Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 05, 1848, Image 1
13211 .~ .;,;= . 1: / t 1. 1). f,sl:f. tlpfilfAtt ) :F64 • ‘: ME r, . •,- ;.i -,, tr , ,',';';: . !' . ::',.. :- : ; :'• a; - •' , ,,.:,Jr:;'.:'';.-.:. - t - ~.. . liMil MEI ~~ ~.i .: 35:. : Zarb,s; Dr, John Jilyeri HAS•4EIII9VED:hii-Office and dwel tag — to - file Drug Store bra West !Ugh street. . - ' npril 1 /h:*oc-lifTMis Foulke, •.. sialtA.DU4TE.'of the Jefferson. Medical ot f . :" 0 liege of, Philadelphia, respectfully o ff ers Ida pr o e.ilatonaraeriices in',the practice of Medi tine urgery and Midwifery. . • .PlC.t.;at the residendb of his father in S. .ftanoveralfeet,Aireetly,tipposite Morro? Hotel le nethe 2d.'PresbYterican church. ' •. op 7 '47 poctoi Ad ...Lippe, • ificaIOEOPATIIIC Physician. Office ibchinin street, in tlie!house formerly ocoui !pied' bY op 9`',o, " C.' -Locrmis, WlfiL — perforn all operations upon the Teeth-that are requi ted for their preServation, such as Scaling,, Tiling, - .Plugging, Ace, or will restore the lose of them, by inserting Artificial Teeth, from a-single tooth .to a fall sett. irrOtfice on Pitt. street, a few doors south.of the Railroad Hotel. Hr. L. is ab sent the last MI days of every month. 1,- ! Wm. T, :Brown, TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice I in the several Courts of Cumberland coon ty. Office ,in Main street, nearly oppositaAjte_ county jail, .Carlisle. • • feb 9 'Wm. IW. Penrose, A TTQRNEY AT LAW, will practice in the several Courts of Dauphin county, Wen; his professional seivices to the public.: Harrisburg. inn f 9 1848-3 m Joseph Knox, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburg, Pn., has .returned from Carlisle, to the practice of his profession in Pittsburg, Allegheny county, Pa. felt 10 17 Henry Edgar Keene, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will prac tice in the several. Comte of Cumberland wind adjonining coubties, and attend to all pro fess - tonal business entrusted to his. cure with fi dolky and promptness. Miceli' South Hanover Street. in Graham's new building, opposite the Post Office. aueustdff James IL Smith, . ATTORNEY — A7r LAW. Office with ' S: D. Adeir; Esti, in'Grolieties neVI lug, opposite the Poet Office. mar 31'47 Caxton C. Moore, TTORNEY AT LAW. OtTicO. ru the romp Irately occupied by pr. Foster, deceased, mar 3l '47 R. A. Larnberton,: 'ATTORNEY AT - 1,1-11Y r Iltirrisburg, Pa. • ap 2.8 '4B - • WRIGRT • IMPORTERS - AND DEALERS IN FOR EIGN k DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Gies's. Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel,Nails dr4. would invite the attention of persons Want,- ing goods in their line, to the large assortment they have•just opened, and which they 'offer at the very lowest cash prices. leh23 Dyeing and Scouring. ILLIAM BLA IR, in Loather Stieet, 7 near the College, dyes Ladies' and Gentle 'Hanle apparrel, all colors, and warrants nll work to be pattsfeetory. Orders in his line respectfully itolicitpd. sop '46 IV.X T 1 IVALTERS WALTERS & HARVEY, (Late Hazlehurst & Walters,) PRODU CE and General Commission filer chants, Nos 15 and i6 - Spear's Wharf, Hal iimore. Liberal cash advances made on consign menus of all kipds of produce. „ fob 93m nagistr it ate'r.Officeibicived. 7 4 VPIIE Office,of the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace, has been removed:4o the braise adjoining the store of Mrs. Weakley,4nr High' street, Car lisle, immediately 'iipposite thelteilrond Depot and Winroit's Hotels: My'reaidencri being there, I will always' boToend home , ready to,attend to the business 'of the public. In addition the duties of-a:.Magirittite, I mill attend to all kinds of Writing, such as Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Indentures,:Axticleri of. Agreement, Notes &,c, which 'will beekeented - in a neat manner and ac cording to the, most OPproved forms. The. 011iegiately: occupied by me, in Mr. Gra liam'a building is for rent, and possession had Mi. nrtediately. E rhe rent is low and the location good. ril je2 I 48 - GEO. FLEMING. • Morrett's Hotel, . MITE subscaiber . respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally,. that he has • taken' the Well known Tavern stand On on-. .ner of:South flinoverand Ponifret streets, form: erly, kept.: by,.,Mr. Andrew Roberts, where he will endeavor to serve.those who may call upon him the inosteatisfaCtorymanner. house is pleasantly situatcd„atid .is furnished throughout goorreddinT;kiiilToilforfiftitifintiand hie accommodations are such ,as yttill.maka it •a con desimble stopping itlace. No eker- ArAll - be'sparad to make it egroeable in all its doritratinta to those'ull&fiop;:fullar . liinf.with a • B ,07C[t))Ele$'wilt be taken by tije`weak; ',Month; or yeak in'tlis usual kicisp A o „. • ~ . ....SAMUEL 4RETT: iiiiiiestio — ii - pP: , .GraSti.,A.....e.-. onso ::. 4 . - '., : i . ,10 . ,:Prribe...! ,-, ,,1e': '.--... • ...,. - iCrIA:ltD.,10111•15019t the'lett' ',.ki,,.Thamei but Knight of. the Razor—rm.- ' '.spectrully Informs titose requiring...his profestional ltegvicel,.thifhe may al‘vays belound at - the old ~`--stand in.l4ongier.,:etretit,,one door or: timid: Mirth titreet;?.parCdiately,'ltr.thm rear, or,lip . ;•.:.'hotrtitgrocoryittore, and , alt,hough he...will , nei th er nor. boast, - yet, for, Clean and 'neat 81.1 A V ;;L'. ING;',FitthionabLe CUTTING and unite 'ihlnytifg out, and Cultivating : either Whisker or *Oastacheikk'lloap;dery 'the 4ountY. . ; Ho: re alao sole navantor,Ondt manufacturer of the 'm10%411614 and'never-failittg remedy tor, bald. ._ff.tort,4olll4l/3QIIIr ./LPPlLATClitir;:.which 7 7-he . is so' certain pf iln2,icatoring ..the , hair, that • mama rlt. return otle4oll;thnpurchase' /looney:, Price . "11, per bottlet ., a p1,418'.' ... " A''''a' iteglVO- , i 7 " ~ ~,...i‘.l'..'„sle4Ll7'' L,,14.6i;0:', ~,,..A.,id.wpAn-... ,'," E 4.01 ,L AV.,..,; 1/4111.7..,''.' r 11810 ; .; between ~ tiarick,.,...-;:,.. - 7,7 it .' oil. or-Pn 'lltUrCumr . t7,:1it..,t -.. :;, num-s:4 -v 6..,itoad :(Loond, ...f-A •-... ~,,iiii.4 .rour.,.,:villirB:!! t4 - ..,',,molitiqiiiiiiii2' . .--t., 4:.'''-'i1.214.14-1- • Pt- 1 : k Yy;LViii"i9tl'every '. ' ';i.lli; FI E -,paaN.D 44.. ited,:iild ,j,iin,' ~, Tt`,,c.,-0,.1110-nce, 4itll,E,todellTsillißor'iri !iii4; -'0113.7117eille): 1:....,?. -,.,.i'.ii-fi,.„aooor.,„oo,4lOnt.r..e9traorts,P.Pyo.too In,: -.:`•• , adelP.;!Plit4ltieo ror:fortv,i ,•,-,....-,-..i; „;froo i.rn. t. ,, 09 , ..m..i , . ,- ,o vol:. Wil. • .'ititot 0....,t,ki0'f0 • - ie onw ..i . (yen!tt. , ... hi, iholn• --riiitpuo• -.., , ' ' g:""riP ;th,•P7ocibd:lr,hrttitit'firrs"„.idiurh'Evlrri, n eon ..... fithee.„.. ~.. prole— ~, •41,00.....!,1 ',,,....,-la' 011 „higo'.orn, zor. , ,bronni -.•.,-... . . ,nr. oliltnn .....,Tbajan9lll4 tnifoa:-,i0.i,-,....?5.,'.\2,...1... ~„,,,17.. ,e,g0r,,0n,,E. „da-,101 It!, ~raatick,,;(ll,,,):ii,oPm.',l:', . 467 7 -PI -Iyiol* kpiiiiiii6frifilißrixop-1109,7401.4011(,.ki,)1„ ••'enbtLete:irreratkiii* 'i' t9tolPl43)olNgi,:': ~"'irii .*, (I,•,„fmnfilyeri 4 . ' fi...54f4t.,!:.:;'.t,Y•L':,.:.'r:'4‘.. ~,nr&'' ii(ooW.7,7l;iiiViVlq....., ~ qkviMV.l,,`;:,j!',,,-,:,,',',;":'::, ?: i t* 41c5''‘' '7l, ',':::''it.''';''.l:llXk,9%':. 'Ai'''.7:3"'',6,;4'T'S'l'''' ' ' ''. '',..7"?'' '' ''' ' .,:l.,•;,l' t 4 ',.V., ... , r , . AL ''S Wr...:.:.;-- '• ' ENE .-•-• ,,,, t4 - .oi-t,tii.: - it , o4-4Artrisit. , :i••i••44:••:4-1,;,;.rt 1 ......,,,i•;.,‘.,t i --,0-tt!?.,-, : t. ~ , - - 7 0c• —.....01ie vi ~. _ . - . ' - ",, ‘,f.?...; , - •,4,r,.,,,Z-f it.P - :.: - . , t , rk , rtf,;. 4-7 ; , :-Ell,i - k:,:: , ..: , .. Av.:r il ~;‘. *.r.), ,!', .. , . , ,.. r.-.: ,. .!:!..nr5r p4,-7‘p. i i . 4 . .. , . :5 .. 4 ,....,,., , ,... ,, , , , :.: . (; , ,: ... ,,. ., 3 ,.. i , 4, 6 .... k .. , ,,..- L ,.....„. ,. . ;, si ,i ,, , , , ,, , : --,. ,- t ,... 4 ., ~. ; 7 , ..., ; 7.1 ). 1 7. , ..: 4 -. 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'‘,.• .i.:',4.----. ta T. ~ -2. f - . ~ ,-....'-- ....';,`„. ~ , 0... , ' . (:-. 4 ;‘ ,4 0%.".:';''' ',' •'-*". ' s lii s. , .. %- --,- '' - • ---:-.... , ';- , --. 3, - .. ~1 1 .` 4 , try 7 . .. : - ..71 ,- :',„ -- — 6 :r. ...f..41 . t , ~ . . . .i. : ),. 6,, .4.i ..,., .., . __, du :•.. - 1 f ., :..41 , ;:::. v 1,..,._ .:.:•.... . ~. , . • • •.' - , • ..-; ~•;• .:- t ..', ~. ~ . •;". ~.. • ,-.:••-•*, 4 . ....1'Vt . ..1' 7 .?:-`...,.:•:•'Ti.' .. -, ' •', •tt •• ..,‘ . .-.- • • •, t „ „„ ~ .... ~ , . •'••:•!".•:'-1•;• , .. ~ . . .. • :4=,? 4, i - ' , .N . ;' J., ' .. . . , ~ . , ~. ... • ~:::-. : • q. P. , Jusuranc citompanv. iiielianirti; Fire p'any of • OFFICE, Chesnut street, near Fifih street. _DIRECTORS. harks N. Rancher George W. Rtchnrds Thomas Hart Mordecai . b. Lewis - Tobias Wagner - Adolphe E. Borie Samuel'Grant vi David S. Brown , . Jacob R. Smith ' ltiort:diterson . I Continue to make insuranc plitpoiuttl or limi ted, on (very description of pro arty in town and country,. at rates as ; low as arc consistent with security: The company have reserved . a large - contingent' flind,'Whicli With their capital a nd -pre iniums, safoly invested, afford. ample protection tc the. insured. ... . . 'rhe 'assets of the company on January lit, I'B4B, as published agreeably to an act of Assets were pa follows, viz Mortgages Real. Estate emporary oans - 124;459 80 - Stocks 51,563 25 Cash on hand and ih i bara),k4 ,,,, ,f agen.a, 35,373 28, Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of one *lemon; TWO HUNERED THOUSAND Doti„,vett, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with-promptness, all liabilities. HA R.L ES N. B CICER, Pres't. HAS.. G. BANCR;£ CC'. feb 2 The subscriber is agent for the above company for nrlisle and iis vicinity. All applications for insurance either by mail or personally, will be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR. HE ALLEN Ash E. PENN'SBOEOUGE Mutual Firo insurance Company Of Curti berland county, incorporated by nn net of Assem bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un der the management of the following commis sioners, viz; CM. Stayman, Jadob Shelly, Win. 11. (;organ, Lewis Byer, Christian Titre'. llobert Sterrett, Unary Logan, Michael Conklin, Benjamin 11. Musser, Levi Alerkel, Jacob Kirk, Saml. Prow ell, sr, and Nletchoir lireMeman, who respectfullv , call the attention of - citizens ofCumberlancLana York eountei to the advantages which the com pany hold out. The Tates of insurance are as low and favorable as any company of the kind in the State. Per sons, wishing to beconic members are invited to mnkir application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait - upon them at any time. _ JACOB SIJELLY, President • HENRY LOGAN, V. Pres't • Lewis limm,lecrerary - Commix, Treasurer . AGENTS—Rudolph Atnriin, New Onniberlainit Christian TirknfrMl John C. Dunlap, Allen; C. 8. Harmon, Kingstown ; - --Henry gearing, Shire manstown; Simon Oyster, Wonnleysburg; Ro bert Moore, Carlisle. Agents for York Couti,ty;7lneel] Kirk, gene rol ngent ; John SheirMlf,John Rankin, J. Bow ntan Peter Welton]. Agents for tlarrisburg=lfouser R. Lochnian. fob 9, Tin; C LIERLAISID VALLEY rivin CUMBERLAND VARLEY MUTU- L AL tliorEcniON C - \IPANY, will be under the direction of the following board of Alsinagres Inc the ensuing year, size---Thos. C. %Der, President; Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre sident; David \V. McCullough,Treusurerf A. G. Miller. Secretary, James %eakley,John T. Green, .lOhn Zug, Alirnliam King, Richard WOWIS, Samuel Huston, William real, Scott Coyle, Alexander D.ividson. There' are also a number of Agents appointed in the. adjacent uounites, who will receive applications fur in surance and hors, and them immediately for ap proval io the office of the Company ben the pol icy will be issued Without delay. For fin titer ill 10 11 1 111:i011 see the by..luivs of the Company. TI - 10S. C. MILLER Prest. A. G. Al ILLE/I,Seey. The following gentlemen have been appointedAGENTS-2 CUARLES HARVEY L. 11. Williams, Esq.,•Westo, Gen eral Arita*. S. A. Cci)le,Carlisle, Ira Day, Nit:4l'llooBlmeg. _ • _ _ George 13rintile,Esq., Monroe. Jos. M. Means,Ksq. Newburg. John: Clentlenin, Esq. Ilogestown. Stephen CullsertsonoMtippensburg. September 2U, 11447 irk IL \V. I'. I RLA ND now oilers to the pub• JO lie his Indian Vegetable Premium Plaster, the litiOitios of which after long and tried expe rience have been satisfactorily established. To all women who 'may be afflicted with the affection of PROLAVSIB UTEIII, or the Fallen Womb, he now recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy CWO in the short space of time offrom to three. weeks, if applied with care and rest, dis carditig all the countless instruments and expen sive bandages so long ill use. This he. feels pis. filled in slating, in[tsflilleit 19 ho 1 0410 not failed in one instance out of three hundred and fifty cases. Price ONE DOLLAR per box, Sold in Larlisle by S. ELLIOT and Dr. J. J. MYERS. feb23--ay New Store—Bargains! THE subscriber has ;just opened in the Store Room lately occupied by R. Snodgrass, Esq, on IVest High street, in the borough of Carlisle, a largo ne&general assortment.of DRY GOODS, GR.OOERfES, QUEENS.WARE, HARD.' WARS &e &c, all of which have been selected , with great- cake, and •%whiOh he is determined , to sell as cheap as the cheapest: The miblic firo,respeetfulliinvito d to g i;,,,hiin a call: He (l etters himself that'll° can offer Such inducements as will make it their, interest lolls , ' Ron's° him. , Inr - A lot of Motion Dry' Goode .ot..very low prices; J (1, - A.11.510NY . Cd~ligle; Jan 12:18 , 18 , ' ' . MIZE 'subscriber .having dcitgrmined to make a change, in.hiti btisinees; off his - pre- Ifini stock efigoadeat greatly redimeenrices. 7 " Persons desirous'of getting geed bargains will:do, well to 011;:tie -1 iniede tmaold uncommonly" , low for:cask'beibtorkilfttpw; large and well . assorted' with : fashionnble'And staple goods: - .: nypiods will be tiold'2s ner'oent.' balini first mist:. A large, lot of;BOOTS untl - .l3HOES•selling•ciff, at • reduced vices, ~ A lso ,it , ,fullYaßsoitintentf of G 110 QB Itl ES, stptf ory, loWeet'pricote.i : . •Jalf 12 448 ; .... I: :: ` 0i1v., - B}lxooitstL' - ' --- ' :„...A.,..,,rEvir., ~ .. ~:,..,,,, ~, ~,.... 7T -_,_ I ,, , inPri*, * lel l l an4i, - Niilrli 'etilci ,iitreit7c4744l-2.?g,q,§Pre. in -West High, ;"•'rati.9;'-'44,1!, .:!" . , , f. 3, q; ,4 ri - J. -a ''': •.- ' ' 7 ~,4 , . ., -, , , _ .... Gi. .s.,_ „, : ,,„...:,..t.... ~, 'a .7 , ,t , , J • . •,, ~ ' F F. ". v' ' '' '' 'r,f . .‘2141/104.•,,f1--th',ltti 6)allitilcAilliltit::Sugjol 40',d •, B r own •,', • I. ,'•,, mew'. to ; Ti o i ot ii ji .n .:, 04 . d o . ,:, ?,,fr,yr,,,i, ~t i v. - a ur o w o. rt ts , •••=j1,..?(...'"45P.411400ii•0044...;4•_# ~, ••••,:. ~ • ~. • .4 4 .•,..s•itcogif Am: , - • • 4o ~ .. fig'...7:-.'4N - ',.....,;k ,-i ii!ki1i 0 t, :r 71 ” ,,,,.. _ ,,,i, 0 ,.....„ '-,:::::;,.::::,,':.P,:':.,:k,:i';;;f?://,'1.?•:,s,t..0Ari.;t71,. -AttAr..Q;re, .---' . - ' .''"'::'.-,-.., c,-,..:-1..',','..:;5",..;•:::).."',1.::,'[.-.-'%,,:',:,'? 8890,558 65 10835_8_90 81,220,097 67 Fire Insurance. Premium Plaster. (treat Bergabilit LlPW,434,3,Eroit3l2:XteElZE),?'.!UMPLEatliflkt‘ttia!7''''ltal , -'1130;1341:&44t0tir Aisittlcmcons. -- "TiahivOi...Medicated • Soap - co-GREAT ExpiASWP le PITTABORORYIIi' agent of-this place rites .of it niYateribus incident tat which occurred in t t pinee,in relation lb an ex- 1 cellent young lady, but who unfortunately pos. tiemwd a very ientgeive complexion. Her face wits, covered - with pimples, Witches, pustules,=her iikin dark. and yellow, created and chapped—her lips in coldWcat her would, become sore and bleed;-: She had; koweier; : set/oral good% traits, one of which wns to read the newspapers. One morn.' ingns she Was looking ,over the' el:lunette of the Dispatch, she sate idlarge letters the Words 141)4 •NOAY'EI CiltriESP. MEDICATED SOAP !' .:Asa sure exterminator of all skin blemishes; with a'diree.' ,tioiffor alLledicaloreed the - papers !,. Now - mark: - the ddvantege., On Sunday morning the took,. her place ,as • nand, among the choristers,. and ' to the utter-surprise of her fellow.songsters; pre.. dented a complexion ne fair as a lily, and . bound ftil es the most'admired hello of the town.—, Strange wondering find much, excitement was exhftesi—hYalte,'er - elan explanation-of- how this-sudden-transformir.- non from:ugliness to beauty was attained, would answer. The•lady, liketal her sex, full a gen 'tleness aid kindnelm, esnlained•the cause, and to the grenfi-grand and beneficial efiects bf Red. way Medicated Chinese Soap, which she had been using for two weeks, was awarded the full, ipprobition of the, people, as the '.'restorer of lost' beauty.? Our agent concludes thus—" Since ,thn - above hashecome known, - I have had a per . - feet rush for Rahwoy's Soap." • Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish'fre. illah. way's Soap in all, its purity . call on feb 23 : J. bo W. 11, FLEMING. It Never Fails, .42:4 CURE YOURSELF.—From time immemo rial there hae existed in larger cities and populous awns, a species of disease, the depend ence and propagation of which results from . .the %gelation of divine and- moral laws. To those AFFLICTED, the.AMEItICAN COMPOUND is presented, as bein.the most certain, speedy, and valuable specific ever oiiered to the unfortunate. It has wherever known acquired a reputation that daily experience continues so strengthen. Thou sands have been cured by its use, and as it leaves no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains either mercury or noxious drugs in the least injurious to the eye item, it is boldly presented as the best remedy for such diseases yet offered. It is used by physi cians and pronounced superior tg any known re medy. :Full. directions accompany each' battle. For sale at N. W.corner3d and South streets, Philadelphia, and by S. ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. 13arnitz. York ; G. Miller, Lancaster; Dr. McPherson and .1. Wyatt', Harrisburg, Pa. feb N. & J. M. Rowe, B ROOM AND WOODEN-WARE Store., No. '63 North Third street, one dour above Arch - , east - sideT - Philadelphivrnanufnetur:— era and,wholesale dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brushes, Buck - nut, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Well Brushes; Scrubs, Dusters, Mats, Bladkino, Enstern-made Wood en-Ware of every . description, &e, at the lowest market prices'. mar 1 Whole3itle Clothing... Warehouse.. No. 154 Market .13;reet, between 4th and Stb Philadelphia. . • non ot country 'Merchants and dealerstgen erally,-tcrarrexamitmtion-of—a-completia-stiock-of anivov sum CLOTHING, which for extent, variety and workmsSship, he flatters himiell will give universal satisfaction, while his reduced scale of prices presents to purchasers inducements which cannot bo. surpassed by any other establishment in the United States. mar t JACOB BRED. Umbrall4 Parasols, Parasolettes, and WALKING CANE UMBRELLAS. M. H. RIGHARDSO'N,"aIeam factory. V V tho only one in the United States, Not 104 Market street, Philadelphia Merchants are respectfully informed that I con. tinue to mantilbcture all the above goods, bythe aid of steam, notwithstanding, the great opposi.. tion of parties opposed to the introduction of tei.. pensive improvements. illy assortment• pieta, and prices so low;•as to give entire 'skids faction. , , . . . D 1- As there is an Umbrella Store next door,' of nearly the same namo, it is important , you. .should_remember Wm. li.lttcuArnsoN, steam factory; and patentee of the walking cane timbre: In, sign of the LADY and EAGLE, No. 104 Market street. feb 9 Bar Iron and SteeL ' ' • 1 0 TONS Hammered and Rolled Iron.. 1 do: Cast, Sheer, Blister & Spring Steel. en boxes Tin'Plate, just received and for sale at the Cheap Hardware Store of ' feb2.3 WRIGHT & sitx..roN, Nails and Spikes. 1.0 KEGS Nails and Spikes, just received ,and Nor sale at the Cheap Hardware Store WRIGHT & SAXTON, Anvils and Vides, :I 'WILKINSON. and :Mouse Hole Anvils,— Tower Vices; assorted sizes, just received mid for sale at 'hit:heap Hardware Store of feb23 ..walota Ec;SAXTON: Shawls;-Shawls.!. _ A * Splendid assortment of Turkerie,' Br e aks, Cashmere, l'lnhet and: Bien* , Shawls at the cheap store in West Righ street. Jan 12 1848 , J G CAIII4ONY Rent, ;IS il' QIIVERAL,,Britk , owns • reistission_giy9R•Aprillef, •' 26';,' ; -• • ' , - ‘ Just" Received NEW GOODS, and wild be scold low, 4 ." at the new and sioro' in "%Yam High istniet.' Call and inie.o" 1 ' • jeb,l6 , „ I. G. CARMONY • DovidStiocli: and Catharine hie Avife, vs. Adam Crone°, Jacob. , Crouse, ':Giorgo: Cidneti; John 'C. Croup°, and leithplia Croton, and George , Critueo;• Children or helix .Ciottisti., .'• The Atifendanie itrcitere 4 bi.eitchinnned op,. {canal a court of Cominan Pletiiof .Ctiniberland ,, countl , c'o'n. MOND A r tha lOtif A pOl/1848, , to ellotWcause:vihrparlitioil unityclindion aciuld not be made of:two.trreta Of land ittlKilllintaivnehip; oniycCintaipine 29 ilcriti .4 7;PPrphhaf #yld . lhe,othini 3 flaked 107,tierenea: tt„,,:tt ,tt•JAhIrES uorFER;• Sheriff. ' 'Sheriff Sll slated - Orpluion! Court 'bognn on Tuoa I -3 1; tho lbih •dny : rati r iorr7lB 4 B;• nfid . sitold i tnrintiOntnnO t n inod!for, Uti'mborland county; ; I . bo 6lkr ! p t ,p §3arn . (l,9 F.; President' tindigde,•nni),,TohnAgunri 4 1 .: r ! ; 4`ft!)g PF9-1 !Otut .Nvor,o. ; I, llrillyd'olikipol ) ,lllo , ; vliit,Or pint tir . ni Aion;onahnionLnionaZollt ofietfittnoginnnn,:ilen!ii; nnw•ici At IV• F.ribiiiio•4lslll i':1141 int:beennoti(lo,n.p.diiy, c,our.t;' inot ion Of Me;' , fitim;:rulii on tin) heirs and,rier.oolotfiqranied;) O'ftliii.iiniiin:Aeflfint'dni(2sltrAprj!;l,B4Bll . flihej InextteinEed - ,,Qttihinn!, , Conti;.aridinceniit*.i,f l ful = eainto , nc *alniatikus , 4," fn • ~ ;,4,r‘ko r, , g‘ c,-..z. OffiOn;•_Unrlinln; =ME tA.',-Rb . l') . sl.i .. F ? :'::.l- Notlie; V)areitwi4 FOR Tit: BEST. • iirmApitrerstaiitnitikverrila. ell's for the . beser ba'sanguifie,end clieerNl Trouble end sorrow! are:friends in disguise; Nothing - bit-Polly-gees falibliss-and-fearful,------- eodrege forever 1s happy . and-wlze. MI forthe .best.4ift man - wOuld.litit, know It, .• - troVidence wishes MI all lobe blest : This le no dream of,tbaptuidit or poet. ' 'leaven Is greaten's, and-All's Or the best! . . • All thethe best! set this on fasitr . itatidard, • . =- Seldier Of sadneiVoirplltr it!e,of Wife; • Who to,the shores of Deepsirratty,have Wandered, stvallow,.oo:ear.t.mricken • vPrcividitnee ten'detly gnyirek.the rest, ikhd ihb hail UMW! Ills 'Creature istulding , , and:Warity, all lot tile best: Ali for the bean than dint aw,a e y, ferrorsi all' our tears and your des' in the van; , And In the midst of your dangers.of errors . Trust like a child, while, yotteltive like a man. riTOTThe best i—utibicis. - ercim, istrarrae - .. Providence - relgne from-the-East-to , the-Westy - - And by both_WisdOm and mercy surrounded, . • 'Hope and:,be happy that , Am.'s volt:nem BEST Mianattatacm4 From the Union Itllittnehne.. A LOVE OF A E4EVOLDIf IL DLASTE • A WESTERN SE.EICH—teTHE EDITOR. . -- Tne - prettiest-girl-that-attended-our-sing* Meetings Wasjune Gordon, the only daugh! ter of a Scotchtnan who hiul lately- bought a tarsi in the neighborhood?.. She was a fair and gentle„ damsel, sofMtpoken and dOwn looking; but .not 'without a stout will Of her own, such as, they do say, your very soft spoken people arc apt to have, Indeed, we may argue that to be able at.all times to command doe's voice down to a-given level, iequires a proily'strong will, and more sell possessik than impetuous people evercan have; and it is well Itown that bhfsierers are easier governed than anybody else.— Jane Gordon had light haii, too, which hasty observers -are apt . to Cedsider 'a sign of a mild and complying loftier; but our dear Jane, thoualt agood girl , WI 'a,dtitiful daugh ter; had had a good deal of trouble with, old Adam, and -given her sober parents a good_ deal too. • So that, by and by, when it was whispered Ilia Jane Gordair was ceitilinly in love with Mr. Fasole, and that Mr:lasolo was at least very attentiv.e to Janeljelden,,the old people felt a g ood deal troubled ' . They were pru dont; Imweveriand only; atclied and wait- ITltrariglyrimta - lieterrainectthat-anitinerant-' singing- master should . 'MR' kuirry 'off their treasure, a'there fa'ati•jball of Fortune, and have . nor hoop, nar.lia' Nor fire, ner enOdl&light. • . . Anti at every singing.mgOing the intimacy between Mr. Fasole artellhs --fair pupil be. came.more and more 40 . parata r antitio faces 01 the unappropriated tjuiriSelti longer , and longer. The district-soli*obister.that_win rer, .111Prir7 iIgTRIUI MU 11! , Va . 1111=TdC' '''''- a deatles.head, set off by_st 4tek of huge T . ( end-eyed spectacles, so lie was out nt the question, even it he had not hail a wife and family to share his sixteen dollars n month. The store-keeper, Squire flooper's painter, had impudently gone off to Me next town for •a wile, but a few weeks before; and a young lawyer who talked of settling among us as soon as there wtis anything to do—(he hNil an eye on the setting.back of the.mill - pond, I suspect)—did nothing but smoke ci. gars and play checkers on -the store.counter, and tell stories of the great doings at the place he had been4hausiting lielorelie came among . us. So the - death' .of beaux war;; stimgent, mere farmer-boys being generally_ too shy to make anythingnf L until they hnve bought laud and stock, when they begin to liiiik rohndi with a business eye, for some- 1 body to make butter and cheese. • Mr. Fa sole, with his knowing air, and a plentiful Stock of modest assmance, reigned para mount, othe cynoiure of eeighboiing eyes." He ."cut a wide swatft,q the young men said, and it may be suppoted they owed him no good will. How matters can remain for any length of time iu such an explosh4 state without an eruption, let philosoplipts tell, .Twice a week, for a_ whole, long Western winter, did the singing-school m t regularly at Use school-house, and practie .the tuneswhich rr i , i li were to be sung on Sund a' ;. and every Sh - 1 day did one or two brow towns attest •th t improvement in music c Id not hav een the sole object of-such pe evering industry, ' Sometimes a bold bass t :uld be found fin ishing off, for a bar or tw in happy uncon iciousnesslthat its - hannon . us compeers had' ceased to vibrate. • Then %ail], owing to tile failure, through timidity.o ,obliviousness, of some main stay, the Who] volume of sound Would" qua ver away. trembling into silence 'or ; worse; While jhelitiniestr would' shut his t• eyes, :.with. 'a -lo ok - of.: me - , - Ethilaraiice, and • ,wait until Mr, Fasole,.fro ning, and putting en'aciMething of the air tit whiCh we Jerk 'itivtlie head of it stini:olii i horse,' could get his:team - in -- ottlet'again, - 'J ane Gordon - was - POt. very, bright ; at singin perhaps-,because she. as suffering.untlei lat sort of fasoins twit' Which is apt to.frialte . heepleitupid;-and. she Was'elleri the"hrokeriteothridd tdet out of joint?' at whose dbot.. eitr-unluCky-acoi dents Were:: laid, by. the heir.. lir.i.Fasole 'alWetystoOk her hart r ho ever, and told - the' itechsectO "look at hern, , 'orlnntetiCt soriiii bk'gecine' Wendel: of the hole -class, elaiti, - or 'de=, elated that-Miss 'Jahe . videttily I hail 'a bad . Onitl 7 —nat the first tune hat• a bad cold, has, ah . .upology• iiiK. eUpging ~C 4( of time.• .The period fee- ,a .sprit..qUarterly treating:treating:or:bee - or the' leading' - =nominations ".now : drew nigh; ~.,,1 a "treat g hei.ingwais:oxpeet. ,fikL! Minis ters from far . crfifiTi - .and: a nu' in4 o fishnittle,m in.4he. p . r wprelboked for. r r epate;ions'et`all'autt?.' • d'eet onhitit'; and amone,'flititieit;"itiiisici.„ cited to' 66'st:tit:tut= , ition4.Thit'atiiAcif,O!'. 1 44 0 0e-oit-li - : - i - : , thopp.i:okFnew,l9Rot . Y. 9 .1fi1te.., 41, 20* -4ir,.eetionrattcl,7,epur4o!th teititteaL-Ipteresql. lit" PliVrEititole.'ha : GcSrtinti:.*ein Wcfi fcifgotterii7kiere,vtiii , t; iir..ttiAtatcfi them , aild,:iing!toci",: , ..ThiOtigh. iii*tiblesirinier,' 'OP ',41010fir.4000101.0, ,liilt Ynyl , . hik.:ie quite ttp:;opp?stle.t.titecti Atuy,thaught.pcti!.. 1. - p&r:.teet . o4(ea:fili.ide4 , ;; .tne,-tii,,..iiittiti iiitB',Viirrito/11'iit',A(00 . ‘sFitiliiiif:tniiil))l,lj.: ,ty . ';,witlititewi*Filt - Ap";iii Optilt:tietAhtit":;;oo' i iin7mlo.l4,aiteottomiA C1f!,44p**0 1 1 4.. .• Aloiirtle,Fonleilt?';:4 l triFoP, 3 , l l l f4-0 ..Pg;'-. - 14«inipilis.ipi.•.'4) 6 .. he.!..t'fi :„..100t, , OC:filtf. - 4P . ' `..toli'rtitink:wlietikiii - liii"4l; - of,T*triit.Vierg 'fiiin l : 4ol tifil#h*li*'fi 1400 0 .0 1 i01 66 : ' . ''''^' , li.o 6o-- ' • ' - - - ~/ ~c. aniaajeept.tie:elo -- '--- leeliiiit ocomP „yip 'film ----..--- iiiiatielfitY:PP- - ' otteotr4-- 9 . ' 4 4 'd - liisluir- , INdec , awe , ;g399 11 n 1 , 'cnani,,er ~ e- 1 ~_ „ ~,,,i .;410‘,, 1 , 0 9 1 ,10. .. ~ dr.sop -ing'•0010 ,S' ' lelgifig YP I3, " 1,..y 'rbtAread f aadyMi'''art9o `'„.....-di 601'0 * l . l lt 1:' could otateuto;'-7Peg ~ l iw.- jt- AMMO: 4 1 ? 1 . Il' iillt'--- ''' - -eit*,,••••%... fur nothing .1.. h•rathele., 10 •,-.. ,blys.,,,wathe SAO, , j th,i a t i et, ith. -„,,,,.1.1i ai- u ~. i i.,.1- aerl e,, ..,d, aarr,ol,,teees! ), -. di a l 17 `n - ''' ') O7 B .C..#'' , " T ''', ltieWost'Pruil a•z- il. 40P e ,Nialthe,keing!'4'l7-1; g-14:,,l'illitiiiVaiellIttilt ..., di . o : - .„, -ob m 'vi n il P 4 esA ';'1115 .11111Trille0aiioh°17'.?fe,t-t* ' . ;•'-.":?l,W:,;',otr,'''. ~‘.; ~: ` ~ .;1 ' 44 . , * .',' '. ' 'i ;till'e4-"triiiitlWhitt t ,ITYTII'L . " t i,-4100t.,7 , il 01A.1?;,,i ''-. • • 4 -,. ~ ~'4,c,,.34.f% ikr40,11,,,:'11)00#101'" gm-, ~.,,,:',,•=; '-iN,p,i,,,v,, ~ , :,, . -.o o o. kw+--.„ 4 , r" ',),', , '',,,,,. ~' ,;;,‘ ' , lct'•?4l.,'" -, je,;"' .V. ': • ' ~ Iv ;„,;P!. ..-',' • . ^;~r,,y,... .l i`iri . ' t:'Fl'•~~i ~c ; a,tw.2Md ?.' ~;'_:~.:r Igan 'RIL 's' 1843 - nest:. She foil al „er -interest to- the . village iii4tedlionhat and sincere•lorconk n ceslmert,' only found her spirits whin :the facmatingslnging-master appeared.' He had the magnetizer's power over the being of his pupil... TIM parents obiterve.d'ill this with the greatest Uneasiness, and remonstrated With her on the' imprudence of 'her conduct, • but in - vain. - - -- They - retnindeater that-no'-otte knew anything about the singing -master, and ihril he Very probablY'liad, at least one wife elseWherei - • altlibugh"it 'was past the art of• man to.betray kiln into any acknowledge. tnent• of • such ,inCumbrance; htif• Jane. was deaf to all.cautionond evidently °iffy wait ed 'for the votary of .mustc th make up his. mind{orasichOloresheshoOld - cetittegty and say yes„ . . .• The ' • ~ Ze.ijuarierly m eating came on, and Squire Hedper,'s:big barn wits filled to overflowing. A long Platform had been erected for: the f ministers, and rough' seals for the corigiaga -4tiont-but-every-beami-birrynind-"coign-of - vantage," was hung with,. in some shape or'Othet.- .Such,ii gathcfring bed' not been seen in a long while. ' , ln - front wits , placed Mr. Futile, with. Jane GM : dens:on his left side, and his forces tonged' in.tirder due on each hand... 11. Into was his besoin,(oul side,)and fiery red his head and face, as he ',wrotighternently in beating time, while he sent-out volumes,. tot to say whole 'edi tions, oisound. One could not bulonnernife that every emotion of his soul must find ut ranee in the course of . the morning's perfor- 1 .- • , lane Gerdwir -- olifylitirewei - rertglitT Which she seemeirviry well disposed to do. But the concluding hymn was lobe the crow ning" effort. It abounded in fugues—those fatal favorites of country choirs, and_had al se-several solos, which Mr. Fasole had as signed to Jame Gordon, in-spite of the angry inuendoes of other . pretenders. He , hail drilled her inert (perseveringly, and, though not without ‘somet-misgivivings, had succeed- 1 ed in persiratling himself, as well as his pu pil, that she' would get through these "tight places"vety well,with a little help Irom him. When the whole immense assembly rose to listen while the Win* performediiiii "set piece," it Waite with sounditke the rushing of many-waters, and poor Jane notwithstan ding the whispi3red.aSsurances of the master, began to*feel her courage oozing (int, as wo - -mat4-courage ceiipt-to do-just-when - it is most wanted. She got through her portion of the harmony with tolerable `credit' but i when it came to the. first solo, it was as it 111 one did take her by thelitioat and-thaeound ,died away. on- her-lipei---Dread- silence-en d sued,. but.ic a inomeet, froin the othei: side of the barn, seemingly‘frorn a far distant 1011, _ ra h ie p r i t n a - : l s f : i em t. e h ef l,::a::: n t! " i g e d: l o : l :: % n t i irt e l ci %o u : leve r ili r :r , r p lP :7 h . c f lir :l at o b in : Yi ;:; l sil l mi t a cTt ii ti : r il t ia jlei t i th i p ni i i ou t ri ab is o r : i i_%i r a t%i t ie : e am i lc o l cll 7: l : rr :a . r t l it t e i t r i leun la l d i s ti ,: l 3c l li they ( li d not a -4 , ' - i,. v ia:*the, leading or kir v Ferrara. W heii:l i - ' liekt solo tern - came-they had time to'lliok4iound; and ' - w hileithe din-_ --- ii tent ,voice -bete 'More sent its clear tones c - ^ erliii ,, •:-___ .• lil " , 1 .fre Reinna irr l fireiMANlVltS. -dass-turned-to-leok-at-the-master:--litererhe stood—agape— asture—xile—spiritless—as tordshed—pettrifiedi !lir fallen, his nose pinched in', his eyes inn ea..ail hollow, and fixed in wild :gate; on the dim distance whence issueitilfe poiect sound, while poo'r Janes fuciiiated optics gazed, nowhere hut on him. But before note cotldsbn taken of their condition, the chains must once more join in the last triumphant burst, for the new auxiliary had inspired them like a heaven ly visitant, mid.they could not attend to sub lunary things. They finished in a perlect blaze of glory, the unknown voice sounding .Jar all others, and varying its pail as „independently es Mr. Fasole, himself could have_done, "WhariS the ttiaitei. with the - singing mas ter V "Has he got a MI" "Is - he dying " 14 ' was whispered through the crowd as neon as the meeting was dismissed. "Bring water, —whiskey--a fan—oh goodness ! what is to be donee' "Let me come to him," said a powerful voice just at hand; end, as the crowd open= ed, a tall, masculine woman, of no very pre possessing exterior, made her way to the fainting Orp heus. "Jedinh !" she exclaimed, giving a stout lilt to the drooping head; "Jedialt! don't you know your own Polly Ann ?" ' "It was Mrs. Fasole , —a very promising scholar whom the unhappy teacher had mar tied at the scene of former labors, some- . where in the interior of Illinois, hoping lb' find her a trite help-mate in the profession al line. put, . 7 discoverin g to his cost that she understood duly one kind of harmony, and that not of•the discription most valuable in private, he had run away •frontlier.end her big brothersoiltm opetli in the deep secluy sion of still ne er figions, to escape her 104 ever, and p for that popular. person old bachelor. l'trhe her ho was really villain enotiply to .have intended to have married 11 <f poor Jane too, We pannotaan but we chari, tably hope not; though we. are not dure that '‘vtattoitly to trifle'with. an innocent 441 7 i WA teptions lin ' the.gratitictition ;if —hls vanity, • was many shades less ctilpablo.', 'The *mld . judges'itillerentlyi we kilo*, since it mattes O ne alienee l' • lawi:While.„the' other is, considered, in certa in' tittles,. 'rather. a good joker than. other Wise... ,- But the sing-. ing-master:and his fearful sp9aiii diiiiippear-: eil - ,:apd. thostrwhc. had not Pined ,thkoless exulted;'whije :as far as. Public ileMonatration • i ‘ r, t v'e e n' el'Ml Y '!,f ' 'e n il 4 t l ' 'c ri efo 4 ; ti it. "- e i b t ' h °. e l e cl a y i t g l ; l e l i g :ol a d t reark;'under... ; lbeltuiplues'ot , 'old deacon Ile gallsi- who fins tor many--,years beien 000,10 mith•apolypuks.ialhiaam.: : ~••,•-,- ",',,.. , ~.!.: ' 'Jane Gerdetilae , ituehThniire sensi b l e girl' thaiiihe:irwti*ji,eitia'agoVitd:ltioks*ith, Mr•iitile,' ,, Oompleoehoy::upOMUticoVfitillit•ii. , lieig;lbott b oasts: liki?`pati:,tpio a' farrow Mach , better than' ho can: 4.-tul le;: o- e,yout pteithef,iteitc, - esq,loly9,vAvikatx,atredhcti De4ty,e, her, Nita wiltlitlide.'y . Ho w detighterit'ie, - ce i ge , a dd r emott ogpinet the wiehesil of their Permit?, e)t'ettltt i e, s ,r,APM4 clandestinely; give, their hi i nd lu''-' 11 1 1 17 3 4 , T1 an II thus. dig ,the bOjirw,o6,i -vhci4oloo3ll'6 ours ktiviits, kayos hitnitel t ittthat -vs ry .deed ''ittt ',wgittlY,s o ( YP4r w e ir 4! 1 .4 1 91Y91 1 :tr ,12e ,4 9iiY'retqig mils'', you :huto 19,0. , Xeiu wilt lod'ituit,you,tiuvo oympithiktoettiohd, fiti .: •,:.44.0.0i,i0i*:,*4': tba Herald e rid'Eipciltoi. piper . ,.of,the ist Mst:, there appears alfoitter, of the Rev. . James Lillie's elinsibmi in raver of the drying right of using into.Ticcifing 41ors astr Neter 'T., 17.441 constiAiretrto course, not because of Its.i'ntrins'ic Merits or' neg-arguments,l:nitiotely in'teriseemence'of a vile imputation thrciwiimut against the trUsi, tees 'el ihe First Presbyterian . , Chttrch of Car- It is Most .obvious, dtv all milk see who will read IHr. L's : printed speech • that. he has proved; nothing,,i-the knottntain, was . in labor, &c. : Lin either' of his nblisli*: ed addrebses,'prov, ,,part of a man's. religion tri: s intexicettng-jmnor as a H as derOtdg or tO,tiicetis:?— . Has lie demonst tedlhrit it Would be a see n ce•oriiieTal itimpe not to rut wine. as a beverage?- fiati!ie shown tWaimaitkitd , are under any moral oblig ations to use intexi eating 'drink, or that lbe Wotttl - itotad -- bei much' . more :depraved' and wretched tharsllll isif men dittriot use.die beyerageti for-which he so strenuously pleads? Has the Rev. ad vocate for rum made it appear to the entire sattshictiotiof the DOlip mints thst the mum _ttlacitirett uriti initrders of those tignid poisrms have been of such essential service to OM world,, that it Would be detrinienial. to the best 'interests of men to remove them? Let universe experience answer: The gentle. men_ yery learnedly, as well .. ae Fanner''= moutir, criticised my use of a 'Latin noun, assertnigThat I was gents , hf - the heinotis of fence of employing this dative for the mind - - native- rase. Admit that such a lapsus was committed = what then? Suppose I could read or write no language, !toes it follow as. a necessary sequence that 111 r. Lillie's views of liquor drinliing at'e right ; aril that my views of total abstinence are wrong Such a malignant quibble is about as dignified us the revenge of the miniature hero who, be cauee his-Mother. Nitotild not permit him to go to the,menagerie, go dowii town and catch the -measles. All who listen. .ed to Mn L.'s three bonl'e speech - on the 'morning of the 15th of Febina'ry, 18.18, will surely never forget 11A1*.PI!.Y: et Nooks , which made-0 very pulpit groan- lid they Wilt recollect too that he told us he had a great many niore books at - home—nor will they soon forget those Wonderfully wits sags, those classic grimaces, those portentous pauses, and moSrsignifitatirikekeyorilie-hetqFThefolc which Nou, Swint, Duffield, Delavan, Marsh; Bachus r Anti-Bachus, Beecher and the migh y-host-of-tetotalers-were-driven-tikirchaff before the wind; -- Awkrt. ! world Lillie, I apprehend that the world would not . be much surprioed .if, alter • your death, sonse•inatt should - be found who could, rend the Hebrew Bible :even to his wife and babes, atlagnily.worship.- • Mr. L. says I have .nelaciirolied ldiargu-,,` - Meats. For the best reason in the world—be cause there are none to touch. The question JrnimAlis luNninniun, has,heen.. doe:sifted/it& ,teach the use M. ifiyilicatufg liquors as a iiiiiieragel . Mr., L. maintains that such are the teachings of the Bible.- Has he proved his position? If so where and when?— Surely neither Mr. L. or any . one else., will pretend to Say he has done so, in either of his printed discouises, And 'certainly the en lightened people ol this land will not be die.- posed to admit his learned theory, while his late practice is directly in the face of it. As to his ;;leas 61 expediency, we .say away will - them: For if it be rigbt. to drink intoxi:. eating liquor,-it.cannot be light not to drink. •II the Bible teaches the use of intoxicating liquors as beverage, what presumption in Mr. L. or any other man to run - counter to the•tea6hings of that blessed book, or thq,ex aniple.of its Divine author: "Let me ask .the Rev. lathes Lillie whether the . man of .Naz areth ever set an example for our imitation, that it would be expedient for us not to follow? We repudiate this implication of our Lord and his revealed word: We utterly deny that the Bible teaches, or that Jesus ever set the example of using intoxicating Brim:A.ln any way. Will Mr. Cloak at the following, pas. sage: (Zech. tx. 17.) "Corn shall make the. young men cheerful, and new wine the maids." Mr. L. would say it was the intox icating- quality in the wine which induced cheerfulness in the maids. Surely then, it must have been the same quality in the - born which produced-similar effects in The young men. But hold; if will not do to drive this , learned geolloman to madness. . Wel pity.. hini..-we Would. pittiani man who would ,• Mire the stand Mr. L. has against 'the h - 6no r of God, and the best inferest'of mankind. ' .All toilet rejoice that Mr. L. has become a tototaler.; and yet I. am free to confess there „is one passage in; his piloted. address of Feb.. 15th, that lam utterly et a lose to divine how, -lily ho nest , and truly sober .man could . have given utterance to—for he must Stnve known 1 it was'-false when he wrote it—and nothing short of the most malignant feelings toward& the First Church could have inditned him, to pen if. tte tiara. bargained tyith the. Tnis -te es - of- the -First ' Tree bYtetien - Church; that; there should be no answering iin,iliespot. ,T,lns-l-dei:dnris to bareringientified,falseheio4 'arid' Joildtayseff :bound to proyis : itlinet, ; l4. , .. The tritstees Ofthe First Chnieli tibrilneYer exchangedinui Win •en lite:Subject-refereed to. :•:,gul,*hat - you ~exprkt train •• a man }ti. ltd , the, diyine right of usiegje? oar ? t o ia ! dip g , tieili,eiegee- - "antl. as a matter. is( CI Co e the divine right of 'drunkentiried,-4cie the 'ono has followed, the other. With' Medal, certaitit.t'eYei Since,the,dayis of Noah to this. • 1 lel( it wits duo fro the Truaei And , cori. , , -gregation oftheFirst Presfiyteriini Church of iCarlisle, to make ttnis declaration ';to the pub; Aar before„Wklonlattptty- hey!) :been": e . e !deli, ,tredileed-r•PtLittat timzefrO i *ltilittVPlAlMlPß4o. be' a' Miiiihter col Christ - ri- minister ,tock, of no ordinary sense andlearning,iceording 'te his own- account—Lbut one who seems tore 'have list sight 'Of that,heitve elf cliiiitY ~. . toh fca Ihinnthnoatd/,'- , : - ..4-, • .;/ ,- 17. !'`,' , ti i ~•,111r,.Llilic:atysM.his,address;n c it:charge ~this nlitater• of ~OhtisiwithllleACll4l l fl hie iinafierie weqe."llei fiepel deolereethrie! inttle!WieCne'Yesitape.ll4i:Cglititlitet l , •iti. , :foxicating:.dank: , JTllits•,merely-lireicei that' not.: know. ,the meaning - of Abe reek,tiordoinet , SLltintiotiiillel'ikScritt'i ' abridgment of Fss iOW ?s,Or eek Lex icon , and. find'the Meaning, nibe,wine',ihe fermented Ided 3filia graoe;-Ss'o'',Abdltttitsigen lletren betrayeAgnerrince of ttici nierrning ',of tbs':Oreek 'word, - bels squall Unconscious e!.114 rilsOiritiertorthe Engliiitivfoi&viiee.), , , ati'rf'livevereAlieotea ttlNOtth %Reiter and, Welkeee . ,Johnitort,l ;Admit allAhie an'd Viet 49o5 ,, ktprgyp , :cqW0i7it4ButhiPli!In!..1''ffe..Inetto: " . ...ttatV.l ani.p - dt,clown ecitie , se i t iy.o,o4b,y,, , Ol•rignoranti'ltidatiekintessee,,*ititiNciftAttO - ,altiaft4ii*, i' 7 ,;fi. 1 4:94:*P1144 1 019: 0 0,'',1 1ingAr40 9 :4 3 1 3 -APPATIPohoV'' 41 §t,iiitt's:lditdrlti - niviti3‘ yeaiqll4: 4 o', fc. '.„t : .,:... !5i,.r.:4 ,, :i - j'' ,. :" . ::•,.' 4 :. ,- }' ,-,...) , , „P 4 A.,•:',41 , :;.:k 4 . 6 1:4 ,[:*:',:::;::',,\:,."%':.::::,'''',--!'',*•Pf.:**UP't.-.543.,',1..i':i1' 'l4 , =ME , . , lEEE ein `York by Leavitt,"ow,. oric-Noi ; l9t. Broad way, 18 , iti&and I. here undertake to. say that the Rev. .gentleman Will 'find Insefor all the learning he" hes Or pier hive, should he attempt a'repty: 'Let . everY , Prof. SLUMPS letter, , It will be remembered, that Mr. L. claim, ed Prof.:Sl6mM on his side of the question: sn t e contrary,,t to Profesgpr sweeps Mr. L. by the bear4ari-is ii - sample of learned criticism ) thellettcr'of Prof. Stuart in my jtidarnent ) by any former praduction,which:fias issued. from the itairican .. .press„Or.any r oilitii ; on the wine 1101 n the stibiect - oU tiaitand good. .m...termentedLarid.-"-unferinenta,it-wines,--the Doctorla ifiar ati'sunbearns.•: ttake,grent pleasure in referring the. reader to the letter. . . , . ... .. . . -. • . On page . 88 1 Prof. S.. sayit •"That all intent: perakce in. drinking, i. e. in the drinking of ny-liquor---that-will-intoxicauriMmis) roan- , ner nr.meassire, is forbidden bTthe Word of - Ood r nn'ssibil' Mon wilf.neisiiire joviestion. the onfy_poSsinle...exCipiiiMjaithial-ialchich a cohol is employed as' a sukediCirie;and iss • itch' is 'at least speCifically •Aselul l if . .hot•abs solutely •neeessisry.. As alcohol is tiiitaues. , / 4 tionably a spebies of poison, it may be faet- , in the judgment at many physicians elf the highest character it is a,fact - -:-•-that this poison has its -peculiar ascl•inip64tant uses, - as well is temente and • prussic acid. No reasoning ir priori can refute ihis p lor..jt depends simply r on-fants." . -. . . .. . . ...,.. • .... - • • _Once mete, on_pages-49 and-MI : 111h Pror , - • feasor sayarny final conclusion re this, viz ': • that wherever the. scriptures speak of ,wine as a comfort, a blessing, or a libation to God, and rack—it with : oil and me ) , they mean --they can mean only such wines as con= fain no alcohol that could have d misCheivous ten= dcncy; that whenever they_deno_unce it, -pro hibit it, and Connect It with drunkenness and revelling, they can mean only alcoholic or in toxicating. I need,..not go into any mintite ness or exemplification, for the. huderstan ding of Venders will at once make the nec essary discrimination and apTilieetien. 111 take the pesitionAhat God's Word and works entirely harmonize, I must-take the position that the case before us is each as I have rep resented it to be. Facts show that the an- ciellis- - not-only=preserved: -wine-enfant-6h ted, bbt regarded it as of a higher flavor and - finer quality 'than , fermented wine.— Feels show that it we's and might be drat:kat pleasure without any inebriation whalever.-;-- - On - theotherhand; tactrahow - tharany - conv -- sielable quantity of, fermented wine did and would produce' inebriation; and also that a tend enctenittritile - -icbra - -dialifiblibc-ilie - - fine tisues of the physical system; wits and Would be prothiced by even a amalLquantir . of it,full surely ii this Was often drunk. What then is the difficulty in. Lllond the position; that the good and innocent Wm/ is meant in all cases where it was commanded ane at lowed'', or; that the. alcoholic or intoxicating wineTtp meant in allicasett7if priahibitiini and and denunciation? I cane& refuse to %keel this position without virtually irppeccAing the -irt-rep,...,,,y . -,............x.,,,;,„,„vrem.......5.....3410an n0t admit, that God hasgiven liberty to per sons in health to drink alcoholic wine without admitting, that his tbord and his *arks are at • variance. The law agar st : such thinking elands dut prominently— eud and assented to by- all sober and thinkin men: Is his Word now et variance with thit4. Without reserve, I am prepared to anawerlin the negative." What will the 'Rev. advocate of alcoholic wine and wine drinking say to all this! Rer member Mr.,L., it is Prof. Stuart—a man who knows „the meaning of Dittos, and who can read Hebrew too—from whom we have quoted. I regret that time and space will not allow me to!nlarge my quotations from fide able letter., Let the community read for themselves.. . • 'Mill Mr. is. still insist that the distinction between' Bible wines is a mere delusion!-- • Then are Prof. Stuart, President Notr, and many other able and learned men deluded. Ah, Mr. L., what a pity yon• do not shed forth the light DT your superior wisdom and learning, and put those deluded man right. But what must strike all with a amaze: meet is ; that Mr. Lillie teachesthe doctrine of total abstinence from the use of God's blessing. He maintains that qfible wine, which he insists is alwayi, alcoholic v is a blessing given by God to man '-farbts good. -Ahd y'et we are by the samellible; according to this learned divine, taught to abstain- totally from - the ,use of bleseingi. This 'may be runt theology, but, assuredly it--is not Sibiu truth. • • - • ' - . . The case in the 14t - h chapter to the Ro mani, will not help the gentleman out ot the difficulty into which he has plunged himselh Be it remembered that the Apojlte in that It hapter is delivering inStrUctions to helieiers, .t regulate their conduct,towards the other: The:strong, or wellierlut3ated men in the faith, were tolninitesttreatkindness to= ward the weaker 111-ifflorracl. . ,l'he Jews, al wet all kneiV, , ettitehed vast , importance td , the'rdere externals of religioni'.', - Illitn.toi the e' -young eonverte.,to hilstienity; Were frOura= - inning the Jeviii;''' their. Minds :' were ',., full of .treediiitliCe'on the Subjecit of meats and drinke r , - r new:moons and .iielertinleiste, air 'of Which thtfigio imititation'iet esiclit:' 'Still, pays the 'Aporitle. let yea eoitdget totiartt these weak belinvete be charitable, until,they :ire taught [ and ,understand the 'truth'' 2,yott'dithen ' they, iQ terikmay have to'exererse:;tliti tranie onntltict to'others: '•'. r; , ' ,' ,But .in the matter: • before ,us 8.. ie,net the . I: Wriak , brother.or the strong; the ohumkor the State; the..,rich.or .the p,oari the; hoed; or the free, the ' learned ...or). Ow unlearriedelli 'air Jirikeoltcernetlii!The,Ovile veritilting arpm the ,u45,9 1-, ,lttl9 l 4teittlef Ihlitate , mit, bevoinge,thil Ake 'Alostitt9tiVe4ePeeefbelle . ,apon the ,race; i pki,.miti •oan,att.selheee,':lieverageS 61i,denth . 4. viArtitt Shrjtirf ,te im self ~ lind,ndierat. v 'Not ~..r, . IS it' the weak or innocririt .",tliktr.Who, puffer , L und ,: 411,,inn• Aile..tquiesC and. thb.,greatest Of. - • 'men an d;t ti,i, m00!P1f44.7( have 'heen',Strieken ' 491ve ~ by, jte . fbetet,egi 'lllitelege--. - ; Every: N,ltete:tkleMAilings e.:.,iha....iviiinur. , ;in . py-be- _.___ heard,, and'.the . tear , of.. ~..wee, , eUen;.runhing, -, :49*tk,iiiii, Oliao(9.i the,laiheilase., , ,'Not',B6 fn .. IRS ~an,.kieair,dlisanainid 'in;ihe. 14.41i,alutples ,to -tile. ;telltales- • ..There , one eless , .oisly•epuhl • be -4Traetti and Th.o4:.innlk 'in -‘itietat:',Voinf of ' '', v,etvi•hy the, Innocent, colipat:oliiiiit,,Olbarai.: -' an far 4 1 3, t hey thertiselY'eaYero:danuki.riyut-4': ' ' Hence it_ might: lie./Ottfek but ~tin'expedient, ; ~ t° eat , the , MOO Cerallin k fleo , liner , heeatitie ',''. ,' VI the, ißeerallee . 1 4f ( the ".teeak.broggisilitho,: ,-, tejohtihltri. loPpesed' that the i meaCeptir/fIY '. hatt.beep; ol o9'Odjo',eltOritioe'itct' l 494iglity . ..- ~ eet et :IVO 10.yourvpotrifonoOP:brOlboni`.aW •.: ~ ° Alll ' 7lO4 Ao•gmlliolYis , ./C 04 0.4 040,60 . 8 ; .'. 191,i.n.tAilt)p4itcloy.tikimg.;,pribatOfejkitt - Ai:est - -,-, -- . tof , oo l 4lo4.o l 9oJMOPß'itii.l.tlol. l ,v 4 4.: l o.t. ..' . , .., f1 1 04:& 4 10P 1 0,06 4 t* , M 14-10 *ZeAtit 4; . ;,: . - '/ tot Itoti'ne4 AA, gh.ei0.4”#. 1 ! 1 :0071 4 '..:1tt!";.• , ~:„ laNifletk. ''ifiCObrit;ivkikViCtioi.!.:.', , 'Q: fiiiii:.#. grAlt':,,ll 4 ,,to!it' ll4l r 8‘_..11041. ,:='- ',VtVg!rQ.t,!.;;.'',7,,./.-.;:'-'.'.,,;, „ r,,,. • .. UM psi::. .t n; ~=trttp.e, 't•; ,_ _ .• , ~,1.{~ is _ , u'_iifi.{~7' :.. M!( j 51 .! .:'~r?.}}'. BE BE I=l 1 e_ MEM . ME "4' . ' .1' ' ,4 ? 1 , ' ' UM 0