' tOvWtrtar.' • PUBLLSIIED EVERY Nvi,DNESDAY. • 46m-et in the tingteethe,public • S,4ttarC, back of ihc Court -Douse TERMS OF SUOSOMPTION,.• Cue Drain . and Play cents a year IN e DXANII. 'Tt . o Dollars, lfpald .within the year. 'One Dollar for sic„ Months. - • _ Those tonna will by rigidly adhered to. to Pectin thb paper at tile reduced term it MUST be paid cash in.advanco. RATES OF ADVERTISING, Advertisements, nalting fifteen lines or loss, will Rte charged at the rate of Filly, cents for one inaer lion—ahree times for Pine llollar, and twenty-five rents for ovary subsequent Insertion. Yearly odor tilers will be charged at the following rates • Ono Column, with the paper, for one ye: , • 6'25 Italia column, do. do. - - pia Two Squares, with quarterly ditTnvs, pH) Business Cards, With the paper, • `JOB PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Such us Sindbilie, Ti! rinks, Oirentars and every P ll, - er description or Printing. executed handsomely and expeditiously find at the 1,0 A SONG-01411 Zarh Tay !or. I= •Wh'in rill'aeoern-t-k•antl . nwords me tin Thing, And tm Nets throtqlt the ranks are noodling, When'enn non roar and muskets rattle; 'Old "Zack" front! . (he storm of battle. Old Zack Tayiar hold nod steady, Sometimes "Bough hut 'always Ready,' When n:d . Z acli.tvirtunt.s his prmid war steed The t.ftr.tosets" 11111 n jilt a irtld stampede '.Run vat rascals,' do not fall, at `l'll calpkaga you all," says ilia; old Taylor Old Zack Taylor, &c. ‘Vhen Pante Anna—each a annme, Heard Old Zack play Yankee Dandle, Mg "cork leg" ton it jib railroad speed, And still keeps Intrtrinwe- it does Indeed Oldpick Taylor, &e. Vr „ • • off to ••I'm o a hurry," at every peg, '•Dot and curio, one," sacs the old cork leg; "Good.bye, Zack," and his aheek turned paler, "I'm not the flint n Ito cheated 1 Taylor." „ ()la Zack Taylor, 44. e, Our glorious eagle hover cm* ers7 Our conutry's foe= are ever our Oniprand flag floats net ht ave defenders ror Old Zack Taylor •'never ,aztendsts!" Old Znck Taylor's bald and steady, kiotnetitnes Itratlh, but always Ready. Ratification Meeting at Philadelphia. ES ul.,1"11tIN s lion. AVm..Y..louNsoN presided over the great meting ill Independence square on Ft itlay.n ight. to r:spond to and ratify the nomination of the 'Will , Na tional Con ventien. Gov. Morehead of N. C., Gen. Leslie Combs of lc.y.,Gen. Barrow of Tenn., 0en...1 rs in of Pa., John H. FoWler rind Mr.. Van Wpglter of N. Y., nnd great many .others made ratifying speeches. The following 11eso lotions, reported by W. S. Frice, — Esq., of Pa., were untimmow , ly adopted • 1. Resolved, That. the Whigs of tl.le United States,_hcro rissi , inided by their Representativos, hentlily, ratify the nomi nation of. Gen. ZAGHAIZY TAYP:OII as President, and MILLARD FILL. MORE as Vice President of the. Cnitrql States, and pledge themselves to their support. 2. Resolved, 'Flint in the choice of General Taylor as the Whig candidate for President, we arc glad to discover sympathy with n great popular senti ment throughout the nation—lt sentiment which, having its origin in admiration of , great rniliiary success, has been strengtrt: erred by the devekpment, in every sec tion and every word, of sound eons( rya tive opinions, end of true fidelity to the great examples of hirnier days; and to the principles of the Constitution as ad ministered by the founders.. 8. Resolved, That tt:Meral Tivr.mt. saying that l a id he voted in 1:•;.11, he 'could have voted the Whig ticket, cave us the assurance—and no better is need- ed from a consistent and truth speakinz man—that his heart was with us at d:- crisis of our politiittl destiny, when I.lsmtv et.vv was -our candidate, tin - I when not only Whig principles were well defined and clearly asserted, but \Vhig measures depended on success.--,- The heart that was with us then is with us. now, and we have a soldier's word of honor, and a life of public and private virtue, as the security. • , 4. Resolved, That we look to General TAYLOTeS administration of Ihe Govern ment as one condifc:ve of Peace, Pros perity and Union. Or Ps,ten—because no one bone: knews,or.litts greater reason to deplore, what he lets seen sadly on the field of victory, the hOrrors of u•ar. and especially of a foreign and aggressive war. OF PrtO.PErti•rr—tiolV more than ever needed to relieve the nation front a burden of debt, and restore industry-- agricultural, manufacturing, and comtner-;. citil—to its accustomed and peaceful func tions and influences.' , "' OF Uston—be !muse we have a candidate whose very tosition as a South-Western man, reared n the hanks of that great stream whose ributaries, natural and; artificial, embrace he whole :Union, Tenders •the protection , tithe interests of the whole country his irst trust,, and whose. varied duties in ,ast life -have been . rendered, pot on the oil, or under the flab Of any • State or ;cation, but:over the-wide frontier, and' under the banner-of the Nation. - 5. •Resolved, That standing as the ' Whig party' does, on the broad and firm platform. of the Consii tu ti on, -bi'tiCed up by all- its in v iolltble and sacred .gUttran, tees and compromiseS,and cherished in the of because protective of the in terests: of the. ; ,people t . r we are preu . d...to • haii, its the exp Orient diony,opininns, one •who-is . pledgedl6 , eonsfrho'it by the wisa, .--- and:gcrtereou's rules ;Wlfieli: WaShitigtaii ..aprilied , :tojtiand;_Witi!hifs's,paid 'DO _no , '..l.y . hig'6sfies 'atty. othes .. .assulancej , t hat Jie•:',will•linako.W,ashiligfoti!e: Administraz . -tietilthe,ltiiiidcf'ofitiseWni: , . ':, ."' -`• ''; ~1,, --':::t:•,,i- 16,,•:=,•:Rts40,Vrbtie,delthitnItitle-4trt,-7 ".....'Pli..4oiiiAile.hrff , .'liirOtict,:lii...:,achrio•iill edge • ~..00.rOtifitite- - -foti44iireat'fitilittt r y- 'Bern - 'f l -0-*1:44.-1 1 ;' - *WkiiIiiii?-.0!"PiO.'-' , Alta: it'iitt ..;:andingAtt'AnatitiWiSitttifint•'-'nWak erre d .- ! ',,,;t ,q - 0,A,, rii , e ,_ ± . 1 .ft0 ' p! ,i6 , 15 1 6.62h 0. 41 'itti446- 1 : :r145 . 4 .7.7,99 . ....A1iti1-;anti,Vslg'4 , 64i - 4 - i i t6., - ..... .., In: thandiddlitftgeof.4*iiainfo-iiity•ql3,,, 1$ .40:)fori r ckiot# , .0.*till . .oi,'..4iiiii6!;,' ,.. • .. : -. 4 ., ro4s44nt , iiriel;iptooo,ra*erii):cifl.if ,' .: iiickik. : iiiii,rie'',tirile',.e . adrof.-,!'ialtiiitii`A u t ..r :-1 ,111. ii - fo l oi - ;,ithrcl'so,rl 3- s#4:4*mbiti.e.rri•hitv'ille): gd'0.40.e . -4hOUgh;:-:putfettutt..distiffl*At V.81i#fiiik*. 1 0.040 3 7, 63 04te4 . tiiid'P'4l444: :2 4.0.0 1 ,0hii.. ,1 ,0010,0f.*0401k.4:4-f, .114.40-o.4Poafkette/Tiy , 3o.rfithe,:e*.j , . • , 04-0,01 1 :4COT-C-00 1 ( 1 (0 ,1 0:0 4 7t014. 1 4 1 0 0 :: --- 1.P.Am 9 .))p.v..1YAN,K917 - ,,rot,i) cv , fcgn .1 s:noc„o:AviT, , m4vEtrea#44. - taw , igt, , gx,.: ,,, ... , ,: , , 4va' , 0 1 0 , ..,.4*,i)t. v4.:44 - tvai ,,,,, , , „wo,v2„traovvi.;ldili,7,Yr !,,za:l, 4 v,2: . ;'Y;',Wi1Y!. , ..W. , i , ,, "V:',.;i5,441w,',4:4i, , A ,, r-1AM,1.44,..,,r,,,,,-.,:.- . rhirri-the':6 amo d Ist t4nished-a d ' considerate:;,: no Ateartlew;koectator' of blo'cidShed; do trifler 'Avith human life oe human-ImPPingSkf,Mld -- wefdo not know which to admire most, lns heroism in withstanding the,: assaults of the etietny in the almost hopeless 'fields of Buena Viita—mourning in generons sorrow over the graves of Ringgold, of Clay, or of Harding—or of giving in the'heat of battle terms of merciful capitulation to n.! vanquishedfoe at Mo terey, and n ot be ing ashamed to avow that be did. it to' spare women and children, helpless in fancy; and more helples4 age,' against idiom no A on2rican soldier ever wars.— Such a military man whose trio iphs are neither reMo . e nor doubtful, wl ose tiles these trials have tested, wear, troud to Make our candidate. • • 13 7. Resolved, That in support of such a norninatinil We ask our Whig friends Ilirourihout "The .natien,jo. nude, and to co-openite zealously, resolutely. \viol 1 1 oainekness in behalf of our candidate,' whom calumny cannot renOiand with dethonnor tu our adversaries, whose candidates have vet to prove their claims widhe vatittide of the notion. Braniirells Pas - Have n.principle..ln 14rm aimidar, nr whialt Weeords With, rind truly utrriig. hem: the pu rifying principle of the Read and uri - doissand. rain I.: principle of Lill, tl,nt subtle-und in_ 17isible . ptincIplc which animates Ilia /m -own frame mid whose Feet is in tit', blood, is one of the Intel im,penetreble nerds of the Creator, We cairn it cnieptd 0.1 his princi ple, hit we 1:now that Wit in the blood, for if we u:.Cnli ISO the amounl of blood to the hotly,: we decrease the prine pie of lite: and that, it we draw all the blond from the body, that lire ceases. 8u ire meat tel what the Serip. titres any on this sol.icer, no one can doubt it. The life of the flesh is ci»phaticully in the biood!—'l . lirre can be no mistake on the still , jerii an we must then be sinr convinced that anx thing which ittipats the circulation of the blond milt t depress or bear dime: . the prin ciple of- - t.ile,lind make the body subject, to receive it4itry from ilie principle of corruptibi lity ale° implanted r in tire hutan From°. We cannot deny it. • 'flrere is in every cre,ited ho tog a itiiitidttle or eorreptibilily ns wrll as a principle of animation. it in this ear uptiltility becomes to m•werful fur tie Idle l'rinciple_oc_Llmsd, :hat e.A. became ( 6st, bat Ii e IMPS iietit'et it ran takt n n litind 7 i:d years In de% c !opt ; in ' , alit., it has become pd.:lumina aid the clnid is still born. The r the Child depend:: 11.1 tee ;•I,c rt re ir , s Iron: the prinni p:n of his liftVlTTtif also 11:41 v. Inch i totticiy destroy him, and when of age he trans mit:3 theca to. hit children. - • • The principle 0! eon uptiort i, sultied In lint influence ril • many eatiße, 01 . Vllll,Oll. 11 1., herriTerre,"fievt.at:tly !Itat we he prof bled tali It ittplo moan, to prevent itipry„i'rnat it ; Or in eonseottetent 01 11.1 , VillC:ll' , el hit putetz dify n wild he prealuctul tlet-t he indtvidonl ere he had artivad at that period of life wide!, Ito would 11 Ive thine ftteri. the principle of Itle ejtielt set, I:1'1.in1. 'Now, to arettinpli.lt this, ive mu 1 prevent an .arctinto- I-, tem 01 1110, 11 1 10101,:11' 1 01 , 11' la'ar2jowit iirriteii,Je - iii -- F.. 7- .. - I)7ii - 0tt . . 7: :.71 - 1:Cor an attack 01 -it - Lero l , Ilia 011111 C fire! 11011 1 ,11 . .111(.0 1 •1 , 111 e mutiny f 1 1 ,1 1 ,11 nature in ttperntions to ex• pet hint ft mil the Lode. This is the obioet 'liven vs nits Ined Ly 111-se Ito 11/01 flrandrath's 1 1 11:s. I l l ltottsatols c. hn here her their !Wits fwl }'cars have In en it-bred Iry the Ilse tif f 'multi - twit. 'llo.y ore us harmless as a piece. of !tread, Vii nil pun xlllll fir 1.110 1 , 111(1V:11 of als- Caft. N\ iwtht r chr,rnie re recent inlttelitnet, or tathers.via?.. Pe the me tn . I;ratt t l . D ll, - . the blood grathltlly antl bresult Ft too stron,rr for all impel:intents to its frac entitse, on.l taus the hl All is re•tored In per !et t 11,1101 11101 ere 1 . 11 . 11' 1 4 . Tile n 1.1 Iwo T•pirilel. OW Idle and the 011111( 11:0 1 ing o , ir 1111111,1 s thus Else' 11 COr:MIt011 np pllcation, nml, wlint is littler, we know liet.v to nssist the zood pl ineiple, the Hood, to 1 - 011.1 1 11,r Ili , had 11110101 .4 , .11,1 111 1 1. 1 1/1" 10 111111: 11,11 111111 d ("110r1 1 1 . 111ilegg, 111 . 10 1 1 •111 . 1.1 ,1 1 e is a, 11•1 1 .111.1 g )0/1 SIIIIIIC. , rend d' _p Lie, fie exceedite:.!, - atrattl tn . Ca.)i . N . rEtIvr,IT P The.A 2. tit ia t.e tulle persatt Irtt a, bon' ilrandri ill's ill` pin I h • ed. 1'1,.• lilt k \:1):;171 . 11 . ..1 I'll,l I. r, n,lrl Co- 43 I),. 11. 111,1.1re'li% l'o )41L.1.. il 111.4),o1,1 11 it• I, l l— duly :.1111,),•;., I 1V . ..1)L5. Powell, New Coro'.•rland. I: I.khoro. Al. Miner, Shiremuostown. .1. t f,. (lea. W. Shigißel . .(llllrl . llinlVl,, A. &. 1). I, 111.elinnn. Whitt 111111,e P. O. 4.? K v I;ll.l,l, l ‘in n . Sold in r: LES Ii 11;NITZ' 5,61 ..I”Yril for j ' , t, t,.,, .• ~. 1 , , ill \ ' 1 ;1. 411 r O l 4 • ' 'rr'' SHEPHERD'S SERSAVUULLA, Par the Peril anent •Cure of all DiseaNesarh.bli front an Impure state at the Blood. THIS Al edicine operates particularly upon t lje Blond, and cures direase without vomiting or purging. It never fails to cure the -most, .obstma to cases ot Rheumatism, Dis. cases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers and Soros of long standing. It is cheaper than any other medicine in use, thorp being 32 doses In each botdo, which costs only 75 coma, and to those losing it no. eprdin to niiection one bottlo will list 10 days. Certificates are pouring in frinn,. nil parts of the country attesting . the .iirtua of this ,niedieino in cases of Ding standing, Which hi'vo boob giyen up•hy 11)1401e:is - us hope less...obd leyobd" the roach of modigino tO • , • IV ROQPING - aril noier 110113 to • 0 C6l4§l.!Airl lON' ottroti bfl he vaa o r Bliep . • • The anttoman of opeetablo:styndmg-Iti'.. a t more;who fncton ly ; cloyed th a t'd read d I ioavoi*.Coil ! : iiiimptioo. , by- a '-few.,.6o!tloik Sliiphard'ei Sdrrunnrllla:• - Aug.2o 1847 H . , This hi to ,ocirtify3liat I :was foot,pinktog ; 4rAgroy#iptom o e ot"ConeUMpthivOr.theLltitg.i, 111? i ttliii} woo' recOinthendott ,to try ,ShoplaOr'B l o I Batitapyrtll4. which!. foitunatelY,'Udid anda oder '.-110',.lice`::711-'n -.0., qY .,:, F.,i t 0 1 - I Y. o6o% . '°rin k . and .....hOoCtitAgliOrl'llll, tnppd: m.oltobo:Aootorodlo perfect c0ri4104r.40,9 ,1 m9. 111 4:4 ': , •"-'''-'47 : C'';''' , .Nkr-*! , 17'77-t^':-S , ',1 , -`'4A17 VINR 4 1 . • $ AWP-pgpioltxt 11 , stre cl, 4v31., Ar,:wv,y Ai... , ,b,..:10,N.f r k.. e l Tag e lt•YAß•l• lo %444l9T4t.nefitAttOlt kaAll4 ,4 1' ttice - ul ° c 4 - . 4 ° .4". • •. t k 41 •1;; VI \P'P • WINTEW.S.UPPLZ:OR .43 1 Vc. mt,A.AyjiirricK, /laving Anst'aMened 0 •,his WINTER SUPPLIES of GOODS'. desires ' l °, call the mu-Ocular nttention u 1 Fain , ilieanuid Phylilehlilftlo hill replenished assortin' of Dlt LIGS tittd - M FA/O.IN KS ,ss high hese—been purchased al the beet housesitt Philadelplifuotta may be Celled Upon for fresittesanuilmseellence. Added to these will bpi:omid on elitll.ll stock of PAINTS,,PILS; DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes . , Glass, bee Sec., all of which he will ensure to he of the bust quality nod nt lhn very lowest prices. lle has tondo many ndditions to Ins stock of 1/00ESoie s itles scouring n new supply or all the 'l'oxt Books, I I istories, Wade' s, I.ex icons, WO - ling Hooks, ko. iiew in use in College and our public schools . whlsli be will dispose afoul terms suited to the eircurifisitm cc, of all. Il is stock of P.A.NCY• A ItTICI.V.S embrnees if rich and extensive collection iVlsich it would be• Impossible to enumerate, but comprising many novelties which cannot fail to strike the, cyt,tsti please theta'stf;,suat Lad[es'istisl Gentlemen's . Cutlery, Gnlil and Silver Pens fusel Pencils, Bale Tooth aful Clothes Brushes, Perfume% of nou s-elle% r 1 7411 estemi‘q: i is. Inner SNirs, Shaving. Cress In, Card Cases, reeky( Ptstols, I'ocket hoot; s, &c. &es n new supply- of Corneliusts •elegant LARI) LtkN.ll, toitther with Sperm snot Metall Candles. !lank N, instrument's, Unihrel . Children's T(l3 S Duo' ,l•s, and other arti cles in the variety lion, which with n constant su ' ptsly or rretth and Confee9onnry of t ic richest finality, malfe n hctr a a n d splendid stork which he,' confidently invites the attention and psi itnithp-,ct ofThi s town nod country Friends, let the old sin ill in North Ihauover street, nearly op itot,ite Liu! Carlisle Bank: S. W. HAY R I)..rember 1. 1R 17, IVAWSTEPS OINTMENT. Jr has pow• a• to enuse all external SORES, SCROFULOUS humors, SKIN I)ISEASES, POISONOUS \YOU N OS,to dßeltarbe their put trld matters, and then heath Unlit. It is ri2,lttly termed for there is aenrouly a 111 , 8C35C, uNter.eli or hoei-nal, that i w•1l1 lint benefit. I have used it for the last four teen s ears''fer all diaesses of the chest, consump tion uud lieer, invot% hug 111.2 utmost danger• and responsibility, find 1 - thielioll.-fieliire heii,en and resin that not Ote aingle ease bus iifai led to ben efit when . the patient 0 ti.s u ithin the reach of inortai Iltrri, l,nlpllys'cialis learned iodic profession. I have inscl 111 ' 111We114 of tließnspel. Judges otilie 1,0, 0 1), Aldermen, too yers, gentlemen or the highest crudiiiou, mid mullitudesni (lie poor nee it every %newly 01 scuy nod lucre has born but one 4'o4;e—one Ull'Vt!llfal Aliiss.er,s;nur °MI mem is GOOD." CONSU rii()N.--It call hardly he e'retlitrfl 'that a salve can have any 0441 ittton the lungs Waled as (hire are within the b , %•111. Pont, if placed alma the chest, it pl• 1011.111: s lit the Itings sdiutrittrt- the t, ,isnuous pat lieit eNIIVit 1111'111 sy It is raring i.4l'r ,:r HE.% I) %IA I sotto li.tviirt.l pers , u,s (II the 11,1,1:wile ttr'sst.Bl,titii;;;.“ll,l hIl ever, meek .0 that vuilittiog oltett pl.tee. I)eltitict, apil nat. Atite,are helped a ith likq stioet,s. retrovesalleast lilltlit the tied u hen the 11 . :4:11 ceases - Iteatrtlie:tlieeetien artmeti the box. t.:(11,1) Litre (>4eitt plal/tt.,,pnitt.itt tillt..dtest or oil fir the hale.ele• or the ether all, ttos tierninpanies errld rect. (This eietetttttt 13 thetrio 1,•mr,1.).) it i s 3 V.C3 . 3/4_fl) . 01 .1 111 , 11,1 . In 111111 1 11,111 VCI. 111 S( 1 1 1 411111 j 1 1 01*CS 31111 1 N33, liter coituiliiint,.tore vies. wt•t , ly. 31/11, threat, 1 , 1111C111413, 1/1,13,1 Or 31 - 11 . 1 1 pi h ~ 3‘ll cheat dise.tre, ,41,11 31 1 1 . e 1111,1. il:4111 , 1111111111 3 , 111111 1 1,.1 1 111.1111 1 0113 1.11111 , 1111113, 11,1•311t1S 11 1( 1 11513111111 111 ILr hpj”(l, in , .X * !: \ LI) r 1).- 1 , 14 V - e:ISVS th a t acittati . t dent-(1 evet') thimionn,'n, as NI ell a. lie 31 , 11 it, 01 1:i or 90 ilorirrs. Ohe loan told tin lie hail spent 1,300 on Lis I•llildrett a iLit nay lienr ill, a Len a It''' I,,INCS ti oilitiori.t owed lilt tn. 11.%1.11ti1•15.V.--11 sill in..•••t.ile the ItAir sirbncl• ih.ta ,oh, r I It l'it NS.--It ii the hest thing in the • ( the 1111 , 111.1114.11111.11 the \‘'IIIZ sill ilrivciin rt.) tn•ol2.;r of them away. Tlitre is tin nwll, ire rr the fire of II earth at oiler su Silet . :lll,l sit Silt' r n oenin. (:1 1 1 N ill the O . l.llMPnt a ill alwayn keep turns prow in I'. oplii tired trembit•tl r, tilt 11q fIl iltl• it. 141,1.:5.--Thow:mils are rr:n•l_t chin b) tills (hutment. \ irS S oe prop, jotork a I e c• riff dit lilt t' I . lilN \ll'.\'l'li, ;cop -11.1,1, .r I . &,r' 0 1 lull ‘‘ ith a pea label. Sold Sarsarl 5..; Ilaversliek nid L.\ Ist iu ( . 4r 7singi6. r Vaal, Churelslo%, a, a 11.11. Rahvrays iiioicatotl Soap rj - i;:: I Vl' EN.I r ! — Our nen( )11 , 1E! 41:0 ,II•11011$ Me 1 ,11.4) 1V 1.1,•11 110.•ilrInd 111 I rebotimito (1110X echon! g Indy, but w io uolurnnuueit• pus= ssud a ery ini.lemon. I ier in, e was cover,l will pulpit-`, I.listul,s.—her skin dark end y.. ) .10,.. cr.l,-ked tool clisppt• d r igts In cold weinla r e , an d [A ce & tihe hail. lame cr. stolntl g. 4.11 frhua, 01. e CI oblelt was lo tend Ibr 1.01, spitrers, (118 - mom; Mg is she Wit, I.O.IIVPZ 111 , •1" N..!..1111119 of !Lc 1)1 ,, ,"1 . 1•11, , 111• t":1N , ill 'dry , le , rerl !h.:: words It Ae• NV As a sure exiermina 0.. ot all I• 1. nosh. 9, with a duce— troi IrT I.ol' ht I rad flue rapers! .New mark mornion 8110 Idol: her ;Wipe ,as usual, itmotig the cliorisicts, nod to the truer surprise of lot) fellow-songsters, pre eentri n complexion ns fair rts a lily, and heatiti• ful as the - Most admired - I,ello "of the (Own Strange wondering' nod much excitement WllO exhibited by the busy crowd, aril ne:ltion short of an explanation of how this sudden tram:lot Ma lian from ugliness to beauty was rutroned, would answer. The lady. - like nll her sex, 101 l of gen tloness find kindness, explained the reuse, nod to 414'at. arand and beneficial- efierts of Ulu!. vine Medicated Chinese Sorip,,,whieb slur had been rising fur wo weeks, was worded the fall approbat'on of the people, as the "restorer of lost beauty." Oor ripen) concludes thus—" Since Ike above has imeeme known. I have had n per• feet rush for Rahway's Soap." Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to gt. (Rah way's Soap in all its poritvr..enll on fel. 9-3 . J. k iv. It. it r m ~, 6 1,i i 4,,,,;. ~p-o_Agy 4 , eiiil/$4 . ‘,41f: A I j' 4 ' ' 4 Sk' ,., -- , , I. ~,..1;:5, -,, ,..;,,,x..2, , ,:- . ' ...,,,.. r: ' ,4 ' %.: cP" WI \ arniz,..., ...„ ;:t,!..,,.,; .y , , „.,:i t 4 . \ 44/46 4 ' 4 . , 'r• ,;:, :k4...4"-iimp.;-.rij. .. i, „ 1 4,,,,,we . - 4 4,1,7.-41? fi-''.1,1.; 1 :, --• - $1 ,r,,,,,,,-3,,,,., t, A, a 1 ~,w . r:i i ,1 ( : k ,- 6 ,:,'1, 1 - 4 i ,' 21114 V-.. '; : 1.r..t. ‘,l, h. 5 AI . . . 'l ,lt ,:: ~ EMI Eil of NURSE NVRIRET'S .1400TIENG SYRlTltalti 01111.1)REN'PERTEING. • • A LL .MOTHEItp having children afflicted t _with any nftlioiardiseuee!% Weident toAho. tla .o ffincy c onch a,s cony tilsfulin;apiunlio.• dip. cronp, ,entalicoup, disoidoreff lind..locheneas of the . I.owalea,rahould 'valthontAlile in fallible:ietneffY, that • , iag proved so :pflilacious - 0,0 - 41Swo die % n`eeNiiinoioiiitr."stimoninleini.,;Lt~o' o prove 11.0 - manic trial in better. :,!• IaiLIPTT. `tiltlitionitt valq;111110 111edlaiiitie k ionsfitfogpf . . • • f • ' illpeiglpectQlnin,t, ..', • - , . • Sfillatrierill'i; I . ' '• « TQ, '' ll PcelYeg ;. yl,.Aistnist.:fol4.lol4l4.e.; ‘ I . , N Nl)'o' KA-118A I , it 1. nrtihle ii octepOtaly , qso.llvilliti'litiar% ) antint - n4tisql , f,kiiplogledra. a h. 3! . T , 1 11 , f ( tuu.ai!oivotolikelisonq., k i,1(1'.6)F.:(14 . . • • tikrtintes OdAuttOnis - ®PALL Tlig 411.1fpfft - coLoßs, to match Dress as andfifatitillike, (Of ourown, mnnufneture) - 0. first tissorknont;-Of the best for Belem:the lowest cash priecS,itt-F. 7. DIVESS- , LER'S Fringe and , Trimming 'V S. Second street, above Cheattitit, Together with a regular nssortmonvol STIDEL 'GOODS, Purse Silks, Fans, and Curls, &c. Also, a. large lot of Domestic Cot ton Fringes._:. Purchasers are invited lo call. They will find It to ilieir interest to do so, us the goods will .he sold CITEAI'. Philad. aprl2 Perot, Hoffman, & Co., rorwardingand Getreral Commission illerehnnts, N0.'41 North, Wharves, end 83 N,Water street, Philadelphia. PLASTER and SALT 'con.lan I oti hand, Inr sale at the lowest market rates. Liberal advances made on Produce.• Bello. to 1) L"I'l EYS a'RASKl.l`.2'i.A'l"l' d COl-Phila,d'a. LEA. RiINKI 11 & GO. KERB, llarrtsburg. npr 5-6 m • • , China, Glass and Queens•Waro, 11CT. 130IiEE & CO„ No. 41, North "'" • Ilowerd street, between Fayette and Lex ington streets, 13ntlirtiore, Invite the ettantion of Country Merchants and therchaserigenerall7, to their largo and well assorted stork of CIIINA. 01.41.4 s rind wliich they (Jibe for sale nt the very , lowetl market prices. Country 'Nferchants will consult their interest, by n yell before purelinsindelsenthere. : nprs--It :3 ring Millinery Goods. JOIIN. STONE & SONS, Importers and dealers in Silks, Ribbons'and Millinery Goode, N 0.51 south Second street, Philadelphia, have received by late arrivaltifrnin Frunce,(chiel. ly of their own iinportrviom a new and very rich assortment of SFR ISO 0001, to,whieb they will aonstatitly . be making additions. They have now in store— Silks for easine bonnets. of all priers. Fancy bonnet and cap ribbons, a beautiful ?Ls -sortment. Mantua and sanin ribbons, all widths.! French and American artificial liowers,Lin great variety. Paris,thip Crapes, crape_ I,i,lses.. • Fancy hormet and rap Nets. ' t, a ' Trimming liters, face triminincs. Ilueltrams, willow: crowns, tips, tee. ke. And all n`cticles needed Tor the Millinery trade. 11::r The intenrion of Merchants and Milliners visiti,ttz the city is partictilally_mneve.d•.to_tuir. stock, as it Will fie - fiiiin - d - Eir more extensive than that of any other house in our line, and the prices tnore moderate. mar 2-2.-31. S the best and cheapest Preparation of Sar k salmi Ulu mer offered to the public_ being distilled from the first (refits- ofilmultires Sets eparttle Root—apd one :tott . le of (Ina prepare. tintqlwarranted - soperior. to two bottles orally [other th the market,and wilt retain its virtues 1 intimpitirable ut stly climate. •It Is 'AC4 , OIIII to thyefitste, end - from left my to age Ibis Extr.rei I tifill ertolieuto It struse,invirrnme the body, and is the hest medicine for the prevetitiott end cane of disease ever discovered in any age o 1 the world. Its aetion is Mufti, ;mil it et.l es without 1 7 - sickeningTrtY - natthrcang --- m, attn.& have ti SCII 11. in tie 1)1 . .'S pti vote practice, tool consider it the grittiest blessing ever offered tlt It acts in perfect harmony with the laws of hat fire. nod has nectar bl,ll known to Steam Refined Sugar Candies. Its Ilse tins persevered in, to [WO CVO, eats tiqvninl -- clrfmrrnte — calqvg — or , ilrintybitis, Catarrh, Colic, Conchs, Colds. c'e t t, sotapittot. raltecrons Sereo and f: leers. pollnd. Wholesale. .T. 11 ICI 1.1 1: 1): 4 0N, No. •12 'Market s! . "r"luiY, lh ruder i• Kr) s'Prinot rYveroltd Ague, tirN ts Pinhole:l.lva, lakes e!coltare in inborn," ~Female complaints, Fevers c,f, all hinds, Cola, the piddle. that he still etintninci: to H.-11 his %toy htfiamtnatinn, Indigestion, `inperier '-t•e , ito Refined Cendv at the low price t•l"undk"• 1. - ( 'Prns.T. liner Complaint, Nittraelia. of 811.' , 11 per )tin pounds. and the quality is . e q uel , Polltilal inn of the Heart, Piles, , Scrofula, ti pillut to any manufaetured to the Untied r-itares. e, Salt nhetim, Sea',l litialso otters all hinds of gotels in the Conte. , tienery and Fruit line at corresponding . log• pri , yes. as quick sales and small profits are the order of the My. Czill or - send your nrdrrs. and you rtnnot (11;1 MNAMEM=2I to be en• isfied 31nr,ur.r Nrer:cr, PHil,ufclpinrr Spring .7."ashion of nats 11 the great central chomp lint and enp Stare, , 4 271 MIIrkl!I caret, s.iird, chit , n b uvo Eiglch street, Philudelphin rpm: snb