ZS %net .Wattcptobiltwrt •PUBLISIIED - F.VERY WEDNESDAY. " - 0FF4',.0 the South Ona Dollai"a4 lifti.egitta dinar Two Dollard; if paid One Dollar for six montlia. Thea• terms will be rigidly . ndhered to. To secure the paper at the reduced terms It must be paid cash In advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING, Advertiseinents,mithing fifteen lines or less, will he charged at thin rate 'of Fifty cents for one Inser tion—three time lor One bollnr, rind twenty-five cents for overy subsequent insertion'. Trtarly adver tisers wilt be charged at the following taros : One-Coluntni with [he parer, for ore yens, - *25. Mint column, do. 'do, -.- *l2 Two Rintareo, with quarterly changes, - *lO Boehm:is Cards, with the paper, $5 JOB PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; SIICII nsjirtudbills, Circulars and every er - description of Printing, executed handsomely and expeditiously and at the I.OWET 1.14 C ES. The Bucha Vista Plan, Ala—"I ; ilo Tariff men are coining." Oh! what makes the Lorna tremble When tnguther eapeMble I Oh! don't you hear theni grumble, All around I , lllollt the 'Tle.tho gallant Whig Commander, Who never cage surrender, • All wilt whip torn In November, On the %WM Vlettrplan.. Par they . know that gallant ZACK Is already on the track, And will surely drive thent back, On the Buena Vista plan. With onwgellant new commander, rio,never says surrender, Vito will whip them In November, On the Buena Vista plan. Oh! we've got them in nscrape, From which they can't escnpa, Unless they get some "grope," On On the Buena Vista plan., With our gallant &c. With their:Santa Anna iinev, And their Gen'l Lewis Ca.. Wo will drive them nil to grass, ‘Vith our Minna Vista man / NVlth our gallant, &c. Cline and flutter N their teem, For which they all may nerenm, hitt we'll wake them (runt their dream, On the Beene Vista plan. • W-ith our gallant, Sre. Ile can beat theindioth together, With their old Week cockade, feather, In rain or shiny weather, On the linena Vista plan. With our gallant, &c. . Oh f Will mend old 11Iarcyts-breachoi, litith his proper _kind of stitches, And will answer his despatches, On Out Buena Vista plan., With our gallant, &co Ho would not, as Jimmy 'Polk has dons, Give up the half of Oregon, Rut, would suroly make thu British run, Os the Buena Vista plan. With 04r &c. Oh t he'll tight from Maine to Oregon, And then go hack to 'Arnehingtoor For then he'll.lurre tho vict'ry won, On the Buena %lean plan.; --With.ohr gallant, &c. THE TiiM OA PLATFORDL THE ALLISON LETTER There is no more appropriate time than the present for republishing Gen. TAY- Loa's admirable letter to Capt. Allison.— We believe it presents a platform of prin ciples quite broad enough for every Whig, as well a goodly portion of our opponents, who we think cannot object to the old-fashioned republican principles which Gen. Taylor advances in this let ter. Let the Whigs of Cumberland county—let men of all parties—read again and again this letter, and the more its sentiments are weiglred and reflected upon, the deeper will they sink into the heart of every good citizen as words of true wisdom. We subjoin the letter : l 3 Acv Bowie, April 22, 1848. Dear Sir :—Aly opinions have recently been so often misconceived .en 4 misrepre sented, that I deem it due to myself, it not .• to my friends, to make a brief --exposition of Mehl upon the topics to which you have called my attention. 1 have consented to the use of my name :is a candidate for the presidency. I have - frankly avowed my own-distrust of my fit ness-fur that--high station •but-having r at the solicitation of many of my couctrymetr, ta ken mtposition as a candidate, I do not feel at liberty to surrender that position until my friends manifest a wish that I should retire from it. I will 'then moot gladly do so. I hove private purposes to'accomplish, no • party purposes to build up,•=no enamee to punish—nothing to 'serve but my cow . to'. I have been very neon addressed by fol iar, and my opinionei have been .asked upon almost' every question that might occur to the writers as affecting the interests of their , --tiountry-or-their'parly—l_have-noLalways. 'responded to these inquiries, for various reasons. s I confess, Whilst A -have--great cardinal .principles which will rogulaus my political . '-am not sufficiently familiar with all • - thii,•mirnSur!,:iietails olpp l iticallegisiatioa to hi :give : Solen :pledgee to ,thtint my influence, if I wore President; to earry.out- this or- de-- led that measure. ' I liavo , no . concealment: hard nolopinien which' I would not'readi,ty' , rpy 2 o:o4iPli3d'eaujitriinent, but crude', impremsions,,Upon+ mattera , of policy, which-pay •he,right to-day wrong tri,;fflor ____row;_riteiverhana., not the, best test of flew* • foreffice. ,gao, who ; annot be trusted opt t'Pledies;, ennnot be.cols Wed', in'; .merely • ...ion:taccountii.vailtl . nroCbeitiliow.! ''e'Verinokie•to , res , to (Arm nines. reiterateW hat haveofioneaid (11(I;bic(notn if till kit_ woujil.,46ibil:tlittm'etii'Piiioicieiie or H7 - a - , - ,tioiry - ;,7l::would:eitdeniror. to act.inileppral: '"ot t . ,partje , domination. . feel "•_l•l2.ltatiritl4o,..:administsrshegaireinmentiiiitta_mt_ . 4 .G;.lo.lfoid , by!paitk wham es:4t , ' 4 4' .:• . : , ':;,4: 1 %* - : , !1•_ .1 (vele_ poirer.=;The'Paiiiitgf- N::;'i.Ye#11.104.40:109!'9/1 to: the • Etiee_elt,Velle • - s VAtPßittf t .o: l ,"'Yt?th a, l* ,- ",e - logylaijogooly, ;,...-,-,:,,,ipp1y,19,,,e p ~ q.m x :9PlOl9p, s, t)* Over _be ~ ., , extfreutedl.except ni;.easeek.ot,iilear° v kdation of : . oir constittaitir:-Manifest . Attiteri.,:and' 3fank_iii:oo. l 4talinn : *.cnto'e*.; hirliied;` .1 have i4ill,lho known i'9llllolll' , ana' wishetpUthe. Em u *, aiveJi ' exercised undue Mid liijertima - .31111,pce thelegtelecive 4eportmeni:t4 hanger of it treat #tii*o irOM its true ljiedry—t' opinions Of the iliti-lEx,eelu fo ive chalk , 'i,lath - MijektiaristiAs,"4Uterposastritme d i • ''fOksAhtlinillinOlifil,ow,nth.ttia-litiea lii'ifiind'6 , 4olo.6okt, , d; by illeliifiW 4 ir( . '7 Pon the subject ulzthu•tortfl' the 7, ~ I :..m'.m..vw~_idkNi;?'J` s s:~~; may: r~ri:a%Sitia:Y' g2yi~;,~,. cut re ncy, the frn ili!otrOttieht,oredilbelipifigli• trays, .riveis,liik t Lcial,c4;lo6, the people; as'Oxiireilidliffirattgliigeir-rep resentatives in .Congrisse, Ought lo yr,i'vespec— tediandoarriedrout by dh-4 sincerely: rejoice at the 'Trolled 'of peace- ' has been devoted to arms, yd 1' look"idiom War at all, tithes'and under all eiMunistairid - di as a tumid - MI. ebin patible with national honer.S,', The principles of our, government as. as its true policy are opposed. to the subjugation' of Other na,. tions, and the dismemberment of other coun tries by conquest. In the language..of the great Washington, "Why should - we quit our own to stand on foreign ground?" hi the Mexican 'war our national hobo:it has been vindicated; amply vindicated, and in dicta ting terms of peace we may well Him(' to be forbearing and even magnanimous to our fallen loc. . These are my opinitins - neon the subjects, referred to by you;.and:any_repotts or pub= lications, written or verbal, born any soiree, differing in any .essonifaritarneular from what is here written, are unauthorized and untrue. I do not •lidow that I shall &gain write on the subject of national politics,7 - I shall-en gage in no schemes, no cot Ibinniions ire intriFiies. - If . the American people hove not they,ought not,to givanie their stitlrages. they (to not, you know the v‘ . •611 - . enough to fielievc mo wlion'l do ctoral shall be content. lam too old a sol dier to murmur against-such high authority." Z. TAYLOR. To Capt..J. S. Aqsou. IcDttiric . Brandreths PW's Have a principle them similar, or wide! accords with, and truly strcegthena the, - rifying principle of the blood. Road nd understand. T"Eprinciple of Life, that subtle d in visible principle which animates the hu man frame and whose seat le in the blood, is one of tho most impenetrable secrete of the Creator, We cannot comprohen. _his princi, pie, but we know that it is in the blood, for if WIYDECREARE the amount of blood in the body, we decrease the principle of litc: and that, it wo draw all the blood from the body, that life ceases. So we must believe what tho Scrip tures say on this subject; m one can doubtit. The life of the flesh is emphatically in the :blood!—Thorn can bo.no mistake on the sub ject; so wo must then ba also convinced that any thing which impedes the circulation of the blood most deprostror boar down the prin ciple of Life, and make the body subject to receive injury from the principle of corruptibi lity else ionplirnted in the human frame. We cannot deny it. There is in every created be ing a principle ("corruptibility as well as a peinciple of animation. It is when this cor ruptibility becomes too puwerful for the Life Principle or Wed, that disease cornmences e — It is not because it does exist, but because tt bucomeit active; in some it has taken a hundred years to dovelopo itself; in some it has become _paramount before birth, and did child is still_ .born. Tito constitution of the child depend s upon its parents • he receives from the priori. plo of his life, and also that which will ulti. mutely destroy him, and when of ago he trans .mite them to his children. . . The principle of corruption ie subject to the influence of many causes of vitiation: It is, therefore, necessary that we be provided with ample means to prevent injury from it ; or in consequence oh this vititation that putri• dily , would be prodncod which would destroy. the individual ere he had arrived at that period of life which lie would have done from the principle of life which was in him. Now, to accomplish this, wo must- prevent an accumu lation of those humors which bear down the principle of life. Do not wait for an attack of ..icknoss, bid on the first appearance of the enemy assist nature in her operations to ex pel him from the body. This is the object always attained by those who use Brandroth'a Pills. Thousands who have kept their beds for years have been restored by the use of this medicine. They are as harmless as a piece of bread, yet all powerful for the removal_cif dis ease whether 'chronic or recent infections, or otherwise. By the use of Brandreth's the blued Is gradually purified, and becomes ,too strong for all impediments to its the course, and thus the blood is restored to per fect health and usefulness. Tho idea of two spirits, the one good and the other evil, having power over man, is thus given a corporeal ap plication, and, what is better, we know how to assist the good principle, the blood, to conquer the bad humors, and. thus -produce health and cheerfulness, where before theta was nothing but sadness and despair. Bo exceedingly afraid of COUNTERFEIT PILLS. The Agent is the only person from whom Brandreth's Pills should .be purchased. The BIIANDREITIPS MIA, arc sold fin: 25 cents per box, at - Dr. B. Brandreth's Principal 018ee,241 Broadway, New York, and by the fol lowing duly authorized Agents: Said in Carlisle, by CHARLES BARNITZ Solo Agent for this borough. - —ilutuger Destroyer,' e tho_munld_t Wenhallen eine better "adopted to the "expaleion of worms from the hunianbody than Shepherd's Vlrmi. fugo. It has been used by thous inke with Oittire natisfacti m. It has the adventsge of Most Other. Virmifugesi as line %for Dickens lha ppreon using; it. It has ' , cared children that have boon subject'fite;. for. >mare, and that. ;had bpoiLtiveh ,Vri by physician, parent:l..od .friands lenhould alwpYsi m ibyert a purga tive " e ftiechildieb,"usitetrengthens thorn, and th•, 'sfinr time•;earriesl . off the pearier 'par.. ',ticles.offood, and Worme,•if;•they are troubled • with thein.. • ,r ~• The' following:certificate has. beep "landed . to. us, by ,Jdige Kopne, of Luzeroc:ceurity,"Pa. 'lt e oaks for Heal. , ,%• • , Time Hi ll ; 2 • .47. I .Jolla Koons. - DDeerwill, plintee's!md me , 4 'trot.' ' tlatimerit of Shepherd's VOrmifuge. The tliree hcittles'purclutred ..you - Ashott u ti me age have been used effects. „Tticy were given - Ttilhlitltif one :'case 65 iviiraufire're''expetie6,lti and in. the lest 67:"1 am analothi to = gliellte rest of my family the,benefts oftlihemeditilne l ; and,'therefere order ae - aliove. l : Thiiitsltlecldt edli,tho'beif article , for , destroyjpg;ivsitipio ,hils_oveiLbien,in • this, part ofithe country...4;l haves tried Orriele;Reakeili. Merriek's :and Atiller's, but wi‘hout any good effuet.t.: • t Years p,ithesteism. "t" : AMUEL,SNYDE iq . I .. 1 7 ,iirittifilgearci ie'r 'tgui; folloWint ehents of du mberlarid eountyi Pi 4 and b = Dr. 'Wm'. C. 51'Ptioilionalarrisbutg: ' lj,s'f3": WI; inT,NER, "Carlisle; JOU lithitiblieeburgt,Altu , DillerMewsilltn,:Rebett Elllelf.Talurgr IY.'3s..P a taakel..Blo,s., exaviltc lunitr,ll ; i44 'CP;- 'l Af k i tli t . 6 o A*4ol;!•itg,f - #lo;Yogcliz touryrnaite;gingAT;roo•4oiy9iv ettriv PlttOT p, i l k el .. p Ilungs,,c9ughscoiwialorosei4actimi'lln 'IIStY,TCI-,;% ''......rValaMet' o,- 1'4` , :1'• , •-•1• • • itti nit ter:. • ••', .;-o— -'lllol'7,— 1 Y- 'T TER' OP-- q/eittignit. -; .4'e yk V RIFF I C 'saS, 4 ;iiiii'VV, INN OR ,S_DEPLILSLof-GODDSfi • call the •paiitibular 'attention OfFicrn' 5' iliesand, replealslied aeisortni' of DRUGS and'AIKOCINES;Which have beeh - purchased at the best liousesinithiladelphin i and may he'relied upon'tor freshness mid oxiielleace.' Added to .these will 'he fouiaran'entire Slack of PAINTS, OILS, DYE;STIIFFS;' Btoi, al f • Whl oh he will easure;iti - 'be' of the beitlualiti and at the very lowest prices. lie has made •roany•additions to his stoek el* BOOKS, besides securing n new supply of all the Text Books, Histories, Readers, Lexicons,yri • tins; 'Books, Ilco.'naw in use la College and our public schools *VA he wiltdispose of on terms suited Ad theetremitstances of all. • . His stock of FANCY ARTICLES einbrates a rich and extensive.collection-whieli-it Would.be impossible to enumerate, but comprising many novelties which cannot fail to 'strike the eye and please the taste ; such as Ladies and Gentlemen's ..Cutlery,Gold and Silver Pens and frencils. Hair Thigh and Clothes Brushes. Perfumes of ltou scllc's rich and extensive varieties„Fancy Snaps, Shaving Cream, Card piece, Pocket Pistols, Pocket bowie, &c. • MEM Also, w .new supply of with elegant LARD LAMPS, togl.l4er with Sperm and Mould Candles, Basket s, Musical Instruments, Umbrel. Inv, Children's Toys, Door Mats, and other art'. elms in -the- varietY-I ine-cwhich- with-a -constant supply of fresh, Ftturrs, mils and Confectionary or the richest quality, narike . a large and splendid stock to wbieh helponfidently invites tlinattentirin and patronage' of his town and country friends, at the old stand in North Hanover street, nearly Op imeite the Carlisle Bank. S. W. HAVERSTICK. December, U. 1847. M'ALLISTEWS OINTMENT. It has power to cause all external SORES, scitopuLous humor's, SKIN DISEASES, POISONOUS WOUNDS,to discharge their put tell matters, and then heallatifiiii: - " It is rightly termed All-healing, for there is' scarcely a disease, external or internal, thali-. will not benefit.. I have used it for the last tour teen years for all diseases of the qbest,consump tion and liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I &Clare before heaven and man, that not one single case has Mined to ben efit when the patient wan within the reach of mortal means. 1 have had physicians learned intheprofession. litaye had ministers of the Gospel, Judges of the bench, Aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes pithy poor use it in every variety of way and there has been but one voice—one univesund .` Me- Allister, your Ointment is GOOD." CON S UM PTION.---It can,hardly be credited that a salve can have any' effect upon the lungs seated as they arc within the 113 stem. Out, it placed upon the chest, it penetrateslo the lungs alliterates the poisonous particles that are consu ming them, and exp•+ls them from the system-- It is curing persons of Consumptiop continually. REA DAUHE.---The salve has enrol persons of the headache of l 4 year's standing, and who had it ecgular every week so that vomiting often took place. Detainee's and Ear'Acha are helped with like H 1 , 1 UM ATI SAI.- -1 t removel Owlet imme diately the intlamation and swelling when the pain ceases. Read the direction around the box. COLD FEE'r.---Consumption Liver Lom plaint, pain in the chest or Side. failing off of the hair one oralie other always accompanies cold feet. (This ointment is the true remedy.) It it a sure sign of disease to have cold feet. In scrofula, old sores, zrysipelas,-saltrheum, liver complaint, soreciss 4 quinsy. sore - throat, bronchitie,brokenoreorrbreast, piles, all cliest diseases such as asthma, oppressions, pain ---oleo, .sore lips,chapped hinds, tumors,cutancous erup . lions, nervous diseases and of the spine, there" is no medicine now known al good. 4.L1) HEAD.-- . -We have cured eases that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability el 15 or 20 doctors. One man'told us he had spent $5OO on his children witliciit'any bene fit, when a few boxes of ointment cured them. BALDNESS.-:h will restore the hair sooner than any other thing. BURNS.--ft is the-hest thing in the world for !Urns. (Read the directions around the box. WORSIS.--It will drive eV ery vestige of them away. There is probably no medicine onthe face of the earth at once so sure laud au safe in the expul sion of worms. CORNS.--Occasional use of the Ointment will always keep corns from growing. People need never be troubied with them if the 3 will lute it. PILES.--Thousands are yearly cured by tide Ointment. . JAMES MCALLISTF.R & Co. Soleproprietore of the above medicine. • CAUTION --No OINTMENT will be genu ne unless the names of James McAllister or names :McAllister & Co., are written with a pen upon every label. Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. W. Haverstick and Dr. J.J. Myers, in Carlisle; J, & L. Reigel, Me chanicsburg; Singiner & Paul, Cliiirchtown, and John Diller, Newville. Rahways Medicated Soap. KrGREAT EXCITEMENT IN PITT:MIRO !—Our agent of this, place wines of a mysterious incident which occurred in that place, in relation - to an ex cellent young lady, but who unfortunately pos sessed a very repulsive complexion. Her face was covered with pimples, blotches, pustules,—her akin dark and yellow, cracked and chapped—her lips in cold weather would become sore and bleed. She had, however, several good traits, one of which was to read the newspapers. Ono morn ing as she was looking over the columns of the, Dispatch, she saw in largo letters the words RAD WAY'S CHINESE AIERICAV - IID SOAP ! As R sure exterminator of all skitcblemishes, with a direc tion for all ladies to Mad the papers ! Now mark the advantage. On Suiiday morning she tom her place ,as usual, among the choristers, and to the utter surprise of her fellow-songstors, pre sented a complexion ,as fair as a lily, and beauti ful as the most admired belle of the town.— Strange wondering and much excitement was elibibited by the busy crowd, and nothing short of-aft explanation of how this sudden translormn tion from ugliness to beauty was attained, would answer. The lady, like all her sex, full of gen tleness and kindness, explained the cause, and to the great, grand and beneficial °fleets of ltad way'S Medicated Chinos° Soap, whisk she hnd been using for two weeks, was awarded the-full approbation of threpeoplo, as the "'restorer of lost beauty.",' Our agent concludes thus--" Since Fthe - atroVe - harbeconie kinfWhirTlitivo per= fact rush for •Reliway's Soap.'' Ladies and gentlemen, -if you-wish to gr.; Malt. way",s Soap in all its purl , call ow:. felt 23 ' k-W. if FI;EIG •,, L ffMtra ~ ,w i3, 77 ,;7FIRF,:i'T 1';1;111'11 • pt'' , " , ll'll ,Fil ~„, n, ~, ; , , .., , E illtullit z. , 1 , 7 7 414 ',!1] , , , ' 1;:*: • 11 ----,- , 4 *, !. •,11 111 , 1 N'' ''l4,V,' ?, ,-; r ,,, :4\ - 14 ! ,.. : , • ,i4 7t:v 11111 . 1 ,1 L ,.,.............. ..: .i. t ' . z . ' ) .. 11V il ': ' ,, t 0 , 7-. ,•., I!I 1,, ' , { . , ih.„ 1 1 1 lir ,•-, , , .. , Kli NIIRIiE wntaiivs . eolittinvo fivptirroltj 1111.DRIM—TEETHING , A"'MOTHERS having hildTen-ifflicted .Willi any of tionia;diatopn incident to Hot totO,9f,infanc3,•epoli:as die eroup t ‘. outanooue ,ertijnioni, ; :dlitotdared, ttotnach,And looseneapArthe boweles,ehOuld never- - -bo-wittiputr,thie-in-fallitde-remedtHiet; proved so -:eflilatildini in all the''Wed die: mleht l iven nr iii c ifti merits,but' atrial is better- •-•- -.I .Atigroka,rlB:l7;-.:?; ''':g*: ',.'".',..,44081,1116i,m-ittlid- r„,":-'1111!,;:116,09,.:111:::ei.,5.146': ii;i4dhl4.m! , 1 ~, , r - ,.-- , . .,...-, .. me4l°-6 "'" 71 . 1 4."Lt0rai1t,,,,., , , ~: -- . .'..-4"."!,'Togioyernqugli. '.1.,',,' : 11' I..,':!,,,'nateTfriiti,i,4",7*°:.c:: . , , ;', 7 :' , e , ,,e!'iative P. .... ; .v):,:,..ct,1.,!.ii %:-.,,,.. q.,,;-•,..i., ,Corigh4tive 1!P1 . ! !:. 7!''. 7 .,'i :'0 . - ; - '''''''' . l"` l i iiiid for sale kr '--- ,ftl.;Liorr:,*..,i-, : ;..10+11,!,4,'P * ., ;:ij .,, Pi : , - ';' ,! :Agieyitfon.ooll.lllleZ ~. , ... 1, 0..-,' , lit L4'llll. a'IN 4•l°4l't'iiitollffl Pt i ° to /3 1 3 p l y flio.Or tltiiawillt,„vnillitriv4lltleom4;lfilksl°° ii-erthiß.oB4'ro'r 1119,0,71. °)iliiitli'o,4lo,.t li4 , th 444 91-, si 1 I iirraP h :the •1146 tUrVe',l° kind IF1°.!1"1.bott;01,1 ''ltf"rA fictiSi;lkibt.h4)4°l`9l.r:-:;13.1c0_P.., • • Ip,:op„r# 0,061,,,„„,!,qupb t _ for .?4,1.! • c _ , ;•- ' • RINIE 1.. - ..; -, ';';:. - 4ji,' , 1?:. 1 .)1.'0c!,0. 1 )_.1" Fib) • Giiir - itß -s t ges,' n tons ,I-OF ALL Tilt mileriier cel:oris;.to,match Dress or and Aiontillor„,(Of our ownLmaintfacttire) . a iissortriiitt; of:Ate:best ;qiiility; 'for saltYlit.the;loWest ciisbr•vridos; at D.RBSS: L Fringe and,: Trimming. ore', , Segoadystiebt, above, 4 'l'6M:titer With a niftier oescirtmentr - Of - arEEL GOODS, - Puree ' Silks,' Tans, flair 'Braids dnd 'Curls, &c. Also, a forge• lot of Domestic Cot- ton Fihigos.: - ' "' • Purchasers are invited to ctill. ' They will find It to their interest to do so, as thcr goods will be sold CUEAI'. Philad. sprig ' 'Perot, HofDrip, Br. Co., Forwardingand General Commission Morchants, Ncirfh Wharves, and 83 N.Wator street,- Philadelphia. .PLASTER - and SALT constantly on ,hapd, for sale at the lowest market rates. Liberal advances made on Produce. Refer to DUTILH HUMPHREY:Tr FRANKLIN,PLATT E9CO Philad'a.\ LEA,I3UNKDR & CO. J. W. KERR, Harrisburg. • dpr.s-Gm - China, Glass and Quaens-Ware. _T C. BOKEE & CO. go. 41, North •i' • Howard street; between Fayette and. Lex, legtori streets,-.llalaluore i .invite_the ettention_of. Country Merchants Awl purchasers generally, to, their - lute- and well Itsnorted stock of CUTNA, WASS and QUEENS-WARE, which they offer for sale at the very lowest market prices. • Country Merchants will consult their interest by a call before purchasing elsewhere. aprs-4t Spring .Itilillittery Goods. JOHN STONE Sc SONS, Importers and dealers in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, N 0.54 south Second street,- Philadelphia, have received by late arrivals from France,(chiof ly of their.own'importation) a new and very rich assortment of SPRING MII.LINERroOODS, tolwhich toy will constantlTfintruiking - additionvi. — Tßny - 1 have now in store—' Silks for casing bonnets, of all prices. Fancy bonnet and cap ribbons, a beautiful as sortment. • - ' 4 4 Plain Mantua and Bonin ribbons, all widths., -French and American artificial fiowera,Lin great variety. . Paris chip Hats. Crapes, crape Lisses. l-- Fancy bonnet and cap Nets. Trimming laces, face trimmings. Buckrnms. willow, crowns, tips, &c. Ste. And all articles needed for the Millinery trade. KT The attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting- the city is particularly requested to our stock, as it will be found far more extensive than that of any other house in our line, and the prices more moderate. mar 22-3 t Cheapest in the World !-12 Cents pa , • pound, Wholesale. , ;~ - ~r Steein Refined Sugar Candles lr 3. RICHARDSON; No. 412 Market st,, • Philadelphia. takes pleasure in informing the puttliCillat he still continues to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and tiro nuality_is c uul to any menufneturellit ilie — Onited States: t. He also . ofibrs all kinds of goods in the Confec tionery and Fruit line nt corresponding low pri• ces, as quick%ales and small prbfits are the order of the day. Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. Don't forget the number, 42 NIARAEII STREET, Philadelphia. ,m 1 Spring Fashion of 'fats At the groat cergral cheap tint and - Cap Store, No. '284 Market street. south side, nbovo 1 Eighth street, Philadelphia. 11 4 111 E subscriber takes this method to return 11, his thanks to the people of tho county of Cumberland, for the very liberal share of patron age which they have extended towards 'him foi last few - months, and would call their attention to the fact that ho. has now introduced his senttto FASHION OF GENTLEMEN'S HATS, which for beauty, neatness and durability, cannot -be excelled by any other establishment in this city. This stock comprises the Beaver, Nuttin, Brush, Russia, Bilk and Mole Skin Hats of all styles and quali ties, together with a very largo assortment of Cloth, Velvet, Plush, Fur and Glazed Caps.— Country Merchants and others aro respectfully invited to examine the stock, which they will find it to their advantage to do, before purchasing, 'as his his determination, having adopted the sys tem of selling for ex sn only, to sell at the lowest prices. __. JOHN FAREIRA, 284 Market at. south sido.above Eighth. mar 22 Iron Commissior Warehouse, . No. 109 North Water street, nod No. 54 North Wharves, Philadelphia. THE undersigned still continue the Commis sion business, for the sale of all descriptions of ,IRON. Our experience of many years, and ex tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us to establish such relations as giVe us peculiar ad vantages to servo our correspondents, equal to any other house. mar 22.6 in 0 R RICK & CAM P ELL. Printing Types WILL ha sold at BRUCE'S N. Y. TYPE FOUNDRY, offer March 15th, 1848, at the fol lowing very low prices, for approved six mouths' atim 1103 IAN. TITLE, &C. GRADED Ste Pica, per lb. 30 eta. 52 cts. 90 cis. Small Pica 32 . '56 95 • Long Primer 31 • GO 100 Bourgeois 37 ' 66 108 Brevier 42 74 128 Minion' Nonpareil _,Bl lOU Agate 108 160 220 The above prices, in consequence of increased facilities for manufacturing, .nro much reduced from former rates. A liberal discount-for cash in hand at the date of the Invoice. Presses, Chases, Cues, ‘Vood Typo, Ink, &c, furnished at the lowest manufacturers' prices, either for cash or credit. Our Specimen Book 'for 1848, is now ready for distribution to Printers, who will send for if; ' and contains - many now articles that wo have oh-, ver beford exhibited, such as Writing Flourishes, Ornaments, Ornamental Fonts, lice. of which we have an ample stock for the prompt execution of orders,- ---- ' -!,--, o. 4. Pi OZIFFOI - 801 • several good second-hand Cylin, der and Plat Power Presses, Standing,Press ce,.lland Pr . ling Presses, , a, , - "-• • - --- 1 101ttlE-43-11130b-lir - eO7 - - 13.tCliambors, skeet. N, Y nprs . „ . • ;„. r Rt.' Rowe ROOK • • • .1, AND ~ WOODEN,WARE P.Store 63. North' Third street, tinit,4tior, above Arch, ettsvaitte, Philadelphia; inatiurapiur-. era and tyholesitle dealers hiMO B of Brooms, Brushes .cadar Ware, and French baskets; Shoe and' Wilt DrusheelScriths; Dusters, Itlat6,fl3 Eastermmade Woad. en• Ware of .eyery • ilescription, 7 - I.ctii 'at 'tile toweet market. prices, • • ':,mar To, Pereliaserd,Of Ironand Steer StineoribersOniporters and Dealers. • JILs in roreign OodsAintriocin'lron, beg:leave tiiiEtiiiiiittPotiMFoltasorg oil • a an STE>rL, toGthe new: tkies rt tn t: OE4_B wodo _liosiiailarf Coble and Common English lion ,which tiiynow, him :an eroioonsta n ntly-ro. nii °lying 'ilom:gutsopi:direCti. , :sAlsOsArnerioari • on,s. consisting of 11000:Vin Smatl;lloondianil4quatOislronillsoni , a.l6flie an p pais rdiVnOileraelf4 Hargis+ Locomotite, Tire und ti to ' Iran i'llitirseatili &qv Spring sand Bli ;Stesiiiii . fiiiint , bi:o l ,l`llalnirs , or•SO:edifs' , lgoni Cas t" , Oa dn - sSliees EitebiAo aliror: which "t they;, ofresq.ats: 171130110 , W forklipprOtiod "anct:l;ip which they her Otritp:tiqiettontion , cif purchaser. batorb stooks,: • , • ; ", Also; Mits.sia 131( oh! ,63nre s celyxid , ori apd. , :pigskin', on 'yr.poti.Oviitiden.viiillrleitriadeo , s Steel meiohitnts ! •117 1 .T.LNVAtfr ad; Pshila , • . an , d',,Plaster , ,; L `,'• lotriqk;,i Alebitince: -D — r;Re:elerl - .l ) ark" AO - Inuit the removal permanent cure .of . ail ; " diseases arising front animpure' state" of the: 'l.lloo . and'habit of the body, - viz • • -‘ .Chronie,dideitsee_of*:,the'_Chesti Pleurisy, Chide, Catarrh, etc. Serofula in all its fertile * : -.. Tetter;'Seald head; Cutaneous affections of the • feet, and extremides,.chronic. Rheumatism, and Heriiitelis',. chronic Enlargements of the Joints,. White Swellings, Synhifitie Affectione, stittitional disorders, arising from debility,Mer ci4l and Hereditary. prodisimilitlehs, &c.:; in every change that is taking. place in the body, it is manifest that. it is - brought about by something having.a substaKtive existence. If we' suppobe the organs of our body originally perfect, they must continue - perfect unless changed by the interyention of something that - bears an unkcial- - \ thy relation to it. In all cases of disease, there must be the interposition of some new ingrddient which by playing its .pare as, a cause, served to modify the ploporties• before connected with the 'body. It is absurd to talk of spontaneous disease taking place in organs previously healthy;with mit the interposition of some morbific agent; as well might we expect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spontaneously into Platiter of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. • In all - disease , there is a prior cause which must be removed, duo' the agency of the flood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to the Panacea. In eiddence t he following is submitted to tke public : Philadelphia, June 7, 1847. Having been apprised of the nature of the Pun: iiedit; it initda Tne much. pleasure to be Ole to recommedd it ash valuable, reinedy, for all those chronic, constitutional glandular diseases, to Which it is especially adapted. To the's° who are afflicted, end require medicine as an alterative, they cannot obtain it in a more agreable, active and Uniform state ihhn is to be found in the pan acea. I have used it in several instances with do: tided and signal success. Yours, &c. ' PD. ALtasoN, MD. Prepared and sold at the North West corner of Third and South streets, Philadelphia, and re tailed in'thirlisle by S. ELLIOTT. Put 'up in pint bottles at $1 per bottle. feb23 DE — TrUltp Extra _ et of Sarsaparilla, TS the best and cheapest Preparation of Sae; saparilla ever offered to the public; being distilled from the first quality„ofFlondurifs Sara hparilla Root—and one Settle of this prepara tion is warranted superior to two bottle! of any other in the market,and retain, its_virtues_ unimPairable in any climate. It is pleasant to the taste, andlrrim infancy to 'age this Extract w ill eradicate disease, invigorate that body, and is the best medicine for the prevention and cure of disease over discovered in any age of the world. Its action is mild; and it cm es without sickening or debilitating the patient. Thou sands have used it, in the Dr.'a private practice, and consider it the greatest blessing ever offered man. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws ofaiature, and has never been known to fail, where its use oils persevered in, to cure even long a;antling and desperate cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, Gatarrh,Colic, Coughs, Colds, Cmi sumption, Cramps, Cancerous iForesand Ulcers, Dropsy, I tysentery, Ery sipclll3, Fever and A gum, Female complaints, Fevers of all kinds, Gout, Gravel, Hysterics, inflammation Indigestion, Jaundice, Leprosy, Liver Complaint, Nuraglin, Pidpitation of the Heart, Piles. Scrofula, Spinel atitplai , Salt nheu tic HrifiT, Syphilitic complaints, Tie Dolereux , Pimples on the Face, Swelled Limbs and Joints, Pain in the Side, Spitting Blood, and all cases of Prostration-of Strength, and General — Debility of the human body., In all 0118011 enumerated above, Dr, Treplia gan's Sarsapasilla...rapidly and surely restores to heath. A Mal will satisfy any one of the truth of these representations. • • TO THE LADIES, Delicate Females who suffer from the obstruc tions and debility to which Li - Wei 01 sedentary habits are liable, will by the use Of one or two bottles of Dr. Traphegan's Sarsaparilla; regain their health and color. It is valuable to those whd are approaching womanhood, as it is calcu lated to assist nature byquickening the bleed and invigorating the system. Ladies who have pale complexions, dull eyes. blotches cc the face, rough skin or freckles, and are low spirited, use Dr. Traphegan's Sarsapa rilla. It will cleanse the blood, remove the freckles and blotches, nil,' give you an animated countenance, sparkling" eyes, fine spirits, and beautiful complexions. Children who are suffering from bad and un healthy humors of' the blood, can he quickly re stored to health, strength and bloom. Dr. Trap• hagati's Se rsaparilla being very pleasant tinkled amble, children take it readily, and such as are thin and weakly soon wear n robust and healthy appearance. It can be administered to Infants with perfect safety, and such as are suffering from 'Summer Complaint will receive great relief. Nothing can be more astonishing than its in vigorating, effects upon the human system. Per sni.s all lassitude and weakness before taking it, at mice become robust and healthy under its in fluence II PRELENTS DISEASE The usn of a bottle of Dr. Traphngen's &weep a rills occasionally, will prevent disease, nod as a Fall'and Spring purifier of the system it stands unrivalled at the present day. Its use will pre. vent a world of aufferingand pain. It all persona will keep their .blood purified nod their bodies strengthened by the use of this.arsapnrilla , they will be sure to escape the attack of any prevalent or contagious disease. ,I7Purchasers will bo careful to obsezve that every brittloof Dr Traphagen's Balsamic &tract of Sarsaparilla bee hie written signs. tare in black ink on'the label of the bottle, and the simile printed in red ink on the outside wrapper, as a guard against counterfeit.: Put up io A handsorho white glass quart bottles, at the TO% price of •ONE,DGLLAR per bottle: For sale mholosale.and retail by COLLIER and BROTHERSAnIY,- at their Store, North llanoverairtetXiirliele e april 12 /.12- - 150 The Great English. Remedy. Dr. Barber's .Liariaatent mcraFamge3o This most 'valuable Embrocation hie' been used-with wonderffil !sums* in the sure cif sonic of the most - trctublesomo diseases with W .horse is afforded, (u4thout destroying the hair ) ' such' ,a, Old Strains, swellings, still'- no ntjelpts;.galls Ortidueed by. tho collar and Saddle, ,straine , the; shoulders, • stifle, hoof', paiternand coffin jointe, strati' s of thb'whirlr bOne, - . lined; and !Taloa; :poll .ovil, hsprpluttirmravioovindgellirartiffic - &e: t 'very soon cures, did or freeh wojtiidmiuts. bruises, fietules, poll.evikeurbe, sts.,and'givel Instant roliefin theeeratehes; grease 'etemintii the `dititiees ; incident to , horses having whitel 044' preduped by St John, e ort, which in oftin . destroys the hoofs and . bonae of the feet, , and resiste.tlie. wins!, of eulphur and vitriol ointments, and other ..remodies,cqually. powerfol., . iiiretorcire proved so neeful'in releiingatiffepes of The tendons; and joints,and producing such 'lniniediste*. end benecial offeete•in .9ye4erf•hrnillNl/i°loht'on bY-high`ftiriding;lPllnte 'lurid Skeins,' 7.- • This Eintiraertlen - Wfilehlxheisninended to asulere;-keeperjr!jertiVery:etableiyw, *riote r stakii,propilykixfi,"oriii : 'ol'yatd ! .ientlotnask,psvir tereee;',as,'and Also; firnaers:whoiro horses are o ;kicks, o :Wouocli e ;ssilf fin!! equallit, acivontageO4o-to ; keep-i t•OOnifitintly-on:h and,— eqOally bokot.fiolaW In -the 'treatment working'catllei;for,'kap s'e sok' nee tie!, c ute ; '' • O::F6f;ialoli.COTIOS SoftiAgeht. I 3 .4 1 912 I'o E,4.4.T1 ,[ A,bAAG ',lin :superi o r,-iiitlOrYttitith'' , , ir , , ,„, ~ I ' Lttionh'flist recoiwid - at' dier'illtiftliVier ' iii%)k.Ati.PtniViiisl . l7l4 . 4yatiAto,dAlpil* ;IN 41anover'Sreet ‘, i • ` ,, :.' ,' '';''' ',•.'„,‘Pitte#,: ~,,, ,!,1 1 ,4 0 1!:;‘,#,P4.-Pir,:4,' l 44?Y4!!;kir,",;' , -,-=' , :,!!" 4 ° Y'\'-' ,!4. ‘. ~ ~ ' 4: ~ '; 4,,; ;4 , ,' - '',i;,-- - , 1,"0,‘-'• '-,_ :,v l `,,4k',,:rq4f,'"f:o''`' ,- i, -'l , . T444' 44- , ~,, ~ ,4 , 4,- 4 Q,,4, , v ,, ,:,,J,,,44- ~,, ~.:44,;,,,„; ...4.,, '';0. , '.1. - .§' .'y nt .% 17.., , I,,•+` 1., . ' ,•!" L ',';' , C,*,k „,. , ,, k...',1,1 o ,;,, :;',"/,, , 5,...',' , >}:~~t~~ =;gyp ij~tu ' l`~l~ (ji~ :~_ tip=: mag . , Wood'sf;Steam—lro4.ll64.4lllirm= factory, • .. Ridge Road;'tiheiiiii I uttonworid et : Phi IRON ; ltedlings fer. .pahlie and ..private. hula- X jogs and, public,squares, of every variety Of 'evil arid pattern. Cemetery Railings, of classM and . unieturi de signe, embrheing Upwards of 'one hundred dil' fermi varieties. lion i Chaire and Settees, for Gardens, Halls and Piazzas—newatyle. • - Verandas and Pilasters, for Cottages, made in every.style. . • - Superior Wrought Iroh Gates, for carriage en , trances. Now style of Balcony Brackets, &e. I (I, .Tables of various styles, embracing Louis • V, Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern , pat terns, with White and Gold.ltalian Marble • tops. These tables have been introduced by the Subscriber for Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Saloons, &c. They are beautiful arti cles of furniture for Hat Stores and other es tablishments where it is desirable to malts a grand display. WI" Ho has recently constructed nn elegant substantial.iCAßT IgON HITCHING POST,,in form admirablyladapted to.permaneney of position, highla6 : y ornamented, and representing a well exe cute —nusof• that noble animal, the Horse: Sue on article has long - Jim a desideratum, and is'now offered to the good taste of the Strangers visiting •"l'hiladeldbia, are respect .futlyinytted his_Wareroonts,..anti amine his different specindens of new and beau:. tiful work. UODERT WO OD , Propridtor. 0::r-Ho has - recently published, nt great ex pense, an original work - exhibiting the, new de signs and patterns which era executed ht his es tablishiMent: embracing all the above articles, and the various and splendid patterns of Como tory, Balcony, Step, and other Railings which hive been manufactured for Laurel Hill 'and oth er celebrated Cemeteries, designed expressly for hit own establishment, and which may be sent to any part of the world to those who desire to make - a selection.. Undoubted reference will be rand red-to ensure a prompt return o_f_the_xvork,.alier- Tarriitip - ointrittylounnking the selection. • Philfidelphia, April 9. -- Wholesale Clothtisk Warehouse. No. 1521 Market Sired, botyreen 4th and sth Philadelphia. rvIIE subscriber respectfully solicits fl:Cotten thin of country Merchants and dealarsien• orally, to an examination of - a - complete - afock of READY MADE CLOTHING, which for extent, variety and workmanship, he flatters himself will give universal satisfaction, while his reduced scale of prices presents-to purchasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the United States. - mar. JACOB REED. • flover'ii First Rate Premium WRITING INK Saver Medal just awarded by the iherican—lit stitate, New York, (1847.) rgl DE following testimony from distinguish ed Institutions spanks for itself: • UNIVERSITY 01' PENN/M.'S:NIA, Philadelphia, May 11 .1841. flaying tried, for - some - tinf, the IThick 111k° manufactured Vy' Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we have , found it well suited for manuscript, by its Nth. Ring freely ,11114 its exemption from coagulation. Its shade also we are well pleased with. W E HORNER ,M I), Dean of th Faculty and Ptof. of Anatomy JOIIN LUDLOW,-Prtivoat SAMIL. - 11 WYLIE, Vice-Provos HENRY RF.EI), Secretary of the Faculty of Arts. ROS WELL PARK I. Prof. and. • Philosophy and Chemistry W GEIGIARD:Leeturer in the Medical Department PENSLTVARIA Mr.ment. COLLEGE ' We fully concur in flue above, EAM 'L. GEO.:DORTON, M I), Dean of the Faculty CENTEOL 111011 SCHOOL, PUILODELPIIIO • A 1) BACHE, Principal H McMURI,IIIE, D, Pro 'Anatomy Astatticax FIRE INSURANCE CO, Pi n.nnet.rura. • FREIrK FRALEY, Secretary CUSTOM !LOUSE, PIZIERDE MHO • J U GEORGE, Dep, Naval Officer . HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, A Superior Article, Warranted. 'For Sale, Wholesale and Itetail,at the Nlatiu fa. ory, No. 87, North Third street, opposite (Amery street , Philadelphia. by • JOSEPH E ROVER, Manufacturer Philadelphia, Nov 17.1847 1 1 -`• It Never Fails, ../D1 CURE YOURSELF.— From time immemo rial there has existed in larger cities and populous towns, a species of disease, the depend:- coca and propagation of which results front the violation of divine and moral laws. To those AFFLICTED, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is presented, as being the most certain, speedy, and valuable specific ever °tiered to the unfortunate. It has wherever known acquired n reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. Thou sands-hayo. been cured by its use, mid as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains either mercury or noxious drugs in the lanai injurious to the sys tem,. it is boldly presented as the best remedy for such diseases yet offered. It is used by physi cians and pronounced superior to any known re medy. Full directions accompany each bottle. For sale at N. W. corner 3d and South streets, Philadelphia, and by S. ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. Barnitz. :York G. W. Miller, Lancaster; Dr. McPherson and J. Wyoth, Harrisburg, Pa. , fah 9 i•iralioy Transportation House •AZYX ::b i kta4 ' %Fa,: ,4,7,,P• Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel ." phia, Baltimore,. Pittsburg, &c. "V" W. KERR, Forwarding and Cominission :'lllerehant, HARRISBURG, Pa. informs his friends 'find the public, that from the liberal pat-. mine • extended to him during the past year he has been encouraged to make more extensive ar rangements for the present season, and has ad.' dod two now,large and splendid Boats to hiti 'LINE, and, will be fully prehared..-after..tlia`Op-. ening of the Canal, to forward PR.O.P.LICE and MERCHANDIZE Of ' all kinds"; to from frel Plidadelphia,'Haltimnro, Pittsbargiti3lao:,'arthe - lowest , rates rof freight - andwith" the utmost patch. . •• ':1; ,; Agents - fur Boats, . '• ' CARLISLE OASIZEM.,, Ram street Wharf, Philadelphia : • - GEISE - dr.-SON," • • N0.„ . .0 Commies nt."Mliarf, • '•••' , .'`. , "ol.,',ARK &-"Slik%V; -^ ? ' • ~,J, 11.1eFADDEN '& C 0.5 Pittel , - Agents fur Cars,...; : •-••• - --NVUNDP,RITCH &'GRIER, Not 272 ildlerket st.,. Philadelphia' • CHALOREIL• .REYNOLDS; " • Alurket - st.; Philadelphia, SITER, JAMES • " ilreadosiient, Phiiadclphia. PENN).A4/.., OHIO LIN I , , •-k."../Verilliffeet, &tinnier°. -vllarrishurg March 29, 11148.—ti, ' ' Ell Ha.rieburg ,Trantipbrttttioallniv L igir ":: 7 :2 ,4 r 6 t l : - ." , t... " •-•,--, 'l7 sunimisisi,:ra—ship .Produ6e . i HORWARDfIW eMerohim- AM::to Balthisore,t Thilsdelphia,,:blo.Bcm—! Coal,; Fleeter .; Nails;;; Salt , Fish , Groceries, itcc. • • Harrisburg, marsh:o;4B4B,i Eft "Eno ICKLE '.reteiv'ed and opened by the;'atiblokibor, proper/oil Vringer. and Nab ,Apple;,Citango loPy t ;rickled. tobeteee, dhoe,ltiaa,' 111aOgoee; ,P,cippotO, Tom wee and : 09nel 'olleas;,' Cap oF6A ,oltOeige; Sardines, Tornitci',KOtolnip, fino •nii;ed 11 , eemob lindlndrO; !I.t!l° l6 f oi anWtit .4()Q - 0 ,ticomaion PiriA 'fr,'" 4 19481. 4 ,4 , f1p t 0,,, ; ;;r!.. , , ameba •- an , • nebitilleo • , BEIORRHOItifrAr - :PILESi . NTEI2 . NA L br.Externali permanently cured .1' by Dr: UPHAM'S VEGETABLE ELEC; TUARY, an irtitnNir, irENEDY iNhreh naild according to directionk-a cunt Fon la.guarl SitildTtOMElrOP VIE Dissest.—A.cominon con.. sequence of this atlebtlen' lb a kind of toneamtis, Or bearing dowit sonshtlen;;ssit is familiarly call: eil ; there is also n heat, tension 'and the pert, varying fiord% rticiiibriltti dogree of those munitions to the most excrutiating ring;istiffc •••'' these aro caused by the great flow of blood to the narts. Sometimes the ',timer beat of the bowel protudos at every evacuation,'„ forming. what is tined,Prolapage, oi s folling,of - ths,,tinwsle;,llo.lll the efliiM 'of long Fitniirined,irrhatioii news of that chan.L in sea's the natittit experiences nervous pains, which pro indescriba ble, and known only to the sufferer, which coin: mence immediately after an evacuation, and con tinue from thirty minutes to several hours ; thosd. sensations are very annoying and sometimes „very distressing. This disease, when of-long clintittu: mice, is attended by pain and weakeessi in, the beck, irritation of the kidneys nod bladder, and other organs in the Vicinity, pain Mid rnumbries§ in the legs and feet, a sense of straitness abbut the chost,-and unnatural fulness of the abdominal viscera, accotrippnied . with palpitation of the heart and oppression. Individuals sometimes anot;i: once, previous to an 'enact of: the Piles, !Imp:. two denoting, great' derangement in .the .ctretlln: 11011; therels to sense of weight the'ribilofribtf. - iiiih - ti'liectiliar - feeling .of uneasic 'hese in the bowels, constipation or.perimnum, tended with pain in the bnolt and -and slight pains in the stomach, pale . county nailed, confused senntions in,,the„,liend, weariness; and inimitable and discontented state of the milli!' and n sense of fulness and oppression in the re: gion of the stomach. The cirdulntion on tl surface is feeble, and the current 'of blood doter! minedin ward and downwards. . . . . , For nll of the above diseases and complaints"; ' Dr. UPHAM'S ViIIIETMILE ' ELECTUARY cures el; factually, and thlreforc preVents Piles. READ THE TESTIMONY. nooses, Dee. 11,48:16. • Gewrs:—l have used Dr. Uphatn's Vegetable Pile Electunry which I purchased of you, and find it one of the best medicines in use for the Piles, mid also for bilious affections, arising front an impure state of the system. Yours, &c.' • E,A,GOLE,_Alarble•Denler:----- . U. S. Mxastui::::•OrrlcE, N. Y.? . - . . Dee. 6, 18.17. Messrs. Wyatt & Ketchatn—Contlemen;iim derstanding that yob. are the general agents for tho sale of Dr. Upliam,s Vegetncle-Electunry,for. the cure of, Piles, I have deemed if.my duty.td volunteer a recotmuctulation in behalf of that in valuable medicine. I have been afflicted for ma. ny yenrs with Piles, and have tried various rem dick, but With no beneficial effects—indeed. I began to consider my case utterly hopeless'. But • about the first of September last, I was prevailed upon by n friend to make a 'trial of the above named medicine. I took his advice and rejoice to say that I ant not only rclioved,-hut, as I believe, perfectly-cured. I most earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfortune to be afflctcd with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ELY AI OOR E. P.EAI ARK A lILE CMt E . Or PILES !—TinilTy YLAIts, S'rnstoso!; Mount Washington, Berkshire - co,MaSk. ? November :1 . 9, 18.17. ..5 Messrs. Wyatt & Ketcham—Gents: For thirty veers I have been nfflicted with Piles, general debility and inflamniation, causing tamers and prolnpsus of the bowels., and which had resisted all the medical treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers could-give..,The last three years of that limo my sufferings defy description. 1 was conianed to hod, unable to help myself; and at last given up .hy my Physician - and friends in despair of ever gaining health: in fact for three days before I conimenced using Dr. Upham's Eelectuary, I was entirely speechless and my burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the 1120' of Dr. Uphntn's Electuary, though an ot.n MAN, I have the pleasure of stating the fact to the pub. lie tlfat my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it is Oud's will. to nialte known the virtues of Dr. Upliam's Electunry, and to re• continctid it to my afflicted fellow -creatures. It helped me - beyond the expectations of all thnt knew my case, and I can only any to others that it is., in my t opinion, the best medicine in the world'fbr Piles, or any other disease of the bowels; end if they will use it according to the directions, I will myself warrant a core in every case. Yours, with the utmost expression of tnankfulness, CORN EMUS SP U R. Egrnmont, Berke co, Mass. - e November 29, 18.17. The above cert•ificate tells a simple and trailt• MI story of suffering mid relief, of which, as phy sician and witness in the case, I cheerfully en dorse, DR. CHArMA N. NnTICE—The genuine Ppluun's Eleetunry has his written signature, thus (rr A. tiphnm, M. D.) The hand is alone clone with a pen.— Priee n box. -11;:r B.ld-wholesale and retail by WYArI . is KETCHAM, 121 Fulton street. N. F., and by Druggists generally throughout the United Status and Canada. SAMUEL ELT.IOTT, Agent for Carlisle January 5, 181,9--lv Stanton's External Remedy, • CA LLED II U. 7 l`T's Llxl. rIEXT. lo now universally acknowledged to be the INFALLIBLE REMEDY For Rheumatism, Spinal Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat and quinsy, Is sues, Old Ulcers, Pains in the Back anti ~ Chest, Ague inn-the Breast and Faeo„ 'Tooth=ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet, and all Nervous Diseases. I3UNI"S LINIMENT is sustaining a notnri• -, etrunequalled try any - similar remedy. - It requires no pulling togive it itTernigalfeiff, has been for smite time silently and surely Seeming it, and now, when its benehetal-elletitsliave-been experienced by no many, the expressions of gratl tuffs are c.otionually appearing, and those who have been mode whole by its means aro desirous that the afflicted should no longer remain igno rant of its invaluable and Weill* efficacy. Mr. Geo. E. Smitten, the Proprietor. is con stantly reeeiying testimonials of benefits. received. . from its usS,lnd runny of the cures it heti effected almost exceed belief. In- one ease a child had been a cripple for oighl years, having wrenched the spine; when mile age of two years, by a fall fromrtt chair. Medical treattnen failed, but four bottles,ortios Liniment restored hint to strength, und.ho.now joins with his playmates in -their all robust as die healthiest of them, and 0110 a' small hump 0111118 WWI( 10 re. Mind him of his early sufferings. Price 25 cents per bottle. - The iirtn•se , ,s Friend:• TAN TON'S PAPILLARY OIISITIVIVNT acknowledged to be iho moat valuable.rento dy ihnt Ims .yet been discovered, end may be re lied on with conlideneeibylall who may have on= • cesion for4ts use in eases or Maar FEvErt,:Ativa ot:Trin Brinani . ,Stins,Nlirz,Es, , 4ke. • . &This Ointnmitt hi part icelarly intended foithovo complaints that Methcret liahltito during, tli parsing of infants, and inny - he,traly..,calletk ..Tll Nuese.s.Friend. — -Price '25 etk..per . feW. •• • • • : .Dr: - .L'AlkOta and .Chitii I:1141)11k, - Orkilisfe , .„ P‘EdWeid'Scall: Shippenshurg - , • analdtion.& Orooh, PrOnistowa ''A: Ca'ttidni•f;' Shhojotierdai 'oWn ': • (.31i.ifithtclivn J., 1 14,41.16 . 114;1104914p • nca4ut . ahltatiiinfstaffii„',„ . • • -.K.L.W;'Cleyqr;;toesbiiig ' ,' , 110017X ' :EA npH LS • 4 11, intro' it'itit u riot tp:Potte t, atone, *biting, tte;;ap.it pradubealne liana and. lastinghelia with'.3eF ' littl e I#bor: • a al ed'a(i exeelleo - eitigle 'Wows' etlieri frealkin• tho e f o rilepesiOt 4- ..f0 'the mut h bl'feison'.wl!Alia itaed` (fie utiele 4i will - be gsin,, ivi o - lioilt'it:Pr44::Xtfaii) pet: dineic.';':r6rabea ;.siiihtflkiie•:o4Gres le tt tit t hajilanti pfiatf ei,tl4 nalling7actlie'di:trOdortf*l' ME . . • . . .., ..,, , . 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