L ' •'"" •'• ES 11.1'1'1 I Ji I :;.. . • On ThtlniatiYi',9le. • t"." Hindvey-L'anii— l Ring Indiann,'lto,r444llnot of- Dr: Aden.' HOYB, by lbo - , Eovj:iV;E.'.,( , :briile . l.;F: , i.?:.•X. J Annin, Esq.., Mtnimori,pftisto,•NEtOr 'of I:be'llate7pin: , ,lTOtni . e`; pal:, Of ittns, • inst. by '9l-' CMLEBB,. bot o !PI!•:•:.7.„ • . r ;•Nqai,iciri g syciv,n_„•. , On the 13111 . inst, by'-the, • same, IVlrlia&vm, CORMEIROBBT, of -North dletonT•tow.nship;-% to Miss IRATILEOA PIFER; Or .Silver-epring,tosmship. -• • • • • ; On Thuriday , lnsety. the stune;'Mr. Josnsu LAMBERT,: tQ Mies DELILAH SWITZER, both of this county..• nt the house o(Mt. GeOrgo ,Potlng2tonliy the Rey. C. Bonnet, Mr. Lv:ttlYoilsbLY RRARM, tb Miss ANTONIATTA ELIEt/3EI'R PRITB, bbfkOf'flariisburg, Pa. 11010:ihe Boiling springs,. on -the • h3d inst Mr ROBERT FELVX, to Miss LEA MAR. • °ABET, seeoncOlaughter of Mnj. George O'Don• 'nel, all of this bounty. • ° —z • DIED. : • On Siturday last at his residence infirlinkford ,tOWrship, after a lingering illness, ROBERT LAIRD, Esq. aged. 50 years.. . Mr. Lnird was one of the'inciat respectable and upright citizens of tltie counfy; has•held veribus .— , stations-oLtrust_and—Confidence_atihe hands of his•fellow-citizens, and hie loss is lamented by ?;numefolisielatties rind friends: His funeral - was' ',offended tin Mdfidny laid by a large concourse df eitizene. bite 'Sale (ON THIPTiSDNIC A tbe 13th of FebrUary next, the subscribers intending .to quit farming, ii,itriliSpiose of their dnato 'stock at public ?ale, 'on ihe premises, in North Maldlefont township, 'on the Trindle Spring road near Rialstita,s,Ttic '.orp' shunt three miles from Crirliele,•elihliisting of the.foilowing property, vitt Siti head of Horses, rwo ;Caul, iddr boliv, 25 - 'heid'iir . Engfi . One Plan alien We 'on a one-noreis agon:, oug is an. . 4 arrows, 'one arriege4 two Sleighs, four •Hers Wagoh 'sears, orie,tset Double Harness, ;we sets Single Humans, three Riding Saddles, two Wagon Saddles and Bridles; also but, lug, fifth and co* Chains, three Shovel Ploughs, a Corn Cover, one .pair Hay Ladders, one Wagon Bed, t Windmill of Shreiner's make, nearly new, a Cutting Box, Wheel-barrow, Grind.stone. Bogs,, Shovels,_ with_other utensils. Also,- Household and Kitchen Farm ture, such - 01 Bedsteads and Bedding;--a'Chit board, Cooking Stove, &c. Also three swarms of Bees, a set of Fly-Nets &c. Sale to commence et 10 o'clock, A. Id, when attendance) will be-given and terms made known by JACOB RINGWALT, DAVID RINGWALT, LEWIS RINGWALT. MIS Notice; DEPOSIT DANE, kinuary-26, 1849. !THE Stockholders of this Inititution are hercbly notified that they arc required to pay, within thirty days from this date, the se cond instalment of• five dollars on every share of stork held by thetri respectively. By order of ilfirßoard of Directors. W. S. COREAN, Cashier. - Dissolution of Partnership. • x - TOTICE is hereby given that the partnership lr here•ofore existing bet,wca the subsCrilters under the firm. of GILM RE & McKINN EY, was disiolved by mutual' consent on the . Oth of January inst. All pesrons indebted to the firm, and those having clairus. are requested to call on - T. A. McKinney. Wholme.the.books and is duly uu homed to make seillements. • • —JAWS GILM we-- T. A --wex NiEv. • - KTTlie business will be continued at the old sin d by niltuore and Stough,-rho - solicit fhe ',ebb, worming... Jan 2.6—pd Valentines. H E subscriber has received an assort ment or very pretty Valentines; also Note Paper; Envelopes, Writing and Leiter Paper, Funny Mottoes ,tXafers sad Metallic Pens* also. Patent Letter Balanoes to ascertainat he weight tn , tl pes•age of le:tcrs you send li mail. Jan •26 • G. W. 1-11TNER. Presla Pine Oil. rflIE subscriber has just received a Barrel 4,1 Irt•sti- Pine Oil inn 26 To Blacksmiths. 9000 Bushels B S I T COAL for sub , i•hrnp by FLNK & 31ILLER. Harrisburg. Jnn 19 144,--6w Win. Pll. Penrose, A TTORNEY Al' LA IV . , will practice ja. din several Couris of Deophio cootity, and .frcrb his professional se; vices to the public. Joel 19 IP-I'-3m Pine Cll. ()NE Barrel Fresh PINE OIL, just re,en•ed nt the store of Jan 19 SIIQE-4-I'lts subscriber has just re• ceived n new supply of Ladies' and Gentle. inen's Guru Shoes, which he will sell very cheap tan 5 ISIS G. W. HI I NER. REGISTER'S NOTICE. REOISTRIt'S OFFICE. CAULIKLE,? January 15, 1898. . NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to al pertains interested, that the following ac t:nub's haee.been filed .n this °Rim for exani inatioN.Jry the accountants therein 'named, and will be presented to the Oiphans' Court of Cumberland county for confirmation and al loviance, on TUESDAY the 15th day of Feb. rusty, A. D. 1818, viz I. The' account of Dr. Robert G. Young, Guardian of Adelina Sidle, now Adeline Es linger. 2. supplemental account of John Hou ser, Executor of - Hobert Coult, late of Monroe township, deceased. ' 3. The account Of John Peters, John Be!s !hoover, Michael G. Belshoow;r, and Henry ilatrew. Executors of George Helshoover, late of Monroe town. hip. tleceased -4: The aceolnit: of George Harlan, Admit', latrnbir • ef Harlan,lato of Newton !invinehifirdimese,eil, `5. Thu 'account of Michael Hoover, Admin.' • istiator of JOhn IC Tenzer, late iuf Enst'Pennal. borough: township,' deneased,'fi led bk ; Ghriatian -- Executor of - M I chi et 44 oinier;:d . eeessiak - Mut of Henty ' Rupji ; Guerdl n. soligo; jiff !Or poOcorgelY.i` % . • .•,. 7. Tho oiccount of Ge,DigiEnrigle, Adminno , tratoi:• - of John dingle:Joie or lionigdO 3 1 -dYfq• 'shiP;:ili'°l4'44lo ';'3-•-1?`-14,3..,':......, ',.- - ,,',1,-":?...,, , :-, .. ..,.. ..f._ -3, 8. '.ll.ll6:nanount tirWillioni Ifiltief`i'Atlmin; -- -• linratoc Fif , ..j4iinuie!flii:rlO;k;.htni , , , Offi , :isti . )ifor! . ' 'Ckninl.4tiiitti,fpiii,ektli-'" :V. , . `." , A , , ,•'.. .:;,,. .„,- V..' l 'ho'accoilfi,orklt r -Oil,'OPlAlfoi..P.xe 6 otiii ''of tinnliuMA'PH6'N'4,ol'il'AlSi./6(4'Pli'Pt'we'l .' '' tt ' iw n iiii is l4l liX 4 4'i 'o :. , ' ,. . P , 3..',, , '•;•., ''. `'''''.s-'l7l' l l'iio*gpont of 'Wfjfiarr,t ‘ F;Poiser onil 'Poviil Ifolit",'EigiOi4ii ofjilooh,g;(l 9 , 0 0 , info . , • , . . rFrookfook t,0,n , ,nihip,,.,!,10ceme,e41,. 3 ., , ~ -4 ~ ~--; . - -,1 I. ' The opeiku!ktt of: .Goors:o : BhambhOgh, -: • euivivini'AiliAinlisindOF s Ofjpfillip,Slisnrug4, . c. ' - ' -5011:; lt,!gPSF,r,qo}cfpiil,,tnivelsliip, (I.,ctatint. ‘. ..12,',,Tho' 3 ,..icFoxO;Of:3:1 , 41,iini.ol,L; ; .!. , ,Bpatigler i • ..AdtriiniierilOir,:ort ,- ,qo . ,,,,,,tioangler,l'lste,': of ''''.. 4)l4 'kin s EVl. AO.it'l'"iiiPt;•oQCOaleilitiiled:;itilohli ; no fiypii..,.fi4niitiiotroior; of, raid . ,' .-_• VllB ., onflJi #4ifioiler,Jecoaseti ;433 1 , - •', ? , .'t : 4 .-`,- ,;, , ,;2 , llB:‘Thi iecounVol Jacob f)nott, t A cimih -- ' , lfifonneloealtiOrinifttatiOt;' - Ann , :33t,"'4it 1 4:o4l.ntigif to,,iiiitiiii.;iiceamai is„. : , ~. ~ 1 5 f ,, !: "::(sp , ci4.,rhiiiatioem,,,(ii.i:o4,l, tiro 0000 0 t,or i.,-:„,,.oniiif':-,Pejtkpl,titlAi ß epi t e,: Ziplio.g;xeculiirl -1 i 4 l # ( 44 l9 ,f, B sZ,)Ont;;gekt'fitO qrY da,t ' P P . ".!!° l) . °7l° , .'i.'4 1 ,?!!T010,:0ncin50c1,,v,,,, , , , .„ , ,,...; , - •,. -..•-,..:!-..,.,,,.;., :,, '._24l..ilo'qjkir'ibo4;ft- OC,lln(ll''',MafttntJrt!llll '..• .- 'Xl%bylitionr , 4!inlia; 'Al.iiiihi,,tifiittlro,!•Ofv,l - tic - otf lbfis ..,-,....tliOiief.`i'•‘.l'fittr ,;',,wiiiif,,p!intiiiiol.l,4f!f. •,, ,( T, i filiiNtloili.tiair;:'' l 'll7:, ,::-". , ' , ..!Y ''' ', : ,;. ~ .' 6 '.. 4 (11,1 c • , it`co`ni)t*'iNfttlyo'tit4i.,te.4 ; :, l . -, `•' .1, 3 1 .141 113 t P,liifiln`• giblills;4o4lieifitcoiNthipi . 0/;:f...te,1..:4,5;;5•;,.: , A. ol2l l , 44 o .;<;Fejii4ti/j,4:44 4•` ''!,....,,..2,c5;,',51..,0 o.,sAl',igrl7l:l.o3.l3C)PleilAl!?',4l. ','; , :;' . :: , ..:2 .,-. ,?. ,•,....,,,,,,':- ::,''..-...'•:.• ';'.. :-. ' 1 *",.." l'' , ;" jcit;' , .;`,.,‘"P - , , ,iF,' ,. f,b . :;dpikt4l.4.'' ,: . ...,.(:,, , t,e1,...: ...;,... • . ,-..-, ,%-• : ; ~r, . ..-.--• . , . ~ ,:-.• '• • ...,,,'. - 4 !, AiEfeatii, ; Naar %Viach ' esier; , Va.; chen "On - SATURDAY Ifith,MARCH, IDDY virtue'.of4. r d g edillinif , lWOirettit'S:terior - Court'of. w.and lChanceif ler: the 'nary, icr - Fret - 'lo,lfiltTur ItTfeMaiiiirec t a eats the'estate of: A:rthur.'W, Carter, the 'aubsetiberi who:s r eepointed 'akeiaPeerrinetseioner,fer-ihat'pa ose, , vet ll..prel; Ceed :Seturdby, the 18,th Mardi, tilaxi," to sell. at publje auction the,folloveing property, to-Wit: Vhe . Atwater; .HOUSE 'and 'Mgr:, FAUM.' about . 4k inika.froni Wineteater, Contain-; ing about 300 Acres of .first quality elate Lapd;' with a large proportion of fine meadow loud; wea ? tared by Opequon on the east and Redbeid on the , south, , Something like 100 .acres of this Tract are in Timber. • The im prevethent&consist of a two-story • v e r 141 BRICK DWELLING HOUSE . I I ; with six rooms, and a baiement which is usetias a kitchen and for cc are. The out-houses are a Bern, Corn-house Stables &c. The -Berrysville turnpike- leading to Winchester, passes within a mile of this farm, and milk; shops and feeteries are all convenient. 2. The WEAVER-TRACT'adjohiinie the Home Fartit ,lesse ,Calvert. and others, and , con taining 150 acres, af Which'abotit one-fourth is in timber. This tract is without buildings, bin is well cleared ttd fenced, and well watered by 3. A Lot of Woodland tin the Ope . - qtion, between . .jesse Calvert and Ta errs heirs, containing I 6 acres. , A. The Paper Mill Lot tittle fund on Of Redbint_ end Opequon, ,containing about six iteree::lsf, and, centre - noble , D welling. House bnildingiOncluding - the 'Old" Feller is .a first ratamill seat, liavirl 'fart& 'about 18 or- 11 0 feet on a fine . stream, , aria an, s 'exaellpt peighbOthood for custom. r 'Phu Va6t6eySot, above the Paper, *ill, with a Woollen Faetory, a Dwelling House an d four or five acre's of good hind. — 6 -- 11- - L - Ot - oFtdmestoni: 'Lund - on - me - BanletoWn turnpike, containing 116 acres, ad joininglVlrs. Joseph IC. Carter, Peter McMurry and °there mim i~ . . . The sales will all be made at the -Woolen Factory, being a point convenient to-all-the di• visions. 'l ; itsis—one• third payable 'Juno 15, PM, and the balsee in two equal yearly paymenrs, with• at: o interest, to be secured by horrds and deeds of - trust,-when- the•couft -havo -confirmed- the sale. • .. , . I will be on the premises on the day before the sale, prepared to show the property to any one %visiting to examine it. . - WM. A. CARTER. 1---Jon 2G-ts 4 ' . Special Commis'r. P'AT PRIVATE. SALE.:—The.un , dersigned offers at private sale, a val• siel unble MILL at -the mouth of the • Is a ...P. Yellow 'Breeches Creek, and within sight of Harrisbutg. 'Phe Millis re built, with new Machinery and new Dini erected. Tere is also a new Saw Mill just put up, and only running for a few weeks. .The Mill House is of stonerand- attachod to it. are near 90 Acres of first rote Land, on whichlsereeted a Tenant House, Brick Barn, Brick Dwelling and a good Ofeliard and - Well of Witter, with a Spring and Spring House. his Mill, situated at the mouth of the Cumberland vat op, and within 3 miles of the Railroad and Pennsylvania Canal, offers pe culiar. ndvantnges for the purellaseofgrain and manufact of Hour. A large part of the''pur char.° money, if satisfactorily secured 'may re, main upon the property. Applications, post paid, must be directed to CM Extensive..DistiAlery and Town Pro ..perty at Public. Sale. WILLAte sold at public - Jade-on THURS. .DAY the 24th February. PAS,. at The Court House. in Carla:ie. at 2 o'clock-p. A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the north -side of Liberty alley, and -adjoining the Letart Spring and property belonging to Jacob Zug, hod' & Itheent and Win Breeze, extending about 120 feet on the said alley and a like, distance on the Lenin Fpring; Immo. thereon erected a large tiT 0 iqP, DISTILLERY. i : ." with all the necessary apparatus, ttrl I_ll whieh is nearly new, and capable ,41, , I 1 . ,: of mTh stashing 75 bushels per day, end also an extensive Hog•pen and other necessary buildings. ' Also, i'LCA' OF GIIOUNDI situate on the east side of East street, bounded on the north by Liberty alley, of the south by property of Henry Barni.z, into on Ike rant IN the I.et Sri spring, einitaining 60 feet in front and 240 in depth . ; lui'v inz filereon erected a two-storiil.o4.4 HOUSE, and also a two,tory Wearly;.ertroarded Haase, Cooper-shop, good Stable and.ottrer irgi'lanties To any person t. islung to engage the atom ',rope:hi..4 oiler grew nalneemions. ho me ritigned on a neverdailingqtrearn of water. and at a short dist:lt:cc twin an extensive grist G. W. HITNER Ternig. which will to very accommodating, will be'reade Iceowit en the day of sale by „Inn 19 • N MA HON. r rHE subseribers 'assignees of JOHN W. GOOD. will sell ut public sale, on the pre mises: on FRIDAY, the 25th day of February, IB4S, to ll &Clock A. at. the TRACT Of LAND simile in South Middlenin township, Combat:- lurid county, about nix miles east of Carlisle, bouedcd by lands of Tvibitts Cauffninn on the north, and P. F. Ego on the south, containing 30 Acres and 90 perches of goo ot Lime• stone. The improvements are all new, c usist ing of a two..story HMI .LIN G HOUSE. 'Bank Barn, DISTIL OKI, LERY, and all the distillery alma: ratus and hug•pens, together with -- other itnprovements, all of which have been recenily built and arc in good order. Tha Distillery is now in full operation and has the advantage of a constant stream of running water at the door , Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale by JACOB HOFFER CIIAS. BARNITZ Assignees under a deod of voluntary assign% Jan 19 CHAS. OGTLRY IN pursuance of an order of the „1 1; Orphans' Court of Cumberland „ county. will be esposed to public sale to the house of John Slough, in Stoughstown, on SATU RD A Y the Our of February neat ; at 12 o'clock M, of that day, the following described real estate, late the property of John Smash, sr, deo'd, viz ,No. 1. A tract of Limestone Land adjoining Stpughstown, Newton township, in said county, bounded by lands of John McCulloch, Sharp's heirs, Ilrbwn weirs the Harrisburg • and Chambershurg turndikerroad and other property of the said John Stbaugh; deo'd, containing 105 Acres :91i ,perches-.strict measure; of which about 10d acres'arc cleared; good - fence - end: sin goad cultivation. The Imprevemente are a ' large two-story STONE-HOUSE and KI'VCH EN, noW:occupied , ea a Tavern, a large ,Think Sum, two Frame St ablesand. ot her out- b [di n ge; , a fine young Orchard and OthbeFruit Tree% and , a never-rialing•Weli o Witer... l !.. , ir., No- 2.'A a tract of -Linteatode -Land in ,isaid' 'Newton township,..bounded , :bY !nada, Skilea' Woodburn, Jacob Belaiinchier,'Polly-Fulton.and the Harrisburg and •C hanibersbarg tmnplke rondo containing .71.-Acrea and, , 8-10V.perubei, of about:42hcres are cleared, in :good cult!, vat ion and under excellenr , fence plowing. thereon', erected.a'two-story anda , half , LOG HOUSE,, a " Log Borth Corn-crib and , .Slied „ there; Wale* a demi Orchard and 'Cider P. , retel Patha;Prenaisca,r Purports NOS,„ Mid 2 'will „ basoldlogothert,R" No.' .- f , `.two•staryrltA M E U Sp, :3 , Stono,Shorentl'e . Log !Statile; nithfiMAaros.,amil 67}. peridtge,of.,Ltindiliprota, - aitachot, ; isitetne"‘qh Staiiio9loW ardrosuid t. , MltcholPSte*art;!Stimuel' Mellinger and - WOW- N0. , .1 aforesaid. The:- teridi'of aide Will Ani k 6l2'oo.4A , Ptud the infitairi gd; I=-$lOO tO 10.Pnia oil,,,i ll o'''Poe' . ! I Pitt' WO.; 2+ 7 d Old 01 ° 1 InurlOt NeT.:3."-tliLlita;ildlthruldtina - Athe stile' of:each . respecTiVely 7 fOrid4lllrd rir the litirehittio' , raciney , IA Fontein Ate: bitfil;11110h ere at iih6reof. Jo:be spattl , ta;tha..widtivt:' Soho, Stebghj yearly, and .everp yoar ! .:ditring:har,life, bad tha larintipa,l);at , fiisr death to, the peta l and represent aj iVett. ;t1391 ii.O . :l:6liii,glough.,dati'dlinatt-hslf,Pf then* : 4hatia, Money, - tci,be plad,ntathe dity,OCA.pril.nek!i , iti - fivo,boitat'Aiiptittf afalni:entis it:artier theipayjiientetolitOtteaure&bY receigni; :minces : * *lth ~ secutritYlln:lll6='.Orphanit', C burr.-=', of ho 'Odd lattlia , grouraand rents tirba - fassriodi - : tend filifthavrta', to PO 01 11 44', ooWlcod:for , tho • f'tic .l lll Dtl hod a6V l ; l!! :" 10 PESI aluable 'll Property, C. IIAMBLY, York, Pa Assighee Sale. Orphans' Court Sale. ' ' . - Jiltb tel l "It . ' lt ''''''-' 7. . ' t'' '' ' '".`!'"'' i' g . rr , ''''' ' '''' t • .',, ''; - ',-`-',."-.: ' ---al 00 , ... -• . ~, 1 . , , :. : . 1 . , ::', , ,! , fte1ftir , 4-1( 11,1, 4 . , ~.'.--.-z.,- . ' . • .`' 7-: -.-7-7- 7 ---- - - -vs , 1-Zeieliftriitblikbilice:lfeitiofed: r: , ' '..' ', • '?For Sitte'dilient t .. - ."..::„..., .ft h e . .... um.E, Office_of. the subscriber, t Just i ce pf tilt. - rt -.., ~. '-',' THE Inibeirther 'Otitis' , for Ot. rettco i :hOrbeen,lorneved 'iciihit - honsei adjoining . ~ ,.._s, „i n exc h ange fcc - I,aptlitheAWEL,,l.,-* tlio steijebf,,Mrs. ~W,eakley, in. fligketreet, geT7 , - e .: 4NG11011:.V. „and 'LOT.in - , - which lisle, tmhiedfakelYloppbeite . tholfailroad, - 49Pet- ;is i he neW , lives; -Situated :jant'Lnuthar -und-Winrotesr - frottill. AVVlte;idetice - bitin h e ,' -- - 'grid% natirthisSpring;Mgetlr J.will alyrtiya hoToUndm:heineileady to attedg "fWa'oifitirlinildlagiceiljoidinglt;and: two and: a: to the basmoss,ef .the Public.. -. In addition jo , thtv halfAcifif Of Iground 'thereto - attached i: ;The .00., dhi_ies . 'pf ,n,MagiSQate; I,„willyttend, to all. kinds Perfy has dvdirltuilding ticl'eorivriniondisitecati of Wilting; such : s".Dee,thir ,149rtgages , JI,Onds ,, fratry,ferst Tritinery,Yer- which . basinestigiS filar Indentures 'Artieles.or . .4greement,, Notes "&c, , thimble:location, having fortnerlY‘ been ocouined which, will 'beiexa - Ohled in a; neat' Manner ,andsha- :4 1 , atich, by Dayid , S..Fordney.f _Yiio:,Acres of cording:to the' 'lmola opproiledloriiii: ' ' -:•''' , :•' ;gretind such ;, the aboie*illAlan;be . The OlRce.lately occupied by ale, ip M.i,Vr *- ad if desired.: -, , • •• : _i ,;`2:::i ',. i . , ham's building is for rent,'and , ttbssessainlied'im: - ':._ - Alsd .fcir tiele,; the TA 'V ER N .;,: t, . _- mediately., Thereat is low and the locatioiveled: 'IIOUS'E and Lief Ground now oe4, Jan 12 NM§ ...,.., ;. - - GEO. - FipmiN G. ; ' 'CiiPiedliT,Col:lrea:MoadY, - 011 Maid.' •N . j il --: 4.... - street.trthe' Ritilrond'Bridge. 'Ws . at a commodious' Steno• House, and iii - en old , etainl; hiving boon occupied, as a Ipublio house for many. years. There is a large ;, STA:-' BLE.attached4o it, together with alßfacksinith Shop and other copventepces. • ~.. - .. Both Of the above 'properties mill: he _sold_ orL' liberal terrne,.or exchanged for goo& land, lying, in "the_Camberlann - Valley.Persons. desirous of. purchasing, are requested to call and examine them. • Also,:for rent, the Store-Room onElie corner of - Main street and the public square, lately'ocen pied by 11. H. Grove, and one of the most public business stands in the borough. Also, a Ship - for - runt; - situatedin - thersquarer .- Prterms apply to _ . 'SALOB "ZUG.: 10:=23=1 7SHE. EorrimisSionere of Cuinberlatid , .cdttnty , -- would, hereby give nolicafto those, persons conneyned, that they, have 'appointed tho follow.. ink iimes and, plug for ;the, hearing of ,Appeals forthe.respeenve townships and-boroughs: - -- TO . Wii•Ps,'Boro'S% Viin. Pltie oftholiling.• Silver Spring . Jan. 18 - 'Comm're Office Hampden • . " 19 . - do Etist Pendslibtough " 19 o - Allen - .. 2O - do Medlibmtiburg " 21 .. . do New Cumberland%) ". 21 ' ~ do -Monroe-----"--29- Shippensburg borough "- 24 . _ do Shippentiburg town'p " 24 . do' Hopewell • • ' " ' 2.5 • 'do Mifflin I - . " 2:5 do Newvilla - . " 26 - 'do Newton- .. ." 26 do Spotintropton._ :r_____ .. " 27 . do rrdnkford -" .27 dci — Dickinion ' ' " 28 do North Middleton " 29 do - South Middleton _ " 31 . 'do West Pennsborough Feb, 4 do ~ Carlisle " 2 • do' -0 . DAVID STERRETT, . '' - DA NIEL,C-OBLEt ' Attest, Was. RILEY♦ Cl'k Commissioners' Olflco, Carlisle jan. 1948 5 NOTICE 'No the. 1-leirs and Reprssentntivvs of David Nicke,y, lute of Fratikfard --deceased,,. • 'TAKE ,N °TICE', that in pursuance of it writ of 'pariamn and Valuation issued our of the Or phans' CoUrroc Cumberland coenty and to me directed, an inquest will be held on the real es tate of said decertaecli-to wit: .No. 1. A tract,of land in FrankfOrd ,rownship, adjoining lands of Nicholas Ulrich and 'Matra, containing about 200 . Acres. No. 2. Another tract adjoining William Campbell and others, -con taini trg about 130 Acres. No. 3. Another tract adjoining John Cloy and others, containing about 16Q Acres. No. fi. An other tract-of Mountain Land, contniait% about 20 AtFes, on MONDAY the 7th day of Feb run ry,-A D 1848, at 2 'retook' P 14L, on tho pro• motes, for the purpose 'cif making partition and valuation of the real estate of Said deceased. JAMES HOFFEIt, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflice; Cm lisle, Jan 12 1818-3 w Estate of Henry Harttel, dec'd. LErI'ERS of Administration have isiued in due form of law upon the estate of • Henry LlartzeLdee'd, to John %Vert . of South Middle ton township, to whom all persons indebted will make payment; and those having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement: Jan 42' 18.18-tivepd JOHN WERT,'Ailmr. NOTICE IS hereby given ro all whom it may concern, tin` my wile Rebecca Jane has returned to my family, and is now living with meas my wife, and I am determined in all respects to trent her as such revoking and annulling a Muice by me -put in the-Carlisle-Herald, cautioning-till-perstais' against harboring or 'rowing my said wife on my account. .And I also state that I done wrong in so doing, and list this notice is intended by me to correct any Islas impression that may have bCen ftradc-on the public mind in.consequence of lie publication of the former notice. Given un• der my hand -Dec. 27, 1847. Jan 12 1818-3wpd ELI FICKES Selling Olt Dog Cheap. - TITS" subscriber wishing lo discontinue his bit': sinesa, Will sell his entire stock of CHEWING TOBACCO and CIGARS at reduced priCes.— His stock consists of excellent Cavendish and Congress 'Tobacco, Havana, Cuba and Seed Leal Cigars. Also a larga lot of Half-Spanish Cigars, Snuff, Pipes tad Seafarlatti Smoking Tolateco, elf of which will be sold at greatly re. (laced rates to close htisioe,..s. Cull and see. Jon 1.2 'I llt)S. 11. CRISWELL Shawls, Shawls: A Bpiendid ossertment• of 'rurkerie, Mocha, Cashmere, Thibet and, Blanket' Shawls. nt the cheap store in West High street. Jan P 2 1818 J G CARMONY Cloths and Cassimeres— CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Satinetts and a general assortment of Vesiings, very low, to the Cheap Store in West High street. Jan 121848' ,1 G CARMONY Dissolution, rr HE partnership heretofore e'xisting tunween 'ha subscribers . wns this dny (29th Dee-.)'dissolved by npiuni consent. . BRENEMAN BENJAMIN GI VLER Jan 11 1848.3wpil Es.p Agents Wanted. TILE subscriber winces to engage in the sale 1 of his Maps a number of young and middle aged men of moral and business halts, as tray ' oiling agents. Having completed neW and great• ly improved of his Universe' Atlas, 73 Maps; large Mnp of the. World, Reference end ~Distance Map of the 'United States, National Map of the United States4.4also, a variety . of otit or Maps, including several Maps of Mexico, the ,subscriber is prepared to furnish agents, for cash, lat the lowest possible prices. Address S. AUGUSTUS MITCHELL, North-east corner of Market and Seventh ate, Philndelphin. • jrni.s 1848-3 w Estate of Aaron Wise,' . . NOTICE is . herehy given ihat Letters Tam.' mentary on Ma estate of Anion Niso, lam of ilitmeden township, Cumbetland. co.,' dee'd, have this day batia isaued-by the Register'in'and tar the said county,' to' thesebscriber, , whe resided in Shiremanalown,- - M,sdia'enimiy,: All , pcirsons having claims or, demarids,.akainet the ':estato of the said decedent are reonestediu make .known , the ;dame without ;delay.. and: ,tnoso .indebted to ,make paymentlo'. • ; r MA:1711111eip, . _ —lVgticbi ALL' pereorie indebtecl:tp the eubeeriber either liy'nute or book necourt!, taw, hereby, notified , to cell and nettle np,by,,,tbe Ist cirFebruaryt-148, an longer credit cannot, be, given. ,': •l•lan •CfISAMLOY: MM TERS escato A't ti,tl';:l4.Y, pit .s" ,4eit'firef4inpew'ell" township; onifiberliinit , hnon grnnteil,in due form . of, la W , 1.4" JOh4lll4iars.'Of diarna:t iA;itishi I.o;#lfoni,:alliia r atniii. OA astittd , paitnitntinia. I thliso having olaints•WilNiViiiiion,tt',thi4i;:itikiy ;atill)eritieittO for . s9o,la nicht.", I: I .IO„HPI,MIYER9 Etedoin.ber:B;Te3t 7 :-6w_,; , ETTER§ 151 d ini n ihe cite te 114,eCM'A IZNIK. . NEISW A 1,61E1t, e,td, hoe tii':Pevicr : Preleivitnier Mon roe itekrnontii.. , - I; : poTiAttni, toe rge . inst . the -; . eitetti:mill 'veleta theiqjcsit: tell,.arreettie`in44l - 640.:611c4iiitioita' - fridipbtii4 DAY(ll3lSW:AltrGE:ii;;A.4ii)le;' - ir pit sqpitlY,...(, PlOLainue, jildire•• -'iii,;Velll2o • col! O t It , ‘tOoKB.l - fai .; , .:7 , ';'-r - ...,' , 4141/fn:6S.4.ooginigiNt ik i , i. : -.A.Aiirii ! tavoiloitlitoooiiicfiiiii...feile .11?1,41,104ernops.tqfit . ,qtwpworri. q: -,.;-,, 1 !0 . ..1,17:' , : i' , ::::: s ll,t'fA*oo4l , ,ifig , r„.:::.; :::,...y,:),!•,:.•;:,,,,,i,.,•,i:xy.,.,*,*i;.,;.;,,,x1,,i-,!;liT,;F;,;;p,o,!::,-0..,' PMEMMPRETt Jan 26, . For 'Rent: • SEV.ERAL 'Hous* P.nseession given April let, ,1648. -inn- 26 • , • CHAS.AGITAY. • ~ • . RENT.' - '- ° Y , gi ea a - : ..„..4.x..;.1.. :. .. "rl - O T U fic S O t‘i9 edt gulf tick 1% ; t f , e % t y t h g e l i dr e et . .... '"7 1111 ' ..Paiban'ige°n li illr M. 1% ige. • ••,: it . : i : : 'eent 'OceuPled Y ~ let thy of - - Z-'!' ' "-..:-;;Pesgetision kt_l•egm ' rho - - . Wiirit 'Fez!: . so, the S fitCPPS Fitt' O s c i c re u e p t i . ed o h l y e M. .Ofegg, chair-Maker,' on door south of the .Mothodist Parsonage. , For . terms apply to ' _ i s i . iiAtsprOH, , . .ABEL KEENEY, W. D. SEYMOUR. . - Cage°, Pin 5 1048 ELL, Cominigsioners. T . HE_House on West-Higkstreet; now occupied by Mrs Cook as a boarding -houae, is offered for rent from the Ist of April next. It s also o ff ered for an te . W.. 8. KNOX. 1_ • - FOR RENT. .. irt,t The Two-Story Plastered HOUSE, • le ill Kitchen, &c, in East Main street, now tl occupied by J. H. Brant:tn. will be rented for one year from the firm •of April next.. • . * J. W. Carlisle, Jan 5, 1848 • , . , FOR RENT. FROM the li;•of April. 1848, that convenient STONE HOUSE on High 11 a: sli , - det 'Carnal° , east' of- G. Lyon, Esq, i 1. ), . containing, INV CI, .&r po 4 parlors and Woe ~..i other rooms,. four -fifths of the hall, kasha°. oven. smulie•house, garden and - yard, and all the cellar under Ale. front.bmiso. Apply ro WM. BUTLER, Adent for the heirs of Mre. Ant te'er dee.d. Messrs. J• Eby, P. Lechler and Joseph Mil berr, will dive information and the terms. January 5, 1848 - • - • • • FOR REXT. _ • THAT excellent . 4l4l-SIN-ES$ ; 0 STAND on the corner of North ,I•••,1 Hanover and Loather streets, pow jj :1 1 ). - -bdcupidd by - Chridiitin ithOff,'lddether with the room in the rear of it. - It is a Commodious room, and its situation in VOW lottd-part of-the. town anakes it one of the-I,est business stands in the place. For terms enquire of JOHN A. HUMRICH. Carlisle, Jan. 5, 1848. Foto. or Five two story . hrink DWEL LING -1-10USESin Alexander's Row, a Also, Two Frentweiling LIOUSES • l in East Loather AIND, tgro Frame DwellingllolUSES in Bnath Hanover St, adjoining Blade hotel. Also one plastered Dwelling HODSE in Church alley. I , ur terms apply to the aubsbriber. WIWI,. TODD, Agent. Cnrlisln, Jnn. 5, 1848 FOR =NT, af:i Two BRICK HOUSES. in that ,wo 1r ,;, ! , known busincas pnrt of Carlisle called OrlLL'llarper's Row,' on the North-east aide nt the Public Square. Pusaession to be given on the lat day of April next. - For terms aply to JOHN WEAV ER, or GEO. A. LYON. January 5, 1848—tf • ' • For Sale or Rent, A HOUSE and LOT, on West n„4:,street, at present occupied by Mrs. Parker. 'l•lfe house is nearly new. 1 having been tenanted but one year, i • - and is n perfect order. Fur terms npply to GEO. W. HILTON. FOR RENT. i. FOR RENT from the 'iirst of -,:iA9 . , .. April next, the ROOM on North 'AV ``,`, Hanover street, now occupied by ~.;.?"'it, . .,:„^,z, , - .. • Mr. N. !lonia, and which is well suited for a small store, Ala-, two small 110 USES, ono shunted on [Muller street, and the other on Dickinson Alley. Apply id 'JOHN B. PARICht. Carlisle, Dec. 15, 1817. '.•• ~_ FOR RENT. The - HOUSE' . situate in South ~,„Nuctri Itaunver street, nest door to; k..E.1 „ Elli , , t.llentz's store, and. at present ••!‘itit• ! ~i! . ia , or • .1%. occupied by Henry L, Rutier.— ~ •!• 1, ....,;„-i,; The houseAftwell calculated for a dine lung, mud is also one of the beststands for it store or shop in to.)int. Poisesston given on the Ist of April nest. Enquiresif . • • ./. , • ' ' ' IT.TER GUtSIIALL. • •Carlisle,Dt e. , S, I 8.1 . 7,--if ' ..., Welt !% 11 , 1 li i g vois ~.Far Rent. HOUSE • !.:' , THE p . iti o r nn oce u terinti apply • °PIMI.4I7' 'Y • WT. BR OW N For . :' Utirlisto, Dec. 2S; i • Valuable' Property at ; rilvate' Sale. • 'The large.anAcommodious,brick .••••Zgr-Ix DWELLING, ned,.:STO.l2. Boat', o on, tha corner' of Liither' apd ; lianwier etreete. ' Condittow'arkade known-by, the'proptietor.-- " Cirhsle 12-3ino•-• !,,,JASkREEDV.7' __:-.... • . .. I, .ALUABLE-., , :,FARM-:: - .: : -. ir ., .. -.. .:4.rArTMIVATHIt - OALt . ,';:: . .'-. Ttir. itthherltier.Oh4lt,ekieireo.sttle;the vet "stable'VA ItAt : on iilliel.' he noie:litreeit4te ate in Wei( 1 Pear stie - rit; totship, Centherlenil. euunty; About ' ,Ow ett , nil leitla s :neat, ni . Carl iele, 'on the dnnetlngSinntA ereek,,eohtstinep2s...M./AKS, , of fleet rhte .Lrinehtiiiie .tantl;:most of .t.t.htelt )1, oluerecr atittla A, WO '.ithiu • ott, cultivation. 'About ten Rai'li'Or it 101q1C40lICO1'111t;k14 • abouxeigteen acres re (1100 , IVtiotillld.' ,, ' u . ';y,; "' , iaini) t ateeenteernatweeter). f . ,w2 , 's; "'ISIVIIIK VKl4.lNG:nouse, 47lln , 0.644 Ilit, - :141.11 ~a ntlottier:. me- , 4111F..co kw y, out , ii)lilielgi:.', - ,lf4re: ti a ;.. . 1! r.........,-, . nettertiillitat.qiiring Itr,welet.'metir' Alni_lt ilch e 1 i - tinier' einl 'a streetWit;rsaaleg: Petep' thrimitili.q . •port t-it 'l4. j)I hoe o it: ,:I,.ibliji,bria , :i Ili* formerly- a Itistillery,'Witlt!tln ittet.: head' 411;iit Nimes.. ~ 'Throat' ; ie'elso 41 , :thri yl int' yetiti . o',Cilt. el fj ,A Itt) on the pla.tei eentetitiegtlte beet; fa ,W e ~.a-:..l : a first isle Limilitone.QOarry.: rtfile'wiiniolooi t ; : iinobilenteditrGktkoa cib‘e5: ,,, . ,,, ! , , Persons doivii.at.se4eilileg 11y jrai , i . lit ; ietteeiteil.tt,. .01 1 thei1 1 4eir0i; 4104eil fti4l 'liieliliiia;:• .::,,));I,'-':•4",';''188-MUL40'.4WWFATO, Deilf in 1441 5;•1114.7:WiPi1'te4t43:14!,..431ttYA.P:',.,`.'•:,: `• ringilor ,Glippf.ti • GItEAT :Frinitigkikitil, glen letoßnnii or all r- 010riitbO'telf0-' mipg drciee,l o 2; 170 Wi'lirrNEß.s , , L lecivemiier '111491s , .., -,..., -r" '-•,'''.' • Igii'm Nib . , ',.?."-.3,'" '-'iIi'XIIOUN.,4O•` , -,' ' 7',„=" ' rim 11 01 1 ;m•., - i ,•- ' • 'tirecr' " C401111 ,„ P ,,, 9 D' 41;. itiiio94•'l orb•mpiltidic. •r••,;;0r.,‘,.....', ,•r• ' it .:1111,4- • • ~e . r 9u. rilkhing"-' • tine, 4 1 li 9 ,A7',44 4 ' '44 Q)all:qfiorYF'"d';.ll,,li'i'FAsl'is W i eVr "I'AV + lol . l* -" " i l . 6 ?iPiti e ri4En , o i , - ~,- ,....,- .l" '3, : + r , ~ '` J.;,:'t , ''k 4 .02 tqc in' ' . : ,, ,1 , , .., ~ , r, f(,' '''.l; ,, '`7 c , ' . . EMU For Sale or Rent. VOR RENT. =I with their eueuini. y To' additibn to my fdrtOr kOotto flinvo Jusi reedii , Ca hgngrril intWid . D RIY. 0,0 b.P S and `GROCE R IES. to OcClocs e. to ;bike, op time to namotho - ,Oribita of good's ; at the Dde'Hive, p ad for, cash I valtive good 'oods; goQd Bargains and tooiEnti s eUtion. jun 12 .1848 , . • , '?3 'A. COYLE New Stott3=',-Bargaipsl THE, subscribe' : has just opened in the Store Rooth' latelroocupied by . R. Snodgrass, Eaq, on Wesilligh_street,italte_horiingh of Carlisle, a 'large and general' assortment of , D RY - 0 CODS, GROCERIES,.7QUEENSMARE, ;HARD. WAIVE &e dco, all of Which have.beert selected with great care, and which be is determined to Sell as cheap as, the cheapebir.' ;-‘' The public nib - respectfully irivited,to give hiin a edit. lie flatters himself that he can offer such inducements as will make'it their interest to p -tranisq-binv.. . . • ir:r . A lot of Auction Drys Goods at. Verriew. prices. • . J . G CARMONY . Carlisle, Jen 12'048 - . , . . • Great Bargains ! _ • MHE subscriber iiiivini deteirniged fo 'A s a ce a 1. change in his busineSs ' f !. , ill sell o r his_pre 7 sant atook.of goods at e rei t ly. :t edacd 13rides,-=. Persons desirous of glettniggiiod bergiiii3S Will do will.lo WI, ab ecioasi tvill lie eojd •uncotinnoiily low for cash. The bthdfcls nets'', Ihrge and well assorted wnh'fifshiLinale and staple goods. .111 a. b i fly goods will be sold '2" per cent. below first cost.. A lane "lot of BOOT and SHOES selling off • ' .; - celLprices._,Jklio - ...a..l6ll_its — sortment—of- GROCERIES, at the - very lowest prices. ' Jan 12 MS • ,-* - • CHAS. OGILBY , . Napoleon Le •Grande of the 'Rose tiVaMlbe, • R ICHARD the hero'of the RThanies, but the Knight of the Razor—re spectfully inforths those requiring his professional services, that he may always bo found at - the old eland in Loather street, one door west of Norili Hknover street, immediaTelTilith,ThY - di — n hoff's grocery store, and althoughhe will neither brag , nor boast, yet for clean and nestSHAV ING, fashionable. HAIR CUTTING and taste in laying out and cultivating either Whisker or Moustache, he does defy tha county. . Ile is also sole inventor and maitufacttirer of the celebrated and never-failing remedy for bald. nese, JOIINSON'..9 APPILATORY,: Which he is so -!certain of its restoring the hair, that !mould it fail he will return one-half the purchase money. Price 81 per bottle. jan 12 1813 • NO • OE • the Stockholders of Ihe CARLISLE DANK. - Notice is hereby given in confor mity with the following order of Courm ' • GEO. A. LY ON;•President. Carlisle Dank Jon 5, 1848. In the Circuit Court of tha•U_nited States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in .the circut, of October session,lB47. Krebs vs. Lyon et al. No. 1, April Session, 1818. In Equity. And now, to wit. this first day of December, A. D. 1897, in the matter of the Pill of 'Complaint - of John M. Krebs vs. Oren. A. Lyon- and others, Directors of the Carlisle Bank, and the subpo3na issued out of the Circuit Court of the United Slates, lOr the 'Eastern trict of Pennsylvunia,. No. 1, April session, 1848. - - .On the petition of tho Defendains, setting Mit, Olthough they rePees'ent oil the Stockhohlers of the said Bank, that 'different interests in different chyOsesLof the 'srtid.gtogitkolders nt*_require ikon to Bove alert Of the proceeding, that they may appear end defend their respective interests, if they 'shall think propei; aid that front thdir nunt berrlt would be inconvenient and expensive - to bring them in. as parties, by the proetisii of the. Court; and praying the Court to make nn order, authorizing them to give notice to the stockhold• ors of the prectedirig, by a publication of said petition, and thwdemeo of the Court thereon, fin four weeks preceding the first .10 Of April next, in one paper.published—in the city of Philadel 'phin, andon two papers published in the borough of Carlisle. l'he Court, hoeing taken the same into consideration, make the order, according to the said prayer of the petitioners, U. a Eastern District of Penn's. Set. 1, Georof Plitt, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Unita Staten, iii 'and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the Third Cireuit ‘ do hereby .certify, that the foregoing is n flue and faithful copy of the original, on MO and retneining of re cord in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of the [L. S.] said Court, at Philadelphia, the second day of December, A. D. 1847, and in the• seventy-second year of the independence of the said United States. , GEORGE MITT, Clerk C. C. NOTICE T 1!. Ike Heirs and Repretiontatives of Robert Buchanan), Into of Mifflin tp., dee'd. rII3. I IKL NO'IICE, that in pursuance of a writ of partition and valuation,, 'stalled Out of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, anti to ono directed, an inquest will be held on the real oblate of said deceased, to wit, a lot or piece of ground situate in Mifflin township, hounded by lands of John Shullen forger, containing about two acres, havinZ thereon erected a Log Ilnuao and Stable ' with a number of bat trees :Alarcon, on TfIURS. DAYS the Btl day of Fcbrunry, A. D. lB4By at 2 o't lock P.M., en the *Mises, for the pur pose of looking partition and valuation of the Teal estate of said deceased. • JAMES•DOPPER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, . Dec. 22, 1647-6 w NEW Autztrvita or BOOTS an& SHOES, . ._ . .. _. . . -Foller'.l Sim _Store, op i opposite tho_Ar e thadi s t Cm(rell. 0 Mon's Kip' Ettogabil, Men's Thick Brogans, Boys' and YOULit i a thick Boptss Womon's Lace Boots. ''''' - This work has been manufaclured to order;ovpioislifor tho Winter. and 'is war ranted to bo nrrrita than any over sold in Car. Halm , Constantly on hand, a general assortinetit of Iwo. quality Boots, Shoos, Brogans, Gum Shoes, Buffalo Ovei'plitioir, Sticks, Ate."&c, to W Maly thaattontinri of . buyeri is 03116444' :.' ' .--- -. Ctirllidir i - Pie;'l3, 1847. - '...,;.•,,,:..:.: ,„. . . FRESH. GROCERE... , • • rB3 4 ...repl'welt n 7 freili — innoirtment Crualied, Poi rerlactl: Sugar,. also • Ohaiip Irwin , Sugars - of ovary deae.ription' and . mieej Stigarew pigeons . , AI coi n saas, Steam Syrupi Honey; Supiriar I(ciung.l ly koii; I inpernil, 111111 Superior Moak 'Vona Winter Sporn' Oil I? Sperni;,inul •.Tal in re, Con idea I. Citron,' COrraiipi, Almond., Ihiains,,fluernb le. Sall, owl '3plaii or • , ho, n large - Osiortineni:ar GiliASS` ASO ~QUEENS VAR 5.; ,,, „ . Carl ialle;Oclnlier.li Si I 817,'„ • iFALI; AND IVINTEIRISHICIDIO. i,;HAT .I .IAPi - A:muFFIJOREI s,, tpt tig ' tl from the Imo, and , Istahlonalde addition, to hie r ittnek;add'ti , "wetland, to furnish f..at; ,ditaintd Gentletkq' Ipal 111)C ;lanai aViales his reatdiatt 1,1•1 1 4:,• ,, , , : atnac,lol,Eila#ol'd ritdiaial danttvgaaortnienit, ObIiSIOV:^'BEOrAt; 4 1 (ESSIAVetliWk i f , 0 0 1 % HATS, van - , tt artt , 2„fiaraliikt :•b11.411; thii'latnat Gnu eir'Rettfa' land steed ' u~lnige grenc , ilt' ,Jantf p alr%;etite,at':, and hn-hopea Tit allirantateoda•cc! Riainaelna nopuiwtotewh Kt LLI It ,'4l',, aid; Ootoberl42oqta47 —, ‘ , i;1 ';':',:•;'; 1 .',.- ,..,,,, ~.,, i; i , a „,i,, itir i tigifi i iot rqam via ply;, I :,:ik: lilt ' O O, ll l l it Inirewit it i .h, stoitti r'aist* l .'_• i liiitibiedll ~ - - fir,itei&v , otiii'fittikillfs cf!), 'n'qr 0f31,. 0 citAlt?"t,k .r.Tß.AvAill,rFt*:,,,,' Ibellad Ior - 11 ) 1 ,..t' . V, ''' ' 2 ..-.., _ • , t 1;: , .. i,,y ; :4,i t ..3,; Ilteervber 8 1 8 1 • , '- , • - mmmiin i'll; ; ; •-,:t bi r and.03iiiiirlilliti . - - ---rt .. „,.. i - .. .. ,... ,,. • . 11*.Ff e,,,lrOtrolitgs, TiOhltra,tqlk;medioltip,' 0 to a. . purufthe -.hilted; te,,ettrivertAte t wom? 'cot' , apt blood interlittiiiilty;rfehlilodtl. ..l t d' it:is esation'theydd - tliyaluntliallinie tienn'iti'steati ireenSlOfireirMl7l4B.- • - ntleiett,ietttryvho; : TniiiiiiTsToTtTWith thniriniinfantie, - _ lave ,reqtyred.:niedicille• -; •And iti.!. beeautte- el. fa al/ 'With' a's nitla;t4 . 904 with a . tear - - tie norVerqltinidieth' Pills 'Sri 'NoveltniliWii'to _I, hanish•tal"dire'rrom"pie ) ph_sling'driy, possess, ailiestith-restorers,that rendirrillt:din so pipular. 2, , ~ - ; ,- .„ -,-c-, -r•-.,%-,,-,'7/. .. - MtilE'ininierilicillikisAliiiinefinid of rlilatrcienill heaitd, theiChasten aw.st ! ,- . Th'eY cu r e all' B.K.°9"s ' °l!‘plrbea.alli!l' ' 41 " I: Dinning hie 'Mende' add - the -public 14 Melte the' bland pure—Shstriict odt2of it, thos e rpialities• u Well pedgucediserferi,littid"give !to it gtineral;thathtt.i is ieci"nstantly man ufacturing which produce health .• . and has eltvott 4 bend.CANDI ilt of . every II hat •is their effect / "It is to. earryoff the . verietr(which flit itnality ecinnntlin surpitiaed iniptire dikter§ frain the blood, leiving mil? the by 'any niandikeittred 'in: Clio Stite) , Whlch 'he goeurtb - Wildw 'ever'y "Part of - tho body: - Vhat 'will sellWholcsale. or.: Retail-,at the ,Oltr was,unsinnuino*„becornes.sound,nnd tho atom- ''STAND;'in Noah 11 - Limiser Street;WhOre 'he also keeps Foreign 'FRUITS and'NUTS anti itch soon, get? into. so, healthy a, condition t h at latest importatiutt, which will be eoldf at the' even liatl'aie Or unwhole some food'fOr a dine 'arc , :loivest 'prices for malt. Ilie,itodk"OooSiati in unable to injure: the health , niltterially: Veil ' wlien'theelimitc or fgrittetiothiue.unliealthy,tlT part'bf the flAletvirrgi pcinsional use of the Brpndre I e Fill et th Pi - l . ' •r " - Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Prunes rapoti, ~6 - . • qtle the,.liriphr . o.parts and. CillOC their ettpulstott, linving what is, gootitaiiitiply -life and_Steengi It ,Citrorr Dotes, Fig s , Cocoa nuts, Cream nuts, ': 'l , ' Ai Pea Reis.. eCLIII? Ho t e l , . monde, Enilish;‘V el,' to the body.- - , • ,' :: i - ' ,Witen dielones are.diseniell, when every , Cs- nuts, tilbe its, &c. -Ste. &o. ~ . ~. . . intticatiOn 'of. the Wine l's out of owlet ;, die lie would !Aso 'call'tite attirkton of,the pub- Belnitiretli fills will in Oitieteenedies nia. of 'twenty 'CURE& Itentendrer 'that The innly con La the approac hing Hullidays,'ndnsitittYy, :itf . entirety remade frdm the food, Lehr', "rind all— ir 0 I I Sti Fin c y *Not I o nif. /lilt] 'aiilett by, this most benihuent. medicine, in 0310, 0 S * . Vithrtel .- 1110 - 4 - OSL C- 11 - lNkt : S - ift-Ole - t.Alit CMS'S, ' tOOIT - Olr - bethafttOd --- Mticiy - Starl . ”oB - qnyr of manic.: lit from two to four'ycars an anthill tiling of thd kind evil. cdßil , cd- tu,tho citrons, of new-healthy body .cati-be,-eicitmged for. Bison- 'Carlisle: in connection with tho above he sound, the diseased, ihe miserable one.- 'Fife slownnts or quickness of the change. altogether has just 'received 'it nrime . lot of • 'N'atnily . Gioceile, • depending-upon Site ell'cit th e gran/teeth Pills i....„.a.,..,. ~ . ,itre mudelo proddee, witirli:effdei cap btu/milts r , ''''''' un g LOAFof • brupoilor . dr3sliiil 'and refined 1 to t just i ‘sA t ie patient id. as a. .N?,,D,3sib in- ~ .,, ..SUGAIZS, and 9, good quality of Brown ToryLIM 1 • Ult . " • . ' ..• ' ' lit troth thi . s,- , --nothing btAt'gclon t am , out , Arbt COFFE, front 8 to 1,2 i ;cis per piund; follow: Eimelre the effect of ffrinitiretb a Yids a stiperior , ..arcic of Im p er ial,. Young [Tyson . l'amoagyour utivrejutliiied friends, you )vill -bear and . Block I FEAS; lilolassep , of ell kinds; 'eullicient to %may you that 'titers is No RISK in ''Citoe'rdffie,- Crackers, Chee - se, Ries+, fflnkiritt . 'making the a nd that you will not be'doing Modes,. Brushes; '&c. VRESTI S'PICES, yourself justice witlioitt it. - ~ , .vi..: Pepper, likliniiiie, , Ciiinnrinin, eldies, lice. • When your blood is.Olien - punE nothing In the lard , Nutmegs, Ginger. A..supply4 bunko, „shapc_of_fund_will_hatally-tcome-atuiss,uptithig 3,best O unlit - DT ATiiih, Starch; BaihiriCSOltfiT --- .7 Will soot upon yolir stomp!), you may cat pies or .Stlipetre"s-e. which Will 'lie soft( at. reastinablo. anything in reason, and the greater varlet v °flood . „ . the 'better blood is made. All who have 'weak rises. stomach sorb° inc rly-spet!tic , or in ! tiny - way 5f....f: The 'sbbsci hcr returns his sincere thinks to flieted in the body, s maid withoty d e l a y resort to lirandreth's Pills—Which will indeed stretiellr en the life pri.teiple, and by perseverance with them, entirely renew the, whole body—the tnate• rfals now in it good, will be kept so—those had, displaced and removed. Good blood 'cannot matteinul bone in , hail flesh. And bear in mind, the ifraiitireili Pllll licr - ely Verify - the The method of prelim lug the t IrAntirethian Vegetable Extracts is secured by. Letters Patent of the [liked St .tes—Patent granted to Benja• min 13rundreili,296 •1111111111. V, 1843. The extracts of which Eiratitireth's Pills are composed are - obtained by this new patent pin cess, without boiling or ally application of heat. Tlitratairtf - priweiple - ofthe - herbsis - thursecuret4 - the same as it is in the thing vegetable. 'TheAnildie should be cautious of meth tines recolnffende'd in admrtisements Stolen from tuel A. sure test or genuine Itrandretli amine the bok of pills, then leolt ttt the certifi Cate ngein...y, whose engraved date - Must be within the )car, which every aptliorizeil agent must possess-if the three labels DU the Ike( 1110 . t.t 4 three labels on the tibritticatc, the pills are true--it uni, they are }Lige. The IIIt.I.NDRETIPS PILI ie sold for 25 cents per hos, at Dr. 11. Braildreth's Principa I (Mice, 211 Brondirity,New Turk, and Li) the fol lowing duly authorized Agents: . %Via; S. Powell, New Cumberland. J, G. %liner, Lisburn. M. Hither, Siiird'inaiistown. .1. St.l,, Deo. %V. Singiser,Clitii•clitown. A. & D. Le . iilich, Boiling • D. L'Heilman, White IlottselL • llnsenburg & Welting. CentrevillV. - James Kyle, ineksnitville.. Edward gull, Shippeusburg. S Seaman, Newlinyg . . Sold ;iinsle; CILIfittS 13ARNITZ Sole Agent for th'is baroith. OOVISUMPTOVin TIMAD„ , Let Norte Despair, \ • - THOMPSON'S Compound Syrup of '.l'4r and Wood Naphtlilir, for tho core of In. cipierit Cpnanmption, Chronic Color, h, Asti!. inn, 'l3;Onch.tis, Obstinate Cough, Liver CUrn plaint, Spitting of Blood, lialpitation of the Heart, grad all kindred discuses of the Respire tory Organs This prepata l tion now so extensively need, has no Parallel us an efficient remedy in the class.adiseaSes f o r winch it is applicable Its peculiar composition enables it to act in a kindly trimmer upon diseased nigans; soothing irritation, quieting the cough and inducing an easy expectoration', thus freeing the lungs and air vebsels from ()Rini% &atter, which other • wise would aggravate disease anti ulliuiia sly result in confirmed consumpticn 'ro' public speakers this medicine is invhlia. able, rendering the voice clear and strong, and removing . any predisposition to disease is the Lungs' and 'Bronchitis See What a PhireitiFiti Tho following from Dr. Young, the olefin guished oculist: . . ' . Philadelphia, 'January 18, 1897 . Eluting used in my practice os well us in my own family, 'Thorns()Ws Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Noiditha; I have no hesitation in sayhig that it is the HEST PREIVifitTION Of the kind in use for persons suffering from Con supiption, Coughs,Colds end all affections of the Tffiniit, Breast, 4-e, so pr:valcut at lb in season of the year • VM YOUNG, M D, 15? Spruce sf met This Invaluable medicine I prepared by Angney & Dickson, at N. E. Corder and Spruce streets, Philadelphia Sold by R. ANUNEY, Carnal°. • Prite etc per 4100.-85 Per dozen Fresh drrival, THE subscribers he'll., Justin. ceived from Philadelphia a now as• ~ bortment or 010,10., MEDICINES, tt--• - •• PA IN TS,IP:ER FU ERY ,IfANCY ARTICLES, e f e,&ei Which has Inch belected with„ care and • all warranted to give satisfac. tint', both us regards ilitality and price, to all who will favor Olin tylth.a call. . • Remember the old stand, opposite the Rail Road Derlot, ,Sr. W. it. FLEAI . II4G. EarlaW Nov. 10, 1817 „. Roussel's Perfumery. 4 well, selected. aniciroa eat of the prep:9 , llone of thir,eelebrated ebetniat; ant °lig ;which araty 'he enumerated, the following att.ielles,liz,llose and Almond Shaving Clrani; Military shaving soap, fine' edishletttlo: coioglitii i Bear's Oil, Phi leoome -LitinblJfaielVe;;Amandhie'or;pllnpped_ hands Odolltiae, a newortiele for the teeth, Itoge'Tooll; . Paste; Statelr,l'oillililkb.lin‘e Jost been received at the Drug-mid Variety Stdiu or, • • . • Jk W B PLPIINIL .01plksteMe91:84 • . • • . • • itoutiehi POininitde I .Piiliocomei ptireat nod,liioat."olcal artioro for Om growth übil''pratiliyOisiO of the. flair war 'rusted goonioollcaf,i.ou7rror,, fur nab al .1. W FL . LIIIN,GS; Mug' Stara: • Caliale,, /Ugly. I 847:- NEW' ODS-, 'AGAINT; e ,-.- Second tAitivat lof'lffintecatiOas ; . , . ~. 1 ivr*ONV opening t 'OGILLIV'S , ri!iiiViiiiio 1.1 , ' and . Retail Stoic', il 'Pplanitifi'assorttnitit id cheap Minor Gnoits.; . .41aohi r the',"lot will • ho found a lur,gOttik li - '4 ',.ClOthei, Cassiinars; Vciiings i tassitietts 'itO #0 .i 4v : ~,,,i f.4t i ~,,r, , 'dentlerveii wanting, adhetp,,and 'handsome suit i .wiltrlti,Walt.ficittOlaillinfinitiLity. calling at this ststaljakinFtrd. ,. .t'i.ii.:: , ::•le ':, Y'. , t'''t. , ' liKii afti.:pitrtiatilarlitinvite'&lo ottlhad • alumina out : s leek Of Claakings, Shama; ci u di. mor e. l .m o i n i' de ,tallies,.'llitirtnosN atilc,. add colored Coberg clothsf.ilpanitS,Calltoinia and . Itantafiqidli'. Olid(tinipy Otiiiii' dress 400ai . .-- Thete will also Ini . limi,.:d klargo assortment' m bleached and 'OnblttaoisoirShirtings'ind.Stioote, I ).r nip, ChOokii,Titilitnos, GinkliMits Aim , , Ail newt], oritior.tliti'beat,a4 largasiikneli 6 liciota and 13Inses' ot e'variditaati'ption';'''" } •Itinstilloct, , ili old at r etatV East I,riiiiii? 4 3 , • Pvir 'sip) .1311.0giddWaV:'1ina..*h 0:40; ,,, rdik *;.. ,olieltp got; de It aVoN4nii sOldfldily . i '‘','ll4 Ili -., 'ltlitOttialeo:l4';',st'f:F - -`, l . • , '.'''''s.- , ';': ,-,- .' , ,i',.iQZ''" ttiirli t ic,'DaM IV i 04 7,,q-.,, , , i00,i.!11 . .rz , 4,. .—. ..... ... ~.. . . ritatara KRISSIXINKLE'qzIiakO.QUARTERS _P:':1111 - ONVEr4 Nod& "gtrist; Carlisle. .ho 'while for t'te liberal patronage extended . tb aim durijig 411 C bone lie bus beer in busineti, and hopes by attention t business and a de sire to please, to merit a continuance of tlip Caine. All orders fiat h iirstance prompt stranded to. = Curlisle;Dce;.-l-iB4Ra--• • FALL AND WINTER. GOODS , s'ubscriber has just received and,t .. s new openinvat iiiii-store t on the South west corner of the Public S/Inarn, un arm- Ily_cheap_ateck_of_sea • Sondble_goode, Such_es Cloths, Coisstafitlies, Wittinetts, Flannels, Vestings, Alpacas, Silks, Ifomba xines, bh.fly Muslins, Gloves, Hosiers, A splendid stock of CALICOES, at prleee varying from GI to cents. Also, Groceries Of all kinds. Also, a fresh stock of the CELEBRATED - I'IEID LAMPS, which 6o has lately introduced, and winch are found to be by all that hove itied the'ne, die most ogonoiniCal end dcuin ible article in ever) , respeent niiN in use, Men thb , • Tipp Ptiici is ,Cti sewn ity's Teas. Ile has iieen z appointecl Sole itgeill ii4lhis place f,,r,-tlie sale of OA-above. Teas, td tvhielt - lie woola in te the sheciui allention of the rove , s' of god Tea's. 'I he ma'rier In which they are pot up is ma', as that Is Prtse•ved fot any leng4,ll of tune, heing ipeascd in lead nr tin toil.. can beiupplie'd with any quantity put, up itilhis t:ritwner. Th_e_pilidlpeet.full invited to call examine 6iselock before purchaaing - cisewhere inasmuch as he feels confident that his Italie!, andprices will-be satisfactory-to-purchasers; . ROBERT IRVINE,II. October'6, 1347: polite tioaffirtidpa T HE oubscriber limo opened a handsome o stock of FALL . and %VINTER GOODS, to which he would MASA; attentrorr of the citizens of Carlisle. mid tire. .iturrounding neighborhood. I will nut "go to the trouble of ennincrating ,aFticles-11 tali e ten much time and room- I will only name a few of the leading , Cloths, Cutoliners, Sattinetts, of rill kind's and prices.; Voldet,Satin and other Vostingi; White and Red Ftlannel, [doh Linen, Canton Flannel, Tickings. and Checks. Gentlemen's Clo‘.cs at silk Cravats,, white Liucn and silk liandkerelliefs,Muriljns,Calicous, ',Mules, Sze Plaid Goods of all kinds, for Ladies ; such as Cashmeres, Jalapa, Cale. don?, Mous. lie Laines, and Gingham, plain and plaid Alpacas, Bombazines, ShallB, Glove and Hoskins for Ladies, Misses and Children ; Bunavista Cape. for misses and children. Woolen Scarfs 'in, ,groat variety Gum Shoes, a very handsome article frir 'Ladies; Gentlemen and Ca. ir Of kinds. . GroceritrieFt • such as. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, &a., Sce. A rter looking through the market, just an chor at Ors BEE HIVE, in Norih' Hiriover street, and lor the CASII I will give you 4e good bargains as can be got in the state—, S, A. COYLE. Ca Hide, October 6,1847. . '1,4060mm:14 4 4'40 4 Drugs, 'Medicines. "We. w.HAvv.ItTICK, having just openea • his ,\V INTER SUPPLIES of GOODS' iles:Ves to tall the particular intention of Fain Hies and Phyhteianste hits reidenbheil assort in' Of WILMS mud Ml Cl.N.EN,,ythieli hove been purchased at tlii Lem houses ix. and tnav be relied upon for freshiless and excellence, Added to these will 'tic fohnd s i entire stock of PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS, 'Varnishes, glass, lac 4e.„011 of which he will ensure to be of the hest quality end at the very loivest prices. Ile has made many additions to his stock of IlOOKS,,hesidelksounring Knew supply of all the Text Books, Histories, Readeta, Lexicons, Wrie Ong Books, lie, now in use in College and our nil Ile schools which he will dispose Of an terms stilted to the circumstances of all. . ••• flit stock of PANiCIt ATlTlCLES'emgi•iices a rich mid extensive colleetion)Wrlilch be impossible 10 enumerate, but,oompriefttg malty novi.ltie• which cannot fall;to 'strike the please the taste, such imLiclies,imil Gettgemen?s Cutlery' Gold and SilieroPeiiinlid"Pericitit,'H,iili; T,ooth awl ,Clothes 'Boushes. Ilerrumevolltomi gene's ri sb and extensive varieties. Panty Snaps', Shaving Cream, Card Cases, Pocket Pistol;; •Peciket books; Et•.=.lke. it... . A lso,. new supply; of Cornelius's elegant LARD km PS, togtluer Mould Candles, Umbrel • Cliltilreies Toys,,Dooi• i• Cies in the variety line, whicli with - n imusinot sllpplYef rreisfi FILUITS mite and Ciihrictionark ofjli`e ripliestAttality,,malie a large Anil aplotitlith stookwhialille:confidiaittylniitinilheiitteritlini • 'and patronage of histoviiiluni tiouotryfrielids, - M), tln old stand in North 1 4, 1 10 0 :, , freetoiniall.YYP l Cailiefe Biiiik. •", • !„. • • ' • „ . raulzpufz.?-I.i. HARDWARE`' AND ; PAINTS!' Ism NED Vat y rrift atinniipn.nr.it,fin initinvinlanodirnify. jr invited to 'a• NEW AND, SPLENDiD OC.E . ' e • • • Haraura,re fk , Pa itits4 ave.pia received frinn the whioh 1. am dulariniged to soli at. the pIoW,L. EsT 'gr i p 4 ,!'4; do,ilovpreteni) Poughil myeo tiut reigAr* , Ana a #ai'lhiant'fbil 'lowest! tti Thopublic; theratoro ipylted", liamalititaa with; the pricat,anditlieoAall'orona and i ; .t i 4.119 botlet go o p: 10~vsR id Wag thlktfito Jr4Portat,Tl ,l pumo r ,t„ iheM 4thia o =11: 1 1 (f) 1444il t lisP Ohti•litindkad .44 skli.,Wlt(tha•tlitVOSl hporD Ittrißeggc,46llolrAP R4)0,411.009.nt0,r214 tllrnto ,144.,,,, b reliO 4 --5 ' • tivok i lro ,4H P • , r I' mw . ti . pi so v = pi:go Aprivr.,lB47. !41 = RI if II IMEMI 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers