Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 07, 1848, Image 1
.t.," , ,~:~~ darbo Dr. John J. Myers, fAS REMOVED his Office and dwe! ling to the house adjoining hie Drug Stein on Neat High street. • april 1 Dr. Geo, Willis Fonlke, GRADUATE of the Jefferson Medical Mese of' Philadelphia, reepoclfully offers ins profOestonul services in the practice of Medi cine, Surgery and. Midwifery. • OFFICE 'at the residence of hie father in S. nanoiet street, direetly opposite Morrets' Hotel and the 2d Presbyterican church. • op 7 '47 • Booth Ad. Lippe, OMOEOPATHIC Physician. Office "•••••• in Main street, in qui house formerly occu pied by Dr. F.thrmen. • .ap 9 '4G . Dr. L C. Loomis, - WILL perform all . , •operationa upon the Teeth that are mogul . red forthekrireservation, such as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, dze, or will restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial Tedth, from a single booth to a full 'sett. irrOfilce on: Pitt street, a few doom south of the Railroad Hotel ' Dr. L. is ab sent the last ten days of every month. Wm.-TT-Brown, TTORNEY AT- LAW- r will-praetice in the Several Courts of Cumberland "wan ty., Office in Main street, nearly opposite the county jail; Carlisle. feb_Q • ,Joseph Knox, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburg, Pa., has returned ',from Carlisle, to the practice of his profession in Pittsburg, Allegheny county, Ps. fob AO '47 Henry Edgar Keene, TTORNEY AT LAW. Will prac tice in the several Courts of Cumberland and adjonining counties, and attend to all pro tensional business entrusted to his care with fi delity and promptness. Office in South Hanover street, in Graham's now building, opposite the Post Office. augunt2ii James R. Smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with 6'. I). Adair, Ben, in Graliunt's new build• ng, opposite the Post Office. rnar 31 '47 Carson C. Moore, A TTORNEY the min lately,occupied by Dr. Foster, deceased. '•• mar-31 '47 , IL A, Lamberton, TTORNEYAT LAW, Harrisburg, A _Pa. np .6:48 WRIGHT & SAXTON, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOR EIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE, 171a;s: Paints, Dye Stull's, Oil, Iron, Steel,Nails Abe. would invite the !Mention of persons want ing goods in their line, to the large assortment they-have just opened, and which they otlbr at the very lowest cash prices: feti23 Dyeing and Scouring. WILLIAM BLAIR, in Loather Street, near the Collage, dyes Ladies' and Gentle- I)Ma's apparrel, all colors, and 'warrants all work to he satilifactory. Orders in his line respectfully solicited. sep Plainfield Classical Academy, (rOCII 311 LES WEST OF CARLISLE.) FOURTH SESSION T ' PI Fourth !Session will commence on MO N DAY, May lat. IS4B. The number of stu clouts is limited, and they are carefully prepared for College, counting house. &c. The situation precludes the possibility of stu dents associating with the vicious or depraved, being remote front town or village, though easily accessible by State Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad, both of which pass through lands at ached to mite institution. T g It MS.. , Boarding: washing, tuition, &c., (per see.) $5)00 Latin or Greek , 00 Instrumental Musk 1000 Frenek or Gerinati . - - -- - - • ----- --5 00 Circulars with references, Ike. furnished by Itpr 5 IL IC. BURNS, Princip.ll.l3 Plagistrate's Office Removed "RITIIE 01lico of the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace, has been removed to the house adjoining the store of Mrs. Wcakloy, in High street, Cur. Hilo, immediately opposite the lEailrutid Depot and Winrott's Hotel!. My residence being there, I will always be found at home, ready to attend 4o the business of the public. 'ln addition to the duties of u Magistrate, I will attend to all kinds of Writing, summit as Deeds, Mortgagee, Bonds, Indentures, Articles of Agreement, Notes &c, .....swhich will be executed in a neat manner and lit:: .cording to the most opproved forms.. • The 011ico lately occupied by me, in Mr. Gra, hiam"s building for rent, and possession had.ini tnediately. Tharent is Jew and the location good. inn 12 1848.,, . 1 GEO. FLEMING. • Cumberland and •Perit Had: • ••• ,• • AI.HE - silbsctiber desires to in - • fOrmlue .frionds and the travelling • I a public that hti bee next-tree front the ' Oldstand,. known 'as Weiblv's —4 oihe:p4o,oltnsc — recontirlcciffißaby Johlt ...,..4.;ornmen,on:Nerthflantiver street, near the pub ,' :lie.equartiovhere_heovilLbaglad—to-seo4 t is-old . Aequaintances from :Worry and. Cumberland, and calumny new. odWessible. Illations° is large , - • good-or . aining.traullicient nuniber ;, oof well furniehed.cliedibers and every other fu-. cility for the moat comfortable accomntodation of . travellers ,end . boarders:. Hie table Will. beetle, pyitt,With,thkehoicest dellcuciaa,of the ma en s, , , the ;; best of, t liquor& Tllpre is Cortinodiotia'Stab.ling ettaCheCto Ihe house, end ' .:B C#0 , 44 will Always be „ini attendance.— tffe,reiia keallfrent ,travellers and ~". sc ulters, confidant of hit ability .lii_give satisfaction, tuarcht29.ol6 :•', , LION WY_ PLASS --IWap.ollsbittLer Grahile - ofiTthe7 - Tonwi ;,# 1 - • • • , to FLA JOILNSON-7••not the hero of tfii' Thtunee,tbitothet Keidlttioft•ilteltneor-Lre4; -tteptektfully intorno theaattequitivhititirofeleiesual t teentsecte, that. he „play •always • bo•found••rlC the; tented tnijiouthor:Dtteeti one ttpor kVqat'cif :North •,; - _,ylienever,etteet,• Illifflodia(oly • tin • the•• rent. l'lritt• •74 1 44841rocttlrY store&lludtalAte_gh.het will neither • all i fbrAg riq,bop*, yetliiiileenttaird 1t71311 - IM - ; ttt !milts; feeltiotteble AtAlß. , ourriN.G',apdatatate2 'pi:An *PK gutt,iitill*tilititilittgAither•Whiskei • td4rnispiohe •he dupettlefy, the cotinty.•l••••t•to,, , Re, to al so sole inventor netitt•Taltutheturer of , ~,41te,rottebratteVend eevergailing..temedyler •;;i ll 4 lll Nttg s lt•s§.9:ol. 3 ."4VkAA.A-TORA r kilitili: en•fiPti•slii.# o, :tArldißty9l,fte fr9FkOrhig hO' 4411'. • i 16•4°Piq raids will . 40.?•..1)01,the:P4re #4l O , --•ni ' in ti6; 4 7 l 3°,llt4 l 9:lPtMlet-- 11 " -14 t 1 . 4 P •ti.:4l7' , , ,;(Cl'i A (IP 4.. .. ,,. ? ‘, 4."'i , typAt,, t. ,, %: , I t ' t , . i. 2 , irit :404i- _id nfaiu][)?ale,r; in r,„n, 110ER/,94,16: 111/j4g, qi'tefikiirc.hiintNti plmt. , i forei/M ono Piril, ” 1 46 . 61d2 , ,,i n nl l in ' .IST, 7; ~,,/oultviltuaeiritrilihilf, 17,1,111;4%k reiatijettlipM I",4,ll4Neng"iitg;rll.'ittlat('ltLlPSlTli4l7l°llllll4tvaliii'tilte4rief'idadilii'citri(itiltiYt9t ' , .I,l,Lerntiner-itiklei.; :,..ithhl,7,ha, i4„.iyidiro 1i i,” kithi ,, iiiriiipiamo :-. ~,,ilu,wih 4,4v-Y'',,,14,,i,1P1f,0 i .• , wile,4ifidy ighbv, 1 (f Y /t 4. ~,. .`O ) , , A.,' i•, . . ...a...a.* I•., t if i a - arl-5:2C,00Y '.. -a. . - ,'. : .• ." ' --"'" . .. , ; ,- -!..4..-- . • : 1'..•.- , ~ ,Y i:- . ..1';6'r1.'16..rii.-ii 1 ::rii - !; . 4 .1 1 .: ,,. .T.,•,0y,:,1:....1 ...,:i „......., .., ~:.1. ..„ .:,, ...,',...-, „'" v ... 4. —; -. 4,...4......5.-- , -., • , ._... , . . , : z tt, ... ~....h ... - : ;. . , 1 ::.';'.',. . . .- - - , .' .... , . .... IC ~ . • '.... ~: f . ii 'i: :;. ::.i: .. .• • ' . -,,:.:.'' `:.1::,::, - ../ .. : , ~"- ....:',".' •, i‘ :z.t . ' -,t......p.:,• , , , ,, 7 :., -1, 6 .:, , ,.: , .1- ~., • ..: t . f1!.1,, , ,1 ,, J,..,, ; ;::...,..:. , ,.,, , , • 2 : , .,,,,. ...g i ~ , ,.,1 ~,,,,, ~, ~ 1 , ~..,,.. ~,,., ~ . ~.., ~_: 44, .. „ t:-./ :, ':' '*-- ",.., ,-• ' ' , " ' ' . —' -- "; ... , ' ~,•:,.,....; . ti., ~- t 1 ,:- , , I._ .., „„,,„,- .i.„ . ....t.ti ; .. ~,.. ~,:.., , „.,,,,,,,, .: , ..,. i , ~ . _,,,..,,. ~, t '- , • :: - 1.: ...1: 4 ‘1 1 1 - : '6; - ::. / . 5 -I.'— 'N- 11 " 4 , 5); . 's\ s s*-I : \'' ' ., ' ,. `' ,.l r f'''' ' ).4- ) ;1 * :. '.. -- 10 1--.1 : -. ;- '- ' : ( - ~!..,:..., „.,,:„,-.,,„ it , ,' .'s' •:- a ( r - 0•i..4„„=-A' , ' t4' , • .. .. • ' . ki . . : : ..... . , :'- : '..-•" 1. .t . K.t -,,-.;;;; ,,, ,i) -- 4‘,, , , <- 'it._ :.1,,..f , , .:, . . , - -• , .. . . . . , . . . . . , - - - • '' • ' '''''*'' It rieri t . 4 l itie'': • ' :ff r'''' • • • .• ..,..vuji,,;•- 0 . 4 . ...., ~: .. „,;, 0 0 . - ~.,.:L.ii . td..., , . • ... , • .„ .... _- . .. . ... - . .. , •• . - • . • . .. , • . , .. .- . . . - . ,•.-. 2 . L'e IEII THE CUMBERLARD VARLEV MUTU AL TILOTECTION 'EI'3I•PA'NY, will be nosier the direction of the following board of Managres for the ensuing year, ‘izi--.Thos. C. Miller, President; Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre sident; David W. McCullough, Treasurer; A. G. NI iller ,Secretary, James Wenkley „folio T. (free., Joh.. Zug, Abraham King. Diehard {Voids, Samuel A usi on, Peal, Scott Coyle, Alexander Davidson. There are also unmbce of Agents appointed in adjacent enrollee, who will receive applications fur in sidrinice stud torusirdt diem immediately for no pros:ddl to the office of the Company,a hen the pol icy will he issued without delay. For further information see the by-laws of theCoriapany. Tutus. C. MILLED Prest. A. G. NT tr.t.ta,Sen'y. - The following gentlemen bare been appointed AVENI'S L. 11. Williams, EW,Westimiieshoro, Gen-A oral Agent. S. A. Co) le, Carlisle; Dr. Ira Day, Nlezliaiiiesburg. George Brindle, Esq., M onroe. Jos. 31. Aleatts.Esq• Neu burg. John Cleailenin, Esq. Ilogeslovn. ___S te plien_Callmtiono.osl/iPPeWAtISC.•_.- . September 20, I tt47 MR. W. P. TRLAND now offers to the pub• 11 lic his Indian Vegetable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which after long and tried expe• Heat° have been satisfactorily established. To all women who may be afflicted with the aflect ion of PsoLAa•sts UTIOII, or the Fallon. Womb, he now recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure in the short space of time of from to three weeks, if applied with care and rest:dis carding till the countless instruments and expel]. sine bandages so long in use. This , he-facia jus tified in stating, inasmuch as he has not failed in one instance out of three, hundred and fifty cases. Pried ONE Docr.ta per Um. Sold, in Garfish) by S. ELLIOT. and Dr. J. J. MYERS. feb23—l y C. NEFF respnetfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen otearlislo and• that he has taken rooms on Abe ; corner of ilanovermnd—Lauther streete;hi - tlit; - house now occupied by Hunter & Reed at it troeery, and directly opposite William Leonard's store, where hc_itquily_pr. 9 pur,vl in '. i • - Imie r Nasses in a style not to be Surpassed by any other artist id the country" r lie tinaretbre would invite all who wink a :correct miniature , to honor, him with a visit, and he flatters himself in every instance to givematisfaction. ...‘Single.Picturee.`-medium . size, colored true to life, and warranted not to lade, for 81.40, Mein& inga tine Morocco case, mar 29 . , FET'T'ER;'' ; viTO.UL.IS f , reapeetfullirl . bidUlbo_attceifion-0- 7TIE - jlefietc4aeper - iiiiiid dhe..publici the ex itonaire.atotik or 'splendid •FURI.I.IT.O It E t ineht• dine,Sefaii , '_Wbrdrobea;tentrealad- - other Tables; - I) remintapdtPlaiiiiilurelitio,lindiveryOailo t o p r , Cablnet•waro -and Chair.,, ,which 'they ; have luet cleaned' at thOr.:-NEW - 11,0 , 0 48, on ~the corner' of North 'Hanover-Ind •TAikthbr'atillitti,,Carliale,: "aralcoinfideat , that the sli rier , fiaish of the.yrorketaashlK.arid'elogiinee' o 'which' I - .their slot 'together; mit!): their. -ciiaaraids;lmalliverarnlte./11.1115111.19...11.„,titi"-ner ebelvanting Furniture :'' Tev lame • -Altlo-mapii-7 - a - tre.agediriatif,Winiadfacturtegcand7keeta ng > eonatourtOPll i V,Pr,l l4 eryartielem i thoir Ijno, both , Oder:and laniental e 'elegant and, eatiful,- whielitahnot fail to eint.pdrbhieora; 4 They Av94l4,emhOtly:l9viO. Owns whib.iare?abbui to itodeneoeo, hOueetkeepmg, ; pet "coolies • prialeat ehigatibtOek,"io arlll tontertntlk , niako•additioneW the nairdat'ao mat, 1 1 15 4 ,, 0 1 . 1, 6 , 1 ):„ 1 / 1 1 1, ,, , . 3. Ili ti - Or r LiN ma 'ntnee'to order at tha l aborteatqa,i Lice , for town nod , - - 10.cariiela;;Avraq1418,11,,tr:: (1.1 , .11.4.0% :11 1 10? Iwo:* S '? ; ,1 1 1p. pplA,ScOer,i 4 o.orAtlV iiiibr* the' I .itblfc'elise lie ` has removed - hie entiraaloo, bracing a l lorge; and elagnot display ,N,ruit,Nl2! /NJ liblvtco the ; , J Niq AcIPFIFIETTAR. ~. .il; A n f`.i 3neurauce f4ompanies e Franklin Fire Insurance Com pany of phfladelphia. OFFICE, NO. 163 i Chesnut street, near Fifth street. DIRECTORS. Charles N. Banker George W. Rtchards Thomas Hart _ Mortfecai D. Lewis Tobias Wagner Adolphe E,' Boric Samuel Grant David S. Brown • Jacob R . Smith ;- Morris Patterson. Continue to make -insurance porpetuaLor limi ted, on eyery description of property In town and country, at rates as low, as are consistent, with security. 'rho company have reserved a large contingent fund„ which with their capital and pre- miums, safely, invested, afford ample protection ' • tc the insured: The- assets of the m company on January. let, 1848, published agreeably to an _January. Assem bly, were es follows, via Mortgages $590,558 65 Real Estate . 108,358 90 Temporary Loans 124,459 00 • Stooks 51,563 25 Cash on ,hand and in bands of name, 81,220,097 67 • Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they halo paid upwards of orre MILLION, TWO OUNERED THOUSAND DOLLANI3rIOsees- by fire, therebraffording - evident - wof - the advantages of - insuranee, as wens the ability and disposition to meet with promptness. all liabilities. - CIIAR.L-ES N. lIANCHER, Pres't. CHAS. G. BANCICER) See'. feb - --The aubseriberhragenrfor - the — fbt ovexonipany - for - garfish, and its vicinity. A ll applications for insurance either by mail or personally ; will be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR. Fire Insurance. THE ALLEN AND E. PENNSOOROUGH Mutual Fire insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated by un act of Assem bly, is now fnlly , organized and in operation, un der the management of the hollowing conunis. sioners,yia: Clit. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wtn.- R. Gorges, Lewis flyer, Christian 'nisei. Hubert Sterrett, Henry Logan, Michael Cticklin, Benjamin Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacdb Kirk, Sand. Prow ell, sr, and Molcitoir Breneman, who respectfully colt the attention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages which the com pany hold out. The ratesorinsurance arc aS low and favorable as any company of the kind in the State, Per sons wishing 'to become members are invited to make application to the agents 'of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB SHEI 4 LY, President HON la - LOGAN, V. Prea't Lawns liven, Secretary Micnar.t. Cocamx, Treasurer AGEgTS — Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland; Christian Time' and John C. Dunlap, Mien ; C. H. liartaton, Kingstown; Henry 'Leering, Shiro manitown ; Simon Oyster, Wornileyaburg; Ho bert Moore, Carlisle. Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk.gene rat agent; John :Merrick, john Rankin, J. Bow man, Peter Wo Agents for Ilarrisburg—Houser & Lochnian fob 9 THECU'AII3EIILAND VALLEY .Plutuai Protection Com'y Premium Plaster. Daguerreotype -Likendia-t r a Extensive Fu)niture'RoOnn. a:-.p•=3,1:026t37:22ai1=) `moo mumidQ.RLpza'zr. [orlo9] ]. The Bailor-BoyPs Funeral. The sun's last ray has ting'd the clouds With hues of crimson, and of burnished gold, - And the azure sky seems of a purer blue, ' As It bursts between each richly tinted fold. The waves= the rippling, curling waves I They too have caught Might fairy dyes ; And, with their to - yetis music, aeenr - as If They fbin would cheer our hearts—pur weary eyes Cease, cease yourplay-ye waves: ye awn shall bear Down to the hidden .deep, (hi yaing=lFefair. . • Gaily bur ship skips o'er the dimpled Neves, - Unconschms of the bitter tears we shed— . 17nconscioue that bar starry pennon floats' • . Above the brow—rho paler brow of the dead, Alas, proud ship: the sailor-boy who loved To climb thy,shrouds when ;waves ran high,— To hoist tby sails, to mark thy foatny. track—' Now Ilea with pulseless heart, and-rayless eye. But hark: they"call u■ to our loved, our dead. How can we lower him to hie Watery bed I 35,373 28 • • e The mulled hell of the ship hes toird, The wreck of heauty le before us now See tufw the winds lilt yp the rich dark curls, As if they'd woo them from the Intrhie brow. Th_panowy lids with their fringeuf Alien black, . Tildes 'frontour gaze the once hright laughing eyes{ And'the pale hangs that grasped the helm so oft; Are folded on the breast,—a burden lies. Tears, bitter tears are our only offering now, Steggive them Wailer-bey, upon thy brow. Gently we lower our mate to you, ye waves, • ' Bear, bear him - soltly to the - coral cells— • And tell the genii of the deep to sirew Around our_boy..blighLtausicamunted-shellS Old them cull the pale sea-weed's floOieri, And wreathe them round the brow of the fair dead; And from the rocks of the dark blue sea, Tell Mein to gather moss for the Balior's bed. Down with our dead I hide, hide him in the deep,— We are resigned— we know our mate doth sleep. June 2, 1848: M. C. W. g.Alw?frailallotita4 ORIGIN 01'. THE LAKES OF . KILLARNEY, It brit been a remarkable fine day, but a suiNen tempest, such as-only exists in wild mountainous districts, had arisen, and I was reluctantly compelled to give up my geolo gical researches, and fly 'into a cabin which stood some hundred paces off, in order to escape the jury of the storm, or, a sailor would express it, the squall, for its (lunation was rot above half an hour, ceasing as cud kf. enly as. it had unexpectedly begun. The cottage whTch - 1 now, entered stood in ono of the most-romantic-crags of the Me gillacuddy rocks, overlooking the Magnifi-- cent lakes of Killarrey, on which the sun but a few moments before-had beemshining ightly, presented nne of the most beautiful landscapes in Europe, and cOntrlisting suangely with the rocks around ore. and the pimial tempest which was bowing-Idown the arbutus shrubs on every side. As lemered and solicited shelter, I recoil • raised, in the comer of the.cabin, one of the boatmen who had often rowed me over to Lord Headley's picturesque Island. It was this man who bail, in the flannel poetic strain inherent in the breast of every Irish peasant, told me of the cities and villages, the nymphs and millant knights, whom he had pretended to have seen in clear wea ther 'beneath the deep waters. It was this Mall who bad often amused me by the strange local legends of Killarney ; .1 there fore..felt no-surprise, when - after-receiving me with the tone and sincere hospitality of a kind Kerryman, he alluded to the raging storm in his usual metaphorical style. , God - 'presarve your honour, and knpo ye from all ,harm. Sure the O'Donogltue, rest his cowl in glory ! is riding fiercely to day.— tV ould that his horse's hoofs Wore bate!' , 1 don't understand you.' 'Alt, thin wasn't it myself, your honour, - who Could -you about- the - O'Donoghue, being the 'guardian and keeper of these lakes l' - 'Yon did, my friend, but you informed me he lived under tine water.' 'Arra, tam its himself that does. But suns when he rises, he causes the bright lake ter swell and toss, widths sea nymphs catch the weeny craft in their silvery arms, they,'re all lost and gone. It's many. a one seen them grasp and carry down to the bright ci ty, where. Ibteristal palaces are iebtibited by the loveliest daughters Of ould 'Ali I thin is just O'bortoghue, great glory to him ! that's .passing just noW, ye see'; for though it's not tio oouT, - nor - the time he should be on the watch, it's himself that of ten comes, bar us from all evil! stud stirs up the mountains as lie looks on the lake, over which he isle:cod to'keep guard. I, smiled inctedulously, for this !Was a du ty Which I 110 A I -ever bcfitre heard ascribed to O'lloneglitie: - The'man read rny tlioughts at 01100. " tnirr ..-- rm - not - e - great - sehelah - Oftilf; .lor fit to convatse with the likes of your ho , flour but.if ,you wpalt to hear the legend it's ru-ys elf - ivilistei, - ourh3r — Pat lives hard by;'and 'it's lus tiv'rukae wilt tell, your tionotie all about it? - , ,i' • . I thanked the poor lellovv i and .begged. of litm to cull the priest.. Her dith , I beheld ; a. 'more interesting.perseriage, Fr otn,lns, dress, it' waa'somewhat'dlflicult session; but his high -hireheadi'lliB lionevo' r lent smile, and his grey locks, at-onee poke the possessor, of, a ,master itettal,'„one that only lacked,high cultivation,ickhavo rai 7 sed him to the"first elasti'cil literatUro.Ash wers,_l.tound_hint urbanelandlintelligentiand , very anxious , to affocd informattotti,-,a care . believer ittditeny„tirakitions .4 he had iioliceted nil stored up The Tolleaing - euridue skistoh dr'the Origin of the ,lakes - of ritillarney; told 'rife better Nyerda,than.,thOcitt whieh l•ropeat . thern. the beginning tho,heitath.:l fill valley befortiYon Vitiiitheleyeliestvith t - shrierri-rtauiLtunt-thiLapotaihatiftitiuseem.: es , larn Y4 s rv w el'lk: l ? 6 4 l l;4o ll g;:* , map hero and lii .leye)y retreaVii ndiVeriderAlinC, g4ct men/ and Aunty fate iitk/Jheautilul women, f 4l6e Y4 o 4i lo :d*Pil and. enjoy rj(7 . rat. einiteptnnent araidz,potttres tiehesj aces; . Gett. litottptit i ellibetr'sojtiurn;'ec4' they ;pat -zb l e peqasio,nally,aotthi eVefito ':this'davign,l9,4 ,tllO - 410ari:WateftiT ol‘ !kw lalcei,A,.‘vltereL7theY dwelt ; in happ in esi tied in ribeenser. ailprin imileilefltk:grelitudeptitif'greati,t3jyeil,!efyell ' 19 tie,. cisily:eiiditiori'uventerittridlied4tilo. :tenure rioij l ‘t Prcividetpie , 'dettigti,tal , 4iketh'e . vdti 910116kt:1i= EN ._ . . 4, ‘.. ,, .;:ii; ,, c;y , d 4 ; - .. , 404•; 4 • ,-, • , ;• -• . , m'efOte..t•il*T. 4 41.w.•41i.0.1.i.rmit000ftaitit:livw , t‘:41.rAwax ,, A*A.frzetca. 4, ,FAhr.ri301, -, •t.Vystxrrzlosw•tc - mt-rk-grPrgit,v4.-kvizajejlizury.,tt.. :m -, 04 —•- •• • - •.• PS)itit.R4 alle4li . a . teilt ei their obedience. For, from the begining of the world, it was or dainit'cl that this said well should 'be guarded for one hour after sunrise, by 'a maiden the Most chaste St beautiful that could be found in the province.. And troth it.was an easy. matter to select a country where. all thewornan are virtuous and - loWly even to phis very hour=:--an old man's blessing. on them ! • The only way al chasing, then, was by lot: So on a certain day in 'every year, all the young girls of the valley met tooth- . er, and allowed chance lorsome said Prov idence) to decide. 'Each' colySini had • her name-inscribed or; a- leaf - of - tie.butiis and they were drawn out as in a lonery. It was a great honour to' her on'"Whoirrthe -lot fell, ~althougluthe .duty : was not, altogether pleas ant, yob asip ; for,she had to watch the well 6 nom ' slinfise for a full hour, and during that time, she teas not-to speak a single Word, or indulgeinsn.ungenirobe, an unholy, or an envious thonght,,ontler pain of her hothe and friends. . For .a pretty maiden to keep silencecaltely; you see, Was no easy tasko'et so great was the honour considered,' that all strove to gain the chance. - • 'Well:, sir, year-after year passed gently. aviay,and. the people of the, valley* grew happier'and happier. The wardership was • well and strictly performed, and Donoghue remained cooped up, as it , was, afterwards discovered, a .prisoner at the bcttoni of • the well, • • 'Abed-four hawked years before this - is , land was peopled by the Plitunicians, the, lot as watcher, fell on Noreen O'Dorinel, one of the. °bid legitimate line of the O'Donnel's. Noreen was the lovclieat girl in the valley.- lier innocence was equal to hei beauty, and 1 • iscration_and_prodence-hatt-never-been doubted. Sne.had never wandered beyond the mountains which encircled' her home.— She knew but one care, that was the absence of Phelire Mac Grath, to whom she was be trothed, and who had been absent for sev eral montl.s.• 'She had kept the vigil regularly. No un generous thought had ever crossed her mind; no 'word had ever escaped het' lips, while she had performed-the mysterious uty• as signed her. There she 'sat every morning like a marble statue,,only more * beautilel. keeping guard over the mysterious, well, of ten wondering'what-was at the 'bottom of it, but nothing more. 'ller'task had come nearly to a conclusion. She was holding her last wafeh over the clear water; she we., thinking orholy things, and forming projects of virtue and benific enee, when; suddenly, she heird footsteps behind her. She turned around, when joy to her heart ! who should she beheld but Plie lim, who had unexpectedly' returned, and finding hernsentiliad followeiliiek on the wings oflove, his heart beating , ,,with3true af fection the which - might be seer au his hand some countenance, 'Noreen avoureen, bloodstnng'of ifiyiteaft. May the good powers Protect yell cried he, - from . the bottom of his soul, as lib pressed her-to his breast. 'She smiled, and her eyes told him his leelings were returned; but-she war silent. _ . 'A h, thin, Noreen agrath dnrlint of my in nermost soul ! haven't you a word for the boy that loves you ap dearly V She made a sigh that she was unable to speak. it—is it—can it be, that the light of my hopes has lost her sPeech and'he looked as if an arrow had pierced his bosom. 'She made a motion euntessing the contra- ty. thin, God help me ! you have ceaset to love me. Ws during my absence! that I lost all I've prized. Is it fur this I've risket my life daily, and nightly dreamt of ye. Sorrow to my yowl! but•l'll not outlive it! •She vainly - endeavoured to - make - him un dormant!. no, Noreen, it is not by' signs that you'd welcome me, if you loved me as you were wont to do. I see it, all; your heartts changed. not reproach you. I'll wish you no harm; for, oh, though you're cold to wards Phelim now, it's he that will love you for ever and eves, and longer far than. that. But not stay to see your preference for another Good bye ! and God bless you!' aimd ho lied out his hands, as it about to bid her farewell. 'She made earnest gestures to bid him slay. 'lt's more than I can do. Sure it's worse "than lolly to stay-and break my heart ;droop it's that I do with pleasure to sariteye;agrathi Nay don't be looking thus bewitched when every word is murthering me. Let me be gone. Don't be trying to hould me. One word would make me stay. Only tell me you love nie, and it's death himself that should 'ill part us. Not one word? Aural. thin, Noreen, Noreen, good bye lorever !' and he tote himself from her. . . 'The struggle was too hail, the test was too severe. The ardent feelings' of a ,wo man'S affection Wiurnpheil pier. every other consideration: She could endure no more. love yov, Pliefint , stay by. the heay. ens above es, - you - dearly !' burst from the agitated girl, zis she bounded 4owards him.. . . - , , I The waters spdtlewly retie dram , the, well, they were irresistablY thaWit :tawards,.. it,' fik.l the gushirili stream floWeit rapjay.ititsolte...l 'sit - Itit-=-- , valley:. At ti e more ',lte , clasped her, to . his , heart. They neaelted, , Oe I)riirle of the, well. ;Once more they embraced; and in'that fend attitude mere searched' into 'rnYstovieus' depths. 'Ette:poor girt , Noreen, was never, again seen, though her sighs may sometimes be heard as the, erce tempest approaches; aittl,hereAlit rs said ta befriend , the stofM.' ,brisk& mermer,', who ttew.aails on the Atvice;' , . which you see yonder, formed Jay the ‘over flowing waters ollhe 1-loly„ , Well, ,and; bp lieaili yhieh the eitie" . 4iid,yillitges,exist just -14 they `dill at ;the . ~c tac whet ; ,ilia , oot, love overcame` tier, prtidence; , ;and de- , stroyed herself-aadther best'ftriende.,,- - ~A ff, E yiiiiiiislimetif 'for iltee , -Aleht;giugfi the, Happy' valley; : o'Doecighee)hi'feentlentutetto ; ride daily. round the taker 'ton 4. show-white ohaigor, mod :pith silver twee. When these ,illteesere:.weinnottli the ass :of again return to, thete;parerit'well,4 !and,' the, long buriethentieslv.ill'erise,•antl,be peo pled ; - 1 1-41-vjtliteurtatat.trgitlymne-Suolktialt-- origin Of • net this, strange and 'fautaillo , legoitti - Ctliaiit'O i- Doueg s: Jitfei?? • 4. d 0;,,, `.li inr arid, praise be to hig ,g OO ,4 I SVIP Ote; vjere- iii ••• ' 4 oncgmeakl`f9 io,,iy,orndt.mooint , recerilleet •,thatl the 0000,11,t - ef,hAtif MPY,fi!u34,4 l obi!falrlieht bar v i!‘ ,tiir e them eigaXi IthiWautl . ,theiPiV ettelb,ll,6 4.0.' INVOCATION . TO MOTHER EARTH By onAcE ORSENWOOD: Oh Earth ! thy thee bath not the grace That smiling Heaven did'ldess, When thou wert "good," and blushing stood In thy young loveliness; 'And Mother; dear, the smile and tear, In three are strangely met ; Thy joy and woe together flow-- But ah, wu loire thee yet. Thou elill art &If, When morn's frestriir „ Thrills with the•lark', sweet song; • When Nature seems . to wake Dom dreams, And laugh and dance atone; Thou'rt fair al day, when clouds alt gray Fade Into Florione bloc; When nanny homely the flowers; • • And kilt' away the dew. Thnu'rt fair at eve, when skies receive • The last smiles of the sun -When through the ahead; .that twilight spreads, Tha stars peep, one by One. Thou'rt fair at night, when full starlight kitreaine down upon the sod Whetkmootillght pale, o'er hill and dale Meats like the smile of God. 'And thou art grand where lakes expand, And , Mighty 'rivers roll ; Where Ocean proud, with.threarenings - blockoth at man`, control ; And grand thou art, when lightnings dart, And gleam athwart tho sky; When thunderspeal and forests reel, And storms go.aweeping by. - We bless thee now. for Ws that thou Bust freely on no shed; For dew and showers, and heauteous flowers, _And bide skies overhead; For morn's perfume, and cold-day's bloom, And evening's !qire of mirth; For glorious night, for all things bright, We Mess thee, Mother Earth. Dui when long years of care and tears (lave come and passed away, file time may he; when sadly we • ~tali turn to thee and say— oWe arc worn with life, ifs toils aod,strife itr" We long, we pine, fur We come, we come, all wearied Warne— Room, Mather., In thy breaptg' THRILLING- INCIDENT. l_pacsed Ilia natural avenue and _came upon the green. - MY - feelings were very po etical as I walked towards the village church. I entered. A popular preacher was holding forth, arid the littie meeting house was very much crowded. Several persons were stan ding up r and I soon discovered that I roust retain' my perpendicular- position, .as every seat was crowded. I however, passed up the aisle, until f gained a position where could have a view of nearly alj present.— Many of the congregation -looked curiously at me, for I was a stranger to them all. In law-moments, - however.a the attention of every one appeared to he absorbed in the arnbassador of grace, and I also-began to take a lively interest in the discourse. The [ speaterAvaslluent, and many of his flights were even .sublime. The music of the woods arid the fragrance of the heath seem , . erl to respond to his eloquence. Then it was no great stretch of the imagi nation to fancy that the white-handed dice- tures around me, with their pouting lips and I artless innocence were beings of a higher ' , sphere. As "my feelings were thus divided between the beauties and blessings of the two worlds, and wrapein a sort of poetical' devotion, I detected some glances at me of an animated character. 1. need not describe the sensations experi ' enced by a youth when the eyes a beauti fail woman rest for a length of time upon his countenance, and when he imagines I self to be an object of interest to her. I re turned her glances will] interest, and threw oil the.tenderness into my eyes which the scene, my meditations, and the preacher's discourse had inspired in my heart,-donbt- I ing not the fait damsel possessed kindred feelings with mysell; n it we were drinking together at the fountain of inspiration. How could it he otherwise? , • She had been borr. and trimmed amidst these wild and romantic scenes, and was made up of romance, of poetry, arid tender ness; and . then I thought of the purity of wo man's love—her devotion" to truth. I only prayed -that? might meet with her where .we might enjoy a sweet interchange, of sen- . timent . Her glances continued. Several times our eyes met. My heart beat with rapture. At length the benediction was pro nounced. I lingererLabout - the premises un til I saw the daik-eyed damsel set out lon Mule, alone and on foot. Ohl that the ctlS-. toms of society would permit—tor we Were . , surely Otte in .soul Cruel formality! that throws up a barrier between each other.!-- •Yeti followed her. She loakeil,liehin4, and thought slip evinced some emotion at recog nizing toe as a stranger of the day. if then quipiteneiliny pace, and she actually...slack: - if to let RIO co her.. ning--crea ire!' thought I ;Ater warm -heart is superior to the . . '.• I reached within a stone's.ritrew. of h er. !• she-suiltlenly-halted;ami turned her lace to, wards me. -My heart swelled to•burating.—.- I ! reached the spot whOreelle.stookl.• She, be- Min to speak, and I took MI My Inii;as if do- . itigleverenoilio ! ' ] Are yoempeddlerr tJ" '•• . 4 N0,• ray-dear, that is mot my occupaii . oo . ,ngt i iieiypitol)lollyoutt..eying - jne.yorr. cerpli : iltit,sught;4lgin I litiV'yors in the reeelinfr: hoes°, that. Veu 'leaked like - the 'Peddler lw 110 :passed:oll a pewterlitill-AloWaron ITltt threw weeks ,iigtiouid„ taxi', wits determined ito keep_ an eye 011 yaw THrother,John Itaa,golferne ic, , 14) t , JruCetl lo? Gr e e u mtte4s effew)eueh',u4u'oyes,l;ksi the' , i;kr,?"..g:Priit,: - .A:! 1 ,4 1 4 11 .41 , t1ee;+. cell ed :ht-fie,e-hi - ,qcTelfie c ciotqcary,Rtas ul!srrii - c - o - iioe4 rl •ttiir ;cr sesflic.apir!Oter.iyo,etudfm!, had cliembet'he l iippeui:eilcol4l,iiqjthbut.epeakingi,,te i eka,dhair roo . .eetreelLtd4i ti!idt l lo,;et the V i tlfil;p)!p?cppcift.l o lici*pft,Oingi tooy, 4"4ll o lPtl97oßPOtklii PitOtalk 2 ' ea'r° "t? on nif,-:Nike ,lioetuAelthe,e, ely.,vle own 7e -4 / 1 "V Rio:Anew shitiaking fraii) small - Piece of eilver,*put it'oa;the,table, end WpnCarity.„..ty.,i,titeutspea!ting •.t. WOerrthleinen tic evitAtite,htlehli - Nail Correapondanab of the National lotelligoncer THE HUNTER OF .TALLULAII. • Tallulah Falls Geo •9 Ap r , 29 18.18. Ten subjct of my present sketelt is ADAM VANDEVER, "the Hunter of Tallulah." His fame reached my ears-soon alter arriving in this place,.and, having obtained a guide, 1 paid .him a visit at. his residence, Which is planted directly at the mouth of the Tallulah chasm, He lives in a log cabin, occupying . the centre cf a small . valley, through which the Tallulah river winds its wayward COMM. It is completely hemmed in on all side's wild and abrupt mountains, and dne!of the Most romantic and beautiful nooks imagina ble. .Vitsturee. is about sixty'years. of age, small in stature, has a 'regular-built weaSel face, a small . gray eye ' and wears a long white. beard.. He was born in South Caro lina, spent his early manhood. in the Wilds of Kentucky, and the last. thirty years of his life. in the wilderness of Georgia. By way of a frolic, he took a patv in the Creek war, and is said to have killed`more Indians than anY other' white man in the -army. lit the battle of Ottassee alone, he is teported to have sent his rifle-ball through the hearts of twenty poor heathen, merely because they had an, undying passion for their native hills, which theyyouhl not bear to leave for an unknown wilderness. - But Vandever aimed his rifle at thuommand of his country, and of coutse the - cliafge of bate t ery does not rest upUn _his head._ He is now living with his third wife, and claims to be the lather of aver thirty childre . n*, 'only' five of whom, however, ate' living under his roof,- the remainder being dead or 'scattered over the world. During the Sampler months lie tills, with his own hand, the few acres of land Which constitute his do:prin. His live stock consists of -a mule_ and some half dozen goats ; together with a; number of dogs. On inquiring into his forest life, he gave me, among others, the following particulars: 'When the hunting season commences, early in November, he supplies himself with every variety of shooting materials, steel-traps, and .a-comfortable Mock of provisions, and, plac ing them upon his mule, starts for some wild region among the mountaitis n where he re! mains until the following spring. The', shanty which he occupies during this season is Of. the rudest character,,with one „sitle -ah wayii open, as he tells me, for the purpose of having an abundance of fresh air. In killing wild animals he pursues bin two methods, called "fire-lighting" and hunting." His favorite game is the deer, but he is not riarticular, and secures the fur of every four-legged creature which may happen to cross his path, The largest num ber of skins that he ever brought home at one time wa4 six hundred, among which were those of the bear, the black and dirty Wolf, the panther, the wild-cat, the fox, the coon, and some dozen other varieties. He computes the entire number of deer that he - has killed in his life-timeat four thousand.— When spring arrives, and he purposes to re turn to his valley home, he packs his furs upon his old mule, and, seating himself upon the pile of plunder, makes a bee-line out of the wilderness. And, by those who have seen him in this homeward: bound con dition., I am told that he presents one of the roost curious and romantic pictures iiaagina- Lie. While among the mountains, his beast subsists upon whatever it rosy happen to glean in its forest rambles, and, when the first supply of his own provisions is exhausted, he usually contents himself with wild game, which he is. often compelled to devour un accompanied with bread or salt. His mule is the smallest arid most miserable looking creature of the kind ,that I ever sew, _ and glories in the singular name of "The Devil and Tom Walker." \\ 'hen Vandever inform ed me of this fact, which he did with a self satisfied air, I told him that the first part of the mule's name wits more applicable to himself than to the dumb beast ; wh&eupon he t'grinned horribly a ghastly snide," as it I had paid him 'lt compliment. Old Vande. ver is an illiterate man, and when I asked him to give me his opiate') of President Polk, he replied: "I never Seed the Gover nor of this State; for, when he come to this country yemS IWO, I was oil on 'tourer side of the ridge, shooting .ricer. I voted for the General, pill that's all 1 know about him." Very well ! and tkis. thought 1, is one of the freemen of our land, wl.o•help to eh/AA our rulers! MEE On questioning my hunter friend with re gard to 80 me 01 his' adventures, he commenc ed a rigmarole narrative, which would have lasted a whoile mouth haul 1 not politely re , (*sled him to keep his mouth closed while I took a portrait of him in pencil. 'His sto ries all bore in strong family-likeness, but were -evidently to be relied proved siocelansively that the man knew not what it wan to leer.- As speeimena of the whole, I a few. On ono Micasion be came up to a large- gray wolf, into whosci head he.diecliarged;a ball._ The animal did not dreg, but- emile..iteway into-ati adjoining caverii.and diiiinplieare4.7:Vandaysit,lyaited coolit not_ sewer, hear 't at' it - , a ,eett e e , to , rent a; waereupea:Tte tell , • upon, his PP4l4q, and knees , and entered the' cave. 4 On, ieaZhingitte bottom, he found the ' Wolf abbe; When a liblineh. tight" ensued; 'the• hunter's ,. knife'codiPletely , severed ;the heart...Gl •the animal. On' dragging out the deud-.welli9to the, it was found . : that has lower jaw'had. been braken„,which war probably the* reaaett WV, he' had not sueeeeded in &stroking OM 'hunter." " . At oue time,:when he was.out ol 'annuli , tion„his dogs ,Ifi*, : ttpett ,it large , boar l mid, it so . happ ‘ etted that the •lattor goLene_ol_tlid, _so' to . his Tower; - rind was about 'to aqilett:te lit to 1 death.. , , This 'wag 4 . right ',the hentet'ekittliki . - riot ,", Wed u re;, - aillieTsittalitlithed his litiga. binding-knife, Kitt - assaulted... Abe ;bltitile.initaitei.::' I'lle'liear'Gre'4l./: tiVitili .eiteryf rag eit hkelotlil it gilatid del ifitilliing'hist first plunge with the knife he eetripleielruut ,etttwo,ol,:his: own.fingerajnetead,olittjartng, thebettr. ~ Ile Wee 110 All i El perfact•pliten . y tif 'atilt' and rage;'iiiii '.iit:ll(ittritig aitothei 'el..' 3.l6iiiitio*eddiglialiiiT4tor4zUL) - \AhligiAliiird Alm v,ietory.t..Whatbear,weighed . three Itinf -,itred!atia:lifixrppiAtit, ...1•11 ' 0: . •: I • 1 '4 . ..' r', ,fl , clif iAictliitNWFOlSlon'he.ll34l, ;Ire!) at i a (Urge buck''herti'`llle''hatar'sUlt pier iPiCe ' soma thirty larittighrWhietiliangs over one ol,the, peels-iii Itiegalltilahll,riier.uOil-tiaNng pp, Auliktlf,9l4 ictPkii.tfor.gitu444lintrltplwas: a 9l 4 r? 15 NVOtu,IPPf9,IV44 1 tail' , iii 1 oi th piiipUtio,tit,ilittling itt,thid - • 4 ',To.• 'hbi tietit,'"Anifirle,lioWevitlildtPlbilb , 'until,- itleinlpeptungicilusfaetindmatleikirdanslid r , ,v4f10.0 1 PI AR, hutkle.rlWittf:4 100*i, thtow, , g, .sg l \l7l4 '4119.11t4i*,,41;11,4•Vri".t:s ,Rte re,, 1 ' atkebid, the animal *mama ejtens ;pit' hi latigii alOt4ilitil Ytifiiliti?er altll Jai. , lay;lialdatoittlitibultKittibltlii,*!*r . lliilt. erlipaylettli.o4 4 u'UtiailitOkl , ,inejlititteOl •• ' ~ , .- 2 .::. ,-: n'. :.,V, ; , .! , ,' ,1 ;.V . ,. , ,r',.."-1.-.4e.;11' .' : MINITI below, T'ie 4, bucmade its — estape, and Van clever Was not sett oslyinjered in any par- Idealer. About a month subsequent to that time lie killed a buck, which had a bullet - wound in the lower part of its neck, where ' upon he concluded that he had filially W urnphed over the anima; which 'had given loathe unexpected ducking. But the most remarkable escape which old Vandeves ever experienced, happened on .iliis wise.. He, was ncamped uporrono Of the loftiest mountain in Union County.— it was - near the twilight hour, and he had heard the liowlA,etvialf.' With. a view of ascertaining the direction whence' it came, he clithbed'upon an immense bouldei-roek., _ (weighing-perhaps fifty .toner)-which stood -upon the very brow of a steep hill-side.— . While standing upon this .boulder he sud. denly felt - a swinging sensation and to his astonishment he found that it was about to make a fearful plunge into the ravine half a .mile below him. As fortune would have it, the limb of an oak tree :drooped Over the rock; and, as the rock started from its tot dish foundation, he -seized the limb, and thereby saved his . life. The dreadful crash of the boulder as it descended the mountain side came to the hunter's -ear while he was suspended in the air, and. by the time it had reached the bottom he dropped - liiinsell on the very,sput which had been vacated by the - boulder. Vadever said that this was the only _time_in-liesAile-when—he-harl---be-em-really frightened-;- and 'he also added_ohat for - one day after -this escape he did'not care a fin ger's snap for the bdst game in the wilder neSe. . - - . - Wirilintri — frit to'Vandevei's- cabin, 'one 'of his boys came home from a fishing. expedition, and on examining his fish I was surprised to find a couple of shad and three' or lour striped bass or rock fish. They hid been taken is the Tallulah, just -below the chasm, by mean& of a wicker net, and at a point distant from the ocean at least two hum. Bred and filly miles. I had been informed that the Tallulah abounded in trod!, but I was not -prepared to find salt-n ater fish in this remote mountain wilderness. • Since 1 have introduced the 'above youth - Sul Vandever to my readers, I will record a single one of his deeds, which ought to give him a Loraine, or at least an education. The incident occurred when lie Was in his twelfth year, He and a younger brother had been gathering Heroes on a mountain-side, and and were distancfrom home about two miles. While carelessly tramping down the weeds and bushes, the yrringer boy was bitten by a rattle-snake on the calf of his leg. In a few. moments -thereafter the unhappy child fell tcrthe'grOund in great pain, and the pair were of eon roe in unexpected tribulation.— The elder boy, having succeeded hi killing the rattlesnake, conceived the idea, as the o,nly alternative, of carrying-his little brother dioine upon his back. And this deed did the noble fellow •aeco:nplish. For two long -miles did he carry his heavy burden, over 'rocks and down the water courses, and in au hour after be had reached -his father's cabin the younger child was dead; and the heroic boy was fn a state of insensibility from the fatigue and heat which he had ex perienced. He recovered, however, and is now apparently in the enjoyment of good health, though when I fixed my admiring eyes upon him it seemed to me that he was far from being strong, anti it was evident that a shadow rested upon his brow. REFUSING TO nem WINE WITH WASH INC. TON.—Towards the close of the Revolution ray, war, says Dr. , Cox, an officer ol the army had occasion to transact some business with General Washington, and repaired to Phila delphia for, that purpose. Before leaving, he received an Invitation to slineVith the Ccneral, which lie' accepted, and upon en tering the roam he. found himself in the-com pany of a large number of ladies and gentle men. As they were mostly straitgers to hurt and he was of a naturally modest und unas suming disposition, lie took -a sent near the foot of the table, and refrained from taking an active part in the conversation. Just be, fore the dinner was concluded, die General called ham by name and remiebted him to drink a glass of wine with him. "You will have the goodness to excuse me General," was the reply, "ai 1 have made it a rule not to take wine." All eyes were instantly turned upon "the you:ig officer, and a murmur of surprise and horror ran around the room. That a poison should be so unsocial autism Merin as to lie , v'er drink wine, was really too bad; but that he should abstain from it 011 all occasion like that, and even when offered him by Washington himself, was perfectly Washington saw at once the feelings of his guests, and promptly addressed them Gentlemen '!'said he, "Mr.-- is rigid.--.`l do not wish any of my guests to partake of auy thing against their inclimitiOn, and I certainly tin itot wish them' to violate pity establifshatl4kirtdpk iri thersiCial inteMoursis with me.: i honor Alt: 4ran.k - nenn,, for consisnqnny ,in,thu : s.-i !When ing to an .eistablished rule-which atari ,aerer'do him harm, anti lot the ntlemicia :Of A•liielt I . ilayn` nii4outit tin lild_goor.l.othnifffic,ient rea- _........ , , 01111011 S LnYtf, l 3tropy t rr,k,veryourioue slo p, is told by sevdrol attolenC,Writers respect mg .Egirvard; ti - Seeketnif - tb''.tharletriagne, am) a daughter Of Mut' Patiperor:`ll'lni See . retary' fell in love viillutlke , ipriiioesl7Wlto at length allowed Itilyili; visiPtier: , 'One' win ter's night be-stayed-With ,her.vely,lale, and 7in iltelneantl:ne'a4leep itiAr had ' , falen.-- II he law; Ids.lootmaticts - would he obiservetl, and.yet,tostny..weahl ,expOse , danger. -Ai-length:Ait tleym he,princess resolved:'to-eerry-bini ildn.ll.tir bick'ighliening', ltotose,: - ..Which she,dit l2 `....ittltappetteol-!hciinitior i "-' l thei-irom the,windOwdotollia:tbedlraoltilho' •ettiperor ; 6 .19 1 1.g1n -WIA O /0:-.14inir- , i-dinpit*josetiibii, o f pe - lorils„nnrtiat t plin,tyin* dity.v.w4eri,,,ggir- • `'daughter,whie, premntt,-Ite ask ell Adaeinightliibeilinibib a , Aidli•Whe eon. ,pelied:a-kitig's datiglittie.te:ifarrthitriiin her ,ttlanldersi.llireetthArest d and' enaiv i ! , in the an iiiti /9, Otit MAtit,9rlikpiglik / A -, The iygllswe - -011-thablie-It'es-wortlry-;t.l —4*9',r,71'.410-10v... j ereweM'itlartifed,' 2 ,btolihedertilimoil; 414dresi sing Engirvard, Ettid - rofliitlet IlidulOisid my . daughterohoultriAtdlfyliave ,epine.,Jo , pie; • titian irt , Winitli'Y :of tleatli'linli'gtvci thee tiro, ' liveso . Titke , -•thyl: fe11: 4 .1%10r 1 iii ' ,^riiiiriagei iltlac-1-indend•luvo.sllisimotherOt -, VP , , ' • 1' de. 414 C roc st ~4 ‘ l l . . a ;77,n m 4 iihrti (WI m „Ktit i rg. ro, ATO lidt4)(1"4.11"blif411 1 41 1 111)11r Of B t til r iA ILtil).4llPlijah italiPlibbtr•COTlCitB 4'49 AA' a -? fOthlatiii 081 n. ea : "and. Speak, no English.