Wt le Lifti.ileii9"iiinil i vestill have some. 'tope.—Di. Aviiiiiii i i - kitiakiti ,t oF Wiid Cherry—No `Q.uackeiy-‘No•.Decention.... In, scitint forth nll tlie 'Virtues ottbdivittly.grent. a i e ;to &lei' WO thde o toliciare Inhering it ndg re Mira ion. PoinciPe• ma liaVeno de, i, rdo we to eulogize it: "lore th an it bistly de. , erven , , Yot,whercwet.tdok - :aritited and *see the vest, antount_eilAthwlng'andllietress occasioned by many; of the disertalla In wtileh this inedleine -Iles lirevedno highlY.byeeesitini,:nt IVO that we cannot nrAn Its 'clainurthoitiftrigry; et 814 rat) nitleb In ithilyvdr: , .--- Varlobe iettiedies, it is true, have been offered and 'puffed ittoft•rtbticellir the care of diseases ttf titfiltings, and;stinie.ha've.heenlotnni no doubt very usefiakt but Natall.that,have vet been discovered. it is admitted by 'phyakittne, and all trite have witnessed Ile n 1113648; 'that nitife have "tireved as successful as this:' Igor AstitainiShOttness of Breath' and'itimildr affections, it - inny bezpronounced a positive cure. it has aired *Asthma In•Jimily wines of ten and twenty,..yeare', .manatig. after physic:dabs had declared' the 'case.ba- Vend the renal of Medicine., ' . .. Mold itl Carlisle by,l4. ELLIOrri . .. . In Mechanieebbr . m.oii the''o,2ii aft ; ., by the Rev. John G. Irritehey, Mr. WILLIASI Fit:FF. SCR, to Miss lg. ANN Elliikt.E; batlrot'Silver spring tp. . .. ' On Thrnsilq 'evening last, by the ltev. A. Anranit, Lieut. Of.intue earn', to Miss trizabe.tit OtirrektaLL, bath ol3hls borough. On Thhmlay MARY JANE intan Ndaughtor al.3ohn and Emma liumer, ages livOr yearetind..two months. Otivedtiesday last, \lnfighter •0 lulieranit-Elika-Tuitier aged abdet...4, inunthe Sltur lay morning strddindy Miss Mtn tAket, dedlohter'il f. to. I.llilter,'ag,ed abou , 'twenty 1141 dietMb 'rent. 'Acme Of for mint Artitor, In Ibis horobgh, Mies 10 ft AN N A,' dough tog of th .W.and S nen it nn Pa y, rd, "dr Bellefonte, Pa., In tha 25th year of her age. silo has fallen a Victim to Clint insidious licence, 'ihat. fell &strayer, whose shorts ore ever aimed at the lovely and beloved—consumption. The first strokes of the diettloyet ptobalay passedllueltservutit but as soon as his work became petcaptlble, all that 'human skill, or the most untiring efforts of devoted Trion& could occoliipliall, was done to avert the falai blow, but all In vain, Upon her exptessioh Of file hope, '9f I could only go to Carlisle I should get bet.. for," she was broright here, but etas, too Lute. She • l ingered here a lbw shig(miontlie._ Apprised of the Indy halite l'esult'tif 'her discode, she received it with ' cotitriobitte, and fliencefOrWard tippored to net us 11 she had nought to do but •loose 11w tiso uniting-her io earth and prepare tot her flight:to iflooVen, where 'ticity,she Is dobbiless reibleinglit the litesittice of Him, whom liefore stub left this lower' sphdre the learned 'to love with dratitude rind tiffeefitin, rolled fdrth iry 'the cnritdmplrolmi 'of file costly sacrifice Ire 'Made to overt Traih'der reholllBae race the eternal ebnamincw. ruin of flit gnat guilty act which "brought death litio the world anti all Its Woe.' Wlflt on unwaVerlng trust in the Merits of a Stneiour', death, site watched The approach of the ."king of terrors," and was bled to any with unhesitating ctimpositre, "Father, Into thy tweeds I commend my spirit—l have nn feat to die—when Death comes lie IS welcome." Tha t:losing seine Of her life Was peaceful ate happy. "Thou art gone to the Pave, Mit 'we're wrong to • • deptmtrilitey het God was thy runitnni, thy guatdlan and p i de; Ile gave thee, and took thee, and 001111 will restore thee, AVlrerrllentirliai - nO:st In g al nee-t he-Sair ion rims died. . . A SOLD BitICELET with a large •Cli- yellow stone-in , the centre. Supposed to have been lost while walking on the street. A suitable reward will be given to the tinder on leaving it at this orrice. july26 Selling Mr St A 3 R GOODS AT REDUCED PRTCES4 THE subvedbcr in order to make room fora rno stock, will sell oil . his•LAW NS. and SUM .MFlt GOODS at REDUCED PRICES. Ile invites his friends and eusteiners to cull and see. R qaoccs, West Iligh street BEEM ejIIIGRAM.B—A Intge essOritnent bf Gin" 11311: hunts ' Lawns, iterages, Du!amities, Al puehes, De Leiner, Cußenee, lloseries, Choclts Ticking, (Mb!elicited Moslins, TON Dmpar tSr.c All will be sold Very low ut the Cheap Store of the subscriber in West Main 'street july2B J G C ARM 0N Y IRISH LINENS. —A large assortment of Irish Linens, very low, at the Choap Store in West High street. Call and see. jtilv26 .1 G CARAIONY. ;, aorunont of Blenched ,Iluslins can be End at the Cheap zitore in West High forcer. Cull and examine for yourselves CAR3IONY Valitable Real Estate AT P ÜBLIC SA LE. WILL ho expoged to public sale, " • - tin the premises, oh - MONDAY the ißth thl August, 148, at 1 o'clock II P. e, al that certain 110 Lr 81!: and LOT OF (I It OLN D, Sifting) un the Past side of Pitt street, in the borough of Carlisle, running north from Dickinson alley one hundred and twenty feet, and east front Pntostreot sixty 'feet. This property from its immediate vicinity to the Railroad Depot, is well adapted to build ing purposes, and Will he sold in lots to suit pur- . Chasers, or altogether; its may hcrtnoat desirable. ' 'rho conditions *ill be made known on the day of- salO,by_ the . subscriber, front whom °pp infortriation'reenired can be had before that time by'culling on him. JAcori stisnut, inlv26-tA Franeig:Drumlottigh REAL:ESTATE - AT PJJBLI,C . §ALE. • , .THE subsbribea, agent fot Wil itliam Showher, will expose to u •rrr r, -public sale, oil the promises, on • FRIDAY the let day orSeptember next, at 10 o'clock A. lir, a tract of food SLATE LAND, situate in Franliford Jperaship, , Cumberland Minty. about six miles from Cailisle, Intended by lands of David Dear, iDeorge Logan, Jacob Danz and others, contain ing ONE TIUNDREID AND t4IXTYTIVE Acres; of which about 100 acres arc cleared and in. tl high state of. cUltiVatiott, and under good fence;. the-residue is timber land of an excellent duality.' Thetit can he made • about 18. or 20 aercs,of, good meadow on said farm. The im • provemonts Ste a. amall LO 0 USE* and other but.buildinga, andan excellont A P PLB ORCH ..ARD. :There. are--two springetf'good Water tin sontioasTned MCI "e - s7Gair-to . , basics through the cootie of thb Farm, 'Any ,Periena Wishing to Vie* aahl.Farrniato invited io call on the undersigned, living near the premix • The. terinitif.ettlirwill to,lirriid on , 1400 ..0111 Ist 'April itext.When Ptiasession Jivitritegiyon and a ,dpodi'thado to the Oltrchascir: • Anly26-Dt'' " "'VW WIGBIL, . . nroliefeliy no tified Wet .totieii efAdtiii n nistrqtion on the estate et:JAMBS COOLdr,;'Cum lie Oa d tounty,- - :stfoci , W the"-pagister in• end 'for, Bahl coun'yon - the ',enbecilini , „,lwhe ,reeiaes the of :'...minfoeilfkik,Olidr:-'All.,pprsdps having claims or donut dee. hp,entat of, said 'decedent; ttro'requedto ~ eteakcf Apowe the gams witlrelq ticilaylapkthese::iiktidtited'-fe tenkii prkment' 41i ge , %DltuNcle'r, ( )pr,,.:.. , . u 1 2G 43tpd k Yr 1' 4 ? Ad Admi nistrator f •,onttha7es r.,R"-§4r-iiilminiattat,s9,d .1063 •0r.,,,,x10R. Z;--,.;4'13140kE1LAge0t,4147, bpaP r4.41.44:4.r: :qunilie.uttiumx ~~Supf to i''2l,R9rlwnsd"wnt Preteu-t 111°1(111 ehi or diffact ielvott q- Pl*lieet 0 0 . qk' . 41 1 1 444 e- . trp against • 043, off. IA tho'oo, for • ","...*?l,l9* cti . ° N , BRINDI;VG « y :,:r44,oeit. • • . , . . Striit''''OiliWi''. ' i'f;•.?'"-..',pY „ 5,' ..,.„, „., .. 2 , , ~ thiwititt, .4,1-...W.' 11;1, ,AS+ "' ' pre4waY iram- d' t ,"4.'l,;,i'i'''L",..; 4:',4i',-'.{ ;'I3TRAIII" . . 'h"on , Fri ft • c 47 gvf!xi'' , ; ' ". ' ,„'!: ribibin this: borp light; ~.eocksvis .:.-.,:y4,:i,',L,,,1•Pr.'., ;,;;;iiiavaitiiir+6l 4 ,,,,„ etti., d , iiTt l ~,V,ltZ.‘. s.,.`•l_'``..'l3a,l'orlllitii..llioTiOtiiil,fineer.!it'i'at'lltli'iantP '' ' ..?... titi. ''flr o.4ider.lo4lllPg:iilswitclftiOtti.w.l).i!e.; ,:...i. a ro 'lhio othOlc ~ iu tlalitt -•-, a.th , t0i . .v.10. , ft; 4bloutte. ~. . !, ~, . or of ~, ~ ~ ` ; ' 0,: i....1- !lliiiitf. liiiriier,o . g.p .. , it:. liii., , , got ,n 9.. . - ~ , ,'.i''''''W".4 let liiio-4n.Ontb 8 ,"'eiOr,,,llll ' ,„ ., l V iiiit.`l34lllll4l)fa f4 l ' ', ':.t:j,lll.94Viilnijitip,-.:,ObitiptitrWm.',l4" 41i dil4,6l,l4llinjii)lrlir '' ''''': "i '.. 14)414 l i glILMl-117*r 9.l':t r tiUP 1)14!' 4 O 4l4lll rill . " llk:P ll l7l it ri (ii iii e * e . ; 0 4 ) F i i ii t ; ' 9` 1 ; 1 1 ! 1 . 1 1 teigirillo.s•,!'il.!&-,-••!'.!, r,'.tv.i.Tll,4l4.lY,fll)lTlß "-'J..4,4ti1,03t.i.:.4.:-4.4.,?,;.'i.At-,'::...:' q ,4, 4 l ;i';' , g;i l :ol'olk . t,',' : i-'''l'.':',l,ii4;',,',;`,''.'''''.',.....:'.l‘.:;`:lll ; '.:•:. ., ;: ' .• ' : .Vf , ' -- ) , . - , :7 :, , -,7../-V;,::..;q'..0:',. f .-' ' ' ' ' ''' ' '' " -,.'.:',,,`84,1;-,-,,r.,•,'.1..'.,-;:i.',:i:,,,!,-.'')', ;••- - - - MMlttr, DIED Lost. I am once more restored to health, and now in n condition to support myself and family de pendent on. Inc. Yours resreetfully., with groat reord, SAMUEL GSA R UPON • New York. Jule 14,1848 Messrs. Ketchum 4 lionshaw—This certi fies that I have becifseverely afflicted for many years with the Tiles, but more particularly within the last nine months. flaying used all the remedies proscribed by my physician, also having tried other menus to little or no air vantage, I became very much discouraged and felt as though I must suffer as long as 1 lived. Obi protildentially I was informed by Mr. Mott, Instructor of the_ public_ school at Staten Island:Tina I mold be cured by your valuable Pilo - Elecluary, Having confidensp is his statement, I immediately procured Borne of the medicine, and am very happy to inform yotitlfuf f nm now perfectly cured by the use of only one. hex. Very truly your obedient sertinnt, 'GEORGE R crtoss Sold wholesale and retail by KETCHAM & HENSHAW, 121 toilton st,N. Y., and by, druggists generally tiroughout the United &nes and Canada. Price $1 per hoc, , Sold in Carl.sle t•y S ELLIOT'P July 26, 1848 . • • , CAME to the, resitionee•df the. 'subscriber, in Newton township, - 111bOlit thejst of June• last, PEV ,9.144,4 - 11 - EA - D -- OrIdNEEI. , old - ones ohtftfiree lambs., They are of the blook•ledged breed,'and hove their ears trapped, but no ottler marks. ,The ownoris re , gliesled ;ID come forward; prove property 'end take therrtaiitay. juiyl6.4ifid WM: . DYgRMAN. . :WASHINGTON' HOUSE , iIAiIRISIIO,IS, PA. THIS popular house has reeentlyi tintletgerte ~, ,I.l , 6 l , N a lon t tex u ap i tArl va ;T a i L ng d o fb o t n bo s a u t n4 i t a shi t aa t!palieta , of - t i httttgialaturimmdTothersTvisitin Y li, :%": 1 1 i p ?, 1 13 1i .vIlr i r e ettl , :m , ill.filttl it a very di) 7 ~ 0 47 7,04 1 t Ime,moderit; t :O:SqY • ' • ' • T":7l4airicibuig t.i tify'l9-6 " • , . •, z r . ....-...7: . .7 f. , '.... ~ ..! ' 14'...r . .. 2. ApitiSolnUdifi : 1" ;:"..-" : .-..-- ''''''' '''' T , truo.rlperoliiwheiettiftiee exietrni uridrir thh firm of 141EILEY '&'. , LtNliAltP,': wee.. disselyed7en thi',gl dnyir,A,Vrit'inetl,hy,,renr94l,l -49,neent.'4,,44, IlAiorednillayhrw-61ehni,egoinet,rund- flre..vrilfrpresent thern•foreettlemoitiVard thooh knowing thempelti,99.indebted_ ~ , , t , f it,teme•fiirwerd • end make' pakinent fininedignidvrc'„pAlvrogt, • MEII,EYT9ne of•said, firm,•'ae tiierhei bOoltir end mipere ,, have` been ;;Irenefcirre& tt - hirdi'hnd-Tnb' turtherindilisin9e'enn her mune,'" `•••' ••••'' ••••''' , ,t‘.;• • •-• ,•-••••.. :,,,..•;,: ~,, =. ' 4 IAMIJEL'MEt.f.tr:•' ' I ~ ..., ,_ . ,. .. • . • • • . -•• PHILIP4L.EIIIART.'" i • • hrechnnicaburtr;Julylo•Jt l, , , 'l‘ , f .. .i , " ''" r I , ~ , woop zastum) :„T , i'f , 'IT ptai,i4p! 4Atx: "' ',.- viriint , ii4f , B6ll4e q ,,p'# re ericiliy,`,46.'h,d z ,; ti y ,l i f ji. , 00 4 at tbe voOrt n r . 0 , 48 ,,,ai,-, 111 , I PT 6 F) 7 ,of, 'radial() o 4 AATUA.k'L x,f.4, 1 0 1, Li. n , 8 4 %7 , 4 getitemble.ai 2 9' , alaalci,i 4 t a , Tliat'at PZP,,, ,:, TAix LAND, , OPt am ia t trifiwar 4l % o E, - .. i iti li ALI isiD,ItED" Aerep of it'd lib e Tir4b ,r,t4p,. a • into Melo - Olt pitrehoserNor..eobi. 4110getbS, aa otirchasets,mrtf,witill w {ge : t! 10 ,, bO !my 1 thaotal settite'vphilif , 1."1,i Wiftat+ fdve' rortoidi t winning I‘o awe 0 .. e, , s , 3l, , (kIC-GITCOOK4V 4. " - . - • • • , . nosh 'Difige -Medic 8 i .:Sic,' jusvreeeiiea - rioin . rhilnqej , phia,' and "-New . ; Yerk. very' , eittebiliVP :. add,itioboto:My foFrno . rstook,-etnkra-, ..eing s tioarjy.every tiro,* oflletliptoo: n0yv,41);, , u5e,.. , togethor 7i with ,PainfS,, - Oilei3rNlloll6B,,Ttirpotitipo, f rerterrifirly,':S - oaps, Stationery,. Fine.‘Cuttery,. , i lfrai3fies. of almost', every deacriPtioir;. With 'an endlSSsvnriety of, .olhor artieres,, whiekt einiineil to soli, at ,the„vmtir. iiowssrprices 11:7' Phypiein a s o Coontry Merehanty,''PiAlars and others, al . roSpoctfully regaasted:odt to posit thnt the OLD .ST ND, as . they tinny , rest. assure d aitanf att ic lo will,be sold 'of , a goad'quality,, and upon reasonahlo terms. Main street, Carlisle may 24 Hat and; Cap,. Sthia rriffE , Suhscribhr leaving kik roterned from the JR. city, would ihform the publicnthat he is now opening a liptentlid .assortment, of SUMMER lIATS.ht his old Mand in N: Hanover stroet.— titock comprises Ilioleskiii, Nutria, Rocky lietti•dr,' Penli, Cassimere add Silk lIATS,'of the:most substantial make had latest style. Also CAPS. of e'vety- description and quality. i lie invites his friends to call at his estfiblish ment before - purchasin g elsewhere, as he is con fident that they will find into their advantage. tnnylo - GEORGE KELLF.R. ' N. S.—liighest prick given for Furs, lontb's Wool, &c. . Boots, Shoes and Brogans . .. .... .`• . '' - THB attention of the public fs ithlt• . ed to n largo and olegcntst assortment ' of BOOTS and 'SfrOF:S, now open ing. at PORTER'S •SITO g STORE, Alain street, opposite the Mothodim Church. The stock has been sole‘cted With gVeat care, and for style and dtiraltility is unequalled. Ladies' French Linen Galitis (ntw.styl'c) . Do. ' Morocco Hall Gaiters do Do. - Kid and Morocco Slipperd, Buskins anti Tiel4-4 Ititll prices • , Misses' Gaittrs,• Leather Boots, Buskins and Slippers Children's Crafters, Boots and Ankle Tics of every '-variety Mon's Calf and Morocco Boole, brogans and Slippers Boys and Wrath's Goat, Calf ond tirogans and trgencral assortment of thick work Also n great variety of Boot and Franeh Monte tro,,Ridi Pink and White LININGS; Last - Particultir attention will ho giVen its usual , td uSTGMEIt WORK, such rut- Gentlemen's fine-F-renek_Room.„_Congrpss Racus_andianitersi Ladies' French anti Ithiglisli Lasting Gaiters and Congress Boots Kid and Mfirocco Slippers, tine king and French Ties; and every droll used to get up the work:in a style equal to the hest city work, anti at the lowest price, by mayto WM. M. PORTER k CO. N. B.—Aelhe subscriber is now doing busi doss tinder the firm of Win. M. Porter !kc Co. he earnestly requests these indebted to settle their accounts, as it is necessary his old beaks should be closed without delay, M. Refreshing Drinks, LISMNERAIZIY_ATE.II,_ .Sparkling and bright, • In its Arid not only sparkling and bright, But for its flavor it is hard to bear., FELIX'S MINERAL WATER. herilon and Sarsaparilla, it largo supply always on hand and for sale by the gross, dozen or singly bottle. MON R'S F 0 UNTAIN:MEID , Is indeed the 'isTe Plus Ultra' drink of the ma son.-and can be had with the above named Mineral*Waters, nt the wholesale and retail Confectionery of P. MO NYEIt, maylo , N. Hanover st N. B.—Pic-nie and other Parties aupplied a low rates_ REMOVAL. T"P., subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally. that l o has removed to the large brick building—in - Senth Hanover street, one door front Nburrett's Hotel, and within a few doors of the Volunteer printing office, where he will continue to carry on the TA I 1,0 RI NG 13 USIN ESS, and to receive or ders for work in his lino, all of which be pledges himself to execute promptly. in a nont, fashiona ble and workmanlike manner. The latest fash ions will he regularly received, end he can there fore furnish to order it dress that will plenso the most fastidious taste. lie would avail himself of this opportunity to return his sincere thilnks to his many patrons for their past encouragement, and solicits a continuance of their favors. . maylo-3m 11. 8. RITTER. rinOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA, for the removal and permanent cure of all diseases arising from an impure suit, of the blood, scrof ulous affections kc, timriftn:ed superior to tiny other preparation of Sarsaparilla now in use, for sale by the dozen or single bottle, at. maylo .1. A. BISTIOP'S Drug Store, W. Main street' Cheese, Cheese! A Prime lot cif Cheese jutt, received `—'• by „ • P. MONYEII. may 10 N. Hanover imam. DeellaviVZortgages - and-Bond'se-- A Very iiiie assorttfieHt of these bitirikt " - w now fur sale at the . 11lift.ALD . office. • maylo Teas of the. New Crop. Mani aid Spikes. EIII • . ,• • •"- • .• • 'i3l3,trAkig 41 4 17 4 51 t • • • hikes set tt;D'. T. d. Aryerth. Wo hitsJ utit reeeiVed and is laOw ontitiitig ft lardd &will! ticketed esSOkaitnit'et,FitE,S,l3 , Dit up - S. ,h11;113ICINE,:#, will lie rueful the fotlewittg t OpiiltiL Camphor, P.peaine D,'yet ! Sniffs; t3;' , iene, Cnillery; -" *Aleohni; TP . amide, Pine 'Oil, ' • • Atm, Bm. Meer', tiliirettatioilmeat of PERFUMERY, Hair and 'Pooth•Brashes, - ' .• - • • ' • Unthrellas, Walking . Canair, • • ItoussuPtunnttfilauers Slinvitt~ firer m, Bear's Oil, . Cologne Water,, Bair Dyo, Oa . Marrow • • „. FancY 'Sonlis,.Eitnftets, ME's.rt F6x, Carling hnd . . FANCY ARTICLfig of eVrye -deseiintion, in which he ,respectfully invites the attention of the Vtoblie. His asifort Cunt is a follfind rich one, and he hopes by sinet attention to bean - less and low prices, to receive a liberal shale of the pub lic patronage. Physteinns',Prescrlptiens carefiilly cempoun.. ded. • - •J. A. BISHOP ; Twirl West•Mnin street, Carlisle. , . • ofiß. J. S. 111YERS has disported of his.entire • efock_tif Brit& tb Mr. J. .A BISHOP, rishittgovhoAvill continue ; to do tuisiness at orrold stand on Main street. ..Mr. Bishop hos had eonsiderabte exp'Orienett in the tortik.husi beas,and cOntideritly reporibnend hiVn hi the customers tha atota and aolicit a continuhnee br.t heir favors. • . . "0:11 , 'Ily this 'arrange lent Dr. Mveits Will be 'ambled to give his undivided attention to the ditties of his profession . • inapt .Confectionory, Fruit- dir. Toy Stbre, Notit Bower StOct, Col - - I IIE subscriber would respectfully inform country merchants and the public generally, that he is constantly rnanatfitontring, and has al• ways nti hand CANDIES of every variety, (which for qualitysanitgate_ounpskeidby_gny manufactured to the State) which he will sell wholesale a rutitil itt tiie sTANn, N.,llan over street, ti few dam's .north — of • . whero lie bait also oh }mild ta icl N UPS of the latest ihipertations, which wit. be sold at Ills largial priees.for cash. His sloes consists in -part of Oranges. Lemons, Raisins, Pigs, Prunes, Daum Conon.nuts, Creme-nuts, Pea-nuts, En- Almonds,.Pccan-ntits. Filberts. Ile would also irifopti die public that to has just' returned. from the city with „a very large steak a FRESH FAMILY GROCERIE,S„ consisting of superior &tilde refined, crushed and pulverized LOAF SUGARS , brown Su gars, among which is a Very fair article - for G; cis. pbr lb.; COFFEE, from Stolo ot per lb.; a superior article of. finneriel. Arching Mason, nntl 'thick TEAS;'_ MOLASSES of nll 'dodo; Wa ter, :Soda and Super Crackers; Cheese, Choco late, Rice..l.lleckang, Matches,, Brushes:, FRESH SPI C ES, viz: pepper, tAlVice, Cinnamon,a Cloves. Nutmegs. Ginger and,Nlus. terd. A supply of Indigo, (best quality) Alum, Starch, Washing Soda, Salt Peter; -all of which will be sold at the loweht rotes. • . The subscriber returns his Sincere thanks to the public. for thb liberal patronage extended to him, find' hopes by n desire to pleaSezo merit a - continuance of the same. All orders (Om n din. , tame thankfully received and promptly attend• ed to. .• . imay-11 P. ItIONYER SECOND SPRING ARRIVAL ttT BENTZ'S Cheap Cash Stofe, where they are now opening the greatest gotintity of new and cheap Goods, of the folloWing kinds: CLOTHS, Cassimeres and Veatings CALICOES, of every variety and htyde, from 4 to 111 cm. per 9111TV-4-and some of those are first rate at 61 and 8 cm. Vile assortment con: sists pf about 9000 yards. , • Forty. pieces . Fit ENCH - GINGFIA3IS,. at NI, 1 6. and 181 eta. pay. yard. MANCHESTER GINGHAMS-10, 12,}i and the heat for 16 eta. LAWNS--Some beaUtictillitterns, 187, and 75 cts. Per yard. 27E 50 and 62} on. per. We have the cheapest AlPaehas in taw! SUNS—White and Unbleached, at all prices,.autl lower than ever sold Wow. CHECK'S, 'flaking', and Pantaloon goods at all prices. Hosiery, illoves, Bandkeichielh, Bonnets, Ribbons, hats, Oil Cloths, Flannels, cotton and linen Table Diaper, Fans, Shawls, Edgings and Laces, Fringes,. Duttb»s, and in fact every arid. cle in our lino of business, These goods are offered to the public at lower prices than can lib bought any where in the State of Pennsylvania, as our moans of pureliat!. nig aro equal tormy, and fur superior to most country merchants. Also, GROCERIIS, Ql-93iFlisTS:WARE, Etc. Give tie n call and we feel antisfied You will save money in hialtingyoui pitichnsea. A. Sc W. BENTZ, . 3 floors south of the Post Office NEW YORK VARIETY STORE. . . Jy & M. COLLIER & BROTHERS, beg i leave to liana the eitisens of Cumberland and adjoining counileS, that they hate jilst open ed an extensive VARIETY SPORE in North tianoter .strebt, in the building ItitelY ociutpibil bY Mr. liantch, between Haversack and Lyon's • stores, whero Tilley will be happy to receive the mills of ell wishing nriloleti in their line. • Thy will at all times keep`on hand a Wiiirilileciefl assortment of Coteau] Prints, (French, English and American). domestic rind foreign Pi3rfumery, Patent Medicines, embracing nearly etbry de scription, and in Rim a little of every thing usu ally kept'in tin extensity 'Variety store. fhey-tirti theimitchisivamgentafor_thh_salami Dr. Titilihngiin's celebrated..;Pulinenic Mixture, and bib Briladmio Extract of Sarseparillb; Dr. Green's delelikated Oxygenated Bitters, for Dye pepsin anti Phthysie. .'Phey.are altio the exclu sive agent's for',this.cotintrof the' NiW Yong Cpusciiik..Te4t . COM.PAnY, and; will lceeP con stantly do Mind whirob of' the 4 supbrior Tens. .• In conclaidert they hlik.leabe to hay, that they tire adierniffie.d to Bell' dt tery artraltiiivfita for cast!, died, invite all hatialnit to 'give them a call. Orders froT ciJttuitry ijidieHanta suplllied uji?n'thp most reattondtilb Wraith . e1!..4.!et , - . RXIDLCO,ITAL., HA:N_TCH; haiiitit, - kiiidted' his IA Cheap cLoTtinvo.wro Eto the room: formerly . ,ocattpied.,br 11, 1 1 1 i9rve,:pfl:tho , , east 'llldiklit:Stinare,, &raptly. tippasito FditAin's 41iiirb:Vvciuld%tegiectfully infprio frinsithi diidibb 'ladle in &Midi; that - he intends; id; btietheAti (hi Mote 'extenstith„ Imola than hbretrifbrm" , He has jugt reenited from die, eastern cities trlargoasscirtmern of SPRING: and; SUMMER GO ODS,; rdM, up tit ; the, shortest noti eb and in tho most esirahle.Mannbr.../J ininstantli haic.on : fnd; n Jar ' Selection_ or ,RHADY-MADH CLOTHING' clingier,nin'eioiclfored te the pnblie'befoid , =bichas black' kind bliia -I,)idas .C9alkiTiodh 'and . Sahli Coats' Of *airods °biota,' Weed 'Coat eof 'all sligies , iind :hoMts,liu miner, TERI' Coats • Linen, and • Inan — Tmiittrr and all dther,'ltinds efflitiitiibitublercOnts,; , .binek: and, fancy Canhmerb every description and ciilor , ;',•plaiM and . ,fancy Sattn_Yeritatail gorts trisfirst_zH • t and !Collard nbek 'not OW Hand karchiefa i Stoctpii•Suiipenders of all kinda; end 4 Thrt chbnp, , , 4 , 1) i ff o rde eyphic, f .6.l h iv, Eta arra' of tareLt , o , c , 4' lIIIIM a,RFti in , ' large lot pf Gitighiitri t l i ewnoon 4 sorelieel: ~,,,, titerl9'; ---, 7--- ~. 474" IN" GHAMS;4iiiisareitiiiiid;l:iftra* OPPIY, V!r,of , Giilg)iiirmi, , Clioaporttfitin eioi4 Mt l4.-'1:-' :vi!ti1iti110.7......,);•iit.1,,,,Ci.4iii.,i4a1t,P.0R1ii.. !Ku Nari , htndiarid(wiWbb4old'itrij_ttLbehN bgg •',qs ii:yoaippfdoLt a tttg.4i „siFf , tlitr i ciopijitsr wolket Ifro;,Wbet'utifikaftcli, , aidyir , l;101 • RO'OKW.' View, 4sAliva .;, /a #6p suPPlYisirtgiuffis egif , IAYA-8 1 4 I , l 4,o l ll4itrYi PiTcYo.nr!. l PCf i l , P7, Aqr iiqa ;io.Pcpt; Anita Fif qoPP I4IO . di) i e rf. Ito fid•npkAo,Yo, nellgrfloW'Or, 14, that' `thi fdre:st.oabb Pric,9l l, ,WA !nViio:th. o Qtte nit'!l°l . cciuliory, merOititi;* PhYstelahkt and, '4. 111 dianune our goods Ind prima' before• p , urbtkusingi FAiNm 1 : 1 P ' 4 3F"Y , _•• • , • ~,.. ...:~ ~~t CARD, MONMER'S GREAT BARGAINS! ‘ . l . 1' • '• V., FROM, c4timjsr:k,'lis-16M0 . .... . .. n„,., u; sahicriherkegs leave fa i'nfo t rita du:lt:Air 'oiling connnunity.a% ltelutentsm run a LINT t '01.7 STAGES moat ciuusLe TO YORK UP tl hadkj thre9 thifaa El ‘Veitic,aa follows:—Leavy) - Carlisto .on Aton'daYt dneiday 'and .t'ridaY •Inornings at B.p clock , • at, and passing thyougft Churchtotvw, Dillstokm and Dover, arrive at York at I o'clock, r. b , which Wilike in time id take the York train of to for 13altenoret - Letivb York for Carlisle at I- lock,' it, tinimedintel):' altar the arrival of Ike care,) on'eacb Ttiesidar, Thu redny, atid 81161140. The ,subaeriher assures *se Who bittY kt. ionize him,rhat he has Tepaied himself- with 'comfortable turd tafo - Etages, mid 'Will use Y.:terY effort possittle fo pedournotlakeraNelle* rtta seaigers from Carlisle 'will aninge paifttatitriu - lit` office offthe - aubberiberrand,o)ll46-calledlor_ at the plaCes they request:, In York they will en gage at the Depot, or White Hall, tavern. • . • , ittly26 , 3m - GEO. fIEIsiIYEL Glimpserland goUnty Agritt u Society: TIIE Agneultuial gocietr met t theirt rt - beg. in the_Lourt ft,,onSaAurday 20th of May, and appointed the Comm:trace vol.. 'paratory t 0 theirall Meeting, viz: • T . B sefeet the ground for and auperintbhd iftß Pelt M o bin, 'Nm. M. dlentlerson. Corrimittee on Agrieulidraltmplernentsi—Bob: ert Bryson, Clem. St Lyman, Skilea WOodbitrn; G. 11. Metier, B. C. Sterrett. Committee pn Sheep and Hogs—Chtittialt. Titzel, Tohn Stuart, T. Urie. Committee on flors'ea and Cattii-- 4 11.1elhoir Breneman, M. C. Davis, l'homns Lee. , Committee to Judge of Ploughing.—Tholiana Bradley, David Sterrett, John Hemminger, Dan iel Coble, Ab'm. Lumberton. r • rtuntibltrco — aullilniss- -- =Abini ---- rsttrlllyeteriohn -- - Zug, John Noble.. Cominitteenit Sbeds—t'ederibk Watts, Richard Parker. . Corninitteo' on Batter. Chboot , , VlTetnitler, George ,W. Slicatrer, Wfit. Kincodo,4ollll Wearer. • It wee !boil ReeolLrd, Thnt vita Agrien • Societi will have, n R VhlS'r HOME MEETING at Ilenderson's Gram on FRID4y„ the 41h of , Aitgest, nt 9 o'clocic m., t 6 friend (if twriettltitib nra united. following commune *its *Minted to prepnre and superintend it, .'viz • 'Bnlintel Myers, Edwnrd M. Diddre, John IdilTc4, Jiteob Bretz; W., M. .Watte, Frcd'k. . . Published by order of the Society. FRED'K. %VATTSb Preset. RICHARD PARKER See'y. . mity2.l inloy WANTED—A smart, inteNent 130 Y 113 about 16 - ofiee or agi.; Vlltitell to learn the Drug husinesii june2l CMII.RIC EDGINGS, &c.—Just received tin additional supply of Cambric Edgings and Inset-flogs. Frehch - - Lttebt Thread Laces and Edgings, with a variety of Cotton Laces, and for stab cliesit by june7 G. W. ILITNCR. fr , 0 WOCCO BgLiTS-Another lot of Mo 4. 5 .4 a% vireo Belts of vat:l,3as seolora, to suit La dies' dresses, just opbnad by, • jnne7 G. W. HITN,ER. "1 Physicians and Country lfferchantbi WHO i,vish to purchase DRUGS, kb, client, are requested to call and thb WO stock received at the atbte of thb subecriber. 'I lie arti cles are fresh rr!nd warranted good, and purchased at the very lbweht dish prices,. and will be dis posed hf toiver than articles of the same quality have lesCretieen sold in Cumberland cothity.— Call And - hie, and if he does not Mulch* to yowl advantage to purcease fro . ht him, hb will not salt you to' buy. Orders frbin the ebuntry will receive prompt attention, the articles guarantied good, and prices lower than nhy 'other place in Carlisle. J. A. BISHOP. Successor to J. J. Micro, Main at. Cartibia may 4 Cheap Window Blinds, r,. 1. WILLIAMS, No. 12, North Sixth street, Philadelphia, V EN ITIAN BLIND man ufacturer, has now on hand the largest and most fin:Mon . :lMb nssbithabni of narrow slat, and other Venitirin Blinds, of any other establishment. in theltlnited States ; comprising entire new styles, trinimingt and colors, which which will be sold at the Mutat pricei, wholesale and retail. Old Blinds painted and trithined to looh equal to new. The citizens of Carlisle and ildjabetit country aro respectfully invited to call and minim) his as sortment, before patch:Min* tilabwhefii, feeling Confident of pleabing arid. giving .autiefactitin to all who May favor Itim,Vvitti g call, BENJAMIN J. WILLIAMS, No . . 12 N. Sixth at., Philark mtly24-3m • ACE CAP.GS:;--Tho . stibicciber has just re ceived further sUpply of Lice Capes, algid Figured 'Nash Blond Capes. at low prices. jude7 G. W. lIITNER. OPEN WORK HOU . —A general assort. ment of Ladle? and Children's' open work Hose, just opened by _Ana? G. W. MITER. traakA RLOR AIR BALLS—Received this day 111. E. another lot of Qum polls, to which the at: tendon of the rising gimbration s ta invited. jttne7 HITNER. Peat 014 V.--Juat -- receettwad,- a 'hash autijily Rougeol:a befogne,Extracts iodic)? Caroline, Geranium and Per= fume do fennY Lind junelo. [J 6t B !FLEMING • ta b) REPARAI'IONS row AlBr—Am; •, kr - opg the many ankles, Okiiiitared for the hairy none are so deserve* ROptilitr, as Roussel's En is fig. Cleansing, iireserting and promotin g the grovrtti of Bib hpir: June 14 i and W B EtEMIN 0 • FRENCH 130311 nit Bab acribor hae juta rbedied aTew 'pick* bf • Black; Brown, -and Drtib:.French Summor , Clbth;!ofea; pnrjbr Vatiai hut! ivi11,044;00 'l'lo4 • turriEß MILLEN t RBl, TRIM MIN.6B—T he, sub; acribey.hae received +oriott of Trim 'rnioko, such as 13onnel. ,and Tibe, Shirrs. talitio and Whybbboch foi Cueing..l3onnets; 'GolTOeil:f.ininka ibtfethbr ivhh .oth ei • ifinteruthi tied hi! rtlipihinin Una iklll`lio , ftir; filched utmodaUtOpri4A. • ' 2 , • . • G. W.4IITNER. , - ImirustbAL, INSTRVMENTS—:-A largo Ant hupply . of Vittßob, - FlurOlO Fkagioleter Accotdeorthi rifboiObtaito'FliithicTiming Finite; with lwecoptoto to each, put opthirkat_thk cheat DrugOlook_oniNitribty tooth Of r lynx $.1.......,;.1....,.....5.-v,:oxvEztErracKt I D 0 NTI N Fe'r , Juiit recuiie4. another ,, o es ti O'eupp) , ;dal celebtaitid . Toot txuquif t I lbkutitiyoly it.sigortu that It Co,nt#iirtit !in LEM _ . 3;lptray4 k bit • Old f. ; i(l l+ ~,Wolnatilitottonvreo,-- f tihr , „ofrqta } the. '4OlO _r_a,.on the 291hpfJtine, pp,Hi IN-' • pLfr ; COW; crvith' sthitlV*o6l herneorn. yearn The erfier aired- fiirwerd; tirtiptirtY;lnty, tihnegin and lake' her deny: oiherWiskol din , ' ' pogo oLher acCording to law, • tier.• It 4 °Fey-4 liio'stippl3i l' :. , °PS IP ILlrecolied ; '§;'ELLlO.l7' iony24 ,1; tttt ft ft tt , f `,1,1 - rijedivdtll4 - jmay24 Ung.Mll,llOlOC ,i 1 1 1,4e 4 o 1 " !F. RYNy n d, 41fitTA#11 - 01 1TY :•? t. ,41149 ‘, t ,9 0 9 et - 00,12. .-,Vl c oll,vpened-rit:4l - a433To;ltive;Wwiaitizelrfo .A A 49OI I , T ,P§APd 6. . l) :Xh,fit;Al ) W IPP'7.1 1lf11 °!1 °41040 1 1 t 1 ,1 P i tO !totdrtil l fit . ' k J ut't • i “ . tl l ' - ' 11'111 )" ! 11 1 • I I!! El Geo 9 ELLIOTT