Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 16, 1848, Image 3

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Thothisontouego.4;ikakit'Lettreti HE` ;:;•
... I 'llel l'Ceitibrptedln:thli M. E.• Church of
~thia:boxisagh.On ,t hitt. evening:of tho 22d inet.—
~a,4o:ll;thheitaleepactfallyi,ntetted to attend.:
••sil:Ppork;operiedi ac,Gt - o'clock, exercises to corn
* '414t3-qq.0:_07,-„Lat4 ~ • • • • .
••• J•I C.,' 8.-KEN N ERLY- • • •
~E.-W:. M cC ORD .:
- ‘q a- ,Pog;:,, 'l'. H wrc BINS • •
..:t JAY.'STrrir r,
sa i',1•01- , - ••, ••, E.l) - ."G. PRIHROBE
• . GEO. R., 8188
~ t , , Cptn, of Ariabgementa.,
- 4 1 :54 ,1 ;
"'''" sit •
•.. • .
virru.vbditold - on Tfltlߧl.)./Orithe
-Q. III VVa.oI-114'irehliai0if.103felcia A. at at'the
. sesidaried df Airs. 'Carlisle, a
greatviirietY of 11 °USER 0135 F R U RE,
ousiating fm . pitit`tif matioag
• • • try hefasoie."thairei piano itoole mahogan y .
board with Marble-top, centrelable, dining tables,
card !'tables; impilAal carpets, china dinner and
---teit;tietei decanters', wine- glasseit, tumblers, jelly
glasseis, "glass - bowls, - candlestieks, • girandoles,
-astral 'dud Inantol=lariins, cut glass entry lamp,
glass and china pitcherti,Castors,ltinves and fork.s
Ranh tvozy, handles; woodLatoves,„
• furnituri, consisting of,
, largalitabogatifiVardtabe, do. Fterigh and high
hediteade4odressing. bureaus with 'marble'
m sassash';stands with marbletopi,' beds, mat.
ialisics,tA bedding, nano bettom and other chairs,
assist ;looking glasies, pitchers and basins,
forgeleisa Mahogany bireaus,Zec. — Akio, a large
...-sur-tight...coOking , stove and .a-variety-Of 'kitchen
furniture., -!l'he above named articles ore in good ,
initleltadwifet 'the time deals,
,feli-90.11t-Democrat end' Voltinteer insert.
Fire hieuranw.
• I , .Muteal tire , Inautance :Company' of Cum an new:if-Assent,-
hly, is now fully organized iind 'in operation, un-•
:der the management of. the following commis. •
eioners, viz : •
• Cht. Stayinnan',,Thcob Shelly, Wm. R. Gorges,
Lewis I lyer,;•Clitistiati Titzel, 'Robert Sterrett,
Henry. Logan,..Miehael Cocklin,• Benjamin H,
Messer, Levi Merkel; 'Stab Kirk, Semi. Prow.
ell, er, and Melehoir Breneman '
- who respectfull y .
call the attention of -citizens of Cumberland and
York counties to the advantages which the com
pany hold cut. • -- • -
The rates of insurance are us low and favorable
as any
. company of the kind in the State. Per.
:sons wishing to-become members are invited to
',make application to the agents of the company,
who aro willing ii wait - upon - thenr at' any time.
. • -JACOB SHELL) Y; President
•Is MO klyzn, Secretory •' • •
A a sters"R noolph Martin,•New Cumberland;
Christian 'reset anti John C. Dunlap, Allen; C.
B. Harmon, Kingstown; Henry 'Leering, Shire.
, manstoyve ; Simon Oyster, Wortuleysburg.; 'Ro
bert MocireeCarlisle,
Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk, gene
ral agent; John Sherriek, John Rankin, J. Bow•
man, Peter %Volfind.
Agents for tlarrisburg—Houshr & Lochman.
fob 9 -
Application for Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to
apply ut the next term of the court. of Quer
tc, , r Season's of Cumberland county, for a license
to keep a Tavern or public house in the thew
three-story brick building owned by Jacob Why;
situated on the corner of North, Hanover And
North street, in the borough of Carlisle, - county
.4,f Cumberland. HENR Y W. ORTH.
We the undersigned, citizens of the borough of
Carlisle,do certify that. e are well acquainted
with - The - above named Henry`W. Orth r that he
is of geed repute for. honesty and temperance,
nud is will provided with house room and don
,eniences for the.lCal . ging and accommodation of
strangers and travellers.
- .resold - 1
Jacob Wolf
H. M. Henderson
Ifenry Lechler
John Moore
William linker
A Rare Chance.
subscriber is about to enter into
•"' another Misiness, and offers his stock and
fixtures fur Palo. The stock is well selected and
lad in at cheap rates. Any person wishing to
*nap into a good business will find this a rare op
oportuuity. lnfortnation will be given to any nne
wishing to Iturchuse as to the amount of business
done und still doing.
feb 9.1 t GEO. R. CROOKS.
. Estate of Robert.Lsird deo'd.
3NrO.IIOE is hereby given that Letters Tes•
tamentary ou the estate of Robert Laird,
lute of Franktoid township, Cumberlundeounty,
deed, has been granted by - the Register of said
county, to the subscribers, residing an +the town
ship a turesititi., AII persons haring claims against
the estate of said decedent, aro requested to pre,
Belli them duly authenticated for settlement,, wad
those indebted to make payment to
J AMES L. Mel) 0 WELL,
rub 9
Estate . of AbM. Bowman, 'deo'd.
7,57? um.; P.. is hereby given that Letters of
lAN Admihiatration de bunis non, With the wil
annexed, on the estate of Abraham Bowman,
late of Frankfura township, dee'd, have been
. granted by the Register of said
.county, to the
sithsetibet, resoling .in the aforesaid township.—
All persons having claims against the estate of
eau' decedent, are requested to present them duly
authenticated fair settlement, and those indebted
to make i mmediate payment to •
r' • --fr - F- ' It Never Fails. ot:51
ouRE!YQI.JRSELF.—From time immeato
.rial,,there has existed in larger cities and
TopulottatOWns, a species of disease, the depend:
.ence and ; propagation of which results, from the
violation of divine and moral laws. To.those
evfmersn;,the AMERICAN C 0111P0 I.3ND is
.I , feetteted• us .b9ing tho most certain, speedy, and
valuable specific ever °tiered to the* unfortunate.
It has wherever known acquired a reputation - that
daily elpprience continues to strengthen. Thou
hav cured by. its use, and as it leaves
ifo odoreti the breath..requires restrictioa
" i,n'-'dief or 'butaineks, nor "contains either mercury
or itoxiMie druggs In :the least injuriotte 'tolhe aye.
'' ' 'tent; ii it boldly aresariti3d as 'the beat
Pr - . , Teuelt , &seises . yet. offered: - ; ;Jt ;Warted • by , ph'ysP'
pronnutieethiUlterieeto any; known re
,intedy:." "Fell directions accorttpany each bottle.'
'For shleat NAV.Vorner 3d and Siouth`streels,
'I Philadelphia; end by'St!..ELLlo7P,'Carlislev:Di.-!
t..llarnitz,G.'W4Miller . ;" .. Ltincesterr•Pr.•
McPherson and tr.'Wyeth, Harrieberg,.
,Irmbrellas Tarasols r Ptirascilettety.and
ifiCtIAIIDSOI4, slam factory
th6, , :iinly Ono rie,,the'Uniilid States, No..
,10141,arkee'street, , Philiidelpliis'
-t'bietchdnts'are'rosp'ectfully inforthed midi con.
titstutfictard all' tlO3'obove,, goodisi. the
..tOtP'ar iittastri;,'Sot*ithitipding , tllo groat opposi
tioa partiiis'ellipoiedriM theintroduction of ex.
imibiliroznnprovaneritii. • "My itisorintent is cone ; .
terAe. iliers is itri*:Utn,,iirplla Store; next 't.loor;`
4:sr'neBCAYvA4P,:sqlPP-Altilne.•lit_ iv ASTorjant you •
.....L. rn iamitirie,'liad'ptittititoe of the
isslklogcoati unibrol ,
tsgs.ofpie i t stitpt"Zui , NO:104-MarkOt
s treet,"lr. 4t14 f o b 9
,!," 'lO/Ationeitii Et ' HARVEYc
, c h am , .14 0 , giad 16 Sp
11 ear's Wharf., !lei.
`,spoils of 'all kiadaef,prcelkte, feb9:Am`, •
.. , Bit i tg"ta ir .c:i
~.. 0 Hi •••••••9. , w, { 0- 1 ./
I 4 7:T s . PAkrA t *, :i.'',.tio'riti , lerti'an4 , :'w)lir. b'o '''l,4r
.:-.4.,4.4tiliiii4,„Ate,t7,4l:ls,olt'Qti.:6ntii piiitie r inlWiselijOi.
‘, , ,c,,,,, : 40, f z i t i ',m i ! inapt!, i ' I. ',.; 1: ,—ktri 0,,, , , th• el K 4.- i ; :
~, , ,,, e , . , ',‘,4,, ,,, ,..".-T, A i:,, t,..T !: G:e c'Alt NI 0 'WY , '''
.. . '' , lii.' G 1./3" 1- 0 8.....; . - .''- '' .'
re __ ~ .
~ , .047,4ailbscriberAiite , hist ',ro •',
';,'''Ai':i'irfpl4472ltiinVtra,PhYtltiOloat'aliti. Pantie.
:•'-;•,:i41ii.M0Rni501848,:•,4, ~', P , t ,'°"Y o l' : oo Teevirshqnv
A0t,0kwm.....10i.31Vt,' tt LT. ti KR:, ;.:
t:`;;O;vgirMtitAl.'lrel '14114
:I , Tirlff: 2 lV 44 9 el t d rifirgtOyq
• • ,
' •-
. I
FrptiiVic.fivi" day of' Januar#,, to _the ihi./I.#4l.kst, AO 'of
Deeci#l,,er, t 1847, • r - .;t
MAot by the therequisitiOns contained in the
twenty-second and twerity-third sections ef an :Act .• of ,•Asieniblt thia.Corn:l
ntortnrealth, passed:on the..fifteenth :_dity,;:of 'April, A. , D.'1834; ,- . 'FA - tid also in
conformity with the thirty-seventh section of thdAet;
ty . 7rettintrer,l, once' in 'everY year, ',to ',Stale? Ida', depattnetinit.Pmdiice;hici.yottcll. l
ers thipeniiiissioners;:whicifieftereittmlnationliir theVommissioners,
by,thern laid'hdfdre the,pOurity Auditors;for , settlement according . to law.,
In accordance with ' which, T110 . 14A13 BELL; Esti.- Treasurer 'of ,Cuttlberland6Hint3i, ,
aubmits_the_followingas_ a c o rrect exhibit . of ' his`Receipta 'and 'E?ipeaditt ; ires: for'
th r e'past yetti, ending.the 3ht of;Decembei, A:A - 18dt — 7,7'7' `.` '
• . -
To Belance in hands of Treasurer at last settlement
To amount of outstanding taxes do ' tie
ofgeentq tax assessed .
ssed for 3847 _
Do of State a atement on payarefs27;4o2 - 30 ----- -
Do received of.T.-Hqffer,Eeq, fined and verdict fees in Qr.Ses'its
Do received of J. Hoffer, Esq, verdict fees in Com. Pleas
Do received af..T. E. Bonham, Esq,verdict fees in Comm'ili cases
Do received of J.Jones (per J.'ll. Graham, Esq,)'eoetsizr riot ease
Do received of miscellaneous receipts • •
Exhibiting . the amount of Duplieates, a'mo
Exhonorations allowed, and 14 amount
Decembir, 4147 inclusive. . •
Townsteps, Itoro's. Colleitors' Names. Years. Amount of Am't Rec'd. Collectors' Exotiera- Outst'lng
Duplicates. ' 'Sees. *ions-
. , •• .
.. .
. _____,..,,,,,..._._,.....-,....-..........--,------•••-•—•
Allen • WilliamilfOoka 1846 8322 88 $lB2 30 108 01 .32 57 - ..- •
Cailisle• - John A. HUrnrich " 1,260 13 931 62 139 97 188 54 . ili;
Dickinson Adam' Coover' ." • 676 25 523 77 108 30 -44 18 lg.
E. Pennaborough George Rupley " 87 68 • 53 43 34 25
Fnmkfcird J. Y. Gillespie " 45 52 131 27 15 17 06
Hope Wall John Stouffer - " 336 85 . 386 86 25 62 .24 37 •
Hampden • Robert Young -, " 133 38 14'61 ' 59 18 59 59
Monroe Peter \ A. AIII 174 214 653 23 103 90 17 15 ~
Newville George Blankney " 69 09 • 56 45 11 91 73
Ne.w Cumberland John Rtfe - - ' " 62 31 52 12 595 424 , -
North Middleton Minks Wetzel! ' • " 1,014 63 849 57 ;94 la 7813
South Middleton David Scobey • " ' 152-17----'B'l9 '- 95 19 48 19
1-Silver_Spring - ., Jacob Emnunger " 1,104 99 978 8 110 15 10 96
' Southampton . Robert 'McCune "- 488 76 390 11. -6832 * 30 33 is
Shippenstfurp tp. Beni. Snodgrass " 159 74 - 146 14 11 92 P- 168 . :
Shippenshurg bo. Benjamin Duke .' 161 90 . • 107 9! 29 84 24 07
W. Panrishorough Sam'l McKeehan " 143 42 • 15 75 - 92 88 34 79 • -
Allen Allen Floyd 1847 2,784 41 1,684 00 • - 1,100 41
Carlisle - , ' John Harder , " 3,530 24 1,598 65 1,931 59
Dickinson John Huston " 2,998 061 • 1,575 00 • • 1,423 06
E. Pennsborough David Eyster " 1,316 97 1,246 68 65 61 468
Frankford Daniel•Mountz..ffll 27 573 60 30 18 7 49
Ilamptlen. Simon Fireovid '" . 4 - ,421 99 1,315 51' •-' - 106 48
llopewell W. SAtensha • " 6so 74 599 56 91 18
Mifflin H. D. Dalliouscni " ' 803 06 750 77 39 51 12 'IP
Mechanicsburg Henry Corns 458 74 419 58 22 08 17 08
Monroe Peter Diller '. 2,224 44 1,642_00 . 582 44 ,
Newville Daniel S. Dunlop " 32.7 23 285 00 42-23
Newton - David J. McKee ", 1,798 85 1,565 00 / 233 85
North Middleton • Samuel Allen _" 2,069 72, 1,105 00 . / 964 72
-New Cumberland Joseph Musser "I - 165 73 115 00 ~., -50 73
.Silver Sprjpg . Henry Yoglesong " 2,403 47 1,521 00 .. - 882 47
Shippensburg tp. Andrew Frazier , " 269 93 z-230 00 1 ‘''
/ 39 03
.South Middleton ' Jacob Burkholder " ;2,373 . 79 1,345 44 - 1,028 35
Shippensburg bo. Georgnutts " 755 08 702 . 00 zr _53 08
Southampton Robert Miteei -." ' 1,652 - 25 990• 70 . -//'
_......_.... - 1 ._.4 6 513 1 .
5 5 7 5
W. Pennsbolough John Dunbar " .2,346_57 1,888 00 '''
Td et, - • •.• • - 1837,996 521526.,351 99 $1,303 23 $690 66 9,650 64
Total amount received on the above duplicate ,
Do do of Collectors' fees -
do_ Exonerations allowed collectors
Do do Outatandiii duplicates %.
Jacob Leibe'r
Henry Glass
Henry A nderso,n
J. Wise
Henry Waggoner '
Pet& Weil)ley
A. G. Lechler
Jacob Weaver [feb-9
Totitl -
Coral amount of duplicates
Paid Grand Jurors at January Sessions.
Do - do April , ,Flo -- -
Do do August do - . .
Do • do November do ..
Do Traverse Jurors January Sessions . -
Do do do Common Pleas •
Do do April Sessions . •
Do do do Common Pleas . -
1)o do August Sessions • .
Do , do November Sessions - -
Do do do Common Pleas •
Do Dr. John J. Myers for Oil &c, for use of courts -
Do Henry Butiorf mileage as juror to special court •
Do John Harder for candles fur coup • - •
Do Samuel Haverstick fur oil for use of court,
Do William I - Leawood as grand juror, for August 1846
BoiilinnZjfeq, feeoliCc - Ctranonweilth'eases
Witness fees embracing thirty-three commonwealth cases
Justice's fees embracing eight cases in which county pay costs
Constables' fees embracing ten commonwealth cases
Paid county auditors for auditing the accounts of 1846
Paid Riley forseeytm as nuditor's clerk for 1846
Paid R. Moore fir auditing accounts of Prothonotary, Register & Recorder,
• and clerks of courts,us authorized and required per act Assembly, • 450
Paid James LoudOn for three dockets for &Bee
Paid James Loudon fOr 3 dockets for,said office , $23 50
Paid John Goodyear fees for recording ' officers elect • °.37 75
Paid Jon Goodyeer clerk of .co urt fees, in commonwealth cases 97 361
Paid Joseph S. Gilt for iepairing.bindind on dockets , • 15.00
• , ,
,Ptiid Janos London for duplicates, stationery, _ . . • • .8,9' 78
101 l for services as commissionor 225'00'
Pei& David' Sterrett, Eli ' - :do • ~' .do ~ =•••t •
Paid Daniel Cable; Eso • • - - der ' 'o 118J50: '
Solin MOII;,oniisib Noir: to'3lst. Wt.. 1347, inelasive,, 46 50,
Paid Jannis' H..GfahattwEiti, salary . aefanorney to' CommisOpnerscrr,lo7
,Pald Willittei` Riley 1' yeer's snlary as cleile,to oonimissiottartifell3,47',l , . , 300.00 ,_:,,x,
Paid.' ." 'fi'.or'distributins warrants', duplicate's and t?ltinkfenfrna.; '4300
eriicles furnished ' cainmissioners';officif'' • •-• ' '
Paid'Joseplt M: Kneedleir bill of stationery. &c •.2,17;`'
Paid';Hebert. Anion:for elherial'oll 63i mein' office • 5 , 23
Paitr.rohn Ooodyear for assisiing , at dulicatee trienniul ossesetnent
Paid 'Jspolt Hamm for utititing' bench' f p oneffiee " ``'l - 621
Paid ldrs.',Duul.r . „,feilelonning.clmniiisiontrie office . ' 1 'OO . •
' • ••-••••-•
r•• . ';• - ? Ft , ' •.• ••,•••••• -• • •• • ' ; •41
•-' • ' '
„k e , ,
Paid!J 6) * tiounir • . ' i f ”
Paid' John itrzotii 'do' t , ' 1 • Ack.,' , :rtacc Alma Api.26;to,loiilark2V47
roid Bovir
PAfd Et licattd.p 41 - r; 1,.,„ A Q A /1„ ; ••• • ,• Ity , 00
'do .1 : 1 ,-oblitle , d•iti&rimier bill - ;,-4 , A. 1.5; 00 !, 4.;
~ '' , ...,., 1,. i ~, .... ,
•'' ' ' ''' 401 1 gisji j'ENIIii kt-
. .2, oitoccop'yictsfortYear,/846,. 1 '
Pak% for stIPP
~ , _
,i,mv PErsr/aopi / 14wi tt L. ( il. 1 , t ;ty , 4"%,'.'„
_ ~:,,,,,,,, JAIL
~,,,Olur Ct.i.vr.‘ A r, LI ~,,, . .4.
~ - 1 , i, I , i
`Paid' 747'4lllr: .1: '
,I ' 1j i (4f .;
4 , dst: titC , . 4, " 9' 1 04 10 ''',.... ',-;:, '
s '4144. I.' II I TI I Oi s ii . :hrP,lt fil ' Tnilbecit Prieentr 6 ,-.
,1„,,.), 4 ~2.1....,,11,'1 , 124, . 00, 0 - ,
' ( Ir a n tin, l , cor6S CX , hteligii7 w°." ) . G .:150 "'' '
p n o Joseph T.,rf so 9,F.,f ought
n, ki n t 6 Bluets or prisoners , t., t. 7,1 p) t , 42 00 '
paid Mr5.( 1 44,;P..!r °P ,"„ for ;14i cor d s of hickory ?avid'. 4+o . , . 3. 76 ,t ~, f , r, t,
P4l4l4jgis r.f l ltiber ltsi ts 3 l" 4 RlSsliti for'shirts and beds I° ,. r , P !' e r "r " '' 4
- - 2 64 ,
Paid,: Robert , iit t e O ra t' 6 , r u i nn i ng 0 ; isil`, ',t' - . .- t 'B , It 1, 11 „f 75 ' ,ri
, PstidigsrtTge 4 t°Pl' U fiy #. ' e for,vvork'doss. omitted in 1da,a,0,59 1 40 ', l ~ )P \ 6 00 . t. .
Yi'idid h iun '''o ° T,, ng a ki°r ri roll c ord6 l ll lC li°o,w°°d ‘'`` .t,o-1 ~ , tin , 7.'50"r Wirll ri
pal 9 11 16 ; 1 4 110 tb t r „brankeinfor prikonsinsi it!: it 't , . ~,,,,,1 :. ,t, j „.1 74 , 17 , 1 14
~,g 4 .
pai :.,111nr,Yeqdere,",,,„king tpair of ,hatOcufkmaadb°"°`' ',',. : k 152. 7fritbi',"% .'34.`IP ihp
Pai , Jcm 17,,frar„,EaTir, limrairiiiii)ury noticetra.,, Ili. , ~ ,r 4- f J, " ' ;. 2,1 27- 1 604.4 /
Pai'l Jamb, .. ""'"57-1 1forSOntirr articles filrathOd'fb, T Jo t :'," ' '",'
i 9i92r "4 . .katf4i ,t'''';
ir'Aipaid., •` , : - do ~f : ''''''' ' ghotilre,gme i i l l eor mTP )l l7!'"lth . c .."Y ° I ,' '',%)• ' i r‘"," '' 01 ', ;ct . ~ .i , J,,, 0 . ,
d, rt .'} ' A d 9 ~1 t 'l ^ 1 for itoppqrt Ot Pilsbneto _ . ' ~,, „„., witiar,, ;VA .;' , ...C. 1 7 ‘.'`.,
,Pakipain , , „ zp,, 4,,,,,,„ Sheriff of bu.tounty. ex oc usos el' i t , P 6 ;' ... 14 , 1 A co • rariii. ,
. 4 ~.. I
'Pliiri,oc, 9l , l `,i'“l''''r . . tor •caircying IL likidg Oriso! Ylo (.. 1)r 9 a;„elyorr.,l... ..,..
" •L, --
' ' ' " '., : ~,..., i, . . .
:c,i -- ;',':;,:,.'4 - ::'.: , ,..,'
PIPLECILL4I.O 123212a9 )iitZeo 1923.111,41AU5181E8•
--.-,fit-,E-O-EI-P T_B_..~
,„ -,
•rtrE YEARS 1846 AND
tilt-Received; amount of Collectors' Fees,
,ulstandtng on the Duplicates of 1847, up.
$5;002 28t
6,993 98
- 1T3'70 - 11
121'59 00 93i
,00 OD •
45.50 k
844,723 75:
amount c 9
to the 31st
$26,351 99
1,303 23
690 66
9,650 64
$37,996 52
37,997 52
$97 373
91 00
144 371
126 12
277 37
252 62
237 25
316 00
345 371
298 871
303 50
6 371
1 50
2 25
2 82
810 SO
10 00
flail ' - ' 1,44' '' ''''aitCi'tiila:rtii.j;iif , i)nbni.
..',„ .
nil_ _l3ort.
V6t aof biakiiri *OW ~
' .'
.17111tiobtl',NOblitteCOUPt141....,h- ,d_nrisitifieril ';'. ' • '.
, ,' n '''''''',,,i? ,( o -, Fl , . , '''''''' ''''
Paid44o3efar P n*n - m •° gl `"`"'"' hirit for piiaanati 2 --,,'-''''-;
_ . -T• E 'l t - .Z•ti - - u. ..." 4 . a a''-''''i''' woo - - ,- ."-' , ,..:!.;j
Paid Jardee(Ndligheri':itigantr" ;.
f:taitifJori:nii!hitsenrahSnaittlehiryf,otio:mi,caoloiltdare;3o6t_lioa6.anilkkirt_r, o t ti r ld soory 347 .
i u .,,: u . ..... ,.... ;:7 , ..... c.7,. ..- ,,L.::. , ,,211.;_c50.,1:...:„:,,,,,t,.,t „ .1 ,,, ,
•,3,,.. , ,.t,,,...!„,,,
Paid Thuiiel Holt ror.locordamrpod.( . „ Li ar. t e Atte r . - dieni,i4diry ; „:, Au .-4e7.--•
F'Lifirili Kari' Erefirt Year 11.4 7 ' •• , _ • „, r, .7, 00 -„ ~ , .-. ~ . ,
raid,Wifliani Goald•for atom tgr-mia t
ii6,iiiid inediemo ia - fliairilia I° il u - . I.3Eit) 481
Paid .Dr .Jaiob Daughtnitri 1 - yeare ae ~. „.
V•Ci•':' 't'''. - `' , ' .., , -,,,,,,,:, T .,L. . .
' '''
'' :' ' 'POCII.' HOUSE, .: , ~, r, , ..,...,,, .. ~. ~.
,rpp P aaki td i d d:i i ii al s
co d b O r b ba,h S H
fi q ine O rs 'iltil ivih
e , y 4 ; •D e ' icEr iii ng:,,,. ; 4e 7 s r g r l o .,7 e , : a.r.. - ! a f ddoo p s - r ..,r r ,.,1 1 7. 1 :7 411;:,.1.d e !, : ire: : : !:: :,....;,ta, f ,i a ,rt7,i05 - ad : f i1 t,h •e.. ;. :1• ,; 1 7, 1 7 00. 1 ,r.
.....--.. -.- :,_, :x1303 -2 , 00 -, oocooo - 0 - 0 7-.1 - •
Paid David,Wolf.,Esq,. , ,i• ~ ., ,- , - tv__ .
‘,_ ~ ; . . .
poor: . . e ...___ .
Paidl Agniiw , W. Graham; W.:nation toraerv!rr-• sa
'. • '
1?4 ij.y i
~.i~, t;.., •.
.. , .
~. ," •• REPAIRS --- oFTBRIDGFs.
Paid Elijah poh for repairs and materials in !runes bridge $1 15
Paid Davidik Clark Cot iepaird at, bridite'across :Yellow Breeches creek 4 . 13i .
Paid Frederick - Mumma for repaire at Bryson's bridge - • '
Paid:Jacob Westfall for iron work done . at , Brandeitkridge: ' 12 80
-Paid-George-HoWard-for_repaire_m_Nowwille bridge - ',.._ 1 00
Paid Benjamin Juniper for materials and Tepairs'at Heys' bridge — 5 11 r
Paid*John Brabant & Jos. Qtiiiicy, work and niaterial4at Quigley's bridge 3 00
Paid comtissioners - of York dounty for repairs at Lisburn bridge 5 25'
-Paid-Henry- , -Bisaotskipe.walVarid duly_eLnearJaeobaniridgo - - . 22 00
Paid James,Woodburn, Esq, far: hauling "tone st..Taeobri'. bridge
Paid aeorgd WiTeilef for repairs at B l imp's brike '
. . , • ~,
:,. -
.Raid-fr.. 111 cCartney_&_.J..Stitart.rewirti - forappreheneion of A. ikon.• .820. 00
Paid Patrick tDavidacin, Rag, chairman of imanntittee for illumination, &c ' 25 0 0
Paid litany Peet for ranking turtipilietti.Jaeole bridge, antbarized by law 405,00
Pbid'Henry:S. Ritter amount of apineliriation.ykCumberlod ire company 12 50'
Paid Charles .Floater in • . • do : Union do • 12 50
- '—
Paid-Assessors_for_rnaking triennial assessinent;for /847=8-9
Paid Isaac Kinsey for serviaaa la — Carat Warrant 0r7f146 --
Paid Astessors for services impoiting assesiors lists for election purposes
Paid officers of torivnship election'for services rendered in 184
Paid constables for advertising township election do
Paic officers of general election for Services rendered do
Paid Robert Leyburn for lamp on square
Do William Edniotid and others for labor work done on square
Do . Peter Gutshall for fitting taint) on post
Do William Mitchell for making lamp tramo •
Do Charles Ogilby for merino,;&e, for Judges bench'
Do John P. Lyne for zinc, candlesticks, locks, glass. nails; ' -
Do Abraham P. pr 6 for winding clock and making washers for doors, &c
.Do James Dunbar 1 year's tudify as keeper of public buildings
Do William JEK . Murray for umlauts for repairs at jail, &c
Do Thomsen, Thompson for plastering and materialist jail
Do Within' Bell Rirwork done at pavement in court-house yard
Do vy,i II iam Trough for hauling sand for repairing pavement
Do Teter Spahr for 200 paving brick
Do / Wright & Saxton bill of hardware, paints, &c, for repairs
Zo Robert McCartney for whitewashing jail
Do John Noble & Co, for J 4 loads of slate for walks on square
Do Jacob Rheem for 14 tons of coal
Do John Gutshall, for making sash for jail
Do George Alspaugh_ for. glazing at couri4muse
Do Alexander Maleester for hauling from equate
Do Jason W. tby for candles for court-hone and soap for jail
Do Henry A. Doty for work and materinla ibr repikka at jail •
Do Simon Smith for blacksmith work-done at-jail docirs
Do Alexander S. Lyne for sheet iron and work done atjail and courthouse
Paid Mrs. Isabella Carothers and others, embracing 19 bonds of county
Paid John Stuart and others; embracing 82 checktinfinterestcort bonds
Paid Thomas Craigheatf, Esq, Ants and jury fees in full on inquisition of
the dose body of infant cbild,ilin_utsue of the body of S:. Hoffman
Do Dr, Dey and Van Hu ff, fiii'making-Pritit marital eistnination on the
body of infant child of Sarah Hoffman'
Do- Robert Given: -Bee r coronerpamounr-oll.caronm.enidittrors' teas en
the inquisition on-the dead body of Joseph florists
Do Thomas -Craighead, Esq, justice boats and Jury files in full on the in
quisition on the dead body of Catharine Kuntz
Do Robert Given, Esq, coroner, amount of coroner and - jurors fees on
the inquisition on the dead body of Nicholas Williams
Do John Auld, Esq, justice costs, and other jurors Res in part on in
quest of the dead body of John Stjayer
Paid ' George Snnderson, Esq, for postage for county , 495
Do Georgie W. Hilton for horse and carriage hire to attend appeals 29 es
Do Franklin Gardner for making jury . wheel 3 50
Do Wm. Riley for expenses of comnussionensendelerk,ettending appeals 31 09}
Do Henry A. Doty for work done at court. , house for' lluminatiOn 594
Do Alexander P. Lyne for making oil cans and repairing roof 5 In
Do Commissioners expenses, horse and carriage hire. lofting turnpike 4 871
Do John Armstrong horse and carriage hire for commissioners to Newville - 2 371
Do David Myers for charcoal for court-house 0 00
Do S. D. Adair amount of costs on iniandamus against commissioners In 53}
Paid J. F. Gamberinnfor conveying P. McGlaughlin, Misoner expenses,&c 20 981
Paid Pennsylvania nospital for mamtainance, medical attendance and cloth
ing for Peter McGlatighlin
Paid Simon Fireovid, collector of Hampden
Do John Dunbar, collectoroT West Pennsborough
Do John Harder, collector of Carlisle .
Do Joseph Musser,,oollectoz of New,Cumberlaud;
D o David Brno., collector of,Etist POnnsborough
D o Henry Voglesong, collector of Silver Spring
D George Butts, collector of Shippensbarg borough
Do D. I:McKee, collector of NeWton .
Do John Houston, collector of Dickinson
Do Peter Diller, collector of,Monroe _
Do Jacob Burkholder, collector of South 'Middleton
Do Andrew-Frazier, collector of Shippensberg township
Do SamuerAllen, collector Of,NOrth , Middleton
Do Dnpiel S. Dunlap , . collector Of •
Db William:S. Renshaw, collector Of'Hopewell
Do Hei* earns; collector of Miclitiniesburg -
Do Ttoberi Matiei,'-colleetofof , Soulhainpton
To Daniel Mountz;-collectotilf Frankford•
Do' .Alfetalityd, collector of Allen
Do HeniTD.'Dalhousen, collector of Mifflin
65 00
23 00
- • I
Paid Seceder church fax erroneonely 'atia'-ed in { care 8840444-34 inclueive 191
Do • Vatholio church ,
do . ' -do% - -do - 350
Du Mel iodier E; ~:do ' • do ' do .34 48
,Do' Brown;execdfor"Of Brown; on-collateral tax 4 2S
Do 'itinathan'Neidig tax Cerlide Bank 'stock , ' 3'39
Paid pundry freriotie for'kiliing fovresi•• minks, &o •si ••. •• • •
• ,; • • 'HT. - ••t 1. • • • „, ,
d'aid , guddry'*.anitablts for ri t Pkiuifiliiarterly'rduirns •
.. . .., ~'" , •..., 4.2..,.,..,-. . '''-'-'-i"c2',-..-i,"1"-;---":".-r---"--,----'--1
,- -L- ----,- "i ' t--"' _l 1' ' ' " ~," ' , $ 30,214 .664 ~ ~,,, 1
WO'' .' .., , • f,c on . c ontnin' sinner* °mora l • ~-,,, •-• q, ,, ,,,,, A.,,47 , ...r-403zwr' ' ', 7 ,,'''. •K ''. , 4
long am o tMt• Ba ''''. 'en ,allowedtTioasurerat. Xi Per,Coo l l. ~_t;;;;;;I:./.f;." 1, 4 ,,, " ~ 9 gout 64 , 1.4,-; ?.,,,. t , ,,, (
;By ainoun orcimi t olBBl ii tete hdinfrtn*en due by n0t10,04.04M54;g.g ;41'. liißfigli ; ,'''' ;;d; ' 1
By omo u nto , ,E b alanc „ e "C t lt wed 0 0 11 , 404004 4 ' ; ' :ii Nfitk4li'4 , e'r: ; % , ~ - 'ici, a 3;,, 1 ,-..-i' --- , •.4 1
. exona,anona a o . ; .... i ., ,tif ,
, i ,,,.„.. ,• : . • -,, .....$ i •
By amount ii ~,.. _„ ,
.t,ii,c; 4 f-,, ~,-, t v... , 1,. ken ;. 'V ..."•;•';-;, , i 5r.,e9A1 ,,,, p' , „,L
By am d• unt • O f. ,tollactdre ;lee. ' T ' .`iiiiirei, sincillitai Ortiffla , ;,) , ',,-. 4 4 4. . , 'ii44 1 i23"1
'-''''...l " n di ,' = audio 1 0 10 5, ", 1511—.71 ;' , 1,• ‘ 1
~ ..3 .,,1 , ,
.1:, , , c -ki e ,„l' lig, t ,, , ,
~ , . .„ . ,,, 1 ,, ,
~ ...b........,
..„,., . .
, t • -1 - . 4 , - , 1 , ,
.1 ''
•., ~ , • i.o' ., •• " , r." •*,1" , .t. ..0 I,- " W''' .l )- iikk - ,17 , ‘Z`P.31,1tN , iT - 77,77-- , 7-er-•-••••.--,. ~.. .
1 ~,,, . 7 7 •^ ,I, i 0 4 , i .l ".. ••i 1 ,1 , , ,1.: f d,73q,•,..1 .t.
~ ", ', Tit '. ' x: / `1 4 • . , - . ' i'i
.rt, , t , ' , 2 . , 1 , ..1a I' '* .. IY. i. 4',lft.* A.P4ltipi'lim l ,'-''',,,: c tel , o' , . ~, Ais..„ ~, t . ~;;;,,
CUI113"1"1444 C °11211;144.- 7' ' ' ' ' ' ' l'''''4'' ' '*u 'l ' .. ‘•,' l,l ' ? '.4aCi f !?*,: :: " ''
, '`e' ''',.':,''‘i , ,;;l' . «, •. -,* • :,". l !' ' .''',, f,'
11 I ,* ' ' l, t4`* Sike;i l ;`lii'poMonsaiiiieWefOU batfidt' 11 0001t 1 e 11 0; 84 100 1 ind 88bmil Iho 4tiloing
• 4
itaacortlei,,iteitimilie of' thit' • h 'Pitt tutd.;i CishinditurasoNhs‘county aforesal ;from
-).-. 'ate I,st On ' Of January to the 81s day'of Deirhar,'s. n, 1847, inclusive. as also the
) I ( ',.( Iwica t ti 0 the county,ts.c for, pach °CIO,/ go citso Bommilis tutd , ,Townships 'within
the county,. levied'and seaweed ulpon , rual an perlonsi , eatom;!fte,sin3ivti by the, booho
1 ---'
~,!'t. , GTl,llllloist day of Deceotber,...iB47 tltoiliohar gaith+iiktitiateradntmflihek expoMlittiree
Okettl'ltisd ilf , tipprOpriat{kn' made by tho cemtmaelobora fin , compilation mitiv,the r a gat o ttoni
..6 0 ,1fi g h ,yi a l tits atit and A lid o 'B?ttl,* 88 . ',.t .
, ii,B Ipoi.}krionitil,stiao l o4 PM, nlolol.BBllh, tuninul tlhB
Winof:Aprl, sed;' *la •ti ' ''' ~ ' i;I ~, tilll`,A..iFLUi4,'Mf ) 2.44 77Itp; Itc a ~•
q' i n dm' 118841y!,4 the 4 !*), °!r,9l°,smrruirl9le4,l°!!lll4NfAl4%,llP*Al4 407,4)P,AffIluirYb
it:v..lB4 B ,i' ,, ,-'.. ,-, ,' ' 7 ' '', ,0 , irvt,.O . ~,a. tnitoril - 1 ") 4 4 i ,': 4 117 '''' 4 1
''''' l'''' -'''' ' '''''' '. ' '' '- i, 7 ~ XJ• VA 3, 7 .1. :.•Kf ,t, ,il , -.3 llsi til'fflVlij l'l't 1
i, 7 i4„,, j, , ittt'id fti ) I :.. l ''r'l! , ''J '' ' - ^ lll / '' ' ' ''' ' L ,!'' 't ' , 1):g r M. iti . 4't,COMlligatitt,tll,B.,
4 p(I iillfrl , licl.4 rf,;•"?)) . :; , . it; Pmet - ~ ,Y , l 'il; ..1;i;, Ie ' 'l' , t i , '( * lrv , - ' . t. , ~, ,,
~. ,
..., 1
',,,,, ''.‘ 4
_, • ~' + ,IL.' r" . ei, .^,, V' , + I r4, 7 7 . ..t . ;,,..., f. '9l l, "" ' t 'l 1 '
edile7tttfSti44VigailAWßlllEY, Cl;r l C , ~,, ' '...,, ' ~`Fr tlt 19, 1 • c;),k)/ 1, tA , '. n i ix'•, , • 1 ,
4 L., ,„ , ;‘, , ~.,, "t,lOl, ) - 1 ~,,^ , ....2,1
"1. , I , -i I . " ,' • ' '7' ~.' ' r'. • .'' . , • , ''
eisops(bum by de
_ _
rk of coupe)
1. ! i 5 I-11''41:11075'''
4,120 00
$l2O 96
INS Ef3i
605 00
$471 50
--- 1 - 00
125 16
6667 66
$255 flO
94 50
407 63h
8754 713
$4 00
11--871- -
1 430
1 00
5 98
30 051'
65 00
12 00.
8 00
5 00
1 60
16 30
15 00
t 2 00
64 181
12 261
48 67
16 321
$395 SO
$12,t42 3.2
$2,509 J
10 00
8103 81;
8104 14
100 00
$lOO '3B
100 74
:.,$90.444` 6C4
.. ,. .;:e.'1.41(..r+ . 17,1 , T , P...'04.),f.: , i ...".,;
..: ',
4.fifi', ,, ,,..i,..' .. c...,:..:: , ....F 0 2!;:ii,V..V..! 'r,. , :' , .:' :,
~.,,..,..,--;. . _ --,•,-, ~.- , -.' .•-• -.;" 7 -7'.'"'. 7 ., - , 7.7r ,- .' ,- :".""''.'''"
vitAlßEßi t arapotrwry• so' ~ ~. 1" , '1 ,"- ' - ',. ~' ,-, . .., ' ;:‘, : 4-:', - - .:,. , ..'', - .."p:i. ~,, - :.... , 4. .:•,,..: ,:,x.,;
~,, .„,, y . ,,.., . 0 ~.v..;', . .,,, - .v..• • N '-•
~ .'1 'l , 4 '''i , I'.'t ''''''l•• • xl:' , l:` ==" ''•,•"?' `, -• ;Iv vt;• e'
4 ';'' ''' ••-• • ' ` . •ZAZ.'4l , ,iVti;:lil:l7 lindefergi , ied '' iuditors of Zernberlaiiiitoutity;'-inei'nericordingto La :an
,''-' ~,, ~,,))„ 'fitivihiextuninekthe-secounta-and-vouchere;fif,--.7!hoiiiite-8e11i , .-_EBsl,TreaaireT-9 • -
'-- 'AI- ' '. 4 .6lolY;' , .friiiiiitie - liifairrof - January to the'. Slat day of ':Deoember; A; a: 1847; .inClu
', .!,e_:)( , :'.' eilte;'do.sertiftihateive . findibe 4 sum of two : thousand font bendiedeind tlijrty-otia"dal •
'-, ° -- --- .s , , , dayttand3wenty,ilioci`.inii One.luilt cents ; due bY.iliaid' A Treiqiiarerbi:liheYqOunty . afore
said; as will*ppear. byrbeforegoing exhibition of pard aecount, 1 , 1 ,.. : . ~.;
'.;oo: l l44iltter_Mdillqi....,t,9!#o3;,#A6ffiday of Januatii.*OP,P34i4 ,:' 4, ,1.-.L .. '; - 1.;;',5:4;., . .
i:' . :' . '' . .j : '' l :•:::,,:•3::: 7 ' . ,_•,' i '.'7'..'``' :: c, , iT,": -:: • . - 3ACO/3CST.gII I IIMANI- , ‘:' , ' . • '' .
.% '.--."' '.f,:' , :.-, ''‘. ', ,:,:-.; • - JOHN. T'.. - :GREENi .-
• '' ' '-,':•-,' '-':,..•-'‘,'::.,", I 'PETER" LAVlllitaEfto - -'. • -
JAMES :McCULLOCILIWister - of the , Coliagr:Of mberCan il ac
count with , the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania= for' Collateral' Tax
the Ist 'dair of January. to the Slat day'of December; 1847.:
4811Uary,.',1 ,, T0 amount 'receivei
, do • • - do
- Fobry - • , --IEP ' ' "do
March • 5 do do
" 11 do do
25', do do
12 do do
t.`7 . do do
18 do do
38 do
29 do do
10 do'. •. dO
October' 6' do do
" . 13 do. do
26 'do . do
7 • do do
.•do do
To -beano° doe, Register
January 25 By . cash paid I- IL Snowden, Siate Treasurer, per Teeeik -
Apra 9 do John Minks . —4O
" 13 •do . 4o- - , 410
.. -
June 24 do do do
July 30 do do -do •
August 30 J: Voglesong, assessor, for services in assessing' the real estate of
of M. McClelland .
Sept'r. 4-0 By cash paid John Banlts, State. Treasurer, per receipt.
4 ‘ 27 • do 4o do do
Nov 7 r. 24. do do do' do
Par. - 9 do do do do—
N . 22 do do do do
it 31 -do do - do :do
By Register's commission on 01,311 t 3
By balunee due Register
• .
We the undersigned Airditors , o'f.timthe - rland conntys in Accordance with the act
4 ..• of Assembly 'passed the 2.2 d day of April, A. D. 1846, have examined the above ac
• r count of inheritance,h Esq. Register of Cumberland county, in the matter A
=, 1( ''#•cellateral and find the same correct as above stated.
44 :r .11 t ~ " Given under our hands at Carlisle, this 13th day of January, 1848.
January 26, 1848. S
THE Stkholders of this Institution
nre herebly notified thnt they are required
to=pay . , ; within thirty days this date,-ilie-se
dond instalment of-five - dollars on every share - of
stock held by themreapeetively.
By orderof the Board. of Directors. •
N. S. COBEA.N, Cushier.
-Dissolution.-of Partnership,
OTIC E is herebyexisting iiiren that the pi:differ - 614
1.11 _fore betwen the
under h
t ereto he firm of GILMORE &-McKIN N subscribers EY,
was dissolved by mutual .consentnn the 6lh of
January inst. - All pesrons indebted to the km,
and those - filming claims. are requmed to canon
T. A. McKinney.Lwho_has_the books and is duly
authorized to make serllemenls.
KrThe. business will bo.continued at the old
stand by Gilmore and Stough, who solicit the
public patronage. Jan 26-pd
, Valentines, Valentinsl
JUST received a large supply of VAL
ES, poetical, comic, cheap and ele
gant, of all varieties and prices.- from the estab
lishment of Turner & Fisher, Philadelphia. eau
and see them before the 14th.
feb 2 S. W. HA VERSTICK.
THE subscriber hereby gives notice
that he purchased a colt, the properly of Dan
iel Abergast, at Constable's sale, on the 22d of
June last, which ho has left in trust with said Ar
begast. .
fob. 3.-pd JAMES ARBEGAST.
THE subscriber has received an assort
ment of very pretty Valentines; also Note
Paper, Envelopes, Writing — ilia littler Paper,
Fancy Mottoes , Wafers and 3letallic Pons; also
Patent Letter Balances to ascertain the weight
and postage , of letters , yeti send by mail.
Jan 2(1 • G. W. IiPPNER.
- 4* •
rrHE partnership heretofore existing
41 . between the subscribers was this day (29th
Dec.) dissolved by mutual consent.
Jan 12 11348-3wpd
Great. Bargains !
THE subscriber having determined tta make a
change in his business, will sell off Lis pre
ent stock of
. goods at greatly reduced prices.—
Persona desirous of getting good' bargains, will do
well to call, as
_goods will be sold uncommonly
low for cash. The stock is new, large and well
assorted with fashionable and staple goods. Ma
nygoods will be sold 23 per cent• below first &it
A large lot of BOOTS and SHOES selling off
at reduced prices. Algid a full assortment of
GROCERIES, at the very lowest prices.
Jan 12 1848 CHAS. OGILIIY
$903 37
. .
p — S oTATot FOR SALE .1e rcer .
11 - and ,Pjakeye Potatoes good-opillity , , for
Bale the . subecObei,lesitling_tn ,
fob 2-3 t ' • ' •Z,VG,
Theitranklin:Fire - skuptrantie OonP
FFICEF N0.,1631} Chesnut street, near Fifth
• - • 1 . .CI DIRECTORS. ' •
Chirles N..l3tineker George W. Richards
Thomas Hart • Illordccoi D. Lewis •
Tobias Wagner Adolphe E. Boric - ' •
Samuel D rant -. 'David S.Drolvn
Jacob R:Smith,„, , - • Morris Patterson.; ••*.
Continuo. to makc insurance 'perpetual or limi.
tad, on eyery description of property irr town t and
counim - at rates as . low .ne are- consistent -kith
security. ..4The , company.have , reserved a large
contingent fund, whicliwith their capital and pre.
.ortiontsi:safely, invosted t • affdid
to insurbdA-14"-.. ,
as t ute - to( tbe;cornpanr on -Ltnnart,-lsti
111411; pUblished'agreiiablv;toin eel .ftssZni.
bly, were as follows, vie; -. • '
MOrieges . • ~ • , ):8890;5511.65 --' 4 ,
:; Real Estate. ;.1" . ;; ' :105,958 90'
Temporary Leans. *, • .1i 04459 00 . .
;t Stegittr ,. . • . -.51,563,25
• .*"
Cash on handful; inbands of •
,R 8
SI 00
Stneo , their' incOrPoratiorie PPrind at aighlevn •
years, they have' paid Itipararda• of oait:retLiaori;
TWO HUMMED . ttotisarto , notiists; losseet by fire,
thereby affordingieviderme, of . the advantages of,
ipavanotoptyvell;urAe ability and' dispokition'
to room with ' promptness, all liabilitles t _
. ' „CHA4LES $: BA XPICER, Pier&
, 7 610: CF:' &ilexes, see. . feb
on eatMo .of
do .
do • -
• do
do .
do ..
. .
Christian Cron, .deeeftsed
Jane Campbell do ßoswell Ds French - dti
Daniel Collman do' '.
Ann .Loudon do
WilhePn a Krehzer do ..
George Brovin do
John Eichold do ,
George Crainer . do •
CithaTrine - Roitr -- do - -
Joseph Clark do
Andrew P. Linn do
EAlnigley -
Bell.. do
George. Brow:* do
Joseph Clark 'do
Andrew. P. Lirm, do
Daniel Coffman . : do
Let None Despair.
IipIIO3IPSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Naphthla, for timed - re of In:
etpient Consumption, Chronic Catarrh, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, Obstinate Cough, Liver Com
plaint, Staffing of - Blond, -- Palpitation of the
h Bart , and all kindred diseases attic Itespira
tnry-Organs - -
Thi, preparation now so extensively 'need,
has no parallel as an efficient remedyin the
class_ofdiseaser he which it is applicable -Its
peculiar composition enables it to 'let in a
kindly manner upon diseased - olivine': aoothing
irritation, quieting the cough and inducing an
envy expectoration, thus treeing, the lungs and
'air Immo!s from ofrpoit-re Mmon,
wise would aggravate - disease and ultimately
reanlt in confirmed consumption
To public speakers this medicine is invalu•
able,rendering the voice clear and strong, and
removing any:predisposition to disease in the
Lungs and Bronchitis •
See What a Physician Says.
The following from Dr. Young, the distill•
guished oculist:
Philadelphia, January 18,1847
flaring used'in my practice on well as in my
own family, ofhomsou's Compound Syrup of
Tar and Wood Naphtha,' I have no hesitation
in saying that it is the BEST ?AIWA rkTio: of the
kind in use for persons suffering from Con
sumption, Coughs, Colds avid all affections of
tho Throat, Breast, 4c, so prevalent at this
season of the year - -
WM YOUNG, M D,15 t Sprocestreet •
This invaluable medicine ii. prepared he
Angney & Dickson, at N.kl.eornar Fiffh end
Spruce streets,'Philadelphia ,
Sold by R. ANGNEY, Carlisle. Price 50
ets - perh=ttle-05 per doien
.• • . :
T"!' subscrib er has recently returned from thy
city with a large and fashionable addition
to his stock, and is now pregared to furnish La
dies and Gentlemen with all the usual articles in
his line, at the moot reasonable prices. • Ills
stock will he found to, consist'of a rich and, ale.
gust s assortment of MOLESKIN; BEAVEII,
KU SS I A ,PUIL & \VOGL- flAlfiS, very igind
gamely. finished ; ChOill Sr. ALED
SILK- CAPS , of th e latest style] ' and- LA lES"
MUFFS, of &highly. iiimerior quality., , I. ;
Gratified for the liberal ' patronage Or taieda
and steady customers, it alfoOds griiit plea
sure to by able still to serve them and ho4soltYs
eve'y one will find it adratdagioris to iheinielviii
to give kiwi a call before purchasing
_' - North' HtinoYeititreet.
Carlisle, October 0 20.1847. , „
1300T$ a nd ...SHOES). -
Ptirter'e She Store, opposite ' the "lktttkodest
f . '
Boys! +.Sbicik
13sets.W9 1110 .ei
;?.hTlsla work hasfiessmintiftssfuie,d
Fo prd eroyere.i!.y , fo , thls „Ai .441
r sided to be iiiryskthin - any CO.
Cosstantli un,:fiand,li%letiorstAdiselitmeitt
(iffiest qnslity..,BosiS, S ; lsiss
,fliligos4:101.1 ;
pioes,„B 0 : 1 , 43 ,r Ottl.Fl44s9lcsi:4 l(4 fiArdhAe
which the attention of buyers is itdiiidtidr
:'6liVll;;lttrEcilt,TEß: '
,Csrlte 8.,11847.;„; ;
• 1 ...`"'." --7- 7
, :
Second. Arrival.'
, q ,l , .r ilikin liter tli . , = w ;,
44 ,6 1 1
• -and_ gall' Wore , a co 1. 1 4. 4011 VIIPut
of ,'cliCtip:Wititier,coodu. Among,thejO*Alt
'bi - 7,tiintid 'Clark° dna of
VONOnei cantinas
. . _ .. .
~_,Gerideifien venting : a - cheap,and ,handsosoe
edit; wilVdo•tvellt to seeing- firiptioy• by-calling
at idle' eotabiehinetit. .. , ', -i, .~-', , o . it. , -
~,- Ledle# ar e particularly invited, to'Cills- iifid
examine 'tiiirCieck-tifCloakinge;',BhitsOlkcifeli
nieree,)(ofie. de Leine*, Ideridoe,,blicliYand
E colorettcoberg Clothec ` Alpactobaillfornia dod
LemitPleids oneny:Aithet diets, goods. lll-elexis.bardeciLaistge isiortmen,tof
bleached if ofruntalceclied Stifrtitige ,okod,tiNftiV,"7,
loge. Chtolfstfrickffigt. 01natiiipt Aca.,:el..• , •
•: Ae,fisoll4 one Of 'the ,beet eadflitiffiliViltheig
of Roots end.ShotoPoretet,tiflisebiilitidtfJ 41"- --
Recollect thei)lif .fitatid ,, Rett ')lllitifit Meet..
Big Bigo t Big Wiirodoiri,A iddirlfififilidlifikef"
choli' . oiigthi'#ava'b 6 en' 4l2 lt,MlSAlf 4 t 3 t!..;!ft! ..
i l l.* yeare,';:.,'',:.'..„,','", o7 ..:.'l4 . 44ootolt'ONltiti .'
• cti!lielii;i7hiel;Ai? 4 l!.... - % ,i2 , i;i::iAionf -
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