Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 14, 1848, Image 3
i; , frohi " - AP gi,u4TAtit,OffAlleT boilYi3hat iv there - tis, f9it liditSeidlthe*itter, antrhif orde,rilli , PriVat)b,'lPlalcs,..jt,ricsiii me dgilefk.:l-1"lin 10' the • fite!,d4llatilin/' lapose of the 0iyte , 1011,..,V6 - icpeare l cy lifenitini td pqokiiidjkii:O 3 Ong it into tho ,TO . Ahi6::4ni - c , Voyoteitded , too ! consent; but ern. - ...Vitlgi . 4•lhe:tiody. - anstitifortned_the_Police., "IVit4Wiliibb; his arid a portrait pain been arrestedf as irapli6ied in-the affair: The';bedq ;was. 04C„,10,41•in , a box two ,und a half feet sonars,, and ,ivas•sold for ~ ..fieven dollars. _ ‘Thift_Parter has his .ossession the fi, , a' ! :lollar bill paiii,ta pr. McNabb. . , litc:T^Lie ut e hen ts , Dutton and Hnre; of the...2d Permsylviiiiitittegime nt, convicted and "sentenced to be hanged -for murder and `robbery in Mexico. have been respit cd by Gen. Butler. ANOTHER -BLADiN•snutio DUCT..—We lefirn from "the Ellicott's Mills Free Press, that a hostile meeting took ploce at Bled-, cashew Md. ; last Thursday; between twO,Vidshipaten of the Navy, Mr. Gale, of Worcestercounty,-Md.,and Mr. Dallas, of Pennsylvania. The latter'-was, woo n fled ori.the first fit e,,and fell from faintness and lose of :blood-;,—:tlfe former .escapq iinhutt:• . Otitu M.9n.lny livening, Jun' 12 . FLOlitt—T4 market for flour is firm, but without touch inquiry for exports. Sin'tidertl brands o • held et . 55,50 per bbl., and thrfre is a fair demand for home use, at $5,50 for and $5,62 for good and 'choice western brands. CORN M.F.41, has an , upward tendency, and some 12000 bble. Penna. brotrkill $2,371. Some holders ask . . . • Wllll is eicarce and wanted, and come Fnan I I lots of diehnit., brought from 121 to 130 cts. COIINZSOOO bushels- Southern - 101 tow• brought 53 a 51 ma., strEfgbt. • O ITB--Bouth era are dull at 35.ete. W.IIISKRY—vaIes of MO balmoiete made, a t eta. . , CO P Fal ON.—W right's Indian Vegeta ble PilW are the beet costnetW in the world; because they cleanse and notify the body of those morbid hu ino;s width: if ,lotTged in the tinkle, ore the cause not only of yellow or swarthy complexion and rough ness-of the salt,. lint all kind of eruptive %Viol.; it's Indian-Vegetable Pills also all mill improve digeition, as well us cleanse and . purify the blood, and. therefore. give health and vigor to the whole fraine,.whicti In tnrn, will lie sure to gird a clear and healthy tomplexton. cy•llaware of counterfeits and Remem ber 01111 the original and only genuine Indian Vegeta ble PlVls hove the written sirmillire of %VILLIANI Nralflitt Oil the top label of cinch box. The genuine is for -sale by Citaitt.l M Ofall.llV, role seem for On rlialeoltul 1!(”IerrIl °Oral for Cumber and' coons y, lic whom country dealers trill ha sup plied at the PiillailelPhia priers. 011 Ice and General Depot, 168 Race street, " DIARRIED, In this piece on Thursdny evening, June - Ist, by Rev.. Wm. Love. Dr. Donn 1111AVFORD . WIL LIAMS, of Meehaniestown. Frederick Co., Md., (formerly of llossville, York Come yr —Pe) Miss CATHART,M SIILEPini GREGG daughter of the latejohn Gre_g. , _of.ihis. County. • In !his borough on Siviirday mmorning!est, Mr , JANES GREGG, one of iffdtst citizens of 'the borough. D e.l, in this bornngh. of o , neumntion, on Sot urday the 3d inst., Mee JANE BLI,EN, only deuih-1 ter or John AEne,,v Eiq.. ITN] shout 19 year...: A dministraticrk Notice. - irA7 OTIOE is hereby given, that Letters 4•Ill of Adnifinatrulion ON ilte estwa of Adorn Deltelherger, late of Allen township, Cninher hind county, decented, have issned to the nub scriber,-ii brine pliice of rr sidence in in the fowl.- 6'f.p and comity Mores:lid: All parent* knowing th finiselvet , indebt •d to ,nid estate are required to mike 1111,11e...1141e payment ; and three hay rig claims or demands wi l prose it them to the sob• a ribcr duly authenticated for a , •"t l em, JACOB . LONG, junet4—fitpd CARLIELE DEPOSIT PA N 1 ? dime 10. 18.8 , , THE slocid.nin ers «d thiq nee 111:1 , '• by notified that they ere required to Puy. en or b •iore the 15 , 11 day al July mixt. the Hurd insta r meet 0f Five Itollurs on every share of ttoe( twid by (hem rvireviively._ By Order of the 13nrirdof Direeinrs. • W. S COBEAN, • IVew Arrival. THE subscribers hate jut received from Phil adelphia, a fresh supp!y of Drugs. Medicines. Dye-stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Our stock is now large and complete, and as we are determined not to be undersold. but to sell at the ‘ lowest mesh pri Cer . we Mane the attention of "etiiiiiiiirTineschants, physicians and where, to exthritine oni goods and prices before pitreleocing J. & W. FL FLZ‘IING Pine , Corner of Piiit am) High st PERFUNEFf..Y.--Joal :rennrieved, n fresh pimply et Rousse,l'ii Crilogne, Exirncis Jovkny Club, Bonget•de Caroline, Geranium and Ver. jenny Lind junelo J & W QDON TIN E—J est received, another iree.h supply of this e.slehritted Tooth Paste. The 1113 nufueitirerof this article positively asserts that it contains no Acid, or nay other article which will •in any .wny Nein the tooth. june 14 & W FLT:MthG arnAREP A RATIO N.S - von TIM HA I m• 4:r ong she many articles prepared for the hair, none are so deeertiedly popular as Rouseel's Eon Lllblflo. whirls is justly celebrated for cleansing, benntitying, preserving and promoting the growth of rfie hair. • . • opal, J and B -FLEMING FRENCH BUMMER CL9TI - J—The rub- , oteriberhawallln received a few pfe‘ces of Black BroWn,.and:Drablreneh Summer Cloth, of au. perior.Anality,lor - men!a ware, and will be sold jimel4 , "lklitLENEllSt . N . l . G S'—Tbo - sub. —scriber haa # ecgived ii vn tmings, Fish as Bonnet. _Ctowns sna;Tips , Shirrs, . • an& • Whilsbobeer - rAisin'g:' flautists; ni pi:o'l)P a l r :Mipiqsie; antlloll - ,:bb !tisheil'at fuodestqe prices.• • • ,-jrtiiill4;:l,4o:• • • .. '' li''nisiolutton et Pit ", aP E ; ' rt tin r eldO• h drat o py), • . 4 t ,-en ' 7 / I :3iAli,4" . ;tititreinitittrtediq, doing 6: ;..]he lnstrie• , •ofillUMElß. find 4fltE4p;..i tip dny Olgth:May);biiewilitiniiiiidAtY.•toutbil tontiont 7tiopa indntet&•liitAit o'tlto:lsfin's*ill sntke Par _.:lneint to: „I OtIVPH inro' lei.; • • • -.7•;;; , F '• • JOTTN ' TrI I M R, • T9SEP.IT'ArxD. , , 4Old, : ineind, on the'eoulh-esot."Olitnei;or - - ..'*.lfen<FV . nrid . l;OotheciOitgOfti;.OlilhO r O.hin,olito on • •,^ tonic . 0110 the , ,climetni.' G ßO.CtltlV3,Ond *A gultiFf ER; .. .. . . ~. ' .'.lieg:A:priCAltPEB-7'.T—fl-ilsll'‘ii-r.-Lrllteti9.l3.rloll7P'elus.P"'tillBe°: ',•• - .;:• , 1::';' ' '1441‘ .- ' I :•:' 0 0 ov• id it, ~', ... f121 ,ir t i t tie c o P a t; 4.' : , a •., . I 0 .., m -..: witr.i 6.,00g ., , R ,. i , .; ~..,,., ••' •'-'i''';`..Kiill#6ll-:'W;-ti,tl:f!-o'i ' ,, ' .• • ,, • . ' : ::' --o 'W•'' l q7`;,°,- •• '• - ~, 4'4.4:50.3J°,7409":'•!"••7‘.1'''•''...,Wc.gineri1l neoort ` 7 ..":: ekr i g)f IWO R If.: HONE . _. , .clillOronsi'.•4*fiin,•:)%cciri: 'e11+,'061K 0P.M 4ife5414 1?,,,,,., ::: -,...• ? ...,, , : ),..;•,, i , ~ .•• ~....!-... ''',4,4?•0•*401,...°!!!?1 '' ,Y;1!, .4 . 40;;Vir4i;: . T5F-1,&-H . '' , ,4 ..A`4.:i.' • P:?' ''' V ' '' ,' :'' ' ; '•' -'•:` , ' ~.'"--.D.,,., 16167(1k 4, ,, 54 , " 'ATMOWAXIV,I3.4•4-,-.7"--fr I ..ich!lhii.;it. 4.-r..'t' •,,,,iiiiiitheiliiioK (1.0.0.p8)111i-I'Y')fed..•:;.•,,,:.•-..:;-' *:•••'.'f•9t i'•'•n'ill' , .4liii'l.liiintr goqefatiii4:l6 ', 1 ,11v 1 ; ift!'etr.`4939iirit:Ai'!-,;,- .4;-''''-''t•-9.;'4,-W4"'l'4.l‘77'''' O . i i ii 1 ,, , , ,.... , 14 , . ~.qi.f,' . r `),::::,',;,c4;4'i t is stlt4 r ttiarii‘ , • ola zzzz rr. „ .gede. —s, ,' ' - plYz , 4- : -..-'77:,ni , ;A,, ,,- ,:e0 , k1e3R1.,; , ,,,1A ,-,- , 7:7,lN:ttO i sTA. MernOtttiClUSP,'.. - ," , '',,,,'''',;°.: :4;•:=;',' , -.' tio,:!pz-leitildWiii Ne4iMiiiitiAii;J). ic)ii?Ct7iiiiiii!iiiil7:Bisii-igi'VPt' v r '. :Ai . Clii;eifibCl*:' , J.626i - ii,r . c .. ;wctrilAogioli;•Eiv%;', -,.Meichitile-Aliiraisui'-•aacordltig.t,to.thi aeon,,'. rid ActhWAtisenibltt'dblting• thereto. 1:;',.: . '? - •. ' •-- : . cAtairsit ... • • , 1 . :Nainbii, • 'Class. - Licentio.' Jason*" W. Bbi;',' .., _ t; ", 13 " slo'oo' luhlt - H: = TritmotritT - " • 1 - 3 - ' - ± --- 10=00 - Joseph -D. Halbdrt, 14 ' ' 700 My*Shbaffit, . 12 ',12 50 _Sat ' " thou, - 14 • 7 00 J, M.' ueedter, nient; - "" ' • 11 100 Ch.irlos Ogilby, 10 20 00 Charles Barium, liquors, • • l3 15r - 00 George W. Hitiper. 18 / 10 00 -A. &-W. Bentz, -- 42_ 12 50 Douro! Eckels, liquors, 14 10 .50 John Faller, liquors, 14 10 50 Robert Irvine, Jr. .13 ' 10 00 Jacob S. Faust', liquors, 4 14 10 50 J. & D. Rhoads, 14 7 00 Wm. B. Murray, - ----- 14 ' 7 'OO -John J. Myers, liquors, 14 10 50 S. W-Havorstick, liquors, 114 10 ell) Robert Snodgrass, • - 13 10. 00 S M.&.J F Hoirier, 14 7 00 J & W E }limning, . 14 7 00 T ILEktles. 13 10 00 Win .M Portei, 14 7 00 Thomas Conlyn, . . 14 . 7 . 00 • Wright ACSaxioni 'll 'l5 00 Philip Mesgerstnilli, 14 h.OO Jacob Innen), }4 •4 700 adorpo,•WCrooks, .13 • 10.00 John It'Philips, 14 . 7 00 James McGrannhan, . 14 700 - . _. . Miehnel Lehley, lioOrst II 10 50 Romer and Reed, liquota, . -14 '` lb 50 Peter Monyet, ... __ __.. . - 14 , 7• QO John -P-Lyne, -' ' - ' 13 10 00 Jncoh Wolf, liquois, .. 14-. , 10 50. Arnold and Living4tori.. - 14 700 S A Coyle, - 13 ' 10 00 Fortnev and Fisher, • '•" -' 14 • 700 Jacob Leibv, liquors; ,* 14 ,10 50 George Foram!, • l4 '... 700 Andrew G'Lechlet. 14 ' 7 00 C Inhoff. agent. liquors, • . ".14-- 10 50 George Heckman; liquor)l, 14 10 50, Peter Homer,• 14 7 00 John FrForster: .12 12 50 Nulhaniel Hantch, 14 • 7 00 Hugh Mainy, 14 ; 700 Mary McGantlis. agent 15 7 50 SHIPPF:NSB - URG 'BOROUGH. Wm. F. Carey, ' 14 700 nollarl_Snodgrass & Co. -* 1l 12 '5O Edward Scull, 14 7 00 . Henry Holler, - 14 700 Gish and Mosey, 13 10 00 Junaihnn Peal... .14 - --7 00 . 'John A Clippinget,' •12 • 12 50 James Gilliard, 14 7 00 . Welt end Peal, 12. - 10 00 . „John Fulwiler, - la 10 00 S.Kunkle, 13 . .10 00 John Stambaugh, 14 7 00 David Nevin, Ihjno - rs, e 14 . 10 50 Philip Kooroz, 13 10 00 Peter S Aria. agent, 14 , - 7 00 Joseph P Nevin, II • 15 00 W I) E Haves. 11 7 00 .1 C and G 13 Ahieh, • 14 7 00 Fletnii , .g.and Sheliver, 14 7 00 John 13 Duncan, Robert Welsh Andrew (I-Miller, - . _ . .1 1 10 00 AF , die - 44'Guinrey, liquors, ;14 - 1 - 0 50 •T C Miller,. ' 14 . 7 00 Ilassell and Dies, - , 13 : 'lO 00 \V M Winn:, • ''''' 14 • 700 I) L 13celinno, - .- - 10 -'3O 00 Sliriver and Cancel-. --- 1 , 1 - 7 00 ' - ".IIOPEWELL Ti". Samuel L Seniman, .11 7 CO Ruben Eflinit, ' ll 700 lacob 11.111eLawer, 11 7 00 WEST PENNSBORO' Tl'. Chri]fit in n Lens ; liquors --H.-- . 1.1 CO Josiah flood Sr Son 1.5 00 Dolnililtoni Sr Green 14 ' 00 ... -- 1 - Trrreu - Greason 6t C 0.14 7 00 N Ew viLLE,, Gilmore k Stough 13 10 00 W,lhalu Barr (Ag't.) 12 1.2 00 Sant Ctyln 13• 10 00 .1,,,,, 1 .,,, tt 11Aunon. liquors 1:; 15 00 'l'. •\ J. ...Nll.Candliah 13 - )0 00 .I.lllrl nil.o 14 7 00 Javol) Sw.,yr- , 14 7 on Joseph Lnughlin, (Ag'l) 11 7 00 J. B. Luckey and Co. liquors 14 10 rif J. G. Gorniony and Cu, liquors 14 10 50 James Kyle 14 7 00 ' Jo-sph Smith 14 7 00 Adams md EAelman 14 7 00 111IFFLIN. Chlrles Bnrtlitz, l 1101111 S I:,,b,•rt SOUTHAMPTON. John W. Clever, liquors 11 10 1;0 MONROE. G. W, Singizer, Daind S,ruck and Brandt • LIANIP DEN Thomns C. Rheum, liquors 14 10 .50 John H. Zenring 14 7 Otk . George Mnteer 11 7 00 NEW CUMBERLAND. - - ... J. K. Bunko and Co, liquors 13 15.,0i. W. S Prow, I 14 7410 EAST PENNSBORO. Incob teninger. liquors 14 1( 50 tongtwelt . er sod Eshuger 14 7 00 Joseph 0. Books 14 7 00 ' SOUTH MIDDLETON. A. M. Leitch . 13 10 00 Wpi AI , xunder • 11 7 00 nod liroplT . 14 700 Rider sod Sailor - 14 700 Alexander Cnthcnrt 12 IC 50 E.Oy and ' , rilehey, liquors 13 15 OU Isaac Barton, liquors 14 10 50 lolin G. Miller 14 7 00 Manillas Rimer, liquors 1$ 15 00 Joseph &duolll4 7 00 SILVER SPRING. H. W. Mahler and Brother John Reed . • • Dunlap and Barr Coyle and Spangler AIECHANICSBURG . . J. Millison and Co, honors 13 • 15 00 Simon Arnold, linuoia 13 l5 00 john Coover 14 ' 7 00 J. and L. Reigle 13 10 00 Henry Lena . 14 700 .Houser and Bold) 14 7 00 Halter and Miller - 14 7 00 Ira'Dny --.- : . - • •14 7 00. J. F. Spahr • ' , 14 700 Gi.orge-4ingizer - -- 14 700 . CIII37BERLAND COTNTT. Be. w ,igrN 'T do hereby certify that the foregoing is a cor 'rect. list of-the. Dealers-in -Merchandise, N 0.,. in Cumberland county, as remised to .me:by.Jef ,fOrson .Worthitigion, Egg. Mercantile Appraiser. Allreturned ns above,. will, call for theiraespec live' Licenses on or before the get day el July, 1818:• • ROBERT MOORE, Jr: County Treasurer. Tteasurai'ecitt6e, • • To Cetosittp, 9r, otheepiiiiiirplir t he ri vionmerrti. of MilitiaC onitieniel.:494 the A - topoitere of the , ,sertiral.toweships of Cuthborlied:.eiiinit)i,.Pp.::'? eetrntiniittikofßecirs:9 t le , .1U intin , •eineftapies ley; Brtkeelo,..* 084 re f ', abed,forthwith 0 143'1'de/113h" iiit , '9f l ghee ot eels 'ul.their , ..tespiletive' , ''eloitpitsies;','for', the ',Pit 'Peel , yeer: , under `Oath, to Gen:' Eovr.itelAneuitri!'et his Head Qurintire,:in the bOroligh - of: Coriii , le.r , • • . , RBEIRER, , t; •Arig v ijnept9: . let..ll,llllh,DZ Brigade Inepeator May, , the'iiliin'e order . ectimitlied*iNike`Assetiortrof each hoyough_ or t6 , t, , nOtip arol 0 orielred; 901.019 ,M '9f 1244; to' furnish'. iherl'Oomraieeloeora of 'the :00.11`1rwith;;;the..etrigre4 . ,of ell . ;the':11018 bodied,' W. d et v.itreiticl.o4 -•,, •, MArdSICAL — IXl_B I'ItUMENTB4- , AT .;large PtliPitik.;ol'..t.Y,toPitit,':,Flurea,;:;..rittgeolet a; Aco9r,dellt 4 lo 9 ;poti,x o Eiptei.Tdpitrg Fprhe, il til mijitt pr e eatiltitt.o B o i r jhe ti entid'et the cheap Drug, 8 00 'enti,Ve!le let , ...',N,,a,--,- v , rims) 3,1"' ,r. ',- ~ 4. h • vaitsTicK .111TGAR,Aripp,siOrt CON:it_ 7.11 p Vlore - .v;4lo6:osme - 10Wvettiet(wsiobscOb,;for:friila by - :: . ,,. t'l:,tithyllri , .,t'": ,, ,,:.4V - (: -r,...V,..7,„,p. ~ , 8 1141161 :p . . ,,,, ' - .{ . ;' . ;'.:', , l'i ' ' - eiv;•.?: , : , ... '' ,7,7 •', l . 1 . .'1.•!!.'.c;'14.67C1:ir.',, ",, ,, , , , ,, , itra , :. - 4 , ,,,, , , ...,y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,:,,, 14 7 On II 7 00 DICKINSON TP. FRANKFORD NE \t"l'uN 14 10 50 14 10 50 13 • 10 00 If 7 00 14 7 00 ALLEN 13 10 00 14 .7 Oa" 14' 700 13 10 00 . pe O,d • ~~4' ~''; a ;:'~~~?iv s;.'r' b:-ii ~:~ ''.jr: ;t',~~ u~';i', ~n;*(cJ"' :.0 sr.;:;:~1+: w;~s~.'vl~ !~';;` ...Yd•='i;:+ >}~. ~`• .. ~~ :.t:i:?': ~S,~n' ~~`:.'; .~:.i` . . , nr. a 4110,:h5P,W 1 4M!, 3 ,:"F:tl," , • • • Ratp.,WarigrA4loles kitieriedWthd;adtfactibeN:(o3irld 6 l ll 'lie 4 iliirit'es Special tittliiiittodWileititriteitirtiidly :Gold . Pala 1-and'Pene.llB;i:Eiiiintitteseit,',Butter.! Knives, finc'Po'ckei ; iKnivea ' Etdolt' and Bead •PurseS;;FOrt Money Solar , Ctisibr.Stiney Bthcis. chf:githqi , arid Fruit •KnireeOpectiieles,• Wateh , Keys, &nisei - id _aktirCs, .-Vieiting-LCards: and °nibs! 'el every Ithld;logether willi'a rich ,varibffiiiTgfitt7 articles of - elegant 01 . 4 ;.1001 desigt arid firtisti6 itupo4sitile to enumerate'. ••C,a ~ HA VEK I . Drug, -.l3puk: and Y•ariety,Suire - r eli• NI Hanover street . . '•!!!. • ..., . [ma y3l 4 ~ _~~. 'OllB and P ( . 071 1 ) ! 4 '..-. A72F " l P N e t rfa ctn ine ofreshs4 P, i ., ),l ), Y ,. fr°l"°llB : s ? ,l. 'w s h n ine'd . . oilier of the best citybouses. among which aredquhlo,okimet Sweet Briar, Rose Geranium, Verbena, Pal ehonly, fUliotrope..4illefleur ,and Mns4. tristefullY.put lip and for gale at iheliwest prides. , Also, for the Hair, Band°line, Pont, madq aux Fleure, Jenny Lind hair. gloss„ Bear's Oil3Lieenssar OR. fing.acented Antique Oil, Pltilocome, Beefs Marrow, fino. - Myrtle and Viq let Pommudes.• Also Farley Soaps, such as Roussel's Shaving Crenni. - Wright"s do, Military do, AlinEirid W S PAcidp, making an nssorimpin unsufpassed.hi , any in the borough. may3l 'W 11.A.VERSTICK . Second Arrival of Neiv•GOods! S. A: COYLE has 3 .. ,e" . ` " jinn t'eterned from Phi l"" • adelphin,.nnd ia,nnw. o• f•peninga largennd handl. some ,nssortment of F. SHMMER GOODS, ° which will be . Old 30' per ceni.. - etiaper limn ever, monsistind in p art of, new`ntyle dress dobda• for'Lridies, viz: . • ' _Striped •Jitsperines, ' Grenadines:: Painted Bereges, Sntin Strips do , 'Plaul Poll Declare' Mode de Laines, French Gingliams, ' Also, a large. assortment of French Cloths, Cassimers . and VCstings,' Donne's, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery. Purchasers ivill please call and examine his stock for themselves, as he in determined to sell - cheap for cash. • • . may 31 ., _S. A. COYLE PICKLES, PRESERVES "dust received and opened by the subscriber. preserved Ginger and Pine Apple, Orange Jelly, Pickled Lobsters, Gherkins, Mangoes; Peppers, Picol- Itli, Tomatoes 'and 'Onions, Olives. Capers, An- Tomato Ketchup, fine mixed French-Mustard, with -very choice and pure allikeleof Salad Oil, for sale at may3l HAVBRS,TICK'S nriIIOMPSON-IA N .i%IEDICINES--.Frat 1 Groen Lob4lia, Africim Bird Popper, Bay berry, Composition, romsler, Gum Myrrh, Nerve Powder, Sine . oct Bitters and No. 6, together with all the medicines in use, from the well ltnown establishinept of Aaron Comfort, Philadolph,a, 14.1.1.t1e at [inuy3t] HAVERS I . ICIt'S . S i• opened ni Ihe "Bee Hive," n lame In Tu PARASOLETTES and SUN SHADES Noi i h w ill ho sold heap. rmay3l Blttice to Tax Zarers, iN:p l E c ß ,,,i t , the p p r li o y v u is q lo i t i t , s t oath e SaAe Treasury “188;11;1; Sire TUX /0 VlOOlOl such court y, prior to the 15.11 ol July in ally year ts.ennileu to ran WHIM II)00t of o per cent. on the .onuinit Si) paid • lie ttlidersigned,-Commissithiers of Cumber land county, an view au ilie 'move provisions, onsitlvr li ... equitable and molter hint those V. hit my die plompt payment Oa their taxes prior to the above: darer, erudite !he'll - ensurer to pay over - the State tax, so as to, ' teceive the aforesaid abate , lIICOI ill .5 per per CUM. the benefit of which has hit berm been d by the citizens of the county genetally, should be allowed a deduction fit that annum,' by the mllactor.--liave antlurrized the different Collectors to make said abatement bum the Statue tax, ita all cases where the - State I and County tax is paid to the collector prior to the 15th or July,''.; when edid abatement shall amount to one arm or more; no fractiona of a cent to be credited. Since . ' Ile Act 9084.1. the Commissioners have, IheS'ato" tax Of ifui county annually Mille . sinto. Tieasurer, within the lona prescithed by the act, and the county has - received tire-be . rieht of an abatement of five per cent. thereon, but to I meet said payment they h Eve found it necessary neretulore to appropriate a part of die county funds to meet the del - money occasioned 41 de• 4i INLIC•4O9, 111101 the ha twee of the State tax was collected. It tilt refute lit comes ne, eastary - to re quire the payment of Loth S tie' unit County tax 1 0 entitle the payer to the almes..n.l a, mentei.t, upon the aforesaid State Tax. 'I he tinders good theamore confitle,,tly am. - pate that the above at l'..110.1•01C • . .1s• r of enabling 'Com, et! .1 co to 10110101 i" 110.1•11:0 - 100er tut p (mop which she has li•i• /lel 01.HW-01002i 10 the 1.010,i• eVe ry Clll2Oll Iv (10.'100 go .iii Stec u..d Coon.) , tax prior to me 15111 day of July. • S 1 - , I) NIEL C 1 illl,ll. .1011 N County CU1111116r31...11er81 AII(10-1V REI Y Commissioners' (Wham ? Carliste May :11, IX-18 S W. 116 Conient:on, 62 MALL l'ir Q.;I , and I.a 111.‘ ti of De• e a .g • •, • . of „ ice a :41 De a., ur al a ...t) -,k) we h atilt •]1,1 . • • 111 I Is 1110111, al• C 1 .t 1 6 .1 g thou e is iro visit 04'.y to see tile astnina Itu Ines , d roe in it dally. You will receive ire . potrtest attentinn trio° the uumenius e.t,estrieli; and shown the moat splendid asaurtment at Clothing I e this Ci y, mode up from 1111.1 Last fnbrice, iu 1110 style St Inch has given us the reputalimi of haviog the most fashionable arid beat made Clothing in the trade, and at a price so reasonable that it asion• isles everybody. 'cite Clothiers cannot under stand how it is that we sell Clothing at lower prises than it costs them to make up their goods; but se it its, and although it. perplexes them, it is plain to us. A strict attention to business, a fix ed rule to give every customer the worth of his money, and importing our own coeds in the ori ginal packages fir cash, with small profits and quick sales ; this is the secret. • Again ready, a betiutifid assortment of Spring and Simmer Coats, of Habit Cloth, 0181nm:reit, Queens Utotit, - Drab &Etc, Linen,ttnd various other .kinds, with. the choicest 'styles of Spring and Summer Pants, of a fresh importation and really beautiful patterns; and,,Vestings_by..t he thousands, the most superlative quality and meg nificent patterns, the styles of-which. cannot he had elsewhere., gut of course yoifwill call and examine fur yourielVes, at this vast repository of elegant Clothing—hp . fitted . .with' great exactness and make a purchase; at k price en low that it will exciteyour surprise, at the Decatur Clouts ing Mart, corner of Market and Decatur Streets, No, 5240, between,6lh andlth toy etscPhiladol phis. • s. ~, . .PA-M- .(avrll,:-- mny 21, Cheap . TATindow 'Blinds. B. J... WILLIAMS,, No. 12,, Noith Sixth, street; Philadelnhiti, V Elsid.TI.AN. BLIND man ufiidittrer.'haS now oh. band the I ergpitt.and.mest fashionable assortment .ref narrow; stet, and , other Ve nit bin 'Blinds; any; other.' est blisli tniont in t Ite;Ll at es ITtopiirigiOdentiii`now'sfylea t trimiiilligm thid eOlers; which Which will : be'sold ni the lowesti.prlces'i 'whelesple hfdtretikil: Old Blinds palmed .dlid . trimrnba leolvetpial fe' new: 'd'he civaet>s of. Ca rlislei nuid:odjacent 'countfy are. respeetfully, nvi led to ,call *ad' examine Ins es.t pertinent, belbre.Rurernutintr..ersett:ltere feeling confidant of:pleasant; nnd-giving,;satishiettett to 011 lavdr, m with;it Talk' 3 , . IS E NIA 1914, - .1: .:, "Wfalktit S. • - 12 Fixtlfet:' ' 0NTE..:7A134.0' ,„-- ettiall 3 poulei, !t . et011312-IC - 011PG1140',"&&•LJustl'tiOeived 11.) e ' no suppl y of 'Cimbrio. Eduinks Unit : and E Laces' dkin go, with 'veritity.oCeotton , Lncen, and for sitio' arctic) G. W. HITNERi • 0P 0 0 ADLTI .4A:wither lot. or Mo. 1‘ I I . Rg“ . . ..t 9 .0.,..10.,,,0t,v0i0 0 . 4 .4, ?0 , 1 0 suit. Lu... d 00:i.51114140FilikoOutr i d,hr • WviilTN ER. 4 ...m CZA 4 R o O ni. ls/ i l ti z: e 4 o ,?, e ,-44e d e myrad • • ~,-.-,.. ' kta^-I,UXV;' , IIAI,,qp, E NB pr. 51 # I , r,_ ~. 4ilit Bililipitirli.lll.4ll?7, AL).- :jtjfitteiiiprie!4-14,,i,.c.,tzite*tr,,:,,,,i.!;,:;/,filitgifir!....; 4qr../!.f00,i:`:•'•!--.4•••:•-''''-'9'"".' ' -, ~. N'''4'N'i•ifej4.s6 .... 1 7 .4% ,i • ' 4.,,,,110,0.001 ." •.,,In.'N.,'Mirl''.l FEW..,p.!e..,...6.. .!-.,:,„„..i.4, 64:40fpriy411,-.timjfix,"44)'.i'. 1, - e,7,4:',' ;?(,.:.1,:.•::43-,..'i,i.--,...-;:::!)::!.;:',,,,,i;;ft',.'4,\,i,k, ' ',011111b1411 1 1,.. 06, Aii:j her:COe s r:( flo On,.Baihr,tleiyAkii 1 ..T0 seleat:thel'grotindsfor. and.:atiPerinlehd,Alfeq' F ee sin ttel. , Myersi flendersOn., • A - 1, 4 Cothrtiiihre - Olekgrieulturil : lmftlements - ,r4Ob' - ? eh Bryson, Ch'n. Stnymen, Sidles- Woodburn,, Bnelter,Vß..C, , Sterrett:• - • ..• • on.; Sheep., end titzelv - thilxii , Steart, T. D. Urie. , .Comen'itree on .HOlitei end- ciareZ 7 ll,leleitoir .Brettenian . , D.ovis,,-Thonina CoMmittee Plouilling-LThotnas HentrnioiSrpOSn. • iel Coble ; Kblit.tantliertmi. •. .• - Committee on. Horses=.' Ahreham Myers, Jiihn I Zog, Toliti Noble.- • uin otpit tee on Seeditredericit.' Watts,. 'Geo:. Brindle, Richard Parker, Committee on Butter. Cheese, VeOttsh es— Gear - F - 3 W. Sheaffer, Wm, Kineadd; John' H. Weaver. , h was then . . . . Resolved, That the AgrieultUral Society. will have a II l R VEST HOME M BEITING - itt Ilenderson's Grove, on FRIDAY, •Ilie 4th Of August, at 9 o'clock a. m., to Which all friends of agriculture nre MO ed. The follow,hig .committee' was 'appointed to prepare and superintend it, viz :.Samuel.Myers, Edward M. Biddle, JohnoMil er,'' JaCob Bretz, W. M. Warts, Fred'k. Watts ' '' ' , ti - PublishedV'ordarnf - theS ciety. , FR.F.D'IC S. AT I'S, rrett't. . ,RICIIARD PARILfip Sec'y. • , . ...)TaY 24 • ..r . ..„ - At'woad'iliniiire" (Joking Stsv4. --- IV- again calfip - g attention, to this unequalled STOVE, the proprietor hes the pleasUre to 'inform - the pitlakie that (exteenally) it .hite Under gone an entire change—the pipe and hearth. Mal cod,. opposite each other, and a SI.I•NIMEtt. HEARTH. AND BOILLN,G APPAR/VPUS; being added, thus rendering it faultless, and un• less there is another faultless Btove Ark the mar ket, this is unquestionably the best, as it now embraces every valuable improvement-possessed by nay other ,Stove,,in addition to some peculiar to uself, Bemired by Letters Patent. The Success of this-Stove, since its introduc tion is Unequalled: Nothing has ever been ,of fered fur culinary:purpose's that has given such mineral satisfaction. Stoves !Mt.() been copied after its form ; some dealers have even used Its . Fundamental principles, but.the proportioUs were so unlike the original, that they bear_ the reltuive value that a counterfeit does to a grinnine Complete COOK and other COOK STOVES -in-great-varieky,—Persoits-desiring-these-admirm hie Stoves, "are requested to call 'St thTBtove had Tin-Wore manufactory of the subscriber, on Main street; Carlisle, who is agent fur Cumber land county. may 24 . JOHN n. GOIWAS. FUTES Violins and Fifes. received and for sale at hISFIO WS Drag Stare; (may l 7 r)A PS of every variety, Ronssers Extracts, 0 Bear's Oil, (genuine) Hair Curling Smelling Boitlest tent glues) Tobacco Wallets and all kinds of fancy articles, for sale low 'at BISHOP'S Drug and Variety store. [mayl7 • Fresh Dtugs,Piledichies, Sco. &e. p l hir v a e ri jl e r w ee l e , i , v , ;. k d I , l:l , : r m y e P a h te il tsiv n i dei e "additions to my former stock. enibra .4. • cing nearly every article of ledicine 9111-15 " now in are, together with Faints, ils, Vairrhs•hes, TM niine,—P-erfu incry, , Son ria;- Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing. Tackle,- 13ruilirs of almost every description, With en endless variety of wher artieles, which I sin de termined in sell at the ItRRY LOiVEST pikes. o'3 — Physicians, Country :Merchants, Pedlars and o•liers. are respecifully requested norto pass the OLD STA ND,. as — thermay rest assured that every article-will lie sold of a good quality, and upon'reasonable terms. ,may 24 I ia TtittFU‘l Y.7.A ve"ex'lsom variety of goo erfittnery, consisting,„f pa, Periumes oiler, hleiu 6 ”' S. uLLICITT's.k , tt_rd Doctor A. Rankln j ____ P,Si'llCTFilibt,LY.tenders io the itilinliitant9 ot Carlisle and ea vicinity, his t orole,sional •ervire.4 in all i's, varion. hopi. from hi, Ion ? ex i •erieiwe and devoted Ito lII' 5 1 II e 1 , 1 , 11 . 8t.1 . 1 ,, n. Mel a idtai. 01 ptihlit pn•rip . Hire. 1V u o i ;.. .11 t.441144r nt ton 1 /1114-4 r. '•••x. 41 444 r 144 M r R .'ll.ll S ;•1(4 7 ,1`.. • St()1".1.or;II his ludgmgs. 444 Mr. 134•4••t•ins . 14444441, (14414y17 Exento 'sN tics. Lf:"I'•I I:1 1S on the mate of A(:i\I•:; Di II , DLAS-;, line of the borough of Carlisle. deed have nea•n gnmted by the Regis ; ler of Cure. erlaiid reality io the aiiliseriber, re siding in Ira ikloid .ownship• snid comity. All perains having claims against the said estate will piesent them fir set lenient, and 111..5e: who are indeb ad will make pn mei.i. JOHN McDOWELL, Exl.e.i or mnyl7•pd ,4tecutor's Notice. ER' Testamentary nn the estate of GEURGE tMAT ER, Jive of Hampden tow., elm), t :limbo - 11nd county, decd, have been gran• ted by the Regisler of; i 'oml,erland county. to the oubseriber residing in Hermit:len tow,,st.ip, said Imunty. All per.mns ha vin; claims against the said estate will present theta for settlement, and those who are indebted will make pay unlit. S. BESIIO mayl7.pd Surviving 'Executor. Bar. Iron. to tons Bar, Band, Hoop and Sham Iron. 2 " Cant, Shaiir, Spring and Blister Steel 20 In.ixes Tin Plain. juin received at the cheap TTardw•are store of rnayl7 . WRIGHT & SAXTON. Scythes. 50 doz. Grain and Grass Scythes. 20 " Scythe &whs. • 30 " Hay Rakes. • 5 " Hay Forks. just !lionised at tho cheap Hardware store of nto94-7—, WRIGHT and SAXTON C S. NARY AND HEMP SEED.—A large sapply just received at the Confectionery of rneyl7 P. moNyeß, N. Hanover at. Circultir B&W& H . . OE AND cl). , 'p.casi ar pal Cirenlar Snws., a@nrteil nA; ntsri , Q*A.T..H!Pol.l l 4l_ll.,Snwe.: ICkwhirid's-Gafn Steel Mill and Crois Cat Setivp. Just received at Hio nbnin Raillwrire stare pF• innyl7 . and SA•XTCPS. WRIGHT, STUFFS.—Persons-, who wortlAY!i 111/ stiffs' at Anuittally lo'v prises will figd.ii to thsli-cdvautage to cult at BISIiO.P'B Mora.iirfayl7. TJINIE just. roceivetE `Witit:h sold 'uncommonly tow ,to , PltYstitlints 'by' . may - 17 . - git Wet liepitft oi " ..,• • • t.t4O A SAN.TON: ' 4 9..r0n0t1 ce_i watonT..- Ip, ANLASS JARS attitablo' , ..for , cOuntiy.l,dealeri • in. cAndigitt' lorgi. tot for•FirenorxesigPi' to .tha, attentiori t ..loolieti " '-s - ,", CY 7 GrOrifiliTe7l — plilf ThYti — , IV"; Dollei[;Eoll...fleeds, ,',Bolep' , l*eys in 0; Pe rfitieterry . the;:.iii:vitieh -the Olt op tiiplArc lindtes.)ll47looiltt;'..;theoe . o9le 010 Acn e 1 - , lirta Taa:bc f adn ray ~eaW*~Y.or~.:.. Prua .N+~l'Al~.~Yl(~as~~p'~'7C:3:c. 4aC_~~j.M~'L~k.F,p~_• _a_:~nypY~7.,~. ~,,,-4tt?", Tizti . 4.*lir:Nre..-',-.' -..p5-.,1,-.,-, ' ....----, it,T 4•141.10,11, , ,:;.,.+, ' . ' ilitiP ' VP,k:l7:P,,' 'o'''l'‘7l %'" I) t ati5A...4.f ''",l - I, keq;.,y,,,q, ;5,.,,e^et `-' 5,1'1, 4,:,,i;;4 , ' 'r. 44,,, ',' . j , ~ , rettt44ggi#D'oniAß;?lA3P'T,4;tkar 3 / 4 :nwt;.i,,ita ramitio4„,oak^,Borki‘`delifftfkd'iftimedl44lBtY at htidditkkx +l4iltir g hattt l 'Olosle,o*, ' • 1' , 44 1 0 7 / 0, 7 APANAOP,I4pAri?"' r , tt. , i-' viTiV-trOf6ifi,:s7lNTn.:::v.7-Tor-- -p,3,ff;,;; -.. .. .':. , i::::,,,a4,..,,,.,::;0;.. 0 -7,) .- • OlothEr , 'Oassimeros St, Vegtinge. -.-•: -- - D8.U1113i , .11311T05! • l't -WOULD .- tliheli'glfillWbelFthe-attetitiort. of i T .A. BISITQP: iiticciA6i III: Erfe4, ; . J. 4. ilig , pbblic. I cyv,.1 , 44F - 6c14,11 1 -A',9l .. .§pittpl.c .- *,d . : i'q 14'.:!i . Eit,iliteutec9l4ipd and!te ntivirsbnetiini 'MAIN -- ' ' - - ' --- - 116,4 ' ----,-tmenColy:4!B-..u,' U 'Biota la .lor genilctnea 0 weiri"CiiiikileiltujeOf ',Ali - Aria.' Preach; Callan •iii)id'Ani'ciriCin Glottis' and 'Unasiinercii, of lfcoldrs siditinfc - s 7 . bit 'thlOi!rjOt ()kick' 'lV:aide and: Linens, for Siiririlf „an'd and fancy: Lin'en- D ring '; ' Valencia', and 'Cashmere V,diinge; Craytifo; White and 'Colored Kid Gloved. Alf'operi , lind enady_forlliiipactlnn,onboeite the,. RailrOnd Cllllan,"Alaiititibet, at the well KnoWn esinhliettinatit bf • fitailo ' i'tlHE eiubscribiir haying just returned froin the city, would inform the public that he in now opening a splendid assortment„of SUMMER HATS - at Ms old N. Hannimestreet.— Mit Mocksomprisos Moleskin,' Nutria, Rocky Mountain Beaver,. Pearl, Caasimere and Silk HATS, of the most, substantial make and latest style. Mao CAPS 01 every description and He inkrites hili friends. to call at hie eatabliali- Ment liefure purchasing elsewhere:ns he is con. fidenuhat they will ft:AM - tip iheir ad,vontnge. _mayit) . • GEttliGE KELLER. N. B.—Highest price given for Furs, Lamb's Wool, &c. Boots; Shoes and Brogans ,THE itttentloii.of:the public is iniii ted to n large And &event assortnient ' . of,BOOTS and SHOES. how open• . ing - ar - PORTER'S EIIOE STORE, Main street ! opposith • tha Methodist Church.' Thestocic helicon solheteti with great care, and for style and datlibilityis'lmequalled. Lattips' French Linen Gniier;(new style) .. Do. MoroCco Hall Gititers 'do , - ' lln; Kid find Moropea Slippers, Desiring and Ties, at all prices ' Misses Gaiters, Leather Boots, Buskins and Slippers Children's Gaiters, Boots and Ankle• Ties of every 'variety Men:s Calf and • Morocco Boots, Brogans and . . Slippers - - Boys and Youth's Goat, Calf and Nip Brogans and a general assortment of thick work.. , - Also a great variety of Boni and Fr'melt Moroc.- - go, Kid, Pink and White LININGS ; Lust ings,. Trimmings. - Particular nuention.will be given as' usual, to CLIFSTOMEIt WORK, such ns Gentlemen's fine French Boots ' Congress Boots end Gaiters, Ladies' French and English Lasting Gaiters and Congrest, Kid and- M oroccO—Slippers,lßus !tins and French Tics t and 'every eflort used to get up the work in a style equal to the best city Work, end at the lowest price, by ntrivlo WM.' M. PORTER k-CO. N B.—As the subscriber is nn doing btici dess under the firm of Wet. M. oiler & Co. he earnestly requests those indebt to settle their acenunts, as It is necessary his old books should be closed without delay. -- WM. M. PORTER. ROUSSELUS MINERAL WATER, ': 4 pnrkling and bright, In its liquid light—' And no only sparkling and bright, But fur iis flavor it is hard to beat. '• FELI-\'S-MINE - RAL WATER. . Eamon and Sarsapnrilln, n large supply aia•aya on hand and for sale by the gross, dozen or single bottle. MON YER'S FOUNTAIN MEM), Is indeed , the 'No Flue Ultra' drink of the sea sun. and can he had\vith the above named Mineral Waterii, tit - the Wholesale - and retail C,Afectionery ot • - P. NIONYER, may 10 N. lianover-8t S ELLIOTT, hin st reet,..end isle N. 11 —Pic-nic and other Parties eeppliad at low rates. sitherribei . .leapectfully announces to hip friends inn! 14 online generally, that I o ha removed to the .lalgo brickbuilding in South Hanover turret, nod door from Nterrett's Hotel, and stothin n few do.irs of the Volunteer printing -Ili., where he will eiattince to carry on the l'.N !LORING BTIRINE nod to receive or. !cis Lo Aor.; to hemline. all ni which he pledges to execute, (irtimptly, in a ilea?. fitelli”cii• ‘vorktotitillti toast. The lawn fash t.l'lo will he regitlaily'rreeivitd• and he can tilere• yore I•~rnish 111 order a• dross chit witt please the w opt Iniv.di.ttot !nvo., ll' woo I oval himself of his opp•trintiity to return his sincere thanks to hiv ninny patrons for their prtio encouragement, a •ti sidtenv a confine:ince of their favors. Mitylo-ant H S. RI I TER. TWNSEND'S S . AR'S A PA It I LLA , for the 1 removal . and permanent cure of ell disuases arising from an impure -alum of the blood, serer uloee effeetions ic,warranted superior to any or her prepare I ion of siaranparilla now. in use, for sale by the dozen or single baffle, rt , J. A. BISTIOP'§ mayln Dreg Sore, Ahem Street Prime lot of Cheese just received 4.-`• Prime • t P. AIONY ER. meg 10 N. lla over reet• coeds, DZortgag2s and Bonds. A Very fine assortment of these blanks now for sale nt the 'HERALD' office. may 10 Ilk AVID RANKIN, 73 Cheptnut et. Philp tidelphin, hits - for tutle the tiAlowitig Teas: , 150 do Imperial do Nl do Ifyson do 11100 do Poverhong do WO • do Ningyong Souchong lOU po Oniong , do 75 chests Padre Sourhong 45 do black leaf Pekoo 25 half chests do do 25 . .do Orange do 1000 matte Cossia Them Tuns comprise the best chops imported ih ships 'Sea Witehr,ltainhow. 'rotiqdia, hen and, Huntress. atirare equal to any Teas that have been ffered in this market. .Philndelnbia. May 4 t, Very excellent second-hnnded • ANL). Prim) Otte Hundrud • . . „ . . • Nails and Bpi • 10A7.KEGS 'Nnild nag .srtikee, , jast'recerved. lli'aadjor sale_ at-the Chaap ilirdware ~WRIGHT:Sc'SA;XTON,. , just 0.01" NE OILI? ;;.;01/2...ii pi yr Et ir, t,„17;11-', G 1" 'NVitv.P4r, MI A° pro' - :Just Rtceived` ' 14r.)v . ops,..tina be . sold !, low at ,t he; mew arid, cho, 11p sort 3, 'Otreet•ll c."4RAtolf:Y. OATEISES 130 DI NE'rg - -:-A;lo'r. of Mieseston ! , , noto juin rec9ived anti foi. aide vitY-cif4eillvA g Pi!‘ils`PTg h arn•Lawns• . t ned thy'.: • d 40 ' 4 tire 'drePa'gO'dValigitit sh oih'ef :IJr- • • i n a y •• s • L.HQsi .vorielyo polio t9ckings,. . •brinviv Hosp, No',"HiTil/4TER. 0494%CH CdTDi, 11A1118.-- "gonor4l.als rt pima for: child to if,ov.nprimis , d res 6 FP.L'illAr roieivedby;x_ . Ln)ar24.l -* v HlT.rat,t ' a good "10,1°r: vA- tAP6.137r°...1 A• WS- ' , i t I(4ii4t'''',(".'i itsklariAqt"tiOlaTial` , 11,z,..PAI4Plf;;;LT:er4.°T aibp.,, , i ( P Pier., a l l, ;' , s , ' , l)''. -' 3 ..B e t 4.4901 - ~. . -6- . liti':;iiiitr" , 'Esosilcco r •i'irliH 4Dir42,54-yiiii.,.l4*.rrk ' . 6 -i,:by. l ..v.c.hi ! i 7i f t i jkA1ed..i.0. 4 . 1 : 1 . 11 .t. ' 9 , A:!, : ?i! , .,t,PL 2 4,4 , 0p:. 1.V . 'trlg.k74r's:'n:%'''J'!s'4..'':.':*..,,''' ''.:,:;:::f -f'-\ "; HEM . T. H. SKILtS Hat and Cap Stab, 'Refteshing 13:51 Cheese, Cheese I Teas of the New Crop 300 . h01l f_theave Young Ilyion Ten gui,po7%, : do'r do Piano'for Sale, 311111 S& wall sillecied nissirtmeilt*Yß4t3 HD, 'MEDIOINESi&et, euiong the following;' Opi'urn, .Catnpher, 4 . 1.1)11.103, A m p ule.. • Dye 131uffa,: Spices,. Cul lery, Dili Alcohol; Tgrpentino, Pine:oll, . Also; A large hitsbrtmatit p. - PFrysi flair and Tooth, Brushes,. Umbrellas, WolCtin Cnnbs, , Ratiesel'it niiij Hie ns Shilling Cieltim",, 13ear's "Oil, Cologne WAter, Hair 'Vie, O. Marrow , , 'army Soaps , Extreme, Minif Cdtling Fluid, and AN CY ARTICLES of every descrlptinn, which he respectfully invitee the summon, of .he public., His assortment is a full end, and lie,.hopes by strict attention to buitiness and low prices, to receive a liberal share of•the publin patroneftc... _ Physicians' prescription's cal-efullS ,'tnioii ded, • J. A. BISHOP,' inert. ' 'West Main street, Carlisle. EMI Ilk h.. J. J. MYERS has disposod of his entire JOY stock of Drugs li•tc,,to Mr, J. A BISHOP.. of Flarriebuig, who will nriniinue to do !mimes At -my old eland on Main street. • Mr. Bishornas had Considerable experiencn in the Drug busi ness; and I confidently recommend' him to the customers of the store and solicit a continuance of,their favors. - Erßy this artange-neht Dr. Mv,rms will be 'eeuhled to . give _ his undivided attention .to the duties °fins, profeesien. • IVIONVER'S Sonfectiehery, Fruit 4. 1 1 . Store, Nortrullanoiice—Street; Carlisle tit subscriber would reepectfully, inform country merchants and the public) generally. that 'he is constantlY manufacturing and has al= ways on hand CANDIES of every variety, (which, for quality cannot be surpassed by any manufactUred in the State) which he wilt salt wholesale or retail at tile OLD STANtI, in N. Han over street, a ,few doors north of • the, Bank. whero he has a lso on hand FRUITS and NUTS of The latest importations, which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. stock consists in pert of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, 'tames. Cdcoa.nuts, Cream-mute, peanuts, En glish-Walnuts, Almonds, Pecan•tfuts. Filberts. Ile woultl alto 'nitwit' the 'ptittlic that he has just returned from the city with a very large _stilekitif_Eß ESILEA MILY_GRO_CERI &insist ing -M superior-- double -refined,- crushed and pulverized LOAF SUGARS.; Brown Su gars. among which is a very lair article for 61 as. per lb.; COFFEE, from trt to cts per lb.; o superior article of Imperial. Young Hyson and. Black TEAS; MOLASSES of all kinds Wa ter, Soda and Sugar Crackers; 'Cheese, Choco late, Rice. Blacking. Matches, Brushes. FRESH SPICES. viz: Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon,•Cloves, Nutmsgs, Ginger and Mus• • lard. A supply of Indigo. (hest quality) Alum, Starch, Washine. Soda, Salt Peter; all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended to I hint, and hopes by n desire to please to merit a continuance of the same. All orders from a dis tant e thankfully rereired and promptly attend ed to. (map)) PP. MONYER GRELIT-3359.8.GA1NS I SECOND SPRING ARRIVAL T BENTZ'S Cheep Cash Store, where they ore . now opeing the greotevt quantity of new end cheep Goode, of the following kinds: Casslineres and Vestings CA LTC() ES, of over y i , arie'y and style, horn .1. 0 NI ets. per yard—and some of these are first rate'Tht and B,ets. Tho assortment con snits of about-9000 yards. holly pieces 1 REN CH GINGHANIS . ;riF Ith and 191 eta. per yard. ' MANCHESTER GitN9HAMS--10, and tho best for 1t eta. - LA NV N 9,--Some beawifel pattern'', 171, - ISi, and '75 rts. pre yard. - A LrA.c Fa-% -71-9) rrd• Oa. per )ard. We have the cheapest Aipachus in 0w,,; - MUSLINS-Z-White and nnblenehed, nt all .prices, and lower than ever sold before. CHGCIiS, 'Pickings, and Pantaloon goods at all oricee. !insist y. G'kOVCFI. Handkerchiefs, 'Banns:a, Ribbons, Ifivs. 011 Cloths, Flannels. cotton and !wen 'fable Diaper, FAIN, Shawls, Edgmgs and bale s, Frinues, Buttons, and in fact every arti cle in (Mr line of 11111,111,5. .These roods .TO offered to he public et lower mikes Ilion can he bought any wl.ier) in the sinie of•Pesinsvlviinin. as our intinos of purchas ing one equal no any, and far superior to most couniry merchnnin Also, GROCERIES, QUEENS-WARE, Ste. &e. Give us a call and we feel smisfied you will save mosey is malting your purchaser'. A. & W. BENTZ. mrty4 3 doors smith of the Post Office NEW YORK VARIETY STORE, T &M. GO LL'I R OTHER tit:g el • leave to inform tile, aliens of Cumberland and adjoining counties, that they have just npen• ed an extensive VA RIETAr li follE in North Ilannver street, in the building lately occupied by M"r. beti t veetilinveretich and Lyon's stores, where they wnbe happy to receive the rails of nil wishing articles in their line. They will at all times keep on hand a well selected nssortinent of Colored Prints. (French, Egglieh and American) domestic and foreign PerfOrtgry, Patent Medicines. embracing nearly every de scription, and in fact a little of every thing usu ally kept in no extensive variety store. They are lje exclusive agents for the sale of Dr. Traplingon's celebrated Pulmonie Mixture, and his Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla; Dr. Green's Celebrated Oxygenated Bitters, for Dye• pepsin and, Plithysie. Whey are also the exclu sive agents f r this comity of the New . Yong CANTON Tna COMFANV, and will keep con stantly on 11,snd a large supply of their superior Teas. In t•onclusion they beg leap to say, that they. aro dmertittitied to will at very small profits for CASH. and invite all wishing bargains to givo them n call. orders 'front conntry merchants supplied upon the moat reasonable terms. i --Crirliphs7rriny•l ATHAN H IN'I'CII, having 'removed his 1.11 Cheap CLOTHING sl.`o RE to the room formerly occupied by H. H. Grovei.onethe.,east• corner of the hl i arket Square, directly Uppoeiie Forster's stdrec would .respectfully inform his friends and . thelniblict in general, that he intends .to cantinas the Mignon on a' more extensive scale than heretofore. lie has Just received front the eastern cities a IntCe assortment of SPRING ancI',SUMMER. GOODS. which he will have made up at the shortest notice and in the most desirable manner. He will constantly have on hand a forge selection , 'of READY-MADE' CLOTHING, cheaper _than ever offered to , the public be as black- and ,blue, Dress Comm-Fri - tele end Set% COMB of various 60Iors. Tv)tetrOnats iif . all shapes colora,-Eutinnor Cloth Coats ; Linen, Cotton and. Jeart . 'contir and 'all other kinds of: fashionable:coats tt black end fancrpaahmere" Pants; Summer Panto 'of every deecriptiou and color;' plain' and , ,faney Satin Vests—roll sorts And colors; Shitr BOSOMS anti Caere; . neck endpociltet linntlkinchiefs; Smelts, 'Suspenders doll kinds,And:yery'chttp. Don't forget tlief . gace , --on the',East cotnoriof 4111'PlibliecSilitett ‘-.‘ !Ativilk,a3 . iet zLte>Nsori, arici. • • T" :tpwor assoriedmiteaJustyacelyed -- ror ,- .16b23 WRI Irr.k. , attXTONi , . I A -FEW v,9ryloyk, 'Ai the CUE ore ui,Wept•Higb !Call ; , feb ;-:`,46A-1016N*. saminertC*Godio.' t i. t , 11 a ' P the., üßce arid 'Onredeei 'lbt gb R -morel eift , fOr ,11° ,u). ,•,^ li•pi. , §llll:eylititi• • ' isoitment T4rl4rje; , and' ;131604'el ' atoieln•Wesit',Hiiih kamet,. an I!. 1t" A 101 CiAT eu serih,asrY;regfof 13it IBariel ,or'fraih,TinoXi 4.1 A, • o.o3tickt, CARD. ata -• o~~z. ME *T;n , 4:lltrvwr4 , Pr , 4 5 ..Pvix , 47.11. 4 -0:.? )44 , , , I.2tinErre RineDU • • ;,,le,y,,,sp"„-A>,:, 4„ _ dmipigtrator' ,El7l'titS2 •Acimieleiteileiit . ielti ri e.6i.en n :to me ' in Ouo,fot :m of •Le' , Olelletie• . of Curolitiland;eo.eienon the r. , eleate zit lt , ZEBjX,LEIV,;IIec7d, lugh. pcitone',h!iviNg 'fads - against 4 estate meted o knoWn't inine , to' me,rat residence in said:tow nship ' ; , ' and thime Weil will please •mnkii-pliyipehOininedittelk; - A4.O_NI.G_O*EItrVONALDSON, , illy 111-st. • --"'.A-dininietTetpr • } .15a110 rfl ier co lb N er n Ni 4 il . l o . erat pub Y•the . l2tltilit • June 1848, ,0n the` premises aton e Is s • oclock . p..m.-, hitf Naluable'PAßTl's • -- situate in North Middlfiton Cumberlanu county, Pa. 4 miles emit of-.lVirliaTC; adjoining lauds of Win;Baker,• - Thrirriaii‘Belh• Keg, ThDll2ll9 Urfa,. and otherew,contalnitig , ,,l oi l Acre's of first rate Limestone state 9 r ,4 3 / 4 iltiviition and Under ' improVeniente are a good Housp, and-BARN. Orchard, well of Water, •&c... Tba',Farm. will be sold altogether or in three parts to skit The CumiTrland.Valley Railroad peeps said farm. Thine is a sidling. at the,,Railral belonging to the subscriber, shich_wAlle ghat with the - _ ' • .• Parana wiribizik-Wview—tWif..irertaiittrellesn min particular's. will please . call on ih r bar living gin the preinises, t • maylci•-3ipd • . JACPRB.EkNER. . Demuth's D'hrivalted Sim if' • above panted gaid.(Uterrimted. -` genuine) can be'had at 'the irota of • •••• • P. MONTER, N. Hanovertatree maylo. Phypicfant ank 4intxy . Mierthalitt • . to.Euremm , ire recitiMilidliT.calraiaein — ifniiiiiiiiiiiiiieetnekT received at the *ere of. the siibicilber.' 'Flrearti. cles are fresh anilwarriintect good, and,purebrieed. at the y'ery fowestsash priceit,' and will be dia . - poied of lower thin articlei et the quality have ''Mrer heel Wald in-Cumberland county Call and wee, and if he tides nourriake it tole* advantage to puisease from Win, be will not ask you to Mir.. • Orders - f rom tbe-eountry_wilLreceivo-preliliptl --- • attention, the articles guirantisd.good, and primal lower than.any other place it Carlisle. • . . A. BISHOP,. - Success* to J. 3, *era, Main et. Carlisle: mny4 • Notice, ALL persona indepted to MARY MeGIN -NIS by-book-account are-hereby-notified-that-the books Imre been Reserved co the jiul* ribe r, stiltl paymetit must bh made thefeon on or ; befOre the 6th day of May next, otherwile tiecoutiltt will be plee'dd in the hands lof tt.'inagietritte for collktion. apr2s GECI. W. lIITNER." Bonnets and Ribbons.": • JUST received a new supply bf gant Ribbons and fashionable Bonnete,at the 'cheap store of CHARLES OomisV. apl9 Fresh Wine Oil THE subscriber has just received ii Barrel of Fresh Pins Oil .• Groceries. IUSt received, a fresh stock Gr'Acei " rice, nmong which wilt be found a remarka bly fair Seger for 6 1.4 cents. nprs R. IRVINE, Jr. Carpetings. JUST received a large - assortment of Ingrain Venirian Carpeting, at the "Bee Hive,' North Hanover Street. mar 29 'Ohlorofonn. SUPPLN of this art cle, 'WARRANT ED PURE, just received and for sale at EL LlOl7'S Drug.StOre. marB New Clothing Store. pun subscribers hive 'opened in the -L. room lately occupied by Ii S Ritter,mearly opposite ilelorrett's Hotel, a' large and elegant stock of CLOTHING, of all descriptions, made in the very best style, and warranfed better than than any other ready-made to be fauna in thi county. They have engaged Mr: 'Geo. Bentz. an 'experienced Tailor, to sell their clothing, who will also take measures end make up coms,pante or vests, for any person who may not be able to suit himself in their stock of "tcody.made. 'Now on hnnt a 'great variety of Tweed Coats. Casaintere and low.priced Pantaloons and Vests, which will be sold lower tbtm 'can be had else where. They can furnish a handsome blue black cloth Coat, rendy to put on. for from B 7 to sts and other goods in proportion. Call and nee to yourselves. A. and W. BENTZ. anrifs Rouseel's Perfumer'''. A well selected itssortinent'ofthe preparatlbn of this celebrated eltemist,snnog *hien may be ennmerated the following omelets, viz, Rose and Alumnus Shaving Cream, :Wintery shaving loam fine washing do.-Cedognea,liettr's . Otl,Phileenine Liouid flair Dye, Amandinefor chapped hands; Ctilontine, a new artielefor the teeth, Rose Tooth Paige, Starch Polish &c. here jektl been received at the Drug and Variety Stage oil J W D PLEMigGis Carlisle Dec. gAS, HOPS .—A large supply of Fatert Hors. Nei, received et S. ELLIOTT'S. rna))24 , INEGA.R.-150 cals. pure Cider V received at [mny24) TZLIOTT'S. 110 A PER HA The subectiber had AL jest received a few sett of Parlor iMd Paper ; also. for Chimney Boards, among vAlich aro some brilliant designs. -.,- may24' • G. W. Elltittt . . IpitONNtT RIB B ONS-: A large and ftd assortment of Bonnet'and Cap Ribbons; of all colors and prices, have Just been. opened and for s'alo at reduced prides, ' may2.l G WatITNER A LARGE ismirtimait4 - 14001 - 0t and Cap Ribbons 'very 'cheat/. hi / sala•by.• aprl2 • - , AA Large' .assoritileiit While LINEN DRlLLEl.jiiii;yeeetiteit et the ”Bee'llive:".l•l"..flanovetetreeti,yeliteh. , W lll be sold ,very, low. ?;.a':.:. ".rney3l 'ol9the and Claseimeteir' ,„„ , . . C,6',l,itipeit.s and -I general airy:kir - mint rif Vereingi'; 'airy jow, at he Chenp Store in. West htroor:i Jan 12 1048 , .J G ,Alusfffis ' tilt subscriber j l l 2l;teCelia 'very large stock of MOsliiis 'and+ Coiliebow,• wliich offal , st-extTeMejytr Prices , ' Call and pee theta _ ::" '• ' T ? ' prices, L -t pt:l2', tu'ONE4. Jr. „, rinfol° FA stoe;it 'fillid'UtittlPlVinsi rivsoived'hi tlit);44l3sclibar' :'; • ' •• •-( ;I!he:lttit, 'Cotiip'lo'y 4 ,lfreet" fiat retotsWii,l'rby:tite.lul;:= • c , rH • • isc,f:!tbi" , iNt 25 cW. aitentlo,,ainighetr;ti fhlm _ to t 9 stockitie mad • Sonnet a 1 4411 1 )0!IPV Aibk°uPi ffi*, •`""t i tu exiti'mely low 7fUicee t-iftlir sub"- "riber. o [apt. Int ti , 'ylt; IRV NE,,Jr. , . , • NOTIONO . • 4 ' l i aT ia tin! ' • to,_f Vunabe his T...,, ' itcagge ' 0 •;' boithAtt, je. THE, , P o ,ntr • iiii6 1 0.3 Pt' rd (4 , Coigfn R d it ilektei‘ m os.100"B" 041.611117 gem Rural ••• 'el, agt.,o,, • any Pee* Tak;m , -43`1a:911, mme in inst. , 'Ailibbli'lle'il 'fiot g 1 6 .. 4 t • i W ,N 164.41 4 iggifaiAgi#''' rtl? xl3.lV- f r ~„t,,,k,,, 'lif PeR 11110. ‘ • ,•1,-.4e Li t ;:,, , g;i4 '‘• kiiiig744:l: , ' , .'Or;- 9 v. + •L.I.X 11 404' •:4'!ll' 44•14-, •telet ' tier' filia ', i'r ,.. ., , ,•:.• * 4 4, ..iv0, z •A ; ,, , • ' krvs 4 i TT' i'zl''• ' . 4 . . '''',vit'Z' ~:' e'tv•4 `.:, ak -',,,••',,, ( ' ''' • ''' ; , `''.:" ",-;', . ' , N... '4. tf,' El R. IRVIND: Jr