1 4'4is+i~i2. ill • ent, , ,beesusts,cslihttAtrunlciffried'itabibrthe the . .ignetatir • antire_MY theil ; - "LetftlinSeiialifilit!'nitic9he OrajoOlie:ni: activie:cr;_lif ; itMicjoUt,beli to nseAntoxtcritiiigi.ljeaois itillo-teyeragkV - SniMy notplitlesi it be menjOlO: •- that'.which injures'-thina',liinh4or • eternity.. • Then I deny the dOctrine of ex pediency. i i relation to thia.subject altogeth er, and hold that every man is bound to ab stain, not because of danger to a werilc.broth ',,:, pr,'but of dbiefule (longer to himself, ns ' 'its others. It is too late in the day for Mr.. any. ether- ad vocatelotk. tae divine right - of Oiderate ,driiikiug,.iiillopttake to deny . this; fait has been detnoristrated by 'stride of the hest: informed inetkiii,tbe_yerld, that ntioXicatins litjuori;)'vhen'ttiCti 'it's a beve _rage in largo or small Amalfi:Ms are injurious so men: - -2:--thit-aNiee to then is, come out • • ''lrom the Midst 'of the unclean .eniirely,' give ipihis lellaciods doctrine of esnediercy in •, tills instance ; and stand on the broad : ground of .fotal abstinence tromthis Curse of curses-, , irom henceforth evenforeyer. • • " As-to Your tirittle:Mr. G. against %Washing arid ; the. Sons of Temperance, • ' 'unieunts , lo;jugdiotititig tit • all. 'I he • former every, have'done a vast deal' of gOod i :thbusamis of' Ounkards have been re . Many, : • , t4ify Many families in this country will have " 'lemon to bless God forever (or the IVashing .-:‘,,.tonfan movement. • Yes ; sir, under God the .'..':4Yesiline,timiaes have carried peace and hap 7. iiiibs to the heart and home of many 'a dam : -Itakd's wife & children-The midnight of woe . ms en turned into the noonti eof joy, tre lamentations Of despair have been exchanged lot the hallelitjahe of redemption.: --- 7 - I,;',liiii - ins to the .sons of-Timpe -. -- Milne are more c ontemptible still. Accord "' Ingle your, showing they are a secret so t"'ciety, dint unless you have been put in pos soiston of 'their secrets What do you know a y,- bout them. Will the sapient Mr. Lillie please- tell the people of Carlise,, and the public at-large what lie knows - about what he does not know, for most certainly, if the Song 01 Tpmptuatine urn . a. spew' Milerolken I I- :-'it follows,-that Mr. L. knows nothing about them unless he has been put .in possession ' Meted by entering-the order—this lie has . not done ; consequently lie knows nothing • ;pad as a Matter:ot course his ravings are all more wind. - Unless Mr. L. knows, what lie . . zonfesiss. he does not know he is utterly inca pacitated*, give an opinion, or' pass sen tence..-711.-would be 'waste of time on our . part, therefore, to contend with a man who is ignorant `of what he asserts. - Before we part with this subject however, • let me - ask the Rev. gentleman what kind of freit• (le far aa _his own experience goes,) do tließoii of Temperance produce 3 - Look at • the tWo Divisions in Cailiste. Has their union with the Ordermade-them worse /ins /bands. fathers, sons -or .citizens r Is it at all -evident - that - thew - moral character - has dete riorated? Are they more rowdy and lawless in 'Melt' conduct? Do you find that pauper ism is on the increase as the Sons multiply? --- - - --Are - --yourcountrexpenties7iiicreaseil - byre - a;• - --non-ot-criminal-proceedings ? growing out of the Order Of the Sons of rm iSei &ice ? Come, MrkL.,,:it there be candor in - you, an _ewer 'like a man.. Why this opposition V - 7 - 7 -Wha t -evi l -have-the y-done 'I- .You have done ''hat you could to injure-those men. ,Thank God, your. influence in this respect is very limited. Verily, 1 could not but be struck with the propriety of the sable garments of Ms - Carlisle Herald of the Ist inst. Tim., it was in consequence of the death of that od great-and-go --man, J. Q.'Adams,—still ii . was most efipropratte as containing the tul siress of the Rev. James Lillie. For surely all piety, truth, and humanity should mourn at such exhibitions, 1 ha re it ilrii,ta . 7 .. L.-. znallya • - poor wile and fatherless cliddren ' 'will be clad in mourning as the gractical re , emit of Mr. L's advocacy of moderate drink ing. • 1 presume there is neither a ruin-seller or - drinker in Carlisle, Cumberland county, who-is- hot thunlful to Mr. L. for his taking ' Iheir aids of the question. . With what exist , ilitioreabitie the . poot devotees of Means f -- '-,said , one to tfurother="come, let us take a Lillie." • Oh! shame, where it thy blush?— '• Here you find a man calling Maisel) a min ' aster of 'the "merciful Saviour of men, on the side et wife-whirtn,g; children-starving,pae- .. pei,mitking,Sab ath-breaking,prolane swear ing, and soul-d mning intemperance—and what is more, he knows it all, Hence he Must be beaten with marir'stripes. I re joice to know that we have whipped him into the total abstinence traces for one year, • •.1 confess , however, I have my fears that he ' will kick himself out of the gears at the end , of the year, it tint. before. Because, accord ing to his own showing , -he was_ri pledged sor - man once before, and broke it. Wichave but little confidence in any man who has broken his pledge once. . I had reached this point when the Carlisle lloratd_of the-.lsth inst.'was put into my hand. Mhat! Mr..L. again? Good morn mg, prk.,Liiiii3; still battling for the Mmites, are you? ...What a champion the Kniihlsbf the toddy stick have in you. No doubt many a stiff Lillie- bay been gulph'd down - since, in dionor of your third effort for the .cause of ruin. Comelads, fill up rlet us.,give brother • . James a burrper. Huzza! three times three , fiartite,Righ Pridat of wine-bibbers. Mr. L. : ' ,ia,q*Man; for.:fis. • , AwayWith' pier firnatics, ;:,..... 8 . 6 4 1 '. 1 4: - s.9lti,Stuart;• , Recicher, &e„ 7 —iirho. - :::;:rt.thieldleh , thaof, - ..iklibiitions, and deny'us 'th e' , sight - ,Cr.n:aPree!When- We - 'Please. • Mr. :lAiliti r iti the liretichet" for 60' 7 .! V.iii,want•nonO ', 7 '.' o !;iiili,eoritaPidaVetreight-Irideit preachers.` ~._ . :yery welt,'&intlemer4;;(itf :da.not;Mienrall ;::youytaske,.:.NreP;arfd.:cling .to him j:Ior %I ::1Mi11y.413:1 1 0 10 u 4 ,laSt: ma n calling him. . , ' .4ilif 4..pierialir4ci_Oill.;,Oar get-in your : , ajde'tifllie ,question. - . •, . - - Mr; I.4lbinki My last address was, if pos ' „•' . itible;::s; meria;;remfirkable leilure.,than any 00.0Went' '..hetere:'':lloW if Muir have Ells ' - ',..A0*i1.t1ie.'.;,(14.3ar kind' mail, to 'have. Wit 'l.4osalift iny ; treet . , Collie - ail*, . r ami it !mak' . ~ : -'weiw.l4oo- o iViied thenstiOch; . ,- . • - ' ''''r+ - 3 , !Bilkiilittt'hiltijiHr:l,.'(ifeveilin.liis speech ''' 'z ..o l 4 l thier4Feberiary'l.: .- Has: he:: demon- Saviour - ,ef:.tliiiiWcithi -- ever - . ilisink:i'Onii:;ilrop'4f , :iiiteijciiting,..;:witii? ' Or titat'lleiiiiifr'ilratik,whie - at oll,' exarqld at the - I ::last'litiSsOtittrand fins heliroVed - that .that C. - ,' W' *lee tiaTierdeaiteil T. ~. - Ii , •ikii . :he .-- iliit : not '. , ':' : flsendYiiiii.,:,iirpoi:.•ici)thri,:Printer.:'.Mr. - .L'.'telks r;:libetit: ttie -, wine - useti , at_the - Aord'e ,iiiikiir ::.... can , .Atiscire , ,tift .: t a,t e.- a we can get, ''Plitc!itnietatOeteil iiririericiis'.4wChairii - detio' ..'" - -, i,with:kite',Wietchad' . .dingged Stall That , :we'litii: 4. ,.k.,-i'tiOtilOOPellfialO i 0; Weenie iiii'Otliei cot y 7 ; . ;.kikipi06 ur ,ed i ,f4: : .;,7,',.,,, 7 . , :.1 : :,,,,::'ia;l'2: :. ,:4;: ~ , 4,A,r,, l iri f il)!l:liOiliten:of'Otirltelie:allo* rite:-iti. , !4,:intiite*Jegoe,ipt,:ef'Ahtnit t L' It; is , thii.: , 4 - _ Mi. -4 , j, : , -F - V.liOsliiiiii#lise*.i4Otlie:: -- its" - - dart Ici'colOo ::.4 4 * . wii:bii; , 011:Nottl;icidiO.,lho•Dootoels'air 9,tl.agSenitin'it Winilk:reslieWiiiiiieggeitt thiii Vt . ,#'o l tiet, itteei l liC,Ofiointetio to inform, the; old V 4 l ktiltiriiiiii of., tho:,tootl7!bOoaue*dokeCtiloge i:,*:,"f ii iitf 'liiiitliiiiiheigrildti nit freirt;thit'et*lgaint Wei* OS Xifid**,ight:z.so'illitni;' , him..ai i ~.,..,:tt0,,0,,,,e,..,,,-,*4Pref.lSlititti,liii",, • - iilllokillViihniethe , e,Mid latc AtOli*Slll ';' Thiti:'f 'giant' timperitnalVielfuilio:olo DOW! `IQ liiitte gitiii:Ail'f, - 41Ssi Niidi',OWllOiiritlyisiti;' , :liaii, , l'atief*Aiiyini . o 6. lo . okikut Li r ei(***o...o,o l 46#4lo9* oOd'oo6o/1100AWftlg , dm CiiilislOhilltcinti.9llo . tiijoievMffilitiklOO9l) '. .. r: t? tiLe 4 t1:1 5 4#064*i",„ ,I . • ', i l o .411.449kKommogq0, --sIoRYOPY44B;As.t , :k:OI 7060 , ,,, , t4, , ,y'q;' , ‘,::*:,,:?: ; .;:,.:nKi,, ~,,,,,,.,,,466V0-Iftivedi'i;',:4k.iisilm:# ;it; ". 1 '..r , :' , ,': , ';'1"-!;z.',0 1 : 5 m:' , :.'!.'-'-'-''',;''' , ';:.!;::: . .: 77'"!'f . ::',---' i . ''',: ii , c.' lgitiliablg:::-11111Veliittiri? • ,•••:- 31 • ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1848,,-- Slate Central Committee. The following is the new State' Central CoMmittee appointed by the late Whig State Convention . . • • , Afixander. Ramsey, of Dauphin . • - • MOrtiin , ',Mittlichael, 01- , Philattelphia City. Thoinas E. .Cochran, of York Kobert . ltedellc,of IMontgOrnery VVisliingfoii Townsend, of Chester . John C. Kunkle, of Dauphin , JaMesirox, ' It FraFis N. Buck, of:Philadelphia city .Benjamin Matlififs, ' .• ac ' .. Geome• Lear; of . Bucks • , Thomason, of Watson, CO. George Wety, as H' H. Etter, of Perry " .' Paul S.-Preston, of Wayne • '. Edward • C..Datlington, of Lancaster ,David W. Patterson tg . nebrge . F..Mffler; of iluien..: '' . . David Cooper, of Mifflin . ' . Lot Benson, of Berks . . Joseph Paxton, of Columbia • s' George V. Lawrence', .of Washington 'John - Esti - doll of Ca nabriti ' ' , P. A. Finney 'of Crawford - , . 1.• etmore, o arreil John Morrison, of Allegheny - H. W. Patric, of Bradford • Samuel W. Pearson, of Somerset Alexander W. Taylor, of Indiana -"Alovnic."—Having had our full share of the labor and trouble of changing ttlocal habitation," which all poor folkc.are subject to on the first of April, we have been not able to devote much attention to our paper this-week. John Jacob Astor, the great millionaire, of New York, died on Wednesday last. A Wier biographyof Mr. Astor appeared it oiff paper last week. Resolutions of sympathy with France have•been indroducCd into the U. S. Senate. Mr. Calhoun opposed their passage until f,tther intelligq.ce conies. Oc:r The Mineral Bank of Maryland, lo chted at" Cumbeilattil; has - stispeniletl pap ment, in congequenee of the failure-ollileir agents at New York. com- A. telegraphic despatrn horn Cincin nati states, that the banks and the brokers refuse_ to . tak_c_ thc notc.s_of the Wooster: om ();:r The Whig young men of Philadel phia, will celebrate the approaching anni- Nem& of therbirth - day of Mr. Clay, (the 12th of April) by a grand fzetiVal at the Chi riee Musetim. it Will no doubt be a bril 7 liant affair. Qj- A long and interesting letter nppears in the North American of Thursday last, da ted at Rome, on,,,the 28th• of February, in which the writer gives eloquent•expression hiller] city. 'lt is understood to be Irom the pen of our popular' lelloW:foitizem Hon. Jantair Cooper, now abroad' in quest of health. DICIUNSON COLLEGE] SEMINARY.—The Aca demy at Williamsport, Pa., a very large and handsome edifice, has been re-opened ass branch of, or rather as a propitiatory semi nary to, the Dickinson College at Carlisle.— The Rev. T. Bowman, a gentleman every way. qualified !or the task, has been ap pointed by the Baltimore Annual Conference as Superintendent of the Dickinson College Seminary, and the Rev. B. H. Craver, Prin cipal Agent. tr,)::r "Independent" elites from Wash ington to the• Philadelphia North American, that "the ratification of the treaty has left some heart tannings, and dispirited the forces of the administration. Mr. Benton is free to say, and, he is no common authority, that the Whigs are kty sure of carrying the Presidential election." That stupendous John-Donkey and degraded locofoco .p,artizan, Adj. Gen. Geo. W. Bowman, editor of the Bedford Gazette, received a severe but well merited castiga lion at the hands.ef several .Whiganembers of the Senate last week, for the miserable Menders . and lying aspersions. contained in hisJost report. ; • . • • . , ' rift luterrtheri k_anrfitte Legisa pita; .bothlnutitie:i,' , a'iacating Mrs day aliening laqi to offer 'congnatalations 'tb the French jtelniblioanil:::TEn!huaiustlci_ntt, dresses. were malie;and,lainifoprinteriria= tions,paeFed— • lettef•froin the. City ofidericoi pub litkilF,d in file N. i") Crescent says :--4cCapt. S::li:Montgomary,r, bas been dismissed from eerree:by order lot • a Court Martial, for writing fetters traducing the Ofliberd of the Second Pennsylvania • • imont. • • •:,.,•• :! -7) Mons. de Track 'isthe,. new Minnie! Ap pointed,it,the French, Itetblip' to the Uni ted Suitett.: He Wit ,piontinent;nisFuh#M the'Chateber 01. Deputiee";:ser,inect ed' 'marriage with the tilfafette:fanni4 and a l ia s . tteiited:kuterieene 0 , 4 rusnited‘ : ' idi • , it:r ; That, arolpilemagivir Gen. ,cinur .is now legreiting;ieiy,ninCi(dirtain - sOntiiiiiinta which `llo',,veroiii'whilii Id Fiance' ; p:',o6lf.' 7 onifiied :„ ( tango its: g - 'COnit , !!)ael 111111111111111 l e is sixiciuS lci , ropud hiii i iOrniiii)Viinoist 4.1 °'-Lam arOna's ; loner. of inetirticilitis'te - i lrv 'ibi the .French FOroisn' I ‘ l i iiii ! erlr P. - .. 01,""t! , a ' 11 declares this' iteiv , , Filitich gov erniioDi tr ib . itP• ll4 .,v o l 4 43 q! 14 ? e. ' . ' 1 1 • - • •:. . .,,, . ' .... i i i tzik, sld i , pij. I* l4 / 46%1 L:aPIP!!!1 k as ,.F? M- - R '''.)Aii - .ll.FiTitintiltn94lll;tite;(l44 , ,,ye!lc' !f r . ? , 144 . *--.- " - , filiiii . soiiiiiiiiilnglo'sloilr'w,no ib — *P. Whey 1;10 ' .01fie.t t -?1/1%•,?.,,til • Iti l 4 1 10'h!41 ,1 'f)!Pir;'', '- A ti ~... ,ii.,„,,06,„,,„.,-„4„,, ' - ~,,, ni, l ! .. tti? , ' , oiit,t. !srighlore ' li l iitiffiii4 41.1 # „tl iholiEit , ° an. 16d Fteerdtnt;' '" . - - 't ~ v"- ,, ,..;•.,,, • '' ‘ -t) 4,'... , .„ - ,.,., , b. - Sw dep t } , • t, 4.; ~- r, r , * , t:',:":: - -d , i ,:. h'i , ...,... , , , r4.,...q",:5t .... .. . • ,<• ,The Phllaitelplitit v -. 4 4, • loos tE , yild• end freOred?: - Olithuslitdifor see Med', - *Mined inerf:itinhei.digs Ilkellislige!of party, in order-Alna 34 . /.9ipriti; tiaiieheitchinbustidn" of Taykirleerßei*ight 1,1"44floro unbounded •vent, ar * rth i've" are gratified to see,',tojook;.,ll:oll6,. ' , matter in "n" calmee Trains of minit, 'end" ehowina some readiness to follow wiser counsels. ,We are rladto see this kir' not -only-difies' die - salvation 'of the Whig-r.party redid die NiiiiaiiiitCOMMidici,' but ;the for-'. rner reckless course of the:trio - 11dB' of Qid, Buena-Vista waktrilyealohlaterl.tddestfoy, all tire hopes of their favorite., Whatever maybe Our personal preferences, ills never-, - theless - the duty of every patriotic - Whig to hold himself in reachneseto support the nom inee of the National Convention, be lie Cur, Score or TAXL9 R. fu accordance with this feeling.the_Whig papers sif Tennessee. Ala-, bars, • and Missouri, are now urging upon the Whigs of those States file propriety and impatience of being represented in the Ne : tional Convention. In Tennesdee steps have already been taken for tlitrappoitinnent of delegates7ind t dile' dine V - 13 rosy' - expect' to see similar movements in 'the other Stays. Tly,rs will the '‘Vhig party be' staved from threatened anarchy and eon fusion, and II r Whig Candidate be presented to' the Cone -try-vritlr-thir'perfect-essurance-of-i-unitcd- and harmonious ' support from all sections of the party. The Whig papers of the Soulit relj con fidentl • u on tho nomination of Gen. TAY- Lott by the National Convention,. and these are certain indications of a large support be- Sing given to Gen. Taylor, in the New Eng land States.. Oni of Pennsylvania there have been scarcely any_po_pular___move, tnents m favor of Gen." Scott, but that vete ran" soldier stands high iu the affections of Whigs, and hafr f liosts of friends throughout the Union, who it is.not to be expected will neglect his interests. fUr. Clay' will . 01 course have a large support in the Conven: lion, but whetl-er he would accept the nomi nation if tendered to him, is'yct unknown. Second Choice of the Scoit-Illen. The Scott papers of. this State, of. which there are Rola few, aserkle)ra%:e a, decitfeli 'preference for Gen. Taylor as their second , choice for the Presidency. The. Lewistown Gazette, a warm Scott -paper, in speaking of . the rumored intended withdrawal 'of Mr. Clay as a candidate for the'Presidency, says: Tor-One, most devoutly do we hope that the abonie will prove tolie correct. With every feeling oft.re i Spect and admiration for the to-. lensed Stalesman and orator, we must con fess we should look upon his nomination with regret. Givelus-Scorr, or it it needs be - Tsyton,-erid We .have - no fears for the reglilt —either can - rout the Locoloco nominee as eirOily as they , curd fire..Mexicans.' The Huntinodonaougial, an equally de cidea Scott papecrOtaY , , ,7 !we , lieartily join our cotemporary of the':VaZelle, in the expres sion of the smile' liepo.f We love Henry Clay too well to desire- to .see lam again rirane,tne - targ,et - Tor 1110 laul-mouttfed slan ders of the press and leaders of the Loco foco party. Henry Clay now occupies a position entirely. bejond the reach of his enemies. And in that -poO,tion, we say, let the_ old,-grey-haired patriot remain during: the remainder of his data: It would be selfish in his Wends. to ask him again to mingle iu the din and strife of a poli:ical contest, the result of which might possibly prove disastrous to himself and the cout:- TIIF: SCOTT POEM ESPONDENCE.—§pme weeks since we copied a paragraph from the letter of a WaShington coriespcndent of thNhila dolphin American, stating that Gen. orr, early in the Mexican campaigu, tied_Prediet ed his removal from the command - of the Army, in a letter to the Department. It seems that the 'statement was not Mere speculation. In the published correrpond slice between • Scott and !he 'War Depart ment, we • find the • following . extract horn a letter to the Secretary of War; timed, PUEUM, July 25, 1847 ; The first letter (dated Feb. 23) received from you at Vera Cruz contained a censure, and I am now rebuked for, the unavoidable —nay wisc-41 it had not been unavoidable-- release on. parole of the prisoners taken at Cerro Gordo—even beloropne word of com mendation from the'Government had reach• ed' this army, on account of its gallant . con duct in the ,Capture - or the prisoners. So, in. regular progressien, I . may, should the same army gallantly bear, c into the city of Mexico ln inthe next seven' or eight weeks wlilah is probablit,if-we:ara not arrested' by e; pence or two—took - to be el!s missed from.theamiiie,* nay - pulatly!--2,.Xoiiivill per ceiiethef:l;am-aware .(as Ihavelong, been), of the dangers haotover me at home; l' c lon, citizen Veiled States,; Eind'wefi_kneWi . thti, iibligefinui.,.im piped sell; der' ell Ciieunltnneei t ; b) an.j,eulrghfeoeit ~„;„ T e Bremer( !sumps; at 'our insCrieethible, , tearful it s ed ly agil by' 'Pepnlar 'movd= - 110 Pet0 1 0, InlreJang Cluniiias a. *liglang pinirdiors w{' Soot ,were preparing ler' inarnense gatherings. 'Already 'had ministers »ban abandoned Ole prbieti''.6i creasing' ihe ; indorne,ta#, ie It' Virile.ol%.lrelepd: -But rite government was 'andma* 01' the' Canlinent' run liens a' n o in.thepenirle;:in eye-, l ',,y."co r eotion „Englang !CAW!, 4,4 7 , . irlibert t.. 0 Lard: , Jah ,Rw. 3 8 4114 ..T,1nhi_ 1 7 ,tl;f3r,m(ive ihp.peooo. oi be born° ATYP` "z., : r ' • d . A NO . I . orn, 14 . enozi IN . Phijkitottan4lae—Thf: Pi"iiio. '6 4llßlAPPPer*Aki filik*,slolol!:Pt a 'Winn. ltdriiklartnuithitittiliti:443;; — :A min named Wiliiiirr!*glikirlqf ioalded at the coital! , of SoittOgttP4o4k/IT4t.TlloP?Pli°oi ilrrdle, 6i;e / hid ' wAli 0 6 .tiy,:. 1. -o,A l Y4_i,ng PI. death ins a abort time atlefita*i,tio:lnOih -attempted to lake:hie cM l )9ifeilinl l .o l l 4 d l l 4 , l ,..; 4 . iictv.pi , iin I,llmhitimq.l.4 , kiiitiilki: .0 1 ,iimiti0‘6„,\7447441,ip.47,,A0egac 6,1 rirykeiimooficrorfolv*EvAo4s'Tzt onproyivietimi3O,TPAr!eurnrni• ' it 66icioni - ,lisiii:i.: . 4 „1.: . .:c :.)', r ' " ..„6 . ,' 4‘, , ~,•,,' ~',; f, '• ~ : ..,., . „ i . ~`,..474,i4.11,-vt.h. MMM Freedom; ":,:y nstattift)6o4llll/3 kl i gea ,'JPlVP;tilh4iince and speculetos iiltelnenCell9" '' Li success of the e ithge '. of ere. The 14i, Y 8 i: t1141 ' g ?'! e • tof De 11 niFoideiltostaby.shmen ee.lnP, l3 . ; the. c r i e iv e e er y e s d eh b e y t e e o t u ie r ,l e . t n4'oe Soy% c . .tel , suc i e,..ts i geqera , ;- 3 . 11 • " the 1. 'Them Msr'Revolution ,rae,effected .11-9Tlt9 y, c !ln.-,1- Mpg in . a hig,h.de,gree all, the Fdfir Hundred Thotisand - of . the tirrest•troops in. Europe;—. One Hundred Thousandoithem stationed in and around_ Paris,. with:its immense Fortifi cations, With all the cannon, sgrtridges, and nearly all .the nWords and . fire:arms of .any, kind within vcaeh, has• . been . oydrthrown in its own _capital by the day-laborers of that . capitatorparmetl i -unskilled,-and-undirected. On one side 'were able generals, the pies ' lige of i authority, ritaallthe costly.'anci Pow erful. machinery of scientific warfare; .on the other rui upoiganized;MfiliSiidined,rpultituo firo . d.by,laVis:ed liberty and indignant' at .the peffitly Of Liits . Philippe. • This Miiltitutio struggled on, 'scarcely, knowing , each others resolution; entirely in the dark as to the re sult of their 'efforts, until the'National.Gugrds and even the troops of the Line, were. won over to their site, ant from _so ()ere as a med at ,the'thought, of discharging murder. : ous volleys into an unarmed 'rabble, were transformed Into citizens warmly sympathi zini-iVith- - that rabbi 'raid 'WA them desi rinaat all hazards the downfall of diSpotism: . Than melted into. vapor the Thrline of -the Barridedes before the fiercely indignant gaze of the Barricades, and the new , era of Free- Aorrr-lor---Europc stood-tes-ealed -to an-aston 'kited world. • • 11. Tbere is no lor.aer room to doubt the ipmpicteness of the Revolution. From -no corner of France. do we hear a trimmer of opposition to the Republic or to the 'Provi sional Government, of necessity so irregu- Tairly constitetecr until the People can elect new and true representiv.es of their _trickles to establish a legitimate Government. On the contrary, the Republic is proclaimed as last and fur as the tidings of its establish 'mem at Pans are conveyed by telegraph or ettierwiSe, IfiCralf classes-::Peers,'Dipirties, Generals, Admirals, Statestkein of all shades of opinion—unite with the common people iq haling • the new-clay-spring of Liberty, Fmnikity, Fraternity. Beyond the late Roy al Family .and Ministry, .we can hear of scarcely afintitive from Prance on account of the late 'Retiolutiom not one open con temner of it. - h—L,l. The Revolution has been ethinently ' hMiVatie. Tiro • tvholo number, kilted .actl ~ . . mounded 'during _MQ eventlat-titree days, in all Paris, inscomsequence of the_flevolution, is said to -be loss than five hundred L-the killed _beirrg less - than one hundred. Who ever hedrd of a great victory of Roy alty &kw trbeity• fit open and doubtful conflict, achieved wiikso mull tin efjusion of blocidl . We caPliotlegit that on eduiliVidurit has been riarmeimnientwrigert - irsitemtne victory, tle'. Cat") •of Iti prior opposition, however deadly, ,to the popular 'Cause; nor can we learn, liat Tie act of vengeance or of eiuel ty has stained the laurels of the victors.— Oa tire contmryL,tho-proelarnation of a uni versal emPeifY,for Politicalitffences and oi ler abolitiOrt,pl . .Capital Punishment for such offences, Murk; the ascendency of a spirit of gentleness and humanity which Monarchy may vainly retrace, ifs bloody atfirals - to lel. •, IW. The now Revolution is emmently pflrctical in 04- ai m s and tendencies Uni versal Suffreo—absolute liberty of the Press .:-Al3,•lition cifitill titular Nobility—Abolition of Slavery- , -Abolition of Stamp Duties—ee -1 tablisliment.oi Banks of Discount in aid of the National rdustry-the National Guard to be compos d of the whole people-r-Re duction of tlkhours of Hired Laboi—Abo lition of Copit4 punishment—Sato of the Royal Polaceglor the benefit of disturbed or depressed Insustry, and the.conversion of the Tuillerie into a • hospital ; for Working Men--these to the first fruits of the Pea ple's Vietory.-Whcr does 'not hope and trust that the.noon#y of French Liberty willful ly justify the p raise of its glorious morning? V. ThOlefre*(rif the Revolution .on that great i majorl ~ Of. prope which is still in , :be seen. "Thus ler, it 1e4e15 1 , 7 413' I: , would:seem' !ia a tan'Oy rani!) , wiihe the P,dopl2i . ol and. even touTpagiiy.' , . 11 . 0 . two,gr'ent.tei3 ' be most Palutary. In Bay a im has been extorted, appa .,. - bloodshed, from Me King by Prnsaia, Ireland *ate convulsed bythe as , main:twat' the French Repub. • .Gqrmany 'tat .yery soon be .ral Republics, lit substance it There-have been turbulent .wit 'in - name Othiirkpk, l l iccEngland and Scotland, but • . Wit4.no ale. I defined • purpose•and in no . foratitlablef! ~ From Poland, we have as rev no ;idyls-but we trust hor indopen 'dance and t 'of Ireland aro among the tiOsiostrary cog trances of that 9f France. Yet. we do not. ope nor , desire to heat shit. r i an insurreol as broken out in :aijthier ! Ireland-will* roe whenever 'her Millions reallY,•!TqloiY: -, a cannot ; be i'• ReU pie • a vioky* , :Ito miserahle. faciiitait , ilii . opollek:pt . ,', ..; pet cieadlythatt : o4, - ,.0f ',liitOh . Pthiigtißo7' . .th,tate:relity: and , speak, ' 4tiithiirpli.ll4 tiiiisbi4fitirMi:''teill she • tru ly ,t i i iiqsftlibieiksv . fou!4 ba ivilliliiiiik4i pable . .liiiiiiiititlon` to biome.: • iiii4 - 4fien,i' intralitll'haventrrifed, i the • I,llier.tipf trot d"Will;Oeillilleo4delned: ..,ifi;;llagle 4 d , olisoareCill'e,,hieilzpit of itipigOiatiii•P ea t vx , We do not'iftial. a-coa. ) I . liittt.'ol deep. 'airtinst ber'so,',long , :as 'she itietifries trot 'tlom:Otiieriiitilrell:p,ifriiiipi: dear:lrugf,i(ji islTO,noo;`al4 nOt,atfliacr ici warn them og is rock, the rioverlyOl:ll l er Finances,- th;' , , . il . ?f RoVolutieini•at:!lionte i will doter , the , -Iliaativeli: ,There may 0 . e .. iiii! 4 leir , ,o l. ' #a0 0 .:G 61 4!3i018,..0w,ini biit,P,i4".PKgmAo' 'alttamPla a t r '7 9 ;9 9rC it i k i !' iitirjeePotir 'l ': oa,ilaniirt!' o Fffh i bri.hfaAv9 ‘Liha i i4" . .,lii: :... :` . el TOtiAllhijireill ' iilifidta \ gi if t lil i l k ti riti: : I . I,PlP't t I '9 5.1 4 f44 1 , 46, . 40:4i,iiih,W . . ,-' 1 lt*(PlriO4,...X;FOk. #4.* 7 1,040k . z. ' 7 4: 0 0.04 0 r governing. Cu 101 4 .,11, 6 * . 1 1#1 , 441 1 4.!:v 1 ;, , '''. .1 4 :44 -4. ' ‘ ' ~ i.). -..-' -?,q t - vt'• , , - -egmt,g4ve <,&• 4! . ..,,, : -.:.5,v4..1? ,•,,' ... r . ' : , 4 1 : 1 00 1 0 1 #0 11 ,Y and . ,11a3:;:d0,11410 . 4 3 cn`iiiiisa . the,.areal ci, rat years the Rec ls'iflt tie aFreneh Tien xpen u as; now cones a anaihn of:uncoil - Only IliftlAtp-, prehpalhaii, \Olga - ChidingCO inarease, thalliciaaOla,upon . it. . It-will he fortunate kir Frappe. iithe Orin 1848 as - ciomparad,Wiilli 1 847 Al mot lully ten per cent. Many odiou s taxes ha - ya" ulreaiy been a b olished or``'modi(ied~ 'ha safelly..iraposed;'andllie. - Funds'haveitio fallen that - a new loan jtrvir tually impossible. What shall be done I if regenerated France has but the courage and fitiesig,ht gradually - to' disband' her Standing Army;trinting,to bar FiVltllifillions of Na tional Guards for protection, and to abolish soantich of her. Police as ie occupied main ly with espionage intoPolitical' movements and opinions, her initial difficulty may be obviated. ' _ . "•.-AMERICA TO FRANCE! The following is the speech of 'Mr. Rush, the American Minister, recognizing the Pro vistonul Government.: • 'Gentlemen ;—As the'RepreeentativAof the United 'States, anti charged with the-care of the riglifs and interests of my country and my fellow-Citizens residing . in Frahm; and being at too'greal. a distance to a‘aft instruc , r. tionq from my government, risaiio the Mull:: est 6 mrtunit of °florin? m con' atula- tions, persua.ed that my.goVernment will approve the step in which I have taken the initiative: I cannot omit to remind you of the alliance and friend Ship which have so long existen between Fiance and the United. States...l am certain thattuud.and_nniversal expressions of hope arise in my country for the proiperity, happiness and glory of France under the institutions now ,inaugurated in. conformity with ..the will of the nation,:— Americans have an ardent . hapelhat under the-wisdom-ol 7 Franee-these-institutions-wilt have resulti - of which the magnanimous con duct -of het people; in late elients, after() presage, • ' Under similar institutions the-United States . have enjoyed 70 years of indrisasing. pros perity with a government of Stability, and if the Union gives to others the choice of gov eminent, without interference, it naturally feels gratified in seeing another nation under institkons, assuring to themselves the ,benefits of social - order, and ptiblic l'ermit me to employ the woryls which IVashinglon, the great founder p 1 our Re public, used 'on 'similar occasions, and ter; ,m in ate th is --bp-ridding r :rny congratulations and the earnest hope that the friendship of the two 'Republics may be co-extensive with their (paragon. 111r"Arag,o replied -to Mr. Rush, He was delighted- to re-echo the words of Washing ten, and hoped that a lasting hiendship would spring up between the RepUblies.- M. Dupont D.e L'Eure iiliressing the Am bassador,- said, "Sir, in offering ;my land 1 assuio-you that the French people tender the hand of friendship to Americans." When they .quitted the Hotel de Ville the guard' presented arms. 'Dries 'Long liVe the Republic Cf the United States? saluted the AmbasSador. , - . Items. It is stud the jail cf • Adams county is al present without - a tenant. ign. gign Pir.nevlvania Canal, i s in good navigable ardor. Mr 13Amer.HUBLEY,01 York, was instantly killed on Tuesday lust, by a tree falling on hurt and crushing Ins head. Dr SumtgEn . has been chosen primate of England, to s ucceed the Arch bishop of Can terbury, whose death has been already an nounced, The ..MARYLAND LEGISLATURE passed a law Which takes.effent on theist of June, to 'pre vent the selling of intoxicating thinks on the Sabbath, virtually shutting up all taverns on Unit day. Newark, New Jersey, affords probably one of the best examples in the country of the advantages of manulactures to .a town. In 1826 Newark had only a population of 8,017 ichabiJains; now its population amounts to about 30,000. There is no tolling to what use Chloro form'ivill not be applied. ' Husbands, who stay out late &night use a small sponge sat urated with it, and alter inhaling about live minutes, are insensible to all curtain lectures. - BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING—Jahr. Derby, of Ware, Mass., advertised for a wile, and received seventy-five applications. Some of the applicants pressed their claims with such vigor, that poor John, to get out of the scrape pladed a ropo;round his„ neck arid hung him self. ', ' . • Died in IVashingten city, on the 22d inst., Allamonl,.a colored man, in the 91 year of hie age. He was Proverbial kir stern integ -rity and fidelity. When the revolution„broke nut, Aliment was given'. to Cal George - - ,,%%;#sliirgton, by hignepheir, and was with htsyoung:tiaster in alt the leading battles in the Southi : ending ‘yith the siege of York town. Colonel "Cerro), of Howard couriti, Va., has recently purchased ajarge i n the Chesapeake Bay, which hp has.stocked with black'cels. .A.very large number has been purchased and sent to their secluded homes. ThWebject - is to raise them for the fur which rs-qUite Tharp has been no evidence adduced to prove that the tnan,Jolin Hofburin, arres ted at Philadelphia' on Saturday, vas in anyway geocereed to:the 4151',099 robbery, of Chester bat* notes, though it is, hopini his arrest may, lead to the, detection of the rob- The English paper's infarrn us that exten sive preparations are, being made by the op eratives in the cotton trade _and othert,bran ches of manufabtures to emigrate to the-Uni ted States in largir nerObers. • , " Umbrellas _were ;msed.•in Philadelphia in .17 7 1 ; Thert,Wore.:olutrisy •atiti , awkward, PreViattaly, to this piiiodi: , doctors ' Ware -oil ninth caps to keep oil:Oo i'al,l; , :„4TheYWelo , glosss 4° ., !qi )1e , . , 01.',%, , ,, 1 0:'' :11zh , :-A'filiailumloi-imthe'Hoie;Mills , ;4hc l d-: eii , lasil,)eXPlodiftlian'Theedifi'sauslng.tlied""v°f4lni'ls 9i29'llle9nS. `:.'. :An`ligeiiiinknaret;BtnshiO;:ait-has invented / a; prapeseloy, boiling ;wheat. . . '', ''' Ct*," , Gen..l3trrikajiretakingiommaed Of the" tAirrlY as; neOltisei et 'Gen:Scolt; ties ihe„ifollowirie language id reference to his °;:::ciioii.:*itiiiing -.41.0p ! ; ttie: i 4litiep viigned 7 1ini, , ;(1*(0141intler,;.60iliop:,b6:'unritindful , th'et , :he•Succeedif , l' a Getfeol,:ferafitilCultke 'i'vliWilicl eelelia,io.ol l 4;gri o ,.i'l?Pri.illl),tyhO haii,kfttt: raciatifif *tight t% t Optiouo:termi l ifit. l o ll .!"fiti*Oil.lhe'boidest , ' 4l4 o/P!‘iglifs.:3 o : , bo. itountkin;its:innalidt:3:' , ' -- /•:7; •' , 1 , *:.ii".,,- 1 1`;', , '• ' l "9'l ll o , :iNic l ,';' ,. '''''""'"`""''''.,,l7 , 6l.;(ol-•' i , , ,, , , , 0. 4 , 14 , ) ,c , : n0 .,•, , ,:1 4 .. , , , 1 , i 4 0, , , ,, k kifi j 0 i1 v. 0. i.. , r 0 ' f1 i i. i t t :, , t ,„: 1 , 0, ; 1 t'j' at iOt '''Alkitql•Ziro , Yik)fqle 'i 4 ',4* *Oa jit i l to,"?:;,lfOltt ft7,444 , 91:41f 1 0,4hp,..0ft AtI:J 1 A a il lii itlikiitt‘/Ml9#4)#47 o ioini* ki,Foon. , klo:ys 4 yokfici,,g t :wevio';:vaii'4 :14,..rak01ief0r0.,, , A,,R,11,, , ,,,.0„1-y., , ,,, , ,t ,, , , .;, , a. ! ,, , .. .....,.., ,.,,-;,..,„,..:,,,,,..,.,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,.. attero: out ' 4 77 - 4 - 74 , Titz,rl7*dtvjekt:Nee DistetiBBiiin(.- 7 . l? trp 'or3R,Pi'.4jOhjit,ll 6 l* , io:tfreit*lte)' WO , Pittlish;to.ilaY, bri n gs'both; titirliei aYitOlif the ' ntitnbcr , of ittialeptibliCanenti * j et, iitagi;:althaugh catitse ' ieepinrsible for it, for totiards- neithar of ;the ,reverend disputants nave we any other .feeling than that of due personal regard. Wallops, too, that the discussion will now close, as we de: not. see that it can be - profitably con. • tinned. THE "9LE MAN ELOqUENT.7-111 accor— dance will; a request of the . stndents of Col lege, Prof. ALLEN will . deliver a public ad dre-Is on "thsi:life and character of Join; Q.EI ' I4CY ADAME;OE the 12111 . 1'1st It is an-fix. ailed Metric and, will be worthily. heated,— Our citizens we are sure will bo glad to avail theinsilves,of the_ invitation to be present-on- 3ie occasions, PLAINFIELD Cses!c.r, Acsnaiuk—Attention is invited to the fir'oifp . ectus of this institute in to-day's paper. l'he Academy is delight, fully situated .in- a healthy section of our County, within a few nailes'of thisticifough,: and offers . very superior advantages for the instruction of youth. Mr. -BURNS,. the Pre ceptor, enjoy's in a high 'degree the confi dence-of—gentlemen—who—have—now—thei sons under his charge. . IMPROVEDIENTS.—The members of the re tiring Town Council are doing an excellent thingramongst - their last acts, in ordering stepping-Stones to be laid at several ofour pro minent street crossings, which without them Erie heretofore been next thing to imPasisa hie' in : muddy weather. • The ladies will vote. glierrilfenitatiks for this improvement. By the way ; speaking of streetsove do not see any good reason; whilst almost every little street hi town is receiving some atten tion in the ‘itty.of Macadamization, why it is that High street is so unjustly ne:Jected. That street is really in a wretched condition,- and while so large a portion of the revenue of the town- comes from the residents on it, we think :they have a just rielit to call for some improvement of its condition. , DAGUERREO*PES.-Dr. NEFF has shown us sorne , teeertuspecirnene - ot his -- elcitraf lliis ilirbie art, Ailnch are_ admirable, both in finish and faithful, portraiture. Ptactice makes-perfect, and we hope in that way our citizens will .keep the Dr. or. the progressive until he is unsurpas§ed by 'Root or Collins, of Ptliktdelphia fame.. Mg" EDDY YArmy" r whose coming we announced in our last, made their appear ance on Thursday, and gave - concerts on that .riniS the succeeding evening. They are' charming singera—the youn,g ladies particu larly—mania the second . evening drew a crowded house, to whom their performances gave high. satisfaction. We commend them to the level - able rhgard of the public in other places, - Mose NEW Goons.—Onr rieighbor, Rob ert "Irvine, jr., it will be seen by his adver tisisment, opera with a rich. varied and cheap assortment of new sprir.g goods this week." • LITERARY NOTICES Alessrs. Morris & Willis, of the Homo Journal," are making arrangements for the immediate publication of another American Novel in the columns of that paper, entitled "Bessie Lisle of .Glennary," said to be irrirri: , distinguished pen and'an admirable story.— The Home Journal is one of the few literary Journals of the day which can be pntrobized by the public without danger of being taken- The' editors faithfully redeem their pledges, and make their paper worth the price asked for it. Messrs. Morris & N. York-92.00 per annum. The UNION MAGAZINE for April, is on cur table, and a splendid nufriber•it is. A hu- . morons Mezzotint of "The Lost Glove," a fine line engraving, entitled "Memory," and a superb fashion plate, are its principal em bellishments. Its literary attractions are un diminished. J. Bayard Taylor, Mrs. Child, Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. E. C. Eir3 - 14, S. H. Hopkins, and. other eminent writers are among its contributors. Edited by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland: A pretty story by the talented editress will be found on our first page this week. The Union is 93 a year. THE LIFE, AND PUDLID §ERYICES OF HENIIX CLAY.—Greely & NluElrath, Tribune Office, New York, have jut published a volume with the above title, from the pen of Epee Sargent, Esq., hi which — the events - TUT - o)mq down to. the year 1848. The frontispiece is a tine steel engracing of Henry Clay. Price 25 cents. - IVhig National . , Convention. Delegates from the tplloyirig clh'ltrict#'have alteady. bejni chosenlo ilia' 'Whig 'Naticryttl:' Convention :'" ' •I : ' I 1. John. Lindsay- '2, 'Hinny' White - City and canny of t 3, Samuel Allen , - Philadelphia; 4, Samuel Ware • 5. Montgomery' and , Delaware--John G , , - HelideraalV - 7 ----7 77 -7---- - O. BucksiltruP Lphigh—Henry King .. 7. 'Chester—Townsend liaines 8.- Latieaster-'-Thomas E. Franklin „ . : 5. , Berks+Dif'D,iller Luther ~ ~ ',.. ' . .4" 11 ': ; Lillerneilic• - ,-S,'.P. Pheills , - - ~ .: ~ 112 ;,PitacitiOlt!imit, 't B i- A.'‘Pla+Pl:;ciiiii 4 ' ,„;_-.., -,recornmeno . ed by' Susqueha.lloa, ,- -:,;, 1, ,z,14.. Lebanon, Ste. -Thos. M tlibiglitinse. 16. Franklin Stko."--E;M:':,1:1h11116 . L , '',...L..„._ L'irr - iHiitipti - geoViran..-.Giiiii-1100811Eiln - r: '' 2l : . Akkeilbetly—Xin . ,T: Fi-,.Dale, : ... , I.i . _ 22: CritiVford, , E.U.';Johaj.;:earsoni'rect= .coninhendedby ., frieMer.. , -. ~;.',, ~.:,....4., . ..,-,;, . ...,-..2., '•,..,04r :.1 ,00 4 * - 01;'•iii*, )1117! passed in .otir , Slate 1 4 3 . 51 0 - Fir I . l o4`;' ) At . o. ICOrovitlea Ilia! ton e hoeia'4lAlyiebrietaiteday's4ml: :iin' collen / Atoolletvallky nape!, bri . ggingcanq flax 'nebulas ,i, ifilli : :•! 14- agV . 0 1 0 1 4. ' Yel'A . giVAei9 l : oiil4, tactqtl446iVtora miner ,:ruore don" ieli. , ,' . iiiiiiii - 4(ii!l,o l i4Olifilli'!';'iiti r•lfty dillitte, Oiil i ' [ ii ( : l: `: l : l :tt;r 6 ;;,thii .. l) . : o o"dqll) l °Y.9‘L; l , ; ‘iAoit . : , liiit=lfter ,!Ilifq*l4:kin':•Tit!Y,,'"9xli*rn,,,,...-04.ri ,shall i.uo;opi*chwiliiitk;,f,a9,i?iii t o - ,.. ? 0,0e : 14.s ; e0eiit fiiii;i l ';i , :!; . o . :k l ol;o l s4,:poyaltiop Aii*;rodoi;inttili,inliCinif4l,6 so 4iolol !ahtplintatit-thE!'6olloittqlffAt%,:...l.4 1!,,, ii 6 iliiiiio",94,iii,ffoiy . ,otiiiitliEY,oi4o', , i ~ ~ : le ::. • , ;` - i'2 , X . :O t: , W;T;,-`-',•0' , ',,..." , 'i , , ';,.„,' -, ;...' v', , 6'4 , . ;•: , ,-ty.P1.44 , , , , , -1,, , ,,', , ,y, , ,,'' i.v.,,,,.,:;, MMN qront ' t e" Wthe=ll h the cir SPVO ma 0 t,an d• front Vent Ctat 11.141.6th;Elitythitt-Sayitii;A.ro nu'ltttd rip sf ea to. animal "Tiviggs: Tot vennisiintrritsiltrottgh Vera - Cruz, 'in ordeiict ., leave the, country, ttnd that his request: had beeh . glinted. A number of- resignations hitifd taken place iii thearmy since the armistice. The atikeri detailed upon the Court Martial for the trial of Gen. Scott reached the Capital about the 15th. The... North American, of the 10th gves accounts 'of revolution' having, ta , ken place Ciliate - Mak in opposition for the pregent gbiermitetiOttal tn.pcacs, and in' favor of Santa CNN Ozer The WaShingfonleorrespOndent of ihd Baltimore Sun-gives It as hislmpression that Mr. I he the tadocci4r candidate 'for Presulant, and Gen. fic . LAt the dandichilii , of the Whigs. • - et; • :r_igaa_ntoms..alvAtt,Tit,Eatt r the—ndinit. - nee of the Whig Stale entiverition for Curial Corrimissipner, is.at precent,a .menibet ot: the Senate, t'ti which' body he Oche' elected id • ' October last,ito etipply theintCaney oceastomi eel by the decettse al Waganseller. !cid lies, at different times, during the la-t ibitty yearn ; beetia - memliM - of the .11Otiseofilep+- resentatives„ind . hasfrequstruly beanmhosert Speaker of- that is 'remarkably tceil versed in parliamentary rules . and tice. and in all the' cloalifientlons" neeesbal to constitute a geed preitling officer. bets without a,superior in iheState. • lie ls fitathcrr a over tre mtwee I ,asa genastssii el slicing and vigrucifte intellect—of enlarged and liberal views—and . bf great , :pnrity . aud purpose.tteleeted,..ati he . ,can bri-if the Whigs will but do their duly, he -will,unw douhiedly make-nn able, energetic and pop- ular office r.—:-Luneaster Union. THE Dirrtntmite—The timilertL(Conrr) Courant says, a large ntanufacturind.'estatr lishment in that county , _ip_the—hands—ol— Whigs, faired elm weeks ago. .Thai first. act of the company in making their assign- , meat, was - tri 'provide for their writ kinen, . to whom they were indebted a large sum. An 'establishment in the hands of locos, which followed a few.. days alter, made provisicri for thestool holders; and.the,imor operatives to whom they are rndehted three or four thoosand dollars, are left withom Any securi ty! Yet the looofoco party are the men who boast of their love for the dear people. Ac tion spent; louder than words.' --The - - -Nr - ik-M omit rg -- S ar — sayie ' That 'hr?. Astor leaves property valued at forly miNhorts of dollaie, the largest arnotiut of which, it is Supposed, ho has willed Co his son, William B. Astor: Ho has heque;ithed the sum of $360,000 for the establisbinent of a Free Library : to bo-called the ^Astor Library." (* - -Louis IsLmoleon has been civilly refines: ed by the Provisional- Govern ment to. leave Fraoce, foi a shaft time,.until matters are more settled. • Tug GREATEST - MPDIOISIP OF TDB DA.II)IC - ' ---- kINVAXNE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD Tile universal celebrity which this Valuable medl eine Is gaiiiing throughout the United :Mates, and-the many ustunisiting cures It In ,cobsto ugly - pertrnoing, bas proved it to Ile, beyond all doubt, llw only sore and certain cure for Pulmonary Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Spit;log of Biped, Liver complaints, Nervous Debility., Tickling or= R lising in the 'Planet; iltrotichitis,.Dillicully. of Breathing, or ..i.roymplusos of Consumpt I sm. ***.m... Il rw eho.lll he resorted toMed'usimially. Dr. Swaynk's litirsopa rilln Pills sviirlie fnitnil n valuable aeqiilsit len to the • Wild 'Cherry, nod will prove where on operient is required. Dr. Swayne's Cum_ poundisyrim of W. 11.1 Cherry feu Illedicilierwidth has stood the test of experience. Hurd {Pissed according to the directions, (as described In Dr. alVtlyllC'4sCuide to Health) seldom faits. The above ponplilet Is *ell worth o perusal. CAUTION CAUTION . Avoid nil spilt-ions prepay-1111one of Wild Cherry elicit ns Balsams, Hitters, Byrops of Wild Cherry, Pills purport lug to eordnio wild cherry. &c. os they are all rivriertnes pro enewrktwker, and corittlin none of the virtues of the origholl nod genuine Prelln rations. as prepnred by Dr. 11. Swnyne, and the tint ever prepared In this country. Or. Swayne's Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry is composed of vegetable' Ingredients, the Wild Cherry, and other medicinal substqnces, equndy as effiencioue, If not more to • the whole ore no cirectnally coneentrnted as to retitle, it beyond till doubt the mold pleasant. strengthening, and effect/mil remedy ever-diserwered - for the cure of Pulinenttry - Consomptlon, Wed Aid 'dltterses of the Clings and Branst.. The verpfucl, from Its having such a train of spurious Imltatiodsontrids to proye Its great curative prraperlic9. . Therefore, lovalids, Inquire for the original preps ratitio, each bottle of which Is enveloped In a ?wood ful wrapper, With a" likeness of Wm. Penn engraved thereon ; oleo hoarier the elelintlire of Ur. 11. Swept°, the crunterfultlng of which will be punished ns forgery. Prepared nod sold by D. IL Swayer,. N. W. forner of E ighth and 'lace streets. Philadeilphin. Sold in . Carlisle by 8. W. lIA,VERSTICK and S. ELLIOTT. FURTHER TESTIMONY.—The following lean ex tract of a letter received from Rev. Wm Galtudta Berkshire, VI:0420,1815 Meintrs Sands,-1 have been afflicted with a Beier° pain in my side, occasioned by a diseased liver, for the last twenty years—suffering at timmi what tan guhge cannot chnvoy ; but since taking your Sump mills I have heen.greatly relieved, en much en that 1 have been able to attend to my I.III6IIICFS and preach occasionally for the last fifteen months. 1 wholly discarded all tither medicine, sod thoroughly tried the Sarsaparilla, which 1' can recommend in truth and sincerity to all those who are in any way afflicted with scrofulous complaints, There have, been some remarkable cores effected by its, use • in this vicinity. Mrs Shaw, tribe use' of six bettletoves.:,retilgred to better health than.'slui Auld - before ,eajoyed. for ten years, and Mrs Stevens, whir had been. :; severely af flicted with the Erysitielas, Wass entirely, eue4o Ity,the 11/30 Orp reWlinilet • :WM; GA r.vsHA. . Prepared and seild.hY ft. tic D „SANDS, Drug- Blatt. 100 Pultoirstreet,.lgew York; - sami iirlirt3TELMOTTMOVelhiteMittltritin g -. gists generally throaglicipt theMeited States.;:Ptice $1 per bottle, :• . . , • dONSUbIptION.--Theiq Is:perhaps no disease with whlch;onr:Ciinnify • 14 .etilected;Li hat 'Sweeps;etr nominally. solnany v 630018014 7. flint foll' , llelitrityer the bunion racer,Ooriiigroprien;!,Day after day,' year , oiler year, the insatiate monsterliorries; to the portals of the cold and silent tinnb,.(res,h added victims to its . 'co iinn est No' Iva I f life ismilifenrifth Its blighting Influence. No egar,ls exempt from its;detkllcaling • aborts, fife old, the middle lige , l'and-, the yoongoill alike are food•for thlir common enmity or inoOttind.— The white baired,petriarch,4lmie lifeltifteniperance has rendered irlkgysicm imparyiquiLle the attacks o . other ills; end:wirmorgoiilrdeede Prone redittin ithrtho ,enjoyment of illb!reealnt';eVanillta Illute.Pani*Otti" (listening tic range - men. his 'elicit,, and tearing him (rpm a world ever :bright to -hands' look corn placently on tinge rvelisPonfl.;;;lillieronOThilpiottho ..attlitted i;,NO preventive of the': dangers; Whiptliceet m um in oar' cbangeshirrniiditchlm clime •IPA4tiethink Is.>;;.And.,,lp.the allegations:or:those *thottro at . ; : lelikkontli rdiA MlViollY.n!y r be•boleved c iletl, le a orehootlvoutoryretTodYt ` r: • 3 4iiiilil9T•Witii.atliiiini!I$fierel to a.itiferlnelkniltlll , ltiel.Aineeds!nin. , the . fadveri-• intougnid.,)Of tilting siting of hetlttchih Ceilltitlitekto ' nothrloty.,trtztto A:he-Value and: - .lntrlask agent ma."11101041:10' entitle' It to the confident:olth° • public, and iii ttwon - oh; tiOhlito , .., the nome , ,of, Lantor, as, heoritlicler of ills sPeeleej • ' The ;leonine pried': tith*ripper..-- 0 71(1•111- •eariletphy:1; , EfittltYrt l sotritgovit. • . ' ' • ••••'' —• - . 4, `.. -- - - .••• ,- t-tur , • . • .. , ,, , atti),-11 —,. ti on i ng , , Arii 3. .111Indelpya. "wee for ex ' h Oa ' t At ria; extra ' .• e r cinN ' , „ ISA 'ke f ileinand 'RV% EL,OIFRis,9, wm.th jletilyee.4-Tll o:Att,it/NP7"l"4ll;l2ti etii..'waiOliCtlAkir . 1,, A 130/ W7_, ilull ' ii \ setta& 3 9a;' wA:::„„r".,--,r,..',4,',14,,fibbt , , ehl ic t 46i:its-A; us: ,„ COV4IIIIIfPF"' uivly .. ,:. „ 4 „,,,, ,;:4;41tJ,,_. 1,,4.t,0 ,tr,,..40,....!, 4.,„iiaixt,, n.4004.d% ,1 4 4 04vvi11img1,64,..111h01mi...th0i„, 4 .ii 441,44 031.0iiiierott9lqA!,•41v't:Sk.A.: tiil# 40,1444,.k7,,W4:0,tt:t LW in (tintC '1,11i11). 61141,10:.. P., .' , - e 3 pittabiirj • —• e A ;- , '.,!.l, i 'er . ' ,' ' ~.~.7: ~.,.. n,~:/. ~..,... ~,. MEEMM Iliii==gl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers