Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 16, 1848, Image 2

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    , , • .lie , c,
.-•- - lit—EmanAtt . ~,
41furittier - nt - new advertisements 4ro .
orriqied in).? -days Paper;
s• t trT4 . B
en.- ay, ?F, 7. t v,lt ites o .punii.tnin .. , application,,e..
at&lkte:Clay 'op* before tie Supreme
Coda in tYrtishtngton, on Friday last. Tho
rkiiinilits. 2 ital&was -densely cross
I; lVlF.,oii,iviislisiened to With bo deliglit his .;hes have always ailordell. • •
,The President a lens days' trice sent
T:e.:Message to.Uong•Mas- stating t. at no tre,ty
'et pettee:hed• been received. Some of the
knowing tetter-writers insist, however, that.
••• on the road, end that it will come
ont'sltortly. • • .
- (er-Tho acirrespokdettee of,Cien, Scott.
' into Congiess tooiay or tomorrow,
,and the Locos are exulting over the prospect
•Cif its throwing Gen, into a huthiliating'
posit . ion. While. Generitli are fighting
— 7 ,ilM-3kTesiane r -tho 7 POl4—admihistratiott--is
fighting_ tho• Whig Generals and
-Santa Anna! •
iltxrco:—Vera erns dates to the
240 ult., hava been received by a late urn.
val M New Orleans. The Mexican Con.
piss at 'Queretaro had not It quorum of
- members present on the 14th.. It was ru.
with - the - Commissinners,.and that
",certain terms had Wen agreed upon between
- them,although the intelligence was not cm
' thenticated. • Ouizaba was reported to hare
been taken by our 'troops: *A ccnirier had
bead captured by the Mexicans near Vera
-Cruz, and stripped. and shbt by them. No
other news of Importance.
O✓j-"lndependent," the North American's
Washington correspondent, alter running
. over_the-list of Locoloco aspirants to the Pre
sidency, says, the most active, though the
most secret - operator of all, is the incumbent
of the White House. His agents_ are scat
tered in all directions, urging him as the
compromise candidate. Of late, a portion of
the Tennessee delegation have undertaken
; to gonad. the opinion of the party in the
.but _met With no encouragement.—
There are. others who look forward I(Y:chan
ces, but, who are cunning enough not to
--lave their - claims uterkruntif the last hour.
~ This is Judge Woodbury's policy.—
PLEDGES BY Gest. T.iv,coa.The Salem
(Ttidtana) - Democro, 'nye that in the late
Whig Convention at.lndianapolls, Hon.. Al- -
bort S IVhite publicly ridiculed all doubts
upon the matter of Gen. Taylor's Whtgistn
—paid he "could vouch for the fact that Gin:
Taylor was aVVhig, good and true--tkat his
writtet: pledgee were in the pocket of a
Senator of the United ',States—that there
were Whigs present Who had seen them—
that it made Chief Magistrate of the Union,
hie entire cabinet should be selecird from
the Whig party—and that none ote oppo
sition conks ever obtain office through any
agency of his."
campaign ol 1848, says the Reading Journal,
promises to be even more exciting, spirited,
brilliant, glorious, and successful than the
politicallornado•that-trurept over. the countly
in 1840. The Whigs are ready infeager for
the contest, and everywhere. manifeSt a set
••led determination to move together ii, solid
phalanx for the nominees of the Whig Na
tional coevention. Brir.g out your 4 Yaller
Kfvers, ) boys,. and prepare for action. The
signs of the times are auspicious—
, .
The skles are bright. our hearts arc light,
In thousands wall again unite
We'll sing our songs to old Whig tunes.
For still there's male in these `Coons.'
POI one and all,—Pull strong and steady
WINE /7 :11*o '4O
. been a great deal of
discus s io n ;~;'tuis
. borough relative to
;I the :%Vinepf ,the old 13ible titnes. The sub-
Aufnalparagyartit !coin.' au exchange paper .
, .
' stipwaitt Teasf'What , modern is: •
naniis, *mender states that one
bitniltidha i tsheadsef,adulteraied wine were
`,!ately,bieught. out. groin the' entrepot at Paris,
aid thetrpontents spilt into the. Seine., lm
. raediataly. after this operation, the , surface
liai,vdovered to the dislance of-two-hundred
yardsovith intrnenie quantity of fishes,
piefoneil byAti deleteiious,iquor. Thp,od
,itot oif„the.C . Wro'nOtkpe says, that itt:passin.
yirte-fnaking., esta mien in ps on
latelyi,he saw. the l'efuse.,,thrown out,, which.
fle'shotild hay . ° pronounee,il 104 N. 094 chips,
kad he not known that`theyVtist be,giapes!s
•,' - "-
. . • , . ~,
ti 4;
TI . I,Visithingtoit lima that given i
~ ...., i , tr . *,- Ie , , ~ ~,-: ~c ia ' 0 -We
'' t ''ts follpwers hypraisp aar. y. , ,
*lno;' eh syrilpat y, fron , g;gll ,l lT
- havablackeneti his
tors \ whit4or;thitty;years a ,
~ : , 1" , 1 a;itater4ith fntameuablaaders, au
~, !. t ise
'''''''''''' l 3"k" re" 'n's'hii i iie . liiiiti''' kikrr' iaayliilitijatortes4
••'? O ,- 1- !c" --- .,06u,;.11, --- ,pi.:3 -- ,4 ! t7fpf . ,;GO:ly1Pri'
I , l'' , '
s; ;; lis,
f iato,,4:4lifititotasted.ial.: sincere us
:: I : ' :' E f: , wsis ' the' dort s tlaciel;!heyPregtid . pat . , ,iewards: -
lie' a.m ,
" • ;'hiiiilitiiiii,' *We — Hilda 'ltis;ll4iii i iVit, ,_ t .3
'isaailgeoi ) ,ticA,c6,oo 41'0030,.** Ilse:
~ ! 41,1 1. 1.ii- 4 ,,, , i ,','—' i i i ' l .i-' ' 1 'i 'i e . / 4 Saata APIla qt ,
' ' Aelitegttwo ORri_ pi j,_, j r_ , _
~.Arxilaki 'ea ,istatv- , i....rf 1, ./,
,_"' , ;
; . ;: ,„ iei „ o6o:iiidhiii,l l .m. , ll:4o:o o ,, , , the, re,
i 1t1. 1 3 At, 4iire kv iiol(tfilt. WO - Q*111;f Oacle
PL 4 .. . ,-A ~..,,, 111 t ' ....1,
~" ' - lei KiIIORTAP O9 "Air I O I 4IIMIKAIIer;.P; fo o ne
::-'-' ' ''oli. oil retirerniatif -1 trio ? 00i,coctio , ; tae
: , 4' L i'f 4 ', 44°) +i6 , e n itiir,i'd . ;4l-01,1..,0, , ,A1ii,1:i0 . ,ip0tif#, , i , ,,, ,, y,?i t i.
J . j4,v4l l(*lihlAPlWiOiflii,Ciifili#o,o4sr I4k, '
iii 1 , 1 6 •.,9 4 '4',''`f Ivitg'4lto4m4,h4lol/114i:
.to`riNTlPton 9 ' /) - 1 -1' `. '..' - .'sinit (cif the
k; la ' ' hePresicieneltonsel'mkref and. _I
1:1 ' l ' ll '' , ;,, i' , &Hi t , •;zi...,;:cr,'47t Ni 4 1
10.`1.0 tiei ii*:' , ' ''''' 4 ';'''.'!• I i 'd; l,, Sl`i , 1 . A1,,6'
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;;Irl i,A'ri,glfril iikWL.Miiii'44orBi4
-,,,,..,, (*p„,..,
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' 1, 2 ' ; '' 1 *Rotary or—Wart c'4 ' ll6- t"”'
•,,,, 01 , 101, 1 P„,t, , ~:i liti,..t :with , firtyltda.
A' • .:tithitio4B47i'mayettrtr, ',..1 , tti;;
,'.131#4T., i l ),4 4.a. , 1411 , 4_,.. „ iiir state apt
,eit..;ll...' , i ' aggillqApti 4 o9,RUPt i 'f,, ; . :,., - ' A'''' A 1
.:P P'''" ' - '"'" l ' '' f ' `itY in 1.b.!/Av,hoiil4kAlliffr ,
~,,, ,,,,# #iitincPtlncip 'P ' 40 ltiOnia,V,sie
)V , ''"o . A6'ealt'guOrrMot%fFfmn ,
..ja-,,.); ~,,,,_..".. ..,1,, 14 .' ••' , i4ventiot of . the' ' country.
a 04 . --, ifitne ,, y....' - 77,. , ,',710-,e' A .
:),,';'.lw . a"e'e" . l isji t riititlilir...eliatilig,,lrilys,' ,
'':'- .7 .'" -- r • -','''' '
' r - C . V. 1. :' : :' ' '',. :',. .:," '4
'.''''''' ~'') • -;', . -., ...,,,,
drr. ; •
reSPba j ilisiii""pf A.A1441i ,
Gazt4ttl io'llfisr (tali if
focoiiffreratiia a hreliat betweeft;the frAltnde
(34 and Tshoafilitlys
;.%e'ty' < bestti 11 1
c water' . o lats. etween
Clay and Oen. Taylor, who are old anA ; eon'.
fitlential. friends. Nothing has occurred to
change their relations, but much ? lo:s:ceinent
thim, and the impertinence of th'e Locofoco
papers, who by interference' in our coneortier
hope to corcoal the collisions, conflicts and
disruptions in their ciwti ranks, is perfectly'
.. .0 -.etween=both-theso-distinguished-
- 4
gentlemen, and is. regatiled•wilh. itit 3
Asllk+ it dest — iNee. • • '• 1 •:..•
i.litt as the London() Mints . ttre'fi!lsely'yep.!
resenting that a rivalry - exieti' ;between they
friends-of—ltit 7 Clay and 'Gen Taylor, let. MO
says:few wrirds to that point, whichl corn;
mend to their consideratien. • •
.• • • • •
, . . •
! No state 'of affairs'
,can tirise,,bY" which
either of them, diethquished
,men will be
hTeed - iii - rifi - rittitaili7ffriiiiiiiiii4r,' to ,each
other,' as candidates
„ aid - Preside - nay:: I(
Ciay should consent to the : brie:el :his
name, whichltaain •r;cl manner or (ormbeen
indicated•or authorised, and , he should re;
eelvd... ! the_noritination„ol 7 .a„.W.higaffrugil
Conv intion,-1 have Ilia best ,reeitani jar-ber !
lieving that .Gen . Taylor, under!, no cirentn.'
stances whatever, will . permit his itaine
enter into the canvass. on the other hind,.
in vie tc of the Condition of the cciuntry,Ahe
- Cativehtion - firoblitiele - ct - Getrisajlerabrotir
standard beapr, Mr. -Clay will cordially and
zealously' "co-operate in his :support, or in
that of any other nominee' who may be oho
sem ... • .
- They may "read; mark and inwardly di
gest" this declaration, wick, will be veri
fied, 16: , tter lon letter, on the 7thday of Juno
next. , .
The:Whigs of Centre county o met in Conn
ty.Convention on the 261FU1t. - fteiracutions - of
the most orthodox political character were
adopted; and embiig_therri was cue express
mg "undiminished Confidence in the integri
ty and ability of their fellow-citizen, Gen.
Jintes litrix." . This caked out that 'gentle
man in some remarks, in the course of which
he !'thanked his friends present for the cor
diality with which they had received the res
. and the Whigs of the County and
Dist' ict for the zealous and unwave-mg sup ,
port they had so ,often given, him; nor was
-he less - thankful to-the Whigs of the--State
et large for the zeal:With which he had been
supported both for the
.nomination for-Gov
ernor, and In the contest ford:). Pop.ular eul 7
fine for that office. -Now that the Contest
was over, he had but few regiets at the rir
suit, other than for the Whig party and. his
friendsthiiinghout the State, who had,inter
ested themselves in hia-behaff. .For..hirrisnlf
person - 8113., he Was largely the gainer in a
pecuniary point of degree' by deleae'rfle
had given the Whig party of the State to
_understand that lie was a one-term candidate
foe Governor, and he Wished "his friends
there and elsewhere to know that he hail•
been the candidate of n one term nomination •
To be thought worthy of that nomination by
the representatives of the Whig party of
Pennsylvania he considered a high . henor,•
and he would 'never cease to feel grateful for,
it. _When that nomination was made he
considered success etrereely doubtful, and
if at times the - proitpect was 'more flattering,
he had not at any time been led into confi
dence of success. In conclusion he stated
that he had not thus • defined' his position
through a belief that the Whig party would
not yet succeed in Pennsylvania. That was
not his motive, fot lie believed that expe
rience would yet show that the prosperity of
Pennsylvania absolutely requires the adop
tion of its principles.''
A .SCENE tN Mexico.--A member of the
Virginia Regiment, writing flora Saltillo,
'Yesterday, one of the most painful scenes
teak place here, that I ever witnessed. A
soldier by the name of Victor Galbraith, a
bugler in Capt. Mlero' company of volunteer
cavalry, was .shot- for threatening the Cap•
tain's life. The, troops, were all mustered to•
witness, the dreadful scene. The unhappy
prisoner. was brought forward under .ffe
Provost Marshal mid guard. Sixteen men
were _detailed and formed in•single
The prisoner calmly sat down on his coffin
at about eight paces distance; and looked the
executioners firmly in the face., His sen.
.tense was read to him; he 'Mew his head
backward,_ and said to the .'men ;••••-•"Take
good aim; lam ready to die.". They tired;.
he fell immediately, having tettei w yed three •
balls in his body; but in, a.feW„mornerits tie
again arose, resting on hiskelbety k and asked
for water and drank. 11&their satd„l!kill me
_ainince and.relieytkme,Of_Misortitittryg.#llen_
lour of the men who.had reserved their fire,.
advanced, and placing lhe irriPrele- of :their
guns to. w ithin niches : of ,bOdy,
fired, .alrifSiiiG,Cutting' kiro agunder ., Truly,
he was ,ihti4notitAiroltite
. inan I eytirsaw
Some ofthti officersWere,e,ptirelY overcome
• WIND "AID AND Coawcia-r."—At the Loco
foco Stlita‘Conve.ntion"recently held at Lttlle
R§Ck, Arkattticsi C01..1130n. Taylor; one oir
leatting , .*Rbote; matlo a,tomark, the , tuthl
of which is as hicontestibie, as the fact itself
*loiecik!.4,‘,.l(!:ty the pairiottsniro r tio
party. After 2 ietei;Ong,,:t.Ci s flitk,tiiii44,"rigf;
which ttf tit-no:Of war; the Otti zOns• Of flip lid; ,
public, op •• tt
y t• 'I t -"tit t '
~ pc
the tented fieftl;' to iffaiii io,its - tlatiktirti
a 2 -• I ittlo jentoity;•itflOok . fiji rover the 'Aftfiy
atara,tintts•Opip37—beta4sil,.;amompelled to
adiriit ilecifiititittniibeffhe 4 .Deitioci-cfs. l) .
'3ll:f‘kePlieirrieilLpf. 11ie flokti Al.l4, o Piptort n the
Whigs )lAVErgivqp:tolhe . enomi — git/ing Ott'
ttio !mord -to 'meet , lo,,hattleo:theJtrinieaci.o
Mexico, recruited, equipped led 9d:A
was alto t,t
1,, , ~, 't 6.4 , 4 14 i i,:. f
' CAN" I O -4 °'?freePondenlfiff liffitif ) nt r "! i
Ceerietrietilliree7libel - 040010,14FanfuliA i
• iia 4ll o`e, 7 o, ol ;,;4g,fr ,l l' l oO ) ' .
' ,, sFalviiiiiiiiitir - : Is 10A6e7ilrelp, ,t)iq I
qothiiii Oblintr'ril , 1300 IS 1 1 6blibipletno
ihial- 141 ,Ie l i4' 0 1 1 V t iltet0 led ,31,1 Y,
1604 We, t 1 V1 ' 0414 4t 0311 1 41 * i ' ' r I
nicer inbiiettecillit. ,1 .4abil litigt#ol oi
s p , ,
bat declared •icor a Republic, ' lic flatA, ietb
•iie rebellion to einnlit ii , i l) ' i ;'"fl"%r 1 9,,.,;;:
. r . 1 ,
e,:~ n:
r? 1 tirT3Oilotry, , itrat mlF . .7.l9llr.Likri?thr!ri.
Itfiftdfil..Wrs for Stan4.leirly;to
iitslifiette repugnance from any
patriotio . attachment "to'‘Oti, A glii.:.
flag' co
and 10
conscientiously believe 'that
inatiehlp, or, even ; by fair: dealing ; In James
this-wer:.:-With;.,„Mexle s o.gloAllatl)
is 4 ilio direst . ctilacilty 'that' aff':.'irigal: a
natiOn—We havefelt"it i tti, be
our duly on all oecesintits,;.from ithd ritotrelie ,
..l,Y 11 911: arr.93!.1.7.4 81 1 ‘ 0401.1 1 4.-:PI4
hostilities, to urge the. most libera • pipr
mauled in the: field. against . a.hostfrlaelyt.
SuclOnis.been thi4POSition and course kg:Alte i
the'too riity. hti v
looked on'wi;h [lie same-ei:ultation ; an_ d pride:
w hio asery lAniPrican: citizen has as'
that gallant army' bore our
.; starry ,
signal triumph ~ f rom.:Tteld'-toteldi until ilia
quest'of thfri finpet id! Capitalief . the'eneini.,
In that lastproud triuraph•our , countrly'hila
Won all that' it can' of martial fame, hi the .
;war #lth IVlekieci; The . *S.I
to tifyLiii an Our :brave sciidlF"rs feet
to be, se„and . every breeze • fropritice . &Mull '
wafts us .their imploring appeal foe &lace'
'and' Home.' We haVcrnoarti highefinbral,
triumph to achieve in actirigtoWard Nleifieo
With that ipihsaranpe-rind
which'tts Gen. Tayloy-aayey-4ip grata:arid
powerful nation should always. praetisetii.'
\varii a feeble and prostrate enemy'? • But
there seein to be savage spirits in.OUr Midst
,who are not satisfied with the glory which
arniby ---- asAioi r ilnlhe war.
Mexico is prostrate and feeble seems
with these men the very best p reason why
we should•fall upon her with Vindal=like fe.
roc:ty and plunder her of her poiseseittins..--
\Vhite in iv thmabharreat
.ugh quarters this.abhorrent design
is speciously liroStlieff :Wider - the' stealthy
pleal i!inpunnity-,lor-the_past=and-SeChrity
lot' the future," The rrionstrcarn d.ictifne bait
less scrupultius advocates whci do net
tate to proclaim with shameless effrontery
that thcy go !or "the conquest and annex's.
!ion of all Mexico!!! This is our "manilest
destiny," 'they cry—" God is guiding us to
this end," they blasphemously announce-r_.
"it is for the good of Mexico," they berevo
lently aver, despising the republican doc
trine that the highest rigt.t.of any people is
to chootle their own-corm of government!
Listen_ to Geri. Sam. Houston's unblushing
avowal of this doetrine in his speech at a
meeting of the so-called democracy of the
'city oi Nero York.„ ,We quote, an extract :
"four .anaestare;. when they landed. nt
'Plymouth upon that famous rock, were not
long contented with that barren spot, but, pro.:
ceedel in their !night, and Werit.cp progress
ing at Jamestown, as swell as at Plymouth,
till all-the country.. was possessed by them.
From :the first ,moment they landed they
went on trading with the-Inilianeandtckittlf.'
ritg them out of their land. Now,. Meici
icanS-.are no better - them Indians, Mid./ Ice
no >molt-edgy we should not go onhn_the same
course now, and take their land. Rut these
countries will be .benefitted - by our mono
tion:—Look at California, Sonora; Western
Mexico, New Mexico,
• Though I am not pious, yet as a sinner -
say it, we have a powerful authority for wars
in the *conduct,of the people of Israel, who
wore led by Divine power to possess them
selves of the land of the A•milionitesi. anti
smite them with the edge of the sword.—
This some mandate from God guides us in this
war, and gives success to our arms; and, I
think, will continue to guide and prosper
The %%lash ington Un ion,. the organ of the
Administration, established for the purpose
of sustaining it.copies the speech entire, as
well as the proceedings of the meeting,
which it considers "an almost unprecedented
demonstration in favor of the policy iiiirstied
and reccommenclid by the Administration in. re
lation to the war."
•A. Washington correspondent of the
Charleston Mercury, speaking ofthe probable
"issue" in the next Presidential campaign,
says Free Trade will !lever do, because 01
the "hopeless state in which th'e Treasury is
soon to be placed, it not already aced."- 7 .
tie says the , Sub-Treasury will not • • be
cause the Government paper is soon to b.' t
discount of 20. per cent,--says the totems!:
Improvement question will not answer ; nor
will the War be a sufficient: issue; and final=
ly tolls us what ie to be 'll/. questiOn in the.
tollowin paragraph . .
44 The broac -pated.p tern: therefore went
into council; and'ailef tiOrne . days •delibera.'
tion, came torch 'with the ichiftrie, , 6l
faCconqued of ittixico, l gimp its 'ailmitisioti into
- the Untoti; ,, A'deeperitte- issee; , ,to be inn;
'but not to he 'dreaded by . 'ser-Joie
therriselves - te have rtoihin'g.roloer4; edd evi
l)? thing - ,tiv gain. And 1- assure •14U, that
'43111.4trt0-be- the '<groat -before the
country, unless the 'rehellion'cit the lank and
Ole of the P4ty'shoUld , . iiiterfo6l6:pre vent
I ',l4ltut de :the ' •
, -
ton ot wages in 'the Iron, Coal end Mann- .
iiciudeg England his been
equal to twenty per pee cent. Belore.ll4,reduct ,
lion took ;place, .out' OpperatOrti, cenki :not ,
compete , With'tholas • ol'.pirao;abir,ie ;the'
duties imposed ' by `the . Tariß I'4o 'aver-
age only abont.tweoty per cent, "n` . `•
of twenty' five pee 4:ent• on , wages
mugt be. made in t i lde country , to • coreplete
ttii4:,`„thict.folioyrcei'air nheelnie'nge i siiki
°that wise our. mines andworkehepernust re -'1
4 • • 47 - 1 4 ,4444TY . :•;,':::: -
Who.a4led; their:influenekintilheir '*otesi election o r'Polk and Dallas, w hereby ~this
rt 3 iYit 'l4.);44l.brpughf.'abqut,Vaiidrm.l s6 ,. with
ir were. duped .bkiboriliputtiar
i,;794;p91,tif-YkAYlTlnaq'ljr( ;40,70100 set
tielbiracentiatinttha firoppr, time with !hi*
t4O" Mgt
10 4000 11 ***Y 4 . 404 0Ver lvi t i `'Yf
ottoo 'ttylsok t y,Otoftig
t.l; . 6Wti
' I 0
u/ ,
I 1„
;"'‘: -
ig6.oll . 4l4Bitltititer '
Pairenic The
,eenit - is;obtripoietlV:eiellarnay, one of the'
:dji4niinkilletC - heteeidi."Cerre Genie Col:
hlerlknd Colonel Paine' end' btherk- of
Whom arrived in town last evening
liyteriiiiirChtirell:griii:titowdadv to 'overfirial,'
i n g; o n `4 1 1 1 i014 °Yelling; ihp:oc4aSiron;!of
'We enticed; its allerdlng - proof 'of tfie great
(to'wrishlpaand::borbughts. 4ts,shat
On'tficiff of the a tl.drates ,Wl4 Was p articularly
tion,la reply to was, read by.lHr.
,Chemberts from ~Manusic.ript, and offered to
thit limo for publioationie ruled make rib
extended risintir ilt -- Ftiftot - F-bur - leave thry
pubito,te grin its own coneluilori after read
ing '. It• us. as !ming sound, 'cletir,
arid , convincing, nit"d affording ample. proof
!pet' wintildrinking,as a beverage, finds Wife
pages 'al • Holy W i it. Af-'
" b
ter;, mannicript r 6hatn ere
spoke, for some langth.of time in a sirain of
meit'lerVici and earnest elomience upon the
'general subject 'cif Intemperance, picturing its
deialating. consequences ivith a, vividness
()lege.: The cause of Terriperauce has in
'Mr; dhambers a deveteci anti fearless chem.
Pine, -
-- Its.v. Ma. Luau, agreeably to previous
announcement, lectured in the Second Pres
byterian Church, yesterday morning, in re
to Mr: Chambers. His audience Ire
understand was large. Our own , engage.
_we - desired, ird we .cannot consequently
eipiessr:akopinion upon his address. It is
representid".aa'being_on able, and. came(
dissertation. The, diseussiou we _hops has
'enligbteried our community and don e.gooLI L
while it has probably also brought the Rev,
gentlemen to a more friendly understanding
of each other's position. .
VALENTINE'S DAY !—Monday was a day
of . high, excitement with the sentimental
young gentleinen. and : -impressible. young
ladies of. ilk." The Valentine Mania
raged at the highest poin!. The doors of the
Post Office were surrounded with a throng of :
eager expectanta,of the tender missives
the dny;-ntid our attentive Post Master had
his hands-full in-serving out the hundreds of
gilded and. perfumed despatches of - Cupid;
of which"llohe:lithe he was.the Confiden,..
tial depository. Over five hundiedi we
Main; .passed through •the P.. O. he re, . Sortie
ybuog:liidies- of tnin aciurintance."boast of
w!n in.heartS and deka and doves
arid - ,iiiettit) Vettiris
the ttseA .z the.unluetcy Maiden who'did not
many? IT least' one Valentine. The only
conscifaiidit We CitkiffereUch is in the Mums
of the. Jaw Which, prevailVri Leap-Year, by
the ancient statute of King James, and which
fully juetifies them in a "vigorous proseCu
tionof the war" against the gentlemen, even
to the peint of "conquest and annexation !"
SELECT SCHOOL—The following named
scholars have been selected as having the beat
standing in their respective schools, in regaid to
attendance, conduct and improvement:
Miss 11NDERWOOD'S — Ann E. Mullen, Mary
C. Blean, and Estella Hoffman.
Miss Mats's—Margaret Hays, Anna Cook,.
and Henrietta Gibson. .
Ma. LOBECII'S—James F. Gorges, William
Halbert; and William . Harkness.
An.l f gonsr.s l —John Snodgrass, William Bid
dle, and Bannister Hall.
Miss lizuzmes—Mary Bentz, Elizabeth
Hoffer, and Jane Spotswood. w
MR. pumaes—J. Jay Smith, 3. A. Laugh
lin, and James W. SoMervillo.
The ladies are very tend of keepotg the
.or..knobs,, spoons, plates, &c.,- in. brilliant
order. -Now, 'if, instead 01. water and chalk
and suchlireparatioris, ladies will use Cam-.
phinertind rotten stoned a far brighter, quick
er, and more durable polish can be obtained
Allan in :attY , other way.' Carnpliine is. the
article used -lot . producing the exquisite po
folish hl Diguetrotype , plates.; and .nothing
has yet beentiontul to equal it. . •
Tbst,XerititelrY',Legislittiret hag refused to,
admit a tirnilerorl mechanic to, MoVelpto that
Statit'ffont Virginia. , The ' reasons' assigned
'were. among , flight' as
chief,lwiteri that they wanted more
white Meaharnes, and'that ,they Should .ne-.
iter' until was made mote
reputable, ~ •„.„- • .. .• . •
• • CROUP.-A., simple remedy , is "given, for
.this Ilistressing: and not' , untrennently ..latal
diseatie, exchange paper—d. is simply
and 'Molasses:in' eget& quantities;
a table aiime. , ,It can .ilo ;no
harm,tand may do good in the absence; of
Other medical treatment;' - t. 0 , , , .. ~ ..,-1.-,1 ~.
~One' hunched s latp Shooters' of Geneseecounty.. Miohigan,, have 'effered . .their of:lrvin
oCe in:Misiocoprovhded (hilt they:ool'mpg.;
Ad sixd aliorted 'to :select. Dien . 'ow n Weft.
)' ' ''' ' '''' ' d ' 'ti '' ' Tli -'" i. ''
pons 7 .:,.ievefirore . au, , satires.-7 res.- 7 , e re eet
elipf,amOng.hein Ifni kilt A' l leetini't 4, ^ ofli
•niniiirries out el len rit'49 MO .!'"
'is a opeeimen of 'thei , Bejesman tribe Al .itiri. 7 .
eine:, .111 e.. is 4a, d wadi, being).but little i over
, four isefirigli,Tand iebne•OlT.theriiist.fright
10'11'111 0 repulsive. speeimenitifi'ir humanity
'thatarr belimegined.P .rn. : ; , ..,,,,,',,1 ;:.,, 1
'','..,Adth,tor " Gemal, Putviance;.has,giviir,,AL
tri itieu:ripinton;,to, this ;Africk that.,monat: at
knie,lrsitfir'R# l o a PlP 63 :fiPii i i i .9 4 . ti p , 'ACt a i.. 4.
lrliciok'lkllr.Pogegt= IP:.-ITlig.' 6 ol lo t01t7, 1 10 Ifik,
.i irly4MvP, 'h91. 01 0. 1 0.i b.0P.13A t1N",4,i,113,if:, such
,prppois.::,:',;;A , i;l; . '4, - :', : , .1. kr, , , ,, ,4 .it , '1:',.%•1 CI : , 1 1
';.• — Citilf. keriaidly; of cin'eUmatii killed; IliM 4
eifltiiiit RicoFrio by ,plittipgithiphiltiiol hie
swot upoo,the ground arid :;: throwing. hiiii.
a4ll lionithe . bledoll:4 - le'heillOotififiand .of
oraliffilakvoltintecir 611 . 410,01%r froni , Phioin
o.trlioril .1,t.e ,, , tvt 3 )
:i!iiijt , eiiiiielsilippj . W.C,r,A, I ecle nll Y-Pi t as l?n 4t
ifPOM4l l °.4 w , 0 , 1 1 1/I . l l4•B 6 l ll *P et i i ! 11 1.
leniieC t ' ,Z)f/PY.kf o ;Ow! blo,7flPqo , 0,,,
t.. 4.1. 041 000 Glazt.Pl.ii )6l4 ,i, f tol,FtPcr,
iiyik litsafffa ling baiing . been (Ott ,illr ltr,
AlikenCO.r. bl ooWt i P i r 9ll9• tT)P'''' Pl l _,'
ir 4hte' f ..Atifiliniw;Tiousakjol belegate4i,liave
i3O.l"lliediffkalifi/mlitiVlifiv resolatienil 0 voling i a
t /
grd ffildOirliriWithrt eullablftinefiription r -to
l'.(letYttf.rlrel•tl.Sa(Tir,'TPt his recent
it 0r :
s'!!t‘"Pg*!iP ,, ':ir
i;;•"#_i1igti7 . 4`4,7,':: , ,',:?,' , ,:::::, , * . : , , ',.',:::,:':',;,.:':''',,-::-', I , s , ::::,,,-
tiiiiiil --107 cir o bit s l4a ...t..,...
Ivi .-
..,4.:„.- . ..-.,..-=.: , -0--(---,--. , ,,A.:;;;:•:.. c . ..,.:e .—. 7 . - :
14 171 . et, iiiiiiof rt 6 4-y. .:
'... oi )ll'exteu g— ._ -Ler fth a r .
m 1 ii aildrDroi,Einlifklanli, , ,: P : 41 thelSe,nate
:On Wed,ripscli4r.g'74%. bilVfaiilhe tealikrier. of
the Coltinbitt genic , aid , ' Bridge • • C ompany,
day thdbilliree'fiurterings ihtifFt4merre Bank
of,_Bucks' county; : passed.Senam Mr Bier=
ret : voted against,. the former and in , favor of
.the Lanett - Why. • it: - -.-• -
e.7t.Orr.Fridayi4n the , He Se,.:Mr. , Willialins;ot
l'ork,,Preiented ri, Pa Bien: from ; citiiens,,of
xbrl f ielati aL that..all- t h &Wirers' at 'thrift:tor
°alit were now itilifitiiiii§e - *liiiidWiheiii:
ple were in 'Consequence enjoying unusual
peace and tranquillity, and praying the leg
, keep them thereby.some . .legj,sla-..
la we enacediefifi - 11 - Was"read - antlieferiiid ,
to the Corn mittee.on the Judiciary.. '
-- On - the - sartte - :dayOn ,- ;the - Senate; the bill
providing for the abolition of capital punish-
ment, was -negativetii=afier. a warm debate,
by a vote of 16 to I t. •
The Committee of Ways and-Means in
- the - Housetatrreportetl -- a - bill -, • ° raclitating the]
Pcenses of Inns and Taverns. The reritstl'of
the house is the basis on Which the scale is
founded.' The, -minimum is- $20,. and the
cording to this arrangement the tirs.(cliss hon
leis in Philzidelphity 'will have to pay about,
$5OO per year ' ,or perhaps more .- Brokers are
.to be subjecte d twit siruilar'law. AS the ob
bct is to raffia (revenue , ft is pie - slimed the
ill will pass. •• n . ••• n, n,, ~ ,
Seey of Board
The bill authorizing the, Banks td ieguenew
notes to tli4 amount yetiemainingliticancel•
led of their several Relief issues, has,,passed
the Senate ' with an amendment daking them
redeemable in specie. Rse doubthil yrlieth
er the Banks will accept The bill - with this pro.
vision. , '
The Senatehas=passed- , by=e,Vole-of- 19=to
-11, resolutions propbsing an amendment to
(he Coirstituticin by which the Judges of the
several Courts shall hereafter be elected by
the people. This is - timing at a radical change
In au impOrtant feature" of our Constitution,
, and requires very seribbideliberelidii. The
independence of the Judiciary-, upon' Which
rests it# chief value, may be very materially
affected by malting its (Anders elective. Bnt
on 'the ether Inuirl it may be questioned,
whether," as nominations , are now made, the
gee than - the appotnting power runny ca
gives thorn.
(k} Ttre - supplemenm -
ing the' •Ceinberland Walley Railroad Com
pan y,:allowingihemininereabeibelLenpital,
IN' SENATE., Mr. Hunter, of Va., spice on
the Ten Regimeut bill, and declared himself
in favor of Mr. Calhoun's Delens3v Line po
licy, but expressed his willingness to rote
for The bill.
In.the Heise, Mr. Wilmot, of Pa., obtain
ed leave to inuke -a 'personal explanation,
and proceeded to. comment on an attack
upon him in the Union, a few days sidce:—
He was very severe on the editor 'of the.,
Union, and Mr..lhichanan, and intimated_fhal ,
the hoMility_ manifeited towards him erase
from an unwillingness on his part to attach
.hitniell to a particularaspirant - for the Pre
su . le.. Ilir - duilied shut he had-separa
Maisel!' front , the Democratic party by any
act, public or private, and that his course
here was in obedience to the Known views
of -his-- Con-tituents.---He charged—MN—Be--
Oman V.ith.having- oppost:d the late war
with Great Britain, and with .having: been
instrumental in detecting•the election of Mr.
AVood ward to the United -States Senate, from
Pennsylvania. He examined Mr. Ritchie's
political course, deciartng, that he had done
more to break down the Democratic party
than any other man in the United Spgas—
that there were not twenty-five Democratic
members of the - last House who had not
been directly or indirectly assailed by him—
and that, after having, no longer than 1837,
come, like a mendicant upon his knees,
begging" for admission into the-democratic
-Mr. Wilinot went went into a calm review
of the tiolifical life of Mr. Ritchie. He show
ed hie inconsistency on all the leading doc
trines of the patty. How he had opposed
the Sub-Treasury, in denouncing it as afford
ing one currency for the Government and
another for the people. How he had assailed
_the election of. Gen. Jackson as a "curse to
the country." How Gen. Jackson, among
the last acts of his life, had the
strongest terms ; against selecting him as the
organ ot. the partyrrtht it would inevitably
lead to its dissolution and destruction`, and
that lie was unworthy (he 'confida,nce- and
trust of any "democratic" ndministratian.
Mr. Hunt introdUced a joint resolution of
-thanks to Gen. Scott, Commander-to-chief,
and through him to his officers and men,.
regulars and volunteers, for tbeir uniform
gallantry, &c., in .captuilin.p Vera Crag, and
at - the battles of Cerro Gordo,,San. Antonio,
Uontrerart, Churubusco. and An front of :the
-City of Mexico, directing- the .President to
have a gold -medal presented to Gen. Spit '
- and,-to communicate to him a-copy pfiltris
resolution. - -After some attempts to amend,
-this resolution was adopted by a :vote of 197
to 1., -
Mr: glephens submitted a joint resolution"
of - thanks to "Gem Taylor, and through him
lo his offieers'and men, for their' gallant con-
duct at Buena Vista, and direetm,,cr•rt gold
Medal td be presented. to Gen. T., and &copy
of the resolutions. tp be communicated—
The—y .
resolution was adopted,ears 185,
81ipiteq;,-ihe joini repointions,eaaaed the,
ponia; teriderlyg,,a,vote
cif.-thealta tp.Pens.B64-and,,
emed,and,referyeti, n3 ! :!ha
: ,°:',i:Hi. , ',i.o4o . :olL:T* l :;',
; The ; Hausa went :into, Committee uf the
Whole , on - the stale of ;the, Uniorri -and, took
up; the Wan ',!,1)111;;.'_, biliv;Vintonw..4 , ,Ohle
chairman: of ,erm th committee i ofxWays , and
41pana, - addressed :the; committee at !;lelllithr
-with a ..vietitZpoinvout , alleged: 'et torkin the
estimates-, of; the:rSecretartifitteTreaskY'
lor Abe' present 6 3 . 04 1;k.eari; 11 0 1 Ptclbfibleicr = .
.tors iri, iris estimates,. tot ilicenaurno,f,t , From‘
the} -Mm e tvhietr he atitedi •he came to the
coriel uitan'iv that -; karteatVol.. the:slater - a'? . mil' ,
lions now askeil.,:by.the-•Searelary f it- W dul4
rise inecdssdrOo ,t misebetweeri tweety !L tlirers„
and tWenty-fout , rmilliaira.' , ', ;The lgrimetary,
tob;;Pharl',MstitaUtairr,the ,i.rovenue :fren'a i
• all
fiesirees; for 44 . 1 fiscal-Oarr , al , -; , $3 5 30 00 ,1 0 0:
'Bair the esti altetiWilevernWfrom f the pp blio
landry‘weilld , uelibe•':,availablei, because It hir'
trimeipla , Vora , thatr sourae were; pledged, by;
th.erlaan u p tSiflett flemigni : A o PsthesPYPlOM
* - ilielrittirest ot;that. Joan; and 'Mr: the, re !lei
tiou Oa, sinking hind lor the final' liquicia tea
irfthet'driht:riilfrthe antipipated,reyellue I eter
°6lll96loatii-PiltldoWlll3 etliblafiX)l ooo , ;raid '
itherrleverdwitom, laraleA(thoili,honsti alit*
( b l6 )Aati-Sar4 oo rookhdth c lughl it rYwaillo jik
rethei(eiialki share; irailery the 'mark,:yl,-Jinterid
:of Ahefeimunsia,r , lor , rthrirWarril , ,epatiniMil;
bililiAlett,lphe coiipinAtidgley,. would 'be'
ieigue,lithanf,:heretofore..,. - flut 1;11 - , ‘,.lrey, i ! W ere
'Out :'4 o o'lithltlis IMMg ello4,hei -, Mterest '..oh
;Walloon Wlrre adderlithe..esparalttlirdi*Milo
.iorne:mplcc' , §Bl;ool)oooilMlYilig ,i 49 0 011 ir .
thirty railllOrie3W:li)ellettarateS if the. Sabre
tary, foe rla:ncfxli fiScal'4•,aar.,
, ,
• •-, • < 0 . 4 • 0 01 0
and tho:iiBiciiii;.'ittkniiiyitinlenhiii,Ntom2
rp.tVl Casue. , ? trod until tri;l, - ;
larg,e,',Silyer i inedil to, the officers,
.ita \ sniallepaneitiji„.4lll'tbyiegular,SoNkilis . .
'to the battles id•Meiloo; . ,
lhe Ten Regiment bill came up'fer Crin
sideration, and .111 r. Underwood.. (of Ky.)
`spoke-in- opprigition-tb - -it.: He contended
. ..thatqlie ground taken
,by the administration
at , the inception of- the war was untenable;
4 thiS annexation or Maxim; was whollyim
practicilde; that the4rojecrf , forcing,loktk
• •.. -
Aibutions Irom 'Mexico
. tv - as futile, as intlem
nitrof Tnoney 'could not be obtained. He'
reaukorneadedtbeAvithdrawal if;_our, troops,
only Wins ott- to:etrougkrianl — to - puy - tho .
11 - mount ofindeduiiti diie , Our :amens: - -
in ttie Houq,4li. fCing;:6f,lgass., Offered
a ptititiohr , trcirin nine'ihOusatid of
the Sooiety of Friends, praying for the Spee
'dy termination of', the War; After a 'ivarm
debate it wassiirdered_ to'be - printed. The
Joan biilT.Sairilien - takeniitP, - und - debatee,by
.Messrs. Marsh acid others: :,
fir Sy.l9-rs;,,,Mr..Hix presente elot ons
of Irish - action the, 'Legislature ;of New
.instructing Jthp, - ,Senettors:4O,Vrite in
favor of the. application At, the -, Wilmot
Mr. Niles:of, addressed theleriate
upon the , Teti Heghterik'billilarfd:,eattkrkeh
ceilhis-reply to Mr:l3eleeiiecesatioioigairist
the fiemocratie pary . of being.apturitill by;
reckleos desire, desire for the adrOiliiiiiiioy
,conquest. He blamed bath - parties - fei,their
conduct in regard to the war....
desired _peace. He maintained A° bill:in
r _ottlerto_keep_military_possepsiOn_of,_the_
fora,t was in, favor of
negotiation, ancl.baving no objeothini 'to' the
bill, Would vote for it in,the hope that the
chances for peace would be strengthened by
our military occupation. The presenj-goV
ernment of Mexico desired'peace, on terms
not unreasonable, and, now was the time to
make peace. lf peace 'could not be made,
it - was no justification of. the States to pie
long.the war. Hostilities ought to be, brought
to a close, and this could be done oh the ba
Grande as the land to be ceded for indemni
ty, - Which as all eddy iii our posession.
• n-the-House-the-loan-bill-was . _fdither_d_
Mr. Cads reported back•the joint resolu
tions passed by the House voting thanks to
Generals Scott and Taylor.
Mr. Clittenden moved to_ take them up,
and t he question being upon their passage,
Mr. Hale. objected. ire said that no soplus 7
try; could seperate - in his mind between the
approbation of the officers o! our army and
of the war itself. -,•••
Uessers Butler and Underwood replied in
support of the resolution.
Mr. Hall responded; alter which on mo
tion ot. Mr. Allen ; the question was passed
over informally.
Mr. Tirney, of Tour., spoke on the Real
menis bill. The House- was occupied with
private business'.
Rittm' SATIII•PARILLA.—The menus of removing
disorders and alleviating- the -nufferings which-they
occasion when It cute. is impracticable, ere_the great
ends which medicines - are designed to-accomplish
%%e think -it may be said with, truth that this medi
cine. while it will alleviate pain in the worst cases of
will also, in n _very large - majority of such cases, ef
fect - a speedy, perfect and permanent cure. Nor has
it proved less efficacious In eruptions and oilier affec
tines of the skin, than in those which attack the flesh
and the glands. While, therefore, we would not.pre
we do sincerely believe on the authority of those who
havemsted its efficacy, and from our own experience,
that In complaints we have named, and many oth
ers arising from an unnatural condition of the blood,
'Sands' Sarsaparilla will restore the Invalid to health.
Prepared and sold by A. D. & D - SANDS, Drug
gists. 100 Fulton street. New York.
Sold also by Si ELLIOTT, In Carlisle, and by drug
glom generally throughout the United Stems. - Price
per bottle. six bottles for five dollars. .
a chemical estraci or Wild Cherry and Tar. Every
body knows that Wild Cherry tummies important
medicinal properties; and Tar Water has always
been,adridnistered in Consumption,
and Lung affec
tions geneinily , by our oldest and ex tent physicians
Various remedies. It to true, have been offered and
puffed into notice far the cure of diseases of the lungs
and some have been found no doubt very useful, but
of all that barn yet been discovered, it is admitted by
physicians. and nil 'who have witnessed its effects,
that none lion proved as successful as this. For Asih
tria, Shortness of Breath, and similar affection., it
may be pronounced a positive cure. It has cured
Asthma in nany cases of ten and twenty years stand.
ing, after physicians hod declared the case litiond the
reach of medicine.
This Balsam Is made front materials which Nature
has placed In all northern lntittides,ns an antidnte for
diseases caused by cold climates.
"Nature Is hut the mune fur an effect
Whose cause is Cod."
Let us not neglect hot pininest dictates.
The genuine signed 1. nbrrs on the wrapper
Sold In Carlisle by B. ELLIOTT, sole agent.
• Tue universal eelebrity which this valuable mein
eine is gaining throughout the United States. and the
many astonishing cures it Is constantly performing,
has proved it to be; beyond all doubt, the only .W 4!
and certain cure for Pultnonary Consumption, Coughs,
Asilimn. Spitting of Blood, Liver Complaints,
Nervens..Debility, Tickling or Rising in the Throat, ,
Uronchitlir, of-Drecithing,pc any symptcomir
of Consumption. ' , • .
• If the bowels be costive, a mild purgative "should
Ira resorted' to occasionally. • Dr. S wayne'e Flarsapri
cilia, PHIS will be. found a valuable inquisition to the
Wild Cherry; and will prove a valuable, medicine!
where an aperient-is reqpiredi - Dr. Swayne's Cam-. '
'pound byrun or Wild Cherry Is n medicine which haw
stood the reit oresporiencei and if Lind according , to.
the. directions, (as described in Dr. Swayne`a.Guide,
in Health) seldom fails: The above pamphlet is well
Worth a perusal. , ,
"Avoid all spurious preparations of Wild Chewy,
- such as Balsams, Diners, Syrups of• Wild Cherry,
Pills purporting to contain wild cherry, an, as they
none of the virtues of the original and genuine preps
rations. as prepared by Dr.ll. Swayne, and Hinting
everprepared in' this country. -Dr. Swayne's Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry is eetnposed of Vegetable
'ingredientsi the Wild Cherry, and other, medicinal ,
substanceo, equally•as efficacious, If not more am; tile.
whole are ,so.effeciaally • ioncentrated iagto ramie,. it
beyond ail "11610011 e most pleasant. otrengtbeningi
diecovOred for; the•citro of
!Pulmonary Consomptieni•land allkdlieries' , of the
Larigai and ! The' , very.fec4 , from ;its; having
such trtrain.of spurious. libitotione,steads to prove its
.great connive propertiet.
Therefore, Invalids , )IW - the.nrlglinti' prima
ration,.ench.bottle of Which , hi enveloped iwa heauti
'' rwraPperiWitha , Ilkenesenf•Wmi Penn' eneravdd
thereon t, also bearing the oignature ' of, ••Dr. IT.
iSwaytie thirceintOrfelling of which will be punished
Prepared ano;pold by Da H. liwayne.N.V. cornpi p
, iitElplith'gnd"Rnel streets. Philadelphia!' , • .
."' Sold In Carlisle- by 8, - W. , HAVERSTICK , ai d `s
.„. .
: . ;:i': , ,titifj:4lltithetol' 7 4 , i:..
, .
,-.L . C-- .4Puti.shat.rus;lltonday.,Tehal._ . 1 .
, Besineis has beeii.earromelyqutet to-day, and Mae.
of 'lnterest nauut under ouriintice49;; ~ -,:, , ',, v 2 i ,' . ~..:!
FLOUR—VVItitou - tfinitiom — ot - ndit4;or r rti_ o isi_lyn ni ty a
held-at ss.7sptlio.,ont i ptracjirp_
.. _s ia t i l a v np .
use at $5,57j a A. 94 tb_ rrurniurtrarill2;so
i'-gt'ynlNFTOEUr*,trirticapurilteuti I:arl y_ n , 4 d ! ni . n i a I ! 7 "UtP"
at 43,50.,buyers offer lent
WHl V N‘9""ales tV ;dais titetlltultei,7 ,, ,
CORN ,Is P aid 1 4 3 ' q ' 8 .1 h witall 'Mei 'at 55 ct
, wmestliy -111 4 1 1.1t 4 tT, , 1. 4 . +;,
bbit•;tojd'at,pai s; I 410•. ~. „ ~ ,
hos ay ihe 18th•of an. last, - hy H.
;WWI 'to Mins , HErmiriflA
"or 'Vest ‘Pconshoro, toWeship.
OttO s t l l or xoltory b yt l belioYsA.,nobb•
orX¢SiatioiliirgqNV. AutAtAt ..Alo4a to
.Mi10Z474 1 4;;:r41 1 1u; 11 0441;kpi91-vil
0-Ahe v
;myna', of , Adarrrcountyit to , MhisMalltkttr,r. t;
daughter'of 111 . r.',Afttriin liertnen-, - OrPOoPtiltor:
township, eumberlusickuountyir*),NM4:o , '
;! ' ' •
DIEWV 4' lo
P 4 ( V
*Oa ,711jAiliiiiitioNl'aillipp*Of
'hat: 13"tio.low' ,1 1144 , 1OPHIWPAlit t p • Mf l O o f
''Mrs'Ette - ittgrif:; ,- poutf,f
e 4
, FriIRLY4t!tY 9
. .
• Waslun.ton
; • I 1•
00011119,11 Te
• iarisezi_l3l7l**seoiikiivitl'ilqincC;
)irati published . - ` in
Itiforined on the , subjeck says,,ihe .roductiOn,
a the price •of Iron in . England,' news 7of ;--
*hien' 4vas received by the late:arriiale will
operate- injuriutudy on the Iron
Intareata• of this country, under; 'the
16i , Tariff We learn that rail-road iron:has
been offered-by - the English agent
!antic cities,.4t fro% $5O to sss , por ton,Ae- •
livered; and other. iron in propo rtion. Largo
ordertihrive been - sent out - ahead * the list
stedniens, : and we wilC , oostioit.loUbt;. very
soon reap the , beriefi:e°l that rtdnitiable'l3vi-.
iron establiebmenid it :Masiachusette, New
- York, - New'JersurruhdliliiirtqPitia-and vi
cinity? have elepperfoiiitaiione'llr tire about
'doings°, atilt we itidetlie , 'Wh'iiitl
mediate neighborhood, which's° entire)y,de.
Pende'upod the. succestifut_itsie_oribelron-
tern .papers are filletl'irrftfi r :aCcounts_,Cf.thit
dictreesea the mantlfacuiringills
filets, on 'account of 'the how tkrl4:pf*iiges'
anti -the general iagnetic4 of bee•iness.,, -Arta,
the manulaaierere.jre::cerielect to 'huh
their obrations'An'cofiseg . Genee 'of )1;44
4 - 1 . .ii,iiii:i tii . fiti4 from ilbroznE .7 4 he tiesstine
of the tariff Of
. 1 4 6
,is fniiiteriihle!
. ' '.:T. IL,
AS just received laf auperior-'French
Cloths-and - Cassiinertmyrhichrfhi'wiVaelf ---
or make to order,,suit,the,times;' , ,at
his old stand opposite the - Railroad office :West
High street, Carlisle. ' feb 16; •
het • Receive')
NEW GCODB ? and Will be sold low;
at the • new and cheap store
street. ,Call and see. -
. •
fah 16 J. G. CARMONY.
ALL-the-creditortiof — JOSEPiflNGßAM, of
Alechaniesburg, are' notified that I will at
, teud,at-the-. public , house- of-Josephringratirritr
that borough, on SATURDAY., the 18th or
-March, 1848, at--10 o'clookvA.-31, - to receive all
claims against him, and. pay them out of the as.'
sets, or each prp..ratit slhareas *each is.entitled to.
kb 16- • JOHN-RpiTTA:ssigtree---
Soling Off Deg Cheap.
THE subscriber wishingto &scoot bis
siness, will sell his entire stock of CHEWING
TOBACCO and CIGARS at reduced prices.—
His stock consists of excellent Chvendish and
Congress Tobacco, Havana, - Cuba and Seed
Lent Cigars. Also ;a largo lot of Ilalf.Sphnisli
Cigars,• Snuff, Wines and Scafarlatti iSmoking
'Tobacco, all of which will be sold ut greatly re
duced rates to close business; Call and see.
Jan 12 - • THOS. H. CRISWELL
For Rent
THE tvvmstory brick DWELL
ING HOUSE,.-on 31am stieet,
now occupied as a boarding-house
by Mrs. A. G. - Holl. It is a com
fortable and commodious house,
an situatedin a plea sant part of the town. For
terms apply to. , M.
.G. EG E. feb 9
• . - -For Rent. --- • ''.--
SEVERAL Brick Dwelling- Houses. 7.t.;
P.issessioßgiien ; Aptil let, 1848. — F.
lan 26 CHAS. OCILBY. •
THAT exeellint BUSIN'E S S
-'s T A -14 D on the Cornet_of_North
- aitanova and Dandier streets, now
al s Occupied by Christian Inhoff, together
With the room iii the Tenc - or it. -- It is
a commodious room, and its situation- in •a pops,
lons part of the town *makes it one of the best
business stands in the place. For terms enquire
Carlisle, Jan. 5,:1848.
Fonror Five two story brink DWEL
%.- LING U SES in A lexander's Row.
Also, Two Frame Dwelling HOUSES
I in East Lowlier St. Also, two Frame
HOUSES in South Hanover
St. ad joining Blaine betel. Also one plastered
Dwell i ng HOUSE in Church alley. for terms
apply, to the subsbriber.
LE NFL. TODD, Agent.
Carlisle, Jan. 5, 1848,
, Two BRICK HOUSES, in ihni - lwell
O L .I, known business part of Carlisle called
llL'llarper's Row,' on the North-east stdu
o the Public Square. Possession to begiVen on
the Ist day of April next. For terms apply to
January 5, 1803—tf
For Sale or Rent
. A HOUSE and LOT, on West
• , 4411 ' - street, at present occupied by Mrs.
Pnrker. The house is nearly now,
2 1 ' having bean tenanted' but one year,
and , i s in p erfect order. Fur terms
a pply to
• • FOR -RENT. •'-
--• The twii•story Brick Dwelling
, 11OUBB adjoining the Methodist
EParsonage, on Pitt street, at pre
! sent-occupied-by Mr. M.. P.
Po.ssesaion given on The Ist day of
agril nest : L-A ilieSll - OPS lion , occupied b'
111* , ,Greag,' , ,;chnirzm'aker;:. on; Pitt street, one
door':oodik °Oho 'Method* . Personego.. , For
tonne r i pply to
Carlisle, Yl'4'slB4B' . r
Valuablii-Property at Piivate Sale.
. .
• The large and,Coinininalous:briek.
DWELLING allittl'rOßE; Oita-
AIX! corner of. Loather and
, Hanover itreete, ,c,poditinne made
:knoniri by : ilialliopnetior,l.'
' • - , • 3 . 6:140.1:
-; The , stockholder's 'olot he4benitrand eValle y
U ail Rod& Companynri herehr . AvtitiNmeet
at , dia . -public honais
on THURSDAY; lie ofllareb..lB4ol, - at 11
o'c1o16:A "to 41iieli ,, meannt the , . sof aff As
sembly 431Y-ilie-110111:-February08480increasing
, he' capital; titoek , nr theolpid,compmyaar , the
porpoise of relaying. the said , need-Nub a Tr o rail.
will biiiabiait,tad: .5 ;: :t
For , 'Oale or. Rent.. 7 ,
~ ..
„ii. 1 „.717.1-lEi,ealiacribey etTera for. mi. no
• / S t d iniehangefor;Latidjr he DWELL
' nalAli asomsz ina,LoT, i rhich
lOU TO .bel now., Heim, situated ~on 'Ziluther
,etrtieto near . the .Sprieg, togethey;
two pthef;,buildinge•,adjoiniog dati T two eed .
hitlP lots of ' grotind thereto aituched tc iT.lfe 4 Pro•
pert y •has, livery , building and conrentelfie.neees-
sary-for-a-Trinner- forphieh.kinahtide•
eirable haiing fermaYlt bean:occupied—
'as Such by David I"erdfierztaiiii Afirea of -
.ground: nearly, idluini9gi theinit?•‘*•Affin-41eo be
Bold "if Tilesired, , ' ; ,"
Alain for lade, . the '.!C A I r- ki It Pi e r
Hou and :Litt of i Ground•kirrit:ou ,,,
enPitt4) 3 Y;cod l TV:rat i4 roi n .ir . 11 - 1-1
itting!ty,‘„ tj .
initionedkinettilfentirlionse ,, an
itand;',h'iniug4,batinpoceukriedre, ub lie'
houso,,,forrinehyateara. herm-iku,
q TA
431,1 E ko tt. togelher ieittb ku.ltiFeektiantla
Shop "end•tithei.tienventenuee.,„,„ •
pnopettles . will, be sold on
libcOtet0101:-Vf e hagilirklg °4 1,1tit t l in g
10,11fe • • nfritn#l, 4l l e Y:. I vuth . rTt sf.. •
Porch elttg ,; ntaa fegu intik o. , eakkmigt, rktrnkke, •,.
, •" ~ , '
Also rentfo,Plare.igoritn, rut the 'ewes
4,f,nuon str nievin the•ipkiblia, equate; lately 001'.
WiriAti r Gykivet:htt'lltkitift/hOtrii ) ho•
bpainess taanatv&al,3llo, t),0 . r0p01, , ,..i.m Roy ShOpi. t .
R l eje . R4 i4t..1T4 in thb aritiare-- ForAktini sitniy;
in":, •'• ; • , ".„
' "
i';'.'' , E. , ::l;: l i.' , ,e