• - _ , „113 • 7 P l gi` 47 s:* g•'—= 2l .6•:s • 015.13L.'11ECrtEyElti(AVEDIsIESDIV.. • • 01,, , ,::7,11 rn o.MOZ),ool,c . ,'S'olait. Wietjitotileffitop.iiinic t:xstfan; 64k 611)tesix-ilause' SUEISOMPTIOA 40,411iniino ata cents a year IN All 'Trio, Dpltsre, kcjiald Within the yew. __ , Onellotiatt rti -rdkelx,oathe. , , T,heekierrae,r, e 'rigidly a /Morel To secure iheiOper of the relleseLl, terns .it lautvr he paid cash • RATESIVADVERTISING, Jidirerliseinente,huiklity v flttOei) lilies, or Ins, will be'etiar4ed atilt% rate, of Piety cents for one laser •lioAitithree -titlfeir for One s Dollar, ahtt tWhaiy-five wehtsler ivetyelibeetlito at lessitiOn. Warty ver 11Nerserill.betliafged aLtito Mlewhigir itch : „ onirtnitihit, ivlth Ctii paper,Tor one year, - $25 *aril ' , tier ' do. - - 11 15 'PWgqEimiereriW,lfli quarto rjy Out nge s, - , *lO leaslapee Carle,,w,ithfhe paper, , - $5 44 / P INTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; ridnilbifii4, Menke, Circe In re and every oth crVdeneription of Printing, eseeeted Isnteleontely and exPedille.usly end at rho ,1;03,v0r NEW43EIIiNG and SUMNER GOODS. !tE-Vubecilbet-iies 'just received andli Jnow[ opening, nt his store, .on the South I „ wust,leorticrorthe f!.ublie Square, , idly cileap stock of seasonable goods, such as Yestings, Alpacrie,Sisks, Bobitnyittep,T)wris; Carnbric,Joc ono., Seek and (Weil deSeriptiona citiratin; Av ;litiiiirlill3B, 'Cheeks, l'i c ki n g s Gloyos, ifosieryi,kc , , • • Ail4.ltit'stoek't f 51118i:1'14S, white end tin •• blenclied, , Treia 3-4 to kroutith, and-from '4,uerito , per,vnrdlip.iii. Oleo. pAtiCOES at prices varyinglionit '•l2i ets . • Aleo,'l NO stoe)i, Are -- .CELEBRATED plum LIMPS; : Oileita,:itiaitaiiiy.li'ritroduce . d, end winch are fouti:d r ki t ba s ,:h; all thut have tried them, the noel economical and desirublo article in every. cospeot how in use, Also the . Vs Teas. 'HoI bdim appointed sole agent in thin place reitthOtinii - of 'Ore Shows • Teas, to which he would,itivrie the special attention of the losms •I'he manner in which-they are ilte le shah; that - thellsvmsr - insrcse.scd for - any -length of tisne, , beimg in-eased in lead or tin-loil—Fu milies--nan—be-s pplieti-wi :1140WitttitYptitim in thle manner. • j'he'puhlie is respectful is invited to call and examine hilidneft beforaWieliaging elsewhere initsmtehas, he feelanonfldent that his - variety and prices wild be satisfactory to purchasers. nrirS - 11.01:1EIZT it. diem: Arilial of Cheap Goods ,AT OGILarS • WROLESADE AND lIDTAIL STOtt E. P have new opened the largest and elwap• , est assortment of Goods ever brour'ht to, Carlisle and niNnistaito! Purchasers will Tic) well to call and examine 'this - Mammoth stock, as they will • be sure to get:good bargains anti save money.— To enumerate articles and prices is out of the question; nu it would take up the whole Of Irk td Beatty's paper, and the halt not than be toler Suffice-it to any that I. have •every tbi a the Dry Goods line from superfine clotlidtd6wn to a , piece of bobbin. • • A very•extensive assartment of BOOTS and SHOES just' received, and cheaper than ever. GROCERIES.—A fresh assortment of Sugar, Coffee; Te?ti Molasses, Rica, Spiees 4 , now opening and selling at the very lowest Recollect t h e Old Stand, East Main strect,where good bargains are sure to be had. aprlP = CHAS.. OGIT:TIY. 'Great Arrival of Springand Summer Goods. Forstees-orreiv--Slore ; Corner of Alain St. and liarpees,Row, Carlisle VIE subscriber respectfully announces to the public that he has taken the stand lormerly 'occupied by Mr. AngeE , Y,.at the corner of High street and flarpor's Row,. where he has just re. , ceived frotwthe 'Eastern cities a large and splen did-. assorturenr of NEW GOODS, purchased of the Importers and Manufacturers, and includ ang every-variety of Goods. The Indies are par- Aieubirly invited to examine his bcautital assort "'anent of DRESS GOODS, among which the follow. 'km articles comprise apart.: superior wool Cloth, *,lack and fancy Silks, blue, black and fancy Gas. aimeres—Fancy Summer oods—Ginghants and Lawns-13ombazinesand Al.paccas—Vestings of all kinds—Mous. de Lemma, London and domes- Sic DeFleece—Mite, Gloves, Laces, Edgings,llo• , Diery and Ribbons of all kinds. Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES. 'All the above Goods hove been purchased at the best and cheapest Markets, •and will certain.' gy be sold ctatr t.ow. /le respectfully invites' the public to give bins in end. aprl 9 • JOHN E. 17011STER. p'ew Store---Bargains! ,_. 4TFLEsubscriber has just opened in the Store :' -Usernlllitely occupied by R. Snodgrass, Esq, on ."West High •pureet,in the horongli of Carlisle, a Lii/arge and general assortment of DRY GOODS; - ..GROCERIES, QUEENS•WARE, 11AliD• WARE &.c &c, Mid which have been selected with great care, end which he is determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. '-.-. The publicsre respectfully invited to give him 7. ., a call. He flatters himself that he can oper such inducements as will make it their interest tops !ionise him. ' •Arr Ak/ot-of Auction Dry Col l STrvry low prices. .-, - J G CARAIONY , Carlisle; Jan 12 1848 Dry , Goods!--New Arrangement! ligtubsOriber has just returned front the city now opening, nt his Old Stand, on . addition to his former stock, n Artie IVELI- 'SELECTED ASSOET.MENT OF FA N. sTAr4..s. DRY G ODS , which he in '''Oildk.to - sell"tweording to the old arintte, "quick • Ifales'and Dnuilrprofits."... Among his goods are', *7` . 7''' - tiglfilt'andAnwirierin•Yrints, from 4 up to 121 vAuts,4,vary."..Veritity df style pattern.'" ' "''''Rfenchdittid'l3rown Muslins, 36 ineh: ntht. , "":"Eirgliels;',lGinglifims at itretallii,- FrifialittixMe4it 424' sand' every other article equallYiellettm Alsoen Inrgoassortment of Olt - jCEIIIES knd;,',Q U EIINS WA RE. Pie. effort 7: - •good , •New-Orleans Sugar at 6,prime nt 7, crush. ,9, tiFloaratlfrand .broken leaf at 11 cents—vood i coots,—Soon' Molasses 8 eta pet ''t nfirt i Orleans'hatnig, Molasses nt se‘fiftpey,,Syrap.,. a superior assortment of l'eas,l - .Sprees, CROOKS 41)1[1, tiFiol,l.4ntrbers‘ , ,ivofild , announce to "Alt tki3 . ollS - ihst. thoy4mve itittirncid'from the ' asie"ln T . ltia , 'With'l.ll • :nogg ificont:,.solcut ion o' sn'/SiinittioGocios,!Coniditingof Cloth, i.. Cipsditnersig . T.Sitiokif,' sinoniec Shill's, of tin - i,.9sritikwurffitt,srid ‘ Aoliutiftil.f 4119;11 . 8r all of whirl "'1.0P1.-itidt*':ln 4111q,,mcipCupprovSd also 'loep sunanor'Shirfs; golitite; nosh ab OPkiitlll and ksrohi o fs, , Suslionilors,'G 10 —..Hosiery,' :Boots, and , short,:oyery. thinguttiiiintoW9intientsrils 'furnishing, which' bif:Spld ot ihe;urnaileei peoGts. . 441 5 , Trilitlitqti36ll'4ood u , bY hol3;ardcfiCi, p air has' Thrl .'.. - :;:. , 6Utitzig'ilaii;lioniforcire; bri aucnilsd to by:Mk' .: , .IN T, irincre,TriititfriPifir . ..,;4iiilirToiini - iiiii'lgartocus ;11) rnodffie d iir intfaiipirdor our owc '''.; , dibueStorn,iSsinNo,ol4.lnrvr tin Of* ,prii3Of'fillocirstioVif.PrukPtoru.and eh to. Cori isle Bunk,' , • ' itIifOLDTWITVINVST:ON. h atssl 24 ---- - = 0 ~.-0- --, ains l- 144fIgi Rfl 7 1 !!!g,..Te; . ,I'1,1" ~,) ant",44t,#EskhXl' 9-.-4SA9PI7 -1"- , • ""AA s, • ~. ss ZA v tr 6 hi 4R , ''' 1, ' ' _ r ,„ , cr • ---,—ar • ' ',., LF ii. i • rr!•,..+,,,,,.. "•10 .......$l,, -,,,:q,,,.,1„. f , • '' 4 ,1,^1.0'.' hit"' *6ll hq .111hOg iiltAtillgai*r 71 I l iaAler.`lllB 3111Pr:' I WO rhea ral mos,hlf A k il iteab she. , pm , Id,- • hetWarahcnied° - e; ''''''" 'l ' '441 11; ' fen &ell or Pitterif• • miiti/El4 4, „. •ittirer• dither I • --- - '•• P!' ~ ''' '., , l',:t! '--,,---,---- s'noiarMA, - s ~ - • s - 4:;4*sl IA 'l4n'.',l t I t . os , i +N 0to1:w pr , e ~11, si l l , r 4" i - , k i i ' a- A d i i m, t t ...„ ,'..,L , B vusa— A4e i 2 w ll , ' 4 ik t eLs,nes. ~ , , , TAT-71 ioDßlAillat'sp r vlfilll4_ lcß o tl i - 44 i o ' ' f ' , i,rn g is - r " V 6li , 't e ' k s l el'e 41 liot-•14,,-c•, ' r 4,'i,‘-2,t,, rt . . to*mkt t'rAl4rgrtnt, biA m.,'- & , r , ,: ~ . ',';.' .: • ,-, ~ -.4:.. ,-:,:;',..t.4,,i6.,',,,. . 4. ;1- , -- ', ,•‘ '' -,' -,- ~ ~r ,j, t ;if , ,,,,,•4,,,,; , p, , ..t, i,„., ' ;,-(,'..., -", 7 ' '.'-' 4, , , ~,' • ,i'," ' ' • , • ancerditirith;iinaoi4tilysstrangthenisitpdoi, The' , bloodi flea& 'end/ understand.. 11v principle •of Life; that .a red iisible,:pnitici,PlO Which atiiiintieti the ha. :noes fr ame atid'rt4mitiOrmat thi 141' the blood, is ARDOIR AkistrarittOnvOretrable - sereretti - ef- 613 - Crotvtoti AVsi .carnsot CireitpOlsan MS Omni tile, but •W i o know that it Is ntlie r blood, for if we DECREASE the amount of Woad in the body, wo decrease . tlic - Priniaiplo . Of - filet and that, if we draw ail PIC blood from' 'the body, that life ecoses So w Must believd what the Scrip. tures say on this subject, no one can doubt it. The life of the flesh Is emphatically in the blood!—Thera con be no mistake on the. sub ject; so wo must then be also convinced that eny thing willed' 'impedes the circulation of (he blood mutt depress or boar down the Prin— ciple of Life, and make the body Subject, to receive injury from the principle of corruptibi lity also implanted in the human frame. We cannotdeny it. There is in every created be- Ing a prisciplo or corruptibility tra , ,well as a ;triumph) of animation. It ie when this cor ruptibility_bcconies_tao_pewerfuLlnr..theAlfe Principle or blood, - that disease iommences,--; It -is not because. it does exist, but because it bocomes active; iii some it has taken a Inindred -years to develops itself; in somalthas become paramount before birth, and the child is still born. The constitution of the child depends upon its merits - % he receires . from the princi ple dills life, an al: ulen that which will ulti. ins !sly destroy him; and when of age he tra:ns ruits`themi toltb . children. ThepiTrieiple - Of eorruption'is'suitject In the influence of =many causes of vitiation. It is, therefore, trecossar int wo bd provided with ample memo • prevent injury from it ; or in consequence of this Vititution that ,putri• dily would be produced which would destrOy the individual ere he had arrived at that period of life which lie would have done from I.lie principle of life which was in him. Now, to mcc . omplisti this, the must prevent an mecum. IstAn of those humors which bear down the principle of life. Do not wait for on attack of-ieknoss, but on the first appearance of the enemy :Waist nliture in her oporaTions to ex pel ore the body. This is the object always attained by thriracigiii use .Brandrcilli s Pills. Thousands.. who have kept their beds -for-yeare-have-heen-restored-by the-use of - this - j inodicine. - They aro as linrifiless'as a piece of bread, yet all powerful for the removal of dig- • ease- whether- 06(mM-or-recent-infections, or otherwiso.. By the Ilse 'of Brendroth's the blood is gruelutilly purified, sod becsinds too strong for all. impediments to its free course, and thus the, blood is restored to per fect health and usefulness. The idea of two spirits, the one good and the other evil, having , power over man, is tilos given a rerpored ap plication, and, what Is better, we know how to assist the good principle, the blood, to conquer the barl,, more, arid !Thin produce health and cheerfulness, where before there was nothing but sadness and despair. . Fie exceedingly afraid of COUNTELIETIT -PILLS. The Agent is the only - Person from whore Drandreth's Pills should be purchased. Tire 14 1t.% N Dit ETD'S P11:124, pre sold for :13 tents per box, at 1)1. li. Ilrantiretlet Principal Dillee,Til 111.n:1:j:ray, New York, and hy the fol lowing bile Jo:tilt:o7.rd Agents: Sohl itt - Vailisle, by CHARLES lIAIiNITZ Sole Agent for this borough. SHEPHERD'S SARSAPARILLA, For the Permanent Cunbolnll DiSeaSCS izrwng from an Impure state of the Mood. llls Nledicine operates particularly upon IL the Mood, end cures disease witliout vomiting or purging. It never fails to cure the most obstinate cased or - Rheumatism, Die. eases of the Limas, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers and Sores of lung standing. t is cheaper than any other medicine in use, there being 32 doses in each betas, which costs only 75 cents, arid to those using it am cordin to aireetiori ono bottle will list 10 days. Certificates aro pouring in from all parts of the country attesting the virtue of this medicine in-eases al long standing, which have been given up by physi clans as hope. loss and tilyclid — the reach of ineciiome to . cure. WHOOPING °COUGH; Shephbrd's Sarsu patina never rune to curo. CONSUMPTION cured by the use or Shep herd's Sarsaparilla• • The following is from a gentleman of re spectable standing in iltiltimore,whii was ef fectually cured of that dreadful disease, Con suniption.j.q. , a few bottles ,of 'Shepherd's Sarsaparilla. Daltimore,Aug.29, 1317 This is to certify that I Was fast sinking undersy rn ptome,oft:Cosumption of the Lungs, until I was recoiniocnded. to try Shepherd's Sarsap rifle, which fortunately I did and am under the strongest conviction that it saved my life. I am now rapidly recovering and hope in a short time to ha restored to perfect horilth, and. Under no s coniidoratlon would I be without the medicine. DAV/ D RICKETTS; No. SS, Hill street. Shepherd's VOrmiftige, or Worm Destroyer. We challenge the world to produce a modi ripo adopted to-the expulsion orwiirnis rum the Ii body than §hcpbe- ' logo. 4 antiro cati • Ost-et4te • parson usi lava. been hod bobn friends. tivo ° fur: cl th sant .ticlop of fo tevutilby JL It apeake foritsidf: T9iyil: I/1/4 ?0,J4T009 t 184.7 ,The t;hiati 1)ottlosi-j)urctlinilotl.bc,,iiiu• short-lime ago htiya boa Ir-a sod Aiijhisiti, ah ron • ` • "!1 t o ck,:itiiktko 4:08.c•of, Of fa.milkl , l*!tp4tiAkirthio . M o 4 lol ket. Sad s Ooraforiiiirder. as ahove. , _ T.hisisdepida - adly - ths .- .4heakartiSh 3l 4, - ,cisstro . yiii - wafw'iTeliSU havl has qs4 r ied O rrick iihis , ‘ r Me r r i ck'.i and Yllli)ipr u, la I. sat gro 4) . 13 ~ , ,, ,„yoozs, y ol.ll:fshmmi,''.-in - ;'%9lOitihatit*l3aol3 takilla, ,, ja,!Wiraial I foga ! ;a par: • chants 010001Nr41,49.uplyi:;04:.4";Xcl4Ijkati1, o r 10:!Alfflheil 1,0 i..0 . 0y1:111TAT13 ekijooohjibilikir , .3)) Xll &tr'Now. villo:„Roder,"t' Reltrifloi.oll . loPPoovi R 0 104;;;; ltil.P.Y.• l l-IP'VP • Ntqr.:lll.olol,o4itibls' VA., l l9ok:RdliAl?kitOru said IsTF3ltpi?„,;:v'; ME RF4*O l r"! , :VIINTER . t fitIPPLZMNI: W:11%/1T41:1'.E.V PP LIL 4 ortcloP§'2 Feu the-,ve ii*"; rtfettliittiatiOciti-efltztexii 11 los end refileni abet) ttiiii644E . of'IO4KI(S and I l itB 1 ) 01 -NE 1, 5;Nittell'IluVW, 6 006.'1 architect,' ett the besi liotises fit . ..llola i'anq _taaStAto_nnikeit_94l,enifni_freakneta'aani,etconktetk.; dealtq., es: w,lll lie ifetted--ati :enti '':tit'titik PAINTSIGILS,A)VE-sTvrFs,: ke, tea., 01 of wl Idli lie=wii c~jetn ; e~f of the liesquality-enit at the;veil• lemest,tiriecs, Ile has made .111 filly ntlilitiOns to his stock of. fi 00 ICS,, besides securing a new eitOply.nt,all'elai ' Text stooks; Histories, [tirade!. s, Lexicons, Mi.. ting Books, too, new in use, in College and our public schools lie will 'disimaeof on terms stilted to dhevircomstences of all. - • .", MEM Ills sleek of FANCY. . ARTICLES embraces a tielnuid extetisi:re-collection which-it would. be impoattitile..to entimerate,-but-eutn.prising-many, novelties - which cannot fail to strike the eyeand please the taste, metros Ladies and Gent!eaten's - Cutlery,Gold and Silver Pens and Peneilinklair Tooth and Clothes Ji 1%1911CH. Perfumes 'of ri and ctrtett'sive variet ;es. Fancy Slier g, Sintiing CrUant ' Card Cases, Pocket Pistols, Pocket hawks, Ice. tte.. A 150,..a • new supply of Cernelms's-elCgant LARD LAM PS, togther with Sperm and Mould .Candles, llaiiketS,Mnsieiti InstrumentS„Urabrel lac, Children's Toye, Door scud tither cies in the variety line which:with a,,constant supply or fresh - FR ClTS " ;:nots and Confectionary or the richest (plenty, make a large andaplendid stock to. which Ite:confidently . invitee the attention andpatronage of sliinui noir toionti.y friends, nt .the old stand in North Hanover street, nearly op'-- - polite the Ca'rlisl'e Batik. ' S. W. riAvEnsTick. Decenillerl . 1 tt , lit • • M'AIIISTER , S OINTMENT. - IT has %Tow :r to cause all, external SORES, SCROFULOUS . humors, SKIN ,DISEASES, POISONOUS w ()UN DS, to discharge their put tyld minters, mid then heals diem. It is rightly termed All-healing, for there is scarcely a disease, ex ter.tal,,or internal, that i w•111 trot benefit. 1 WIVE. used t for the last lour teen years for 1111 diseases of the chest, consuirip don and liver, involving the utmost danger and •espotisibility, and I 'declare before heaven and inua,..thitt not Pun single ense hue to hen w when di e pidient_ was W ithin_tbe_reaelx_o mortal means: , I have had ph ohms learned in the profession. Ilittre-trad-mitristers of the-Gospcj,Judges ofllte bedidc ---- Alaermeti, - Lawyers, gentlemen ort - lie highcat erudition, and multitudes et' the poor use it in every varit.ty:of way and there haslmen but one %mine—one uttivenoal Allister, your Ointment is GOOD." CONSIJMPTION,.—It can hardly be credited That a salve can have any effect upon the lungs seated us they are within the s) si cm. But, placed upon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs sdparatus the poisonous particles that are consu ming them, and capels'them froth (lid system.- 11 is curing persons lif Consnmption continually. H 1M 1:111.1.--The salvo has cured persons of die headachd of 12 year'ssuinding. and who had it r,:gidar every week so that vomiting often took place. Deafness 'and Ear Ache arc helped with like success. ATI SNI.- -it removes almost i lintel the itirimatiour and swelling when the pain ceases.. Ucad the direetiou around the box. cm') FEET.---Constinitition Liver tom pain in the ~best or sitte,lailikg oft or the _huir one or the other always net:ampoules cold fe . et. (This ointment is the true remedy.) It is a sume gigs or (liserue to have cold reit. In scrofula, old sores, c•rysipelas, sultrhenm, complaint ~sore - eyes ' (Missy, sore throat, bronchitis, !woken Or sore liresst,piles,'oll chest diseases such as itstlima , oppressions, pain—olso, sore laps, chapprd Intlials,thmors,cututtemacrup• (urns, nervous diseases nu al of the spine, there is no medicine now known-Its good. ,VC %LI) I IMA 1).--::We have cured eases that ability al 15 nr 20 doctors. One main told us he bad spent $5OO on his children sviOrrul any bette-_ 11[7w hen n rew hoses of ointment cured titem.• BA LON ESS.—It will -tusstooclhe hole sooner than other thing. _ 111) S.--11 is bowl thing in . w . Orld the Burns. (fiend the directions around the box. \V 0101 S.—lt will drive es , urs,veallge or them nwnr. There k panbably nn mecl Mille MI the face of the earth at once so sure and so safe hi the expul sion of worms. CO lINS.--Ocensionelttse at the Ointment will always keep coma trom growing. People need never be troubled with them lithe, will use it. PILKS.--Thousands axe yearly eit.red by taus Ointment. JAMES MCALLISTER & Co. Sole proprietors of the ltbnve medicine. C CTION 1 1 / 4 bin OINTAIENT will be gentt- TIC Milt', the funnies of .fatten McAllister or mimes McAllister & Co., lire written with a pen upon every Sold b) Sainnel Elliot, S. W. Ilaverstick and Dr..l. I. Myers, in Car'isle; .1, Sr L. Reigel, Me- Singiser & Paul, Churehlown, and John Diller•. Nr%vville. Rahways Medicated Soap. {kYGnCAT EXCITEM ENT IN Pll TS 21L , 1111 !—Our agent of this place writes of a mysterious incident whieh occurredin that place, in relanhit to an ex cellent-young lady, but who unfortunately pos sessed it %cry repulsive complexion. !ler face was covered with pimples, bltotches, pustules,7-ber shin dark and yellow, cracked and chapped—her lips in cold weather would become sore and bleed. She had, however, several good traits, one of which was to read the newspapers. One morn- Mg as She was looking over the columns of the Dispatch, she saw in large letters the words Han wA V a linn ets llentonmen SPA n! A 1321 sure extertuhnoor of all skin blemishes, with at direc tion forall ladies !arum' the papers! Now mark the advantage. On Sunday Miming she took her place ,its usual, among the choristers, and to the uttersurprise of her fellow-songsters, pre sented n complexion as thir ns n lily, ns the most admired belle orate town,— Strange wondering ,end much excitement wait exhibited by the busy crowd, and nothing short of an explanation of how this sudden transforma tion front ugliness to beauty was attained,. would answer. The Indy, like all hor sex, full of gen tlenese and kindness, explained the cause, and to the grent, grand and beneficial diem of Had way's Medicated Chinese Sonpotrhich site had been using for Iwo weeks, ,%yae awarded the full approbation of the people,.as the 'Waterer of lost loinuty,"' Ojtr mono concludes thus—" Since the above has become known, I Itave had a per fect rush for lialiway,;s §nap.'" Ladies and gentlemen; ifyou wish to gteatalt way's Soup in all int,purity„. call on felt 23 ' Re W. IL FLEMTNO. .NURSE WRIGHT'S SOOTR I NWISTRUPPOR3 , CHILDREN TEETHING. 11191'HE118"having Childran afflicted with any:of thoae (Bewail's Incident to ~ tho p j to f- In fano) , air convidaionCipaainn• die I . mai), eutancou_EL,cruptiona,..:ffliordarbd itelnatili, and , itiosenesp pfifie !JON, 006,64'1mi d bo "without thia. In fallible remedy that p.c.ponv "T na ` etiee.-qNjanteroue "teatierioniala mi ht giv* o' pro ftifilierito Ina fri ;'ll , l - toSold, by S. ' :'"M,1.113 4847'4 -Family Medicines-. I, pitlr of Atie abo. tf e , elktotlio,ipOl ‘ cooilsilting t; - ; , tf,'" ~ ktYoe's.Nziperant,':,, , ,, ~,, ;r9rOolo'Verinifugp.. I .lM`!' , Corminativp 'aid t., 0 ; 1 S. q , WB7 SENb'S 3 .O4kItEIAPAII, 1:4 hle ilsO(t.b?, ItStitse.rAggi'; - ‘4otklbrO l :39 ItertnonprOtira' , tilsehono op ding feOM,lstSin iiore etnieigilii;isblon .o.4ll4)!• ° f d iiarrosOedloi,',l44 qtalnpujoiceurek•ALll6- miiitoonger.Abitti;olW , ea ngliteta . .opiitnin; godrt 4 4:l 4o, r,!4.o;',oBV.botliiii''-' :'• & %V ;83, Ffr 11t1NS , ' , MBE SWIPE efi'fitr'jitafo r .sat& erk4ti;s.pt.l%:,J.:':-IntEss•=- is 9LtiS . Fririgoii " tid Stiak.6; Beebild;•alfest; r aibbvp , Cliastaut; , Phidaderptiitt.4 - - , Toini rwit a.fegulari distortaienvor .STEED GOODS, Vara° 'Silks,. Fans., tuilti i -atat—Alatqqi-large , lint-of-DoinestitilJot - -- ...... r.ur,eiapers are ipvited . ta`call: They #lll lin& to4howintorief ecrdo chi; goods will. be • sold cuEer. - • k • Philad Opritt Perot, Hoffman,' tc, Co., POrwardingnnd Genntal.Cnnimisaion MarChanty; No. 41 North Wharves; and 8i NAYttler stroet r riiiiodetivia: IPPLAgTER and SAT 1.1 eondtatilly on itaiiii,ftir.anla at t4telnvieiit market rotes'. tilkiral - ttdvances - ansdd - OnTitidirdo: Refer' tq 1)111'ILli Z.? lIUMPUREYS FRAM N ,IVLA Tl' Co' LEA, BUNKER & CO. 4. W. KERR, Ilarrisburg. old s—Goi • ' China, Glass and. Queens-Ware. 1 - C. BOKEE' & XE, No 41 Notil • Howard street, between Fayette and Lex ington. streets, Bakimbre, invite the attentionof Country Merchants andverchnsers generallj , ,46 their large and well •aaseried stock 'of 'cutxs,. aLAss• rind ousexs:Witt.i., Wk*il they ofrer for sale . at the very lowest tnarket . prices. °wintry Marcliants wilL4pnaoll;thair antereat by a call before purchasing cilsewherel - • - , • npr6--At . • • .. • Spring Mil li nery Goods. JOHN STONE, Sc SONS, Importers 'and &alert; in Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goode, No. 54 south Second street, Philadelphia, heve received by late thividefrom France,(chief ly.of tkeirown importation) a new and very rich assortment of SDItiNG 3111,1,INkRY GOODS, tOWilie ll ttley will constantly be making additions. - 'They have now in store— •Sillts for easing bonnets, of di( prices. Filay' bonnet-and' cap ribbons, a beautiful as: sortment. Plain Mantua end enttin ribbons, all widths., - French and American artificial flowere, in . great variety. Paris chip Hats. —...,—,.„ ,____ _,__, Crapes, eraiie 14sses. _. . . Fancy bonnet and cap Nets.. " Trimming laces, face trimmings, ,- --linekrannr.-willow, crowns; tips', fcc.,Pcr. ' And all articles needed far the Millinery trade. . DJ" The attention orMercitants and Milliners Yisiting_the city is, pollicularly requeited _to our stock: as it will be *found fay more extensive titan that of any other house in our (Me, and the prices more Moderate. mar 22-1 t Steam Refined Sugar Candies Cheapest in the World, Cents per pound, Wholesale. • T J. RICHARDSON, No. 42 'Market et., 0/ • Philadelphia, takes pleasure in informing the public, that he - still continues to sell his very Superior Steam Refined:Candy at the lovi price of $12.50 per lea pounds, and the,quedity is equal to any manufactured in the United States. Ile also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec tionery and Fruit. line, at corresponding log iiii ces,its quick sales andltismall profits are the order of the day. Call or send your orders:and you eannotfail to be satisfied. ' Don't forget the number, 42. IktanKrx STREET, Philadelphia. ml Spring Fashion of Hats At the great central cheap Mt and Cap Store, No. '284 M'Arket street, south side, above , Eighth street: Philadelphia, MTH:: subscriber Dikes this method to return his thanks -to the — Fermi° of the, county or , CmmiteSkrand, for the very liberal abase ol patron -a-go vihich — fliey havo -extended towards 'him for last . fevv-months, sot Would call their mtenti - on to the-fact that:43lom rumv_introducoalrfs-ksamo FASIIION.OMENTLEAIEN'S HATS, which for beauty, neatness durability, Cannot be excelled by any otherostaldishment in this citV._ _This_stratk 4 comprises the Beaver, Nutria, Brush, Russia, I ti lk aing 'nolo Skin flats of all styles nod j ties, together with n very jugo assortment of Cloth, 'Velvet, Plush, Fur MU Glazed Caps.— Country"Merehanis and others are' respectfully I invited to examine the stork, which they will find it to their advantage to do, before purchasing, j as it is his determination, having adopted the eye tem of selling for CASH only, to sell nt lowest prices. JOHN FAREIRA, Jr., 289 Market st. south sideobove Eighth. mar 2:.? Iron Clommissior Warehouse, No. 109 North \Valor street, ned No. 54 North Wharves, Philadelphia. TILE undersigned still continue the Commis sion business, for the sale of fill descriptions of IRON. Our experience of many years, and ex• tensive acquaintance, with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the countpy, has enabled us to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad- he Bold nt BRUCE'S N. Y. TYPE FO NgRY, after illaroh 15th, 1848, nt the fol lowing very low prices, for approved six months' notes: BOMAN. TITLE, &C. SHADED &C Pica, per 111. 30 cid. 52 eta. 110 cis, Small Pica 32 5G !15 .. Long Printer 31 00 100 Bourgilois • 37 66 108 Drevier 48 - 71 1%3 AI inion 98 8l 132 Nonpareil 53 "..-- 100 150 Agate' ]oB' 160 •Sfl'O above prices, in consequence of increased facilitids for manufacturing, ere much redue..d from former rates. A liberal discount for cash in hand at the date of the Invoice. Presses, Chuscs, Gases, Wood 'l'ype, Ink, Ike, furnished nt the lowest manufacturers' prices, either for cash or credit. Our Spicimen Book for 1848, is now ready for distribution to Printers, who will send for it, and contains many new articles that we have no. ver before exhibited, siteli ng Writing Flourishes, Ornamems,—Orinquental ,Fonts, lac. of Which we have an timid° stock for the prompt execution of orders. . •IrrFor'sale, several good second-bond Cylin der find 'Plajnn•Power Pressor, Standing Press. se, Hund Printing Presses.. • GEORGE BRUCE at CO. nprs e • • ill . Chombers Airco.. N. Y --N.' 8b • .110 Wet WOODEN—WARE . . bro,'No: CI North Third'atroet, ,ono door ,rch,"-egit aidi3, Philadelphia, manufact ur wholosale dealers in' all kinds of Broomo, a, Bnekela;. Cedar Ware; • Willow;; and llpskate, Shod and Wall Brualia, 3, M ate; Dinah ing; Eastern-mods Wood. is of eve,o 4lEc, at :Ma market. pripes. . ..mar. Purchasers of - Iron and Steel , rin HE Subeeribera, Importers and Dealora .41L, in Foreign ah;lAritertean Ifon, beg leave. to call the'attention of perchatora of IRON and STEEL, to 'the new. assortment' of Swede Norivogian,,'Clibliandtoinuum_En,ollela iron which they„neiv !lava-end...ere ocinatahtly re. oiving f T op; Europe:direct. . kt Also Ainerican„ on;',Oottaieting of,flK Ban d,oo (Roof RitalianAnA American hcet Iran; Rmall. Round 'an quer n : run } o4r; 5.T60 2 and ltmittlif,,lleilec- - ancl , Flutt,lrlo, tiored• *lwo lidl4ol7ltode, Axle vai:,,tace LcitioltiOtigefTireltild Ralfroul 'Laois' Angle lenn;lialf.tetqfd ttOnACCT-#Pringlibd.nliirel. 4 4 :44 ,- 31: etattlevef,Swede-Iron; Eitiot , fkita4Slielr.):Bkeelts'aem.allEetAvhich.l.they offer iitte : i'Avoivittisii,:or. t six ; monthii 444rittiPtfi*mr‘ ettoefitin of Orpliiiiers before repleitiihierty, seir stoajts.: ;1, 7 483 441 . 00TOIHS°01*Oi . oillod*Opi , ,mitOlo4;.on*Oli;gdvallacl 0444 ,g4RPS- , IsE 'BRINK4 - 111Z4VV‘ter k ittotOd.iffri1ptiP4,v0aeAhile • , • •, ,thAFIS(IO6% 1c513;414.:5A1t. , A , -• 7:CI `,•ll'`, 7 • ..sc• --., ni ..,. ~._. a* .:; aii!di p JO, diiiimsktiligng,fronf Wod.ctand httiticgclhwbody,-e.vlo.—`, Cihronio,.disettscor Vatirrh, , tro.riiierdfula to, tonne, 'Vetter, Scald head,, entrineous,affectionsprthe faca snit extreiniiies, - chrenicAbooinatistpfind. ,Repatniis, 'chronic Etilargettents. of the Joints, I_..A.Viiiro-Swtiltings,Ayphilitic..Affeciions,.t,Poii ,ciitutional disorders, arising froni•delyiliiy, Wier curio! and Hereditary predispositions,.&e. chtingo•that . is' taking plitedin the body-, it manifest that. it 4s breughLabOut by something havln . g 0 substantive.Oxistence. If we suppose ihiOrgantfdroffiliodY"origiffaltyPerfect, ihoymust continue-perfect Thanes changed By the intervention . something that bears an animal. 'thy relation to it. In all eases of disease, there must bethe interposition of some new ingredient' which by iplaying its Tart as a cause, served to modifrshu 'properties before centre - Clod with the hody.. It is absurd toltillt df spontaneous disease taking place in organs previously healthy, with out the interposition of some morbific agent ; ps well might we expect a piece of chalk to transfer itself\spontrtneously into. Plasterer Paris, without the aiB of Sublime Acid. To all - disease there is a prior cause which must lie 'removed. tido' the agonek Of the Blood. Per this purpose-there is uprooted)! superior to the Panacea. In evidence Om 'following is submitted to the public t Philadelphia, -Juno 7, 1847. kaki n been apprised of the nattire of the Pen n open, it affords me mach pleasure to be able-to Tecommend it as tf . valuable rentedy.for all those chronic., constitutional and: giltindular diseases, to which it is especially adapted. To ihoto who aro affficted, and require medicine as nn,iffterattie, they cannot obtain it-in n More ogreable, active and urpferm statelhan is to heti:mud in the Pon. neon, I have used it in several instances {yid] de• cided and signal 'success. Yours, &o. D. ALLISpN, iff.. D. , . . Prepared and sold 'at The North West corner , of Phird and South streets,' Philadelphia, and re tailed in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. Put up in pint bottles at $1 per bottle. .feb23' Dr. Traphagen's Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla, IS the beat antleheapest Preparation of Stir, saparilla ever offered to The public, being distilled from the firstnuality of l-londursis Says ; aparilla Root—kind One battle of this prepcira. lion is warranted - superior-to two bottles orally -oilier in-the-marketTatitl-wril—rettritrits yi, toe. 1111;171T/IlirPille in any climate. it s - pleasat the taste, and from infancy to age this ExtW - iiiiirefirdiliscase,jnvigeFate the hotly, anti is'the beat trrediti ne for the prevention and time of disease. ever discovered in nitytage of cite worlir — fts action is mild, and it et.tes without sickening •or 'debilitating. the - "pittitait.• Thou. Sands have used it in the Dr.'s private practice, land consider it the greatest blessing ever offel'ell man. It eats in- perfect harmony with the laws of nature, and has never been known to fail, a here Its use was persevered . to. cure even Inng 'Mantling and desperate cases or Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Colic; roughs, Colds. C on suntption,Crampso Cancerous Sunesand Ulcers, Dropsy, Dysentery , Erysipelas, Fever anti Agile, Female eninpla nits, Pev via of all kinds, Gout, thonvel, Hysterics, Inflammation, Indigestion, Jaundice, Leprosy, !Aver I:01mila iut, - Nuraglia, - Palpitation artily earl, Piles, Scrofula, Spinal comp/alio, Salt MINIM, Sra'd oovoidaidts, Tic Dolven! , , Pimples on (IN Pare, Swelled Limits and Joints, Patii. ti e . sid e , Spilling Mood and all oases of Prostration of J Strength, and Cenern-I Debility'of the linmatt body: Iri Ali eases enumerated I}r.TFrpha• gun's Sarnapasi tln rapidly :mil su relr r,stores to heath. A trial will -- sitti - sfy any one of the truth or these representations. • • TO 'll/E LADIES. - Delicate Females Who suffer from lin. Mist rue. Entlics ol sedentary habits are liable, will by the use of one ortwo bottles of Dr., Traphegan'a Sat-EN:arilla, regain their health and color. It is valuable to mese who are approaching womanhoodota it is-ealcu latedlo assist nature - by quickening the . 61 nod and invigorating the.system. Mlles who have ITle co Tplexions. dull eyes blot clies et he face, migh_ski n r- freak tea r -am' !are ;au , spa-lied, use Dr. Tenpliegna's Samitpn• I villa. If will cleanse he blood, remove the freckles and blotches, and give veto an animated I countemitice, siVarkling eyes, flue pitiritti, and beautiful complexions. Children who nre sufrerinn• ream Lad and an healthy hi mor• the mood - , can be piiekly stored to health, steenp,th and bletitiv. De. Tett p• lingtin's Sarsaparilla heingvery pleasimt and pal -1 amble, children take it readily, and such n s are thin and 'weakly soon a ear n mutual nrid healthy IippeDIIIIICC• it can be administered to lot:lots with perfect snrety,and smolt H are !offering from iirtimer Complaint will receive great relict: Nothing clot lie more astonishing than its in vigorating effects upon the human sv stem. I'm, srmsltildstssitiole and weakness belbee inking it, t,t tome become robust ;tali healthy under its in• floence II PREVENTS DISE:isE The usamf a bottle of Dr. Traphagen's Sarsap. occusimially, will prevent disease, and Its a Fall and Swinr purifier of the system it manila unri alled at the present clay. Its use It ill pre vent a world of gulferinion I pain. 11 all persons will tieepi.tbeir blood purified and their bodies atrengthenen by the use of I his Sarsap,r,illa, they will he suro4 escape the attack of ally 'prevatent or contagious disease, rt - Purchasers will he careful to obseeve ~.that every bottle of Dr 'Pro phagen'a Balsamic Extract ofSarsaparilla has his written signa• turein Irlackink on the label of the bottle, and a fee simile printed in red ink on the outside wrapper, as a guard ogainet counterfeit: Put up in banAsome white glass quart bottles, at the low price of ONE DuLLAR per bottle: Foreale xholosnle and retail by COLLIER and BROTHERS Only, at their Store, North Hanover street, Carlisle april 12 The Great English Remedy, Dr. _Barber's Liniament UlOlllOl-no ,rilThis most valualde Embrocation has beau AL used with wonderful.success in the cure of some of the most troublesome disosses with which the horse ls afflicted, (without destroying the hair) such on old strains, swellings, stiff noes ofjoipts, galls produced by the collar and saddle, strains of tho shoulders, stifle, hoof, pastern and coffin, joints, strains of the whirl. bone, ,kneo, and fetlock, poll .ovil, fistules, curbs, splints, spavin„ windgalls; puffs, dao. It very soon culos old.or (rash wounds,cuts, bruises, fistules; poll evil;curbs i giVes ninint scritOliii, grease, ote.,ond life. &inures incident to horses booing white 'foot and , noses .prodttced by, 6,t John's Wort, Which so Olen A"catroys the hoOfir and bones of the feet,:and reilots the' notion of.sulphur and Vitrinl'ointaiiiatai'and..ol4or rerilodies'equally powerful.:. ' • - • , application has her9tofore , proved so iisehil in rolaViegiitiffrieee .0f the .tendoint and joints ond~ , A p , rrideioing such im mediate and encieirii.offects eraekod heels, brought on by high feeding,' splintsi end This tinbrwagon is highly recontorended:to farriers;-keepers of. liieryAstablei;Vvagonere, stage proprietors, araprioatO geneennen over nig_hoxaeft,:;..tiaLattAnvaluabla.:_reineity;-:and.! shonid, be,isonstaittiy,:kapt in, their' stables: '..'!Also fermers,'whoso , horses aro. an liable .to kiekii;:cute -- til::*ot,indt,'.'W,lll:find it it ler equally beneficial in: the treatment. of working cattle,. for. guie, 'nerd ; noill`a -- eute *Ponder ' • • • 1 or mile in CailialO ERS;l3lilif-Nuo‘' 211847: - . , :e . . - ,,',4.:::, - 1 11, 1•,:i':-.; Jr - " 63. • t u; all lag •.. Itide.filadi-ithe7/o.ButtenwOoilutrliilad e pilda. ICON — F. 'RliAlings - fcti: Old prii•tire irrgs and . public aquares,rof every variety of torm:andltattern. . 'Cemetery Railings, of classic and •arvigtro signs, embracing upwards of_rene.hundred.dif- . I.....ferent_varictics. Iron Chairs and Settees, for 'Cardens,nalls and Verandas style. Verandas and Pilasters, for CottageS, made iii every style. SupeOor Wrought Iron Gates, for carriage en: trances. • Now style of Balcony firacitots, &c.' Iron Tables of various styles, embracing Louis XIV, Elizabethean, Gothic, and modern put terns, with White and Gold Italian Marble top's. Those tables have been introduced-by the si4bscribirr for Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cretnii Salt-nu-pa, ?cc. They are _beautiful arti cles of flirt/hare for Iltu Stores and other es , tablishmettbs where it is desirable to make a .grand display. pry' Ile has racently constructed an elegant substantial CIAT 'sox tlircnixo Posr, in form admirably: ached to permanency of position, highly ornamented, and representing a well exe cuted: HEAn . of that noble animal, the llorse.— Such on nrticle has long m been a desideraium, and is now.otrered to trite egood toe of public. Strangers visiting 1 3 1iiladeldhia, are respect fully invited to call at his Warerooms, and ex amine his different specimens anew and beau tiful Work: ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Tio hes recently ,published, nt great ex pense,ran 'original work exhibiting the, new do signsmnd patterns which are executed et_ his es• tablishment, embracing nil the aboye artieles, and the various and splendid patterns of Come. tery, Balcony, Step, and other Railings which have been manufactured for Laurel Gill and eth er celebrated Cemetertes, designed •expressly for his own establishment, and which may be sent to any port of the world to those who desire to make a selection: Undoubted reference will be requi red to ensure a prompt return of the work, alter an opportunity for rnaking the selection. •,,Philtidelphia„April 19. • . Wholesale C. ..rnolesale Clothing We.rphous Ma. 15t2i „Market street, hatereen 4th and 5:11 ) . Philadelphia. - . • 'VHF, subscrihecrespertfully rtnlicits the alien -X—tion ul oom ry :11erehatits and den ers gen erally, to affsesamination of n complete mirk of• 'READY MADE CIAYI'DISG, which for extent% v ariet y and'worktinute. lie_ Ilatters_himself—will—give universal satisfaction, while his retineed scale of prices presents to 'purchasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other 'establishment in the United States. • mat 1 JACOB PEED!' Rover's First Rate Premium WRITW4 INK. Silver Illedal j , tst trw:tillol by the .Tineric.pi dilute, Neu' , lc, (18 - THE following testimony front distinguish ed Institutions speaks for itself: UNIVER9ITY fJC-PF.NSSYLVA . NIA, Philadelphia, illay . I .1841, Ilsvior, tried, for some time, the Black Ink manolactured Sy Joseph E. Dover, we have found' it well suited Cur mannscript, by its run ning freely , and Its oceniptiou from coagulation. Its shade also weave •well pleased is ith. W E 1101INE11,311.),Dt•an of tit Faculty and Pi of: 'of A tiatonfy • - .101 IN LC:1 , 1,011' , Provrist SANI'L II NVYLIE, Vice-Provos • LIEN 11l REED, Secretary of the Pactiltv of Arts ROSINED. PA II Ii E. Prof.' of Nat. Rhilosophy and Chemistry W NV tU itlIAIII), Lecturer ill Me -- Medical Department PENSINVANIA AIEMICAL COLLEGE We fully concur in the shove, EA 'L. 61•1(). Mown:ix, M I), Dean of the Enmity Cr.tc•rnas 11161 t Scitoot., Pitt A, ILI-CA-GI-IV, I , incipal II Nit:Nl D, Pro Anatomy- YitreaN Et lir last Ito are. Co Pni , .nnErrtira. PE I I' It \ Secretary Crsnnt 1101• SF:, PIIII.:11.E :1.111:1 J I) tit...olloE, Dep, Nasal ()nicer HOVERt ADAMANTINE CEMENT, A Sopel ior A Niele, IVarratttvd. For Sale, \\ holesale rionitetail,at the Niatt oey, No. 87, North "I'ltital street, opposiie Cheer) btreet ,Plolatlelphia by ;11atInfaettity Philadelphia, Nov 57. I N 47 • i!_.- It Never Fails. ..EA gri UR E YOUIZSELF.—From time itamemo- U rial there has existed in larger cities and populous ownsra speeics of disease, the depend cove and' propagation a! which results from the violation of divine nod mond laws. To those AFFLICTLD, the AMERICASCt tAI IN D is presented, ns being the least certain, epeedy. and valuable specific ever °tiered to the unfortunate. It hos wherever known acquired a reputation that daily experience continuos to strengthen. Thou sands hove been eured.hy its use, and as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in or business, nor conutins either mercury or noxious drugs in theleast injurious to the sys tem, it is boldly present od as tile best remedy ler such diseases yet ofihrod, It, is used by physi cians and pronounced superior to any known re medy: .Full directions accompany each bottle. For sale at N. \V. earner :id and South streets, Philadelphia, and by S. li 4 .LLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. Darnitz. York; G. NV. Miller, Lancaster; Dr. McPherson and r yeth, Harrisburg, Pa, felt 9 Cumb• Valley Transportation House, 174_41;-• .1 11'71 %wiz • 41401,- Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, 4c. CW. KFAIt., Forwarding nrid , Commission Merchant, Ilinatsmino, Pa. informs his friends and the public, thallium the liberal pat ronage e x tended to him during tije past year he has been encouraged to multoinoreext.ollSiCe or • rangements for the present season, and has ad ded two new, large and splendid Boats to ids LINE, and will - be fully prepared after din op ening of the Canal, to forward PROP UCE and 1111ERCUAND14E of all kinds to and from thiladelphia, Baltimore, Pitt - skiargh, &e., at the lowest rates of freight and with the lininnsrdes patch,. Agents for Tlootk • CARLTSLE GASKELL, Race street Wharf, Philadelphia. . CEISE & SON: *, N.G. 48 Commerce.st. Whnrf, Baltimore. • OL/1.1.2.K.& •StIA IV, - Z , ' . : ' .I...IIIc}ADDE.;V 4:, C0..5 Pitts'g . ~.. . Agentefor care: . . ,• - • • ' • eiIV.LINDERLTCH-& •':•• • • l lslci.-272•Morkever..'Philadelphirr • •••• CHALOREIt & - REYNOLDS. • • N0.'423 Market et., Philadelphia • srrER, JAnit.is co., Broed.etreet, Philadelphia.' • PENN'A. & OHIO LINE,.; • - -North street, Baltorpro• • New: umber Yard., subscriber . lin6 opc;nod , ,a new:Lumber' Yrifili . acitte 'Owner - of ;Iyest ,ifireet,honCl f tictist nort_4l,l4r.p.cmialaral: on hand a firo!':rato:iigiaiinent of aeftqcon'od VIN BOAILDS, and: other;Aignilsof STUFF; all ho reobit r;bo ettullyi;solioit i s t4o t publia notronago;., Hailsbtirg Transpoitation Line. 4 ' ;"XqPart: FMAitEiING Conninieniofilhithantoi . :ITApiThitypi;;Ttp,pllll).NritlatiCej::Aldrchnn-, tide !Olt!, bco. - Z4C-;; .ponl; • Plagosol uPPL:SaIti:F4,I3, •Orooiicli', Op: , for eale.A ; 7 'Hnirietnifii; march '.1648:', fokiinUttifa nif'SN'L 4i. • . L A '44 '„i /be r ahVIP " sih I,'••,‘ , ,s, • • • - .ATV ; . 4 MOOO4Y tintritil; ' ic Fc, ',' . .' 2 ., , ii''„4:14 . 0,!il • • - t „et, hr, "" -pipbtrutte , ...: 1 01,01ORRHOLDS'ot1 *: 11, TEItNA ofttitern iliernialierillkntired VEG4 7 '4BLWEL.guf TuAity - OtlllriTenstan.tristErtY 'tie - cording' to'directions, a opt ypitniotsjelpr4, ttnteedi ' TBE'illtissen.e-A ennuriorileotn;-:, 'sequence of, this rdieOtion, oflerie*nusp. or benting.ildwn"sensation f anit jti ~atiiiliDilycall _` -ed7f-there andiffrohbinglit thellarti varying from. anioderato.dogreeof sonsetions to. the most ,oxerutiating euffering47yi these are caused by the - -great f l ow of blood ,to the parts. Sometimes the inner ctiattirtlitiVo'we! protadce at oyery;iiiiecuation', foriniert i irliat • called Proltipsua, or falling.of the the effect of long continued - irritatipni;und,v4iikr ness of that organ; In some instancesl4'patient experiences nervous pains; which are indescriba ble, and.known only to Jhe sufferer, yhich ;Om, mence immediately after an eVacitatied,orld.co--- (inn° from thirty minutes to several boars ; these sensations aro very annoying 'and sometimes liar) , distressing. 'Phis disease, when of long Continu ance, is attended by pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kidneys and bladder. and 'Other organs in the vicinity, pain end numbness in the legs and feet, a sense of straitness about the chest, rind uhnatiiral 'fulness of ihe abdominal viscera, accompanied with.palpitation of the heart and oppression; Individuals sometimes experi ence, previous to an flatlet of the Piles,symp mitts dcnotihg great derangement in the circula-4 tion ; :there is a sense of weight end pressure in the abdomen. With a peculiar feeling of uneasi dens in the bowels, constipation or. perinmem, at. 'tended With pain in the back and loins, nausea, and slight pains in the stomach, pale counte nance,confused senations in the head, weariness,' - and inimitable and discontented state of the mind;. mid n sense of fulness and oppression in.the re- gion of the stomach. The circulation oil the surface is feeble ; and the current of blood deter mined inward and downwards. • For all of the above diseases end complaints. Dr. UPIIA:II'S VEGETABLE ELECTUARY curesef fectually, and therefore prevents Piles. READ TUE TESTIMONY, , 1, 186. GENTSI—T have usedlfuneox Dr. Upliam Dec. 's l Veget 4 able Pile Electuary which I purchased of you, add [hut, it one of the best medicines in USG for the Pilot, and also for bilious affections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, &c, E. A. COLE, Marble Deafer, U. Q..FFICE; N. 1 cc. , 1E47- 'Messrs. Wyatt R. IceteliamfleMtlemen, un der'sninding shut you are the general agenrs -for the sale of P --miiVetetaele44le'enteryrfor-,---- rurc - rif .:I'l ea, I have deetned'it my duty to volunteer a recompiendation.in behalf of that-in- Valuable medicine.. nave been afflicted for ma tiv years with Piles, and Ifniim,triqi various reme dies, -but with no beneficial effects—indeed, I began - to consider my case utterly hopeless. I3tit about Mlle first of September last, I was prevailed upon by n friend to make n trial of the above named medicine. I took his advice and, rejoice to say that I lull IrOLonly relieved, but, as I believe, perfeetly mired. I nipst earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfortune to benlileted wit 11 duo annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ELY MOORE. Re i t Artavat.r: CUBE Or PILES !—TIIIIITY 'YEA /18. Washington, Berkshire CO, Maas. November f.:9,T,447. :Messrs. Wyatt & Retchain—Geins: For thirty, years I have been afflicted with Piles, general debility and inflammation, causing tunfurs and prolapses of - the bowels, and which had resisted all, the medical treatment Dr. Chapman anal oth ers could-give; The last.threp years of that lime my sufferings defy description. 1 was eoified to bed, unable to help myself, turd at last given up by my Physician mid Irientltt in despair of ever gaining health: in tact for three days-betrire commenced using Dr, Uplinni's I.:eh-eta my, was entirely speechless and my burial do i lies were made. But under Providence, and. the use lof Dr. Upham's Elect nary, though - an oLD , 1 have the pleasure of stating the Ina to the -pub -lie that my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it i,' ( lad ' s -will, to Mahe known - the virtues of Dr. Vphain's Elect nary, and to re nen iend_il to my afflieted - fellow--cretmares. It helped- trio beyond the expectations of all that - know my case, and I can only say in" rollers - that it. IS 1111 ptyt opinion, the best medicine in the world ler 'Piles, Or any other disease of the I owels . ; and if they will use it according to tto... directions, I will myself warrant n cure imevewr case. - Yours, witlt the utmost eXprcP,lon of tiank fulness, CtthiNEMUS SPI If, Fgramont, Berk-, co, Mess. November '29. 1817. .S The above rertificate tells a simple ar'd truth ful story at stilli•ring and relief, of which, as phy sician and Weal-esti in the rune, I elteerliffly eit ilosse. DR. C HA P.MA N. N arra•E—The Eleeinaryi Iris his written signature, thus firr VI I.niii, M. I).) The band is alone clone with a ,Cll. Prire SI n box. I;t7 - Sd wholesale end retell liliTCLI ol A111; Ell Fulton street by :N. W V., A end by Druggists generally throughout the United :foetes and Canada. SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Agont for Carlisb January 5,1848-1 y Stantoit'S External Remedy, EMEM it 4117” S .7,1.117.41.E.4 Is now universally acknowledged to he dm I NFA LI.I LE REM Eby For Itltcumatiatn, Spinal A fleet ions, Contractions • of the Muselt•s Sore 'I brow and Quinsy., Is sues, Old Cheers, Pains in the Hack and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face, • Tooth-ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, Frosted Peer, and all . Nervous Diseases. IJUNT'S Al EN Tis sitstaining a notori. ety unequaljed by any similar rectefly.. Jr •reimires go purling to gtvc it reputation. it has .fiR been for saut e osilently•and surelyoeimptig it, nod now ? when pa beneficial effects heed been, eXParianePd 400 many,. the expressions of grail rude ere continuilly appenring, and • those who have been inade-wholo hy, its means are desirous that.the a ffl icted should no longer remain igno rant 'of 'ifs intaluabla and infallible efficacy. .0„co. Stanton,. , the PlopriCto'riis eon, stantl yrac.cifing , fflatinlauiala,of,bonefita reenived froffl its pca,git patty ofibb cures it has effected almost Piiede t tl .beiter, In one ln so:a•child . had beep g cripple tor eight, years,-having wrenched the cline; wizen at 'the cure of ,two.yearseby a lull trout a chair!: treat men failetiOnit four bottles o' the Liniment restored hint to strength, and he now joins _troth his' Idas ., iiialeeitir their yourYdul gambols, os • robtist .as theiliettlillicst of !hem, ond - only n small huinpiiiiiiisrinickqril re, mind him :of his ocrlytottliiirings,i••Tlricot2,s. tents per bottle: . . Th e ..., T,AN':l'O4..B PA P . J.I.LARY-OLN'TAIIM T S aelinowledgeci to.be tho , niost rultnblerente.. dy bat lies,yeL been diseoitered , ond.;'n)OY.l.ll3 re sled on.Arhkeontidetteo hy, hero , ou, casionfor,its uso.in cases of ;111,11:X TEVEN-Al3llll TliZl3lfiai; SOl,lll NIPPX.tEet','SPC. , kr.l .110'llio 0111;1110ot is part.i . ob larly intended for tine— 'coo-lit/jilts, titer. Mothers are-linblo tollitrink tll ritirtsing;ol)nfthits; and-may, 40-_trulwettlied ,h 25 ,cis.pqr , ,b0Fi4lry; V.ropriettor, 7ew York., SOW' • 'D thtioitz, ginthelu t , ,§6ol!l',S,hippottobtirg, DOnslibioti '&.".Grooni , ,Poinitstoivn;_, ` -. N . - `CfithOtfrrt.S:k o l; l ,bl(olll. 4 . :x ;•?•', .Q~~S~yl 6ipes lfril.:4 l .Al-' , rin, l lB:t4).4 , .;..).MB6Vit:iir‘ , eici.F.4o6o.fliAlc'. - . - -A. - ORalisingnandli,o ll 4.llBk qYSP,Y ,, lttn'am - ff,i , fiB -4 7 ,itilio-nlitl Gfi . iii WAIT ) being ;"imperiott.4or.tioltten, atone, wh itk!Ti &u. i . OB I I prq . d u ces 04, , iiip8t ,Jril lpint nod.lBatung polish.wilikArgBktititeetabor;:,: • s a ISl,aii•#4,elleatt,tivittits for'oleo.llBl4Bvittilowq , Aid mirror . .? ',.. l7lo, :AWericanCTilro.i! , ,14,41 / to- ' etbOv,:freo:f tonkstai(lBliod atirrbititig4!Piitrisiscs, il d. A s'Alh**ftlect , sil pe ri or to, the I tat i t00..:8w, trAutli., 88(1.4 o Etiropp. , No„portw'Rl,soc.lom zt t d:e ,kBt ettalsB wil l 1)0;881,lioxit .1,...- c rtiloW:lgitt to j!lei, . .• t,jide..l.' 4 , Peelioril-iwishinr.torAllti•Clik*: . 08)1 , ,..„i-,, : gain4 . Nl iie;tlll , l 4 led nfikk'ci) l otitirs*Orlie 1 , 0 411 01., . I Nfoiliiq„,bl..williiiii.at llie:Orlow.ottif4i; ~,, ~ , , 1*i0 . 7.11,::•7;k rl!,,,ivi4l,lstAVat irt, ' ' PA f*.qr:' ' .. 1181:181P , o4iip l 'i,)14P: Re*'tntil , ', t.t.1::. ,, ,.-:, , ,,-.:,:' ~,,,...:;,,-4,-,,g.4,4.1,..,-:0,; - ....V:00A•1414 Ittr•Aq•re c i.l 3, l N, i s ,loet'iiiii' oll vitto.Ailli2o4t:o4C•tri ~,,l'• .11.1 11C o itift% 4 I9lci t _ Pg9:t4r44 1 316 1 1171, - •0 . 'n '', l "- 4 , ~ u s 1, 4PARP1!." , ,c',„0,46 4 -WA . LT,, - ;:;A.. , '..,.:!-..-.- -•; Air 'B;:tt Ie: ti ':, ? , ";;; ,': :' ,. '"' ' ' , i(t liSi! . .'s. ' : • '''- 't. 4 C , 'ZVX:4 , I4I ',.TV -,:,;,:. '''', Fijl4lcAlAlliAtigg':,.;.k:.:2. ;;;:, 7 '; 7 tti2irSbuigi ,liiiii 9 1847. ,',i;',:.. , ' •,. ~ 2 ..•,„ , , ` 1';;,..‘.•:./71 .. 2 1112 BE