by ANGNEN & DICKSON, N,
E. cornerofFifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia.
slim " .
ctn . and 61 per buttle
Adl the following aitieles 4 whieli tare
- .O"Sraisted unbounded populariiy; ate sold liy
CiciLnr, the only -agent Ipt the get;
unie articles in Carlisle. Buy only co bin)
as all ethers are countelfen.
flan fur 1848 gratis:
Ist—For Colds and Feverish feelings snii e •
venting Fevers 2d-:For Asffinin, Liver ten -
-plaint stud 41illious eft idles Sd—For
rhoeti, Indigretion siiil Loss of Appetite -411.--
F 6l, Utiskivetiess ill fenniles lied mules Ati ,- -F"
Stomach street inns, Dv and Piles.
The gresi - poitits ore, it is not Iptil to ink e, i.e.
vcrgivea.pnie anil never Tenn es one Jost is e.
Poe all these illings it is warranted unequalled
and ail who do not find•it so nine return the hot.
medicine is LONG GREAT
seription in an Almanac: for 1848, gratis,
Halm al ColOntbitt Bair Tonic--To the
Bald and Grey--Ir you wish a t ielt,lnstaidant
bead of hair, tree front dandruff. Mill be' tilf, tilt
lint fail to procure the Cellulite Huhu of Colum
bia Milkiest it will more thou es
tree:: your exp..etations Many who base lost
their hair for twenty years hale had it restored
to its original perfection, hy the use GI this halm
Age, state or condition appears to be no obstaelt
whoever: it also catmes the fluid to flow wills
which the delicate Itair tithe is oiled, by hit
illeilliti tholl9lllrllB (Wlillte gt'r 44, the
atic eagle) have hol their hair realm i it itts na
tural color by the use of this invaluable lined,.
in* till.ctises of fever it will be humid t e most
pleasant wash that eau be used A few appiieu.
Miro . only are nem:sears to keep thy I alr trots ,
&Ilk: out Ifstrengtheas the roots, it :o'er "sill
to impart a Vial glossy appearance, nn I ass lit I.
111111 e hoe the toilet it is trliegillilled; three
times as much as other miscalled h 1 it remora.
tires, and is more :Aeolis:o The gm nine menu-
Ittelltred only by Comstock iltr. Cuurtlatatl
street, New York
CootiePe Mogicai Pain Ecitractor--11--ia
now conceded by medical men that I ount.Pb Mu
gma I Pain Extractor, ma ott fact creel by Co' rock
Ce Co, 21 Courtland street, New %ork, is the
greatest wontlerof I 9111 centory Its eftt cis are
trilby It All ' mitts ilre rem°. ell from
bnrtts,!width, Ike, and all external sores, in tifrw
'' '' u "ufler its a PPITIV4iiii, healing the Mahe en
the most delicat e skill, lea* leg no fr.r. It is
(uppity beneficial in- all k sods of it fino:matery
diseases, such ass sore Nipples and Sprain; , ,,
Rheumatism, % 1 Isits!.sa citing cod Ulc'et s, find
see, !lotus,
Chilblains r:rysiorlas, ltiles, Tin
Dlolorcass.&o IVe might add 4, Prof& 1 0 all
we say, the names of massy eosins lit phy sit inns
who us it in their practire, homing's of the
cergy who praise it to their people Kind parcsa
keep it constantly out. Land ; eases sat arcidest
by •fiectlile mac be lost iciihnsit it,'hut by its use
all,bur..s are sobjeut to its control, unless the vi
isure destroyed.
Caution—,llcmamber and ask. for Gorman/I's
I Magical Pain AXi/IiCIOP, manufactured by Comg
stock k Co, New York, nod taken() other. • .
!Deafness eared---Dr.. 'No ir's A /Tonsil°
011.—Thoie deaf from old agA and frominfattcy
often receive their besseing in a most miraculous
by the use-of Oncost It has the effect
to restore thb tension and liriug into the amend
Action of the parte so as to restore the Isearsog
when ins( or impaired This st ill he alone In all
cases of recent deafness, and !molly of loog.stasual.
log All deaf persons should tase.thls oil. Com.
. stuck f 4 Co, 21 ',Courtiand street', arc the ri hole.
trtle - rs: — Poßtel - r-perfhark. , • .
Patio, Sores • /ko —Titer; Genuine.. Hay's
Lioltnent, is an • lirtiele tour Pcirbnitrii O n
a mire for•the if bare; II ati;atsy,Or all Its'.
'eures-are alquast.. horn ineridite.'s Dms
cesiary to Ilebthosesoko know.he:artielhomrusril
it,with gaols greatniumess, that it iipaebasd true
:iind'guaniiie '9r ..Coroetiiek.=.B4 - Coi,2ll!..COUrilatid
etreet,p..w, York, eoluilroprirtore:. •• •
Dr: Sick--Hentinalie ;Rem .
Why tarillAtiii taker. 'With ,
plaint when ie entail:). 1410 . Itatid thtt r will!not
19 uut 9 r:Yoll ren4d,r,st ill'elfectualiY.des t
:Moly suty, , ittlack'Of heatlatheieit bee nem ions
ilt:lsaC , otired,cases 'of '2o,y sure' eland'
ii., Nother'o . Releif-40ian vDiFeere'ry- 7 , A1l
-expeetiekto lieiorriemieihers and a us ioeSLeipiel4____
, thell'alosi Hisl;resses- sell Dangers or Chi lilbrer., .
log, are earnestlyemrrsted 'to' 'tem . ilfeir Jeers,
**WY:their Oettoesnoss,enit4oothe the* *817. 1 7 ,
tlie olio PI this; thOliteitrenrdinifir V. Vegill,We- pro,.
oluatioul", 4, Those.:A wh0;.4 4 111. - estonillv.'oblerfe' itlf
*viitedeiiiiisVipiiiaie or Ii to their lieetelit'ever
ki w i nit afkut ionateinisim girl will feellt fits mos t;''
solemn rlety•s?,ellevielethilliiitrerells,w.ife . le'
xposetl•l6; 6it 'here suit erthilkinetiso o ;*bith -
is tl?&; erect' till/ 'flicolter?S'ri.lier,l7Forlibil;,.per ,
It - Whirs Ili Immo - lets intend - en reettiotrii.alc-vvi—
ore liO'he lottl',gra Oa *here 'thP . . llll a.* l4 ,''Cr.., 6 imllitt 4
.. tkbeArninlllV. , Mhe.lllo,l(er;sollilfor.loFOlikrett,..--
11411 O plyjbY.llieNO ti i'eo)o.PAi ir L e i t N,‘,lo 4 , , r°4 ..
St' o; OlCourrearid2Street,l% et .er* -- ' . H,,, ', , •
... : , , ;Tor WiDrll*÷lCiAlllstiktk's terivictiO , will '
PAtifiliiiilimit , Opreelilltlreß and‘sidell'i*lio•lnup
"iverms:,6o,oll,l4l,4ll3oegre,r)ritil iiitliiitliernitne
:18PliulledELKOhnomiki't!le kittl Do icli mime of ihe'
invEutprA t, 3 l l ,o,o ' igi,of lqiic.l.llo.ll le t , ittric pottplok.
`iiiftw'a 010.101 491. 1 1 1 .9, 1 1)?il bP WAlentitbUt it
iilwil ;it,t10 , 14. , i ,, c , .A .. , 1.7q: k ' :, , 1;.!:' , ;• . :'::4'.., :.'
Utz. 04111hhi:Hirklp.4tiai!e4.0u ~,,,tog h, „:
'1.11,0,ii0 o . om)e, , ,..Tlifiupitnilel A veteei ii.'prems. .
I Ntlttill *ttiAr 09 riti 6t,0 r. attintiOnAßAOenis7B4 4 "r
,',50 1 ! 1 ,'"4.*M1t.T91 . ;YP 1 3.* ARtiglit , #4*'tPD. ARI4OO ,
mewhi E 2 ,i , c;ovqf'T!.4Pl!, - e,,i4fp/ cn,C.4IP4) p
vitritinp,-,poptiiiplog ~,i tp", ,t ipienitotlr,utpts. nt •;Wilp 'IS re. , "
',01 1 ;Pu 81 t kvel v , g sve Nil ell Pit'd oh i.oB' ' pitrilo, , ...
oticOtt''w,l l l l ol Aliseilseil'illm°4 l l,:3; InlnlPillho-''
lxittPh; - „trouptly Ptveppi futo thp g rat e liiiittlisPdii,'°:;;;;.:
tha,,eilpgi WC alit the leveltotkil the 'fpte . ' , ' ,, ' •• h',-
. ..-''''. ''' ,- ;; . .. , 7' . ' .,... ‘""'' , s zl L: , t , ' , '/kt,,
''* *'-‘,, .' '':'*:`,,,,:'; ' , ;: - *, , %,' , !- - $:) , :-.•i'Alpi,-...; ,*,...