Eturritinfl ,the . celebrated (Leonidas'. filters 41 Which Gen,Pillow acted as Nits o .. wn triiinpeter, ' ttit 'rich is- - , e11.%0 3 ,#.i1i0 - 32, In 7 the eil i lit to get; to the battlelround,'got entangled amo• on some • • ditches i wide and Isaist deep in mad oialeater. The Generaldismounted Irom his hOrie, and, Pittiginithibirgh . ,•called upon his celinnn to !alleys, hini;which they nobly did. Ile (Pit— Jon), adianced rapidly with it in front of the enentyle, main , work., .* * * * During theadirince upon this work,the General Self (Pillow again) warknocked to his kneel by -2 :the concussion of a cannon_ ball, taxis BRUSHED the tinsel In the course of the action he skid a Mexican officer , and killed himwith his ' pistols" * * '* • * "The General's (Pillow's) well devised plans of. battle, his judicious disposition of his forces, his coolness and courage during the witolcred this terrible battle, has .corn pletelv silenced: his - eriemies; is the 'tippet of universal congratulation among his friends . and geberal remark with all !" FAMILY oF,Lonts PHILLTPPE, The London papers 'represent that the 'ex:King uhd his family remain' in the blogest retirement at Claremont, New LonOon, but occasionally pay a visit to Queen Victoria. The finances of the (entity ,are said to be at - it low ebb, as they have as yet ruceived no intimation from tint New Government as to what disposition will• be made of their private property in France. • IMPORTS' OF BAR' laorr.--On the 3d inst., the :arrival 'of bar iron in rift w York from Liverpool, England, were 20,488 bars, and 350 tons of nig iron. This will keep an equal - amount of American iron out of mark- •el. .Or• it will Leep our iron in the ground, . and take our money out of the country.— Oh t the beauties of the Polk Tariff—it.passes forei .n manufactures into our country, and pokes our money out ! • Otr- The trial of Col. Polk's 'nom neigh bor,' Gen. Pillow, the Hero of Duck River ; as lar as it has progressed, shows this miser able administration and its minions in their 'true light, Gen. Scott hoe more than SUE , . tained his charges against the would•be hero of the 'Leonidas' letter. 0:!7 Hon. Itmes Cuomo. has written home, that .he will embark for this country from Liverpool, about the last _of May. He pro poses yet visiting France, Engler - 1.1, Ireland and Scotland. • THE Cm:res.—The papers throughout Penn sylvania, and in Maryland, Ohio, Louisiana and other States, represent the crops to be it the most ptomising condition. . - - .77i.e . Age of Improvement —One of the most important discoveries of the age. in ameliorating the condition of that large class of humanity, Consuinp lives. is Dr. Wlstar's Balsatn of Wild Cherry. What establishes and consecrates, what experience a dopts and confirms, what all men in all places unite in-saying Is good and valuable, Is so, no-doubt. d popularity of this sort fixes in society - ,its roots so deep and strong, that time cannot destroy it. The success g'hich has attended this medicine fOrkeveraL -~yeso peat; fine overena — iit Thi — preaftidilee - nriiire-- apeetable and sensible men, and the article has tnken a stand - among the first class of discoveries and bles sings of the age; and when resnrted to in season e radicates-the" diseases fnr which it is recommended. We cut the following from,the Bellows Palls Gazette PUMP'S'. 1M WILMA 108 nAl.+lll3l. NOM it hPtillltling On r avension to purling. m many do. every thing that comes along In the shape of Patent • Medicines: and the tact that we scarcely ever take medicines of any kind, yet we Mel that we alinuld be doing injustice In the commu nity by withnlding longer the favorable opinion we have of Wistar's 11810171, in cases of colds and pul monary complaints. Having witnessed its gond ef fects, in several instances, we believe it to be an ex cellent article. Thn genuine signed L. BUTTS -tan the wrapper— bold in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. sole agent. Clove Anodyne Toolhadie-Drops—Sure Cure —No pain le comparable to that of the Toothnche., All the body may he in health, but the most trivial thing. comparatively speaking, excites In a little while the whole frame to anguish. The, great (ideation then arises how to relieve It. and In terspeedy almoner es possible The comfort that should besought for, is the Clove Anodyne Toothache Drops. a remedy that while it removes the pain preserves the. teeth, nod thus blesses as well as benefits. These Droops have been extensively used. and thousands will bear grate ful testimony to their value as a speedy .and perma nent core for the Toothache. Those subject to this. horrible pain, should remember that this Clove Ano. dyne wilt certainly cure It in one minute, when so. plied to the affected nerve. prepared and sold by A. D. dr. D BANDEI, Drug gists. 100 Pillion street. New York. • . Hold piss by 9. ELLIOTT, In Carlisle, and by drug 'Tgista generally Throughout the United States. Price 411 per Annie. six bnoles for flve dollars. 04 . 1t1) ,ffinilicts. Philadelphia, Monday Evening. April 21 The market ha• been sninewhat unsettled by the Foreign news to-day, and but few transactions have come under our mace. • FLOUR—is without much wort demand-500 buds Western uninspected,aold at *5,87 and 415.91, and 100 obble Ohio extra at *0,50. ,k ~t.i., CORN MEAL—There is nn Inquiry Mr it• WHEAT—Is wanted, and 3000 bushels sold at 136 c for. Red. end 140 for White. , RYE-1000 bushels retina coin et 78 etc. •CORN—DuII and ivithim much mtWement-1000 bushels prime Penn'a yell° brought Mc weight. W,IIIBKEY-220. in. bble Rlk for hhda• DIED. .. On Friday night lam, the 21. t meet, Mllll. JANE MCLELLAN. aged 15 years. daughter of Mr. Mitch el McClellan, of this borough. ThlOyounilady was the hope of her parents and • miny - friendi. She has been cut down in her youth , • . by a cold, which settledon her breast, and.consigned , •bei..lnan untimely grays. ' Who would not sympathisei with her bereaved pa. rent{ under this. heavy - aMiction 1 One on whom mueifeikitatiOn rested bas been takin away: One iwbrisi'litelleCi and fueinatingtiramiere give, prom. 7-:.lsecternrseb - usetuirire.intritara has anespavid• etosad her, career 1 • One !rho' rm . input a n d in ritddy,hehlth'il few months nic#, Jo now •numbered deed—While Many advanced in years, and iniffkiring,witndOsarre, are .pared: and their lives pin shalt we sayl "Even so, Father, for "an ligeoureditiod'ln thy aight."— Core. . : • ' Mr: H. R. would:. reaieetfully . r , y . yv lso ok him a an. ononyinaue 'Mote a .'fow days,' sincei' that the proper way of epellin~ oyster 6ellar ia - thus:7oyear Caller,— • ;and nor.!•oyeterieller:',' i``:_~ 8ohool '; T~: ffieetirig~ '?"A 'General of. the Taxable Matti. • wiantsOl.thei borough of Corlisle.will, be held at ----,,theirourt-TRouse.-agfeeably . resolution -- of Direetors on the first Tuesday, be d ing the day nett; at' 1 o'clock st„ ;;. ~;t4, f ilaßiOiestglng. shall 'be ••clitly 'organised; and de. iiidtpide ' . ho Much; and whet additional 4l'igigwa sto hallrite.raised for school purposes' for the stunting ecti.(ool leer, agreeably' ta the ,tirosisions of , thn:several , ,aota of - r Assembly establishing Cominon.:Sehools:- - Br ordeibf the Beard. s. ANDREW BLAlR.'P'ts't 9f. lissmatg. Seley, • , I , • • " ' 'Notice ' Oubseriber. now.liviog • in Silver Bering "__sewito,_ but., being ~ottotn. remove-' dna ,Weet,',lterobY .notifies and Warns pll ' persitns a. gaituit titisting any one on, agoount; tut is _determined-to. pay no debts, -eseept tbose - .50n. traoted ;by'hirnself in person or by, Ins, written ' ' 49rgiiKLE - AhAtiC 4 E% apd fed ibbons cheep,' sale b rl 11 "' Attu:Oloetttstrrtcnto. iBRIGADLANSPECTOWS . - . . ~.! wAlEttritlKKOßLlhic;.. • ' ' MBE Enrolled - 114ili ti-,and.:Volunteert,leub -1 ject ;t o military . duty ; Within thifikenildil' of the Ist "Brigade, 11th, Division, P. M.i wilt parade by comPeniesunder"counoinillif their respective Officers,On theist Monday orMay next, being the let day. • ~: The Assegai:lre of the different: boroughs and townships throtighout the county, will talte'no lice that if any Captain, or parson acting as such in' illy . militia company. neglects or re fuses to make a proper en•ollment and correct list of thrialisentees of said company to the Bri gade Inspector, then the Assessor for the town ship in'which said company exists; is required to make said enrollment end- furnish a correct list of the ammo to. the Commissioners of titer county as absentees. - The Regimental Battalion training for in spection will take place on the tbilowingdays; viz:— The lst Battalion. 86th Regiment, militia, on Monday the Bth day of May. The 2d Battalion, fßith, Regiment, militia, on Tueiday the . 9th of May.- • The 2d Battalion, Cumberland - Volunteers, on the same day. The let Battalion of the 23J Regiment, mi litia, on WAnesday the 10th of May. ;The Cumberland Greys on the same day. The Ist stogiment. Ciatriberlind V6lunteera, on Thursday, the 11th •of May. The 2d Battalion of militia of the 23d Regi mant on the mine day ' The 2d Ba.talicin of militia of the 196th Regimen't on Friday the 12ih of May next. The let Battalion of 198th Regiment, mi. litja, on Saturday the 19th of May. • The 3tl natialion, Cumberland Volunteers, on Monday the 15th of May: The l'at Battalion, Cumberland Volunteers, 0 on' Tuesday the tath of May. The 15;th Regiment, militia, on Ilia nine day.. di. on the places of holding the parade of their respective , • commande• By order of Brigadier General EDWARD ARMOR, Acting B. Lad in:emu Carlisle, April 20, 1948. , . . y l / 4 1.111111);11) al j:1 LqU THE enrolled Militia 'residing within the its of the 36111 Regiment,,lat Brigade, 11111 Di vision, P. M., are hereby ordered to meet for drill, review and inspection, at the following places, viz: The Ist Battalion at Oyster's Point, on Mon- day tha,Stli day of May, at 10 o'clock A. M. l'he 2d Battalion at Mechanicsburg, on Tues- day the.9th of May, at 10 o'clock, A. St. By order of ALEXANDER KOSER, Colonet.Couuanding. HEAD QUARTZES, Mechaniuzburg, Apr. 20 1848. 197th -Regiment. THE 197th Regiment, P. M., is order parade fur review and inspection, on the C, , Square in Carlisle, on TUESDAY the -Intl 01 May next, at 10 o'clock, A. al. By ore the Colon s elvonmianding. • P. F . : EGE, A, Attent on ! CARLISLE LIGHT INFANTRY You will meet for parade at the Armor Non 4A !psi_ A. M. In Summer uniform, equipped fur drii By order or the Captain. JAMES CALIO, 0 Attention ! FIRST REG 7 CLIMB. VOLUNTEERS. Parade in ihe.borough vi Newville on Tunics. DAN the .11144.mext, 10 &elm* ♦. M. precisely, in Summer uniform, properly equipped for drill and inspection. By order of the Colonel commanding. npr26 A. FILER, AV t. Attention TWENTT-THIRD REG'T PA. MILITIA• Parade in the borough of Newville on WED. NESDAYAIIe 10th day ul May next, at lo o'clock A. m. precisely, properly equipped for drill and inspection By order of the Colonel commanding. ortlfi J. W. DAVIDSON. Arlrt Notice. ALL persons indented to MARY WC:IN NIS by book lICCOUIII are hereby notified that the books have been assigned Cu the subscriber, and 'ayment uteri be made thereon on or before the Gth ‘ day of May next, ntnefwise their account .be plaed-it the hands of a magistrate for collection. opr26 GEO. W. HITNER.' Newvllle Fema e Seminary, W,VILLE, Pa. MISSES BELL and WHYTE Principals. All iho branches comprised in.a thorough English course, wilfbe taught in this Institution, together with the French language, Music, vo caland instrufnental, and Drawing. Arrangements have been made to accommo date a limited number of pupils front a distance. They will .be conathmly under the earn of the Principal arid her Assistant, who will give every attention to the mental, moral and physical edu cation of those entrusted to their care. TERMS, For Session of Five Months, the first cornmen• cing on the Ist ul May, the second on' let of November, payable one halt in advance, For boarding, lodging, washing, light and fuel, pieta-km— Tuition in - the Juvenile Department, comprising orthography; reading, writ-, ing and arithmetic, (first session) Tuition in the Primary Clues,compri sing arithmetic, geography, English grammar, history and Nat. Philosophy, Tuition in Junfrir -Class, comprising algebra, geometry, .asironoms, botany, rhetoric and natural philosophydat large) $I! 00 "Tuition in the Senior Class, cowrie. ing . chemistry, physiology, elements of criticism, logic, mental sr. moral science, $l3 00 . Orthography, reading, penmanship, grammar, composition and scripture his tory will be attended to by all the pupils. Tuition in music, and use of Piano, $l5 00 " drawing, . gm-co , French, $5 00 REPERENCES—Rev. Messrs. A.,Sharp, R. Mc. Cochran, E. Breidonbaugh, J. Wise,—John Kit. bourn, Principal of Male Academy,—Miss Sa. rah Foster, Principal of Washington Female Seminary, The undersigned Committee, entrusted with. the direction of the Newville Female Seminary, take:pleasure in bearing testimony io the enu• neat qualifications of the ,Misses BELL and ae teachers and guides of young Indica. 'They are'graduates of the Washington Female Seminary, and boVe the best recommendations frkm_filise_Saitsu IL_Foarsa,--the—Prideipal-of that,institution.±_ iVe feel confident that parents erifrusting - youneladlec : to their care, may feel assured that their , physical,' intellectual and moral ,ecicatiOn will belatthfullyettended.tch . ... • ; 'JOSEPH. HANNON, SCOTT COYLE, • • Per, 13,A RR, • • • • • ALEX.' SHARP, • 3 P. , Lyric; , • : WHOLESALE and &quill:1011er in • 11.. 'Foreign and Domestic Hardware,' Pointe, Oil,, , Glase, Varnish', etc, at the'old' Hanover street, Carlisle,. hoe just received from new. Pldladelphia a large' addition Jo hie, former stock, MAO 6 the attention of buy ere is, ferpitieted,.etiAte ie . determined to sell' Lower lhan-any:other.,lionaiffn I,3pang AdEunvitine Guards 1: YOU ere ordered,to ppade at the 'Houle' of Mellinger, ttiteughetoyvtr,-,on =Moriniir - the - ,tit - titticof WetliV o'akielt.,.vvith arms encllta6outrententi in,good'orddr. L It. MICKEY, • 8.--;.There tie.ati'ailjoiirneti Court, of Appeal held on-the seine day Ot-the earn° Phico s between the Wore 0f, , ,1 and o'clock. [aprl 9 . , 10 UST. " aii9rtTenf O • t de s = h e • Of Cuinus • 111114 t e itorotzglilteceipts an 111„iiiitid . 8 Account:of AUGUSTUS - A. LINE , Tiessfiret of' the Boroilili of Car. DR To oiisli'in,hands of A. A. Line, late . Treasurer '. ' 84 13 • Ba!Mice of .Duplicate for 1846, outL • standing it last settlement 913 561 'Amount'of Duplicate for 1847 2,337 72 Cash received from . J. Craver, Clark . " of Market•hoisse - • - Cash received from W. M. Meteor and Joseph Blair,' Burgess end Ae sistant.But (exhibition license) Cash received from provision store license Cash received foretell rents of Market Muse • - Cash received frolnrsundry persons on account of bonds due by them to the borough 1,268 63 Cash received from P. Davidson. am% of appropriatidni returned STATEMENT of the Borough's Indebtedness and Means. Amount of outstanding borough bonds 0,267 00 To meet which the means of the bo _rough are. Outstanding debt The. above account of - A. A. Line, Esti, Bo rough Treasurer,having been examined by us and found to be correct and true, we have passed and approved the same. N. HANTCH. 'LEM% TODD, J. RHEEM, Committee of Accounts. April 19 _SHEPHERD'S SAISAPARIILA, For the Permanent (Aire of ail Diseases arising from an Impure state of ike Blood. THIS Medicine operates particularly upon the B)oud, and cures ..dlenape 4 without vomiting or purging It never fells to cure the must obstinate cases of Rheumatism, dis. eases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi. tie, White "Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers and Sores of tong standing. It is cheaper than any other medicine in use, there being 32 doses in each boLie, which costs only 75 cents, and to those rising it ec cordin to olfaction one bottle will last 10 days. Certificated are pouring in from ■ll parts of Ow country attesting the virtue•of this medicine in eases of long standing, which -have been given up by physi aliens as hope. less and beyond the reach of medicine to cum ' WHOOPING COUGH. Shepherd's Sarsa parilla never fails to cure. CONSUMPTION cured by the cis :of Shep herd's Sarsaparilla• The fallowing is fro is a gentleman of re• speetable standing in Baltimore, who was fettuallf cured of that dreadful disease, Con aumption, by a few boiticla of Shepherd'? Saraupurilla. Baltimore, Aug. 29, 1847 This is to certify that 1 was fast sinking under sy in puma of Consumption of the Lungi until I was recommended to try Shepherd's Sarsaparilla, whir!, fortunately I did and in) under the 'strongest conviction that it saved my life. I am now rapidly recovering and hope in a short time to be health, and unuer no consideration would 1 be without the medfetne. . DAVID CKETTS. No, 23, Hill street. . , 850 00 Shepherd's Vermirage, or Worm Destroyer. $6 00 We oh allenge the world to produce a medi cine bitter adapted is the expulsion of worms iimm the human body than Shepherd's Virnii lze. It hes been used by .thuus inks with tiro Satisfeeti m. It has the advantage of moatpther Varmifuges, as it never sickens the person using it. It has cured children that havo• been -subject to fits for years, and that had been given op by physician; parents and friends. It shotild always be used as ■ purga tive 'or children, as it strengthens' them, and at the same time carries-Mir the coarser par - Voles of food;and worms, if they are troubled with them. 139 00 The following certificate haft been banded to us by Koons, of Lucerne county, Pa. It speaks fornselfi - Town Hill, Pa - , Jan 20,1647. Joint Koons, Esq. ; Dear Sir—You Will; pines send me 4 bet.. tleamoro of Shepherdio Vermlfuge. The three. bottles purchased of you s short time ago have -been used with the 'happiest, effects, They. were given to three of one. am -65 --worms , were- in-another-164, - end an the kat 67.J1 am _anxious, to give the reat of my family the benefits atlas medicine, and, therefore order an 'above. 'This is decid edly the.bed article for, destroying.wormithat ham ever been In this part- of•thr4 country. I lave tried Orricies,.Reaker's, Merrick's and Miller's, but Without:ooy teat( effect. •°' -• • Your. with!_eiteent • ' '•••••';' • ',..-SAMUEUEIist.VDEL . Sarsaparilla-and Vernally°• ate for sale . .by ther!fiillonaug reeptuitable chants' of Cumbesland county;P , ll, and by pi: M'Pherana; Harrisburg: • • •• • O:NY, HI ITN El 4 'Co rlIalr; ShoppensbUrgi:John'7ollii..Newville;. Robert Elliott, Newburßi 411t.''.1"n Lackey. elm eirovilleo" CO.Plalefield; Ruby &: &. Coyle, - : 1 1sOgekovvo;-'./,' &"J; Millburn, Me - Oinks. bulpt; ,VllM:tAlexanderl,JPepertoton.: • " ,i:.T4),T.Vilie Ordered to parade si the Public 'Hato" of Mr. , HOOMan, Cumberland Hall, on MoabAv ttio let del of May, at.. 10 o'clock, completily,equiPpe By' "order of, - ,the • pri9 Bonnets - end UST received,ki,nsig.ssOpit;PkPlii,l foollioriabler,iiOnoeii,ottho atoru of CnAoLts'Ocii;.tijr , ;',,,,ip Vap19,..,.., 114,925 471 1,50000 $3.767 00 ~'' .~ • By John The - Open' • 'oi 5.00 Bundty: persane onset:aunt cif bonds • 1,254:93. , P. Daviditin,;tti 'delay ettpenieJor •—• '; • • ''• 7 5 ' 0 0 Jahn'O'Neid for paving Reath street " 200'00 Joseph Morrison for shoVelingenow • ' ' .50.' John Vanandal for 'vatic done - ion • • • bridge' ' • • •15 00. Wm: Harkness for repairing bridge 87i Wm. Miller for reppinug pumps ' 3 75 Samuel Crall for repairing bridge • 4 25 IL Myers far roofinglwave.yard - walls •8 00 A. MoudY.for pavig West street . 325 00 J. Hivener'for Cleaning spring 7 20 00 Boyer & Maieer forplinttng_ , 15 00 James Dunbar for • attendfitw.Cotncil room - r 12 00 Sittnitel Cialt fo? removing nuisance - 275 'Wm. Wen far .pump handle - 325 Cownissioners tor room rent and fuel Wm. Riley for sassaament Michael Mathewl"..for paving North street Wm. Harkness foi setting curb; &c. - For fines remitted - A. P. Erb - for winding clock Samuel Haveretick for oil' and Can. . dles John B. Bretton for printing For repairing pavements at Market- • house -Cumberland;-Fire--Coticpaity-laptiro—L wanton/ Union Fire Company (apprbpriation) James Crever for ad and' fixtures at , Maikef-honse • Wm. M. Henderson for plank for • bridge Sem'i - Elliott for oil for Market-house Wright & Saxton for hardware. • Johtr-Noble k Co. for loge for bridge E: Beatty for printing - L. Todd, Esq. for professional ser vice. • • P: Davidson, street regulator J. Spangler do Officers of E. Ward election Officers of - W7jViiid — etect ton Small notes cancelled of - the borough issue e James Louden for stationery P. S. Smith for removing old tree iq ) 'front of engine house Tan Walker for taxes and IMO KIM 29 121 25 00 202 49 22 50 E exoneration, • Balance of duplicate of 1847 outi(and•, ing J. M. Allen 1 year's salary Samuel Crall 1 year's salary as high constable A.' A. Line 1 year's ealary as Treas. urer James Celli° salary es street commie eioner, for work done by him and other persona employed by him, for the borough 244 211 Balance in hands of Treasurer Wood's Steam Iron Railing Mann - Ridge Road, above Buttonwood at. Philadelphia. I RON Railings for public and private build '. ings and public squares, of every variety of Corm-and pattern. Cemetery. Railings, „of ..,.aWsic, and unique- de signs, embracing upwlirds of one ittndreil dif ferent varieties. Iron Chairs and Settees, for Gardens, Halls. and. Piazzas—new style. Verandas and Pilasters, for Cottages, made in every style. Superior Wrought Iron. Gates, for ,carriage en trances. New style of Balcony Brackets ; &c. Iron Tables of various styles, embracing Louis ~ClV,,Elixobetbean, Gmbh', and modern - Part • terns, with White and 06161 - Italian Marble 'fops. These tables have been introduced by the..subscriber for Hotels, Restaurants, Ice Cream Saloons, kg.- Therate 'ftsiatiful arti cles of furniture for Hat Stores and other ed tablishments where it is desirable to make a Lltr He has rocently constructed in elegant substantial Carr !son Hrrcnteo Posr, in form admirably adapted to permanency of position, highly ornamented, and representing a well exe cuted Hue of that noble animal, the Horse.— Such en article has long been a desideratum, and is now offered to the good taws of the public. Strangers visiting IPhiladeldhia, are respect fully invited to call at his Wareraoms, and ex amine his different specimens of new and beau tiful work. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietiii. Kr Ho has recently published, at great ex. pence, an original work exhibiting the new de• eigna and patterns which are executed at his ea tablishmem, embracing all the above articles, and the various and splendid - patterns of Ceme tery, Balcony, Step, and other Railings which have been manufactured for Laurel Hill and nth. er celebrated Cemetertes. designed expressly for his own establishment, and which may be cent to any part of the world to those who desire to tnake a selection. Undoubted reference will be requi red to ensure a prompt mum of-the work, after an Oppititunity for making the selection. Philadelphia, April 19. MMusHas and Calicoes. THE subscriber has just received a Very large mock of .IVlasfins and Calicoes;' which he offers at extremely low price!. Call and see ihem apr 12 • ROB'T. IRVINE. Jr. Fluid Lamps A FRESH stock of Fluid Lamps jnst recoived by the subscriber. npr 12 R. in MR. Jr. AFRESH stock of the Pekin Tea Company's Teas just received by the sub scriber. ' (apr 12] R. IRVINE. liinghauns. THE attention of the Ladies is invited to a stock of Gingham from 121 to 25 cis. just opened by the subscriber., apr 12 R. IRVINE. Jr. Bonnet and Bonnet Ribbons; A • LARGE Stock - just reeeived and for 4-0- sale? 'at extremely low prices, by 'ho Nub. scribal. , nor 12) R IRVINE. Jr. AFEW pieces of French Lawns, very fine, and new style, for eale . by aprl2 lt, CROOKS, 20 PiEPrs. English.9ingham, at 12/ aprl2 G. R. CROOKS. Rap I Rap 1 .THE subscriber will, give the highest -price for o RAGS, delivered ,at ..his ,Taper l ,Mill, or it therWiliehouse ,Ipcob Rheemonyi able.oitheuisi °mike! PIP"' ' 41411 ' _t .• ' , • WM.:B. MULLEN . . gopartovinrailrim Extendve, ruriiitta, Roams. , D F . & A C FETTER - - virOULD reepectfully call, tha' attention o IV House:keeper" and the publicoo the ex. , tensive stock of splendid .FURICITURE,qnctif. ding Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables, Arming and Plain Barium*, and every variety of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, ' which they have: just opened at their-NEW ‘ROolltlii, on the corner ,of North'Hanover and Louther streets, Carlisle. They are t onfident . that the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of atyla, in which , their. Brachia aro got up, together with their onexritzsa, will recommend them to every per son wanting Furniture. They have, also made arrangements for 'manufaciuring and-ktaping a constant supply of every articlenohttli 11P0. both plgin and" ornamental„ elegant. and. ful, at prices which cannot fail to suit pursiguiert, ill'hey would elineatly.invite persons who , areabour to commence ;house.keeping, to call a nd , examine their 'ileacol elegant itlOok to which• they will C,Oll/1111Ply 101140 1110d11h*II 0 ,the newest 11A40:10111 OFF NS made to order at OA . ehortest no! tloa_ . , `for town country. ' . catjhq. Aefil,?3,,iiv. ..,5 alitieubeiiiber :'4oeirett' to i nfoiin, the co'i?if it h h ' 'a hi A i 'ji et at to , SO remove ~..5 , I , 0 purr . um reoin4 niarra'and.tolo ;Ad Illy'. ot ruR,NI,, mutt ;to !the 'above , IA *ant. vetniekhe be glad'lo astride ol kende and'cueto got i ll , 4 ',- V '.: l 1 , .i ' Acon .FETTArc , 1 7 00 800 447 00 7 80 25 00 10 00 2 75 15 50 145 50 a 4 00 34 00 9 821 19 10 18 00 1 26 15 25 22 50 30 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 - - - -5-00 19 11 2 85 1 00 QM 2,186 On 80 00 105 00 100 00 $1,772 10} . 153 37} 84.925 47i =I FEWleltt and eilld' -,vary st thiousiriltore is wast,Higij eAteikt: Call pod, see, CAItAIONVI atid'Wtoricit ' lot ‘ .T'l 4 iiie t ur, jaatrefaci;tskil at " the Due t llive'e, iftrlinnover etragt. , imam N'6,lW . *to,o;ei.i . ts* List'Of hetiileiri of-Moichtin — dim) tf.a .. ~FOR:„4.I.IMBERLAN_R! COUNTY,. ' . . . As classified hyltie s 'aiderding •• to the ..different - r AM/ of Aesembly: ; . • .' - 'CARLISLE. ' . fterrief ''" . ' ' •Clias • License; 4ar ~,,W‘ tkii . , _ . : -13 . 010.00 Jolty' G. Cormohyb ~ 12 12 50 Joseph D, Halbert, 14 7 00 . •Myera k Shaeffer; 12 - 12 50 Samuel. Elliott, 14 7 00 J. M. Kneedler, agent, ',., 14 ' ' •7 . no Chat es Ogilby, - l', 10 20 00 Merles Bandit, liquors, /1 13 1 5' 00 George - W. Rimer. . G . . . !IA 10 00 'A. &r:W: Bente,l2 , •.: 1;12 51) 1 Daniel Eckels,liqiierii, (114 .. 10 50 ;John Faller,Jlqu'ors, , 14 r.lO 50 Robert Irvine, Jr. 13 110 00 Jacob S.-Faust, liquors, ' 14 10 50 J.Bl.*D•Stioads, ll 14 7 00 Wm: B. Murray, . r!! 14 '•'- 7 00 John J. Myers, liquors, _I 14 .10,50 S. W. HaverstiCk, liquors, 114 10 50 Robert Snodgrass, ea 13 10 00 S IVI &.1 F Hoover, 14 1 00 J & W 11 Fleming, 14 700 T H Skiles, 13 10. 00 Wm ,M Porter, ' 14 . 700 Thomas Conlyn, , 14 700 Wright & Saxton, 11 . 15 00 Philip Meeseramith, 14 , 700 Jacob Rheem,• .. 14 7' 00 t.., George R Crooks, Johnll. - Philips, .. -.... . 14 . • 7QO James MaGranalian, 1 . 14 • 700 Michael , Lehley, liquors. 1 •. 14 10 50, limner and: eed, liquors, ! .- 14 ' . 10.50 . Peter MOnyer. . ' 14 „7, 00' John P Lyne, . 13 . 10 - 00 Jacob Wolf, IlqUers, 14 10 50 Arnold and Livingston; : 147 00 S A Coyle, , 13 - 10 00. Portnoy and Fisher, 14 7.00 Jacob Leiby, liquors, • . 14 10 50 George Foland, 14 ' 7 00 Andrew G Lechler, •• 14 7 00 C Inbar agent, liquors, .14 10 50 George Beekman, liquors, 14 10 50 Peter_Humer, _ ' 14 7 00 John E Forster, 12 12 50 Nathaniel Hantch, • 14— 7 00 - Hugh Maioy, . ' 1.4. 700 SHIPPENSBURG BOROUGH: . Wm,..F. Carey, 14 7 00 Robert Snodgrass & Co. - -12 )2 50 Edward Scull, ..14 • 7 00 Henry Holler,• 14`,..5. 700 , Gish and Hinsey, .!1-3--s--.-: 10410 Jonathan Peal, . 14 7 00 John A Clippioger, 12 12 50 James Gilliard, 14 7 00 Hm..lrand Peal, ' 13 10 00 16fin Fulwiler. ' ' 13 -10 - 00 S Kunkle, 13 • . 10 00 John Stambaugh, 14 - 7 00 David Nevin, liquors, 14 10 50 Philip Koontz, 13 . 10.00 Peter S Arta, agent. 14 7 00 Joseph P. Nevin, - 1t - ' 15 00 W D E Hayes, 14 700 J C and G B Altich, - 14 7 110' Fleming and Sheffver, 14 7 00 John B Duncan, 14 7 00 Robert Welsh, 14 7 00 DICKINSON TP. Andrew G Miller, .• 13 10 00 Andrew, Comrey, !ignore, . . 14 \1 0 50 T C Miller, ,e• 14 7 00 Russell and Dice, _ - 13 10 00 W M Watts, . 14 700 _D-L-Beelman, • 13 10-00 Shriver and Cassel, 14 .. 700 • • LOPE WELL Tl'. - . __ Samuel L Sentman, ' 14 .7 00 Robert Elliott, .e , ' 14' 700 Jacob Hefflebower, -- - 14 7 00 WEST PENNSBORO' TP. Christian Leas, liquors . 13 15 00 Josiah:Hood - Sc. - Son --a. 13 -15'00 DonaldsonkGreen 14 -7 09 James Greason is Co: -.. 14 7'oo NEWVILLE. - Gilmore Sr. Stough William Barr •(Ag't) I Scott Coyle • It Jamison Hannon, liw 15 T y & J. MOCandlish 10 John Diller 7 Jacob Swoye, 7 I. Joseph Laughlin, (Ag'i) 7 0 FRANKFORD. • J. B. Lackey and Co, liquors 14 10 50 J. G. Cormony and Co, liquors 14 10 50 . 13 10 00 -12 . 12 00 13 ' 10 00 ulna l3 15 00 NEWTON James Kyle Jmeph Smith Adams and Eshelman- , MIFFLIN I t obert Hackett, Liguori 14 • 10 50 SOUTHAMPTON. John W. Clevor, liquors 14 10 50 MONROE G. W. Singirar Daniel Brisker Strock and Brandt ' HAMPDEN Thomas C. Rheero, liquors 14 10 50 John H. Zearing 14 7 (XI George Maieer 14 7 00 NEW CUMBERLAND. J. K. 3oako and Co, liquors 13 15 00 W. S. Prow. 24 7 00 EAST PENNSSORO. Jacob Reninger, liquors 14. 10 50 Longnecker and Ealingsr 14 7 00 Joseph 0. Banks 14 §Ol2 TH - MIDDIETO N. A. M. Leidieh Wm Alexander Gamma and Krupa" Ridor and Sailor ALLEN Alexander Cathcart 12 • 12 50 Eby and Fritchey, liquors 13 15.00 Isaac Barton, liquors 14 10 50 John G. Miller 14 7 00 Matthias Miner, liquors 13 15 00 Joseph Schroll 14 7 00 • SILVER SPRING, I-17'W. Mateer and Brother 13 10 00 John Reed , 14 700 Dunlap and Barr I i 7 00 Coyle and Sponeler _ 13 10 00 MECHANICSBURG. J. Millison and Co, liquors 13 15 90 Simon Arnold, liquors 13 15 00 John Coover 14 7 00 J. and L. keigle 13 10 00 Henry Leas.l4 , 7 00 Houser, and Jobb 14 7 00 Baker Ind Miller • 14 . 700 Ira Day ' l4 . 7 00 J. F. Spahr 14 ' 700 George Singizer .. 14 7 oa , Merchanti add all concerned in the - above' classification, will take notice" hay/ will. hold an Appeal in the Arbitration R:oorn • in the .Court House,. in the bnibugh of Carlisle, on the follow, log days, viz: Monday 22d, Tuesday 23d, Wed. nesday 24th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th, Saint.. day 27th days of Mar next, between the houri of 10 o'clock - ,t; ,and •2 - 1....itr: of , said days, to afford. all poisons an opportunity ,Whq tut yleel thernselies 'grieved 'by the above clslntioation; to appealfmm-the satno.2: - ' • - JEFFERSON •WORTNINGTON,',- .aprit6 .-*.' •. • • Mercantile A• i k Nei° by . . Stray Hag.' • ir4''ilVte.,lci the preinisos of 'this sitbsciriber.fin 1‘..1 this'boroaigh, about the '2sth of March, lest, eKTItAY 110 d, Iberia two' year" "oldOrnirked by pieces cut odt WWI sanK:- The owner is re quested to . cone ortaird IF.0!-ial".1,111115er_qt charges end take bitn 11*/1k,, , - 7 ~apr 19 ANDREW 'KERR, jr; • 't'Airl f sin* ft. 03 9. V '0 au • unmet ,.. : • • Atte. Stoeet ) Ooriter'of Mai n iiit. - itcd'Harptieri; Firth E‘iiii,bio'riber : iiiiiipectfußY,,innolindiiiir the 4pilblio that be--has taken the stand formerly occupied by_MNAngneys - at the corner, of High street and Harm's Row, where he hes just re. calved from tilb'Easeerti cities a . largg g e and splen did'. &genital* lof NEW GOODS, purchased of the Importers end Manufacturers, and, includ ing every . variety of Goods..' The ladies are par., ticularl invited to examine his bettinifal assort. merit Of Mass Odobs, Salting which' the follow ing articles comprise apart: euperior meal Cloth,, black and fancy Silks,-blue, black and fanoy_Cas.' Mmeres.6--Fancy Summer Goods==Ginghams and - Liwnst•llombazines and Alpaccas—Vestings of all.kindit_--Mons. de Loins, London .and domes. tic Calicoes—Mitir, Gloves, Laces, Edgings,Ho aiery 'and Ribbons of 'all kinds. Also, a large assortment of GROCERIES. All the above Goods,have been purchased at the best and cheapest Markets,, and-will certain. ly be sold vat' I.ow. He reispectfolly invites the public to-give him a cell., - aprl9 . "JOON E. FORSTER. Great Arrival.of Cheap Goods AT'OGILITY's ir - AMIHOLESA.,LE7AND RETAIL STORE. VIK I have now opened the largest .est_assortment of Goods.everhrought to Carlisle and no =snail - - - Flitiehasers will% well to call and.extimine this mammoth stock, as they will be get good bargains and save money.- 1 . To.enumerate articles and prices is out of the nuestien; as it would take up the whole of friend Beatty's paper, and the half not then be Suffice Ho° say that I have everything lit the Dry Goods line from superfine cloth down to a piece of bobbin., 4 1, very extensive assortment of SOOTS and SHOES just received, and cheaper, than ever. G R OCERIES.—A fresh assortment of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Rice, Spices, tke. now opening and selling at the, very lowest notch,— Recollect the Old Stand, East Main street,where good barkains are sure-to be had. • eprl9 - -OGILBY. HE subscribers Would announce Co T the public that they have returned frcim the Eastern cities with a magnificent selection of SPRING AND SUMNER QOODS,'lo4hßillgOf Cloths Cassi Meres, V.estinge, and. Summe.e.§tults,of the. most varied and beautiful patterns, all of which will be made up inThe moat approved atylo. They also keep superior Shirts, Bosoms, Collar's, neck and pocker Handkerchiefs, suspenders, Gloves,- Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Boots, and in. abort every thing in the line of Gentlemen's furnishing,Which will be sold at the smallest profits. They also sell goods by the yard cheaper than any . similar establishment in the county. The cutting, as heretofore, will be attended to by Mr WARREN PARKINSON ! who 'CUM hisgarments a la mode. Our work is all made under our own 'supervision. Our StOre is in Non!) Hanovr three doors north of Haverstickee BrugStore and nearly opposite the Carlisle Bank. aprl9 -_ ARNOLD Ft LIVINCSTON Daguerreotype Likenesses! .C. NEFF respectfully informs the ••• • Ladies and Gentlemen of Carlisle and vi cinity, that he has taken rooms on the corner of Hanover and Louther streets, in the hens° now 2occitpied_by Homer & Reed as grocery, and directly opposite William Leonard's store, where he is fully prenared to execute DAGUERREJTYPE litritAtttS ha:aril/3'nm to beitirpasted - 14 any other artist in the country. He therefore would invite allwho wish a correct miniature to honor him with a visit; and he flatters himself in every instance to give satisfaction. Single Pictures. medium size, colored true to life; and warranted nett° fade, for $1.50, includ ing- a fine - Moroeco - eaSe. • mgr 29 KRISSKINKLE'S HEAD QUARTERS . P. IVIONYER. North Hanover Street, Carlisle. • to-yotrwitfrthevlog-nryca I'o ali with a aintle,to none with a tear— 13 10 00 14 700 )4 700 14 . 700 _I banish all care from the passing day, I - gladden alflisams, then hasten away. P HE subscriber takes this Method of in forming his friends and the public in general, that he is Constantly manufacturing and lies always u. hand CANDIES of every vtriety (which for quality tehnnt Ire surpassed by any mentifeeturedlethe State) which he will sell Wholesale or Retail at the OLD STAND, in North Hanoser street, where he also keeps Foreign FRUITS and NUTS of the latest importation, which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. His stock consists in part of the following: Orange, Lemons, Raisins. Prunes, Grapes. Citron, Dates, Figs, Cocoa nuts,Cresin nuts, Pea nuts. Pecan nuts, Almonds, English Wal nuts, Filberts, dec. &c. &e. He would also call fffe attention Of the-pub lic to his stook of Fancy Articles, suitable for the approaching nullidays, consisting of Toys, Dolls /11, Fancy Notions.` whioh for beauty and varloty surpasses any thing of the kind ever offered to the citizens of Carlisle. In connection with the above he h_as just retdiveda prime lot or 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 12 ' 10 00 14 700 14 700 PaolilSr Groceries, consisting of •superior cradled and refined , 'LOAF - SVGANS;firad a good - ititaity of Brown Sugars; COFFE, from 126 els per pound; a superior article of Imperial, Young Hyson and Black TEAS; Molasses of all .kinds; Ohocolate, Crackers, Cheese. Rice, Blacking, Moieties, Brushes, &a. FRESH SPICEB, vi..: Pepper, Alsplue,Cinnamon,Cloves. Mug lard, Nutmegs ' Ginger. A supply of Indigo, (best quality) Alum, Stared:, Washing Soda, 841tpotro 4c. which will be sold at reasonable prices.. The subscriber retains his sincere titanic@ to the public for Cie liberal patronage extended to him during the lime he has hero in htisineas, and hopes *by attention t . business and it de- sire to please, to merit a continuance' Of 'the same. All orders front a distanot promptly attended to. Carlisle, Dec. 1, 1847. 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 It Never Falls, LURE YOURSELF.—From time immemo. . 1 11) rial there . halo existed in larger cities and populous towns, a species of disease, the depend. me and propagation of which results from the violation of divine . and moral laws.' 'l'd those APFLIaTED, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is presented, se being the most certain, aPeedyouid valuable specific ever Oared to the, ,anforinnetp; It has wherever known acquired a reputation thin daily experience continues to strengthen: '• Thoui sands have been cured by int_ttee.and•aa it , leaves no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or businetie, nor contains either.morcuo or noxioua drugs in the least injutions te.the sys tem, it is boldly presented. as see best remedy for such dieeasea yet. offetedj It le 'used. hy.phytd cians and prpnotipeed supatiOr to anYll e W ow,n res medy. Fult'ditectiqtis accoinpany mat ile: - _ - For - sale at - N . ; VI; cctral3d_ditd:§outh-atteetsr -Philadelphia; end:by E MOT. Uarlialer Dr, Barnitz: York - s - G.' W'.'• iller4)Laniaster Dr 'McPheresin and J: Wyeth,liariisbutg; Pee.,:..1 - . Blacksmith's 'hole ► subscriber btlers'at . N, two „Anvils, one ; Turnin g lauhlioC'Tire bender,'Grind stone , ana altreet varlet) , of other: Blackemiih's Toole too ilumeious toluention.—, Pelona in of such ethicist, would do well to calls es' birgelne will bb . giOttn.'" lie can be fourld‘ttt hie house incEest Pomfretjetreet. noel hie.old shop.' , 'WM. GRAHAM. S. ;'ELLIOT D. For Mat: A' *o 7 story BRRIOK:'HOUSE; Stable en& other . necepeary , ,outAbildingo, Pect Mere enbatid bn West " Lonther -street. beck of Prof. Allen a prottertyp;•l oreeseionAiyl anon 018 , 14 of Aler t ' For terms apply to ' aprs - KAEMPFFER.. • Fresh ate Oil THE''Eliabsolibet teceiteed of FFelifiTio. • egirs • • K, IRV!NE, " • ' ' Grocegiti. - • - . 11 UST' tecdiired, , frefilvetoat 01,0racp:•:, anring,willati * i r a .'k tm k- I F, ' "lf u i ik l a ,4 - Diy fair etigit for VW ce r4s aprs 40' f"tivanllvi, r!' ; 1 77 :71P NO ,P!C i te. g ,A* A1)00$16* Day GOOdsl—;•New 'Par culgement' ! itE'atibairtliei Faiunied tro d the city is'now opening; : st bis. Ol& Stand. on Main:stteeti. additiek to;'. - ,hil 'former. Melt, a LAA,GIII! 410D,M44;4114.110211tV.1111101ITMINT OT . YANA cr AND',IITAPI6I DRY'.GOODS,- which he in tends:to sell ,according tot* old motto, "quick sales end striall profits." `'- , Among' his goods are English and American Prints,. from 4 up to 12 carat', every variety of style and patuirn. Bleached and Brown .bluslins r 26 inch.. M 61- English"Ginghama at 12'centr, •French Lawns et 12;' ead • everyl otheraiticle equally ,cheap. Also, &large assortment of GRO. CERIES and QUEENSWARE. 1-10 offer' good New Orleans 6, priine at 7, crumb ' ed loaf et 10 and broken ;loaf at 11 cents—good Rio Coffee at ,9 cents,—goodlHolaaites 8 cts per quilt; New Orleene bekinglHolailetarlo-41. so Honey, Syrup, a superior assortment of Teas, Spices. etc., GEO. R. CROOKS. sprl2 NEW SPRING and SIMMER GOODS. MBE - sub.criber. has just . teceived• and is now. opening at.hi.. store, on the Spink west corner of the PUblia 'ilanarti o an unusu. ; stock of seseonable goods, such as• Cloths. Caselmeees, Veetings, Alpacas, Silk., Bombazine., Lawns, Uinghama,•Carnbric;Jac onet. Mull,Bwiss. Book end other diberiptions of fine white Muslin., Checki, Ticking. Glove*, Hosiery, Sz.e. • A - large stick 4 .f MUSLINS, while end en. bleached, from 3-4 to 1.4 in breadkandtirdm 4 Cents per ttard iip hi price: Aaplendid stock of CALICOWat prices varying"from 4 to MM.. . . . - Also, is fresh stotk Of the ' eirx.Es4TER ronv,LANPS, whithlhe has lately introduced, and which are found to be` by all- that huve tried them. the most economical and desirable article in every respeat now in use, Also the Thu Pc kha , Compnues Teas. He has been appointed sole agent in this place forthe wife of the above Teas, to which ho would invite the special attention of the love.. ,of goJ T 0... The manner in which they are put up is such, as that, the flavour is prase-ved for any length of time, being incased in load or tin toil. Families can be supplied-with any quantity put up iyithis manner. The ta respectfully invited to eall_and examine his stock before imrchaving elsewhere inasibuch as he feels confident that his variety and prices will be satisfactory to purchasers. --111511ERVIRVINE-,11:—; French Revolution !..—lnteresting News 1 • TH'public is respectfully informed that CHARLES OGILBY Is now pur chasing, and will be receiving in a few days, one of the most extensive and as usual THE MUTEST STOCK OF GOODS over brought to Carlisle! -The stock will consist of a splendid selection of Day GOODS, with a fine and general assortment of BOOTS AND Stmr.s.—Geoceams in abundance, and.nt the lowest price. Owing to the GREAT REDUCTION in pricetkof -many article., I feet confident that I can give bargains unequalled in this or any other ptaoc!— Call and look for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. 01 - Remember the Old Bland. op. polite Martin's Hotel, a few - doors East of the Market House. ' march 22 New Goods! • • t+ - 'S. :COYLE has W h Ot just returned from Phil adelpliia, and is now parting altrg o e ru ga Lira , nd oi 'em;sn'" - rp7.l 6 S - C 118 :nd• Symms. GOODS, colligating in art of the following articles: FOR LADIES. • • French Gingham. trench W. Collars Printed Organdies hick Silk Lace • inen-liustre-----Thread-Edging-&-lace-- Paris Silk Tissitt Cord Silk Fringes Broche Muslin. Silk Buttons French Jaconets Kid Glovea Brk Broche Lawns _Urea do TOR GENTLEMEN Black Cloth, Fancy Col'd Cloths Cassirners Summer Cassinters Bl'k Italian CraVats Tweeds Veatinge . Black Sett 47 Also, Damask and Ingrain e:aimeting, igured Booking, black and drab Merino, Checks, 1%1u.- line Ate. &c.. %N. I wish to eat to my friends is to anchor at the "Bee Hive," in. North Hanover street,'atid examine my stock of goods, and for cash great bargains may be : had. mar 22 First Arrival of New Spring Goods. T - HE subscribers have:hist returned from Phil- adelphitt with one of the !argent and cheat" eat assortments Of NEW GOODS enter bro's to Carlisle. It &initials In part of ' Fine bluMblaelt English and French Cloths. 'Fine and Fancy Cassimeies, Vestings offashionable styles, Forty plebes French and Scotch Gingbaine, at t 2, 15, 18 and 25 cents; Five thousand yards Calicoes; from 4. 6,8, 9, 10 and I2cts., the greatest assortment ever bro't to this place, end uncommonly_ cheap.- A 'mil IWous de Laines, F'laida, Lawns, Dal zorines, dec. Hook. swiss, citnabric and jaconct Muslins,bar • red and plain. Hosiery and GloVas, Checks and Ticking., Muslim such as tarleton, pink, blue, black,- mode, white,' &c. we are away. Laces, Edgings, Shawls, Ribbons, and altnoet every thing in our line of busineeS. . Also.- OUT usuol assortment ofroceries and tk Queentiware, Hardwaie,c. tog et her with men. and boys' cloth and oil-cloth and Palm leaf Hats. Persons desi roil. of Purchasing. good grid cheap Goods will save money by- calling on up, as the above stock has all been hough' for•iiials at low prices, and *ill bb sold "cheapettlihn the'eheap.. est." • .A.; to IV: .BENTZ, march 8 - 3 doors south of the Post Office. New Clicithing Mote. ski •• subacnbera have opened• in, tho Ja• room lately ocenpind by 'll, S Ritter - , nearly opposite Morrett's Hotel; a large 'add elegant stock of CLOTHING; tif descriPtionsonado in the A•ary.beat styleoind warranted better than than any other ready.niside io be found in 1110 county. They hate engaged lift. Geo. Bentz, an - experienced Tailonto bell their clothing; who will oleo !Site medeures.and makeup coate,pants or .vests, for.any Person who may. not be able to stiit`hiniself in their stdck of rdady.made. Now on hand 'a, great variety of Tweed•Coate, Cariaimere and lOw.prieed :Pantaloons and Veils. which mill be leold lower than Can be had else. , where. They dtin ftirnieh handsome bludblack Cloth Chet, ready tto pin'tni, for (rpm 's7 tdsls and, other goodi in proportion, , :Call and see fo yourselves.• . A. and IV. BENTZ. ~- , . , •Ow NlMfit'atid reed 'l3tOke: Tlie r iblictibir mould that lie'lihe jeer Opened 'a Flour and Feed Store in tho Jorge atone buildlowleeuoutheitaheoreer of the ppublic equere k oppoette- tho Slarkerktouaet*boro. he 'will' at allrunee keep on han d a• auppljrof au petioii,FtOU.V. Kilekdried. Ctird Meal for mile ueettogether arit h iall kind's of Ffited Stuffs; ouch as req. Shorith . ,,ett:, which be wild ell at 'ivhoteraile and retail at vei); entail "0_1.0691 for tarn. r•-aprdi Just Reclined NEW".C4ObD tio S; d still: be, eold low . . . , at the new and *tap atine - in•Weet 'High 14reet. Call and•liitea r• 7 • ' % '',, • • NY Sebi6 •. - J. G.CAttgo , ~ , ~ , ... .... „ vidoropyrtn. , , L SUPPLt or ' zo,auxis,•just raceiiad and' foe "go at EIL` LIOTT'S PrOg Stop): , " oars *iwts;.*:r.thO'f'aOpe/orti,inlVert'/I stiviet, .1141241184 V, ONV, OflVlcese 1 0d , j4i 09 00 a 4 901 Meal tiardwarcetcyg ',AVR 41T14' tvrolkt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers