Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 02, 1848, Image 4
- '449 • . . 4 e111 . 1 1 T . 7w*. q ' ti f f# l o:o 3, FA• WEINE`b'AY:4:IO34I.:4 . IIY 2, from' tbasbittfiton, torresitbrileacept , b , tiN;:Athiiiieim unit AU. A., Gazelle ,The Scott ! • • .WislzitcaTos, Jan. 25. longiii — auy:grOund for spec ulatiOn as i 44 truth of my despatch o f the 78li inst. communicating the fact that a cOttrt:of Inquiry had been urder ! ed upon pen,. Scow, Gen. Pillow and Col, DUnean, at Peroie,—ihat Gen. But ler would succeed 'to the command of the army,—and that Gen. Woith had been . relieved from:arrest, by •the dismissal of tale charges preferi•ed by Gen. Scott.— Those whochallentted the correctness.of Thal:statement, are now convicted by Gen. Cass,' who upon behalf of .the tration inade the official announcement this day upon the floor of the Senate, in•Mr. Crittenden. This proceeding is one• of the most'ex , ITaordinary and.outrageous in the annals of any government.' The Commanding `General pf our Army, after if series of the Most brllliani . and 'splendid victories on •--:record while-in-possession •ofThe capital of the enemy, and ''while actively•pursn- • 'jug- the project of the campaign, is smut. Inarily suspended froni his command,and . ordered teJ.ttialixt_the_heart_of_:_that ene my's country,:helere a tribunal whiCh an anomaly in the history of all military l oourts. He is not only disgraced, so far! thdatt — Of Ole Government can disgrace him, by depth ing, him of his command, but insult is added to injury by dragging him -beke-a-bod-y--of-m-ar,-witfrotrt - re fer once to the commonest decencies of the military - Service,and with an utter disre gard of his ranlc and rights. I sny the outrage is without. parallel, and nothing but the madness and , depravity of those who have perpetrated it,. could convince us that we realize the facts as they have been disclosed. The indignation of the country and the just retribution of universal execration, mutt be the doom of this new :aid wanton prostitution of power, to the base purpo ses of political and personal vengeance. ;What is it but a repetition of the attempt to destroy TAYLOR and his gallant band at Buena Vista? What is it but a con tinuation of that system of oppresSion which itit'S-been practised 'toward Ecatt y Wino officer Who fias_distingh self tiMirwa'r this court, I rcpeat,is an anomaly such as never before has been witnessed, Citn. Towson, it is said by military men, holds ''no-lineal rank in the army, although I have:since been informed that he is still in the line of the army, and has been br'o vetted as Brigadier General, since he has discharged - the functions of Paymaster General, which -is a recognition - of his rank. Col. Bcllinap has been substitut ed. for Col: Butler, as a mcm-ber of the court.- And- then, Gen. Cushin g , the: lb servient tool of any party that will pay 'best—the political Smolt), who turned his back upon himself—the apostate, who a- bandoned the party upon whose shoul ders he first clambered into notice, for a convenient price, and the pliant instru ment of the present Executive, is also one of this trio. Such is the tribunal before which the scar-covered hero of Lundy's Lane, and the laurel-crowned warrior of Mexico is summoned, in the face of the enemy, manacled with charges, advanced by one who owes him more than any oth er living man for allot honor and advance ment in his profession that he now en joys Is there an American whose blood does not boil at this violent indignity? Is there one that does not feel . that he, ought to strike down the petty tyrant - who has stretched forth the herculecuiliantl of pow er, to crush one who has given along life of honor and usetulnesS to the service of his country? Gen. Scott presuming the operations of the campaign to-be closed, applied in No vember for leave to return to the United States. The result of the. Court .of Inqui ry will not affect this application, and he maybe expected home as soon as its pro ceedingalaVe closed, if he determines to attend it, which is questioned ; of sooner' unless the President deems it rox.f.ric to change his views. It can dome harm to repeat that Gen. Scott arrested Gen. Worth because he ..'refused to communicate with the Depart rnerit-of War through the gomnianding General, according to. the recognized u sage of the service. This arrest grew out of a correspondence between the two " officers, in reference to an order of Con. Scott concerning letter-writing from the camp, which the Secretary.oc•War caus ed to be veiived with immediate applica tion, to Gen. T aylor for his letter to Ge.n. Gaines. • • Gen. Worth 'has won no enviable - dis tinction througliontlhese dilAculties,how ever valuable may have been his services as an Offlaer. - - --There are facts of - a . grave, cluiracter,4bich if brought tolight, may give a : different shape to' public opinion . to Gen. Worth and 'others,who haye'riot 'been T/EPRE . CIATED in the'puhlic. 'correspOndence,from the, - aeat.of tear; ih the dontrait. ; yvithothers, whose gallantry and. iiehieieniehts might have: &hied: , some . respect, ; yvith.lhese:.Arery ,okirArrrig, hiatOrhtns; as they , profese to be. - Ilion- Oreti - ..;Worth for.all',that.hihaS`derie,' him: . at:the•i'xpeniii of • .. brave o . l4eraorhol,desesve ,as much. of ppifblio} , !,Jittiegrastnritiof*l'exiCgiirag , ol.- . 4 tid' or i g i: , have! : . ..:o# ll l,YtPß e *d. :• 11 1,A T e l a ,A* B-1 9 1 '. 7 4 1 "inia_ tiagtitshed:ilears, - .who the •ContilLt&i.. - 1 ----light4 - tcy'alleo7M-appreciate forrlheir aondiictiarthe field: k s • • ' , 4 - ringovp;and o, vamps:, . .CAL::GRE'4o:l:,',.i%Oglti . jir,:rxiijgep,,,oll',pi mpg, ••„-, • • „ """"-- c,•„,0 4 1 1 . - I 9 74l , ol‘ll l )4afiat all: fRf: r 'Vr o'l, , • e tge cer. , refer LIR to ' ' fPl i -b*N•t 94 .4\ i .r:)4 4 #o4* 3 *l l 'l4trArointhit, • • • • - ..n. , f6theaigembhngnf a CouPmoofito3plorki y, t tci;stss••atitelet ;:otrrilistivqiec Mau 1 .triii4l4 Aici,ii . AeLsines;last,ite,4lipt tor !ft, • ) 0;),,Vi., 1 4)-G wintrol.,o4ter diachdrge of , - 1110 Ma, • ME rr7..--- Irair ` '`ll - 11irliegiqilaceet ,T e • niiireiVimehr--e' , • • Scott, 611 1' 6 1 „ 11 . - • , • t : '•ii•:' , WO;i• ( I,' -• i s t't ta .1. _ 1 , 4 '4. 4 040 043 i' 6* 4' 't '' cessfulenteiprises,the a . 'l v i e le t t er u al t-131- d_ e 9 4: d ra.l._ In e = t ,O cr ii i t e. 'e " 'f ;47:f h , 7t,h, 3 ,0 T1. 1, e ;" 8 :11 , 1-whOse achievements, ' asur . passea in • ven undying annals of 4 1Pr a nt iP n ' lit , ts 'l l 0 . ;an if v e notyp to the firms.tif[efie'CAu ll " Y erod - a report be true; has 7'evgit9ci a u ct coin- Peace. To make this g rateful . &etc, the court should " b d ii n l o i t e tt id t, At l G o e tt r ,l r , c: Gordo or Chapultcpec,tin , . _ .• WOULp reepcelftilly pull the at !cation V VV tionscitenpera nod thopublie will° oxtail.; ewe stock of eplendid Furniture, ineluding_SO_ favoViirdriiiinti,ecntre und other Tables, Drys sing and Plain Bureaus, and rVers variety :a _Cabinet -ware-aitiCeitairs3 -- , which they have pet opened at their new loathe, on t h e corner of North Mancini. and Loather Streets, Cntliale.• • . Tory are confident then the superior finish of the work mniAship, and t leganee of Myle, in Which their to Licks arc got up, togf.ther_with their ,I.IIE2iPArP.:.SS will recommehd them to every person wanting Fornituie. They have elan lands arrangements for manufacturing and keening. ,a cc:natant sepPly of emery 11 rt theirline, both plain and ornatnental,elegarit and useful,At prices which they cannot Pill to suit purchasers. They would earnestly invite persons who arc about to commenee hottsckecp.. ing to call and examine their p7csent. elegant slnck,to which they will constantly make ad 9.,tiorm of the non est and 111091 modern sty lea. NS - ttunta - rtionturartlit — glioTtes. no. lice, for town t.nd country. April 21,1847. . ,NEW AND CIYEAP Family Grocery : rriffp, • subscriber takes this method to iuflirot 1 His feietills, and tie public is general that be has just opened int he house lately occupied by I)1• John Armstrong-and there thiors cant of I) Rhoads' ‘Varelinus p . cite soil getter:ll as gni trlient Fmnily such as Teas Cotree,SitatticNintams,Chnetilate.iiiiit Spic'ests betty d_sZ`i•iptiot., .Also, a large ilea well selve • QtrillerrSlititßlE Willow-ware, Brits nuekeis, Ns. tic. To barer) or every description, from t common smoking tnliceco, 110 to Woodward's best konti,s, Dew so, endiali. T;w i r o call and rcamihc Ins stock helltre I uyiog here, as he flatters himself that lie cannot tail to vlease them both in price and plat ity-. N. H—llls irientis leers ,Ilie ronntly st• 11 find it to Ilit•iratlyntatze to tzi re hlm n call ; the store it ccircenientls situated, just a tow steps front Ithomls' tavern. Cariisle,June 2, I 84,7 Atm and Cheap -HARDWARE STORE Main street;one door wet+l or Marlin's fluid. rin:ll.l stdmellbers have jest:runt-I%A and nee now opening n large sti.ek of fresh geode 1.11,1400 n to 11161 ILrmer mock, maLes their essortenAt larg'cr and Iktter than can be ! I mind-else alto o. ' _ , heir sioeli comprises a null asso:Ain't et build• ing material ol , .eiery aiod et) le, with a large assortment or Tools for kinds lit Me ermines, w deli lot ye been selected milli greirl care and lire otrered if the tones! rides. Also it iilll assortment of goods far Carriage 1 Builders and Saddler:, such as NVorsted Damask ,„„d (111 :Mil "arrilip— FrisTrC, ' I assets, Leather, Irtiops,'Eli•etric Sprinzs, I nn AXIVF, 11101 111 . 10 S Plate C.lrringeLlands Japan, Bross and Salter Plate llnunnug, Sri Ile. Ilits, Stirrups, Itnei.les, linno rs 01l Bork slrit/s, I Illg-ski ;11111 • g . 110i1.5 ill 0112 S?..1 1 1)LEII LISP,. Ms Vaiters :Ind Trois ; Candlestieks ; Mass Anil:eons; Shovels and Tongs ;, Knives slid Forks or st : , i n Fahey out unannoll Ile moils; Moeller and Cairiing boner., Sleets; Pen And Pocket litives or ince, style, Tillole and Tea Spoons ; ! En. 411,11 and .\ merle:in tintiosis l r ; Sall Wins, Mass Sze So:. I hy Hod Nl:vane Forks; 'ilingon I lamers, ziliovels and Spades ; Tien: lialter and Cow Chains &v. C•I•u. A Isa jos! received, Ilar, Baud and hoop WON; • nossisili and !American Sheet Calli,Sheitr, Mister and Spring Steel ; Tin Plate Zinc, Speller, Lead ; 1/upont's mid Johnson's IlhiSt 1114. l'OWliei.; 1)11;,W4V1; Rine, Powder, Shot Wetherill's Ground 'White Lead *—'- Linseed Oil; • corn!, Coanh , Japan and Leather Varnish ; \V onion , Gloss hfali sizes; Poti - ;•,•rni•pentitle, cif all kinds. kn. Sze. 'flaw have also for sale I Larry" 's l'ofetil Spiral Sirim'Ciaters, befit now in use 4itsiw nr corn sin ifis. Is: SAXTON. Septeinliro 2.t . IFOT JArne's Family ritclioines A S.tilitional supidy of tltc.abure re In:title Medi:ma's, c.lvoil.3llng l'Apettnrani Tonic' ertniingif Hair Satiable it Carminative [Salon), c 7 ., Received and for Ale by S.. ELLlcrr . r. • • Agent for Carlisle init. 7 ,S4l Salt and Plaster. 20 3 Toils Vnaler, 500 Sacks G. A. Salt. 5.) Sacks Asidoi) line 00, " • 100 Dairy )10. l'or Sale by. 1%111.0.:11. & PUNK. Flurriameg May '26 1817.-If. GROJERIES. (s) i-intil e. %nit° Sugar; 50 do. Brown do. ,-Qtr- -10 Tierces Honey. 10 g• Rice.. _ 50 Bags Rice: 5 Kegs Allspice, 5 Pepper fur FUNK Ite MILLER: s ''nr6le26 -16.17.* ' _ . - • risk t Fist!. !.! 200 1.131 A. No, 1, 2 and 3'lll4ekciel;. - ' 100 bbls. Shad. • ,100 half bhlet family shad...: 100 bbla Iterring,lpftinleby , = ,&,1111LLLR, . ' .LA UDE: alegAMent, -of •Darpols `of every it: '•:' lol oißtiari JO;: reiei , ,eil - Dell sellini‘very loci M the store' of • , .„:: , quAs..'poil i nv.'. . ! Dooember 4;4847 . , ..;: •.. :', •:,,••• '., ',i : -,:.' , , sCrib . a:tp iluyreuc3veUii buried of.Prish-P.InP9I! • i)C,;ctht;ar ..,.:'?,113,47, ,i:I:RG.P enpjily , 4f Friction Aldine. on and for. salen q aninlr.ndvannesm nit i,tqes 4.4 w. B. itEM NG ur 4t 4,ei 1 .017:bk Cr . 5110 j,,,•••„;! • • • . UM=gEVLIZI=SSIr2Zi^US JOS; IL II A LIMIT! rO=EM .:.'.':'l'_v:: , •': :,- . - ; , '..,.•,:.:, - ,',: . 1::', , ,;,:r0::: , . %..4 . ,., , .,;_: - 4-' , :::: .i..r- ,. ,... ;:.:'_,,,f.,,,..,:!.;0,-:.r.,..%ii,,;_... =II 17 . 7 z ! "..)7,f: 7 ,,,,, , , ,, .. • -.,,,,,,1ttitfi F ,,,, , ~.. - .-'r,-,--,,,,,,,,,,..-,-,:;;..-.t.--;_:,,,g--,.:- - ...,,w , ...iiV. 6 .'; . _._. ~ PILESOVS/i . ATAN'AL:44E 49 Mil in' 4n kri 'Wt . Oa 1k0r,,,a9.11/ 4:1%E YRi.GPTABI* , OW' ,maay'airhin , tided anepraing,tediSetjeivi..a;tlag.geßlLtrit Si-strmis or rirft contimon:Con.: se . cpenca of tills:affection is ti kind of tonegnies,' or bearing down sensation , sit is familiarlyl cull ed; there is also a heat, tension and throbbing'i' .the part; varying , fiom a moderato degree of these sensations to the, most: eicerutiating,.snfliiring;-- these arti.cautledliktbqgreat flew. of , bioisl the liaris, Soni'aiimea tlin,lnner egatof tkp..tmv el • protudeff ifiefteviiduatieS, forming' what' is called P:rolaPsna, or,falling of tlid bowels; tbisis the 'abet( long continued irritation and weak , lifts of that organ: -In scone instances The patient experiences nervous pains, which are indescriba ble, and knowli suflbrer, which com mence immediately after an evacuation ; and'enn-,: tinuo friipitiffrik minutes tdaeveral hours ; these sensations are very annoying and Sometimes very distressing. This disease, when of long continu ance, is attended by pain and weakness in the back, irritation of the kidneys and bladder, and other organs in the vicinity, pain end - numbness in the legs and feet, a sense of straitness about the chest, and unnatural fulness of the abdominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the heart and oppression. •lndividuals .sommitnes experi ence, previous - to--an -atiact-of the Pilessymp= coons denoting great derangement in the circttla tion ; there is a seneo of weight and pressure in the abdomen. with a peculiar' feeling_ffl unesai,_ h e sz, iii"ThalioWers; - Ennstipation or perinteutn, at. tended with pain in the back and loins; nausea, and slight pains in the stomach, pare counts - mince, confused senatioes in the head, weariness, and inimitable and discontented state'of the 'Mad, 3,,a a sense of fulness and oppression in the re gjoit of the stomach. The circulation on the shrface is feeble, and the current of blood deter mined inwtird and downwards. For all-of 'the above diseases and complaints, Dr. V.PGAn'S VEGETABLE ELECTIJARY curqs ef fectually, and therefore prevents Piles. READ TIIE TESTIMONY. • lltresoN, Dec. 11, 184 G at:Nrsi--4 havaused Dr. 'Upliam's Vegetable Pad Hiectuary which I :purchased of yon; and lind it one of the best medicines in use for the Piles, and-also-for bilious afections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, &c. • FLA—COLE, Merble_Dealer U. S. Maasu,vl.!s OrricE, N. V.? Dee. 6, VV. Meairs. Wyatt & Ketcham—Gentlemen, un derstanding that you are the general agents for the sale of Dr. Uphatn,s Vegetacle Elect uary,for the cure of Piles, I have decreed it my duty to i volunteer a recommendation in behalf of that n vahiable medicine. .1 have been afflicted for ma ny years with Mies; and Moto fried various reme dies, but with no beneficial effects—indeed. I began in consider my case utterly hopeless. But about the first of September Insr, 1 wasprevailed upon by a friend to make a trial of the above named. medicine. honk his advice and rejoice to say that I am not only relieved, but, as 1 believe, , perfrolv cured. I most earnestly recomMend it to all who may have the misfortune to be affleted with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectlully,your obedient servant, EIA"MOORE. RcitTnt:.ta.c Cran or Pit.r.l!—Tuir;Tv YEA ES STA NDISC; !; Mount Washingtn, Berk Aire en, 7tfaßs. 154 i. 5 Mes s rs. Wyatt & For thirty years I have been afflicted with l'iles, general .and inflammation, causing tumors and prolapses of the bowels, and which ha 1 resisted all the n'iotheal"treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers could give. The list three years of that mime my Aultering, defy description.. I was confined to bed, unable to. help myself, and km lass glen up by my phed4in_autliriends-in.despair..ol-erer-! beta: in faeyfor three days lief,,re. I commenced using Dr. Upham's Delevidary, I was entirely speechless and my burial clothes were matte. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. Upham's Electuary, though an ot,n 31 A n I have the pleasure of slitting the fact to the pub lic Ifni? my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it hi God's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's rdeetuary t and to re commend if to my afflicted fellow.creatures. It helped- nub beyond the expectations, of ail that knew my case, and qsrt - omty,.sny to others that it islin inyLopinion, the best medicine in the world for Piles, or any other disease of the hovels; and if they will UPC it according. to the dire , tions. I will myself warrant a cure in every case. Yours, with -the • utmost expr,.,...hin o r inankfulness, _ CMINELII'S • Cgramont, Burks eo, 1l rtes. Z November 29. IPI7. The nhore eertilkate tells n simrk and truth ful wore of stifrerng and relief, td which. ns hhl struin itmd witness in the rase, I cheerfully en d.Jrue. DR. CHA PM A N. gennine l'phnrn's Elortnnry lus his wriiten sic.nalme. tlm ttT ‘. 11; 1)."elle 6nud •I.Vlilone - done n pea.— Prier n rj- Snid wilelennle and retail by WYATT & ICI If A NI, 121 Fulton street. N. V.. and Ly Ilriv!gis:s generally illrotigliou( lie Uni:ed an.l. C.inadn. sAAIUEI, ELLIOTT, Agent fnr Carlisle .manna• 5. 1 f+.l 4 -1 v Stantou's External Remedy, EOM II FIAT', 98 now universally acknowledged to bo the INFALLIBLF: REMEDY For Rheumatism, Spinal Affections ' Contractions of the Al twice, Sore l'itroat and Quint', Is sues. Old Ulcers, Pants in the Back and Chest, Ague in the Breast nod Tooth•liche, ,Sprains, Bruises, - Salt Itlienfil, Burns, Croup, Frosted Feet, and all :Nervous Disetises. .11U.Kit - N . I"S LIN IMEN I' is mot:titling a nototi ety imequalied by any similar remedy. It requires. no pulling to give it 3i teVutstion,-tt has been for some mite silently and surely scouring it. and now, when its beneficial effects luive'beeti experienced by so many, the expressions of grab rude are comet ually appearing, and those who have been made whole by its means are desirous that the afflicted should no longer rernaiu igno rant of its invaluable arid Mr. Geo. E. Stanton, the Proprietor. is con• sternly receiving testimonials of benefits 'wowed from HT use, and many of the cures it has effected almost exceed belief. In one case a child had been a cripple for cight•years, having wrenched the spine, when at: the age of two years, by a fall from a chair. Medical treatmen failed, but four bottles of tire' Liniment restored hint to strength, and he now joins with his playmates in their youthful' gembols, as. robust as the healthiest of them, and only a sinall hump on his back to re mind him dins early sufferings, Prim 25 cents per bottle. ' • The Jritree)s. STANTON'S PAPILLARY OlNTMENT acknowledged to bo the most valuable reme dy ihat has vet been' discoveredi.and. may be re-. lied. on with' canfide,nce by all who may have oe ,easion lbr its use hi cases of Mttte FEWRII, AGUE 1:1 TUE BIIEAST, SONE &c. This Ointment is partiohlarly intended.for those complaints Abet Mothers are liable to during the nursing of infants, and ,may he Indy The Nurso's-FrientLi—Price - 2.5 - eis.perliei: • 0. E. S'PANTON;• Proprietor, Sing 'Sing, Now York. Sold by' .„ • . • Dr. J. Myers and:Chas. Sarah; Carlisle. Edward Scull, Shipponeburg • - Dodaldson'da A; Cathcart, Sho:Aterdefew,n G. W. Lisingor, Chtirehtown J.•&.. J. Riegel, Mechanicsburg M. Slicer, Shironnintitown,•. I. W..Clevtr, Leesburg J XYle, bottom- ille N linen witionrs BOOTIIINO . $YRITE011,j;•.:. . , • ;/.. 1 1PALI PTER ,Shnieinceleildren of"thoi!o diepaseeleoldent fthe ":..i4,16Af4",0nfi4101.41101) ;ay eiinvulelune. npaam `alp7.vour; - routaiveo us Oruptio' nOte;•ti ii 4 looitniese of, Ihe . bOwillei te I d "tici,ver,.X6:444thieileithrit. ilifilyl4ppn;dy pat Atp! V:pfeitiiithiniietikehWatt l eplAn ," . , '4',:.'.ii , :'..'': - ?:-: , ..''..=,.'..::-,:,' , ':',"i,::•',.-,k;',.,:4 3;-%-j::,.:,,,-,..,...,:,.•'..:,;,:,,,i-,, ..SS;t ~1-•-..;,;=-. ..,,f.',":,.,,,,, ES ' ',J)1111?1)11110c1111)111 ririik rite !I ,": cerevait - r: presittebtick ic• .ra ' AIFI.I 7 ICHT T -'sTovgs, YNPAP, - 9 7 ' 'south Second il4 Ph pfila;;w isheif,te". fdridliiiii.4*dhlthil , tite'ptiblieigenerallifthat he still, continues to Mai.ufacturo undsoll:thogeriiiiireAtft•TlGLlT. STOV 8,. with he latest improvements:' ilee 'many years expericriculn the muitellicturo of therm, storee, , ho,* ch a Wad: Oar customers tho, Stoves will ovens: suitable for dininernonis or auriericui.,, folios also the Air•TightStoye,on.the Radiator plan, iv Mob tuaji as .spleil did and oar:Morn Ull I pa rlor stove, to which he would call the particular attention of Mora who want. On elegant and useful article for their parlors; also a large assortment ofCoal, Parlor and Cooking stoves: 'ell of which ho will sell at the lo'wcat emit pri• cm -The public would do well to , call before purchasing elsewhere. Mr. T. would caution the public against Air' Tight Slaves made by most, stove ma' rs, as they do not answer the purpose MlL:tided. Sealember 99, 1847. " Secure Ike shadow substance. fadc.if- Collins' Celebrated SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREOTYFES!I, =I S - EVER MEDALS awarded at 1110 Fairs of the Franklin und.Ainerican iro 'stitutes for the best ,and most artistical speci.. nientr . of Daguerreotype portraits. The recent .niprovement made by the sub: ricribers, and which is peculiar totheir estsb,' lishitient alone, viz; AN UPPER LIGHT,.has received the highest recommendations Tram the press, and also written testimonials front the first Artists. in the country, as' to its treat superiority over the usual sido• light. The peculiar advantage of this light - is that the natural expression of the eye can be obtained more pertecily than heretofore. 7 Cltiions and strangers arc respectfully in vited, whether desiring portraits or not. to visit nor .spacinus galleries, probably the larg- . est and mast extensive in the United States, - anct - cxn ino fer;thununlve - s - rli - eitsroTfiffliinf improvements made by the subscribers in this ! wonderful art. T. P. &D. C. COVA [IS, • Proprietors of Vie City Daguerreiiin merit, No. 100 Chesnut at.; V. doors below Id, south side. . September 29,1847 Hover's First Rate Premium WRITING INi. &Ire" Illedal just awarded by the Aiwa - Wan in - stitute, New" York, (1847.) • rr lIE following feslimony from distlng,uish .l_. of Institutions sponliti for itsell: UrarLASITY OF VENNS FLY:11;1A Philadelphia, May 1I .1841. listing tried, for sonic time, thu Black Ink manntitetured by Mr. Joseph E. !lover, we .have -found-it -well suited for inandscript, h.Y ,tts mi ning freely , nod ita exemption from coagulation. Its shade also we are wc-1.1-pleased with. 1.1 • El 110101E1i , M I), Dealt Atli , • Fnindtv an.l Pi of. of Anatomy JOHN 1.1j1).1.011 . _, Provost SA WI. II A1 • YII.11-1, N'ice-Provas lIENItI7,, HEED, Srer.-.•.tdry of the Fittailiy or Arts „. • 1108‘V ELL Prof. of Nat. Pbiloso} Lecturer in the Deiniriment l'e:cSlA, ANI A M EDW.% 1. CULLED C - We lolly C0{14 . 111 . in the abate, ofrrox, M D, Dean of the CES roar. ITIe a SCHOOL, Pli lion EI.PH to A 1) BA (111 El, Pei neipal Ii MeAl AI I), Prof of Anatomy • A ,tr.niCilN EittrAy.a.nuNt!r: (70. Puri flour:pita. . FRED'S: VII It Secret:Ley Cr. - s - r)tt Manic, Putout; :mita J 1) CI.1011(.11i. Deli, Naval Officer 1-I:VER'S 40AMANTINE CEYENT A ";51,4 - irii - iv Article, Warranled. 1:„r Sate, and ii,9uil, nl the 87,`Nortli 1%10,1,10.i: I by )A - 1-.l'll . I.:- I 'OVER, Manufacturer Nov 17,11,47 , IMPROVED WIRE MANUFACTORY. ivs , , Iliadic, Screen owl %Vire Cloth Nlnnotite tor 3. No 1s North Front sweet, bete een Alni•k,•t and .Irell str,•,•l4, imih u r n . lii • til•K,l•ilwr, hncing made gri at i tnrn , _n, 10 1114.11110VC 11 , 14111V94,111 C 1101111- :tvt , %1•1 , 1: of a , ‘lperior qualityo,lll:iluls ...I unNiniNTAL WIIII• ‘‘"ong.silcl, ns SieVCS: IC dirk-, Serencs&fe, for all khi,lx of grain. seeds, =mill, ore. sauff.atnech, brickilitxt &c., Voittidecie Siet on of n ',llllorinr (Ina liar colibtaintly on hand. • Inn Snron, %Vire Dish Covers, sort, Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers &c. ORNA:11 ENT 41. \ring WORN., Midi as Cages, Nairstry Fenders, Carden Bordering, Flower titnmis,'l'rainrrs.'l work for I Vines, Rte. Msn Wire Fencing of very description, Orders thankfully roceirekl and prenatally executed lay ' . B'ATSON EP' COX. Septeintier.t2,-'.lg4t. Cheap Watches and Jewelry. c - \ \ AT -• A ' the PhiludeMiia Watch. _... 0. ~, and Jew,lry Siore, DI; North • f - ';\ :t;l1ceorol SI., corner of Quarry i c . ,:c. i ~.'G.Oit lover W a tehen, ra Ili ~ • ~,...,•• • ,:= "e bp>ifiica rot , r,45 00 44. i Po ).', 'ilitor,Levor Wateheq, - - full, uvr:ilf:o , ..t. ,4.„. ; -,- 23 00 Silver Le ve (Oil ii liiiiikAiim4l.jetv el s 18 00 Superi,:a Quarter WateliV. l , ' 10 00 Imitation quarter Watches not warren led 5 00 Gold Spectacles' Fine 'Silver Speetneles Gold Bracelets with topaz stones Ladies Gold..Peneilsl6 went< Gold }loiter Rifles 37h cents to $B, \Vetch Glasses plin: cents to 181; Lunct 23. Oth e r p ( ti c k g In 'proportion. All goods %cur.', ranted io be what they are sold for . k ., 0. CONRAD Gn nantyn wno po and Silver Lovers, Le. pates ;tin: uaiticro lower than the ahoy° Fob. 5, 1847. u. E. moorte. I N. BISHON MOORE it RISDON. SIZEIRCtLAXT TAILORS, No. urarly opposite the Phi 10P FSPPCTFULLY annonlice to their friends jZLL end the ,otibliodlitit they o conalantly 10.0-t/I(I'CA t/1(1'CA td motto to of futesi and beat itittle - riafi, anal at moderate pekes, every article' or. Vaahlunable Clothing. constituting a Gentle inait's,,Wardrobes for which their complete stock oreliolee mod carefully selected Clothe, easel inereit.yentlaks, &•,., of the latest and o most deal • rabic patient,. are particulaily tlcsined. -' • Cheii{ewtipractical knowletige of' thebusiness and * 000441 a ttent I on to every itirincet,eilables them tettileeeil,ittire, satisfaction, and both old d it anem einitoniera they revactfallytender an inritatiett tki - Olv6t.lvdat a • • • • Ilavinglieetifit yenniconnehtol4itli 4 aome of the - beat attil mop..fishionabib Ostabli all in ent tiff coontoiarntloy, Ing none Imi'first rite : wolic-• being to the constam receild•of the In, atidi- beet my Ns of itooda,..they . 116; fully pi.#1)9. , 041 , yeitidnirpotlitte customers I t . l - th6 " Pliilolo4l;VAii , 121,848-7 ritio Ns EN !vs S !ISA lir 'evil"otheis for 'the rota Dila ant) j‘trninnrnt cure diseases 1, riii4 Iranian imili`cratOo - of the lion or intbit • tir thu system; it is warrimtod by iho• tnnnufitciurer to ho tir,e Onion stronier thnn tiny nreparAtiost or'thu atOnti kind extant, and 'each • Frirtle in confiaticluttrt.t ;POCe'3l ,, tier boitle.T2 for,lBlC . o ; j..:84;. W. H. FLEMING 3 klti' 7 i t renej*ell,lit tlio.:111.11Z , 111V1:-:* „ elv, mit `0 oluolenbd ;:Fn!i6y , ' • ". • --, •`:. ,• • s COYLE.% isielS'oic4;lB47i:} (1.3311 1 A.4i I t imprbiembp(it Oili been reilol(e},:k7:.Tppyrited,lll4, )ye ;hit 11.! ' 8 .„..„,; " • ), :,•1'•1"!;',1.N.4,14,v§h:r:i.i!:!..,;.1Y1,i1r1';'2'f,.:,'02;14';',',',', ':,.,P''.• , ~,,.,.Fii,'.-',,,,1't:'.!:._.,:;J 8 00 I 75 3 50 2 00 tist'l 11347",-.:-4 to 0 E M SJ It ilir,S 1t:*11.5!.:1. , . , .‘.,‘ t VatiNV „ 16 ble geritEdrihas been eiiecninf in thbiiire: of seine': of the most troublesonnidiseaies with , ..whichlYT horse is alTocited,Nrithout destroying: I. ' r such as old strain's, etilf ' I noes : ufjolnts,, gulls produced. by, the collet and eacj'd(e;:eti"uins.of tthe . 'phS tbili land 'ealiiii.Santi, strains, orliro'whiri , bone, knee, and totiocis, ; fietuleti, curbs; splints;'spav,in, ivindgells, puffs, &c. It very soon cures old or fresh woundsicuts, bruises, tistules, poll oyikeurtis, etc.,and gives Inistabt relief In -the'seritclivs, grease, etc.,and the diseaves incident to horsoiv‘having MIRA feet and noses produced by St John's Wort, which so, the hoofs and bones of ' the feet; and resists t h e action of sulphur rind vitriol ointments, and other 'remedies equally powered.. 'No application has horistefore proved so mean) in relaying stiffness of the tendons and joints, and producing such immediate and beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on_ g I n goof latu - anirsifiTtins. This Embrocrtion is highly recommenuartto farriers,. keepers of livery stables, wagoners, .tagei_proprietorarand-privatc - gantemierrteric ing horses, us an invuhiable remedy, and should ha' constantly kept in their stables... Also fiirmers, whose horses are an liable to kicks, cuts and wounds, will find it equally advantageous to keep it constantly on . hand.— It, is equally beneficial in the 'treatment .of worrting cattle, for galls, sum necks, outs wounds, etc. • „ For aide in Gar yy•Dr. JOHN J NY— ECCS,.SpIe Agent. .. _ 211,1847: To tine Citizens - of Cumberhuid Co. There is something more preciods that) Gold or Diamonds-11EALTw. , . F.1111.11t14 are some diseases that visit us at sta. led sensors of the year, and which not unfre quchtly.become itharminglyfittal, during the sum _meratitl••autiinin months; especiallY-the - young there being not less than seventy thousand dying atinually with derangements of the stomach and bowels alone. Does not every feeling of,our nag titre become enlisted in the huinan desire to les sen this frightful mot tality,„ are we not bound by - ovary principle of reli g ion to administer relief when in our power; ant! evp discharge our 'My when we palm out the greatest remedy ever yet discovered, for this purpose,to the public. If . there be one, or if they have a friend or child, - or a neighbor, who may chance to read this no tice. that is suffering with DiaMitdca k Dysenta Cholera itlorbus, Suinmer Complaints, Colic, Flatulency, te;c., bee., then let them try Dr. Kee- . lees Cordial and Carminative, and we guarantee a speedy cure. !Ammeter Co., Neffyille . , Dee. 11, II1•16. Keeler—Soincti me last summer) out , ar,ent left me some oft our Infant cordial mill Carmin ative, urging me to try - it... It so happened that hall a ease, a young child about six moittlie‘ohl, whose stomach and bowels were in is very disor dered eonditien, caused by a -deficiency of its mother's milk. The child was a mere skeleton, there WWI touch tarmi,na, tenesmus and constant "vactintlone. I administered every medicine T eouldt !link or, will but a slight alles ;idiot, of the complaint. I then thought of giving your medi I clue a 111111 commencing with small doses. soon however perceived the child could !rear full those as reefed - intended in direetions ; before it hail takenbal f it houle, the .stosititele.and-bowv rkdrul recovered theiternitural tone, every bad symptom _ v lidded, and the child rapidly re covered.. • I have no lieeitat inn in efiying'that your medi cine in the very hest for the ithovc. complaints I hate 811111illiSIVI't it hi a 21 years' practice, Very respectfully, your friend, • 11. BOW IAN , M. I). PrepnreAl eqI.IIVP of 3‘l and S inch streets, Phil adelphia. For sate-wholesale and retail by S.4isf- Corlink ; •Dr. Nlc Pherson, Merritt bore ,• and by Drtiggiiits and ereltant s through ! out. the_catudy. j 1817,-6m. GARLEGAN'S BALSAM OF HEALTH.' • App:) N2', 11 , ,n. 1 9 of Djvc,,si C, Glics • T two mamma why !this medi be restommended to the public, =AM in, that utovt persons who have no girt it buy tiepin, thereby showing that they re gard it as, a vain ibls Family medicine; the other is trial certificates are in the possession ofttio Proprietoi of permanent cures having been effected nut only in persons afflicted fora short time, but also in cases of long standing It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter, is irerfectly harmless, can be taken at all Bares, and is 110 hindrance to business. It rest ores mid revives the ani mit I spirit s,.plea vises the stomach Isom all morbid humors which cause indigestion and Lcidities. It also re moves nervous tremors, riatimatie pains, and prevents their return; cures ell; cones of lire stomachs arid howelsolmost immediately takes away palpitation of the heart, and promotes the free circulation of the blood, Thu ,threetion ncenmpnriy,ing each b Itie contains a DU mbar of certificates one of which is given in this advertisement. DFA II SIR a boqt two ychrs ago I was se verely: afflicted with . ispepsia, which I had for the last lifteeo' years prevlotts to the Above named tittle, which w,as very much increased by any having a blood vessel ruptured ripen my lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased my coinplelitt, dispepsia and general debility and weakness, to such a drib , that two or three yyors previous to my using the Garlo.. ,ganf's Raltap,l .1, never ate• a meal hut my stomach liethane - so painful that I had ably to throw it tip. SceinCaarlegant's Bal sam advertised I 111011 induced to try it bottle; after taken the very first dose It appeared to strengthen my stomach; and every dose of th first bottle helped me so touch that to the course of n few days my stomach began to retain and digest mraiy thing I ate. I conlintid to rise the Balsam. unlit I used several bottles, which cured me rintirely, and restored mu to perfect health, whisk I have enjoyed ever' Hine°, find net before for fifteen years. I cheerfully ceonimend it to all persons who aro aietedlll with dlspepsia or dihility ofstomach. II EN R Y I,OII`IIAN, Fred'lc Co. Vn. Prepared and sold by the Proprietor, JOIIN S. MlLCER,oppositethe Market Muse, Fred. crick, Mal. and, by SA.I,IU EL EL1 . ..101"P, sole agent-for Carlisle.. _ , March 10, 1847. To, Country Thysiclvins. MYERS has just roCeived an addition to'hislormer stook, a large assortment of DRUGS 'AND MRDICIN ES. warranted Pitrp, end fresh—among which are UM rc " tint poptilar preparationf'9(... ll l o „ProfettAicn,. lie 'on' as good terms as any atualdisiunent °ca l or Philadelphia. ' (o . .Phicicians aro requested toexamine for Oemselyer.- , lily 1; 1847. • SUPERIOR. BLACK TEA ' For Dyspeptics and others: irusir rocdivod ut Dr. Myers' DrOgStoro, a OE &mica article of Black . Ton, for :inaulids •and-dyanontice. .Alao.Old and Young flyaon, Ounpowdor andimporial. 1817;., . , , iheaplarsAnd _ c;-apec4tm"ont tir --7',,re'4"49w. all ' 1 bl „milit)3la , •• - sed , Gbuis , •!Jitilqind • inn '• is 0 pour 'For'etelo by, Ter the Pr°B"li, 3: MYERS; J u ly r •, • itoc 'lVTnin Street .. - - _ .• .. .. 0,911-t. I COAXO • . 2.2, 141 "' WO TQNS Phi‘ QI:o;ie COAL -4(10 tone i ,. , %VI kOmy,r,go coo-41.0 pns.Ltim 910 rnorp ' ..:- a 4:5,406.1kin1i..fi1t,u 01 il OUS, po q l, ; ,•,,,,,,,;,%,-t, -. 1 4,: C.; loi'i*ltiAir,k . „ '',,, '.',-,„ r', Iz -....'i '; : -.. , V. ,:, ' : ':. " I :•i'.; ':,',.. ~ `..i!. .ii• y; •m-,., F ri'll ii' '. ,S, m) LL ',. 6 ilurriaokteknb:9fB47l3' , ..,.'e... ';''';' --4 . , .'''';'. I' '• ` ''''' ' ..' 1,... „ o lr •„',O as f ••,•". 1 . 2: ,; : :,::I. k NOTIIR , ILlTNiit;ilr:Weiiiil6Bdti.: i thlit . l`,, 1 ; :..Z11,11,; a wil ! rid ,giliSIV STOR.R,in??, , ,V,4iii , ,l,liilit ' : titioli:t.t'll ',lc , lxi#Effi . st;iiik4.o l ;Alifghtirn I Lii*no; Bltnaliqi4 . llo-. , ,,U,hibleatili64,:,(sloili rth • 1 I CallanoiaKliiiiii 6; Chi, oks,,qiniierefl i ucAn,ll , IS , ; 0 i!ice r16: 7 :&9,' :.4 &e:k:;,;;,'-',s)li4 i _ . ' k ,:1 1 ! L t - t i -fel :- , --',-;.,,,L....kiV,'1 1 ‘ 1 2' I , enyli*le;',Tllly,l,; iBITI , . - , -;: : ,l,6iPtiVtir. ~‘, •.,• ,; ,'.; ' ~,,, , •;:l if , Lt' ~ i ve0,,,, 0 .: 'f , , ~ ,T..... , 7 i, :-: • , . 1 , „''.;''. --., ' -, :- f,-,'.:' , t:' ,, , e A;•, - !, , ...,•-,q:' , .,":- . ~,; .. ,:,.,, ~ ;.,,,vne ~.;* ,'' , - , •:. A . , 1 - , - --f • • Intwan , -_ , .I,kIE;PYMBERLAND: VALLAA( V. , 2‘, ,, , Tim , ' nei , r ivoirititaigNevi A nit*:' proula - tCtjAittEß4iitiqDNAßLMiiitUTG. V.IL iA ftl. ' P ßO ' FFlCTlGlVO"'Aft'Alslif;'lttil The' vfi l under the - dir - mil Of- tle.:77oooiiii''llestliar 'lllneagrei for he eueulei yeer, viz,—Tli4 C. Nikiker, 1 , 4 , .0 ' •nuAkilltiol.OttibrAitlii'llrio-i'vPi sidenti .D'a jl"'W.,./Nletfullough,:Tveastiveii,A., Gill ill er',.S . OorotifeY,' '`. l dll3COVbilkieY;Jiliill tr i V.reeiv, 'Jobe httg-; : : Ahreintin , "I{itig.,l.tfehtfrd ‘1 ,1 :0 0 . 1 .1,11, .Slim.ori . 1 1usiti?;,Willitun. 111 ,, B'ec i ttt Cciile, Afe , r,ttedrr.l).evitlsoit. ;,.Therr., stre.';:itibo.v.ft tiOriillei••of" - Aieetii appointed iif ' the ,adjace . 4 iiounttes,'iiho' will :rebetrO r•tipplidetiniis' for ie. su ranoo, aryl Orirertl Ahem - i mmediatoly for ..crii. prdrel to the.ofnee ofthe Go,mpaqy,yllep the 01,-. rer wile lid' isatied..withoOt defey.- • For furth er, infornietioO see the, by-Inive'of the Company. TUGS. C.:3ll.LLEll..T'reet. •: A. G.,Seo'y. • The following,gentlemon have been appointed AGENTS: • . - - , ..- L.l-1. WiMin W us, Esq., eral Agent. , . A. Coyle, Carlisle, ' Dr. Ira Day, Alesboniest/um. George Brindle, Esq., Monroe. Jos. Al. Aleans,Esq. Newburg: . John Clendenin . , Flsojlogestown... --- Stephen . COlbertson,Shippensbure. • ' September 29, 1847 THE-FiANKLI4-FIRE-INSURANCE PH IL, Apli 41'111A , • eharier Perpetuai.- 7 5400,000 Capitalpaidin OQlce.l63k Chen nutstreet .ATAKE iNS UltANCE,eitherpermimen tort im= tetl,a gainst loss tirtlamage by lire,on,intOPFArrY sad Ek'FECTS of-everrtlescriptintriip - tififiribr Conntry.,on the most reasonable terms. Applica tions made either personally or by letter, will be. promptly attended to.. • C. N. BANCkEL.,, . , .Rates of Insurance Reduced! • PEEP . ETUaL'ItISK. Brick ur Stone dwelliiigsor &toren s ' from •' • 2i to 3 p o depos do 'do Churches 2-to 3 do do do 'trireme • 3to 4 do do do 1111ill ' S • - 4 to-5 do do do Sfahles (private) 4-to 5 do -do o - do do (*set Mills, Vatcr Power, 73 to 10 - do ANIYU.9L R ISK. - Brick or Stni'e dwellings and Fur niture from . 30 to 40c $lOO value do do Stores and Nleraltan- dize 55 to 50 do • do do Taverns and Furniture . 40 to 60 do_ do .lo - flarnsand Contents • 65 to 75. , do •do 'do Statutes (public) 1,00 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stock 75 to 80 do. Frame and Log dwellings and Fur ' allure . 50 to 75 do do do S ores and McMinn- ' clize ' 05 to 85 • do do do rnveras and Picrniticre 00 to 1(10' do 110 110 41111'11S and Contents Oft to .100 do - . do dp Crist Mills and Stock JO to 100 do Thu subset Ober is agent for:the abovecompany For Carlisle and its ‘roinity,. A ll applibationsror assurance. 'either by. "mail or personally will be promptlA attended to W. D.-SMY,II,IOUIO - 12. !P.O. 111:13 • • DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COT, F PIIILA On the, Mutual Instt e jnneiple, combined with a loge :joint-stock api t (1. rm. i ellacal to pearlyJaatlici—malittes---- ~ r the Ant of jnearporation the stool; is • pledged for the payment of any losses which the Company may sustain. • And as an additional security to the nssored, the net re, quires that the oldie business shall be _funded alai :cumin With the corporation, as a guarant,e and protection to the insured ngeinst Lai. - 'this - fund Will be represented by scrip issued by limo Company, ',miring interest notex eccding six per cent. per annum. The insured are entitled to a pro rota share ofthe profits of the. Company, and will receive that proportion of the nioresaid fund in scrip, iehien the amount of earned preniiinns paid by him, bears to the kotui aunt of curried preMiums and capital stock. The scrip thus issued, to be. transferable on the books of the Company as stock. No dividend of scrip can be made whin (i.e losses and espouses exceed . the amount of earned premiums. The insured are protected (*rein loss at the thrdtronary rates of premiums, without any indibidual liability or responsibility for the losses or expenses of the Corporation. The assured have all the rights of Membership,— can vote at all electicins, and are eligible as Directors of the Corporation...) The subscriber has been appointed agent for ibis. Company, and as the mutual principle q superseding every oilier mode of Insurance, to would confidentlyrecornmend itto his friends and the public. • The North American Company has cloqe their Agency. These having policies expirin in Iwt office can hare them renewed in th e Delaware Company lm much more fasorablP terms. For rot particulars cnrptire eithor letter or person to JOHN J. MYERS. Carlisle, Septembe; 10, 1845.-1 y. PE..l . rji^sableouGH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. roll I.: Allen a nd haat pen neborough Mutunl Fire 31,, insurance Companyof Cumberland Counly,in enrporatell by an net al Assembly, is now fully of -41.41,1fint in operation titular tlke managementof toe following commicsi oilers, vial Cht.Stn)nutn,,ineolt Shelly ,AV st li G orgnej;iwis {ls a r, Chaintinit ichnelkoover,klienry Logtoi,!llithael Cook; in t liMusset',Levi' Nierkid,,lnirobliirk,Nlelehlor (IN:nem/wand Soma : A :rowN.,ll, who resiteehttlly call the attention Mine tizetts of Cumberland mill York countlestq the ad- vantages which the coMpwity,hald out. • "I'lie rates of insurance are as low and farorarne ha any Company of the kind in ttre.State. Perstina wishing to become members ,nre 'ttiviteql to make applicittion to the agents or the company who are willing to Avail upon them at any time. JA.C.OII SHELIA, Preet. - MICHAEL HOOVER : Vice President, • Lewis Byer, SimrOarY Michael Coekliii, Trenaurer • ' • MESE NI wh ile ] 11 oover,Glencral A geni,3l echnideslnpi Radolpli M Conklin, Alien township. . It_COrgas,,Allen lowriship. - • -- Christian ritzel, Allen township. Join - C Dunlap, Allen toiviiship: Peter Barnhart ,Kast PonitsborOtow Diivid Martin, Clinrahipwn „ 11. (larmon; Kingstown, Ileary Zenring,'Shir,einanstown , Bithon,Pyster, Wormleyshurg, . • • Dr. Jabot; Baughman', Cnriiele, JnolvKirk,Genersil A gentior York County New . Cutnherlimil P. 0.- Henry I..oknn,YOrk county: John herr ick, York countr.,' John Reikiii, WO: county. • . . 1)a niel y. York 'coup ty .1: Bowman; Yorkeelpity. -r, • 'I. • " " Philip Breekiiill,Ctimberland comity., ..Ittitrert•C;Sterreti - 9;111lildleton rfPllteragents Will, tie added lierearter"..t:' .'; 7-.. TOBACCO, , SEGARS' it'SNOFFr'-;' A i r.N_cr 14 §.183.1 Lisl•G of,-Thomaa', oplobrotad Oiono, l 4ond - cov. oo ditai'tLttocroito_littx:. ,dry do::: et Wm; bran.d:of.,eopgram!,..,fio . pwir,L,.. dles!*TOsy r Anil'Spitti:"lVomtttit's oolohrn tea coaroo. , ,Matcaboy; ntid 'Donnee t i ' • optioo , l3ntiffs'.•-;'). , , ' ' •;• ' Splendid Ylanhl . ton, VeperoO t ia 'and ;90,40;bh 6 1 0 '0. lin Ode'or JiOtiOttOd COba' Ilaiqt IRAIIIALaiIiILn 10 , V-19,1611-SOA eti7O4ihO l kit; iinpnrtett'nn}l etillit.tttt! leaf' Tobootor tie suligrihOrtopreps eil •; I'o R©Mill fair "tortttl . :(o .(1101/0 , y. , tt; )9 l ? i l foiv doom veat , of i3etllo'44li4laio .• ; fi e:Y4l:';'.' s • ••••• nrza "‘`A-7;'llll ebttitittOgi ' ;': - '?' ' Im~~ll only known : med ] euie•4lut4nt.'fliL same Pill 'are O'neir mediiii li cli li3e JiieG . appeat off, and' fi''fast.triltinf die 151WCAON . 11 , i7)1116; pi sAd I tigtledieatit; l ut. ' tlie' .Wlld .Clierry,iio united Oat: they, aot,tOgether; one tlirnitgli its mho ifttui:o ,W ith Other suhatances, pit; !Ifying and eatrGngtli= Sitting , thotystetn: Mitts ' til•e .rit the . vanish • ; .a.ld6itteOtum* lddgqsitiil migerty,soilght for by. medicanYitip, but' itesiet' Vefill'.e.tlifietiirered'. In oilie r Words they do' tlieiviib]CbftWo iiiediolocai juid do" I initial .111.-: -ler ati) itui la O, We. know o'i' for they" 'remote nothing'fimtn the tylitemlitit the iinpuritiesoo; . that While theil Siurn trey alFeciglitin, and hence they cause no"debilitilijon, a'r'e • followed by . .. •no reaction. rir,Le Roy 'a Pike !Mite n wonder ul influence on.the.blood ; fbeY - init . ,only . puril3J: without weskoning It; hilt diet ielnove all nox ious particles from ihe ehyle behire it' is cones:' ned into fluid, and.thils Make impure blood tut' , utter impossibility. Aistlicin Is no debilitation, so there Is. no nausea or silliness attending the 'operatiotts of thi most excellent- of - toed c . : - which tier& it - Fa Mr . iiir tortures the fune tfons,but entI,SCS thorn to work i n perfectly nat.:, oral manner; and hence Rtirsou a1i.p..11 them do not become pule and.emactaietf -ilia fi r while it Is the proper!) , , cr. --Scr'Saparilliq uriitedsap if's-with other Ingredie to ' einore, till that is foreign' and impute, it. is eq 1133 the property ofthe %Vail Clierry,fo retain all in , natural and sound; antlliguee' 'robust state o f health is the•certalit-result-of timi rind ted - opernz' dohs. For sale in Caidisle by hi.. .1, J. Myers,aele: Aent, and by Eby and Kissinger, in Kitigidown, gwierd 25 ets.. - carltalFeb •" 1017i4.7. ' M'AfLISTER , S GINTMENT. • IT• botipow2r. to chose All external SORES, SCROFULOUS humors, SEIN• DISEASES, POISONOUS WOUNDS, to discharge th9irptie 'Odd matters, and then heals them. It Is rightly termed All-healing, for there is. Remedy a disease, est al-or—internatrthat—i— wi I not benefit. I have sect it for the last 10ur .% Cebu years for all d i sease of the chest ; consump tion and liver, involving dui utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before heaven and man, that not one single case has ii failed to ben- _ efit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. , 1 bait; had pliYi'cians learned intim profession. 1 have had mtmaters of the Gospeloludges "of the bench, Aldermen, La wyers,,. gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it in every variety. or way and there has been but 000 voice---one unlvenaal voice—saying, vour Ointment is GOOD." CONS'UAI PTION.—It can hardly be. credited that a..salve rub Wye ineefreut "upon the lungs seated - as they are within the sv stem. llnt, if placed upon the chest, it lumen:sins to Abe lungs stlparideathe poisonous particles that are consu ming them, and expels them from the sy nem: 7 - h is coring persons of,Commidption continual!): HEAIMCII E.—The salve has eared persons of the headache of id. yelO . 'll sumah ur, and oho bad it r..rgular every week so that vomiting often took place. Deafness -tincl Dar Ache are helped with like EEL= removes almost imrse. flintely the Intl:minden and swelling when the pain ceases. Rend the direetifin nenittill the boy. COLD FLIET.---Coitsumptinn, Liver GOlll - onu or the other id %rap; imenininintes eold• feet. , (This ointment is the true remedy.) It hi sure sign of disea..e to pare cold feet. • In scrofula,-old sores, :.rysipelas, liver complaint, sore cyr:i, whiny. sore throat; bronchitis, broke' ar sore breast, pips. all chest diseases such as asthma, oppressions, pain -.-0100, sore lAitt,ybaplied hands, Illmovs,ctituneottt trup• tn's, nervous diseases suit - id - Abe spine, there is no medicine now known vs good. - SC LI) llhi A 1).- —We have 'CM Cif coons that act mill) defied 'every thing known, as well as lilt ability of t %or - 20 doctors. Ore man-told us be Karl spent $5OO on his children w ifinity any-bene fit, when to 4 . ek, boxes of obit ine)Cl enroll %tilt ileetore the hnir Kona. than nur atherthiug. ig tile tact thing in tin , world for Barns. (Rend the ilireriirms around the box. WORNIS.-,11. will di ive et cry veattge of them away. There is probably no 111 , 411f:111eo. flee of the earth of onee so surf nud h 0 safe in the 0511111- aim, of m onus. COHN' S ;; Aleeasinteil itFt. nt the Ointment will alwi t S 'VAT ennik trout gt•ou ink. Pcnitle seed never h e trot:hied with thetii if the) o ill use it. • PILES.--Thousands are curet, by this Os Illinosit. JA, MMS MCA LLIST & Co. i etors or ~Iwh r medkit, CA GTION —No OINTMENT will be genii no tialt4s the DHOWS of James tl eA Hist et. Or names AluAllister Ill: Co., MT icrittut xith 11 pea upon every label. Sold by Samuel Elliot, S. Ilar•erstiek Dr..1..1. Myers, in CarlYle, .1, St. L. He.igcl, e ehaniesburg; Singisrr & Paul, ChurOtown, and John Diller. Newville. ASA FURTHER EVIDENCE That the principle of coring disease by clettlit , - 'tug and littr.slying the body. is strictly in nveor (Witte with the laws which govern the anima economy untl it properl, curried out by tile use of 'WRIGHT'S INDIAN VECEIAIII.I.I PILLS, certaigirecsolt it: the complete abslition of disease; we Wei. the collowing teh.ratoilhal 5, rl' ll lll persons of the highest eespectabilite iu New 1 orK ullnilllVe ;Tech: ty been curetinf the 1111151 obsti nate complaints, solcls hy the use of IVright's In dian Vegetable l'tlls of the North American Col lege of Ilenlil4. • CERTIFICATES -OF CURES. • ' „h u m Ate 'rod: Cii, Dn.Wm. Winner:-7now Sir,—At your vc commendation, I ,none time' since made trial of r wr„,.,,,,,, Italian Vegentbie s, of the Troth American College of Health and can conscienti ously assert that for Purifyin the blood and von. oveting the syctem; I haver Ceived mom benefit temp their use than Miro any other, medicine it 68 heretofore been my , good fortmui to Meet with. I urn, deur sit, with many thanks, your obliged fricutl,. . .. CHARLES M. 'MTh:, NO. GO IlaMmersly striet,New York. Prom lrarwarstng, DEMI Sin,—l bite been alDicted for several years with inward weakness':9le ge•net•ol debility., accompanied at. times weli pain in the aide and Oillor distressing complaints. Aft*cr having trivit various e medicines without effect, 1. was perstinded . 1) 'a friend to make trial or Dr. Wright's • I ntlittli Vegetable Pills; 8 Mob I inn happy to s ate have relieved muln a mow wonderful manner.' '1 have used the • medicine as )*et but a• short time, and lime terdellht,llV ti iler.SeVel`tllleeSill the use,oftlei niediciiieluitordlog to directions, that • ! 'shall *a short time' be iterfectly'reOireil. -. • , ••''';',' ,;. 1 Medi willingly' renoinineild riaill - Rilic O.: Ora persona B ilnilt9 . lY Hlll)4feW;aiittLiik,:illefillt:beliei tliactliiiiatitiV Ventlfieial "reealla will'follo*-: their tik ,. , , • , . •, • .• f: , ' - -,,, ~ ';:,..f, i ~.., .. • ":, i ' ll . iiitirii{ . 6lli . i , iiii * Cerefii . ' ~ ,- . ' - •' . ',... ,'''' ir,NItY '.A. FOOTS . ;. ''..„' \Vitro° esilae,l3lster, p0.,.:N ea, Yot , 1:: n zw , ./iai, ')riy.c..lottillar4r*ra. 7 .: 7 Tile: paid le: are.• eatitietWel aitaitlit,Alie`„ttiany. sitar idah niediehiele Odd! lui'''Oriler ' 'to. tiecelye„-;iire, called 'by- natticei: ainillar to .- Writilit'a . I nilinit Yiketaliin Pill af . ~..-•,, Cliiiltia.,OglibP; Carlisle. :,..; p' „ 'John Coovcr, lietoehaniesbure' • ' .. '....Broncman & ,TOwel, New CuEr.4 o Oulla .. • • Jameo Gll'utOre,Nawyillc,. ' .... ' 4:-JiNot:th, ...r:::c!! , • :ii . ~,,,, i ,-.. '' , ./110.tlithorl. lietii;rdaliitvii. "-•:; ~ - .1 '&, - 43 A' (.;dylo,'ll44foWn:''-;' ..lenoo.Bilititih.l.4labi, ..; fr..';''/,'(.' ::'. ":-.:•':- ..r .. :wiser and . Pouti. itottllztownt. ... John P. IthOdtw, , Ofiliii;. , 2otqlsi , ' '-.- /' . . . ~,S:z . L. ,Sonteiiicinr, Newlyittg,'; •' • . , - ICilfieen Airritt4P'exOltoilvely . :to; the aide 441. IN' rigliCti:littliatiV9iettill'lltir aliolesale, anl - retail lOollitee:StrOef;Thilltilillphittl' '2BB CI re s i is Woalilreet;lsteir,Yolti,anil.J.llil Tremont &rept,. nin lc i GI( E %In 1. 1 47%1: BitOilig.... '' , .•,.•., ./ . f I i t , ''' ' lie'tiCsi , itrt,li , ..l4t 'etev tiolnvso7l ,r. rlll.llB 3 i '''''' ' Ili liiii'mq+s•titld ot, Mc; . 116 A t ''* l4 . li q'T I , ili' iti ici.l4 L to' i.oltt:tt A il 1"11(1 -" Gi "!'. t ' c i ” li e ‘li% 1111 ' 111EL the' ' iritilcUrAll , 'Atatle ilyllit log, , Qw. 7, c-i ,v'erv-iiitito;o),' it nin "'" ,1 ' 14 "1 1 1;;'‘ct l eN•00:01"00i)))))10 veoloi 0 ,)41,14.,'4°).:'°'1Viel: itkriimi)l4,,,ii,9o,ofil, -4 iiiii ;- ; , Hingrit4q7trioa 1 6,il'ol4(irilliiliaii4l43lo q 1111 ' 611 ' 61° ' h irt ' l loi• I to tliti lisilinaaii bile, fk ItiArllol'4lFo')e r 11),(1 `ritiii' bo' lih , iltis4*io I'litt,c4ll' kg;61....,c1- it s';pil ' ili ,i4iif6tll,ller - 40109 . ,,,Trl IT " * :)."") 1 : ti j s tu I ,m' v ,l mtv ,io ii4ol, j vn gt' , ,l., ' l,, 4 ,i.?itt trwlnnintlimliring i:Otilpi tijo'itt,t , PT•, , ,T,l'. o 3llv. i ',.; h w t , l *, t ,„ ei.,1,,, 'lni.i(„ltc,l*.-,,t I)'l!i).ht‘tr , „ lut s , 9,T , ,! , TF1, 1 . k , Nr• 1 ii ,11.,(.1' , t • Ctirllart; Octolgl 1 348, I ti"; /' r . ~.',/ • ' „ , r , . , •' , ~ , iry , ' ', . 2,',' v.: , . _--, E MEI ME