Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 24, 1848, Image 2

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.sCoit it id stud, .expressea the
a i t u e d b y Nip •
leiiiiitnat the tifiLity. b 't%i
. ,
. (hit alladai`fyi.UU . ,re' 4iyed•
itv.-.6 " Pieri
..,f,.7 .;-..-. -:•..-'•,,ntivin-kiiis and mil itar y''
""V''-,', 17.`,elqantlit*Iti•:,P,r!,t)taF4,Y;:, ....T. ! •
11,,, N vrirl '-fi','lvvileylqat?... -,..,•,_,....-.,:,:',',1•?
~,,,,.--• cv. 'l a olp Itl f o , ~,,, ,, Q ,„ , ,,v., 1 , • : , .
''9.l' . •. - , T ,p re ,i.,l
i".,1ti'4 ,, -"'• i.,ride.; itia.',loenf°P.;-,.-.....1
`----t..., ''' frth i''ff 77 ' , ' C .o4lll:4i,q•!.Tit-kgP ' . •
n i it .46 ge main ly
sATi kt ,„.,, ,,, , 44i6iiiiiitinn are thou. , ,
.., . ,
----,,04-.-77- '•. ' • - •1 Wo ndburp. -- '-'• • 1
..',.;;:klCla'!"`. ' - -''''
hug rip= .
,between'r ''-,,v43rnor...eff • ATkon!la, ~,
1.,.: €*77r.” 3 .::----, ,„. ~. •„,, a :lii , !, -, seputor, .
...,,,,,•,..,' ; Win., r•JbouT3,llq:- - -
Iti,lP4-is,-"PPiPtett_-.7•.-, ,ifa' s i c i l ied by the deceaU ,
;,iciiit!tiii,'YP'eaq ? !.s?:
*,'' ~, ' ' i'.;-.`81114,-.' '"`., • :,'; :. ~* • ; ' .
:y.,-..,f4,.01,'5F,A -.., • . -.-' - ---' 4 , --- - - - ed itor
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?`.-.-..,...:, .--,,,- -- ivviii... and one .o ,
..., ,•
• 1 - '"''Of the ii.6/Mie'llw'''", ''.- '-
1 COnvennon,
''. •-::::,.),..-,,,:, !,-; -,-•'-• - • 4104,1wationak ;-;--i,
-•':.1,-;.!ifiiiijaieSlO'il!!,3 : ' ,, .''ia t idi -- y after 4,,brr.:
-;!:, '4.Ck''tri-tid*lftrglli/909•!tl!!.. "distinguished' - editer
N:4-i-).',"-',-,i';',,---v- :Ntr'..,tl:lv.oPA.:. i •eniy
f'.2o.M!"--'..,‘-',lr:`-:'-''''Viiiiiiiii, for nearly . !_'......,,, -,,
~;,'','`.,',,lXiit i4.-Arta,1)T.:.:,..,•..„ .',.;,.. —' • '!-•-• '''. • •,'--, -
..,,„..itNii-44;eifeli ', • -•'''f".. , ;,,....,-. '•'.! ‘'...;,.... ", ' 't. ~ •• :.-
ri ' ' '' '/In r 4 'Ati - :44t.;.‘,(J-:',ii5........ 7 ...........
~',..:.1,,:'1''''0 x.ivAriiigiu,opNYENTlON.:
(;.• t-,',..-;.:',C,'1.,0,P.P'99--'•''" .. , 'Li•ibtiltiOily as we I
4-4•V'L'i,4;447.7::".1.*0ffel ~ iiief id the Vint
'''.";Ti.'-.:t 'lanitilicin?!slit:P,4,'Y'.P.o.7'.. i .ii it . iii:l3.akik
ltill . ' -"'=i'"di-ijieti-i56.c0.yeq..,.!:. , r %, ,
.. ,
YO,, ' f 2 '' ''''
morniii :'' at )2'l)ClVek'
. ho us e
44';4111)r'' '' ' '''';Ii'iiiiii.dikitU:,*" openedid , the „,.: .
• the ~.'
..40.0,09tk..., -,.,.• --id, After, - •
,v.:;)..1;";;i4;:ti11itrin,',,nY91,,P,,,,,''1. '.. r - ro. Judge
r::.; , ,. 7 ,-,„ ?;:,-,.., is. 4 -aiwahito ky.e,OC 1 ....
4:,' , . ''' CiiiiV,OPll99 11 . 5 4 ,- Louisiana ' : , 7 ' - '',i lind-Samuels
: .... ' , O -- rio ''- e ' ' 4 iit;-I(4lelrn . , ,
. r n/ .... , i . rill
-. 4 ,7--Th, , i , ' it -o f•I C IIFSciIm. Secretar
-. 'd - Or fife., Op
''.:°:.''''''''''d'il7loo26s-'ini.:ii-2. FO r o 6 .,:ii- - i",*, P-,, 4 ,.. e !!' e, ' • ,--
.v.t;r.-Qp- 50,,triii„.p.n.,..,-9.,,,-,.„41-
, e _ . ib' r.,-,3,ntialis-;afid•-:renort
''' i iii° '' t `'''" a93l° - ' -- • - 'led - to 'acids in ' .
' ..
' ' D legator ento
if'' . 'arises - , 01- 0
' . ~ ~,,, „..
Vili ,111.. :.. .. ,i' 1 .'.
• trliik:StqleV, ' iv. ...f . x. .
''iiiii-colive.oioir ta::, .
~,,, .
•. : :r..r.lilikc**l°- ':-.'- - - • - ' '
. ..'''''
'''''''''' if ilien. odjourned to 5 o'c lock
• ihe'ntte•rn
eon, .a C
'' l7: lTimitte-,opening ,
*- ••Ifte.evit'—'.-iivoiotedr 0,inge.(,.110n,31r1,1'.1‘
0 . 01 . '.l 7 ' 8 !
,C O iie iiti o n 7 Imhp'subselu!P!
• .-- ° ..:r- : -,,''°l;l-6kleitir.,:-ATS.tpiteilsoi:i-F.l7:ifavlnii:ei
'~~fur-Presidenit,• iv•lth'-hben•nononit,iiridifataiZros°.l,i,..eie.
. ” r ii A Ai - st''llPm. •F.,' • - ' • -.yin
- ' . Pe lt e '' •-• ''' -• r'
lintineginl-Brice, , ,
made by Neasys..
'.., ,---Aien:.-- ..,•• ,• : • 'll[ll l ' Bs .vvas • .then
T,..,,-,-4,1.'A PP' = - who singly
----'--..„-•:,-0.'r - i! r1 - • Houston. ,-;.-' ' - - q, Command e er ..- ,
~ • - ---- - ,i,ai.1"*..0. :Gen.-,_-,2.---*-tlitarb:
'''..L.:(-.1111-&14-', 'pi.o-ten-dil--ro-p-i;01ient§V........--,-,
-,, --, ib y pOldw
an - was got ova
~ • .
' ' 'r4l'4l4l9 ' u-Y 'h N. -York difFtonliy,
' ' ''''l'l"i:thi(i4ieall i e --- ihe=adop,-
. . P 5! dig ' d Lokithe R(Ol'OtitzbY-- - .
'.wasose P---,
- ---
- 1 oid,thgt-
..;.- ,-• .
• .- tiati , nr.lfi t ePo!t:' ! • ••• • - -- .. --- 1 3 - t ',.• froth. ajl
'•' '''''''"' '' 'l iiii" . ille . .,nrrn P r -. .
. '"-t*i: r l:6°gni ir' allowing' ttie;nonirOlireP,
*t'liei-N:" . ' '''' - nitei' - nUtteidit
.li'ittlitiniiir'YOrk..eSe P ,-,...„
.‘: . i....:
' 7 '' ' ' ,.41:9 ' :','''''.4j4iiiiting,e(4!-13 '-c97Cl!!l''''
6 0 . '4 011 4 . . , ;.- ,' . -A. urocid - ai Tuesday -
'': " ''''''itk‘'Ccinvninion , - then, a. Jo .,„
Yfet,erdaes Do ings-We I lajt ,
rap wAs
;npon a counting, of; noses 7 in 7 oauctus,3Gqii.
115 delogftteo, flucthenan 79,11V00iP
liyry49, Etcm!im.P.:
-a qtreet!on
Ixasco - clisemsed.ofraniwas makmj warm
04}"1:41.'_WaShington con espondent of the.
Patrioti.says, "There is 'trouble in
the Pennsilvania LOcofoco wigwam ! :The
are . violently 'char-
Beoator Cameron is deserting the
...SsCretarYOUState, and bargaining away from
him agoodly portion of the Old Keystone's
delegaticin Id the Batimore Convention. It
iillege'd that 11r. Buchanar seeing no
,to get the nomination, and believing
be compelled "to; Ault the Cabinet, has
been 'lnd ulgin the beliel,,that Senator Cam,
• 'eton!,would'eid him in getting once more in
tfignit:eil.,, States Senate, but at last has
Avitiked up to tI eo. , fixed fact" that•Cameren
'is playing him false!"
• POOR .PILLOW 17....:4 , Poptaar, Verdiit t --
While the New Orleant-papers are regret.
. , ling that ,Giiii.r.tott.Will: ., not 'visit that place
... tO reetiive'the honors w hich the city emboli
,. ''llealtisdititel(cteir tti•i)estow on him; while
~,,,,,I; t n l ia'Oriple pri:teriSseriae in the theatres and
.. ot
, I ,.her public places to greet Gen. Taylor with
• 4 :;.' beart.felf cheers;' while Twiggs, and Quit-'
'.,,,, tftirk: arid ,Lliit.ldri, and other .oflicers have
"ililkgetiti;„lendered; Ceinpliments, the loot that'
',4)pri., yilloW :stirred up no single' demonstra
,N.-ortiii his favor while it New Orleans, speak
volumes in the power, of a popular yard ictol
" '' - .corideirifiarticiii: .---- , , • :,
7:;'Tl'...g!S r unri!q Woo7anni , Tlie,l'... roilt say
c '.'llitit:iglSililltrecidliaOhe'"giVen Nanielt his'
A';Fgoltiettl,deathivoundel.if there be any truth
„,,,, f , : ,itt, , the,late allegation of the non:i4r.:Yaiicy,
, •,;;Vid . ,didabarrittpustatinglllr.:Wodhery to be op.
; Ij.iiiiedto!botiilederal and poimlarinterference
i' . ''*titirid4viiiir the:territories and ,that" he
V:,1 , 504ne1d-thalltif people-et' a tetritorreOuld,
;, t ; -'''foti: fi , i iiiiia'liite,''.o,i the
y '.obj e:ciliv h. 4'''iiotir met
'fkiiiii:4 . iig'..rqoiiihitiltic;.: l hipai a i o ry, ie.adinit;
4T,_,.., , 4 1.• ,v`; A , 4 :, . ; ',,,
~ ;,,
‘.1,,-,,,taace.las a Sate late.tee Almon. 14. , ,,, , •1, • ~: I f •
I,, ,,,,, q4iptlTlADlA,P*4; , i, , .!rroßT,Et; : -- , rro , .cilp' - ' , friende
'.',: - :g with a; imokei
c lOONA'ijiti'4o 4, "iktliei'r 4iia4l,lll44:"o,anveW.,
9-- 7 1•,.- A , fw,,,
~,,, ~. , . , ~....
, -:,4.s, o rlioe,cp.mtaend;al careful atteroganict . the
iki."riellyipdoeytineinvpot in' out paper::: The ye.
11 4 1 61 #: e 00# - :**11 1 Pil i j'OtPrIii#4:44;40rF Pa-
fi) 1 404*,ipi*lifAe" - citri , Anittwill
0 - 1 4 , lOC 1 . - - ,1•1-0,,r.i
-••.c.,. sYllorJ, , 4nips!ou,,.
..„:, ,10 .... 1,,,_vk ik, i
41 #1iodfitriicte i egeW%'' "'''"'::-"": - ''' , ' I .;
1,,,j ,
liir - -ad voome eaye. 77 ,
, i!!#V.: 41 9 11 1*1
lei, 40,46 . A4i
I 'cliftitiliiiilieg
1 11 1d0ON - r ,m#
:g44 7,Y 41 .1 7 4;
:_l'4PiitilPli9,l,F,a, ,
Jh tatEiiiijahi
Ati.# 7 o,, t. toi
k i i ii i*°o* 't
, 0 , 4 1 ): 1 410 1 14 ri
1. 1 0.6,40*:P,, ,,
'4O*SW : li
4*111,' • !
1;144,,,..,,1',,,i ..,'.. ,!,;:.,;
.0 . , .
" ' 76 0 . 44 "804101iiiiitilii r 'Sli,
4 / I , i) l s.llof# 0400 't:< - ',:•-• • '
4 ttill'riio l o,bliyegAiiiii;-*litoi , ;'.; - ,
;alas':'‘iYitil':.feiig;iiriiiiifpAil ali ~
, 3. , '' 4 -' , '•^''' ' kic .', ' • -: .',.. ' V.. . C'.l ," ' gile
IY(tg l r e, S! t OI.O. T A i g :94, r!iltp!,!..l l l, ~ 0 :
1 Pi°1431.14e. ' . .girlq : 'vil.o)",tiLlk*, :3'§ o ,k*A4
vtlie4 P :Slott - ei r ketiittniSiYe''''; . ''''' , ktN*7;g ,
); .., •, ~ ..,, , , ?\:„ ,'-'"•.:‘ •.''' "',....,,, .;,:.
Comp;sit the neeOn' way " entiiiiltkite a trath % ',., ~'
' When thet storm -spirit Crinit'Olt the,..a p`t,.. - -:--:,...-
• Conte, as the motintainlvinut COMen in Ye 110111, ;
- When the. tempest bath roused it frometeett : "..', , ,,
The warmest welcome : intblitt'etittlififitio . 7
Of Philadelphians; aw,aits yeti., 4 , , ,Tlie,isfriiig"
-to the,laickcif their , tsere will hoChe pelted ,
in on that'occesion..: Their - hearte - and.,thett
hornisWill.,be open, ti):,y" 0:h..:.;
•stiTftey 44i:see:to-
If tliat'arnPleit!.a&sshinfedittlitrihis 4 Pftf4i'deir
coqPh, MO': COme;i4igirtlOlitYeer-Whig•
breilhenilretit3'inthe%iiiiinitiallens "ill tile
'W.P'g NOMPlLl...t;c9Yo9 ll 9 l . ) ;;An4Ao. , Rvir.d.g l 4 - 9 -
voige:olpublieepinion itt favor of p - rin-f , .
pipteit, and Witig measures. , : ycitx.will !neer
fneids on that occasion from,. all-parttr-ht the"
Union i .who, will , rejoteo- mith4 you , that the
tin:tell:near th,bantli, when the ,people—the
bone'anh iitiew of the
~,' latitllielore.-whonis
all tifirrite Irifiniili'''aie •'tleierthitind iii• t rise ,
in the 'hiajesty.olithewstrength,, to assert their.
fticleictiiiilisiiiii;iieil.iiT hurl itittnTPe‘tiOhe
Wig revilers of ttd*,.atui Iheintitrnitus per- '
Secuttirs Elf Seorr'itid'rriiiint!';':' '''
Washington, - : •
The,Yikritan.Matter, which has beep .ob;
cupyifir.the Sedate - 16r some. time haircx,
.pleded,.-„Qii..T.ltuptalay;•:Mr, Dix, °lall'lshakiv'
,YoM,:made, a, long 13uncofithp% speich•Ori - 14'! . .
Yucatan; bill;:
reasons Why'We'sirritiliT•ipterfeM , Orf:beliali
iasii- : ;aiftl2annuilliced infOrMitioPhimi,
'been receirm(f that - the Indians Mid 1. White
_peoPl&M,Yncetanlitkikentete_dlitttt kfreatyi
rtvhicirif-accepted-brbethtiales,;WOrdd• rep.'
_ileicir-intervention-finnedesearYi? , 'HEtifikiiii4: .
titre - toyed
ruble fizzling havisey.eLwitnesse,d;
thecorrespoutlentOl the Daily NeWS:4-'
The whole business Was a mere
nusenthle party triUkL-Land- the
-anent that the movers of it had backed but',
Wits received with loutthiugliter thiotigliout
the Senate:.: These miserable Lomita:a dery
sigogues lead made a proposition to interfere
iii behalf ol..the despicableZlexictins-iptiab; : .
iting Yticatan, while they refused lest , year
t&give arp_enriy-p,r send -ifsinglO-ship.,. at_ die_
public;expense,J4P PcePla Of. Ireland.
fromrsiarvatiim l Mt. Ilatmegan, if he - had .
any sense of shaMillefi, musthave'leit
-1 ified Ghat, 11, and blustering, should .
have teMiinated so ignobly.,
In -the Mr....JelinSott'&:reaohnioni
'relative to the-deterred nomination of array
Officers; (Pillow and others)'is.still under ,
disCuSsien. . .•
ln„tlie House, the Post-Office' bill has been`
telett:lMP';. and passed-second :be
Tennessee, delivered
a Politicialspeech, in:which beidelecided-the
Whigs and.assailed the, Administratien; ,
;oloiftiliiit:sPrisid9it Polk liattheen formalli
.ler,re.elcticpf..)-le. said quit
. th
, Neahleitt:Tiad ,been- . true . to his principles ;
having revaided• the members of the Con
tention that nominated him to the tune of
re700,000,t0 prove,. which lie Mail a list -or
persons who, hail been rewarded.
Both Houses have-adjourned for 'several
daYs,•notpinally to have the halls put in -
Summer trim, but really to attend the Balti
more Convention.
TRIAL or NGFEI.D.--The trial of Charles
Latigteld , accused 'of the amulet of. Mrs.
Rademacher, tank place belore.the,Oyer and:
l'erthiner of Philadelphia county last, week-.
The eyidence in the ease is entirely circum
stantial, but very strong against the prisoner,
notwithstanding. Lang ield, ma de an attempt
to escape on Tuesday.. evening, vrhe hp'
was being taken back to prison. :AlCihe
officers Were about faking liim . outOf. the
wagon, he made a sadden, spring from , the
.door into the road. He Was pursued.imme- ,
diately, and retaken before lie had gone ma- _
ny steps.
• The trial was.concladed on Thursday eve
ning, and Friday morning the jury came
to Court.with a verdict of. Guile!) of Illurdir
in the First Degree. The North American
says, the priOoner gave way under the blow.
--all eilorti at hardihOod . lailEd to support
hurl. HisVounieniancn tie - came deadily pale,
and'dasniOg,ldi be sank .dOwn 6p9rl
iniatjn,ibe.docli, being unable' to
efwas to "prison, Without tany:alt .
-tempt tdsentegce
lies not }'.etfieeile(rd PAW ...4111 4re
m an, ..wom
found'in • the community, Who 'iTpeiiiO(t!o=
have the' conviction a
The jary very properly .spent a - night in ,
deliberating and in' thoroughly 'hiimiding
the hiiiid: Ylit ' 444 iiii it is a redittrkahle
Circuinatanch, thal , they, made a most impor
,tant diecovery,,which had . cticarid the vigi.
lance . 'rif'the 'ehriswddakot the 'police, , add,
like iii4 . o -. iii4 l ..'Pl . the:0 01 :90, General *0-
4 i l4olstato;* the Ju d g es on: ihebenoli.
,Iv will ibe recollected that .54( Rademacher
in his eridenoe:testißed 'that: the adnAarer et
One time held him od the he'd' lif eite'hatii'
while witillidlitlier lie'AreFv' aa t inc.trurierit,
' frorii'liis is Wrist: ' I'lid,l)iaßls:'iPA;Ceilt 'by
Rth: tliii , i ) :Fßiliii;,iTfti,peiligedpini min: ;
llltl , YgloirqbfAd`l:iy therjety i end .io' tht36 hor;'•
ror serrrail'aviatoniehment; they discovered
6 '' '1g 4 4.4. / 14: 1 1 1 5 eiii'Clif,114 1 '' breast.' : Thie
-.,) v., ~, „ Yo , 5.:... ol.' ..( 4' i sere , - . , 11:.
,poci , cq,A porppikgrtrk9 joat. , stains or,
'hided !: tile 'itt:Onee i , toliedTthe greate s t
mystery,of iheeaaei , atidi linddeadf tho only
juror' who • had tatisita(ed t ilrOnadiarely . :to .
liiiiiifi V i s* ( l 7 tio s t rf %!* -4 7 1411 4 1° , 14:
i'•!%"'Z 6;;,, , .r.1.,• . •t,', •: ,' ,; ' ' .. ' 2 `
2 1, 4 t2,4„,444 1 174 1 ;i', tirf 4 Ao dii•C - 4 04 -k
T*9:fiiii . 7 4 . ll , o ‘4 o ,;*4 l "%t9ileanvi•i4Pi't
frlo4(4,o l b‘eii i Gf pht *4 6 4to l . l ',.;% l "it!ii:
m 0,,, I: l olo*RDlWOrirereooit with hlitti
' ' ilti a .' oo itali t o3 o o—a ' '' PhOithiPOlAti
ir,.:',C.;: :: ;Nt: , **,(!it4l;;lthiiiiii;
' ,i , ; x l' , ' ' ' ' ' ' S 4' ootil* 4) &J.i,"4:41 , *.;
~ :,,„ ~.-,, ,;if0)40, , ... , ..p..4 , ("es*
Ifo i ltiof.*isottii. ,, w,t4o f %ke&
'./.' , 4 1 M l., 0. ' 'if s '' . .F.'z i)' , AkT7lsi4i
w ' , tt ,,, , „. a
0 1 .,:-., .5.: ) . # 0t v ,44,1,.. -t,... , •Nt e ,
~ ,11:‘ , „•.•,•„,....,:-/.. 1 „, .., •.. aiA' . . ~ i 7 ',..-i.. • I. '.. ,1
T!'.,‘;'', : 4"..4' , ',::, -% .- ;S'. !f , 'i , . ' ''' ' ' , ..ft
,-,,,, T .-,.. ~,,,
itSti ONlttili‘rMß , hAVotEPEe,o ,
fi l ? '"411641,444t 4 9 , NZ t I F - 441 44
4 ,
~., ~+ st
-t4I Te -fr Arriift'kealt Start villnitiAa4Y thi 'I
'iiixica; in ini tilimbei'a=tifiß4 , MvgjoY
0. diet de the,e d e l4 6 4 44 4l l rifei4 l
Mander-hi•Cliiiil,theyrarMisi,dont f oliftalki,
el , eidections:'Were 1A 4 141011' 41 . ilkiltikiltiric i
'tieroPaniens In arms '
‘l ,. Yesterday merning his frietdS-Xintetifisii
name is Aegion.-- , assernhled" on the Street
hooting Ids dwellurgijSmllf„,-Rilr,litl i 't‘lgt icr_a
inualroVedimine'receive thent4ll, those
Who ese=`etelnilcitilphini i.
bsTtite bstid More glad t° getl Sight a Met
as be (tenoned. Those who had net everk
the •'chance of see'ng hittyleritibted their ,
horses and followed him on the pada - clef
Ironed that wwlin had leilllitritiffim`Victe
r3', l 99fkiftrYi sinarld:bol lettie the t ralliYl:d t ,
his great, operations, withont, one,. adieu.—
Aroundihis,carriage-4er, Ilti'Wthillcio vitt&
exhaPted hi:his:tete heaVy labels, and the
emotions n parting I VOW bii hrotheleiftt
arms, to tide on horseback—tie it p roce ed e d
along the causeway_to El,„Penon, the ofliCets
crowded, and as fast as one could give - th'e
aGod bless you, General," , , ami fall -back;
his place wits supplied by akin:limo:tad so
the adinqacont!nued for a long way 'on tir*l
.. i. ~ P ; ' "
Hitt "the most iffectiMs scone of all wits
when he left his hotise. 'The'rifleguardiyais
eitiiiiiTiplo isi - Ceive !Alin; iiniras beep:mm*3d
they presented arms lo their beloved camp
'Minder for the, last time; they r shed tears
like childiert, and so affected wee theatifsilter..
ro, that he coull'scruce get intolhe carriage'
From the Star dila; 2rl. C' '=' `,
Grit. ScoTr's issi Moth ix firiCsyri4r..
—A large asaenablage'hl the friends ottliis
ite,ble_nild,gallanLsolditz_tolictitod-tr.Jroht of.
hit' (planets the night befote last, and,baile'
him farewell dry a grand serehude. '''Send
Vesyappropriateletnd totiching airs wale rdo
ed, and; at ,theYclose , of the spirit stirring
sound, of itHail to the Chief," tbatominilal
ing form • of the Gerard vt as been • ite eftet
to the front , of the - balcony, freirm'athetire his,
bowed his thanks:silently, it'll; tree, but the
bielin - V3 eniiiiftif a 'bounding apd warm
heart responded, anti thme foud,anit , hearty
cheers were giVen to Gen. Scott=wire disap
peared)from- the winder,. , r,,,
r ,
_Pills iiil IC
ififureflect that he'refU ra
afterhis brilliant
iiients; tinder the circumsianctisin Which he
iltres - . - * -- Nrk - ottrer comrn er, we ven y e
'fine, could have marChed Iron, Irma Cru7
to tini , capital, -with so runaltV"force,-and
such signal success.' He hao'gifea,thaanny
possession of the Ini potful city of the Ail'' ,
and Indeed of the Republic. 'Nei pflicer is
more endeared to the arum, an the absence
of none could be"more drmidy•regretted
there are many who are attaChed to General
Scott as toa brother or a father, and,there„
will be 'wet eyes when herleaves.` What a ,
reception will:not the great Caplitin of the
age meet its bis progress tri Washington-I—
lk cannot be otherwise r and the day is nor
remote alien itiviin balm reviler's and ene
mies will acknowledge the lolly , preeminenee
of the Conqueror'of Mexico ln
The Now °dean.; Picayune' of the, 9th,
says, our citizens will be greatly disappoint
ed at not having art oojiportnhity+ i welcom
ing Get]. Seott to his native land. _Extensive
preparations were made to give his recep
tions all possible eclat. His' advent among
QS would bavebeen the trivial for public.,
ihi.eing The , antherillee bad ,resolved to
Tiitsrt city, The peo
ple had determined to evince their adinire
thin of his great services by every, mantles
tation, of respect and conlidencemhieh
hospltabla ono public spirite4 pasulation
could" make. oalrmongst other reaslns for
sailing direcl to his• homestead; the General,
in a private Istiter,_states that it would beta
becoming to court or receive a public demon
whilst latx;t mg under the displeasure
or, the Government .` On hi , s journey from
the city of Mexico, he forbade even .a public'
reception by the, militaryat the various posts
through which he passed. The soldiers tur
ned out every where, and, as individuals,
paid him Jim respect which, as organized
corps, they were not allowed to do. '
The following letter from Gen. Scott was
written in reply to a note from the Mayor of
New Orleans; tendering him a public recep•
lion on behalf of the people of that city:
BRIG PaTERSIWItG, l irem,Crak; May 1,
. _
Sir—Approaching• the harbor - had the
honor to. receive your note " of t he 30th Ult.,
tendeling tome ; in the handsomest' terms,
on behalf, ci the Municipal Councils and*,
people-bf New Orleans, the :hospitalities of
that city, in case t should pass up the Miss
issippi river. - 1 am infinitely obliged to My
spirited and patriotic countrymen bf New
Orleans for this distinguished mark of regard;
which will ever be 'cherished as one of, the
most precioes that en old public servant has
received for his ardent endeaVorsio'servia'
great and:grateful country;' •- ' '
Louisiana and her beautiful eniiiltaV being
the nearest to the recent theatre of War, have
.nobly done the; honorictor the - Whille'United
States towards toy' gallant- brother' bffiiere,
and soldiers who•havecpreceded me in their '
return horn tbe•ifield,land ititvwdh deep ren
pet- that Tooo=bleeding miotio• set:elope
with ;the great' mass of. mititoy , diiitiimtiori
eeceopacquireti7roabilet-partiOpidev in
distribution of ;kinclneas imnfthe suite
rat handet.• ~Bur, eirrtantilliboringiouler-the
publie.displeasuref of the President of
rates,.. and«asta isoldieridlitifal ; to _COOtitti6
tien authority; Vmay.tiet,rlor the lim 0, b&
dude upen'mY (tartlet eenetryinen,
or Make , ely Ptirsthirai movement it 'stray le'
ih , rrty,..phyver to , avoid;i that 'might provoke
stbeir , •greetingd. T ;amp therefore,. elreidY
embarked "for:one `rif - our 'Niiithern • ports,
the imarest•to my , fareily i end'shall retire-
Mani -await the ,•furtlicir 'orders';of the-,War
With 'greet' respect eiii4 esteem, 1 rentaitii
airi•fottifelly yaursi.••
• I I I
(3EtsrEitALACOTT'AT 'HOME! ' : 1
iTide loftftertarftvialif New York.
0 , 1 ) SittifilaYin tBh.latatiprirboSnaday left
491 htialth
,consisting; 91Captala Captain Oaks!,
•;!toP, poll Dr. • litliler, Sltigeon of the U. S.
;A:,,,.11'e learn 4fom;ihe. New ,York
Opt 'when Ow vessel 0100011 m , quarantines:
giaupd thq;laliatillaaft! otsagenialaftitaftWt':
Itaiftid :uftnoat, , Odarl that iffe ", General
, itic; 4 ofit n eitt great ellarta ,
madep aaJaaa•-•llipi to ,da ea; boLbe 'mkt*:
ouely,deoline r ds,all thew, preseipg.7. , Overtrireii,
dad'dearrotuf flint hie . feet up on
All Xistiildraey; litt•4lo,ese
,igitt4 On
taarpaig.too ,a One one
Yr i tqioON A 44 !Mt -e
4'4* gitkal
r t ***# 6 oo l 4iiktk fi M least ` P~etlti
4 'loo l 4l44 l oll4l(iii.**.ot
,tote, l 4tkiitig°'
*00440 ."
* *W e l
Mtri *it
..-ptkrir 1 0 4 , 4,17775,, 41N, , x , , , •,j‘
k3.4.5ki30 74,r, r1t4,1,f
• I
1, ,
itifirt**ilidiiii*O r7 ;*::::
n1,,"-•+': , ;5:....:t.ttit:1,4 .. ;, ,. ..„ . . , ..i? . .,1,„ . ,,..,,.,:,
rw4,10,...ii.gr0,") 0 . ii ripa1ttr.E...1....,
_dow44.. ~i4dit . rbty4t.„.ll3iti.,4o„i4,.,
oniutsp P TivP,p,,,,e!idrnt-srP,,cl!...
vollic9Alektiq , ')
f i l 4 gile.Oflfha4 4l .:Y'..T• '..•
.ilikko 6 ,Il Ok l ii t Offikiios ol4 :ddrith
i i tesitlitiOiiiiiii; ttir reiceiveit in: our
500i:et rfirj, thri2ritOtnitieet . - I"ritiny list' sitd
`produced i . profpnrid iensatnin of ' , regret, not
only; n , College, of .7hich',;l4' tax., Ike'
diStiltailiShed l liiad;'bui , : itlie - 11:'thik ' , S;liOle,.
l etim6iiiiiiy , . i. ..The-Pinfes'tietillaiilrSttidetits'
of. tiiet.lellelte?t,intnediatelY'liOriiiketinda;'
and' Passed appippri+i ; •e4diitjoritt r - tfhict?
are I . ):Olished' ?i!" olii'9pliimpt-r0:1.f4,,.-I,Ye.
,tiaii,o s :tlitiql,iii3siii;:ifilmil;its,q9 , ,,9press milli
'o 4o #l i A jc P i A l : ii L ,ilo Bl :#oo9i,#!!;lissix. of
ppr,elii4pne.; 1, - ,,,,, ,, :yr,i , ',..k..: •: ' 1
f.iyel•ip:e AhlermelD thtitqlbr.',Esrola Ar . tts
burrs ItheeilY or Philadelphia on ,the. 2 9th
ttfj:Jillit;iBl.4.l:;l4e I:wlii..lilt,Venp,-0,149.-Rliv!
Jelin .Enieti,b:,Ai ail ;online:lt tninfeser and
, itishep i,§l:Ahe,:l ether] istl!piscopal i chliiCh. ,
itFthee.tirlyniti,cif aiiiienteen; he was g'ra'Aln.
'god al l ;the 'COlamtiiiibOli'eie:.iti the city ot.
;!Iq.,vf 1'0 1 6.Y/ilk:OH) /.liiithrtll. l lonftra"ki '''• his
el ti5e.,,,11e.: a lied - raids - iiiidied -law - iti":iiiii:l
office ,thelloi.t6, - ;i - iii - i - 10 - ii,,,ii,i,l orßal
tiriii.iic"iiii,dt: lit IT# 3 ::!4 ; T:Saliosl"'Or ,'Yale Col
faie.' ...A . Y.Aegri 3 Of '2l'.iie int. Calle:tilt) the'
c4tdroltkatigiingiis iti;Dickinson College, and.
dining five i'ears of :servicein , that." depart
'meal, le' g,tined i it, distjnitulidietf, reputation
ai'd`Sci .... i9ar Aftill``teit her'. - Siiiiilignently he
ii - esantri.a,p,ernber..,9l,-,the-Baltimote ; Genfer-- 1
'once ~ .of: the. Methodist :EpisOpal Church,
end,-id. , •tliel. in in iitration ii 'the:liatictnary ,
PiPv:eg r illliii 6ll i li!.e ' lliiti#7 , l, titi needed not
to be" itatiarned.; After Jilting .a. nuniber of
appointmentslof trust and . eonCulence_in-the
tliirch, , lieWaselected President of DiCkin.
1 - ll' ' d' - t ( io nr I
son - reol eire. is a mum re ion o t he a -
infra of Ithte,lntirisising institution, was triaris nl
ed - Willfiliti ffijrfriestraltriiiiriy i aswell as
-with ilte'rucideratitm and prudence which
lielorlied . teliftfat4tltoter.;7:onder iiikdiree . -
jrtPV : irliitiva - etili - i'aPitllylii itsoareer of pros.
the: condition;ol;.itslitiarter&iWriajrnproved,.
and repittatinernorri Widely.emended,
unjil 'it; was lain a ectue - Hp psi ti on
the ,best seminaries of learning in the coun
try,. But his,physieal-eonstitutian, nut natur
ally strong; was impaired by his.*ccumulatell
and he - was indticed to from
Abe. College, and feek • the restoration of Irls
health in tileii•rigorptirk Climate. But-pul-
Monary'2disease had, _already made ',ravages
'hhitt:Wisaniiirvein : Pinta - a : a:repair . rand,'
Petir4l;l4 - 'thqt , the ettd olAife was -apprciaelr
ingi‘heyretritned from' the lest • ladies. to
Baltimialui to dip' among Ins kindred and
hien* ani to be. boned *his native land.
;Pr; P* 3l 'S Was a great antluood
His Apatft..• will-done belanionterl i - . by -the
Meinherat - ond, Winds of the institution
.Wlikh .: liiirlirasidad Willi SO. mireh Ability And
sikaPart,;.arid his , memory,wilkiv cherished
by tip Tabillty - who liii - Edi . and:the::s3llderos
Who rOVPild, Atm. "1 rs common ly too hide.
lost` tit. 'and • heptui
inetnher ol_pociotY i--a„rnatt whose .heart
And • band wer e..ever'. ready for ‘ L eveil gited!
work, and whose. pecuniary means Wert
iiihtlially . distrlblitid in Apcdsiatliena . voleace
rint-charity. 'the church 07170-Inch he was
an ornameht„mourns_ an plaquetitineacher,
wise counsellor; a scaloirs itdrocine,. and .
steadfast friend. ,S o c i ety 'tieweils a bright •
exam pie . of poriir l integrity, generosity-and
piely, - cimihined. with unassum ingsi mar.nere
And simplicity of life. Finally, hits family
and kindred, though overwhelmed wilt grief
too deep for, utterance at the,loss of a son, a
brother, a husband and a lather, yet sorrow
not as those without hope. '
That such a man should be cot down in
the prime of Manhood, in 'the midst of a
cares,ef public usefulness, before he • had
attained MA° maturity of his fame ; or per.
formed hall •of the work Mr which his great
moral and intellectual powers seemed , to:der.
tineltirit : is enliven! a! once mournful-and
;mysterious. Yet however difficult it may be
'for us, who are linable ,to see the end froth
therbeginning, to reconcile , such a Visitation
with the benevolence otthe GoVern
rnent, we may dative consolation from the
luminance that : &ugh. clouds 'and darkness
.are , round about the Almighty, righteousness
and lodgment are the habitation of :his
throne. •
. . ~. , , ~ • . . . .
`.. We haverceeli•ed rectlicli tot ptOlication pe sub
°hied proceetlinggi.-'" ' . - •
~ ' :k NEETING'Or . Ttit Flitjion . •
. . .
..• •_. . : ,
At 'a tasting of ,t e Faculty '
of Dickinson Col. ,
lege, beld'un FrlditO, May, I 9i , I MBO ho:death of
the dievAtOssni . Drsost, D. D.; wait annoUnced
jry. the Secretary, and the lisllowing ‘tninutu sod
resolutions adopted v.
.The Head , of thia'achlty is removed, '.A
inan,.agenuine.acholar, a devoted' christionAre
filled hishiggh faithfully,. Biqal.
lews,loved his *ltirtd . .heart _abll generous nature,
vibile-thirly,.Woridared at the grandeur of his mind;
and strove tb follow iievu rissinqa..stunte, his
*emend enatleaS wtte.dmieinthe
noblest sptrit;"With the 'highest' SIMS., and with
the , amplest 'etteceris. -.The College' uhder, , hie
Presidency, lies fully sustained its former recu,.
tation, and. Ala day toe a larger share of public
•Oontldenco.than ever. • •Do it therefore .
Iteertlyed,i'datinilte_denth ofD,r,Enonr,:the-
Faculty of birikinsod College:niourps the lecie
of capable" President, • and of a noble
Resolved, 'that in'viewv•offhil great 'useful.
111111111 in dria.cause of Education, and - of his tem.
protein/lye Maim for Ms, promotion and, dillbsieri,
We earlf death be slephirsidoies. merely:is
ourlni:vate 'affliction, brit as the:lose of the whole'
?.. 4 . ll lltilici . lad; at iva ;ender ner' heart felt sm~
Rutile. te the; bereaved family, with - *hem '*e
mourn, - yet lies as those without :
Rpselyetk That the weal. badge ofmournieg
be went' the members -of ilia VappilY ; itikke
the-College Chapellferifed in black until the and
of she ,prasentyear; • and there 'funeral oration
hez>pronounced , ensue!' the »meinliera Of the
Faculty at the ensuing conunenc'ement.' •
Re :deed', That ,the minute - :be 'published, „W
each uageni as tha tilecretatyinsy select,„
• , B.
- W.'ALLEpi i ties*r.
i• ~: t.
~... . .
_,.:.AL.,A ; meeting of. the. Students of 'DinkinsOn
uollate. held In .tint. ObsP.eloa sPridarmoniAntfi'
liloptht of - , ; Alot lelpi - ,. untned(atexTvr ze g ,
~ • shittlie`lntell!genee or AO •Slealk , er: okkiliF
. stomr,,D. Dl:lnte 'rtiejaoßt.: o l7‘ll l o.silkti ulion ,
tho-' l lbll9winif , .iptattiti . bps , end reolationt , were'
tibilinithously *wove(' : , - -...0 ,, 1. w, .' 7 , , . .
—, Volatan,l'A:. nipitdribuo[444idionie- hoe to:
ftrOiekfaint among imilutivittiatf If manhood
liccwrissideqtot num mis4l : tendettolickt446
atebli t gl l l4#. l 4,l4s.o ll , ll tvA , ,f ,l lo*
k "pi ' 1 4 it: - . lllll 4N l Lilifirniv i rrit t rili;T4ill
'ool:***lii/htevii:tikii ed,' b '6l in blt an..
Thaa r "i di t':4lll .ti` " .441 0,1., ‘ 6 (04N01 01 iidilfip?
Ir o l P 54 .7 —444417i* , i iit , xl.Aittp:i,
a;J,Thav 3 i jib), \ C sittrtsel Otidi
1,414103 it -or, 1 4_4lml* vocatoor , inc,
* legion ',DOW/4 , 1121411 ii‘of(ing
' • 'is kkOSAIP N tti . iti 11 0 1 01 10 sikiA.W. truul - 11
,' . Alt 4,K00-4:044.*:44, ,141411ri‘.141
',..;‘ , .q.. -.I i , VWN ,
' 1 1 ., ,;:a"•,5"::' 1 '.,"A 1, '.4' , "*.` 1 ,:;',:i3"?:14:;kiti.;4, '.,:..'1 , ar'. +1 , , , , 'Op
• - . tel Wwa ,
' riN. t: .100 103 00,1444 1
-A. _, tellvltektict;ii
, '',i:.. - .1•
''',.,-IResoliti it. ;yet
liertfelf !ma
',,renaliafoll (tit ...the
band inUttlk - Sni .?1!
'irbeteoeatir hligifti
1 1' Reitaßec4Maecis' , -.-- - __,
•diiii•great , :anif - good'Man,' the'clinplil Of thitillii.
'etltattenlie' hong: Wil h bliCk, 'end thatAlieeStif
dents .:atear - the usual •*- signs of,Mourning 'daring.
the- reinainder el the.present'sessio,ri '..ancrian.aU
public ocatidftneArctud. they respec i ßve,,litelger
,-Resolved;-Than Orof. , 3lcClintoek:be, hereby
tectinested'ver deliVerfli'dif&ailia: upon Ai:a; Life,
'and.'Character of - itailiftd , hiniiiiia` insfructiii,'at'
'his 'earliest convenience.. . ' •.• .. .- : -, :'..- -'. -.'.
Resolved, That copieti of these resolutions : be '
'sent 'to the 'tamp): and -friendd 'of the:deceased,
indtbopablishedvOtheinipertriir,thiii'lieriinglii s
the Christian,Advirste, and Journid, ind puck
others ne,the,camt,ndiee: ; imayeelect., ,--;,---'!..:"..:
'•• '•
• ' 4. W. MARSHAL', ~''......
• • .-
'; - •' I- rt...CRISWELLPEP .
;- ,1.:.-f. -, .' , ',i-t•'"i I:llP.'4.giNA CARTNEY, '..
• •-.''S. A. RA V.V/4NOS, ,
"- S.•A. GRARA'AILy. , . , ...
- ,-- • '- - Corninatee.
• • t Iwo
' MpETIN'O'S .
'Mk gOtItTIES:
HAL/ 093,EALis LErrais.SoclETY,3
•'. - • ; • .. May 1.9, is4p.
At. Meeting of t ei,Rellea.Lettrea:Society
hold ,
ler - 11e purpotie of paying altuit Mid tribute
to:f the ineintir3 , Of their deeeasafriend and fell*
mtimberi ,-- PresidenCEinittiqqhfollOvvinetirik:_
amble:and , resolutlonn•Were 'unanimoinily,titiottr
.;1 1 ) , Titsitnas,-Thecmournful:intelligenee.ohntlie :
Aleatkel oer,-belorid,fellow.meniberiPreeident
EMOitlr, ims filled , the heartetif all'witkatich
emotions , Of . sorrow !' can- thilyVe,exPerieteed
by thosefsvholiehold,the,armpillsied that -.gave
them suppdr ci the,„heart stilled that betitTesperk•
sire to their every, vosh,,entl,Alureye elosed_that
watehed:over :them ,with,pareatel solicitude 4 and
' so4,atirfed
,fotitains of oar feeling, ' add, Ito ;mimed the ten.
derest 'setisibilitielpf our nature. that from one
common impulse we have' met together to mingle_
our - tears in the same.prn,,ard to.unite'our
butes - in' theiabuThipression-; 'therefore be it •• ,,.
Resolved; ITliatithe members 'of. this SocietY.
lieve-heord,with-sontimente of• the profolindest'
sorrow, of the death of their late fellow reeMber,
PresidentlEmory.;-and,that r although-willing,to
subinit to the dispensation of Providence 'Which •
has removed' him:from their ,'midat, they cannot•
fail to grie 'thus Otto so gifted ,, yet eo mesh.; 6o
eminent, yet so' himble ; so iville, yet so good ;'
should thus early,have . been taker!. from the Imo .
Aly lie toved - ,':finni - lhe , - he - venerated,:
:ainiLfrom '
Resolved, That we fendertOthe family of the,
sad. bereavement; and. , 'a ulight teatime_ .
nisi of ourappreciatien: of rtlur distinguished
worth of its 'husband. its .father, and its friend,
`the Hell of this Sociely, shall be shrouded in
mourning fur the Bonee of one year.
Resolved, l'hat each of us will wear crape op
the left arm during the remainderof the College
Resolivd, That these procemlindi be publish, ;
etl'in. the Carlisle paper's., and that a copy be sent
to the family of the deceased. - ~ ,
, ..
J. 4: DEALE,
- -
, "•It' At ti Meeling of the 'Union Philosophical
Society,.flef- pick:keen College..held on the I 9th. -
Appreprtutere4olutions'ln referenio to the - deaih,
of President •EMORY, were reported by a corn.
mitme,,consisting of Messrs. H. Merryman Ara.
son ; AL , Harintm: !Ind:John W.-Madairy;
intnissed by. the f3ociat'y.. [The resolutiOcs
' ' -were= handed's3a ~
hour, that we arc
obliged, to . emit thaw]. ; - •
• _FUNERAL' V7saiiussz.-; , A'.ecifffion..Oli IN;
death Dr.-Eitofir 'with speciOt reference to
tre re auorta o .t
will be , preacheeLby ller., Jonx
Alei.orrocx, in the M. E. Clibreh, on Sen.
,doy vornirig _flex!, 28th i4t., sat't I'o'c:task:
CADETS OF TEMPER4CD.-7.1,C are glad to
learn,---for ills all imporiatit that the bobs Of
the Country Should be started on the Tempe;
ranee yea—that. a Section of ' ,4 TemperittiCe
Cadets' was organized in Carlisle, on the 6th
insi. by ;Leon 'thwrz, D acting -under the
authority of the Grand -Section.- Alter the in
itiation.ol the pititoners for the charter, the
following boys . were elected to the several
offices of the Seetion:
EilvrartlD. Quigly, W. A.
John E. Moore, V. W- A.
finite Brannon, S.
• . Georgelitteem, A. S.
George Smith; T.
John Lyne, A. T. • •
William. H. Bretz, G.
Wilson Elliot, U. .
Thomas Thornlon,'W. •
James Dawson, A. W.
Tne number of the Section
• Imenov=Et:rm.—Although' Very few new
buildings are going up in our borough, this
season, some of ancient dingy edifices
are underguing chitnges that will • lender
Ahem mote comely and Ornathental. The
r .
reconstruction, in a very finished style, of
the dwelling of Mr. Limit Frrruri, on North
Hanover street, is a notable example of this
kind ; Of improvements. We also, notiee
with r pledsuie several others on tliiiprincipUl ,
Streets which have been highly. improved.
the many newly-invented Cooking Sibyl's;
,which aro:daily„the attention of
• the ptkici we know of none tihirh "pones
see 'sopaiior advantages': to'
,the !*mpire
paper week
D., iitonoss., -Tlds 'stove 'we
itaye lesson' know , is all that its prOpriatin
YepreSerits it to be; and ptirchaooi,Wonid,do
irell`togive it an examination :, befuie .n#t
king,s preference aanybdier.:- ,
, D'Aziorro 'E:Stotich.
,ile will;
,pcpad QM fqt ipetr,uction to ahi4 ittvorita',affl-,
pliihinent..:,lllisipstiuOtion of tc.foiiiiir Oita'
• ": ' l :' ;" •
~I),;,,The,atioolion.of,our,,Farmor ret#lera
is directed : to
# i # B3 o, - *PRitsq*P.Px,xrhfAik ,
clesseit attrocuop.awl'iobts!!,..gA ,
S • ; 0 Al '''''"' " ' " e " ''''' ‘ 0' .
, i : ' ',. '''
•,'/40.(3011:..1419,11/F1511f.; h 4. • -,A
~tiy4ilii/ti.AiTlapLii;o4lt ~ AR 114 pf )liiim,
0 0 V,e . I an . ttinterealitigAiatkjr , onlpAr," . l4lo 4
, 1
, and seilabi to' itiollifite'2l#_l9lo#l4;„o44ittiity._
• 113 ` 1 Allr,NrieWOi+ :'-,i i l i ".4-‘ 4 ,feki,:;lWnS!!:: 0 4 4 11
whi6i3i'ii tic;Ok . ' pl'equitl,„ i y . 46, ibe g - fitiriOa k
0011010cre0;11118.170C11 risoll9d,frop6ille ' Orin*
for 60601' tithe: l'irice:*s:iiii.' ieriii)lbeji,
• Greely $t blallith,'lNiiiie Ysiik;')ii)iiii ! Joy,
, 4 , A , .;- :4 'fr , :;'l4l , ••• '-':-.'.. i-rsit , ,,- •,'W ; t i ', 14 ,,,
~,..,..,,,,,, , 1 ',.. , ,•, ,- 7r: -1 4 ,•-...1..,7.-+; , + 4'4 , ,, ...,--to
fair,E..! , xii.474 , tr:rit0tim*.1.9;eny.,,,1,..,,
_w4o,';'llatif that Ille/Pdi,lile,' are 9' tlait ,
'kn Pa t ..1! 1 .? 4 ) 11 ; 4 **if t...74 1 ? / , i Pt;AO ' 7
i kt4
' 4l4 ilive:dikii l l4,o7Vailt.b. 1 Vt.
' ll3 a 11 c44 - 10A 'P, , ' !n:. 4.1) . :::! 311'
'filliaolo-4140,4 :. :,.,r t,;• , 4
.7 1
:4(.1:n , :r,.. ;V r " ,4 •T''''' , "--- . ': , ' ‘, ~ i ; .: ,•,' , '1,;",,,1 4 °
-11 . irrCafer nod
ding; but:bean ng agninit it -mat:Bully; for
a reason he has ; (Mem:, Salon promises
him Arkansas .);' .'liannegon looking big with'
of'Ypolliati• (Query, bon tilti
man df Foreign Relations kno* Whether that
unfortunate country is., in North or , doeth,
Ameirical) —Mr, 'Dile' lao krit.'ffs r-616 i:ig
Possible.' Mr. Cameron buying' 'Rid seljing.
Mr. Dickinson trying to look very 'horiest
and:independent, with„band, in bpsonri,--Mer.
Green;l,l',llficide lotuchvjolly. Mr.
I 'lidtterk.trying tO)ferit:firitelligent. ; Mr. Up-,
liad with' , his mouth - open. Mr. Bald win
Iryiyr itat Mi.. Foote
T-ill'ifii!hgeen l o 6, 4tiniber• `Mr Miller:
_4 *ilk hngels. , Mr. Calhoun loOk.'
Aug as . patient ) as poisible Bor
land's Mr. Dayis; , •ot leok,-,
ing as it ; ayttar's'chrineati were lonkifig blue.
•Mr.tass :at, length fast 'asleep; (credit due
to. Borlantly Mr. Athorton. trying ,to look'
graceful: Mr. Storgeen ~sound ,asleep;: and,
dreaming that fly is bothering,hiari 'w here
agt-lhe.cattse .thiS, an noyiniwis a tvrialetl
piano of papery which ali.'WesleceriS thrnit-
mg , up 'his -- .nostril,<''Mt. - Ailed 4in. , 'to look'
tereeis Mr:Badder. Orfortninga,figuratiii.
tortsorial,iireifitibo'iiitti,a:paper-cntter;,- Mr.
I'Doigiese itild'hobliTholuPsoP4'oi9B 00 , tcX
take it • , Burial:4l .has, at iength,
64isling readinglis speechi at which ell ex..
Preis a sense of whet' in an migible burn.
„ .
7)3E' AsTioNiw_ip,cire . :=MX:,.-.Pmitreii
able„apeeoh - Ju• - .'idongrees; - 04'
the War policy and4he'.'uitilefulsiti
Aravaganee of the idministration4"llp-eS 1-
inatett ilia 'expenses ilf•..the war,al; One ,
47;71 . mtilion •of yotleXi.'' l . •Hts".itiew
„iepresenijnithie , ,,arnoullf :of specie
: ip'ain -- initwo L liorsts;iragons - ort - th - e - toatt — to
Mexico: - Allowing ore tlioueanil'ponn of
sllvei:'t'o`eath wagon , share would°be'etrung .
out ten glausanif ) six luindredpnif twenty -flee
ieagonss:• ;t:Utifihittietie to'..earh,
- Present - itreninternpte4 - line - of opebie
- sixty n!ilps:! . 7llep,slll 1 7 : TATO - Milk'
~tyled''progre=srve, ‘ lero o ,o Fee) .
towartis.Vexiso! He asked; whin We were
to receive in return for'thitqast 'amount of
money, etUl,iii4wered 'hy giving a viviti.pic
lufe of •the climate, soil and of
tltgMotile, forsaken region of territory-we are
in have agreeably in:the ternis of the treaty.
Hs !showed how
could: have :been ex ended 'United
- State§:LLEfe - rY'Sisitii Could:have beep made
free.inf • debt i - hy - i l iandlelieveil - froftt.the
'cesiity' , el raying lax . es upon the people: ;
This-Agrietil iteal;pr r ot:Teyts of Enropeir tef
Raid to highly'elicotraging.;:Eyen. hek.
laud. the most cheerily , accoulita ateineeiveit.:
,Getrit Smith „has•coutiltigled - • s6ooo
. thle
fund_fotthe relief Of three'metilmplls 7 , ,
oiled at Washington for'inr.iing at=
tempt of the'slayektY:eseape.,
• A rentiling,-Inalle-bubliti-aFreemairit-Jhur--
nab?' England drew last year from lb - eland,
£5,586.391 6s. lid.: and tier annual crxperi
(lnure there is £985,413: Is it any wonder;
that Ireland is pnor?
-- kifambroke - oMin - Detroit, fait week, and
before it could . ba exlingoililled'ilaee
Anal iartiilies weie'rendered' lionselepa,
the. Nybole 01 , two .equaren , pearly ; triptle va
palmated at 5290,0004-half in-
At tl.e sale of pews in the. Plymotith Con
giegational Chnteli, Brooklyn, (N, Y. )on
Monday, one gentlemtin took the, whole gal
!my on one sidejor the 'benefit of families
- wbo are unable to hire seats.
• , The General Assembly, of the Pre,sbytelisin
Church; in the United States, ass embled iu
HaltiMore On Thiiritlay...The . genera: as
sembly iA the highest judiciary of the Pres
byterian Church. lt,.iepresents, in one bo
dy-,.a1l the particular churches'of this denom
ination in iisthe United States., The general ,
assembly consists of an equal delegation of
ministers: aid - ruling elders from each pres
bytery, n'ilie folic:tieing proportion, viz: Each
Preabytery, coheistin,g,of not more than nine
ministers, shall, send one minislecand• one
ruling elder, i prOportimi for every
additional :nate miaisteit in any presbytery,
shall delegates be - sent'
~.• •
Mr. D a vid !sham, - a machinist-of Hartford,
Connecticut; it is stated has recently inven
ted a process by ivliien- , cast iron can be con
verted 'aliriesr insteritly,-"arid milli but slight
expense arid labor, - into steel. Twenty initr. ,
rites only is neeerairyte';converttit2tonl'..Ol
iron into Steel" of - the best'Anoly; a° piocese
ordinarily regitilitglrorri to-, ten "rlays:•4
The inventor. Ims Amen o ffered ; 142;000 tor
the,patem,right for tl4Btate.ol-Peohsyl:vanlit
alone.. Articles manufactured
prepared:hilyo4beeli proved and foun . diignal
Co tiloiny, an an ufatfurad ironi the, best Fuglish
steel. - 'lt 'thia - invention is feallkSvltitOt pito:
porlS:to',be, orie:gresd '0 1 0(4
of Eitglish,lebro, and;add.intichto.the wealth,
Of. Ibis • •., •-. •, .
Until lately there lits . bdert i noirgimizatiork
of political
_parties .in Diptro'
.crass having lately orgrrap ‘ eili Antqlvitp are,
exkliiPhL A - Whig biate
yeiolort, held im, - -Palveston Trin; the'
18th, day.,of` the,rippehttroenticlo 7 ,
figats icipi.t!s, 'National ;IVllip,Conietittoo,4
• PhiladelOtja, , ~The -.Democrats. , previously
nominatetd.Delegatesto their, National Con,
of union, tyho had ali;WytArttetrtai i lltt field
.' e.cease to, ovule tre
clile4tlon,Pl,lfrroviding an independent,
.ernm•ent•for, consequence of
the rejection ; , of the' Ord:gnu:l*
They nebt'ißlk —L ,;;:tirrittinr,rtip'nitjoe'le : be 4 lsirl
before cOligithifir,9i!fnes.4
Liecrier!: crt our laws 'met government,
, i: Tha,gregorf, Speef torannenhees the oak.,
cull returns, of the ..e ection for Governor,*,,
. 1.(1 -10 "L 5 l 9P°Mq Ake nethy',s3B:f L
J9Y; 2l l,L,' ,B 9 l l,4lnrii)g z 1 'AherriethOr plurttl-•
r .; , ';liather acl
; electiuni that,
ric T iotali r polik)o.‘:_otibilil . ,'s4.44 44H
ttie7eitylilltioton egurrt.o - ttoi,'. - etigre of,i4;
for'Vublin,*hoels Enstar4i.yhere:lifele,
of people.
P 4! 4.Ftt !e , ^
0 111416117 P94 1 t$';i:Rne:' 16 F. ; 11 0 1;{4 fine!'
ars irkeseardei4:friktiii4fAVT4.4;444
piiptiiiitkqi 1 40
whom he,
iatild,CUßP9til.!';', l4 ,::,9*q*o, ll ol l / f rat',
• ‘.'
1 7 40141100 **P 01 : 41 t 0 k 4 1C0 4* * ) .. l ic
i t
1ft 111,41 1 7 ' 9 ' , 1 ‘
, it' t •
• 'iltOPPl44 l .4! (000 f • t , ;
' f4t i l lt *ll4l 44 l 4it'' lll ?'
nilet:#llpOOKlk k ,- , C. , 2; , ‘
.1 ' , L''..;',', l 'i 1. , f:..'.::.; ',_::,,,,,•,,,,,,,.:
t:j! '':*,, tivnruiv,DELE94,oB -
17 4Iii'iti4tlyn_thtt-loilowiniiiiitr,icitelai
gttiiio f eck ChtfoOtt to the ,Whig . Pht:tiorl4
C .Pi' l flitT i l l ii ‘ :‘
I,l4frin 1 '4 15 0 . ; i , ',''. ,
...,.uty. hint City anclnpony 0
'...-Oblititel Ailed Philadelphia.
'lz•_•4 4 ,'.'oß lll ainuelPtrarO ,
',,l , z;;: . '3..ontgomery and. Delawire—Johr.
- r Vr,Rendersori
'8: liticks and Lehig h ,: , King
7 . , Cheater—Townserio - nnises ~
8. Laneast4—Thomas E. Franklin
9. Beika=-.D.r. Diller Luther ..
10. Alexander E. Brown.
-1 Luzernei*:-41. 0:1"helpi -
71349. phi mberlid
NortliarribielanDivld 'Taggart.
; „ :. ) , 41 ; , -Pettitur.l44 3 o4/1654 , -Stßibigheuse Adorns-lat.' Doi-lorner.
16: rfahlifik Ite.—E. M. Biddle
17; Henlinglotb tke..-Gen.
- /B,j;-110 filt,t4 , „&iiteeph puing,ei.
t - 104 A
-2g. , :eniwford; As. litliik.l>elgeon.
Thin - keel Johniichi:
•- • •
• central
isiTew„...,stakat Carom
tom tea , lappeitell rlay.ther latOyhig
- f.helialichaeliPhiladelphia City
Toivi(aead; . of I:heeler -
71414 •
' • • r.
'FialiOei Rot* 'Philadelphia chi?
._. -
goorge . Efißly; - : .
nt•Et.ierr9f4)iirzY --
•: , Pattl , s; Preston, otr.Witrynerr-, , ••
voar&C. Dettiegtorti of Litticastpr
Di id W: Patterson 'it"
Geor,tiel 4 7lYitiler,'Ot
Davit!. Cooper, of-Mifflin
Lai of',lferkti ; , ,
JoSetilri Paxtow vi•pohartit;o`:t _
D. ACTinney,,of .
L,_ D.,,,W..etnOffh,ol ',Warren _ -
-4oln l Anrrisii.K-cif :Allegheny— •
• F:
SariftiellYt•PenrionieFofrielefet -
Taylrii - 0' Initrine.
'Gen..l,4qpplnit reliiinifen in Inditiiin
iiiiniuncifieconininnd in blex
'ita4ll - 114fitIkkt•ing ittlieleit,,ttlihii I at
obtained pittionntletl..pointlarily. are . twit' IT
CilAuhEtt Omnii.flierouly agent Tor the gen
uine iirtielaw in Carlisle: Buy only. of him
as all etkers are counterfeit. . _
Aa t_;/sotir,,Al4:* litlilEttY, and . an Alma- ,
nay forlitt47 7 "''''' - 7 - , . - •
' lit—For Colds and Peirerish-tielings l inil pre.-
venting,.reverc. - ii)-;Wer , lAlithinn Elver Von,-
plaint-ktith-liillions , :affettiOnS-'-81 , -For Itittr-
Omn, Indigestion -and Loss of- Appetite 4th--
For Costiveness, hi fetualcisadyNics sth--Fur
"§tonnich'tt*Otions,,lliniAiis'anil ,Piles.
0 . l'iic•sient points tire, k is not nail to take, ne
ver gives petit anti never leaves' pt - Cosliy_e, _ _
' 1 - Ppr all'theseihiliga it is warranted•tmetyile3
and nil n40 , ..10,00 k.sto it so,,mitv return t hot
•-,i-Th' , riti.dinifie'. is 'IAINGI:KIi'S 1: EA - 17
WariPtion `it hi 'A fiviiiisse,fort 848, it',
ittio.. :,..
' ' Balm o Columbia 'Wait- Tonir—TO the
A ktsi
lafitamtitferlfllttrtf - lih ; a - rich, fitiuniatut.
head 'of- .hstiti'lreihfroM 2 ilstillrillf - tutu scruff, do'
not lidl i te:proture. the,Gettitine Mint Of ',Voltam-,
Lin:.-Inottses of ; Balt hi esch Will >more than ex-.
ceed your eNn.eintiona, ho. have lost
their:N."4 'for tts wity ' : years has e bid: it :restored
to itsisrikittai Perlection.hy the, ase"Of,4iishilliti.-
4itet.:Sftle or cOnditiottappeara to be no,Ubstalle.
*homier: it Mao 1611118411. the p.tiiiVio flow w nisi
which the delicate hair itshe'ss' ilhd, hr which•
means thousands (w hose-hair-was grey as the A bi- -
atis)eighi))itive'ls id, their hair reslot rat to 1(1 its
thrill color by theme of this imvalualde , remetly.-'
In nit Ciltell of fever it will., the'folind the most
pleasant' wash thin Can he' tired A few appiica
dons only are' neeessary to keep the hair from '
falling Quit ' li strengthettithe roots; it never rails•
to impart a rich glossy appennince. - Tad so a per
fume for the toilet it is um-trolled; it holds three
times as ninolt as other misealled hair restore-.
tires,attilts 'yore effectual , The.genuihe mou
rns:hired' only 'by Comsnick tc:Co., 11l Comdata..
street; New fork.. ''•
, ~
' Conners Illagieal; Pam Eltritoio;t4c-It is
now conceded by rneilicalinetif ilia I panel's Ma
naval Pails ExtraeteroinintilaOtiiredli,y
C.I "Co, 2t eourtland Street, New 'Yel , l4lts'lll - e - - -
greateht wonderer 12th ten tor, — Its • 'elreels are
truly iniraitiloni. All paha .;artiArefaeved from
litirais, scalds, Etc, and all external sorre,,;ll a few
'ninnies Hilo , ite'applieetion, - beapajtbeatnie on
the most delicate
leaving' vo .setir: It is•
equally b'enefidinl sti - 1011 kinds of flati rl
diseases, wick ne Sore Nipple's idol 'EveilSjiraitui r
Ilhettmatladr, V,. liiie-aw e:link
,and Ulesia;llrui
sea,_lllurits,' Chldhlaiiis 'Erytutielai, ;Biles, Tie
Dleltireme,'Ere ' We might add as a Proof to ar .
we .say,lhe 'names of many eminent 'physicians
wlio nee it in their practice, and hundreds of they.
oergrwlactlit.tiab it to their people Klitillsareet
keep-it idinstantiv on hand'; in easea:of .. ticeident
by . fi re lite maybe lasi without I t, list nee
all btir,Ware'ettbjeitio its Control;onless the vi
tals ariktlestroyed. ''• ' . . • . . . _
.. . . ~.._.
A Ontitien=z Ilemember and ask for Comstork's.
'Magical ll'ain'tvtrantor, Inanorardered by- Cuing .
strtr. le Co, New. York, and take no other. •'
Dealt ess enretl , Dt. , , D4' alr.O eC o u B tic
tstl. l llMseNlitif friiiiiiilit age aml::;frobtqafuncl
often -retielve-their 'horarist
_lti 111:1414; MI ilittllMlS
, manner; by , the' tutu or .1 hls.eoF;:.'lt-ibbi'llir: effect
tcietiierw.the.tettsioin:o24oifieltiliV , llTilitatoiral
aolioii'ttf -the.partn.'.ett'vetr to ;'restore' itie bean ug
:when , lost or , „Inknsiiresl:...fTbii will‘lie'delite!ln ill' '
cares Oftenetil deitfneatri find niabyreir.lcirt , •'
iltig.i rAillkattiersoni shenbi -vac , tbiatotl...Com-
1 stock•OCK 21^ tolattland•ittvelfitiii'thel,bole
s,dew,priee.,,t,l:l.,o,flask; s. .r,.,, •,-.2
''':'Piiiii4:',,,.s,Eifluf".',l4:6`4llo;,:lteituttp4t '; ', lrkY i.B
PitiMentoi a tOttlfOlC tnpre,,JOlY,:celebeatml r SS'
a 'intro for,_'llut4!loYft"o . -tni.. , oflAr, tolVtithers lug;
ent'eli'M*SaiiVost innunietabfe; wily tics
cutler,* to.)et Attlee: a r holtMow,the artteleand used
'ft ;yilit.h' inch kreat anceesi;that ii,ie t.o imbed true.
.pied, genuine, of COlstock se, Co, mt , ,conti % ' •
o,i'ectA.Ne* York, solr.ireprietora.-,- ',. AI . „,'
flor. , SphouNi .Sibk'.. Heatlgichttßemede
'thy swe.•
\ yw I vim we ; wit that -d stressleiLeom-q
pleintwiteeS.lo 06'0y:fist: hitathittWilliitit foil '
to cute - you ?:.. , This remedy will slreettnilly des-
Stroy any ettiek of heiditehe, either' oervuna or,
bilious. , ' It has ,cured ',cases
e .
r:2O, P y t et tm,l' and. .
expeetitig to !Peewee mothers' and sextette to avoid%
the, , l'aiiis, Distresses sind-Dasiers'of AChiltlbear...
Jkliti ore eornotikrateti to:isaltrr:rtheliti Tears..
allay+theiri , tierytennesti, led . tiotitheliediw,y by
the use of this toostmitreortlinsry , elitgetistilei 'two
doetienV,iThose 'whit!Will:tetnditilytaboitre its.
`Ore must m* mu sptirtniteit it in their beast. ..every;:
kindsted.streitionitteitusbmid will (*lt islit.mest - ...
iittletetti r derylii , .alleviste? the diStressl hileWife is. _
ire - On:Ma:to; byieiiiter and eertitiih - taititedipahieh
is the ? ;of kit this titetbeeti Tel leg I - Verther Patt+ • '
tlatiloie lwieddpbletitotetttledfor Alto feleekey
are to .
belied geo,tis*bente illeilioitimqd=„,_,
to bo taupe!. .:.Flittildettlier Nvitedier it ed,
and oolyi by' tlitidffitt : sole - p_ropelet,oes, 'tdiesteek. ,
be Co; St,Comyuidtidreel,,New York:
~_. • .
~; .- F:9O W91,01V"-F01M8100,4 Yilfflif i r: weir
eAlfitiliOirlif, I;i4'itaidreiviottkihoti•' !to hate
:iivordei .o .lllotiOn44;l3eiridb`iired) - aidebbe me:.:
titspellett.l,Koblisibelb - Z, Ether
4liveiritin'4,:lrrek2s.'o*4o' bottle . - Wit' neat
loloveitll'at iathilida'tnlp;,k o glo;** , ,l ait
4111 Ito' it'Wod:'' , ''z''" ': .'',' ', 4 : ( ..' .. 44 9'.cl'I''
o, TOldiellatritii3ltaiiipk.Ottiii&Vii:Marve '
iiiia ItiioeZlOldibiteititr Indiati Voititifil'e - Etliie,;. .
Itt li
Ittbrinoicifromr , lititelpt" aotnedlien; eon-
todoted' , 4oolotizlattellittOetbk , .learrented to
10WAki l lOgnraWilk-41". , '? td &..l - ' - ' - .:
i.V.., .. 1 11 1 :4 4 W . ,'W ruiPnr.lF - 014:iRpilimmegti.-!, _
l ity: Oft rivi,x4ol"4o.o 7 , r ositms-
(dm deal, r 1M1Y1 1 . 19 .4 4 40g4.., 40 0 914 MM '
CC 4 a4 4 OTV« , PlittMOt 0 Rev. rAttythele. ",
mew'. ,ri.croliarrintilto *sisfe:ueeleol, Ore., -
tieti; tlet.4*bellibuitl,k4i. • *lop'!" , diags, Ilk,.
4 1...N.A.1146„ ‘ - :it i llmicro, 441 , ..0. ,
Ar, , ~. tivOrtt,P, .. ,Allid 1r lish Vim
lA l o lll tr '45, 401 91• `l. lll3 *Cii- WOPtinil.
11 Xiult : 0vielii.1044.tliCteeit . 'dddredd ol
;;tlit 7 , - 0 . 1; '.. too"..oll,the.itteeV etAtlittlyttit'' - •';
'';' , A,'" - ;- - • f .:,•-• ..'•,,',"-:•'• ' '.', ,-;:,-,„,-; H . , -:'-:,- - ,,,•, ,, !.,.,T,,. , 4 !„.,:,:,.,