' • Alliiii c `.. titlittif' .., :'--::=:,:,--",-... )ftir-4;:ff:;1i,....'.',....;:,,:-.:. , PlitledelPhla;MmidafEvindrig, ‘ ldarellil v ni much inquiry te day, ehdirie.chiPpingbrandsOiriiidba'obtelned afle per ofsirientes for expert. liltE4.o,lo36:l•ldile 'sold netsji. • , • . . • convon34.,T,..,:,:ie'keid.. A tt 42,37: Ihiiere however ClirelTi lik t ikid - Yijilipai.Of no sales.. • IVIO3/±itenriltaries !Pearce, and generally bald a knit: imiere-800.buehela damaged Wee . tern irine4tOn at 44 eta. COli4 inieellghtly'decliqed, and come 12,000 bush: illa'fband bliyera t mostly Southern yellow at 51 'cents' '''' • - •• ' ' *IIISItEY-22 a 25 - for hi:ids-24 for bble, The commercial newt has had a very depressing :'''sifient upon oui-matkVs. Offers were made to sell ' Howard street Flour nt 05,87, without meeting with purchasers. Offers to buy suers ,. made nt $3,75, hu ZlOU:nalds were effected: • •..'_ , .POrnikfeal sold at,A12,25 to 02,42. Red. Wheat at Winte.Pnlit;434o 40 cents,with sales amount ; ing to 4000 hashehni4ottow Corn 48 cents. Oats at 38 - to 42. Whiskey 24} cents: . ; • A the' residence of Miss,l4aney McCue. near Meehanicabulg, on the:morning of the 16th inst. the'RistJiep. Morris, Miss HADASSA' GRA. SAM. tolfr. 'RICHARD PARKER all of this co. On' — ,• the 16th' inst. by the Rev. A7ll. Kremer, to 111iss AMANDA Sams of Carlisle. on the , Same day, by . the same. Mr. JACOB Kt:rani - of Franklin tewnship York co., to Aliss Kansans DAit:of Carlisle. • • DIED. On the 17th March, 'Mrs ELIZA /MTH EDMOND 'wife of - William - Edmond - aged 64 years. - • ...On Monday the 6th inst., of consumption Mr. Was. CDAMBERS son'of John Chambers Esq., mem Dayton Ohio, in the 19th year 'of his age. New. Goods! FOR LADIES. French Ginghams Straw Bennet! „Fancy Lawns . French W. Collars . Printed Organdies Black - Silk Lace ' Linen Lustre Thread Edging & lace Pans Silk Tissiu Cold Silk Fringes Brocha Muslin Silk Buttons French Jaconeta Kid Gloves Bl'k Broche Lawns Thread do = . „ Black Cloths •Fancy Col'd Cloths Cassimers Summer Cassimers Italian Cravats Tweeds Vesting's ; _ Black Sattin Also. Damask and Ingrain carpeting, Figured Docking, black and drab Merino, Checks, Mae, dins dte. &c. N. 13,7-All I wish 'to say to my friends is to anchor at the ' 4 Bee Hive," in North Hanover street, and. examine my stock of goods, and for cash great bargains may be had. mar 22 French Revolution 1- --Interesting News! THE public is respectfully informed that CHARLES OGILBY is now pur chasing, and will be receiving in a few -days, - one of- the most exionsive_andas usual xim,..entaimaT STOCK' OF GOODS ever brought to Carlisle! The stock will consist of a splendid selection of DAY Goons, with .a fine and general assortment of Boors AND•StIOSS. - -GSOCEICIES in abundance, anJ at the lowest Mice. " Owing to the GREAT . RF,DUCTION fl -prices of many articles, I feel confident Him I can give bargains unequalled in-this or any other - place— Call and look for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Irr Remember the Old Stand; op posite Martin's Hotel,-a few doors East of the Market House. march 22 • Book • Auction I xasi t WILL be sold at' Auction THIS 'EVENING, at GITI"S "PA - Book Store, a large assortment of Bonus, now and second hand; Pictures, Station• cry, and other articles too numerous to mention. Bargains will positively be given. Sale to:com• mence at early candle light. 'Perms Cash. WESLEY MILES, - Auctioneer for the Owner. Iron Commissior Warehouse, No. 109 North : Water Street, ned No. 54 Nord Wharves, Philadelphia. THE undersigned still continue the Commis sion business, for the sale of all descriptions of I RON., . Our experience of Inne r years, and ex tensive acquaintance, with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad._ vantages to serve our correspondents, equal to any other house. mar 22-6 m ORRICK & CAMPBELL. Spring Millinery Goods. JO[IN STONE & SONS, Importers and dealers in Silks, Ribbonaind Millinery Canis. N 0.54 south Second street, Philadelphia, have received by late, arrivals from France,(chief -ly of their own importation)' new and very rich assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, to;which they will constantly be making additions. They have, now in store— ' •Silks for casing bonnets, of all prices. , -Fancy bonnet and cap ribbons, a beautiful as isortment. 'lain Mantua and sattin ribbons, all widths. /French and ,American artificial flowers, in great variety. Paris chip Hats. • tlrapes, crape. Limes. rancy,bennet and cap Nets. "Trimming laces, face trimmings. - Huainan, willow, crowns, tips, ire. &c. And all articles needed for the Millinery trade. SKr The attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city is 'particularly requested to our stock, as it will be found far more extenelve than that of spy other'house in our line, and the priCes more moderate. . mar 22.3 t • r ,Sprint Fashion of Nato. ' At the greet central cheap'Hat and Chip Store, No. 284 Market,stroet, sou th side, above Eighth street, Philadelphio,_ • THE subscriber takes this method , to return hie: thanks to sA, 'of, thrrcounty, of c Cumberland, for the very libefel share , of Patron, nge 'WhiCh 'they have extended towards" hint for last few months, and . Would call:their 'attention tothe fact that he hishoni.introduced his arsine • rAsinost OF CierriLmitkes nexs, which for beauty, neittnese and durability t ,cannot be excelled by .eny other establishment urthis city. This stock . comprises Ahe Bernier, Nutria, Bidsh,.. Russia, silkaiid,Moll Skin Hata Of all styles and,quali• ilea, togethet l with a. yerylla r ge, assortment of 'relvet;:: Plash, Tur .and,.Glased Caps.i—L , Country'larehents and. others ire , respectfully Arivited . to. elitniue the which . they will find it 'to thi3irOvantsgeM do, before purchasing, , its it 'is his determinationihaving adopted the sys-, .7 — fettrof sellintfor-csswonlV-sell at-thelawetn —prices. ' . .284 Maikiit,st.,sontlr;sitte.s.aboYei,ghth: ~ . , T.O'thel4.lravond . ;ReprOseiitittzves of •Adi. 7 1-- - - lfritSCO'Sft - 111 itTbtrrankford rillAKE.nouge,.thitt.,in poignance, of it Writ. of L.; Partition end Valuation. Jiggled out of ~the, ', Crphani ' ' , Court of 2 ,Curitlierlinid', Owinty,'atid'.to Ins directed- on' inquisition ho . 'held he , 'real eatate.of said dentit, .srivt . . , A act of L and situate in , ,Franklin•townshity.init containin g one hundred ; .or 1668.:40;' , ,ToultShAY.,thO ~ 0th:0f..41. 1 1.11.•.A.-D. .`the promises ,. for the' purpose 'of making.pwitton •4, 1 V,0f 7, 4 4uPliOn,onsitid rent estate: , • • 3A,ItIES . II7OPPER, BhenlT • • ' '-'• 414 11 .'FRONEM 'S,VOtiCrt: rOspect: • Oiimiiiii;:cirpailiefeiilini• schabiliii.D'Alkfe jl4.9 l:diy, March aid • All . - On 'PIS uni.;, zAiatusbl4.(Aingeli. course ,*iir 10100,0',.`YhtliSdlifl!'";#64 ,„ EMI .?4,41,;W.AT ISM - 111.Ctir:' , 4%1V elliff110:_ l itith -. Elifiew Bathe* •i, t,'ll . ' . l il iOq'7l'l:iti.:hiftiliiiiierilliii 'Letters tiiiiiii ',lll .`nienterf otilbo•ltuit'will:m '.testament of Esther HerstOstioPE. Pennstioth township . , 'Cumberland 'county,;dee'd.. htixe.'t is 'day been issued by.the Register in and fcir themaid county, to the .subsoriber, who resides , in:the , said town ship of E. kennaborough. All persona .having' claims or demands against the estate of said de- I ceased, are requested to.lntiliti khowittha`earne'l Without delay, and those indebted' to tiiake'liay ment to, JOHN 11.1VIOSSER, • -Mar 22-61 p d ~ .. ' ' :-.... -- .. ' Executor. BV virtue of sundry writs , of Veriditioni Expo- . nee,-issued out the. Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, and tome directed, I will expose the following Real public sale at the Court House t rough of Car lisle, SA Bth day of, April, 1848, at' o c Cle A. M s .; viz:, ' A Tract of Land, situate in North Mid dleton township,'lbonnded -by lands of Henry Snyder, John Hoover, Christian Wolrand John Betdler, containing 411 acres more or less, bay ing thereen erected ktwo-story Log House, Log Stable, Shop anti a young Orchard &c; seized and taken in exechtion us the property of Adam, Wolf. Also, a Lot of Ground situate in New ton towhship, bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the State road at 'a peat; thence by Int No. 10, frmerly the estate of Dr. John Geddis, dec'd, south 811 degrees, west 37 perch es to a post ; thence by tlfe bows of James Wood bruit; dried, iiiii4ll - 2fr degrees; oasc-75 . Perches- . and 2-10 to the State road; thence, by the State road 76 8-10 perches to the plug of beginning, containing ' 8 acres, 73 parches, strict maasure ; seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry C. Hacketwdeed. . ,Also,a Lot of GroUnd situate 'in South ampton township, containing 64 feet in front and 287 feet deep, adjoining. Henry Reaatine and Da vid Mahon, having thereoneretted a one and half story Log House ; seized' and taken in exe cution as the oroperty of John Ocker.. • Also, a Tract of Land situate in Mif- Bin'township, Cumberland county, containing 60 ticres t or less, bounded by lands of Joseph Burlck. John Harper, jr, Alexander McFar lane and others, having thereon erected a two. Brolly Heuse, part brick and part log, a Log House and Log B am, a two-story Stone Grist Mill. Saw 'MTh, a good well of Water &c: Alsom - Tract - ofiMountain Land situate' in Mifflin township, containing 32 acres more or less, bounded by A. MtMiddleton, Thos. Seoul ler and Robert -middieroft ; seized and taken - in . execution as the property of Thomas hleCor mirk. dee'd: Baltimore, March 20 OYLE hos td front Phil. old ist now o rge and hand sortment—of- Ind SUitlinal consisting in Atso, all'the interest of Henry G. Mil ler, being the 1-7 port of a tract of hind situate in Mifflin township, containing 30 acres snore or less, bounded by lands of George Ecker, John Brown, Joseph Hefflefinger - and - Peter Myers, having• thereon' erectesi a two-story Log House and Kitchen, Log Barn and Wagon-shed ; seized and taken in execution as the properly of Henry G. Miller. Also, the one undivided half part of a Tract of Land situate in ”Fpankford township, containing 100 acres More or less, having thereon erected 2 two-story Log Houses, Log . Cooper shop and Frame Barn , adjoining lands of Wm. Drawbough, Jacob Eusipinger, George Hippie and - Oyler; seized and taken in execution no the property of Benjamin Freet. And all to he sold by me - • TAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. Sherits Office, Carlisle, "j_ March 15. 1849.. S First Arrival of New Spring Goods. HE subscribers have just returned from Phil. T adelphia with one of the largest and cheap est assortments of HEW GOODS ever bro't 40 Carlisle. It consists in part of Fine blue-black English and French Cloths. Fine blue-black and Fancy Cae-simeres, Vestings offashionable style% Forty pieces 'French and Scotch Ginghams, at 12, 15, 18' and 25 cents, Five thousand yards Calicoes, from 4, 6, 8,9, 1 0 and I2cts., the grCatest assortment ever bro't to this place, and uncommonly cheap. A kit of Mous de Laines, Plaids, Lawns, Rel. zorines, &c. Book, swiss, cambric and jaconet Muslins,bar • red and plain. • Hosiery end - Gloves; Checks and Tickings, Muslin% such as tarleton, pink, blue, black, mode, white, &c. we are almost giving away. Laces, Edgings, Shawls, Ribbons, and almost every thing in our line of business. Also, our usual assortment of Groceries and Queensware, Hardware,&c. together with mens and boys' cloth and oil-cloth and palm leaf Hats. Persons desirous of purchasing good and cheap Goods will save money by calling ou us, as the above stock has all been bought for cash at low prices, and will be sold "cheaper than the cheap est." . A. & W. BENTZ. 'march 8 3 doors south of the PostOtßee. IVILL be sold at public sale, on THURS- - DA Y, the 30th of March, inst. at the public house of Henry Class, in this borough, at 2 o'clock. P• M. a LOT OF GROUND, con taining FOUR AND A HALF ACRES of first rate Land, under good fences, situate in Cove. Lane, and very convenient to town, adjoining ota of Geo. 'Metzger, Esq. Jacob Fetter an others.— Possession given on the Mat of April next, and a good title made to the purchaser.. Terms will be made known on day of sale by MARGARET EDWARDS. Carlisle. mar 8 1 0° Ws t-APs LARGE supply SEEDS,A just received' sale by • S. ELLIorr. Dissolution of Partnership THE partnership heretofore'existing between A. & D. LEIDIOH is this day dissolved by ,r,hutu al consent. The books are in the hands'of D. T. Leidich. Persons knowing themselves in. defiled to' the firm are requested to call and make settlement as soon as possible. A. M. LDIDICH, D. J. LEIDICII. "' The subscriber would respectfully inform hia old customers that he has just returned from the elty - with - orewrint - ipliffidiffassortiniiiitiffSpritiff and Summer-GOODS,which-he will sell as low. if-not alittle lower,than any establishment in the county • Among his stock. may b numerated the following articles: • 16: Cloths, Tweeds. Lassitrierit, Mous. do' Ginghems, Cashnieree, Calicoes, Muldlini,^Son. nets, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Groceries, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paintsplitc, besides Other•articlos too numerous to mention. - • Thankful to his frlondsfor, their, fornier kind ness, he. hopes by a strict attention to hie busi ness still to-merit a-share or their patrona A. M. fe.', Doillag Springs March 15;1848-pd..-, - t.E#ool,y.e: r!m4ttue - 400 Mi s? .4 , — , ::Lifo,i*F.-:.;i44. - 47kr.ilEii - - . 7 OULD 'respectfully :call_,the,'aiteition „`Roues-keepers and the' publie,lo the' ex. iiininito Mock Rf'aplendid FURNlTURE;'nicht ding BalltdMardrebes; , citurikend'other Tables', DrelsiOn.and Ylain Bureaus: and aVery.iiiriety of , t • 2.wat.,_c 1104111. lo gy' h"v" iu# (mono,. their .IsIPW 114)0figii:m,thi,"Corner 'of North Hanover 'and Loather. streem„Oarlisle, Tho , , , are'Confident that the .seperlor,..finish the virorlimanship,• and elegance: of etyle;inwhich • their ;. Mildre are got. " up, to'gether' with willlecomtnend Ahern to everyperi so.e.wafnitig,,Furniture: They • have':also, m ade errangetnentslortiantifactuhog' and'Aceepine a conetant'supply:fif every article in their Jine,:both and ornameetal; elegant . and :useful, t;gt prices WhiCh eannof fail to sutt , purchaser!, Th ey' would - earnestly invite t*settitlvhe ire shout to continence; libuse;XOPmil;ito 'ind:samanine theirTifweeent , elegatiqatoole;lo'WhiVlis , ibey will cc,mstontlY, ineko - .addinons,of A the.nrivrest and Most "modern ""styles: S..tnade•to'order, Pf th e ' , ,einor cet 'lice, far town and-country . ' ' . r „ 2A1847:;'..• The s}tbscrtlier', d ~ esiree ' tet inform, the •hrtioing-o-hirge.end:eleigatit-'displar et - 'FdURNI•a T 800 tq- the, Oa* eitablishrean4;rberti he Wilt 'MOO old friends and custinnere.- ' 7 7ifia!'"Ch JAPOB,TErrI'ERc.:Ic, MEM SHERNTS SAIMS. Town Lots For Sale. .~el4'~ti.'~+~✓. . - , POOR HOUSE STATEMENT - Onls4T • DAVID WOLF, JACOB 'HERSIIE' OA' NVlLtiA.M`KEß,EttquqpB; Directors theToor rind Of the. House Of . niploymerit - isf Cumberl and County; in . ,acconot with eounty, from; the Ist day of .J anhary,to the '3 Ist dayofDecernber, v i z : ' To amount due ,Inititudon utleeide ment in 1846; by Jacob Squire,•Esq, • ' Treesitier, • • • ~ $1,077.261 Amount dmwn from county Treasurer, 4,000 00 , Do received from•S, Alexander* . • ;,-• daze - onion; • 47.1.• 09.,• . Do of Shrom & Snodgrass. for hides and skins 118 331 •Do .of borough.of Huntingdon for- . use of D. Lindsey ,- • 94 25 Do of J. W. Eby for use of T. Robinson, (colored) ' 75 00. 'Do of S: Flickinger - for use . , 67 801 Do for tallow and lard. • • 30 841 Do' of R. Smidgrass, Esq, for use -30 37i Do of John Mixon for use . 14 58 • Do found On the body of Joseph • • • Holland, deceased . 17 1911 Do of P. Dyserd, deceased r 6BB Do .of John Smith and other dec'd V pauers p 2 32i . Do of Raum-for use ' • .5 40 Do ' for old potatoes ' .6 72! DO for 'blank indentures ~, A 450 Do 'of J. Hiatt* for grass 3 00 ' DO. for lime. .2 22 Do for use of cider press. , ,, 1 31* Do of J. Brannon for pump stocks " 100 Do -for-sundries - - • - -2 89} ~ _ ACOB SQUIRE, Esq., Treasurer of th of Cumberland county, in account wi the Ist day of January to the 01st day DR. To amouut due at settlement, e 1,077.264 Do received from •the county Treasurer 4,000 00 Do - received rpm J. Lobach, Steward, from different - • sources as exhibited in the foregoing statement 955 73 Iralance.due Treasurer Stock on the Farnri - st January, 1811 Six head of Horses, 31 head of Horned Cattle, 25 Sheep, 4 breeding Sows, 27 stock Hoge, .30 Pigs and 1 Calf. Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal, fattened and killed on Farm in 1847 29 Beeves, average weight 552 pounds, (16,003 Ihs.) 15 Calves, average weight 66 pounds. (990 lbs.) 6'2 Sheep, average weight 49 p0and5,..(1,941b5.) 37 'Hogs, average weight 209 pounds, (7,733 lbs.) making in all 27,769 Farming Utensils on the Farm Ist January, 1848 1 broad-wheeled and narrow-wheeled wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair of wood.laddera, 2 pair of hay ladders, 1 sled, 1 dearborne and harniass, 1 cart and cart gears, 1 sleigh, 4 harrows, 4 ploughs, 2 cul • tiVators, 2 double shovel ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs, .1 stone wagon, 1 horse rake, 1 threshing machine and horse power, 1 tanning mill, 1 rolling screen, 1 corn sbeller„l ground roller, 2 cutting boxes, 1 flax brake. 2 grindstones, 2 ligg chains, 33 cow .chains, 6 sett of wagon gears; - 6 sett of plough gears, 2 sett of carpenter's tools, 1 sett of butchering tools, 1 sett of blacksmith's tools, 2 sett of blowing tool 5 wheel-barrows, 6 shorelsea spades, 3 mattocks, 2 picks, 4 grain cradles, 10 mowing scythes, and a variety of axes, corn hoes, rakes,. forks, sickles, single and double trees' &c. Schedule showing the Proceeds of the Farm for 1847. 48( bushels of wheat, 600 of oats, 1100 of corn, 400 of potatoes, 250 of turnips, 20 of onions, 30 of beets, 15 of parsnips 6 Of beans, 2 wagon loads of pumpkins, 200 bushels of winter apples, 11 of clover seed, II of Has seed, 14 of ti, ptky seed, 1800 heads of cabbage, 5325 cucumbers, made 50 loads of hay, 25 of.corn fodder, Vo Wails of good eider, 13 of water cider. , Manufactured.and Made in the House and shop. 125 shirts and chinite,lo sheets, 11 calico frocks, 'iffennel frocks, 17 cotton frocks, 15 petticoats, 33' aprons, 7 Sun bonnets, 9 caps, 43 pillow cases, 2 bed slips, 7 chaff bags, 2 bolsters, 26 pair of can • ton fl annel drawers . , 4 pa ir of mittens knitted, 16 pair of stockings knitted, 35 pair footed, 23 barrels of soft soap, 62 lbs. of bard soap, 196 gallons of apple butter. ' JOSEPH LOBACH, Steward, ELIZA LOBACH, Matron. The Directors of said Institution annex the following exhibit of extra labor, &c.,, performed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, froth the Ist day of January 'to the 31st day of .December, 1847, inclusive, viz: .. , . . Made 25 coffin's, 3 wheel-barrows, 1 sausage sniffer, 1 small ladder, 1 bedstead, 9 benches, 2 writing desks for school room,l table, 4,inauls, 6 single trees, 1 double tree, 600 rails, 90 pounds of old post fence, cut 100 cords wood, quiirried and hauled the stone for new bakq house,'done 835 worth of blacketuitbing, painted new bake house, quarried atone for and burned 700 bushels of lime. _ . • • Nunacr - of - paupertric - theltiatitution - Nklanuary - 1047i - of - which•26 were colored - and 7 out-dimr•paupere r ------ _ . ... . , • , • - . 129 Nuinber admitted up to 31at December, 1347,, of which 13 wore colored and 2 born in .......a........ ./ . . - ' 17 the house • A • ' ff Making'the whole number through the year - 299 Of whlch.l9 died, 10 children bound opt, S 3 eloped, 120 disc . hared, and ,8 outmioar. paupers • • „ . . Leaving the number of paupers in the house Ist January, 1848, of which 24 ere colored Out-door paupers supported at, publieezitenetrthrough,the year, of which 4 has been admitted anti 3 died • • . Whole number supported Istlandary, 1848 " Of those remaining in the Poorliouse Slat December; 1847, there arc-- .• ' •.• ' • - •., Males 80 .of which 13 are colored . . - '. Female* 39;bl:which 11 are colored And 8 01#•:1100Fpikupqnh 'of which 2 are colore - Averagd.ttto, TPeid!Y 117iit t li tainktd ar '..‘tut : tierli . ..yOat . 1 „i; / ,'.."_ t / 1 5 i" 0 4- ; f r Gmi:;15.116 fron,ll;4fPlin,„ Therearel u near as_ can f r o m 3010,_40; il6 from 40 to otr • , s: 10 to g 0 6. 2° . 1P • 321 ZA.ta'9l) from 90, N 4 9c .' ; a°°ve '• ' 70 •' 10 frotn•7o . , ~ •• • : „;,„„ Poor and of the H:entl ufo-ulllpluleony-dintritiaefx-Chiubrnilbo....4fr.'larblielLatrlkunillt74:tb°°cfr.,: ~.- ~;„;;.' the Direifojs_f,' Viloo-iiii-,itutement-delptins,_ dui beet o f our kttowlalfet 4'• lifY that the alUlimb'Peijod.itbuYe stated ' 1 3 1 ac ,7 ;m4l A. 1 , 8 •"7 - , '` ititution;duling,l r e bt ru t s dm let day :rs-. ~Tn , 01,r,', - -' . ~' 9,yfil un enan„; , : ' , ~' , IA& v L '” ii sag; ',DißEG"roll'' , .- ~, „,, ; ~,, -, - .':. ' , , wiLLIW.FZERtri,. ,I, , ..'. t• 1 et; ',•.', l''''','); .:';*' '' 't'' ' '':;,`` i-;1:, ''" . -, 'l. . , ".--,, '''''' I ',,, .I___ J , ..' '. • `' s'.: , ---.-•' ~ - _,,,.. "4,tj"'''''''''.'`',- ....-. ;'," ,:=4!`" °:,,-..',:::•,',1 ? A , ----r........-7". .. : ''':.:t''..-'l,.- ' l4Ll 4;r -- "ly,ii. • ~, ve, , ,, ~' "'' ' ' - 41 ; i "rain aceoCtlP plcili'i'; "';'- -" io rnborbad. eoitnty,:elooteu'an ' m 4,110400 ''",,. r 'lphal ' 4 ,tv.O' iiiE,ill4;6llol94:‘:#tilditofif uf , 1 of the Dined:lore or Atier94?,L,,.inol fi etnt, 1 14,i ii i. 1 unt ;gi l d vouchers of. Doramberef, -A v ing e.FaininetEll'El‘a!rtho 10 , 0( Jarman' to th* 310,,..., ~ ....41 he I%v , Trem ili rkouri ot said county, roln • said canny by the,Threntors do!,),o_ l ll , ,it E -L , -,, i .„ Kai- , , „,„ % , 7 3 - p,, 'l, e j f d' II bplenc° due. 11'4n d TwentY•tittne Cams,' , : - ~-11-ibov,..':t.'-qift4l4l".`''f''';:',O''''fli ',`•;','' Pc , re ari- r•$"" loymtint.'''' " "."-' , ' :cis .ii- ,dijatilzitql44,,;,P.4l, t,4:0 0: 1 ;:`se;$1 1 '" , "-. '' • ..,..- outl'Houtie 0 ,,. , ,13/P b an d s at coritele, thor!Pl,.. , ,7,,,,,,,:..:,?1,;:[„1,;.At,•,,Y,, --, 0.;,,,, ,E11,1),,,,...L:‘, - .von tu r" r, PI K .• ' , ',: .".,--., :,,'' , - -r, ,i 1640 - 1 .04' .7.1. t Arorrokei;-'; i, • . ~,,,4 ,,„ ''A ""'" - .4 : 3 e• ;) l ,•'l'' , -... ,-." ' ,%•'" , -..-LI ".•1-?.r ~ - 40 Ng , ' Ea ~ ' t-', : ~...„' , ~Y,; ''•',1 4 16, , • it-Antiftm , !'tv ,, ,- '' •' ' .• ' , e ' '' ' - Yl,l . 1 ;4,.• '-p l , , ;; . v -7/ ' ,, fr;,'! '''',.' ~.),',.,' ~ ..:'- i , \ `;::.,, - ,:„,, ` ' ::,...-:;1•'5410'1:7,,1,1'.;.,:0.1.4.,r, sr, ' , - t ': i ' . • - r''''',-, '' .. -: , '-y il PA' i 1848- Ss' ''',- '-''''''-';42/14gU,,;,,;.t, ~_ ' *. t0, , , , .,, ,,..y, 1 ,v,,;,, sh; ,),-, k •'' .1 • ~ 1 - ' e ' ' e •,:, :,'‘tYi',6•Pi",,,lll6,oft,' 1/2,, ,'''' ' ' , "...... •''..''''Z''4 ' . ~,,, ~. -1, ,-- BMWM•M RE9112 .. . 4 . . i - . BY payment of inteiek on do wer ' n„ t. , ' - • lirroc.of Mra.-013flon, in the' land-. c • ~ •.r purchased' Of A.ll4powell, in 1842 ;838 8,1 .Beashlor'-groceriee, tnerchandiae,. ; • cliathing,..and bedding included ; 1,528.,55: Cash for stack ,• - ' '' - ' j73- I) ' , Do , for lumbar • —_'„"_,, Do for support ofoid.door paupers 4 175 92i 'Do. fir out-door funeral expenses , ;'B2 87 .Do .for. nut‘door. medical aid . N 50_ De for tuildringiveasing, : and -spin , • lung: ' 129.18 k Do for shoemaking and hotting 147 001 Do for hardwaro . 135 013 Do for coal ',. . ' • 125.95.- - Do for freight on coal and groceries 72 64} Do for mason work • . - 120 60 Do for oarpenter work - , 98 12+ Do for broadwheeled . wagon 105 00 Do for loather ~ , ',98 95 Do for blacksmiihing • :65 53 Do- forconstabV9 foes forreMoVing - ' 2 : --- • paupers . 'lt 521 Cash-paid toßlind.Thatitution.for Oa* -.- .of Sarah M'Laughlin — "-p2.50 Do , * for grain, grinding, &c 86 08 Do paid to borough of. Lewistown for support. and removal of - paupers - 10 48 Do fcir brick . 49 20 Do for castings • 36. 29 Do for plasteringand 'whitewashing 24 .97 Do for tin and copper•ware and tin- ' " ' fling • • • p 28* Do for spoiding, repairing coal stoves and valves 94 08 Do for materials, improvementi,dtc 44 75 Do for fing unsils, tola,_ dt.e. 20 50 Do Vir cooper arm in g a te nd wago o nmakuil' 112'46* - Do for travelling expense s . 17 54' Do for postage ?2et DO for sundries 07* Do Joseph Lobach's salary for-one year, including_hirehng's wa -ges • -coo oo Do Dr. J. Baughman's salary for • one year, 86 25 Do Jacob Squire, Esq,'Treasurer, salary for one year 40 00 Do H. Gallaugher, attorney for one Year, including extna,fee of 86,032.991 810 • ' 30 00 -Do Ab . m. Myers, Esq, extra. Bar- -• - vices 118 Director ld 50, Do David Wolf, Esq, do do •6 50 Do Jacob Marsha, Esq: do do 6.25 ~ $5,189.701 Balance due by Treasurer 843 29 '0.032 991 Balance due by Treasurer ' sa 49 e Poor House and House of Employment th ttie Directors of said — rn — slitution, from of December, 1847, inclusive, viz : By Cash paid orders as above stated 155,189 701 By.balance due county by Treasurer 843 29 - 86,034 .991. 8843 49 =EI —Wm. - hi. Melly. Samuel Hess ' • George V. Coover ' Thomas Anderson Jacob Alumina John Hoover, jr: Joshua Shaffer Emanuel Fettra NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Ses sjons of Cumberland coiliiiy7 , for - a;litrmso twkeep a Tavern or public house in the house I now pcc_apy, in S. Middleton township. ' M ATHEW NOCE& We the undersigned citizens of the township of S. Middleton, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Mathew Moore; that he is of good re pute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house . and conveniences for the accommodation oletrangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom modate- the public and entertain strange - rs and -travellers. 46.032 99i NOTICE ie hereby given that I intend to op. play at the next term of the court •of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house in the house for merly kept by Joseph Eberly, in Monroe tp. • GEO. hIOR RET. CR $6,032 991 • We the undersigned citizens of the township in the - county of Cumberland, do cer tify-that we are well, acquainted with- the above name' George Morret ; that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and conveniences. for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or 'Cavern is necessary to eccom -modete the public and entertain strangers and travellers. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap• ply at the next tertr...okhhomourt of Quarter See. atone of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house, to the hoinii I now Oc r: cupy. Wltl. P. Li UGIIE.S. We . the undersigned citizens of New Cumber land, in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Wm. P. Doges; that he is of gond repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and.conveniences for the cc comodation of strangers and traveller.,,and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to acciNittOdate the public and entertain strangers and4ravellers.. Thomas Coleman J. Bryens? ' E. B. Dodson James R.. Oink John Rife John F. Lee NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to op ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sea. stuns of Cumberland county, for a license.to keep a Tavern or public house in the house now oc• copied by Lewis Young as a tavern... CHAS. A. DOLSON. We the undersigned cititizens of Now Cum berland; in the county of Cumberland, do certify that we aro well acquainted with the above nam ed Charles A. Dotson; that he is of good repute for honeity and temperance, and is wellprovided with' house room, and conveniences for the , an ommodation of strangers and • travellers, and •that such 'lnn or Tavern is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangeis and travellers. Wm. I'. Hughes John Young . 17 Adam Feoman H. Brenenian Wm. S. Prowell John Bile • D. B. Dodson Hiram Hants Lewis Willet G. W. Maslen Julies R. Hoak John F. Lee Joseph Coble John Sliank Charles Oyster Joseph Fceman feb 23 . NOTICE is , hereby given that I intend to ap-• ply at the next term of the court of Quarter See., mons .of Cuinborland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house,'ln the 'meet now 'occupied by•Philm Pile se such; in Dianne:in -township, , ' 3.ACOD.TREOC. , , , Wp,the undersigned citizens of die townebip . Of. Dickinson, in the, county of Cumberland, do .certify that we are well acquattited.with the above fianied,licob •Trego t, that he is of goad, repute for' honesty and temperance, end is well provided' witik,honse• room, and , conveniences , for the.ac• commodation stmpgers and trnvellers, and 'that. ,such Inn or Tavern ts,ncicesary to.accommodole thepublie and entertain-strangers and-traveller..; Daniel Keller ,Jenas,Neweetner.„. — , David Demuth ; McCullough: . , Frannie llutehison , • 'Jacob'Hemminger,-: Samtifel;Onlbraidt . • H.'liarnaF -; ; *lirepticin'Xisingor. 230hn.V12(cen:,.. Sohn newer . . 180 •- , ....1 119 El 1. :. t. .6;; ..:: ! V. ~ . ••'qpinirr froth I,lifiroo , '. ,7 ',,,6'el;irOi.t,-I.I.h*ROOM 'ori Nort h' 111 ; 102, Itiii.0; . 0*,,ae.. - .,, i vd!.?; ',-- iiii,ocs,:l4thf-z.4001 'r...-7- itednottitoefditt-44„4,,iii...iii.,..4....; 0 ,..11,4„,x 1 ~,, I , . - i $ liu'iTr; ijialriiiiin'. - AII.Y.".ApPLVAII : ' ; ',-. ''ili'C':ilt!'°!M:..:',''': JOHNA!',IIA,7, :.. ;.-' 'j,il'ile:iftectoAf . 1 0 1 71::;!. ;.:..:- - - - , ..1/0 , 11,,, . - - • • . , SixOents:Roward,.::,: ilitorANAit from, the ,„auneerlberv!on ..the " , ingitt of the 11 th hiet:),n Miliatto . loo7 , l*Med 'Attu illtael4 isn. indentured n e pprentino;:' sho ilft, inatir i otagei aboukilae leaf* inane high, Rantettitl . .of.; clothe* un,, , 'sods dark /urgent Ault-with' idrn t All perique: angutbid- hatberint pr-tniating-,'lnnf,on mr:ao!' :count. : The fto!ilfg,r,e.war,d l ",l 4l l l , be -paid: but Ito' . ‘..:,7P4pe!town, mar h5 * ERNI COUtrit NOliCe°: Tiiireiii - liiiiiiiii; , ' ,,. . . . . NOTICE itt-hereby given that•Lintentrto ap ? ; ply lit the neit,tetm 'of the diurt 9,eititer See. atone ofCintbeilind eiiiiniKftii,tiliceniti keepit Tavern ' or -house, :"11licIti ken • .• - OLLLEN . .NI. COOK., , . . • We the ,undersigned citizens of the township of W e Middleton, in the ; county of Cuinberland, do certify that .we °are Well'. acquainted - with Abe' above hamed Allen M. Cooler that he 'sof good 'rePitte for honnetk Mid teriMerance, and is,woll provided With 'houset",toom'and convenionceslor the accommodation of 'strangers and traveller's, and that; such Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac commodate itrangers and travelleri. • David Car . ' John Johnson , E. F. Haskell John M. Good Tobiae Kauffman Thomas Bradley Jacob Hinz T. B. Weakley T.homos Paxton J. S. Haldeman • John Stuart, jr. Mathew Moore WM. Alexander mar Ipd •,,' Tavern License. • . NOTICE it hereby given that I intend to ap ply at the nail term of the court of quarter See. stone of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a Tavern ouublic - house in the house now occu pied by Win: M. Mcley, in Silver Spring Ip., JACOB KUHN, Sr. - • . We the undersigned citizens of. the township &Silver Spring, in the county of Cumberland,' do certify that we are. well acquainted with the above named Jacob Kuhn; that he is of good repute for—honesty ant temperance, and is - well provided with house room, and aonventenceit for .the aceommOdation of strangers and ,travellers, end that such Ind or Tavern is necessary to ac commodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. • • . ,—Satuuel-Seneeme& Uarld_gmmieger_ SamuelYought. John Manor Peter Bricker • JOhfi'llabb George Trimble Tavern License. Wm. Alexander. • Benjamin Boyer Wm. A ,Linthurst George Rnhn ~ Themes Paxton Jesse Myers 1 George Harman George 'Wallet Jacob Zug, jr G. 1). Craighead E. F. Haskell <4...a, Jacob Hata Samuc Mpg C. McFarlane! A. H. Barnitz H. Nieman, jr Peter Mattson ' Wm. R. Moore John, McElwee Jacob Burkholder marl-pdSl Appjicatlon for Tavern . License. Poser Diller. John Paul — Daniel Krysher paniel Eberly gartin-Dillus Jeisse•Younr • --- George.Strock ' Daniel Sheller Daviti - Sheller ' Joseph Brandt Jacob Westfall Samuel Gensler . ' George Sheller , Samuel Brandt Moses Bricker • Christian Brandt • ,Christian Itickwiner . feb 23-pd Application for Tavern License. - - Lewis Willet John Young Joseph Coble Charles W. Dehn Adam Freeman Rudolph Marlin feb 23 Application for Tavern License, _ _ Tavern License, ME tort • !*3‘R.ROOLAMATION.:".: , ' • . • Bsnoar...llxr, anisiTiierldent:Audge.' ha:sever al. coirtaiif PcqnqidriPlects Oie counti,eirarCuiri. berland, and - Juniatir; , in;.Ponneflvania, and Jinoice of this tioverartjourts of Oyer and Termiiier and , General . Tail trelivnev, "Tit said counties,'.and Hon. John IMnart.anitJohn Clan denln, judges of the" Conk ,Of 'Oyer and Tor: inkier:rind General " Jail Delivery. for the trial Of all , capital iinifother.olferidttrailri ;the - Said county precepts tome directed, dated the 10th ddi Of January,•lB4B, have' rdered the Colin of Oye6.ind Terminer and, GeheralJail Dclivory ;. to beholden at Car liale-on the second Monday of April next' being the 10th day) at 10 o'clock •in the for noon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE is therefore. hereby given, to tire Coroner, Jostjces of the Poem and Const/rbles ofthe said countyof Cumberland, that they are by the said precept commanded to be theniand therein their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to -do those things,. whAbh to their Mikes appertain to be done, and ull those that are boundby racognizuncos, to prosecute (againsLthe pridoners_lnutiwo in then shall L!a in the-Jail of said county. arc to be thereto prosecute them as shall , be M ust, - • . —JA MPS4IOE-FER'-- 7 Sheriifl'sOffice,'Carliale, fiticruFF ' Marhh 1, 1848. Notice, CUMBERLAND CONSITY; ss. • The Commonwealth of 'Pennsyl vania to Thomas'W. Pancoast and Susfinria his wife, an d Michael Mess-, ner and Mlfry hiiNvife,, supposed to ' i be of the State of lowa, being heirs . , of Adam Feeman, late of Cumber land county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vanirt, deceasetY, — atrd - all - others - coneerned-in-t he preniises, Greeting: We command and firmly e,njoin you, that lay ing aside all business whatever, you be and tip . - pear before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas ce; said county, to beheld at Carlisle, the 45th day of APRIL next, to show cause, if. any you have, why the witnesses on behalf of John Feeman and Joseph Feeman, on their complaint against you, bcfmt our said court, duly exhibited, should not be examined, and their testimony re duced to writing and filed of record iu our said court, in order to,perpetuate the same.ogredabli to the constitution-of our government, and the itct of Assembly in such case made and provided. And hereof fail not at your peril. Witness the Hon. Samuel Hepburn, President of our said court at Carlisle, the 15th day of Feb.- rulry, s. a 1848. m 1 3t NV M. II EETENl,,Protil'y. mar I pd Steam Refined Sugar Oandies Cheapest in the World !-12,1 Cents per pound, Wholesale. J. RICH4iRDSON, No. 42 Market st., Of ft Philadelphia, takes pleasure iti informing the public, that ho still continues to sell his very Superior Steam - Refined Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to any manufaetured in the United States. He also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec. tionery.and FrUii - line.at corresponding low pri ces, as quick-sales - and - small r p ro fit 8 are the order ofthe Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail to be satisfied. Don't forget the. number, 42 Msuitsr. STREET, Philadelphia. nil , Tavern Liconsp.... • NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap ply at the next term ojthe court of gunner Bea mons of Cumberland county, for license to keep a Tavern or public house bolt° house heretofore occupied as such by John Mon, in East Penns borough Mwnship. MARY 1100 N. We the undersigned citizens of East Pennsbo rough township, in which the above Inn or Tav ern prayed to be licensedis proposed to he kept, do certify that Mary Hoon the above named op• plicant, is of good repute for honesty and tempe rance and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and traveller., and Buell Lott nr Tavern is neces sary to accommodate the public and entertain strrngers and travellers. John Heffielfinger Jacob Sheets Jacob R. Benninger John Erford Jacob Kuntz George Mann George Longstaffi A. Erb David Rineard John Erford, jr Michael ,Livingston Jacob Erford Jacob Boyer David Brenner Tavern Lieetife. NOTICE is hereb - ven that I intend to np ply.at the ensuing term e Court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tavern or public house, in the house I now occupy as such in Allen township,in said county. DAVID BROWN. We the undersigned, citizens of the township of Allen : in the county of Cumberland, do certi fy 'that we are well acquainted with the above , named David Brown, that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accom modation of strangers end travellers, and that such inn or ; tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. George Heyde, Samuel Shirman, David. Wise, William Smith, Geo M Reed, jr. • Allen Floyd, John Shireman, M. Bitner, John Graff; AI If Gnswiler, David Mosey, Isaac Gositert. Tavern License, NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to sp. ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions of Cankerland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house in the house I now occupy as such, in Papertown, Cumberland county. THOMPSON B WEAR:LET% We the undersigned citizens of Sonth ton township, Cumberland •coutrty, do - certify that we are well acmiainted with the above named Thompson 13. Weakley t that he is of good re pute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellera, rind that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to de. commodatc . the publie and entertain strangers and travellers. Wm. Moore Wm. Alepnclor Wm. A. Linthurat G. D. Craighead Wm. R. Moore Samuel Zug George O'Donnel Jesse 51yere Jaciib Burkholder E. F. Haskell. Jacob Hatz 11. A. Botelin,M.,D -Thomas-Bradley- merB Application fbr-Taveni License. Nt3TIO.F. he r eby given . thatil intend to nerdy 'ai tho next terra of the-court of Quer. for Sessions of Cnmberland county, for a license, to, keep' a Tavern or; public house. in the new three.story brick building o'wned by Jacob taiby, - situated on- the :corner. of. North Hanover and North stroet, in the borou of Carlisle, county of Cumberland. . gh W. ORTII. . , . - We the undersigned, cniserts of tho borough of Carlisle,,do, certify . that we are well.acquainted with the ab ove named, Henry .W. Orth; that ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is, well provided . with house room and con. venferices for tho lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellere.• - Joseph H. Weibley Jacob Wolf. . Henry, ! Glass=. . • , HemyAnderion w.R...111. Henderson:', .; Jacob LeibY 'ffertry-Lechlei ,t iLIUTT'I3: - .Drut Sid*' ; r >yneiB • rpHE , liiiiatkitirge.;ind.s . chOicP.eurplY of GARDEN'at EDg;iiiiit-t:iteitlye4 etl,for ale et , HAVERSTIOK'S:Drug Store.• •"- ;;• t' ; nUon . ofPtulne ' nhit ' Disko) . , rit arc ,:in t between'ihifirryi of.CO,Y,X,E & 088 is ogeetooi; Cumberland countzmau Oissolved by mutual 'opirent, ott ttto lot of k.ebttiary , 187;; • • " Pine,: • -li366ived`A, ` , aubscrivp` 6. 7riel Fre°l-v• i, l '41'126 4,2 Ell CURE YOURSELF.—From time immemo. vial there has. existed , in larger cities and populous towns, a species of disease, the depend. 'ence and propagation of which results from 'the violation of divine and moral laws. To those AFFLICTED, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is presented, as being the most certain, speedy, and valuable specific over Mimed to the unfortunate. It has wherever known acquired'a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen,. 'Thou..: sands have been cured bYlts use, and alf Motives no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction in diet or business, nor contains either.rnereury or noxious drugs in the least iMarieutt to the eye tem, it is boldly presented as thh best remedy for ~. 1 such diseases yet- , otihred:.. It . is use by physi cians and proneunced supetior- to:any knoWrtre.. mady.. Pull'directioni aecompany ea h., bade:: rot sale' at N.. W.cornei3d - O le d Iltstrcisti, Philadelphia,' ind'hy S. suitoy,. quilishi ; Dr. Randle,' Yorle.t. G. W.... Miller, 'Lancaster '; Dr. MePherson'and r l.lVyetli, Harriabure4-23a.-- • . .• • • riptig subscriber,;; hereby' . notice . 41 - that lie puiohised a4olt,:ths'Otoparty, of Dan. Ahergast, 'at- Constabli'altale; , ..bn , the 22d of Juno last, which, ho ha a. le44o,,,tr_ttat*th said* , , begset.ob. :3.70 , • - S awls l S = A e A 78-oh— iil44§6tOntmji(Prilikiiii-G777 Brodie, Sliays; tba,nbiipaitori ' in . Veiflitieaf. , Jan 12 1848 . 1 3:0•CARDONY . " P.eter,VVbibloq ; .: 2 , b F REV,ERAL..!Briek.-P*oling':'tiodielp -1 Positesigon given Jpn 26 C,HAW,O9II4)3YIj, Wholesale Olothi Waieh" - ;• ;• t, etty is 24 siariei jy THE'su bscr ber kftrlVlY:ioirclio tidn or country:, . orallyi,oad'atitipinektiOoUPPllto;lgti , *limy IrDkri.il t b*;(4 4 lo 4,,,,, h tr e r l 4, l l / 11 - 1--- • and, wor art:lz '17,47144- ,un'Ai,ool4l ~'„ .11 000 o f 44-,fTlOTil,rnpurelißstato ulaittilnetitktyjo ;1. _ cannot boraMessecL . ,,O ,, , 011 Y otPer,eltaptili):',6 t l . D' tiIOCCII4IIeOU9 7, Notice. THE Hooke;. n"'titeti decourdei'iAdliments,B4o., ANONEiti;larijna•Astiii ploughed byi to thetindOreigneitfor'velnilrealdvadatavolien placed in tile handirttf Notion, upotr whinniall:indelited , ereretipeatod to call and tnaltd: payinOt within' tiredly dayti from this Mum othertyiets.intits will Ito brought without roipact ro • • . persona. :.7 • a L m SPESc ,u ON A S c , o, • • !ntar . ls-3t ' SA M UEL - LICIPP , Notice. .. .—. David Strock and Catharine his vi . tife:ve:Aciatri 'Crouse, Jacob Crouse, George Crouse;.Johri C. Crouse, and Isabella.Croutse and Geoiges Mouse, children of Phelix Crime°..: ..,',:' . ~• 'the defendants are herohi — suMmonei 'to ap pear at a Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, on MONDAY the .10th. April 1848, to show cause why partition and valuation s hould not be made of twe trrcts of land in Mllilit4toimship, one containing 20 acres 47 perches, and tho.other a acres 107 perches. • .• • JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Z : - • March 15, 1848-3 t ' 3 ' , Make. • • T a staled Orphans' Court begunon Tues• day the 15th day of 'February, 1849, and 4toldemat-Csrliale,imandfor_Cumbeilturcount*,---. before the lion. Santini Heptitrn, President Judge,• and John Stuart and -John Clendannin, Esers.lissociate Judgen, &c,.the following pro ceedings were had, tti , wit : • • In the case of the writ of partition anti'valun-. tion on the real estate of Robert Buchanan; dec'd, now to wit, 15th February. 2 8 48, the same hav ing been confirmed by court;. On tnotion,of Mr. Gahm, rule on the heirs and persons interested, to appear on the- first day (25th April, 1848) of the • next stated Orphans' Court, and accept or refuse . to accept the said real estate-at the valuation. fly the COURT. • . AM ES 1.10 FFER Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, eiribs March 15, 1848-4 t Umbrall4 . Parasols, Parasolotto,. and WALELNO CAVE UMBRELLAS WM. 11. RICHARDSON,. steam:factory. the only one_ in. the United States, -NM 104 Market street; Philadelphia Merchants are respectfully informed that I con , thine to manufacture all the above goods'by the aid of steam, notwjthstanding i the great opposi tion of parties opposed to the introduction of ex pensive improvements. My assortment is com plete,. end prices so low, as to give entire satis faction. 7=~ls there is an-Umbrella Store next 'door, of nearly the same. name , it is important you should remember Wis. H. THdlreadddd. steam factory, and patentee of the walking cane ambit: la, dign of the LADY and EAGLE, No. 104 Market street. fob 9 Estate of Daniel Gorgas, dec'd. - , NOTICE is hereby given that eters of ad• ministration on the estate of Dani Gorges, lam: of Allen township, Cumberland o. dee'd,have this day been issued•by the Reg rater in and. for' Said county, to the subscriber who resides in East Pennsborough township, in said county: •All persons having claims against the estate of'. said decedent aro requested to make known the same without delay, and those indebted to make pay ment to SAMUEL BOWMAN. feb 2•6tpd . _. ____. T. H. Skites, HAS just receiTed a lot of superior French Cloths aud Cassimers, which .he will eel' or make to order, on terms to suit the times; at his old stand opposite the Railroad office, West High street, parliale. - fel) 16 Notice. A LL the creditors of JOSEPH INOR — AM, A Mechanicsburg, are notified that 1 will at• tend at the -public-houtun-of-Joseph-ingram..in that borough, on 'SA,TIIREAY t . lLe 18th of March, 1518, at 10 - o'clealiTk. receive ai claims against him,"and pay Merit ourof-the-w -sets, or such pro rata share as each is entitled to. feb 16 JOHN,RUPE,..A.asignea : . NOTICE. The stocltholders.cd the Cumberland Valley I,ail Road Company are hereby notified to meet at the public house of J. A. Winrott in Carlisle on THURSDAY the 9th of March, 1848, at' - 41 o'clok A. At, at which meeting the act of Ai. sembly of the 15th - February, 1898, increasing the capital stock of the said company, for the purpose of relaying the said road with a T rail, will'be submitted. feb 16 FRED'K. WATTS, Pree't Estate of Robert Laird, dal: vcrek' OTICE is hereby given that Letters Tea• tamentary oh the estate of Robert Laird, late of Frankford township, Cumberland county, dec'd, has been granted by the Register of said county, to the subscribers, residing in the town ship aforesaid. All persons having claims against the estate of said decedent, pre requested to-pre sent theta duly authenticated for settlement, and these indebted to make payment to JOHN IVIeDO WELL, • JAMES L. McDOWELL, Executors fib 9 Estate, of Ab'm. Bowman, doc!d. ii.l VVOTICE is hereby given that Letters .o' gik Administration dOonis non, with the wit annexed, on the estate of Abraham BOwman, late of Frankford township, deed, have WWI granted by the Register of said county; to the subsetiber, residing in the aforesaid township. All persons hiving claims against the estate of said decedent, are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment to feb 9-6tpd SAMUEL BOWMAN. It Never Fails. ME Valuable•P,ropeityatTiOate Bale: 'large' and_Oom niodione I)ridt-' .• - DWELL IN G ST):111E, ate do 66:0411)17Lo - ii - ttier,..1935 - , ••• ' • 'Hanover ma de - It*cm,n-by:the,pravAtALL. ;atil2-3'rao-JO • • -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers