Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 12, 1848, Image 1

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• if.Plilietriol,-tfil.lll4'.l
: :._,,yofiu.iii.iti:x.yigli
',tiks:.Rf .4e
has: ;
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• Dr. John Jilifyinii t
AS tO,MtitrElYhfe Offtee.arld thvel
21 - 4 ting to the house edjoinieg.his Drug Store
lon West. High street.: . npril 1
• . Dr. Geo.TOtilkei
,„ ,Willis- ,
. RADTJATE'of the jeterson Medical.
---- , - — CollaraTafT scMelljSis,•respectfully direre
hiaprofessionursoiViCes in the practice of Medi
'eine. Soviet" , and Midwifery:
• OFFICE at, the residence of his.father in S.
' l Hanover street, direetly:eppoShe Mortals' -Hotel
'and tnOil'Ptesbyterican chdrell. - op 7 '47
-..Doctor Ad..Lippe,
11 . 10MOEOPATHIC Physicians Office
iiiguh_t_tdrep,t, the hoime formerly ?zu:
idd by Dr. 'F. Ehrman - up 9
Dr. L C. Loomis,
WILL perform all
olierations upon the
— 'leeths7C:are requi
red for their preservation, such as Scaling, Filing,
Plugging„&e, or. will restore the loss of them,
by inserting Artificialnath, front a single tooth
tom full sett. irr ffice on Pitt street, a few
doors south of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ah
sentthe last ten days of every month.
Wm. T. brown;
ATTOIINEY AT LAW, will practice
in the's'everal Courts of Cumberland coon
tyl Office Main street, nearly opposite the
county jail, Carlisle. . feb 9
Wm. M. Penrose,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice
' in the several Courts of Dauphin county,
and offers his professional services to the public. •
11 . irrisburg, Jah-19 1848-3 m
Joseph Knox,
Pa., has returned from Carlisle., to the
practice of his profession in Pittsburg, Allegheny
county, Pa.• feb 10'47
puny Edgar Keene,
tice hi the .several Courts of Cumberland
and adjonintng counties, and attend to all pro
fissional business entrusted to his care with fi
delity and promptness. Office in South Hanover
street, in Graham's new building, opposite the
„I'm Office. • - august2G
Mimes R Smith;
ATTORNEY AT LAW. k Office with
S. D. Adair, Esti, in Graham's new build
ing, opposite the Post Office. mar 31 '4l
Oaisin 0. Mooie,
the mem lately occupied by Dr. Foster,
deceased. mar 31 '47
R. A. Lambprtim,
Pa.• - ap 28'98
Glass, Paints; Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel, Nails
&c. would invite the attention of persons want
ing goods in their line, to the large assortment
they have just opened, and which they offer at
the very lowest cash prices. leb23
Dyeing and Scouring.
WILLIAM BLAIR, in Louther Street,
near the College, dyes Ladies' and Gent lc
turn's appnrrel, 111 colors, and warrants nil work
to be satisfactory. Orders'in his lino respectfully
sett 2'46
(Late Haziehurst & Walters,)
RODUCE and General Commission Mar-
X - chains, Nos. 15 and 16 Spear's Wharf, Bel
aimora. Liberal,cash advances made on consign
amnia of all kinds of produCe. • feli 9' 3m
*V:RE:p.fricio of.the subscriber, a Justice of the
Pea hap been removed to the house adjoining
the:l'4°o,lsf Mrs.' WeakleY, in High . street, Car.
Hale; , ,ininiediateljt opposite she Railroad Depot
and WitWOR'S Huta. My residence being there,
I will' always be found at home, ready to attend
Jto the business of the public. In addition to the
duties of
,a Magistrate, I will attend to all kinds
ofMriting, -. auch as Deede,: Mortgages, Bonds,
Indembree,' ArticlCS'of Agreement, Notes &c,
which:will be iniecutedin-wneat manner and ac
perditig. to the moat oPpioved forms. • „
, YrfteXllnce latelk.occupied by me, in Mr. GM.
IfitieVerbtiildhig Is for rent, and possessing had int
ibeglptily.':The rent is low and the location good.
101S - IEI4B ' GEO. FLEM IN G.
Dlorrett's Hotel.
,HE subscaiber respectfully announces to his
:::. ,- friends and the public generally, that luahas
token the well known Tavern stand on the cor-
neettr o uch Uncover and Pomfret streets. form.
itilfkii I b'y ' Mr. Andrew Roberta, where_ lie
will en eavor to serve those, who may call. upon
.. ..iiitwilio mn#satisfactorymanner. • The house is
~ ,, i ,i.l a stlitintly situated, and is furnished throughout
~, • 17. .e stilh„good. bedding, end other furniturei.aod his
? ''.2iCeommoditiions are such as will , make, it aeon=
' 'yenient and desirable stopping place. No eSer..'
Cal' irilrbeapabstd in make at ogreeeblein all its
-.derrfmente - to those who . May favoi him Aijith a
.; AgiAkii).Eitg_will be, taken by the week,
'hirinnthi r ;iirYtior. `a t !lie usual
. , Aitp444Ti...-..i . .,.;''.- SAMUEL, MO 11,IttITT..' ,
, .'#:looleoii..lie Cijande.orthe. Ton9o-.
--..c.,,, , ,,...1...ii,,.;.,, v 4.'1 '
'.",',.; ~ ' ''''' -rl 'Tribe ,"'' ':"
'''';' PJ .. -,T
Ifo444.PDAVHaSitiN—noiihe horti CI the.
~ ' : "rluttlies; 11.0 the Knight' of the I,lti'*4r4r,ti-:
_...,.,_.,41 tl e t t i ly infra -Ms those requartng_ide*OfeeillenaL
:.Siftfit - 1 that may alivays -.. be , found ` t' OM likl..
•.: . .littisn in 'll.butheterreeti one 'door west Or:North!
' anOyer,,atreet;7iternedtately „in .thir , rear. 'of In-'
at ttfore, and:aid:o;lor hooyill,neitheiv,
lig' iodic • kOsf“.yist . Cu r clean- and .neat ,SIJA V:
-." Nal fdellidiratile ,BACIL 0 tlrl'lNG . .end"teSie .
, . n , laying Oat, and bultiiithig• either Whiekef orb Wousracher, - . hp-does - defr the county. ---- 7 ---:---,;.
-).',.'fre'ritilim sole inventor and manufacturer of
• it celebrand'aiid nerer-failing reinedy, for: hald-i
: i ~.,, i p.fiNl3l::!z,N!B = A,Rf 1 441 . 0-R-Yi;irhielt l
4 0
It i :to 'certain., af - its 'restoring the . huh: that.
PliStqltiA , aill*Nilt return OPQ•411 . Itio pur,Chas&
nok 11 #!;: , r448 -1 )1: . 9C: ) ! )I qat• 7: - .,.. ', : 1 1 'l2 1:1_„ 1
' ~ a t'" • l'"' '. - , ' .-. . ' , ,:: '•,—;--`-:,-'
Plainfield Classical - Jleadbmp;
Four :yalletrikvost betweeii the 'New= ;
1111*..fkir t3eps Rlll ve
ita ii
'-10NDY,Ilovifet 1
, 647.
Tlitrtibtalier of atudenta felliathidOind every!
• ' secure their, m'oral''-`mid mental ini- 1 1
;--Orovottitifit;' , *all -at fliel4 , cotafort- Ind ',health.
DilfiflAifftiik*iiiirlititwarde or folly eiudenlik
have .Itotp,6;.oonetiotocitilvitti-Alifi inititutioar ,
The ; o.o4o . 4lo!braciriltllitiv are - . requisite for
, inllege,layMnltthilti4aNttfyitoftidet9n. Every :
&Tort -,yitir-bo made tr.gott v itpmeeti , -vr•
''"ivaiffhliette-NririlitY.Tileriaa'6ridocat '-- • - r
Irt, - 11 itlit
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The F i rankliti File 'Juntalit; 00',3,
pans! philadelphia.
OFFICE, No. 163} Chesnut street, near Fifth
harks N. Baboker 'George W: Rtcharda
—Thomas-Hart Mosdacti , DTßEAViic
Tobias Wagner.- Adolphe B. Bode .
Samuel. .Grant David S. Brown. ~
Jacob R. Smith . • .11Iorrie Patterson
Continue to make insurance perpetual
ifirrayery description of property in towh and
country, at rates as law as aro Consistent with
security. Tho company haVe reserved a late
contingent fund, which wiartheir capital and pre
miums, safely invested, ailhrd
,ample protection
to the insured.
.' The assets of the company on January let,
1 84 8, as published agreeably to en act of Assam ,
bly, were as follows, viz : •
Mortgages $890,558 65 . •
Real Estate 1 . 08,358 90
Temporary Loans • 124,459 00
Stocks, . 51,563 25
-- Gistronthandand - thliands of •
agen,a, 35,373 28
Since their incorporation, n period of eighteen
years, They have paid upwards of ONE NILLION,
thereby affording evidence of the advantages of
insurance, as well as the ability and dispoSideri
to meet with promptness. all liabilities. •
HAS. P. BANCEER, Sec'. feb 2
The subscriber is agent for the above company
for arlisle and.its vicinity. All applications for
insurance either by mail or personally, will be
promptly attended, to. W. D. SEYMOUR.
Mutual Fire ineuranee. Company of Cum
berland county, incorporated by an act of Assem
bly, is Item fully organized and in operation, un
der the4nanagetnent of tho following Commis
sioners, viz :
Cht. Stayninn, Jacob Shelly, \Vm. IL Gorges,
Lewis Byer, Christian 'l4tzet. Robert Sterrett,
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin 11.
Musser, LC'Yi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Semi. Prow
ell, sreen,i Meieboir Brcnemen, who respectfully
call the attention of citizens of C.umberland and
York counties to the advantages which' the com
_hold out.
11ffl . rates o f insurance arc as low arni . favorable
as any Company of the kind in the Slate. rel.-
sons wishing to become members .are irivitte to
_make application to the agents of the cowpony,
..who arc willing to wait upon them at ally time._
resident .
.LEWIS rIVEIr, Secretary
L'Ocit lax, Treasurer
AGCNTS—ROOIph Martin, New Cumberland;-
Christian Titzel ittgl John C.Puninp, Allen; C.
Ft. I larmon, Ringstowp ; Henry Zearing, Shire
manstown ;-:Siiiiini•Oyeier, - Worntleyaburg; no:
ben- Moore, - Cerlicte. .
_ . .
Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk:4ne
rat agent; Johtffilterrielt, John Uankin, J. Bow
man, Peter Wotford.
Agents for Ilarrisburg—liouser & Lachman.
. .
'Nutlet-et , Protectiosi Contly.
, 1 AL PitorntrrioN G"\IPANY, will he
under the direction of the hallowing hoard of
Mitungres for the ensuing year, viz:—Thos. C.
Miller, President; Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre
sident; David W. 3lcUullough, Treasurer; A.
G. Miller,Secretary, James Weakley„lolin T.
Green, John Lag, Abraham King. Richard
`Words, Samuel I I ustni., IVil tlnm Peal, ~colt
Coyle, Alexander Davidson. There 'are also a
number of Agents.appointed in the adjacent
climates, who will receive applications for in.
unrolls:6 and forward them immediately for op
iiroval to the office 'Attie Compatiy,o hen the pol
icy will be issued without delay. For further
hilorinutionsec the by-laws or the Company.
TI - tOS. C. 31ILLE11 Prest.
A. G. Nlit.i.Ea,.Sec'y.
The following gentlemen linve l peen appointed
AGENTS', . . •
' L. H. - Williams, Esq., Westpenusimro, Geri;
deal Agent,
S. A. Cojrc,,Carlisli,
Dr. Day, NfeJlianicelnirg.
George Brindle, Esq., Monroe.
Jos. M. Means, Esq. Newburg.
John Clendruin, Esti, llogestown.
Stephen Culbert son ,Shippenshurg,
September '2O, 11147
DR. W. I'. IffLAND now offers to the pub
lic his Indian Vegetable Premiutn Plaster,
the qualities of which after long and tried expe
rience have been satisfactorily established.
all women who may be afflicted with the affection
of Plum...psis UTmII, or the Fallen Womb, ho
now recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a sure
and speedy cure in the short space of time of from
to three weeks, if applied, with care and rest, die
carding all the countless instruments end expen
sive Jrandages so long in use. ' This he feels pai l
tilled in swung, inasmuch as he has not failed in
one instance otmfAree hundred and fifty eases:
Price On Domatit 'per box.. Sold in Carlisle b't
S. ELLIU'I' and Dr. J. J. MYERS.
New, Store---Bargains!
THE subscriber hue just opened in the'Store
Room lately eccepied by•lt. Snodgrass, EN, on
%Veit High street, in the borongh.of Carlisle, a
Jorge and - general assortment of DRY GOODS;
WARE'Sab Sce; Which'iiVe been'selected
with great care, and•whiell , he",•is determined• to
sell as cheap us the cheapest. ,
public are reepectlull,Vinviied to give him
a calk Ho flatters' himitelflhat he can oiler such
inducemente tie will•malte it their interest to pa
tronise him;
CO' lot'of Aiiction Dry Gooda at verylow
prices., . Ati.MONY
Car Ja n 'l2 1848 . .
• - (Meat :Bargaini •- '
rjri tit •subsariliet: deteiniinorf Id 'Make a
'off his. pie.' .
-seni , stoolcoflgOodeatApettlrlidiffie'd
`Peraolas 'desrous o.(gotiinglgoad
well 011os , focala be, seld,:ll,fle.9ll)lllP'flir,
"il l3 W;.l9 . oßaildlteit"
'aisatted Witii fashionable aa4 aniplegeochi.? 7 !.l4o.4
flyidoe'ilii ba 'Said 2rpei tierovi fine: e01) . t.:
laViel w
lat'of Bos dhcsuoEs4eitiptotr.
atyr Q d !nod 4rd I f'-iassottinehtv- , ef,
. PRO GAIL/P I P, - tic i4e:.Yery, leivast,-ptiees: tE
Jan 1,2.18A8 - j.. B. GGILBY-,
Blankets,, - Blankets
- le,4ilatl4 r bp;•lsold
at tltp,
, ;
, .
10 , - 0. 8
• " '4 r 4
.;00r. ,„:•• ...
Lneuranc eomptinv.
$1,220,097 67
Fire Insurance.
Premium Plaster,
,s ti
,~, +
Lta 32ERIS !ZKIPEAII323=I74 7 Cr-,' , I;IBIZe ' ZAi,„ 4...411:1p..„ Rack
"Tun Pin."—Ttiejlevoiiillon In France, &alloy
ed by men Who have:need the pen and'arguinentai
their weapons Instead ,oftlie aviordt hes recalled the
fine - passage which„lldlyver puts Into . the„ Mouth of
Itlehillen, the andaciotie 'Cardinal of Francet
"Beneath the rule of men it:linable ORNAT,
.The.PEN mightler.than the sword.
.ff9iehiSia.the arch enchatiteiPi - nltilfg
But catching sorcery from The molter hand ••
' To paralyze the,Vregars, and to strike
The IOU& tariff brenthlesii ' •
Tgke away the sword
- State, can be saved witheulitt" •
"t- A ,queer little animal was Joe Dunklin's
pony, one of those freaks which sometimes
happen even in the well regulated family of
old dame nature. Arid yet he was anything
but a monster. Ybu could contemplate him,
-in-fact,--with-feelings of pleitsute r fo tt • •
benevolent, good natured looking quadruped
never ambled 'upon legs, legs, aye, there's
the rub. Poor Dick's were his only went:-
TO' Ma "otherwise . faithless symetry,
these appendages formate most striking and
lud,terotis contrast, there being not more than
six Mabee' of legs. frOm each of the four
joints to the 'hoofs; and when he was in
motion,—lreaven protect you froth weak
' blood-vessels or apponle:zy?
On one occasion when Joe and Diik were
in town, e crowd collected to 'contemplate
this marvel in horse flesh. While at its
thickest, Joe emerging from a neighboring
bar zoom, where he had just been burying
his nose in a,jolep, and elbowing. Ilia way
to the. tocus.,OL attraction, aaldregsed himself
to the nearest looker on.
“WeII, stranger, what do you think et The
eriuer? he•s one of 'ern anti be? I have
seen the Si'mese twins, And the two legged
'bear, besides any quantity of insects, from a.
bed bug to a liar egnstruetor, but I never saw
one that run himself into that pretheiment
vet ?”
"Von dcn't pretend to say that horse run
his lfgs oft?" said the individual incredu-
"I don't pretend to say anything else,
responded- Joe looking the stranger full in
the eye, tell you IroW it was."
With this Joe. image') a hogshead 'hod
"Otto day—no - mailer when—l Wairriding
Dick across one of those infernal broad prai
ries that seem to have neither ends nor sides;
(lying -between Fort . Leavenworth and the
Rocky Nlountains,) arid thinking-about the
probable chances •td losing traps-and
and scalp in case I mat with the , Pawnees,
when a tow, rumbling noise fell upon My
bar, like the muttering of distant thunder.—
, I looked up, but there wasn't a cloud,,the
sky was just as blue and quiet as !my wife,
so ibcouldr.'t be thunder. It might be an
earthquake. That wasia a. very pleassnt
reflection, tor, as I had lived in New Mad
'rid; and seen the ground gape some, I ex
pected every minute to find myself and Dick
beautifully buried, without the assistance of
undemikeroi sexton._,
The sound by this time had increased to a
pretty chunky roar, and as there was no
chance of being swallowed op. I thought it
only reasonable !o tat aan observation, for
things began to look as Al . they would not last
long. Turning in my saddle, I saw one of
the robst interesting spectacles, to a man sit
tuned as I was, that I ever expect to look on
again. About halls mile behind me, roar
ing, snorting, blowing, and running as it
fiends were atter them, waa one of the most
unrighteous piles of. Bullet° ever congrega
ted together. , And they put it down as j 1
each Isllow was suivingAo be first to get ,tv
dig at me.. I trierttoaPpear cool, but it was
no use;, my hair kept rising, till it got co stiff
that- each bristle would have balanced a
plate. Heavens ! how fierce they looked,
with thew eyes flaming like fire coals, and
their shaggy rnanes-stieaming in the wind."
"Didn't you feel awful ?" asked a sympa
thetic spectator, appealing to Joe.
"Feel?" 1 responded our hero—"l felt like
ri stray pig on a railroad track, with• an ex
press locomotive bel:ind him, and a high
lence on both sides of the road. There 'fres
no such thing as running around them for
they were spread' across the prarie as far as
iheeve - could reach,
and came down upon
me like A' great black wave. Time was
growing precious;
. every second counted.—
-The only chance wnS in •a strait race—Dick
and I against the field., In the twinkling of
an. eye I stripped Dick to the saddle, And
myself to the .spurs! The' buffaloes were
Pow well titi ; pud tieing their pastiest, the
pony all a tremble. to be ME' It was a sin to
field him, and, 10 tell the truth, I wasn't very
anxious, to do so. A yell did the business,
and away we went a scared. dog,
~ '
'On'! mil 'on'i-- 7 , whines,' woods and rivets'
were passed Will; ffpeffect rush. Still the
'buffaloes were humping, themselves just M I
my heels... I knew by the slatikeniug then,
'der o 1 theg, irarnp,,howev,ef, thip. the herd .
was growing thintterthis'A couldn ' t neer:rant
for until altiniVniiii:' - ' - leit. - About this time,
oneAf 'Dick's hoofs,cama off , -1-In limped a
little, but wouldn't give, in an inch . . When
the, second slipped Me pace. became more
'eVen. UMW the 'ea went,' and in n hull
minute more, his Mit' hoof 'pulled-Off in
. guag,inire. -- Out when , he, got off his stumps
_snails and terraPifishoWhe:tere Akre
Looking back.: (lot Alen now just as easy as
• aslutigry log, An epolatee-patelt) ilieire:ffity.,
- orte ; .orthipfetAitiet t 'SlfAntl.,':bibliffale, for
:about; OVti-irtiles;',-410 , : , ynu.eitir.. did ' - i3e014..,
GentleOinpwe jiatl t.iln , Overy.ontllitiliitrutei
iliniihttillftli - 07iifitilliiItlii: 111 ..oitcl;140:1IIIA7
*ha seemed ';tleleimirigil .:lii *hl 'i 'di, , ptirigli
,Iri Atiii, atteAMl,; ,: He ci - titian'AAjintl-iti,thatigli :
. ; . ;i4cl,:i. is: voit,' It i ii; ~ .'ilisS:. ifpkigl4,l`: 1 1 01i0k..',4111 4
last--kin&so!did the , VAgensbfeli4 . ifipsecif the'
l i '
-. iii i i;4l_.'b-'.e hit dAilt# , : #4 . o' ,
. s : 0 ,
9 . : ' .
, tiiAc4ho , -Pon'i 7 s-taio- - 1711!,, r - : - H-ai i ,
!fl:OOt, Oftml44defed.,flrepit,pipk;'atni!oi4l/Itg§'Biiggoo4A4fieie:Va'4Allt
ntthetosebepiinilir, used and , grountt
9 i tLevr l, ~ (;-...r..".;: ~ .t
' ni !II liii'Ciii not 'iin`ifilc
cried-an excited , kpeottstori interrOptipg Joe,:
'V! !yoii,,o,:;tho,ukhtfii,q;VA;;gzltieCOOri
-•feitiniejilied i -,O.Otillt \ , ','0..,-- , -.-5;',•, , ;i66 , 1 -; , , i
,t-• , Did i hwlive;V;Ati§d.P4,4 4 o o 4 l let .. 111 q 8 n.! 1 , 0 i'''
4 , 1 7. 1 i:iiiiiii.'009.1i,:1 1 . 11 fiR,00 5 :0 6 6 1 ,-'
:Wh ' en..; ritivii'ihrmqagiAl 11: PMr hail - WV:Ito kill- of
, 11 I0i,',`,C)PL,. 1 . .0; ! : t i g ,r 4 . 10;* 1 0 11 10!0 ‘ aqc
81L0500/14014-40;ienii°1i!-5010kilitO hi ie
luotivf 4 s)4 . -`:(,k;i-,,,j,:.1!,,,;::
~, 0,, ,,,
j#4 1 01 A t1i 0 0. 0.11 90.t01 1 41 . 40 1 1gt44
,theAntiileoideli l.
f fil ,!ero vd; ~ ;-&,, - .t .s
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c'yl, l .lyidlitlY:iiditytospindO4 7 Atei , , 4'
;;Al o, dlritggetlo.4i:iiiil- 11 ;,-:a, : 1:,;
e.inyeligentlaneg vfitW rs.ilct'iii,,iri 1-
q4oll#'iTOWilYai4( iqaffeWYioloo4o4A*,o644Aini,tjii o,l 49soarw o t , ne ,l
"Dick ikA;•,::,-;y i.. OlttnlirriiapitOSP*9 7-; 1 d;
I ''4oisl`64e !OrlilitilktfrSoe , c;;
c ~ i.''':;;'7 `..,;'.,,;,,:,.
.:;i.:.1 , , , . , ,,.; ..;;•.,,„ ,•ti,.ii :
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,:;;;:';'-;.•.',;,.• 1.: ~_
','„C r :.:4.l4,'z . ATsl.l l ).,E . :P';.„oo;
Tho lath:mina 'inforitiettart.ll teletfan to
the Firogreiss of eyents : in Fri +, acitlhicirtal
to what We furnished 6ur rei;iitia lest week :
je'from the Paris correspondent al the New
York , Couriet:enil Enquirer :.:
- 9
Pima; Ma h. 4848
The young•Republie neWieblircely Iwo
W ittikeold but is already treaillirg itithe•Yetif.
ttfgertainess, with elaidicity and ; vigor of
lusty youth ' . 'Those who looked iipiimits:
bittli with evil byiei tirb feet becoming - itticdp-
Voted friends. The energy of th'eProv.iston
al ,Governinent is almost superhuman. • AI
IOW me a brie, notice of, thoie .men, upon
whom the 'eyes of not only prance but the
civilized workrare now turned with such hi
tense interest. . .
Dupont .(de Iture) the Presidenqd the
Council, is a Nestor in the publicr.seivice i
being 81 years of' age, and having been
-more-than-6O:years-in-public - life - - - thal -
flexible integrity and lofty sense of duty are
proverbial. Elected a Deputy; from l'Euro
at the Aestoration, he immediately resigned
a profitable...and honorable magistracy Which
he had'before enjoyed l deeming its contiitu-'
etl tenure incompatible - willtihe *per dis
charge of the duties of his new-station, and
thus. administered 'a cutting iebuke to the
crowd of Intictionanis that it en, as lately',
crowded the Chambers. He Was the close
friend of Lafayette, and through the influence
of. the latter, beearrie the First Minister of
Justice under Louis Phillippe,.Who was anx
ious to secure for his new administratinn the
benefit of his name and influence. Net long
alter, Dupont thought he discovered Machia
velism in the King and indignantly withdrew
from the Cabinet. Be repulsed with dis
dain all attempts to conciliate him by offer
ing him a seat on the bench 'of the High
Court of Appeals. Though poor, he was no
Trojan to accept presents from the Greeks,
and has ever since opposed the Orleans gov
ernment with the most unwaverinv. resolu
tion,- In 1842, ha was elected a Deputy by
three fiiiieren colleges. HIS advanced age
has prevented his taking a Very active part
in the -late Revolution, or the acts succeding
it, but yet his name is a flower ',alai
. Ledru Rollin, the Minigter °title interior,.
WI'S termed) , an advocate in the Conrt of
tation in the Chamber of Deptittes. He is a
forcible public speaker,sind hiwgreat bold
miss of character. ' He neve r attaches hirn
self to any political party, but always advo
civet] his own measures am op inions
neglect.itirfapendence. LeiPiTyrinc, one of
the ablest of, the smaller Pm:*an ronnials,
is heavily hidebtecl . to his pet .irind purse :or
its talent and success.
Cremieux, the Minister i:itzlistice, is a
Jew; and has acquired a nittienal reputation
both as a lawybr inurapeptity: He form.
erly practiced kis prolegslion,,4nAgA,34li 01
France, but some 18" or 20 years ago remov
ed to Paris. Here he made his debut by de
fending one of the Ministers orCharles X.,
impeached at the 'Revolution in July, and
saved him from death, Cremionx was a
leading hero in the Reform banquets. fie
is a man of shining talents; his legal superior
can Seal cely be lound in the nation.
Marie, the Minister of Public Works, has
long been known as one of the leaders of
the extreme opposition. He is a good
speaker, and a laWyer of considerable emi
Goodchaux ; is the Minister of Finances,
and Carnet, the Minister of Public Instrue
lion, but neither is a member of the Provi.
sional Government. The former is a Jewish
banker, who has for a number of yeari taken
an relive part in the editorship of the Na
tional, where he has displayed much talent
and a remarkable ,knowledge of financial
rams; the latter is a son of the illustrious
Carnet, of the other Republic, and is a iipe
scholar, of elevated and firm principles.
o say more of Arago, than what I re
marked in one of my.last letters, would be
superfluous. His reputation as a man of
science, is wilrlcl-wide. As a politician, he
always maintained.h's liberal opinions', with
the greatest ability and fearlessness. No
man is 'more independent of cliques and
factions. Francois Arago was never a slave
to anything mortal but once rand then he
was made so by stress tif circumstances.—
Having been sent to Spain to make some
observations on -jongitude, the vessel in
which he sailed fell into the hands of the
Algerines, and for months he suffered bon
dage. If size and weight, are controlling
elements in the valuation'Of slave proPeity,
Arago . inust have been deemed a rich prize
by his barbarian Musters, for his stature fe
H e felt I eah._
fiat after all, the great head and front of
the Administration ! is the Minister of For
eign, Affairs, the, gilled, chivalrous Lamar
tine, His genius is,,visable in every , mea
sure, his hand; in , every
,proclamation. 1
spoke warmly,cif hint ni my former letter;
but he oonstantly'groWs in .My adrorration.
I-16; inderritl; is a Wonderful mitn;whemlpre
videnoe seems to have designed tortilla em
orgenity: With
,a head CO Maui: e'tongtie-'
'persuade; 'a: will,te,execiistrit,'lre ''e,iteibi
sea .a • power 'alnio'st .kroliatible .' firiii the
Man' to inspire ' the heart or yoliiig France
With' a *ifenerchts entlitisrainti and,foffyliri
poie, that will accomplish triumplitiv before
which Marengo and Austerlitz:mill sinkinto
oblifori,.. Isfoderriegriguie, tie flatterer of the
crowd- 4byf I lie •rn ajio power Willis eloquent:le
.ho "wields the fiercedatimortitle at hteficrii
ofeligh•will.',liiii ~i iiirirclurrire . .eleOtrle; . they
IlifiglitiAiikelt - the iitertieittlearte. That'll
; afterf,theAcitelutten ) .the populace, titled Wlth
eat? ite no ant :tuld 4ourrtind, whit . ; jealou'il; , said
iiivlclotti.lot illeyjihnitfah'oulti be defraud=
ed.,ol'theirrights,..tfifcmgedrthe fronti 014hti l
'notiii 'd e via; the staircase,e and :,the halls,
I hetioiginp,,:: tho„.,Governitri eat , iivithrre7therte- -
1 tiOn4; ttift,ittlejtimciltsirpnOil...alltt ' 4 9oin.
idOnts ! ''' , -Aveil l ' act `OC:tite.:Goviiiroen)
ter_ioen Ate pheeed;Lvieehl hare fo Midnrgo,
their I'm perious orifeei., Ali. o ? ,
.p opt 4 t i T :p l.l6 .;
Skirls iitg,id'•*ith AO i:fit'didot ; turbllliiiipe r 4
IlonisßliriviiiirGitriVa'Pageis lit",y!tiii tyleo
to quell theteritillf."' , Do Vitiiiirtioe % . tiPliktfie .
master OiritAlint'aibilkeenla ley qhii , htorrri,:
i Fife iimei iiiillhe ',have' , to leave, the Chere!;
bet; and adcirdee:tleiin i giiiiO3rOder, , Otil they
1 6 S99018*, 4 0PPaietli t.!lP4,,tive ~tinies.; did' he,'W,ll ll3 ° 4 ol,PieitldrY iifid , l9 o !llTOPti, fllsil''
eon deficit' iicd:;,edrultittliiit ! e : 24t, , :xnui,,:,.npt:
thine liy heoiedoicte or.,inme.;:aeiieeist6eii, .
'To', ititit , WeeleAtiiniintiktufq,iitigriOi3ii, upon '
itieilibisriettilniiiit IlifilAnkliltgl . bP'airOii,- -,
anOrient 'aboliShing ihemepally ;of . d'ertflij, 3 i
.:0011tical,efl'elicituraffOtt*Iis'iiil triorl4'....(o,itbY,
JioyungeifOiteVies',kt:Pill VAT iitit *O6 t,‘,.peo,
Oei than;flia 5 0" 11,0 ,1 0 p f s.Ale -', Em l eiroiftiti...:
i'PA I Y4 4 7: TP:,,,A.9oi‘rn,9oPtti rl9 , •4l',.itOoßteti,
4 10 !;04,4 111 g A 1 A, 1 1.1V RII vO, 9Ii 9 A I POOY I IO •
olittlgio the remblifrii,"of .tblf:f4l4'lvilfY - APrtifft' '
Yam glory of its being their own, he ma
efaihied the 'disereelhat . tbe tri-color should
be the'barnerot the Republic. The popu
lace:vociferated their indignation and fierce
ly demanded (he flag of their own choice.-- .
Again Lamartine announced that the. Gov
ernment_ had calmly deliberated; end that
they could not yield. Tiro -multitude hea
ved with fury. Their, blood Wasson; they.
brandished their swords, mitt levelled their
muskets. lt , was a fearlul moment for the
Government. 'Rad it, yielded, its..authority
'vVas gone forever.: "Citizens;" exclaimed
Lamartine . With the gravest accepts: "you
,demand the fed
for my part . ,P will-a
dopt it never: • and I will tell you in two
Words why I repel it with all the energy. of
my patirotisn. The tri-color has made th e
tour of the - world with our Reputllic and Em
pire, with our liberties and our glories; the
red flag, has only made the tour.of Champs
du Mars, Soaked in lire blood of the people."
The effect was instantangbas; the jealousy
of the crowd was transformed into enthusi
asm, their imperious ride into submission
•ancrLamar me retire amitt blessings and
praises. When he went home from that
sitting of more than filly hours, be was borne
upon the shoulders of men iii spite of him
self, and was followed - by immense crowds
with all their might shouting, Vice de Lam
crane. ~ No man-in the milieu has such -a
hold upon the affections.ot the people. -It-is
due to his - courage, probity, genius.. Plato
would exclude poets from Republics: but
France could ill spare Alph.-de Lamarine.
The great acts of the Government thus
far, have been.the inceptive proclamations
of the abolition of .slavery in the French
'colonies the passage of the general Electo
ral Law- the Constitutional Assembly, and•
the institution ol an organized depaitmeet
of the Government, having for its object the
amelioration of labor. Louis Blanc has been
placed at the head of the latter and assisted
by Arngo, tins for Bevels' days presided At
the Luxembourg, over a body of two hun
dred Delegates, despatched by the workmen
of every calling to present and discuss their
grievances ; The deliberations are conducted
with dignity and ability. There is no doubt
that the present system of labor in France,
admits of arid calls. for - extensive amend
ment; yet the subject is sturonntled with the
most formidable di Rico ties. I should have
been glad to see the t sk committed to a
sounder head_ anal Fa fe -hoods than Louis
Blanc has the reputation of possessing. - 1
.lineiv-ol nothing. that so seriously - tit - effaces
the welfare of the young Republic as this
question-o 1 die re-organization 1:1 indbil4
I shall probably revert to this subject here
after. ,
After anx:ons -deliberation, the govern
mem manned the election law, and it has
been received with general satisfaction. • It
was a serious question. whether_ like the
Aassemblies of the first Republic, the mem
bers of the Convention shotild be elected by
deputies chosen by the'people for the pur
pose, hr whether the election sohuld be sub•
Mitted directly lathe •people - themselves.—
The latt - er-hasteen the mode adopted.—
Every Freneliman,2l years of age, who has
been „domiciled i n his department six
months,'is entitled„to vote. The election
will be made the 9th of A pril, and the As
sembly will meet the 20th of the same
month. The body will consist of 900 mem
bers, of whom Algiers nod the other colo
nies will send fifteen. 'Etteli member will
receive 25 francs a day. This act of enro
-1 pensation is a new feature iii French Legis
lation. To this Assembly will be confided
the re-constrtictiori of the entire political fab
ric of the nation; and its responsibilities will
be tremendous. -The manite Ins of DeLarnar
tine to the represetttatives of the powers of
Europe, has elicited almost universal admi
ration in France; how it will be received
elsewhere is yet a matter of uncertainty. It
is a bold, manly document, full of lofty sen
timent*, and couched in brillinnt epigram
matic language. It will doubtless find its
way into American rounds; but bear in
mind one thing, Lamartine is untranslalenble.
You may Anglicise his words, and possibly
his idioms; but his spirit is like the wine of
his own native hills—it you e?nliate it
you must adulterate tt.
Observe the earth gradually exchanging its
winter robes for a mantle of the liveliest
green, the flowers are springing up in fresh
luxuriance at our feet, and every sikrub and
tree putting forth its buds, which-are - soon to
he beautifully expanded into blossoms and
our first feelings are those nt wonder
andtlelight at the marvellous change pro
duced in'the general aspect of nature: and
we then naturally seek to contemplate the
causes of such a universal transition. By
what agency, we ask, does the vegetable
world suddenly start from apparent death in
to all the beauty and exuberance of another
liming? What cause, under the directions•
of the Great Ruler of the year, works the
magnificent effect?
The means by' which this sudden burst of
vegetation is produced, are, lii a most of the
oher great agencies of nature, extremely
simple. It is merely the increased temper
ature of. the earth, and atmosphere; assisting
the,patural tendency of the plants to riWrike
Item lethargic State ',into whieh they are
thrown darling winteri` The preiiress of the
earth :in its orbit( towards itie adhelhini'or
.greatest distance
s horn .the bun; causes that
luminaryto aspead-higher . , in the _ heavens
.and longer abnie the horizon, and thus pro=
.ducesjonger'atid 'Warmer
well known phySicril.fabt, formerly
sun's'fitYofri „on thesurfeit(); of ilia earth,
the gretit k r:iit the heat ..they:exeitii.:;.flence,
as tlkestin,,liLhis northwardi, p i s .ogivss• he,
-e 011 1149:0 1 )4 Ltboo, thOlit s Y
ri on and - ,Conkeriiientlyderts - ; , his'iii`Yi &pen :
9 0 t , Yokn1 8 Phir.0.10 , ii'mtiro`pittp'endiehltirdi:i
nie4rPt.4 l o l Y,iOciPiFlßso Attfl
1 14 inr,mnre
gOiat ,
repidt aetiordia`gto'tlidle,tdifferenti.atniefuteS
but inatilong , ppriodidhe Increased rinthiii- 1
- nont" ‘-` 71 1t.,1 1 4,4P
Q - t .
• atit'were, , h!lej,coon,
liar vents 1061' 0 11'e •
r;vii k tVoiiiirgf,:moi,eB dna v,s f , orks•inall . her
litiirenneitite'ooinesfertillltl'.(rOm desolation
1111- 44 1. 91!trkiftV.4, 1 . uprktlll( l ,/co9(k,bia,2.l,YOlt'
11' biripet‘lh'imc ri , , y,i,vlqs49oteleP" - PA-f ,, PT9I
Ite 6 0;141 1 1tIillo'llfe ! 1 ‘ 1 4)
:4168/vik the
' ,
.9.the; ;other '
nYoJreuzi%iat FlO4O,
! p
46Woii963libilt1: , 11dtii5O ; Nlii072"Wfi
~ t °o#ol 4 ol o# 4 o igel o oo o lk, k iqirAiatse':, ,t i
Ulbrt 10:1$4.
From the N. Y. Tribune.
TITE second general' point of view,' in
-which I propese-for you!to consider - the - 45i.
tile, to the end that: it may "thoroughlyler-
M - you unto'all.good works," is itt ilte cis:
toticatcharacter.. , • • . , - .
To a man of libeiai eiltiCatiiiii, , the study
of history is not only. Useful, 'and important,
but altogether indispensable, and with re
gard to the hisibryt contained "in the Bible,
the observation which Cieeto•makes respect
ing that of his, own country is mach more
emphatically applicable, "that it is not so
much praise4Orthy .to be acquainted, with
as it is shameful to be.ignorant of it." His:
eil ventures of men, may be divided in five
diflerent classes. First, the History of the
world,-otherwise called I.Thiversid Thstbry:
Second, that of particular nations: Third,
'lliat-q1 particular institutions: Fourth. that of
single families; and Filth, that of individual
men. The last two of these classes Are
• genefelly deitinguishecl by the name ofine
snoirs and bTographyi- All these elassesol
1 history ate to be found in the Bible, and it
may be. worth your while to discri:nipate.
them one from another. - The Universal Hi
story is shed, and all contained in 'the first
eleven chapters'of Genesis. together With the
first chapter of • the book- -of Chronicles,.
which is }lute more than a genealogical list
of names; but it is of great importance, hot
only as it includes the history of the crea
tion, of the fall of Man, of the antediluvian
1 world and the flood be which th e w h o l e h e .
man race,"(except Noah .and his family,)
were destroyed, but as it gives a very pre
cise account of the time from t:lb Creation
until the Birth of Abraham. This is the
foundation of Aocient History, and in read
ing prolane history Lereatter, I would'advise
you always to reflect' upon their narratives
with reference to it with respect to the elm
nology. A correct of this is so necee.
sary to understand till history, ancient and
modern, that I may hereafter wiire you
something floater concerning it: for the pre
sent I shall only recornmend in your portico
far alt' tition the.fifth - ritid eleventh chaptere,'
of Genesis. and request you to cast ,rip and
'rite RIO ticearnoutit of the age of the world
when Abraham was born. The remainder
cf-the-hook-ol Genesiiv,- beginning at - the 12th
chapier;isithistotyof 'etre indiViclual (Abra
i hani)-aial his family during three genera'.
1 firms of his descendents, alter which the
book of ExOdus commences with the history
of the same family, - multiplied into a nation;
this national and family history is continued
through the,books of the Old Testament un
til that of Job, which is of a peculiar charac
ter, diflerieg in many particulars from every
other part of the Scriptures. There is no
other history extant which can give•so inter
esting and correct view of the rise and pro
gress of human associations, as thin account
of Abraham and his descendant's, through
all tile vicissitudes to which individuals, la
milies' and nations are liable. There is no
mho' history whew the origin of a whole
, nation is traced up to a single man, and
i where a connected trait' of events and a
1 regular series of persors from generation to
generation is preserved. As the history of
a family, it is.intimately connected with our
religious principles and opinions, for it is the
family from which (in his human character)
Jesus Christ descended. It begins by relat
fag the commands of God to Abraham,
abandon his country, his kidred, end his
father's house; and to go to a land which
He would show him. This command was
accompanied by two promises; from which,
and from their fulfilment arose the differ
ences whiell I have just noticed between the
history of the Jews and that of everyother
nation. The first of these promises Was,
' , That - God would make Abraham a great
natfon t and.bless him ;" the second, and in
comparably the most- important was, that
"in him all the families of the earth should
be blessed." This promise was made about
two thou Sand years before the birth of Christ,
and in Min had its fulfilment. When Abra
ham in obedience to the comforted of God,
had gone into the land of Canaan, the Lord
appeared . unto him and made loin a third
promise, which was that he should give that
land to a naticin . which should descend front
'him, as a possession t this was' fulfiled be
tween five and six hundred years after Ward.
In reading all the historical books of both
the Old'' arid New l'eStainiants, as well' as
the books of the Prophets, you should al-
Ways bear in mind the reference which they
have to these promises of God in Abraham.
All the history is no more than a rierrative
. of the particular manner, and the detail. of
events by. dlfich those promises .were,,f4l
-. iri the account el the Creation, and'the' fall
,of .Mau I ' have 'already 'remarktid`that'yjni?
moral ',d ootrinec itteultnited, by- tine' •Bible As,
.that ihe'greakeensurnation,of all 'hp roan yip.
toe eeopists in,pbedifioce to:ihe „vial . Of. pod.
When Wee'Oine liereirilter'arsperik - ortlol-
ble in ifs ethical character, I shall endeilior .
to showy you the intrinsio'excellence of this
'prirleiple; buf ' raton' now only 'remark hot*
strongly 'the' principle itself .13 - :illtietrated,
first in :the'rtccount4o,l, the ,Fall and neat. by
' the history, Of
,Abraitehi., lii:thie,account of
the treationive.dre informed tharGoil, eller
'having .tried &the' Werld;.'erbitted" the first iitt 7 ..
inert pair, cud gait; theriVdcitninlon over diFer::
y living:11114;111ot niciveth Upon - the - earth: 7 MT.
gave there alsolfevery herb bertring.,aeed and'
tub Riff' of every tree ler itieet,i' ili - itwthiet
livii; lira Artil . o "PM' :Saw, :Waif verYAorislA'.4.
TlittOtte.•ilitipediale Opespitfion . . of.everythipg„
was, exen ' 1 11(0,. anti 115 . ,,p.00041 : 15,49y.,
rit s elttfeeetired' to - thalt"daimernientic j iireolf. - r,
r clitinif...l4 'illsitain ;4
,lii:iiti: , the "fruit:'' Of"the'
tree olAcnoidedge ,of, good [and :OW - .4 VW,
:altdiether I totneteriakto; pi y;pregjet4Orparlce ,
whether the. narrative: is- to,:bo understood itt:
:it literal : tit '*llegerioa,l• f inift . etip as not the
..kilbtokti,4*:liirnheAesp,.essionk,er .i.erettted'
good .*,4nletli'lat?,,frpit of 140TeliclehL
confer, upen:llern:nl(kOit t 44ll; 660401
' 'Ciilliiiittl'ilWtdtifitialid.! tiiatibiiiitliliteiibre'
Allan ' ! fo•Atiataityl.rittits thigtirto4ledge...4-.' .to or
bear.frontrashing :upon, 1 41. c Awl);:j(1901c. ,
iiciii,- -, kii.plit suffichititiO say that this Wes .
N,iiiiparil Aitcr.,iWi,##OM,_lj4l4o.4 . otay
l'llkAiiii.'l fineretA and le%ttirstia,'the;'Only....
ilii*,'ref.:Alleiti.n/Itetii;,4o3teep 4helittppinkas -,
1 094, 11 ii!;' ,1111 111 1 1 ) ,05 . 747.A. c ,Mit 1 ii11e4i11* trAili ,-
PIPIO, 6 e 6 44 14 " 10 t 3 .wt!'sc ' n's B a4, ll tothem
e's" ii'liiii4nitellie c .jrlheaVieg';:;:prtitliialti* f
),\ ' ;f ii i,k 1 t 6 P. 0 . 494 011:1 1 910 6 ,14(gm1;u4, 21 7 . ..
~,,,,1 0: to-vet t
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. 7.
. '1 :
a%cR wb: J:.rl ta.*.tvurv,~,SaK+'.~'E'Y'~ltt4G wa.:"? 7 • - : , ;gp :c ~ , v a rc 1;+~
they have the slightest motive-for thsylequi
ry: unqualified felicity'.an it iiinneftelityVrere.
already . theirs) • Wretchedness and death
were alone forbidden.thetn, but placed with
in their reach be therelY trials of their Obe
dience. They. ; violated the- lawo.hey iforL
j leited. their . , joy;. and iinniortality;,.thei
"hrough=tintb_the-Werli4 ileadr,. --- brid - all ; ;our
)e." Bere t :Men; is an extralitie 'cake in
which the mine ..,princip é of ob'edien'ce
Could be trled,'lllideciihmahil lb, abs(ain from
- that - -from-whicli - Mihry-iriotiveiz.Ofletilien ana
interest Would have ,deterred 'hell the •corn•
mend never been given=-aboninnindgiVen
-in ilimeathesf of till possible form, r'eqbaribg
not so much of-any kind, but merely_forlfear
anee; and its transgreasion,wan- so severely •
ly punished, the bnly itileferice We call draw
frorri:ft is that this most agarOked of all crimes
and that, wide!' includes in itself- all others,
is ilistted'enee to the will of God:. Let - us
now eonsider how the principle of 'obedience '
is inculcated in ,the lirstory of 'Abraham, by.
a case in the 'opposite extreme.. God --corn.,
-mended—A-braliam — to - abatplan orever Er
country, his kindred and his,
to go . , he ITneiv not wheie; promiaing, as a
reward of his obedience, to biestilihnsand
his 'posterity, thoagb he was 'Then childless.
He was required to renounce everything that '
bould meet 'contribute to the happinse and
comfort of his life, and which waTritr iii - fie- •
tnal enjoyment ; to -become. aho selese, .
l i
inendless Wanderer • upon the earth: on the
mere faith of the promise 'that a land should
be shoWn him which his descendents should
possess—that thefshoidd be a great path:m—
ond that thtough them all Mankind should
receive in future ages a blesaing. The obe
dience required in Adam, was merely to
retain nil the blessings he enjoyed; the obe;
(Hence of Abraham was to saciifice all that
he possessed for the vague and distant pros
pect of a leturebompensation to his posterity;
the self-control and self-denial relibile of A
dam: was in itself the slightest that imma
?Motion cab conceive.- . --but its failure was
punished by. the forfeiture of all his enjoy s
merits; the seltilonilniOn to be exercised
-by Abraham wai 'of the inesf severe. and
painlul kind—but its aceoinplishment.' will
ultimately IN - iewinded by the iestoration of
all that wattlilorleited by Adam. This reale
' ration however, was lobe obeyed by 'no or
dinary proof Of obedience; the sacrifice 'of
mire personal blessings, however great could
not lay fhe lc:Ululation for the redemption of
mankind from death; til
oire velumbiy submiss
ion et Jesustldist to - his n'ilerith, in the
most - excruciating and ignominious - Mite,
:but.the submission of Abraham to sacrifice
his beloved arid only son Isaac—the child
promised by God himself, and through whoni
'all the greatest' Promisesf vete to be carried -
into effect, the feelings nature,. the pa.
'rents bowels, were all req .
ired to be sacrir
fled by Abraham to the blind unquestionieg
principle of obdienee to the 'will of God --
The blood of liilac 'was not indeed shed's
-1 the but Chery of an only son by the hand of
his father, was a sacrifice Which a mereiltil '
God did not require to be eompletelyvieeu
-1 test; but rut an Maumee of •Chedience.n.was•
int - posed," ben Abraham, and-nothing lesi
than 'th'e voice of 'ap angel froth Heaven
could arrest hisiipliffeil arts, and withold
him 'from sheathing his knife in he heart of
his child. It was upon this testimonial of
obedience, that God'a promise of redemption
was expressly renewed to At aha : "In thy
seed shall all the nations of th earth be
blessed, becante thou hist obeyed my oice."
e 5....„..v
Gen. xxn. 18.
nom your affectionate Father.
says Vl'ilson in his work upon ludea,.theie
is not one spot' urea" thirfrieid of the ,globe more deeply interesting to .eliriatians
ihan the village. of Befidehem. 'lt•ekterichi
Erst arid West, standing on a hill six miles
!rom the City, of Jerusalem, and in which
the most rerharkg)le events had occurred,
according to thosd minute descriptions given
in the Reccird of Inspiration— , but, above all,
none more striking thin,its being the place
given birth to the infant Jesus, who was the
Prophet of the Highest, and came larth .to
give light to those who satin darkness.—
There is one ldrge monastery of Franciscan
Monks on a commanding height, looking
down on a charming valley, which calls to
Mind that every memorable moment .when,
shepherds who were watching their fink's,
heard the Heavenly choir; shit saw the:star,
with tinbiiiiiiilddroy, vrhickliadjed the Ma.=
or, wise men of the East, to the Place of
the Nativity. In the
. magnificient - church
within this monaster y: a chapel 'Under
ground, finely ornamented', Where filly.thas
sive lamps of silver are despended,,and con
stantly blueing.' Here is pointetropt, in the
form of a'star, in.merble, the place Where
he came forth,. who: was declared to be the
Wonderful the Mighly.gountwiler,,,the
lasting Frithei-an'd Prince of Peace. •
, ,
Giwirizoi , Faun', ,Takot 4-. The sea s on of
grafting, is Ai handy taid Abe' Wtirk should not
.be negleeted,,,t;Ziette 'which liting'pol !brat__
good, friiii,:whetber appliteliiiiers, printne'cir
cherrieti, sho911(1 ,i be; grafted with' , scions of
better ;varieties' vildiota -iihnlioeisaary, delay.
If, this , 'course ehotild, be , gepai'allY , :ail'opted,
what , n . ,rernarkabla ~ § hapge'm a,
ald a-; few
'years, PFP'inn° in, the•9nnutY,',e...l . . l }o. , frai!..e--
On the subject of grafting frail tr ees, writei•
'says ';' • ‘.....' ..,. 3- ''
.k , ' , , • ' - o '.;
, a rtliiiii hi ,pr'dtini4:iiii, iiiiiit'efillf iiiiiiie'di.
ate. norm eotion , wo '. agricialfire t mole inter
esking or more ebtentilleohenA c irt p 1 graft
• ;i ng .----- tof!g - tu'it hie arr - haißeem Ttibwri,sp ; tut
, geherarprthglia it, ,thh hit Ida' rbbeittly tatren
an Anihtineetttivart.els;ind Is yet ':, ber.rier:
Aiallk daclertactod ~ by Oka Albtit oipetietteed
o aotiticinerfh_,tillt aiitaiill triig, or. 'even a. .
butly,Air, , timrialt tibiae et tile lbeiler:batir froiri
ciifel , tt4r - ,bAng : -lOAOrlea 'or, Ate - .b.r *
,eiretr , - - --
Mock 'iiVaniiiher;'eliould g row fe.he ;o‘,le4in
briinoh di: the: trait . ; bat :baiting ' fruit 'of " the. •
,alirtite,.• ..; eigek!,:eoldir,..Leird. , :fliver,'-oftlit t O of
( 1•
which th 9, bud or sole , P tat; titan, is ofitsea
a wonder, and would berfrierediblejlit'were .
not common. Thst artls,ilreadji so Ur, ad-
:PulFSifii giat a fruit..searing,branek **fed .
,ippql ii.k4 ..sliCIt!!`.“111,1Pn( a ,r 1 .4} 1 46 , ,Agi 1 / 4 86 . '
as to" bostirtuP? i..;lieriPol.:eP-IP:MiNfri
.htiseritig.iriiit,-=applesi , 'pektta;7•l3l.6„sehe , i et
pia nta,. fbonglOttelt t li ort.:twp,itylndlieili r ikli;
sk i
Appleairratratking ,of i illnrenjt4indttoithe .
sweet'and 'itaii (laver;
_or-inrtaseci , in..'diri 4 ..
'f e ll* Pnri.; of.Tcfppo ekiikto!atvlitti•hiire .
,nffiS.ll l,l &lge ',prOulhh*op)JiiinilLiiiigi;: . ':
j. 140 y, 4 . -'buoroliir I,inclii:49( l ; ,'..
-,7,t'PlFintiln.g paitc
in atiAlirate,aC , iile'2'- , •
f.10 0 1414 I'' k
jtk 2 lo t pwool Poi. ..ombe •
, an
lfiltrgytilliomAvonco:#ll ,
444:pc . W 4ago o.,oandt ate tot,
'l' oii,tih.FMPtAßittklifl#,4o,.;9f.,
eiO , pillmy ii. •ipTa4 , 61., , 0.!:k%•,
~ -:.,',
, ,-, '