Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 16, 1848, Image 1

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3 1 1) - 00:093)gt 10 1 -4 , 41 .%= - 4_ 41 .
I,,rtaq 4 1 44'4,01;attaa"-- , .? , .. - EALKA , "OA f. 3AI
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1vaii . .44,1%',4 111 - ‘,.t44,',t0ji,1Z1. 'MI . .cy,)' ~ i,1.1. ' :0;
Ist KT/ 4.4":' t tili4tgii3-1 , 41• '0,, , , , f 1.3 i;r4l(. ;. , 1!
irtvt t t1y,Vi1in , ? t4...(::,.2.c ly'-s:iF);:TI F , r:':; 'lt'f i ' , ,
11(37/. ' 3t11.'11-6 , xtitutl i . witl 1: •:tst 1:17) , ' , "1 yt1; ,, ; , . ii: . 1;1•.5f.r,
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cnii 111111 R,noi:lbri I.iiiti ~1,-., 7 ”. ( 1 ,lliiiil' w
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.1 .llyer io . , •
.11AS. , EAKNEA,hjs.birite and d~vel•
_;tha,tuktracTrifiais Drag. Store
%kin:W . o4'lll6 iittaek: ' • april
Br, Gee. Willis Fonllui,
dIRAbUATE of-the Jefferson Medicst,
CoVege-.-.of, ghiladelphiai , respectfully Offers
lue professiouitl, services trote.pructice of Yledi_
.-".,dintiln4t,44 oLllt
eside Ork. • •
,w-o atthe r teo
cif 'his (Ether , in S.
Flaiiwer.street, diiectly,opOoSite Morrige Hotel
• , `iittrthe'2AlßOSt?'yterian thatch. • - ttp 7 '47
Doctor Ad:
„, .
. .
-11:9W4OPATUIC Physician., Office
". in Main street; in the house formerly, once
_ np,9
- indar.hliiVX22lE.
" ` WILL perform all
operations upon -the
11" 4.1' Teeth that are MOM=
— 2 -Ited4forthtiirpiestervationrsuchai 9 -Sealing;Eihng,
Alugging;' , tfestoro the loss of them,
th9Ansertini.Artifieial , l'eeth; itm a singlelooth
toia sett. igr Office Pitt street, a few
doors.: th of the Itailrottil - Hotel Juno II '46
• Beown,
TTORNEY AT LAW, will pradtice
in the several Courts of Cumberland coun
Office fin' Mnin street, nearly opposite 'the
county jail, Carlisle. _ fob 9
Wn. 7 134L-Peniose,
in the Seiitntil Courts of Dauphin county,
end ofrers his Professional services to the public.
Itarrinburg, Jnn 19 1848-3 m
'"' • , Joseph — lffedr — ,
ATTORNEY 'AT .L t AVIT, Pittsburg,
Pa, has, returned s frorti - Carlisle, to the
practice of his profession in Pittsburg, Allegheny
- county, Pa Tel, 10 47
Henry Edgar Keene,
ATTORNEY AU' 'LAW. Will prac
tice',..=- in the several Courts of Cumberland
and the adjoiniOg 7— edunties, and attend to all pro
fessional business entrusted to his cure with ti•
delity and prompthess. Office in South Hanover
et oot, in,Oraluan's now building, opposite the
James_TL . Smitk •
A 'rTORN.RY - AT - L-AW. Office with
S. D. Adair, Esq, in Graliniii's :inei4 build
ing„ opposite die Post. OlEcO. roar 31.'47
Carson Vi Moore,
the ruin lately' occupied by Dr. Foster,
dummied. .• Jnor 31 '47
• It. A. Lamberton,
L.'ror,(NEy AT LA NY,Parridbur,
Po. ' • -• '4).4
Magistrate's Office Removed
. _
V THE Office of the subscriber, te•Justice of the
—lleaCer.lnts been retneved. to the house adjoining
the store of Mrs. .WenlcleY, in High street,-Car
' lisle, iminediately opposite the Railroad Depot
.Winrott's Hotell. My residence being there,
I will alscays'be found at home, ready to attend
In the business of the public. To addition to the
ditties of a Magistrate, I will attend to all kinds
of Writing, - such us Deeds; Mortgages, Bonds,
Indentures, Articles ofAgreement, Notes &c,
which•skili he executed in a neat manner and ac
cording to the most approved forms.
The Omen lately occupied by me, in Mr. Gra
ham's building is for rent, and possession had im
mediately. Therein is low and the location good.
jan 13 1848 GEO. FLEMING.
Plainfield Classical Academy,
Four toiler vent of Carlisle,' between the New
vile State Read and Cumberland
Valley Rail Road.
rpLIE third session (five months) will
. emnmente on MONDAY, Nov. lid, 1847.
. -
The number of students is limited, and every
effort made to secure their moral and
nt mental:im
proveme, as well as their cotnfort
Ditr:ng the past year upwards of 'forty students
have linen connected, With the institution.
The 'stUdies embrace all thatare requisite for
college, or any businesa Or 'picifession. Every
effort will be i ,made•to secure w. continuance of
patronage from friends of edfication.
' 'lnferences, terms, &c, made known BY appli•
ea ion, personally or by letter, addressed to'
oct 6 '47 a M.N. BURNS.
, „Ifforrett's Roth,:
11 1 1HE , subocatitOr r r OPINFA folly announces to his
, friends rti&ithe publie.generally,.thal he has
token tho'well,known Tavern stand on ,the ear
ner oiSouth,llanovor Sod Pomfret Streets, form
erly kept.eby Rol/aria, *tare he
endeavor to'serve those whiiMy%oull Open
him tho most satisfactory manneril' , l•The house is
jilecusantly.situated,%and is furnished throughout
with.good bedding.; andmiter;furniture, and • hie
aecommodations are'suall as-will. Melte it a con
' reniont and desirable slopping .plaso. No exer
tions With be,spaked to make it agreeable in all its'
doortiOnts‘tojhoso who may favor hint with a
celLi F. ' •
MURDERS. Will ha taken, by the weak,
month,-or year, at the ussal prices.,-
:9114 I.4rt
goiti/ 'Lb; Gr ande
of the -Tomo.'
1 , : , ; ,, .. , - , 1 1. , ... ria , iTrlbe. , .:l l, ' ': ';'
I[IOII 114,RP .1 AIIsISQ, -not,theltero,of the,
,duk ,ThanteS, blit iliolCnighit''pr;th . O'Hikzar"-re-'
specifullY informs those.reqiiiiing IdeProfessionid
services, that hp.lntlyekkways be found nt the old
stand in Loather street; else door west of -North'
4 .- : , ;fili'ittiOttat' ottet:,LimblediatelYt in {the-roar:of. In.:
, , .t , ltoil'irti• y store', anti sithettalilaiwill,nelther
f r
, i4niig.lingt' oath, yet ffor clean , . and :neut. SHAV- r
!I IING; fashionkble , HAIR' OU'llPlNA2frind ; tualii!
— P: i ill lay' rtiouvand . cul t ivating either ;Whisker, or.
;': i Afitustielie;-he - dooti defy:the .mhinty. -,'- -.-t : .ki
, n ' { ' lollttid also:male. invehterAnd , manufacturer. of
, b 0 `,. tile ' ettlitbnifed , arid' never. ined y tbr . bald
• . , nev, ' JOHNSON'S APPILMJIOILYO I,viijah'
'ho islatiletiriiiin - AirtietViestoring the hair, that
strld-itfail he Will.return one-half the purchase
money..lltiiti el)plietbditle4,ll . t t 12 1848 pt;
.onia l mit
into .o , ll - I bn , flo .
- 11 $ 1141 M BL ;a i.aioion. yrvori,
*l,ldwm-f, linifeconti,o,edinnd,..imin.ii, tfully
;1;14..10 i'ipiVap''ffilly:l,lll,6ite f,
•.754't *
• toNA , 1,1 04, '
4, ,
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ee:#ffi - ' ,1, 4049.1r741 0 011ttWis
',l^AAr Sitlextdid)rassOrtment .101:
• .` 'phint;li,at,jhe,_riltiogret9ro
• 4 n 12.1848 r i;
I , lotottisi'zartd:aalwinipromi , •
of Very
11 , 1e011g1v, street. " 4, " LI
,i l ;tiettgigd.l2y'rr;l,;l.N ladattrt ONar
- o ,i. Ij6>. ,ad tvrt ~:_evroffh v ibe.. 03 1 :n on n-- . ' qp
of - ' o:.oftriifiwt7,(,,olt.? , ,
. 00 1, 4 , , ; IDArr,OIOf6FF.O4 „Aki,PF , S , s. , h ; `tit.i.:.4:;riin ,
' ',.-,
40 fIP ~ 5 4 . 1r,"4 J."' 4 ,,,, nn I, 1,, , ~ •
;rth'elll4 fcr , ,r0t,, , ,, ',31.:.1Y0b. ~,1131,, M t..,-;•...-, J 10,1,,r ),!, '
AihAtriglllllll,l34 rron Preoh k . W INTI): f!4•1 , jtikt
...,, w m , roth., 77 .4ll l .ppprentii,cor & at Allis 14' 7
141 f^W ;?, 0 4 ,4 11- '4 4 11i1: 4 ,1 1 40`, 4 1 1 5 44 ° , ' ''''''''' ik t '`' '', ~ To no Nap thtduntry4refiirrett':i'
tii,ll4)qla,lo., ~,e 0 `',W . .:,' - ''' , Cl' . llNse ~)",o'• , P. 4 1 3.11..„. „. 1 , ~ ,t i ~ : ~,,:
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.Ifrifitatt 4 .lti l t_..a .
Valuable , Real Ilstatep
-Near Wincheiter,Na.,,for
on SATURDAY,: 18th: MARCH; Ma. •
BY virtue of a decree. of ,the Circuit Sbporior,
Court of Law and:Chhneery for the cokrity
of tin :
sale and division of 'the estate of A rthur .
Carter, dee'd.; the subscriberi who is appointed
special commissioner, for, that purpose,
ritimblietrUction the . follewing property.
.1., The - Mariatoir , HoueE- and HOME
aboVit 41- miles from Wind:eater, contain--
.ins about 300 Acres of 'first quality slate Land;,
wtilt a large' proportion, of, fine Meadow' land,' we. ,
tered -, by, the,Opeqhmt,im theenst and Redbud on
' the. Seuth. ..somediint; liko 1,06 acreS of ` this
""' " Treat 'are in - Tirtiber.• The
-,grovemante consist of iiiwe r atory
- 1 • 'wiih eiic-roome, - liiind 6 basement
' !•."- wbieltde, used as ft-kitchen and kir
-•Stables.4c., 'BerrysVille. turnpike_ leading
'and Mills, ifiOrmiin'd factories rke'all convenient.
2. :The WEAlien TneiO'r adjOininglhe
Herne Farm; .lesee,Calvertziod othere/hnd con—
taming 150 acres,' of which about ene-fourth• is
in timber: This tract is without huillinge,.but
is well , cleared' and fenced, and well watered •by.
ranningetreras. • -
3. A Lot of Woodland on the
quon, between .Jesse Calvert and Tauquary's
heirs, containing lei acres.
4.. The Paper Mill Lot at the junction
.efAtedb_ud and -o`pequon, 'containing about six
'acres of Land, with a comfoliablir - Dwelli
Douse and several old buildings, including the
old Paper Mill, which is a first:. rate mill seat,
having' a fall of about 20 fect.tin a fine
stream, and in an 'stack* neighborhood for
. 5. The Factory LoLabore the
mill, with a Woollen Pactory, a Dwelling iloush
an d four orfive acres of good land,
6. — A7Lot of Limestone Land on the
Battletown turnpike, containing acres, - ad
joining Mrs. Joseph K. Carter, Peter McMurry
and others. -
The sales-will all be made at the. Woolen
Factory, being a point convenient to all the di
Tstors—One- third payable June 15,18.18, and
the balance in two equal yearly payments, with
out interest, to be secured by bonds and deeds pf
trust, when the court shall have confirmed the
sale. •
1 will be on the premises on the day before the
sale; prepare to show the property. to any one
wishing to examine it.
Special Commis'r.
Jan 26-te
Valuable MU Property,
41 1 , dersignifil Olin at priyate sale, a gal
'. nvid, 'Nibs MILL: at the mouth of the
ii•!: Yellow Breeches Creek, and within
sight Of Harrisburg. The Mill is're.
built , Machinery and now-Dam erected.
_2.l2lAte is also a new Saw Mill jam put•up, and
only running for a feW•weeks.• the Mill House
is of Stone, and oitnbliud tirlysfs - npar 40-A-cre
bf first rate Lan - EL-on which is egeeted a Tenn&
House, Brick Bath; Brick_ Dwelling and - a zood
Orchard and Well of Waticr, with a Spring and
Spring House. This Mill, situated-at the mouth
of tire Cumberland valley, and within 3 miles of
the Railroad and •Pennulyania Canal, offers pe
culiar adyuninges for The purchase of grnio,,and•
manufacture of flour. -A large - Mir( of
eluiso_rnoney, if satisfactorily secured, may re
main upon the property. Applications, post.paid,
must be dimmed to
.Tan 26
Extensive Distill ry and Town Prcr
perty at Public Sale.
WILL be sold at public sale on THURS
DAY the 21111 Fepruary, 1818, at the
Court House, in Carlisle, at 2 o'clock r. sr.,
A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the north
side of Liberty alley, and iuijoining the Loan
Spring and property belonging to Jacob Zug, In
huff J R heem and Win. Breeze, extending about
120 feet on the said alley and a like disianco on
the Letart spring ; - Waving thereon erected ri•large
-. •
• with All 'the necessary apparatus,
24 a - Which is nearly new, And capable
1 . „of 'mashing 79 bushels 'per, day,
andalso an extensive Hog-pekand
'Other ilecesSary buildings.
Also; a LOT OF GROUND, situate on tho
east side of ,Hast street, hounded on the north by
Liberty alley, on - the south by property of Henry
Barnitz, and on the east byTthe - Letart spring,
containing 60 feet in front and 240 in depth ' • hav
ing thereon erected a two-story LOG HOUSE,
mid also. a two-story Weatherboarded House,
Cooponshop, good Stable and other out-houses.
'l'o anyrporson wishing to engage in. Distilling,
the above properties offer great inducements,-be
ing situated on a never-failing stream of water,
and At distance from an extensive grist
mill, • :., • -.
•Terms, which will be .very accommodating,
will be made known on the day of sale by •
Jan 19 N. MAHON.
subeeribers assignees , of JOHN W.
AL GOOD, will kl.ll at public sale, on,tlie. , pre.
mises, on•FRIDAYTttio 25th day of February,
ABU; at I I o'clock A, swim TRA.(.. LAND!
situate in South , Middleton township, Cumber
' land county, shoat six miles east or-Carlisle;
boande'd, reads 'l'.libiaac itiktliunn on - the
Ego-on tlie,SOuth, Containing,
30,Acres.and9dperelesofiCal hind, perf,Liine-,
stone. The improvements are!ull nev, , ;, consist- •
ing of n tVm-itory DWELLING
.lIOUSE,'‘.Bank Barn,' DISTIL
, t rattii , amt, bog. Pens, „telsper, rth
;other AinProVoinentsra koliy
hdielment reeentirbui4 and aro in jtoett.ordor:
'Fhb 'D Wit le ry - is!no* in full.olieration 'and - -; has
,theC,edicentege„of j ectStan!?strodrd'ef , lttimieg
. •:'".
ettle - vt'4ll,,Veltpatti.kilf l (oo: ol 9 daY
of , salo uric '
, mtFoNathr:±lEUßLlOntiAlailitr,
laTll44hOtoltiogepliblic:ealia tit:the reeidenr
V'cdf ihelnebeefiliek; intWastßennsborou
township, IlittYa' 'bridge, on WED N E
;PA Y .:thea6th,day.of # 7,qbritary; 1848, the pi , '
; ley ing b person aloproptty...Yiet7reTwo .firet fete'
. druoglit 'llorsescothredeDowaii:three 71bre04illat
SeweNtflieteliolings;arle , 9 hill.libiatt Wagon,
thirib*,l4. pli(lim Vieniglielode'Corn,:"
clovPheollot111 11 4. 1 YY;:*P stoighs,k`Pne;4lilV
ooltS ofi Nego,V,jear,i,“,w 6 ; 8 1,4 Priiii 1 11 1 ,9.
noes, wagon kende. bri dl es, oonateeptougn gearsi .
hurt; krlico;,log and cow "chainitowo -pairof hay
1 -lathhO t il,nitY libiLy wood: ladders; windmill, two
caning lictititii; 'One .or µ hicijis flovoy'a • patopt
-atone, bugs;-,e inn* ,
hid 'scythes,' 0711011:tif Iblowing tools,' tv
1 3 1*,-119rag'iNtig9n, fliaA4roOlini
:9 1 Pilbine , Alii!#Y t l . 1 10P 1. 4` , iir 1 0 ( 04, 1 0 ,I •4E ionise
ditr*S'llt9oollo:' , Pl - , t Pi;coo,t I S , , * th2"*o
.I re . t . ,abiktitißtycl; elover ayed:_by,tße. Vilenel.rte
JoetieVy thq bludor, l ?4lsci,_Hoadebold inplid 1 tte
On o hOlhitklattnhl tit iikedefeadii,tliaddlne earett'
'board; • Oxides;
1 24 t him oinked 'elockf els,sidisinitivestoCiaeoe' t
Bdle to Vonitnepeo:at , 1(/(ale, Wr,naidi
:dt.iVivhowcatien;diinco - Arillabe gnien.; and 'tartan
made knowl',hy:,i4v,
fob 2 MYERS '`
Assignee Sale.
- r ri • 1‘ '!-/ " r 1-
LI C S .' • ti 141. 4i144
Jr&K * i/
„ • . e .le, •d•
,p . ..11011)1H:TT.;
• • ' 8.111/1.411/ rt !,11 , pniu 1- " -1040 '
• I.
• •
-TO rallrli; 41101 V. '• •
nailergnid tatiti;
Or niark thy soft blue bYet •
Where "floats a dream of laveliTse, ,
Pure, inieelonaie„ grid
.But that my heait man thrill silt jay, ' _
And flutter with.dellglit, • . • ,
Tay Icty, thy !I poll eat( in noc'enca . . :
r 1I d o o d!ti- t-:
CI: could.l• crave a boon for•ihee '
The earth on never. give,
Irwould not he a worldly cratiti
Tor tvhich•eo'many live;
But it would be a spotless life
Of; innocence and peace,:
Such its would`gain tor thee a borne
' Whore blian'elititinav4 'cease.
•' •
mam, my-lovely beY, .
Thy'Oeetl .
eftither'it tender care. • ' •
Qin iteVer:creektietheet.
--- - Ant - could •my-wisheelmobinlned,
. .Thy Niamey, should he free .
Ftein till derteding giiefe and'eares.
'That lickve aurrouuideiflhl
• AB thee shall wing Ile onward Might, , ,
change that roily gleam • • .
, Whkh'Ungere on thy parien brow. •
In childliond'a pleading dream.
*Thy,'eParkling eyes ruby yet be
- • Willi - OWN unhidden ,
- 77 - Whercti6l6nd - hintheendear careen,
Orlathere smile can Om.
Though now thnielt fondly cling to me,
My little smiling boy :
Thou hast,a place within my heart, ,
. None else could o'er enjoy. ' '
. May love andjoy be thine;
' Around one altar may 1115! kneel,'
And worship ut ono shrine:
, Thorn more pleasing thought—
_.l:Mipemqiupy he ,ait
—77- thit on'earth - WeSelfiftiire; --
And from IMO ether part, •
Tlu;re ii,q.planeqt.pndleso bliss we may meet imain,'
Ta jolti the chortle of the'skies.
, In lienvenodsWeetest strata . I
3.lli 4 otttlatuco . .l.lz4
From rim Union Magazine:
Micro, sir, take that for your sauciness,'
cried the beautiful Ellen Stanley to her hus
--band; accompanyitio her ekclarnation 'with a
slap on his cheek, from the whitest and soft
est.,haild in the- world: - :•
The young wife had been exhibiting: with
great pride, a new baby-drestj 'had- just
finished, wrought with:her own' :taste and
skill. - The neet.Pattern ot 'embroidery which
had cost her so amok trouble to dram—the
leaftss and sprigs. Ed like .nature in - their
lornathe tiny Wreathe which a fairy might
have woiem—, ex iffilte — Spitienifer
of feminine tut ea.itLwas.:an sue a r
and Vtindal-as:Mr.-Stailley__
was t in_Anm
lier - il - emilifd - for !Mt - admiration by-mak int.
tun of it; andp her, she in have laid
out her mouth ' s labor in something better!
, Mr. Stabley loved,to.tease his wife a little
now. and then; and when lid taw‘the_playful.
curl of her, lip, bil"..tvent' on laughing at the
dress Star more.urancrci fully; till his naughti
ness, was punished by the accolade and the
exclamation recorded.
Another personage in theoup was an
infant about eighteen months old, who,
wakened by the talking, sat,up in his crib,
and looked from one to the other of its pa
rents; when the fathee, pretending to weep
bitted) , at the chastisement he had . received
appealed to the boy's con - Tussle* with a
lachrymose,'lsn't my darling, Heiiiirsorry for
pobr papa?' The little one appeared to en
ter into the spirit of, the joke; for ; after a Ino
nient's attention,'he burst into laughter; and
clapped his hands 'with childish' crier - di - tient: -
A tomtit 'occupant' of the room, did not
seem so pellet:fly to understand tvhat was
going on. Old Elsie, the colored nurse, was
sitting quietly at her work in a corner. but
dropped It, and looked up, when she beard
the inOck sobbing, her.' large eye , 44.lilating
with astonishment. ' The voice of her mis
tress, bidding her take the child down to give
him : his supper, roused her from her lethargic
surprise, and she obeyed in 'silence:
Stanley was the ideal of a young
wife. Taken when - but. a child in years,
from the home of a father" who idolized her,
to be the presiding angel•in the household of
one 'to orhom she- had.given her, pule head,
she carried into the. matron all the graceS of
the %looming , girl.-:'lliegooduess ik her
heart, 'arid the sunny joyousness Of her- dispo
sition., oven flowed in• a thousand
.acts of ort-_ ,
less gaiety. • She-sang to every capricious
melodj that 'pine 'into her head; she laughed
.at all times, when .there':.was • cause. and
when there was not. Her motion Was al
most a dance; when she moved through the
liousqatiti her smile, bright .and:Cheerlul as
dos sunshino i was nearly
,as.coestant. • Ever
active, because, she found ;it tedious to he un
employed, and 'a• most exemplary bogie tv He;
"The blitheet.hee
That ever wrought In' like;"
and altogether the lightest, brightest; m ost
; gracehtionost winsome creature, that ever,
until %von to, be the .idol •ol los , domestici,
illiief.tiitfiOlef tinSbaadifialled her his lay„
f ail& tiel;itowq , on;hetall Iteptiettl.;epithets.'ot
. adiiiiratiort nett' linidttihss.,' for 'tie , n'artie ~ that
' 'aids` het' iioeucar an d'in elodidurrwbuld have
suited torsv2lpas, herAnnecent loveline ss:
With the gilts qtattile hail bestowed,,she ,hill
fed a rare uultivatiempher lather: hattliatnellt
Atermiind: int all ;the - studiesl r w,hiolti.: tire ;the?
; higher fertniteeilutatide; teed Tel :
, thell'abceinpliehmente tileil.wasthciroughlt
.ttilstresv , i'indeedp they,t..ctitnei;naturally_ io
hiorttud lesSentovvetv uSefuly - ,chieffildn i'es,i
, preiiindl the',wild wriietylf she il infused', at e
'clietlyttring slich did; lesoectallpl her, .;rousteali.
Ale rforre ances-4itrisuclth er - mitlllt t belcalled
..-Ltn,'ltittli. w tire. °Litt uthlichittvirripulsive: acid;
IsPoh4tileods a's' the: sung of filtlkinocilcing bird
of Iter.ltitiiv.e?Clitrie:,:,4 - 53 . );Ittn vPrr.o. p,:;,,, , ; . •
,L. , : sweet Elieninthts,siet ahri!ihadt known , itti+
:;sorrow; and, if: titittikiir, And :41,00dneta?,:eoUld,'
, havis turned .: asrile the AT altvlhat-..,On)ers ','the
bosonciehievery, ;rnottalkrilebe);yould,•-htSieP
ptiaseil - hielifortnin lie rppluiltreau dtitditlyir
~ , , l ihit•thernf iiiiaurarront, , :tiavvill9ri ancl.;deore
retunl , than - the shaft. of; misiev it lwm,inged ,andi
111tithedl§phate, , #titliliiiitiAlavvettheyoang,
trusting . and" loguidtheallt,ipis;'spedl by , `lbci,
eininit bffenvylll;Jl i'll'till j`ff..etri , 'l: i o ,k ( i '
' ',,)
I rittlihe . ;lm eining,nttenthe little occurrence Nye . ;
JitOtiltiliAll4nedi•9l.di.litlsie aughthave r'Oen'
Ise e
tartlet,irsitkoal hasketi!oni he r .headoenteti tnl
tartlet,gatei , cheleit ging, loot .ii nettObp tug'
Avlltei?hdttadit, ; vvithri green'Eblitids's:itiv6rilite
‘V ith' , lticur , iar9imblngvroses,lihop4
V 1
' 1
' d p: i '
:inile Rerlleiqitustera'seneekaPOsi
iitatigiithe,ljarclitshrasednileit l l4o4Pi"t
.i4f I)a#i•atid
.haelt4:4dth'gvf alit ;0 1 ,9"# k ',ti Wci.,..fiiiiilidlo7itip‘i. ,
' , 14 1110 i10/ 3 ,000,40: a t 1; ...0 1 1, 04101*. 1 ::k
1 , „'o,l' ,q44lweit'i . i N 6,0:10,, , , t .
.),(0 . ,i,
iZ4I . . k .', 101C9i , : i rbITil k il,‘: C1::1!
'Ateie_l..l3..ii, :e.11'. ), ,a ti.6-.:aig44fili.iif
..-t . ; gi l d .ri nese . ; I!. e entuiF,,..wiulTir
~..gui. t eill,liftht lie-14610 3 ,4fafi'.CIplktintticlyi?),"
1 111 et Hanfialriottlailte4Piiii4driLirqtark• !
, i
w,91114 _ bayftAigtAy . i ,C 0
, sni 3 Od.:;bo,:pg,..,calVd.,
,soqh,,—ThEly i etilLrecQ ttl,tlibli„ , eon4Opte, •
,ifid *Eire' iiidefailditild 9titietifteEser hi:Wl,'
oficeiticrinTparliik.; A, .•,, R 4 . 1 . 14 1:^ q ' ` T i • q ' II - .
. ....... J, .. •• ~ :
`iritrAeie;', 4 atithibotv ;tiff
.14 I"
The'old,negresi:pist dow,n her, lead .and,
_rerneyntg . .a snow -WhifirTnt.
Vdhli OJAI* gird elra r Age'
floyers,lsent by, her yoting: isiiress r, t 6 , 110" t?
-'StAttlo3; 4 3 , gettaina, the;Viagtlo4 l .itt.matfir,;i It
habit ef,,Ellen,te. send frAttand
beilucti,troniber gittileriViher`r'elgtives;'bu t
these Were tar :chefehr ' fornhp'
;11 , 1ttries , Linwark were,toigiiie , a,,tett:lparty
-'thafeVening.-24t thelhcritotn„Jot .thel;baSket,
was ,ed;,. a
coke,bht covered with 'delf6ehr
was a minute WriSethzet.Lnhrurril - flowersif
..pnssedy as. they,.al,wriyidt4' in, ittnt, ; loe ahty
into searchin g queeitionshioi Only res - peCting . ,
the househOld'managerrient of Mrs. Stinky
but her goings out contings,p; her
ingsand!her.silence;_h'eKtiratrimissions_ and_
'her omissions; her every; wordo and action;
nay her thoughts;•alf,thepo the Misses
Linwark hoc. a,prolound ;interest; .',The , re
plies of the iervant were delivered with an
oracular 'air of mystery yiiire: with divers
nods; geStures, nnd half uttered--sentences;
.w tc. were rea t y mterprete. •y t jive
n pity of . the maiden
up, by,mnanstil:Elitie arittjirse. other ;eer-.
'wants, u regular systern of cspronagc over L•'l.
tell 'ever since her • - • -
Of coitrse,lhe_laeiticidentTertlfe - tiMPO II3-
ing evening -was-pot; forgotten. ; .The span
sters held up their hands, aniniplifted their
eyes, in one accord of timaxeMbriti'''
'A blow!' exclaimed the petrified Miss,
Winifred. - i ,
'Poor Henry!' cried Nlissirlannali; !what
did he do, Elsie?'
Miss Hannah, lie cry liaid for true, an
beg for mercy,' answered black woman.
'Dreadful! horrible!' exclinmedbuth Ibe:
sisters in' a breath. •
'To think of her proceeding to that! And
heso slight and delicate; 14 She's:oml! and
strong! I always had 'tf.kirbref'leat of her.
She :beat him sevetal - times'y* say, rnom.
Elsie"? , And he cried , ler : And ette
sent-opt of the room with . tbe obpd How
dreadful!' She will kill' iiiitChiie .01 these
Poor Henry:iittaft;:ii4ll'tie . diatio to
'save him • -
The groans and exclamatiOnS,Of,thOlisses;
Linwark wrought powerfully,,,tipon 'Am ima , .
gination of the old womaril:f,aMT;sliii•eirpa-•
Tell InillieliTlaaft's 'crittioncAlpiini-i fargerrors. -
if the'' - `tlrotirig" inisens wee tltii awful.
iiiilillifl - rihrldiffliiiifisi.lteno - So
use: —Poor. ' tri Alt tidy h i in
'ter,for .nab pay,_when...she
gw. ... an beat' him -thout -"-de lieid; -
un he face all swell up! :Elt look like tie
bin murder-die mornin. • Poor masial he no
long lordis wult- r -dat- to our : fr . -1r _true' . •
--When-morn-Elsie-departed on her Walk--
homeward, it was with a more stately gait,
and a head more elevated' than usual; mut
tering to herself; and -gesticulating at inter
vals; and at o her times -closing her mouth
with a forced compression, es an indication
that she was in possession of some secret
she. was deterthined not to reveal. She
strictly obeyed the injunctions of the Misses
Linwark, to keep 'silence regarding what
had passed between, them; ..
The ten-patty Intik 'plane; and there. was
Ellen looking like a ',fairy, in' her dress of
white muslin, falling areund her .symmetri
cal loan, witkan'airy;tintl floating grade,
-that rendered:ev,ery.,movernent a study' I,r
`nn artist. - her reduntlatiffuii was simply
parted over •berlenjiles; and reposed in a
massive braid; 00 bleem tifyouth and hap
pineis was on her Oheck, she looked . 'exqui
sitely. lovely, and .was admired of allobser
vers. Site lint° dreamed, that' While She
was, talking and laughing in the - gaiety of
her heart, with any acquaintance who chan
ced to be near, a tale of scandal was passing
around the room; ielienteil to group after
:group by the Misses-Luiwark, and whisper
ed in turn by those-who heard, until it was
almost the sole:subject of conversation: She
heant not the exclamations of .wormer and
indignation; nor
fastened on her, Nor. did- Henry . suspect
anything from:the unusual-tender attentions
Of his cousins; from •their solieitious remarks,
that lie•did not look at all - %relit:that he 'wits'
growing thinner •and paler every day; ;that
his face appeared to be swolen, and:his eyes
inflamed; and .that Miss Winifred was „going
to Send : Mtn A. preparation of her own, for,
'all Manner orbruiSee mid contusions. ,
The next The trtkile''ajiete of 'the. ae
4intititinied'Of the 'lisSe...4 'Liiiviark Were in:
the "hill tide Or.toltt , reSPEnt in g Ilie in fat n ik- .
tion.llLOY. littil . .reOei v edkt the' p a rty 'nip,
.walks and drivei tilitt_Were lalitiM and the:
calla long due iliiit'tv'efe'ptilililiScliSii the
matter!- It 'was curious •to hear hOW - iiiiihiy,
different. vereions: the`,..story , ..ricei Vett .in -its
;propagation—each !tow the.yery::besttlinthor-"I
• f•
ity.a.; N---,'--:;4•... -...::r;16'. Q. 1., ;a. ti; .7, , , , ,5,' , 1t i t •
~ i tropriiehOopir{the,, • v,eritnistfverSiOasie,l. the
'talei'andilie.ciiiidry embelislinflente:it• (Peek ff
_ved :, in . its!! progtess, f. 4 would litt.ift,,,lfteg! A. 9,9,1
greet for our pen k ; , :dt sprelitlfarvaad:ide.l
.ais . ,ystial ja,suell pas,es+before. the e ' :paittieS'
`most 'oimi4l3,'rn'Od,',ln'ei4olU,Wrif "Of th-tnafier.
I , ,,Thet 'titikiditCih (Pries as 0214 health? anti,
lii hie' ode lid' - kid' beirtiVititi.4o,l; - •‘vhitti"Alere,
!'litiefOlyitiVen!flenity,'cailitell'nO ''sii6l6ibn Pl'
'l,irimiincti:`ViiilVgilbii . id 46 1 tiWthtleitiki afar
! toWidekdaeo'pietl'h3 dtgerifiniikiteiiithiribti ,
• of •suntif;y,a 'halt idoikiiitailW a qt 1 611 .4 1 ,ii*
iletteiHrom':onaiofitet -.old friends, 'Who R. 441,
•;heerili.and:ti o te - tvittiThei .ittoryi AO, wrote .fp ;
Jetivitistrite'egotoetoueltmtvoot tut ly„oottie:.'
1 deco re Us itiolinvioroiltninsdy,ool,rstorrnutiiiii
Ltorithenturerrouse4iEllOnilroni, herAies, - )
',.ltil, ignOranoe....4llo,kOnqpiriProinc),,oxplrv , l
Jriiiti°rll4). and illie:Ao taloned qt ,pe whole.- •
'''.N.Citimit, iiiii4; , hi 'cif eXitihis • Oleo: lie u ed lot,
it'Yritg# part4', , ,to Vo , ift , 6lllWs:bbtiiii!O Alre':
'St i o4l4 l 4l)34ll.o4o.Y.' 4 "T i lidsilifttd»liiiit'liiipn.
'WOO *iiiitieVitiltiefrYfteeliiiiiiiatienAiatiklet
', 'tiiiitthlliiif iiiiiiiVileWrlteiii - Wfitit Vai l ' efo.
`ger . totiettept ', het lnyitottone:l.Th'er-'iooirie•
era" , t,croWdetil'ltieVAllitipeg , .14curArli:Agi,
,theirl. iuri,tl4oll4,Avkii Auip(igqt)ctO Ara, igr .
- rilnite44oli4:Uadti.i . ' . o). - ii.:O6il'. 1).0. , 1 , i- '''•:'
Ig.lnYtiti.44oo3l:lwittg..„b't#'.qcomiswpied ,, gota:
e0(1 , ) ...i1,44054.!934.4 ; s. O:iffionuniti i Avhin ~he',. , h e ',.
I'v ittylte tailtiiiiitir kiiii.r , ,t'Aftel , thecothpOil
6, , , , ,v ~,b tt4l\ - iiil'arl'iiiiCilitiitiiiiid l lnii-Ae
ut l,
'lac i'i l if' ' ... Litil MOdiliiit§,eil l alyyllfilitr AO
Ali 04- ~ v•. *Sifipwirillitillili ' Mie.'',i , We
iii6ineititk 014,VV- 4 J , 14 .Cg.'tr!. 1 -i'-q''. l '''' l. ;: , ir-A: 1 1
'::,' , r`.&llo'fi.. Oltit'AViiiliiiMilliiriWeinibirt4'l
iii*,o4.ll'l****l!gliteo4!..o9l6'.nad ii,
qtottinnOlifirsifoMditioliiiquiii4 4 .o:itkii*P
qlo , 4l,Welt4o4tiefiet,*tilitetiletti4tht„;elitte,Lttpohl
1 .0,ii,ii.!: , ! , 141 - f.,';q',o , ,P!Yo;,o:',,litiVr;;p 2 ,:t44g,tlNl.oll ,
• ;.:`,-.';',, -,':.', a'•,;',,i,)).r/:l,i.:Att4*',44-o:';,:::'','..':':''
t:t ;
Waß .re a"a y (mei tow Fueneure-in wep
i_driiiiik:lierlrientieliantneeaeiciti Ithicii
!eighteenth bhitrday:lrfnis metteri-Abb:was,
rePkv*, sli"loo,llow,,hejeet r . , She then,
di3teite4 , the - . gory, jokv heti, conle to her
lekoWl'elkertindriletnendeftli - jitstolline, - Iliett
'of filriother,
lbente.that had , been intkle. ,4 4 ',2,
fond . deierrainetigtiy,to ti ace the tale in Its eel
pholirie wintling,;, and to 104copp. ,
qtfic-.Miiies-lithviiiii-Theepinisters , Avri,-
glee in Ih6ircheirsT'anntliiokedi-ihel:kletere:
;gf : qt,ip4sinefs; 134 s they ; reaolyed, to put a bolt'
face 'at: :the,ousine=s; audl s eccordingly decla
'old' e gieti diem the 'ilifor;
mutton'. • • . • " '
surrim one& • She'eame dress=
eki'n_heibeet_gown:ol broad: round I¢tth
-ivßith , crialacm,llowers; her heail , emiered. with,
a. y.e,lle*. torbio.. ,She uourtesiett.hght mitt.
:,Veft'fo 6Oritliahy; 'aitil'aciiitta4l to, the
'Sp . ° lir here her :in istresi • :
EiElsie;" said lacties .
'say 4 ylow. -- ea me- tO-therrr-the-mornirit-01-the
ststeenth of July last; dud. said ,f. had - cruelly.
. beaten pfurtnasrer the nigh .before. Is this
. •
• The Old'Woman (Menai! her Mouth and
-eveij MiNnade
Was:Winifred rose intlignatlndeclatigg, they,
,would not be. eonlrentes'.., with akervatzt. • •
. 1 /13-e sealed, ladies,". said Mrs. Stanley'
calnily.. did net scruple to make as
sertions on the!itutl.toiit9 of this Women,
Li tik t.innsu s nw subirtitsolioarlier-qiiestien
ed. Speak r .and have no tear; but
Speak the sitople.trutii." .
. 11 •111 ay
. il 'Lor' lieb - ibercy upon me l'ejac-
Waled the tiegresa.; "I Will speak de honest
"suf . ; maSem tor:old:Satin bin hab•me in his
power. ebber siticeA.,,tole i slat, lie !bout my
missua. :I - Ou see, mosso, Aley ladies ax me
bid heap j o'-Miestions ebbery day ; 'bout you
and Mies Ellen , and puf•all sort o' Hugs in
my poor bead. But Alas no eicuse for old
Elate, tor tell wicked lie 'bout her good, kind
missus I"
"This is tuo much!'? exclaimed Miss Han-.
rah—"sister let us go!'
_ .11G 0 ..Elsie,?' stud Ellen; while her hus
band stood in the way ol his irritated cou
o be brief; the whole matter Was ex
plained to; the delight of the penitent old
nurse;,atul the contusion of those among the
guests. who had beep most active in spread- -
ing the calumny. - The Misses Linwark
were highly- incensed at this exposure of
their entlignitifttrejected the Totiveness
offered by Ellen and her . .eusban'd. But
Moir dared riot give vetit to their - vexation by
any more , slanders. For , 'six . months they
actually hell their iorigUes,;, JIM( the penance
neect*Ch4lrlefithertifirtatteri r that.
pardoned them.-7
Iler.prusentS - 01ritits - and flowers Were re
auttedpbei-.-kpfinttcurAteie ,ibrited to:
family - dinner wilitferlind ikwas,agampri.
a friendly footing Weveeit.tlienf.
I do not -knew that_ the Iltisses-Linttark
profited - long by the severe lesson - they're=
ceivod. But others took - it toAeart; nod the
foregoing record - of unembelliSlie('
. !ai
may be a warning to gossips in general.
One of the humorous IVestern coffeepot].
penis of the N. V. Spirit of the Times tells
the story of Fullerag's First Adven,
tore with Capt. IVhiskey." The Capt used
Phil. bed, as he does every body else who
folk in whit him, by knocking him down,
throwing-Um among the bogs, making a
fool of him, ttc: but still Phil. le , . es him bet
ter than his wife and children:
'After. I-had sucke&an 'acquaintance with
cider 1 kinder felt platith.and wanted to so
ciato with the other liquids of the family.—
I'd „rowed amazin in the time I was prac
fizilig it; my legs had stuck out of my" panto
lets something like a feet and al:811,11nd my
jacket .kinder squeezed the
,when 1 buttoned
it jest ,like a feller would , squeeze ,a
''round the frock ' gethors. ' remember the
lust time T saw the captain rematkably—
'twas about filteen years ago and he beha
ved himself so leolin to me, thatlltaitth for
got hint yet.'
Phil's nose clove' into hi% tumbler,
and came Op again acl•orrijianied by look of
disappointment from his eyes. • • : •
~old, man sold nie to I.las'on"--I :was
born on the Eas'on Shore of ,Maryland, gen
tlemen, licit I mitt 11174:C• of pfd worse fot that
I reckon. As I was sayin the old man sent
me. do .14its'un lohand over , a leap, :hay, he
.had sold ,the,day. before, tio I hitched up the
NV, rqpn ~ , !P• the: horse , and ,trayolletldown• to
thkt.todjyyjnal !who had ;bespoke , , the 'dried.
; graes.,',Arter,l had forked it tulothe second,
, story, af,tlia stable, the:landlord of thetavern'
;crime-, out.and as,ked,:me; into thehouse to.
taketsome hmtlwete, Pon. meat know gen
tler:eon; they. call 'this, old. ,baldlide stud of
youvt,thard Wale' down th ay. , ~1 .watworter
; bckwittlithett und,,ijdn't:lifrolo go in. I'm
not ,troubled that Way tam, gentlemen, so
you needn't be beside' ,aboot,,calling tor.
di ihks; my ' 1 ,4,114,ti is arieith the :bottom,
and my tiftlittWayr 1 - 011qn go so slick as-l.
,should. like. it , whenl. Want:the ,efortlit to slip
19 11.
acheglititS,esliher this hint :i,vete,repletlialt....
ed' Lalikey: Joe's ex Pelise; ae.ll'' Phil 'theniiptocee',
thougliti?ilbeltet not Make'
Mu( :u . p;,to tiye:9o99t9r t bOltl.aa on
'Eastrati 4h3ifis . ' bull: • the' linidlont aiidd:nie;
!in hat-1 , WOO aktitink ithont:
fAsitraw.and burrigholejl?...mta
•Vielil AFRO ;11ig1 , ia11 . 4 1 9 . 1,W,a4
so I job', aria' aglik4l likm• rwhal,hteit
taty"4:liirmentiolleiriliitiP 7 thinditr among
tA TWO I h*Fillpdpf, ify
ilftlOOViliays:4 ,4 ,l4 l fid, , iti . r.oll!;" , l,l l ß/FgAdhed',
;60,..rtiaelebleetiowaditi - rne . bottle and-i s o..
.I.thiril:4o4:4olltiefkitMliebettleityttt f&Id•
i'm0,1#11'0,.:30111.11;if,;;Ilifil;-.baille ,Itsid„a
and was;oyerli 0r411,1 fi b18.2 kw 0 0 01:
iid . Oltlikatififalit teld ION;
and ditliil l ,lcticith Whin
Itep,vniltittiq..hintriun tilt he had , kiveie4 !hp
!mal t; amast, witen:A.pot. him ?0w,,,:t
and aqilifl3r Mid,
!Red lanfiliultftialw:lewammitc ., A l'A!*alc gop, -
I,Alir994figtt**ll9,ri . os 7 , , ;gutioti
VPiOr•OwAY, a 7 'JP!" wi l c e rdtkmart;Qh24.
yea, t cauttuft to Wilah's 'flee ::;;If tir
''but, My *hat,
and 4 *licarph Ma'
/gfr,f4qll gil i r:%;43o9•V VII -9 161
the. lan d rd '' a w mina gam noticed
•410' li inlitMilflOme of .fiW
T ; ,
eynty, outbid' thelrin atter,< foi itvtept a wmkm
dowo.,Watablesolhe room arsoclin!the,iSen
`4oiY:life'radre-fist: tin -4 44i iiiidlOrneTot
TheeMinter_itilt - 'sited the' tandlOid hind:
liiti!over.a drink; and teirinVlO me hoaxed!
ILL — wouldint itne,him l'helandlord,
oval' iae ,agin,
thought as the iellei had'been . polite enough
tei ask- ma td Atink I n'i r Oohl'ut natuSe; so' I
:stowed stWaranoeG~r hi rtir—mblet—'-foll-titater
,my Vest, Well - we'd bin Pia n din? there
"lii7Ehaiii different thin L. when all at once
' my - knees we w .l, and 1 droPpethotimAirt . i,
or three tric es. ' iriyeelf - up
'and tattled - ihnlidloisceil O hy one had . push;
-ed3the haeks:dl myknees .funibut 'There
was- nobodrabont,.;„The landlord . the rt. says
to thisfellary. l .‘ I rather • giteti's the crip,"un rs
'operailif"!'the'lelhirl''''He,: . litlfed and Said,
Alletittia!righV there
..Wher. heard' thiti I thought some captain
Was coming ;along with JIM Begets, tor I
lteeifi; some wasp I 'infighted, so , I tur 7
tied to'ilte door 'when I' thoUght'' Somebody.
'pushed Me against the jam, for I went - against:
-it-right-smattl—tell-y.ou r .-1 7 Iook eflromid
again, and the landloid, arid feller was start
dirt.again the counter, and couldn't :have
ben near me: 11Zeil - qm - ttlio-if Was push
ed me amain the door, when somebod y
slammed me down Ina. Omer close-by the
dotir: The landlord liughed• and said' 'he
• gueiseffit Was Captain W ine.'.
1 . g ot sorter mad, and got tip - and - an said - 'l'd
thank him, or any other captain, not . to •be
pushing me - abnittr - Wlieff - somebody took
meily_teLbeallaniikeklurriiitg_and miting,
Me all round, then I began - _to think they
were playing cocks en hie, and I Oorrimen
ced pulling off my domestic"' jacket when
some feller putted me right smack on the,
floor, bottom down, and it wasn't an easy ,
pull eyether. - I tried to get on my feet, but
they kept pulling me round, till I gut_ as mad
as thunder, and dared 'em out in the yard to
file!. .
-the streets, coqrtesying. and howirig,to each
otner, and exchanging , salutations in the ,
most captivating manlier .j . speCulatioir, 'tra
ders-and' shavers are moving•• l abbut with all
the powers of locomotion they pegimeiren
deairating to " make. ,hay : ia•hile the, sun
shing_s," tiie . to,
filthy frpero, wrap Peri in
his scrape—whielteoritains m o ot We thaii his
own degenerate Body—strolls ear'elesslyend
slothfully--along-looking -out for. somebody
who lies the corner of a hankerchiassicking
Out of his pocket.
But hark! while we are thus writing l we
, hear the stentorian voice of the soldierePthe •
Grand Plaza, commattrlingAft guard mount
ing, ' , inspection of arms," and immediately
the birgle.rof the - fhtle Regiment send, forth
the notes of martial music, which are echbed
and re-echeed through the I-Hall - of ihelVlon
tezumas," arfil•as soon as the railing et guns
ceases, ,some far_ty,drup_a_m_ens andas ,giatry,
fifers s t rike up Wailengtores Jilarili;,,,as, ,the
'guilds pass in review, and we are again re
minded that "gran vieaged•NVar,'Pviith all
its libirors and corruptions still prevaile,..and
continues to desolate this land of wahine and
flowers—of cloudless skies and productive -
fields. And we have but to. let ourselves,
' wander off two blocks mid there•wrzi find our .
owe gallanteogettymerrovho have.lelt their
happy hornes,Ahelr ettienta, l their wives, mid
Their own dear, little,enes,,to heir aloft on
the points of their swords and bayonefs'our
victorious eagles, amidst the storm of -bat
tle and the shower of bullets,—now barna
_down by disease, without :he ,soothing hand
of an affectionate wife or sister. or a devo
ed mollier, to cool their parched and -fever
ed foielreads; wohoutihe kindness and con
solation of his relatives and friends, while his
noble spirit is departing to worlds unknown.
How gratefully would we all hail a cessation
of hostilities with Nlexidb. How •will'we all
' rejoice when peace, happy peace, shall
spread its welcome wings over our proud
and conquering army, and enable us to re
turn to the land from whence we came, full
of honors and of glory, and amidst the wel
come and greetings of friends and acquain
tances, receive the consolation of having
done our duty dr oiirselves aed to our coun
try, and by the pleasant fireside portray, the
beauties of the country, we have seen, re
vomit the ilang,ers and fatigues we have en
countered, and•tell of the glories t lve have •
won and of the laurels we have woven a
mong our much loved stats and stripes.
Yesterday a small party of 'Col. C. F.
Smith's Police Guard of the city was fired on
by a band of robbers or & guerrillas,. oc.eupy
ing a house in the suburbs of the city. Not
deeming their;force sufficient to: assault the
house, they took a position,that would2pre
vent their escape, and sent for a reinforce
ment. The doors were then forced - and all .
'tire iernates captured except (Me, WhO jum
ped out ot a window, mounted a horse .and
dashed oil at full speed. As he 'stifled off,
be drew a pistolandifired it batik: into .the
crowd—without, however,. injuring any one.
There, was one of Jack Hays' Rangers start
ding close by, apparently a silent spectator
of the whole affair, but as soon as the Mexi
can fired his pistol, he leisurely diew•his re- ,
volver, remarking, 'Ali. lie, my, darkey, that's
a game that two can play at P , end .at the
crack of the pistol, down came the.llexican.
' The Texan then ono anted' his owt 'horse,
and alter runningfonr or five hundred:yards,
, lassoe d the horse Mid' returned ''with' lien,
I saying, to'the' officer present, 'WelliCaptain, I
as 1 knocked "the'centio out - ofltiat fellow, I
repose• Pin entitled te\lire'poni7 l 'l:lle'offi
ter relined in , theaffirfriative,milillieTeXall
'rode ofr las-cool as though : it weir 'in • every
day bustless iittli'llun. Thelvleideriegwho
were taketi•in the'..licinse !were Sein....eff to
- the guard Jtoiis'e;:itrid ill be tiled E by'
:•D E pAwrose, or A BAIGOr.—Gen, Cad wal
atier's,thigadei ferAted.',lpithe Grenil Plaza
this.iiiornin,, ,, ,.al,an early, herir, . when hete
Was an cild:lasitionedbirldfrig of 'Gadd-bye.'
iidwai's levito'serisoliliefi bid'daiillidether
"Goif bYe".--Lit is so cwartn, scr sinthusikstic,
enlist° lulLorthe,eineeriliPF,ttuP , firiendship
PO igv4ri#Y,PM.llol.lle.kiir, ~t,Tm.;
pliiaii.,, 4,4 p , f .RT , ,s.!-I 4gi i i,imP t ii, 4 i , ?...,:-
'ybu•P 'How strongly 5•l t. rit LIM iV e ith
the ioldVtuitsielifig, haokneyWrPhraoo l ol ci
.iilians et hodie,,,Ailleu,:my;dellr frieud.'—
Aklbele9lllFKOWPWAil' f iV n oCt'A;4 l ll4?•!b al , ld
'th -- ar - olhod by'tt ll e quarters?' Graricery, woo
, hat ' iti`briell - 'ekchangelf ' s Millet tbris u ak• I hey
I t ''';''''',. 4 " A ,:•" l" '": -.4 f rr .e"'ie l l* E ATil ,'.. r.:. ,- prisSetk the tar viaifilledliVithihn'iftiiik-stir
ivirdit'°'9fti WY -Li;air'll.focti ~. - .'; .. ' ring notes of 'Yankee boodle/01'bn rank
~,, ,• , ,to al the anguish of derlmar; - ' t ' ''' '' • and file.entertain the meal _remarkable de
-'irttn&vb,wed inftrire anther's thirei'ill - . ----- g r oo of ar.ithuislie Isql,illg f9F.tke C h ief whci
- '' ' ' ''itilli i-i nl i n n ifT ee l fl oo . , ,tri tli 2m_ ti r t ye an4 i lr e !, et." ' • '::: . 4 1. 14 , f 10 - c t f!" ' ' ~I t e rn , tiii°9 g b I P ' '49-Y trying
I.: clwit's w r Int zee 'llou'ii'LA-:ll.vAllar;;N•rern—s't l'' ' lane erilobi r ekonea; irawhi. hal conducted
' ll 1 - 0-1---'irr'ri ' ' ' ~. v , :1. , I' them tetha tapineet'perik Willie Whir el iante. I ) -
•,I '_ ' •,, , ~ + ' L'',- ,„, „ iwberohey staid before liirer Oripasahy hithi
l 'ellrOgett''Zekel' 34, : , t ' 1,4 ... "All ~ , , Ihey l appear-:ls l lpoltlbeltehlulttmvAe * the'
"I, : i1 W . ,.. 1 1a1t0 !Oat ,r
,iir''g',lictili - itrlsf•,-o•h ‘ iate ' ',," ' To o r ip - A orrect chttrater - of,the lioldier, - pan a,.
i tr"' l li, l - , ePt 114 5 4-4. , ?P-'4 9 I D fl. u .' l4l l°‘ vitu '..sirti'ollie time 'Theliiinlieviii.trelleOf Illd
t z l l- 7- , -.,, t . ' ~ $'
1.{,.; Void: sec o ri h w,,W if ft e i l le,* n folit his at
,./ si, &a? ''''''''',l v - '' ''
q l '''' n " 44 ,1 1 ,, , i'i 4 a n ued porartnain theilbitinlilibtAatic°. 11
'',d...rll!...,!"icli!!'!!4 corked' your the rank and file, hall.ot9.olclut*tr ,ever
'4l Pv .S 4 ' . ' '; • ''i ' - ' " " 'I • i' '. entio•tined_Owle . '-‘1.4). 1 ) PCO 6I / enc e ,in
- US, MO ''' ' 4 4' '); ' ' '% l 4*-4 1 41 f 4 " I '•
; ; thti akar" WhQ Let ' V114 1 0 1 , 1 1! l i l l ir i tiU g . .-
t WMiIeN:4 II I6 . 1- Vhdrifint4all44o:loiiilo44l liiii'Vhi a lyritd(l d, gn - lie 2 % 9 'P; •
we uneet,lie 0:3 teahionable!ui oamaighbmWt ail I - NI:rM; ( 1-j '•'''' --I '' . ' ' 'C/4 :,lung
frid ,l , i142,,,tP xxr.'gx.l xi 114.1", r. fr tiof4P4 '' 1 '''W 'l C t 1 `l'llisi,ott . 04 *IMO tOr idiad•
74 . 4 493YClit tc4 3C0 ,1 0Lifhts: ' 1 • I 'tit A ilfiiiiMillsteriallimalltVeki Ottlz
1 9,..,44P, PIPTC__... Ot ,Vilatik •. t '':;,4 0 4 0 _ , 0,--fi e vd 1104ittlet, br_son ‘ laitt leait .
m4900,01,4P. intOPlA*P., , ftm . .1
y, ~,tyipbhoeig.%WrataiJa l th 4'o cif; rlf , ', ( ,
I t
tii#1100 . ,49,1) o, l Ati,ltell
s .fflig ' ' -.'Yr,' - , '• , ~, - .
-,,,,4-0..„-L. 0 ,,i,...4;i4,.; =,.1.;.,..4:,.4,Viiirl ~itlif ,-: <4m5..)10-3 Nll I t rowts,,z, 1 p . 1 . A
"..:.,5448 - 21.',. - _ , f....'-' :10: ;/''t1'",:e.f.1....f..""'=,:-:Vsi '441',1 '', ," , ." , ' f 4 :V.,4';;Pi1'. , 4 ilet 1, -- ':4 , 04,4t1'; ' ,
I got up off the floor as soon as I could
get away from them, arid went into the yard
where I saw the old man'ithey wagon, but
I had been so all fired mad at the way I had'
I e
been treated 'in 11 tavern, that I didn't'
hardly know what wasm
about ; so I turned
round 'again, and w nt up to the door where
I saw the landlord and-teller, standing, in
tending. to give them a licking, for I was
epiniky as thunder; when - somebody pushed
-- me t and I sat right plumpinim horse trough
which was full-of Water.; and •my flew pant—
alets which had put-on a purposetergo to
Eas'uni: were y Wet clean up to my jacket;'
and when Lgotour,the water run dawn into
my shoes, iaLmade. me as wet us the head
of- Sassatras - I:6*- - - - F.l you ever seed :soft
soap a..bilineti,"rnay have a faint idea of
my feelings which was riled lip to the-high
,eistnotch.' ._
,Uoutle_right _fox_ Ate, _door,. to
ita - i
pll - it° the - landlord whO,I .I.leahl Irani .
when k Was tripped -*i 'bk , the - seine ' iiii,
butpownsOeller, and• Come down sprawling
in among a-litter of pigs which was getting.
eirTalfefillioif lunch from_ the old sow. I -
Tell flat upon one of the sgileakers, who
a dozen pigs in' his carcase, and afore l'hud.
time to get away from the Ming, (for I Wits a
dfaiied sight more skaret than all of therlii,)
the old sow came bristling up to me, and
fetched me such a root, that it sent me over
into the puddle of !dud. The landlord and
the teller come towards me 'and picked me
up; lot 1 was as limber as a rag, and carded
me to a bench by the -tavern and set me
down. When they set me down, I asked
them what was the use of pinging me so,
I hadn't done nothin to them 1
They told me they hadn't done anything
to me, it was Captain Whiskey that had put
hold of me. I axed em where the Captain
was, and what reason he had tn serve me so.
They only laughed at 'me; and said I would
-know better next time. • I had worried my
sell so that I began to feel sorter sick at tl:e'
sturnmick, and in a lew minits I was most
orlully trier I yrax done cascading,
the landlord Called a darkey to clean my
-head, and take' - me up to roost. I got up to
the room without much trouble, for I was
too weak to fits with any one, and the dar
key stripped me of my pantalets arid other
dry goods—or wet goods, they were then , —
and I got into bed. • The darkey went down
stairs, and I laid there it, few' m mits. ' when I
felt some one rolling:nie over in bed, and a
lifting -first one eUfiteiiind;then another of
the bedeteacl,Whan't 'Unfitted on end,' add
cornmenced-'betitim : Vinhout with ter arms,
When 'I got bold of the 'feller' who I thought
was trotiblitig-mei and bring on to him like
biicks. We fit aboutupon-the bed, when at
ast, plump we come'on the floor, butt had
liiar, - undertieath; I peggett it into him I
'don't know 'how' Iting, Old at laSt 1 must
lie got. tired and
,gone to sleep. When t ,
woke bpi Wes Tying' on' the floor with the
pillow Oder 'the, mid 'ohe fit , niy 7 bocits hi my
hatik'witli One 'end:of 'if heat out 'ilsit; and
'my 'keutikles"wes'es • sore: ;Cs' thunder.
must have playeifit.inte that' pillow and my
boots, no the leek- of the
things. and this feet tiftny fists.' ''• •
'• So you 'see' gentlemee;-thitt's.ihe way the
:Captain eat-tied 'mei-Cou our •fitst .acquain- ,
• I anrcii, - -,=:it mita alllirail ' dirty'triek — butt Love
tiim"'tor; all , GentlerrfeliP-here , 'is.:l6
'Whiskey tL-plaueed",iif ilicifititipriiak; it bibs
kith en -the prObitec iilways'havo
a cheap late and' it'Safif:pasthigeAtiwii 'eta
throats.!z?-llit't 7 C - eitnWetr-to 'that Pint---and
t , 1
,T)TE .
?PWIP 3 PYPOPg /- 1 4Yell. ,, Atk that 4liaioua
So' sweet. ,em iihorthiee 'Sias my ableelight.;
AiiiiNzeberilreadluidtthii.leisott 'fa be Siiije;l ;
'Age ;copes m !Rawl); pad lieelier,,hiya depart„
Teegiatie - oned kisslifeie qyclide
and..lovo,e4,4lloletmy.eMi . ,:::l64
— nbatT4 4 ,c9.Prie-tP O :, I 3: I LIPP. loss of h im
, „F".f ti 7 . 1 171 ,
. ...*:Vr(49,;orti.Y.XerrlVelv
-41 4,, z fl 1 . 0 ,0
6f; 4*...\":1;"
Xa - a.n 4
-j NUL v
• L"."
. , VZllOkelOin,„_kV Orleans ilelta's
. ,
eorrespondence4loq9l4Wing... , ,eoCetsvy-- --
i A :NiftwetritifsAlPf, lfct: - TtaiiiirlFftf 3 .l') of
Maxie._ J . ° Atil9Pgkjt • Vl B . .a°94 o iltolflgtti to
.14 6 "coktia -01 01 RAO!' of our °°91119',;3'164.1
while it listed than the severest 'winters+ of
New York, lowit - or Wisconsin; andyou will
perlutpii-he'surprisedimilien:li tell+ yCeil that
the Coldest- marningolid,herimake,tegcmote •
than the-erxteentitel an ; inch thick; Tot /till,
at is winch-, lit'..ftfiltr - Ilre - paitletV - dttps - 111 --
evei, - rAtireharkehringed - corn the
Aveathertuaier has moved his'pegtyinittiiie
110% have andling,, balmy §prlyg,..wilt;
invigorating. freshness in the morning, aft,
its geniali w.itoPiitg,fion Joriov9;tho 4 lonot
too irciol- or too Warm"to be disagreeable.—'
So hiNuitifol:arid SO" plearisallYdeci the'sun
rises and tray.ersu-Alie_utintriuded7slo, - and
then so graceiulliantl,niajesfielfreel* be
hind the4tigh',:dttiltonountares encompass- '
ing the Valley ,cit'llexie6,..refleatinj; he
brightness' of its 'ln a upon the eternal spew
ld: k
_capp s o _ opo cstep_e_t U—
ad, that even the'veriesP grumbler amongst
us cannot findjault,; the great mass •
must smile and.say—
fine 'w E
eather:" . Vbrytitirtg,, aniiiiite and
itraniinste;dppriarectO be,affected' hysihe'. in- .
spring, and stimulating, Influent's or happy
and ,inerry-makin,, ,, keep,,aire
their,filling buds„ . ' fi ovrers are .bursting
their pods, ni! the tiekle - are - ifiertimiti,,.4heir
. Spring robe of gieeif vetdare ;' kiilkin+their